Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, December 27, 1843, Image 2

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    We learn from the Report of the Secretary that
the United States Navy, at the present time, con
sists of the following number and description of
vessels: One ship of 120 guns; nine ships of the
line of 90 guns each ; one rano of 62 guns ; twelve
52 gun frigates; one 50 gun frigate; two 48
gun frigates"; eleven first class sloops of war of
THE HUNTINGDON JOURNAL. 124 guns each; three 22 gun sloops; five 16 gun
sloops; 'two sloops for store ships, 6 guns each.—
, •One country, one constitution, one destiny."l There are ales four first class sloops on the stocks
I nearly ready for launching. Eleven 10 gun brigs
Laztua a
utillua -alit:D 2 qt 1 and schooners; three ditto used as store ships, and
Wednesday morning, Dec. 27, 1843. ; one for a receiving vessel at Charleston. The steam
! ship Mississippi of 12 guns, the Fulton of 8 guns,
cCr V'. B. PALMER, Esq. ( 59, Pine street
the Princeton (Ericson's propeller) of 12 guns, the
below Third, Philadelphia,) is authorized to act as
Agent fir this paper, to procure subscriptions and! Union of 4 guns, (with Hunter's submerged
advertisements.—wheels,) the Poinsett of 2 guns, and an iron steam
- - - : -- :Ler, the Michigan, of 8 guns, nearly ready to launch
c The Huntingdon Journal has a on lake Erie. There are likewise four small schoon
larger circulation than any other ers employed as packing or receiving vessels. In
Newspaper in Hunting,don county. all, sixty-six vessels of the various descriptions.
We state this fact for the benefit ofl The schooner Grampus has not been beard from
Advertisers. since the 14th of March last, when she was off
Charleston, S. C., and is supposed to have been
lost, with all hands, in some of the severe gales
which occurred about that time.
Allusion is made to the loss of the Missouri, and
the other naval disasters which have occurred du
sing the year, are briefly referred to.
"Once more our glorious Banner out
Upon the breeze we throw;
Beneath its folds, with song and shout,
Let's charge upon the foe!"
Report of the Postmaster General.
The Revenue of the Department this year has
met the expenditures. The Postmaster thinks this
FOR VICE PRESIDENT, should always be so, and that the Department
JOHNSERGEANT, should never be a source of revenue, nor its expen-
OP PENNSYLVANIA. ses, exceed its receipts, but that its income should
(Subject to the decision of a National Covention.) always regulate the expenditures.
The amount of annual transportations of the
FOR GOVER NOR, ' mail, as ascertained on the 30th June, 1842, we's
jAIYIE S 3 , 1,835,991 miles; the cost of which was $3,110,
The amount of annual transportation of the 30th
(Subject to the decision of a State Convention.)
I June, 1843, was 35,252,805 miles; the cost of
Congress. It will be observed, that the cost of transporta-
The Protest of the Whig members against the tion for the last year was less by $134,499 than it
admission of those elected by general ticket, was we . f or the previous year, while the transportation
disposed of on Wednesday last, by laying it and the throughout the year was greater by 416,814 miles.
motions in relation thereto then pending, on the The number of "Post Offices supplied in 1842,
table—yeas 116, nays 59. Nothing else worthy of I was 13,814
note has been done since our last
To accommodate the service to the extension of
population, reductions in the service in some sec,
cC.l3y agreement of the members of the bar, tions, and an extension or increase in other portions
all the causes after the thirty-first on the trial list of the Union, was rendered necessary.
for the second week of the January term, have been The aggregate of these reductions was $134,-
continued. We have inserted the list this week as ' 253, and the amount of additional and new service
agreed upon as above stated. Parties and witnesses was $93,555. For a more detailed statement of
in other causes than those published in to-day's pa- service I refer your Excellency to the report of the
Per, need not attend Court. I First AssistPostmasterant
For similar reasons it became necessary to die- I
(." We learn that there is to be a glorious bun-'
continue, in the year preceding Ist July, 1843,
ling match, or circle hunt, tr, she neighborhood of i
400 Post Offices, and to establish, during the same
Hollidaysburg, on New Years day. The to, .... 5f
period, 481.
sport may expect a rich treat, as the whole neigh-1
'rho total expenditures of the Deparlment for the
borhooel will turn out, and it is said there will be
fiscal year ending the 30th June, 1842, as stated in
upwards of 7000 persons in attendance.— ,
the report of this Department to the House of Rep-
We wondered where so great a number of sportsmen
resentutives, under date of the 28th of February,
would coma from until we learned that brother
1843, were $4,975,370 42. In this amount was
Dougherty would bring °tit the laborers at the 1
included $392,664 51 for debts paid out of the
Marble Quarry on "Mount Carrara" en mane, to I
special appropriation at the extra session.
participate in the fun.
The total expenditures of the service for the year
ending 30th Juno, 1643, were $4.374,713 75, in
00' THE LAM. ' NATIONAL NI/0..2nm for elating payments on accounts of debts duo by the
January has been received. All the contributions 1 Department, for which the appropriation above was
Co this number are from the best female writers in , made.
America, and the pictorial embellishments are un• The amount of gross revenue for the year ending
surpassed by any we have ever seen. the 30th June, 1841, as stated in my annual report
This number commences the fifth volume.— of 3d December, 1942, was $4,370,317 78. That
Terms :—52,00 a year, invariably in advance. lof 1842, was $4,546,246 13.
The revenue of 1843, so far as the returns exhibit
Huntingdon Female Library Asso
the amount for the year ending 30th June, is $4,-
ciation. 295,925 43.
By a notice in another column, it will be seen
that the annual meeting of this association, for the Report of the Secretary of War.
election of officers, will take place at the library The regular army consists of 716 commissioned
room, on Saturday next, at 2 o'clock. officers, 17 military storekeepers, and 7,590 enlisted
We are indebted to one of the members for the men, (non-commissioned officers, artificers, musi
following statement of facts relative to the associa- cians and privates, of the dragoons, artillery, infan
tion. try, and riflemen,) 40 sergeants, a•nd 250 enlisted
'rho Library Association was founded in 1939, I men, of ordnance, making an aggregate of 8,613,
by the exertions of a few ladies—the funds raised I and of the following character: General and Staff
by contributions of $5 00 each from some liberal Officers, Medical Department, Corps of Engineers,
gentlemen, by smaller sums from others, and by Corps of ' Topographical Engineers, Ordnance
subscriptions of 50 cents to be paid annually, the ' Corps, 1 Regiment of Dragoons, 4 Regiments of
whole amounting to about $9O 00, with which they I Artillery, 8 Regiments of Infantry, 1 Regiment of
purchased books and book-case. The ladies have I Riflemen.
the entire management of the institution, furnishing I Some farther provision is believed to be necessary
a room, &c.—devoting the whole sum since collec-
effectually to prevent duelling between the officers
test by fines and subscriptions
(averaging yearly of the army and citizens.
. -
$24) to purchase books, consisting of tho best sten- I The officers and men have been kept in a con
dard works in History, Biography, Travels and stant state of employment, and there have been but
Poetry. The Library now contains about 400 vol
umes, 30 volumes were added last year by purchase
enabled the Commanding:General to withdraw from
a nd the gift of the last census," and a volume
of " statiaticks" from the State. Form Fairfield and Kent on the Northeastern fron
tier, the troops there stationed.
Were the means enlarged by an increased sub
scription list, the means of rational enjoyment, and Several Companies have teen removed from
the advantages obtained by reading good books, I Florida to other posts, there being no apprehension
of any danger in that region from the Indians.
would of course be much extended and the result
The recent extinction of the Indian title to the
appear in the improved morals and deportment of
the rising generation. southern and western shore of Lake Superior, and
the value of those lands for their mineral wealth
cc? The trial of ll&hawk, the Seneca Indian, will probably lead to the peopling of that region
who murdered in July last, the family of James with great rapidity. Sound policy, therefore die-
Wigton, in butler county, Pa., terminated on the tates that means be promptly taken to make an un
15th inst., in a verdict of guilty of murder of the j interrupted navigation front that Lake to Lake
first degree. A motion was made for a new trial, I Huron, the expense of which the Secretary thinks
which in to be argued at an adjourned court in Jan- I would not exceed one hundred thousand dollars.
nary. Tho state of our National Armories reeticts credit
co A young lady of the Jewish persuasion, in on the officers placed in charge of them. The Se-
St. Louis, was resuscitated while the last sad rites i crctary of War visited and inspected that at Spring
of sepulture were
performing, after h ay i ng b een field in July last, and found it in excellent order.--
supposed dead for several days.
That at Harper's Ferry is also judiciously conduc-
CC, A Mr. Newhill Puckott, of Lynesville, I The value of property under charge of this
Graneille county, North Carolina, a short time since branch of the service to $18,303,021 07.
procured some seed of the Chinese Tea which he Our Indian relations have, in the main, been
says matures perfectly well in our climate, and can peaceable, and the exceptions growing out of a few
be raised in abundance with very little trouble. individual acts of violence have not been sanction
• ed or justified by the tribes to which the offenders
Z. Them were several attempts to lire the city helonged.
of Louisville, on the night of the 7th inst. During the of Congress the Secretary di.
Report of the Secretary of the
which was $2,976,284
few removals of troops from one post to another.—
The state of our relations with Great Britain has
rected a commencement to be made of the history
of all the Indian tribes, no tar as could be derived
from the documents in this Departmen t.
The report of the Commissioner of Pensions ex
hibits very clearly and destinctly the state and con
dition of the business of this office. There yet re
main on the rolls 21,064 pensioners for revolutiona
ry service, including widows. Under the act of
1838, granting pensions for five years, to widows
of revolutionary soldiers. 0,895 claims have been
presented, of which 7,855 have been admitted.—
Under the laws granting pensions to invalids for
wounds and injuries in military service, there are
now on the rolls 2,720 persons.
From the Baltimore Whig.
The Whig Banner.
To the politeness of Mr. Levi Pahnestock, chair
man of the Whig Banner Committee, we are in
debted (says the Whig) for the following descrip
tion of the splended banner now preparing for pre
sentation to the delegation having the largest pro
portionate number in attendance at the Young
Men's Convention from any State but Maryland.
The committee appointed to designate and pro
cure the Banner to he presented on behalf of the
I Whigs of Baltimore, to such State Delegation 4
the Young Men's Whig National Convention o.
Ratification, as shall have the largest proportionate
number in attendance, having in view the Whit
population of the several states as tested at th,
Presidential election of 1840, and their relative die
tance from this city, have decided to procure one, r
which the following is a description and explanation
The Banner will be painted on Satin. On th
front side will be painted a portrait of Henry Cla
on a shield, supported by two female figures, 6
one on the right, Agriculture, supported by a she
of Wheat; the one on the left, Fame, in the act ,
recording the many noble, useful and patriotic to
in the life of that great American Statesman as
Patriot. An Eagle perched on the top of I!
Shield, will represent the arms of the United Slat , '
supported by Henry Clay. On the back groul
will be painted appropriate emblems, representh
Agriculture, Commerce, Manufactures, and lb
chanic Arts; and below the viginette will be psi_
ted in gold, two Cornucopias, the fruit and flows
contained therein painted in natural colors ; qlli
tended to be illustrative of the abundance, ante
anal beneficial effects that will now from the in
lishment of the measures advocated by tho lihig
party, with Mr. Clay at its head. Part of tho‘tint
side of the banner will also be richly embroidivsl
with chenille.
On the reverse will be painted in the fermi .
Wreath, the Coat of Arms of each of the Stars
the Union, connected by richly painted and phi , i
work—inside of the wreath thus formed.. -4 '
painted an appropriate motto.
The top piece usually e „,,,thsting of a rota
straight rod, will be F , ....hing entirely u ni q ue, l a*
Mg in the form ~r a broad bow, highly carved 911
fruit, flawera d.c., and richly glided. The fri.4 ,
k aiw ry, and other ornamental work will be of ti
moat splendid description.
The Brenner will be supported by a staff cJ o yi
the hands of Henry Clay himself, from the
his own Ashland. On the top of the staff, ovethe
Banner, will be placed, plated with gold, theft°.
man Fasces, or bound reeds, representing the ,nan
imity of the Whig party, and their determinatit to
maintain inviolate the Union of the States.
The design is by Mr. William Corlett, a supior
artist of this city, by whom it will he paint!.—
The arrangement of the Banner, Embroidery, Wm
mings, &c., will be executed under the direct of
Mr. John Grade. The entire costs of the linter
will be about eighteen hundred dollars.
ANLUITTAL or Jon PECK.—This indir
says the lowa Standard, who was lodged in Vel
ington County jail, upon a charge of killing,lgus
BILL JOHNSON, has been acquitted after a faiand
impartial trial. There were upwards of rofwit
nesses present. The prisoner at the bar, say itt
who were there, manifested no anxiety as to his t .
Hvmayo.—We wish it to be distinctly UK
stood, the certificates and other proofs of excells
of Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry whirl
pears in this paper occasionally, are fully and si
ly true. None other will be given. The folkm
is from a well known builder:
New YORK, March 10, 189;
I was last fall attr eked with pain and a so
soreness of the cheat, which continued for a nu'
of weeks. I had previously, for several years,
subject to a - permanent weakness, caused by a at
This last attack gave me much apprehension.
feared it was the commencement of a fatal dig
About the middle of December I began to taloa
Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry—a single bo
which soon removed all soreness from the
added strength and vigor to the lungs—and
regard myself as perfectly sound and well.
JOHN BROWN, 61 Ann st
For sale by Thomas Read, Huntingdon
James Orr, Hollidaysburg.
7 cir
ING OF VESSELS, &C.—Wright's India
getable Pills are certain to prcvent ti -
hose dreadful consequences, because se
purge from the body those morbid hu of
which, when floatirg in the general cc
!salon, are the cause of a determinat c
rush of blond to the head, a pressur eon
the brain, and other dreadful resu .
From two to six of said Indian Veg blePills,
Pills, taken every night, on going t ed,
will in a short time so completely c a rse
the hod) from every thing that is op u sed
to health that sudden death, spo t xv,
bursting of blood vessels, or indeed an M
indy. will be in a manner impossible:
Wright's Vegetable lndian Pills alb aid
and improve digeston, and purify theblood
and therefore give health and vigor to the
whole frame, as well as drive discase of
every name from the body.
Beware of Counterfeits.—Thepullic are
cautioned against the many spurious medi
cines which in order to deceive are made
in outward appearance, closely to uesem
blethe above wonderful Pills.
°BREHM—Purchase only of the adver
tised agents, or at the office of the Gener•
ul Depot, No. 169 Race street, Philadel
phia, and be particular to atk for WRIGHT'S
Indian Vegetable Pills.
The getinine medicines cnn be obtained
at the store of Wm. Stewart, Huntingdon.
MART" imz,
On Thursday the 21Ft inst., by the Rev. H
COUCH, all of this county.
On the same day, by the Rev. .T. G. M'G
ESTEP, all of Union township.
On the some day, by the Rev. Jesse
Moo RACHEL WILSON Of -60.134'e.
On the same day, by Benj. Greenland, J ~ Mr.
VILLIAM BROWN of Springfield toa hip, to
At Antes Forgo on Thursday the 12 inst., by
tie Rev, W. B. Bingham, Mr. HU I MUL
ai of Huntingdon county.
On the 14th inst., by the Rev. U. L. Allen, Mr.
fl of Hollidaysburg.
' On the 29th ult., by the sal, Mr. JOHN B.
[tNGLE to Miss JANE BELL all of Allegheny
ownship Huntingdon county.
$l5 REII/11 D.
Was stolenlout the stable of
16( of the subsc? er living on the
. Ridges, on the night of the
25th of December, a
Dark Drown aiare,
with a stir on her forehead, and her left hind
foot white. The abqve reward will he
given to any person who will take up the
said mare and return lice to me.
Dec. 27, 1843.
Library .lissociation.
The annual meeting of the "Huntingdon
Female Library Association. " for the
election of officers, will take place on
Saturday the 30th inst., at the Library
room, at 2 o'clock, when members are
requested to pay their subscription.
Persons desirous of becoming subscribers
can have accsss to some of the best new pub
lications by paying the trifling sum of 50 cts.
Dec. 27, 1843.
For Sale or Rent.
The undersigned will either sell nr lease
on favorable terms, that tract of fand situ
ate in West township, Huntingdon counts',
near the mouth of Murrays Run, adjoining
lands of John Stewart, Nathan Gorsuch and
others containing about
250 ACRES,
of which about 50 are cleared, with n small
hewed log house and barn thereon, the same
living about two miles distnpi!rom the Warm
Springs. Any person wishing to purchase
or rent the farnt. °tin call upon Bell & Orbi
son, in Huntingdon, who will attend to sel
ling or ln-ning the same. l'ossession will be
given on the Ist of April next.
Dec. 27, 1838.
'Ct a Ca) ZLiC3C3.Q.,
The Washington Hotel, in the borough of
Bellefonte, now in the tenure uf George
Armstrong, will be let for a term of years,
from the first day of April next. It is the
old stand kept by the late Evan Miles, in
'lllis lift time, for upwards of twenty-five
years, and is one of the hest in the interior
of Pennsylvania. Apply to the subscriber in
Bellefonte, Centre county.
Dec. 27, 1843
Ilualingdon academy.
TROPOSALS will be received for build
ing an Academy in connection with a dwell
ing house, in the borough of Huntingdon,
up to the 19th day
, of January next. A plan
of the building and specifications may be
seen on application tothe undersigned. rise
proposals trust state the sum required in
cluding the use of the materials on the prem
ises known as "the old brick church,"and
also the amount exclusive.
of the Board.
Dec. 20. 1843.
1 - ..PatalbaS
B %`l ILL be sold at public saleon Saturday
the 13th day of January next, at 1 o'clock
P.• M., on the premises,
Gbh no
in the town of Smithfield (being N. 4 in the
plan of said town) on which is erected a
Two story log Dwelling House .g• Stable.
[e Also, a lot of ground adjoining the same.
p. containing
I - 12 Acres,
g more orless. The property is well situat
ed on the south side of the Juniata river,
and is bounded by lands of John M'Cahan
e and Robert Moore's heirs. Sale to be made
u in pursuance of the last will and testament
of Levi Westbrook, dec'd.
Terms made known on the day of sale by
Dec. 20, 1843.
IRAS removed to Huntingdon, with the
liTsliciZe,ofaiTlawkigaitttt e lni the place li:
ness as may be entrusted to him,
Dec. 20, 1843
Manufacturers of Iron.
r r
rs HE Furnace and Forge withl . lands and
lore beds appurtenant, in Cromwell township,
Hunttngdon county, called the "Chester lion
Works, 'are offered for rent on a lease for a
term of years, The rent will ue received in
either money or iron, as the tennant may
For further particulars inquire of the
subscriber at Huntingdon.
ISAAC FIbHER, Attorney and
agent for Martha Pennock, the owner.
Het. 20, 1843.
Peach Trees, 4•e.
410 4 ''40 peach t r ees
•, for sale at the nursery of the sub
scriber, of the choicest fruit em
bracing 16 different kinds, at 6 cents each at
the nursery. 'f hey are 7feet high-2 years
old from the stone, 1 year from the inocula
ALSO, every variety of inoculated Cherry
Trees, at 37i cents each at the nursery .
Packing in mutts 411 d moss at fair prices.
All orders prom7tlv attended to.
Haddonfield, F. J., 'z
December 13t1' 1845 S
VE12331 4 2n3
Indian Vegetable Pills.
If, during the continuance of storms and
floods, the channels of
become so obstructed as to afford an insuffi -
dent outlet for the superabundant waters,
we can expect nothing less than that the
surrounding country will be
Overwhelmed wills the Flood.
In like manner with the hu man body—if
the skin, kidneys and bowels (the natural
outlets for useless and corrupt h umors) be
come sn obstructed as to fail in affording a
full discharge of those impurities which are
in all cases
we surely can expect no other results thin
that the whole frame will sooner or later b e
As in the first place, if we would prevent
an inundation we must remove all obstruc
tions, in order that there may be no hind
rance to the free discharge of the supera
bundant waters. So, in the second place, if
we would prevent and cure disease, we must
open and keep open, all natural drains of the
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills of the
North Amer 4 ean College of Health,
will ba found one of the best it not the very
for carrying out this beautiful and simple
theory, because they compleatly cleanse the
stomach and bowels from all bilous humors,
and other impurity, and at the same (line
promote a healthy discharge from the lungs,
skin and kidneys; consequently as all the
natural drains are opened,
U C'antion.—As the great popularity and
consequent great demand for Wright's Indi
an Vegetable Pills has raised up a hest of
counterfeiters, country storekeepers and
aga nts will be en their guard agninst the
many impostors who are travelling about the
country selling to the unsuspecting a spurt
ous•article for the genuine.
It should be remembered that all author
' ized agents are provided with a certificate of
agency, signed by WILLIAst WRIGHT, Vice
President of the North American College of
Health. Consequently, those who offer In
dMn Vegetable Pills, and cannot show a cer
tificate as above described will be known as
, imposters.
The following highly respectable store
keepers have been appointed agents for the
sale of
Wright's Indian
_Vegetas/e Pills,
and of whom it is confidently believed the
genuine medicines can be obtained:
William Stewart, Huntingdon.
Henry Learner Hollidaysburg,
B. F. Bell, Antes township.
Robert McNamara, Newry.
Samuel S. Isett, 1 yrone township.
Millikens & Kessler, Mill Creek
A. & N. Cresswell, Petersburg.
Gemmel & Porter,Alexandria.
Moore & Steiner, ater Street.
Joseph Patton, Jr. Duncansville.
R. H. McCormick, Collinsville.
Wolf & Willet. Fiankstown.
Henry Brew,,ter, Snirleysburg.
Walter Gralmin, Yellow Spi ,ngs.
Office devoted exclusively to the sale of
the medicine, wholesale anu retail, No. 169
Race street, Philadelphia.
Beware of counterfeits.—The public are
respectfully informed that medicine purpor
ting to be Indian Pills made by one V. 0.
Flack are not the genuine
.(fright's Indran Vegetable Pills.
The only security against imposition sto
purchase from the regularly advertised a
gents, and in all cases be particular to ask
for Wright's Indian Vegetable Pill.
Dec. 97, 1844.—1 y.
Thomas M'Namara and Samuel Royer,
lately trading under the firm of M'Namara
& Royer, at Portage Iron Works, ar.d
George W. M'Bride, Samuel Royer and
Thomas M'Namara, lately trading under
the firm of M'Bride, Royer &co, at said
Works, having by deed of assignmt nt bear •
ing date the 10th day of May, 1842, record
ed in the same month in the Recorder's
office in and for Huntingdon county in record
book C No. 2, pages 492 &c., assigned and
transferred to the undersigned all debts and
claims due and owing to the said late firms,
at or on account of said Portage Iron Works
in trust for payment of creditors of said late
firms; all ',mons are hereby required to
make immediate settlement with and pay
ment to the undersigned, of any and all
debts and claims due and owing to either of
the said late firms at said works; and all
persons are hereby notified and warned not
to flay any debts or claims due and owing to
either of the said late firms at said Works,
to any person or persons whatever, but to
, the undersigned or one of them or their duly
authorized attorney.
Portage Iron Works, Dec. 20, 1843.
To Farmers and Capitalists.
The tract of land near Brewster's Tannery,
in Shirley township, called the "Roberts
Farm," containing two hundred and eighty
acres more or less, seventy or eighty of
which are cleared, with a house, a barn, a
Grist Mill with Iwo run of Stones,
and a saw mill thereon, about three miles
from the town of Shirlevsburg, is offered
for sale. Farmers who wish to purchase a
farm for themselves or their sons are invited
to examine the ..Roberts Farm." If not
sold at private sale, this farm will be offered
at public outcry at the court house, in Hunt
ingdon, on Thursday the 27th day of Janu
ary, 1844.
For further particulars inquire of the sub
scriber at Huntingdon.
ISAAC FISHER, Attorney and
agent of Martha Pennock, the owner.
Dec. 20,1843.
Late of Cromwell township, Huntingdon
county, deceased,
Notice is hereby given that letters of ad
ministration upon the said estate have been
granted to the undersigned. All persons
having claims or demands against the same
are requested to make them known without
delay, and all persons Indebted to make im
mediate payment 5/
JOHN R. HUN TER, ✓ldm'r.
Nov. 15, 180.—.6t. Cromwell tp.
BONDS—Judgment and com
,X4inw—for sale at this office.
Rates of Discount in Philadelphia.
ranks in Philadelphia.
Bank of North America - -
Bank of the Northern Liberties -
Bank of Penn Township - -
Commercial Bank of Pentea. - •
Farmers' & Mechanics' bank - -
Kensington bank - - -
Schuylkill bank -
Mechanics' bank • - - -
Philadelphia bank - - -
Southwark bank - - -
Western hank - - -
Moyamensing bank - - -
Manufacturers' and Mechanics' bank
Bank of Pennsylvania - - -
Girard bank - - - -
Bank of the United States -
Country Banks. 0
Bank of Chester co. Westchester . par
Bank of Delaware co. Chester par
Bank of Germantown Germantown par
Bank of Montg'ry co. Norristown par
Doylestown bank Doylestown par
Easton Bank Easton par
Farmers' bk of Bucks co. Bristol par
Honesdale bank Honesdale II
Farmers' bk of Lanc. Lancaster li
Lancaster bank Lancaster I t
Lancaster county bank Lancaster I
Bank of Pittsburg l'ittsburg l }
Merch'ts' & Manuf. bk. Pittsburg 1
Exchange bank Pittsburg 1
Do. do. branch of Hollidaysburg 1
Cora bk & bridge co. Columbia i
Franklin bank Washington 1i
Monongahela bk of B. Brownsville li
Farmers' bk of Reading Reading i
Lebanon bank
... Lebanon 2
Bank of NorthumberPd Northumberland par
Bank of Middletown Middletown li
Carlisle bank Carlisle li
Erie bank Erie 3
Bank of Chambersburg Chambersburg li
Bank of Gettysburg Gettysburg 2
York bank York 2
Harrisburg bank Harrisburg 2
Miners' bk of Pottsville Pottsville w o
Bank of Susquehanna co. Montrose
Farmers' & Drovers' bk Waynesborough 3
Bank of Lewistown Lewistown 2
Wyoming bank Wilkesbarre 2i
Northampton bank Allentown no sale
Bei ks county bank Reading 75
West Branch bank Williamsport 15
Towanda bank Towanda 88
Rates of Relief Notes.
Northern Liberties, Delaware County, Far
mers' Bail of Bucks, Germantown par
All others - - - • - 2a 2i
Philadelphia, Dec. 22.
WHEAT FLOUR, per bbl. - - - $4 25
RYE MEAL, do. - - - - 325
CORN ClO. do. - - - - - 2 25
WHEAT, plimePenna.perbtA. - - 1 00
RYE do. - - - 62
CORN, yellow, do. - - - 40
do. white,
WHISKEY, in bis. -
liallimov, Dec. 20.
WHEAT FLOUR, per bbl. , - - $4 25
WHEAT, per bush. 4 - - 70
CORN, yellow, do. -: - - - 48
do. white, do. - • - - -• 47
RYE, do. - - - - - 50
OATS. do. - - - - - 21
WHISKEY, ill bbls. - - - - - 24
Pittsburgh, Dec. 20.
FLOUR, per bbl. - - $3 50 a 3 62
WHEAT, per bush. - - - 62 a 65
RYE, do. ----- 40 a 45
OATS, do. - - . - 18 a2O
CORN, do. - - - - 31 a 37
IRON:—Juniata Blooms $5310 $56 a ton.—
Estate of Margaret Clayton,
Late of West township Ilantiagdon
county deceased,
Notice is het eby given, that letters testa
mentary upon the will of said dec'd have been
granted to the undersigned. All persons
indebted to said estate are requested to make
immediate payment, and thow having claims
or demands against the same are requested
to present them duly authen:icated for set
dement, to
GEORGE Wll4oN,lExes
Nov. 29, 1343.
Snyder's Vegetable Concrete.
Trdo certify that my wife was afflicted for
some time with a yew severe cough,
with a pain in the breast, Hid after many,
other remedies had failed I was induced tc
procure a bottle of J. Snyder's Vegetable
Concrete, and she was perfectly restored by
the use of part of a bottle NI.
For sale by Jacob Snyder, Hollidaysburg.
Jan. 18, 1843.
Estate of RAMO= 'UTLEY,
Lute of Snyder Iowan!), deceased. 4
, r ETTERS of administration on the sai d
, IJestate hare been
. graited to the under
signed. All persons 'Wetted to said estate
are requested to make imnediate payment..
and those having claims against it will pre- -
sent them properly authenticated for settle
ment without delay, to
Oct. 25, 1843.-6 t West tp.
Estate of Robert M'Nit. lati
Tyrone tp. Huntingdon co.
rto 1:ICE is hereby given that letters of
administration upon the said estate
have been granted to the undersigned. All
poisons having claims or demands against
the same are requested tomake them known
without delay, and all persons indebted to
make immediate pay meat to
Dec. 6, 1843.
ATTOlftrat7 AT ZATro
Ofice in Main &Wet, two doors East
Mrs. McConnell's Tenperance House.
Job Printing.