The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, September 10, 1857, Image 2

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4 "I7I"XPIrAt rACKER, says tte ti-ettys
idure. Star, has been in -public of4 . ee 'al
post a . like-t hue. Twenty years ae . , lap;
:was eo49r vI a paper in I;yeondng conn7.l
13 . 17eCe My; El,!.e lee has had noparticultir I
.usine4e. Lie has done nothing but,hol4 l
„office end 1 e off the fortune re.uerlnire4
hy his o . theca. IN, has beea'9ollektOrlg:
tolla at Williamsport—a .Can'al-Vommis
sioner—a euntraetor!,--a,ciniet partner in
,sundry jobs of work on the eatials—Aud
itor tieuerst Unger I'or,tey=rx_memt)er of
. 1 - 11 -- S - ekalle, - ,7.) l Then - ,friy:andid:ste - - for the
latter 814_0; '4719 . "stifndloc., At,
hip hat tieliei ;4 flittP'Setiatbrial - Dis - --'
;trams:; the. irigOr of
life / *ther. ,- froad.loahlty , and plausih,lei
Li;Ananuers. e : makes ta•w h
Bud is.-a good Wireptiller. For many '
e4r3F-ito , ha.4. ti*d =to
.1; e wade Governor.
- One inyst(.., ^about hiin: "Nti on-e
An tell iihere',2l,pd .ovi be, made hiS - ..m0,
tivem4,his salaries-could not - have ye:i id,
protiis: • There - is , litile . -4ouht
Olt - 144 - 6f the q.e . fenteenAiiii,ions of
teat. ascs;tlie ; people Di-'
wit iio the la,stAwelb. , ; ,yeara has gone into
his po ek et , b • %sumo _underground- avenue
iirave443; Lne :"canal Ft '_wtl, wlipiii
ktas s s ia t with his ante-:'
his, associates, and his
jil ,- .ring,„ is . at),. - T gusate person to entrust,:
with the,intiortaLtfatitieS er, the, Execu
tive emit -
ok.lls:reti!sci .
.-43fic -- :110her; a. respectable far=-
pier irf t.his lown v informe its of the fol
fairlig`very singular:'aiseoyeg which he
recently tunde:: - : One gay laSt Iveele_he
filed a• :finp:Afealtfii hen, which "upon_
.Oreisingrevealed iiVerYsingitlar freak in
he informs 'u she had within her
au' et - iontainiiiii'a perfectly formed
ehicken of the usual
_size at_ haiching;
with lalead-:protruding-, froiu the shell.,
This IS - Zertainly ' nen lv
l ~ty of
ehiciren9---4hough- perhaps not' im
provement- upon the ctht vray,—and
very siigular vireamstanc?
hive read a 'gnat - Many stories about ihe
woUderfill performances of hens,' but nev
er before heard of their l laying ftill-ffetlg
cd:i.hieleems.-;llFaskfqiton ,(V 17.)
Peofiles journal,
- ,ire : -„lti . ,4 ! t -..-_04,,:i41:,:,i
COl[FfipitSppßT,, PA.,
11105413, setif..lo, i 857.
- - $141,!, iceiraltitioßs.
• - -FOFt -GOVp.NOII.
PAVID WILMOT. of Bradford
ILLIAM MILiWiiRD, - of .Philadelphis
,rS., , iI33DUES; or_T to SUPREME COURT
JAMES VEECH;pf Fayette; - •
JOSEPH J. LEWIS, of. Chestei,
::: :-.4 1 44ikill -0011'09:100;iNlioqS,
vuk ASS'ENBL . Y r _
ISAAC BENSON; of 'Pottr CO:,"
WILLISTON, - of- Tioga Co
MUT 3.-OLI*IST ED, of Coudersport.
-BUTTERWORTH,' of Coudarspoit
L'Er. KINNEY. or Sharon. •
. .
SOHN' C. BISHOP, of Allegany.
The.breaking of the Atlantic Tele
graph Wire, after some 350 miles'were
laio,7haagiven rise to =Rich - speculation
ap,tn the prospect of 'a
final success; "but
.be. (thief engineer of, the company, Mr.
13right, says it only strengthens his hopes
of a•e4Plete success, after a felrimprove-
Metiti are madb in in the machinery for
laying, , The break .3ras occasioned by
putting toomuch plvrer oa the regulating
flbreats" iarthe. apparatus.
.1161 , LastWeek .thero-was considerable
of- ! * - Moriey panle in New York, occasiod
e'd - Ohio tifc Insurance and Trust
floWpri. Y.,.ancl of John Thompson, a cele
; tcyel`,hrOkar, 'and pdhliShOr TlLomp
: am's .Biznic 7 .4Vok i?eporter,! A large num
!ber'of baiiki are. also irnplicate,d in the
aniongtherti the following; the
notes which hve hoeli githrown out"
t9C;t4 broker::
I rTheliinaliwaliank Va; Faimas' Bank
of Analitol4, 4. I.; Rhodeisland Central
liant;:Parmere. ) .14antof .saratoga Co., N.
,Iwordestexl34ol; emin. k ,ffanoock
! and ! Tkierton Bank, R;l. ,
money market generally has heed
don ideirably disturbed by the large ! fail
nres-jn'.Aeui Yorlc.s.'; The; excitement{ is
now, however, pretty : mien over.
T.'lllllOur -CaUdidate' Tor Governor is
iltiPg _to ,the . people . very, day, and
frilltatitititio to do 'so' up: loathe day of
tie election: Mr.. Wilmot is shout of
ttuilfprid wherever he goes inspires on
14040 , 014Fpthipiasta: - lie will makia
stotiuv4 Farb if emt! 4qpubliaa.
bet do his - 4i4ty hp till he laiunwhantly
015et9.4, For this' 'punt, his majoripy
t** 17 tit aarrierl 'figure
•00#4, 1A44,41 tlui 'gSllant Fre`aiont.
Erpy 4y 4co fee - ,trom frow rho 'different
1411.9 woo!, gu ce Ilopubli.
can ate wlrut supporters of
Wilmot.. How is it farmers of little Pot
ter? Elave S9u resolited to card- the
baUper es in" days
r ef . yoke . ?
4v r
thee *o'hale
Let ta.a.9.7lfut . heart yoUr 'shOut
for Treeclom, sweetest music that ever
• greete4 our earn. •
- f . liprWA.gotzl7l3;f:4K - := 2 =Tlce - r - elinited
failire of the Witrren Count ank
seei a' cs — Pre'i - n and
itabiish a card kn_the r ....l;e4,7o,
stating': t itatilitifi - th"e" Battk
are but. 515,696, "n t; . "the batik has
sustajped,;the, one, hundred
"dollar.s, 7 ..and-.ciitiassOts - are _beyond any
upoSSible - eontiti 'ken entir - ely
ij; eet t0C4rp00tr. 2 1.";74e, - 4:sciiiergiVes
the following
thqs . mtoar, ;and.; Which .a.aceptable
news 44::( those its potesin thia
section. ';' j • •_:
4neri:4l:l4' r thewhole trotilde liaCt
k",..towa:out Of4lo tintiditkjof the igent iti
:iew:YOrk," who, 464 i fecleetning over
•10,1:)00 of the natesiof
ed to take op' auy - Anire-.—holice, "thedre-:
p - orted - ,t'aiiitre; Tii6.l3anl iiprep'are4_to
meet all "deinarlds; •and
_bill,holders need
have no fcars',as the
jostitutiod. The Warren Clthinty'llank
unt faded" or suspendi4L--neit.iteviill
it the' imblid,May rest essiired
- -
e 1 0031Pr i ETE DM:Mr:Atm Vip"TORY.:
-'lll 4 /New,Y"ork Journal o f ceili7h.l'rei
rayS', ',for the
,first tune since 3 '.26' or 1S28;
a le,gislatnre. cO,Utaiuing a •Deruocratic' ma= -
joriky N') iI I r asseuible -:at Prankfult,'the
eaPital ic.e,litp. c i s y: , The liethoerets'
her -&-. s itiee
_that: . 6. tp,:irid — th'e , G eve ruor ,
an half th'e - aftle,*loi. iu - cpnfzr.:4s, :but
nosier 'the tezisrtture.: .7." opposition
had perma is rit,a - Ld enthi. -lug . Oceudeney
in, that Vidy, that - never could be shaken
in lie;least.' "But now, With the dairp
ing of the ;,netv.era tleit .marks readtiou
cyorywhere in faVor, of Democracy; Keit-1
tucky, wheels valieutly into the line; and;
there 'she 44.111' remain.—Lr'em big . G a- 1
I zeii4.• .1' - " ' • ' ' .
Th§ •"now- ern,". ,which has brought
Kent'ueky and other 'slave 1u q • teldg !
iState ' into ~ the Support of Pitchanan I
DetneerieY,:tftis inaugurated 'by. repudi-
latinal •the Jeffersonian ideas in favor of
' freed Om.! Thel party . wholly and
entirely devoted to the of Slave
, ,
ry,'+i therefore those is'ho desire td pe- ,
petuate.`and extend that institution - will
suppc:rt the party.which the Gazette fa=
eetkusly styles'Demoeratic. - Per contra
ry, those who desire to maintain the pol
, icy - of the fathers,. and extend the - area
lof freedom, will vote ilgainst that i party,
'ltnd hence its repudiation in nearly, every
• ,r
I Free State. The Gazette 2nd. ita candi-
I date for {I overnor sympathies with Slave
ry, 'and - hence they look tti Slave State's
fur aid, we : siiMpathige : with Freedom,
land henee welluok-to.f.he Flee States for
Claims Dave Hip Bogus
Statutvi of.liansas Onthe,
Free State Dieu
lips always been a matter of aston
ishment to us, that the press which 'Sus
tained'DOTT in Rhode Island, should Con-I
demn'the li'ree State, men in Kansas.—
Just; fee how. great film difference in fa
vor , of the Kansas Free State men: Dow
and his followers, never pretended that
people l outside of Rhode Island cape in
and controlled theiieketion. -They sitn
ply, contended that the, right of suffrage
was noeas free as it Ought to be; ned,
so they 'called a Convention
,of the peo
plell, formed a new ConstitutioU, , adopted
it; aiid,eleoted . Dorr ,Governor under this
new Constitution which was adopted in
defia:rice of the existing State Governer,
and never recognised by the legal vciters.
Of cottrse th* Supreme Court decided:that
he was not a Governor, neverthless he,
was a Democrat and therefore, such pa
pers as the .roconting Gazette and Tg.p" ,
r justified Dort.' and his par
tizans•:' • •
to,Kansas. The Free State
men refuse to recognise the validity of
tfie Statutes' passed by the so Ter
ritorial:Legislature. Because as
Dr. Gihon says- ma page 38 of.hiehoolr.
-•"This7electien (ItlerCli 30, 1855,) was , ,
controlled almost entirely by citizens of
Missouri,lwho'e:ame into the territory in
large parties, tookpossession
drove..Qsthc, tpkti,tdrly tippoin 04. judges
and. Others to' answer their . awn ob-.
jecta, elected persons
r who were not and
never bad been', _citizens of Kansas ; and
e:onamitted other atrocities, the details of
which are absplUtelyloadisguating to re
late., It is estimated, that about fiv.eihon
sand Jed on by men claim
ing respeetabilitY, , and certainly occupy : :
ing prom inentpositions;;iisited 'the . ter
ritory _to takepart.-in this nefariouS trans
action I •
Is there a limn in this . - County, ..who
holds sacred thelinemorY of the men.wltei
a'alLiva: 6 l4r•- N 41034 I4d4i4dcii:4-4 13
will subtn,ft to stir*tl outrage' as :LS he:re i
,denrih?d ?
ificlet:;:ilioAlltitii - receive . the 'Vote .of .
I kaoilAeetitiSeite is in favor of executing
the • , ..krtaotmerus Irsed by the m i en who
ahusecl4e . antliority in Kansas 6,4 is herp,
Aesaritid: l Packer' would stilfikQ4 4l ll
?Yote4:*tuselhere are some men: i*, this I
t eounty,:ii:there -.. A6 ,in every otterZ,oun:'
'ty Who .tion't-cire a copper about `the - he
roes of 10, -- oi of any other period, nor,
.;That.the. Slave-power:may -419,- ..-Only_l.4
1 thejr..Fcirty Succeed, and,, they„ 6re ssti6..
f fled; of- conisei all-such - -men
1 Williani; h'. Picker,' nOMattei ihai, 'his
. ififfildiice.bif KaiLias:affiris -Would - - he.- '.... ... --
'c,kiwg:rdit ; c
- The DettnieradY of ) Jefferson and Jack
holds and, manly arur:tii,erefore
commanded the respect , of ite opponents,
hut , the - flenriocracyzof.Pieree and Buchan
an:is cowardly Helve= the
back out of `Vinf F. 1 . -!aeker, when:Wil
mot iuyited him to_canvass,the State With
OP; lff slll l9lcling .o i.tiro
faetsiin the Kansas ontrages; • • - The ilu-
Chanan iireses•areafraid to publish Ow
rgetif bY their OWnmea. They
praised . lteeder to the skies, Until e - com
menced telling the puhjie l how,the 1.6n 7
sas :Nebraska Squatter Suiereignty bill
was Nvoiliimr, when they gave - him a cold
.4houlder. 1 • •
. .
When Governor Oeary was appointed,
their laudation wpb again l uplo:tbe high.
'est pitch; but' as soon as he began to•
stand in the
, way-e£ the Border Bignaty
rule in Kansas:he waS'yeutoved . '
ident Buchanan," and tipiv,that a Idstnii
of his ratinilitif.tfration has ibeen,writteir by.
hisprivate Secretary; -the hunker press
does )zot even - infortd: their ii - aders 'that
Stich:a'historr has lieen written. Instead
ofthats,-we -hear .
. .s:iteh, notices as 'the fol.
lowing frarorthe Warrem:Ledger . •_':
'.'The -Pott'er4otirniti,is publishing ex
tracts from •Dr.- Soniebodys bdo.kin,Kan
sas. I judintr front the extracts, we should
say, that the book consists of a revamping
of the Kansas correspCndertee of the Trilp
1(1(C,"of last year..Thatis a newway,ofget
ting up a book, and: the want of sucee4s
on the 'part of- the Doctor, in its Sale, will
Ideter'otherS -from attempting 'similar ab
surdities. po you think the Doctor eau
!make'Kansas bleed main; in ,Potter, Mr.
Journal? How interesting; 'yet how sof.
eine, 'poor. Doctor Somebody;' • .
WeilwaiS'kuew that Hunkerism was.
. .
the reverse of manners,, and boWardice
• snout's to be one of its characteristics. .•
Perhaps the people of Warren. County
will respect a paper that can ouly 'speak
of Govdnor Geary's' Searetary as' :"Dr:
Somebody;" .but T r, r , suspect_the, editer
has under - estimate . the intelligenco.and
Manliness of his readers. .I As to the peo:
pte of Totter, we believe theY 'have giv
en the Warren editor good evidence of
their ability to see through falsehood and
himibuggery, almost at. first. sight, and
ther fore we think he need give himself
no trouble on their account.
The Grasshopper Pails , ton,
- • veationsi - . :
We have in the Quindaro, --(K. - T.)
G'h'indo~cau, the. proceedings` of two-Free'
State Conventions held at G;asshopper
Falls,—one being.a.-liars, aud, the other ft
Delegate Convortiori - ---the object of which
was to 'take into Consideration' the pro=
i gf participating in the OctObei ,
election. There , were 'about : four liun
tired persons present -at the mash Conven
tion, representing every portion 'of the
TerriforY. r„ t iVe below the Resolu
tionS 4ilopled . by the mass Convention;
by which it, will
~b e seen that it was de
termined _to participate in the elcctiort..---
The resolutions 'also explain the reason .
'for 'so' The 'icSolittiOris snp-'
Ported by speeches from". Gov: Robinson,
Geu.. Lane, Judge Smith, 4.44 other Prom
inent Free State leaders; and 'opposed - by
3lessrS.-RedpathP hillips, and Rev. R. D.
FoSier.'npi) folioWing' are the . resolutions :
liliercas., It is of the most
portanee to the pecipie of Kansas, that the
Tcyr,ltorial Government shonld, be;eon
trOllo h„.Tt , h.; -I)gna fide.citizens thereof,
an 4 ~
TY;Zereap, . W alker , repeatedly
pledged himself 414 the, people of Kan
sas- ;h4TP,a , all'il:fatr vote, at 'the
election to be held Okthe first Monday
October,. for Delegate to Congress, Beni;
hers _of ,the: . Territc,rial
.Legislatirte, and
other ; CEMers,, Therefore, ‘ , '•-:
Resolved,. That,we, thepeoPle 'of Kari-,,
sas, in 3lass Conveotiou assemblediagree
to participate in,,said election.
.Refolved,. That in thus aeting, ire rely
upon the faithful fulfillmenfbf the pledge
of, Gov. Walker;" and that we, as.hereto-,
fore; protest against the enactments fore:
ed upon us by the votes. ; of the People "of
, • ,
Re.s9/rccr,,..That the., / , fleeting)►
cee4.l to. tlate appointment.'ef tt , "Oomtuittei
to, wait . upon .
,the Territorial
and urcreutly :insist upon a revision. iind .
correction of. the wicked. npportionnient,
endeavored be, f,oreed ..upon i .the people
of ~to -pyein, the _selections of
Members of the Teiritoril Legislature:".';
:,Jl'.c.sotrec?, That - 'fen.. Line, r li,e
authorized. ana cropowei!ed
Gov. Walker the force orvinizeOv4t* ,,
under the.resolution pas,fe4V4ll6 7 . - off" :
veutib,n 41:ppeka on the - ..lAtrTofesTull
last, tore *4l for the p , r4olo46f,the'
.b allo4 oxri
iress *ialteribre“ kietern4pliti:4.,.tp
t431,11*:-So'peitit COnstit,4*:iiid
Government, and that all biarigtion shall
be pointed toward setting' th - atilloierk:
went in motion in a legititnato mapper at
1 . ;i n to, Convention'theit 'adjourned.% sins
-; -Tue . pelegifetiiiiienikirir ecrinio‘i.:-
eclama ;1-14,, - ;Vareus, 'Parrott 'of
Learenworthi, as-the.andidate for Del
ectci to Conafeis - The were
ueanimegsly adopted, by, the ,Coriveittiou
—Gep.. • Lane offeringand C.
Resorvitir that 'there be a- Territotial
Ekeentivo Cennn.itfeci appointed by the
- ruember.s .
who siltall Beep
,an Otfice.:at some. ventral
point, and remain in session continually
untill after the' , cetOber 'election, and
this five members' shalt Constitute h,
rum for the transaction of business.
- I?rso4red Mat this , Convention. recorn,
&end to the Citizens rcif each
- prO-
Cinet - irCflie Territory'thae,' they choose a
Qininiiliee of three responsible mob 'ilia
shalLrecoad all votes offered, - and if . any
ire vefnse4; the_ reasons for 'refusal ; and
that the; citizens be • ,present in sufficient
numberS to 1;6)0ot - the - Counnittiees.„
Parinti neeepted - the noinination
in anent speneh,. nu 4 Aheeonventibn .
4.r .P44T . • speaking from ,otiter. gen4enten,
Ther - O Is no Ballot -8074 41lien to
~ : — . lnc rccpple of : *ansas. ... ;, .
• The. urtleu of the allegations. made by
the administratioit ;presses about the pp
ple ofKansas is} hat th6y may, if thy
Wish, 'correct all.'the wrongs - of whicili '
they complain at the, hallot-box,. but,
they will not. ' This- is untrue.. its
is all nonsense) to talk to the people of!
I ;
Kansas' aboutredressing their wrong ate
the ballot-box, so - long as that ballot-hi:ix
is, ; _iii the :hands 'of their enemies, and
hedged about by just such restrictions, as;
those' enemies see fit to make. , All they
ask is a fair ; Phance to vote: The Law
rence . (K. T.) ,?epublit•an day.: .
"We defy their 'to 'submit , their pro
posed Constitution tb a full and : -fair vote,
of .the whole people. We defy 'the to;
let- the'lihole peOple have 'a fair Chancel
between it and - the Topeka •ConititlitiOn*.!
; We defy thetti' to let lis - have a'' fair, and 1
Ihonest election this, fall in October, ' We
I will' ,agree for6ver 'after to abide - the - re-1
stilt' if, under the qualifteatioas.preicribed ;
far Voters at the first 'cleelion by the Or,
game Act, CtoV, Wai - will order' an
election, appOiat.the judges - of 'that•elec
tin I'kaself, and then submit the ques"
tipn of Freedom . or
• SlaN'ery—Topeka
!Constittition or Lecompton Constitution
1 2 -. Delegates to - Ciingress and Members nf!
ihe Teriitorial Legislature, to a peaceful'
arbitrament at, the polls !
I" We defy the pro-slavery party to
ac,ceptance of this proposition. We defy
then to, accept of either, Or all of them.
We katiWthey 'dare not, fOr •we know
, "
that - lane-tenths' of the people are with
!us and against them:
We ;gain dare'thein to an honest
and, fair trial ofd strength at ,the polls. ' ,
'The day that witaesse,ss the bliat-bOi
freely!and,fairly Opened te the people:of
Kansas, under
. puperviguri . of :impartial,
Judges, swill see' the final.' Settlement of
this whplelKansas imbrogliO. ' Till theil;
• wide sprea
drd:fier6n - a,gitutipti, tumult,
i i
;disorder., a , 4 confuison, growing worse'
and Viol-Sp - ever:Y . tlay,. will . reign, and uo
pociei i pu'earth ea.ta,prevetitit.,:„
; ~ 1,
.:.i))',.'l a01:7'01:410.1,1:
4 0
!11. -WHITE
IlFor•the last Wesik.
Par ' young torensman, Hugh Young'
Es 4.; Associate Editor Of the Heraldof
Freedom, iiai retired ' from the editorial
profession and' is to longer connectedlyith
that p.iper.i
. ,
. ,
' We are pleased to acknowledge the re
ceipt of the September miuiber of , the
Anierican.ll%,, -published • at
New York monthly; by. Orange .Judd-at,
sl•Per i l anrnnt - 'it is a new ;but- - very
welcome rsitor to our `table:•
Our'i viomity Avas..visited . .by a pretty
severe frost, on Monday_ night last, apd we
fear din oo'n ;crop. is considerably injured,
it not being -.'glazed" .yet: :We aramot
informnd of actual ,damagalo it,,bnt., the
severitY oflthe : our valley, leach
us to believo that- on thebills it_has,been
destrntivO; ••, Other-crops•than ,corn are
advnnqed , be beyond diner, of
injury;,. •y. • :•,, •
ill. - 'fic l ' oilileriiiil; or, la'siai: aitii' 0,
tito Anil.atOngth., .diituibect:Salerp,. night
ovs4ts_co gh anti other aylinptotus itic4 7
attva i ofda ility.-, For:thase-spinptops 4 , ./;4
any cutan l ons disens, pio - ofjpran, n rinty
state of th , blonil,l4urley'Sarnaintiipa is
a sovaieirn''reniady=Leileaßeiton,Marc,
DOING GoOD.- I == We:i313161;:
digt our old trind Rev. 3 . . • 8., Piethr, for
alyorrateicount : 4 Pp., 13.'caitst
44ritig for the eaussof.tduoatiou,,urrik"z
tolriin., A report 'mathr‘hitit-*/#l5)
ttititt Teachers' Associalion' btghlysprt
keko lin the :Milwaukee DAS 11 , Y4414:
Wa reen lacd4e,r+.:
1 14 , ,T , . f' St.'
" 7.7:i1 1 7 e neg l ected t week fp . `e 1 .
idgejthereceipt pi , -,
. 7 ".04TE:1 FA411 4 1( 'tYMICkEIIVMk bet`t,
IV' T. Trull, published bpowler&„,Wells.
30114 Broadway N. Y., in" - ttwo numbers,
.Frip l ,eot . uylete k ,sl.l4.,Wejooked4
take — pleasuie - M recommending
use,,be . lievirr%that were its .
precepts maregenet aly pratitiCdil — thefe
would he less of misery and physical de
hu au nature in , the . „World ; it is the
m4t - shiriplifo 'gyrnna#,W,i_ initiu*r• we
heve ever seen and is also valuable as a.
monitor of ireejih ind 11,1prift.048..
~,., • , .
5 4,7nersote.e.. Sidles,,bro.ry'fimine
fvfi SeptettilierAst , --receivdd, , - hai-ing its
usnal olinice:-:Variety:- of jiiietter:'' We
le / 4m
ntint's - M9g,t.t.:::ize,•' : ..vl.4::;*l)li,..pUblisli the
two together froni.Oetober lunderc the
naine of," inerspreatinited - s.4tatiis Mag
azine and,Tutuatu.'s.Monthly.7. Success
to the enterprise: : •
• The Cc' imOialttan: Art Joitrnol, a
quarterly,''',fer:geptenlber is'..received, by
which we learn ,tliat-•tlie...oso4dp?litan
Art AssoelitiOn are preparing for anotli
.ediStributiorr in - January. -• The - cnter
prise is a:laudable. one, and a national
one, though ive renet to see the managers
of it mentling - to England- to have - ;their
engravingS made. Can . they not be as
well' done !),), our own' artists? it
Ainerican genius have :precedence in all
things, and you,Will. be doubly descry.
it* 1,,0f the stipport : American; Art
. .
. .. _ .
i IniprovementsOur: Borongh-,:-Coun
eil' fur the leiiictnxent :ofW
the' Side-Walk
Ordinance,.are deServing .of the • thanks 1
of..npt . only., the;. pa destrianti.lo f the,:vilage, I
but of all travellers, who come this : - way I
tor pleasure ,or :on btui4iess.. - : :.'.0110 can r i
now staff front - thehead Of Bain Street,,
o either side, and' 'walk nearly a half a
n ilclon nice side , walks, 'ten feet. ride,
fi-e,-feet of whiCh'iti.the . ,eenter of - the
walk is plank. The cross streets and the
two others .Fannin; parallel , . with• , j.Nlain 1
street are more or .less provided l - with !
side-walks ,of plank ml gravel, 'at the op- 1
Lion of the builder. . The ready cen3pli- I
once of property . owners with the retptire- I
meats ot - tho.Oplinance is. (.6itainly, de-1
serving of the commendation of, all, and!
shows, a public spirit which augurs well
for the future of our town. ,We :are in
clined to bClieve that recent Minerstl.,de
velopmentsiti!this itnruediatd:. vicinity,
will soon brighten .tro,. the prospects of
Coutietiptati-and:thougla it may : laisotne
time-yet -beforeAlte inincral_lvealth cif _our.
county: is fully-.developed; .we : speak-con.
1 ihdently wheti. we..•:say iyears
henee.wilLexhibit a--vast .' and :•favorable,
changebi • the .Igitiwili•: and / prospects . of
!our villagei.and-,its , suburbon vicinage.:;;:,
t .kogic
Jackson, on. .Priday last, shot a yOug
LTrey ,wlthio our. Borough limits,
which measured, fromtip - to tip of.wings,
5 feet . four, The niajev:ic bird
was first seeriattting ; on the. dome of the
407 Court (louse,-when it flew . .,off, and
alighted on.a. tree in . the, edge o f rtOwn,
where. Mr. Jackson followed and,lshot it
Acad . . , .• • ~_ 1, ~;
W 9 negleqed toz notice at 'proper
time that ~.til.r."joel P..Raudall, of 'Cian
dal Sill, a=few weeks si nee_ wounded and
captur.ed.aAne large, though Young, Ea:.
gle of the 'seme species, measuring 7 . feet
froth tip to One of the was
fractured by; the. ahot,", and ipble bird
• ' tO . • the grPund, . where, :after a. seierc
contest,.in,which got,one,o'r, two
slight seratelies;he suceeedeik in eaphir,
tog it. The Eagle is now in,the posses-
lion 9f Ir. D. W. Spencer, Of this iplace,
and with the exception of the,:lass of a
part of his right wing, is - doing Well„and
ready fora fight`lwitli•any one who plagues
• • , • . •
• eO l l aiksP
Corrected . Weekly for. . ,tlte, Journal
• 1!- j'Y
Dealers irepri) Goods,' Clioceriez, Nam ,3.• Cops,
' . : Bootst Shoei,'Crocker'y, Fork; Floor,
• Neal, It'otionx,,te.,.. -
• ••• 'sB 00
30 00
4 ' s : • I 3 50
• : 3 : 00
, 20
I /7:
: I:1..“ . 0
• : 25
• !!!1 .50
• 30(t•50
• I. 1 25
• •12
. . .
iloeefip.ii, bbl., -
." eitia, — •"- " •
' . •
SALT, - I 4t • -
Coax. Maar; la.loo
, "
TAiLow, Is ' -.
IrociL, " - • ' l' .`
Hari, .*-
SnouLetE,B@,-.11 Th.; .3lari Si •
12 C -lb.;
' '
11,COKWIIICAT"' ' 4 '; - It
di • ,•;• j . • •..
'.VreliSa " • :
nGC4i,I 7v2 Dozeni -;
/1.•91, sl,rTan,; ,
'a, Meeting of the Trisiii'COuiiell'Of',:the
11-Ijbro 9g h Coudeisiiiirt,lieldedi;llie*-7;11
inst., the Letting of the -Side'-‘tralki . Orilstpad,
dth;' sth, 7th;-East, and AVest S treets, a n
part, of _, the=
First loncitty. h i October :at 119 pioek:11";.:
at tifeleoffiee Pn said order
of the Boirid". -t ST01111.8„ . ;
- CO deispeort,Sept. - 9,•1857.- Secietxtr,r;
l()SIB .CtOTIII:N.Ci Cliene,y s manufat tail
'cin'-lirild "-E. , K. SPFSCE.R'S;
^ '
MAI-tRED: - •
1 - ,, - - PiktiVEß,-,ROBEItTS- 7 .1n !Pleasant V‘u a y
'14 . 144d, , 1851, by Win.:Festenden, Esq., U R I
Lragstlt.:P.a.Mma to 'Miss! Jmenti I.; &BRIM:
all ~j•ednnt Valley.
,r4llAbe above one a piece - of the
dittemiliele.nothing else. We hope the Yap..
pk t i e i n of die newly *edded; pair rosy be a,
Vitinsind tikes more extensive than their te.
motabratimi of the ptinter.]
ii; -- noiiieh* - 1,,8c *pp, ii"-
: ' . L4.:"41•T1S ,:- tst. r r .- A-,
_ r
ODSlAR'Sitirkt,l2o.A: .111:&e.TEXTERIII.
t.:.? ' 7, 7 -fr aiiNATO ; Z:: E 11;
~ c !ti.t.-iit''!, TIED°I4I(.4:...EXTER)II\ ATOR ;
4 EOS I tAR'S."ta.:Ctit i OWDRIt,l4:Xlits;-
. . , REMEDIES nown : )
I62?'"6)§tAil' i liit4i iliirtriall; : illitlitia, 4
Sample Bolciititie-'ll.4tti4toa4oo: . Ex. to any
address in -the .13. !84 ort peel pt :of $l,: or the
Electric PQNS 4or f0r.054. , " - (.The , Bpd.ltag-Ex.,
beigg:o l 49J l id AlAnt l 9. - Ekclitntikr, ll3 Al4):- , , 1
WZ•"COS.N.I.It"`tIiII.IItrntab.,EOI_,F . GGISTA,
DEA..l,4ER4',Ytill'At 0 ENEE,PErtgOrith c. si '
Sitnipie.Paekaile . of 111.4 - _, v'arioui ' pretritratiois
lassortedyfrith Ofre)iliti', 3 Tills; - P.iist 6 s, .itc.
on repeipt of E.'S:Clearing 661: $5 duo -witeu
sold,) in dicier that they; ; tn
y-See A d'ertleemeitt.: FOinrifaars, 4fe:',
Add Ires 6.4 " COST 11; 10. ,1V6".."315011
tiroa(pkvilf,. N.. Y. . ; ).,P,l / 7 4t. '
. _ -, .
" s .enr".+ll:'.'—a anindEler beciutily.
ing Me Haer-11iir,1113 . -I)e,rfn "thl,'snpe;rioi. fa an 7
French article iniiiiiiit A" s 'aiid - foislia_l f . .this
price'. For - diessing, Litdie'S'lliiii If -has' nib equal, equal, givingit a . .bright,.iglosy . Appear ance! )
, j -
It cause? GentlffneWs ilalr t a curl in the Inos
ilatitral inanner. It remolnidatidrutt, alway 4
giving the Hair the_appearanee of tieing (resit
shampooed.' r Friel '..onlylikrq , lit.. xolio'
genunine aignorl;'
.. '. : " • '
'FtTIZIDGF, :.t'CO. t l' , .ren -- „Yor,k,"" .
Prop'rs of the qictlinufo 77191siansi Flowers!
For sale 1) - all CirpOtialS"..:".: . - 9::lttiGnia;'
Sold 1:)3. 5M1111A,i,111.N.F . ,, Diuggials,k,ou.
ersport,.l'a, ~ . ' ~...i,..- . .,: - ').• - " .-; r.z, ",.."1.
4.ilu - 14.100'.0iiii.*:- i
vzsolifi AU . E tp the:enclpsute. - or tele
middle of'Ang,net three , stray CATTIAL
The owner is :riqueited . to;Prose pr9pertj,
pny cherges,nn4 t4e
•-0 1' J IMILLS '1
Enlalia Sept _IBST. 0:13:-3tt
N pursuance of an order, ,14?the',Hiplians'
IL Court of the/bounty of - 'otter, there will be
expo:zed , to public. sale at the. Court House in
COnderaport;: on:TUESDAY, the ' 1 44 claret
Seint:inber:, 857; the-follei'whigtdestribed real
estate,,,synate in tht4 of:. Sharon; in
said conotyl Houndikl Alietoorth, the
Iftr,rhwa'y iGabrjel
Biirhes',; eAlst by:lands
,of J. Baraesnnd
Gabriel Barnes, oti'llia'Utiiith and `west by lends
of-Mintr'k Nrehola?t cinitaining: eight -acres
tnore or lees, 'about i*craeres Of.which '
prOVeil, -and-on which one frame
r hotise 'and one .fraine liarnalao Come:. fruit
' trees thereon: 1 2 • 1'" CLIAS2 S. JONES,
Admi . hitrator of the eitate Batty Lyitin,
deceased: •-•- 10-iu;
Fr HE foltaikiFigita6A - tilO'have been filed at -
tile, Iteg4ltfy's pm - Fe, of,l'Otte.r Unnnty,
l'enn - sylvnnia .t and . iwill t j,t presenled •atithis
S ep ten: her' Co u rt;on Tuesday, Septethbef 22d,
1857, .fur confirmatioti,;:nisi,• to wit:
Account of .19e131Cirtiltiek, administrator of.
the Estate of deccased,lute of
.Sweden'tcwhshib:.::',T ; ti ' •• •
Account ott...,firti•le - S.4cilie . q,: isdniihistrator -
of 'the: F,st:tteof Harryy.l4Tnan, dreeaFod,' late
of Sharon townshipi - T
Account, of. Chitk,t6m,..ftdininistrntor of
the,Es te lihil:lncie r illnwl93 deceased, la„fs.
of liirighlifirtownsillp . :•" ••••• .",•• •.
ititt*F-at -
A i
time . and place if they think
-.L-SAfTS9N, Register.,
American-Safety-Paper Diauut
; • -.•-•
New rack:,
- cArlTAT.;etioo,o.. 00.
A. NieldOLAS,.PrekNçO.'. 'Office 70-Wall-St.
• 7 - 7 - - 1
A Perftee' qeeiriity aylipfl all mottiiiir Fraud
Ly, , .dis -6.:=—;-To of
l'hologra:08 . and An sidle .
Too Veri or At.
• - te.ratinf
•UAYING purchasCd Hi' Patent for the ex
elusive:right- toiruitn actureand aellthe*
new ChemicaLPaperinAMerica, ihrented and
patented id,HtiglandhYt i Cele
brated chemiLtt•and afticerin the British army.,
it is hardly necessary tO'rsayt•that the - 7am ib
recommended by Mr. Nerit, AnsayertirtlOe U.
S. Mint, Mr. Lyman of the New York Clearing
House, and Meade Brothers,, eitertsixe and
skilful photo4raphori, ,23:4 13roadway N. Y.
The latter say that •nclituftetiOn:eisn -be made
on: a - check or b4hk.itkito printed ou-th Safety
Paper. --Btlow ourtlist'of;piiccal,
Bank Cheeks ' 1
35 cti.-1 1 1b.•
Bank Bills„ $lB 18 for:loo4,sheets,
Bills of Exchange; .$p 1:2 for,i000 sheets,
Promissory' rotes;' 40 'AA; .lb, - •
Tithb Drtftsrsls rot - loon sheet.;
Insurance Polic i iesiko ets: 11?
Railroad Stocks & Bonds;:4o,ets:9 .lb.
Bank and State Stpcks,i_4o cts:ll lb.
Bonds and Mortiages,•46 cta 14 . 1b.1
, wills‘and Vends,r44).our!;•V. lb. -;
• .For m-ruppiteSilks nod-other fine
it is excellent; asit i;rereats _moths. , :' 40 eta,
1 lb. . - • ! '
For ladentniesind:A.gre4metits',44o et&
it 1.411 StiptePniktP*Pai4ecord;sliiiida 0.103' 1 .
} be priO4d-or,•wilqem on ;thinlPipf.F, „an .the
chemicals inserted_itki r tha-' phli„not,only p . roi
Tent erasure or trailscer,..);tuti-440, .4 lasting
._.For Southern Plltantn.sleiriexcellen and
much superior to any °the ; as`tbe moistriesa
of-the climate does nat.4astycg 4,—tbe 'prop
erties inseite:ditilltelpitb WRIT prevent ive ' ,
In all, the , outhertt,istatca, Cuba,. the Wept
Indies ind.4he Central American : Stites, no
public records can lie
ten: on theordinirflifi'per the: Oils and
'other. eheinicalsitiserted in - this Paper maken
indeatructibre - bYthe ravages of time. It ig
al!-M proof against moths, rats aid - tither Tor
- 1 ' t - rind destroy rte . 7. ea* . all t oper pa
rer flat - 11 • •
Tli - C * Otupiirty.htiTelnovi iti - -bperstion
inJliiirbiTounty; N. 4.'r01” , about::=3oo .borse,
Fitier, and are able to fill all orders for Patin
at the sbortest, notice; •
All orders for in
the Paper nat'biaddressed
td ,, A; - `?iiellOßAS; Presidel:WM' tße.Corntioah
I l'io ** 27o - Street. 10:10-3mo.
21,3 4