HUXTIA GDOX' Cabinet & Chair Warr Le, nom. THE Subscribers respect fully intorn the citizens of Huntingdon, and th. community at large, that they hare taker, the Store formerly occupied by L. Gotta. at the west end of Market streeet, when they are prepared to sell wholesale cr. re. tale, any article in their line of business: such as SIDEBOARDS , SECRETARIES , SO • PAS, BUREAUS, WORK-STANDS, CARD, PIER, CENTRE, 1)1- NING & BREAKFAST 1 MILES. High, Field, French, and low post bed steads; Ru.ll bottom, Balb, Bent, Balti more , straight back , Bostop pattern, anti common rocking ,1111' CHAIRS. Venitian blinds of all color , qualities and sizes; Paper Hanging of various patterns and qualities. CUNNINGHAM & lIURCHINELL. Huntingdon, June 5, 1839. Oc" - Cuffins made, ant funerals atten ded either in the country or town, at the shortest notice. New Establishment. IMPORTANT TO Farmers. MINE undersigned begs leave respect, JiL fully to inform the farmers of (dun• tiogdon, Bedford, and the adjoining coun ties, that he is manufacturing his newl y improved THRESHING MACHINES AND HORSE POWERS, in illarttn•l.urg, Bedford county, where he will be happy to furnish any who may want a superior article in that line. As the Horse Power is new, and materially different from any hitherto invented, ano the undersigned a stranger to most of the farmers in this part of the State, he has been induced to procure a certificate from the following gentlemen who have pur chased maehin.'s of him last winter, and have tried them to their own satisfaction. Their certificate will be sufficient to sat isfy any rens noble person who may be disposed to do , tb', that they are not a, mere urreri d experiment, but that then• have been well tested here as well as in other portions of the State. The char acter of the gentlemen whose names are attached to the following certificate (like that of the machin.), needs no oilvr rec ommendation THAN TO BE KNO WN N. No other person k authorized to sell the above Horse Power in this or any of the adjoining . rouniies. JAMES P. ROSS, PAttentee. We the undersigned, farmers and citi tens of Bedford and Iltintingolon coun ties, tin hereby certify , that we have threshed our grain during the past winter with James P. Ross' improved patent }lime Power and Threshing Machine.' And in justice to the inventor, we cheer fully and unhesitatingly pronounce it in our estimation fa , s spermr to any machine fur that you we have hitherto seen. We would therefore reccommentl them to n ny farmers who wish to avail them selves of the opportunity of gettinz ma chines in which we as yet have been unable diserer the smallest ,•e !T ho m Jilin Ntoaer, David Sork , y, Law B wee, Jon Ni.ndemus, Geoege 117axio4I Kinkead, Geo , ge Gear, C. E. Kinkead. Coughs -and Colds. How many sufferers do we daily behold afflicted with that common and distressing disease! D) we not fold that almost every pers , n or friend we meet with complains of a hail COLD or a distressing COUGH? We gas and in assemblies of all kinds that there, is a continual coughing, by which we perceiv e Oat there is one halt of the human family afflicted with that troublesome disease. If those sufferers .1,111 only make a trial of Dr Swayne's Syrup or wild cherry they would soon find themselves relieved., and by continuing the use of the same for a l few days, it will effect a 'permanent cure. Hundreds can testify to this fact, as in the short space of two months, upwards of five hundred bottles have been sold. The syrup for sale at Jacob Miller's storri Huntingdon Pa. A VAIR7JD• DR. G. W. GREEN TENDER% Ills NERVICEs IN THE I'IIACTICE MEDICINE AND SURGERY, To the citizens of WATztt STREET and Vicinity, and hopes, by prompt attention to the tfitiei oflus profession, to merit a share of pat rona,ve. DR. ORF.EN bee leave to state he is a graduate of !he Philadelphia schools, & has testimonials of ability to practice from the first medical authority in Pcnnsylva- P. S.—tie may be loun•l 'at Mr. Gra- A.m . + Hotel, in liVateritreet, when not rofestdonally engaged. ll'aters , r,wt, ad. April. 1854. PEXCHANGE BANK AND V./ P/A G 46 Li STITUTIOA No. 66 South 4th Street, Philadelphia. 0..9.11T - 4 .1.1 43250,000. Open daily for the transaction of business, z'rnitt 9A.M. to P. M. Deposites of Money reeeived. for which he following rate of Interest will be allow d. 1 year 6 per cent. per annum. 6 mo's 6 14 ad 3 .. .. 4 .. Business Deposites, to be drawn at the Ileo'are of the Depositor, no interest will be , Ilowed. The current Notes of Solvent inks, in every part of the United States. vi,l be received as Special Deposites, on .uch terms as may be agreed on in each par i.icular case. BY ORDER or THE BnARD. J. DESSAA. Cashier. .Phi'adelphia Dec. 19, 1838. STOVE D Tl.7* oua co lp P. DE Subscriber respectfully informs tht utblic, that he has removed his shop to th. :orner of Market Square, in the h• use for Airily occupied as a tavern, by Ales. LARMON where lie has on hand e gen. oral assortment of GOOD TIN WARE Aluch he will sell cheap at whole sale to retail. House spouting will he put on at the shortest notice. He also has on hand a zeneral assortment of Sheet Iron ware, Stove pipe, Drums, Dripping pans, Coal Scuttles etc. He has also a general as .irtment of HOLLOW-WARE, every size .ofPors, Mesh: Kettles. teakettles, Ind oval boilers. Of STOVES he has a zreat variety—of all sizes of wood cook ing stoves, and coal stoves with Sheet Iron tops, all of handsome patterns, and of superior quality of casting, and are fin. fished with tin or clipper, and in finish are not inferior warp/ in the county. C.& a. All orders will be punctually attended to, and thankfully received. Every ar icle cheap for cash. lie hopes by punctuality, and carefull tvention to business, to merrit a good •hare of Public Patronage. WILLI Ult B. ZIG LER Huntingdon June 19. 1939.—1 Y. BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTORY. THE SUBSCRIBER respectfully in forms his friends, and the public gener ally, that he has commenced the ;thrive business, and is now prepared to manufac ture all kinds of LADIES' )IND GENTLEMEN'S BOWS AND SHOES, and all work to order. at the shortest notice, in the most due tble manner. li e hopes by ''' ''''''' to business, to merit a share of public p itronage. tMES BROWN. Waterstreet, May, 7th 1839. rpTwo or three gond Journeymen ate wanted immediately, at the above establish ment, to whom liberal wages and constant employment will be given. . _ 'TAM aalroxtrair. of FOREIGN LITERiI f URE SCIEAC I AAA) n . 2 T Ts published every month by E. Little & Cu., 212 Chesnut Street, Philadelphia. six &liars a year, payable it advance. Di... :ant subscribers are requested to remit a $5 ,ute nn account. With the 1838 begins the Fourth Vo drne of 1 New Series. complete sets of erlii be furnished at Two Dollars and a half mund. The New Series is begun because we are ro longer able to supply orders lot complete sets of the old. CON TENTS OF THE JUNE NO. State and Prospects of Asia Field Mar shal Suwaroff Hallowed Ground tinimets by the Sketcher L tdy Chatterton's Ram bles in Irel n d M•j Thirty years in Indirt New S , uth Wales Dr. Johnsen, Wars of Charlemaet,e in Spain—Hero ines of Burnes Memoirs of Aaron Burr— The Popular Songs of Ireland—Assassins & Ball Fights The Father, from real lite Farewell to England Dim Crow in French The Ft Test l'ree is only a Drop, an I , ish story John Fitch A letter from tip per Canada Richard Parker, the Mutineer —The Fr, zen Prophet—Scottish Widow', Lament—The P• et's Haunt•—Em-lv Amer ican Heroism— The Wife to her HU , band • The Prison D or -Jack Sherri:lt d—Nichola, Nick Irby— Cornelia-- The D . parted—The Dream—Adversity—Stephen's Travels ie Greece, Turkey and Russia---The Black Douglass --Rhymes from Ruckert. VALUABLE PILDPEILICY For Sale. WI LL be sold at private sale, one third of the Clinton property, sit uatetl on Itaystmtn Branch, on ohich is erected a Forge, a Gnat Mill, and a Saw together with suitable dwelling hou• ses. There is about 700 Acres of Land, of which shout one hundred is cleared. It is supposed that the Slack Water nevi vitinn will go right past the Forge. The works are now conducted under thefirm of Hopkins, Beigle & Co. Persons de sirous of purchasing, will please to call upon George P. Mattern now living at Rebecca Forge Stone Creek and every satisfaction will be rendered. The terms will be made favor able. Jane 26, 1839. —6t. To the Public 0::r The article published below, eon . cerning the new and popular doctrine ad- FHE public are hereby informed, that ,vancett by tne illustrious Goelicke of Ger- JACOB MILLER has bee n app. inted agent ma.' v, calm .t fail of exciting a deep and fur Huntingdon county, for the sale of Dr. thrilling inlet est throughout our coon- Evans' Camomile and family apei lent pills, hr. where all those that ne. d me dime, can be -' supplied as he intends always to have a sup-` q zi q ply on hand. qp_ IF AND HEA urti,—Persons whuse l , LTranda!ed from the German.] iaai liervys have been injured by Calondle, . LOUIS OFFON GOE F LICK I, or excessive grief, great loss of blood, the sup, pression of accustomed discharges or cuts I OF GERMANY, ile. us, intemperate habits, or other causes which tend to relax and . nervate the nee- TIIE fir'llEall EST OF HU. votv, system, will find H friend to vonthe andl,toet Omni, in_PIANS'_ CAMOMILE! Maga' REA EFJCIr ORS. PILLS. Thnse afflicted with Epilepsy or Falling Sickness, Palsy, Seri, us Apt ph xy, I . and organic affections if the heart, Vomiting, pains in the side, breast, limbs, head, sti , mach or back, will find themselves' minediately relieved, by using EVANS' CAMOMILE AND APERIENT I PILLS. DR. EVANS does not pretend to say that tis medicine will cure all diseases that flesh in blond are heir t , but he does says that it ad Dthilitatecl and Impaired Constitutions , —iii Nervous diseases of all kinds, partictelar •v of the DIGES FIVE ORGANS, and in incipient Cinsumpiion, whether id the lungs r liter, they will cure. That dreadful dis •ase, CONSUMPTION, might have been ...lucked in its commencement, and disate painted its prey all ever the land, lithe first symptoms of Nervous Debility had bre,, ci , upteracted by the CAMOMILE FLOW ER chemically prepared; to,;ether with many other diseases, where other remedies have proved fatal. H iw many persons do we daily find tortu red with t'eet dreadful disease. SICK HE AD I,CHE, If they would only make • e hal of this invslu Mir medicine, they wt old perce lee that life is a pleasure and not a ' cource t f misery and abhorrence. In condo I would warn nervous persons against the abstraction of BLOOD, eithe- by let cli ps, eupping, or the empli , yment e f the lancet. Drastic purgatives in delicate habits are al , m .at equ illy impr. per. Those are prac tices too often re-some to in such cases, but they seldom fail to prove highly injurious. Certificet , a of cures are daily received which add sufficient testimony . of the great efficacy if this invalu dime, in ri lievin; af flicted mankind. The above medicine is fur side at ,j, t e,,b Miller's store, 11;itingtion, VERY carol{ 1'AVI."10 FARMERS. The Suuscrihers offer °ff.r for sale their improved celebrated Thra•vhing , Ma chines, at their Sh p. in Hllll[lllo tit and' Lewistown. By application, made by mail or otherwise to John Switzer, 11 ull tingdon—or Arthur B. Lung, Lewistown, I fennel s can be accommodated on the most reasonable terms. For running easy, doing the work well, and for durability; they , defy the State of Pennsylvania to ex ceed them. Those who wish it, can have a straw carrier attached to their Machine, which will be a great advantage in thrash ing, one hand less will be retoired to take away the straw, and the caving much more easily performed. By an agreement with the Pa , entee's, we have the Exclu sive Privilege of building and selling. in the county's of Perry Juniatta, IlltalinFdon and part of C'am'iria. If Farmers, will consult their own Interest, and keep free from trouble—they will beware of buying. Akestnes. of ally kind, with the Strop paustug under the Horses feet unless matte and sold by us, as the Pattent Lutes, will bq Strictly enforced. A. B. LONG, & Co. June, 4. 1839.—Y. 3. 14. I)'t. sway t! . e's . C?ln pound S:yrup of pro nut of Gsrpniana or wild I err, y. Phis syrup is highly . beneficial in all perm ral affections; also. In diseases of the chest in which the lungs do not perform thek proper office from want of due nervous energy: such as asthinas„ pulmonary con sumption, recent or chronic coughs, hoarse ness, whooping cough, wheezing and ,dif acuity of breathing, croup and spitting of blond, 4-c. Dow many sulterms do we daily behold approaching to an untimely grave, wrested in the blm of youth from their dear relatives and friends, sacted Stith that common and destructive rays ' ger, called consumption, which soon was's the miserable sufferer until they become beyond the power of human skill; it such sufferers would (Illy make a Itial of Dr. Swayne's invaluable medicine, they would ;min find themselves benefittett; than by gulphing the vatious ineffective certain remedies of which our newspapers daily ' abound. This syrup immediately begins to heal the ulcerated lungs, stopping pro use night swt ats, mititigating the distres sing cough at the sante tune inducing a lealthy and natural expectoration, also re deving the shortness of breath and pain in the chest, which harrasa tic sufferer on the slightest exercise, and finally the liec. tic flash in the pallid and emaciated cheek will soon begin to vanish, and the sultrier will here peceive himself snatched born lremature grave, into the enjoyment again. if comfortable health. Fur sale at Jacob Miller's store Hunt D 113201112101/ or CO-PARTNERSHIP. TK B notice that the partnership' heretofore existing under the firm of I). P. Tussey, & Co., in Sinking Valley,' Huntingdon county, Pa. was dissolved by mutual consent, in March last. HENRY M'MULLEA, ARMSTRONG CRAW! ORD, DAVID P. TUSSEY Sinking Valley, May 2.), 1839. The books are now in the hands of Armstrong Crawford fur settlement, and all those whom this notice may concern will do well to call on or before the first! day of September next, and settle thtir I respective accounts. bt. 1 IMISE • Citizens of :A Ili, and South .lisserica, To LOUIS OFFON GOELICKE, M. D., 0 Germany, [hurope] belongs the imper- I ishable honorol adding a ma'amd precious doctrine to the Sciences of Medicine—a doctrine which, though vehemently op• posed by many of the faculty, (of which Ihe is a valuable member,) he proves to be as well founded intruth as ally doctrine of Holy Writ—a doctrine upon the variety of which are suspended tae lives of to:I -lions of our race, and which he boldly challenges his opposers to :elute, viz: Consumption is a disease always occa sioned by a disordered state of Vis Vitae (or hte principl e) of the human body: of ten sect illy la, king in thesis eta for years be/are I , ,er, is the least complaint of the! Lungs—spud which may be us certainly 1 thou g h not so quickly, cured as a com mon cold o- a simple headache. All in valuably precious (worn - e this, as it im- parts an important lesson to the apparently 'health of both sexes, teaching tiwin that {this insidious foe may he an unobserved inmate of their "clayey houses" even while thty imagine tnemselves secure from its attacks, teaching them that the great secret in the art of preserrtng health H is to pluck nut the disewe whi/e in the . blade, and not wa:e till the full grown ~ear. This illustrious benefactor of man is al so entitled to your unfeigned gratitude, 'and the gratitude of a world, for the in• vention of his matchless sanative,—whose healing fiat may justly claim for it such a title, since it has so signally triumphed over our great common enemy con4unip Lion, both in the first and last stages,— medicine which has thoroughly tired the vacunrn in the Meieria Jl etlica,anti there by proved itself the Converor of Physi cians—a medicine, for watch all manhenti will have abundant cause to bless the beneficient hanu of a kind Pruvidence,- inedlcine, whose wondrous virtues have been so glowingly put teased even by some of our clergy, in their pastoral visits to the sick chamber; by wlt ch means they ,often become the happy instruments of changing despondency into hope, sickness into health, and sa.lness of friends into joyfulness. GOELICIPIES. MATCHLESS SANA- T I VE, medicine of mole value to mar, than the vast unties ul Austria, even the united treasures lit our globe.—a medicine, which is obtained equally from the vegetable, animal and mineral kingdoms, :Intl thus possesses a thin fold power,—a medicine, which though designed us a remedy lot consumption onlely, is possessed of a nivs• terious influence over many diseases of the human system,--a medicine, wit. ch begins to be valued by Physicians, n are daily witnessing its astonishito• cut • of litany whom they hail resigned' to grasp of the Insatiable Grave Dose or the Sanative, for adults, of • drop; thr children a hall drop; and f infants, a trial ter drop; the directions ex - i plaing the manner of taking a half or a quarter drop. Pat c:,--Three and one third rix dol lars* (32,50) per lIALF OCIN CE. IA German coin, value 75 cents. A certificate from three members of the MEDICAL PROFESSION in Germany, in Europe. We the undei su : tied, practitioners of medicine in Germany' are well aware that, by our course, we may forfeit the friendship of some of the faculty, but not of. its benevolent members, who are uninfluenced by selfish motives. Though we shall refrain from an expression of our :pinion, either of the soundness or unsoundness of Dr. Goelicke's new doc bine, we are happy to say that ae deem his Sanativ too valuable not to be general ly known—for what our eves behuld and our ears hear, we must believe. We hereby state, that when Dr. Louis Offim Goelicke first Caine before the Ger man public, as the pretended discoverer of a new doctrine and a new medicine, we held him in the highest contempt, believ ing and openly pronauncing him to be a base imposter and the prince of quacks. L'ut. on hearing so much said about the Sanative, against it and fur it, we were induced, from motives of curiosity mere ly, to make trial of its reputed virtues, upon a number of our most hopeless pa tients; an d we now deem it our bounden duty (even at the expense of our self in terest) publickly to acknowledge its effi cacy in curing not only consumption, but other fearful maladies, which we have heretofore belived to be incurable. Ori contempt for the discoverer of this medi .tine was at once swallowed up in our ut• to astunishtnent ut these unexpected re sults; and, as amends for ourabuse of him. we do frankly confess to the MOI lii, that we believe him a philanthropist who does honor to the profession, and to our coun try, nhich gave him birth. The recent adoption of this medicine in to some of our European hospitals is a iutlicient guaranty that it performs all its promises: It need not our testimoy, f in • wherever it is used it is its own best wit ness. HERMAN ETMULLER, M. D. WALTER VAN GAULT, M. D. ADOLPHUS WERNER, M. D. Germany, December 10, 1836. The above precious medicine (the ori,t,r• inal discovery of Dr. LOUIS O. GOEL IC K E, of Germany,) is for sale, wholesale and retail, by, L. G. KESSLER. AGENT Fop Mill reek. JAMES ENTRIKEN, Jr. Agent for Colfy Run. Agent fur Colrain Forges. 1). STEWART. Huntingdon County, Pa. Important Discovery. The public are hereby directed to the me dical advt. rtisements of Dr. H RLICH'S Celt bmted COMPOUND 51 REM; I H. ENING TONIC, and GERAMNAPEit lENT which are a Mtua...ine ut great value h. the afflicted, t iscover, d O. P. HAIHACH, a celebrated physician at A ltdorl, Germany, which has hi ea used with uhpara lc.ed success throughout G:rmany. Fuss Medicine consists of twit kinds. the GERMAN AP Ell ILN T, am. the COMPOUND S'I'REN IHENING NIC I'll.LS. 1 hey are each put up in small packs, and should be used to LE. ct a permanent cure. Thus,: who are adli,cted would do well to make a tri.d of thus P4stlicine, as bury never produce sickness or nausea while u,hug. A safe and t ctual remedy fa. DYSPEPs .1 OR 1.1 DICES? lON, and all Stomach Complaints; pain in the SIDE, LIVER COMPLAIN IS, Loss of dippaitr, blatulency, Pulfillut.on if the lie.ut, Geaerai Debility. Nervous Ire HEADA,t,tIE, Female Dar, an, Spuoniud.c Alf Clio., RHEUM:I IsM LON:JUMP 1 lON , &c. 'file GERMAN APEMEN I PILLS are to c vanse toe stinnac•i and purify We BLOOD ,I hr . I . lmiCitr I RENG ITIENING are to S I ItENG t It EN and Ins ate the nti yes and diges.iye organs and give tone to the Stomach, as all des. as. s it gilidte hint unpin ides it the BLOOD and disordered Stiam,co. imaie of treating tlisexsl S is put•smd by all practical PHYSICIANS, which experience has taught th. m to be the • Indy ri.intdy to tilt ct a cure. They are II t only rich mint !Mud and prescribe by the most exprramea ti Physicians in their daily practice, but als taken by those gentlemen themselves whenever they feel the symp toms of thosc diseases, in which they know them to bet flicaciot s. is the case in all large rides 111 which they have an ex• teliSlVe sale. It is out to be understand that these medicines will Cu , e a.l diseases mei', ly by purifying the I,l , l,d—this they will tint d. ; but they certainly will, HIM sufficient atanority of thily pr,als asserting that tin,se amines. t Ikea as rtcolimm.led by the di . vections which accompany them, will cure a great ni ility if diseases of the stom.ich, lungs and liver, by ii hich impwittes of the 11111.