The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, September 10, 1857, Image 4

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(4' Ai %Lie Ase ; the gre l r4 fat cause
iglealo!:tiatAtkef laws.
• . •
ON' RamilMit
4.14. !iFrAS,-.174--gy
.fT ri ..
pi...44.k :r. -- ob Pehjitty g - ...Viiiiitici, • Gee,
.orisre,'Did , iisi, Disegisf of ply /Octavo l'ad
Dta74.-ir, -. Aticiarriql. R#es4ql44; &toper,
l'iiiror is tiii; :Bona unit Xll'lea,leisesssel of the
Loop, - Ti.re4st, Nose and Eyes, Ulcers upon ids
'.. - 21ixty orlaimilr; Concert, Drollest; Epileistie Ants,
:Si. - 97:di/Dance, and at 1 diseases ariein,7 from
4 4thl! 4 / 4 1411 t'of 0
.1 1 4404 Ch - 000, . '
;Atli as 'N' erten* Trembling. Loss of lrfcgir
tr .
ors; Leis of Power, Gvneral 'Weakness - ,
•batiess, of Vision wit, pgsuliar spats appear
tag tiefort' the eyes, I. ss'ot Eight', 'Wakeful
pme;Dyiinepels, Liver Disease Erupthins uticin
ttui'fice Pain in the back and head, Female
ittegillaiities and all improper discharges from
ioth sated. lensattetar nrAft.'frotin what cause i
the diSease originated, howeveilonistataling
kr °hitt:Ate the ease; recovery is eertain,And in
lesiiniterlime than a permanent cure can be et- ;
feetedlay any other' fipatnvnt, 'IF; after,the
disease as baiddthit skill of eminent phvsi
'clans and resisted all tigeir means (if ogre. P f he
Medici:tee are pleasiintWithout odor, causing po i
Oiskiattst *and - -11-e:e from mercury or. balsam.
Daring twenty year of practice, I have rescued
from the jaws of Death many thousands, who,
to the last stages of the above mentioned die-
eases find been given up to die by their physi- 1
;Sans, which Warrants me in promising to the
ialliicted, who may place themselves under my 1
ears, a IperfeCt 4ndiz t ost speedy -cure. secret
Disilisiti are 'the'greitestenemies to health, as I
they arm the lint cause of Consumption, Scrof
eds., and many other diseases, and should be a 1
*Tor to the'bdman family. As a permanent 1
in re . is i scarcely ever effected, a majority of the I
enses;fellibit into the hinds of incompetent i
Finon;; dell n ;trot only fait to cure the diseases
fret ruin the constitution, filling the system .
With mercury, Iwhich, 'with tile, iiiscase, has
tens the sufferer into allipid Consumption.
. Ent shotild' the disease and the treatment i
not' orieseideath speedily and the victim mar- i
iiiii4 the disease
_Li entailed upon the children. ,
who are horn "with feeble canstitutiopii and
ft 9 OiFferit of iife•cnrrmittillly a virus which
trays itself in Screfulti, 'mail. i peers, Erup
ens and other Silfections`of the Skin. Eyes,
'tweet and Lungs, entailing upon them a brief
existence of suffering and consiaguiug them
'aii tiailfgrave. - • .
• SELF AD1.7,8E is another formidable er,prny
tee health, tar nothing else in the dread rata, 1
ki ‘ .trueief 1111 Man diseases causes so destructive' .
a dr'a b i'upcia tbb systeo, drawing its thousands
bf vietims throne' . , a few years of snirering
liosin to an untimely grave. It destroys the
ervous system, rapidly wastes away the en
argieS `of I life, 'causes mental derangement,
preventi the p . roye . rdeveleippient of the system,
disiitislifieli- for marriage, society, business ,
and all earthly happiness, and leaves the sof
farererreeked- in body and mind, predisposed
in ionsinnplion no a train of evils more to be
dreaded' iliaraesifh itself.* With the fullest
aop4dencß'T nislip !I:i!, unfortunate victims of
Palf.i.laihsa that a permanent and 'Speedy cure
iieri be 'affeete.d, and with the. abendonment of I
ruinous •preietilest my patients cen'he restored
fio rebinit, vigorous health. • 1
The afflicted are cautioned againit the use
pt r Attiiatlicidicine.i, for there . are so , Many.
Tuferdolls snares in thecollinins 4( the pnbil:
trite to extfch'and rob the 'unwary su ff erers
1 milliota five their constitutions ruined
. the. , vile compounds of quack ' doctors , or
fittli equally' 'Poisonous nostrums •rended as
f`Ratedflfeilicineiirl-halre careippy analysed
many of the'sd!called'Ntent ifediciiies• Ind
fLiti 010. 9, all of theta cpitit it iii DRrrosiie
SI lienate,,isliicti is pip PT Die strongest pre
iyarations,cif mercury and a deadly poison.
which instead or caring . tlitt disease dissibies
ftie Osten' . forlife: - . .
„Three-fourths of the patent-nostrums now
iil use are put np by unprincipled and Ignorant
.irseue, who do not undtirsteirl even tits 11;
tmlf. elf the niateria i l ifiea, and are . equallY
destitute of any knowledge of the humisn!
ftfet . .*.lielsiog - one 'otiiset only in view, and'
the-tin it itilsc . tueney regardless g enusequen.
1 rregularities and all - diseases of males' and
ktrodeie 4e*4.. op • pilneiples established by
tivriinty years or practice, and sanctioned 'by
thoutapiis of the most retharkable cures, Med
ic:bilge with full directions senv to any part of
tae: :v i sited' Stites:or Catiadti. by patients
torninttniCiting •their symptoms 'by letter.—
~ ltitietisii Certespoudeuce strictly confidential.
iddiesiv.'' •• - ' • ' --
• .
Office N. 1,13/ Filbert St,
(Old No. i n)
rwin,rru, •
- E. E. smog.% •
offers Great Induceplellts
_ the store formerly occupied by D. W.
SPZVOER, on 3d Street, North side of Public
A good .assortment constantly onhand, froth
Which / will etnizperatela few of the leading
eraclee, such gs
Sugar, - Mustard, Cnnitv,
coffee, Oinnapon, ;Tuts
Molasses,. Pepper Soviet, Crackers,
Syrnps, . Catsup, ' ' Soap.
• Pepper, Yeast, Candles,
Aptly Oils, shot,
tiger,- - Tut aceo, Lead,
c_k4veir,' Snuff,. oG." Caps,
.1111gb. 4ods, &gip, O. Tartar,
and s ininy other things tool:pm:corona to men ;
lion, Xlll bo found in this depprtrueut, which
will be sold a trifUng advance from cost,
1 141 ": 0 • 41 / 09."
flonetantly on hand, such Re '
BUTTER, CHEESE;. 14R4,U438 * ,
0,114:8, DRIED PLUMS,
E 4 sassy otheV - *rides in the line of Provi
nvzot necessary 'to ;tenting. Also,
,nth as Brooms, Wash-Tubs and Boards, Mops,
Roxes,"kc.,-irbich will be sold low for
fedi. or •reiq Pay, Oats, Potatope, Butter,
F4gs, Cheese, and in tact *thisdit eigeYti4g a
fs‘rtuerraises, will bi taken in exqlotrite-for
(('s' cads, their rash value. I trt ! at
%gam of rtirsers; Farntra and Lumbermen
iii Ossire to make iusre sieian the above
tirtitel4,s ) . snd solicit their io call before per
litaeiP,lr, &Wisher*, E. K. SPENCER;
Coudersport, June J, 1857,--I0:3.
id/% 1 D:I) Met:ONl4 sriioCti - w- other ex
thr Wit* ft E444ple n 1 rood*
/4 , f.r Aso:, att E. X. tiPtiVelgll'H,
k°91 0 491; 11 g Alnel!o ll ente - tr i # l. *
alualtution of thelCo
i c.s.OZV. D by toe &Tate 'pazims of
Reieweraitiau of iAe CotersotaakA of
efnjegm4 'rfewral kisseeralig . , met : That
the - totaripf; anylidatcpts are praix!sed to the
corts t raup44 Otritmtogif" eft), , m accord
with the pitrilsiolts or the teeth article
There shat) I,e 4n i additional article to said
constitution to he I/At/4400s att4le eleven,
as follows
ahllots ipr,
stcnox I. The state mav contract debts, to
supply visual dericits or failures In revenues.
or to meet expenses u4t gthp lge pro Tided
for; but the aggregate amount of ;such debts
I direct and contingent, whether contracted by
Virtue 44 one or upre acts of tlie general as
sembly, or at ditfqrent
,!periods of time, shall
never exceed seven hiunired and fifty thousand
dollars', and the moneylarising rm .- ea the crea
tion of such debts, shall ha applied to - the.
purpose for which itwes obtained, or to repay
I the dehts-so contracted, and to no other pur
pose whatever. - I
Sectzot: t In additiOn to the ebove limited
power' the state may contract debts to repel 1
invasion, suppress itqurrection, 414464 {hp
state in war, or tore deem the present out.'
standing iodebtedneasiotthg state r but the ,
money arising front the contracting . of such
debts, shall be applied ha tlpurpose for which
it was raised, or to rePay.sucir debts, and to
go other purpose 'whatever.
SZCTION 3, Except the debts above epeci fi od,
in sections one and two of this articlp, no debt
whatever shall be created by, or on behalf of ,
the etfhlP
- 'ox 4. Tr for the payment of
SECTION :o pEror t for the paymeo.
the present debt, and 'any additional debt con
tracted as aforesaid, the legislittnre al;pil, at
its first session, after the , adoption of this
amendment, create a Sinking fund, which shall
be sollicient to pay the accruing interest on
such ilpht, and annually to reduce the princi
pal thereof lay alum! not less than two hun
dred and fifty tlibusand dollars ; Which sink s
ing fund shall-61c of the net 'annual in
come of the politic grks, trout time to time
owned by the state the proceeds of the tale
of the same, or atiy!part thereat sold of the
income or proceeds of sale of stocks owned by
the state, togidlicr With other funds, or resonr
ces, that may im oplgaateil by law. The said
sinking fund rimy be increased, front time to
time, by sissigoing to it any part of the taxes,
,or other ret ermes the state, not reoliired fqr
the ordinary and current esppoßes of govern-,
nicht, and finless in j case_of war, invasion pr
insurrection, no part:of the said sinking fund
shall be uied or applied otherwise thah in ex
tinisuishment of the public debt, until the
amount of such di-bt is reduced b.lov the ,
sum of five millions of dollars.
Secrtds 5. The credit of the commonwealth
shall not in any manner, or crept, be pledged,
or loaned to, any individual, company, corpofi
ration, or associatieu ; nor shall the common- .
wealth hereafter become a joint owner, or
stockholder, in ear company, association, or l i
litcpci,R 6. The /commonwealth hall not SA
sumeihe debt, or any part thereof, of any
county, City, borough, or township ; or of any
corporation, or association ; .unless such debt
shall have been lontracted to enable the state
to repel invasio nsupprcas donießtie insurrec
kion, defend itself in time of war. or to assiAl
the state in the. 'discharge of any portion or
its preieut'indehteduess.
Sserios 7. The legislature shall nat
ize any county, city, borough, township, or
incorporated district, by virtue of a vote of its
citizens, or otherwise, to become a stockhold
er in any company, association; or .corpora 7.
lion ; Obtain money far, or loan its credit
to; stay - orporatitau, association, institution, or
party. •
There stint', be an additional aniete tp said
jeoustitetion, to be designated as aritele
nr icakiw ;
♦C - LULU vl
pir NEW comas
guqnty shall be divided by a lips ct;ttifit
off over one-tenth of its' population, (either
Fo farM a new county or otherwise.) without
the espress assent or such couutr, by a vote
of the electors thereof;.nor shall soy new
county be established, enntainig2; lupp than
four hundred square miles.
• 1:11IRP
Frans settler) lieu Of the first ertlsle of- thp
constitution, striku out the words, "of tile city
of Phaadelpia, and of each county respreticely ;"
frontl'sectiott five, same - artiele, strike out the
' words, Pliihadelphia and tyr the several cone.:
ries ; front section seven 'same article , _ strike
out the .-intither the city of Philadelphia
nor any," and insert in lieu thereof the words,
' “and wit" and strike ant 'seetionfour, same ar
t fide," and in lieu therief :insert the folliSwing:
"Sscrios 4. In the year one thousand eight
hundred and sixty-four, and in, every seventh
year thereafter, representativeslo the number
of' one hundred, thall he apportioned and dis-,
triltuted Brittany. thrqugh.,out the state, by
districts, in proportion to,; the number of taxa
. hie inhabitants 'in the several parti thereof;
except! that any county; containing at least
three thousand hve hundred taxable:, may be
alinwed• a separate representation i but no
Ilion! than three counties, shell be joined, and
no county shall be divided{efpnuatiJnaf
a district.- Any • city col:11414n; a aullicient
number of taxables tq entitle it to at least two
representatives, shall have a separate repre
sentation essignedit, and shall be divided into
convenient districts of eontiguous torritorv,
of equal taxable poptilation as near as may
each of which districts ahal - cleat one repro
sentatiee." '
At the end of section; seven, same article,
insert these words, "tbe city of I'bitruklphia
shall be divided into single senatorial elietriets t of
eostiguoat territory at nearly &pal in • ter.rakic
population at possible; brit no 'ward sAall be di.'
ride(' Amation the',e6l;
The legislatnie, at its;first senility.; sifter the
adoption-of this amendinent, shall divide the ,
the city of Philadelphia into senatorial and
representative districts, in the manner above
provided isuch districti to remain nife.han-*ed
until the apportionment in the year one thou :
sand eight hundred and sixty-four.'
There shall t i F„ 4p, additional sectlrio to the
firstartiele of said constitution, Which
b,e nWr i liaretl awl read :la fiallows :
f gtitM . 2 6. The legkslivive 811141 hare - .the
power to alter, reTokeyqr annul, aqi charter
of incorporation hereafter conferred by, or un
der, any sitUFlal, or general hiw, wilenever in
their *Pinion it'ury do iniutiolis'l6 the citi
zens of this 'outitionvieslth ; in such
howein'y, that noAnittatioe dhoti be done to
C 2
IN SENATE, Yire4 27, 1857.
That thie rev:dation plat.. Oaths
frist amcodment, yetis Payil; on the sec:
gal ainecolozent, yeas 23, Days oliftt
amendment, - yeas 24, nays 4; we. {ye' fookth
asnendmait, yeas 23;nays 4.
LEstroottrozn theJun=4ll
ugo. W. 8AY6.1381,1; Cierl.
April 29;1857.
Reed:44 That this tesolution pals. On the
first amendment, yeas 78, nays 12 ; on the sec
ond amendment, rose 57, nays 34; on the third
amendment, yeas 72, nays 22; on the fourth
amendment, yens as, nays 7.
• LEstract from the Jorirnal.]
Filed in i.cmkq's Otte, May 2, NV.
A. U. tultTIN,
Secretary of the Contricoialdhh. .
gPgilf4.44ro OffTcF,
PAERLascb4, Jana
Powaylvam - a, ss :
du certify that the above and foregoing . . is
true And correct copy of the original "Kcio
'Orion proposing amendments to the•Cpnstitu:
rims 0 the Comnanswealth" witli.the. tat in
each branch of the Lcgisiaturenpon the final
passage thereof, ns,appeara frees thi originals,
on fill iq,.
Q testimony whereof hate herenn
v"' '*""Jto set taY halal and ceased be p t fh.sed
the seal of the Secretary's Mee, thCclay and
year abase written.
A, qL. CrOtift,
. &a -Story of the t'A'onunorasealth,-,
• . ,
IN ,SENATE , March 27, 1e57.
The resolution proposiug amen d nieuht to the
Coaptitutiou of the•Cuutruouweallh being uu
der cortaiderution,
On the question,
Will the tiouata agree to the first arnend
The yeas and nays . were taelf,agreeably to
the provisions of the Cluecivithm, and were
as follow, viz
YEA.S--Messra. Brewer, Browne, Coffey, Ely,
Evans, Fetter, Flenniken, Frazer, Ingram. Jor
dan, IQBinger, .Knoz, Laubach, Lewis, nyer,
Scofield, Shuman, Steele, Stri..ub,
Welsh, Wilkins), Wright and Taggart, Spender
Nais--Xecrz. Vr4bb, Creswell, Fiuneh
Greg.c, Harris, Peargag und ,Sgattipr-7,
§S) the quiPtiNu Wan 4eLvnuityp4 iR thoi.
On the question,
Will the Senate agree to the second tt
The yeas andnays Nero taken agreeably to
the provleions of the. Coostitutinu, awl were
as follow, vig
Yeas—Messrs, Brewer, Browne, Creaskvell,
Ely Evans, Fetter, Finney, Flenniken, Ingram,
ictiig, Limbach, 'Lewis,. Myer, Sellers,
Shuman, _Souther, Steele, Strain, Wel4h, Wil
kins,- Wright and Taggart, Speaker-23.
NAYS—Messrs. Polley, Crabb, rqszer,Ciregg,
Tfurris, IGllingei, youroso and Seotieltl—s.
thg cluestion was determined- in the
On the .im:stion,
Will the Senate-agree to the third amend
The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to
the proritions of the Ltonatitutiou, and were
as follow, via:
YEAS Maim." Brewer, Browne, Crahh;
Creasweli, Event, Flenniken, Fra)ter, In
gram, Joiniau,Killiner, Knot, Lauhieh, Lewis,
Myer, , Scofield. Salem, Shuman, Souther,
Steele, Straub, Welsh, Wilkins cud Wright
SArk—}fesers. Coffey, Gregg, HArriis and
So the question was determined in the
tffirmatife. .
Cht the tweation, •
Wilt the Seuute agrue to the fuurth amend.
meut ?
The yeas and nays ware taken agraafibly tq
tai prprisjons uf the Cuciatiintiun, nud were
as bolluw, , eiz: .
Yzas —Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Coffey,
Cresswell, Ely , Evans, Flenniken ' Frazer, In.;
grain, Killinger, Knox, Laubsch, Lewis, Myer,
Scofield, Sellers, Sliunisu, Souther, • Stevie,
Straub, Welsh, Wilkins and Wright-23.
Nit's—Messrs. Cratilh.,Fianey, Jordan and
So the vitieztion was determined in the
4pril 1851,
The resolution propwingnoseudiuents to the
CcinatitutiOu of the Counuounealth beini. un
der consideration,
Wit the tittebtioq,
lion4e agree tc. the first wend
went ?
• The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to
tha provisions of the Constitution, and were •
4s follow, via :
Yta-.,Skessrs. Anderson, Arthur, Back
house, Bali, Beck, Bishim Hower, Brawn, Csi:,
holm, C inpbell, Chose, Cleaver, Crawford, ;
Blakey, Ent,-Eyster, Fsissold, Foster, Gibbo-I.
ncy, tiildeajlarricl, Harper '
Hillegas, Hoffman, (Berlts,)lmbrie, lnucs,!'
Jaeobs, Jenkins, Johns, Johnson; icautlinan,l
Kerr, kittizlit, Leineuring, .Longaker, Lovett,'
Minear, ,Mangle, M'ealmout; Wllvain, Moor- •
head, ?Ansonia, Mussclman, Nichols, Nicholson;
Nquemicher, Pearson, Peters,' Petrikin, Pow.i
nail, Purcell, Ramsey, (Philadelphia,) RatmseY;
(York,) Roamer, Reed, Roberts, Rupp, Shaw,
Sloan, Smith; (Cambria,) Smith, (Centre,)
vegson Tulsa, Vail, yanvoorhis, Vickers,
Vwgi.dey,, Walter, Westbrook, Wharton; Wit=
Baton, Vitherow, Wright, - Aimmerman and
Getz, Spanker-78.
ivs--gesars. Backus, Benson, Dock, Haus. I
Lluuctick; Hine, HplTlitatr, - -(l..ehation,)
Lebo, Strtittlietai Thorn, WarlusraistlMintrode j
So the question wee dotal:4'o4 'in the
• I
On the qecatirin,
Will the tiolpe agree to the second ottiencl.
Thr Stall lIIICI nays were taken agreeably to
the provisions of the Constitution,. aid nue
as follow, Nit '
Yzas—Messrs: Anderson, Backhouse, Ball,
Beck, Bower; Calhoun, Campbell, Carty, Ent,
Fans°ld, Foster, Gildra, Hamel,Harper,lleine,
Heistand; Hillegas, Holman, (ilerks,) "House
keeper, Imbrie, innet, - Jenkiris, i johns, Jobn
eon, lautiman, Knight, Leisenriug, Longaker,
Lovett, •Menear ' Mangle,' Milvain, Moorhead,
Mussel:Dan, Nichols, Nicholson, Nunemacher,
Pearson, Peters, petrikin, Povrnall,, Purcell,
Ramsey, (rhilacelphia,) Ilamsey, (York,) 804-
mcr, Roberts, Rupp, Shavr;Sloan, Tolan, Vail,
vo, g bi...y, Walter, Westbrook, Wharton, Zjtn-,
merman and getz, -speaker-,57„ • !• .
Nava—Messrs, Arthnr, Angtistine, Backus,
Benson, Bishnp. Brown, Chase) Cleayer, Craw.
ford, Eyster, tiihboney, Hamilton, Hancock,
Hill, Hine, liallava, (Lehation,) •inanbs,.Xeri,
Leho, M'Calzo ant, Mumma, Iteddi
(Centre,) Stevenson, Strgther.4,
Thorn, Vanrgorhis, Vickers, Wagonsellee,
Warner, Wintrode, withcrqw and Wright-34.
the 'question was determined in the af
On the question, ' - •
Will the 110.tlin agree to the third amend
ment 7
The yeas and na;es were taken agreeably to
thtproiiiimPPl'Ve PQMudiot, e 4 rep t!
Tui--M4sipt . 4o4lon% Par* P l l.l.
Peek, 1 4ehteit, get, Dicreti Pa ;i444: 1 0.P•
bEgt 4 8410, ' .1 : 24 T I's Prftwr 4 ed, 'Magil l Pi;
Elder, formula,' arfaser, gibbone7, , WI"
harper, gef4'4 W 4404. 4 34 /iiiiefasullet"
man, (Betas) lialliztati. - (I s eliapon,) stoitSeo
keel:let', Insbrie, 'cries, Jacobs, Johns, JOhlSeon,
Kaufman, Kett, Lebo, Imugalter, Lanett, 2ita.,
near, MauglevlrCalmont; Moortmid, MatatUa l
Aluminm; Nichols, Nicholson, NunentaCher,
Pearson, Peters, Penikin, Pownall, Pat-cell,
Ramsey, (York„) Reamer, Reed, 'Rupp. Shaw.
Sloan, Smith. (Cambria.) Satitk.„(Centre. )
Stevenson, Tolan, Vail, Vanroorlis. , Sicker,
Voeghlry e Wagonseller. Westbrook, Williiton,
Witheruw, Wright, Zimmerman and Gem,
Spsaker--72. ,
Ness-- . -Afesirs. Arthur, •Augustine, Backus,
Bishop. Caric. Dock, Gildest, Hamilton, Baa
-1 cot)r., Hine, Jenkins. Knight; Leisenrisg, 3111-.,
can, Itigis-W, irhiliaelpkia,) Roberts, Struth- 1
I ers, Thorn, il , oltsr, Waraer, Wharton and 1
1 Wintrodex?..l, -
So the question was determined in the
a trumative. •
On the question,
Will the House agree to the foga amend
ment ? . -
The yeas and pp were taken agreeably to
the prorisioas of the .Constitution, sad were
as follaer, six : -
Teas—News. - Anderson; .Arthur i
house, -Backus, Ball. Beek, "Se4Sem l iiiabeli,
POWer, Brown,., Calhoun, Campbell Carty.
Chase. Clearer, Crawford, Dickey, Ent, Eyster. i
Pansold, Foster, Gibboney,_ Gildea, Ilatnel, l
Harper, ileitis, Heist:ma, liill, ilillegas, Hoff
, man, (Berks.) Hoffman, (Lebanon.) )louse
' keeper, Imbrie, lanes ' Jacobs j Jenkins, Johns,
I Johnson, Kauffman, Kerr, Lebo, Leisenring.
i Lungaker, Lovett, Manear, Zs ogle, ll'ealuont, I
i gill - alit, gumuta, liusselman, Nichols, *Lich-1
1 olson. Nuaeacher, Pearson, yelers, retain. '
rowan 11, Purcell, Ramsey', i Plilladolphia,)
Itutuse), k - York.) Reamer, Reed, Roberts, Rupp.
Shaw, Sloan, Smith,(Cambria.) Smith, (Ceti
' tre,i Serenson, olan. Vail, Vanroorhis,
1 Vickers, Voeglii , r, Wa.gonseller, Walter ' War
' W Wi
I tier, Westbrook, barton, Williston, tharow,
' Zimmerman and. Getz, Speaker-83.
Nate---liessre. Dock, Hamilton, Hancock.
Strqthers. Thorn, Wintrodo and Wright-I'.
i Sp the question was determined lit the at- j
firutatiT 4 , " i
Seeß mat y OPFICE,
Ilsatusautto, June 2:t, 15.57.
Pouttylvania,-;• :
1 do certify that the above and foregoing is!,
a true and correct copy of the "Yealif,..and
I. Nays" taken on the resolution proposing.
anfeadfue94 to the Constitution of the Corn-,
monce,..aitif; as the saute appears on the Jour
pals Of The trt9 !Houses or fhp (lerlOral Asion.
bly of tiff!' Volutuonricait)i fur , the session of
, Witness my hand and the seal of
EL• "'isaid office, %hi, twenty-seona day of
lune, one thousand eight hundred and tiftyl•
10:5-31 . 4. Secretary of the Consmonteeeilth
Low Prices and Ready ray,
MITE SUBSCRIBERS are Offering for sass
1 an entirely new stock., consisting of
NOTIONS, Le., km
TA mir selections Ibe wants of all have been .
retnentherkti, Tha Gentlemen can find in our
'.'stork of Itea4 Made - Vl:abitig an elsgant
Pashionablo suit, or a substantial Business
suit, and we have Hats k. Caps and Roots k
Shoes to match.
The Ladles (MI find Vaallianabla
beautifully trimmed, or bonnets and trimming
a good assortment of Dress Goods, and „trim
Arany ; Gloves, Minn, Hosiery and Gaiters.:---,
And, )3st Wit riot least, corded and skeleton
Skirts y also,
Rattans, Skirt-Whalebone and
'Bras. Skirt- Hoops; beautiful Jet Necklaces
and ISraceletsi corals, fails, am) tua many
other things to onnynar4o,—all of which we
are selling low fur Oash: Lumber, or any kind
of Produce. FLOUR, RE:AL, 14511 .Ic., eon
.l4.3ntly on band. '
B. k J. H. ()RAVES.
Sharon Center, Putter Oe., Pa., June•
fiRANDES AND LEMONS jut receirettlq
4.." 10:2 _ W 11. k. J. GRAVES.
W. SPENCER. is Ageralc i r many of the
.1.7 ID most popular Medicines now in • Übe, a
feW of which tiis will mention:
14 c.; /e ti 4C! - •
Beirl.-It. Stafford k Cols Olive - Tar is ap
plied and inhaled h3i wearing on INHALER
around the neck and on the breast. His OL•
ICE OLVTSIENT is applied-where the -skin is
and is n, popular reined) , where known,
Good fur the "Whoo,ping Cough - , ' 10:2. .
y, • 7, .0 r5 1 e I r r e C av o. a;
of o the t Yates g e:u: a ti
valuable assortmant Itf FRVIT TREES
of -varieties •usuallyteultivattal. These
Trees are young and of vigorous growth. Tbe
qualities arc the most choice iknown, and . are
warranted ortousa. Also, a. fine. stock -of
ORNA3IENTAL IttEE4 444 sfifitrilßEßry
for fall delivary,
11di"Address orders to C. REACH; Pen Yon,
Yates Co., N. Y. Orders leftiwith ROB'T. W.
NILES, Couttersport, ra„ will be promptly .
tilled. , . thi.:-.Grao.
- -
itytired rhysician, 75 years of
age, having logy his Father; two Brothers,
Daughter, Sou-au:low, tiephOvs anti Nieces, by
that dreadful disease, Cosscarnos, acid suffer
ing with a Cough; , himself, ditirrained to visit
the East Indies,-Egypt, and Japan, - where he
discovered a Preventive and Certairt cure fin
Colds,. Coughs, litogc,hitisi Consul:44*m, Ner,
roes Debility and Asthma. His cough was
cured imnrediatels he returned, cured his Rel.
atinss, who inherited the disease, and in cop:,
Election with his;son have employed itin th!ir
practice, curing tbousatuls of cases maundered
hopeless by others: For the purpose of rescu
ingai many ' of his fellow beings as possible,
he is sending the Recipo to all. who wish it for
10 fmOttli 3 of it to pay the , postage, and the
balance printing.: :Address; Dr. Hairs 401
Spring street, opposited - St. Nicholas Hotel,
. - 10:2-3tnosL
cIiALL AND =AMINE the IiEW GClf,i 1:0.1
- I Jut reeei!ed by - OLILSTEIV.§.
• I I I_
IK and step' e ertirles ht the Druz line! for
liale by• /.:e:.) . B. X.-S.
_Air-fp/p.m' , pomp&
I rr E ... 2if U t t i a t S laWitiiftraiF4 OF ilk
1 t t t• . fiii,f4l' t 't . i Pre tP
e.aP al iii 1 4 ~..#'..4 o !bu 41 , 409' ',Tr
'kfir il tile #.a ck ' ' ' ' '
tTAPIS 4: -240 761C 1 :4 004 *
4 vW
1 , 9,1414Cgter ixty,ltel tti'e litigation - of 141 *to
desire IQ. irate pltahases:" Qloiittoci 4 line
has been *WON* with . greaticife, and is par!
Itioalarly ed.spted to tht-Wants- a tidisootlo4
of oar torintry. lOnt sumk at Dry tr 004,5 cols
-14.1f Pf : ' . _ ,
- ! - SHIRTR RIGS,. , 1
and a variety, of other-articles, too numerous
to Mention. - We have also a cUmplcti assort
ment of I„ . :
all of which will be sold uncommonly, cheap
for reads' pay, and fur approved credit on as
reasonable ,tertas'as any other 'establishment.
Ifillport, Aug. 11, 18fi13.-L-933 IF,
aIErW ik: SON ;
488'13rootne Stivet,
One Door ,East of Broadway, [Late 4t70. Broad
way,l ?iEW- OftK,
fEsiaidished D. 1833.,1 '
INVITE an examination of their great, Tani
ety and superior assortment of 01,/11.S.
umlnancluted at their own establishment, and
under their lininedioto übservation.and direr
Embracing the uiost complete assortment,
and choicest kinds fqr Parlors, Drawing Rooms,
Chambers, Gardens,./Araries, Counting. Houses,
'Wks:, Public Institutions, Dentists, Barters ' ste.,
togethtk with every
„desirable sort adapted, to
the cOrofort,:itonvinienre and luxury of the
Sick the Assell, the infirm, the. Larne and Laz'.
In poiitt of Ingenuity of design, cbgance of
finish, quality and richnest of material, faith
fuluzss of execution, durability awl virpimeii,
these, chairs are unsurpassed. For them, Al.
W, SON, were awarded the first and
only Priie Medal, and the faculty recommend
them aslfar preferable to beds or couches for
patients &filleted' Spinet Asthmatic of
Bronchial affections.
TO either arm of the chair may be attached
a eonveriieut reading• ur aTitingl)sis, and aril
combination desired will be maul:factored to
to order:,
A, Circular with 'explanatory en% will be
sent by if renuested, and order! [with re
mittancrs,l promptly forwardad to
,any part of
the world,
Ad Aim Chair, 'Reclining Chair; Couch and
Bedstead, [covet"! Dtk u ,] is - susceptible of
twelve different i)ositions orsintnos, to meet
au Taried requircznts for 0--rfort,
triairratlti :•:Natntly, On space as well
as price.) 'Whether is sickness or healb. tbit
celebrated CHAIR .".as Tor LIED is," excila in
many respects, any chair perhaps ever manu
factured in this - or any other, country.
The rice caries from Pi/teat to Thirty Dol
litra: According to WA. • ,
To Pnblielnstitutions, as well as to individ
uals, this CHAIR is a very desirable article,
and will be supplied in any nuMber on the
most liberal terms. Apply to or address
938 Broome st., One door east of Broadnay,
Stu' YarjC, (Late 4en Broadway. tr.'t t—ly.
GOODS-4 Flue Agsortruent just
.L'i received nt • . OLMSTED'S.
TIW bath Therap.eutir Agent
ewer introdiwd.
. sebNIN
exciting the.
'sorbing atten
)ll;of the Medi
11!roression and
large portion of
te i!tteltigent
_,. H en- clearly demon
_ cue lancet, mercury, and all other
internal." drug medication" may be laid aside
with Perfect safety to the patient and abid
ing benefit to.posterity. Wherever these ma
phiges have been introduced, they excite the
highest wonder and praise. - The apparatus
-is adapted to prevent, relieve stud cure every
ditease incident to humnuity,---more particu
larly' all those painful and formidable diseas-,
OR Which hate for centuries baled the pro.
roundest learning and skill of phyMeians.
From whatever cause there may be an ex
cess or deficiency of the nervous!
ducing anexcess or deficiency gif the acids
and'alitaline secretions—the tuaguetio princi
ples of the system are deranged, :and can on
ly he safely restgred to their normal condition
by an a PP/ 104 tioo of Iyaitseln4eleatricity. by
means of DR. DICKINSON'S MAt;NETto
ELECTRIC MACIILSE. This apparatus will
positively Prevent, and speedily relieve and
pare fltlrgumption, Scrofullt,! Rheumatism,
Palsies, ..Ve.uralgia, Spinal Diseases, and all
tither painful maladies, however hopeless'and
of long standing. They .are eminently useful
in all amid, and urinary disorders, particu
larly, where;the Constitution has been broken
down and ruined by unnatural solitary habits
to which tbo many of the young of both sexes
are so lamentably prone.
StACRINE is without the: dangerous comp'',
cations of batteries and acids—which fact alone
renderaitenperior to all others on the score
of neatness, oleantipess, safety and utility.—
It is; in fact, a handsome. parlor ornament;
may be applied by a child ; and will last a
life-time, to the greet saving 'of Doctor's
bilis, &c. -:" •
• It will . be safely packed and sent to any
part of the United Stateis. Sold wholesale
and retail at the Medical Office, No, 38NOIIITH
SEVErIi Street, :Philadelphia. .Address.
- A. C. M-D
-10-1 -- ly.
Goode juet received et 7; OLMSTED'S.
.4.11. for tale by • JONES,:IItANN Ot JONES.
Comaersport, June 111
Ffte:oo.o,l4, wid 944 PiNh g
• na C liriVitit
11 •
rMI 40 . a O6
CZ f)e A
SIAG/i2l2iE elosti fito volute' la Jipaci
not: • Drairgittip few brmaths of its t -
tence has ratabita a Soralitity Aartektall+.4
in the annali ottbe ben,
The inblisherit. ,Isn eing Offered liberal pre,`
mimes for chiller) literary efforts; the Stotts,
Romances, fasup,..Poelqi and oiler spark
ling and interesting mendtagletu commence 4
in Sannare but,' and areeine still yotblieh l
td in the 'Visitor. i !.- - 1
The New Voltime Will b commenced is J.%
lv DM,.greatly' Unproved.•ant tiderged,-1
tact' number Will =MARL thlrty•tno get /
large sized royal octavo pages, making a mat t
nificent volume Ittf nettrl),4oo. pages for thy
year—or presenting an• auolunt of the ehok.
cost reading oa alit subjects, aqua to•whot
would cost. in the boot Istaro et least efty
cents, payable it/variably in statuses. *.•
Some of the roost ponular and brilliantA4
and female contributors, are regular could %
butors and the publishers will spare. ad Wis.
or expense to render the'," Welcome Visltotl
every way acce p table toa refuted and intelll.
gent community, ' II , , ;
The publication Is ad44 3, ttd to aft classes 4
people—the voting and e old—and w itere t
ever leen p g a itergs c a; evil Tax tuktflititi
acceptation. 1 , 1 , •
jar Now Is the tintto enbsetilze tit din
New Volume. I `; .1
l t ,
*** The bleb nut era may be . had (4
complete sets) for 3 c't to each," or the libels
aeries of 12 numbers for zwesse-sirs cuts,
Liberal induceraenth Au Clubs and Can.
vassers. 1 1
14Witetuenditr, on tercet are Fitly ceata
for oue year. for a ell gig copy, or three cop.
i vn
ies wilbbe sent under e cover or addressfer.
One Dollar, 1 ' Address,
COSOE . .N a colipirt,
Pohl:them! No: 3ii i Nbith Seventh Steil!
(up stairs,)- Plillatieq, la. 10:1-1y
1 will MAI a anipia It ' :
- i -10 X S-II NN & /Mt
9:43 . . . , MA ,
'TONES, 'l k ONES. pa, Ake Ligb..
OF marketiriceff(llkins of prpdgec
, I .
- i' : :,.....y :4. -
• :
--iir-,. -
...4-4,4,;„, , pILL ~
. S
fig=:_..._......„,.. --;.1 1 Ili
I i
. 1 •.
• ; .
Truitt huts long a - listed a - piddle demand fur an
olfr , the Purgative pOl which could be rad ea ea
sure and - perfectly safe in its operation. 'This has
been prepared to meet that demand, and an MM.
sive trial of its 'Utile} has-eonshieliely shows 101
what emcees it sicintipliahts the.* ilssiluft
It is easy to Make a(phsical „ but not may k
make the beat a l ail I ri bs—Dim which should haw
none of - the tiblettlons, but:alL the arming/4 of
every other. 1 This: has been attempted bee, sad
with what succesis* would respectfully submit is
the public deeision4 it has been - 1,1..:..5a ire
the patient IsitlatOt Oat :Imeot arm purgatice
medicine is acrimonious and irritating to thsbow-
Is. This is not: p Many of than product so mush
, s'- - *••••...5, , tin 'and 40%dnon bathe antes:. as tom*
than int:teal:slime, the good lobs devised hew
them. ' These ',ilk produce no irritationer, pal*,
nib* it arise bins 14 week:lndy enlisting Octet.-
Lion or deranges** in the bowels: 'llßuit Pool/
vegetable, no ha:Mean arise from their use tn usy
quantity ; but it is better that any sictileine staid
be taken judiciously. ;'3lisinte:directiona tufts&
use in thnseverall.diseases to which they away
plicable are River me ths boi. among dc ors
plaints whiob have been speedily'eured by thus, WO
may Mention Live Complaint, in its yarrow frau
of Jaundice, Indig Sin, Languor and Lou of Ay
tetite, Listlessh ' ,
,Icritability, Bilious ilsiduhs, •
Bilious Fetes. '
:, Peter and Ague, Paha In the LW
and Loins; !far, in I truth; all: these are but the sec
sequence of diseuted:pactienin the lira. Al is
aperient,- they sal:fold Oonapt andausa relief in Coe
trueness. Files, Colic,! Dysentery, Humors, ilor•
ula and Soisrvy„ Unitise 'with sureness.,of thrlasty,
Ulcers and impurity ;;of the blond ;' in short, any
and every ease where a plusativir is re . qnicat.
They rate alai produced some susgulull rat:
eeesful cures in ittienitatism Goit,Dropsy,tintal.
EiTglioirisi PolPitation of ' tile Heart, Pa* in Oe
B3C/C, Stomach. end Sac - They should - to 6 ° 4 1
taken in the spring of the year, to purify the bless
and - priiiire the system for the change of ussoi.
An occasional doicatinailates the stomash swi
towels into healthy - edict:4.lmi Arabs - us tist,stPre
We and vigor. They, Purify the blood, and, by Utfir
uliquilent acikin on'' the eiimdetury sysom,rtna.
rate the i streng_A; p [ the- body, and restore tie
Wastod or dizonr. onesitioa cif-the-Wok orgaidoli:
Hence en occasional dose is )asinand'eouss IT
though •no serious derangement "teats: hut, •w
necessary dosing 'Would pent be curled too tic.
as every purgative' Medicine-reduces ths-stresiO,
when taken to diet*. Thethoulanduseaina"W
a physic is required iannot be enumerated hers, be!
they tugirest thcliirklellut to f t . t e Ism Of 111
Pony : and- it is• oonlidetitty Is' pat An M el
answer a better: purpose. than any thing which l'ist
hitherto hem: '
available pi mankind. thing do
virtues ate once - known, the public will no turf
doubt' what - remedy i to employ When in need al I
cathartie Medicine. tieing auger:wrapped aqua
pleasant, } to take, and being purely vegetable sli
harm ran arice from their nee an any quantin. -•
For minute , directions sce.errapper.on fbil tic!.
1 ~...
Prailical sena atualytiCal Chem's;
1 LOWF.f.f„ MISS. '
). to per Air. ' Tivi'Boxes le $1
1 • , ....,,,,,,,,,, ~. . .. i
1 - . i YR' S ;
C. I i
, •
,w, lii•Vslll4 Plift. of '..,;
cone , s, -. i COLbS t 1101441te;
. . I - cit!vr,, ASTIelk, Oil • ....
Tuts. reons u di has won. for- itialt Pur r 2 0
fromits 'cures . f every *misty Of 'pulmonary 20
1 that it is en lylnnueeeitattrto repent thee/
11 rig:mei Of its gutues in any icetoniunity who 'I
1 -al b r a? anPl4v& 'So wide Is thefirld oriel is!
I fulness; and go numerous the cases of it-S
Opt dotnet e . rj . Section ot the country
is- persons pnTll elf known. whq have been, rt, llol
I, F
20 alsznain 'and even . despeyate . diseste
binge bt its no:. :Nylon nue. wild its suers,
ger erery otior 11441(44f of its kind. is tOeici
sotto escape Observation. and Where its 'yittln ot4
known. the ptiblio no loner, hesitate what ass ot,
to erpploy forOtdistresslng and rispireo ll oksi
tions of the puhrinnary organs Which are l, e ,
to our- climate. And not -Or& in:formitio!,-
Lit' up ur the limn. bat "the mlidetlor,
••• 's•ciLigl• CaVatili 1101101INESS, 5 o.;__S;
CU1L14721 it is this pleats:dad and safest
that an tie obtained. ' • .4 4 - - - Amid
Asit has lap* been itkeoustant nes tbris_nwi
hiss section. we need not do more this- wo.T.„it
mnig its qualitylshept Up to the best tha!r,:r
lon. and: the owing ert4ela is ewe
' 1;k ..W. - SrENCt.:;;,v e .
COtDERSPOttr, Pa.,,
. and liy Ccallitil ",
, arante -and Druggists every - whits ! °'l'4
Price - 25 Ce