..~ e ~aM ~x~i~s~s:: _-- - [Corrcipondinice of tl,ae 4vening Poet.] 4.2 i P t a roickag L'hie . ansvAii• ghp c urd GO , : Waller•=4 4 4 0 4 _•t -• Slareo Sermon.. n f , - LeVramm., Kansas, Jl2llO P.? :Lcuf. As the hone approaches for - assembling' ;he Free,State-Convention ami legisla ture, the skies brighten and thepros _ t ieeta of the party 1!111311M0 a cheerful tone; danger of aollissien with the government troops fades away, and confidence in the re5 1 4, 4 14 1 1e lielillerf.tiMltrenttl* 3 :7 .-- aligonAguLhartoody. is ginvent,io4 "Rd ~ council ,viii ;probably prevail, aod • if the .-...rPPPAPDllltives . Rd'. 4P l Pgates to "sem . ' - 14e.4Pri4a4Q-mcirrow shall prove true to - . them - Selves and -to their cause, they .grill PPCorllghll PaIJPII t9Wa r d s sMt rin g that lilierty for which, they have Bp gen ; rrensly, so:earnestly struggled dialog the .. ! peetings have - this kat- wee k b een held throughont theterritory, to express the sentiments of the different communi ties, and in- this way to reveal the. minds of the whele.people, , Thus „far Apjy one , isentimentjiite been expressed-and with . . one voice. It, is that of sustaining , the Topeka CO 1 00144(4 4 Fl4. 4 4*ising against say attempt at voting under the laws of ~the bogtli legisiglire: the feroler gili7 cy of the party will be adhered to, and . the - Topeka Constitution will probably , be ,re-adopted. .. . , • : It is not 0. be denied that there has . . _ ixisted• a. clifferepee of opinion here as to the propriety of. participating ip the constitutional .-electio_n to be held this month, but the great mass of the people ...adhere to -their original determination, and the few s exceptions are not of much . influence pet se... Their greatest harm is in distracting theft:trees cif the party just ,at the time when the . strength whiCh .enmes from union is of the utmost im portance and can be made most available. -Newspapers at the . East, that have pro fessed such -sympathy ; , encouragement and co-operation lia the work- of securing 'freedom to Kansas, ought to he careful how they give advice, and they ought not: to rebuke the party for a suppocsed ilerileetion of duty, when, separated from 'the scenes of effort by si eh . a. distaroe. as to prevent a proper knowledge of all the facts. .: . .• • 1 There are leaden of the free,stite par ty here who are believed to be just as 1 patriotic AEI some .eastern editors; they are far Mere'. capable of judging what is pound policy 'awl d.giving advice to the people of Kansas, for they know all the circumstances and details of the ease: I think the party-wise in not attempting to vote at the ; approaching election ; indeed, it can scarcely be a question;whether they vote because ; :suppers they decide to do so, hey can't, because the registry has bee . so imperfectly made up that prob ably seven-eights of the number are not on t. e list, and consequently cannot vote. The opeka district; which hasnine hun dre. free-state voters has not been can vass -d,. and not a vote there is available. Ke -, with a population of two thousand pec , e, the few that are registered are obli..ed to go to Lecompton, twelve miles, to v. te. At Quindaro, with a population of t --o or three hundred, only three vo ters are on the list, and one of these is a reg. eat of Missouri, And so throughout the hapter. But the election will be held "great care'will be taken to prevent frau. arid -violence at .he polls, "a con - don suited to the wants of the ad- Aration will be adopted, and "the oaratie" party will be glorified again ving secured peacli to Kansas when her remedies have failed, ut the question of tax paying is now to be tested. The legislature last Win er leiied texes, as is supposed, among roth r things, to pay for the destruction of - evrspaper establishments, . burning houses and sundry other amusements, so bravely:accomplished last slimmer, If the` -legislature was indeed an unlawful body, then• oteourse this tax bill is of no account, and upon this ground the free - date party- propose. to •resist the law to any extent short ofan actual collision with government. • When this seems inevita ble,: these taxes may be paid under pro .test, and the ease will go to the courts. !Governor :Walker, in his ni._ossage is committed to the enforoemen&of these Jaws, and speaks of this one especially as .demanding his attention; but thedeter-- uu tho opposition which is manifest may deter him from any very warlike . demon . 'Options., if, however, he persists in his Jledges ,we have great fears of a renew ,pl glee, . . Bexsonally'tlie netv,Goyenior is p0p .1,0; and would 0, once be received with ednfidence, but as - tinfoituriate deternii mitien to' act 'agalitsf. . the great mass pf 'thepeoPle -and in sympathy with the ad mirustration, forbids it:-He mingles free; '-ly . iitli the peeple, and his wish . 30 iii6i*theifbegt,intereste. , tChlii • • kis GIS season 'been visited by Beverid_,.of the !, - prominent . men Of , the rotintry among whom are Senator 'WU ' von; oeMasSachusetts,- Col, Aiken and Co): Ort,'Of South - Carolina. Iris pleaa ..aitt.to,siethisii iiiiiiieritatiies of entire parties and opinions .mingle T Opther 130 freel7 and' 'cordially as they sti min ode as all o :e done.; A Wee: ago yetter daY, Gov. !Walker, Oov. Robinson, See-', refari Stanton. anal ego, 10 - 4 1 e• were at churbh together, and heard an antitalsire, ry, perscop, Ypiterday_ . ShFig Jones and s r pferol of :NO' octinPaopus ~were;' at the Sfune;bniPit and; he4rd- the 4ev.:Nr. Niite ;preach iartoit Oft., duty of fsmiyencfgo, He said, "it bard samstimealci ;,practice this duty, and felt it so last week, when at Leavenworth I Went into the cell of Charles Fugitt, and gave him the ..out- Stretched hand anrlieperi spirit of forgive iess for shooting my brother-in-law last summer. And it .my hard to forgive the Border-Ruffians, too, who came among us, burnt ,our houses,' raircgod our twines; and threw 'us into dangeoos; bid_ we ate com manded t l p forgive them, and, we ; can do it-- . .eVert forgive a ; Bordr 'Ruffian—and I have done it, and _only Wish -I, could have' a•lgOlse full of *Mtn evert Sunday to preach 'to.". - Af ter the service, Jones's friends began to discuss the sermon,.when he said,. "The leas we say . about it the better; for he gave lus all a, damned, hard rub." foty.days ag0,14 strong Anti;slaVery man had" Col,. Aiken by the lzittori . hole for an hour or, two, trying to teach him the beauty of the anti-slavery enterprise; but ft was no use, the Colonel bid a thou sand interested reams and several thou.; sand invested dollars - , whieh' forbid his Went, ' . • , The next sixty d r ays:will be fruitful of iniftorl4*, results for Kansas. 1 OCCIDENT 61,11JyttO•ltiutitaL COI:IDEAS ORT, PA., itme IS, 18,57. ME, EDITOR AND RUBUSHER, T. S.O. lie~q .if~fe ~,lof~i~afions. ~,. ilePti - . FOR iady,EßNon. DAVID WILMOT, Etradford, FOR CANAL CO3IMISSTONER. WILLIAM , MI'LLWAIiD, 'of Philadelphia. FOR J7D e I SVFREDIE CURT 4AMT,S yEEgli.pf TLlyette, .- 1 10.0P11 LEWIS, .pf Chester, fierNo.paper Will be issued from. this, of 0e nest week.!! lire omit publishing next week in order to catch up with our publication day—being now two clays be hiUdt m rconsequeblp of a pressure Of job work. We Wish to be able to get out our paper at the usual time in future, and take this method l of reclaiming bast time. Wb are the only loseris pecuniarily; , The 13uOlkaun de,Mooraey met at HarrisbUrg on the 9th inSt., and made treir ucelinations for Judges of the Su preme court. 'Om. K. Stron4of Rerks, was nominated on the 2nd ballot, and James Tihompson, otl Erie, on tho 9th hallot. „ '1 ' • ' fifir..B. young, man, named Sheldon MeClinfock, a couple of weeks since, i work ingin tiM'circuar saw mill of Brewer '& Co., near; Titusville, Crawford Co, acci dently brought his arm in contact with ,one of tbe saws while in motion, and it was sawed . off just - below the elbew.i The physicians amputated it immediately above thci elbow. Writ may not be generally known that the bill to increase the pay : of AssO ciate Judi , l "es, first negatived by the House, Was re-considered and passed. Th - e amount Of comp ' Cnsation gOuated accOT,ding to the with the Judges bcoupy the bench. In cas4,'Where they sit the sma.lest num ber of ive`eits, the incieasewill but $5, in the yJars salary. When they lit thirty weeks- of more, they arel to receive $4OO per anntaa, injunction against the sale of the Main Line of Public Works,: has been presented in the Soprani° Court; at Ear risburgil by the Canal ommis4ioners.— As the Shamooraats have been 14ring from them fur y the Last tlventifilie l - or more years, dray have naturally a great horror at the prospect of losing their I;"pap."—, They are ; herefore making the ii;ame move to avoid Ithe will of the people in this matter ' l as was taksn by them i and their Southern; coadjutor" in regard, to the Slaver.question. They *apt to'get it dectired Unconstitutional. • , iveleoine to our table number one of the Lawrence .Republian, a new Free Staie'paPer, pUblished by Norman at Lawrence, Kansas. We' rejoio, that the Statc.men have now an orOttlin that cit . +, they will' duly appreciate the effort Of Mr : Allen to supply the fOnner deficiency. The Re- Pffhlicali: is a Well printed, ably ed ited, and eminently, deserving paper, It is ediiedby Messrs,' Dwight-Thateher and Nor Man 1 - We,hope the free men of the „North will ""extend to:this en terprise', libieral snpiert, and thui 'di rectly, au! in rerriost* the impending" in of so fair a„domaiii as Ka atilt; The 1-4 1 t4b/iC,atild'pnblished.at per annuli, The Comet. .. . Nett thit the' d his Fueled when it .ay _ wio ggistte!eietl i f , . .reported that this mighty globe,wartio be "wiped out" 1?y the tail of the Cornet, _for viewing Whlcli'letet s Copes-and other. 0 46 W Minions" hafp acquired a great demand,, we will - vent, to say a few: - .Words in regard to it--in view Of'the fact that , our hand no longer trembles with._ apprehension of being obliged to render an early account of the past twenty-ft:fur years of our life, .. The ceinet has.- done. its switching, and fir aught, we know, (not being versed in the stience of astronomy,). hits switched 'ail the other pli.nets 'oat of telescopic eiisi.- aloe, but our ferrene" sphere .seems 'not to hP.ve come within the scope of its '.'nar rative," Two,_ three,' perhaps four days have already passed: since the 13th (i! Jnne, 1857, and yet•the early eentinues to rein , olve.oa its axis; the attractionf gravitation still causes our physical bo - les to maintain their relative po,sitienS in their terrestrial foot-holds; accounts murders and suicides still occupy the I 'm - jor portion of the columns 'of the pity dailies; walking balloons still continue io premenacle our aide-waligs; the farms of Potter ,oennty 'still look inviting to ' l the husbandman; litigants as well as lovere still continue to sue and be sued; theft 'l river has not changed its course towards' the Gulf of Neale°, the Susque hanna towards the Chesapeake Bay, - or the Genesee towards Lake . Ontario ; .the •‘States," and the villages of New yo r ;ic Boston and Philadelphia still resolve arontul 'Coudersport, it being the great centre of the earth's business, and last but not least the PorrEa Joonzva, 4 still published weekly at the low price al $1,25 per atlum.. " The first steamboat, that rode .on the waters of the Ohio; viras- looked upon as the approaching comet of 1811, and thb first train of cars that passed over sonic QUA of the Pennsylvania railroads—we disremember which—was regarded as 1 a comet which, was at that time about to knock the world t into_ eternal forgetful ness. NeWs did not , travel so, fast in those days as nosy, consequently cornet calculators were obliged to give their prophecies more time for fulfilment,-i— -and in view of this fact, it is not .to he wondered at if their calculations did fail. But we have no longer any faith in their when, in. these days of lightning and' steam, it is only necessary to make their calculations a few days previous to the time fixed upon,' they cannot he more successful. in humbugging the world. It is well enough . .p . coasicnally to. impress the people with a sense of their dependence on the Supreme Will, but we do not be lieve in frightening them into it with comet tails and Millerisms. A Wliormomf. EN...i.CTMENT.—On the first of next month, an 'Act will go into effect in this State providing that the de preciated notes of the Banks of other States may be forced to give place to the secure issues of the Banks of this Com monwealth. It extends the 30th section of the General Banking Law of 18501 to all persons- holding licensee as' brokers Under the laws of this Counnonw3alth, l o' r nrho may be transacting the business lof private bankers, so far as to prohibit said Parties from paying out any but " the notes of specie-paying Banks of this state," in the purchase or discount of any bill of exchange, promisory note, or other negotiable paper. The violation of this Provision is made a public misdemeanor, Punishable for each offence by imprisOn inent for a period of not less Clan ten nor more than sixty days, at the discretion of the Court, and a fine in any sum „it,o exceeding five hundred dollars, 'andot less than one hundred. r EDITQFII4.I4 CONVENTION.—SOme Of our brethren 'of the pen and scissors are Urging the necessity-of holdinga eonvien tion of editors, to fix a tariff of pride:s /U., for the craft, We would take great pleasure in attending such a convention, and much good would be derived from its deliberations. Among other thilins the proverbial vulgarity of some of !the coarser, members of the fraternity might be curbed .andrestrained, and god(' Man ners enough taught them to induce them to treat each other with more courtesy and .respect., The injury . inflicted Upon the class by a few such is ineakulabli,,-.- -Clinton Democrat,. ;"- ; We suggested this movement some 'time•sinee, and we, are pleased to see the press generally" making a nu'rve . in the matte; . • , ,tifirlVe are underluau ohigations to the Clinton Pernocrat for the slip, in I clos: ed in the last number. sent , us; but t we regret to say that we cannot take adten- tage of the kindneas.. .Ure ha;'e ply of the article, which will .; answer for the present—edition.. Pak! IYqvir entionabW' are entirely too' email.; l'Erii . aT Oft iktsDt_ SC,OTTEM", - Ifieligatt, the,Deratxt* are juttioei, vertbad time of it on the, Dred Scotto* eision:. 'The Kalamizaa Oakefto - 2(De1, 116 ; crab,wenf.Oier,tti the . Republicann. . The Coldivater Ezntinel does the 30'4 find the Grand "Rapids ~ .fterctld, whielistiltid 7 here.s to Cass and. ButhStiaii r l diseaahls the following dolorotts strains: •:1 : "There is no , use denying the , fae ihnt, ,the Democratic part, In Mich, uin I,an . e.x4ee'ding/, disptrited-conditiori p lattil unless mereis some change in its t ics or leaders, many a long day will 'Owe before-the vigil of - Fusionism will eost. ' Jill over :tlie State the bone and 'sinew are discussing these matters ; aqd 4 r ang I the` Democratic Convention t De- Itroit, -- we found in conversation with eel } loorats ilieni variomp sections. tha I the same feeling extended to , altp ,of AriciffTVi , ' ' . - i . 4s • A Bolter Will have - hiss Sta.. By thelollOwing card iron! Mr. D TT, delegate:from Bridford - county to 4 4 4te straightont American Convention hOl in Lancastet It will •be seen that ''an re m" escaped the attentien of the reports . 11Aursnuno, June 4th, 184. Messrs: Editors: The Convelation which niet at Lancaster yesterd.4:4 to which I ;was a delegata from Brdlrd, to being composed Chiefly of men wlui on sidered the great question of Slaveiyl li ex tension of little or 111 r EICCOIII4t, And some o f them exceedingly violent , aping ariy shadow of Republicanism, and king I t the only -delegate from the northeriiart of the St4te, I came to the conclusi to 'hofficers ll present o the of , the Conve tion the fulloring—which may not be nlx j fished in the proceedings. Afte , re seating ail notice of withdrawal Ile the C onventien before the nominations . ere I made. "Mr. President-4n view of thact that . Ihe i entire mass of America in -Bradford county (which I had the nor 1 to represent in this Convention) hat full confidenc,e in the A.mericauism and i teg- i i rity of David Wilmot, and cannot by any and; means be drawn from him to the sup rt of any other man for Governor, and the fact thatlmt a small part of the Colon wealth. is, represented here, I respeo ally withdra:o from- any further co-opefition i in the action of the Convention. i - i B. S. DAR4T. ' 1 Lancaiter, June 3rd, 1857. I I Miitovratic Cimveritlon. This body held a night session last eve ning, for the purpose of adopting a series, of resolutions. Quite an, exciting scene resulted upon the Motion of a delegate front iluntingdori cOuty, to amend the resolution relative to the bill for the sale of the 3.tain Line, which had previously passed in connection with the other reso lotions, unaiumnsly. The offeror of this amendment expressed, himself favorable to a sale, and said that there were Many Dem ocrats in his sectionnf the same-view, and contended that the adoption of his motion, which was to the effect that the resolution , just passed should net be taken as - an ex pression .of opinion on the part of the Democracy a,gairtst a sale on certain tern* would not, as otherwise, become estranged from the party ranks. This proposition brought upon their feet a number of pro minent members, among them . 1 1.1endrick B. Wright, of Luzerne, Who thought the resolulion should not be tampered with, because it had already Passed unanimous ly, and was besides to the same purport as the amendment; and Hon. Win. A. Porter, of Philadelphia, and Ellis B. Sohnable, of Lyceining, the former of whom took strong ground against the sale, and denounced it in bitter terms, while the latter proceeded in, a bitter tirade against the friends of the present; bill, the principal portion of which was directed towards the Pennsylvanian newspaper, a late copy of which he had in his' hand, containingn strong article, in favor of the bill, from which he frequently quoted, and commented upon—thc,sum and sub stance of his remarks being that the pa per was not worthy the respect of the party, could . neirer he relied upon, and had never been- anything elsethan the month-piece of corruption. His remarks were frequently applauded;and made in I a bitter strain of eloquence, that . teld with 'severe effect upon the friendi of the Penns,ylvanian Present. After this show of denuncination, a vote was takettou the adoption of the amendmentj which. was crushed with but cue or two . negative Squeals, The .action of the "Convention shows very plainly'that the course of their organ hero . is fully approved by the Dem ocraey of Pennsylvaiiia.,,and' that opposi tion to the sale of the Publie WorkS; "as provided for in the priment bill" will' be their war-cry in the - next campaignr=-..- Rirrisbarg Telegraph,loth. : ir - pgr-Retunt the ' Wife murderer, was• executed at Toledo, Ohio; on the 12thinst. , He contented to hav ing zonrdered two men, besicies 140 wire, Ho was 42 years old, • , • • 411ebeniel+p c ii0i0 0 00 1 41tiNi State are pnrsning l i:heir tattsl,H,eollirse, ‘ e itt: . , :tend ''-- ' Ones when the fo i 3.9 of , coi_eg par. 4 8 azi toit!higjal!foti: o o2 6 og oi.otttity o eodeavoring t' ,iise;:false issues iith * iolt to m1)11'41100 judgment: of thee nipple as to the - Itoal - Merits of the Case which is to be tied before ‘ thens. ""Wrig gle- and twist, hOWenr, 'its they. , may 1 . p l ease, they, y rest assured that the roile of this d old coniwonwealtb l i z ar not going o 1 e led, astray from - the "kit logioal nu duration of the questions originally ,rupo e n d _fur their considers. tion., : Yoreignie and slavery,ortension, the lights and p *vileges of free labor and the protectic a ofl 1 BemisY Ivania. interests, 1 a n dthe ,only poi 1 - to be decide' • upotr, n these Et4ri the principle of say ing graceuver p o4unes,' but upon broad 1 notional grounds. • , We shall not suffer, the diseussion to de enerate int° the coMPass of a 4ebate at, a mkar's Board, but we shall insist upon he " Byend." leaders of IT' cofocoism' ni ting, . it; upon the broad Taxation. p atform of Nntu tion, Slavery - eaten: Lion . and Natio Such, was the position the ri sh free tirade DeMo crag were conte t that we should. take until the notelna ion of Packer disorgan ized their . Mn i k,s and the nomination of W r il4mov strueg terror to their 50n14.-- , - Now they deSire to reduce ' the whole qiieatiott tu, thel simple form.,! 4' WAs it right in our it!, Legislature ,to pass an, 1 i act- for the. sale , the Main Line of the Public. Works'? We see the snake,. WSW though it on of, its tail. 'We country to pass t forewarned, all ni his venom, U 4I their Minds, or, _ I merits of the.is.s meet this, as we\ bUt we shall net., the touchstone o way, , we may IJAKi with great pleas 1, , rialon the subjec, isiature and., the few days-age by t when. the accredi speaks in favor, at large,. or : the to, endeavor, for t • provender,to . fo .watch-towers of.. pass-ward which guard,mounting. show.n, the little end, ask our - friends in the its notice around, that,. ay be forearmed against i net suffer it to poison, divert it from the real : 0 . We are resdy to re every other qu-tion,.: l llow it to take effect as: the contest. By the mention that we read, • , the approbatery edito, of the aetieu ofthe Leg thiveruor, published a ho Peansylvanian, and, ed organ of the party ill becomes the press e leaders of 'the party e ,sake of 'plunder and .e the sentinels'an the . rty to hail fora false ms not ' been issued at ,Son, , I DAvxD WlLmo' this gentkittaa in ieni ha - m.1241ga u rence, and all wh terviewa have e the histiest degree l i nest, Lian'est man', Gvorutior ofilenus ding talents and culated to gain eN is so fortunate as '.—Since the arrival of town many of onr ' chi li:on him at the St. Law have spoken of their in . "ressod themselves in 1 l'a.tified. He is an ear . - 'Rost will b: the next l esaala. Its coin:aa.n -;0461 mao.cors are caf ery Llama his friend w'ao to make his personal. ac- that is necessary to quaintance; and al secure to him an unanimous election is that every man s mild know him. , We are surpri- ad to find-that so. many I i w i o do not know Mr. Wilmot are der a m 1 11 isapprehens . . i in regard to his views upon the two great subjects of the Tariff and Slavery. In !die time we will put them right upon i,ltes . e que4tions; but we hope to have those 'rhe doubt his orthodoxy t. l call upon him tlie.nselvo3.—Pitil. Sun. Ammuces E ?IA Snot.--The Les ' . gtou Dimmer I and Reporter, sap:— "Col. J. Delph ' le& a bald eagle on his farm, two miles e nd a half from this city on Wednesday t l . Doneasured nearly seven feet betty n the tips , of its wings' and must have b en fully three feet high, when alive and ian erect position. It had destroyed fo ea pigs for the Colo nel 4 the morning i 1 as killed, and although he did not much like to shoot this repre, sentatsVe of on I nation, yet When he thought of ' the oss he had' sustained in the destruction of his pigs, his patriotism, like Bob Acre's courage; oozed out at his finger'n, end, .and the noble bird fell a victim to his unerring rifle." 1 DEBT "our W'ssT."---Pertons intend .l' • i,"' er to go West please read the following . picture 1 of life. iii l'oira, where people ex- Pot , torget rich '',efore they know 'it, and . pay' five, ten, and fifteen per cent. for honey litni moutli. Delightful place to - lie, no doubt ! . . "Debt I debt ( rner lots to pa of the lawyer t. 1.0 w of the nit t`ere is nothing' . fiiteii Market, .. harp; it. costs ffiicEnoi fodka: t gdertakers' bills' aix feet:lank in caSti3 more tfian because the me time in the Pro ,4 Pftt l 4.2Wb. f.i wrnderful Staieli everybody in debt. Sell the merchant; then bor. to.bUrmil estate n4in; er to priy.the doctor, till h a t hits apyihing like a costs to much to live /gether- too much to die, heir cemetery lots and 'are enormous, A place bunch of haAel brush „, lot in Greenwood, arid ! is a prosPect of a-city future. If it were not t would become Qf this - FIRMUM/ Varga Past Office at Malian Valley, i s gds. (Warty, has been' discontinued for want 4f it reliable Democrat to trio clamp of • ~ . ,- - Aal34,lrain, rain. A-mill it never stop? While.we write, we are receiving the iiiitii:leventh edition of a lisettled rain?* Well,- we can stand it, if the people out i in the "StOCir:!lePlt .P:keTTNdit On-Xlij This is Court Week, and nearly every, section orPottcr County representeAl t y men who are either:,jurymen, litigants or witnesses, all lootdr4 healthy aid vigor. °us % Remy lArfikeMn;.,of 'Kettle k i n this county, informs us that from th cows, during #l4 tFelye : months, he has made 527- lbs,`4 Xiatto; 4ol l:l3. t' Cheese; and , This is an average of- , 1751 lb - !Corßcitter,. and 80 lba. of Cheeie to each cow for the year, whieh -we think can hardly be lest', even ;among, gibs? who - make'a businesS of dairying. . Mr. An:diction is a Nom; gian, and one bf the'colonisti . of Ole Ball; We have 'received from Mr John $ Dye, Broker, Wall -St:- Nei York, afoo sim4e of.the Shekel or Judas cola. 4 is the eoialor thirty fieioes of which Jas. das betrayed- his marooir ) sad au. intereL. ing relic oftlke. twat: dap - 4 the Christiin era. Those who wisk - to probure one of them can. do so bi:enotOiing postnek stsmkt,s to, the.amoo t at 4 2,4 cents to Joht, S. Aye,. Wall: N. rite 13 t . theia will be sent for a dollar.. . A Fact Worth' 10corc4F5r. 77 , Few ad, vertised,rnedigines befere•-i4o.puidie coil, tinue for any.ilengtli - of time te'commend confidonce„ ln. most instances being so„ Brat nogrums. (upon -WhiCh their. pope-. Igrity 'depends) composed of cheap; often-. times in ingredients, they meet a short lilted existanoc, j This is especially true if we refer to. the various prepare, tionf of sarsaparilla With which our Mar— keti are inasiated, Hurley mathicac,. taros the only leiltiaiate and reliable ar ticle, and no one shonhtbo.deeeiv,ed into using any other,--Se. Lpuii- 41trald: - 'SJId whelesale h by Sobeiffelip, Bro. k Co; T t146., N. ,'; Russell, Scutt k Co:, o Philia4plptia, P. Par ein . . p : Wright l & c 0.,. N..:Cr„,.. Deem), Ilyde, Co,, St. l o puis;•3lu.; at4aU extensire. drug uker la_ntir, _ 31.4;Ratioa—+t bad - accident happened' on Monday, the'Sth inst. ' D. - C. Strong, my ion, aged. about 10 years, in filling a tree about sit inches through; cut it off` the stump, and the butt of struck his rightlei about two inch., es below the knee, split the skin 10 or 12 inches down and around the calf of the leg; and broke both bdnes: The liesla was badly. ruptured. Medical help waS . .proeured, and after a long and' tedious i 6xamination, we got it fixed. In_sewiug . it up it - idOic,2o stich es—and during whole liperativ the boy did nat shed a tear. French set - the bone, assisted by others., - - The - 1)4111s in: tfife care of Dr. White, and is doing - welt, ' !:" June 15. Q. W. STRO'SG..- It seems that Mr.. Strongtook . bmge: at our giving Dr.: Ohm* the Credit of the, above operation: We now give Mr. Strong's verlioU of the, inatter4liOtigh we believe he will. hardly retoize the " Style " of his constaulaioation is it stands in part corrected for publication: Dr. Frenolf was assisted by Drs. Ellison and White. We hope all 'parties are satisfied now. 7 "En JOURNAI24 1-r • Tux Secretary of the T7,atirtry is of opinion that there' will - 1)e ^a surplus of 22,000;900 in the government strongbox "at the and of. th e current ,fiseal year. Ile moreover anticipates an increase of reve mie under the new tariff,' which will be in opperation on the Ist .of: July next, In view of these considerations, Spada ay Cobb has already, it jis . stated, deter. mined to recommend to Congress, in hia report, an extension of the • schedule of articles of *merchandise.on_ which no du, ties shall be levied: . • • - , CoLustaus, 0., June 13, EL Gibson, State Treasurer, resigned hix office to-day, and the 'Governor appointed A., P. Stone, of this fill the VaCatt• oy. A deficiency of Soa1.),000 'has 'been dbicovered in thelreaSury, Which Gibson says existed when he came into office, caused by the 4leteleation •of -john G. Breslin, the . former State ;Treasurer: The Governor has appointed it. committee' of investigation _ . ( IT it said that.* case ! in: chancery, in London, has.just - been decided, by which a 'limber of American citizens have been declared the lawful heirs Ito the 'property of a Mrs. Shard; Who ;died in England iu 1819. The gmotitit involved is lelieved be about $259,000, which for. several years, has been infested in British securi ties, awathig a final- decision. The heirs in whose favor the decision has been rendered, i - reside - in. Maryland, .Pennaylvil - Ida,* New Jersey, Vermont, Michigan. , Their attorney. writes that no 'appeal 114 been taken as yet, thoughthere was some , apprehension that there would be:• s'iresort`top higher court by those interested in resiOlg - ? 11 9 payment of the money. I 0 0 M M 2