P _ - ,;!. • 1 t &Mai • ogperlipteitdenis. • - • • - • _ •," • _ We lave . compiled below, says -Ake: gar . Telegraph, what we believe to be ,a-substanthdly 'correct list of the newly cleated C ou ntiSylierintendentsYand the • ," 011 ;14jes .by , the reseetiye: Or:men oo-0V Directors. The salary pf the -Ps_elphia..l?RefbiteT4eePi it will be seen, is a disgrace to the County, and we are Mad there are but fewothera like : her ; in :this reipeet. - • 2 tt.• " Adams; W. Leo Campbell, $4OO :Allegheny, C. W. Quick,' 1,000 •:Arraatrong, Robert W. Smith, 800 Beaver, - It. N. Avery, - 350 -'13;.1. Henry Heckert:atm, , 500, B- Wm, A, Good, .; 042 /John Dean, 600 .13imdford Chas. R.. Coburn .1,000 butler, . • Tbontas Balph 3001 Canibra, S. McCormick, 800 . 'Carbon,'. Fester, . 400 - .Centre, - J. I. Burrell, 800 Chest -et, Franklin Taylor, 1,000 ; Clarion; John G. 31 - agonigle, 300 ;Clearfield, , L. L. Still; -- 600; 'Clinton, - jeose Berry 7 600 Columbia, William Burgess, .400 traWfoid; P;.oates, . 600' Cumberland, Daniel - Shelly, 600; Dauphin, S. D..lngram _ 300 , Derewaie, Charles - IV. Deane 5001 Elk, ;; Charles R. Early, 406 Erie, W. H. Armstrong, SOO; :Fayette, ' . Joshua V, Gibhins, 300; Forest; CyruS Blood, 200; Franklin, P. Shomaker, 500, Fulton, . Robert Ross, . 200' Green, A. J. McGlumphy, 409 1 Huntingdon, Albert Owen, • 600 Irtdiana, S. P. Bollinarz,b 650 Jefferson, Samuel 310E111.6re, 500 - Juniata, W. W. Burchfield, 690 Lancaster, .J. S. Crunaburgh, 1,500 Lawaence, Thomas Berry, 500 Lebanon, John P. Kluge, 760 Lehigh, ' • 1.1. J. SchWartz, .500 Luzern, J. L. Richardson, 800 Lycoming, Hugh - Castles, 300 McKean, Luther R. Wisner; 250 MerCer, • Call-in W. Gilfillart, 600 Abram D. Ilawn r 600 'Monroe, - Charles S, Detri ck, 100 - .Montgomery, Ephraim L. Acker, 900 .Montour, ,A: B. Putnam, 500 Northainpton, Valentine Hilburn, 600 .Northumberl'd, J. J. ileimensnyder, 400 , Perry,Thcod. P. Bucher, ' 400' Pike, Philip F. Fulmer, 100 Potter,J. Hendrick, 300 1 Schuykill, J. K. Krewson, 1,000 Snyder, . D. S: Boyer, 200 ; Somerset, • K. Miller„ 475 Sulivan, C. J. Richardson, 300 Susquehanna, B. E, Tewsbury, -- 600 Tioga, Newel L. Hepnolds, 900 Union, D. Ifeekendorn, 600 Venal-Igo, Wm. Bergivin, 500 Warren, L. 400 Wayne, Samuel A. Terrel, 1,000 Westmorel, - J. McAfee, 900 Wyoming, _ John 6: Spalding, 150 York, L R-Blair •-• . 1 000 The 3liserles and - _ . - • !temperance. ' The fopowing is • the most graphic "de lineation of the miseries and effects of in temperance. that we have ever Been. It is from the arguments advanced by cer tain citizens of i'ortage county, Ohio, in a memorial' to the Legislatlire on the subject : "And yet its march of ruin is onward , It reaches abroad to others, invades tho'family mad social circles, and spreads woo and sorrow all around. It o.uts down youth in vigor, manhood in its strength, and age in its weakness. It breaks the', father's heart, bereaves the &eating moth er, extinguishes natural affection, erases conjugal loge, blots out filial attachment, blightri parental hope, and brings dbwn mourning age in sorrow to the grave. It produces Weakness, not strength ; rsss, not lealth ; death, not life. -Its makes wives, widows, olkildren orphans, fathers - fiends, and all of them gaugers rind beggars. It bails fevers, feeds rhert-_ matinee, nurses gout, welcomes epidem ics, invites cholera, imparts pestilence, and embraces consumptions. It covers the land with idlenesi, poverty, disease and crime. It fills your jails, supplies your alms henries, and demands your *sylums. It eiigenthrrs eentzoyexsiei.; fosters quarrels, and cherishes riots. It Oaten:Ms la*, 'spurns order, and loves . mobs. It crowds your penitentiaries, and. furnishes the victims for your Scaffolds. It is the life 7 blood of .the gambler, the aliment of the counterfeiter, the prop; of leis highway Mart, arid the, sapparfof the midnight incendiary. It countenances the liar, respects - the .thief, . and esteems thellaspheMer, -/t siolates .obligation,. reverences fraud, Mid honors._ infamy: It defames benevolence, hates love, genial virtue, and slanders banocenee. It in - - citp the father to butcher his Wife, and aids the child to grind his parricidal axe. It burns - up man, consumes woman,- tests life, curses God, and despises. Hear, ea. It suboing witnesses, anises- Re i3.-' ry, defiles the jury box, and stains - the judicial ermine It bribes votes, disqugl if. 4.44 voters,- cm.upte , elections, 'pollutes' IM Vtirins' — '" - iae-'xiiid - lii. . ii6ya - otrr - gar . ermileitt- Irtiegridis l tlie: tizerL,.. del. blies life i Iniebithr, - dii4iiirittii- the"•kt4es:. 1 man, itnd dies** the .pittricit. .. . It brine f? I 1 . . not 11,Fne . ,-.40 /19#r4 . . ,_ lr.Tr - Eskf i gir. - . .,49.° , 7 PaFI.4.4L- 1 1 1 9Pq ;_ 1.30047,:-.49l:llo4pit3Mik -,- And - 420 . z. an. with. Alia !malevolenee,cf li • fiend;; Ipfealmlyr-slirre:ys ite'frightfut des- • 6 , lttie'g ' iirid ' 'ineittiate wit I levee . - - it' 'fa -15014' Telkcityl--- 1 44:0.4e.0'qiit.5., tadtAA I:llights.,c.otAtl4n9e,„,slaii . the Teinititifeik, and wily* outiikijeii - Oi shditeii'then e).ites :the; #iirld, axpd' - :14142 : ti it,it.l!xiiii3.. o ,. : ::. fi,:i : - {-- ';:i GREAT' EXCITEM47:I r JTR IJllifiliVD o . CS - '1? . U . A9I-Tl'l-. - ~...:Aiiothe r , Vargo 45:1: good i.at . . . +'-g 0 i '' 0 iii'' 11 . E.O'"iii tiT . 011: - - - ~. . ' 1•- ,_ ' - XTOU - ntigut4s - Well' Underudte tti dant up 1 the Waters of the Is.lingara , with • bulroish es, as - toitry-, r 4 tocoitvjae,el" OM multitude 'that there is liny.'Other place to town where they can get !itch great bargains_in ,:tholinc: of , - . - -. GIB[CERWN , PROVISIONS; : . - .. as..at,the ~-014..4eguyttor -,, whichlbak•so. Jong . bciii ' th 9 Grent 4 Enipeorimit - 4:Trade ' lit this floorishiil,S' Metropolis... '.l'ioW we .have emote to the -coueluiion - that there is 6rdy one way to sell' GOods, and' thatis : to:lee the people knoW iieflave-theiri to - sell, Mad - Oell'ilterrp at prices whieirwill be an ittdikentent to those in , want to bilk of us; and fOrithiti purpose we have chartered, a column in the Journ.a where ti'e 'intend - to, 'keep...the. people posted as to Whaf May be found at Our . establishment:— Every body knciws; (orat - leasiougbt to know) where the Cold Ilegulator is; s'ndfor.the belle: fit oftliose who rloact_.4votr,- ,and who wish :Co knbic; ii-eilivill just infornt ; them that it is lo eatedriAtt-oa tile ' . . . ,- • . . - . - - 1 1 .RA..1 L 10 A D . ' 1 ' -. only O,:feW'-ritidSliont , the biPcit, and is idways open for lensionters, and all who wishi_to save 25 percent. in purchasing the necessaries. of life; feriit is the only place-in town where You can expect to have a little change left after purchasing your necessary supplies, notwith standthey sell cheaper than their neighbors, ing the' common assertion of _every one i that ' Wei don' boast of, selling goods at or below co s st, - blittwe have adopted as .our stendzira to ." Lies and Let Lire," and to sell as cheap as the. cheapest ; for when people advertise to sell below cost, yOU may eaSily'eorielude that they are only " throiving - out bait" - In Order that the people may know What we keep to seel, 70, 4 ,ssillenumerate a feW of the most ini portant 'articles, ' 1 ' , ' ,- ..1 GPs 0-0 ERIIE S. - . : . Any one examining our stock of Groceries, we are Confident will at once come to the con clusion that a bette4 and more complete as sortment cannot-be found in this section, 'con sisting Of ' • * SUGAR, TEA COFFEE, • .IIOLASSES, , . . 1 . SYRUPS, - PEPPER, . , ' SPICE,GINGE , • CLOVES, Saleratus, Cinnamon, rapper -Sauce, Catsup, Yeast and Soap Plisvd,eig, yittega.r, Oil, Camphene, Fluid, Chewing - a.nd SMoking Tobacco, Snuff, Segars, Candy, Nuts,Raisins, Crackers, Herring, Soap, Candles, ann end less 'Variety of other articles.whieh it is nii neccism' of_ y to Manikin; may Ve found' in this department, and which be sold at 4-trif ling advance from cost to ready pay; 1 1 40VISIO NS. , Just take a look at our .la.rge. stock of :Pro visiong, and see if we have not got the where with to relieve the numerous wants of the needy, and enough to keep you all from starv ing through the - long and dreary winter. It is impossible: for us to . 9aumerate one half the articles we keep , in a single advertisement, bat we will mention a few of the most impor tant, which May be found in abundance and in great variety, consisting of FORK, HAMS, FISH; BUTTER, CHEESE, LARD, _ , SALT, CORNED BEEF, • DRIED BEEF, ' ' 7 •' - - SHOULDERS; • FLOUR, CORN MEAL, BUCKWHEAT _FLOUR, i DRIED APPLES, 'DRIED PLUMS, POTATOES, ... ~ . OATS, ' . • BEANS, . , • SALT, and a host of othenarticles in the line of pro visions. Also kept contantly on liana a'good assortment, cif • . WOODEN 'AND' WELLOW "WARE suc:h 4s Brooms, Washtubs and Boirils, Mops,l Dinner Wii Boxes,-Brushes, ikc., together with a ,' generk i s tssortmCiat, of 4totie: re, which -we I Will sell very'cheaP for cnsh. A . general in -1 vitiition is eicten4e4.to aß,,and to, the people of Potter County in partMular to call at the Old Regulator before purchasing elsewhere. CLARK itPHILLIPS. Wellsville 7 Dec 10, 1856.-0 3-1-Gmo. --N..-, ' L. WANTED. Q WA TOUNG MEN TO "ACT ai Loca,tand 13 (, d Travelling Agents, in a business ea sy, nSet ./ ub and honorable, at a salary of $lOO perontli—a capital. of $3 only required.—, No p ,tent medicine:or book business. Tali paid ulars, given, 4: fre. to Who enclose a ill poste e stamp or a three.cent piece, and ad dr.e.is; 1 D A P. SUANNON Si. CO. . 9:4'T-6t; '''. Atkinson' Depot; N. H. AtIBUNISTRATOWS NOTIQZ HEAVAS Letters of Administration _to , th 4 estate of RUFUS A-. FREEMAN, lateo!f thp Couilty•of Fritter, deceased, hare bee4lgranted to the undersigned, all persons indebted,to said estateare requested - to make immediate payment, and those haying claims against the same, will present them duly au thentica.teid'for payment to. the sibicribers at Ulysses, Potter_Co. ' Pa. , • ;, 1 I '. MISS ELIZA M. FREEMAN. JERRY W. FREEMAN, May 23 1857.. .. Administrators. 4DININISTAATRIic NOTICE.- REAS Letters of A VifE dniinistration: to , n the estate of DANIEL lIIGLEY,,Iate of the conrdy of Potter,-.deceased, hare been gratted.to the undersigned,. all persons indebt ed to said estate ere - requested :to make 'itu- I Mediate payment;. and those having claims against ttle same N f rill present them • duly au theutieatid. for payment to the subscriber at Hebron Potter Co., Pa. •:, • • . i : 1., , : I . , • POLLY G. •iiIGLEY; 14a,y 231,:857; .;,; i4V - Ifotro - 44. _ PEE '• 1 ti- r .f . fttirtittrt. s ajiMinS.ar l-1- - IF yrEgvE_of shary ; :writS of nrenditioni ' I Erponas and Tiari'-Faciat issued cut Wile Ourt of-CotittOnfleas Of Patter Co.iTenna,, ana tO qirected,i I‘ extais c e public sale Or -outcryi at the-Court Hensel in " tbe, ough of Coudersport; On Moilds.fthe 15th day of ,June,* 1857, At 10-o'olOcki: the : fell - 6w. ! inrdesctibed reslestafeito Wit t Certain ,real,` e.statc Situate In,Eulalia Tp4 and Iforonei of. Calid.etsPOrt; BOOrtiled - Onthe yortlt by the Jersey_ Store Turnpike Road, on the east by. IsTathan,:itinodcock and edit lbie 9f warrant ;Ip3, gook - by lots Aor,- diiiier, and 1, Jones; and west Jones,. and, W: T. ,JoneS, containing :169 acres; of which there is about_ eight: acres,im proved' with' one frame - hotiSo and frade barn thereon. - •., . . - • Seized, taken in eieentinn and to be, sold as the property of Daniel . i.Ellsworth, - .and - John Crittenden; • : 4 , _ ALSO . --Ce r t a in real. estate, sit.nate in.Gene see TownshiP,- Potter Co., Pft., Bounded on the, north by the lands of Harry Ellis, east by lands of theßingharn Estate,. south lands of Yersel pichipsen and S:•PresiOni aud west by, the OswaYo road and lands of,, Harry Ellis, abrktainink fottylticres, with about fifteen acres clestedAith.Orte frame. tovpin-house and two franie barns thereon. ' ei.zed, taken, in executing,' a pa to . be, sold os the property of Thonia*Reeler. ALSO—,Certain real estate situate in Geri 6. see Townsbili, Potter Co., Pa., BoUnded on the, north by the Neir York and . Pennsylvania State Line, on the east by lands of Gannon Chambers, south by Bingham lands,- and-west by lands of C.:Leaelr, , containing two hundred ana seventy aere4, 9f ,tvhich twenty-sit acres are improved,with. one log house .nnd one log barn thereon. - • : • Seized, tokeriirt execution - and to be sold es the property , or Plitriek Burke. • -:ALSO--"Certain real estate: bounded arid described as follows, to Wit: ,Situate in Swe den Township, Potter Cci 1 1 34 flOunded on the north by llinglidm lands, east by 'Bing, ham landsscintli by lands of James_Fisk. and Seating' Estate; and _isest of Bingham lands, tieing lot N0:5,7 of the allotment of :Bingham lands in said Township, containing" eighty aerea,,- morn, or lesS,:Sfteen acres 44, With ono loglonse and one log . stabletherecin: Seiied, taken -in execution, - and to he sold as the, property:of Stephen -Redspn and Jona than Itedson. . ALS& 7 --Ceilaii rear estate situa.te,bi Allc ganY arid Genesee "Townships ; Pottei Co. ea., Beginning at a pose at iho' south east corner of lot No. 3, standing in north line of lot number five, thence north- one degree, east ninety perches'aud'onn tenth telt post, thence south eighty nine and three fourths degrees, east; on the south line of lot No: 23, two hun dred and eighty perches ton post, thence south on' the west' 'line of lot No. 21, ninety perches and one tenth of a perch to a post, thence north eighty nine and three fourths degrees, Vsiist on the north line, of lots No. 5, 6 and 1, tw hundred and ninety perches - arid five tenths of iti perch to the place of begin ning, eontalning,sorre hundred; and ten acres and nine telaths of, rip acre more 'or leis with the usual allowances ofsix per cent for roads,. being lot No. 4, of the allotment of the lands of the 'Fox Estate, with ninety _acres improy ed,two.fraure dwelling houses, one &eine barn, 1 and two.apPle orchards thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the prplierty 'of 'Samuelltogers'.. ALSG=Certain real eltate situatq in Hec tor Township, Potter Co. Pa.; Bounded .and described as folloWs, to wit: on the, north by unseated lands aTf Bingham Estate, least by lands of Henry Ilaines, l south and west by Bingham lands, containing 50 acres;, baby* lot No. 70'"Of the allotment of lands of 11. Dent, in Rector Township, and part of war= rant No. 1796.—ALSO—one other lat. situate in Redor Township, potter Co. Pa..; Bounded north by Bingham Lands, east by Bingham Lands, south by lands of Hunsucker and Gar-. lock, west-by 'lands -formerly of Jesse John son, tontaniing 90 acres and i nine tenths of an - acre, being lot No. 77 of the allotment of lands of Hi-H. Dent, in said' Township, and part of warrant No. 1788, of which fifty.acres are improtedi 6 acres chopped, with one frame dwelling." house, two frame barns anti fruit trees thereon.--itSO--one,other lot Bound-. ed north by lot formerly _owned ~y. Henry Raines and Bingham Lands, east by Bingham Lands, south by Bingham Lands and lands of 11. FL Dent anti ;westby Bingham Lands, containing 100 acres ' being lot No. 93 in Hector; Township ,and. part of warrant No. 1354, of which 25 acres are improved,-with ono log house f one saw-mill and l fruit trees thereon.—ALSO---one other tract, situate in Hector and Ulysses TOwnshipS, Bounded north, east, south,and. west Hingham Estate containing beinglotsNo. j4B andi 155 in' Ulysses, and Hector ToWnships, Potter Co. pa. ,a!iid part of Ivai rants No. 1260 and 1800.=?ALSO--Aine other lot, Bounded north by unseated hinds, east' by lands of Henry J. Lea* .south,' by lands of Hunsucker and Garlock, and west by C. Loncks,"Cantaining 100 acres,;of Which twen ty acresj are improved, one frame htinse, l ,and one frame barn thcreii. ' Sated, taken in execution,' and to be said as thearoperty nt'Sqinalius . Loucks; and C. H. Loucks. • ALSO—Certain -real estate 'situate in Alle gany,TOWiaship, Potter. Co. Pa., Bounded on the north by lands of A, presho, on the east by the lands of :Fox and Reis, south by the lands of John Ilaga, and west by the lands of Lu4p',,Darling, ,containing,orie hundred and ' twenty.teveii-deres and stx t4nths'Of an o r ere:. I About fifty acres are improved, oia. which are; erected l'one frame dwelling house and one' frtfxne barn. • :Seized, taken in execution , and.to be sold as the property of Urial Atwood, • : ALSO—Certain real estate Situate in INC.:. for TOWnshiP;-. ?otter 'Co. pn., Bounded . On the north 'by- unstated lands, east by lands of Thomas, Lanning, : south by lands ofAelvin Martinand west hy lands of the ,Bingham s tate, - containing'-one hundred and ten acres, of which about fifteen acres is iinproved, - with' one:fraule hOuse Litici some fruit trees thereon. —ALSO,•-ranotiley lot situate .in ,sald -Tow , - ship, llimilderalh6 nOrtlfby the Highwa callQd :•GreneSee 'Fork road, east by Pr4nei- Strafigysonth by A. P. Cone, and.west by D. Sunderlin, containing one. half of anaere.,ef ground. . • . • Seized, Aaken - in ", execution, and-to be sold as the property of Henry Err y. . • • T.SO—.:Certain real efttite sib - We in - Claxa Toiinshii), Potter Co. Pa..,,Beginning at' it hemlock tree 'for • a corner, being' the,..N:' NAr; corner of the lqt originally sold to 11 ,7 04eni then north 352 - poles -to a beech tree; ;being the:solitti corner .of C.:Byeal'Spurcliase,thenee ertst - 232, poles to a . cornet. in th . east" or said Itid ;way's land, thencesouth on said east liite 352 ; poles :to a pest corner in said east !irk, thence West 232 . .p01es to the place 45cbe 5-/n...acreief landlbeing part.ot warrant No. 586 i.: t • - Admitistratm ._ ... " L 'lirici.7 - lolt - cift'VeTtt - on - ' - itiltto - wso . 1 as thitlirofie*.*:fiti**liithlthalikWr T 4 - 11. i o.l.4ertaiir,reaVestatelit - ifiditn .G . it-t , E , esce, Township,- - POtteir l -tefiq'a, 'Bounded on. th!liiortti.bt tti1"..1 16, - I . l ; , Ql'?W_/,',.i t i. , ..r..9.. ae5, ti.: Bgtok Apo. JO of!Yel*ugtii'Qnlo3o east:X . .e laud of lijr;:. Dickinson, 'Anil t-Jc.tbn- 4.e. citheY, An': • 1 ,4 the south - hi the lans Of John lieelthow , d - \Vim. Keech, on . : thewest by .I,ltC lisfidsVf :_, T. Jones: pail. : FilaritsijeCiatOCkidg KmetY ~ Ur tiOregyWith 004: li ft eeall-eq4;491 1 r900,, 4.! erectedthereon one f.ratne. barn...l . , t ~ „ If L . ,-, _ Seized, , taken ' 112...ezecution, i . and to lie . doisl" as the. property,ofS. G. li t otrso,l- .••:.,- ~: j. -..ALSO=-Certain real:estate . . Sithatd in its pgany Township , : 'Potter Co; P.;.y: L •Bouride on the worth mad east by Unseated lamb, ;o the. South .by landa :Of Nathan Cohlk-and is _the west by lands' oil% B! comiTi ;co6lltaining (Mel hundred acres, about forty acre% ocwhi Itit' i impicived;:!with , tiya 'log hoitie4,- one time' a t bard, :One . , log:barn, 'three-lilt Cds and an orchard thereon. v ._:: .I, , :: -. • _-!.I • .Seizeti,.: ta -itatt..io.executiori,t. - d , to be sold as the property or Luther Cobb.el' -,•,-,.; --: • •:. • -4-LSO---Certain, real estate; sittiate" inTike ToWnship,:• . Pottet' Co. 'Pa.; 'Bounded o the north by lot No.:14; on the ensi by lots Nos.' 14,32 - and 35, on the seitth - bYlbt Nct; 3' -titl unseated lands of the Biiighitin!state;eini.oti the west by 'unseated lands Itidd by. lots 13 and 36, being hits Nos. 'l' , la . nd,Fl.llof:eoh-di Visfisn of lands of the Binihain- 'state - in l aid said Township, containing one hi/a:Orel-rand' fifty tyc•ticres,-'of Which about fifty - ittcres are. --im proved. -On it Jere three frith -hedges; lido frame barns;' m ae .s k t vicinid • :aid lionie'lfrtfit ft , treiis t -ALS6-4Lot N0.' , 36,- , ei . ate in T-iiii sttiP, Conny itudState aforeiaid; bound don the north and east-by lot-N0.1)4, on the riiith . b•y lot No, 13 and :unseated lands; on the west by unseated- lands' and lot NO. 45, containing 104 acres of which about•iti4lve - acres- are improved, -' 0 n'li Vis One . log - house; tine.-fraine house- and one frame bard.- - -) I ' :-- , .Seiied, taken in eiteetitioti;:, lid to be sold as the proper** of Elijahnlohntoia. ' • I • ALSO-,, Certain., real estate, situate` in [Alle gany Town Ship, Fetter Co. ya..,' Bciiiiiiti r 4: on the north' bY•lands or Jolinsiiii •atut.lone . s,. eit' the cast by lands of A. P. Cone, on:the 'south by lands of Johnsen, pie' the West by' litOcts .. of S. I'..Lynian; containing ninety five . ieres - , or thereabouts, about - tiventy of which is eta-. proved; With -one log house and :one log and. board stable thereon. ". '"- - Seikeil l .taltCW'io. :execution; and, to bb•s:6ld• as the properti ,of 'Witham - Set:anted 'and, . i. Schuyler Scranton: -' l• .. ' ALSO-Certain real, estate . situate I Hee,- tor township, Potter CO.Tati Bounded pn the north by lands. of H. Loucks, on the east h ' y leads of 11. C. Leach, and south and IN'e4by lands of Hunsucker and. Garlock, containing fifty acres of which, about: four acres are im proved with one , frame. dwelling house thereon. : -', . . . ~.: : - -in •• ,• , house thereon.- taken execution', nnd - to be sold as.the property- of•Xatthias 'Young. ~, - ,-, •.• MEE ALSO-Certairt mai: estate situate in He bron .To‘Vtishjp,.Totter Co. r . a. i Bounded on the north by thelands -.of DanietCA, south. and west by lands-ofTox, containi4 about tarty acres, of which ftro . aOris are' ;m -proved; five 'acres :eltOppod, and one :frame iMuse thereon. . 'Seized taken in execution s . and, to be sold. a§ the:property olPhilo 8, Baker, ALSO—Certain real estate situate in .411 e. gany Tewashipi Potter Co, Pa., Bounded.on the north by lands of Taylor, east by unseat- ed lands of Fox and Ross, south by lauds of John Glacei and ;3vest by lands of Frederick Dasher, containing about four hundred'acres of laud, about twelvo .acres of which is im proved,' with, one frame -barn, one log house and. satne.fruif.trees thereon. _ ,-; - _ Seized, .taken. in e;peution i ,,and . tobe sold as the property of ALSO,—Certatn rent estate situate in Gen; esee 'PtUvuship, Potler . Co. Pa. liciurided on the north ,by the lauds. of S. 5... Roberts, on . the east, south :aud crust by,_ the estate ..\l. ecintaining, sib ages and, one fourth Otan.aere more or less. , , Soized, takeU in. execution, • and to as the. properti of Witham ALSO—Levari Facias.--- . All that one - -and-a--, half story house, and one-and-a-half story shop appurtenant thereto, situate •in the Township: of Genesee,- Potter .Co. • Pa.,- on a :farm: lately ..owned by..,sloses L. Sears, - and by him purchased. of Win. Cobb, and being on the. § tate :Road leading from .the Genesee Fork' through the - Township Of • Hinghamin said County, Bounded' west by.land of Eas ton,. and;:west by-land of Hill—said house or building Veing 20 feet front, :with •wing,s nn each : side .of ten feet • each, ,extending baCk two feet, making it forty feet in the rear— and the said • shop - being sixteen feet square, and. the lot or piece of.ground and curtibige appurtenaUt thereto .described • as fellows, Commeucing.at the road -four feet-west of. the shop running northerly nine rods, then east erly ten rods, - ; t4ert southerly;#hie:-eads, then a10nct.r9 04 ,44 11 *:4! ti!e,lo-4We..of.A>eg.iP eing. . - Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of 31oSes.Le Sears. , . Certain recd estate•situate in the .village Ellisbuig?.Gencsee Township, Potter Co.. Pa.. ? bounded and described as follotys: 13egioning at the center of the road leading.froini Wells ville. to . Osw.ayo at the corner ;of:, EetseY' Ellis lands, therice.ruuning Nortli :,8 "degrees west four perches,te 4etisylEll4'ltilid, thence north 68/ degreeiwesitourteen poles tri, Betsey El lis lands, thence 'south 1.1.57 i degrees "West lire poles to Betsey - Eilislarid,Ahencs ,south ,t4i degfees past'fonrteepPoles.to the centerof said road, thence north 48k deg. east ten-and three tenths poles by the c?riter.nf - said read ta''the 'place of beginning; containing one. hundred and eighteewand eiglit-tenths perclio livid, on, which are, erected one . storeriii 3 Ot? two franiehonseS and one„ franie • barn, and 'with sonic fruit trees therequ. - - Seized talcen eecution, 'and to ,he'sold us the propeity of - Win. , TAGGART; .Sheriff, Couderport;lldy 28 '185'7: , . . ic:it,/0 Sarah Willet t 1 ,: .No. 6a Decethtter Tertnj by her next:friend;..l 1856: :- : _., •.. : c-. .1 -David D. 'Sraltli, Libel.hr.Divorep . :: .1 ' vit.;, i.: — 1 'A ' qv telbert J. Willet 3 l Elbert d. Arillet. I , Respondent-Whererisai Subpoena dud alias Subpoena having been :i.s.l sued in this case, and returned by the. Sheriff Nihil, you are ' hereby hptified thritniiPlicittinn will be read& al, the next 'Court .ef•Comnahn' Pleas FOr'a_Dircu'ee, at whlelilline you-.an at- I , tend if you think prupei. ' L' - . '' • '• ' :.• ' ''' ' IA. .;: TAG6ART I ;Sitrifr - ' L 31.9 0: lq: 1 85 : 7 - - Lte;,;'' ' ''' ` ' ' . ' ' LEWI STUN! GRIST . ILL; ' frPE. 11n,deFsiga,ed., haying, .bought ;ottt,,a4 • 1 'formeron'ork&f. Laciifwilla'Steit'in Grist 31i11 are now prepared to do all'iniO:trier . of•grinilini; as :•thej:liellafa - ,‘'•ko the salikfah= tion of theivonsta rroorw'Oointi'and " • • - ' ' - . 11 f;-: •,, ' .itlysses,lFeb. 28-1135741-03:48. • TA - PRORY•MaiRIJARTERS --ff ' ' I • Ull.FlB,sttstseribets trtntec-)netbt of )s -"Ir-ifriairfreiretililiiit.t.:Alley I D4040 ' 0113 vrt4eit•ihey incite ate attentitoi-o1;114010 ,slekve to roike,purehases.;,Outstoek idarge 4118 Ileeniselected. with great care; pad par culltrly .adated to. the ,wouts •or' this - set tiea .oF.ottir; country, 1 04.1. stoelc.•ollDry6eodscoill.• .4tets • • '• • .•4 Drass GOODS, T ItIMIINGS;aIgBON,S; - ‘ii 1'..1 / j lll3llol6l4ttlt'S', l kpAgAsoLs \ rr- CASSiltErtgS - 1, ••• _ ; D0.1r.. - • - 1 1 1 3MSTICS, pnwri, fm; . IWSIERY; rAffAiyLskii jtevartetY crothc`i uilfeWtoo ntinaciOns icntion.- have also a complete assort-' GHOCERIES,' 'HARD:WARE if which - will ,13e sold uncommonly:cheap . -eadkpay, and for app!'6•Coljciedit . on'las ;oriable..termp as - any, ptlieleAtablisliiitetit. - .IkIANN &NICHOLS: Aug. 11, 16561-r-9:13 . ly:. zsd "N.,„ .. ... PATENT 1 - - H . ' ,- . - A ....- I R ' 'MAPitpAtTUR ER S I 438 ' r°ore ''Se r `il;'.' n Door Ea§t - dEßrotwiy;(Late llroi 4 ', , ' . , Vit) XtW - X9 l Kt , ;(Actablirlted 4;.D..1833.,). INVITE an examination 'of their' great varf cty and superior assortment of CILURS, anufactured at-their - oWnestablishment, , nnd ntlera theiti iinideithit4 bliieitatiOn- and -three - ! lop, including - ! ,4. . .... TP1•1701‘ itr,wiLitgaCtaißB;""'• z ''' g A E I LE Rs ,..CIf . fN , . G: , EX:P . ENS' , 10 , N 4 8EC1D113 .. . EXT IMPROVED4NVALID WHEEL, CHAIRS,_ ; iIAJORSEARLE'S TRAVELVG INVALID SPANISH SPRING. AND SQUAB 'CHAIRS. - . IIIIEIS,IIATIC, SPLNALAND'AStIIMATIC INIVALiDZIIAIRS,' &C.; &Car.", &C. f . ': ....':, Embracing the' moSt ..einrpletea , tessortirient, 1 nd chnicest kinds for Par/ors.,))/aeingitoii:l6, chamberi; Ocrr . dell,7, Libliiiier;.(Totiqiiiiyi goimes,l p4iceq, Publicl2l,ilitittionl, no . itisti ' . 4arbers - ,5.c., together with every destrabl sort adapteid to }hp comfort convenience - and • laiury of,the Stark, ath c' Aget..l . ; the' /ivirnt, the Lame and" Lazy. lii point of' in&rlitity rof design, elegance of finish, quality, and richness 'of material, faith-' l'uness of exeCtitiehOtirability and cheapreSe"; th - ie . chairs 'are intstirpassed. For them, X, 9 i N i. - KING & EON, .were q:ritrded thelir'st 'and I);" Prize: Medal, and Hie 'faculty re:con - intend . them as far preferable to beds'or couches ";for Patients' nfliicted With: '..,5 . i)fii . 0/ - 4 4.11/onatic or .'thaciaritiai affections."' '' •; ' " '' To either' arida- the chair may battticited . a convenient: reading or wilting Dsk, and 'goy-, , 1•• combination desired will be manufactured td 1,0 order. •-; - - r• - • ' ' ' ' • - .2 4 . . l' A Oircular, with' explanatory pits,. will be s nt.by mail if ,requested, and orders (With re'- irlittanees,) - promptly - forwarded to any.part 4 lie world. --'-- ' - a • '-'; ''''' ' a ' . - ..'•'..aa'7` ' T.TXtr./3.Y.; &: - kacitWOMYI KING'S' NEW'-CHAIR, YOU LIKE IL". "• I I! An Arm Chair, Heclining Chair, Couch and Hedstead, (colinaNin,m DYE,) is susceptible t Of 6-elm different positions or changes,: to . niem, - the varied requirements for cOnifort„ conveni, r#lcb, luxury and economy,. (in:space2as well . as price,) - IVhetherin sickness.or-healh, this 4,.clehilited Cll.AlR'"is.ron it 4 tri" excels ,in . Many:respects, any chair perhaps erer.mann 7i flictured id,this or .any:Other country. J .- -I_ . '..fhe price varies from ,Fifiec.n to Thirly..ool- lrs;itecording to finish. . 1. To,public Inhitniions, as well asto individ -, ttals, this CHAIR is a very desirable article; and will be supplied .in any number on the. Most liberal terms; Apply to Or address.. i ... - . .. .:- M. W. E.ING & SON,:. 11 430. 438-Broome st. One door east of Broadway, l i r.iv-Yottic, (klite . A . tl.B,_4roadtray,' , . ; .thd-i-Liy-. . . , j -JUNE TERIII, 1857. Potter County, vs. E. Johmsq.u. N - . Hills, vs. John Crittenden, garnishee of Jactia=~iasta `= : ' • 1 Rawson IJitriunn, vs. - A. - B.CihOs, et al. , Ransom Sloat, vs. , Owen Rock. UJ. B. Smith, Joseph Smith and E. Penn i§raiOY vs. Johu Beasley. • Eivelyrt, Jr.,-vs.'Jonsalir 3 Card, et al! 11 ; Cr: W M. lleister, NWharton School District, - vs. Julius Johnon. J. -Pierca, use D'oty Doty; Galt: ' Loin 'Artois, vs. W. T.. Itines, • •• • Warren Smith, rs. F: B. Brooks. • ; ; •••• Hosea Cushipa r ,v?..Benjaut,hf:;parse and A. Samuel HaVen vs. A. - Xl:Benton. - ..„ Vesta.C. Dike;lfy her next friend 4. young, W: T. Jones, vs: N. V. Jackson aiid Eli Rees. Thomai 1). H. Courtriilit,fei D. J. 3 t: W. CliappeL vs. S. H. ? Martin:, •Satre, vi,•5..11..1101.iii and hinds Ilartin.. C. S. Sheppard, vs. Ge:orge,W: Lewis. Collins Smith vs:11. S. Carpenter. . • I.I4NItY J. - OLMSTED, PItOtrIONOTARY'S COllderSilOrt y, April'27, 1857. . f' r s.COVRT •itERIS the D'Roberton. ''RobertNititd, ;A Piesiderti judge,' and:the Mai:Joseph ganti arid G. Colvin; AssOciate Judges -of the Courts of Oyer &Terminer and General Jail DelivegiQuarter Sessions of-the Pente, Orph- I Arts' Court and Court of Common - Piaaslor the ti,onitty . .iif Potter, hare , -issued their precept, heciringsdati the :thirtieth day of, April, in, 1 t4e yearof Lard one thoosaud eight hun dred and fifty-seven i and- to the directed, for I holding a Count ..of• Oyer -and:Teriuinor and teneial Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, - Orphans' Court, and Court of COMMA Pleas in the BoroOgh of Coudersport, on MON DAy, thet.lsth day of Jona ile . t l mad to eon.; thine one- week; 1-Notice is.therefore hereby given-to•the tor eners; Justices of the :Peace; .and • Cohstables within the county, that they,be then arulthere in their proper persons at fO'b'clock A. M. of Said day, with their rodsi regards' inqUisitions, examinatforts; and . Otirer•rergembrancis, to - do' those things which ta their offices appertain' to: be'•thine. i - Andi those who ..are bound :hy their recognizances to prosecute against the risoners thatiire orishall be in tliejail of said outity.of Potter, are to be then übti there to •riaSeente - against thapi as Will tie. Dated af s eiximisiNinivArinri3Orii, 1857, And the 81st year.cifjthe IndePenderice of the . • 1 ' *re. TAGGART, 'Epheriff .l EVirODS'-tA( Liirge = an&Splerididal . :-soitnient just Oceiied 'at r 10:1. ' • ' " IN received at -- Asiifrtrainiv-Itif, "J••:is.l OPISTED'Sf mama c II* 1 1 1 --210:0184pedii4d . dialetwiesap er t elai CR; .2 "he irtniatteni . tho,(00 - 0 . , , 40 7 10 itg i 'Etta t ift" i sEll) 1. 131. • tialatitja:AttnilFAMLY ,X4G42,12iE slo§es „its , first yolume, f ri • neit:',` l)tiOnt. bria'nibiatliSeortf e tei t ao itt r buit, att4inedul. - iilipularitntmeq u ell m in , 2tte'„uol4as'of • te,,s offered liberal? milttiYn'ftic clibiobliterary effotts; the - St or i .flopmuces,,P_, 42 7 iinYflo.t,rfil d oper sp u 'ling and interesting t'es.O.pig esimenie in wehriary'r Itth(4l:Vridj'itie; beingkiltiwpo t e, I ‘ l 'llll ri e t tVl S O t t r ltrt F C Z S COM I. 111 : -fl3; grEittlylisproVed and' ablated.- ,Eacial,piunbq otit4altE, thirtji-tro extra large' sized royal octavo pages ; maki nge , e, lialnme of .nearly 400 'pages' fur --yealy-Or rpretionling airammint of i the eli, cast fcading op All subjects, fquaLto,tch n Auld ' cost - idtlfo'book stores - at least 611 _cents;.payablelav4ab2y. ad vance ., &IMO of thelgost popular and brilliant ma and teiuufe contributors; are Ago'? ek nt ,i -but:ors und ,thq• pabughe - rs SparO ti pai ..or . pouse,,to .ro_nder the 1 ; •Weleofrie Visitor' 'ore way . way ticc6p:titille to a refined and gent • - ' p k e is adapted .. to 9 eiasst4 l, young„anu,the old- 7 -and .*le' - erers'emi andlpEruSdd,' meets Ititlranh en , ocof 3 P-tatiott-• :; A: / Npw is the time to subscribe t 0... ' ELME 'The back.mumbera :may - he had (to 4lppl , eteset4) for ; 4.ceats.each, or.the tisltpJe "seeie .12 numbers for mrtNTy•riti Ceng. • Liberal: AndaeeMents, tinba' mid Can. — mc-..tiemeptuer, our fermi are - r oa f ceiib Tor ;one y6ar- for - a csingle copY; or thiCie6p. ica;will be. sent Inder,eue cover,er adihes, for One'DOll4. Xddress, . COBDEN tz'COIIPANY• . 1 " PilbliSliVr3; ' No.;3Eir leretith Sti4t, stairs,) Philadelphia: - • 10:1-1y- IIETtS Lb INTING °PLASTER for Lind 171‘11,fiad.a, ;tipply at • ..; ' • 9:4 - JONES ' • • Lials'N JONI's ••• •,° I ....• . • ~ • •.•. SON S, 111AN1sT , & JO-NE& ptIA the bjgh 40 market of I;rodnee .. A NEW and Singularly successful remedy for the Li, cure of all BiliOXlS.eliseasescostiveness; lad. gestion,_ Jaundice, Dropsy, Rheumatism, Fenn' Gout,.Rumors, Nervoesness, Irritability, Intim:ma. tionh,"Heidache, Pains in the Breast, Side: Back, aid - •:Limbs, Feniale Complaints4' &c., & e.• Indeed, very few are the diseases in whiohn Purgative 31e6• ale is not-more-or less required, and much rick. ness and suffering might be preinnted, if ahem less hut effectual Cathartic - were more heck mei No :peisoii can feel well while a costive taint of body ,prevails ; besides it soon generates setiom id often fatal diseases, which might have been Arai hy the timely and judicious use of a good ;MOS This is alike true of Colds, Feve.riili symptoms, ad Bilious derangements._ They all-tend to become cr produce the deep seated and fortoidable distempets Wltich•load the hearses all over the land. henna reliable fatally physic is of the -first importance to the PublicEimaltb, and this Till has been perteded with'consummate skill to meet that•deniand. In extensive trial of its virtues by Physiciaos, - Profes sore, and Patients, has shown•ressits surpassing any thing hitherto known of. anymedicine. Cue have been effected beyond belief, were they not sub. stanilated by persons of such exalted position in eltaracteM as to forbid the suspicion of-untruth. - Among the many eminent-gentlemen'ulto - lavi testified•in favor of these Pills,* may:mention: - ..1.M..A.A TT .vve,AlialySicalCherilist,of4ostp, and 'State AssayeT cif, Massachusetts, whole I.) professierailOharaeteria eriaried by the ' '" Hon: EDWARD EVP,RETT,:6O:I2atOr of the U. S. 40hEl# C;Wxpti•filior, P l x4peaker of,thellouP of RepreserittitiyeS:- -'' • - . .---•: • ' " Annum. Donn Nan, llinister Plan. to England, t JOHN: B. Frrz Avittcm„Catb. Bishop of Boum Also, Da.. J..R. Cnithon, Practical Chemins( New York Citii'endoesed by - ' -. c: • •••• ' • • , lion. W. L. Meney, Seeretarylaf State.' .‘ . Win IL ASTOII, the richest maii.in Mirka F.', LELAND k Co., Propr's of the • Aletroporaul Hotel, and others. --, .-..,-4 ... ,- . ••• • Did space permit, - vie: conlof 'give - Many hutted certificates, from all . . parts _ where the Pills Lt'l been used ; but evidence'evenrivere•minvincing MU the- - experience of eminent public - then is foci! in their, effects open iiiali..c -. ~; . . • These Pills, the resuft pc Icing investigation 0 1, study, are offered tn'theliblie as the hest ov :most complete which thi preSent state ofinedis) science can afford: • They-aro reompounded toter the.druga,themselves, but of • the medicinal rata" only,of yegetable,yeatedies; extracted by chemical process in-a state of pujity,•mid combined togs, ( As in such g manner as to. insure the best resuits• , system - of centipOkition far; medicines haS beenfoura tn• the ChertY.Yeetoraland Pills both, to produce a more .0'4=34 xernedy_ titan -hid hitherto' been &s -tall:led:by any . trocess,.. The , ason. is Paced ( /' * vious; - While, by 'the Old too of composition, ev . - m ery ouip me x tein jitid e ip is i biat., u44o l o no ci A lA si ai it ties mo t. r y ee this r less eac d t i ir l.." : yiduril-vntri only that' is 'desired. for the 'curer effect is preseht. All the inert and obnoxious Ill,'' ities of eacifittibitaticeenirdoyed are left behind, fits curative ,s : irtueii:oitly being retained. Ilenceiti self-evhieut th9:Of f oos_ahpuld prove as th.erhO proved_ mare•purely remeatar,(ana the rills • go!!! more powerful eintideiti" to disease than any o= rnedirrowknowit.tctthe wodiL - ' .••••• ' _ '66 ; As it is • fretrecutly teXPo.olsttkiat's' 2 7 eat should be taken , under the nonuser of en # 4 Physician; 'and as hn•tottlef notproperlyjnApz i , remedy- without. Acrunaiug ink ocoupositasirP" supplied the accurate Formutca by. which bon Pectoral and Pills are made to the whole boat Practitioners' in the 'United Stritei and Brit/61W lean Provinces,. If hen-evert there should beef one. who , ..has2 not. received:46*mi theyilikP promptly forwarded by mail tO his:a4dteac : - Of all the Patent 'Medicines that are offhted,W, few would. he Wren if their cornifeeition was tot Their life ;consists in their mystery. I, »r° mysteries: - -'• t • - .." -.- • - . -'-, 'l a le poSatiosition of my pmarati o ... ,ns is 1 11 W .. to ,nanu.tindoll who are competent to jaii.bl.:,' the subject. freely„ackno,wledge .their corn,o'"o of theifintrinaiame.riti:. - Tbs Cheti9 Pe' prorietuiciff -tit seientifte 1 Men' to be •a ttbs ,„.. . medicinnbefore iteseffeets 'were krionn.:' )I 7 4 lima Physicians have declared. the same Otalt. ray Pills, and eTnn-jnore.ocatfaleatlh aid ut o ing to certify thrit-thhir -tinily-twins Bert than realized byt.heir-effectsc upon trial: ,j, They,operateby„their. .polverfurinfiumpelf,a internal 'sue 'to:Piety the idea. and ... e 5h0w m. .,,,,: into:hie:llth ',•. actionretrioin the 'obeitucw" - l ii the stomach; . ., boweleLliver, , alid other oiguld body, ratoring their wingttlareethin tb heaL,,,, by conucting,lttlierever.:they exist, •ssch ments,as are the, first origatof. disease. W • - to `Bang stigarivrapped they 'are Pleasau.L, -kg and being-purely : vegetable, no harm el 11 '.'"" - their use en any:quantity. '.. • •".• • • ''' A- ' t hem! FPr i ttat4l4.dattettiotts, lelS.'gialiper, on . , , ' • '-• - • •-' •-• -' u „ PiIgALLES., By . ... -: firstcOp al ' qud , Mitilytipal,C, lll :, ... -.. --' '' '' • 7 '''''. '- :LOwtti, 14 82 ., , 51' *fie 25 . siiopef. to*:-.11.‘ loies f. 4! , '." =.. -., tickiti,' , . ' sir. -. ,. - -: ''- • S ' AfTll... 4 : JO NES; -,_ El Fesn :D. 'BP,ENGEI I , - . COUDRSPORT,LI'a., and by Coupirl o , chtir4s l J . indOitivit§ vyeillk•hetc.`"