The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, December 03, 1857, Image 3

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tobntlj Omit.
We invite the. attention of our readers
to the Suspectus of the Bonze Journal,
paper tai Which we called their . attention
.a few weeks since, as among the best pub
lished. •
He and al4e still continue to be used for
-"my husband," "my- wife," &c., among
-some of our people. How much. better,
.to our taste, the latter Sounds i Don't
Sou think so, reader ?
it J. Olmsted El., will deliver an ad
dress before the S. of T., Entails Division,
.at their next meeting Saturday evening
Dec. sth. We trust this announcement
will secure a full attendance both of mem
bers and visitors.
For the Potter Journal
:A statistical account of the Hay and
Grain raised in Pleasant , Valley Town
ship, Potter County for the year 1857 :
301 Buckwheat,
27 Corn,
1006 Potatoes,
04, Tom.
Italian. Beggars, music grinders, d:c.,
continua to annoy our citizens. Not long
since we had two stout fellow . s here with
their machines, grinding out their harm
onies before every house in the Borough.
A day or two ago a fine healthy lad was
going about with a testimonial from "John
Smith," and "Samuel Low," addressed to
Gentlemen,"—begging funds for his
mother in Italy : who is anxious to come
to America! What surprised us most
was to zee the names of some of oar
young ladies on his list. of benefactors.
There is but one thing to be done in this
country with such nuisances; and that
is to arrest ;them wherever. they are to be
found and put them into the work-shop.
Extraordinary Endurance of a Sheep
IVtthout Food.—Mr. Joel P. Randall, of
Hebron Township, informs us that a week
or So ago he foun d, , alive, a sheep of his
in the woods, w hich had been gone 30
44 8, and which he avers, from the posi
tiowand condition of the animal, had been
without food during that time, or at least
the greater part of it. It was was in fine
etmdition, extremely fat and healthy when
it strayed awayiaxid after it had been gone
just thirty days, and during which time
the woods had been thoroughly scoured
in search of it, it was found lying in a
dumb of bushes, fastened by a chain it
had on when it left. He says that it was
very fat when it strayed away, and the
season being very wet, it was enabled to
survive the thirty days; and a week after
it is found, it is alive, and rapidly regain
ing its flesh. We have entire confidence
in Mr. Randall's statement, but must say
that this is almost incredible, and would
be pleased to have our scientific and ag
ricultural' editorial brethren throughout
the country give their opinions in regard
to it.
elor editor of the, Potter Journal, seems
to have got into soine kind of a scrape, or
contemplates a matria►onial alliance with
some of the fair damsels of Coudersport.
In dunning his subscribers, this bachelor
says :
"We have more nvitehs than one depending
°Lillie receipts of the Jourrue," and We hope
they nun ju some measure, be relieved from
their suspense of me.stication."
How shrewd some editors are—as well
as other folks ! There is friend JAME'S,
away off in Warren, twitting us of com
mitting matrimony, while a great many
here at home are doing the same. Show
us the "gal" and we can be -"counted in"
—misery loves company; and whore is
there greater misery than in the heart of
a country printer=aye, even an "old
bachelor"—who must be-forever dunning
his subscribers "and it availeth not."
Now, friend JAMES, don't be at all sur
prised if in the course of a few years, we
tike -it upon ourself to form "an alliance
with some" one " of the fair damsels of
Couderspcirt"—{we.are not dispose& to
attempt to govern snore than one ut a time)
—for we must either suspend, or take a
capital" partner. By the way, our
Warren friend will doubtless know how
to sympathise with us when we inform
him that our receipts since the publica
tion of the above "dun" has been $O,OO.
Is it not enough to make one desperate—
even to deliberate and de-lieioni contem
plation ? Our friend is also aware that
- we have some as fair damsels here as can be
"seared . _
ILT Register's . Notice.
OTICE is hereby given that Jane W. But
,terworth, Administretrix of the. Estate of
R ales C. Butterworth, deceased, hai filed her
acceuatin the'Register's•Office, in and fortbe
toasty of Potter' ' and that the same will be
presented theOrphans' Court of said coun
ty, on Tuesday, , the 22d day of December,l
Next, for confirmed on-and allowance at ;
which time and place all persons -interested
_lazy attend if they think proper.
s‘Wlerspart, Nov. 2P, tc.-
- The most superbly illustrated liagazine. ever
published in Anievii, is the December' num
ber of the - .COsiaoroqi . JOURNAL, ion
taining over sixtsi syletttii4 Enstavinya, and gir
ing full particulars °t i the benefits sf the p os-.
mopollian Art Association, twodortars a year;
single Copies fifty crate. Spdcimen copies will
be sent all persons who wish to subscribe on
receipt.of five postage stetmpa r (1.5 cents.)`
Address x : • 1!
C. L. DERSY, Acivaty C , A, A.,
549 Brottdutty, New Nork.
A supply ofgood; BIBLES and TESTA
MENTS, suits.* for the Common Seh'ools,
and . viilLY 616.1 v, may be had by calling at
the Bookstore of 31. W. MANN, or ou the sub
scriber. C. M: BLAKE, Agt. of
Penu4 Bible Society.
Coudersport, ',N0..26,
:Er Those linable to purchase will be fur
nished gratuitously. [1 0:22.]
THE WINTER TERM !Of Coudersport
Academy, will commence. on Tuesday
the 15th of December next, to :continue
thirteen weeks. Grain cif all kinds will
be received on tuition,! at tbe market
prices, if. promptly deliv'ered ; therefore
the tightness of money ieed ;prevent no
one from obtainiing,an Education. •
J. HENDRICK Principal
L. L.
Reit( 51Aurtikliltitts.
BY VIRTUE of Sundry mitrits of Venditioni
Exponaz and Fieri :I , l?ias issued out of
the Court of Common Pleas 0 Potter Co.; Pa.,
and to me directed, I shalll!expose to public
sale or outcry, at the Courtjiousa in the Bor
ough of Coudersport, on Monday the 21st day
of December, 1857, ati 10 o!clock, the
following described real estettc, to wit.:
Certain real estate situate!in:Shiron Town
ship, Potter Co., Pc, Bounded on the north,
east and south by• Mann d; Nichols; and west
by lands of Jonathan Olds * Jonathan Olds,
Jr,, containin:; fifty acres, of which there is
five acres improved, being 'part of Warrant
No. 5985.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold
as the property of George W. Wood.
ALSO—Certain real estate, i viz: one third
of 944 acres and one half acre 'on Warrant
No. 4649, situate in Wharton TOwnship or Syl
vania Township, pottar Co., Pa., Bounded
north by Warrant !No. 4693, east y Warrant
No. 4682 And Linde of F. It. Backus, and south
by Warrant No. 4752 and land:otiF: R. Back
us, and west by Warrant No, -2160,—a1l unim
Seized, taken in ex,ecution, and to be sold
as the property of Thomas Wands •
ALSO—Certain real estate eituate in Hec
tor Township, l'otter Co. ' Pa., Bounded on
the north by lands of H. Loucks, on the east
by lands of H. C Leach, south and west by
lands of llunsicker and Garlock, containing
-fifty adres, of which about four acres are im
proved, with one frame dwelling house there
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold
as the property pf Matthew, Yonng.
• ,
ALSO--Certain real estate situate in Ulys
ses Township, Potter Co.. Pa., Pounded on the
north by lands of Timothy th.lutia, east by
lands occupied by •Linus Evans, south by
Grover, and west by Thomas Hathilton,
containing thirty acres, on which is one frame
house awl three acres impruyed.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold
as the property of George B. Baker.
ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Whar
ton Township, P,otter. Co., Pa.,, Bounded .on
the north by the . lands of IL W. May, John
Mahon and S.
,Ross, and by the Sinnemalion
ing Creek, on the east by Sinnemahoning
Creek and mill race,-south by lands of John
Mahon, Jr,i, and Sinnernalioning Creek, and
west by lands of H. W. May, containing about
70 acres, of which twenty acres are improved,
with two frame dwelling houses, one frame
Store' House, two frame barns, one board shan
ty, and with some; fruit trees thereon—ALSO
—One other tract, situate in Wharton Town
ship, Potter Co.' Pa., Bounded north by lands
of John Bearfield. east by Loci's, south
by lands of Lewis, and on the west by
lands of William A. Simpion, containing 5u
acres, being part of Warrant No. 4926—ALSO
—One other tract of land situate in the Town
ship and County afgresaid, Bounded north
by -- Lewis, cast b lands of John :Keating
& Co., south by lauds of James Ayres, & west
by lands of John Bearfield and Lewis,
containing one hundred acres.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold
as the property of R. W. Mclntyre..
ALSO—Certain real 'estate situate-in Os
waio township, Potter Co.; Pit., bounded on the
north by John Wells, on the east by Thomas
Kenyon, south and west by S. P. Lyman, con
taining ten acres, of which four acres are im
; proted, with a frame house, frame barn, and
some fruit trees thereon.
[ Warren Ledger
Seized, taken in execution , and to be sold
as the property of S. It. Miner:
ALSO—Certain r4l estate situate in "flys-
SCS Township, Potter Co., Pa., Bounded on
the north by lands of W. Morley, east by lands
of W. Morley, south by Unseated lands of Fox
& !toss, and west by lands of Amos Itiymond
and the David Bunnell lot, containing one
hundred and eleven acres of land, on which
is twenty five acres improved, with one frame
house, one frame barn, ,and some fruit tries
Seized, taken in execution, rind to be sold
as the property f lliram 11. Guernsey.
ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Alle.
gang Township. Potter Co. Pa., Bounded ou
the north by lots Nod. 54 & 55, east by unseated
lands of the Fox estate, on the south by lot
No. 67 and Binghain lands, OR the west by
lots Nos. 54, 63. and 65, contaiting 'two hun
dred and seventy' four acres and eight tenths
of an acre, being lot No. 58 of the alloment of
the Bingham lands in Allegany, Tovi•nship, of
which eighty acres are improved, and ten acres
chopped, on which, is one frame house, one
frame barn, one log tiouse s . and some fruit
trees. .
Seized, taken in execution; and to be sold
as the property of W. T.' Jones..
ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Hector
Township, Potter Co., Pa., 'Bounded on the
north by unseated- east by lands of
Thomas Lanning, south - by lands of Melvin
Martin, and west by lands of the Bingham . Es
tate, containing one hundred and ten acres, of i 1
which about fifteen acres are improved, with,'
one frame house, and some fruit trees thereon.
—ALSO 7 -Another lot situate in said Town....
chip, Bounded 011 the north by - the highway
called the Genesee Fork rand, and east by
Francis String, south by A. P; Cone,and west
by D. Sunderlin, containing one half of an
acre of groind..l' • .
_ .
Seizefi, taken in fuel:diem .and Sif be field
am the property orris* iy Sony; • 4= •
Speci:t ice
Bibles and , Testaments.,
. ,
ALSO--Certain real , estate situate in -Bing
hmal--Towl*lll4.rotter,Co.,,,Pa., , Bounded on
the_northlands or,Johit Phillips and Bs
tate 0f : k%.i . :4 Ross, east by lands of ;Aunts
Lewis and . —=-'Evons, by• . unietteed
lnndi of-Fox 411tOss, h and- West .by lands-,of
Fox tt Roos, hundred and sixty
nine acres,. about eighty nine acres of which_
are!improved r with'two frame.honies one lo g
house, four frame barns; one over. ;hot Saw
Mill, and some fruit trees thereon. .
Seized, taken in execution, and to he sold
as the property of Harrison Rosa te L 21. White.
ALSO—Certain rest' estate situate in Alle
gany Township, Potter Co., Pa,, Bounden:as
follows: Beginning . at a port in the 'north
line of, lot No. 497, thence north one 'hundred
rods-to 'a post, thence east partly, along the
south line of lot No. 496 one hundred and
seventeen rods and six tenths of a rod:to" a
post iu the west line of lot deeded to the.Peets,
thence by said line south' one hundred rode to
a post the south west corner of the Peet lot,
thence west one hundred and seventeen rods
and six tenths of a rod to the plice of begin
ning, containing sixty nine acres and one
tenth of an acre.
Seized, tdiren in execution, and to be sold
as the property of Wm. P. Cool.
ALSO—Ft. Fa.- Certain real estate situate in
Hector Township, Potter 'Co., Pa., Bounded
on the-north by the highway called the Gene
see Fork road, east by lands of Francis Strang,
south by lands of 'C. P. Cone; and west by
Daniel Sunderlin, containini,; . one half of au
acre of ground jail:roved.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold
as the property of Henry &ray.
ALSO—Fi. Fa.-Certain real estate situate in
Eulalia Township,-Potter Co., Pa., Beginning
at a post at the south east corner of patent
No. 2124 in district No. 2, and being part of
said pater t, thence north eighty perches to 'a
post corner, thence west one hundted and six
perches to a post corner, 'thence south eighty
perches to a post corner, thence east one hun
dred and six perches to the place of beginning.
containing fifty acres more or Puss, of which
twenty fire acres are improved, on which is
erected one frame barn.—ALSO—Another
tract of land situate in Eulalia. Township, Pot
ter Co., Pit.; Beginning at a stake at the
north west corner of lauds now owned and
occnpied by Wm. Ayres, thence running north
by lands of Jacob Vannatter ten rods, thence
east sixty rods to the public highway, thence
along the said highway eleven rods, thenCe
west by lands of William Ayres sixty four rods
to the place of beginning, containing eight
acres more or less, being the same land con
veyed bS,Peter Knickerbocker to Lester Har
graves by deed bearing date Oct. 17, 1824, on
which is six acres improved Land log house,
and other out buildings.
Seized, taken iu execution, and to be sold
as the property of Linus Walker.
• • A. C. TAGGART, Sheriff.
Coudersport, Nov. 25, 1857.
Cosmopolitan Art Association,
Re-purchased fur six [house dollar: ' with
several hundred other worlss.of Art, in Paint
ing, Sculpture and Bronzes, comprise the Pre
miums to be awrrded to the subscribers of the
who will subscribe before the 28th of Januari,
1858, at which time the awards will take place.
Every subscriber of three dollars is entitled to
A copy of the large and splendid Steel En
graving, entitled " MANIFEST DESTIIIY, also to
A cope, of the COBILOPOLITALS Aar Jet:lOvit
one year, also to
IA Certificate in the Aivard of Premiums, also
A free admission in the Dusseldorf and Cos
mopolitan Galleries.
iThus it is seen that for every three dollars
paid;' the subscriber not only receives a
but, also, the beautifully illustrated
Two Dollar Art Journal, One
;Each subscriber is also presented. with a
Certificate in the Awards of Premiums, by
which a valuable work of Art, in Painting Or
Ssulptere, may be received in addition, thus
giving to every subscriber an equiValent to
the value office dollars, and a Certificate
Any one of the leading $3 Magazines is fur
nished, instead of Engraving, and Art Joitrnal,
if desired.
NO person is restricted to a single share.
Those taking five memberships. remitting .T. 1 5 3,
are entitled to an extra Engraving. and six
Full particulars of the Association are given
in the Art Journal, which contains over sixty
splendid Engra yi n gs, • prive jifty cents per nu fiz-
Ger. Specimen copies will be sent to all per
sons who desire to subscribe, on receipt of tire
postage Stamps, (15 cents.)
C. L: DERBY, Actuary C. A. A. ,
10:22-6E. - 548 Broadway, New York.
Administrator's Sale
N p
1 ; P a s l I A
Court lC o E f o t
li r e a EI order
4 0
f P t o hoe -
tter O l
shall expose to sale, at the Court House iu the
Borough of Coudersport Pa., on SATURDA 4 t,
the 19TH DAY OF DECEMBER, A. D. 1837, 1
at one o'clock, P. M., the following destribed!
real estate, situate in Sweden Township, Pot
ter County, Pa. ;
Bounded on the North by lots of C. L. Car-
saw, Jacob Herrington' and John R. Miller ; on
the East by lauds of George Fox and S. Rose,
and by Bingham Lands; on the South by 1
Bingham Lands, and on the West by. Bing-
ham Lands and lot of C. L: Carsaw : contain-
ing 300 Acres, more or less, ,withOhe usual
allowance of six per cent, for roads &e.• ' being
Lots Nos. 10 and 11, of the allotment of lands
of S. P.m; in Sweden township, and parts Of
Warrants Nos. 1309 and 2117; about 50 acres
of which is improN;ed, and on which has been !
erected ono frame house and barn; also, some
fruit trees growing thereon.
JOEL _HENDRICK, Administrator ;
' of the-Estate of Wm. Lyon, deceased:;
Condersport, Nov. 25, 1357.
rpHE subscriber keeps cosntantly on band
1. ready made, all articles commonly used,
in hitt line of basiness, by the people, such as
Plows, Coulters, Sleigh-Shoes, Clerises of sill
kinds, Picke, Grub-Hoes, Drag-Teeth, Wedges,
Grab-Hooks Neck-Yokes, Whiripletrees,
rows . 4rc., Also Horse and Ox- Shoes by„the
quantity, so that any person who may wish
their horse or Cattle shod, need hale no delay:
Anyarticle in my line made to order on short
notice. • - -
Sbcrp on Main St: north end oftb - e Borough.
'10:23-4t. DAVID B. BROWN.:
INK an 4 'et* a-articles ju tileiDrefi for
. Lira% by, 4:144 .R. Y.
XTOTICE is hereby given that the auditor
:111..-ilippointed-hy_the Court to make
button of tile tiroceedif of the Bale - of .reall
tate in the case of Polly Lord vc.-arsiJamee C. May:Term, 1855, 8, *lll. 'attend
to the duties.ef hia,apimintruent on FItIDAY,
the 18th day of Lreeember, next, at two o'clock
P. 31.; at the Office of the-Prothonotary.
- B.- J. OLMSTED; Auditor.
• Coudersport, 1i0v.120, 1857.-10:22. 1
XTOTICEris hereb giten that the. Auditor
1.11 1 appointed - byte Court to make distrilr
bution of the -- iiroceeds , of the sole of . eeL'
tate in the case of James Gillingham, for use
of N: J. Mills; verso* Crosby W. Ellis, of May
Term, '1854, No. 32, rill attend to the duties
of his appointment. at the Office of he Pro=
thonotary, on MONDAY EVENING, December
21st next, at Seven cilelork. • 1
11. J. OLMSTED, Auditor.
Coudersport,'Nov.ll24), 1857 —10:22.
f • I
"Home Journal" for 1858..
A : IYEAR. ,
IpHß . first numberpf.the'new series will be
.1. issued on TUF," FIRST OF JANUARY
next. , . • - i . '
.THE HOME JOLT.NAL •has become uui=l
versaL• Tnere are few families of cultivated
habits—(few of those who seek to enliven and
make home the most intelligent and attractive
place)Ll-who do not 'Soli receive it. his read, I
we believe , whereverilrun the gold threads of!
domestic happiness and true moral refinement, I
Which are woven sOliiekly into the stronger I
and coarser web of Our, coufitry's industry and
energetic prosperity,. The home Journal is
the speaker to the hearts of this busy nation, I
in the hours given tOhappiness and relaxation.
The first number of the view series-will be
issued on the first al :Tannery next. New sub- 1
scribers can be supplied from that date; but
immediate application will be necessary for
such as desire to begin at the. beginning. A
home IT hardly complete, :we think we may
safely venture to say, withoutthe Horne Jour-.1
nal, which, besides being a chronicle of the',
times, abounds in intelligence designedto en
liven an American, Home. Its editors- (Gee.
P. Montus and Whits) devote their eni
tire time, skill and experience, to the task of
giving, each week, everything worth knowing.
They particularly keep an eye on all the whims
and novelties of the day. The utmost paini,
are taken_ to present the filets and Outlines of
all newS. In the literary' department, we aim
at sketches .and readable criticism, and in - our
condensations of the productions of the vast
newspaper-world of, Feu ope, we endeavor to
avoid the tiresome and the local, and transfer
to our columns the pick of English -informa
tion and brilliancy, while we endeavor to se
lect with a- true sense of pure morals, true
wit, - and genuine humps..
The new feature for the _coming year is one
that we have long thought of presenting to
our readers—the CORRESPONDENCE of fear very
brilliant who send us regularly* GOSSIP or THE
GAY WORLD. We have grudged exceedingly
the keeping-of these most readable matters to
ourselves—feeling certain that it was precisely
the Society gossip whieh our subscribers re
quired as effervescenceto the otherwise brim
ming cup—and, with some difficulty, we have
obtained the consent of our fair correspond
ents. It was only on one condition, however
—that the ilwognita, , for each, shall be strictly
preserved. We agreed to this; but,-as it was
important to distinguishibetween their seve
rat Letters, we ventured to suggest Hems de
plume, such as we thought would be somewhat
descriptive of their several veins of humor.
The four ladies will therefore he introduced
to the readers of the next volume of the House
Journal, as
And from these—the four most brilliant per
sons of our city acquaintance—the charming
Letters will be duly forthcoming. .
Every one knows how a - tea-table or even
ing circle is enlivened, by the coining in of an
intelligent man, who knows all the new idea,
afloat, and tellS them; briefly, gayly, and off
, hand, in the way of ordinary conversation.—
Such a person gives you the substance of the
daily papers, in throe or four sentencestells
you the plan and moral of- a new hook in a
doten -words—gives l tke essence of a sermon.
the tore of a public,speecli, the key to a Pub
, lic character, the spirit-of an article in a re
i view, the novelty in fashion, the last turn in
politics—all briefly, and all without detail or
flummery—leaving it with you, as material for
yorr own discussion aird gossip. This is just
- what we propose to do for. the Home Journal
for 1858. We mean to jot down; for our read
ers, in We fewest words possible, every nev
i idea that falls in our way. As we read, as
! people drop. in and talk, as We look about in
our walks, we shall be on the look-out for
I ideas and novelties = giVing them in the brief
est shape. Formerly, we .used to lay such
memoranda aside, to write about if we should
find time—now, we, shall give them to our
way,' the subscriber to the Home Journal will
stand a chance to get hold, in some shape or other,
of every Hue idea that is going.
The other popular features of the paper will
be continued :—Sketches of Belles, Portraits
of 'Public characters, descriptions of stirring
scenes in New York, news of fashion and man
ners, phases of gay and litttrary society, any
new fun or new folly—in short, a picture of
the world as it passer. We have scarce thought
it necessary to mention, however, what our
readers well 'understand, that we take 'care
also to chronicle and advance every interest
of benevolence and moral improvement, and
strive bard to make the Home. Journal no less
usefnl and improving than- it is' entertaining
and original.
-Ai a New Year's preiont from a Gentleman to
a Lady, the Home Journal Id one, of which
the remembrance is renewed every week-, and it is
unsurpassed as a gift in good taste.
TERMS.—For one copy, $2; for three copies.
$5, or for one copy for three years, ss—al
ways id advance. Subscribe without delay.
.Address, MORRIS 5: WILLIS.
Editors, 107 Fulton-street, New York.
Divorce Noticc.
1 .
Daniel Dodge, No. 130 Feb. Term, 1857.
•AtieliaE4 Dodge, . A Subprena._ and alias
Subpoena baring been this case, and
returned nihil, the said Adelia E. Dodge, the
respondent is hereby notified and required to
be and appearin our Court, of Common Pleas
at the pest Term of said Court, at Couders
port, in the county of Potter, to answer
complaint r ofLibellant. •_-
- .. , . • A. ,C..TAGGAItT, SileriE.
:Ciiniiersport, Not. 16, 1857. 7 -10:22-4t. •
LEACHED MUSLINS and a few other sr
Ulf-tielis ;in - the Ude of Staple' Dry - Goo&
low for:peel'. of . E. N. SPENCSRA - .:
- 10:1 ! D. W. S., AIX
coivilmi?rri ON '
. 9
, .
IV ll t r es il ix c i o th av 6 an i th gs e t r ti e m m i e w di h es ti t i
e o
i t ti h r e p
s ca n t
ges, - and coming in, direct contact with the
disease, neutralizes the tubercular matter, al
lityatha) cough, causes a free and
. easv expec
toration; heals the lungs, purifies th . cblood,
imparts renewed Vitality , to the nervous system,'
giving that tone .attd energy so indispensable
for the restoration of health.. To be 'able to
state confidently" that Consumption is curable
by inhalation, is to me a source of unalloyed
pleasure. It is as much under the control of
medical treatment as oaf- other formidable
disease;.ninety out of eteryl,hundred cases
can be - cured in the first stages, and fifty per
cent in the second; but in the third stage it
is impossible to save snore than five per cent.,
for the Lungs are so cut up by the disease as
to bid defiance to metlicallskill. Even; how
ever, in the 'last stages, Inhalation affords ex- _
traordinary relief to the suffering attending
this fearful scourge which annually destroys
ninety-live thousand persons in the United
States alone ; and a correct calculation shows
that of the present population of the earth,
eighty millions are destined to fill the Con
sumptive's graves.
• Truly the quiver of death has no arrow so
fatal as Consumptien.. In all ages it has been
the ;peat enemy of life, for it spare.s neither
age-uor sex, but sweeps off alike BO brave,
the beautiful, the graceful and the gifted. By,
the help of that Supreme Being, from whom
cometh every good and perfect gift, I am en
alibied to offer to the afflicted a 'permanent
and speedy cure in Consumption. The first
cause of tubercles is from impure blood, and
the immediate effect - produced by their depo
sition in the hings is to (prevent the free ad
mission of air into the air cells, which cause's
a weakened vitality thr ugh the entire system.
Then surely it is more ra ional to expect great- i
er good from medicines entering the cavities
of the lungs than frot those 'administered
through the stomach; t e patient will always
find the lungs free and the breathing easy, af
ter Inhaling remedies. Thus, Inhalation is a
local remedy, nevertheless it acts constitution
ally, and with more - power and certainty than
c l
remedies administered y the stomach. To
prove the powerful and irect inlluence l of this
this mode of ad min in ration, 'chloroform
inhaled will entirely de •troy sensibility in a
few minutes, paralyzing the entire nervous
system, so that a limb mar be amputatedwith
out the - slightest pain; hihaling the ordinary
burning gas will destroy life in a few hours.
The inhalation of ammonia will rouse the
system when 'fainting or apparently dead. The
odor ,of many of the medeines ds perceptible
in the skin a few. minntes after being inhaled,
and may be immediat lydetected in the blood.
A convincing proof of the constitutional effects
of inhalation, is` the act that sickness is al
ways produced by brhathing foul air—is not
this positive evidence that proper remedies,
carefully prepared and judiciously adminis
tered through the hings should produce the
happiest results 1 During eighteen years'
practice, many thou ande r suffering from dis
eases of the lungs a d throat, have been un
der my care, and I h ve effected many remark
lable cures, even aft r the sufferers had been
'pronounced in the last stages, which fully sat
isfies me that consuznptit is no longer a' fatal.
I disease. My treatment of consumption is
original, and founded on (long experience and
a thorough investigation My perfect acquain
tance with the nature of tubercles, .ke:, ena
bles me to distinguish, eadily, the various
forms 'of disease that simulate consumption.
, and apply the proper reMedies, rarely being
mistaken even in a singel ease.. This famil-
I isrity, in connection witf certain pathological
I and microscopic discoveries, enables me to re-
Hese the lungs from the effects of contracted
I chests, to enlarge the chest, p urify the blood,
impart to it renewed vitality, giving energy
and ton^ to the entire system.
. -
'Medicines with full Cl&otions sant to any
part of the United Statesl i and Canadas by pa
tients communicating their symptoms byletter.
But the cure would be 'more certain if the
patient should par me - visit, which 'would
give me an opportunity t examine the lungs
and enable me toprescri e with-much greater
certainty, and th n the c re could be. effected
without my seeing the pitient again.
1 •
G, W. GRAN M, M. D.,
Office 1131i.ibe Street, (Old
NO. 109,) belo .. Twelfth,
I o :
6) M WI. 'I 7 N SSES; ` ,
sx d 0 1 -OR
I 1
1 John S. Dye is the Author. Qi
Who has bad 10 Lvears experience as a Bank -k„,
j er nud Publisher l and Author of P.
A series ri Leeturis at Broadway Tabernacle, 1
when, for 0 W
spccesse nights, over cf. , I
; I ,ga- tith Roue sof Applause,
000 Poo de"-Kag
I • Greeted him , -
while he exhibited the. ianuer in which ,
Counterfeiter execute t eir Frauds, and .' i
the Surest Detec t ing
Shorst Means' of ftd I
Detecting them
The Bank Notel . .Engraversall say that he is
I the greatest .11 dge of Pap Honey living.
Detecting e'imitelleit Bailie •Po 0
I Describing every Genuine. ill in Existence,9_,
and Exhibiting at n glance every. Coun- '^
terfeit in CirculatiOn !!
' Arranged so admirably tlt REFERENCE mI • • EASY, a nd , - b .
ja,-N o inde to examine I No pages to
hunt up! Butso *simplified and arranged,
that the Mere aut, Banker and Business g
I Man can see al at a Glance. - 0
Thus' each ma read the Same in his own
I. ... .W..4,77V.L e TOIVGLTE. •• "0
Nose Perfect Bank Nat }List Published. E.:
- .
Also a List of. f..., 4
A Complete - ummary of the FRIANCE or
EoIIOPS & MIE Ica will beublished in each
edition, togith r with . lltie LItPORTANT
NEWS OF T E DAY. Also, •
A,S . RIES OF TALES - 4 ,; 4
From an Old anuscript f und. hi the. East. 6 "
.. It furnishes he Most,•Co ple4 History
I n
.of O i rientay_.* ia t . • .
describing the , ost Perple ng Yositions in
which: the Ladies and G ntlemen of that CS
Country have ben so often found.. These
Stories will co tinne throtigbout the •whole P
rea , - and will rove the Most„Entertaining4,s 4
aver offered to the Public.; -
~ 7.
,gam-Furnish d Weekly tia Subscribers on-,,9
ly r at $l. a year, ..All lettpsii.most be ad-` l .l
JOHN 8.:11 1 4E 1 Broker, • 0
* Publisher and'Proprietoi, re Wall Street, 1:3
New-York, 1 1 .10:1-17.: 0
'3—A Ls ' l
• acid tplipdid As
hut riresiry at • - -
, - erLitfiTlLD'el.
'STEW G9c0.1
're:l ' • - . 1. •
-.-....., -:-_ - cap - - - -- -- -- - --- --- r- , ---..--.t-.:eu A
. t 1) iiil6 4 - itaVeriise IQ 40,4 - - 1-
i ltat,
Faost'i ' . . \
JOHN A. iII.DDL, ~---
At Merchants Hotel, -North 4th St., Ph( ..
101,1111...iitiELPHL3,' 31AilICET:1 bailiff 44.
A. ' accessible, your attention ts•called to- h i ,-
as possessing facilities and advantageswirthy
of your consideration. . -, • -.- • -..- 7,.., .
Among its advantages pity be esim r ater:
its location, having shorter lines of riin NO..
cation to the interior, its proximity te,th kolk
and Anthraoite Coal districts of Pennsil &Wei,.
the large and varied extent. of. :its Ala Urao",
tures, being far it! advance of ..any othe ditj
in the United States, the moderate, expenses
necessary (Or carrying on briiiness etc., ete.
The market possesses nnrivalled advants._
ges for the sale- of many kind!,_ of' produce r
such as Flow, Wheat, Barley., 001, 13RWsrp
Cheese, .Ic., while the cbarges made ':upon
sales and attendant expenses ark more Moder
ate than neigbaring seabotirti markets. .
W.ll. W. PAUL, Wholesale roccf, -4E102-
626 Market,St.
HOUSE, No. 430 Market and 425 Merchant
- Streets. ' :
TA YLOR, GILLESPIE d• CO:, Whole sal
GROCERS, Nos. 11 and 13, SoUthlWater St
ROL,' Importers of WINES,; BRANIIIIK,
GINS, tc., No. 304 North 3d Street., "
T. MORRIS, PEROT 4. CO., linporterS
Wholesale Dealers in DRUGS, CHEMICALS
No. 621 Market, and 612 St. James Sts -
CONCENTRATED LYE for Making. Soap..
Manufactured by the Penn. Salt CO., Tares
turn, Allegheny county, Penn.i-Reprosentad
by•LEWIS, JAMES 4' Co., Philadelphiar -
HAAS a t TAYLOR, l lmporters - and Cuda
Jobbers, No. 305 Market Street, HOSIERY.
B /LYN; RAW VEL 4. C 0.,. Importese
RIES, N0..37 N. Thitil street:
eis and Jobbers of FOREIGN and .DOllll4l-
TIC DRS"'GOODS, No. 239 end. 24/ Narita
; 3d Street, above Race. 1 -
CHANTS. Warehouse Ni. 146 N.3llSt. •
MOORE, HENZEY 4. CO., traporters aud•
Wholesale Dealers in EARWARE, CUT 1.1 3 7,
ELY and GUNS, 427 Market 'and 416 Ca.
merce streets: ra .
- -
SAM' L H. BIBIGHAUS, IMportar sad
'Wholesale Dealer in FOREIGN. and DO
MESTIC HARDWARE,. No., 258 North 14
street, below Vine. • • -
HAND SAWS in any variety ; and .tyle at
the celebrated IXL stamp, manufactured 11 -
WALTER CRESSONi Depot No. 503 0411.
merce St.
HAMMERS, HATCHETS 4.0., -in great vs
riety, manufactured by C. HAMMOND,Ds.
pot No. 503 Commerce at. The ittenties
of the trade is called to these goods as being
equal in quality and finish to any made. - •
JAMES BARBER, Wholesale Dealei in
rer of GOLD PENS.. S. • E. corner of 34
and Chestnut sts.
PRATT 4., HEATH, - Importers of - WATCH.
W. corner sth and Market sts ; •
Importers and Jobbers is • '
British & American ! Dry Goods,
215 Market, through to 204 Church Atlei.
Sera Months credit for approveNotes:.' - Oe
1- • [10:14.-2m.
In Exchange fori Goods,
William V. Seating, i. NO. 'l2B, - •
Adolphus E: Boric Sept. Term,: 18$7 in
and the COmmon Pl eas
James M. 'Wilcox, of ?otter, County.
VeT3tl3 Action of „Eject-
_ ,
Leonard McKee. merit' for thefollaw
ing described lots of land in said county, the
first containing two hundred and fifty-se.ven'
acres, situate in. Eulolls Township, and bound
ed as follows : Beginning at the south-west
corner of the Tuttle lot, thane's N. by vrest lino
iff said' lot 126 rods to north' line, of Warren;
No. 2129, thence west by said line 62.6. rode
to N. J. Mills' east line, thence south' 43'd4-
g,rees west by Mills' line 31 rodi to center of
road, thence south 40.5 rods, thence. west by
Mills' south lino 40 rods to Al - c.Orner,
south 179 rods, thence east 185 rods ton posh
in the west line' of Alreeron Nelson's .10;
thence north 49 rods, thence east -50 - rods to
warrant line, thence north 69.5 rods 'to, Tut
tle's south line, thence west by safilline 92
rods to the place of beginning; being part; of
Warrant No. 2129.
The other lot, containing"one hundred and.
thirty-six acres, is bounded as. followi : -
ginning nt a 'poet in the east line Of . the Keat
ing Lands, biint the north-east : corner of- ,
lot surveyed to.D, B. Martin, thence north 200
rods, theuce west 109.iods;lliencis, south, - 200
rods, thence east 109 rods to the place Of . be
ginning ;:being.part of Warrant
Sweden township, Potter county,
And now, to wit, September 22d; . 185"tiloa
motion of John S.. Mann," 'attorney' for
Plaintiffs, the Court grant rule - on Defetutsint
to appear and plead by third day Of. next .
Term or judgment by default, and order 'the
publication of the rule.aceording-to the Act
of Assembly, in such cases made and provided.
By the Court, " fl. J. OLMSTED,'„!
• - - - < ' - ?mei:O329CW.:
Potter County . , __:
Certified from the RecordlthisTath 4*,ot`
Octoher, A. D. 185'7. . _
rr . 0. ., Witness my hand-and-seal of Offieis .
Jat Coudersport, the samidajrand year
,10:18-6t. 01,114 TED, .V,Tc..WY.. •
MBE uttdersigad. haSin . ciitt: - I It
former owneri of tlio:Lewtstilli St#Sus
Grist Mill . are•noW pieititi.ed to do all meaner
of grinding. tut they believe, to the' intistsc
tion of their customer.. -Comeitanateett,
• • CRAT.T.QM-JAW.D. -
tThises, Peb. Ittre-.46e-941f..f..;-s.'"sl