AI) V ERTISEMENTS E XOHANGE BANK AND S STITUTIOA • No. 66 South 4th Street, Philadelphia. 0AP1T...91. $250,000. Open daily for the transaction of business, from 9 A. M. to a P. M. a.posites of Money received. for which the following rate of Interest will be allow• ed. 1 year 6 per cent per annum. 6 niu's 6 3 4 .. .. 4 4 OR Business Deposites, to be drawn at the pleasure of the Depositor, no interest will be allowed. The current Notes of Solvent banks, in every part of the United States, will be received as Special Depusites, on such terms as may be agreed on In each par ticular case. BY ORDER Or THE BOARD. J. DESSAA, Cathier. Philadelphia Dec. 19, 1838. STO V S. The Subscriber respectfully informs the public, that he has on hand a general assort ment of COOK, COAL; NINE PLATE STOVES• Also Stove Pipe and I'in Ware, which he will sell wholesale and retail, at his •hop. maza2alte Oclwaslui. IEI 11/ CO• II • (opposite C. Couts Tavern) He hopes by careful and strict attention t, his busines, n give satisfaction to al! to favor him with his patronage, WILLIAM B. ZIGLER. Huntingdon October 16 1838. THRASHING MACHINES. "I RAUB and LONG does continue to ferry on the business at their shop in Hun tingdon where Farmers can he accommoda- , ted,l where John Switzer is their agent to! Wsnsact all business for them. STRAUB & LONO. N. B. John Switzer is authorisod to col lect all money due, A. B. and G. H. Long,i desirous of getting their business to a close,! customers will please to pay as soon as pus- • A. B. & G. H. LONG Huntindor Nov. 2, 1838-1. NEW FIRM. HATTING BUSINESS, AND FUR STORE. D%VID SNYDER & SON respect fully inform their friends and the pub lic generally, that they have JUST RE fEIVED A New + Handsome assortmen of articles in their line of business Which they offer to the public CHEAP, for, cash or country produce, consisting of the following articles, viz:— Best quality of Otter Caps, latest fashion, Common - City made Hats of the latest fashion, and also of their own manufacture, Women's a.,d Men's Fur Gloves, Collars and Tippets for Ladies. Country Merchants will be supplied with HATS of their own manufacture on a rea sonable credit, and at as low a price as they ottn be purchased in Philadelphia. DAVID SNYDER & SON. Hentingdon, Nov. 28, 1838. TrN TER ES TIN G case of Dyspepsia 4aand Hypocondriackism, cured by Dr,' Evans' Camomile Tonic and Family Aperi-I ent Pills.—Mrs. Good of Mount Joy, Lan caster county, was affected for 7 tears with the above distressing symtoms, of which she was confined to her bed for 9 months Her symtoms were— depression of spirits, sick ness at the stomach, headache, impaired ap petite, great pressure and weight at the .stomach, after eating, great mental despon- TAN ERY, .stomach , flying pains in the chest, back and sides, costiveness, emaciation, coldness and weakness of the extremeties, a dislike for viT PRIVATE • SALE. • • involuntary . ;society or conversation, sighing The subscriber offers for sale his land weeping, and langour and lassitude upon Farm , the least exercise. Mrs. God was in the & TannttA most desperate situation, and could obtain no relief until she was advised by her neigh. Ctuated in McConnellstown, Huntingdon to make trial of Dr. Evans' Camomile Pills a ounty, only 5 miles from the Canal Basin of which she is happy to state, that she is t Huntingdon. how enjoying all the blessings of perfect THE TANNERY, nealth. Persons desirous of further infor mation will be satisfied of every particular Is situated by the side of a never tailin stream of water and from which the yard i applying at 19, their astonishing cure by at her supplied by the means of a wheel. Th North Bth street, Philadelphia, residence. Frame building. There is a superior Bark The above medicine can be had at the Stores of E. H. Curtis, Springfield, Del. co, Mill in the second story, which delivers the H. P. Lloyd, Daroy. ground Bark on to the first floor. There is H. L. Vowel, Chester. also every other convenience that can be needed. Connected with the Tannery August 24, 1838. also, a tract of good II Timber Land, from which a sufficient supply of bark can ways be obtained. THE FARM LAND, and Buildings connected therewith are of the best kind, being 15 Acres of Limestone Land, costly cleared and under good fence, The Buildings are situated on two town Lots, consisting of a Three Story Stone house, in well calculated for a store or tavern, and a small Bank Barn, On the same lot with the Tannery, is also, a good and convenient though small dwelling house, suitible for a l tenant. The whole of the above property will be sold on the best Terms, possession will be' given next spring or fall. Any further in formation can be had by applying to the subscriber on the Place, or of Dr. Jacob Hoffman at Huntingdon. PATRICK LANG. McComiellst .wn Huntingdon / C aunty, Nov. 28, 1838. The Lancaster "Examiner" please pub lish 4 times and charge this Ate. TOTHE PUBLIC. mid, remedies, the mines of which are r oocealed and of which they know nothins. DR. EVANS' PILLS. That dreadful scourge, GONSUMPTION, might have been checked in its commence byall3)l.l2. 11 \ TZ . 3 Evans'(93 7 - 112 ,..., meat , and disappointed of Its prey, all fiver Camomile . 1 ufficithe la •d, if the first symtoms of Nervous land Family Aperient Pills.—Benjamin Brown, corner of Shippen and George streets Debility} % had been counteracted by CAM , y p !Philadelphia, was affected fur seven OMILE with extreme nervousness, y was e ars bowel co chemicall pre ared, and those by which he complaints, which lead to a host of fatal ma l a di es, not able to write his name—his symtoms fa might have been obviated hat alkine of Rhubarb. were, eruscation, daily spasmodic pains in tine the head, loss of appetite, palpitation of the whi ch is a leadin al g ingre extract dient in the Aperi ent Family Pills. Before both of those med heart, giddiness anti dimness of sight, utter i c i nes, inability of engaging in any thing that de- which are adapted to a majority of the purposes for whi' li a hundred others manded vigor or courage, sickness of the are unnenessaril us d, fevers, agues, bil- stomach, impaired appetite, coldness and ions disorders, Ileadache, female debility, v weakness of the extremeties, emaciations, and extreme debility, disturbed rest, a sense male decline, indigestion, and liver com of pressure and weight at the stomach after, plaint, would have entirely disappated, where of them have proved fatal. eating, great mental despondency, severe; _ flying pains in the chest, hack and side, cos-) tiveness, a dislike for society and conversa-, 1.,?,E M A L E S who are troubled with lion, Mr. B. has made trial of various me- 'I -L sick headache, faintings, or giddiness, dicines now before the public, but to no ef- i palpitation of the heart, lowness of spirits, feet, until, observing in a public paper some .loss of appetite, pain in the side, general de cures performed by Dr. Wio. Evans' Cam. bility, or bodily weakness, rejections of food, omile Tonic and Family Aperient Pills, lie &c., may be effectually restored to health was induced to give them a trial, of which by using Dr. EV ANS' CAMOMILE 'l'o - is at any lime happy to state, that they NIC and FAMILY APERIENT PILLS, effectually cured him of the above distres- which are invariably- recommended by all sing disease• those that have used the invaluable media. i/jr- Persons who doubt the above cure, cine. Perseverance In the use of this inval are most respectfully directed to the above uable madicine, sill undoubtedly effect a mentioned person, at the north west corner cure even in the most acute or obstinate of Shippen and George streets, diseases, but in such cases the dose may be BENJAMIN BROWN, augmented according to the inveteracy of October 17, 1838. the disease; these Pills being so admirably adapted to the constitution, that they may .......,_ be taken at all times and under any circum- T 1V ER COMPLAINT, cured stan c es. aid General Depot, No, 19, North tehieby Dr. Wm. Evans' Camomile'Tonic and Aperient Pills.—Mrs. ytl, I‘ , / . u i it Bthsti stree t, Philadelp hia . The a b ove medi cine can be had at the Joy, Lancaster, co. Pa., completely restored pre to health, by Dr. Evans' Camomile Pills • Store of Samuel F. Green & co, in the Her symtoms were, great pain in her right Borough of Huntingdon. side, could not lie on her left side without an TO THE PUBLIC , aggravation of the pain disturbed rest. Ex treme di bility, pains in the head, loss of ap- I, Michael Brode, of the county o petite, palpitation of the heart, giddiness Huntingdon, Pa., do certify, that I was and dimness of sighg reat dt, langour erangements with otherin for 12 years a ffl icted with dyspepsia, and sym the function of the Liver.—Miss L ytle . in that time applied to several physicians, daughter of the aforesaid Mrs• Lytle, has one of whom decidedly the most distin 'also beets restored to perfect health by the guished in Westmoreland co, pronoun ;same invaluable Medicine. Her symtoms ced my case entirely out of the reach of l ' were extreme Nervousness, attended with a medicine severe pain in her side, sickness on the sto- • 1 mach, eruct;ons, the. Mrs. Lytle has the For the last six years previous to the !pleasure of informing the public that nu _ 15th slay of June, 1838, I was not able to Imerous cases similar to her won, (in her vi- do a single day's work, and the digestive cinity) have been restored to health by the !powers of my stomach were so comptete 'same invaluable Medicine. General Office, iy prostrated, that in many instances I ifr on t i li c e i ;a i l l e s, of Datr.,,ro:mi.9,E;lnonrtsh' C a thms°tmreielet ; vomited my victuals in '2O hours after IPhiladelphia, a few doors above Market. having . eaten them, on which not the least October 17, 1838. !sign of digestion appeared. On the 4th of June last, I set out for 'the purpose of procuring a certificate from 'Dr. Wm. Richard of Trough Creek , Hunt., county, to exempt me from a fine for the non-performance of military duty on the regular days of training in May last, and it was with the utmost difficu I- i ty that 1 reached the residence of the Doctor, having been obliged to lay down by the road-side three times on account of severe pains, and the weakness and weariness consequent thereon. When I stated my business to Dr. Richard, he suggested to me the propriety of taking medicines. at once told him that I could not do so, as I was entirely desti tute of money, and had a large and help less family, which I had no means of supporting, and that I considered my case entirely hopeless, and did not wish to incur debts for medicine, Upon his expressing an opinion that I might still be cured, I was induced to make trial of his medicine, and the result was, that in 10 days I segan to work some, and in 15 days I commenced mowing and through Baying, and harvesting, I was able to make a full hand every tlay, and have been able to work every day since with out the least symptom of a return r,f the disease. I :ain now 40 years of age, and I am fully as able to do ado ys work as ever I was, and I feel truly thankful to a kind Providence far having directed me to Dr. Ri-;hard; and i would respectfully and earnestly recommend to all who may be similarly afflicted, to avail themselves of his skill, and services, without delay. Given under my hand at Trough Creek, Huntingdon county, Pa., this 13th Iday of Nov. 1838, TO TILE PUBLIC. WORE PROOFS OF THE EFFIC A CY of Dr. Wm. Evans' Camomile To nic and Family Aperient Pills.—Mr. Josh ua Swain, Cape May county, N. J., effectu ally restored to health from the following distressing symtoms:—Extreme debility,' attended with constant pain in the side, back and limbs, giddiness and dimness of sight, sickness at the stomach, impaired ap-' petite, difficulty of breathing, great pres sure and weight at the stomach If: er eating, depression of spirits; coldness and weak ness of the extremeties, flying pains in the chest, costiveness and other symtoms not ne cessary to enumerate. Mrs. Swain, wife of the aforesaid Mr. Swain, has also been re stored to health by the above invaluable Me dicines. Her symtoms were—Nervous ness, headache, pain in the side, loss of ap petite, disturbed rest, eructions &c. The public arc hereby informed ; that their mo- Itives for making this declaration are, that' 'others a ffl icted with like symtoms may re- 1 Iceive information of, and be cured by the same inestimable Medicine. 11 - rNTERESTING CASE OF DYSPEP SIA.—Cured by Dr. Wm. Evans'am omilo Tonic and Family Aperient Pills.— Mr. George Elman, Broad street below Walnut, afflicted for several years with the following distressing symtoms:—Great pres sure and weight at the stomach after eating, .giddiness and dimness of sight, sickness at the stomach, constant headache, impaired appetite, difficulty of breathing, langor, las , sande, great depression of spirits, a sensa don of fluttering at the pit of the stomach irregular pains in different parts of the bo, dy, costiveness; a dislike for society or con versation, coldness and weakness of the ex tremeties, emaciation and general debility, disturbed rest, with other symtoms which it is not essential to enumerate. Mr. E. had given up all hopes, as he ha , ,11 made trial of all other remedies before t' ne :public, but to no effect, until lie was sed to make trial of Dr. Wm. Evans' ionic Pills, of which he is happy to star e, that they effectually restored him to it'zalth by taking three packages. October 17, 1838. T r N R, Wm. EVANS' . CAMOMILE 4410 PlLLS—Happy wo• many perscns, of both • ald it have been for, exes, who are now 1 in the silent grave, if they had leaed to, check the morbid teni lencies of their rn stom achs and bowels, by these pure Tonic and Aperient Pills, my ufactured by Dr, Wm. Evans, of New Y ork, without restoring to NIIC RAE!, BRODE, Attest D. A FULL. j r ir: ; I Dr. J. M. YOUNG. zmurt: mon DIENTIVit. RESPECTFULLY informs the Ladies and Gentlen,en of Huntingdon, and the public in general, that he has opened an office a few doors above Porter Wilson's office where he 'is prepared to execute all opera tions in F)ental Surgery, viz: Cleat ming, Filing , Plugiug, ExCracting and Inset-20w Teeth. YoUNG obligates himself to perform the above operations in the most app roved _ manner, and at moderate charges. He has on hand an ample supply of Incorruptible Teeth. And other materials of the best quality. N, IL Ladies will be waited upon at their residence, if requested. REFERENCES. J. HENDERSON, M. D. D. HOUTZ, M. D. J, M. GEMMILL, M. D. REV. S. WILSON, JUDGE ADAMS. J. H, MILLER, M. D. President of Wash ington Medical College. J. BUCKLER, M. D. T, Baltimore. A. J. SWARTZE, M. 1.1 . BILLS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION PRINTED IN STYLE .4r ThIS OFFICE. ILLIRRIEIBURG PAPERS SE .111-frEEKLY TELE G11.91'11. LEGISLATURE PROCEEDINGS. THE ensuing Legislature will be one f unusual interest to every citizen of the Commowealth. The adoption of the Amendments to the Constitution, will give rise to new legislation in which it is not unlikely that party may be come warmerly enlisted, and subjects ag itated that will excite the strongest desire to obtain early and correct information. A new Administration, it is expected, will also come into power, and give birth , to new measures under its new men. These, together with the ordinary duties of Legislation, will make the coming Leg islature a busy as well as important one. During its session the "Pennsylvania Telegraph" will be published twice a week and contain late and fatal accounts of its proceedings, taken by experienced re porters. It will also contain Congress ional proceedings, and general news. E RNf6. For the session For the year $3 THEO. FENN, Harrisburg, Nov. 10, 1333. 121 1 7 ELLIGENCER DEMOCI? A7'. LEC ISLATIVE PROCEEDINGS. THE ensuing session of the Legisla , lure of this Commonwealth, it is expec ted, will be one of more intense interest to the people than any that has preceded it. Not only will it be the first session under a new organic law, untried, and in the estimation of many thousands, of doubtful untility, but it will be the first sessionf el contested elections—the first session to which the abus NI ballot-box will appeal for redress. Parties being nearly bal lanced, and each firm as the ev , erlasing hills in support ofits peculiar 1 tencts, their conflicts—the one battening under the sacred paople of truth, for the best interest of the people—the other with dark banner of falsehood, waving over it, contending for power and the at tendant "spoila of victory,"— will attach an interest to the session which will ren- Ider l vehicles of collect information in re-1 gard to the proredings, of immense im- . portance to the citizens of Pennsylva nia. Such vehicle will be found in the I "Intelligencer 4' Democrat" the editors; of which pledge themselves to spare no, ' pains, labor or expense, to render their sheet worthy of public patronage. As the undersigned have both had ex , perience in reportin,g, and are also practi cal printers, they will be able to give full and correc t reports of the sayings and doings of the two Houses, and place the , . intelligence in their paper in the most at- tractive and satisfactory form. In ad dition to Legislative reports, they will give ample sketches of the proceedings of Congress, and a general summary of the news of the days. The "Intelligencer" is Democratic in - politics. —supports the Patriotic and States man of the West—GEN. W. H. HAR RISON —for the Presidency in 1840-- and will ever be found the unwavering opponent of Loco-focoism, and all ki n destructive herises. TERMS: I For the session, (twice a week) 52 For the whole year, $3 Payable in advance. Any person for warding 5 subscribers for the session en closing a $lO note will be entitled to a sixth copy gratis. ELLIOTT 4. M'CURDY. Editors and Proprietors. Harrisburg. Nov. 10, 1838. PROSPECTUS. OF THE IARRIS BURG CHRONICLE. There being nothing which so much en hances the value ot a public journal as early and faithful news, the editor and proprietor of the Harrisburg Chronicle has made such arrangements, as will not fail to make his paper equal, if not sup 2-1 dor to any other in the place, (luring the 'I ensuing year, in this particular. The sessions of the State Legislature the coming session, promise to be unusu ally intsresting. The policy of the new State administration, must excite curiosi- 1 ty in the minds of all such as take any part in the politics of the day, inasmuch as the friends of the new Governor have found much fault with the administration of Joseph Ritner, though one of the best Governors Pendsylvania ever had; and it remains to be seen from what this wint er will develope, whether the people havel made a wise change. Besides the imerest (which the policy) of the new administration will give rise'' to, the duties of this winter's Legislature will be such as to engage the serious at tention of every citizen in the State. A mong many other matters it will have the altering and the amendiag of existing laws, so as to conform to th provisions of the new Constitution, and make such others as the emergency will require, which will be neither few nor unimpor- 1 Ltant. r As it is our purpose to continue the publication (of the Chronicle, and with zeal, we will not say with what ability, do battle against locofocoism, Van Burenisin Fanny NVrightisin, and all other destruc tive lents, we mast cirnestly call upon the) friends of democracy and good govern. ment to aid us; it not for our sake, let them do it for the sake of the cause we espouse. TERNIS. This paper will, as heretofore, be pub lished twice a week during the session oj ,the Legislature, and once :, week during the remainder of the year, on a fine doub le - medium sheet, and new type, at $3.00 :per annum payable in advance. For six months including the session of the Leg ! stature, S 2 50 in advance. No subscri-• ber can discontinue his paper until all ar, rearages are paid. o(7Any person forwarding five names as subscribers, shall have a copy of they Chronicle gratis. E. GUYF:II., TEM PIIMMV3I/. OF FOREIGN LITERA r UR.E SCIEACI AND A(T I TAKE notice that lettersof Administ 1, tion on the Estate i f John Trout late of Is published every month by _ E. Little & • Antis township Huntingdoneo deed have be Co., 212 Chesnut Street, Philadelphia. a ..„, i l vanted by the Register of Huntingdon Co. six dollars a year, ,ayabi e i t , advance. lA. 'to the undersigned, therefore, all person* tam subscribers are requested to remit ass indebted to said Estate, are requested to hote on zccotint. 'make immediate payment, and those hay— With the year 1838 begins the Fourth Vol ing claimsagainst the same, ate requested ume of a New Series, complete sets of wh.cb to present them properly authenticated can be furnished at Two Dollars: and a half f o r settlement, unto the under igned, Who , bound. The New Series is begun because are authorised to si tit, the , ine. we are no longer able to supply orders for l GMEON RCM l'. complete sets of the old. EDWARD B. TROUT. Administrators. Antis township, Dec. 12th, 1838. CONTENTS OF THE DECFJIhER NUMBER. Of the Earlier English Moral Songs and Poems, The Cabinet and the Coun try, Reigns of George the third and fourth, Milman's edi tion of Gibbon, Dick ens's Tales. Chi. na Opened', Narrative of John hard Gibson, Nich olas Nickleby , Oliver , Fardorougha, the Miser, NVritings of G. Washington, Redtiled and Reid on Storms, Lane's Notes on Abliams nights To Markesmen. THOMAS DOUGLASS. Olin .*initili. Respectfully informs his frtends, and the public generally, that he still continues the above husinnss in M'CONNELLSTOWN. And is prepared to manufacture all kind of guns or pistols, or to make any neccssas ry repairs upon any article of the kind. careful attention will mer.t success, he hopes to secure the patronage of the sharp shoo ters of this county. Any orders left with Isaac Davis will be punctually attended to, Huntingdon November 21, 1838. NEW ESTABLISHMENT, Tayloring. ISAAC V. CULIN. RESPECTFULLY informs the public tlia lie has recently opened a shop & commen cedlthe above business, in the shop formerly occupied by T Kingwhere he is prepared to excute all manner of work in his business in the most neat, substantial, and fashionable manner. He hopes by close application to business, anti a desire to please, to merit, a liberal share of public patronage. All kind of country produce will be taken in exchange for work done. irrThe - latest fashions from Philadelphia and New York, are received quarterly. Wanted an apprentice at the above es tablishment, one from the country would be prefered. UMBRELLAS, At wholesale City Prices The subscriber has been appointed agent for the sale of every variety of Umbrellas and Parasolls, manufactured by J. Swain of Philaeelphia. Storekeepers and all others call be suppli ed on as reasonable terms as they can he ob tained, weolesale. in the city. All interested will find it to their advantage to call and se T. READ. Huntingdon, oct.`“ 1838. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. NOTICE, is hereby given, that letters of Administration have been gran ted to the subscriber upon the Estate of Henry M'Garvey' late of Shirty Town ship deceased; and all persons knowing themselves to be indebted to the said Es tate, are hereby requested to moke pay ment; and all having claims upon the said Estate, are requested to present them to subscriber properly authenticated for set• dement. He will be at •he late resi dence of the deceased, during the first & second weeks in January next, for the purpose of making settlements—and all persons having unsettled accounts with said Estate are earnestly requested to pre sent them at that time. EDWARD WGARVEY, Dec. 19, 1838. ADMINISTRATOR'S Neltirt r • Ma persons indebted to the Estate of triAJames Irvine, late of West tossnship in the County of Huntingdon dec'd, are reques ted to make payment without delay, and all persons having claims against said estate, are requested to u present them to the inider signed residing West Township aforesaid, properly authenticated for settlement. CHRISTOPHER IRVINE, DAVID IRVINE, Administyators November, 10th, 183.8, P. . STRAY. rrtA ME to to the residence of the subscriher in War- riors 1%. ark Township about the first of Oc- MO ' 0 Itober last, a Brindle Bull three years md, four white feet, with white along the belly. The owner is Ire quested to come forward, prove property pay charges, and tile him away. JNV. FORGESON January 2, 1839. ALIA' persons indebted to the Estate ut Emanuel C. Stok, late of Tyrone ;Irownship in the Couniy of Iluntingdou dec'd, are requested to make payment (without delay; and all persons having claims againsi said estate, are reque,ted to present them to the undersigned re siding m Tyrone Toe atoresatd 'properly authenticated for settlement. PETER ET, Ad m - r. ept. 26, 18S8.-6 T. DMINISTR R'S NO=ICE Executor's Notice. 1.1. persons indebted to the Estate of Vira—Sminel Templeton late of Tyrone town ship, Huntingdon County deceased, are re quested to m tke immediate I)ayment, and those having claims against said Estate are requested to present them properly authen ticated for payment ;it their residence in Ty rose towhship. JAMES THONIPSON Esq. JAMES TEMPLETON, Executors. November, 14th, 1838, NOTICE 11,1 hereby given, that the accounts o JlLJames Entriken and Thomas Jackso Trastees of Johathan Leslie, iIaVC been fi led in the Cowl of Common Pleas of Hun tingdon County, and will l u presented to the !Judges of the said Court on the second Mon day in January next for confirmation, of which, all persons interested may take nn ice. ROBERT CAMPBELL Prot'y. December, 15, 1858. ( GENERAL ORDERS • ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE Harrisburg, Jan. 1 1839. BY virtue of the authority vested in the Adjutant General, by the malitia laws of this Commonwealth; it ishereby di rected by him, with the consent and concur rence of the Governor & Commander in-ChieT of Pen sylvania, that the system of instruc tion in military knowledge, and regluations for the Militia and Volunteers of the State of Pennsylvania, be, from and after this date that system which has been prepared and Fr ranged by Brevet, Captain S. Cooper (of the U. S. Army) Aid-dc—Camp and Assistant Adjutant General, and is entitled •a concise system of Instructions and Regulations for the Militia and Volunteers of the United States, &c. All officers and non-commissioned officers musicians and privates of the Militia or Vol unteers of this State, will therefore, hence forth confirm, in the performance of their military duties to the regulations for their government prescribed in the above system, and all and every other mode of instruction in military tactics, not consistent with that 'above referred to are hereby positively pro hibited, for the instruction of the Militia' and Volunteerss of this State. As a matter of course, all instructions of Volunteers or Militia will be given in the English language. WILLIAM PIPER, Adj't Gen. of Pennsylvania 8 TOR.IG E FORII:iRDr G &LOW COMM:CLIIOI\7 B7rilllME3£l. LAUREL PORT W lIAREHOLTSE. [BELOW THE WATERSTH EET DAM] 1 911 he subscriber has taken the' wharf and -••• warehouse formerly occupied by I. Cuont , :cusx Esq•-- 3--4 of a mile below Waterstreet, whore he purposes continuing the above business, at the following mode— rate prices viz: CT$. 1174ar Mgt ot, Blooms per ton of 224-0 lbs 25 Plaster 41 37F l'ig Metal " ' • 12 } x ' i i Bar Iron " - 2000 lbs 37i 41 If Stored 50 Weighing either of the abo ye per ton 12} Storage on Mdze. per ton of 2000 lbs TS Smaller quantity Sets per 1000Ibe , 1{ Fish per Barn 1 8 el Salt 6} Flour " 4 41 Wheat per Bushel 3 at Rye & Corn " 2lr ! (hats t Commissions as per agreemen`. N. B. All Freights to be paid 'before' the !goods are removed. 0.., i To a practical knowledge of the business, ' the subscriber is determined to add an unre mitting assiduity; and every attention that n is e,s n s. ecessary to render a general satistaction to all who may favor him with their hu. E. W. WIKE. (Laurel -Port Jan. 9. 1839. *Wag C attite. CAME to the residence of the subscri ber in Union township, some time in May last. Two Heiffera about one year old. One of them a black with a star on its fore head. The other is red, with white back and belly. There are no car marks that can be seen. The owner can have them by calling at my place below Mill ('reek the South side of the Juniatta, andpaying char ges.p Otherwise they will be disposed,of thelaw directs. JNO. !sort. Union township, "Nov. 21, 1t%313.