XIX. C:s.( •15 a. /1 , 0 t l 4 41 1/. 1 o' • C? LVEILY VaTILNEtZDAY C! LS)E 3G .1: BAR ANES, t3I:LTV'.I%. A. V. lIARNESI. —,"2 i. 4) rer annum in advance. 1,•--i'',..,t A'&.s 01' ADVERTISING : In in • 091 E( • ;in ; 2 in. Iri in. i In. 1-, 1 .z• 1 / - ,DI 0 or 101 $4OO E 6 001 i 1 5. 1 1 5004 00 5 . 00 700 I 2 €'2 l 3 CO 5 COI 6 00 8 00 i (01 i 001 600 700 1 000 i 4 01 0 CO 000 f 10 0012 00 1 S 601 B 00 1 12 00 +18 00 1 15,00 s Mtn 00 1 18 0)010 0022 CO 1 - 1 OW 0130 0012 S CO 03 00, v?:llf2r.tri ci.dculated by the bleb in letiCth , abet ci:,y less space. is rated as a full inch, ao.--21-ttiemer.ta meet be paid for before in. on ssarly contracts, whon half-yearly ;Nr2nc.2 rsili be required. N0:71. , .72.3 In the Editorial columns, on the 15 ocnta per line' each insertion. Noth est for ices than IZI. ..0rt , :,1 , 41 to Local column, 10 cents per line if n f..e ; and f,(lcentz for a notice of five ,:11:11.31rrt . . , 012: 1?-11TACV1 5.71 a DI.J.TE% insertca notaece will be charged 10 cents Noixts E.O per tout above regular rates ~ .r.rs".llu2n or lees, Z. 5,00 per year. Business Cards'. C. IF. Seymour, A-r LAW, Tioga Fa. 411 bubinass en , 1:1•J care itiill recerve prompt attention.— Geo. W. Merrick, r.Y AT LAW.—Office in Bowen & Cone's across lial.l4 k fforn Agitator Office, 2d ttocr, ore, l'a.—J . 1. 11:7.1. Mitchell Si Cameron, "i 3 lir LAW, Caim tirvl lusurnneo Agents. thy Lack, over - V= Order's liquor store, re, .I , a.—Jim. 1, WI William 1 . Stone, .Y AT LAW, over C. D. Rellny's Dry 0031 r‘-i , t Itailev'o Dior* on 31a.in street. 1. Is-Tt). all Emery C. D. Emery, :I'S AT LlW.—Oflce opposite Court 'louse, Villll3.r p s . w.rt, Fa. All lmstueSs :c 1, 1872. J. C. Strang, LAw pisTroup p,...j A n. I. ,15, J. -Wend pro:nptly to bu 1. the countteit of Tthge .1 r - :t11. 7 X Adams, Niannaela, - 1,o; ; „ - rc, cut/ray, I'a -Jun. 1, 1E51'2. In!REESMI GuQrn,cy, Ajj, (s7tZatt , - , SI to hac —('Mce 13t 9. 0 VAL NE !`..rnlstrong I I .., I, ', mitl, " 1 OIrN.L.:Y, Bov lity ant! In.sr.nr.Ge Agent. r!cntlo•:9 t M do OIN)Ve rdArcee Wti/ TnI7VP .1. I; if, T 1 ( Barnc", 'Can elder ‘Tck) crone cui • ;_ %,,11),C . , n'77 i). Tcyrbell Sc. Co., =I • It; (11drn,r.10.111 l'e:f1:1/)4?ry, 1 raultE, , I,':7' N. D., P. ;T•acon, v.ttz_Li I.lkauptly to all V, II 11111111 Jr.n. 1, it: _2 71r. .1 . 11!„ - lin.r.u. 0 1:: 016 AT-. MEM