The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, August 13, 1857, Image 3

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    ' '6oiliit-,,-,,-.40,:re;10tg.,_.
111. have good sleighing flouts with, Aooi
14 inclic.s of snow, and Impines.4 • li;is in
.const:cinence imp'ritre4. a.ouzjnigly.'
Cot. P' A. gtebt ? h,tsihi.s just returned
from New York and Philadelphia with
,superb stock . - Of New Goods. Call aud'
bee thew
The" Uval '.&;11, - k,m) of oar most
,qpirited country exc.:nu:ok published at
New Castle, !Lawrence V°,
.by J. SELL
.J.Essr.-ii(U clever fellow, `by the way,)
Joas au entire • new dress for its ninth
volu'aie: The item loOks well in it's new
-"iixiits" and 'deserves a very liberal pat
romige from Ole citizens of Lawrence.—
.Our friend Jennings is not afraid of the
times=ati eVidenee of his prosperity which
we take plem4tre in reeardiog.
ilec - klent.L4-31r. James Quimby, who
lives, in .Ilignk, while chopping down a
dodged tree, ai week a g o last Monday,. wits
rtruca by_the ire° on his head, a nd s ey e i n _
injured—a l'g,-.1311 about four inches in
length in one ,direetion, and two in anoth
er direction, ih his scalp, being eut open
that thescoll-bones could be seen, and
,at'aerwiso iajoag- We learn that
he is recovering slowly from the injuries.
Of the Philharannie Siulety will take
pluec ea WelticSday evaning next at the
Methodist * Church. Tickets 15 coats
etch. .Arre learn that the programme of
the Society for that evening embraces
z ,
S_IXTEEN caotee pieces having
nearly every variety of sentiment and ar
rangetient, besides numerous: songs and
instrutueutal Music by members of the
- IYel lope no friend of the
Society or of Music will fail to be an hand
to give them the encouragement they So
riciq deserve, and a which they
arc fully ehtit - ltd to.
The "Water Jatrnal for February
published monthly by Messrs, 'Fowler LS: .
Wells, 30S, Broadway. New York, , is on
our table; also their American PAreno
ical Journal fur the came month. Both
uf these are grst-class papers of their kind.
Price per year, $l. caeli—or, we will re
eei;:e subscriptions fur either of them in
donueetion with the - PoTTER. JOUR,NA
folims : Either of the abore named
wrs and our fur $1,73, or both and
the jounsAr. for 82,25 per annum. Wei
will also supply the JouttNAL and Lifel
Muth-cited, a Weekly liver uf real merit, ,
publi.shed by the same firni, fur 52,25=1
the subscription price of Lip: Jilit;:trated
being $2 per. annum. In all eases sub 1
vriptions must be paid iu advance.
first Saeialo!o" of the friends oft
the 31. E. Church of this plaee, fur the]
purpose of raising ftmds to ply Off the
debt agaiu't the 011111.C . 1; W. 1.4 held at the
residence of Mr. Eli Roos, on 1 7 riday even- 1
ng.last, and was largzdy attended We
were present and enjoyed the evening
vary much. ; The recciptsul . tl:e evening !
were 612,13, and . would have boeu Much
more but fur the ab , eneo of l a lane num
ber of the frieuds on a sleigh-riding ex
cursion. The nail i•Sneiable" , was ap
pointed for nest Friday evening at the
residence of Hon. Timothy Ives . , whore
we hope there will b'e a large attendance ,
gad littoral contributions of •' material aid."'
The " Soeiables" of the Presbyterian's
Church occur every Tuesday evening, and
are well attealzi and liberal contributions
made. We are not infurined as to where
t'ae nest one will be held.
We would call attention this week . to
the advertisement of the .Academy.'
liendrick has , had ,charge of this I.m.iitu
;ion over two years, and we only do r ,ltiut
justice in . saying, that 'during that time,
every term has shown a decided intpro3-c
-tuent both in the number and character bfl
the students ;and at the present time the
Academy is in a More
. flourishing condi
tion, and on a stronger footing than ever,
4 1 3 eftnV, It will be seen that the next term '
0 0 mmences on the al, April, a time
frhich will be very favortible to those Who
;fish to Make.furtherpreparation' for Slit*,
leer Spbnolg. ThOse who. wish ,to qualify
themselves for. the business of teaching,
Dr for any other station, will not find an
4 1 stitution wsere they can receive snore
thorough mid pfactical instruction than at
the Couder s p or t -Aerdenty. Every. true
friend of Eduo4tion . .ig the place should
second the efforts of Mr, fiendrick to make
i.flourishing and.poPularinstitution:.
Sitiole-Ride.--On Friday last a large!
_Lumber of cur Joan folks, married and!
tingle, had a sleigh-ride to Germariia. They
-tit this place on Friday 4.19 o' . el'k
-arid retarriedzt 5 P. AL, on Satardap,
.enjoyed . , 'thertiSclves •panapletely,
.fhpy inform - - tia? They . Speak in,high
terms of the cordial welcome, And cgtei-
'-- .- -". ' ' 'WI . A ! Et It` '
Mtn:tient grin th'em ky -t.: . D ist f
- the teaident agent," the . .. 'other *fichies, of
the Co., ;and-t he-JeigzqP a• "'9 0 u44".Y2
are fast iMproiing„ their junds there, Im s der.
Ithe energetit'n.anageinentoOri.i,-Eydani.:
We hope CAS f;ientlly, ''i.i,i4t:Of tiir'elliiotii:
, mil. bring us into. close -busi,ne.S's - cutthiei
tiith the citizens of, Cernannia,
;,- GERNIANIA is a villagzt . coMnienced. in
I Abbett - totinships, in thii.'eitunty it year .
and a half ago, by
• MlUSsoCiatiMt 6letite'rj
! pizin'g : eferalans, 0f,t;,,41,.Nr.. Wie!filt, - 31 .
RA DDE, of. New York, ,is l'resi t iebt:- This
village. ' a l re ady contains 15) people,: and
the GerMan-settleMent, includii4i the vi11ap,.45):
lap,.45): The CrJraiartia6.tufki,,. : owif
some 50,z .' ? 00 acres of, the kStlitrining)att ti
in the. county, and ..the itidicatinus now I
are that it will'all b.Otultivated iii a short I
time, by hardy amt indit4ri;nis farniers: 1
We note the .progress of :this .prosperons!
settlement with great pleasure y •!! ....-'"
I Me Au uutd .election ihr-offwers•of the
Library .:IssociatiOn took ; place! on .Satur
day last; when the following °dicers were
eleetid for the ensuing, year! Pr'esident,
f - Mr. D. B.! Brown; 'nee Pi ; csideat,•MrS:
M. P.. Jones; _Recording, Secretary;
J. .M. Hamilton ; !Treasurer, Hugh
Young; Librarian, MrS. M: 'W. Mann;!
Corresponding Seeretary;',J. S. ;Mann;
Directors, T. S. Chase, ;H. J.
IMrs. D. B. Brown, MtiS.., LewiS
Mrs. Jane W. ButtdwortlL , ,
1 The Correspondian• S.eSretai
•n yannoune,
ed that Ex-Governor! Ptillock! had re
cently presented some ;fifteen volumes to,
tire libtary, embracing the f•Colonial Ree 7.
orgls" 'from_ the earliest days of the colony
1 up to the death of Wm. Penn ; contintind ;
;in the "Pennsylvania . /Veltives ! "- up to
the nresent . that!. These records , and ar
t chives are very valuable. The Correspond
!.-. , ; 1-• ,•=
tilg Secretary also presented a e ray or tn:s
1"11. - eport of Surveys V t!ts ; !!!,
posed Pacific Railroad," whl, iia.i
sent to him by Hon. V lilts,
1 for this District. This is also v,:r\;
Ni-..nality r Sr 5,.1 • 11';:ekly, 47.2. 50; .iucluding
t , , , ,. . t i lc ..l.loo;i ui . a:1 the t:,:ins i;i
. i.iie W..nid. Any oat:
unblu work, "ivi , lo. the tow4r.tnlty
, .••, , 1 • • , eiidm: u. livs , r..ui' s.:serib..r::, will receive
country th:•oug.'n wnieit the out passes. 'a &Iry of tae a•il.'li-GUAitD and Weekly
There are now 35.,.1 'volumes in the L:bea- l l '''''''''' f j r ' " He Y e9r * -I..e'' 'Tent: =lire Crp
i cent allowed t., Agents anctrostma.cers,
ry, with a prop .et of ninny "ttilditions
TilF. Southern Senators have agreed,
according to our Washington correspon
dent, to oppose the continuation of Gov.
Wright, as Minister to Bea-Hu i ! ; partly on
account of his Temperence prinetPles,
partly out of spite toward, Senator
Rio and Slavery," and "Temperance
and Pr.:2dow," are self-evident. truths,
which the conduct of these Senators only
tends toistrengtjten in their nPplicatiou.
"in. Walker Indicted, etc.;:
lEMORLEANS, Tilllnd.ty, Feb: 4, 1858
The Qrand Jury (4 . this city yesterday
found trie hills of indictment against. Gen.
Win. \\hiker. Col.. Frank Anderson, and
'others, fur violation of the nentralityilots.
They wdre held to appear on the 4th Mon
day in April for trial: •
goverpor l'uflock itit the - nail on the
head in treating of tifelii'esent financial
elvbezzlihnents. • 'Mc . if.
'4 abtotiestintnto.
- - Allill3li 6T 1. .PE --- S !!- 7-
- 1 ,
The suyicriher Likes this method of in'thirn
in; the citizens of Uonderspurt . awl vicinity.
umt he tvtll b.t in the. ptic. during Ctil . llT
WEEK. dre' t) jupply tho.e who nyiy
wish withl a. PERFECT LIKENESS of them
selves, atrimes that c l an not nill to suit. - . Pic - -
tures taky u in clear oti elnlylylweather.
Lit V-11 ona, at the Coutt I.louse.
,' li. 11. ORVIS
CoaderLport, Feb. Ip, 18:,;!„ 1 _*
REV. HENDRICK. Principal. i
Tr HE 4Tallernie .Year is 6frided' into three,
s:.tssions of thirteen Week eatit
Tile WiVer Term cowmen 6, . 1 Tuesday,
Dec. 15, 1857. I• • .
• The spring Term commences, ; Tuesday;
April 6, 1353.
The Fall Term commences}; :Tuesday, Aug.
24, 1358.
Competent Teachers have iicen Secured for
every brittich of Study. ;.•• ; - •
Classes twill be so nrraugitd that students
may enter to advautage at any tiirm.,
• Teachers beerg.tpiz i rAin which
due attention Will be raid - to the studies usually
t.tught in (Sununu' Sclieiblii and - the list meth
od of impiirtint Instruction. '• I 7 • • • •••
Primary Branches,•, j
Coot E '
nglish, 3 ;50
Higher English . with Algebra, • 4 , 75
Higher Mathentatics; , I 6,00
Litin and Greek, j ' •j •
Drawing. (extra) • • 2,;i0
Mush:, with natio, .(extrii 10.01,
Freuen, (extra) '' l • 4.`ou
utiler studies,- ' '
'Room Rent, each, ' ; • • • • 1,0"
The past' sucedzs 'of,. this latitution,,drider
;he I'veceourship‘of Ar. iis:Npilick• irts italui
ed,the Trwitecs to•secare ai,continhal ion' units
serried. We trust; ziti'ititeilient puhlle' V• 111
give it' that support i•ltit.ll, Seetni. ku , be ;hie to
such an lustituticat, :! i••, . • : •• ‘ 7 -:' .
- • . }ILI iltEES, , ;Piiis't. ''.i ~1 :.- .
p. , I3:',OVERTON; Se'cny4 7 .•'•: •
. - ' ... 'LgISA§ U4NN; ::‘•''.i
. .4006:F.itENCIL•;•- '•, 1 .
- . -• ' " - SOBIESKI ROSS,' - .''' ' l''
IKT-ilid , BAP 8 klf,kel prtlg.,Ppe for
tale by 'f;.111.) E. K. b.
nine: :TRID,U , NX •i• 1;104 /CA c
l• ,11.1!1 ice•AM r
• - it contOma,i addition to,theustialCarcrictat
pa g Ci and A.4r9fictiptc•il - • •
Tee GO; , iritirtent".of ghttesyt .teat=
tivr and t s.s2 .•••
• 'A • Chasifie:tllList tif.the ifeviberc9f, I,he ,LThiteAl
stop 4. Srlatr. t . • '• ' "
Li 4 tiej,l9ifp':fif 1124iesentatives,
:15.•arace re all the A r inportaht- LEhrs psesed
Sel:6 , 3Sessiiin of the
Sketch of, the, On!Lreaka,qain,st Pag
-lish • „
Pe!,if;f'ol kliriinif ,
"(repZ•aling" the
B'Veg the 'll6:ise'
anct•nnitiefeetet.l tlie 'Senate? With the vote
thereon , . , -7cl:
•:A S.'cetch of the Proceedings inKansas derin
the intt. •
..,':1 - eezieise'Alothret;iif the Dred Deeision .
Skete/oif Minnesota.; .A .`ikerch of. Oregon. ,
Ann•iie'.oi and Denioei•ntie—rniapted in; 1956;
of &eve, Cdpitah, Governors ( with .
their Tlincs of Legislative 3loolings,
Holditig of OeSeral :Elections.
./rtearnx from all the Starts which
held (leaentl daring the
~- e ar '1857,
by Ciointies,'- - CoiO;reisicinal • VOlStricts• and
c(tates,,carefully . compared with.previousElec-
Lions expresd for THE TiI.IIIL7NE rAL:3IX:SI AC.'
I Price., willipOsiage prepaid; Single. Copies - ,
1-3 cents 'American coin ; 13 Copies . for . $1 13 ;
100 Copies for ..;(8.; or, if sent by express, 13
Copies for ‘,O ; TOO Copies for s7'.'" ' •
Orders inclosing the money:respectfully
. Address,
• , ••- TrOmte Buildings, New-York. •
• • ' 'RV • SCUiCRIBING von '
Because it give full, complete, early and yell ?
able information. of all llatik'Pailares 'and
changes; true desCriptions of all counterfeit,
alter2d and 'spuribiti . - bills ; quotations and
sales of :Stocks, Bonds and Securiries ; finan
cial and , monetary affairs'of every nature and.
kind. ,Ca' mtaitaing Ten , Times more original,
important, and valuable statistics and reading
limner yertainieg to Banks and Money . than
any o her Detector or Reporter ever published.
Alsb gives .correct quotations of buying and
selling rates of .Money, Land Warrants, &c.,
carrect.e4 by :the must experienced and
ble Bankers in New York, PbiladelPhia, Bos
t iti, Chicago, making
'So tiitiatt!si ru.tri can do' weil without tL•id
rernis . :,-1111ntli1y. one year, $ . l pc) ;. Semi-
ge'• The. only work over published giving:
:correct cleliaeations and lac simile deseriptionS
of all the Genuine B:6k Notes, i 4 •
It cost to arrange and publish greatl
work. over 520,000, besides yeArs'of time
and labor.
The book Is spleadirlly bound—,about 14
inches ,in length by 10 inches, in cridth—con
fitining 400 Pages -of Bank Nide Plate delinea
tins; belu 'equivalent to htiving upwards of
12,000 GENUINE- BANK BILLS to compare
with.andliet'n.t.thocomm [WM?, AND
iD adr:ince of any description in any Detector
Or Bank Note Re_ octet',
' It. CONDVIZii, the AyRONG, by. showing the
mom. will - , this Book, it is. almcisl impOisi
ble to be imposed piton by lila money.
T:ie SAFE-6021110 is : e.ip'y4ighted ; pub
lished and sold exclu,i3O:ly-by the nadorsigued f
and will he seat fie° ur in.),t . .. sgn-t. , ) any p..r. of
the e.,u it's on r.!eeipt'or'fwi, Dollars—twJO--
tv-liee p., r• e...ut. d:se-) will be alloWedAo
Lio..kiell,s.A...;e:is,, or t.... the snbzcri , ber f.\•r
//o,:jc?.Toit i.d, of Finance . ait4 B in!: I:cportr:
Ali i„s; . . t .. ' •• .
J. TYLER 110DGES, B:ink , er,;
. .. ;
271, Breda wag, N. Y.
Di - Vcirco IS; Lice.
Samuel 31. ltobjasoa, No. 134, Juac' Term,
ri. 1857.
Betsey Robinson. tiff t. IN m%-Ones.
A Subptenaand alias •Subpcena having been
issued in. this case, and :returned, *alit the
said ilttsey Robinson, the respondent,.is here
by n_nified and reciiiir:al to be and -appear in
our C`off.-t of Conialon Pleas. at.the next Term
of s ud 'court . at Cimilerporii in the county of
Putter, to answer clic complaint of Libellant.
At. C. TAGGART, Sheriff.
Coudersport, Jan 8, 1858.
W. T. Jones - re. Deleiss Dwight,
Munson & Merriman, " Bunnell kelark.
Foster-Reynolds, : " Thos.:Gilliland. -
Ocuege'll.-G.stes, , " Jackson Zz Jones. -
Rees A . , Lyinan , , , „
,{ Grimes, Boylen .d:
, .
: .
Potter Connty,
. ' • { Ansel B. Wood and
(4 '
Josh: Baker.
W. T. Jones &Go., •• " Nathan Woodcock,
C4r:is; Erwin A: Brooks l' S., ,P. Reynolds. • •
E. M. Carpenter, ' " . Richard .Shay, jr.
Sobieki llosS, - ,-, " R.
,W. Illotyre.
Arch. F.' Jones, • " Alonzo 'Dwight.
GeOrge 'Ayers, • : ' l ' ''•" ' t Ola - ord llaskiti.
W. T Joties,tfor nse 1,;: II airy
wry Ellis. '. .
of Platt jr. Plat; : •
Alonzo Dwight, " L. Davis & Reynolds.
Jonathan Glace:, •. " • Syleanui JOnes.
' 'll. J. OLMSTED;PiothonoiarY.
. PnOittoNorinl's OFFICE. - 'l' • . '
Cpudersportijan-lt, '1858. ,, hf _ ' , '
To Collectors, Townslitp 017
certi and 'School litlrectors..
Ir Am, authorized, by 'Lisa ae - B en:On, Esq:, Our
Represettiative, - to gik-e notice that an Act
has pulsed OnflP.;gislattire authorizing the re- I
turns of Taxei:by thoffieers above mentioned 1
to be made,ittutty thee prior to the loth day I
of March next ; -and that. the same, shell. be re-1
l 'pets'ed. , by; tho tiaty ConimbiSioners. This
truly-to tliose`tvito 'neglected to mile
,-theti'refures ou or before the First day of Jan
naby,' as the laTtstquirett., .
,•Cti,LE, Coto' re Clv*,
C9 ll llP.rl''F'v r.
.I;eßer3 OF - A . dtuinistrttion 'to
7111 ,ithe Estate:A ill10831).C4 •late: of
the,!,04111.-..,0, PAW? ,o,4„eeasedi hire. been „the dersignpkall per4Ons indebt.
• pd Ici'saiff - e";tate tir'e,r,eque.stpd to in:AP-hit-MP
diale,quipxient,' and ' tttptie having - _el:tints
-*Mc-present:them, duly
- atititenticitted,lot ihttlement. : I.i
.r,I'OJ.IfY : WOQWW, - Adcaltti,44-.ll;ix.i
Eilliburg, Feb. 2, 1858.7-10:31-6t.
~., ~1-,spLEittWiT,s-Wg e t;
eITY:`:4II.I./ II
B 3 L llllll " : if:' sll 4 4r X"Fa i , t P
ftrid. ; lYeKi issucif-out ofl
iqb Co Clltioni6n .- Pieas of Pofkei
and-V3 h oat eilpoi.e..lo 4.044.
setta.or- outcry, at, the. Court[Wyse la the Bor..
pi; ti,iiiirfiM•c• 6ii .11o'iiido tha'
'of Felitaitry;:
followiAg real-est4te.. wit.;
Cart tin read st.t.te,, situate in Ceneset
lots it 103.42 _by In t Na t 21; schit It
by. lot .;`9.2.1.i„ natl.. west by of.the
alio`tnetiE of th'e
Alp; containing' eighty-three nmi..sizAzittbs
L'ares of intl; of ,wliach nsFes I
are improved, on tv:liatt nrd otie E:pg• ltuu3e, the
'log trarn,'lttid .•
Seiz,e,tl.,‘,o4e.! and sqw
the ifroperty of Asa.))Otrus..,' •
H - ALSO—Certain rent ;tstitte; W:t.: , torte*
'ivided half part or thefollowinz. six I
wakto -land .'situate in Vie tawnshifia*tiil
Elector St• Pike; , I r tifteiCo.i , l ) ._:iti:l-dbscribed
i foltuivkr: Wariamt So. 5122cputuitting.801
acres. N 0.15133 ;cozitninillg *loop! acres - , N . ,.
5121 795 cre , , Slttioteiti tatkoxhip•Sl
Of licctoo,..4t, Pike.--,ALSU- 7 1yitrritilt.,No. 5:25)
cunt:diking, 9,10 512 if a;notalaiiigi r
1000 acre:, and -Warr:tilt No. 5721 - contalitrnt
050, crei•of, si ttiate.' l hi: Pato tosv ash p
aforesaid; Same, being- kuowu ns the Ashley
landS;subjectto ino:tzige . giveli by
GarlaCk to AV. Walker, -recorfied
Book ll.,:Page 13, ,of -11.iscellancous 'llecord.s. , l
Seized,token exreirdin,'andto he still as
the pr.aparty - of Curtielitis lin asikcir.
• ALSO.,(tertain,re:dLestate situate in Pleas.,
ant Valley township, Potter Cu.; ;nt.,,, Begin
ning at the nortiv-west corner at a lut surveyed
to George IVeline4,•Jr.; thence' east•tci :tort:Wl
line of sOidldeurg,e•lV.ciiner's.lot„ one hundred!
and eiglity.fbne,percheih.thence north elglity.i
perches,. thence west twS,,ltundretd perches, !
thencesdlih thirty pet alics,*. thence'
teed-pert east ilet, thence, south' iitty perches to the
place of beginning, doataining.• • ninety-fife;
acres, being part .warrantiNo. 3.157 of witielti
fifty acres are one frame house, , "
one log house,, and one lag born thereon. ,
Se'zed, taken it exeeutipn, and to tfe sOld"as
the property of William'lVorden,.
ALSO-j--ilert tin real estate sit'uat'e is Hector
Township, Potter Co: P., .Bounded north by
lands of W; [ B. Slaughter, east ; by - , the !flogs.
County tine, south by bi s itls of Andrew Military
Jr W. 11. cluerlisey; . and iveSt aliliearefi
of the Bin,giatm Es - tatei - 'einitaiiiiiig 'one- htin
dred and fifty acre:,, nbbut
,twenty acres of
which or:: improved, on which, there are one
frame house, one log shed, and [ spine small
taken in execution, and to be sold as
the'proverty of Er stun Guernsey!- •
ALSV-Lerrtain real &ante situate-in Sharon
Township, Pott2r Co., Pa., end bounded is
follows to wit-. Beginning :it ia post the north
west corner of S.nrui liralict's lot, thence by
the line s'id lot south ninety-nine perches to
a post, thence north fifty degrees wel-t. - one hue.:
dyed and six and 2:30 perches ta a pa-t, the Ice
north thirty-three and eight tenths perelies [ to
a black [ash curlier, thence along tha raid
south fifty degrees, east, sixty-four oral three
tenths perches t.) the place of beginning., con
taining forty-four acres and one hundred and
twenty-nine perches strict measure, -of which
about:fonr acres[are improved, on which there,
is one frame h.ouSo, one frame ba'rn,aud some
fruit trees.
Saii,e4,:taken iii execution, and to be cord as
the property of . Jd.stin Fetbes Ethel V. Bron-
son. . . . ;
ALSO—Certnin real estate .to *it :. the:one'
equal undiyided half part of the following de
scribed traetsbf Lind sithate in•Porbsgt TOwn-
Ship, Potter Co., Pa., surveyed in pursuance
of vrarrant Nos. 120, 4621, 4622 4623, 4621,
4625, 462 d, 4627;4623, 4623, JObn Barrow, jr.,
warrantee, contiinin,g eleven hundred acres
each, and an alltiwence of six per cent, for,
roads, &c., and being all unimproved land.
Seize,d, taken in execution, and t.) be sold as
the property of John L. Miller.
ALSO-I..ce;f4.—A. certain tw.) story saw
mill, situats in ihe Town Ship of Irngintm, in
said cuunly,onthe Past' Brunch of ,tue Gene
secriver, said saw;mill being:fifty feet in. len :;th
and fifty. feet in- width; and the
-lot and cart,:-
lage appurtenant thereto described: s follow? :
commencing ten rods south and ighty• five
.rods west of the south-west corner of snid mill
at a hemlock stump two rods sonth:Of it creek,
thence 'south 32a east extyrtWoi;rof.l.;, to :L
b•ecch, thence north 45° east eig - litem rods t.,.)
a post. thence north 2‘.. 'west is *lc itTurly
laid ottl.r . raad forty-six' idas to a slit ill'heoplock
stump, thence worth l-r°' West along' said!road
to a post, thence south 43' West twenty-four
rods to the place of betrinning, coutti,ining nine
.and seventeen rodS. . -. , ' .
Seized, taken in execution, and obe sold as
the property of Levi Ana's.'
ALSO—Certain real estate cornit teneing 'at
the north-east -corner of Le'Vvis Lyman's lot,
thence et*st sixty-six rods,: thence-north oat
hundred rods, thence - west - forty-four rods,
thence north twenty-live rods, thence ne t
one hundred and sixty rod=, south twenty ...tire
rods, thence east forty-four rods, thence south
one hundred rods, thence east.ninetY-four rods.
to the-place of beginniug,, containing one hun
dred and twenty-fiv n acres, being parts of
Warrants Nos. 2151' and ?Ids of which sixty
acres Ore improved, : on which is erected two
frame houses, one frame barn, one log; house.
and with an apple orchtird'titereon. •
Seized, taken in execution, and to besold as
the property of J. C. Fessenclen.
- ALSO--:-Certain real estate' to WIC: - situate.
in 0 - sway° Township. ?Otter:Co., l'ii., . Begin. I
ning ata post in the west line, of land in pos. i
seSsionCif 'W. L. Shattuck: thetice east one hun-1
dred and fortyrods to the north-West corner.
of a lot,formerly owned hrTlionias W.' Olcot,
thence south by said Olcot's ,lands.. one him::
tired and 'twenty-three jtods to - a pest. ; thence ,
east eighty rods to a post. thence' south one;
hundred and seven rads' Co a Post, thenee wet I
by north line - of lot Ncni --;-- one innulred and
sixty rods-to s post,- thence north one hundred
and seven end taro tenths rods toe post, th-n'ee
west'siktyrthree-rods to' n pa 4 In the east line
of lauds: in' possession of W.:.L.•,, L Shattuck,
thence, north , one hundred- and ,twenty-one
iiiiii.linil seven tenths -- to the' place or,'begii
ning, containing two. hundred and.- thirteen
acres, of, which forty:acres are improved. heingj
lot No--.--= Of allotment of land 'in .03ir•13 - 0
Township, on which are three frame dwelling I
houses;-- one framiti'harn, ! one wuter..saw-inill, j
and an apple orchard. ' - , , I - ' ' I
i Seiz'eff, taken in exectilion,'and to be; geld O s
I the Ittoperty of William 'L . :Jones, A. F: Jones,
.George 'W. Bradlee, di A. -§. Lawton.
- • ALS.O.Certnin- rent 'estate to *it : :situate
izi Pikeloivashi p, ; l'otter,Co:,• Pa.; 'Beginning
at a liztulpck, thence south eighty-nine degrees
east forty rods to a • stake lid eteueS I - smith
ohc.dcgree west forty-tirdrods to a stoke and
- tones, south eighty-nine tlegreesleast,thirE
three and slit. tenths rods to a stoo, s . oltli °up
degted nest one liundrcid and Arty.fOur rods
to a stake, :north IStic? *est_ seventy-four rids
s4 ; 2j1:11to astinite-, übstli,one degree ensteigh
,y-soyer,i rod,s ; to kslake, north. or west forty
1 lotrs - fo a'S hilie,',ll6 ill "on ddegre e e Ost-twenty
live rO4s1:o a Ifeinloric;:,soutlr Er: east forty
rods -to a' stale, alortit;oitedegreeOost seienty
foursode to, the' Ouzel- tieginningi contacting
eighty acres, wi Ur about tlprt7-acres i mif rove d;
en xhi'eliatis erected three frime houses, two
fralne fiArtts t Otte biacksmitl s op; sii - i - W.- . .
4iia'6ifkir ii.ut t liiirldiiii l 4 . ? ab ; id Ur iiiiMV'fiiii"
Ittittli eiviiii.:4li.tete3.!,--ii -
. 7 Illtther: iott4tiate
1 1/tike:aPjaekibltlirt7t3fr pOletin.tfittk• .B.tot
iiiiiotheopC.;l3ol44.39/i Osiqt,l...l l *:t.qofeid .c t ? l .9,
:fiftytaly.e.,,rotis. trl4‘ post 'pont, t One tlegree w„est
eight' t i - • - . ltitd eight teAtfis i . q4114 . It: 1)04t.
.te . trith
.8 9:1? inist one,buti,dod'atiti t 'lliii. iOdS.4..dq-Piist;..
ittilLi.4inh &greet - 41 - st igtb Ana eight ;Oaths.
rods-ri.the.plade,,. of.,rbegi; riiiig,4Ool3.l4.llliofit
fifty-I neirind_seyert,tentl a res t ..of thich„l2
ae'resatreimproved,etulii - htcli tki'e ciao foglid iiC
e l .
and *Oli l 'e . Qtiii'a,....'es--4LS -Ono citliee'ildt
situate in Pike yo - nirwp,.lb 't•inning ae.ifiiiiii
'three! b tftidreil pat aches e. Oi: i. tbe -- nort*,weit
.corner of warrant No. 212.5; t Miceli orth 41g1dS.
percbtakt ?,,a;past,, thcace;e t i eightyr,perehes
to -a post, ,t he n e,e sonth;eight,t; perche s ;to tipolt;
thence - West rat 14e placelof beginning ; - co4-
ta, nbig7fartyncres:tuol•istit•le 5:- , -Afilit.;!- - -=Dne
othet lit situate iutifdiesaid beittg.latNo: 2:
batitilled - tiortbieat,t :mall s - atli,:by11::104 of
Cortiel ins 11 unsi ker.,. Et id - les by lands or Cor
nelia.,,lluttsiker ' 4 - ,-, S. , 11. M.'rtitt . containing,
tit irty - ,.tierei.:—a 1.80:- -0 tie o her-lot tlititate'in
Pike 1' 4 wit s bili;:t hiresti ill I bo tided north.: east
and s l oatli by lands (if :11 41 ;Dent,: belag lot
go. -26 du the to ofitlie- Hi g,haui -Trtistee..l;
:Md. Part of war,Fatit . No..l:3Bl cantaining:fiftv .
tiCr.tsl-,..-,1--Atitiet (Se l la irl in pike - Ton n
allip,lbounile.d.ttOriti Ity.l.ttid - 'of tbe.llintgbara
Est rte.'d lid b'y ltt tidi r ef the Diughans • F state
.tad- (if in:nes - .11artin:1 sOulh. by' lambi- rif; the.
Diughilm E.state,, , ittitl! west. • latteliLof S. 11:
Martitt, containing, nitietf r th, eq,acre.t., 4 . ~..,
Se - 7.ed e falc'enia eiteentiatil, antito beiOldaS
the j.raperty of S. 11. Marini. - ': .' '' 't
. • •
ALSO.—R: 1 , 1f,..11:11 that certain tiro' tracts
of land:situatednit the waters.of Kettle. Creek,
Stewardsou ; townshirt, Tatter ; co., Pn: - i..Orte
'tract in the, arrantee nape oftN ickliti St,;Grif T ,
ti th, 'granted by the ecinirnontilialth9f.Fclin'a,',
(so. s,9s . 6.yionbiinirtg - onc - • bons:nail -iiiitsety
-and a half acres of; land wl ich CraisbY --W.
liltlis and George Ste Wartivon by Deed ;'ated
the 16th day of Septealber, - .:.. ' D. isrip; : con
veyed to OH ver Watstint Whir t Deed ,as reprpl- ,
ed in f'ottei'.Cat;;
,in, bred E ok - i:E..;tr, - pages'
1874 18 . 8, and the s. i d Oliv r Watson'; caul
veyed the sarlie - by'D eil bear ng date the 20t h
day ofNovenilier;-.A..D. 1950, to JOhn F. pow -
aa ; 'and the other,- tract yed in illy I war- .
rantee name of Nicklin & Grit itli,gratitee ,by,
the commOnivealth e- of Penu'a aforesaid; :-, (No..
5.857.) containing tine thtinSti 'd.' and ninety
four and - a-half acres; of whi. la tWenty. acres
;are, improved, bn Wfrtelt 'd,re • reeted : , t,; ne liig
house and:three log barna: ; • ' -
- Seized, taken. in execution.
as the... Property of ;Id to C. 1)..
F Do dge.- - - r '
. ALSO. —FI. Flt,,, -Certain
wit: Lots Nos: 16 - ..1;.•2t3 Sts .t 1
land.; of Stthie.ilzi Itoss•iti; All,
Potter 'Co.-, - Pa., BoundtllOri
No. 11 .and li 'lands of - Fox, .
East by lands of Vox .t.- Ross.
lands of Fox & Ilois, br lots - NI
by lands of the estate of S:. M.
-west by ltits Nos: 8, 10, 17, 29
lug threalitindied and fonrtee
and allowance - of 'si.per eent.
of which one hundred acres a
which are erected one frame 1
hou - se,Saill one frame store-hot
apple orchard there Ow. '' 1 '
Seized, taken in e x ecution,
as-the property of Franklin Ft
, Af f So--,--tiertaatt mat. estate. I
gaily Towship, PotiCe'Co., P.;
the north by lands of A. Pres!
of Fox & Ross, south by 'adds
nod on the west byllanda - of
containing. one, hundred, one
acres pad 0:10. of - an accre,:a
of which are improi' i ed, on w IJ
one frame dwelling,.hosse,' and,
Seized; - taken in - exectition. s
the property of I.liittl Atwood,
G. W. McKinney-& Chas., Stay
ants. • . I
ALSO.—ertain real estate,
37 of the, allotment 'of lands i
Estate in OsivayO -TownshiP, I
Beginning, at the N.lll', corner
thenre N. one litindi.ed and six ,
Beech. thence E. 211) rods to a
1-0.; rod , to a post, thence_ W..
lot Na. 20, 21u rodsito the plat, l
-ont lining 204 3:ncfcs he the
hss, w:th the usual alh»vance
fur roads 4:c.. and being part
105 t -.-ALSO—Lott Nos. Lk
mont of lands of the Ilingliand
g,•lns Township. 'l3Pginning rit
enrrwr of lot 'No - 3,- Mellen
rod» to a past. thence W. 2:10
tnence N. 10 rod: to a post.-
rods to a. Beech, thence S. 132
thence E. G 3 rad 4 t r o a plat, t;
rods, thtniee S. S 0 E. line..ofl: l
rods ton. post, thence 8..%:y!:F.
I>t 102 rod•-to a pbst, thence
rods 1, a post. tlienl:eN.-by ti
3, 4 & I1';+, 18G rod:,ithence 111
t'aeplace of b2ginning.; c , intaihr
be the 's anientitore'elr 1,53, eith
law:ince of sic per eent, f>r roa
ing part of Warrants Nss. 1849
same being finimpowed.
Seized, taken in i eseention, a
the property of Samuel P
Conder:spor r jail. 20. 1814% •
• • E•K 1 - 3P.E.NO
Offei7s Great Indu
VA ihe•store' formerlyloccup
SPENCER-, on 3d 'Street, North
Square. .
-• • • • GROCERIES
good assortmeut constantl.
whielft will enutherate a few
articles, such as I ' ••••
Sugar, . kustard,
COffe:-, ' Cinnamon;
-Molasses,: Tepper Sauce,
Syrups, i Catsup,, • -
Pepper, Yeast,
Spice,' - • Oils,
Ginger, Tobacco,
. Cloves, ;
•' - •
and ntanrother things- top- ntl.
tion, will be f o utpi in this dee r
will be sold AC A trilling adva
for really pap_ 1. • ..
Con - sternly on hand; such as „ . 0 : I
,U)II.:ESE; ,L A RD; ' DEANs, .
APPLES, DRIED- PLUMS, - !.. -.!-, ! ;
and many -other, artlelen - in - ihej line of Proil-
Aioeis not necesSary,lo! mention: .Also',- f.
;,•. • . - 'W9 ODEN WAIIE - '
. , .., . i
such, as Brooms Itia§h.iTues and Boards, Mors,
Dinner Boxes; ite.,•irhieli irill'lbe; sold lOic- for
cash, or ready -iiity: -.10af.4, - *.-Patatelesvillinter,
Eggs,Cheese, and i fltet i.linost„.eyerything a
farmer raises, wilt e taketi*m. exehmtge for
-Goods,. it theirj ra-li.:.tarne.;- I - .invito
t,ention ,of.Xillager t Farmers tindLatmbertrien
wen des re to Make. Initeliiseis in the, !aibOve
artieles,4tia sedieltltlidialri . .eall' befolie'llittri•
oh - aing-elsew,here.,,..•. ~Et. ..
~. SPENBAR.....
Coudersport,' Rine I t ; ',- 1110.17-0-:3-.'
:1' twill' .aid ' •
.filitStra . 1t418561*11i
! 1
.2 , 7 i r :1 -. ` . 1 . -÷":... r 1 03'ef.'k. ' ; R'.3
m !'_Trts Smse forit . ..ttetklyi.SiOLD . :PRIZNAII '
PAW stf,tlile JaYSIAS.O.,AftkP...O%;/i4Sa..,rtget*Sl,lt ;
4) .Y d :V:' . . ;dr TPTP 4 ' I/ , C t u l esa i cw/ P lui ßg s ly t t . , ,jT
i'A ' PES. oii ro,ttrxm coitiitti:;• ; :iitnterfiqukOilit _"
idr: - and iitoY'kTi:i'l4iTir.t.Tio IffyerirwiliitillA
' • •• • ' :A:C.4,iiive tth troll:it:id Oen .h. - r
..._,- li .f.i,"•.;.1
5O 0, .00, iii ' iiiald; 't , i*1111; e li pi . itte .
senie ' ",dtg,`lo,4,ch'ilibsteriti I A ; ilitiltil lia. - " LI
iliatel*' 011: Veil t t : of, Vie 'irtibiP • cl
. ~, , ~ , • •• ~ ) , 1 m i ~ ..1 0
gerkittop.: m oire - - .:. - f' ' 1 : 7 . 4. i,,
• . • -•—• TEi s ks, ,1„1:!; , 1•4 ; sl i ,m , m4utizip, /I
1 "‘ Oiid COpi: for 'one :pate, $2 004tilm,Vgirgill'A
!;Oad Cooytfor t 7 .10.2 yOar2im3 50Imatuix .giftr-J-mq
1 : (-) he vipy 4 rthtee Years„ 4,' 5 Algr •i,rf4 5iq1.....1/1'
° l l ceP.YIF fie, +T ea Fk. 4 . P i) . l . l .l d L, 11 ?, '" ? ; * - to
A.:411 TO CLuna i 1 * .• ."
~. 2,.
I" ref: Cap:es t ono year, ss,oq and It‘m.f.-
iveiiivpi'es-:one (- eaiq *m = '11$8: - 00,!'aild kiftsi. -
a en.eopiza-; titie - year t 0. ,m ‘ 115 0;1E01 Oisift9s,...a.
T wenty-Onv copies one,yt,sts $3,0 43 . ")
! l a; 4 1.04 -,,,..i..
Thd artitirs to beldiattibutlatlFF c,411 .11 451: ' '
in tiLl‘f oll 9 l ving },."t :a
2 Packge,s or Gold , ,containipt,Ssoll eikeli :-..11
5, ,do , ,do , , 4. 1 1200 - iialt i ;`
.10 do - do '" r 'do- . I ;$lOO tar 'c.'
. ,
10 Patent Level."llunting Cos" - sloo . ea - t v , :: , ;
• ed Wa'itdie.: i" f 'm' m... "''': ' t '`• 7 .7
-, 20 Gold . Nfatche,E, . I'. I ~:, , ....I V :ita.q.4: '
.. - ~ 1 / a C ht t i.t 1; 1
100 do ' ' , 1;. 501iseli. , r
1 4
Z. JO Ladieq - GoLl thteliet ' ' -' L s3s#6lr. - ' L .
• 200 Silver Hunt'ng pnlied.,Watettes 0:1-eielLJ , v:
rmo Silver - - Wutt•lidd :t - - - $10; to 42.57ifte1: -
- ouo ioltl_G - tiord; Vest, smtd:l . ii4 - t , 3 bii.l 4
0 1 0:00 . -
Fob Chains, I. i 4 ,, , : , , t,
0 1 0,1. , 1 , Lo4(;ts, : ,Brkucelets, r ßroe,chef r tag
tirdps, Breast Pio;‘Caff MO, Sleefe . ttPttligt
Rin , z,s, Shirt Stual, Wivteh-Keys,(gald , ah 'd 11.::',
ler 'thimbles. and a • variety. - of tiother;Artialei 1 ;.?
worth froui 50 ceats ; to' ako,oo ei, eb- , , m , r t . ' '
Innnedint9ly on,receipt of .the subsoriptipi
mouey. the isub.,lcribt rs ildmii will' tie enter r od: , j:
onah oar stib-smcriidio . a liook = oxiOslte iiiiir. ',
her, :led =the gift corre4pediding with tha bilidaKill
ber forwardedrwithin onitweeli lolbei.-- -
subscriber,. by snail , or. expres3: pc4rpaid. - 1 ,_,r- r m i
_ .
. ge7^All'eotainiankailon3 sbAvildbejt. ktiiit cae
ed to,
• 48 arid "19, 24cifr4t4.131ildr;a4"; 33 . 5 Br*
New : I„lo:s6 *,*-Si)eciinen Copies . "'
agd.t4 be t sold
clge k Charlet
liEm As tho, lion, ,Rckbeit-.. ; G. : .,11344,.,„
i!resltieut Judge, and ttielleini. Jos0" . ; :,
Mann.atid 0. 0. Associate Jtulfea ,
tlieCoartsofOver&fierminerand;CjetteraliTail -
DeliYery,gidarte'r •Sessions•of [th4Pear,4N[o#phl, :
ans' Court and Court of CoactatquPleas torlho,:d
County of Potter Ilaye issued [their, ptcepitt l
bearing date the fourth day tit : Novena er, in
the ytar of our Lord one thousand'eigh.ftft4i:q
dreg and fifty-seven; and 'to ilia" drreethcl,•fdr
holding a court . Dyer ' anil - l'arzainer atiffi' •
General Jnil DeliVory,[ Q4artat Sessionspf ctli" -
Peace, Orphans' Cuqt,andequrt.cif copmpu„: -
Pleas, in the I.3orongh,of(.7oudersiwit; Oil [ l4o3r.
•DAY, the 15th day or rObruary. next;
continue one week. - ! ! •••••••-•`2,
real estat'p, to
ealltityna . ht of
zany ioNviiship,
?le North - by lot
k flop; • on. the
.13n the south by
OR. 27 ..t 114 and
Fox. (lac:A. and
& 114. emitain
toitid - 5 1 O ider.s
for- road gi - Ice:.
e hnorovtid ; on
arn, one. (rune
I se, an4ivith4a'n
loud to be i , sold
Notice is therefore hereby given to theeor*;
oners, Justices of the,,Peace,..atid Tim : stab ;,
within the county, that they be then Arid
in Cleir Proper persons, at 10 o'CIoCICA.3.f.
with their rolls, records, ingnisitiotii
other reineibbrantesi to
those think which - tiii.their . tlfaCes appeirtslit
•to be done. And, .those 4;4::b94rid
the ir .recognizanecs iprascenO r tlgitirefa tq
prisoners, that are ur . 3.lll . llrbsrintbglaiof aaiS.s
county Ofl'otter,'Sretii - b - eilien - 'and - tlieriiiiik'
prosecute against them as
_will be-just.
Dated at Cono
ozrOnti.J : annifiy--I.jth,el/40,'
and the °2a year:of the independence
United States of America...... -
A" TAGGAiR72-Sherlr.'<`..
i tnate. ,k
: i Ile-
i: u on
o, east by'F . , led-:
of Sohn Hlgg,ie.
Luke' , Darling; -
- tv.renty- i peren
.?"out fifty !acre
icb are erected
one frs me yiro.
nd to he f•141:,..4
with notice to
ley, Terre Ten-,
. ,
being- le
the B,inghain
utter o
of lot NO. 26.
y-dive rods to a
po=t, thence S.
n the N. line of
e of beginning,
sante- mole or
f six per:cent.
f Warrant No.
of the sing-
Estate in
Beech the S.
N. f° 140
oils to a - ipo,t..
thence Iso
toils to-a-Tost.
ience S. ! G 8.4
t No. 115 1 ,. 229 .
by line of said
IS. , ilo' 8. 40
,es of I , 4s' Nos.
ring 442 4 Ocr s
the -usa:il al
e ,5:4c.i-a4llle
-1374, and the
-Iff N PURSUANCE of an order Orpliarii! Conk
of,thaeoun'y of potter, 1:shall: elpose.:B4l7
sale outcry, at-,the Court .I.lou.le,isl,
the BJruugh of Coodarport, Pa.,
DAY, the 16th DAY ;0 FED RUAItY; _ 84;1 . :
at one' o'cloOk . P. Di': of said d:ty, the follonint
descr bed Iteal,•Estate, situate in: Pleadttliti.l
bounded, de follows:;,...:;,
On the Nur.ll by tanda ,
afid Keating 8- Co. lands,:Enst lantiiii3fJobtf'
,S; Co., Boutli'ly. lands ,
plan, on the west by tioseated lands 0f. 1 194t z
Keat:ns &Co.; cont. lifting iaerelitY 2 fivi.`nOteti,-
with-:4lxt6on aer>s'iniproeed;'ottea'ratja"e {std
log house, one•l•tg batnelititi.'HOMO.:fruit.,;tyeeil
taLreolv.,' f JCiiiNi J. KUBP:TS, gagrOL: • .
rif the ntip.or '.
AGE ;N•rs. i A' tr , PE Y-114)N, ll'z '
Do n.. 0 :clef. to Aid good employment, .artric saa4s :
morsey with lalle or no inimstinen'l i ancl**,,, •
out interf.r.'nj i•rilh youriregn,Tar bif5: 7 4,,.i,;„
• flees t If you'dc,req4 (hie gily"ii. : . . " '
( -'E. TODD k - 00'..•0f 3Eiliilibnietf364 4 eti•i
IJ. • New York; are maiiiirocitirlitgAild4ell&.;
lug 'missive gold P.encils for $0 eacb,kw,hic4f
are cheap at that prtce.) audthe,r,throw.lo.,.:a ;
gift or prize with co ch ?encil,*orthltOM Tw os
Dollars tip. .to Five: D'ollar's;tiOi tit . ;s2li, 4 ifSt
$3O, $50,:',575, , One Hiendreet , D6llcirir,:Vivel
11tmictED- DOLLAR 4 I'IVEI. - 13UliDlitEW 1:1(31:4
LARS. .-, Pon!A ery .out.4,•,HUnding:l,44tpist!', l
It's no such thi,ug.., - ,the, peirlle ;are, sojtlA
their . c:assli:Viii,lie, and, ail the pritis'overAey.
first cost hr . :. tbroWn into the_gifts,•iiiiietfrat=.
ttiallf•cost theptirthaSer ffilibink,. 7 Tfititirrieit ,
are' ... distributed int a.:siritple - plan: or .drawingct
whiqlt. would take •too much
"rOopt„t i o, ezplairik -
but which lies never failtdi to give ectnippfB
satisili.et7o n. • We !lava drawn. and sent to pAr4 l ,,-
chasers 133 gold watches)' ' of , Tarfoiii.ilticiii;
74 purses of gold dollers,233tiilif Itlieleto4o :
g,old.eltaios-,.and. a correspanding.itinst ..of., ,
other prizes, within•two moritliiil: . uo t i- lz.j .-. '" •
-,,.. - 5 1 4E.A.r.4.P..;/I.P , BLABTES,_ A '
but cTcry purc ha ser draws a - prize worth wo
Dollars certain, and it standi thousan ds
clauces a llighei figure: ::r. iveC:' . .. l .
_-, Wc wlint a good egentlit .eTe,tt.,,ilei E....
g i o
eood th - ro,u;;ltout, the colptry,:l4,oi 401141t c '41 4 ;
thaiers; OA am stg4ti.; to' be'spdcelletdl; *lit
hare a Poncil and prizi•tol , ,Fhibif?'-'lVe -* - 7' '
iTgen is' 0::E .DoLta,a_ :cash: tor A thic.ft".ptirc.kcager, „ \
he.ohtaina, and thdfirit4tvoniitt Wlttlitthy ' I
borhood who applies fora I'eacit Am ilift,
will 'receire `the siienc,r' for.,flust 'lOcatity. fr . ..
Shottid.'4U figettt - obtain a. 'ialitable . prize fit
I exhibit:With hiS 'pericil,-'he'worthlifive - P111143
1 ditrieulty:in obtaining. siores.•Orptl F nlisttists,
I maki ng it a : paying,bnainess„ -, t ,,0,: i :
A. Ntw IDEAU REALM! IIM in - . .
,We tisk . - :nobody, :to 4 send.. #I,eIT, J magm a ,till . .
Iherizlow_wllli Vizi !h4 . :: ( lcfillrfi - ARYA I S - -'
son Wisbing t,o #y their 1t4c, , . - • cab. first_ . send"
lus their name, and.ddreisfi j 'atillid: ii!i'wili'titraltle '
t their drawing-an& inferuil theta .ilfretriruktitail
ratite priz.e :they , dreiv. 'Whom tlikroshrvelui.* ' -.
a nil PlO , #4,:- PAnol : 4 l : l .Pr:z 4 trgrl 0 394 ?"7,415t
ev,.51. titey„cirose, .7 ,Virc giTethia•proguttrin,y
I once s o ul —
i eyesy,ptlrchaser will ...Iqe r99,ttired to sea its '•
' aiirititte,-;iftioor,fi iliearairdrii - Aictikini.. ll o
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will send witilea'chliiirtaintibiffittiobilitt Viz
otifiNilth litlEdeseriplitin,oftimpdattbf draw- , •
.1 ir b . Aktreos_ ' -- _..4..F, Topr,t4a cogyl
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ilto be ldas
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ed by - 1).. .. W.
side of Ypblie
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1 on.liand;Trom
.e the le4.ding,
, .
Candy, . I:: .
Nuts '-
Candles,! :
Shia; :.-C•
C; Tartar;
erot3 to
.ce from cost,
f •