Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1835-1839, October 24, 1838, Image 3

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• One country, one constitution, one destiny'
Uunlingdon Oct 24 I SUS
Democratic siknlfmasonic
Sigilltant Atatritiort
ot , ottim
• - ifttitntio Oranfter,
c erThe Rev. John 'P. Durbin President
'ef Dickerson Collezr; will deliver an ad.
dress on igductition at the ethodist
Church, in this Bornhgh, on Thursday
evening at 7 o'cldck, 15th ihsti
ferThc absence of the Editor 'will be
an excuse for any inaccuracies in our pa
per of to-day.
017 - In order to' accommodate some of
our friends, we have inserted again the
official returns of this county.
Every fl n y brings to light some netv
fraud in the election. In Bucks county
it is said, in a township wher in countine
but nineteen votes were declared in the
box for.Ritner—ticenryjour good sobstan
tial citilens have come forward and decla.
gy red that they gave the Judges Ritner votes
it any wonder that Ritner Was ap
parently beaten, when such things were
Loco loco Outrage!
On Tuesday of last week the return
Judges of this Senatorial Hlstriet met at
ifflintown, two . being peesent front this
county—one of whom was sent by 17 of
our county return Judges; the Other tent
'by the other eight, who had refused to
sign the returns of this county: After
meeting and consulting, the sage Judges
advised by some equally wise couhsel, de
cided that as there were no returns pres
ent signed by all the return Judges or this
county- , ..that consequently there was lie ,
return from this county, and they then
Proceeded to add up the votes of Perry;
Juniatta, Mifflin, and Union, throwing out
the entire, vote at Huntingdon County, St
the three Judges .from the three former
counties, made out the following return
which they called official, and they signed
that and pronounced it official, altheugh
they rejected the vote of Hunting ton, be
cause not signed by all the felurn Judg
es. If Huntingdon return was illegal,
because not signed by all the return Judg
es; this very return, made by these three
men is illegal, because neither the Judge
from this or Union county, sighed their'
return. The return of the three Judg—
Union Juniatta Perry Mifflin total .
Ever, 1607 1065 1997 1233-5815
M'Clay; 2260 850 673 1067-5050
II 2247 t 799 870 1048-5852
'row 1603 1089 1501 1237-4094
The other two Judges then 'Min out
the following return, containing all the
Counties, and all the votes accading to
Hunt Union Juniatta Mif7Pery total]
M'Clay 3716 2260 850 10117 873-876 d
Eyer 2731 1607 toss 1907-8549
Bell 3778 2247 799 10.ilt 870-874/
Frow 2606 1603 1089 1251 1909-845 g
•• The last return, which is the actual re.
turn of votes, gives J. M. Bell a majority
over Frow, of 284—and M'Clay over Ey.
er of 221—8 y the return made without
this county—the others have a majority.
There has been a regular, and long ar
ranged plan made by the Locos, to secure
a majority in the next Legislature, and
they have in three or four Counties pc rfor
ming this same trick, of throwing out a
District, or ‘Vrrd, or even County, to card
ry then men, regardless alike of justice!
and the wishes of the. people. Commen-!
ced in fraud, it has been carried on in'
fraud; and they are now determined to'
establish the principle, that one illegal
vote, is worth a thousand legal ones, to '
them. because they can destroy any out
rageous township, that will give a major—
ity against their men—and when they de
sire to secure a Senator, they have only
to get one of the return Judges to refuse
to sign the returns era certain county, andl
they declare the' return illegal, because
not signed by all the Judges, Old they
throw off the county and pronounce their
partisans elected- = This Is the plan. We
!shall hold up to public contempt the wor
thy candidates of such a party, if the
pretend to claim their seats upon such
a flimsy pretence. The votes of Hun
' tingdon County, cannot be counted, be
' cause she will not worship their golden
, calf. Let the people of this county re
member who arc the actors in this stem
The citizens of this county Will learn
with no little astonishment, that some of
their own citizens sanctioned thee procee
dings which declares their right of selec,
Live frinchise a nullity. Wi!They not re.
metnber it:
“Go it.”
~ .th Tam! all 7'ani. , thou'll get thy fairin."
* * s *
It Would seeds from the last "Advo
cate," that the Various writers dt its edi—
torials, are still disposed to keep up a
personal warfare. TO ltd nominal Edi
for we have nothing to say, he is not an
accountable being; and as for writing his
editorials, he never was suspected of such
a thing, he cannot write, an advertise.
ment for a stray dog, without help. But
Iwe must drops passing, "how d'ye do,"
to that worthy popinjay, who does the
dirty editorials for the "Advocate." Only
behind his master ill Iniquities, in the ra
tio of his years, he may of course, be con
'sidered a proficient--.young in years,
but old in sin." Do you know him rea
dor. Ask who was the major-domo del
'certain military election—where he
turned 22 votes foe his friend, and eleven
for his opponent—whereupon seventeen
good men and true, swore that they voted
'for his opponent. It is true he did not
swear to his return. It was considered a
criminal thing to commit prriury then!
This pattern of decency, whose trinison
edged eyes; tells d his thithiight iirgiei,
is disposed td be (tinny oil ode fonds, and
says "No you don't! Thats a fact bl iss
Nancy! we don't, but yoit do! and you
hid better stop it, or the "man ails iXe
poker" (or as Doctors say, the mqn:ci d
play will be after you. 'Oh throw ilia:,
bawl ,away."
You are a "tdllehicken," are you, now,
--you are "near the throne"—as near it
as the foot.stOol--"likemastr,like man"
you are fit to he there] tdr When cot nee
ded you will patiently lie kicked out of
the way, As foe the iiitticisni of go it
might wake up a reminiscence
of "go it," that would touch the smart
young man in a metalling place. There
was a time when lie had td "gd tt"—and
a clean Orin was all that saved him:
As for the slanders against his master,
We say, we have turn ,the mask from off
his acts, and he stands, the " Great Expo
rted." Let him destroy the eyidence, and
then the people, may thiak htini holiest—
The War not ended.
When we issued our last paper, we
had conducted that the electioneering
campaign had ended; we were willing to
consider ourselves beaten—if not in vo
ting, at tdcf4t in counting; and we really
did Imagine that the sociability Which,
had to no incddsiderable extent, been de
stroyed, and at a community of neigh
hots and friends, that friendly and fami
iliar interciotirte, which should character
ize every honest, and independent citi
zens would be again established. That
'fie paltry and wicked, personal attacks
upoft ourselves would cease; we thought
because, diking a residence of mere
than three years in this county, we have
deter had occasion to , pdss an angry or
dishspectful word ,vith any df our neigh.
Ets: We have, however, snide reason to
imagine that the war is not ended.
As a partisan editor, we have alwiiys
buckl on otir armor, and entered the;
field fearlessly, and on all occasions,
,treated our opprinents honorably. If
misstatements were Made, they were
cheerfully corrected. Such has ever
been our conduct; and we pledge our
selves, by the love we sear our tinnily;
by the honor which is due to our country;
and by the reverence we owe to Our Creai
tor, to renter ample Justice, where any
injury has been inflicted. But if this War
is to be kept up. we are ready for it!
We shall quail beneath no threats. If
this war is to be still carried on, we will
bear our slandard,,as far as the bravest,
into the ranks of our enenfies;
We molest no one, we desire, and we
love peace; and to enjoy, the friendship
of our neighbors. But a•e will not tames
ly, nor quietly, rest, and let the ban dog
and whiffets all join in their yell of dis
;ord, against our friends. It the nominal
:riutnph does not satisfy our enemies, but
hey intist add Insult to injury; we are ` I
ready again, to unfurl the t nsign under
which we fought; and our blows shall bL
laid on With as right pod Will, as ever— ,
ive, and the same weapons shall be used.
fi'e are not to be insulted, because (id l ea- j
col, and tamely submit to it. Our friends I
ire not to be trampled upon, with impu. ,
iity, because cheated out of their rights.
We showed our willingness to hang up
lurarms; and let the victors riot on their
'booty," but when they make their cry
"beauty d booty,'' when the fireside home
must be invaded, alter victory; then i t
again becomes our duty to -.cry havock,
and let loose the dogs of war," It is our
duty; and we never failed from that; al
though some of the debased ; and degraded
threaten us with personal chastisement,
if we dare to open our mouths: we will
oe with cur fiends to the last and no
threats shall force us frrm nut course.
Let our opponents sound the chrge, let
• them continue theit villianotis lies about
our friends, or ourself and
"May cur tongue rest withih oUr
"Mate, as the voices of the dead"
It we do not return the assault, all
, the power we are master of. We know no'
fear, we have a *arm heart and a ready
hand, for either friend or foe. We shall
conduct ourself with sor)riefy, and proprie
ty; and should :any of the ruffians who
threaten us, molest us, we promise them a
greeting not to be forgotten.
We know, and daremaintaidour rights,l
if assailed by any desperadoes; but we
shall offer no insult to excite ill feelings.
If then, this strife is to be kept up, it be
comes every friend of truth and right, to
stand by the right till it shall prevail, w e '
shall thus quietly leave the matter, till we
see the actions of our enemies. We shall .
not cry "peace, peace, when there is no
On the :23t1 inst., after a short but se.
vere illnes, Airs. I.l.tunAny HOFFMAN,
aged, 69 years.
Take notic that 1 have applied to the
Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of
Huntingilon county for the benefit of the act
made for the relief of Insolvent debtors; and
the said court has appointed the second
Monday of Noveidbet next for hearing me
and my CredltorS, at the cunt house in the
borough of Huntingdon, whin and where,
you May attend it yvn think proper.
Aug. 29th 18f6,
WHEREAS by a precept to me direc
ted by the Judges of the Common
Please of the county of IluntingOon bearing
test the IBth day of August A. I): 1838 I am
commanded to to make public .. Proclaim,
don throughout lily vitole bal,ewick that
a Court of Common Please and Orphan's
Court will lie held at the Court House in
the ffneoqh of Huntingdon. in the county
of Huntingdon on the third Monday and 19'
day of November A, D. 1838 or the trial
of all issues' in said court v. hich remain
Aetei•mined before the said Judges when
, oial where all Jurors, witnesses, and suitors
in the trial of all is,oes is.required to attend;
Dated at Huntingdon the 18th day of Aug.
A.D. one thousand eight hundred and /hirty
,ight and the 62nd year of American
pendence. ,
Huntingdon Ocjt2OIBT2GSG. S Slefr.
VHEREAdi by a. pteceyrt to me direc;
ted dated at Huntingdon on the IBth
day of August A. D. one thousand eight
hundred and thirty-eight under the hands
and se,als of the Hon. 1 homas Burnside.
President of the Court of Comnion Pkg.;
Oyer and.Terminer and generaljell deliv-,
erery on the 4th judicial distric of P .nnio
vania, composed of the counties of Miffln;
Huntingdon, Cenute, ClearNeld. alai the
Ham Joseph McCune and Joseph Adams;
a.trnate Judges of the county of Hunting
don, Jusiitetrassigned, appointed to hear; try
and determine id/ and eVetty indictnients
and presentments Made or taken fort or con
ce ding all crimes which bt the I§os of said
:State are made felonies of death and all other
offences crimes and misdemeanors, whiCh
h we Been or shall he committed or perpe•
trated within said County, or all persons
which are or shall hearalter be co,:rnitted
for crimes aforesaid—l aril commtui,ltd to
Public Proda2a:stien.
Throughout my whole bai:wick, that a
Conrt of Oyer and Teriniiier, of Common
Pleagarid Quarter Sessions, will be held at,
the Court House in the Borough of, Hunting
don on tiie second Monday and . 12th d y of
Novertibsr next, and all tliose who will pros
ectite against the said prisoners, but then
and there to prosecute them as it shall he
hist, and that all Justices of the peace, Cor
oner and Congtalifoi within the said county
be then' and there in their propel' persons,
at ten o'clo6lc. in the forenoon of sand day,
with theiifeCoilsinquisitions, examinations
and remembrarces, to an those thir,ps to
which their i.ffiCes respectively app rtain.
Dated at Huntingdon the I'Bth day of August
in the year of our Lord 9 1 11 1 0 thousgnd eight
hundred and thirty-eight, and the 62nd
year of American Independence.
Sheriff's office, Hunting
October. 24 1838
Sheriff's Sales
It virtue of sundry writs of VENDITONF:
EXPONAS issued out of the Court of
Common Pleas of Huntingdon County, and
to me directed, w,ill be exposed , to public
Salo at the Court Douse, in Huntingdon, on
Monday the 12 day of November next, at 10
o'clock. A. M. the follpping property vizi
Two lots of groUnd in Walters burg, and a
lot of ground in the Northern Libeidies of
Hollidaysburg, on which is erected a frame
hat e unfinished.
Seized, taken under execution, anti to be
(sold at the property of Charles Allen.
Seventy acres of land more or less in An
tes township adjoining lands of Wm P ;Dy
sart. Israel Cryder, and lands of James Tay
tor, about ten acres clearad, and under fence
and no buildings thereon.
Seized; taken under execution, and to be
s old as the property of Abram R. Crane &
'James Mulhollum Sn.
A tract or parcel of land in Rarree Town
snip, adjoining lands of Jonas Rudy, Wm
Mears and others, containing ten aeres more
or less, thereon erected a swat' atone house
and a srhall leg stable.
Seited, token under execution, and to be
sold as the plaperty uf Geo. RuklY,
A house and lot of grodnd iri the toWn of
Frankstown on Main Street, bolindeil by a
lot of C. Garber, and others, thereon erec
ted a two story frame house.
Seized, talat n under execution and to be
sold as the property of John Spielman.
All the right title !Merest and Estate of
Robert MTarland of into and out nine hun
dred acres of land in 1 ell Township at!join
ing land., of Wm Orr Esq, Hugh Dorat,'
Hairs and others; .bout 90 acres cleared,
thereon erected a two story square log House
a double lot; Barn, log Still House and spring
House, and Orchard thereon.
Seized, taken under execution, and to be
sod as the property of Robert M'Farlan '.
Eleven acres of land in Porter townshiP
adjoining Robert Lytle, Geo. Hill and others
tlso a lot of grtidnd In the Borough of Alex
tudria Containing two a,res adjoining a lot
f Ann Stewart and others, thereon erected
a two story frame house and frame stable.
I Alan one °tiler lot of ground in Alexandria
contain; ;s two aores more .or less '"ler
fence adjointag a lot of Gemill's and others.
Seized, taken tinder execution, and to be
sold as the property of Rev, James Tho nip
son dec'd.
- •
BY virtue of an order of Sale, issued out
of the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon
County on a certain proCeeding in an action
of partition in said Court and to me ditected
Will be exp •sed to public sale at the Court
House in the B,rough of Hnntingcon on se
coral Monday (12th day) of Noi•ember next)
it 10 o'clobk in the forenoon. "A. tract of •
land situate in Barree Township in the said
Ciunty.on the waters of Stone . Creek, ad
joining lands of Wm Couch, David Perili
tal and others, containing tWo liOndred acres
more or less" to be sold as the property of
James S. Semple, Geo, Set-nide; Win Sem
ple John Semple, Francis Semple, James
Wilkins and Elizabeth his wife formerly
Elitaheth Semple, David A Sample Rosan
oats Sample, Mary Ann Semple, Francis
Semple. Alexander H, Semple and Caro
line &mple, parties to the said action of par,
Terms of S ilc—One halt of the purchase
money to he paid in hand, and the residue in
one year thereafter with interest.
At the same time and place By virtue of a
writ of Fire Facies issued out said Court and
to me directed. A lot of ground situate in
the town of Shirlephurg in the County of
Huntingdon, adjoining John Owens on the
South and Mary Barton on the Morth, with
a two Story log house and Potters Kiln, there
on erected, Seized, and taken in Execu
tion. and to be sold as the property of James
NoTux is heteby giien to all persons
concerled, that the following named peagons
have settled their accounts in the Registers
Of ice at Huntingdon, and the said accounts
andai;w.,ce atan B4L ano uttheleldi
Huntingdon, for the county of Huntingdon,
on the second Monday and 12th dal of Nov.
mat viz; ,
1. Joshda Roller, acting aihninfStrator of
the estate of Godfrey Lanzer, late of the
Borough of Hollidaysburg; deceased.
9. Joseph Hess, adoliaistrator of the es
tate of Peter Hess, tate of Springfield town
'ship, deceased.
3. Sarntiel Houck , Exectitor of the last
will and Testament of Jacob Houck. late of
Union Township
4,, Matltew Gr rider, adminiafiator of the
estate Of Jacob Gruub, late of Hopewell
Townsl ip dec'd.
S. Isaac Dorland ant: John M'Cahan, ad
riiinistrators of the estate. of John Dorland,
late of the Township of Henderson, dec'.
JOHN REED, Register
Register's office, Hunting-)
don, 12th Oct 1838
SubsCriber respectfully informs thi.
public, that he has on hand a general assort
ment of
Also §'tsiVe ripe and Tin Ware; which
he will sell wholesale and retail; at his
ETV 2'ls IT gl3 lo D IT
(opposite C. Couts Tavejn) He hoptts, by
careful and strict attention to his 4usines,
to give satisfaction wall to favor hitn with
his patfonage,
Huntingdon October 16 1838.
WANTED.—An apprentice to the above
business is wanted by the subscriber, be—
tween 14 and 16 years of ago. A goof, chance
will be given to an :n , !::::.:12,14 boy, of good
habits by application to me, in McConvels
town Huntingdon county.
September is, THOMAS DOLTqLASS.
alubitir fta
of Land
furinidot to the last will and telstaiiient
of Nicholas t-lewit late of west township,
dec'd the subsctiboes ex'rs of said ettate
will sell, at public sale, do plttnises, the
late residence of the dec'd, on Friday Oc
tober 19 at II o'clock A M. A certain
!tract of land situate in west townshii,i, ad
joining lands oft! , e heirs of It Wilson de'll
Jacob and George ticobst. Wm Reed Esq.
anti others. containing•ahout
600 Itiere
Awe 260 acres cleared, 'Thereon erected
flank narn
and tither out buildings; also, a Lar
ORCHARD thereon aHd about 40 acres
neared meadow Ground—Also
The undivided half of h tract of land
situate in Barree tdirnship adjoining;'
land of w Orbison Esq: I Stet fey
Blair Esq and others containing about
1 62 acre*
100 ACRES CLEARED, Thereon crec
ted a two story Log D WELLING
house and barn
Now in the tenure of Henry Itewit. At
tendance will be given antiiteimis of sale
made known by
bANIEL 1-IEMT "Executors
Semmber 8 1838
RESPECTFULLY informs the public tha
he tins recentl y cpened a shop & commen
ced the above business, iG the white frame
building between Market and Allegheny
streets and next door to Fisher and M'Mur.
tries Store, where he is prepared to cxe-,
ctite all manner of Work In his businessin
the most neat, substantial, and fashionable
manner. He hopes by close applicatian to
business, and a desire to please, to merit,
a liberal share of public patronage.
in exchange for wars. dm.
irpThe latest fashions from Philadelphia
and New York. are received quarterly.
Wanted an apprentice at the nbovd
tablishment, one from the country would
be prefered.
IUIO Wind.
Ts published every month by E. Little 8t
Co., 212 Che§ndt Street, Philadelphia, a
six dollars a item.. payable in advance. Dis
tant silbsCribers are requested to remit a $5
note on account.
NiVith the year 1838 begins the Fourth Vol,
mite of a New Series, complete sets of which
can be fitrnished at Two Dollars and a half
bound. The New Series is begun because
we are no longeeable to supply °niers for'
complete sets of the old.
French Naval Romances: Life of Chief
Justice Coke: Vethake's Political Economy;
China, its state and prospects: Christopher
in his bave: Poems of Many Years, by It.
M, Milnes, The Seraphim, and other Poems
by Elizabeth Barrett; Thoughts and tilla
ges; Life of John Jay, first Chief Justice of
the United States; American Steam Navigdi
than by Sea; Cerresponderme of the Earl of
Chatham; Fardorouglia, the Miser; Oliver
twist; Nicklebv; Saiinets, by tht.
Sketcher; Campbell's edition a( Shakespeat
The Drunkard's Dream; 'ft& Botmdary goes
tion; Mrs. Hall's Lights and Shadows of
Irish Life; Brougham's Speeches sod Intro'.
dactions; Selfishness; On seeing a Wall-flow
er growing among ruins.:
„ _
7 --
AID " lintrillaVlANDara
ALL'f. fiersnus indebted te, the .Estate of
Enianuel C. Stuk, Isle of Tyrone
Township in the eostnts , elf Huntingdon
dec'it, are iequested to milk 6 payment
without delay, and all persons having
claims again said estate, are reilue...ted
to present ,tlieni to undersigned re
siding Tyrone Township aforesaid,
properly authenticated for settlement.
Sept. t 6, 1g38.-6 T.
, IVIORRISON'S i 2. 1 1 / 1 413.
General agent fo n r
Pennsylvania, Marylanll
Deleware &c, No, 7i south seventh street;
3 dooors below Market street Philadelphia,
and Nv. 10 North street, Baltimore, near
the Post office.
rata secured by Ilse use of the bygenian
Vegetable Universal Medicines of the
'Mash College of Reath,
. . London
WHICH vie obtained the Approbati,..n'
and Recoma •ndatiim of Thousands who
have been •nit d in Consumption, Cholera'
Morbus, n tartiations internale ) , or externally,
and all diseases of the Liver, Yellow Fever,'
Gout; Rhutimatism, Lumbago, Tic Dole rux,
Dropsey, St. Vitusu' , ,, Dance, Epilepsy, Ap
poplexy, Palsey, Green Sickness, and s,ll
obstructions to ‘:,hich the Female form is so
distressingly liable,'and which sen so luau) , 0
the fairest portion of creation to their untime
ly graves; Small Pox, Measels, Whooping
Caugh, Scarlet Fever, Asthma, Jaundiee,
Gravel, Stone, and all Urinary Obstructions;
Fistula, Piles, Strictures, Ruptures. and
Siphilis in all its stages, Constipated Bowels,
Worms, Scurvy, Itching of the skin, King's
Evil, and all Cautaneous Disorders; in short
every Complaint to which the litlmau frame
is so direfully subject, under all their varied
forms and names; as the Hygean,conviction
is, that man is subject to onlne real disease;
that is, to the impurity o the 4 blood, from
whence springs every complaint that cat.
possibly assail his complicated fraMe; and
that it is the pervetjal Strlggre of this vi aft
'pure stream of life, (the .gift of A7might)
power) to disencumber itself of its vicioui
acrid humors, wiali which it has beconli
This valuable medicine, beng ceinPoseti
ottly of vegitable matte', or medLinal herb*,
and warranted on oath, as containing not one
particle of mercurial, mineral, or chemical
substances, (all of which are uncongenial US
hetet titre if man, mid therefore destructive
to theltddtan frattle) is front! to be perfectrly
harlfiles to the Mott tt oder age, or weakest
frame under ever every stage of htmati
stlffering, the most pleasant anti benign in itsf
operation, and at the same time the tnost,
certain in tearhing out the root of every
complaint, lio*ekteit tlt'et; and of lterforming
a cure that: was ever offered to the World.
I Thin wonderful effect, too it prodtiCed by'
the least trouble to the patients, by merely
swallowing a certain numtler of pills, and
ba,:g called a few extra times to the Piit- .
pose of evacuation, with the least possibls
( Sensation of pain, exhaustion ~r bodily
sti-ength, and without the fear of catching
cold, or attention to dress or diet, in any way
different froM the accustomed habits. These
pills cure in all cases, and cannot be taken to
excess. EiEperience which is the touchstone
of all Iturrian knowledge.lhas long borne testi
money to the fact ; and extensive use of
them has already verified its truth in this
These medicines cure by purging, andiyet
the weak, the feeble; fhe infirm, the nervous,
the delicate are in a fey: , dayi strengthened
dy cher operation, betatts they clear the
body of its bad humors; and iiiVairiably pro
buce sound sleep. They are the safest and
most efficacious Medicine to take to sea, pre
venting scurvy, costivness &c.
The operation of this mild medicine, Which
conveys immediate conviction of its utility.
front the first dose it is beneficial to the'
mind as the body; first calming then urin in
all Mental derangements, Eccentricities;
Nervous Affections. Irritabilities and Rest
lestuess, from whatever source; complaints
which have hitherto not been understood
as the Hygeists have found them all to pro,
teed from acrimonious humors in the blued;
and, hapily for the present and future raca
sf mankind discovnred a cheap and univer
sal mode of puryfying, curing and prevent—
I ng: Fhe being cured of ar.v disease, infirm
or sore. is now no more 'a dubious of once r
ttain procedure—persevcaance in the Veep .
liable Universal 1% , edicines will al was resgre,
atilre to het due course. The literarytoand
edentl, of both sexes, whose pursuits so
much impair the faculties, will find a sure
remedy in the Univetsal Medicines for e
srrving the energy . and sprightliness of the
and improving their health;
old age will be obtained by the use of them
land passed free from pain and infirmities.
The are not enveloped with the mysteties
'of other medicines; they only require to be
persevered in ulth sufficiently large doses,
and the patient will come off well; when a
I disease is obstinate patients frequently do
not take doses large enough.
The Medicines is comprized in three dife
ferent articles only, viz: No. 1 and 2; the
first is a powerful, but most mild andgenti
aperient, or opening medicine, detatchio
and partially removing the bilious ropy
ntimars, whist the No. 2 Pills carry off the s 4
and the derous acid and putrid humors, in-'
cidental td the body; and act together as a;
erret in a warran, never resting until evei y
tvetine of the human frame is thoroughly
;embed, and cleansed of its impurities.
The Vegetable Clensing Powders are of
great assistance to patients and facilliate the
.!vaeuation of bad humours ; tbev soften
clense and detach the acrimonious phel gen
are cooling and allay the thirst. One, two
or three powders may he taken threancigh
the day mixed in halt a tumbler of water.
The pits are sold in packets of 1 2 &
dolfare; add 23 and 50 cent boxes—th , two'
former fotitlst of three boxes, viz: nne I".x
of No. 1 qrld too boxes of No. 2—the litttee.
one larger box with a division; the powders'
are just seperate box at 37f, cents each.
1 /7. Inconsequence of the repeated solicita
tions el the agents, and for the convenience
of the public in general , !Fixes of 50 cents and
25 cents each can now be• had of all the
• •.
aila.i.&a-a, The Family Advertiser
of the British College of Health, 3d Edition
price $2 75; ant PR ACTICLE PROOFS
of the hygeian System of Phisiology, inclu
' dins the 'Origin of Life,' 'Treatise on Small
Pox',"Lettrr on, CholeralVforbus,' and many
etfetited cures effected in this country, as weif
as in great Britain, Gth Edition price 374
The Hygeian Medines are all imported,
into this country at a great expense. not.
withstanding which they are sold at the salmi
price as in England. They have been sift
years before the American public; their pre
'eminent success in the relief of the afflicted
usanthods can testify, irPCAUTlON.—l Consequence of OW
'high estimation in wh . reh Morrison's Pills arts
held by the public,, t has induced an innu.
merable host of u'Aprineipled counterfeiters'
to attempt imnitations, under deceptive
terns thus to delude the nnwary, and foist
their nostrurfts for the Genuine Hygeian
Medicine; iu consequence of which the A ,cent
has taken ',fie precautionary measure of hay
an extra Yellow Label fixed en each Pack
et, sigtifed by the Agent of each State el.'
Distfict, and by their Sub-Aents. in evtry
county; the imitation of which will subject
the forger to the severest punishment the
Law can inflict; and it is farther to be no
ticed, that none of the above Medicines can
be obtained in any Drug Store . Or( ighrut
the Union; the Drug Stores being
. the
ciple sorace through withal the Counterfeit
era vend their spuriims articles.
Respectable parties may be appointed A
N'o. 3
th n Se l ve i n n t g
t street
three doors below Market street. Philadel-.
phia--and at rifo; 10 North Street Baltimore.
' nearly onnsite the . Post Office, where the
Genuine Medicine May always be obtained.
, The above Pills are for side by
John Very, Merchant, Summit Cambt *
Joheflbuslaugh, Merchant, trollidaysbum
John Redman, Post Master,.FrankstoWth
Henry Neff, Merelizint,Alexand i is.
hairs Ennis, Ennisville,
J. & B. Miller, thintingdeil.
lan. 10, 18381
Montt Der am
For sale at this