The Potter journal. (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, July 02, 1857, Image 2

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ON M. 3 1 I der. thialplea, he Nias senteaced 'to a , term
s!-= i7ecul bP Genttemen Qnlyl of inatosotiment and Tina of 111000.—
. 4 "— -t During"hisiniprisonme4 he freely boast
cut fv,ina our exchanges the fol- ed to thine who vai.tedhina of his connec
lowing sayi9:33 in repra to cite slave.,tradC,..andlis•
floors.—A- IT: in Auburn igisktor tiPbasinesl;.' 0f102.1,
her gard?.n other day, wliecilre.and- P. 1 49 ,' ! ". 9l e 4t
retnitte4 Ins fine and setlualree.
denly rushed into the house
tb.# she w-. 3 att.:1044 by a smite, and
fainta, -Rilen, it 17.9.3 foUnd that one of
lunips had giveu )7ay and =Used her
• frig Et.
• _ -
' - '" . - 1 1Vayiliould a little boy be cfefal to
wqcythe conduct of 141-papa's _
fa3 - 13'1)k - _says; "Consid - _Cr the,
ppas of the aunt and yid lie wise."
Anst,.3liss 3feßiiae 'swore out aiWarrent ,
• Albany, against - her father for
t• itealing her ear-rings to bet on a 40 g ,
_ -
...L.:-.A. , ollrgrasom V 739 censuring a young
lady tot...tight, - ."Why" replica
the &rob - Miss, - "you' would not_reporn-
Ilona:Zoom habits to Year - parishoners?"
Th 9 'eleig 3 man, thus outwi sild
ttea p smiled.
- - .
. . __ •
Of all - the 'projeets of reformers and
-- Cnthusiasts, P.O onf., bas.dohe so much to
- 72 en1ava - zile sokeze , of wonian in a practi
`il-iiay, as—ho9o. - • -
• The only way to cure a boy, ; of staying
unt - nights; is iohrealt• - er "else
hefrrans - with" to clothe
:A little t9y Duce s.aid
'mother. Graaldniothgr, I hope.
die fliat;" " Why so my " " Be
rause can - stand trotkbles betterthan
yon can." Tills tat - from au k affectioeate
brace Itay, occasioned great laughter.,
Woatcc's thilir..32.--Plepure is to
on:len what tlie sun is to the flower.; if
moderately enjoyed, it beautifles,, it= re
' Treshie, and it improves; if immoderately,
It Withers, it deteriorates, and destroys.
litif the duties of domestic life • exercise'd
aa they must be in retirement, and call
-ing forth all thOsensibilities of the *male,
are perhaps as necessary to the full de
- velc - pment of her charms as the shade
tind-rthe . shower - sre to the rose, conform
ing its beauty, and- increasing its fm.
IN giving advice to young ladies in
the choice of a husband, a modern writer
'litters• the following .c-iineles
The man who doesn't take tea, but I
l_takcs sniff; and stands with - his back to;
Abe . tiro, is a brute,. whom I would : not
~,advise you, my dears , to upon any
'Ciinsideration,—eittier for love or money.
But the . roan who when the tea is over, is
'discovered to have had' none, is sure 'to
-pucka the best husband. Patience like
his -deserves being rewarded- with the
best - of wives and, the best of mothers-in
law. My dears, when you meet such a
intro do your utmost to marry him; In
the severest winter he would not mind
. going to: bed first 1" .
-:A NEW Ikscovkuir.—The following
- , fas..communicated 'to the.. Boston Been
,ing -Gazette . by a correspondent of that
_paper. We hope the discovery will be of
benefit to our feminine readers :
the benefit of your lady readers
who wear 'hoops (and who of her sex do
pot ?) permit me to, communicate a vale
-able ;discovery, by which they are enabled
- to sit dew; even na a circumscribed space,
swithout producing- those
. awkward- and
unsightly protuberances on, each side, and
the frequent bulging out in front of the
:skirt like - an innated balloon; The rem
edy_ is Simple; the. lady has _ merely to
jitt, the„. ho.op behind when taking her.
.seat, so that it brought into, nearly al
- perpendicular position,_ and the sides told;
'snugly over close to the.tigure. One ofl
the-largest and loireliest of her sea. : hit
ittpon this - happy idea,"
, PayqTY LAncislr.—.The belle Of Li
rotaantie'llttle village about
,forty miles
porthwest of ToledeWas stolen from her
fathet.'shoise few nights since, The
tilig - wars ' 44. 44 1 0* young man, with
44 0 4 EVA.. and comely. features .
. The
.young ,fady's venerable father, pursued
..the thief in the morning, and on . arriv
ing'at—found his lost . daughter, Rho
introduced- the thiefflts her husband..:--
The old - gentleman 'more - Iriojently for
~some, mittitii;' - ivhen, the thought sud
- diely striping him 'that he was
iibihrdiyi he, bibanie 'amiable 'and - 's.sid-;
ft , l3leasinza -on ye 'my children I A !" - The
'accepted the - Old . gentlenlarkS'
`~lessmgs, : stud haie since accepted a few
lituidred acres of his extettaive - estate.—
Toledcr Vcrmmerzial;-..Tane -
.-P4F 3 4- 1 4NT BPIPHANAN OP.T/14 54mE
TBADE.—TiIe Tribune calls the attention
to the -fact,-that-the-President of the
Vuteri Su t te,s haS romitt4 the' finelm.
wed ton Captain Smith, in Npiitork,
tried some time since for implication in
the Skyetrade
"Hewas charged With a capital'offence,
,Ind the case was perfectly clear 'against
that; bat to aveid the chance-.of hla:_get
.tin4 off - by some gnibble pretense. set
1:1? b:f tarn, 9f not being 'a citizen of the
Voltvi &tug ; accepted a
fL.4 vAiloy fn; tauter offencw:
gathr Pur4at.
. • ,
.104. comßrzsszomu
JAMS VEECH, of taittc,
.10SEPII -J. LEWIS, of Cheater.'
gerßy an ; act of the lest Legislature,the _number. of Jurors to be hertmft or isum
atoned"- by, Cor;Sners ..snd:j ' ' .-of the
Peace in cases of to nests up the bod
ies Of clueeasei persons:shall,nbt-ba more
than'sii. to IttenaLany one inciuest. ' " .:
ConvCntion , the g6Unty
SChOol Superintendents Of"licrOylvania,
has' been ealled;i;:f efficient:
State SOPerinteitdeni; tOasgLibl
ing, on - Wedne,sday, :. the 22nd of July
next, at. - 1.9 o'clo'clf; a M.; for the pill-pose
of 'consultiti;,m with tegaitytothe present
condition' and futlify piospecta
Conamon S l chool SysteM of this Connnon
wealth. The Corricrition one 'Of
special importance; aff}d coinposed,..aA we
may pre-suppoSe,, of' body of highly ed
ucated gentlemen,: engaged in, the noble
I work of pepular education..
KiNsAs.—The Kansa.s Free State Leg
islature met at Topaisla: en the 11th inst.
Gov. Robinsou's message revmmends-an
immediate; andthorotigh reor 7 ganization of
the gevern7ent, mq'tlification of the laws,
and: the. memoriaiization. Of Congress. He
examines tfm. inaugural of Gov. Watker,
contends that the Topeka! Constitution I
was the. only clear expreasion. otthe 'pop, 1
nlar Iva of Kansas, ;and' believes that, in-
.conipetent ,neighberity , 'States. no _longer
exercise sovereignty in -, Kansas.Healso
itrimplissijAe for free. State men
'.to tote at' bogus elections; .and,•in conek
sign, will 'maintain the position. of resis,
_taupe, against ustrrped authority ht all haz,
arils:and at all times. ; _ '1
Supplement to the,S - choot Jaw
An Act supplementary tol the Common
School, Law, was passed at the late session
of the Legislature. It provides for Aud
iting the: `accounts of School Treasurers
and :for. increasing the .minimum -Schtiol
Tam from 00, cents to one;dollar:..
SECTION 1. Re it. eruicted, • That it
shall be , the duty of
_the borough and',
township: ..kuditors, in addition to the du
tics naw imposed upon, them by lavir a ,to
settle annually the accomts of the School
Treasurers- of `the difftrent school dis
tricts in 'this , CommanivOth, and that
either. Par , Y laaY, take an .V,Peahale now
provided 'for irt other ; cakes of,settlement
of accounts by towrishii - Anditors. " Pro
vided, That- this - Act Shall not ajiplY'to
the city and county of -)liiladelphia.: .
SECTION 2. That hereafter the tax im
posed, by' section thirty of th-A-et- ap
proved May , eighth, one, thousand eight
hundred and fifty-four,. far 'the 'regulation
an d.coictinuance of a sySteni' of educatitin
y•ComMon 'Schools, on trades, -,profess
is, and occupations, or, on single free
liken, s,.nq case ba_less than GINE
poLL.4..u. • 1
Appro d Alay 21st 1857. '
Impf r Tlllo4lllBo*.
As this gentleman has been nOtainatati
by the Buchanan Democracy for the Sn
pi-erne Bench; we will re,call a'portiini
his ts)liibal history,-,which thatle
is up~rorthy' the'Veteferfrceinen.
- 184:8 lii:•Theripion nas a caned-
Dfor --I re ' eleation• to - b - ankrOss - in this
ncti:- The - con - fist 4SS wainr, - `and the
-result &dent Thit•O'iviettiargd'ilitria - -
heed kiss S'Alt Democrats = iai this ~lis
ana l siltheitt'-the:wtes 'of thein'lie
could noble elected;"-: for '• that tpittl-
P 6.8- q. v'irote " a follow ink - Utter; •
: 1 2. r;_ • '
. Pan •Sep&l.J3.l - 84.8;ci,:
11, 0 the, Ig.Ckillitt,
14: as It
ke cecr
tarn re~ogn '
firs,t_:.OrkiParial tall Ar. Ore
gon, **,' NT" 7a 3 ;9 0 -Tte 4 ;
fere4 as a:ini4oriti:r9pari, klloyting
ea' amenduient -to thi *raid): Section
01 the bill . `":_
1 '"Vrovicled that neither Slareri nor in,
.v, servitude 5.,„ 111 .4 1- ATe/:- eXiSt . . / 1 41
saia.errup eiccept
_crimo, wnereof
the iiartialnill hnielieen dulzeonvidZii."
(s e e .jort,rnala tif 29th Congress, pages
1240 and 4245. y •
This.proviso of course voted for; it
passedAhe - llottse, , but did not pass the
Senate; _ln' Pete. 1847,, the same;
being 'niftier 'Consideration, montainin a
Sention reenacting the ordinah‘oft
which loiohibitedSlavery in the MT:trial!
I ,voted,
'against an: 'anifendinent. recognizing'
Missouri Coultromise.
At the-session .of Congress that has
just closed, I voted against the Clayton
Compromise and 'alio - agat . .ust „the - Misscur ;
ri Comprothige,' and for - inserting and
taming - the above,- reemictincthe-ortlitiF
ance J 1787 4 ,124 inaltinwitkapplieableP
the. GyreAreit. •_„;
; ytlll.theFefute so ef hive shoes bs
cotes ; nibelief in tyre power': of Cun-
gress . to prohibit Slavery m.thp Territo
ites----ThaVe - iiihatefei 3 Of the
power and the right.oftOongress to do so.-1
f have. on- - all: occasions voted, ,to
elude Slavery, from , thelciritories‘belong
lug; to "the United' Staies now, , aiut,Shall
continue to - dO.Sa; conliineeli - that natein.: l
promiS'e is necessary either tcipeisoniiiilie
.lInion;, or reguirettby:auy ‘Constitutional
mandate.: I shall;asAhuve. already done;
vote agatifst all compromises. by which
Territory now shall liapome Slave
TerritOry. - I may add : iho.' not
new doctrine:to me. I. have itnifolinly
so voted, on all Territorial hills ankithall
continue in tit,do i-and slaa)l,,v9te far
the ordinances ,of 1787 to be niade
able` .to thn- Territories. of the United
States; or of an other` - word s of Probibi;
:Agin that may bo equivalent thereto.
This; doctrine ntprohibitingSlaveryin
territories was first„-intraduced:hy me,
after the acquisition of, the sew !Territory
and applied - diieetly to the Territory,* yet
others 'do not lieSitate to claim imml - for
adopting-a priticiPle.:they never Suggest
foEget those . who:Ad:so,
Respectfully, Yours
8 ddadri'ah., 'Scofield,
James, .G.- Ckimmus, - 14.
In. the above letter Jud ,, ..1 Thompson
put hipaselfunreservedly,en the-platform
of the Free Sellers, and thus secured their
rotes andhis eleetton. Nark the pledges
which he. made -to the . ; men opposed to
Slavery extension in this District • .
"I. have oa all occasions et
chide B.layerj._ from ,the, Territories 13:0' , -
longing ,to 'the United . States now, and
Shall eoutintie'to do so."
' No Free . Soil man—no Republican
asked • more than 'this.', But how:did
James Thompson , redeem: the above
pledge? He had scarcely-taken his:seat
in-Cotigrois when 'lie became "the -most -
servile tool of the=Slave Petier in all the
"North: He not onlyiet4tO t orgailize
NeW 14eiico and -Utah • withiivir exclud
ing Slavery 'therefrOfri;- ; brit he voted, for
the Fugitive) Slave Bill,- the' most odincii
aid-most iiiiiiiniiii - def ihaiiiris= efer -Pie
seated . to cp . n . ;ivess. -: ' 41iff i ge; Thompson
not only voted ; fortits' Liberty crushing
.but as. Chairman of, the.. COmmittee
which had it in charge, he called the pre-:
vious question on-presenting it, and, thus
put the sag .on any discussion Of its mon
strous injustice: ' Compare his' conduct
on this Oceasion with the statements and
promises made in tite abeve letter;...and
thcit say if you call, that he is fit to be a
Judge c.f thoo Supreme - court. What
1 .
can - 1167- know of justice -and -honcir, of
truth and equity. .. This letter! taketilit
connections- witli Ads cOume 'in' tougress
after :he got' there, shoirs-hi*-to-be - -an
unprincipled; and Untr4lifill-deinogogt, te.'
If that is the stuff out of which' to make
-a, Jndge, then vac for itames Thcinipson,
-the nominee tot' thefß4uohanati:Ccinven
tionif not teniember f him' at . the ballot...
box, :This - is the first' time lie!hascorne 1 ,
before the freemen of hie - Distriet alone
he acted: as the tool Of lavery in 'putting
the Fugitive Slave. Bill through under
the crack- of the: plantation whip. We
shall learn in October-what is "thought of
such titaehetOiy a free-people : -: - --.
inprat'al Wealth of pleliettu.
-. Thnlater dissioveries of_large..bodies:of
con and ironin '.lllelleanoieoM , .te have
'damaged the mental laeultiesni,earan of
r .
ilex'eitizens;..,. AVe'are pennittedtelpint
the - amumed_ correspondence under .prom.
is'e nottoiptint:any of .=ther.names. r. The
dint letter which we pililisli ver,f4atimosis
recievedit onetfniu• !.laamlofriees;,-..q - We
congratulate:the Vita' en- oil the' disco very
of. old in thatnannty: Xan_yon.spare 'as
inugi,rit.or two?' . -- ..:We sniSpoie . .yon. are
using gold nuggttsfoilnicci,ibiz this time,
. Xayfith 18?'i. . -
2,, , - 1 now - like - Mk -pea' bilitazia4.;
biformyou. that theietis.timan • in . thisi.. - place
that bas fonqd lead ,on yvir. land -,cuid, Othr
, miaerali 'and - lid luildehimielf l'aiabiesi t 'ta
rainsiati nibioridelhatlorn in ;this gaithAze
sly 8 ilteir is iliillemils , inkyoge Lands,
the ':•.=-- LantLs' aid' lie says' 6k - he — will
shaw the:4iwaers of ;the land that hewl.o shoat
them witere there isPreci” B re.dirVasliP4•Abf
his share he arida* have brio h a lf of gle'nyer
ali and` bite-lbilf•Ofthb ladd4iertaiiiilng td•thb
pre9ioqmilierals , tre ,is it..,-present, here, in
tills:place Atli wishes thatyou. woidrittiswer
this eitscionitts 'Erosible foi , JS' thinkif that 7 .:lie
slialsiot sty ' l lAer.e. lint 3 ,44ittle while .and, he
holds himself in readiness tOdo'ash - e‘her has
Eta' in al things if ,you and the owners agree to
this the - preposals ind.withattany.,Charge for
his discoyei7 if there is no ing_disepTered
aid he says tbitite'tan
stone coal and
, . . ,_ . _....„ .
tak al the sillplier - aut nf all.di,pilifallfi • ~, e
marker as ho has stated if., -4. 1 5 . ..,,:j . 05(.".
t'llk ism ),,,Teq., e,st you iti)eithurals 4thie
for 01:ir if) , le - gold and Siltefr4M _ einA,S*
Couatt.akkke.seYs4hat it
,iye" . l,r , ?aid
have ,seen +,14 upc Of thevenpn Ihe . si?".s.
at ha does pot ' tAinore thawto liontlis 19'
,4130 11 these WIWI'S.. 4 1 rgood.XertOke.., s i. 11 1...+L00
it 4 ide,:l,l,l*itliPin thP--Ost,raent4ru ik;'•T*l l - ...4
your land pleas keeji This a . ...VPrpt:so. es it 94 ,-
want to get ' the link that . yrre , eart_lnme-it ,
chance to g e t tke. laud if you want the same
if yo, Cora,e to Layfayette 'Come to Mr James
Jahnsing. and then you am:learn- all.hpertic- :-..
olOrs t • • ..'. 1.. - v.. -
. f 9431
IV`e'sisWitiieSses —' "" '. • anies jOhnsing ,
.. 7 poire g it -_ fOur r letarft.e - 40i
*if Xeali.iCoV4. - 1 ..1 - . .ii i.; 3
.-1;3• , .. , 40.7::?.:.?„4 . ..1nc: , • - . .. v.A.......z . e..... - •:: , .. - . - ...,v , '. -,..,..,. ry.
--7 - 711414 - Tc..
.1 ,:r . , . . .. . . - .: i ~ -: • ..:.:,.
CO,Iir.,D*B4R6RTy-PqTER:P 6 f Pal
"--'' ' --' June su: 1857.
:Siii. loiizi j-- SciotioSf - '' -I i ' ,'- -- -.....•- :"• -
.--; -:• Pear '4.slr l .L—Yor kind-favor:came -to'
hand in 1 . --• '---.'s , iPseite s ieltut . he...iu
structed meto-answer alli letters ;relating,
to engit:te'Plin.4e'ra--tiop-s-,Of this Plia,,M, eten
V r iurpiii may depend'that whateverl i agreel
to do in yonnbehalf, It - e' will! most .',fe11,.., ,,, -
, lowly: And iltithfallyobteive.f.: I,r - , With this
' aSstwatiee.yow can.±-sit.,,Aownieententedly
Mtderjour, pW. a vine and; figltree l ., if : you
have 014., selace.'„ifourAelf with ih
Vonientplation of the Vitt Miberitl Weaft
WithialoifiAiiiiiiedititelidoWedge; e itiEl'jf
it is: - poSsibli - ifori rich :mew to be happy
t4ero')A - AtetAing t9 - :Pre:Y.Qat igi.AT4 , 44 - ,
iW;.a.. , hfiPPY.,..-0-a '; any ; of houi•
. .„411 -
- YAM may meet ' me .with the',. - itr:gutnettt
that &lit - wealth" dOOSuotrlieliiit - tcf'yer . n,
and that 7 therefore' you 'Cahoot .- - ettjoy - z: i it.
This I will admit is very true; Itnit,.yeu
tts,t-bearin, tnind: . the,atupettdotts'4et,
that you jl,tp4*jpilOsi,p . ,, , ' , lirc th94,0 1 e '
'pdiiesserti Of-theikitirledge'ref this. teat
weilth; : ind hoili' ,2 '.: - • ..a---iiil myself
SAtf-Frettin - asotiS, - tud always intond.tOle
its.lfir your secret: is itonoerned; ,; you:, can
1 39t4 -Tem* , ~•, . c;_9.141!1P jell4deve l 9POLlA4 4
what is better,.numied millionaires If9r
eVen-'':Glorions eiiiteitiplatiop.., I .. ,
- - .7 : ! -Pliiiesslrifiers•tcll'Aisi lo a f dearitir,',Alit
the joys of anticipation far Oxieditt then',
intensity:the joys of actual -participation.
Now here is an .opportunity. veryl.sel om
offerect to "erring mortals hero be OW"
as Dr Watts3dOusly 'CUPS us,_ to.,Firi.,iV. :the
truth - of this'geie - ,ltt . :Very philoSop 'Cal
. hypotheaTil T lt - Wasfatdbyalearne - drreneh
savant that the .discovery Of . a dish I was
of-more Yl-Iport,,anpe; to the, World than the
' discover y of a planet:- i.l3eenuie'l, said ho,
4 a; 'dish - Was:somethiiig: which -. the' - World
needed for every day , use; and we'. have
planets onotighttlreadyY-..50, iny_doall Sir,
if, you : can in . : cojaricoon. with ; ow : fossil,
,iferoas friend . .. Mr. James
.Johnsiog yrove
to the ' - phidat world' the truth of
the hypothesis which I lia.Ve"Stated;l:fou
will 1 - k -imnuirtalized far ' elitger. than . if
*you - were merely' the' discoverers Of *pal
try, gold Pliee• • Pop% you. sec? ;: ~ I.( ..- !
, I regret most heartily and I ,AM. sere
every true lover of 'hitt couatriWill'rigret
.y 66 - nild. l . yoUr .. gcologiCal ' friend . Mr.
janieSJohnsing have actually discovered
a gold:Miner; (not tolapeak• ofrlthci silver
one) in.that county:: . ,- .I. xegrqt, i t, ,:b '..c use
every day of.My life I see acconntsi : the.
newspapers of. the wichednesS which - en
! "!I I " ' the - 'wretched
*are ttf) :to , oil Atdourit , of ,
Stuff:' • Why; ii;) , dear 'Sir , ,
it' was , billy
last week' that the _N. Y. Daily. Herold
contained,:a.., horrible, Murder,. -,broUght
about by-goldl . ;the circumstances which
ion - have doubtlesi read,' are as
iii John Smith went ' into' a cake ',and
beer . Saloon- fib buy stitawcake and . been—i
After thwpitrahase and:sale. ofithe.,oake
mmd beer, was made in a 41 . 14 n
... o4ill'e•toan
'ler,. he, took a mouthful, of, the cake and
'beer and *as in the Wet, of - giVailOWingl it,
-whenearaithan Matt camOliip'and cholzed
-him and f look - , iiinety4Wwinettts .. iii . gold
out' of hia.pocket., , ...Now that made.-him
do it? Waa it not the gold? Certainly,
it was; .If not what else was it? Now if
a. - man Will I; throttle ! another '• fer,stieh a
itnallinniirt gold - ;-'yOU'eaw imagine; ; you.
'and your mineral' friend Mr. James Joan
.sing,,,:hoti, great an injury:, you aad Mr.
James Johnsing . would be doing ,to
,McKean county.
..Look at. Californi a ..
example.' There is,ne - practical . pietytere
has . there ben, - since' 'the 'Vigilance
Conimittee abandoned 'ltheir. hempen I ok
hortations; .Wlty? : Pecause. the !State
is .. crammed. full .'.of • 1g01d..1 Me:, land
the apostle Paul (whO usektO.preach,
but not on the ' McKean' Circuit,
.it is - supposed-that" hewas orrhilitiyhere
when -he
. I . gOt• stranded . lat. Philadelphi a, ler . ..Which , you-. will.: "search' the ' L ,Sripr
,tart"-) . ,lte and l i „e i tr.eckWhett he 'lsaysrthat the :'root
.of . altiViL" ' - India,
I could - fill' up an entire heW - . .t6 . taintiit in
- telling over to the World hOttPinhoh--trOuh
le I:had in .tarlifein -getting ands iena
ing.what,:littioi ..14a.V.04.1)1 - 1nY:,41.&,-
Ad* in .view ,of they.teathnony„of , th t , N.
YOrl,CHet'at4,` 8i; Paul' and ins ,, ielf,io;llll J
yea ' open' Uti. that - gold'` and Aiwei mime
atncl-therebrridnithei.bedies...and scudli of 'I
'the people of A10irt.94116374,0ta:1-,;, i.flAirkg4ll'
those ',-,.wie;..dett',l,, ~ b oißeg to ,-.the church
attil - ',,hivc . not "religiett, and" Vital"..i3ieti.
! enOtigli to resist it - ?' I' think iiei.'"ffillitE--
- isiciF - - *nil& riidt.. - .. - -"litit'itt all lkitiotty no
meansY--il4l:yon da. , 4en it-rafteriirima
have said, .I"shall alwayi dogbAyenr . ,iiety,
.I:willjedpe . i.:.;%-.., ..?„ - ..1,„.. s
...1 , ;,,. . - -
lititir-yen - Orfi'agiciii44d4 . I a!P el l
th"difltitiiiiciT - Tiiiiiiiiia•liiiiiii'iti '7 , ', 1- and
1 1 Life 'notO tliel. 1 0 3 C -4 0 1- x0 tat l ehrAl P •
-*-4*-frand;; t
i.44./. 1 5 3 11 .8 f4d- , xo l qxoUlrgaPrAiik:4o4.4.Ei
it44.4:-0944qa't*F 1 4,111.wi1114 0 .E9
4* tit j:':wt siiisO;i4,4lll64;:illaivid l
*4 l3l3 siiii ll 4iliiiiofitiiiiiiiiage ii o eithiii
Mitt ti'tiohcibtO 11;0114 gage- my-word
fnrthar.,'ltluiCevert &Illy I makelti . .this
tlrepto,4tiop E thwilsr - ,ifipS: ttke1, , . 1 ! 1 •” 1 04
shall he ; devoted to.biliiiiioglip,Cuttrei.leB,
Poor-hOnses, jidle;' Oilian asyliiniti, 'I linf , '
pitaler;' . pbititeiatitiks -andl•other l b6iiiiel
lone ittatitutiohsP! I *ll;alit 10*J:
o a
" [ [ - YersitY for the bevel t of '„ , oar'.
table",.respecywang mili*ko : L., ' 7.3 '
lam -knowledge gaffer diSau .
Ike wish te Uome•paielOc‘` of
Mile your frieitgar:littges olingrilv
'Elio / 8 MY Offel4 - :1 1 11' V- .. '':':•'
)I ,
en cents pe..,,Val fora f.theccol
.. 411yer at my sc iirCee tit. dOlui,ertioit,.--,, ...
that price, _ [ [;;' , :i ',,...,,... :,,.,.
Fifteen cents per ton:oqr. lead ore.
Ten cents per tort for. iron ore, _ _ ,
Iliirie4ceeta - paiiol - lor'e4per'c'
,:l'iftY4itti cents per ton ' for silver =- ore,
1 Seventy-fiye cents to , a dotter per ton
-oreoutcs-470 1 10 01 Mmt it li :
fo be above it. earat.sAne, watiapted not
to beli#l4..'aalvalllzed at tinclrtack.
Ten. cents a - -icuaiai"fentifiedlenzole
iiith—tbitrakoh - ol'Clyreil - dut :as this Es a
[Temperance coinmitutty. .
I make these. offeis-infround numbers; . .
;though. the copper - iwould not- be worth
[wore thrial?./.ctiuis:-.o4•44arioirTaince,
the new cent-Ifni:6oam tsnit.- . -' All miner
alsl InuitAie - exainlead 4 said jappffv'eci by .
Professor Willid: - ',TaylOr,:' , :of - Liberty
Township,• before deliverir toritte.f :Twill
furtheratld:that you are lo!parehtuie and
mine at yorir own , e4Mnse. - _.-: L'only' pro
poSe terfurnishyou[with i A market:Where
yon can
_meet with reoy[' t kales_es,[long aiej
my mon ey ig - st§:: i . ,A:t‘krilltAsPVPlou thaki
t[l*wl)[;9 l Cl , A1uff,M1.11..1;0:14.0Pt.,P you re-.',
quest, ;tl..prcifo4od4eoret.„ „?.ty T wife and
her friends say that 'tlie..y won't mentioul
lit tOrllieliorict,"zio that if enailof possi- 1
I bli , get bit.''' 'lf' you Sortie one to'
I help keep. tlae - seeret over in Meliean'Co.i
I think you can have no trim - Nola find=
ink such?Cperson. , ' -,',- [- --•- [ :::
With-the kindest' assurances that you
and yOur - anrifereas [[friend [-Mr.- James 1
JOhnstng have my: sympathy, ancrthat. I
hope you will find &good orsaing sane-
where,[ -ail - aPiAt ioli will APProO r lato ray
' .1\ re 1 - 1 0.`"11 1 k;
9.71, main, , geo o„tc.a 4 , sken ma i
"in place," YMi/cokt . . - Sers'A. .: - I
The Free SteiP?:. r lilen Kansas.
The dev.Oted ..and.moblelaand .of Free -
Stateouen, who halve longatittearnest
ly straggled against, .fearful ~ odds, are(
armiu,assombled to take council condern
ing their ' , future. coarse -Of action. The
Legislature, eleetod unde' -- the To ~t l
ConstitutiOn; 'has .quietly ,orimized and
is proceeding to clistriet.the Territory for
judicial ./ arid legislatiTe purposes, They
are acting as if there were' no. such indi
vidual i i ;rt the world. as: GovernorW,ALK:
Mt. It seems as if'he, 'With all hiS 'f:vauntl.
ed pi-Wen and, talents;:is'adstined:lo be
-dot more successful' than rede essor
And he, ought not to be, for-he is attempt
ling, with the subtlety, and intliguing dis
position" for which lie is fepous,F.tu emu
proioise away principles.
His pretlecessors.lailed, , :because' they
were not siifficientlY- devOted to; the es
tension of slaverY: He ought t - o fall, be
cause he is deVeied to . the interests of
The, I;:rte,Ot r ate omen, ; by:, thehlrei:ent
procedhilei r etinde..a sublinie . ) heroisia.—
The party who - favored their cause last
fall yir#4
(19.f4iiMed' in:the na . tionalelection,
Pverp - rtnieni of *the . i'Ziael4il 'Gov.
eminent is against thero. the Terri=
toriaV appointments - made 'l4 President
- BUCTIANi4I.are freer the - -slave' States..--
In short,-with all that can, ordinarily de
ter men from. action-against them, they,
coolly met, and proceeded to aei'as`
if all beforatherik was reasy;bovatal;'ancl
promising: This is thevely.highest spe
tie&-of self-suorifice,' and-the strongedteiN
idenee of devotion'to prinalPle. ,
11 `Surrounded; by: Anna who world; use
armod force toi break ;np their assehiblage)
in any mornerit,,c;f ekaitement, they.:.gO
quietly on in the discharge of their duty,
i'%.ardless of all._Tersonel consequences :
For this Ureic,tthey: dese.rve, in
an eminent - degree;t!the thanks , a the
Whole country: , They have , already Aron
it esteem and: regard, but. • they have
heightened" that 'eateeni-- and - regard: by
this inseiittdisglay :Of virtue ancl4lovn of
freedom , ' , 17.1at ithein . :Way& : icomprcenise
with wrong an&sippressiori. They..hald
.their*eeping the..Therinopylmi where
iihertyanduslaireryThavii_inet in "deadly
conflict, IftheyiShoalkprbve. untrue to
the trnst,ithufrdeineti of the worldwould
itrie them, sip:l.:their memories *mild
f fiot :withinfar4 Tinzes.,..
-riug'*E Tar t DIAIN LINE. Tlie
rneit, At n
'eloalc - ,lhe' l Phitidelphia Esetange,
millions; .l
the iiitsi vfs9i4a„
thousand i tt;;Was' th"grat and
the bid'
thei,Y4 - dit
• L'„ i • '.!!!.: ::,
Octas : Ars, est;' ,T he ;strong feeling ez=
spit; epteit9nent. was
lithitVeWsTlagiabiete 7 thee, '. and
wrier its eousuretwitionwaa announced
crowd? . !,llEe 'forth oin af" loud ' ans pro'
lona dshout - off . - the tOatoto'
oppose ion to ;the, ;:fid'; nQt seem to
l iseetVith
Id 9 n0w1,..4",fai1add.ph441,0,qt.26 initts
;'"AO7 Bi an article
ril l ;4 JoUItNAL, - We rmtie e di e.
rpt W
Ormer. read euk
Ott'erl county, Pa., b4n accepteieffi ce
4et , Bogus Code in Remu s a rid
A - Orighi professing to be a Fre e s tate .
filan;iipffieiating in Osawatomie, p m ,
StatelOwn in that Territory, as a Bo gus
Justice of the Peace, and as Fr e b ate .
Stage. 'll, lo 9 l io . #tthejPioreilliat the
good people tiv 4 l'walcitine `4'o not desir e
tVeid . rvi . a#K l st fgt 4Vese
fieials, and'lnve field a medium ... I
litely rcipested - sAid—WlLT.teimbto
si-11:1:INVOY.0.':n6rthin, "wilt ia.
d:c(i to vic e # l saw 6he man
but and ; that'; was. whOn Imo;
his -IntaY;'to ICansit.s. - lieostopped °yet
night tit' a public' house'? is this 'i
414,Legittm 304 As: vas, ott hps. Aray to
Kattsms-there settle,s, , and. ,
that we should fink him a - synipatils e ,
with the Free State settlers in their
&rings - from the ilitlicti* of :8 0 4,
ittiffiants' tie:entered into co - aversati c l a ,
with regardt9Ltiattar o'/ 4 egteik
with ripttAti,
fivd minutes with hitni beforeiremade
t to bell pea
up our m i nd ha more 0
for. , in the emigration.7oU•the Ntssolil
4 11 fraili: 6. 04/0'
. 5 4 . 441 . h
that of such: 'Tree- taste(' uken as 64
Wital4%.'3ls: - short iiem4
to us a bypetal cliorder Ruffin l e
aigaser ca n not: 80; mibliaslope
that re.aiga, ,
.He ;ii
"Boons" Democrat; a < "Bogie hie
Skate and simpt fit tu,he &mord
the "Bogus" Governor and Legislature of
ity, Extitislarlffyrd'." litideiritand that
-11 r. J. Wi'reerilid;,Nxiiolfeeis - a.ll tel at,
:Conneaut Lake,. in thi4 county, purehasedi
' . rOtli a - iatiali'q.'siirreetr a barrel gar
poking to Doubt reitifaed
g:..olLialoaorigalafila . n lt
depositOd'arilaisl3ar-roem, and he
(piodPede-d -into: another
cask. .After tailino
_onisonae. are or air
' he heard) a sound
gallops, he heard) a. 6trange:
'in. the barrel,land.'sbon after the, bang
flow 'out:With - 11.19a rep;:irt, , folloWed . ty a
lurid flame, shooting:up - from - 'het open.
ino." ',to the ceilino-
_thenL followed alre•
mentions o..tploiton, °eel:maned by the t
bursting o£ ,`the harrer,itilltaiif which
,I.P.FRFP Ivit4g!..Pkf9Fs49” B eg ter '.
frig the burning liquid irdmid,th - e'room,
and l:noc iilg dower 10 tiles 'and
04Y,e1,,Ogins . .0e 1 P
eonfentsri, thedlAmiblertuntcrial. 3By
dint= of great eiertionz , the , fire: was. put
"out""11 - 6f,- - iiiirirtlie — liar:rOom -- Was
scorched „and ehafrecl,' iliereyer a wood
4uFfa:9 o ", tvg'
liveS 'Were fost. .•'
This explosion-is-aotiminted 'for- only
I by the faot;.'tliat' Whisky now manu. ;
aturCil- `alniosi solely,Of drui , 4.43f o ' 4
poisos•ni:'ure,rintd th; l iaarrel bad
over . (6e of fiOine'or the mfaitkais in.
gredients,- - We : nriderstand -that a por
tion of the `litftior , willibel-iient into ton
.to be analyzed , by , 'goitre- of our;
men, when our
readers some idea Of, the stun those drink
who 'take, doses of - ; - "01 - ct:AmOnoilikla'
as'. at presentnnunfsMtaired , - , ;-• gacivide
Journal. - . -
F-ATnit , T6:762;mkitsv-a-The-iiiaio.
0.,.. 44 '',-44:i* a... *liii':e.o.lot two
months render iniong arid- severe • drol t ith
to the laier;Bummer Or 'Fall highly prob.
able , 77 loch - a - droutb - as, in- large disnkeo,
einii.444laat .autumn much of the eirea
fodder thit was ,needA- for:Winter and
Spring ? . and , thus eatuted , the starvation of
14any Oat:dec . , "Mw- is' the time to 'iron
the iliastrous ..effects of-a similar - 0 0 th
this Belts . On; by sowing Indian Corn; oi,
some*her auednient:,, jliV t: Tor fall feefl;
ing.: 'I, 'yrc. aeres, , .thus. eau -- -linit,:auoi ,
weidd baive-tarried--tbvinglimeny silent
tliart Iperished-or was serionsiy-injured•bi
the ganair4lififilfia'nh : lnd i .A *1
V-tio . !! those:, ,sowAi? e 9,0 1 ;'040
give it space: . It it altunst,:always sown
too thick on ;rich.ionud: {,And let thois
wkr.oauluyii.,'. l orghuOv.aked : ::firciUssati.til
it!„-'rotaoe4 Brice--..i . wy: t t eao•l. , if#ll
uN'i be Itiji#lliitlii-Tiliiiiitiei.ais lot
al four Or 1,4 abillin c Orl per ii 4 m;id)-7 - gill'
ilfia O trial: ' ' It iFtn.lo:iai#3 o :l 43t .
fclr seed_or sugar, bUtoo4.ltirjodder: — ‘
qiie it 11 :W4m ; 1 40 1 0140 M: tourff6l
- diciiiiwiiiiincuthludfoutii( 6o,o
ttglye.t!olidnliialletriiiiitideiitiOn d
1 piiihe-itii,"4s4-loastr : four-,id9lles-9 34
id thQ to' tvi 4 iLilidi4yi) .Ot.three 4605 of
6 44, ' i"vii.oo4 7 c o ii t I.''.ieii:l4 4 iO 3.7 T
We. 'tilie# . 7 ,44 itvik.;irili;.iliiiii l4o:
dian'Ocittcanit.fOdder - eiop; but 10 e#•
it - ; . 1.-. i -,, t, .v.....,-.0, , ...-...t,t....i ,,- t- ..:e .
menee settle this point. • .14,As W.:"
gWedilrailtStlFlrkNiPßilt . .ki'd- 1 0 ing
4at-110;•*..ire0 e cr iat4 rft = : :: ts) gi l
gorghudt aiaecida pr4ainal;L:Shire
' already been enough of AV jiltqW!
ati; letAiiiw sen•Wha,t"pn ?be . done
litli ivfOr Toilddr* : oni3.--L-.4W 17 .1 ti li
liqq., - s. ' ''ut,"9..:i 7 ti. '''. -.J"i'') W.lii;.',.;
t -