Wellsboro agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.) 1872-1962, February 07, 1872, Image 2

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The pUblishera of this, paper offer for sale
cheap fo'r cash the type (Brevier and Minion)
On which the Sornigon leas been printed up
to this year. The type has been in Use but a
short time, and is .4 good order._ There is
-. 4lienty of it to print *n eight-column paper.
Address Van Gelder & Barnes, ,WellsborO;
.I'u. --Jan. 0,6 t. _ -
new Cutter; Buggy ail Harness for 'sale
cheap for cash•. Apply to this office.- - --Jan.
1, 1872, 4t.
itije Nitator.
--. kiir - El : ...)is - fF.F - z - 3 , i)AY, FEBRUARY 7, 1872
. . .
• ... National .Unlon Republican'
-", 'alio undersigned, constituting the National Com
• t.siuittee designated by the Convention- held at Chicago
an the 20 th of Mal, 1868, hereby call a convention of
---- the Union Itepubltelinparty at the city of Philadelphia,
-- au Wednesday, the 6th day of June next, at 12 o'clock
' itonii; for the purpose /or nominating candidates for
the'offlccs of Ptesident and Vice-President of the lJni
• * ten States. .
. - Each State is nrithertsed' to be represented in the
Convention by delegates equal to twice the number of
, • -Senators and Representatives to which it will be anti
-• . tied 4rt the next National Congress, and each organized
~ Territory L% authorized to send two delegates.
• In Calling:this-Convention, the Committee reminds
1. OW colifitry that the promises of the - Union Republican
• • Convention of 1888 have been hilfilledi The State 4
latili in rebellion have been restored to their fokiner
1 • .I...idations-to the Government. Thelaws•Of the,co ntry
' have been fititlifiklly executed. public faithiba been
- preseried, and the national credit firmly established.
- ieloverunietital • cc - Ono:TM"' has "liven illustrated by the
reduction, at the•stuno time, of - the public debt and of
taxation ; and the (=ding of - the nationalidebt et a
linter rate of interest has been suceessfully inaugnrs
- "teir.'" The rights of naturalized citizens have been pro
tected by treaties, and immigrltion encouraged by lib
eral provisions. The defenders of the Union have
been gratefully remembered, • and the rights and in
terests of labor recognised. Laws have been enacted,
7 - and are being enforced, for the protection -of-persons
c . and property in aliseetlous. ,Fepial suffrage has been
•• -
, engrafted on the National Constitution.; the privileges
. • and-linrotinitie
ti l of• American citizenship have become
la bait 451 the organic law, an a"liberal policy has been
' adopted tnwarit all who 'engaged in the .rebellion.-
- ' PfemPWeAtioile. to ferelB l 3 relations have been adjusted
in the.lfrdsrest of peace throughout the world,. while
ilie z national honor has been mainlialped. Corruption
a peen exposed, offenders punished, responsibility
T HforPe - d, titiie.,„difardi established , and, now, as hereto
.--fort, the Republican party stands . pledged to correct
:alt abuses and carryout all reforms necerry to main
tain the purity and efficiency of the pule .aervloe.
To ountinne and firmly establish its fun *mental prin.
- ciples, we'inite the co-operation of all the citizens of
- 11,1e-finte4 -. 8 tea.
tvILILk.II IC AFLIN, or Jltistaitclinhetts, Chairman.
. - WI1:LIA - M - E: - CI1ANDLEIL - of New - Hampshire, Sec'!"
Joms A. P - trans, Maine: Tuba. W. OSBORN, Florida.
. 7..t.inP. P.-VoLAND, Vermont. L. C. CARPEXIY - R, 8. C.
L. B. Future:, It. I. "Joule 11. CALDWELL, Oa.
1111. SraninvneritErt,Conn. JABis P. Stow, Alabama.
JAMES Dorsi:J., N. J. - 31. B. SOLITHWORTH, La.
NenzaAtt . If. FEMALE, Pa. A. C. Fisit. Mississippi.
' Mow Ann M. JENxnts, Del. 8. C. POMEROY, Kauses.
B. 11.-00Writi Ohio. . 13. F. BICE, Arkansas.
JOAN Coniyirs, Indians. - JOHN B. Crwis. Missouri.
.C. B. FARWELL. Illinois. A. A. Borzois, Kentucky.
J. T. Avrrimr., Minnesota. E. B. TAYLOR, Nebraska.
-- Aran Aztrixto, Wisconsin. JAMES-W. Nsn, Nevada,
• 'Ciko. : sV: McCarty, lowa. . 11. !W.•Contin•rr,,Oregoli.
-O. C. FOLTGN; Maryland. GEORGE C. Cionusst. Cal.
• • FBA:Truax Binoixe, Va. JOHN B. Cirtsrse:,Colonolo.
JOHN B. Ifcrammix, W. Va. W. A. BUBLEIGH. Dakota.
WasnnsevroN, D. C., Jan. 11, 1872. .
The.. Western 'railroadfi have just held a
cony . gfition and • resolved to alailish all ex
-cursion rates, .ex-cept fol. State and National
nominating conventions. This is sensible.
The case of --Henry Wayd, recently tried
. for the killing of Wesleyi E. Shader, was
decided at Tunkhanuock last Friday. The
court denied' . the prisoner a new trial, and
eentenced hull to nine. months' imprison
- held."
Last - week was one of railroad disa tors:
1,19 : ,0ne at Lock Haven on rMonday, was
foliciwed by one in Kentucky, where a train
ran.into a tlep7ot platform, and one at Lam
tale pity, - on the pacpc 'road, where' four
engines came crashing into the rear end of a
waiting, passenger - trairi on a down grade,
,s id finallyby a most horrible one on Thurs
day.,at Mud Run en the Lehigh Valley road.
BPiiirsldst accident nine persons -were kill
ed and sixteen injured, and all because of a
broken rail. • .
Henry W. Gray, the. regralar Republican
Ondidate was elected Senator over'A, It.
M-eClni:e,Aast -week Tuesday, by a majority
of 887 vote§`,lti the Mirth Senatorial Dis:
diet of- Philadelphia.. "Col. McClure ran_as
an independent Republican.- We suppose)
this may fairly be counted an Administra
tion triumph, as McClure has recently writ
ten a letter avowing his opposition to Grant's
renomination. T,ast October the District
. gaye the Republican Candidate for the same
iilled 20,960 votes to 13,618 for the Demo
cratic; now it gives Gray 12,373 to 11,480
for McClure. Theso figures, a fall
ing or o -nearly 10,000, indicate .that the
mass of the Democrats took little interest
in the contest, - although it has been a most
exciting one to the friends of both caulk
Oates_ Co. McClure announces - his inten
tion to contest the election because of
fraudulent voting. .
s Th s le libel law of Pennsylvania is disgrace
to the State and the age. .It is substantially
the same law 'which one brilliant effort of
Alexander Hamilton's genius overthrew
forever in the State of New York more than
two generations aga law which prohibits
the press from specific denunciation of con
ligh places, no Matter how true
the charge—a law which, had it 'existed in
New York, would have enabled the Tam
lioitny: thieves last summer to have silenced
:every: hostile journal within a fortnight.—
•lt is this obsolete and unjust law which
.Senator Graham of Mleghany propbses to
repeal by an net, permitting the defendant
In'aetions Of _libel - to prove the truth of the
alleged libelin justification. The change
is denianded by the plainest common-sense,
and we-trust the bill will be speedily .passed
by the
Tr.—We clip the following item relating to
Judo Williams from -the Emporium Press :
The Independent in speaking of Judge
Williams says: 'His Honor continues to
win goltbn opinions from the people,as they
'veotoe better nequitinteci with him, and hit
nice tiketimination in DOI tiltulllpting to take
glom him-elf the rt:l3onsibility Cding
qttetqion , that belong to the jttrics , ,.;-Ito‘‘ , to
excellent advantage, and proves that the peo
ple ju , tly apprecinted his abilitieq when they
gavt him such-.an overwhelming.' tualot ilv
for the honorable poiition. We should no
be surprised it' thp people of the Common
wealth,would on the first opportunity elevatr
him by their sutfrages to a sent on the Su.;
preen .% Bench—a position 110 - i< efilThently
Otte°, to till, And while we would regret to
100 his services in this jiitlieinl district, we
Would rejoleu it) his elevation.'
"We have been informed that lio. A. Ii
Wileox;•tleiegate from this districtdo the
State Convention, and others, have been in.
itrueted to present and support Hon. H. W.
Williams forlndge of the Supreme Court."
The Republican State Centfal Committee
met at Harrisbarg on the 25111 ult. Every
county in-the State excepttwo was repre-
Seated.' 'lt "vhs 'resolved to cull a State
Convention to meet at Harrisburg on the
lOth•Of APriFne:xt for the nomination of
State offieersand the-selection of delegates
to the Republican National ConventiowL,
There wtl4 a sharp debate upon the questson
Of haying the delegates to the National Con•
Tention appointed in this mode. RI is in
formally reported that the decision of a ma
jority of the _C°lnniltice in favor of their
lection by the State Cetivention was qualifi•
- ccl by the nnderstanding that ho several
districts should have the liberty of selecting
_their own, representatives where they wish
to ad so ; but this actioft of the Committee•
cannot be smaained by any friend of fair
play and toleration . : It • looks like a bold
attempt to pack The tielegaillni from:: this
State r aml it isone which we i feel" sure'. the
`Jl g publican's, of the State will not indorse
'mi._ sutler _to' become successful. This is
not the first thud such an attempt has been
made ; but it bas always failed, and it will
411 . again , : l i e the - people:Of each' district
Seleit - their ow • National delegates, and we
shalt *see if the e political onagers will at
tempt to overil e their decision. ti -..
/ .
• ,
The Sttite LeglAtitnfe. -
A f ter .pa ssiiiiseveral 4 lima hills !if no gen 2
eral interest, the Senate.adjOnVit'ed from the t l
26th to the 29th tilthit'a. In the House; on
the 2Gth, ti motion was made to adjourn
from .that date .until the . 31.at.-.;•lhe "point of
order Wils - raised.that the resolution was con
trary to the clause of the Constitution
_which says that neither _house can..adjourn_
-morethan three days at' any one time with
out the • concurrence - of the
,other. The
Speaker ruled that the adjournment would
be only_ three flays under the resobition, -
Sunday not beingn legislative day. ',An ap
peal was taken froth this, decision, - and the
Chair was sustained on a call- of the yeas
and nays—G9 to 19. On the passage_ of/the
resolution .the yeas awlnays. wpre . / alleil l
and it was passed by. a vote Of 54 to 88.
Bills were introduced to enable joint en-.
ants, tenants in, common,' and adjoining
pwners of mineral land's to manage and
develop the same; pt ( the further protection
of cemeteries, and / to regulate the sale of - il
luminating oil/,l
No business of general interest was trap
meted l)Y the Senate on the 29th. -
Inthe. Senate, on the 31st, bills were read
in place for the relief of the late county
/ treasurers of the several countiesof the
. .
State ; for the better proteCtion of public
moneys and to prevent private - gambling
and profit in the use of the same, and in re
lation to school architecture. • At half past
eleveri,the two houses in joint convention
proceeded to open and count the" return of
counties of the late vote for Auditor.Gen',
eral, SUrveyor-General, and holding a Con
stitutional Convention ! , The result was an
nounced as follows :
For Auditor Generil 3 -:-Stanten,2g4;o97- - ;
McCandless, 269,512 ; pangler, 8,182.
For Surveyor general—Beath, 287,045 ;
Cooper, 206,735 ; Wheeler, 2.969.
Constitutional Convention For, 316,-
097 ;..against, 69,715. .•...
A bill wits read in place to -incorporate a
societyto prevent cruelty to animals.
debate followed on the bills for fitting up
the Sen'ate - Chamber and House of Repre
sentatives, and it was finally decided 'to re
fer them to a committee for iniestigation,
and that meanwhile the Auditor-General
pay fifty per cent. of - them.
In the House,- bills Were passed to allow
the voters of the twenty-first ward of Phil
adelphia to vote on the question of license,
and to incorporate the Muncy. trout corn
On the first inst., in the Senate, bills were
read in place securing 'to married • women
their-separate earnings, and to, amend an
act allowing partie c s.,in interest to • be wit
nesses. The House bill relative to taxes in
Tioga county was Teased. In the House
bills were passed autherisingussihneesOf in
surance policies to sue in their otvn•
and regulating the execution and transfer
of notes given for patent rights, reqUiring,
the words "given for a patent right" to -be
written or printed bn such. notes, and pun
ishing the hiving or taking of Buell noted
without such inscription with fine and lin- ,
prisonment for misdemeanor. : , • -
Congressional Summary.
In the Senate, on the 29th ult.,. the Ap
portionment bill was passed Withitwo unim
portant amendments.; In the House a 'reso
lution was adopted to inquire into the feasi-,
bility of buying Independence Hall in
Philadelphia by the Government. A billtia
recognize the belligerency of Cuba was in-,
troduced, and referred to the ComMittee on
Foreign Affairs after the House had refused
to pass it under suspension of the rules.—
The ,Senate joint resolution for final ad
journment 'on the 29th of May was referred
to the Cominittee of Ways'and Mehns.— :
The temper of the House seemed decidedly
agtOnei its puomigc.
On the 30th, the Senate passed bills ap,
propriating 00,000 for the expenses of the
Japanese Embassy, setting aside a tract of
land at the head-waters of . the Yellow stone
for a public park, and - to authorize the, con
struction of !..tt railroad bridge over the Mis.
souri at St. Louis. A debate followed on
th'Amnesty bill, Saulsbury :and Schulz
favoring, and Nye — opposing it. In . the
House a bill was passed to build . a : Custom
House 'And Post _Office. in St.L'Ouis ;- also a
,bill extending the'statute of limitations in
pension and bountreaies to five' years also
a bill to prevent - smuggling. The 'Appor
tionment bill as amendediby the Se - nate was
agreed to, and the bill - sent to thdyiesi4ent
for approval. The'Coramittee on Elections
reported that Mi. Bole - s_is entitled to the
seat now. held '-by Mr. Edwards of Arkan
The Senate, on the 31st, debated the Am
nesty and Civil Rights bills. Mr. Chandler
of Michigan, made a long and rambling
speech, declaring•his opposition to univer
=sal amnesty, and to the eivil service'refonu.
In the House a-bill !Wilting appeals . to the
Supreme Court to cases involving 15,000,
was passed: A long•debate followed 'on the
action of Secretary BOutwell in negotiating
the late loan through' the - `Syndicate."
The Demperats attached the Secretary for
his actionhn that matter, and the Republi
cans def4nded him, Mr. Dawes of Massa
chu set tq :king his principal champion.
In the enate, on the Ist instant, the most
interest* proceeding was the debate on
amnesty dad civil rights, which was contin
ued. 14. Carpenter was in favor of the
latter bill, but opposed to prohibiting the
exclusion of colored citizens from churches.
Mr. Thurman thought the Government had
no right to prohibit their exclusion from
common schools, lind Mr. Davis made a
characteristic: speech, declaring that -rio
_could frame a civil rights
that he:would supp6rt. The Senate ad:
journed until -Monday. In the House the
debate on the . Secretary of the Treasury
and the Syndicate was resumed, and: occu-'
pied nearly the whole day, When a-voie.'w • •
had, and the action of- the Secretary,
sustained by a strict party, vote-110 to 80.=
The lismse, on 'the 2d, passed the Indian
appropriation bill, and then spent most of
the day in debating the bill to provide an
educational fund from the, proceeds of the
public. lands.
WASRINOTON, Feb 1, 1870
Tun AMNESTYt U 4,. ,
The Amnesty Bill before the Senate ex
cites snore serious opposition than any
measure recommended in' the President's
message has done, thus far. Vtinlversal am
nesty 4s a very - bitter - pill : for union men to
swallow, but so much has already been
granted in that direction, aside from any
just claim to cleinency, that it is doubtful
whether as a-mere act of partisan,policy it
will not be best to gel - the . whole figure.—:
Senator Chandler yesterday visited the Deni
oeratio argument era to the rigid of amnesty
with some exceedingly ponderous blows.---
He was quite sarcastic on Senator Schurz
wherein he assumed the ignorenci of our
'leading statesmen on the snlijtct of the
spirit of American institutions, as well as
'upon his alleged republican standing, but
atler all, these side issues are settled be
tween consistent and inaousistent - Repub.
licans. There ls• little doubt that the am
nesty bill will pass and receive .the 'votes,
of many who -cannot find justification_ on
the ground - of right, but simply 'on the in
expediency of -allowing the. slighteSt_ ex-
cure for the dislOyal rage of the late - rebels.
Suppose Jeff. Davis,' A. H. Stephens, if id
cane goius, are returned to the Senate and
House by the rebels, their frank utterances
in:C(' ArgresOvinild bb the greatest
0, 440ppOsItion and. the',best . . •rengt4f'iV , (l
0. Republic a n "party ' that'cOui possibly bo'
Oviind. EleVen, years inti,e s ;changditpuli
lie sentiments' that th e edl 'of their stern
typed strains , instead, o falling , harmoni
imsly upon ihelistenin ear of the Repub
lic,- woUld prove t , •le:atit
,stiain, Of , the
sonthein &lase. , feu years at best kiill
:rendcr_theYeur - ntbAme4dmentobsoleto,
fr.mia ; th death f the huit an in his meta:
phOrtctit dit , fourlfifths of his comrades
being alre y there. Why then shall v‘'n
longer P vent these Kuklux ; lehders from
rughin on immediate-destrueOn by shun' ,
ing t i l eir blood hands to the country with
in he sacred preincts of , our!-national lei
: ative halls, as they now do in the balls of
theileivn - State Lcgialatures. ' .. _.t
. . THE SPRING EpEar4o . .ll9. , 1
New 'Hampshire, Connecticitf, and RhOde
Island' are leading Oil as usuil in the Press
dential campaign. The Republicans of.Neiv .
„Hampshire having. indorsed! Grant's A&
ministration, bothyarties feel that the PreS
, pent is on trial, and will put forth
djtittry exertions.. New:Hampshire is prO
verbially a close State, and the temperande
and labor issues are used to divert votes,
but the Republicans are sanguine of suc
KIM= vs. NYE.I
"The improptii speech of Senator Nye in
reply tolhe carefully prepared argument of
Carl Schurz is exciting considerable atter:-
tion, , ,and hes - beenlatzely subscribed for. as
ii.bainpaign document. Great as Sehtirz Is
as a special pleader,qhe homely but com--
monlense way in which Nye put the case is
a ComplalienntidOte. Amnesty to all who
desire it, who give any evidence of patriot
ism or of accepting the situation; amnesty
f,or_all who are governed by ihe motto "live
and -let livee give general sights to the,lcol
ored Melt and Northenvimnilgrants; bu t t-no
j amnesty for those, who have murdered since
j the close of the war at •least-10000- people
obnoxious to them on -account of color or
political proclivities. This is
_probably the
actual 'right 'and justice .'of the question
aside from pblicy and expediency.
The debateAus
pdver to place the - loan, has be
terized by low comedian jokes
of Oox and others; but no asgul
thy of refutation against the Set
been submitted. The •Democrat
take the ground that the late law
ing the csnversion of the loan was det)gn
edly so framed that the conversion w uld
necessarilylbe illegal; so that the Seciltary
would either have to break -the law or re
port to Congress that he - could not 'place . a
loan subject„to its-provisions. This is what
the Democrats confidently expected; and n
sueecsp, wbele,the avenues to success were
so :Carefully. , guaided, is so great rAdisap
polntment to the political enemies of the
Ad , ministratien, -that .a': , feeble attempt to
slanderldm is made. I'Vell,there is notb
ineeiptaLto success btit success itself; and
our Democratic-tried& 'will discover this
after the November election, when Presi
dent Grant will be regarded : by them in a
more favorable light...
Secretary Boutwell appearedyesterday be
rpm the Commerce Committee, and. urged
prompt legislation in favor- of encouraging*
the building of American ships. He is op
posed to granting registers to foreign built
vessels, on the ground that it would not be
adequate•relief to the ship. building in
terests,of the country, but on the contrary',
'it would stimulate the enterprise of Eng.:
land in this branch of industry. He press
ed upon the attention of the committee his
proposition to pay first class iron steamers
for five,yetas to come a subsidy of $l3 per
ton. He does not allege this tote the only
measure of relief that is practicable, but de=
sires :10th:n-Upon it as a perfectly feasible
'Postmaster. General Creiswell 'vas
before the House Apimoprt.ere. , Ocywruitee,
; urging that :the subsidy . now .-giVeir--to -the
Pacific mail steamembe doubled. Nothing
dii4die has yet resulted from 'these mihis
terial conferences. .
The carnival committee met here last eve
ning. .They are getting ready for another
carnival at the capital a couple of months
later than that of last year.
There will be -a formal opening -of the
new Corn4Exchange at - Alexithdria, Va., to
Collector Casey, of New Orleans, has ad-
milted that - he was in error in allowing Ben :
atom to use the revenue cutter Wilderness
foi. preventing the presence of a quorum,
thjc . eugh_he alleges he has done his duty as a
he salt interests have Just been heard
before the Senate Finance Committee in op
position to the abolition of all duty on that.
article. C. M.
The Use of Fisk.
There remains very
,little to be said about
Fisk's career-which haa nntbeea said alrea
dy in the way of doctrine or reproof. The
very most has been made out of him as a
warning and -an - example. .All are agreed
that he was a most abominable and disheart
ening product of commercial civilization.
He lied, and cheated, and stole, and was
lewd, and gloried in his vices, and loved to
parade them, and; in spite of all, he was an
eminently suedessful man.. He got• every
thing in life that he set his heart upon. He
loved luxury, and lived like a prince. He
wailleentious, and kept a harem with even
less concealment than the Sultan, L 1 loved
power, and he bad perhaps as lanai as his
possible for any man to have hi a commu
nitzlike,oura'- He heard much talk-of hen
esty; but perlifirtif rare • encountered h.—
Helontrdlittle 0p.n0.. '...catty, in the course
(if •his;eareer,•in getting the service or co-
operation of any man of whose service .or
co-operation he had need.
thd - Viet
e - y
two of threears; too, be was evidently
rising-in popular eatimation.f,', He command:
ed a regiment of volunteers, one thousand
strong,, and was swelling the number of. his
retainers every day by his "goodness, of
heart." If he could have lost his riches '
and died in want it would hive been well.*
Mit - there was great danger, that, had he
lived twenty years longer, the . errors of his
‹lidt.' .ymith" 'Would have been forgotten;
aird,we 'should have seen him.quietly• re
ceiv.ddin ID the rank of 'respectable "opera--
tors"and "ficia ns , and perhaps finally.
rewarded for a rge contribution to a cam•
paign fund with - a foreign mission, •Thinga
nearly as strange as this -have been witness
ed among us. Rascals as great as Fisk,
' though less notorious and• brilliant; haVe
outlived their -infamy and occupied; 'under
the, eyes of their own generation, ..positions
which, we tell our Sunday school , children
and our newsboys, the Lord terierves for the
•honest, industrious, and thrifty.- "The SlM
day 6611001 children and the newsboys o•re
'apt, te.tind n@ - out by degrees. But let 'title
thankful that Fisk ban boon remOVed before
his honored old ago aided theta in their :•iii
vestigations Into our. pious little frauds.' tfe
was too conspicuous a scoundrel to be eiSY
ered up or explained away., '
"We are hot going to add 'anything - there
fore to the mass of, moral reflections which
his-assassintition "liar called forth. We do
sot believe anythirig more is needed to deep
en-theyein and htuniliation with which' all
decent - ruin mid Vienien among us think - Of
him and ot:hirt.ivorks an ti' ways. Mott- of
that* tele, lvelial- - ntio doubt, he has filled.
with much useful anxiety . about . the condi
tion of our commercial morals, and about
the necessity for greater care in the edirca
tion of- children, greater - scruPulonsness in
the manner of. doing business, - and greater
fastidiousness about the company we keep.
Whst we should however like to impress on
the pithlic; and not the public: of this State
only, but of all the States, is that-the 'one
practical - consideration- suggested by Fisk's
career Is the danger of a corrupt i
Ppvle as eagerfor'moriey end as.unstroo.
tons about the Means of getting it, will al
ways.show themselves iti - Cernmercial eon--
inanities as long as human s nature _ remains
nebenged; , 'en-fd We-W."llld' remind' our sen
timentalist friends that an early_ iehange.in
human' ature IS not likely. ' Various sys
tems of philosophy, and, finally, the Chris
thin religion ; have been trying 10 bring
about such a change for th ree thousand
years, and with but, a you', moderate. degree
of iuccesi. , Fisles: ll *, :. .,biteitl,ti-exiiM,,: %"
hied, would not hMie:bPe ll 4.l l o4k - Dr/ 2 1 111 ;
like the heart of sarihnfa ' - AA • '.tir, AAIIIOW
'lli disappearance °UV' kSrfirm4.the",'.34th
may yet be achieved ;-,'U At:;',Wlll to inllo3'
retuote future, - ultho,uglt 'ere":_ixt '..lttr 7 ditittbt
that (wiry Man who :,is •
„ing,•:,liebitikk - kli‘
own Ways and to .thfrii ys Ol'ldu'oliildreu
is ha s tening that most ,d, siridAti,rJ4SuiOgiggt.
tioni.-N. Y. Nation: A' ':.:11..-. ,'.-.: -- - _, -i
• "A CA- • ,
' ' &Vend persons hive wired me' ` if CrayOn'‘
portraits 'could 'do , any . .14nd•bflulitice o
young ladies-and• children ; r f light - colVidee 7 .
, i tion., I shall have My ana ei44titt4S:ifUre Of
. .g„
E. -Young & Co.; -vslel'esci ;would' be
pleased to have my friends,eall and ilea , it..
I. shall hang th,e portraits o One of turoyoung
ladies, and of as many tne during "- the 'next
few 'weeks,,alio the pOrtrai :of Dr;ltilhott's
- betuitiful little boy, of litaiistlaid :who- - -is as
light and fair ts can Well b,
pictures by close attention
answer. , " . C
Of the Reeipts and .I?apqtdit urea
gn:County for the ,1
Rec'clved county tax for 1868, -: '" - - e3' :- OM 48
. • '4. . 1869, -
_ '.. bounty tax for 18 - , ' • ' 1342
69, .. 2 - - ' SO 16.
a bounty tax for 1870, - - 8,969 01
.. ..connty,tax for 1870, - '1 - , 0,970 87
.•• — State tax rot 1870, -„ i I•' 8411 g
-..- county poor fix for 18 u, ', , ' *g,ssl
0. , : _ townatilp poor for 1870 • '‘ , - 1404 99
El f ,
.i bounty tax for 1871; - -•: • • . 10 , 749 1 6
- U ` . County tit for 1871, . : - - 20,898 16
•.. .... • State tax-for 1871.. ... :. ::' . • " 7, : , 268 89
• .-. ' -'
county poor tax for 1 , ... , .1,026 'll'
' ` -4 .'• ' tournablti , poor bit for 1811, ' ' - 1,277 20
. 4 tallttlp. tax for 1871, _. _• .: .'.....: :1' :68 I
' .. „or Camsnonalb coats, pat3(2l,‘Ette„,,-13211
- - ... .. an county loans 811811; • •23.010
.. for, produce sol4fronnicounty Awn,: .• :278 83
• .. ''ofA. 8: Brewster for rent, . - 60 110
. 4 of ELT. Bailey on note, ' - ' --• ' • 6'77 81'
S S costa pf E. macho, ..„1,,-
.. - .. 411 81 -
' •• •of r. 14. Ball: '' , 72 611
.. , , of Willleta-Bontanx, " ., 5. • '•-: : 1 ' 1-1' '6O 00"
.• of id. D. '9,llhobn, .- 1 • .-: ; -:c .. -,i• • • 788
of A. Robbins,- " 1 --'' 16 00
- ...' of 3.13.43tcang, - 1 , - ,24 87
of E. M ' lnroy, - 1 00.
i .., on county bonds. ' -- 1( ' . 1 0 0 00
.. - 1•,...t., , On i'fite4 Linda cattirtrir . - XC - '''';':%-• 98 66
• • -
- • 6oianduiorterei
amount paid 74. , r. Wtithatb,. :
• P. lati
Jobileklbrd. •
- " TO. Hollis'
.a.ert; '
dinclunt paid 1• • '
Arconalphl D. P. Maley and aL. -
• U. E. Archer,
Q. D. Phillips andel..
A. F. Packard, . • .
. Traverse Assoc -.
Amount Paid George ISPLean and aL,
Grand Jurots.
. •
Asnoupt paid A; 31*Intoah and al,
Amount paid T. P. Wingate,
AinCount paid L. H. 'Brewster and al.,
Amount pad J. U. Strang and'al.;
'- ' '
Lm4trttpaid.X.Xinnerindal..:t . ;sLB&4 00
' • griliguw- , •
Ain - oid Dila P. C. Van deldes: and'ac tr. i
• • " • Pgdiims.
i!ii'1912014.4 F. k, *iglikas4 41 r.::.1-.45dn144:4 02
COIRVIIIIRSOO*. *Wiz.> f •.,
Amount paid Jvhn *My arta 88
, /)istrict 'Worn . .
Anionnt . paid .I`o"in 3. itiieltati, and 0 4 • TA* 00
' }wanly on Wad Cid/.
Amount paid A. Lovejoy and al., -
Viewing Bridgesdata Bridge Vie*
Amount pild - .11. Baker and
•. .
Repairing Bridget.
Amount paid 11. Weatbio4k and al., 7
, - • • New -Bridges. -
Az i bount paid 1311axAllis in Gaines, 1 , .- , 560 53
-" • Charles Gilbert in Brookfield; -.. , 10 61
-. ' " - Hiram Costley in Knoxville, . • SOO 00
- Silas Allis in lii6bmbrul, -1; - - - 600 00
•-•- ..
= " Si/as Allis in Hatband..- :..-:- .• :: - , jloo 60
_ciaarlbs Ryon itiEntland • . 'l9O 00
Iletcalf and 011tArt,'in *
14;606 00
" • • - "- L"- : .-..• '
Dainagei to Jiiiptoi,e'rOti. •
Amount paid B. Baldwin's, eiiiata, -; '6,70 00
• •• ThomasFild , e, • - 25 00
Willi. In Steven's and al.;- ' l "' • • 7300
" Newton Itulkley, 60 00
O. Smitb; 100 00
" 1141i3am, paon, ' 52 00
" G. Seamans, 3#l
• - " Jaines Lewis, • 600
" C. Hammond, • _ 66 00*
" Jacob Lloyd, 60 00
. " Briggs , -a ._ , 22. 7.17 00
" J. Berry, 75 00
J. Brion, • so 00
" Williara•B. Fiamick,
" S. B, RuSsell
ocurrrick, 12 83
" s. V. Bumah, 80 00
- aa N. West, . 9b 00
Amarish Hazlett, 40 00
Archibald Hazlett, - - 22 00
• " A. IL Ingle's. • - - 100 00.
Road View.
Amount paid Dayld Heise and al., ,
- Stationery. •
Amount paid. D. D. Hutton and al; •
• • - Clerk of Quarter Seselem4.
Amduht paid John F. Donald.scail p ,
Prothonotary's Pea
Amount paid John F. Donaldson,
Amount paid J. I,.Bra4y,and a/2, -
• . lArktoit•p's.'-•• •-• 1 '
.Amolint. paid R. A. Fish azulaal.;"
' :-* RasternJ3iO 4 sitio t ry,
- Bhere's
Amoun(paid 1/14h t • ; -
AgLon s kip;i4l*. W. White and AL;
• Poeinge.
• -
Amount paid Thomas Allen]
• h 40
- • • • • • wood Mid Coat. =
tmoupt - paid T. I , ...Wintite and - 77 ;
.leiry . .Coiuntadonars,
Amount-paid John•DAlaillY and %la • 6O .
- • ,riad.fa*;:tPltimso...,,:ti c
Anount tiatosujital., 2200 00
znatiqs es• •
Amounipaid A:l3. Brew iterr and al.. $1301 , 4
. c o i wgand .o ffi ..i_ ec e: .; ..
Amount Paid John F. Don uipb-mr IMO 4 6.. 1114212
TosnuAip •seppsatp
Amount paid job Rezt`On' antral...
-- • .
.• - itte*nNi. '
Amount paid /11 8414 for e irB , . • ; $176
. _ •lEiontr Sal returnetl;;„ 0.00
: .".•
" 1Ta14134:411/4 goiagto Labe ~~a .. _ B3OO
• Mating,. ' -_•.'ll 90
ley, lamp trimmings, 46., 880
1 1611 ithrtuth. - 100
Wright,! interest On moron 2CO
• k. 3D.BullaM, comas area. ' 2 25
EL Muting' he Co.„ &a, .85
e*press'cbargis, • • '..-1 05
•/. Roy. PlUmg,' ' 2 - 00
. P Damon, use of room. • • •2 00
•.-- 'e • , Aloes Donaldson, paid . 90
V48801d57, - nstcapaipe!, • - 800
• • - • '2 CO
J. Dickinson for Mary W./ MCZ.Ons 100 00
J. C. Clark, takbn dapylitions, 15 00
Tilliam 0: Erase. $9,0
"as, &43.. is 8 5
T. A. ~t on money, 700,
~-• Merrick & instuarice. 214 50
tang to Ward, • a 36
D. L. Deane. awrder's foes, ito., 010
•, John ankrovork 11 1Prot'y's office, 17 60
B.C.Coi; interest, - costs,.Brc., 629 12
Commis - stoners' Counsel.
Amount; paid Ryon, l
, • • 8.-V. Wilson.{
Distramiiieuees, de:
Amount paid M. W. Wetl/Ace find al.,
:Btreratei .41etie3te.
Amount pad tb M, V.
• Cpunty Tram:fr.
Art/RiU4 pld Robert a 4t.)04 . •
m State ,Treasurer. 11 .;‘7, Hacker, 632 40
J. Parkhurst on county bonds, 87,142 03
~ J Ollll rank" V:al., Intl on bands, 7.875 87
The following to 9 1:1r:ceouni, of the expenses at the
County / 10999 94 0 :arm and for keeping paupers out.
side the county Anise, ineluMngthose at the Penns*
vents LunStio gospital at Harflaburg:
Peb. 9, '7 3 , william Roberts, hardware.' , SM 40
W. T. Slathers. groceries , 1 9 9 45
A. Husted, , for lEstosspanpers, - St 20
Jane Jones . •,,,. ~ 825
W. L. Warriner, for DO/MAY tizater, 498
. ,
April 23, WllttamC.lfressa,-.dr ugs . 67
J. IL Itarkeri dry gouda. .:- ... . .94 93
• • , blatherir&Holliday, grposries, .-- -.....: 416 90
" 'Ephhiiiii Hiiit, fi , Mr. -, 9 00
• . Truman & Bowen, sawing limber, 107 11
Isaac 200,4 t, plinter and sower, . ~23 00
, ._ Trutnan old Trdthers, Provision#, "' I'l7 9 0 O. Hen. cows, s Z 85 00
John Gray, 14aelounitIdng; 1
1 9 as
. . Job Willpos* butter. , ~. ,' / --' 820 34-
. '•' ' - Andfeyokixt Owing ma ch ine, '.. - -- 45 00
L. A., Gardner. groceries; 18 72
G. W. Navel...repairing harness, 6 40
G. EL Cook, eoso, ,- .40 00
: D. 49. Edwardt.*edneas, , . - '"• 'l' Otr
• 31. W. , Wetberbee oow. ,
Truman Bro th ers .. vuvideros, • ... WI 60
' with= Roberts, hardware, 44 28
R. C. Raney, hardware. 1 . -• ,25 43
xboizosszsrdin, bhmkets. 1, •• • ' tig)• - a0
11. S. limiting% drags.4o.. , 7 - 1 - '95
• O. C. Mathers;loot, 846
Hastings & Cole*. drum 6 20
Dr. W. W. Webb, half iat. .: . ",•-' 60- 00
•E. Stratton, forpelrear i c w • 800
Jane Jones, for,Blon IS
J. E. Cleveland] for OM . pauper, 17 00 60
O. 9. Ihnidall„ tor Thilimjssuper • 15 00
• A. Griswold, removing !Mimi p6par. ; 8 00
J. A. Shoff. tort k , s' Pauper . - , - 21:75
George obo, oLingpimper - - 214
NattuarLeater, ruin g
pauper. 290
486 /done . % to Eutlandper, "10 00
Williard Moyer , for WerUs Isnaar. As , ,
John:Az W .,- , o Tit.' Luna! tioitgliA. 149 48
May 81.. H. IL Elliott,' f Dckau palrper, . 800
-,, ' 13. W.-Mumm, for auttamtplaper. 416
C. C. lathers, drytoods,,
.. 49.87-
June le. Jane Jort6l, forißloss mist, : .. P ' • 8-Q0
. Jai:ll/anis; for Nation_ psalm. :' 11-60,
Sept: T.' :Houghton, on. Co..Dionak pawn; milli
W. L.- Warrirsei 'for Debut itexrpa 9 ; l*
. .-. . .Abel Warrhier. or Delmar mper, — 876
E. Stratton, for , 'Mar pauP 6 r.
A. IL Elliott. f • Debut pauper, - - 9, 00 i
- • James S.Bobb, ~ rannington pauper, 3MI
L. ff. Brewster tilling pauper to O. IL, 8..00
. 4.. . Skates.
.• • . 8 pauper to O. $l, 7 a
t ,
1 it
sr 1 sir
o found. - In these
j () ) 2 • - *Itn, abni
J U r rreillovilick.
180,921 49
"pas vo
(I, • oo
, :73 20
6169 6 0 4
• .12 0
24 SI
1.9 44
i i ,:, .42,616 .
-- !...i.,4 .7.: :.%)_
4108 00
8785 08
iZo oo-
b 23 vs
i 1 .14 2 es
9470 9i
1146 'lO
:-4855 711.
t.V . P I 95.
4V)O 72
492$ 40
ps 24
Igm °°
F w".
*l2 9
$3O 00
$1,805 10
.' 'Pa. - Keeney; Justice's coats "U 1211017, .I' oo
'' , T., Keeney, Justice's coati iriichithare. -'5O
ana' SeeloY, taking paupor r to O. a, o'9B.
'J..3l...Barden. for RUtiand piregurr. '. lO 00
. - 4 e t a Strout, for Rutland pauper. • .`ii, 59.
' 8. A: Hayes, taking pauper to 0. House, 4 19
- , Jane:Jones, for Micas pauper . 1 ' ' 75°
J. H: Everett ; taldngpauper,to C. ho'e, 13 42
, William Densmore: for /Wass pauper, : Zi. 00
" • Brooks & Austin, threshing min, : 3 2 HI
.0. C. Waters, dry goods. 1 -- - , '..9 op_
•L. A. Gardner, groceries, ; - ,
.:." SO ."'
', D. 'Y. VIM Ham cabinet w . 84 60
- HoughtOn, Orr & Co..,_wagon. .. . /42 00
- - IrasUngs"& Cori* drugs. 1 - 50
or i
• ' lathers & Holliday. grooii , , . .41 82
'.. -.- ' William Roberts, hardware. .
' ' 36-27. ,
= ' .T. it. Barker. dry 6 0008 . , , 9-65 .
.. John Fan Order; whisky, - . 925
- .IVilliam O. creme, drugs, ' - B3 71
- .• • 4'03
,R. 0. Bailey, hardware, - .
-E. ft Kimball, grocerlev; . ' . ' B7 77
Urals M'Connellr ngles. , 00
H. Young & 00., ' paPer &a. - 25°
M. W. Vetherbte; sheep, • 41 'OO
_ . • Joseph/Kitchell, coal, • 'l5 00'-
' . Dr: O."
K. Thompeon' H Yi lir a salary, 25 00
.' • John Au Weir;•l4: L. - - 838 65
~ - Williain:Wiliglit4llloving buildings, 10 00
Nov: 7, •'M. W. Wetherbee, cattle, .
' '' . .:- R. Baker, dry goods , , 47 78
•-• ' .1.:
- John Van Order. "whisky, . - ~'-• • 18 00,
'.. - John Gray. blacksmithing. „' • 26 02
Benjamin Austin, sub, windows, Ace.; 24 85
ilasUnga & Coles, drags, ' 16 29
. ' • /Adhere & Holliday, groceries, 'l5 17-
' '.E. B. Kimball, grOceries,, 193 .53
' = ,- aT. Vail Horn. cabinet work, . 900
.0. 0. "Others, dry_goode, 1 18 89
-: William Reberts, hardware, I 67 19,
- - Derby &Fishier, !shoemaking, 281
- , L. - E. 'Rockwell. shingles, ] ' . 30 00
: . William C. Kress. drugs, - 1 972
. • ' L. A. Gardner, groceries, 1 , 40 80'
' . John Harris, for Nelson pauper, 14 11
• .•• ' H.,Simmons. for Delmar pauper, . 300
'-/Y• L. Warriner, for Delmar pauper, - 664
'Jane Jones. for Blue pauper, t: . 8 281
'• -. • •0. 121. Van Damen, for Midfflebtuy pa'r, 365
- - • John Pl. Shelf. for Middleburkpatiper. 9/ 00
• . •a A. Hayti, taking ppasuper to c. house. 4 07
' E. Stratton, for-pauy, 300
• , e ' J..L. Saxton, for Fall Brook uper. • 9 GO.
- Charles Morrell, for Jackson;pariper, 12 4 1
:- • : -. Dr. C. K. Thompson, leyeara salary, 2600
'. • Truman. & Bowen, lumber, i 15 84
' ' ' ••• H. G. Martin. for Liberty pattper, . 14 60
: : .•- :. Jane Jones, for Bless pauper, - 8 00'
• T. Keeney, Justice's coats, Wl'S', . 1 00
E. Stratton. for Delmar .pauper, 3 00
M.D. Wilhelm; removing pauper. • 11 00
•- - J. R. Barker, dry goods, , 1 .. 87 16
- .. - Jahn A. Weir, Pa. L. Hospital, ', 871'27
• . , • 8.. W. Hubbard, for Sullivan pauper, 21 16
,Jan. 2, '72. R. O. Bailey, hardware, , 1 . 11/0
•,_ ' VIM= Roberts, hardware, ' •'.40 18
• ki."tgarel, repairing hansess, , 9 26
•B. T. Van Horn,cabinet work . 2 / 00
-4 " ''.•O: J. Vheeler;tepairing, &e., , " ''S
~.. ". , L.A. Gardner, groceries,. fr _ 37 W
" Derby & Fishier, shore. I -17 69
i . . :.C. C. Mathera;irrecertes, -,, 'll 69
1 • . Hastings & Cole*, drugs, &0., 19 68
-•. • -o: W. Sears shoes; • j • 12 91,
.. ~ E.R. Kimball, groceries,. i •45 48
Benjamin Austin, doors, dt.d.. . _ 19 16
.. •' - • ' W.l.Mortan.‘goods, &c., - 17 61
- . Isaac Sears; repairing; &c.. . - 5 0 5 .
. . William O. Kress, drugs, . 5B.
•• • --• 'J. R. Barker.'dry gaols . - :- 1g sB',
~ .. :. • -Merrick & Young: insuisnoe,.-. ' : 19163
'John Ilarris.lbr Nelebripatiper,'' .• 'lo 00:.
-. • , E. Stratton, for Delmar - 15041er; '". ' ' l :3 00
.... ..
M. Di Wilhelm; removing pauper. 630
January 6. T. A. Robinson, bill for help, &c., 1,741 88
T. li. Ibibiluion, superintendent, - 800 00
..,.. _ . T... Robinson, daughter'a work,, 100 00
• - SolinMiller, for Charleston pauper, , 290
- • , : • 11, Lester, for Charleston pauper, 15 16
E. Stratton, for Delmar pauper, 800
R. Lownstroxy, blackmailing, 7 75 1
. •. .
... John A: Vireir; Ps. L. Hospital, . 472 12
Pritchard & Sales, stovell, . • - 45 oo
- • ' - John Gray. blackiimithing, " . ' 15 15
. .. :. W. D.Varbell, drugs.. 1 , • 21 20
-- -
-.. Total amount of expenditures, 7 - 877,868 87
. _.- . • .. • . _ .. I - -
The following property was on hand at 'the County
Poor House and farm on the Ist day of January, 1872,'
as per inventory taken at - that time: i ,
2 horses, . ~$4OO 00 1 60 lb* tobacco, . 15 00
•16 cows , . ' -_,. ... .: 050 001 10 lba. Sugar, - `.l 00
•.- 1 oow, ....': .. 40 Mt :, 'Xi gabi *prop, 13 SO
, 9 yearlings,, :. ' 108 00] tplcnigh point, -• 88
7 calves. f • 66..001. - 11, tons at coal, ' 15 . 00
-121shoateu - - , ' 120 007 leather; &c., . 800
-10 sheets; •• . -. , , 'Bo'ool 4 wohten'a skirts, 200.
211 to,4rerui, . .14 00' 9 metes shirts, • 900
150 bush. turnips, 66 as! s pair drawers,' lao
850 bulb. mottoes, 175 007 11 coats, 66 00
'SO btfah. beets, ' 15 001 8 Vey-. , •12 00
16 bash.'onionii, -:' 22150 '8
pair pants, ' 24 00
.240 bush. wheat, .. 880 00 67 pair socks, 83 60
150 bush. oats, 75 00 2 Wye' shirts,l 50
12 bush. beaus; - 24 00 •8 pillow, ticks, ' 180
800 bush. corn, 150. 00 1 . 6 bed Mks, • • 9 0 0
40 tons of hey, . 800 00; 26 shirts. - 19 50
12 tons of straw, "100.001 10 pilloW cues. 260
1 barrel pickles, ,8 00] 5 woui p 7oa skirts, 15 00
.2000113 e. pork, 250 001 rll pair en's boots, 32 00
4{, barrel beef, _.• 800 6 p'r men's shoes, 12 00
176 lbs. lard, 21 87 6 p'r 'Omen's do, 12 00
27 lbs. sausages, • 462 8 pair misses do, 12 00
• 2 tubs of butter, 50 00 -17 p'r children's do, 826
100 lbil.lallow, 10 00 8 men's hats. 400
160gallols vinegar ,
.87 60 2 pair 'slippers, St 00
•• 4 bbl, flour, 40 00 2 pair anspendets. 80
•'1 bbl. apples,, ', ' 2'60 6 shakers, . 1,00
. 200 lb); grease. .; .' $ .OO log yds, ectin eloth, 180
• 1 bbl. boiled cider, 20 00 ilg Fe* 66210 k 4 ' 2C O
• 10 the: maple sugar; 2 00 9 2 y29.lticking, 84
8001bs. corn meal: - ',-. 7 Mi. 3 Vrironienlidinn, 1 5 0
1 gal- maple syruP, 1 M - 2 women's dream, 860
. 150 lbs. dried spume, Is 75 " 12 spools Unthread. 1 20
' 13 EAU of fruit - , 660 1 don4b's wadding. 75
- 8 Wilt, peas, 12 oo 19 banks Seri thread, 90
.. wok: helves, • 18 Oil' 1 boy's snit clothes, 300
95 gsliiterraien oliAll &I t 1 box buttons, 75
- 20 lobes.. tobacco, /4'Boi • 9 yds:white flannel, 650
medians; . 6 , •001 4 yds.;cotton flannel, 76
. 4 Ws BOW. - 8 76 i 22 ydal sheeting, •4 62
;• 2 lb& peppen - . '' 3 0 4 • '
11b. coffee, 907 -
7 lba. yarn. 700' i
The Superintendent of the County House and Farm
and the County Cominiszioneri, make ae„,..
.....r.a4,..4. lier ......"....4-.4/ APiossir an/WILT inliZl 1.110 several
townships and boroughs for keeping paupers at the
County House, including beard, clothing, medicine,
.Ic., from the Ist day of January. 1871, to the Ist day of
January, 1872 : also the following bills of temporary
relief. era for bringing paupers to the County House;
and also including the expense at I the Pennsylvania
Lunatic Hospital at Harrisburg and the cost of cow
yeying paupers there. , • I .
. 13LOSS-5 paupers ; females ; ages; 70, 61, 21a 81, and
3 months. I
To paid expense of taking paupers tA C 5 11.... $l3 42
Temporry relief ' -, . „
.4 94 :ii
Taking paupers to Harridoug.:. {'
Paid Ps, L. Hospital Bar
.k 4 4. 21 011 A. Jones ,, , 1 14 14 '1 9 1 ?
78 weeks' board Ail county - House..., „ ; ... 168 84
101i0 1, 01tFIELD—i p 51444%
To pkid commute of lighoPry•
IvPO 0-7 w•olts• boatit
OBATHAM--4Einwgi; .2.znales,,
; • .'l%; 21; - 4. - - 7- . . , , .
7'O,VA 44 3: 0 51386 of pe.Upei to •'O. Howie. $lO 99
• .' l ‘,.. tg:panpers .tar burg/ 04_47
' , - 0 . - . Aid Ple..t. nosPitelforkeepiugtwo paupers, -
: ,
M. ReYoUnge itUd 1 E Cooper, • , - 244 89
. • ea o.7lvoielui• bNirdist County .114:mee 142 12
88.48 48 - es. •
";;; ' exp ezu kd r iA
bn i g g o .
A'g ri eriree liarit )o 4l.raP9r tc'
0) 1 7/14()T0,11 Axorough)— •• •
To paid Pab 7or.f Abrlaregpt6crl2o,larool4.l.
.00171116a0X(tc4liiship)LI gar; 1 male, • 211 ' ,.
riuges; ages, 15, 26; 76; • -
T 9,106 Weeks' board ,
$219 711
(11.141*-0 pimiperit; 1 Maio, 2 temales;
rad Hairidtat far mewing J. Oun... SI6W 83
!. 104,Weetur .. ... , ....... ..... 91154
• . • , 6 .
,;_ n : : • • • • $3Bl 43
- 4/.liratiat—i patipers; 2 *Ales, 2 Niti263; 88;98. TT,
• naktonitt.''
$ll5 52
*7° 1 441 26 r ai l? Wears biSatd ef • 215 25
- ELICIAND-i groper , male. aged. 72,
To 62 weak* , board ~ • $ 705 72
viummaroti-s vatic s ; 1 aisle, 2 females: ages,
27,2, 77-
1 ,4 , . 093 617 waela' • board ... .:..,
FALL BROOK-1 pauper, wale; aged 72.
alb' erpeaset.takingpapper ID County House, . s9 AO
• • - 52 , weetelmard.. - 105 79
. 401113•51 . 7-4 paupers; 2 ulal*l
~ • *. 4.1 4 57, 71.
porary mile,
-.122 9-7 steaks' board • ... .
Vinper, temal
experage of Valtr a gaup6r to. 1
• 7 6-7 weekly*
LA.iilitieClNlalt—.e pez
Isi . e ageo, Ti, /3, 10, 6 1 8 . . 81. -. Psrf"% S males, 3 females;
qe of takinfipanP6r to Clan
itcpettee iyt ...1.4.. • St3r none. *ll 459
.., 24 sireeke rczAPla l Per home.... 100
. 108 410
. . • . , $129 49
ZAWltENCE=4'pappor4; 1 =r l e, $ female 4; 1134:9,
• 82, 84, 28. 5., —...-:._ , , , . .
.To 161 64 14Zeebi'..b*I i satioe
Inititiii.t.:vpi k uors ; 2 males; 1 female; ages. 19i.
93, 9,5. - :' -- • '
To temporary •**fir - _ - 314 60
Maar". L. Mlpital for k4opi,ght, - Farr. , .. 169 16
- 136 99413'.',94914 • 1 „.,, Int do
3601 36
male. age 4
„ • ,
fio asireeke - 78. •
' • ' 9105 79
IDbLEBtle- 5 :5 1 14411!: 2 •alft 3 felalea; flog.
-,.'88; 87. ~70. •
TO, tivense of :Whig pftiippr fnGlTmty game. 19 82
- 58 75
rir= board
b i t.4o 3-4 vau1521 , 1,% r 4 Paleg. : / female
To temp:my -retief.:-.; 1.4
Expense Of taking-10,111
• fiit'-3-7 - ±eeelo'i , theulrd... , ..
TO .
9ea 7wee venUe oktef, Vio
' RIQUXOSD 7 4 vatriae.
25.4,-.U. 2. -
To eiepesioe of likin g _ n ,
• 1144 4 4 n. /1 0 eNta foY
Stlvekts" 1r:40 • - .
. 41 4 214211) 7tr i 1 kin
To tiknponat i;
weak' trotinHl ... ,
'-- •__ ._.,` i` - .J 1,7 ..• :s ''' 7”1 ', .):: - .., ': , : . z........: 111,20:1/2
' 1119 - I,LIVAN-L8 paupeis; 2 =lea. 1 female; ages. 78 .
.To tetoporary roller ' ' - 1 $2l 10
80 /4 weeks' board.... L .... .:: ... - 168 05
- -Stalk as
I fema)e;
, 50
..... . • 252 00
7 055 50
IJ hanks; age,, 91,
1448 97
es 6 females:age%
tkiy' House' 45 514
- - wr 46
- 601 87
$931 47
$l9O se
p 11529
females; ages, 66,
$l2 41
870 88
$383 29
aged 67.
n a nny 04
$26 70
129 CS
$199 20
__; tea, 81;
a.r t9i:kituity H0U843, 2 V 25
; feinirles;'seee.'
- S" -
to Cotuaty House, - 18 'OO
lag r. R. Waters, 16b,00
43 U
4211 14 I
maleB females H.1114;!%• : --- il,
• r -
;IA 21
/ *ficirs`'l"4 ll .- • • $4O 4'.
VLOGAttlif;ti_tigh)4 pauper tris4o; stSdli
To pliki,Ps.'l4.llatipitistkeepLug, 89tclalqu. UK?*
15';'wet, e Ira' bettrak • 19
$270 27
UNION-2 partperiii-1 rasle,,l female; 404. 29.21.
temporarr.rslief. f ' , • ~$3 6 00
; Paid, Pa. L. Hospital for 4eeplog '.7. 31.'Haily. 202 56
lOS wreloy` boaro x.. 211 ;a
. - .
„ . ,
-1V10.41.8719R0-9 - timpOrs; 7 males. 2 females :' nes.
80, 71, es. 8, 32. 7.38. 75, not known.
.In expense otlaking paupers borne... l .... .., $9 - 25
Temponirirellef - . . 6 00
;PaidPi...L.. •Ilospital fbr keeping E. Fellows. 156 , 00
222-7,weekat boirsa ' "' I
.-• ' 3O / 9 9
- -
BEOAViTULeitiox. 1'
• ,
TotiVanioutiiepencled, as per, even,
• . abevis, ' • 380,68 16
Deduct cash,received by Superintendent for
prOduce sold off the farm, and paid tAS cow- e
tyTressurer.... • • "8273 88 • " _
ImProYereents. new Windings, - • -
• dutiiiiiihe 3t*" 'MI 48
• - 1,239 26-
By expepaoof keeping paupers at C.
House and charged to townships; $4,400 74
By teinporary relief:to paupers font- .‘ •-
of County House, and removal, 608_88
By experuis at Ps. L. Hospital 1,438 25
By keeping of Margaretßurke....: 161 45 •
Hp insura4sKAori Rouse building s, 191 03
• $0 ; 51 . 39 90
Amount of inventory of personal property Ist • '
of January. 1371 • $9,910 99
Boductdiffetenee in value of same ;
kind of property between 'll And '72, 9000 ,00 -
Less the rise in value of hay ' 400 00
200 00
isabinCe‘Of 01a in ventory : . 13.716 9 9
Inventory of 1972 of property at farm 99.976 17
Deduct balance of inventory after taking put
difference in value 9,119 99
Balance in favorof inventory of 187251 at 1 8
The Commissioners conclude that 'as the itaprOle
thente during the year 1872 amount to over eleven bun.
dred dollars. and principally in buildings., it would not
be right to charge it to the townships, hut' should be
deducted from the $995 43 to be paid by the county_
poor...Th price charged the townships, - de.," for boatel at
the County louse, upon the es tim ate •of the cost per
Week for each pauper, Is a small fraction over two,„util,
late and three cents per week. TWO includes &my=
thing expended upon the, Laupent—tbod; clothing,
medicine , schO 9 / 112 3. &c. There have been at •thit
County House dining the year 84 paupere, and antfv-,
etaiict pf over 43 .during the whole year.. 26 of than
are'civer 10 years'of age, and 10 Of these over 80 year/
pt Mee Nearly all pf them are sickly and' need split
deal of waiting upon. The balance Ng' nearly all
-title and insane: The Commissioners were compelled
this year to build en extra building in' which to keep
the insane. 80 they could be kept from doing Minty. to'
themselves, to others, and to property. The 'Emporia.
tendent is : compelled •to hire sal the help to carry on
the farm and to do the work in the braise, not •=f
but little help from the paupers. The 'cost of,
ing and keeping the insane at the Lunatic Bolpite at
thirrieburg ' is.- $3 per • week. This' does not include
clothing og any otherrexpenses. :The Commissioners ,
lii allowing.temparery relief outside the County Souse,
hive generally consultedWitli the trivitudilp Supervi
sors before granting-it, and would urge the passage of
a law autheriting a county poor tax instead of a towa
, ship - tax. The Superintendent. . Mr. Raining: l 6; milli
meets the approbation of the Commissioners and the
inmates of the County House, and he deserves lam&
credit forhis management. The countal 1 thrttunne
in having such a man to manage the county PrivertY.
And his humanity to the paupers is worthy of praise.
P. V. VAN NESS, Commissioner, account 'With
Tiogs County for the year 1871:
DR. To counts orde rs • • $253 60
CR. By 109 days' service at $3 per day, $ 00 •
• By 440 miles' travel 404363 40
JOB REXFORD, Commissioner, in accetint with
oga coon 4 for the year 1871: •
DR. TO coma • orders $368 ix
OR. By 109 • s' service $927 00
By 600 es' travel " 86 oa-soos 00
M. W .. • 3 Mi • BEE, Commissioner, in laraitmt,
with • county for the year 1871: , - •
DB. To co= • orders 4276 12
CR: By 90 da service $27000 ,
By 1(12 es' travel 6 12-STI6 12
T. 0. ROL 18, Commissioner, ln. account with Tie
_• se - court for the year 1871:
DR. To county orders ............ . . ' ----
OR. By 22 days'. service
By 120 miles' travel
Tioga County, ss: We the Commissioner* of Tioga
county, do certify that the foregoing is a correct state
ment of the receipts and • expenditures 'therein set
forth. In testimony whereof, we have hereunto set
our hands and seals of of t tice this 29th diy of January,
1872. P. V. VAN
T. 0. ROLM.
Attest: Tact. Mims, Clerk
Robert C. age; Treasurer of Toga County, in Account
with said Cbunty from Jan. 19. 1871, to Jan. 19, 1872:
Elesi'd land tax ret'd, $9B 68
Otiteg co. tax ma, 209 89
- " .• 1899, 4.65 79
Bounty tax, 1869, 131 64
1870, 10,457 46
00t2ndy, 1870, 10,676 68
State, 1870, t 1,322 99
County poor, 1810, 9,742 46
TOwnsbipp'r, 1870,6,963 03
Boturty,.lB7l. 29,199 93
County. 1871, 9 4.719 44
Etta* 1871, 1.895 89
Countooor, 1871, 6,780 51
Tovrtutldp do, 1871, 8,844 13
Militia; 1871, ' 1,620 00
Commrrnlth costs, 853 85
County loans,- '7l, 22,010 88
Produce sold,. 273 83
Rent of C. House, • 50 00
H. 40. Rollers note, 577 81
It, lnadhO, costs. 41 81
J. 31; Hall, costa. 72 80
Wm. Ronson, costa, 60 00
M. D. Wilbeini, costs, 7 00
A. Robbins, costs, 15 00
IN Strang. coats. 14 87
/6.141'/nroy. costs, - 1 00
Per cent. on bola% 100 00
$1,82.158d 17
We, the undersigned, Auditors of Tioga county, baw
ing audited, adjusted, and settled the accounts of 8.,
Q. 06x,, Treasurer of said county, from January /1,.
1871, to January 19, 1872, do Snags above. :Witness
our-haude *hit 16th day of Januery,'l472. -
ISRAEL STONE , i Auditors.
. - • X. F. PACKARD.
. ,
Anionnt of county bounty loans-,, ai pay. naateinent of
• county Auditors published January, 1871, 1180,„7130k.
Ainotuat limed by Commissioners in 1871, 22,010 ss
$114.724 68
87.142 08
Bonds red!Amed and paid.
Due tly 'county Jan. 10, 1872... . $77,582 l 8
Interest paid on county bonds in 1871 $7,876 . 87
, The un Auditors; of Tiocra county, hating
*al:edited and mated the above, do hereby certify the
same to be a correct statement of the indebtedness of
said Comity for bounty funds. Witness Our hinds this
17th day , or Jantiary,- 1872.
/MARL STONE, t. A u ditors.
A. "4 ' : PACKARD, j .7;1
E. B. lorxo. \ I Boos To
Ounceinuns of Ruch Young & Co. )'
Book seers and stoofters,
paper. and Dealers in
Window /Rude%
'iv LW - oFikblarra
2 4 13 4 0 .ai iziatrtunent4,
_ .
Yankee Notions;
Picture Frames and OW ja ,
Pictures, aV. sorts, '
Picture Cord,
.Law Blanks.
Justice Blanks,
allankVASObk, sizes.
1, • WWDesio,
Artists Guam,
lAxi -Book ,;;,
Religious Books,
ra23 every article in Our line br trade_
• —New Yak Dsflia4 at Oita Poila* month.
, Elmira Dall.tea at. 75 Cants mon th . ' . • •
:- - 4tubliortatiows 'for a week, 00 tiakintbi Year.
-Prdera for Boot not in atdoklo34 ationttod to.
—An Expreie page re<*itluzeonia awYork
ery day. „
• i •
-1...*e ire Agents of the dochoriLlne and the Outgo
Line of D. S. Mall Ocean Steamers. Passage tickets to
and from any point in Dime at the lowest rifts.
~ Sight Drafts sold Oh any Itanktzt Enfope at cur
re* rates of Estluinge,
.Tazi. '2l;
• •
is - -
'• - f- - ' f HERMAIO SOCIETY 1 '
_ _— • . ••
- - Lecturi, Course -- 1871'7&
111 HE following !lecturers have been engaged for, the
1 'llitnualc Lecture Conroe for the ensuing season:
118 NA E. D/ 11/N8011...... - Mardi 4,1872
02011.0 g -NAN8EN80W1t . ....,... ... ...- ...1an..10,1872.
BOW WILLII4I PA880.142 ' Jan. 24, 18711.
"- 'EDWIN:II. OBAPIN - • March 12;1872
. ..
~; 18. E. ELLIOTT:, 't r .
_ ,
,' ~ :- .: z . t':' , fJJOHICI: -11111X)EtELL, .• .
, - ' , - -aI7OOIrOIINO I -1 1 -
-'- : : •' ' ' --: JEROME` B: POTTER
SO 01.. ; Is '
. ..4 612 -:;•,/$ 72- 44 - , ' I . Eta 7,...
plaster./ Plast ,1 I ,
. ~
mat underilipmx hating
_purchased • Isketer
,11„, Malcolm tulle eOuth *awed : muted
asakbordt thesuouth _ cre.ek; XilMor;
Jared to tarntsttlptoroe . • •
Cayuga Plaster
tramdOW Point, at: the lowest motet ' .
The .nadald Mineral Paint wilt a/ so
sale* both ;011:1‘ IL •
2373 24
$8.198 90
$7O 20
20-$7 B 20
County tax, 1888, $BB 41
leounty,ls69, . 123 67 •
I Bounty, 1869, 101 88
County poor, 1869, 640
Township 00,1869 r n
6 40
Bounty„,lB7o. - I. 285
County. 1870. ' 1,383 80
State, 1870, - • 223 04
County poor, 1870, 877 81
wnelttpdo..2B7o, • 079 80
Com'n on bo'ty, '704 884 28
County, 1870, 1,628 19
Stato,-1870, 88 87
County poor, 1870, 228 67
Township do, 1870, 400 78
Abatlis bon'tY; '7O, 2.898
do county, " 783,` x 8
do State, " 76
do co. poor," 1 51.0 68
do tovirW 283 BountY UT. 1
18,.1,684 09
Cow *.1861, 821 44
Eitik* 1,544 61
County Ppor, 15%71, 4 ,695 20
.vrnship 1871 , 7,466 60
18", k, 1,381 00
Q o i o.llo .i . brity, '7l, 32 65
do ork county, " 274 88
do on Statepoor, "
89 2 d 2 73
00. poor, " 41 50
to " 60
do Mili wp tia. • " 28
AVM on bounty " 878 54
do county, " Mt 97
• 40. State, " 14 69
-do co. poor, " 17 10
do tow' p poor, " 30 83
domntta, 80 80
Co. bonds rode% 37,142 0 8
Int't on co. loans, 7,875 87
Expense of militia. 400 80
co. orders rede'd. 22,L995 64
Poor do reaeein'd. 9,105 93
Com's on bonds p'd, 581 87
Coal% on tarot p . a. 88 80
Cola's militia paid) • 12 00
Conerrott co. orders:. 71 8 8 7
Cons's on i.oor do, t 187 94
$02,00 ie
Bal. due county, 444 99
E. B. Youtra & CO
ft* Cash.
fame for
StoOlt: : billititol . 6oo44
Ali•• 6ther
Goods will
14eIlsioro, Jan. 27. 3272.
Iles recently been Unproved,
gonEw - rr
Does every kind of 'Orork with the least Trouble,
Nem gets out at order, skul will run a lifetime:'ivithout repairs.
Don't purchase a Hawing Iktachine,of any Madinat you bate seen the
.71 B. TILLOTSON, General Agent, 83 Lake Street, Elmira, N. Y
A. L. BODINg. Agent, Wel.lebaro, Pa.
J. It IlllBnlD, Agent. Biotabnarl•
J. fiCTIUMMuN Jr., Agent, Mega, trn
1 ,
'SW an
ORMIZEUSS, ilial3, 0 '
In an
Wellaboro, Pa., Au. 1, 1872. It
WintEr Campkigu.
: , •
_ .
4 • .
Zotronobedbahlnd atEltnalr . 1101.1110ADIt OF '4llo4lii, ready to meet a cblrge from all our old oua
matt, and as many new ones se maydu:4o to Mot tit lattlt i oaU. In adaMon to a roll hoot of
• '
. .
Fancy l and Staple Dry Goods,
I • 71
' .►e izAke fb.ll4!"l4bril vs l y ea of our I:Oninilia Pedantic'.
. _
1:08163 GOODSoN erldolvirci Mee . clam. elor.
morn AND C.A.Mt;,,W, Which we sell b Die..7eriE zeal order bit ,
Wait on shad ' -
our atotk.tatheAsailt4 Ciek
t - .
Is NOW anuttrii mai menu
• a ,
C . ..
'be sold at greatly reduced
sad is tow without s tlotbtths v best •
1 .
-In the,Forld for Mould use
The iickacrarledged
pion Sewing lifachtne of the wozid
40. - Mothers,
Variety of aTartbiag to the
OQdS Line. ,
readless variety. OM and Sett: ,
We ate now ftilly Lintel Sand Evippltd, fa the
Winter Campaign. o
for Lipte,iiiime, fltatpr,.(o4lo4 aid Dom
, a MA it ek,fizabroctsig
‘One Hundred Meant
ringing from 25 coots to 500 Per Yu&
tho Mot tholoWold, of WI Mari Sa condo& proWf
Sinatra fit Tort,
OPS. 10) t I 1011 DI
O. C. MAT a 9