The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, August 13, 1857, Image 2

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1 vie:.4 4 ,0 - 1 - . 7EfiT lilC-R3Ddi sti)!umG, DT
'Moe. $. Chase ' -
3.91 710 r.ll Letttri kiwi Communications!
ipi/14 c1,1411.41a, to secure iittentiofi„ :
11PrEfilk."IntnIrik4ly In ,kilyninFp :
i5i,2,5 viey tnnami
. I I
f l , ePellq,) S 49P. -ad z e r tising.
Y . i, iv, Li., j 1 iu.4.-..rtivil„ ;- - • t - 3 0
" s •''' s - ---$ 1 Ou
Ash guyysui.n: ax...telll,Rß,lesstfia,:i 1:.1.,
- rfottrup'.4-cv muitills, . 4. - ... . _
'- 1 t " t -r?' , ,
¢i6!. „ - , ;. ..
I: --.'.' %/.45 sTokr, -
Ade..Fki iiorcoiturk, kei -sq., •0 iw.
),:tieii_atubscquettt itpviva, - '- : 7
; 1 efitltifif #4 . 11.101144 ; . }B 110
~ ,- 11) ti()
- I • .0 ~4 .- . . r: •• :?` . 7OQ
; - -- .... -•- :1 0 uu
l' i a miiiiitribites or Emicetor'e .4:f tic, it VU
'"..Liaticor's Itioticeg, eactii, 1 50
...t i lierill'a *Lim', per tr act, ). 50
: *eringe k ',act..., r te. . . i. 00
Bistnc,-, or l'roCeselsnyl Cards. epeb,
: •;not eic.ling n lines, per year, --- kOO
PPCCil i l al LI I%,ntoritilkoticen, ptir line. 10
ptirAi , l Faylicut Aulvertisernente n;c4Ats be
pdid in is v4r i .t.L. an d 43.9 notice will be taken
pr adier . iiiceuteiti t'iotu at tiliteice, unless they
are•ompikst;ed by i t lys money or satop,mory
,l'efiir Eaine. .
1 ) 114) - g.- 40_ Cluottl!,
eh.; last
Mentlefilinll 9suwatttcypie, - $1 100
Itarpo7.l . l Magazine, for August, pi on
pur tarok, rich, solid and racy as nsfyi—
ap4'(vrelfeel grAtcy for the fact)
,unen 7
cumbered by !Ibitile Dorrit.
We Figt but a 114f -sheet this !reek,
is eorgiquence y being Osappointpd in
reeeiomg a lot qt paper opleied.;•pearly
swo reks)sine9 : We hope, hi/Foyer to
i t ; neif lento. -
Fire at Wesville—Our neighboring
linage in Allorny county, N. was
visited by a veTy destructiye fire pn thp
'flight of .the fifth inst. Gordon's block,
the largest buildillg in the place, Was
destrciyed, together with the American
Hotel, and Fisher's - Hotel : The Fr ee
tress office 1 9. q endangeFg4 rtir
and the material taken into the street foy
asfety : hay° not learned the cault ,
pf the fire.
grA enrfp,ipuntitia of T,lto Buffalo
Eiprcas !rites thus from thin County:
As to polities, this e.elinty inere:le
iti'Mainoty of lfitit year and give for Wil e
mot, as all the north tier, a much
hetrier . vote tltan Fremont received.—
The camp fires of freedmn hrn brigl)tly,
!ind" the. frier* ofliheity are in PAIR , '
and thatfennsy4kpia will lee,
alftsr rank, as a rce 140,11 State d alia no
tonger trail herself on the p.y9 . Ar t# toe.
flow To Do iipix.ES.4.:" :New 'Becket
Manual 'of I'ractical Affairs, auffl.tlll . 4oi
success in Life; embracing the grin-1
ciples_of ; adyiee rdeesilpe
:to a trisinesti ;lineation ; plip,ice of pig ;
suit ; buying tnd general man
lagement.: manufacturing;
trades; farming;' hoo,k and newspßper
'publishing; miscellaneous enterprises;'
lealusCS of success and failure ; choice I
business maxims; letter to a young 1
lawyer; . business forms ; legal and usu.' ,
ful information ; and a dictionary of
commercial terms. r owT,Ea
Publishers No. 3120 BSpOphlay, New !
York. iriee, prepaid by ma% . 301
0014, ?!Pttl : '
`are - indebted-to the publishers for
pleopy of thenbore work. It is the mast
youiplete and thorough manual of praoti
alfairslk4 ?re yet flPllgiirPt
condensed dorm and meths:id-1
lolly arranged, an immense amount of;
information on business in all its varied
sispects—mergaqtile, ms.nufacturiag, me
pbanicalEagtieultural, et.e.—a great deal
pf eatlid . mid,whalesomp advice, valuable;
hints, timely worda . of warning, and use- 1
ful anggeetiomt; and paints out cep clearly!
.ths itteerni of avoidinli failure and seen-.
ring ~sticr:sss. To tile merchant, the
manßtlptlitpr• the megbanic, the l iiirmet,
he clerk, the • apprentipe, the gewspaper
t - book :2Zel?t, and the sfu
dent' alike iwraly le. It is - emi :
mg/. a practical work, adapted to the
pspta of 0 gia 3 iiet`t 40 no PIM NH
should be li • thout it
• lye are 'also tinder qbliptioip to the 1
ilia:4lol;Ni* fat' %Any of Mr. Horace
444 Te;; before the
•••4 7 9.9i1i1i01 fPl l . ll tleril
pr 4ptionb Coljsi e, A*: It is a
1 9 11 ".t_i l Y A r tl i P i ßt !12 of 041.59
Pf 1274 . an elegllet4 4efPl49e of
All/iricAß at all who
ale iecillaillted with the former produe-
Ore of its author vKili Iheerfull7 Toßeh
Fit REW.N or 4/T.—III is WO/der:
_lays bqr muter' tenches
itl f inost every thin& The ceilings over
via OA the`eargoeta we tread on, arelbak
ttrired I.7 — An. Art Wind's the railwas
Oloughlie snot tains and 'the mull':
Makeerhef tuaebitlfs of wood and iron, Ao
frt as if with tilsiwiedge and 7unibilate;
apt vib svithii&tolpg tatted dolv,n ,to the
tntcledge Of . a ,boy.,, Nthingis 'too lofty;
for he,t• tolieli ani i i nothing too humble.;
4 new root of 4 conv,ietion, lzits:
just . talleh - A4e.rin#J i nfftice, ip
,t,he ohniet
of a CATtraapp r x4 r .fyozu the Lsbora-}
' ii - . rht , - orned 'Obeli,' t I
tort' .51 .t . .4 * - Cl-.. i r ' , R ! .. - . - 13 I
Duet.:,,,_ ,c.. 4 1 -4.. '; . ' ' - - 1
It we tinderstaud he sulikit; he has;
carrie,d,that a.rtie,le t the furthest perfec-;
. 4V ;which :i l t is xaita s hle. - IN A t.e a d
i k #: mikloying DrAi in its: coteposkion.i
IP in have always ;}fought the neces-1
As/ and only way he has with con-;
,mate, skill exit led the Tirturs.op
the medicine to 'iv iliploy,ed.. pod pow, i
/?ine4 them alone in !their 'Toriqr togoth•
pr. ',:he compoajpon is then ints.ed and'
rojicibyi machinery and steain pelf er in
lo 4 spheroid pill i which is yFapp.e 4 d In An.
89yeliipe or gelotne, for proteetton rp m ,
, go etkcts of weather
. or time, stkl thop
1 thi,lkly coated with tmgar, to ere as its
,paspoirt over the palate. A)r.otwithstand
rig f all this 14ored, perfeegon they are
, pirered, to the l'nhlic,at less than one cent
, panli. Hoverer lii*l?lc the department,
'qp think this way t he safely characterized
'ffs tie t cousuwation; Of Art in its line:—
I AforfAry Alittrs, pith. • I
2 5u
: 5 ; 0
c.; . 90
3 Ou
7 -
GE.N. - JacxsoN's Gold Snuff-Box, le
queathed by him in his will to the bravest
.)te 4.0 c Tprk tegmeutti in the
?rte*teati War, hag bet a awardc4, by a
Counnittee,appointeil for that pUrpUtte; tja
31:90r Garret liiektuan," of New York
Oty ; whose• tinOeial record, the .7',Uk
gpe says, is nut without - blot, lie hay
tug kgen a to tip tune of 624,-
1.100„ while Register of York Coun
t a few' ears
is related by eelehruted.
historian,' lierodetns, that, litStaus, the
I.4iresian, being detained a . :prisolipt. by
tu?d all Ina eurrespopdenee i4ter
dipped,. he, shaye4 a:inan's head, emote a
deppatey upon, and kept the luau out
hia hair Tis grOvii. Tie
hyii% letthr was then sent, .and -.the per
sq to wlunn it.witi addressed, upon shav
ing the inosenger hea I, found the news
there inseribed,
Recilen in pry : Goods; Jr fries, Hats. Caps,
Byots 4..Aoes, Crotkory, Pork, Flour,
•14Api 8.1101%, avi:DER.PotT, PA
' •
, . . .
Pons. l -
SALT, "! -
COUNABLI. I p 1 100 thi ., -
13.1:i•rtny, to:, -
Lkni); -
Wnot., '! !`.
thtn . eismtte, la lb..
Difg.,StaXi 0 •••''
1,1 H . 1 4 t
. " t a Bullte,l 4 ;
Wurrx. lIEAxa, "
I )r94l l 4kAT , " 0
O vit
• t
tu r xrgipl IA 41*
T! Ton
t I
tirlieZ • te
MvarlimpnisTisim npiieswiNtuksmoo.manumniumenesenlM
t , IV rq. I.7ltr..tsi'!—o l'ontalkfor beautify
ing the .fain---highly perfumed, superior to any
Frenph artieht itnyorled, neirl for-half the
price. For diessfagd Ladies' Ifair it has,,no
equal,. giving it a bright, gloss y- appearance.
It Causes Gentleran's Hair to tAlirliu the most
natured manner. It removes elandraff, alwaks
giving the Hair tbe'appearance beiug fresh
sluirapooed,. irriee , 'only itt - ty cputs. None
geiteniue ualess Signed -
_ .
Funtu.iu,E s: Co., New York,
Prop'rs of thq •Attim i nf a Thou:wad Rowers.'
For sule pi , a,ll Druggists. 9:321-61us.
Sold by SMITH Sr.!JUNES, Druggists, Cou
dersport, P&.11
W A It !
arid no Ono killed-3A room fur more to
act at •
for one orhis,heautiful, lite- like, never-fading
Pictures: l'ioturi3i of thei latest t,t. le, consiSt'-
iug Qf '
AlinRO,T yr. E*,
IT EL t 1 Ed? VP ES,
atlci Tariety of Type, on Paper Leather . and
Iron: 'Four sties' of Locket Paper,
Lockets, forl'ault: at, first coA.and coat -cif
Lure. ;Could gue, Come Nit; at et.ll7DEitti,
WkieTe war is tiegun,
And yicfory,wou,
on highyrkee l gIarI:NbTI.?CTIONS given iu
this art. • \ • tuas-2t."
, , H ~...-/ - - - i.
3#4th4t btriot Nimil i . Viii4a.llllll4,
1 ' iDiAl.scs IN . 1
FISET OP ' 4 0. VISI-9,-NPl'
tiro v f E 3l , 49:, t r titly si , , z-bu i ll c ii rr y, l a4zr o ze s r i t i t
13ed, Vork,l k Laiti, 4 .. ott ' Oere, C i l ; f;u ' L.4, Bides 1
Cheese, itic.i.t,ar.ti, ' I
APrii 6 ? i,d 6 7+- 9 : 4 5-3m. •
1% ()T1CB; jobereby. give; that l'ropo
-I'l palsic,ill e•reeiived qt, the Othee of
the 1.'0 , .y41 Co)lieil until the first 'clay of
SeptintbA 'neFt,l for the tkulltliti:, , . of aide
,Walks Ara untinilt, in accordance with.
'the OrdiitnneO. "asisett May 25, 1557...,
By Opiler 4f own C . ouneil. '
SA34 'EL H. STORRS, - .
1 , •
' i . pc , y. of Town Counei t l i :
Cou4t4po t Aug. 34,1, .1.F.:).;:.
cor're'cted irceklil for tku Journal,
da 4i
~'`3,fi.i $,.; ftrrti,stiitr4ts.
~j • I
• **-- ---*!-
..NWillAtiE SAL V, --. !' 1 tired an ...,-.1 t : . lull;: .S. 'l+
• . --, ands:lite acres anti aliti,ktsuci: j iit aiT.-perJeettc•q•
VI 7,..prtiTE of a em lit of Levan.' 7.l•4ris 13-1, for Anio.4., s::. - -11S0-'Ort".. - cdt, - -t Lat certainf
X/ , pied out ee:thie• Court of Conitraott I'lens ! mac s or i,i,.:n o f laud s isa.v eyed .. j iC r pstr - suariec,.'•
or ;'o tter .cuuutY, :Peimiyirsztip,Nl4 . to ii;te di , of. wainint .No: lout- thin:sand seven
reg . :Led, g.l it,hallsszptle to public Siskorti,
j uter - i . ! and ANc i -i i ,7445,.-cuttfliOtiguin*huittlteii and
ni Vim Conn house
j its - the Borough' 'Y nine aerta.inti allgaikunee Of six lit e; 'cent., for •
d ers po rs ,-,i,, l lg o o t tay, the 21•;t day of_siiptetit. roads - c.: 41,Ait.)4.m 41.6,4 Cirtain tract!
her,' - '155 7,
.at DJ ;Xloclt A. Si.,- ; ~; ' ;•, or pleinUilsad still'eyed in yursuan;ceof .iviiT r •',
An the, - iiiniier j trees, of njhatevelf.'speciF i S,l - I;snt tio - . , foiti; tjwusiritievt , it fujuidred t 4„700, I
kind,f ti i,nateue,"now growing and Of- yhe strefciiiitai a ing nine hundred unia-nittety acres atoll
often inches he'diatunter at the stump, or that; ~, I•,, wa „ ev o r a il: p e r egu i . fi ir roa d, 4,...;._ Al_ I
may grow - and 'attain to 14)0. tilts: ',d ar i ag tiro l'i•ns—Ote - till_ that certain trim. or piece of land I,
period hereinafter lainitioaa.d . ,,on all the ben- I'surveyedfin pat-slut:see. , of warrant Nu. four i
i n sner mentioned Ana
.tleacribcd tracts, paitil,thousand six huudro and' ninety-ci, '4,tts3, j
lof Inlets, pieces, o r•pureels of laud, sitnate in I amt.:Lining Ulundi nnnied: and ninety acres and? j
the County. of tjutter, and titate of k i enusytt'i- 1 allowan c e of els. per cent. for roads Sc.- M. 1
ilia, containing,• together, 1.'4, Thunsaud; so-- j o u all- that certain tract o; piece -of land
Acres, anon-ant:es ke,, , its follows; viz :- :- 1 - I ihrveyid in pistolling-e'e' it arratit - NO", 4Ziej
On'all that Certisin•tract or -pleee of laud i MOUS.% ud'iteVeri bunijrid and tie enty-six, - 4;72U,
surveyed in pursuance,. of. warrant nuntb:r.; containing nine-hundred:null tOrty ner,.•.o qu i
fourjtlinnsand "six huadred anti -thirty-two.; allowauCe of sit Perl:eta. fur roads Sc. 31,.
0,0;4) I:out:titling nine hundred and ninety; tiL)—Otiall that certain tract or piece of laud
anvil Lunt all.twance of ,six per neut. fur _mntis 1 surveyed in piirsitaincti uf warrant No. four
~ •,, ; , J - • -
; sc . 41,,,tit.r—On all tint s :certain t ract cir piece lottsand sin hundred and 3rv, ray-tire, 4,675, I
of ltuat: sacs eyed in t ints:ogee of %currant nun- I containing nine hundred - .and ninety • arres
her funs...thousand six hundredancilliirty-fotir. j and slit:trance of idx: per vent. for real& ke,
j ‘,4,63.4,i atintaining ;due bundled and ninety t .41-6 U—On till thar.e‘rtaitt tract of:•pitfce ,)Ij
acres attil till itiquiee' of six per c•-:.nt. for rod I land aniveyed in pursuance of tiarriit No.
'.x.- .A.I.SQ—On all that certain. tract, piece I fourtlisiusand sheen hundred . and seventy-,
I•• • . , -
lor parcel of Jinn surveYed in pursuance 01' seven, 4,777, containing. tune hundred and
!warrant number four thausand six hundred ; ninety titres and allowa n ce .1.,1 six per tient. ftir
' and thirty-tire, ( 4,5135.) containing nine hurt- roads Sin. ALSO 7 -On all that certainr tract or
tired and ninety acres, and allowance of six piece ofiland surveied in pursuance of warrant
ner cent. for roads ste. ALSO—On all that !.,I'n, four thiatitia ad six . nnydred and: thirty -
'•gertain tract or piece of land surveyed in pur- i three, 4,633, . cutitaitting. nine - hundred and
satinet: a -in;Trant number Sour, thousand 'six t ninety acres and allowance of sliver cent. fur
)tutitlred and forty-one, o,tllo containing 1 ruadu &a. .41,,50---On all that eektain tract
jnine hundred and ninety acres and allowance I or; pit,ep or bind surveyed ip pnrsuance of.
lof sir per cent;; for roads' kg. .A.L.S6-o,l' aid warrant -Nu. four 'dim/a-tad six hundred. and
Ithat certain tract or piece Of land surveyed' in 11) 1 6:"• 4,l.:tu r containing nine li tin dred a n d nine
, pursuance of warrant number . four thou-antilty acrcS and allowance of
j six per cent. far
nix hundred and fortya•three,-4,043, containing; roads Ise. ALSO—Ott all that certain-tract
nine hundred and ninety acres and allowance j or piece of land surveyedjlnpursuattre of war- ;
of six per cent. for road sJdze. 4LSO—Ort" all t rant Nu. -four thuusand six nundred and say- 1
1 that certain tract ur piece of land suryrYed in I enty.f O ur, 4,n74, containing nine hundred and 1
!pursuance of warrant titunlatir four shot sand 1 nit l et ) ; acres and A llowance of six per cent :
i s:r.. hundred and forty-two, 4,542, containing' for roada ke, •-4J.SO-I.Jlt all that • eertain
nine hundred and ninetyugrsis and atilpwancel tract or piece of surveyed in pursuance
of six per ,tut, fur roads kg,. .41.Stt--,On all j iff warrant No, four digit:sand six luitidred a n d 1
160 certain tract or piece of 1 ,,,,i 4 tityrypyod in; sixty-nine, 1,669 : e•ontainihg nine Hundred
h inrsuanee of warrant number fnur thonsand 1 and ninety ;sues and allowance of six pep
a 1 imudreil andforty-eight, 4,645, exmlniaing I cent, for road's kc. ALSO—On all that. err- I
1 ne , b u n;t r O, and finely minis and, allowance I lain tract or piece of land surveyed in pursue I
of six per opt. fur. rnadis 4n, MAU...On all since of warrant No; four thousand nine
'that, certain tract or piet4 of land surveyed hi hundred - and ; thirty-four, 4,934, containing
par:Mauve of warrant nitintnir font thousand nine hundred mid ninety acres and allowance .
;six hundred and forty-nine, 4,649 : cm/mining of iiz per cent for roads ke, 'ALSt)-,-Un all
nine hundred and ninety acres and allowance that piece of land, being six hundred and forty';
'of Oi; percent. for Nada kc: ALSO----On all aefes 'and alluictince at sir; per cent. fur roads
Vint tiertain tractor piece of laud siirrejted•in. te„ via certain tract-of bead surveyed in par-1
purgnanee of warrant *minim , four thotutaird j sinince of warrant No. four thousand six him-
six hundred and fifty-five, 4,655, containing I tired -and fifty-one, 4,651: ALSO-Up all that''
nine lignidred and ninetv auras and allowance ! piece of lam!, being six hundred anti nittefy.
of six -per cent, fur roads *fn., .4.1.:50*—0n. all I live acres and allowance of ;ix per cent. for
that c e rtain tract-or pi e ce of land stirce:ved in g roads tkr, of • a certain tract surveyed in
piipintrice of tsarraitt number -four thOusand i purintanee of 'warrant No. four thousand six'
Aix 111411.1reti Mitt filty-WWII, 4.4;58, coataining I hundreu and fifty-two, 4,tit'ill, ALSO—Ott all
nine hundred and ninety acres and allowance i that piece of land, being seven hundred and
of xis per cant. for roads Ng% al: LSO—On all I ninety acres and allowattc-! of six per cent.'
that curtain tract or piece of land surveyed in j fur roads ke., of all that certain tract of land
purmnince or warrant number four. thousand I surveyed in parstionce of warra n t No. login 1
six hundred a n d -fifty-nine. 4,6: 4 3, concioiliiig!tticilissnii six hundred and fifty-six, 4,65ti.-1
nine hundred and ninety ac r e s and allowance ; A 1. 4 80—0 n all flint piece Orland, being
of six per cent. for, roads ke. ALSO—..Ott
' it ! live !hundred and eighty-two acres and at
that certain tract or piece of land surveyed i n i . . .
, towatice of six. per cent, t'or rinids cfm., ell
pursuance of warrant number four T4 011 F 1,1 4 4 , ~ 1
six hundred and sixty-four. 4.664, Contaillinc4 . I`i certain tract surveyed in puruatmce o f
nine hundred and ninety acres ant aliewance i.warrant, Nu. four thousand am hundred
(Otis per-vent. for, roads Sr. AI,SO- 7 (ln pit j and fifty -Seven, 4,657. A1464.--On all 1
that certain tract or piece of lend surveyed in !-that- tiie'ee of land, being eitibt hundred
pursuance of warrant number roar thousand ~ 4 acne. . , , . „••••• ..,.
4,66:1, cou , juing ! anti ; tuffy Jana. anon anet.. of bIX. per
SIX hundred and sin c-lice,
i cent, fur roads &c., of a certain tract stir.
nine hurnired and tituety acres and allowauce
of six per cent. for ru.tds .te. AI,SO-011 all I veyed in- pursuance of warrant No. four
that pertain tract or picce of land aur't 'ye4 in ' thousand !due hundred, and twenty-eight,
!Al i •sifj—On all that piece of laud:
pursnance of "warrant number fourthousand 4 ti 2 ,4.
si , . l hundred and Sixty-Eix, 4,0n0, cuntaitting i being ';
eight annurete and forty acres !AIM
nine iiiintirctl and ninety acres and allowance I
oft ix per neat. for road's ,te.. ALSO—On all !allunattec of six. per Cent. for reads' Am., ;
that Certain tract Or piece of hind surveyed in . tit a Curtain tract surveyed in puriniance
pursuance of warrant lumber, rode taoustind !of warrant No, lour thousand nine litill-;
six hundred and •sixty-secen, 4,467, containin g 1 dred
: - and- t wen I v4.ltree 4.92.3. ALSO—
nine hundred and ninety acres and allow.ttive . „„, . .. , , „ . -,
A i,s ( _....(;,,-; all. Urn all that piece of nom brills six hu ll .,
oi six- per cent:for ron.d•, ke. •
that ;ct;rtain tract nr piece ttf laud surveyed in j ! dred anti flity-live acres and allowance of '
p ursu ance of warrant number hair thousan , f !Six per emit. fur roads &c., of a certain!
Ax loludrt'l coil -ixt•Y-eigllt, 4,048 c•on"i"in: tract surveyed in pursuance of warrant!
nine hundred and ninety acres and pilownace :c•-o- .. our ,
N, lousand seven hundred and;
of sir. per cent. tar rozok ,te. ALS(I-011 all I
--'l-NI : 4 0 ( n
that certain' t r a ct o r
, j ,i cce o r !anal sells eye d in! twenty-seven, 4, , ... , . . a , j a ll',
pursua v e of warrant I,lllnhvr hair thousand, that tile west-half, being four hundred!
eonrain:. ; and iiiitety-erect acres and Allowance of six
six hui n iro and de\ ec.t . % -one, 4,k,71-,
ing, nine 'Mildred an , l ninety acres aim allow- Per reed, i , e • • .
or roads 0.e., 01 a certain tract ;
ance of six per cent. tor roads o,:c. ALS,'O-......
... , .
ettl‘ni, no tu pursuance of warrant \o,'
tin all that certain tract or piece of 'land Bar- —
four thousand six. hundred and tifty,futtr,l
eeyed in bursnalwe of 'Warrant - utitnlier four :
thousand' six hundred , and s'velify, .',-;70, i, 4,654. - ALSO.-On all the west-halt,;
tout:Mani; nine - hundred am: ninety acres ang . b e i ng f our -h un d re d an d
ailowance of six per cent. for roads Sc. Al.- ' alit! allowance of six ninety-five acres!
per cent. fur loads!
fiti—oti Ali that certain tract Or 1 ,101. e of b oo t
Qt a,certnin tract surveyed in purser
fourmares:ell In pursuance of Warrant number' &e.,
thousand ain't hundred and. thirty-two,
! atom of Warrant No. four thousand six;
.t,o '2, en:it:lining nine hundred and ninety.; hundred ,and tifty-three, 4,4.3. ALSO!
acres -and )1110VitaCC qt .
. cent. for roasts ___ ' 011 all that tract or piece of land mix:,
,k,it. A.1,:j6-- - -On all that certain tract or piece , vvve d h i tursuance of warrant
. s , :i. four
of land sunwed in
,pursuance of warrant \o.' JJ 4 • ..
tour thcinsa i nd nine ltandrd and thirty-three, • thousand o Sts hundred and eighty,; 4,,
4,932,, cotivtining nine hundred and ninety j containingg, nine hundred and ninety acres
acres mid ulio,tatiee of sex per cent. for roads I and allowance of six per. cent. for roads;
A-.....,. :+.1.,:i0-0i) ;ell iliat certain tract or piece 1 gke. ALSO—On all that certain tract or.;
of land sitrecycd in - pureatance of warrant No.. ~)•iece
of Beal e . ~ •
.sitryoyeu .m - pt.i . e ... ;
some , . of
four thousand' nine tutudred and vent -nine,' ; L
wartint No, tour thOltSaild si x - hundred ;
4,9211 nantaining rouc- muds.
anal nitiete :
acres and ailowince , otsix - per cent. for roads , and seventy-three, 4 ,073, containinghino ,
ke.. ALSO—ton all that certain tract Or piece j hundred and ninety acres and allowance ,
Of lull surveyed in pursuance of warrant No. ''of Six Per cent. for roads S - . 4... .. A.I • SO
tour thousand six hundred and nighty-four,' Oil allthe we -
st-hllf, being four hundred I
4165 , 4, cptiviiiiing nine hundred and ninety ' ••
acres anti allowance or six per cent. for roads ! 'and ninety-rive acres and allowance of six'
te. ALSO—on nil mitt rentain tract or piece : per tient.; for'roada &c., of a certain tract
of land surveyed in pursuance of warrant No.' surveyed. in 'pursuance car !warrant No.'
four thousand six hundred and eighty-socc.'f 't d sixAhu n dred- find
our t, tonsan -- seventy.
4,635, containing nine hundred. anti ninety ; • . •-.4 .
acres awl allowance of six per Cent. fur roads, twOg! 4 ; 13 . 4 . -
- ..
4 . . c., • ALSO—On all that certain tract or piece t A - NI) ALSO—The right of free in:,
Of land surieyed in pursuance of warrant No. - ,, 1 . . , - - • . - , ___,
egress alio reo•ress to upon turougo'
four thousand sixlhuntired and eighty-scven, t , ' ea ; 4 '
4,6sl,•contrituing:lnitic hundred and n in ety anti over the above et. deserih 1
o tracts, pice
acres-and allowance of Biz p er cen t,. fur roads ICs of tracts and parcels of lahtls and eve
&c. ALSO—On all that certain tractor' piece jry part and parcel thereof . ; to , fOll, cut,
of land surveyed in pursuance of Warrant No.
hew, bark haul' and take waY the' tiaid
four thousand .seven, hundred owl " vent ) . ” timber trees
pile and 'store the l httid tint
from the said lands, and alSo .
eight, 4,775, coutaining nine hundred and,
ninety acres Mid allowance of six per cent far I the right to
roads &c. ALSO—On nil that c e rtaiu.• tract I ber- trues ou the-said lauds ', , r . hou C4t,4lAti
Or piece of land surveyed in pursmineu of war.
divided into , logs and timber until the,rant-N
rant o. four thcittstind • seven hundred, and sa'cati ocatVenientli be hauled , heated
n se n v d en u it i y n .:; y iaz i ;. re 4,: g lo n , d aza iu ta w i u n ii in c g e
6 ai f a si e x i l l c u r az t i . !, or .
carried . away, :an also!' the rightr,to
['build, Make 'and construdt,' houses, roads
fur roads km, ALSl.l.iat all thateortain tract
Or piece of land sUrVeyp4 in puratu t ung of war. and henlges, fur the purr — se - of hauling
rant, Nn. four • tlomAnd teren
. htindred and; and takingaway the logs and timber nut
thirty-funr,;,t,T34. containing nineditindred and f, and hewed' ffOat. the said thnber' lattda - ,
ninety acres nitd allowance of 4, ; percent: fur,
~ A
also : ' ,11 ! th&-righti to Use the Vitl,talra
roads St.c. ALSO—din all that. certain tract ;dr",
'or piece of laud surveyed in 1 .- pnrationee oft:nth streams of water in and . 'Upon the
warrant No, four thousand six hundred and I said lands :fuel flowing tbrintgh thettame,
the logs' • and flintier from
forty, 4,ti40, containing nine hundred and I to fl out 40
je a n . ) .
pet c`-nt , f "r'' l , said harts-thesaid right to I
ninety acres and allowance of six
Toads .4e„ ALSO-01% lilt that e I'M' ill ' . tract. :
Or piece oflantl surveyed itipurstinnee of War s : , away, tiutaber trees front the said latids: as
rant No ftitir thousand seven • htindrt•d. and j above cut and carry
described, and all and, singular the
twenty-five, 4,73.'a, . containing. n i toj , l oi wired j other rights and pnvileges above tuentioned
and tiitten;gicres and allowance ot'six per cent:: and described, s d ' ' f t - ' O . "
. , au Caen.° t. teat to cell n
and' to : be used and en,j
for roads kn.-. ALSO,--On , all that certain ;„„
'tract of ] iece of land surceeed in pursuance! —, oyed, for and
during the period Of Fifty Yeant, to ; be
of Iva:Truitt' Nti. four thousand . seven huudred j
and seven, 4,707,• - containing nine ltattdred l'emnputed froth the fifteenth. day ; OrFebrus
and i k inety acres and allowance of 'six per,; ark', A. D. 1856, '
cent for roads &c. ALSO-Oti all that car -1 ,
C .• ,;
taken ,
i ; . -! 7 • , ••-•J , . ~
n .eXeeution, and . . to,, be
r S .IZe (I
taiii tract or piece of • land sitrycy:cd in pursa,":
mince of -wa N
rrant ,g,), four th on s a c tlsevt n hen. ~`,lold as the .1i: open) . - of ; 1 ! The eulabOry
.... .1...
1 $8 00
V 00
PQ 00
3 00
- 12(n.15
3 30
- 115
1 00
(;*) 8 flu
A it ! !
l id w A tv pcover COMP , taiy:` "til 114 --,,,151r 1 r gl NESS r E S *
lof TAO?. Tite,S'Aritrust‘-' 4 . 1at . ''' ,3 1 1* . ,1 "........' - 'e. ' ' °a - I P
i „ ct a . -,, ~. - !, / n.r.i FORGEII.CONVIOTEDI A i
ivr ~ s 4. 'IF ' 1 (ll ' ' J 0 1 72, 4 D'e *- t 4) tl ,ej
A. C: jr . % Gil % ext
~ i ~ .1 . 1.) he a - i...ivr. ..
l '' ''' r"" ....- 7 .4'.1 ' - Ftto,:imskati 10 'rears exporlence!as ax .„4,,„,5 )
IripOrt,-AU. 4,1t.5... • ,
-', ,,and katliutter 044 •iat4or,tti ~ -,
..11.44-ies if,Lertures of 4.roadiraY .7. 4 4 11 :44:1t,
Viten, for lo sueeesskre uigisPt t mar
: ' • '
h......' . .50,01)0. PeoPleligal . itl
GreeteX,hint with Pboutuls of Applauee, C.
‘uliile hi eNhibitt.l - the tuanuer in Votakk'
Counterfeiters execute thtir Fraude,ata 0,
' the S,uret , t and Sbotteat Vacua ofC„,;:
1 - ,Detouring them', • - .-
~The Ram': .1 - ofe I'staravere,all4o tAat-he it,..,
1 ... ' the greatest Judße of Paper Minty lions,, ,
I :GRJELfiTEST Dmicovienit opw
TOE fitESENI' LI:SU lirl Pa C:
ii;itifi f.',ovAllei iilitillt -Votes -d
Deserining cver,,, tjelautzw . l3l/1 an Ezotibeep,
and Ell A ibitini, at it4lotteekvery Conn . ,: re . ,
. ' '.tesfeitin Circulallohl! ' •
A.:Tanga so admirably that lIEFEIIENCE I4 .
• is C.,1,,,t. and - Q
to o Dar Nig) index to imagine I No pa g er
I hunt up t But so simplified and arranged,
that ;he Merchant, Dauker an 4 Btriiurstg
L Man can tee a ll at a Glance. , • 0
I Thus each mat , rind-the same in hie own r. , '
N.:l - 7.1 re . TONG LT. . ' .1 t
Yost Perfcct Bunk Nute List Pub/id/Led.
Aim a. List of - I
A Complete Summary . of Ole Ftssses ce o w
Emet:: .C. Ausnica will be jaiblibheil in each
edition, together with all the DIPORT•IN? 1
NENVS OF TIIS DAY. Al4o .' - •
A SERIES OF TALF.S 1 "e+,...
Fram an Old Manuscript found.its the, Eau.
It forniblies the Most Complete History
Of C)riental Life, I O N
jeseribing the Mush l'erplexing t'omttions in
which the Ladies and Genttentea of dual
Votintry hate been so often found. , These
Stories H ill continue throughout the whole ;{
year, and will prove the Most Entertaiuing4
-ever offered to the Public.
INV.-Furnished •Weekly to Subscribbre on 2
Jr, "$ 1 a Tear, 411 letterstnnat be ad- A .
dressed to
JOHN 8, DYE, 13r1i,q, sA.
PubliPher and Proprietor, 70 Wall Street,m ,
New-York. jlinl-ty, 0.
Oe suit
• Z.Bit;il•lS•s7- -
cgutti 91 Putter,
TrtratuC.s f Bing.l;iam gii . 4c, ca. JuAiub B.
• County ot Potter,ls. ,Tojinstcn. ~litenel
Bump'4. '
Via. Mc, ugaß, jpQ.: Kilbqrn,
BuAla Rice. • • 1
C..lpirm tth, A:. P. 414%rtt..
: .
Vett).•,Suliiii--vs. „
sant:. Lyoutii.
I'ik:e :TOW iship,.vs I)..‘aaili,;L , .
,Whayt.oxi c.hool DistliCt..v.S. Jailus.JohsltioA.
tpute I'vm ee,o4e 0113-4 y
~ . .i.loty, ta. Drauk-
. ~.... ...
.. - . :,
' ' Levi ATig s, Cs. V.T. ;loßcs„
• E. IL I C:. : yenta • vs. Clvs..Ariostrotig.
Banik, Niles, Yd, • . •
Elias E. sSorc, vs ! storr-ig 8. VApenter. ~.
II R„'prow l i, vs, Leomiril I.)::Vis. .
lloseei t Cushipir, vs, D. ISarse , . 4 - . ....kneley.
Ziasal.i i Haven, vs. A. M.i. liCtiton.
George - Ayers, vi. \Val. I'' • r y.
Vst.eC; Pike, 4-.c.,lvs:C. ". Dike. ; - I
NViit 4'. Jones, is, Jackan v..k hers.-
A. Wl,Viiiiatos, v#,. De 1044; 11, Dunbar.'
• Thomas 1). Lillie, Vs. J. ;Coortright, et., ni.
.Jos. A. Leo u o.s:l, N's. J, •:4t.ricasott•
. .
• Josioit Bump, .vs, 11, S, farrier, . ..
Cullhis riniith, 'vs, Ilorlis :•i, carpenter,
Potter Cuontv,. vs, ijimi..,k. Critsentiei?, ' •
C. W. I,lowe .t, Co . . vs. W. T Joors.
Gentrifell & CresW;ell, Nw. W, T. ,ic „1.. F,
Jon's. ' •
Gilbert .t . Nichols, vs. N.:1,, Dike.
David W . ; Seely, vs ? Win,;, ferry,
E, 31.1CarpeOp-r, vs..iticl'mpl 61my, 4..
• ' lieu. R, yiriburk, vs. M. J. klytin.
I" ' . IL J.
.111.gsruu, l'roth.y.
. Comicriport, Asig
..._, 3d . IU.• • • ' '
.‘........._____L__ •
. '' ' E. K. SPENCER,
Offere Gi - '!etit Iriiducomeats 1
-• ! .
tti BUYI,IIO uy t. , •
VA the start 'formerly- occupied . by 1.). w.
srEsep, wt fd tiltket,,NOrth side . of Public
Square.! ! • ! ,'
! •' 1 GROCEWES. -.
A goodlassortment cOnstamly on hand, from
which l'Will enumerate; a few of the leading
articles, m ica us • ' 1
Stigar, :i 3fustard, Candy,
, ._ 1 1,
~, Coffee, 1 (.. , iitautorli .N u ts
M olir4ses, Pepper !S a nee, Cracken,
wraps}. j Cil.tAtp, . Soap
Pepper- 1 'Yea,t, ! Candles,
Spice,.i LBW, ; ! Shot.
Gingeril ; Tobitoo,f Lead,
C- laves, ) : Sinn; : ; .1.i," Capp,
Cari).o4la; SegttPi, ; C. Tartar,
and loamy other things Ado numerous to mew;
lion, will be found hi this departuient, witirit
will he solid at a tritliii adyinte from eost,
for ready: pay,
Conitaptls on hand,-.4e1l at.
.PURK, - 11A..NIS, isIIDULDEBS, 11: 7 411, SALT,
„tit; LiatEtc,. CILEKS.E;I LARD, IJEANS,• .
U.l ':±, FLOCK, I COlt:i ]11:.x1..
3.3: Ii.AVIIEAT FLDelt, Dill Ell
and manyother artielehiin th:: ling of Provi
giva, tioo necessary to Metitioa. Abu,
WOODEN? WARE, Brooms, Wasti-llubs and Boarrii, Mope,
Dinner bfixe:.., acc., wilit.ii will be sold ;low for
rash or ready pay. .o,it:l, Potatoe-c, !Llntler.
1.:,.;g5, Cheese, and in fait alhamt 1.11 e: ythiuk a
t'artner raise,, will be Ole!! iii ule.linlif.fe for
Good?, ,t i l .. their rash vitque. I invite the
,01 'Villages, Fainters am! Lumbermen
who desire-to make purchases in the above
articles; ItnS solicit theiu to call before pur
chn,ing elhcwherc, iE. K. spEsciiit•
c0w0r,p0rt...1,,,, c . tl. Iss 7,-- I o : ;.!,
4j1.1 , :A.11ED 3ICSLIS:.B and a few other 11:
til:f!i;• . thy line ;of Staple Dry Good:
tt, k r '. K. SPENCEIn.4,
D. Vi. si., .‘..,t
W AR. R4NGE 31 1 . .; NT,
tifilersigneri having bought out all
her ownerm of ; the Letrib , ,•tliti Steam
iy arc now prepared to du all manner
izig, as they believe, to Ore satii.fac
their v,4stonter.i. Corn.: ari d see.
I ,-
0. A. LEW4Ii,
• Iss, reh4a,.11357.--.3-:P. 4 .. '
UtI.G :1
lium of
i cIURT kR.O . GLADIATUitii. .
IicREA the lion. Robert G. White,
Alresident Jiiiiv, and the Mons. Joseph
Mii,nn l illtd G. ,G. Colvirrie Assoeiate Judges of
the Cot its cif Oyer t'i Tretiner :tad General Jail
Delivery, Quaker Sessions of the Peace, Orph
ans';COurtand Court Of Common Plons for the
Goui4 ,of Potter, 'llai. - e issued their precept,
bearing; date! the fifth day of Augnitt, to
the yeifroi our Lord one thousand eight hun
dred A d fifty-seven ; and to me directed, for
holdin . a Court ofjOyer and Terminer and
? ?
Getieiii l'' Jail Delivery . Quitter Sessibus of the
Pelted, Orphans' Court : and Court oi.Couinton
Pleas,t l i the BoroughjolCOudersport, - on MON,
Y,l he - 21st day f September 'neat, and to
. •
contin ie • ono Wreck,•
liolee is therefore ,herchy given to the Cor-,
oners; Justices of the Pence, and Constables
within the county, teat they. be then and there
in'the r prolier persons, nt 10 o'clock .A. M. of,
said day, with theirritills, records, inquisitions,
examinations, and °flier remembrances, to do
tho -t- hings which to, their offices appertain
s 1
to be dune. And those who arc hoautt by
1 their l , tectignizances to prosecute against the
prikiners :that are ot shall be in the jail of said
county 0 Potter, aro to be then aud• there to
... .
w 1 !
ttte against them as will be just,
Oct t;ouesespour, Augitst sth, 1851,
4 81st i.tor 0t the Itldepelliletwe of the
6tote4 9f „ktherio.
• 1 vj C. TAGGART, Shorilr.
and t/ ,
1 a. OLIN d: ,CO., of the' Yates Counti
Nurseries., Mare for sale a large and
asiortuie4 of FRVUI TREF,*
varieties- usually cultivated. Tat,e
are youtq - and o 1 vigorous grawth. The
d ies are th'e nip cluxille known, hild are
acted GENL - Ixi. Also, 'a tint: stock. of
MENT.V; TAFitB and 81-I(Will3ErtY,
1 delivery. - .
Address orders to C. BEACH; Pen Yan,
Tate CM, N. Y. . Orders left with ROIVT. W.
NILE', ConderspOrt, Pa., will . he promptly
of at
geoli •
for fa
INI), and 'gap e : rticles in the Druzjiae for
alio , 11914 , • • ,
EXAMINE the Nti‘V. Goolys
ust received by. Ql4//SIELE,i,
NEW 000 X)
Low Pry:4o:esud Re 6
At S11:140.N CENT
TrlllE SUBSCRIIIF.ItS are Oft rilig for sera
IL an entirely n6i- Ktuck, rpm stiog of
WALL, PAPEIt. itE.tby -
' MADE. Y:I J SKY,I: •
In our selections the wants of allhavibeen
remeninere.d. ' 'The Gentlemen' asnial in our
stork of Ready Made Clothing in elegs.t.t
Fashionable suit, or a substaliti4l Bushiest
suit, and we have hats ar. Cap 4 4411 ISQuis
Shoes to match:
The Ladles can find Fashionable - Bonnets
beautifully trimmed, or bonnets and trinottiei;
a good assortment of Dress- Gods, and nits
mings ; Gloves,. Mitts, llnsiery.and Gaiters.;--
And, last but pot least; corded' and
Skirts al;o ' , Rattans, Skirt.Whfilebone:.atl
Brass Skirt-!loops; beautitnl Jet ..Neekleres
and Bracelets, Corals, Few, and too ninny
other thtig,; to enumerate,—all of wleielr we
are selling lo'W-for Cash, Lutnber,:or any kind
of Produee. 'FLOUR, MEALJI9II4e., .:on.
stantly oil hand.
W. 13. k. J. lI:GRAVES.
:Sharon Center, Potter Co., June
AllltANta!;:i ANp LEMONS jurt. rectived by
1 1_1 1 /0:2 ' u. k J. it. GRAVEN.
I \ ll V :<t S l l (l E l N il ( l . OL E r i kl i :ti ' i ‘ TlTt• t g f ll ° C. T iA n:l3 l7l ° „ f t * :
fcli, of all it'll
J. it. $ CAl46(a) 4 (M.'S OLIVE TAI.
I):?. I). JAYNE vt, :StiN•S
.1N1) , • •
Sc: f
ft..Starrard I, • Ar to +gyp
plial inhaled by wealing.On INIIALE3
Around tho neck and on the breast. Id:
IVE OINTMEIC'I is iipplie:d wheit , tlit ;kin a
broken, and is & ; popular o.anetiy :where knevl.
Good tor th# Whobping Cough.,
Aur_itrol i t's NOTICE:
is he e 1 given, that the Auditor
.1.1 appointed by the Court of Corium Pleas
of Potter Count r y to trmke'.dietribution of tied
proceeds of the:sole Of real estate in the ea'e•
of U. 13. Goodin:an for-the use of Bruner...
John M. KiihOnrii, of ' February Tenn . le' c ';
So, 2t, wilt attend to the duties of 11131141point'.
tuent. at theUflice 4'114 VicithcittoUtry, on
ur.iny; the 224.1 iday of August :next, at throi
Q . t.:Wel: in_ the u l fterpoonofiail day:
sons interested lite said . distrihu,tion are
sired to attend if tlrey think pepper. _
13i J. 01:31S1'F.1). Auditor.
CoudcriportJulV •
1 !J •
Ai D.lrrows NOTICE,
70110E1is hereby gireni. that the Audits;
appointed by the Court of Common Plus
of Potter,c,iunty to•notke distribution of the
proctnids of the sale or reit' estate in 'the ewe
of William f..:otob Vl. WI 141
June Term, 1111 . 53, and Itobinbon o,
Sainuel RoAgerg, of Ikcember Te nt,
ftl, will nttentl,to'the - dut•es
meat itt the - odtee of the ProthOnotury, ran ?ixt%
tirday j , the .1 . 2 d tlSy of Auguitt gent , et orb
o'clock i afi r tirupon iuid day.. Al! OP
Eons f l arin g Juditunixt tiOlswital
the said ebtAte•are debited . Iv, itieu d,
sent their elsinas.. • ; ''• '
. I- I 11.4..0145TEP, Autlit9r,
Conderiort, July 22, 1,55110e--;V e
I i '
AMAT • O - N
I ~ -
Thorium J. 1141 . ' 4, No. -14 A Sept: Term,. .1. 65 . 1 ,
.1 ,
ex, I; In 'the Uommon plats°‘
Elisabeth kai-t r •Pctter County. , 1
1 -- 4IiiCI. 1$ ::111tCi.V1C - K. '' ' . ,
1 And now teil wit., Jnly - 3/t4', 1857, sa"
patua, and Id/1(4 Stihintin4 ttuiir.g been issue'(
l'iild returned it - iitil in 64 caite ' the 'said res.'.
l'amident, ELtz.otlnv. - rn-11ittr. lit hereby required
;to appear in snitl•Qou t, 'on 'the 2124 l III3Y 0 / .
iSeptember niit, to al l sever the ctridial ' 4
ifos di by tite. Libellant . ; •• - •
1 10 :e. - - I . A. 1.. TAGGART. Sheriff;
I ----- - I • ' .---:, - ,L _-_-..._: --
IN'''. GOODS—.t Large and' Splendid do
i.ortritent just re ehttl i-t,
ith / I j - I I ~.', I O.I4IISTED 5,
1 . .
t I L
QOM CLO'I'IIING I nt cheuey'sroanitfuel atit
' an h ' ud l t • I I e...}:,.-OPENCEIt' S,
Ar • •
10:2 1 ,
....1). IV : S.I. _
! A .NEW, 2 ilORSta • lii:Nlßtit-W- I LG ° for '
c..a. for. stile hlce , , 'JttlißS, - 11,ANN: kJ it'SE 7 l,.
1 t;outV,riiport, June! 11, iz•II!7:---t 1 ;
$4 ,
dy Pay,