The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, November 12, 1857, Image 2

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eAnsyiyanla Leglsiature—fies
r. • • - !lon Of 1858.
fOisset.:.—Frr, ppe Par t isbir
tg Teiegraph.
~11EltnErls noveitio OVER;
PhiladeAphis.coonty: Ugrian Ingrva,D.
m P
Bicitgotugryzbunty:-.. , . P.',
'Berks:lohte C. Evans, D.
_ Bucks : Jonathan Ely, D .
NArth4Mgtou IToseph
.paubach, D.
and Franklin : George W.
yirewer; -
York : Wm. H. Welsh, D.
Cnizberland - and Perry : lii. Fetter, D.
Centre, Lycoming, Clinton and $01.7
"Lai: Aiqhty,ol.47,
1:48.1 . r" Ca arta an J.
o Cressnrell, Jr., D.
Luzerne, Montour ;and Columbia : G.
Steele, D. - •
BrAford,'Suscrstelmuna9pd Wyoming:
p. Reed 'Myer, R . '
Fott'er;l Kean, Elk, Clearfield,
-Jeffeisou ati Merest , :Efi Dry Souther,.R.
yeii og o,and Warren : G. W.
'Scofield, R.
~Erie and Crawford : D. A. Finney, R.
'l3Utler,.Beaver and Lawrence: John .
Harris, It.
William Wilkins, D., and
-E.:D. 'Gaga:lm, R.
Armstrong, Indiana and Clarion:
J. Coffey, R.
Schuylkill, C. M. Straub, D.
T otal—Dem ocrats,l3 ; Republicans, 8.
11.12248E1tS ELECT
Philadelphia: S. J. Randall, D.O, (to
a vacancy;) I. N. Marselis, D. '
11. Chester and Delaware": fl'hQmais S.
vtrt. carbon, MINIM, pike
:::Wayne.: Thouaas Craig, Jr„
X. IL Snyder, Northumberland, Mon
. ,twor.and.Columbia : Charles R. Bucka
'' ' 'Dauphin and Lebanon : John B.
Lancaster : Bartratu A. Shaeffer,
.. R. ; -Robert Baldwin, R.
XIX.., Somerset, Bedford and Hunting
: Wm. P. Schell, D.
Westnilcirelnd and Fayette J.
xx ITT. Washington and Greene G.
W. Miller, D.
XXVI. Lawrence, Mercer and Ve
nango: Wm. M. Francis, R.
Recapitulation, Deraaerats. Rajaablicaps.
• 4 Holding over ,
box Members , i I.
'Poly tt .I; •
Adams : Charles Will, D.
.Affigllany: Daniel Negley, James B.
.Bsekhouse:,Nicholas Voeghtly, J. Heron
Foster, Reps., Jehn M. Irwin, D.
Armstrong and Westmoreland : Robert
`Warden, 4ohtt K. Calhoun, Matthew
Shields, Detr.s.
Bermer and Lawrence : De Lorma
Geo. P. Shaw, Reps.
Bedford and Somerset-: Samuel J.
Castner, IL, David Hay, Ind ;Whig.
Berko : Benjamin Nunnemacher, Amos
Weller, Edmumd L. Smith, Dems.
Blair : .4obert W. Christy, D.
Bradfoy.s.l. :41,: t hu B. G. Babcobk, Cullen
Nichols, Reps.
Bucks : 1 ,0 7P4 1 D.
' Butler . : Ales. W. Crawford, IVm. 'W.
Dodds, Reps.
Cambria : . Geo. N. Smith, D.
Carbon and Lehigh : Charles 11. Wil
!isms, Herman Rupp, Dems.
Centro: Samuel Gilliland, D.
Chester: Morten Garrett, J. Hodgson,
Eber W. Sharp, Dents.
'Marion and Forest : W. 4, Abrams, D.
Cleaifieldt 4 efferstlP , V.FKoan and Elk;
-Wm. P. Wilcoi; Joel Spyker, Dons. •
Plinten and Lycoming : D. K. Jack
man; 'Thos. W. Lloyd, Dents.
Columbia, Montour, Wyoming and
Sullivan: John V. Smith, Peter Ent, D.
li3revfOrd. and Warren : Thoi. Struth.
Robert li. Miller, Reps.
• 'Cumberland and Nil Hugh Stew,
Ft, Chas. C. Brandt, Dems.
Dauphin : Wm. G. A. Lawrence, IL,
Edward. J. Lauman, D.
Delaware : Thomas P. Powell, D.
Erie : Wareham Warner, R,, D.
fod, Ind. R. •
• Fiyette: John Bierer, D.
-Franklin sad Fulton: Alex. K. Mc
plum, R., James Null, D.
Greene: Wit: Kincaid, D.
.Huntingdon: Daniel Houtz, D.
Indiana - John Bruce, R.
Juniata, Snyder and Union: Timothy
(Hayes, Denier Witmer, Reps.
Lancaster : Ergenuel D. Roth, Simnel
B. Price, Jonathan If. Roland Joseph D.
Pownall, Reps. .
Lebanon : John George, D.
lAzeine : P. C. Gritman, Siet4 l ep irep
c:kini,".Samuel G. Turner, Demo.
" ',Veneer and'Venango: Win. G. Rose,
p. P. Ramsdell; Reps.
Chat, Bower D.
Monroe end Pike : !Lafayette West-
11lontiomery: A. Brower Lengaker !
. Josiah tlillegas, George Hamel, Dams. I
' Northampton : _ J'or. iyooding, Max- 1
avirgpepp, Dams.
• NortiNurberland : Joe. C.Abod2
X s, D.
-9..DonovanoTohn PArgfpy,t. A rm ,
fibs, Dams:
hiladelpi i is County : Joseph H. Don
Ile Q,' john H. Wells, .D. It McClain,
Ilen4littplif,, John H.Dohnett, Town
send Yeeiell, John 4 Molloy,
r i aribt, J0Z12.051115np Oliver
43 •
J. IC iTaini .T. ..Owens,_ A. -4.rthiiri,
Demo.:'• ; • •
rotter and i P. Waistaa,
Isgagrgatii;ia, 4eps. : • *--
- : poia.''D. - :1112,14,14.1akagt
T. 1.4 f; PciiDeati. 7... •
Sl , .l.s4laelritatial . Si k ilapp 'ow* TRZ
- -Mitshingioi?J'OhlY'' A N:- gaPaiial4,
I Jartei•Dar:dhio;'P.. 1 •
Wayne: Holloway L. Stevens, Dj
York; 'William' W. W 911; A. 14,14tand
Democrat; g l ared " 4epubli.-
puts:l4l ; l
Senate .
' • • I
'aj. on joint Ir.iillot,•• 46: • .
1 6ifi:V . 0ii . t . :.*Itt*O.,.
Doran Voniiiit, Va. 12,1857.
T. 4. ci1ik4,:10.1700 4N.D
NO JOURNAL' will be issued next
Week. The only, (and we think sulTi
aent, though 'our non-paying, subscrib
ers may not,) reason* is that we have no
paperlc print it upon, and no.mOnhy to
buy it with. We dislike to dun our pat
rons at app* time, !Anil particularly in hard
times; but nothing but money Or paper
rags Will buy paper, and we cannot be
expected to 'parout cash endlcssfy with
out there is some' income. We have al
ready made every reasonable-effort to
avoid dunning our subscribers, ~.but the
time has now Foie when forbearancelis
no longer a virtite. We have Some-five'
or six dqllars scattered 'over the
county, and would like very much to have I
some of it now. I Will not some of our
subscribers come to our aid immediately ?
,T.1.:04e who cannot raise money kill do
a great , favor by sendinF, us grain, pots
.toes or : ve g etables of any eatable kind,
butter &c.,—in fact, anything that can be
manufactured into fond or clothing. We
have mere mouths than one depending
otteur reelpts fur the Journat, and we
hope they , may-in some ineaotre be reliev
ed•froutAbeir ouepetuto of mastioiitiOn,
r' : €lo (PORGY , W. Ef.Llon'i; ad
vertisaineut for Agents headed, "d Book
far Every iAran's ilioretry." .
SIEB" The follorTer, is a list of the spe
cie paying Banks of Pennsylvania: '
Bank of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh. -
Allegheny City Bank; Allegheny.
Monongahela Bank; Brownsville.
Franklin Bank, Washington.
Wyoming Bank, Wilkesbarrc..
Catisque Bank, Catasque.
Honesdale Bank, Honesdale. •
Kittanning Bank, Kittanning. '
Bank of Pottstown, Pottstown, •
Farmers' and Drovers' Bank, Waynes
burg. )
The Dank of Pennsylvania, Philadel
phia, a large amount of whose notes. are.
in circulation, has been closed entirely
and an investigation of its affairs com
menced. Its bills are worthless. The
Weeklll Pressi in an editorial on the SA
- «
pc., says : • P
" There is too much reason for believ
ing that the forthcoming report of - the
investigation into the affairs of the sank
of Pennsylvania will disclose a mass of
corruption and mismanagement in that
institntion, which will vividly recall the
days of the broken ,13ank of the United
States. There scents to be but one opin
ion' on the subject. Hopes are entertained
that the noteholders) and depositors . will
he paid ; .butt the steabolders, 'the wid
clivs, orphans," and others who have confi
ded their fortunes to the bank, will not
be so fortunate. Itany reflections will be
suggested by this ea;posi.".
The Presi t *ill accept our thanks for
l an exchange. •
pkr•The ileptßre Of BEE. C, M, BLAKE,
before the ,CooderspOrt Pibrary Associa
tion on Satiirday evening last, Nyes a learn
ed and logical essui and all whp heard it'
spealiof it in teria:lof highest commend :
atiou„ The Lecturiecontristed the good
niad bad LiteraturtOf the daY, and argued
that the pressure in the money market
would result t in a great benefiti to book
readers, inasmuch 4 itorould reduce the
fluantity of boAs : -aUd improve the T 1.74-
;1..4 those iu the trlttet, .1 - 4 e briefly
reviewed the literature of the day, and
gave the younger 'pertien of his uudicupe
soine healthy 44Viip feg a rd to the se
lection of reading !natter, Ho aye took
a Arin grq4g4
Lion of American Magazine literature, and
concentration of American genius. We,
cordially endorse his suggestions
ing that the literary. genius of our nation
has been too';wide ! spread to be properly
appreciated. ! But we fear that Yankee
enterprise' will never submit , to so great a
al l ept as 'the.concentration , of ita isphere
of ac ion in the publishing, trade: '" •
We liatened.:with ,pleasnretoAlie
lirelecture,. suewillim
_pleased to p ti l ) :
IA it in I our paper, if 19 eau prevp en
pcm. • Bep:, :pd,-
;08 .. 30
• 80 fa, •, 2
the,Rwrittentsit_to fursiish - irfor that 1
Pn' \ • - •
TheXliciieme_t*s pretty urge for the heavyell
4.c*); 11 . **tiering-to the. RriOieet,s
and we hog- will
norakermtfielrintere,st in its banal in our
resding coininanity, - •
BOO' 44,in alma , Frialgintiap:.,
-- Ixf=tkit or: Buaiandit's -- retention . -7
kuiTO.i r 'ca&i•ana•
-ftansas, .anct.ot ttiiletter to rrotesso
Sillinaan'and oiheirS,lii`4lllWi& l iaeries,
that eitais ITOr-j
rt' - the
United - Spas
13uelnitan' press - . in s
:Claiming that
,PeriOii as'fiVering thetr.
matron Of ii'Prei'Btate;` ; %'shallegiOm
it a great favoi' if
tends to
singh.: 'set oeihe . iPinSitleut.`thAliai been
14nAlke side Of kreedeni and fisticeln•
that Territory. •
,The retest pn'of Jtidacs
arid "Cato, - 'and
"every appoint
meat made _ has aided' tlic Border iiiffians.
Governor Walker lainaself, thileiifeg
the apportionment ofthe 'erritory into
the hands 'Of'the BognS offleia;..'ind his
activity in' !.hp Kidlapoo .frawl,' did all
that he well 'emit - 4 tell:trim - the Territiiry
into the hands: pi the perd,er
'but - because' he Would' not 'icaeiVe the
purely ; fictitieng 'returns from Oxford, pre
cinet and 'scOcegeniiti, it claimed
tliat President-Buchanan has favorc'dthe
FreeT K h
S ate cause, in ansas.. rt ere is
d'Air!gle voter who qv, read tfiglisb;
enough to he deceived by . such fogie, we
think he is 'entitled to .inuch , sympa
thy. If the . Piesident desires tO aid the
, Free State Jaen in Kansas, .otif-he in
tenus to do • them simple 'justice, why
don't he dismiss Judge' Cato, who is
using.his power_to &impel iut ; -
'er to recognize the .o.xford•fraud anclr give
Certificates to the Border Ruffitini whom
that - fraud would elect ? Why don't he
approve of Walker's refusal to counten
ance that fictitimis return V.Can the War:
rea iidgeVtell ?
The simple truthls;' tteeduni
tiMplied la' Kan s as . 4440 f the effprts.
of the Administration to crush it. In
the CinSittiiiti
spite Platform party,
that has removed.Uvery„Goveriew
ment he refuses to do the at) , work
of the Slave Power, fiaWill'riniove
R. J. Walker, because of - his refUsal to
damn 'himself with endorsing the Oxford
swindle. . And yet; after `Walker has
been killed for his wie act of siniple
tice, the Free' Kansas Buchanan men will
continue to shout,i great is the service
done to Freedom by the partY2 Such
scrxiliti is simply contemptible.
The Elfctlons.
offieial ajority - G:if:Those; in
Ohio, ii3;1503. ,
The vote in . 31iiinesetileivei matters
in doubt, yet, with. Ttanisey, Reimblican;
653 ahead of Sibley; the Demo9ratio can
didate. Great ?fforliWill be made by the,
friends of tile laitei.;to niatilifaetnia
Ono majorities . in ;the lciaglyiVoods amp
ties tn overcome thiS.
1w lowa, the official inajarity of Lewe,
the Ileputilican candidate for Governor, is
2338. . The ItelmtpFP majority iq the
State Senate is 8; in the house 10,
The - elections came off on Tnpday,
Nov. 3 in the States of New York, Mas
sacl;usetts Maryland, Wisconsin, grid
Louisiana. • I
In New York , t o Ilepublican State
ticket, defeated by, from 10,000 to
15,000 majority, While .we have a small
majority in the
, L_egisiature. Seven of
the twelve Judges Of,the Supreme Ccjurt
elected., are' Repubcans; among them
Martin Grover;"of t he Allegany - district.
In Mas.saehusett.i there is the greatest
triumph of
,the ypar, . N. P. 'hank s ,
against.whom there were three leading
fianclia,alls, is eletd by. a Plurality of
23,7Q3,,0yer .qa.r44er,. his highest com
petitor, The Repplipans of Ma.ssachu
settsl4.4:ve srov 1 40 10sPaSsiveSwitli 00ry
this c ampaign. other caodidates
i on the State ticket with Mr. Banks who
49 all elsqs4 117joritieP 9f 0914sanct
or two less than his are; Eliphalet Traik
qf Ispcingfieldalie4,tenP-4 - groyernor ; OH-
Tpr Warren of I)Tort,hamptoßrPepretßry Of
State; diaries ,White of Worcester,
'ditq; 49* Tenni, j; ; , 'of qeorgetown,,
TresslFeri. St'sP ll e/ ./?1; Phillips c.f4911
AtturerQq44l in P lace o. . ex ' f i °v t r°r
Clifford;- 1411 ,
pillons 4,1! ! ItcP4iioans.. ',The .Senate
(eoPPlete):!stande Repnblicane,
. 33 ;
Btu* .46
pnpogAtsr,:..Ain' oustric4 4ar:irciaL
tLli'kat./ailmtt . daters,:;to
have 'elected itepitoliean' SlaWsoffieeriaii
• - latnre - liy froth three , 'to`- five-ilieri v ; tett icoonntOf 'a Bev:erel4oaan4,-nettfat,..
sand..Enajwity. We - hope - th'e-good*Witie affection, Which 54 . efiptlftett',4ii's
is trtte. : i':, ' ' t 6 :;:' i '..:2 7 4''' 7., 44wer linabitosueh en ,exteit• tlitiaOilk,
t l a lturAt „t,4„4,m'ertisits - ate See- seateely I walk. ;Isis- physician .- ilicol4-
t * sf4!witli-.)esrtzihl4o444'than;,,ltst4l, - lifeids resi—boikkodilil tinitruentallyii.- - -
nojontzliemEtshont t 1.4 game as Oat and hm
e has gone .horto the;country..itveir froi Fil - linore... - - -i" i''.' '''-'3'l - • where be is at frlaint!?oon e tig`d \ fa' his
Louisiana has gone thoro (.
ughliAdixiin room. His health, othe*ise, is gvitl; apA.
istration, as was expected. , - he still hopes to be ahlitoAter the read
ort-'of the-Henxkl -with -art. occasional-ar.
4e on subjects of general intelligence.'
--Tygnsii:l'v:*-,-Atr.. - ti4,larTorly.v. Si
- -;tiiiiia twin— 011*`:givegr the- folliAvitig: .
InswitrinitbisAnestiotTi.:,''i itiv`ol.o.quent , -_
And iWir; -,!: !:. : .i, ,, ,. -;j -....- ~-. i -
,„"),tonmeracy - Is.a, ientiment, net , to . he
appalled,, co n rinpfed - or ebnitiroinfSed, ',',lt
,itiP linseneis, it cowers to 'no'diu, '
i gdr,Lit"OPpreiges' no , Weaktiess" .'Pearless,
' genercrascand butnabe,' it'rebukes the ar-,
rogaut; c h erishes , honor, andsympathise.B '
withlthe humble. ,-It asks nothing but
what is right, , Destructive_ on y- to deS
'poilsin, kis dill 'able conseattir of liberty, ,
laboroand property. -It is the , law'of na- I
ture pervading the'law:.of !the laud. ' , .The
stupid, Ihn- selfish and the base, in spirit,
)11:4 btleTinpee 'it ns,A,.Tulgar,thing ; but
in , the'llistery of our riteitho Ilinoerat,
is principle 'has.develoied' n rid' illustrated
the moral and intelleetital attrib
utes of pitr nature. - , res,:that is a noble,
magnanimous, ;and sublime, - sentiment,
which expands our affections; enlarges
the Circle of our sympathies, and eleVz.tes
the sent of nian,:until elainntig - an' etjual- ,
, ity with the beSt; he rejects; as'unworthy
rof ' hii" dignity,. any political immunities
,over the humblest of:his followers." -
.WA cut ; .the above from a late, Clin
ton..D,enloprqt, , We have published. this
noble , definition of Democracy several
times before, but it is so rebeshinz-to re
,call such sentiments as compared with the
7,Drud Scott .deersion, Democracy, that we
cannot publish it too often.
' The Democrat must ,presume on. the
dullness-of its readers, or It would not give.
-them this description of genuine Democ
racy,' while it defends and supports the
Deuloefaey which sustains such doctrines
as the following. The Democrat goes
hand in hand with the' following papers
and their sentim-ents :
WHITE SLAVERY. --•• The Richmond
Enquirer, a leading . Buchanan paper in
Virginia,uses the following language :
"until recently, the defense of slavery
has labored Under 'great ditEculties; be.
Ouse its apologists - (for they were merely
apologists) took half-vtay grounds. .They
confined the d . efensq;of slavery to mere
negro slavery,. thereby giving up the prim-
Ciple, admitting other fozins slavery .to
be wrong. • . •
"The line of defence; however, is now
changed., The,south now Maintains that
:814very is. right, natural and necessary,
and does not depend upon the difference
- The laws of the slave
states justify the holding ofwhite mon in
bondage." .
Again a-leading South Carolina
chanatt paper says : ,
"slavery is the natural r . i
and normal
condition of the laboring. Man, whether
white or black. The great evil of north
ern free society is, that its is burdened
with-aservile - class of meehanics and la-
Ourexv, 14nlit for self government, and yet
clothed with the attributes find powers of
eitiOns, IN.ipter and slave is a' relation
in society as nat4ro apd neuessary as that
'of parent and child; and , the northern .
states will :yet.liave to introduce it,
•!.•Wre repeat, then, that policy and hu-,
manity alike forbid' the extension .of the
evils of free society !A:l . nm people and:
Coining generations.
• . opposite and conflicting forms of
society cannot, amon,,,c , civilized men, co
exist and endnre, The one must:give
Iv:LT arid cease t.p eisist, the ether become
Universal, If fret society be unnatural,
humeral; rtnphristian ; it must fall, and
give way to a slave society-7,a system old
as. the world, universal as. mart."
ifi T aid, another
yaliaut Buell:map organ says :
Society! we sicken at the name.
What' is it but 'a couglomeratlon of gyeasy
inechanics i .'filthy operatives, pui al l-tis tett
fanuers,- moon-struck theurists? All
the northern plidospepially the 1$ evir Elig
lnd states are deynicl of society fitted for
well hied. 'gentlemen; . - - The prevailing .
class one meets with is that of inechanits
-struggling4o be genteel, apti small 'farm
ers who do their : own . drudgery, atul yet
who are hardly fit for association with a
southern ,gentleman's body, servant, This
is your free Society ' which the'northern
hordeS are endeavoring tp extend... bat°
The. Richmond (Va.),Exami-aer, an
other. Buchanan paper, uses the following
"We 'have got - to hating everything
with' the 'prefix free, froin free negroes
down and up thioughnthe
,whole cata
logue----free farms" free labor, free society,.
free will, :free thinking, fil,ee children, and,
frve school" -41 belonging to the same
brood Of damnable isms: ' But the worst
of all' abominations is the' modern system
of free schools, which hai ; been , the cause
and`.prolific spree of the infidelity and
treasons that have tprnett,[ber cities into
Sodoms and Gemorrahs, grid her"land in
to the nestflng plaCes ofhowlingßedlatn
itcs. Vire-abominate the system; because
ihO schools are-free."" .
- ,
Orgniburg (Pa.)lferal4 informs
that,: , 4asistaat
Editor of, that irp.obliged
retire for a sweat froui the olisfrOaitoriel,
Hopors to Editors. 1 ;
IY,c f potiee. that mite 4,
.nutnher. of the
[iiiiiial - ficiteri)ity - iii - Pciiiiiiylrania." hire
1 u ell Otielt fki:rr.ario - kp l 'ositiens' : .Of trust
d rOsponsibifity, at alto late clectiOn.,__
: G: NEthON SMITH, of the Johnitown I
j ! e
in), is re-elected to the Assembly 11-inn
Cambria,:as is also Jolts lionacoN, of
t ti . - Jefel'soiridn,.:froin -Chaster county;
al 'o il ;f ai .l, , ..ll , p e it o n i x .
A -.F . O K sT 3 E i n o , c O L f u t it he E. P f i o t burg
r t erly
o : the Chanibersburg Ripo'sitorst; the
latter bots.SA's mist; of the Fultou:Pema r I
(1 1 0; C. P. RAMSDELLi..of . the V enango
Citizen, and G-. P. : &TAW, .of the New-1
castle. t r iazetta j• and 4- : -..r, ITALDEM4N. Of
t.l e.,ll4riisttrg Patriot' any rnion,l was
d featett liS: only tWelv'o cotes in thelDan
'p' ijii and - Lebanon district, by . J.kmis B.
1 itTuEttOnp, Rep There will he at'
least, scYPII editor's in the "louse: this
E. J. ' K.F.E.SA:, of !the - Greensbur g
1- Ll enzo4at ; is elected - Register and Record
eIL of Westmoreland county, and Col, T. B,
SRAI I / 4 111T;. of.i the.. Genius of ~I,Ockty,
Prothonotary of Fayette County:, . E. B.
.loott•k:. ESq.,, of the Norristown Fatch
man , has' been. Chosen Clerk , of ;the !acre
, rai courts of MontgOnierY connty. I .j. C.
ll4rs, of the Crawford Jouellal;1;1 elect,
ed• Treasurer - of that - county - ; andl-.-..
Coilllll.Ai,' of the. Vencnigo" SpeCtaioi7; is
elected 'Prothonotary of tharcolinty.
The rGiivcrnor elect, arid HoN. 'JAMES
Titomrso:ti i • Supreme. Jude, . are'.' also
printers. -So ;also are both the Senators
at present from , our State in ihe. United
I States Senate. „ • . ,
Truly, the priutes in Pennsylvaninare
getting their '.well-earned revrard.4—Thur
turn may yet come
. . -
ST. L4lB, Nov. 5, 1867.
A letter in thelDeniocrai, dated. Le
clunpton, Nov. 2, says' that. i Walker bad.
left there u few.days before, and hiS des
tination ,was thought to—be Washington.
It is stated that,)Tialter's object in 'sta
tioning the troops at LecOmptbn was not
nizactly to protect the Couvention,oor to
itatch and be'prcpUred for any action his
Pro-Slavery enemies make against
him, but befause the Legislature, having
a! large Free-State `majority, will prObably
repeal the obnoxious laws and depose the
olliee-holders;in 'Which - vase a'repetition
of the bloody.'scen4 in the early history
of the.:TerfitOry'iii!appreliciidcd. , The
Constitution will be - submitted to the
pcbple with a Slavery clause which will
be objectioneble to.: the Pree-Stitte men.
and too
_moderate ; for the. Pro-Slavery
ul traists.
Cilinn Cornti!.
THANksaiviNG Siatmos.---11re are re
'rinosted to announce that the Rev. C:3l.
BLAKE Will preaeh . at the Presbiterian
Church, in this villaf.te; at'o'clock
31. on Thurstlay; . 2.othinSt., (Thanlisgiv
-Igg,) pprigal invitation 'is extended .
to all to participate.
POTTER C0. 7 ---The body of Gabriel
Barnes, of Oswego township, was found
ip the woods
. on the 30th ttlt., after a bung
and protracted st.'rell. Froiii the rippe4r
ances-if was-thought be had been killed
by the accidental - drseharge. of the gnn
while loading it.—Pittsturg D i spatch.
Tbcro is PPe ver i y puwnrrapted error,'
in the above item,-which wo desire to nor
rect. In our 'account of the •matter, we
gave no reasonto Suppose that Mr. hart es
was - "Isillo4 : t)y the accidental discharge'
of Om gun while loading it.", On the
contripy, we..gave. the only plausible . in-
fereuee of the cause of his death as there
were no external evidences of a Violent
death,--that being. a Fhilhng of the'blood
from 1 wading the. creek-QsFo.y . o, not
Oswegoilpd exhaustiou Alm Lard
' ,
The . Jotirol, 'for'
the Quarter. ending:Nov. Ist, is tet:cived:
kis enlarged some 25 pages, and Con
tains a'Catalogue of the premiums to
awarded at the fOurth annual draWing of ,
the Costnopolitan Art Assoei*tion, besides'
'a large • quatitity of Art literature and
news ye . copy the following iteM asi an
act - of juStidc to thy . Mtinagyri, and that
our-readers may he fullyitifortued ! , in
Bard •to the national Clgur . nf the Alp
" Potter 'Jotonel sa;Fti of
As§ociatiori• and its o:nl:mai engravings
The enterpristils /3. laudable 'one,
natiortel:ene, thot 3 / 4 gh we regret to see the
-agers of it sending M England to have t
engravings made: Can they not be as
done ; by ; our_own . t.rtists.?• Try it next t
Messrs. Mano . .gers. - Vet American geniuS
precedence. m-411 things, ; and -yen '4wi)
doubly deserting of the . support of
Art lovers.!
-" The joiailat Fdites wil be ?tin
Icant-that Cyr meat Tor s- engraving*"
,- 4 Shakelfands'—will - be from 'Ainenean
liiitads,-aa also are the plates ip this anm:
lier. of 04 Quarterli. The necessities.of
Wsipciation. heretofose, 'have compel.
'14411 . e' Pit-eatery. to go abroad for its an .
nuid'engnlving; tnl+ing , frotn eigkeen tot
thirkfinontlis to prepare a huge,
.class steel' plate, At‘erican engravers had
tOlinfi that time, tel execute the Asioeia.
tion's commission. - This is the reason of
that 6 sending to En t ...ltii.'l This tam,.
ber of our. Quarterly is _an of the
Association's \ patronage of _home. hands,"
Are yini'ivilitetis give-nib thane thi* '
yetetvMeium Nanagoral
"1 1 1101klfegliaey river
has got on another spree 7 auttwaa "high.
or" on. Tuesday, unarningJast than eve,
before known—'.even-by the very - oldest
`at - the' foot 0f
..‘,/ 414 sltWeVili
the ,pressure. of the tit*, and gallantly
wheeled around" to the_sides - of tbe stream.
where a large .portion °tit retnainsl.
farmers alonc , flee rigor, are, *iprestno,.
ready to believe. in the anti-irrigation,
system, especially it a season when ,kind .
Prio;idenee has, dealt:them• so laowltlfully
of rain: - Many farnis'in- this an d•-Me.
Kean County we presume; present quito
aqueous discs. .We have not learned
;what dent the yoognt, 41Cavy mins have
had on the Binnamehotiine and other
Futter'. county_ streami.; 'but. pristnne it
has been shutter to the effect on the Al.
. .
Wednesday noon.—The river is falling
pretty, fast„in eoliseoOpee Of 'a heavy
frost• last night. : Merolla now a prospect
of a few days' pleasant Weather., llope
so—we have not seen touch this . season.
. .
11:17 - 14,EY'S - SARSArILia. - -For all
'diseases of thetilend; nothing6S Yet been
found .to",eoutpare.with!, it... It cleanses
the :...Ystetu iupt4itics . , acts gently
and off! ien tly oti'the. liver. and. kidneys,
strengthens tho digestion, gives tone to
the stninuch,- makes the skin clear arra
healthy, and restores the constitution, en
feebled by disease, or 'brokort down by
the excesses of youth ; to its pristine vi go r
and • strength: . Every prtident person.
should use a few bottles, -particularly du
ring the , spring and .stuntuer utenths.—
.Irilminfiton. euu,' . • .
Paper Money and "Specie.
The Boston 'Transcript • futniskes thi#
i •
In comparing the paper of this canary
with that of Great.Britairi r we.find &total
in, the United States . of 8181,000,600.
Bank notes, resting on a basis of. 5139,-
000,000 of specie, (of wltichss9,ooo,oo;
is in 'public: stocks,. and 522,000,000 in.
gold in the sub-Treasnry.) . Iti Great
Britain there arc 5184, 00,000 of Bank
vesting on a basi of $144,000,000;
(of which S7,2;000,000 s in specie, and_
827,000.000 in public stocks.) , =
. . , . _
In the name and 4,t tht authOrity of the Common
wealth of renn`xylrania,J A hil e 'S I'OLLOCK,
Governor of tht'said ComMcntrralth.:
Fellow Citizens :—ToreTder ta Almighty
God, who controls the destinies' of nations and
men, the, home!ge of devout gratitude and
praise for biS gL‘duess and mercy, is the ap
propriate-and i.cilemn..duty Of a free and higbly
favored' people. As toe Giver of. every good
and gift, we sliouldever recognize Ilia
providence; and although adversity_ may
throw its dirk sillielows across our pathway ;
yet we should Ibe assured of this that "the
,judge of all the earth will do right."
Durin7 the past year th bounties of a kind .
Providence hate not been withheld trend our
Commonwenlthl Our fre institutions have
been preseryedjand our fyits and privileges,
civil anti' religious, enjoyed; and maintained.
The arts and' sciences, and! the great interests
of education, morality and religion,
claimed the attention . and re,icived the en
couragkruent of an' intelligent and liberal
people. llonoiable industry in its varied de
partments has been rewarded ; and although
recent and severe financial revulsion has filled
with gloom, sorrow and distress„ the .hearts
and homes of many of our citizens, yet no fear
of famine, no dread of impending public or
social calamity, mingies with our emotions of
gratitude for past hlessings t or weakens our
trust fur the ftifure, in the MovidenceOf Him
who wounels_hut to heal, and "chose inerev
endured' forever." A Mentions hariest has
j crowned the :allor of the husbandinniz,psare
I with its gentle. End reloading infitiences, and
nnwopted healfh 411 it a ttruats and mercies,
' have been vp.usirsafed to u:s.
In acknowledgment of these manifold bless
ings, we should offer untO , Gad !' thanksgiving_
and pay our vows' unto the most .High; and
call upon Ilim "in the day of trouble; - He will
dcli7er thee, and thou shalt glnrify
_ 'Under the. Solemn comietion of ,tis Pro-.
pricty of this duty, and to conformity with
establisitedreustom and the wishes ,of many
good citizens, I. Japre rot,tecr4 Goi•ernor of
the Comm onivealth of Pennsylvania. diihersby
43 - Orgencral thanksgiving and praisethrough
outlhis state, and earnestly requestthe pee: ,
OF that abstaining' from their usual STOM.
tions and all wordly pursuits, they assemble
on that according to their religious cue
torns, and unite itt,oficring.thanks to Almighty
God for his past 'goo'dnel and mercies; . and
while humbly acknowledging our transgres
sions, and imploring Ms forgiveness; beseech
!Dm, with sincerer and..earhest desjra, to re
turn and again. with Ws 11:1ing-ir.iad
noes, make -mi. worthy of Wa bounties, and
continue tons the rich blessings of liisproTi•
dence and grace, , ' •
Given Under - iny hand' anti` the' GicatlSeal of
the State, at Ilarrisbirg, this nineteenth
day of October, in-the yearof our Lord
s., one thou Sand eight hundred and fifty
sevent and. of the Comtnonwealtb - tkm
Govettscit. •t: 1.•
', '.- Join M. Beurt.4l6'
`• Dlputg terfatirettir4.cle
it he