Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, November 15, 1843, Image 3

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cf:Pameta qUarmaznuagaLl.
Huntingdon, Nov. 15, 11443.
Wood is wanted at this office in payment of sub
scription, advertising and job work.
To Advartisore.
Advertisements must be handed in on Tuesday
uternieg before 9 o'clock to insure their insertion in
next morning's :paper.
Religious Notice.
Divine worship, according to the usages of the
I'. teatant Episcopal Church, will he held at the
Academy in this Borough, every Sunday, at the
hours of 11 in the morning and 3 in the afternoon.
'rho Rev. Mr. Final is the officiating minister,
and resides in this place, at Mrs. Clarke's.
Electors of President.
The next election for President will be decided
binder the new apportionment of Electors. Tho
number to which each State is entitled, is set forth
in the annexed table. Politicians had better lay it
1, ) , fur the purpose of refreshing their memory, when
the time approaches that acts them to making " cal
tuhitions :"
States. Electors. Slates. Eledore.
Maine, 9 Georgia, 10
N. Hampshire, 6 Alabama, 9
Massachusetts, 12 Louisiana, 6
Vermont, 6 Mississippi, 6
Rhode Island, 4 Tennessee, 13
Connecticut, 6 Kentucky, 13
New York, 36 Ohio, 23
Now Jersey, 7 Indiana, 12
Pentalrania, 26 Michigan, 5
Delaware, 3 Illinois, 9
Maryland, 8 Missouri, 7
Virginia, 17 Arkansas, 3
N. Carolina, 10 -
S. Carolina, 9 Total, 275
Requita to elect, 130.
. . .
a is POW a matter of certainty, that, unless death
again prostrate the hopes of the nation, Henry
Clay, of Kentucky, will receive the nomination of
the Whig Party. We consider it equally certain
that if nominatnl, ho will be elected.
The votes of the following States may be safely
.talculated upon on certain for Clay :
Massachusetts, 12
Vermont, 6
Rhode Island, 4
Connecticut, 6
New Jersey, 7
Delaware, 3
Maryland, 8
North Carolina, 10
Georgia, 10
Louisiana, 6
Tennessee, 13
.1431.1.7 a 12
Indiana, is
Michigan, 5
Ohio, 23
Total; 142
Mr. Clay's chance is decidedly best for New
York 36, and Viginia 17, making 58
And y 1 equal chance for Pennsylvania 26, and
Maine 9, making 85
The only States the Locos can calculate upon
with any degree of certainty, aro—
New Hampshire, ti
South Carolina, 9
Alabama, 9
Arkanaas, 3
Burning of 'torsos.
It has often been remarked that a horse cannot
be driven from a building when on fire ; but many
have considered it an unauthmticated statement.—
An incident of which the writer was an eye-wit
mess, may be interesting to come of our readers.
It was a cold night, in November 1840, while we
were sojourning in the State of New York, that the
\cry of fire alarmed the citizens of the quiet town in
which we were then staying. We coon discovered
that the stable attached to the hotel was in flames,
:and our first effort was directed to the safety of the
horses which it contained. We throw wide open
all the doors, and unloosed the halters ; but no soon
er was this done, than some of them rushed to the
lre, inhaled the burning element, and fell down and
•dial instantly. After considerable exertion, we
succeeded in getting six others out ; but five imme
diately turned, and with a single leap, bounded into
the midst of the fire. The other ran, with much
speed, a distance of about twenty rods, from the
building, and then wheeled about, mails his way
back to the fire, in spite of our efforts to stop him,
and shared the fate of the rest of his companions.—
This etatement, although it proves nothing new,
may be relied upon. It was a melancholy spectacle
'to behold on the next morning the half burned
bones of eighteen noble steeds, fill simmering
among the smoking embers.—Forum.
Matters in Wisconsin.
James 12. Vineyard, who shot C. P. Arndt in the
Legislative Hall of Wisconsin, both of them being
members of the Legislative Council, was tried at
Monroe in that Territory, last month, and acquitted,
though the evidence was clear enough against hint.
The indictment, however, was only for matudaugh
ler, and on that ground the jury pronounced him
not guilty. The scenes on the trial, as described by
a correspondent of the Now York Tribune, were
disgusting and barbarous. The defendant's lawyer,
a man named Strong, poured out for three hours a
tirade of ribaldry and profanity, keeping hot the
devil within him by copious draughts of whiskey
from a jug beside him, till he was so drunk he could
speak no longer. The jary, according to this letter
writer's aceeunt. was composed cf vt:ry ditto of
a society which is itself the dregs of the population
of the neighboring States. According to the same
authority, there were, however, some respectable
men engaged in this singular trial. Col. Field, the
Secretary of the Territory, who closed the defence,
spoke ably and temperately, as did Mr. Collins for
the prosecution. The charge of the judge was also
It is not wonderful that strangers hear such a
report about this country, when within its borders,
under the influences of its institutions, such as this
can be. It is rather to be regretted that through
this great gossiping press from which we both enjoy
and suffer so much, these affairs find as little chance
of being kept secret as Midas' whisper. In any
other part of tho world wiekednesS fiotd in stealth,
but here the whole Union, by means of these mul.
titudinous newspapers, is ono great whispering gal
lery, reverberating with the noise of every occur'
rence, trivial or important, good, bad or indifferent.
The very case of this Vineyard, if we remember
right, was prominently cited in Mr. Dickens' bill of
indictment against this country.
[oomtKvnta wmEmot.]
Philadelphia, Nov. 10.
WitaaTPLona, per bbl. - - 14 75
RYE. MEAL, do. - - • • 300
CORN do. do.
W HEAT, plitne Penna. per bush. - - 93
RYE do. - - 58
CORN, yellow, do. - - - 52
du. white, dn.
OATS, do.
WHISKEY. in his. = - -
Ilal t;tnore, Nuv. 10,
WHEAT FLOUR, per bbl, - - $4 25
WHEAT, per bush. - • -
CORN, yellow, do, - • •
do. white, do, • • -
OATS. do,
Watsgrr, in bbls. - - - • • 24
Pittsburgh, Nov. 8.
FLOUR, per bbl. - - - $3 3? a 3 50
IVIIEAT, per bush. - - - - 62 a 65
Rl's, do.
OATS, do. - - - - 18 a 18i
CORN, do. - - - - 28 a 30
IRON:—Juniata Blooms $52 to $55 a ton.—
Rates of Discount in Philadelphia.
Banks in Philadelphia.
Bank of North America - - par
Bank of the Northern Liberties - par
Bank of Penn Township - - par
Commercial Bank of Penn'a. - • par
Farmers' & Mechanics' bank - - par
Kensington bank - - - par
Schuylkill bank - • - par
Mechanics' bank - - - - par
Philadelphia bank - - - par
SouthwariE bank - - • par
Western bark
Moyamensing bank - - par
Manufacturers' and Mechanics' bank par
Bank of Pennsylvania - - - par
Girard bank - - - 16
Bank of the United States - 36
Country Banks,
Baok of Chester co. Westchester par
Bank of Delaware co. Chester par
Bank of Germantown Germantown par
Bank of Montg'ry co. Norristown par
Doylestown bank Doylestown par
Easton Bank Easton par
Farmers' bk of Bucks co. Bristol pal'
Honesdale bank Honesdale 14.
Farmers' ok of Lane. Lancaster i
Lancaster bank Lancaster 4
Lancaster county bank Lancaster 1}
Bank of Pittsburg Pittsburg 1
Merch'ts' & Manuf. bk. Pittsburg I
Exchange bank Pittsburg 1
Do. do. branch of Hollidaysburg 1
Col'a bk & bridge co. Columbia
Franklin bank Washington ii
Monongahela bk of B. Brownsville i
Farmers' bk of Reading Reading
Lebanon bank - Lebanon
Bank of Northumberl'd Northumberland par
Bank of Middletown Middletown li
Carlisle bank Carlisle li
Erie bank Erie 3
Bank of Chambersburg Chambersburg 1i
Bank of Gettysburg Gettysburg 2
York bank. York 2
Harrisburg bank Harrisburg 2
Miners' bk of Pottsville Pottsville 2
Bank of Susquehanna co. Montrose 50
Farmers' & Drovers' bk Waynesbc.rough 3
Bank of Lewistown Lewistown 2
Wyoming bank Wilkesbarre 24
Northampton bank Allentown no sale
Berks county bank Reading 75
West Branch bank Williamsport 15
Towanda bark Towanda B 8
sates of Steliefitioteta
Northern Liberties, Delaware County, Far
mers' Bauk of Bucks, Germantown par
AU others - - - - 2a 2i
PETER xavirnasTorir,
Respectfully informs the citizens of this
county, and the public generally, that he has
removed to and opened a Public House in
that large and commodious brick building
situate at the centre of the Diamond, former
ly occupied by C. Couts, where the " way
worn traveller" will find every attention that
will minis t er to his convenience and comfort.
His TABLE will receive his especial atten
tion, and shall always he abundantly supplied
with the best to be hail in the county.
His BAR is furnished with the choicest
Wines and Liquors.
His STABLING is the best in the place,
and the mist careful and attentive ostlers
will always be in attendance; and the HOST
pledges himself to make every exertion to
render his house a "home" to all who may
favor him with a call. The stranger and
the friend may rest asrured that if a desire
to please be successful he doubts not his suc
cess. He tenders his thanks to his old cus
tomers for past favors, and respectfully so
licits a continuance of their patronage.
qj• BOARDERS will be taken by the
year, month or week.
July 12, 1841.-6 m.
ALL persons who know themselves in.
debted to the subscriber for subscrip
tion, advertising or job win k, are requested
to make payment immediately, if not aoonrr,
as I expect to leave these diggins" in a
short time.
*ILEX:IA ID if Lit
I. 611410111 S & SON,
ECFULLY inform tile citizens
el Huntingdon county, and the public
generally, that they have turmed a partner
ship to carry on the
Capper, Tin and Slteet•sron Bus,inets
in all its britnches, in Altxandria, where
they manufacture and con tartly keep on
hand every desci iption of Obare in their line;
such as
New and Splendid Wood Stoves
22, 24, 26, 28 and 20 inches long,
New Cooking Stoves of all kinds, and
Also four sizes of Coal Stoves.
All kinds of castings done, for Forges, Saw
mills and Threshing-machines. Also WAG
WARE ; all of which is done in a workman
like manner.
Also, Copper, Dye, Wash, Fuller, Pre
serving, and Ma -Nettles,
,for sale,
wholesale and retail,
Persons favoring this establishment with
their cUstcm may depend on having their
orders executed with fidelity anti despatch.
Old metal, copper, brass and pewter ta
ken m exchange. Also wheat, rye, corn
and oats taken at market price.
Alexandria, Nov. 1, 1843.
NOTICE.—The subscriber respectfully
requests all persons indebted to him for
work done at the old establishment, pre
vious to this date, to call and settle their ac
counts without delay.
0 Nov. 1, 1843.
Wholesale Clock Establishment,
'WHERE is to be found the largest as
sortment of clocks in the United
States, among which are Forrestville, Hills
Gooorlch & Co., Atkins, Porter & Co.,
Ives' Brewsters, and other eight day brass
clocks. C. -Jerome's, Bristol manufacturing
company, Atkins. Porter & C Hill's,
GoodriCh & Cot, Forrestville, H. Welton's,
anti other thirty hour brass clocks, Board
man & Welle's, Hopkins and Alfred's, H. C
Smith's and other wood clocks.
Sole agent for Crane's celebrated year and
month clocks, as well as several of the above
mentioned. _ _ .
Alan, church and hall clocks:
Watchmakers, Merchants and others, will
find it to their interest to cal!,
Looking Glasses manufactured.
Philadelphia. July 28, 1843.-3 m.
List of Letters
fIMAINING in the Post Officelit Hait
tingclon, Pa., October Ist 1843, if not
called for rirevidus to the Ist of January next
they will he sent to the General Post Office
as dead letters.
Ash Jesse pderLateersJaines
_ _ _
Anderson Miss Mary Livingston John
Bell Watson Capt Miller Pierre
Covent Jacob Mceord James
Croxton Alex. McDivit Miss Jane
CrowbfrJpaiali Moore John
Dopp Jacob Jr McCoy Vincent
Davis P Miss Mary Philips Luerisda
Dodson John Esq. De Baux Powell 2
Deffenbacher A L Reed James country
Fee John Reigard Wm.
Green F S Shenebrough Casper
Gross William Skelly A Multaiel
Hamelton Hays Smith Hader
Hammond Philip Stell Thomas
Hight George Thompson JohnlWal-
Henderson Mathias ker tp.
Johnston John Thomas 1) Barton
Kiler George Taytor Jim nail cutter
Zally Daniel
October 4, 1843.
ESPEGTFULLY informs the citizens
tab of Huntingdon.anct the public in gen
eral. that he still continues the
Tailoring . Business,
at his old stand, in Main street, in the bo
rough of Huntingdon, in the brick house
immediately opposite the store of Thomas
Read, where he is tully prepared and ready
to accommodate all, who may favor him
with a call. '
He — receives. regularly, from New York,
Scott's New York, Paris and London
and he is dete rminecl to employ none but the
best and most expetienced workmen ; and
lie guarantees to execute all orders in his
line in the most fashionable and workman
like manner, or according to the wishes and
orders of customers.
COUNTRY PRODUCT; will be taken,
at the market price, in payment of work
done at his shop.
Thankful for past favors, be solicits a
continuance of public patronage.
August 16, 1843.—tt.
• eft*.
Aro. 493 Market Streee,—asove 131 h,
Respectfully incites the attention of those
who buy for . cash (as he sells on no other
terms) to his very large an/ splendid assort
ment of Hardware and Cutlery, just re
ceived from England, in addition to his usual
stock of
Foreign and Domestic litirdware,
of the hest quality.
He earnestly requests them to examine
elsewhere. and after ascertaining the lowest
prices at which they can pu'rchase, then to
call notwithstanding the distance and unin
fluenced by the remarks of interested deal
ers in the same business, and enquire the
prices of the same goods at his store.
It is his fixed determination, and he wish
es it so distinctly understood, not only to sell
as cheap as any other store, but positively
His arrangements are so made, he be
lieves, as to enable him to do so. and yet
make a small profit. At all events, cash
purchasers will find it their interest to call.
Cheap Hardware Store and Nail
Warehouse, No. 493 Illarket Street,
between 1314 and Broa j.
pliitadelphia, Aug. 23, 3843.
TO PUR C 114 SER 8.
I'D BING desirous to have my real estate
sold at a fair price for the times and oh
paying my debts as far, and as soon as pos
sible, I tok : this early opportunity to an
nounce the sale of the following described
property by the Sheriff at the November
court, now next ensuing, and most respect
fully Invite persons to call and examine the
adjoining Jacob Lex on the west, with a
frame building, with brick front, 30 by 34
feet, three and a halt stories high, plastered
from top to bottom, containing
12 Rooms and two Cellars,
calculated for two liiiiiiiies—splendidly fin
ished with cornish and dormant windows in
front; with double stable, 18 by 3 1 ) feet, and
other back buildings, and protected by a
wharf 8 feet high.
Two thirds of a Lot,
adjoining di, above, protected by a stone
wharf 8i feet high, with a
Brick Building 40 felt front by 20 feet
back, with a bade building
18 by 20f, et,
three and a half stories high, containing 10
rooms, with large hall, and Plaza, and all
plastered, and a cellar under the whole buil
ding—cornish and dormant windows in front
—three rooms and the hall splendidly pa
pered, and four Russian Sheet Iron Grates,
permanently fixed in the fire-places--porch
to the back •building—also a back building
on the lot.
One third 01 a Lot,
adjoining the above, protected by a whatf
8i feet high, with a
Brick building 20 feet front by 50/1 back,
(being the store-room, and it is said to be the
most splendid in the county,)—three and a
halt stories high ; the third story being in
one room, second story its three rooms, first
story being the,
and all plastered—the store being furnished
in the best style, having the common shel
ving; with glass cases round the whole room,
and 32 drawers, two heavy panneled coun
ters, with heavy popular plabk tops, each
counter being 36 feet long—also sash doors
between store and office. All the above
buildings in one block.
Call and see, gentlemen, I will be happy
to show you through.
Sept. 2/, 1843.—tc.
The subscriber is now prepared to furnish
every description of CHAIRS, from the
plain kitchen to the most splendid and fash
ionable one for the parlor. Also the
in which the feeble and afflicted invalid,
thi - nigh unable to. walk even with the aid of
crutches, may with ease move himself from
room to room, through the.karden and in
the street, with great rapidity:
Those who are about going to housekeep
ing, will find it to their advantage to give
him a call, whilst the Student and Gentle
man of leisure are sure to find in his newly
invented Revolving Chair. that comfort
which no other article of the kind is capable
of affording. Country merchants and ship
pers zit') be supplied with any quantity at
short notice. _
No, 113 South Second street, two doors
below Dock, Philadelphia.
May 31, 1843.---1 yr.
Umbrella, Parasol 4. sun-shade
atatawace , ol22
No 4 South Fourth street, below Market,
Swetssor to R. Rschie.)
Ilespectfully_ announces to the ladies and
gentlemen of Huntingdon:county, that he has
constantly on hand, wholesale and retail, a
large and splendid assortment of Sun-shades,
l'arasols and Umbrellas of the very best
materials that thin be obtained in this mar
ket, ant being manufactured under his lin
thediate superintendence, the quality and
workmanship will be warranted equal, if not
superior, to any in the city, at the lowest
cash prises.
V— Merchants are invited to call and ex
amine the stock.
Phil's September 27, 1893. 3m.
Estate of Rebecca Dean,
Late of Tyrone township, deceased.
foTICE is hereby given, that Letters
testamentary on the last will and tes
tament of said deceased have been granted
to the subscribers. All persons therefore
indebted to the estate of said deceasd, are
requested to make immediate payment, and
all having claims to present them duly au
thenticated for settlement, to
Sept. 20, 1843. 6t Tyrone tp.
(Bslate of Michael Wallace, late of Mt;
- ris township, deceased. )
MRPersons 'indebted to the es
tate of Michael Wallace,
late of Morris township, dec'd., are hereby
notified to come forward and pay off their
accounts. Suits will he instituted immedi
ately after the first of January next, against
all who neglect to comply with this notice.
Augi 23, 1843.-3 m pd Surviving Adm'r.
Snyder's ftgetable Concrete.
Tp do certify that my wife was a ffl icted for
4.1 some Site with a very severe cough,
with a pain in the breast, and after many
other remedies had failed I was induced to
procure a bottle of J. Snyder's Vegetable
Concrete, and she was perkctly restored by
the use of part of a bottle full.
For sale by Jacob Snyder, Hollidaysburg,
Jan. 18, 1844.
Uhl received, and for sale, wholesale
anti retail, a large suppl v of Doctor
Wistar's Balmin Mid Cheery—also,
HouclesPanacea, at the Huntingdon Drug
Store. THOS. -READ.
'I,N If. =nano
pro, IVE r .4 T
uw7ure.l) or, , PA.
Every Number embellished with an or
itti"al and exquisite design on steel.—
Edited by Cleii. P. MORRIS--Illustrated
by J. G. CHAPMAN, who is engaged ex
elusively for this work.
TERMS--Three Dollars per annum.—
Single Number 6 cents.
In the course of a few Weeks the under
signed will commence op his own Account
the MIRROR, in the octavo form, ou an
entirely novel and original plan, with a
steel engraving in every number, and ai
the reduced price of three dollars per an•
num, or six and a quarter cents per copy.
The NEW MIRROR will appear with
striking and attractive features,
distin , uishin. it from every other period
ical. It will be published with new type,
on fine paper, and each number will con
tain a beautiful original Engraving on
steel, designed and etched by Chapman
illustrating the letter press which it ac
companies and which it will invest.--
Besides the emeributions of all our exten
sive cords of correspondents, which ems
braces most of the talent of this country,
we have made arrangements for fresh and
early translations from some of the best
writers of France, and for proof sheets
from several of the popular authors of
England. With such materials and with
such able fellow-laborers ,in the literary
vineyard, we hope to present to the A•
merican reader a weakly journal of much
value and unusual eicellence. The par
ade ut mere names will be sedulously
avoided. Thenlirror will be remarkable,
we hope, rather fur good articles without
names, than for poor articles With
guished names. It will embrace in its
scope every department of elegant liter
' ature, comprising tales of romance, sketch
es of socity and manners, sentiment and
and every day life, piquant essays, do
mestic and foreign correspondence, litera
ry intelligence, wit, humor, fashion, and
gossip, poetry, the fine arts, and literary,
musical and dramatic criticisms. Its
views of new works will be careful, dis
criminating and impartial. It will aim to
foster a literature suited to the estate
and desires of the age and country. Its
tendency will be cheerful and enlivening,
as well as improving. It will seek to
gratify every refined taste, but never to
offend the most fastideoos, and it wilt
ever feel its duty to be to turn the sunny
sid(of things to human eyes.
The work will be published every Sat
urday, in numbers of sixteen large octavo
super-royal pages, with double columns,
and enclosed in a neat orrannertl:: cover.
It will form, at the end of the year, two
superb volumes, each of four hundred
anti sixteen pages, filled with the gems of
literature and the tine arts.
The very !Ow price at which it will be
issued renders it the cheapest periodical
in this or any Other country, considering
the cost or its fifty two. engravings, and
the intrinsic value of its literary contents.
Those desirous of receiving periodically
front the commencement, will have it
punctually sent to their address upon
their forwarding to the udersigned, ut No.
4, Ann street, three dollars free of ex
Letters enclosing the amount of sub
sciiption, toy be franked by all postmast
ers. Agents, carriers, and newsmen,
will be supplied on the usual terms. The
cash system will be rigidly adl►ered to
without any ileviation whatever.
Such editors as copy the above, will
oblige me by forwarding a marked paper,
and by resuming the exchange which was
interrupted much to my regret, by cir.
cumatances over which 1 had no control.
Editor and Proprietor.
No. 4, Ann st. near Broadway, N. York.
The subscriber respectfully announces to his
friends and the public generally, that he has
taken the above named well known Tavern
Stand, (formerly kept by Wm. E. Camps)
where he will endeavor to serve those that
may call upon him in the most satisfactory
manner: The House is centrally and plea
sanity located, and is furnished throughout
with the best of bedding and other furniture,
and his accommodations are such as to make
it R convenient and desirable stopping place.
(Um' No exertions will be spared to make
it agreeable in all its departments to thoSe
who may favor him with a call.
December 21, 1842.
Potts, Linn A• //arras,
Wholesale Drul i gists and Apothecaries
N. B. The Harrisin the above firm, is Dr.
John Harris, Known in Huntingdon and
Centre counties. Having been long engaged
in the Drug business in the Country, he trusts
he will be the better prepared to meet the
wants of country druggists, storekeepersand
September 27,1843.—pd,
HE subscriber occupying the
large three story brick dwell
ing house at the south east corner
of Allegheny and Smith streets, in
the borough of Huntingdon, the third story of
which during the last summer has been fitted
for sleeping rooms; having a large stable on
the premises, and having rmploved a care
ful person to attend to it and take care of
horses, &c., informs the public that she is
prepared to accommodate such of her friends
and such strangers and travellers as may de
sire accommodation. She respectfully soli
cits a share of public patro'ange, and hopes
the friends of Temperance will give her a
Huntingdon March 1, 12s•/3.
TID LANK BONDS to Constables for Stay
441,0 of Execution, under the new law, just
pointed, and for sale, at this (Alec
Grahatien Lady's and Gentte
man's Magazine, Alr 184141.
The January Number to be published De.
iiwtb - er 10111, 1813
GIIAHAM'S 111AGAzitsr. has long enjoyed
the enviable reputatieu of heinf, the best
periodical in tire United St:tiles, in the
quality and number of its embellishments,
and the tone of its literary matter. It is
the cheapest as well as the best. For the
year 1843 the publish. r has given about
- 100 pages inure original reading matter
than any other of his cutemporarres, and
more original steel engravings, in addi
tion to the fm shim' , plates and colored tlow•.
era. The chevness and /Aerie of a three
dollar magazine over all others may
understood, which has made an outlay of
ever seventeen thousand dollars greater
than any °diet., afitf till addition of °ogre.
vings over other magaziires that would
embellish the costliest Annual, pub•
Usher is, however, satisfied that nothing
but real excellence can maintain the high
position his periodical has assumed in the
United States, and as the taste improves
and extends for good works, that nothing
of a humbug order will be tolerated.
. .
Every number of Graham's Magazine
is issued at a cost ol nearly 84000—the
plates alone, costing nearly hull the sum.
Most of :he plates are from
Executed expressly for the proprietor, for
engravings fur the Naga7ine.. Among the
pictures painted fur the volume for ($44,
are two 14 Sully the great lutist, sevcrot
by Leutze, Chapman, Inman, Conarre,
Rothermul, Thompson, and others of the
best artists of America.
The hig,h merit of Graham's Magazine
considered, the publisher flatters himself
that the following liberal terms will in
duce thousands to subscribe.
To CLuus the following proposals are
made—two copies fur $5, five fur $lO,
eight for $l6, eleven for 820.
To postmasters, or other persons form
ing a Club', the publisher will forward a
Novel for every subscriber sent, so that
varying the books a complete Library may
be obtained by any person in a short time.
Single copies, three dollars per annum,
in advance.
And to the person sending the money.
a copy of "The Gents of Art and Beauty,"
contenting 13 splendid Mezzotint and
Line &granny, end also a copy of
Ringwood the Rover," Herbert's Prize
Novel, will be forwarded gratis.
No. 98 Chesnut street, Phil'a
Nov. 15, 1843:
The subscriber respectfully in
11 forms the inhabitants cf Hunt
ingdon and its vicinity, that he
has opened an est:•blisb Meta in
the borough of Lewistown, for
the manufacture of Chairs. Set
tees, &c., of the following kinds, viz:
French Chairs, Half Ft ench, Grecian, Fan
cy curled Maple, Black Walnut , O ffi ce,
Fancy and Windsor, Boston Rocking,
Spring seat Mahogany, Night Cabineta, and
Studying Chairs.
71 ohgany, , Fancy, Cushion, cane and
common Setters,
o n an Irtiproved and fashionable plan,
Settee Bedsteads;
both elegant and useful, designed to close up,
Making a handsome Settee with cushion
seat for the day time:
The subscriber having been fol several
years past engaged hi the above business in
the cities of New York and Providence R.I.
he flatters himself that he will be able to
give general satisfaction' to all those who will
honor him with their patronage.
All the above mentioned articles, and
every thing in his line of business he will
furnish in the latest style and faililon, oa
the most reasonable terms, and warranted
to do good service.
N. ii.—Chairs, Settees, &t., repaired and
ornamented on the shortest notice and most
reasonable terms.
A constant supply of the above Mentioned
articles may be seen at the Wareroom, one
door east of the Store of Mrs. Jane M'Cor
mick and iplitiediately opposite the store of
Patterion Cc Horner;
Lewistown, Nov. 30, 1842.
VIZ FARMS are offered for
• sale, containing each about
V. 250 Acres, of fine Limestone
_ and Chocolate Land, well water
ed .tod improved, with a due proportion of
wood, situate on the State ROA, in Trough
Creek Valley, six miles front the Haystou n
branch of the Juniata anti Chilcoarstown,
about 7 from the Tub.niill Gap, 13 from
Campbell's Lock on the State Ca
nal, and 20 from M'Connellsburg
and the town of Huntingdon.— j tif)
They are surrounded by a respec
table and thriving population' ? established
more thou 50 years since ; and are nett• to
several iron works, which, independent of
other scorers, afford markets tel the produce
ct this fertile and beautiful valley.
For information, apply In Mr. James En
let kin, Jr., Coffee-Run P.O. Htintitttion co.
Pa., or Mr. William Houck, Broad-top
0. Huntingdon co. Pa., who will show the
Aug. 10, 1843,:.-3nio. Philadelphia
ATTV.RII3II7 1114111r4
Office in Vain Wrcei, *zed doors Ewe rf
Mrs. 1 4e(apnirs 1 74trwrtance Howe.