WWI= . • - II r e,a-re.'•pondeat that, unless the Aem to•rilt4 abandon their present ry ton, we will not begqine a Soto at present. I have the ntnnpt eot . tlltienee }u the honesty and goad aoase 'of the peo ple, and ma tally et?4faltiO the Republi gas will )2-2 triatitpklntly an§t4np.,4 by theta in the Ao*ition !heft kayo t,) n, but .gr,ow a Pru-Slave,pegtocrAtlp'e.t?n,gress,i itulgiug frUiu pa.l paileykace, nothing! tts Y }:7 P, P: 1 OR . I . ll . tfi, . jhulF44l, • eQx:DEnspoRT, 4 1 10P.10 -1110Z:1(3, q 57, T. $. CHAS E . prryq 4NO pIJBLISHEF.I.I iTzf) ttbii.:4!l_ ..lifite iToijiigql;,'3 . ;is t f FOR OUVER.NOC. DAVID WILMOT, of praigord - FOR CANAL commlpsioNEit.. - WILLIAM to.tyy44q,'Qf port JrooEe or TILE supri.E.mE copitT? .JAMES VEgH, of Fayette, JOSEPH I, i EWIS, of Chefper. 563'"Anly.ibuiceineuts of p . apilidrqe.s for pflice one, 4ellar each, 4iy,i.rably in ad vance. cpulalcaq - County Cpnvegtlon THE p c grunic.vs ELECTORS of the county of Potter are regneq.ed to choose. ThreeDe)eptes from elicit township, on the 24Th D.IX OF ACOUST, to represent said ;osyitship in a Counts- Cuprention to be )10.3 at,,Contlersport, oti 1 7111.711:MAY, AgGLST 27T11, for the }Purpose of putting iii riominatinn Can didates for County 011icers tQ be.suppurteil st the ensuing election. n4ll far the transitetion p: ditch 'other business ai may come before them. Et ill earnestly Fecuesterl that full dcl egationa be sent,from cacti township. 4 list of the Vigilance Cupppittees or the several towig/4o i4pultlisbeti herewith, whose ditty it wig be to attend tp rile urganitatiou of the Primary 3leetings. - S. ROSS, ' Chairman of County Committee. equderipopt, Aug. 3. 1857. Vigilance Committees. - Allvany. G. W. - G. Judtl, Henry Nclson Samuel IL' Abbott Conway, •George Rahn, F Sewer. Oeorge Colvin, Isaac Jones Mar. tin D. /3riggs. • • B. Grayes, Samuel W akeler ? Sa- Clara. la Steen Coudersport. A. F. linter., Jacob Ile4how; • Benjamin Ronne Eu!dia. N. J. Mills, .Johp Taggart, Clark. • Genesee. 0. CbriTberlaj, p. 11. Per v , 11. Munson. . Harr/pan. Z. F. llobliWon,- Israel Dodge, Charles Howard. /rector. A. A. 4ute:4bury, Fiancis Strang, Cyrus Sunderlin,. Homer. A. L'..Prosby, Jacob Peet, Dennis Hall. llebron. W. P. Cool, George Estes. Julius Baker. • . I Jackson., David Crowell. A.. 1. Crowl. 'Coating. Harqs, Jason Lewis,'Elea zer Dingce.' 0 'walla. E. Lyman, U. ff. Lyinr t ri, Jerome Cliesebro: Pike. John Carrie', iI. 8. ..Martin, J. Q. ' Merrick. Portage. Edward INA% E. D. Sizes; Ensign. PlectSant rallell. Samuel Palmer, henry M'Dowl. Lewis Lyman. notitette. por t teroy ; Chtip.opher Knowlton. John Lymar t . Jr. SteiCareban. Denry Andreson, J. illiams, Joseph Lieh.. sy/ i ; on i‘i. John M. Meese. WilliaM Carson, William Reeler. Summit. Merrick ,Tackson, George Ayres, J. M. Bassett. • • Sweden. G. L. Cat.fin Edwin Lv-nan H. L. Bird. . Sharon, L. H. Kinney, I. L. Nichols, Asel .Lane. (Ppm. • Ambrose Corey, 0. A. Lewis, N. H. Ha lreAt Branch. Joselyn; J. M,Conable, ErnAtus Crippen. lVhurlozi. Geo. A. 13 relay, John Hensley, E. H. Hopkins. lIEP - The Northern Independent edlt.iid by Rev. firm. Hosmer, has pearly QOM : pleted its first volqme. This is among the ablest and tag of Newspapers. It, has a pohle list of snbscribers in this! county, but we hope the list will be doub-i l led for the 'next volume. We ha'e al-; ready received two nr:w subscribers.-1 Friends, let us have the pleasure of send ing on a host of them. J. S, Se - We learn frpni a frituul in Qssa watornie, Eansac,• that the frauds clf the census and .the Registry list, were. F - o ap parent, that L. D. Williams, late of this county, who accepted a eommisßiori under the Bogus laws, refused to vote. We cum- mend this fact to the attention of the Lycoming Gwiette, If such a map ps ' Williams was ashamed to participate in your mockery of •4>; election, how was-it!' possible for hugest Free State meri to at sendand give coyltogarise to the fraud ?'; We have receiver from Greeley S . .' )11 k cElrath, Tribune Buildings, New York,' copy of a pamphlet of 104 pages hub.' llk by them, entitled, " The Vase of PFD .Scott, in the United State; Silp4artie penrt ; The full Opinions of Phief fife pliey and Justice Curtie, ta ß qa of the Opinions of the pth,uP_ F R It is sold by the publi4hz ,teats a copy; $1 for five copie4 §2. Li r„,, t 4ozer!:; 81.5 per hundred. It shoUldjire generally read, and will be 'valuahlt.,.for.refer:enee. ; • - 310aftVe: Mirrert Ledger last vreck eame I;6' euataining: the rahmlictory of 41. D. J;.1.4E0 and the- Salutatory Of our j usual, but not 1a large as th.e intc,rest oil recent erafpinan - in - Ws plsce, Mr. DE !the - oecasion,ealled fur. WP elliall ex.p eet i WITT: Q. 'JASSI:S.. () j ut - persenal regar.4l to see tile/next meeting still better at for die tatter gen d PP 4o ) an4 .l hii recent i tended and More intereat,iw... . 1 sojourn )n - tliis plaeg, would ,1 . lead us toi Whi not;'? Could not t)i.e, reading_peo-; iive this elninge in the proprietorship .ofiple„ , of this !,vijlage aperta tiro /fours to- the Ll4lgei, 4; Imoip extendt , d notice than 1 gether pace44.oiree months, to their mu-; the crowde d - Mate or ourcolumni will at, al ple,lanri! awl . benefit 'Ole. last! prosent - adzni, of. We can only say that 1 iseeting, Fas a feast tang. If it tras .5.41 tf he will onl, carry out the . . couric lid' I nitieh so to ',o ( thers, we are sire the ti4tl down' in the rgoiing 'sentence 'of his I ' one will };e Jargely attebitleil. i jt will bel Salutatory, tT.. Trill won - have ' the Pleasitre 1,31!, the Libutry rpoin, at jitur p . 31.„ On 1 of annutincitfo• t,he J . :tkiir tt,,, , Otte of the ;,kizttgrdaY, :‘Zor.'7t4, ra F liich time John most.' siicerT l3.epnblicati.44;i4.ritals in 1 :\r, llaMjiton will l 'preside. 11.-J: Olin Weiterii PennsylFania--:-" , 41 v olitips i - the 1 4 ted is Ong of the Dircetoos, llitgliYoung "./ . / cclyer Trill ' instaitt , Donoeratip meats-! is Treasi;reF and Mrs, Ilamiltop is Seers? " urestiod mi..n; anti the i.faith ogee de- i tary.: 11',e (Jo net remember ail the :thou t‘ livcred to tic stints,' 7.1. promolgatcd 1 officers, but these names are enou'il ti, "by JErptlnso4 „and ;14(.7pt0N steadily ! ensure the interest 9r any meeting tltei '• adhered to. ' ' Rat ive must ponfi , ss i may attend r 1 that !Jur hop s aFe dashed t is4Q Ol. l licion .. .... i , r by hi:: . itillfij:z tigg of the Icansas liigtator, as giyen egp essiou to in an etlitotiaj on ~. Ole recent ' . if4enities in I l awronee.--7 •Neortheless we will hope fur the licit, arid thus hoping, extend to; friend JANtps the giir. s oilprofessional ftiendsbip, and welcome to Oif•crafty " ri,'4 . s" of YPIli-ig r • In regard II to that Potter oounty weath er . you' , terpiest us to seti,d, you, we will . • trinstuip ve pan, send the first "ffy- i ing; maehinet' going that Fay—lye hare • pl6ity N Spam I • Our fapners would be glad he, rid of a - portioui of it. Pass soine of youi• 90" stuff up way. • e fipe - tlch7ll% When We turn .from the litichartati press pi this State, to tit? Independent papaya pf St. Louis, we . always find the contiast mpt.t striking said epepuraging. The Warren Letlyer, l i ytiominj Ggzett. and • Harrishtirg Z n%pu, .l have never a word to say like Indtipendent Freemen, but pre aimiyii siding with the - Slave Powc wliftisey it is in their attempt to force :ilaveryi itito portions:of :Mexican Territpry, !Over the Missouri compro mise line onto . our own Fred Soil. We ,;se elsewhere iit this paper an extract frgm one of these Doughfltee sheets— roati it.i . and theii, refresh your soul with thp'•fgllowitig opposing sentiMents from the 44504* I.leinocrat---=a paper pub- Wiled in a Slai-e State, but posaessing too unich,tnanl4td tp.withliold the truth froth' its readers': Says tlO Denocrat : . •, . , "EVeryll one, who .bps . fat accurate, knowledge* 'Kt:Stern politics WAitisto ry, is aware that in a few years the tire territory , of the natiqu, oupth of Ma-, son Dixon s line, inchisive.of the state I of Mi4:enri, will he possessed and culti. i rated by free white labor, and that every, effort to arrest this inevitable destiny will only accelerate the defeat of the system of inybluntary servitude, If Kansas had j been inlmitted into tbe,uniou as a , slave; state, ;this, result, we b(dieve woidd tt, doubtHly lhave been postponed for Many Years 'to isint L e. If Kansas. on the oilier itand,l hadl been admitted as a free state, by the akion of just and impartial, laws: , Missouri would have been able to retain her institutions for a much longer ilc:piod than! slip can possibly do now. Bitt the disunionists of the southern v • • , states, au ed by :t corrupt administration, would }lot permit justice to haVe its eont'sc, By a series of usurpations un z Ipara:lleled history; and discreditable humanity, they endeavored to deprive the I north and the northern settlers, of every rh , ht political and civil, and to drive tbetn like outlaw's from their just domain. I For' let it be rememticred that Kansas by a compact, solemnly ratified by thCI south, : which introduced and passed it,i Was , justly the property of the north- • I west as Texas ig the property of the, I south. The south received Missouri as, her share of compromise, and to de-I mand Kansas nip was dishonorable and perfidious. . PerfidY is its own reward. The out rages by which the nullifiers endeavored, to steal Kansas, by exasperating the free State ipen,.haVe rendered slave property, I along the fre,ptier, the most precarious and unprofitably of all investments." "F i Very one who knows the character of the. people of Kansas, and the history I which has formed that, character, is fa-, mil* with these facts. knows that I no fitone has been le'rt unturned that I could be turned,--that no northern terri-; torial leader haS been left alive who could salnly he murdered—Nit no outrage hns been omitted :which could safely be emu, 'witted: l 7 by,tlip administration of Pierce, and ..ktchisou's banditti—in order to, make ,Kansas 4 slave state. Ail haVe failed: I Free institutipus have obtained la victory by the valor of free men. Kan ; • , sas 2/1 Lig DC a free state. As a. reward and punishment . for her services to the mdlitiers; Missouri—willing o r il owillo g will be obliged very shortly to follow her train. Miss„ , ctri, which ,tried 'to I;crushlout thaj l , • has been stung ;by. it, and intioccumb.'! - :iy-The last quarterly meeting of the Coudersport Library Association was held J.kiugust Ist, at'the hquae - of the Li , twariati, and was a• very pleioant ing• of, friends, who take- an interest in cuiture of the mind, and the prqress of the - , • . There was' a larg.r attendance than. A p9ughface COzuntete. . . . ----- ': We cut the following, Specimen of 5,4 vile submission to the Lards of the lash, from the-Warren iidgEr'Qf the 22 ult,! - "It will he seen / by ofereuee -to :moth-, er portico of this paper, that the fanatics of; Kaniza,4 have Undertaken to kick up 1 another MOM, and-Gov. W.I.Lti.E.It 114 7 1 call led out J. 1.4 United States troops tobring j them toi Proper, understanding of their ;position. We hope he will use ail the !,power Mails disposal and check thiS rank treason at'onee. They have . .been pro ' teeted in ';all their just rights and have ibeen assured that every man of them i should have the _privilege of voting on the new Constitution, This is enough, and 'if they desire a row, let them ha've it with Vuited States troops, in just Such shape az they wish," There seas a time when the keriger was edited with - a considerable degree of man liness; bitt now, we doubt if a more pli ant tool of slavery exists in the state-- judging from the above, Napoleon hint: self, mild not ask for a paragraph more thoroughly servile to his power, than"the ----,- ; _ 'chore 19 to the Power of Slavery. . M. hi -- ~ ' Let. ins Zla3, - ii More Improve what have the fanatics of 'Kansas ; derto, i patents 044 Less Specnta- . tion. that has brought down on them the molly ; .. -,-, n I three-pe--cent-a -r . ~t_rr speculators a ( , a qf the Vuited States ? This question is !month men,- we have enough already.— answered ; in the following paragraph from'. Give us wore of. the bone and ,sinew of ! the Kansas letter of the N. Y. Er.c..ll'ust, the eountry—tnou who curb their bread! tinder date of July 18, I by the sweat of their brows 74 and Water- I I town will - go on prospering and to prosper. "The -trouble appCars to be this I the t_ WatertOwn Ronne:wt. ; . ! Lawrenee people—or rather some of them • A voluMe of truth iu a few- lines. If! —wish to adopt a charter .for their city 1 the wealth of the West, now; employed ; in ' ..oyernment, without the aid of the legis,-, mi„..ja„ upon the necessities ot . the an _ , :, lature, state or territorial, and this char-; •‘-' • '-' . t_ _ I met nite r were Lo go into mann, at.. eres, ; ter is to be sainnitted to a popular vote. ' or other improvements, many l a town would ; Our redoubtable Governor considers this. ; rise from its blighting nightmare, and in-1 treason, end forthwith issues his ltigh-fa, ; a twurate a new as of life and prosperity. lutin prow:elm - tient° by which all rebels,! mo r aey is a etlrtio to a town if used out}" are threateped with extermination if they!. ~,, , la sp`eculators and shavers— , ll7seousin unite ill ply effort of the sort. ; Tim! olow, I I ' United States troops are ordered out, and I ,I; ' . •I 1 1 Thare.are two 'excellent in the! !General Harney tells them to bring in I sermons that d 1 traitor Robinson,fiftv I "d ea d or i above items, that deserve repeating . I alive." This thing is easier said than : two times a year, aud are a_apPlicable to ! I done. The whole matter will turn out to! our little village of Couders urt, as to any he a tempest in a teapot." , I - , Flown in the west, i Is not thai a beautiful way to estab-i ' I Thla place is - seriously retarded in its' t lish popular, Sovereignty? When the; •, growth atter prosperity, for Want of a Grist- , people undertake to adopt a city ' char "! mill. We hay molded men, who could I by popular v, ! te call it - '‘rank treason ' build a good one and not fehl it, men who' l and order out the army of the United ! have grown rich from the , arnings of our States, and command the soldiers to, . :' 1 miners, but they prefer to take their !charge Iwith ; ba , yonets on the voters who "threo-ner-eent-c-month" Yo investing a attempt to approach the ballot-box. Such !dollar in au imp i r:r,vernent that would add ,is Buchanan Democracy. If it had: the i 2 t the prosperity of the county, as well small-pox, Jeffemenian. democracy would ' sdo credit to themselyesd We begin to be safe from the contagion, it is so far ! ;' above it. 'think there is great force in the remark This Warren cello; of Federal power. I cf. the Chief_tlthat'moneylis a curse' to a "town. if used 'only by speculators and says the people of Kansas have b.emkpro-! ,s „ ti avers. teeted ;in all their Oust rights," We' should like to know what rights Bncham, an Democracy deems it proper to consid-• er as belonging to the people. - Their _property has been .stolen, their printing-presses destroyed, their Qovern ment usurped, and their citizens murder ed, and not a single p.tte of the netotious Criminals engaged in these barbarous, crimes has been purMled, or even kept in jail to await atrial, ' Says the last herald ofFrecdom, it self an apologist of Walker : "A pro-slavery man by the - name of! 1 . . Lyle was killed at Leavenworth, at the! T I otaiin three weeks, - Std 73 municipal election, a few weeks ago; hy i i'oar of the above are new subscriptions Mn. lIALLEIt, 15110 did it in self-defense ,', —the btilanon being all! the return *e Altheugh there was not a particle of eit-! ' : 1 - deuce showing premeditation on the part !hav o c had from our "dun" of two weetni , of Hallet, .et he was refused bail by Le-I ago. We have borrowe from our geed compte, beeausethe crime he was eharg,-!neighbot oftheMeKeaM Citizen enough ad with was murder. At hekt, it can only i puperfo:r this - edition, and also from otlit amount to manslaughter, which in Any ' - I era money ; enimgli to buy paper for three sr4te is a bailable offence. Pro-slavery 1 : murderers are not only. bailed, lint - re -I More editions, when we Will beat the-end warded with the t most responsible offices,l of our rtring unless solme of our delitt while Free State men; guilty of the small-!gitent. Su4scribers pay /up. What sty est infractions of law are shut up in pris- I von- to haying' your name on our next on."I -, - I white list?- •i , . That is the way the "just rights" ' of I ,' _ the Free state Men here have been se-1 ' Time farmurS throughout this conrity . • I cured to tivm. i '• • I are busily engaged harvesting their erco; - - g , Pco..„Slnery murderers are ',not only I "bailed, ho retcardect ?cp . & the, most re-r "spar3tllc qtt7co ," and the' Paelcr press of I.!enrisylvatiigl i approve and defend .this , rewatilinz of mnrderers ' Men of 1 c4ter connty,.. pass these facts from farm to farm, as you swing the scythe follow the I plori, And 'when, electiqn day' conies, .let the ballot execute a farm- : el.'s will. ( A -zigr.o 4 the 15th of k litily ,Governor.). . . . Walker came -down on Igj.wrene . , 'with al ; Po rtiOn pf the artny of the;.1.5414 1 'Sta tes, , .l -to preyent the punple pf that: pliee from I TI experieneing'the • right/Of frienami • to , frame atm); a city charer as they tnio•ht I desire. ... The Ber l id 91 Trecda»l lesue,4 1 *three days afterwards,does pot contain ow' word in 'relation to his war on . I,.,awrenee' 1; but dues' contain the -following higli-faln- - tin praise / of his excellency. { - ~T he,:iacts arc, qov- Welke . j ing tp' perpetuate peace amt :Tr I gipc✓ihu people an opportunity' t! thut rw,litr. )011cl haver been 'f.ioni thew by frap4 am) Violenee. 1 Queer =way the 0 oerpor h0.41J : uatiug Trace, to wit, making 4. 1 1 ; ~ peopleKr litl.Putplitrg to eYfir riglita sfrestPLl from them by k 1 s iolenesi—ainl • the Hera/c/ )14 ;. I ivay`.of advocating the Free Ste, !The two seem to go - well togetlG,l mor9 St?4,ling,. JoiiN 0. 'IV.-I.lp„}:.s, Esq. from none . - I ka,•was,robbed of a time watch, at I the residence of CHARLES iTEAAN'S - in this city, Tuesday morningilast. W. left his watch iu Ids' clothes, in his sleepik gpartment, and while i put to feed his horse in the morning the iwutyli was; stolen.. Mr .BtOarns lost a hundred dollars in money at th sane - time, fwhielt :was taken 'from his'.elothes. tration rewards crime in .Kansas by tip pointin7 murderers and horsel_ thieves.to responsible - offices; The tliief, in this ibstance, is expected to send:forward his name to Washington to ottgirp kis rezeu•rd. Ikruhl Freeckn. That is g. hit itj the right direction, and aiood,one too, • 'lf the Herald would - only Itecp u steady fire- at the l e'nenfics of free if. anstis, it would scon t. at peace with the "Kansas lottar writ Os." But so Wog as it Continues to ~ r M: two shots . at the face-state cause, to one i at Ole pro slavery, it . will rcfnaiu in hat 6DWIt aub O'itinutil'. OUR WHITE LIST, Alex. Estlam, Germania, ! .$.2 50 Wm. AlcDungan, Oslvayo 1 25 Levi Williams, Wharton, 2 50 Silas Babhit, Sharon Cel4er, 1 25 d. C. I3isltop, lillisbar , !, 1 25 F. L, Jones, Owego, i John Maitby, flonlet, ; aioaca Cnshing, Oswayo, is Jacob Reekhow, Couderskiort) and, as far as we are informed, have ent inently,goDd ones. .The crop of - Iby is good, though • we learn , ) .that in: many old Mcdows the ‘‘ - midg47' itas made sad havoc. The Corn, Wheat, \ityc,, and vats crops promise wol,.att potatoes though late are doing,-Well. • Nice.—The sutrar pTescated to us last week, by Mr..I'LLNY IVtutiis, of Ilonicr. „ ~ 7------- ' rr . • - . 1 . - • .. . S a r s ap ar i lla Which lie inadel t ist sprit4. Spea. to...ens i : /la te,ys l3 nOt only the ir , . Of friendship _.frout our l obie F ilyi...rs i.-tre.iinotl Tellable bUt one of the moat valPs real oasis in the. desert life of a country 11,de egtppouuds that can be !used dyeing printer,. and , 'awaken. thot‘e feeling; ofltito srinuer uiOntba,. . For .tlixi, nvoval l ratitude which, a fewr years in the hpsi-ialPl permanent cure of Scrofula, Dy sper ,„' l ness.are well Calculated to neutralize or ! sia; Bronchitis, Puluionary A.ff,eeti.ns atr.4 doranitiie • but Whieb, - . yhen.nWakeued,lall i utaxteons. 'eruption)] a o risitm from .i 0 • m #TI are the more sincere.- . M. Harris has impure or . Vitiated leondition* of th e j i h k , 4l, our sincere thank's” for this kind renietn;•lit ':;tands uuaPproaehed in the history 0 1! brance,•i.i.. , it Inqt'unly in -quality but quan-1 Medicine, it t inayli : e:ased -ae, 41k se - usiiii ' , tity.'. with vertdceided advantage; but. espeC, - in 1 • . . . ' . —... • Itally ttle, ; apritig and smuttier season. . .il/rs. .s;ephens' ..Veic illus4rated .Ifothn- 1 • . i lk for Jply is. pp „our table, rich ip -taint- • ,c. 0 . 1 0 4 )1 1611 ; T. *. 1," . .. - e , ,1tit.i.0, - •. -- • , (C orrect e d: - 1.. - eel l .lll for the Journal uer and matter; •.. "The Royal Sisters," a new novelette by Mrs, ! Stephens, prom- I ,__._-.- _ c ,- • LT ' .i- • 1 . . 5t.),Ft. St !JACKSON ises to be one of great interest, as indeed n I,,eat ' ero .1i Pry' 6'0 .... cj,; - Ciro' rer .: ;s,. - 4' ; IL; i s 4. (. .., p. , are' all her - stories. - The .legazine ' is. I ..Bsu'i...i. sk,e.., C,.rockeri t .roo, riour, .' • tical. ...I'6