Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1835-1839, October 16, 1839, Image 2

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    they were dry and burning. The measles
were &mot the country, and I was frigh
ened for my child. It was only halt a
mile to the 'doctor's; I knew 'very foot of
the road ; and so leaving thelloor en the
latch I resolved to• tell him how niv darlint
was. and thought I should be back before
my husband's rtturn. Grass, you may
be sure did'nt grow under my Ices. I ran
with all speed, and was'nt kept long, the
doctor said—though it seemed long tome.
The moon was down when I came !mine,
though the night was fine. The cabin we
lived in was in a hollow ; but when 1 was
on the hill, and looked down where 1
knew it stood a dark mass, I thought I
saw a white light fog coming out of it, I
rubbed my eyes and darted - forward as a
wild bird flies to its nest when it hears the
scream of the hawk in the heavens. Wh-ri
I reached the door, l saw it was open; the
fume cloud came out of it, sure enough,
white and thick ; blind with that and ter
ror together, I rushed to my child's cradle.
I found my way to that, in spite 01 the
burning and smothering. But Ellen--
Ellen Murphy, my child, the rosy chilli
whose breath had been hot on my cheek
only a little while before, she was nothit,g
but a cinder. Mad as I felt ! saw how it
was in a minute. The father had came
home as I expected ;
he had gone to the
cradle to look at his child, and dropped the
candle into the straw, and unable to speak
or stand, hat knelt down anti asleep on '
the floor, not too yards from my child.
Oh, how I flew to the doctor's s, ill what
had been my baby . I tore across the coun
try like a banshee; /laid it in his arms;
!told lun if he did'ut put life in it, I'd des
troy him and his house. He thoug,ht me
mad; for there was no breath, ether cold
orhot, coming Irom its lips then, I e:mtil'nt
kiss it in death : the , e was nothing. Ifr of
my child to kiss—think of that! I-snatch
ed it from where the doctor had laid it;
cursed him, forte looked with disgust at
my party child. The whole night - long II
Wandered in the woods of Newtownbai ry
with that burden at my heart.'
"But her husband, her husband P in
quired Larry in accents of horror; 'what
became of him site leave him in the
- burning without calling him to himself ?'
'No,' answered Ellen • 'I asked her,
and she told me that her shrieks she sup
posed roused him from suffixation in
which he must but for them have perished.
He staggered out of the place, and was
found soon after by the neighbors, and liv
ed long after,. but only to a poor heat t.bro
ken man, for she was mad for years through
the country; and many a tray alter alms
told me that story, my heart trembled like
a willow leaf. 'And now Ellen Murphy,'
she added when the end was come, 'do
ye wonder I threw from yer hand as poi
son the glass ye offered me —And do you
know why /have told you what tares toy
heart to come over?--because I wish to
save you, who showed me kintlne , s, from
what 1 have gone through. Ps the only
good I can (1,1 ye. and indeed, it's long
since / cared to do good. Never trust a
drinking man ;he h as no guard on his
words; and will say that of his nearest
friend, that would destroy him soul and
body, His breath is hoots the breath of
the plague; his tongue is a foolish, as well
as a fiery serpent. Ellen, let no drunkard
;become your lover, anti don't trust to pi o•
raises; try them, prove them all, before
you marry.'
'Ellen, that's enough,' interrupted Lar
ry. 'I have heard enough—the two
proofs are enough without words. Now,
hear me. What length of punishment am
Ito have? / won't say that, for Nell,
there's a tear in your eye that says more
than words. Look—/11 m mite no pros nit
sea— but you shall see ; I'll wait yer time
name it; stand the trial.'
And Pm happy to say, for the honor
and credit of thakountry, that Larry did
stand the trial—his resolve was fixed ; he
neve, so much as tasted whiskey from that
time, and Ellen had the proud satisfac
tion of knowing she had saved him from
destruction. Tliev were not, however,
married till e'er Easter. I wish all Irish
maidens would follow Ellen's example.
IVoinan could tin a great deal to prove
that 'the least taste in UP' is a great taste
too much that "osrtv A DROP' is a temp
tation fatal if unresisted.
Great Fire iu Philadelphia:
By the Philadelphia papers of Saturday
we 'earn that one of the most extensive
conflagrations that ever occurred in Phila
delphia, broke out about halt past ten
o'clock on Friday night, and raged with
unceasing fury until late in the morning,
despite the most strenuous and uncreasing
exertions of the fire department. Pout.
son's Advertiser says, that the heat had
at one time become so intense, (the fire
haring communicated to some oil in one
of the stores,) that the flames leaped
across the street and caught to the houses
on the opposite side
We are compelled to give only an
abridged account of this awful and dis
tressing fire ; but have endeavored to give
in substance all the particulars received.
From the U. S. Gazette.—Monday Oct. 7.
The Fire
The fire on Saturday morning was one
of rare occurrence in Philadeiphia, more
extensive and destuctive than we ever
saw here, and tar more so than we, or al
most any other Philadelphian, had suppos
•d it possible there could have occu red in
our city. But the fire occurred in a place
of all others most unfortunate for such an
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(),.. Phase namea in 83tu.c CAPITALS are Democratic Anti-masonic Candidates, the others are
41) Loco Foco, Sub Treasury Candidates. 0
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Murray's Run
Frank ,to wn
event, where oil, brandy, and other coins Two 01 the wounded were carrie I to the all consumed. One aft.eit another they
fell a prey to the irresistable destroyer.
bustible matters arc starred in immense hospital.
quantities, and where, as there are few or William Field, a fireman, was severely The silii,Pin,: hauled it it, and li n os
no families resident, great headway was injured. were injured materially. Tlic 11411 e ,, cM
obtained by the fire berate it was discov- James Smiley, a nie miter a,he Diligent ders and flakes of lire fell in overwhelm
ered, and an intensity of heat caused. Dose Cl/1111)311V, fell into a burning cellar, ing showers, and horror and 'confusion
which could scarcely Ltil of extending the and had his head touch cut and his hawk prevailed.
ravages in spite of the wonted exertions of hurtled. A gentleman who left New York in the
the firemen. Unfortunately there was a James Barber and John Douglass, mem- Ca". assures us that though the flames
hi g h wind blowing down the river, and hers of the Good fi ill engine company, were still raging, the lire was under cost
carrying the flames from building to build- and a member of the Hope Hose comps- trot, and worst crius hail passed by. The
ing with fearful rapidit7. Our reporter ny, whose name we dill not learn, are mis firemen pertoented wonders.
has made the best collection of part.culars sing, and the worst is ferred coot:et : taw , The loss of property is enormous.
relating to the distressing conflagration them. ° From 40 to 51) stores—and those, too, iii
that was in his of the must ',potent commercial ills
Bernard Timothy), also of the latter
aVe deem it our slimly to say, however, c0 „,,„,„ y, i s severe ly burnt. Jacob Kug- met in New York —are now clown, and
that while, perhaps, in no part of the citytar, fireman badly burnt.
all their val mi'de contents consumed,
r fire also broke out in Front.•
could a fire have occurred to destroy so Tirehave just learned that Thomas not Anotli
touch property, ct'rtainly in nit other part ja m a Barber, was an enineer at the Mint street, Broaklyn, in which a large planing
could it have occurred where a wearermill anal several small houses were des
and not a fireman. tiew as taken to the
portion of the property was billy covere I hospital and died in about three hours, tn'Yetit The loss is great, as the fire had
by insurance. Many of the sulierers are Icavin-' a wile anal three children. a bad appearance from the city.
commission merchants, and they hurl in- Robert It '.vitolili and Chitties Ilertnan, A fire occurred at No. lt2ti Washington
members of surance to cover large amounts; but their the Ireceacoe en gins were street. New York, which houses, with the
stocks being at this time small, the amount both seriously injured by a bale or ,
cotton adj"'"'"g :" . e"''''''st "'a* de' 41.11 . 5 " 1 .
insured greatly exceeded that destroyed thrown f
. rom the upper window of one of It i 4 said that the first fire noticed—is,
Ale, W. R. Thompson, we have heard, t h in mi ,,,. Sutton and Carpenter streets—was deo
and we mention it by way of example, as .
lie, perhaps, among those who have lost N1,,..._. We are informed that I w., 111 . three
The fire.nan are now—twelve o'clock, ( le'llY the wt.' k of an incendiary.
M.,—le; the scene of the confla
the most, 1 -ad less than his usual (pawl tygration with their opparatus,
lives were lost daring this calamity,. and
of merchatulize on hand, aud though near. Of fifty-two euildings which were on that a number of persons were severely
Iv all was destroyed, vet his insurance fir e , forty are in total ruin, many of them wounded '
considerably exceeds his la.& large new warehouses. _
In looking at the rains. one is struck at
NEw Vonit, Oct. 6,-12 o'clock, M.
the escape tit certain b 'tidings. l'hat I f ittsseitose
Since yesterday inortiiiig at 11 o'clock,
Messrs. Grant & Stone adjoined the build-
Desirstctive Fires it Olirto N:•w York has been tott ph ideally the city
ing first on fire, thiniaat it was at the
l'ork. a of fires :.. A+ about that time a fire broke
witidward.._ . Nlessrs. 6.'5; S. lose little or
... . .
out on I); vi.ion street, nearly opposite A l
nothi tig. The store of Mr. Itl'llvaine, in
Front street, suff , reil little or nothing,
A Whole Square as!royed: leastreet, anti partially destroyed sever
but it was shielded in part by the build- ._al buildings. Bet WeVII six 111111 seven
sins adjoining, which suffered rather less o'clock the alarm was again sounded.
Reporter RePotter cif Tuesday last This time three houses in Alb my street,
injury th n [lore next north.
says : li e are pained to be crated upon Nos. 5, 8 and 10 were damaged by the ra-
IN e believe that with few exceptions to recited the pa, t.nolars of another very vages of the destructive element. Seine
the merchants saved books and pa destructive ramilaeratiou in New Yuri:— buildings on Carlisle and IVashington
pers. ‘Ve enquired of many whose stores indeed, we should riviter say a set ies of street were also ',tiered.
were early burnt and were happy to leern
fires —as the news before us nietitiiii4s Between twelve and one o'clock, the
that they had met with !to loss in that more than one-- th eugh the principal is of tocsin was again tolled fur a lire in El.
way. The store of Messti. Andrew AI. a truly terrific OtiInICIVI . , and wits raging tlridge near Delanoy street. The best
Jones (.14 Brother was only the third or [then the „„„.„ ili4 li „,, 1 ,, 1 , •
part of the interior lira block, is destroy
fourth front those on fire, vet the papers About iiii,liliglii a fi re broke net in a car- eel in this place. The loss here falls prin.
of Messrs. Jones & Brffiller were all say- pettier's situp at the corner of so timi and cipally upon those olio are least able to
tel, as also were those of Messrs. Newlin Carpentei 's streets, by Odell the work bear it, the poorer clauses of oar Comma-
St Allitione, in the same build:rig,
~, shop, a large hinter and two small tette- 'lily.
The stores i ccupied try NI essrs. C. meats, mere destroyed. W tulle this foe At 1 o'clock, or thereabouts, a fire
King & Co. were destroyed; but little or was burning, another of a most tearful broke oat which has consumed inure price
none of their merchantlize were insured. arid extrusive character commenced in a 'icily than any since our mentinuchle De•
1 The Atari!. was early at the fire, rind five story brick stare, between Fulton centime eicellagration, when nearly one
active in directing his officers for the Pre- stru'et and Burling Slip. The premises Italia the business portion of our city
actuation of property. He ',laced a force were occupied by Mr. S. A. Halsey, as a was laid in ruins. It rommenced in th e
of watchman almtg die burnt district, who
arrested it few p ittee (of C o u ncils) ersmis ena
o ed in Fu
the iller " The flames tin and skin suturer store of I. A. Halsey, 189 Water street,
Mg. The commspread with fearful rapids- nearly opposite to the large building
city property early directed the proper fy. In a few minutes the ware house of generally known as lloit's hotel, and
oilhet t 11, jessop, and A. 9. Cott l e & eurned Dearly the whole of mat :t i ter k, t.,;-,
"H"'"' i °" l. .mr , D ell, to " It "' all F ' s- SOU, were in a blaze—and the engines be- getter with several valuable buildings, in
sible aid in receiving goods into the pelt- ing engaged at the first fire—it wits some two other blocks, which were set on fire
tic buildings.
Buess has been interrupted by tis time before they cuuld arrive at the scene by the sparks.
of this second anti portentous disaster. l'he amount of loss it is impossible
calamity, and some intheidual losses sus
tainell : but we learn that an estimate of ‘1" hen they arrived the volume of fire was even to estimate. Various sums are slam
s,' immense and devouring that the over ed, more and less than $1,000,000. In
the goods destroyed makes them less than had but little e&et upon it. The dome mute ut the attires deetro) ell, it is stated
8360,000, neat ly all of which sum is secu
of llott'it hotel was soon enveloped in ihe th it thert were 8100,009 worth of goods,
red by insurance, and so divided, that
the loss can be sustained by
the canape- destructive element, but the hotel was which weft; all destroyed.
ved up to the time of the lute leaving —
tiles withuut luconvenience. Tr , e s. lerawe , s ,
by wet blankets being hunts all around it. ~ :e '..c.L. , , t a ...z,vzorzuD4
The scene was awfully grand—the A . I . the Ne‘ir tore" of B. E. 4' W
From the N. Gazette. of Saturday, Oct. 5. wind rather high, the streets filled with tli Mc Alurtri..:.
At eight o'clock this morning th e walls persons bewailing their loss, removing 32 Pocces of Splendid IIfERI
lof Enouch Allen's house fell in wilt a their goods, or flying for shelter. Indeed, A CES. ,
trmendoes trash, and buried in the ruins, at half-past three, A. M.,elie whole neigh- 3 6- > ,_, Pieces of Splendid CASI
as we learn pusitively, a fireman named borhood was apparently threatened with ilir NETTS.
W. Moreland, a tneutber, of the Good one wide and sweeping destitution. A large variety of Fancy S'iawls, an
Will engine. He was iustantly killed. The fire crossed Front street, and extensive assortment of Fall Goads. The
Others it is feared were mortally hurt. thence towards Water ; the edifices are whole, of which, will be disposed 'of cheap i
In our paper of to-day the official re
! turns of this county are given, and it will
he seen, that the entire Democratic Tick.
was elected. That the poor Loco Fo.
ens have been defeated, notwithstanding
'he employment of Joseph Ri ter at 83 per
lay to electioneer, and
,to hire mercena
ries to vote their ticket; notwithstanding
the active and unremitting watchings of a
canal officer on the one side of the win
dew, and the Loco Foco editor on the oth
er, they have failed—notwithstanding the
introduction of about five hundred wan
dering mercenaries into the county, who
boast, that they were brought;here to vote
Notwithstanding a wicked, and shameful
apathy among our friends. Still we have
beatep them ; and had the turn out been
as ge9eral as devoted patriotism should di-
F 1134,1 01F THE PEOPLE! !recta •our majority could not have been
Kr A single term for the Presidency, and less 66; 800. We were never stronger
th e office thninistered for the whole PEO
PLE. and not for a PART Y. in old Huntingdon than at present,
A Humid, uniform and convenient Na-I The people of this county have given
CURRENCY, adapted to the wants of
unkr t h eirverdict up o n the character of James
o w whole COUNTRY, instead of the
%:.; I ERS brought about by our present Steel Esq. who was pronounced a state
'robber by the Venango Treasurer. Dr. Es.
FON M ill the administration et . public affairs, py, and his swearers may now hang their
il7•Tired of Experiments and Experi- heads in shame. The investigation • was
m,..ter., Republican gratitude will reward g
miobstrusive merit, by elevating the sub- commenced in this county, to break down
Ahern of WASHINGTON and the desciple of
, r. Steel; and ,if possible, the party ;
JEFFKRSoN, aid thus resuming the side an d
with him they trusted to their transported
beaten track of our Fathers,—L. Gazette,
'slaves to beat down the people , but they
have failed, .old Huntingdon is still safe"
—and, although billy m'cay says we are
not believed in this county, we feel the
happy assurance that he is in far worse
credit, poor fellow it is a chilly atmos
pher for such articles in this county.
The Locos became confident of suc
cess when they stocked the canal with suc
kers to vote down the people. Where are
they now 7 can any one tell--yet they,
like their great head, swore up to the
chalk, and satisfied litter and his compan
ions that they were not cowards.
We need only look at the result to see
the character of their party. The molt
honorable and correct man on their ticket
has the least number of votes. Had he
been a beast and a blackguard like Tom
WElwee, he would have been the high
est. Mr. Campbell their candidate for
Register, had every necessary qualifica
tion, but, having the lead of unpopular
candidates to carry on his shoulders it lit
terly broke him down, and he run behind
his ticket. He carried his load very well
while running the cow palls of the Big
Lick Woods ; but, the moment he took
the big road he was gone—crushed by the
weight on his shoulders, the remaining
part of the ticket ran by and beat him out.
An effort was made at Hollidaysburg to
trade oil one of our members; we rejoice
that it failed.
One country, one constitution, one destiny
flusilingthin, Oct. 16. 1839
Densperatic Wintimasonie
Liectoriat Ticket.
JOHN A. SHULZE, ? Seleto'l
6th do WILLIAM S. 1 - IINDEU,
10th do JOHN HARPER,
13th do JOHN M'KEEH AN, _
14th do JOHN REED.
15111 do NATHAN BEACH,
19th do Gvx. JOSEPH MARKLE,
1 22 d do HAR MAR DENNY.
25th do JOHN DICK.
Our citizens will be not a !lade cc
joieed when they learn that "pacer" has
been enabled to pace by the fastest nags
of the Luco Focus, and has-;;aced into
the Prothonatory's office. Notwithstan
ding his visiting the "sick nigger;" and
notwithstanding Dr. Espy was sent by
Porter up here to make an investigation,
anticipating, that their falsehoods might
injure him. But pacer took the track
from the score, and kept it with ease. The
Register's office will be again filled by a
vompetent man, aho showed his friends
that when he was taken up, they were not
lea►iing open a broken Ree l.
Look out tbr sluivers.
The present uncertain condition of our
currency, will be a signal for the land
-.harks to make their way into the coon.
try, to dupe and 'lecieve the citizens out
of their paper money. Every pedlar who
presents himself, will pronounce his ana
theme against all banks, until he has suc
ceeded in buying their notes at half price.
We tell all our reader s to be on their
guard. Oar banks are in a sound cumuli
lion, and we confidently hope that the
present pressure will only be of tempora
ry duration.
The U. S. Bank.
' It is a little laughable to see the course
of the Loco Focos, relative to this bank.
Four weeks agocien she took the State
loan, as t Aritystime said, against the
team • c4 , ,,ef Dickey, Penrose, and
Stevens; then she had nobly come to the
relief of the country. But another ohange
has come over the spirit of their dreams,
Wnen they threw themselves into the et:
braces of that matt harlot 01 corruption .
'the U.S. Bank. the: not ^^!o
suspension. Much less did they expect
that she would be the first to show the
white feather. lint they bouj„lit her, and
paid her four hundred thousand dollars to
be the magnet of the Loco Foco party.
Nick Biddle was gone, and they could
manage her now. But behold she is the
first bank to close her specie vaults; and
the poor Focos, in bitterness of heart go
back to the dog, and say the old monster
is worse than ever; that she is the rot.
tenest bank in the State. If this be true,
then they are treating their laborers pret
tily indeed. They are paid in the bills of
this rottenest bank," for she is the bank-
er of their party.
The Election.
The entire Anti-masunic ticket is elec
ted, except one member and Register.—.
Our Sheriff and county Commissioner are
elected ; thus saying that Judge Porter
cannot be sustained in his desire to pack
juries. The election was very small we
The whole Loco Foco ticket has beep
elected. The same in Perry, Juniata.
Cambria, Bedlord, York, Montgomery,
Chester, and Philadelphia county.
l las done her duty nobly. She stand•
with Summerset, Lancaster, .Adams and
Huntingdon; marked 'A. No. 1 " al
ways right
Franklin county has gone with the Lu
co Fucos. Cannot our friends see the ef
fects of the Chambersburg Convention in
all this—Cumberland has gone also the
same way.
The.dag of equal right still wares its
triumph over little Indiana. Our whole
ticket has been successful.
Centre County has been thrown into a
considerable turmoil. IVe understand
that a part if not the entire ticket, regular
ly nominated by the Loco Focus has beeis
The " Standard " exults loudly about
the election in Dauphin county. lle
hallooing before he was out of the woods.
thinking that they had carried thier ticket.
tie says that the people have "struck foe
equal rights, and the purity of the jury
box, and against the vile persons who in
flict punishment upon freemen for asser
ting their rights." Now this in plain
English we suppose means, that if the
nutiority of Dauphin county had been Lo•
co, Then the conduct of their Sheriff, Cont. !
missioner, and worst of all, Judge Porter,
would have been sanctioned. That the
attempt upon the part of their county
,board, to impannel a party jury was sits:,