SINGLE UOUiliS, } VGLUIHE 2.-WUMBEB. 15. THE POTTER JOURNAL, yyCDSQV.T) KTKTtY TilfBSUiY MO&VIKS, liY Tlios. S. f'lac, To wham fill L?uer nu I CftiumunicaUqna 5i,,~ bo to secure at,tantimi. I';'rii"l;n ariably i2l l4vatc: 51.*25 per tmintn. rMHniinmiiiiiiiluiiltiiilii^iuritlminijuiiii-.MtijfJUlnnl'ail;:!! Tc-i'mt# pi-' Aeivtirt j Square [ I*o Hues] 1 iixsortiun. - - - • ; H J •• ' --- $1 5b £ach iubjja|unt iy-icrtion leas than 13, 25 ;* !8 piure tfire£ moutba, ------- 2 .>0 ki ill " ------- A (10 .4 nine " ....... £sy •" •* nue year, ....... G 'JO ~:Ivle iiutl liyure work. j>r sij., 3 ins. 3 UU Nvetg subatxjucMfl iusartiou, ----- sti s Colnuin six months, ------- 18 00 ; ; *< " ------- JO 00 " " " ------- 7 0,0 u 11 por yoar, -------- 30 00 * " k '• 10 oo Jmioistrstor's or Exeutoi* Notico, 200 Auditor's Notice*. each, - -- -- -- 150 MO-RIFT .SALO*. PER TRACT, ------ 150 NDnirtgWXotire*, cadi. ----- -- 100 i, .xiri'i.sS or l'rofo-isiouaJ Ciirils, exich, oyi * liaes. prr v<-;ir. - - 500 •*i>ccia' add L hiorWtj Nuiiet-s. per line, lo a* j>"~A1! traasirut n,lverti-rait nt* must he l in Advance, nni't no notice will be taken ••! jiui vertiHeinetitx t'roni ndiNlaiiee, tin less tliev nrv Accouipunieil by the lnonov or satisfactory reference. .■■ a* ■.u.u— j a ij —t. 1-ulL 1 ." --i K.i jt "ijj fftWilttfS FiU'Ks. S- 7 , JOHN Sq 3i A>bf, ATTORNEY; Ano COLJLSKLLOR -AT LAV,;, Coudtrspprt, Pa., will attend ilye Severn 1 ( oarts in I'otter ati l M'lCettu (hiuiltfcj. All ba si uo*s entrusted :i n ; hi-' Cit; - o will rxecive prompt utti ntion. Ui'iiiC uu 3iajii el., opjxo sftc tin* Court' Honse. ' !(':! | J F?'\v'.~ \\'sV)\, r ArroitNEY AT LAY.. (Yu'lchmbrt. Pa.. * ill 1 regularly attend the Courts in Potter urid ■.he adjoin (Jounties. ltisl YLTIi! R (i. OLMSTED, ATTORNEY k Cor NSEi.l.tUt AT LAW. Coudsraport. Pa., will attend to ail business so trusted to his care, with prowptnes and fidelity. Ofliet* in Temperance Rio k, *e>- o:id .*lx?or. Main St. Io:l J.NAAi' LEN SUN. AITOHXEI AT LA W, Go tillers port, Pa., will, siitnd to all l>u,iiiiv s cnti'uafed to Film. with csr'nnd promptness. Uitbre comtu o; jd Third #tg. J0; i. , j J.. i\ W ILLIN'roN, ATiOR.SEI A T I.A'A. \\ ellsboro , Tiojrft Cot. Ps., m : !i attend the Lourtf iu Poller and li Kean CoiiTitit S. 9:13 '• AAP. COM-:. ATTftRXEr .IT LAW. Wellsboro'. Co . ; Pa., will reifulailr allend the L'uurta ol i Pwtttr County. 9:13 ];. \Y. HKNTO.S, A Nil CtLN'V'HY AM Eli, Hay-, iiop.s P. t>.. | AIlegaiiy T.,\ Patter Co., Pa.,' will sitcad to all biisinebs in hiy line. *vitli tare ami dispatch. 9:33 i W . K. KINO, SI'UVLYitR. I>R AKT>y AN AND COS"YEY- Ari(. r,ll. tSmctliport. ii rveau Cp., Pa,, v ill itttfad to bniness nou-regid'eiit land- Sol.iers. upon reasonable teniii-. lfctereu jfivu if reipjired. P. B.—Mapc of any pert of the County made to order. 9:13 o. T. EL LI,SON. mCT'tTYI! PllYtrlCl AN, Cpuilersj ort. Pa,.' rtetmrtfuHv informs the oitizmu i,f ih • \ il iag* and vicinity that he will prompl/rc ."i'oad to ail call- for professional (Vhfv on Main st.. in bnililiiig lonnvrly oc "p:rd or C. W.-Kllis,. J£.q. 9:32 c. s. jovr?. newts MASK. " A. r. JOKES. t)ON KS, .M ANN A J()N i !S, diIALaR.S IN DRY CDODH, CIK/i KKRY, 'hardware. Roots A Shoes, Groceries and jrpvifiows, Maiii et., Cuuderspori, Pa. ' J0;1 SMITH. K. A. JvJ.stS. HMITII & JONES, ptALEJiS IN DRI'GS. MKDJCjNES. PAINTS, "ilb. Fuucv >Yrtic[eK,Stationery', Dry Goods. Creeriei 4 Ac., Main st., Coudcrsport. Pa. 10:1 1). K. OLMSTED, 1 PKALER IN DRY UOttDS, ULADY-MADE Clothinjj, Crockery, Groceries, Ac.., Main st.. ' c.o'trsporf. l*a. * lt';l M. W. MANN," P'-M.EJi IN ROOKS A STATUiNL'RY. If AG '. i,\ KS ami 'Mnic, N. W. corner of Main *— > itji. | sta., Coudcrsport, I'u. 10:1. •I:, N IIAITAINGTON, • r,rt Coudcraport, Pa., -g cngng ' a v'iidow ij S- honviaker A Jackpnn,'e 7 •"(■ will cary on tiie Watch and J-revelry • ; .*: r i>t tip re. A. hire ..s-ot of Jcw- VD l *ou-taqiiv on hard. pud J*elrr cvrfuliy repiifred. in ?'y L-. Clj the shorteY*. notii e--:;!l wyrk warranttd. 9:24 ULNMtV J. vU/iSTM!'. it'cci£r,4ou yo j,iii.3 w. .-iiurtf.) -M- IN -liUYKS. TIN & Si J LET IRON' V l wE, Main -1. nearly oppo>ite ill-"* ('or.tjt ; '*s-e ( oudcrsifort. Pa. Tin nn i Sheet v f are made"to order, in jjood style, on l?, trt hot'me. Ift I f'Oi* fiEit^rORT"I.H >TKL;"" ' l *■. PRASSMIRF.. Proprietor. Corner of !ib,H tnd Second ijtrc-cts, Coudcrsport. Pot i t. 9:44 ALIxEGANV jiOl SE, Proprietor, < 'oloslmrg " rfr R'.) t'a., seven iniics north of Con- ou the Wr-tHvllk Rwt. 9:4 I , t L . 1 Cfifilftl i GIVE 'HE A LOVING HEART." j ~ , i CJive m# a 1 iVDi? heart! 1 ;.-j buUsr fur tli. ii ftnixa. ■ , M liich ;< at Ijlsi a Heeting thing, T!iO lireethiiH-; of a iiftni". .' I , 1 For 'aiireis gaihy-reil fre.-h and .ore en, ~ M here 'lowers in heauiv Mooin, Wired 'uodnd ttrrStnd n mortal brow, ■I Soon wither iu the tomb. : i Give me u loviu^hym^J l! More pFtocio\s far Uiswi grJ-J, ' Or nil the wdalth tliHt India bonats, li Yea, India's wcnlth twice tolij, f i. For what are gold, or pearls, n ()r kingly" diadems. t t i 1 Compared, with qyc.tcue loving heart, i' The purest of earth's gems ? 1 j Give me a loving heart I To clfeer me on nty way, Through this dark world of sii\ and jtain, , j To •(' endless day. For naught can <* il: tin- troubled breast, (J: holier balm impart, j j To tRe iifc.-\v.e>?ry juigrim herf, Than" One tru- 1 sving*heart.' t w . • 9f , ■ . ,T. I bo Roco-You're (oo lilfs<* to t'flltll}.')., . . j Hy ELI.SK LoI'IHA CIIAVULfE. 'j "J'here were dhrte of ua —Knto, Ari t licUti itiitl invself; ami vvc werc guiilSj liitg' t!io oltl woods to luiiit stn*Nvb'H - ries. Oh,' it vans sii'-di a - an erui-' nent degree the elements of the pictur fMjvte. The low root which sloped baek waid a early to the ground was gi'ey With ; i moss. ivy crept about the wiudows. ; and over the rustic }or eh had twined oliiiibing robes', along with heavy clusters of trumpet-creepers. I There was a rude seat at the doorway, made ot tire little boughs of the white i pireh, twisted together in a fahtsmie ' manner, and Grandmother Harrington was wont to sit therewith tier grey wool en knitting work. Uh 1 what, a irvat we used to think it to spend a InaLhoii day v,it!i Kate ilarrington. "1 wish I. were you, Kate," exclaimed Annette after we had spent half the long Minmier aftcrnoou chasing butterflies^;inu I arranging a vegetable baby house, with hollyhocks for our ladies parasnls ; and tea-pots, niauufaet'ured out Ot \' ritable ' poppy-pods, " I wish 1 were you and then 1 could be happy all day long with noth ing to trouble me. i "\ uu could, could you and Kate s ; cheeks .Hushed, as she put away from ! them her heary bands of biac'k liair, *' v 1 ul think so, and that s ail you khow about it. J nave a thousand things to ; vex me. There's Hose, for instance. — Mother expects me to be constantly tak ing care ol her, and she's the greatest little tormeut you ever saw! JBv the way, ' 1 iet's start after those strawberries 'in tne woods now she s out or .-ighi tor a inoaicnt, j HO she won't tease to go with U-," We were just half-way across the ' meadow, when we heard a sweet Voice. 1 saying, " Please' sister Kate, wants to go too." . J 1 turned around, T remember, and thought liow beautiful was the little creature coming toward us. She was ! very unlike her sister Kate. Kate was a brunette, but .the little white-robed fig ure Coining towards US pale, spirit ual i;ue, and long curls iff golden liair falling to her tiny waist. I ncre was a i flu?h on her cheek, and a look of eager, heweehing interest in Lev iargw. Lxuo cy-s, and she kept frying iu her earnestness: " please girlb wait for iiose. ' \ jook of vexation crossed Kates face, • and 'she called out ia a tone of extreme ' irritability: ** Go back, Hose you're too liiti io eonie." Oo back 1 Kate always had away of being mind ed, aad the little one put her tibgers to her cyes, and silently turned towards that ■ l\ote. We hurried on iu the direction of the woody without giving a single glance backward. i ihii'k Kates eiiU acicnce reproaeliej her for her seltishness, and J know my pleasure was spoiled for. the aiternooji. Ave.found plenty td 'strawberries, red Bud rip'b ou'.oug their' JIHMJD io in.' of iru-i tpf? I"i>2 of YXVOIILJ, jE.i-icrtm.irc iittof. COUBSRSPORT, POTTER COUNTY, FA., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1807. 1 beds of lfiaves. 'J'hero were little Mue- I eyed blossons tov, that kept reminding i me of Hose, and 1 was not sorry when; . the sunset shadows lengthened and we 1 tu; c.ed to go home. 1 We had gone d-*wn the feiJVi rut of the ! woods, and crossed several rods of the j mod'.wlatid, when Kate kaicl in a hoarsx* whis-per. 1 ' see there girls, what is that ' white tluhg-by the'Krook. Ho you see 'it'{ ' AYe saw it and hurried towards it.—} It was Lose. At first we thought - she I j was dead. Scarcely seemed the faintest j breath to steal from her parted lips, amlj | the pulsations of (he heart were so weak! | you could scarce ly feel them. She was .in a kind of trance like sleep. It was i semettip before wo succeeded in waking j "her. and then her limbs seemed chilled and stiffened by the subtle of j the iiioadcw-!aud atmosphere. She could 1 | not stand. How many times, that after- i j no. u tug .little darling had begged us to j •• makeVehair" for her with' our hands, iiucl answered that We cbulfl not stop. | \Ye made oiie now. , v -he twined her! ! dTinplod arms about our nteks, and held j •on very tight; hut r-Jm didn't speak ex- ! • cept once and then she only said, " ain't j 1 most big enough, sister Kate?" Three days'passed—days of ineesSnnt ' watekiug and vvcariiicm, and towards' ievening tlfe little Hone opened her blue' ■ eyes after a lbsffess slumber. Rhe seem-! Icd much befttii 1 . and (he mother glanced ! hopoaVly up to tlic'kind physician bend ! leg over her. i -I jptnufxUiiay she's better, madam." i God knows I' wish I could; but ilose 11iu.-1 die before iniduight 1'" and the Wars , steed in glitLrirg drops on the good; limp's check. ~ The mother's grief was not noisy.— j She quietly lifted her darling from the bed, and sat down with her in her arms. Kate stood by, sobbing, as if the brand ol Cain were upon hyr brow. '• J'lease, mamma," said the little one, at length, yam 1 big enough to go to ; 1 leaveu ' '• Yes darling," was the tearful answer. '•Jei>r.s loves, lit tie childrtn. ' •• Aud, maiuiiia. "j'G'jia suppose lie'll • forgive mo for sitting down in the mead ow to watch Kate, .when you told me 1 mustn't st y there ?" •' Yes, my pet, the Saviour will for-| give you for everything, if you are only sorry ; but Hose doesn't want to go to heavy n and leave iyother, does she " I beard somebody say 1 must go, j when. I v.a- Imiecp ime iu-r; a beautiful 1 lad v, with oh! such bright sl-iuiag wings,; and she stretchy.! out her arms to me. l.'Ut 1 qidn'tgo. I woke- up ju ; -t to kiss < yon and sister once more. j Tease hij ine Kate. "Little Hose won't never be naughtv'aiiY imire u; in heaven; and 1 grow big bcirire you come, Kai.e, z-o i cnu play witli yuu uj> there ! ' There wore tears, sighs, a funeral and a little collin. The ro-cbud opened its petals (?n the bosom oi Jesus, 'ihie iiitle earili liuwer was "big enough for licuv-< " u How an An yconixa was cap'-Titied. j —A few bays since Captain Yv'ilsou ar rived in poi t with three anacondas, vrhich he iitul conveyed to his house in Front -trcet, id'MJve South, f bui oil no .animals, a ' b luiiiui ' fellow, fifteen feet long, and etout iu proportion, became among the missing on Tupedfty la;st, oud it was tuougut he Ifgd been stolen : but yestcr uay afternoon the fact leaked out that his m:keship had merely jourue ,'ed oil*on an exploring expedition, or perhaps he fan cied himself iu his unlive land and went in search of tho elephant ; at all events, :ifterui)"ii ptheci 01 of tuc Sec ond I>iv lsioii was iuFvvausun street, near Foutli, when a Hibernian came to him it; breathless lmsto and stated that a "Whap ping big bull b-g was in tire cellar." — No. 01 immediately descended to the cel lar iu search Oi the big dog, but was astouisiied at putting foot up :on bo'iietbing slimy. No. 01 next heard a trcui'i'i Inous, and concluded it was about liu.c to, but iu attempt ing to beat a* retreat lie found he hud caught a tartar, for the snake wound him self arouud one leg and the body of the officer, and commenced to crush him up in accordance with -the regularly estab lished practice of anacondas. * Fortunate ly for the police establishment of the rite oud L'istrret, No. t>J is a very jvowerl'ul man, and as spunky as he is athletic. He seized the si.iie by. fhe back of the nsck with a tremendous grip, and heid him very uncomfortable and much astonUheu until (japtam AVilsou was scut for. J lie < kqtL-iin relieved No. LI iu the custody of the snake's nape, and while.he held ou the "othrer unwound himself. — Fiiuu. BolUt! Hi MAINE, New* ilamp.-uire, A'crmoutg Connecticut, Khodo Lsland, lowa ami Minnesota have ail held elections since the I'residential contest. Every one of them has siuitained its position as a lle ' publican Ktr.te by decided and triumphant Imejoritieg. * . , frlfftrti iHirrrilanij. j If YL'flt FOOT i FKK'I IV. giSw n . If your foot is pretty, show it, Ki> fiistter-wlier*? nnr When : Lot nil fir luajdons know it, Tiie foot t:, it H fI!J tilt! f 111 wit. ® The face. so and fovojv. May charm ibe gnaer i eye, But if the foot is liomeh- He'd qcicktV pnss' in r by. If your foot is pretty, show it, - < ; „\\ lnn> yon trip alo&tf tim street, For it will catch the eager eyc-s Of ('Very man von meet. D'Jn t toss your glossy riuglets, N!>\v Yrhd.y and last win ter came to town t-sefi! her, Inuring Iter i Msfsfv. she maou's, partook to-the full, of the peculiarly female enjoyment ofj .-hupping, and promenaded Broadway to. her heart's content. 15ut the crowning wonder *f all was vet to cume. "I intend, my dear Mrs. Peabody," , -aid lur hostess one morning, "to give a , small party while you are here. You do not think of leaving tn? before next week, 1 trnst," "No, Mrs. Peabody liopcd not," con gratulating herself mcaowiiile upon the opportunity of seeing a little of up-towii; aristocracy. In the buoyancy of her' heart, she. went down to .ftewnrt*k and bought her daughter Ellen a new dress for the occasion—happily, however, guid ed in her selection by Alia. Taylor's taste. .Mrs. Peabody was not sufficiently rus tic to suppose that knitting-work would form part of the amusement- of the coin- 1 puny, or to expect the refreshment of tea, either black or green ; but still we must; confess that her anticipations of the eve ning's entertainment were rather behtiid the age. Mot so those of her daughter. When the young lady was placed at : school, her parents had given orders that-' : no pains should be spared regarding nc couipiishgwuts; juently, dancing, in all the fashionable varieties of .propinqui ty, had not been neglected, hike adored the Polka,,was fojjd of exhibiting a pret ty foot and-ankle in. the Bolero, and was au adept in the schottiscp. Her ideas then >v.ere set lu music a- abe arrayed her self that eventful niuht. Xong before she had adjusted to her satisfaction the fireman knot into wh'cn her jtrecses were gathered, iter-mother's preparations were, completed. Disregarding her daughter's . warning that nothing \\ouid be ready so early, she descended ty the parlor. Y hat washer attfouisLmeufc to tin d not Ai crea ture there, and the g:u nut yet turned on. making ncr way to a .-mo bracket, which was burning dimly, she looked at her watc- p, and sly murmured something she did not hear, and cxteml !ed his &nn. Ellen ruse, and the stran ger, encircling her waist, whirled her away to the music of the fascinating richottisch. Her daughter, yes, it was her' own daughter that that impertinent man was whirling round the room in that style 1 — : And her own daughter that so coolly and quietly permitted such a liberty ! Had Ellen no dflicacy, no sense of propriety left ? This had never entered her thoughts, even as she watched the oth ers, that her own daughter could be made a partaker in such an improper exhibi bition. And how dared the man do such a thing? to take her from her very side, right before her eyes ! Suddenly recov ering her powers of speech, ol'locomotrou, Airs. JLVabody darted across and. seizing Ellen by the arm in the midst of a graceful tdton re, exclaimed, "Let go of my (i aught of, sir!" The ustonished gentleumn almost un consciously retained his hold, nut certain whether it was not a crazy woman who. wip* add'.-esß?ng him. Afrs. Peabody then grasped his aim and shook it violently, repeating. "Let go of uiv daughter, sir, instantly ; 1 will not have this.-, tjlie shall not disgrace licrself, if others Jo." The toim and. manner immediately at tracted every one's attention. The poor man, frightened almost t(V death, made a sudden retreat from Ellen as if she had been a serpent. . Mrs. p. was left alone with her daughter iu the centre of the room, all Yves fixed upon them. How fervently dhl poor Ellen piviy that Ponm aeeid'Hit would happen fo the'gas-* act'rkeave the eoirpanv in t*Ld darkness ; But no; tW uiaujonds, real and iiuim tiou sent back the liglit as dazzling!y as ever—no earthquake c:\u.o to her relief —the floor would rfot open and let her sink through, and she tit laMunhed bing from the room, deep mortification and disappointment strugglir-g .iu .her j ibreest. |l •{ FOUR CENTS. TERMS.--$1,25 PER AMNUM. i lier mother stood still, fanning with renewed 7.eal, her eyes glowing with 'righteous indignation.'' Ail was con fusion in thore brilliant rooms Some of the ladies, thinking it a good opportunity to show off sweet sensibility, made dem wußtriitions of fainting—several got up a small edition of a scream—scent bottles were drawn forth, and eye-glasses put in requisition. Jll a few momenta there was a general uproar. No one understood .Mrs. Pea body. Among the retiued and fastidious fashionables of New York there assembled, not one comprehended her feelings. Astonishment, fright and sar casm, were the only emotions excited.— Never before had those frescoed walk witnessed such a scene. Mrs. Taylor made great exertions to calm her excited guests, and things were at last restored to their old train. Mrs. I'eabody had seen sonic fashiona ble amusements of New York. She had .seen fashionable dancing for the tirst, and she hoped the last time. She left the city; laying her positive and solemn coui ' mauds upon her daughter never again to ■be guilty of the glaring impropriety of dancing any of the fashionable dauees. I Among the guoßts at Mrs. Taylor's party the scene which she caused—on ' anomaly iu the history of fashionable life ' —was long.remembered; and Mita. PEA !BODY TIIE SETJI/RITSAI was long a I by-word among them. THE PRINTER. —The Belfast Meroi*rp gives the following in relation to printers: From high to low they are the saum 'careless, light-hearted, clever, well in- I formed, reckless fellows, knowing how to . act better than they do—nothing nt times —everything if the otension requires or the tit takes tlieui. No sooner are they 'comfortable in one town than they make | tracks for another, even though they : travel on 'hair space' means. And 1 t • what will they not turn their hands ? "We have seen," say the American edi tors. "one and the same individual of tho I craft a minister in California, a lawyer i.i Missouri, a sheriff iu Ohio, a boatman 0:1 a western canal, sailing a privateer, and a pressman in a large printing office. Nor are the characters -confined to auy one country —they are everywhere the saint. We have met them as lecturers, aotmr, traveling preacher, ventriloquist—iu fs.o*, every uiiug. We have met on a tramp iu this country members of this roving 'profession from all parts of the globe— Frenchmen, Spaniards, Portuguese, Ger mans and Swedes, and all apparcntlv as much at home as in their own countrv. Ardent lovers of liberty, king-craft ami priests find but little fas or in their eye?.. They ure always with the people. \Vhcu the Chartist excitement was raging in England, the most eloquent and spirited leaders in the movement were printer*. When barricades were raised in l'aris iu the compositors cast their typoirit bullets and fired them at the royalist; troop?. When the Americans Were au war with Mexico, one of G-eneral Taylor's regiment}! was composed almost eni'uely of printers, and they were the bravest oi" his troops.'' To DESTROY LICE ON CATTLE, &C.— Messrs. Editors : lit one of your late pa pers, sbme one inquires for the best means of keeping liee from cattle and horses. 1 can tell him how to do it ef fectually. My father was a good farmer in olden times. But his cattle and colt* would sometimes get busy. Being the young est son, it was made my business to take care of the calves and young colts, and sec them safely through the winter. To keep the lice from them 1 tiied a decoction of tobacco, applied to their backs and ncc-ks. it never failed. 1 then tried Scotch snuff, sifted on to their backs. That also proved equally efficacious, and was more couvcuient than the first exj>er irnent. But on examination 1 found that all the cattle and colts that were in the habit of standing before the barn-door whilst tin?, grain was being wiunowod, and becoinewcli covered by the chaff, were never lousy. I then tried sifting chaff dust upon the calves, and found it as ef fectual as tobacco in any form. Since that time, I have sified upon the calve* ury, fine dust from the streets, and find that equally as efficacious as either of the other experiments. liens and chickens are apt to get lousy when kept in a close }cn where they can hare no convenient plaqe to scratch in the dry dirt. But give them a chance Ha scratch and roll the dry dirt, and they will never be troubled with lice. J. b. El>c. ELTON, Waverly, N. Y.—£Oouui/y Gentleman. . A r.vny in Grenada'. Miss., has blessed her husband with eighteen heirs. She lift? had twins five times, and a few weeks since gave birth to a trio, who are said to be remarkably tine looking, and doing well. AT. WAYS doubt th> sincerity of n girl's love when you see her wipe kef mouth alter you kits her.