Ping & SLOLN, PI VOLUME 24. BusINDSB DIRECT • at S. GRAVES. ,i f t Zi. t 111 , 1 r -- .Vll ! oil' tuir. pa,, The higimplprie " lin . .C. I') :••••,InL f.,l' the Putliie • ,7,1 Pr•a.-li ferret/4. Erie, P. ~; j•-7.)/: E H. ATIELI... .A• Rookuf. prrt th 4. Eric ibmig, Eric Ptt the Sort ,F 1,113 61 fill , NM and ti mann- r t totnß at Low, Warren Pet. P t o. sTI.I ;.11reti.m• hill rereivo pr.,zupt Ir fr •11'..kLKEIR d s: 01E,, cetwinto , iwn Morchwra tErieyn. -11 t, Motor. Lime , S t -o % ewsziwg.,, .tr. with „..t ft-t. iti } twA tit %ty ww.tht:lN-tat,; • L ft3i1r6.3.1. ._ _.. . • '..‘.ttSoN -G It.ktiAM, , „t s -E'LLEA A r Lim, OfflN. 0 1 Firm+ St , , r I.! the tihrl., trk. T ti' - 31 - obltE, • • , .1. „:1,,.t,,n itaoth & StestA,rs'•,S,..!. tIEMROI) , • t • finnoty • War... I.l)*Sitlr•tt. • c stite st.. Erie P.c. I 1 ROI \S. M. .11. ' FriN.. ,) „iii. lik t 4.. trotolti.t. .1, j 10) ',.,•lf`rrdil . silver 5100n...M.1-i _ I. , king I.nnap: au& Paul" 1,1 r. I.II! It NRECK,I, ‘ , l, ••f krie, 1%41-ELL Hik,l i rak , WariT Pla ler, A. • • 1",..1,:are iniPna , :',l fur ,tar .1 1. I ; Monthly .10.01;:in ,- h;‘,;ri - 1. t M;: o , ,Newqinto:o7t. Gra P:11 , t welq.of the Wool Lao e. /0 I it k r tkr= in ittney. ard ; . o Pi-4r I'. - apio' rpt -Ite ; _ 'll', E 1A.4 11). Lt • . 3', •)31iir , , I.nd lIIk.I c.f • , . ,t.)114 1., r,r,14) 11:K. A. 31E1'4 LP- Ili Dr; 11., A-. It.'• Jolt :Oka Ow 1:n• .1• • r• ( . 10,11. 411% Pirie. P.O. t l / 4 . tivi 1, I ttl be 1,1,17. ill V•e) Pr I anti ()ow 1, t-t :N.tit•ty . th • I.lotvw, }tie, po, 11441,, \'(' 'I MAO, and Pri •l ~ itL :11/1 r,t tit. , plow, arti,ies • clwap. \1" 31 S. LINE, rt I,P, at Ltw.-oe.rier or the Public Soar, t: i; 1.4 K K I t I OVer iP 4 , Hardware, erw,kery. &c -c -treot. Erie; , , fttirc at hit reAtlenek ral Liejtth Rrie. Pn. * t \itttivaivs X Cl,ll, f4c rra (hp pn,., it ikaty Mini liEl ' RON 6TI'A.IfT. I: myth ,;. one Hal). . ltrl'i S IfiLEl), . .....e, ..rpt A.ouri, Liardwati. 41, , ,i 1I y,i . 1 i c , .., In , t , 111 , 1 Nt , r'i No, l• 1114 L &. 13 EN N r1"1', retail 1,/entklr, Dr:r I/ taro arretia4.ll:4l-41‘s-tre, Iren ,Etspirls Starr , Shale Streist ' 1 1; r dr 1, Erie, 1.1 4 ; 1:41:4 %,•. Art., gyp" • :-.1. S3I I fil • 'll , , :IC.a 0111, IL i'l" 7 11.E1t, • 171 ( .unty, e..11••••..•1, 408 } • Iterdiatti. • r, ‘i (, , 11 11;taolits4 11.-r wit r'sx-r) - .1 , ' ' . _._ . . Thor , ar.• tho=r %%Jn tarot tr:ouph In the holie.t %Iwolithout IkB Though they Mitt w tong att 1.1 . t0n. fl"„. will re.•k thi. , e.. 1 .114, ftwniug Iher•• gleam- It t that put, and holy htoo. ' e dm and and aeknosioi k . , Uri. t pt.te , • ' L-1-1 - , r$ t• • the I $ ti t„. $ solk, It J. 1.11.. k, (choice iiiisceliany THE PATTNER. 11.,•i v 41111113 , thdttfell n..t Connally:lett Ilse Lary boolott, wireo a ~ t, 1 111‘!: 111.111. of trentletnattly I ttl s,nio'Ultat tli•,iliatva a iwtrt, ;Apt Ifbaillar. very pale antl':agitated, called opon With a note, Trion one of the eooinii : ..sio ne r,, joinin_ me to as . sist the- 11 . 4 ,, arer. Mt. Edmund ‘'el. -t6.„ e, the utitnnt o 1 nty.• if, npon . examinatiorr, I saw relF•9ll ro place reliarm upon , s,tteluent relativy to-the painfttl and y;xtraor; dinar)• eiretunstanees in which he was involved. Edmund Webster," I ext.-ll:tint:A. after giant:og at the note, "You are the per,n t i, then, arett-ed t,f robbing Mr. llttiton. 111‘ eout ther- Omni. and %Lo n ; th.,t yentlelnati . r fir. tnp ro ,_ eenter The *awe. . Wit although th, di , : qu'oefal char , 4.7. far a, IN , s4arrl fmr,nit appear, to he %t itltdrawn, or r.alier pre—cd, , I and my family shall not, •Ia: this iesA• tad ruitsad-thareimaliemkall pckfitic-! iiiirweeiwe 4 C'4411 1,0 Luadv 4 aiw . w have Iroon •advi A t k your 1 , rw.l un) lath,: (1 , 11110 - !•1 I • that ht n ill lw , itatc •it a exp.w.• th,;(l,ll,ltt pro-vettti:ln < f ;moor:.1 ••v er y m r . tho hoi.v.not , it n, i p -with wt., although 1 iwpo,l - enn-et th,llll mc,r, itive.tiwit:.,lo.. •t ir, lit, - 1 ! ,,k1111..--, til'refort., to .5 , 4 410161, Levu' niTlithoiLcl', .at.l ,• • ui,itartly with your vt..riou c,t tht ;atir.-.lnit. lily:. ri“4lraiNiaricv-, it44Vrt'e - r tqq,,tr,titl . i trivial. in enittwetion_irVii "It 1 in.t , y osil t,n% 1 1.11, whin, : tin 1. in t,,niinet, t. i.i4 ilitritif •It' tit:: 1 le' ••)t• • y 4441 at the iny 41 , 11i14441., too ituproltablti t. 114... :In inv. ti, n 1.. t . y4.4Cktitily. Lace 14aJ larg . • in ueL tia4m4-.• 4 'rha.t al,-41, I ~11..pett .‘t •tf it' ti; twilk:v It It (Ally hi- , t.. p. - -Pto r4A . 14V . tilt• expeips, aniill:4lLit knolch.4.lgc... iu iirtsventin:4 riot. r hi , •:”.•:$ appk,rnivir p.lp. • • - • -ie. if .v. , 111.1 , 1i-••• irill . In - pr,1,.-1 . 111::! p.ll may i, sc, , riting 111.• itnrk: an•l fir. , t, 1 iinQtlii-g your :;11.entimi t., ~ ~ tic() famil) matter t ,t.k.tstetinl to 3 ?1v0...1“1.‘ ...1“1.‘ .‘.re."'the o.loi I 'IM • ; j• ` . ;itr mr 4) , 111 1.1 h. , it Mt .01)11:11... i I,) al 1, If. *tittt t3tittl). THE -ORME BLAVZ -Thweenier ton* mothevtartd— Gem for her gorgeoue aa What bath the boute 4f: l l:leer, mo, Ailing thin a Neer' 4:Aber roma Itte• Urtriau uutiatw, Foamiest though au rate'ssaythirt And with ettatteurti moth ye ertiltpur, itia , c,l a piton °flavor Recollect ions of a Police Officcr the addresses 'of a son of a city parreitt, but it was utterly prepisterous to suppose slie could wed an actual corn chandler.' " • "Cent chandler?"- • "That was Captain limmston's pleasant phrase, when I informed him of my father's sudden change of purpose. The proposed partnership Was distutefrd to myself as to Captain Bramaton; but my father proved inexorable—fiereely so, I may say—to my - entreaties, and those of my sis ter; mid t was pbwcd in the dilemuta, either of induediste banishment from hoine, and probable forfeiture of my inheritance, or the loss of Men lirameton, to whom, with all my follies, Iwu and am ardently attached. After rough anxious figitatiln. I hit upon a scheme, requiring for a time the exercise of a considerable amount of doz vit and dissituillatiou, which Would, i flatter ed myself, ultimately reconcile interest with in elinat inn 3 gill. me linen, and not terse my father." "To•which deceit and dissimalation you are doubiletzs indebted Mr ynnr present unfortunate' • p,,sit ion . ' • ..Von have rightly anticipated. Pot to pro ! coed. 11r. Hutton Ititievlf. T must tell 3•ou. was rotigly .tv'eese to receiving Inc as a partner, though for ....vac reason or ether, he thirst not ipenly oppose the pra'jNt tiis .nn, folin tlttt. teat, ai:•o'lsiiterl ob'eMeTtte" it- -- "Ili. Thatllll' I k 110 U the eljar3c. t..r of litittn,n pretty %yell: pray. what I that t. , 1 the • , Well, like ifiN,cll, h 4 i, rat hur Ca.t perliap, kit *0.41 ,ort rif ypnng fellow enouoi lin ailr l thr wvel: Wort. ligt to Rigs t!. r•rt 1 / 1 .15it1e...... • - - -13efoiv )(t wew ;Apprehended: "On do. mornin , : of the ..2111e di) Let we I,a-, • t - th—Mr Hutton's arerion /the partnership, the knowledge of which plain 4t , ration. i inauCed him to. rope.- :lit 1.1 my father that 1 • hould 1.4.5. ti at least (iv" littcy months in the countiny'lmit , e, he- . . . - , , . . ~ tot. the matter wa ; irreser=ibly Concluded, (or i who c ould not therel,,rt - • he certain that IKa the. - '', •• " - i hi •. qi- Mutton'. ~ i ke, iu Order that it !nigh! "4' i Edmond Webster he prol'e.,ied to be hi , (.0, I, ~t' ,•1•:i, %, A tii.:A : ,.m.l Fdin•l :01•1111 , it.eid‘''' 2i.. , :di ' •)•.'', I t•ftlio 1 :"I''rl' , "r.' t‘:" :1 11 Y I. ll "ibilitY of mining I IVhat with the (*fleet of the nine I dr,1121., :1114 i I. 1111 , •It !: 111:111i. to,. 1111.2 haliits fit method mid application; see Ili natural extilta t t,ion, 1 wad. I . well reinemi .HT, in 3 • ••.ki?ollt:lhai fnut, 1 ‘iiti/:ittitt't . , 1110W-1111g i!iter alti 110 leolly eatulid—by lorontiaing ultimate du- i st a te t if,irgat exeitment when I Id', the I:.‘e t : J l, o n t ; iwili,t-it.tEt ! , . ol which 103(1.4 belt, l %rd... iI AI subotis-iott to my father's wishes, provided and hardly seemed to, feel my feet a- I hurri e d yoti know. I. l‘oaiziyen a third ,ditit-t- of toy bi tin; fatal decision were thus reapiteil: The main away to Mark Lane to inform 31r. liatt, m o f toy ire's to oilt. ; , 1 jai& son : . Well,, agree at ~ttet, 4jcet I thought to obtain by this apparent aim- i good luck, and bid bib eoUnting bodge and the tor atieel those I.onds, or . i I forthwith Po,coate pliance was the effectual loosening, before may j corn trade a final farewell: Ile was not at home, your son, Who u ill :i, evilli;inhy he winvieted, and week , t hail passed, of the old gentleman's purse i and I went in and seated bvself iu his private transvieted ter tiro."' ~ string-, whiell had of late, been over-tightly ', room to await his retire. I have U.. doubt that, '-I. tell yott agliiti. - ret:na.,-,t th , - i'A-eite-I ittra tirletitt. I had rt:veral debts of honer. as they I as , the C lerk h a s mace depmiteil, .I . did 1001 ;into. lid, "that I Will tt , .l purr-It:1-e titer, forbearante tali , ealleds—tlehts of dishonor would, aecording `', trateil, agitated, and it i.-, quite true also, that at the , ~,, ~) , .1 , 1 2 1.• .hiqi n g, The to my experienee, be the aptq pltraae—which it after Vainly nail lug for aptrairl......d . ad li. air, i . • awn sation n-ould al w., , ,, .1., 1..i0, , ..:112::0t 2.1- his liv.i I was aly-Mutely neee, , ary t 4", iiischage: and the .. sishlenly 1.-r, the Ills,.: :11241, .::i it 11.11.1wii. ti, on- :mil si-.• Alfolll/ 11:111:liti Oin.e. I .tis•zr.i•-, 1, .1- 22- sttee,s-.,inareov; , r. of my matritnratial projeet de- noticed by aily)*( home•li:itel iipon learin: , , an% itt-ilt , eye. of tho World - peuded entirely ttimu my ability to stsvArt. a %cry ; Alarkl4 3 ; 4 :Uu tak l- ' , pt . •ilis,... "I• .11:114' t" r""' 1 111 4 over in ' w:..d.•' -14. 4. i' , lls , ilk! T. - 11.1 • - ,2 t 42 4 1130iwy. Ilrams!on, and as everything nitit - th, v.,: soon .'.l I lit'son. l'a ILI I think 14 111 Li - t 2 o'ir Ili-he- ''Ve. -. .... . 1 ' ' . w.. - • ." 1 -' 4 nrtantl'idsn'n without itf the ninneY, had been tio- ~I 11.• lita.": ill 1 . . - tili- 1 - 1141 , 1 • 111iL •to (am el lilt' .10 , " . I ~V ; V.)11. ::11 I I much reluetaue; on the part of 'Ellett, but J 4vg,' WU, it Wag t'' , 3ol l &tided titla ir.• ,Ite a ld take; will wait publicly to-Morrow upon ihe magistrate. 24"1 , . 4"1".""r *444 , 114r- " 1146 , "41 ", " i l tim64 , *iiihromme.#44444o4(o.o4l/414Aditenting..tat:.iient,, With a totter in me 1.4. a, purporting*, he front .. , v..:4i . ,n ,:r i ',, I ... Itramston, that {VP ItntAld effect !land. and then passt7ver to France. I' nest - be. my son.aiii,l . -toting ilpt it was h. a; la., : :.,k t 4.• a .st -1. 1, ;:i irri,t.A44, iimmoliohlk 4 -et off for'the t a ,k 1 i t y,,,,,1f to 'top , i t% p ar k, iyhe r e I di ne d, • note: Cram toy desk, :mid employed a ill m i.,. tit , ~q , i0 , ,,, :Al ,tIII:Lili Ilwro till dm paternal and enudided eiery. thing to t ..d-ft r , evccp: as Min' of 8c: ,,, n 0 exehMtge them f or 3.".•'' •••n'- st4tylit, win , It "It toy i•ttlwr*, punt. wonhi I knew ii 4 to how I had obtained the 11--.3ry Muth, At acceptance, he b,..,ne, anxintte that Mr. E.liitinl f w . tri i ii .. e ilu o s, had blrovii ,wer. I dill wn - feeltilemt eight itt the'evotirm. 1.took:1 rah as far as ^ Webster I , hould nut heeeme his father'e .p.atner iii,i,ii ,ii-e. t ui, tell „:. tOp Ili , filial r•-ult. 1 wa e an - . the ItavitnTiker, for the littrpu.Q.- nt li:ring a post —.I purrsise that 'would neces.arily he trustrat , .1, ;,ef., sn., or. sisters - Would 1, 1 7 i tvt4fatig.tble inter- c h a t,„ ati d four, ;ol d o f paying a f e w ifeht of honor if lie, Edmund Wclibter was. k'ilableti tu marry , . 1 . : . I .: 1 , :In d l y e all . , e one tat M at tly w e re pretty eon- in that neighborhood. - 1 nal- personally unknown and leave the country.*: ....1: ti: I h.i....,, ~; • it e ro t reeimeiliation, vett h nen- to the postinastor; it was theietore neccseary th, There.was ito atencer to this trislaeiatte propo t.ll le' " lii i" iii "' II " : ingi:itlg ,}own of the green prepay the chats as far asttt. Alban's, and 1 pri4_ e:d for a mintite,hr two. and ?ten Mr. 11elyster tout,tiit at the wind upof a .take coulomb., Would, se at e d him with one of the fitly ponnd nut,. for 4.4. id 44:n 1 1Y: a ev-r nn - great i n terval o f t i me . t a k et iaLte..-- that purtsiii'. O. did not seem sorprked at the "That' my unit i.... Minna:lir, i'aill thriaLtatly von „Stoney-2 linweyer, 1N'3 , ., indi.spettgable—tunney: for ' larrnme4 ;if dd. stun. but rei t tn-eted me to place rimed. --1--- P :it., r we dji ttg ex p oe ,es, the flight to Prene-e. and my ,tame and 4.141 re-s on the hark of the note he- i "lnuorehtl'; exelaitned 1l r`. Ifuttnn With Say living there 104' 3 conside s rable time perhaps; and fore he 4-'hang 4 . l it. ln 11/3 :11).sard :111X1.1.11 to ! .! . ge. 1101'1.44 , U • • Flare you tAko'll irate of yotir ,„iih,di er m od e of nlitaining it, neettrred to Me pr e vent the pnsibility of our flight being tra, eil, sett-e-?“ ,•, tl.4i it thot of i• iinling my -father int o/2;4n d htituor, E ontlo'reed the' unto as 44 (quirks: Hort, Cri at . 441 . 4'.ti11,'' euutintle'd the invalid, unmindful of by :tif , 'rlitl':: 1 . ..iconieFer in, his wishes. . Nwl Wimpole '.tree',” and the man left the yard the interruption, 44it mi g ht heitupoesitb , to prove limbe I may' rionark in pat,sittg, thatlhad I been -IL. wa , g o n e a eor od e j e t a l t ie time, Aw l I t e, t ,. , hint so, and your proposition has a 'certain plan sell, i •ide of lip. itifantifiti (INA I anitaeett44-441 of, ~,tting . ex,,f l iiig imptient. vilwil.f., kin sitrp?l,-0 . 4 hi r litY shoot it . I mast, h'm' e c'' r, hwe '' 4 il " to a l ~t 1 l' . llil v i rp“TVllllitit ".. of .plmtilering.Mr. Hut- and consternation, he 1 . 111»0 bail; to the yard ac- , consider alruat it!: . 1 ""4 l''‘' - cen 4l them - e re' Ill'in th" fir , t h"nr 1 compattitsl by a police officer. - . You are th, go,- ' "Certainly; 1 , 4 1 tie '4;.1.% till Oil; day . Week.-- ; ids is4unting ,hott4t4. Over and atver tt ema n front whom Mr. Brans reeeired this tiny , You-cannot idu A r , 44! litWe.sful4: nutsif Pin d"'net. again he , ' 14 ' lei I In. lir.* in .14.44. private 1 " 0111 . pound note,:i few ntitintes ago—are :ton met''" -- B4: em•tainly as I - .Jond . here a liying:ll.l In ,soar with the 1te. , ,:. , in•-the kelt of 10 .44. 110 11 -ale, tt hoe 4•Ve.:, to be sure, - I atf,wered, AammeriuL , anti r 4-•‘m -ball, iiont. ,, iint-1:s after tie - . evpirailmo 4E61 tarp...pest a • ri. I'Etliti , Altly th liu,itt'kl, WA in bank. eidoro."-g. why I se:4:•,- dy kii.•tr. ...Then .1.1: . I.lli l i . atilt', 1, ' ,4 11 th l .• it tgit „1 - ...1 , 1 t ,'the hulk ," , iLi i• oil;. Ant way. if Can Idea said tit , . wait • Thin-nntr, ;try Ow., Mr. Hutt. ii tr nt attll, and I eliwr L . e d folio ' my very nutlignitital inaing pla;a; a. hot a qinnlar want (of. caution in with Rifle cith..r4 ,Att, •,,i, ; „.; i tr v e t anti ‘‘art :t town . 31. Mr - tor r•an.irl:td. ball under Jay breath. • nt: the ort,. - tojoineel Mr Edina n ! I Wdo,rt.r -mar he t, and hiq fart. loi:rlitlY-thishint •It only hhow4, that tith all tor f-ailt• and it wa • itripcoAilt)o mrtf any one that- I;tretv t" imayine T rout', ht:eartlable ot' ,rn rpetrating a te1017 . , ") bt% your partloot ltr. tVt•bater: 1 mutant nothing ofr.liVe to Yon: remalr waq merely the ihrtly lovolunt:trl xpre.tsion of a. thought u ni,a,ot.l4.leuly 'bowed :tyro"; my - 1111-e little more or preliminaroletail to re. he went ~n t , .- aT . , l'ontrary to our hop . , aad fittliee !Meanie not a whit two., libel-Al with hi: v ier:4. titan 41efort• the rather: mud I :rou found that he in 't.•uiladi 1 , 1 keep the Qrrew st» till the aecomplitil- molt of the hated partner-hip ilacol an insuper : a bb. Lir between pw and Ellen liramston. ' I le:041 to eouvcrse frequently upon these u►att.;rt u•itlt Mr. Mutt, a, I. do now with you; and-I lutt-t --ay. that, although extremely anxioto: to atoid :in) appearance of opposition to my either, h e 0 1w a y..: r xpeessed the wartuest sympathy with , the aims and wi4hes—so touch .o, in fact, that 1 • at leaht ventured to :14; him for the lain of about ; five hundred pottuils, that being the least sum which would enable .me to pay off the most Ares- . ring of the claims by Which I teas laarrattsed, anti ; carry out my wedding project. Thit favor, how ever. he flatly refused, under the plea that his having done so'vrould sooner or later some t o m y father's knowletige." - And 41i 1 Mr. Button, After that retinal, con tinue to afford you opportunities of helping your self, had yoti , been so minded?" , "Yes, unquestionably he did; but whit of that?" shisrply replied the young man; liis pale face again suffused with an angry flush. - "Nothing, sir; nothing. Cu on; lam all at- tontion." K Well, 1 towle application to aelfend money lenders . with like meow, till lasi Monday fort night, when I was emoted at Mr. Ihtion'aplaeo of bowsaw in the Con Markel, Wbota happen- Id to be for a few minutes alone, by a ropes*. ERIE, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1853. 1 . 1411 ay yuul inoiwy,7 1)... 311 these rople. 11111 e 441101 tilt. 6101 e, Mick r the table '• I aid 14n: fi n wete pot. t.,,rreo ten fifties; and I forthwith ,i,ritired bottle ..r Brown, ht,we% : er, alleging a .. 1 an e xeuk.., dial not waif till it was brought--- bade ate rod ilay, anti tlitt.ippeare4l, - taLing, in ' - his burry, my hat inp lead of hig t A vn • .I wag, you will readily believe, t•',. jubilant at 66: Indy tutu of affair- and ~. frauge a. it nittvt appear toLt6II, anti doe,it-u• it. tuy=Plt, it did nut strike in. at 1 . 11, lam a :. a j t „it ,;‘, ordinary unbusine-s-like, tbai L abuuLl 113 v, Ik,• hundred palm& , inddenly -platkeri in to 3 hand ftv -a"man In trb nu I Waq pO , -onally unknown, 411(1 in the evening, papers :e._ttavittcl , eett, trent i bef?in e.• :4 lit flo eleart , r through thi; a pktikntan's.couutintr hiat , e in MAIL Line I :1)1.1ek 3frai, -aLI in. reply to the nbl !,entlo".. 11initglit I , limild hai.• tainted,l ; ~,i , ..w , ,,t i :: I , l ra_ tom' , t i n. f il)l.lilig look, -.llld I it-n:1 n',. mar Nei mph in Of , Glob.. WtIR pinto , ' otn to up:, ,der- 1...:1 1 1 1 ) . "I•' ;um ile table• 4 upon do rm.% conti ing a reward nu' the part Of Ntr: lintton f f .,. ow ' dent vona.itraii %%iv,- ha , Ike; •n. N o w, a yrdi approhonFinn of the per , ori , )r per.on. who had plea -o," I aidod, widre.lint) , 3ll , ": Vtall , tor, altn that lay 4tolen ten tifty'poutt,l Dank of Elo•latta ,1211 , 1 afruin rPturnea. ••T •:itallbe oa4l ()Fa row tun- N ADVANCE. 8 - 1 50 A YEAR, ble looking middle ageditnati,. who naked me if I I , had caused speaking; "bet limy tell me, didei was the Mr. Edmund Webster who bad left a they Mr. Hutton or his son know of your note at M r eurtis's of Bishopsgate street, on the ou to Mr. Curtis?" previous Saturday, requesting the loan of five "?,cannot say that either of them did, though hundred p oun ds, upon my own acceptance at sit. ; it is Move than probable that I mintioned it to months dat e . I eagerly replied in the affirmative; both of them." • • upon whi c h )lr. ;Brown as the man called him- "Well, Mr. I#ehster, [have confidence in your self; asked if I had the Pralnimmy 'Mite fiir five veracity, but it is essential that I should see your ~ • hundred mid fifty Pouhtlf ab I had: preposed, father (*fore engaging in Ibis business." ready drawn i•if so he mould give ate the cash at an ion. yon should• do se, and as early once. I umprod in wthery af joyous exeitc. ati possible." inelit, that I had not , the. noterrOior n s tamp It 16» then arranged that I Nhorthi (-AI o -with Inc, btu if he wtad nal ten.; minutes; till Welister,.;enior itt three o'clock the sano: Slier- Mr. Ifutton'nr a clerk emote in, Iwanisl get one noon, and a nuftunce mysAtif to the servants a» 3lr. and ,write the aeceptenre immediately. iie hen- ,Thotap : 2ott. I was punctual to the time aephint itatol a mom e n t, a nd' the* said--re lamin a bur- et!, and wa:, forthwith ushery Lf onti of the datglt. ry !bit, morning, but I. pill wait for 'you •the ter.; iutoher father's prevertee. wa4 not slit eoflcit room Of, the Bay-ofiN. tavern: havethe kind- ticiently twos-prod to leave, hi, b e d, and I t a d news to be as riniek as you run, and draw the note' hardly ezehaated half-i•sloaen lientenee4 with in favor of Mr. Breirk,"' • him, when the saute young lady lm whom I bath' • He had_ mkt beartigimuAlatmatiiirpour four mitt. been intrusittee4,hastily returned to , n,y that Me l urea, when the clerk eatne-in• i iristantly her- ITution'was lkint4 - and reqnested awiinutediate ried to a . statiotter'.7 wrote the not,• in Lis shop, interview. Mr,. 11'ehF47 bathe his daughter tell a n d .petaled on With it to Illy tree 411: , Mr, Thimy he was n ,,r b e coffee, olout tvas:full, es,,eepi the Ito% alit‘ro -at ;MA ,A,• Vfa , turning away to do po. Mr. itrown„ who, after e l a neing div Whet, I saitl ay:---• • Ei,•11....• me, :11r..1Celeatv, and putting it vtiekly_up. phteetl tt toll ftt note, but I qinnitil evq-eilingly like to. with my in Iti) hand.' own 'ear., what Mr llntton hai•to say,'unnhFer - Ito not di " DM motel,— the dates and numbe r of wh'ifit went .it:6 , zsariott rcirh voter Ltrot her " She mmut hig °Mee, t ea. v. contpleiek •tinmell lett the and I found Mr Et.l• that but for the policeatTietr I -It..nld Lake drol, . %Velrzter :it tht• rnotu tht fed upon the Boor pethav way Lt. dear- ' I -aid. —it. let ute e the hat Mr. np," Raid till, o ffi cer . sit f ar a .. v „ it , [Lair , ' lfrown lett IK.hind at the in Vern. IfAr are coneerni.d, an.] I will, if. I,it !ilzetf.t with an titan seetne l l ~ nrpri, o h at at mire to petr':ohlro:- : -freet , the or the tequest, but itnitte- I t Ira= ar ;seirse taks4..sat v 1., pehnowl,sle.,. ..artiplivl with it. ...Intl pr.+l,.whit•tna utc Kanto' WA , tent Ita'rt, and tjtat t luta 7 ziven : ker al -011.• r. Irtlili. %Va..; the ermitil hint a false Aires.. Thi, was en, i4 h. t was .of "our bat,_Mr. Wektee •, , at once off tit he ,SteLto iinV/Z-• pitu , t , Lreel'`' - ., •• he reptie.l_. • • al. searched, anti the other nine notes h e i m , , f o u n d • wajk- - purchase 111 V hats there upon am, no doubt na:: e n t, , rtained of tip,' ! milt. : ..1 - ( - ‘ , ry g00 , ..13 and now as to 'lr. Broivst's per t obstinately declined givrhg oly real natne--ve- -40:01.:ippearanee. What is hi. at all like:" ry fo - olishly so, as I now perceive, • , inee Mr. lint- : —A - ,, toutish, middle aged titan, with very light ton's clerk, the moment he saw tnt: neN t d a y a t Itair, -, prominent nose, and a Pale filev, ooloidera the police, court, di , closed it as a matter oft .Ittrsc. ,a)ly P:„.sl-maiked..' The result -you know. 3lr. ilutton, Whelk he s "That will do for the present, Mr. :Webster, heard whoit was that had been taken into ems- and let toe beg that till you see me again, not a Cody, kepi r es ol u tely out .of the Wiy, atid - after i soul receives a hint that we are moving in this several remands I was set at liberty, the tungis- ; business." trate remarking that he knew of 'no'emie which) 1 I then left the house. TIM hat bad furnished showed, in i a more attiking light, thn need M a I an - impartant_pieee of. information; the printed public prosecutor in this: country. My account ' /abet inside - being 'Perkins, Guilford, Surrey, - an d at the Rose and Crown Inn, Guilford, Surrey, of the way in which 1 became posscsied - cif the 4 notes was, as you know, scouted, and quite nat- ! I allightmi the rt , y next. day at o'clock, wally, Mr. Curtis: of gieboPsgete s'''itu , having i in the strong 646 of meeting in its steep streets I denied , all knowledge of Mr BroWu, or that he I -or adjacent la . with a. stoutish gentleman, dis:., had conunissioned'any ono to present tue . with ' t tingoishea by v ry light hair, long nose, and a five hundred pounds in exchange for my weep, White, pock-mar " 0 : 1 fate. -The chalice' wits, at Once. Thus stigmatised and disgraced, I return- t all events, wort s trial, and I very diligently set ed home to fled - my, father struck down, in what to work to ivali it, by walking about from dawn was at first thought would pruvo Mortal illness, till dark, peeri ,g at every head I passed, and by the'blow--Capt. Ilmnaston's door shut against 1 spending the eArenings in the • most frequented me—and the settled marriage of my eldest sisterl parlor! in the Omit. Many a bootless Anse I Jane, with an amiable young man; pecemptority was led hy , ii dikinit &spec of light or in(' hair, Wks et by his relatives, rn amount of the i and one Mow with a mad, poll, sad a Pair of appall! erheinlity of her brother," .! ' . 1 the longest legs I ever 101 ;*; kaPt'mo almost at a wita i l is indeed a sad, m i ts t eir ki sm ,b us i Dessi r uin for twit mortslliours atm imtkry liotioaraislg, 'III. Webster," I remarked, when thiriouirg' 'man ton the road to Cheetonft item; I haadod him, -0.1 by - hittir 1 • - 1 , . •• jjoi ipri) ,ht %,,, with al) tuy Ite,int. • lan how 411411 we t4tattap , t, I 1 . 1 ineeri f l yott . '•' ..F t e:ily; enntigtrittnler titt bed: - and "liting t h e ;,.,tio tt t I I Ille wort, I wa. in a moment unit of -ight , Nli,,s WehAer was then told- ti ask %Ir. Hutton to null: up, and in a few ininnteh that worthy p.ontlentan entorotl the tooth After a . hypo, ritieal crmslolene. , upsm, the inralitl' , 4 ctat,-." of Itealth, )1r ilittoik ,amp_t,, ilk p o l o( ;It 011 ,,,t, and with u veneja.tAto! f / • -1 anoe...toe lir ll'elotet. - be !.nary. in a 1. l e rmine,l ton . •zay that I will endure this hilly-slmllying no longqr Either you give zip tic, toii.l viz 1p.14 e , fin'ine, for I.lrtow'ed money:: "a V n i: rell i:e lja : tr Fh il o i r ecia t P il lp :l: i u l:e o: tr 7 -6::l l )chw at eeksti i i c ie n il ec a4la an n: (l : : adr -Wit length, loWever, lout with their re* pisnl nty man as he was eheapenin joint of 'ateat in the market platx.' lie anmw.: precisely to the tle6ription ‘ given ale, and w nionwor,'a Cishiya6ble hat*,trongly sugges.l .of Bond . freer .Aft i er. awhirt• he ivarted from wife, and wade toward: a etlie itonse, in parlor of which I'entenql dos . o after hint. T now leisure to ol,tsert..- hitn 'more e _10, 4 1y •1 appeared, to o be a reapeetable °Art of a man, it eaten - 4n) exIoN-2.4iion . flitted at' time; acro;q, face; Which to u,!.•. an adept of I , ttelt %ism' :.; inkt , led Willi Alnitiinq phi11t3. 44 Minch :111.Xieh . t mind, an..,ing probably from peenniary einba;rt ' went, ulit, fjudt.7.l.l. (roil' it lturclened convict] 1 pro..iently r btaiixtl flirt her and deeitdro pry ihnuilb .I,itin init'.B4litreely •0434101. 4 1 ,,*,.. A ner; # 4ls the waiter called hitn,fwa:t niy Mr. Brut In t' ' to lea. 4 thej'rotttn. J tot& hii hat, tilt h e had I l ing, up, in .ipparent n>i•take (iir )4 1 , 1 Aid 171 (Ito: hail 11;11 . 111t, til.:l - 1t..,d elap-etl bt4or jrd.plavt-11: it. N. 94. i.laittly enotigli, “I,e‘ri, It. i A r , , , , t, jindou, 'lon ill, .)1;e1.• label! The if I I testion icon: Was , , il , .tt t, , 3:!i1 Ill) Qeit: of r, i : lucky ftirtting up itf 31r. groter4and witil,4 I 1 ntetlitatit+ -everal mode of , etion. the ..irilit i, : rmsalr.i. upon whiel be let ill Ilttilding Builder,'" at once, 31r 'Skinner. strlk• na.,(mitile,l. 11,03 1,, skin Ine. 1 ettll.4l a1., ,, n( ~ii \; 1144 - .llling. iw t uir .i n. In the n• vimilitiffit. 4-1.14 e ~ a 1011)..(04 ;pm, tht• ground li. t t4 !Huth a bait. and linalla, 4113'g 'l' faartla, r "%ea' .a 1,9111 . . ~a •a%:a . -07., • -0., I tninFl, :-ter ktrareA inti"itv34,;;• itoli, cud 1 .bcon he-had lat,tv I,eoi (.. 1.3m1m. And had .t 1,r, - ,th4-itt lAu thi , r , ., - I . ' th.• intr..."4* Rut %in, t% ill' I.•: , , ..iticei,. ding Fit - 6;4113r- Thif ~ h orn lag , „ ii i i 4,,up,,• 11, '11111! . .1 :•. lilifil. : 1, 4111;r0..1 :) . 1 Ili' , in kit/IL aiild :3!kr h, ii.,.1 ~,,At,‘, l A ,1.,,,, , , ti ) i atii t t wip..ti o lt.„; I I 31111' frAAIJ . , .. ~io with. ...:111t-ro\l-1 . . 1: ' 01'Capitql 14 , i„ 4::1 1, 111; ,.. iil , " tat-h, 31r, SkitiOce: 1 , ,n IA i-Ji t . 1:11.+W VII.. I ;no, and espr.itioily VI. am ~t 1,1,.. I rty tor di- im, hon-t. we :hme btteµ talking. ,)i. Well. ih,..ti, l A m A wrmfo,4l-,ieritki.l 141(10 4:3: -Ii :Soitietiuu -, doll ..,cullrify..'. 40 1 14 ~t'ully •• Nut vssa.-tly tit„o., I Yatkqh.. - talc iwr:a., 11 .,: 1,,1140 1 , rh 1110 t ,11.10n0y \ lotith >ijo. .lil raw - du- ..igutatittts of ;; :,„ Lt, 1 L !Ziti"U', i:tbi for pre , t.nt amain n— itit.ict r :tc,Ltl Vas. ttik I (-miter." t. vt...itu thlit:::),s, 014 4.1' the if 1.11 1 .; hVa, ILA danit rt:till, th , . l t• V, A gr,i,it brit tit.; ;out, _.equirett to he et, io rt brown :••ttul - Oil( it u.. 1 interrupt, e tenting tu.i:•eit: his g1.1 71 :1. tlL , t h e uttllntui:-:,11t oqiit iet 1 hilt (1 1 1 4 „ Liti t e . l -1 it:: tic ta,t, )iutlittgki•itk it tit, hits.,; Add t•Av toNC:4•4 tit!. v.. ) itit a -•tti;•11 purpo-P ix) Itir too l z ituoitift Ati.4l...tigt!4 run uny 0 )1 ) :- 1 1 quetto•: /it; aro 4art.:". •.('.s.h d..tru ioti' intern-1 11 . r.1 I r -1) "of t "th Mr. Thoinif."lll have. a -i•_;k( .1 be a sir. Ed Webster, of 1.01'11,14,a. h;zguivoi at. 3: it@ii•' 4.•! hid: t -1.1..111.i 111 discAmut. •IVehstvr, t ',I • No; , i,rttig,in tl. ite ! ..;..!r . - tri Eikti ti, I,• inow Ow tot,. %lc, -,,; r; 1,t4. , 11, .4111,P V-111-I.lf ; : i•.l ..."Well i " trplio,l "114 g;ttjtj, but th;.144 I , I . • I .' igt't - ..,„,• bit of far.ui‘ , ,', : i)11 if ni co,ilr'e IHa t:q , 11-.:tti: coy . ttn.”,lll. itPen Ob i..• tei:Aitt7 ti ace,Wently 1,11014i! , ..11 t •4., . • "A ,ittoer \fr., • ture gennincti. 11..L . k 111,1, I hare the t`a , b ' "liero it .14t..1.11 Aeon t ~, 4 •1 :;i,ft 1 rif 'Edo I. 41»,1. Irl„• , I ' htt. p r . 1. ~ :it. it, ••,,E,N. it v„..4 all 1,1 Wlll illy :11111 hi;/1 .7 4011,0% 111 t awl rising Ir,at, tltl trl rh o) tier, ;11 that a den., tire and pot ••11: . tt11et s : :Aliattd the 'wan. a, In , 1614 - 11 ti; hi, feet, talking or.. .41. tell . ‘o.v.. ).'ottr brother-in-l-t+ yott to diston t. the i* , non; in nip roNA , 2I YOU' dui k a 314.'firownl age s itt of a -.I Curtis: but the vilfainous of tfiak transaction—the charging, oning We 'crith having ctoten the very fifty pouianott give hint in qte coffee-room of ,the li t y_tre • ern—l do nor) believe, thanks to Ir. flu success iu :tuppressing the name+ in the reports, yoti can be aware of." The bewildered man shook as with a, every limb,and,when I ceased speaking; p ed earnestly thivit he had had gel evil deli complying with his brother-iiklaw's wishe "I am willing to think so?' I replied. " all events, you must go with me to Lo quietly were best!: To this: he at last, though very rein consented, and hail an hour afterward* in the train, anl on our road to London. The next morning, Mr. Webster's applied to Mr. Hutton for the inane& dation of the hoods held by their amt. u we lad ululated, rendered hiu fori Edmund Webster was again arrested on, air charge, and taknit to the Nal ~.• f- i 1 ..;:, blll 1- : 1 - 1.1 Ii 1211 of :‘, SEE ME lEEE lon. the t uef ter EEO ME MO lII] 1' ZE3 321 tly were ! icitors I. lictill. I I This, e Ebr. street ~r i il. F. SLOAN, EDITOR. NUMBER a. pollee ofbee, where his - father, Cant Bealamas , and other friends, impatiently awaited his appear; ance.: sMr. Hutton, thit time appeared as pros ecutor, sad doped to fhe safe onstody of the notes on the morning of the rot;ery. "And you swear,. said Mr. Weloster's saki tor, "that yon did not with your own basis give the pretendedly stolen notes to Brown sad es. quest him to take theta in Mr. Curtis' sate - to young Mr. Webster?' - Hutton greatly larded, glanced keenly ist-doe questioner's fsee r and did not immediately the atre,. "No, I did pot," he at boa MO". in ` ll tow . , shaking voice. "Let me refresh your mincer IS , leu eel say to Brown, or tither, -Skinner year lbreitt l e• i n -law,—" • ! • A slight scream etamped fhe quivering lips of the detected conspirator, and a blase of freaskd tinkuish and slants swept over his - eotut te , leaving le ea white as marble.. No hatbr fa rmer weld be 444E4 from him, and as men as possible ho left the oftee„ - folfloworby 16.011110116 and hisses of the excited auditory. Skinniiiitai then brought forward; he made a full and ample .eonfession, and Ktlnnuid Webster was art owe discharged, amidst the itiarut felicitations of the utagi , ftrate and the uprilairious gratulationsof hi. friend, It was intended to indict Mr. perjury. but Ow unhappy man chose to sp. war hefore a higher tribunal than the Old Bai ley He was found dead in his bedroom early tt.• t _morning. His affairs . were found to be in a ~tnle of insolvenelY, though the deiteit was nit largel,fifteen shillings iu the pouid 'having been. l.understoe. l, ultimately paid to the cred itors Miss Ellen lirsenston, I must con elti,ion omit to state. beenme Mrs. EdMund, Web zter. shortly after the trininphatit vindication her lc,rer'l chtuzacter, and I. 'believe Mist Web' -h•r teal made a wife on the same e.5..y. A Disooviry, ‘. ...rresporklent ' of the Plieerville;Hera/d, writing from the sin. Bernardino Valley, ender date September 10th, gives the following account of tug - itoteeuse stone bridge ..etill to bait. &Tit found in that vicinity. , Front due of the three Wrenn:wets who made t lo• discover,• of the Oreat , .Pyrainid, peewees the Sierra Nevada and the Colonado;by , theit bawd.: ms trip across the Desert,. seine time!' ago, I ga-` her the following interesting account of *mit trther 4tscoveries in the vicinity of that pyra ,.idi .in a north-westerly ®ion, digpant about : 1 tree miles, they discovered the ruins - ai what • ppeared to ha - re been a bridge.-the foundation* f which were of stone, and nearly six hundred v‘t, Smut one of the outer abutments to the other, • bile between two are no less than Irma distinct If ien4; they were all apparently e siiod= t ()ugh many of, the topstenee noir ' Thom piers wore apparently all of the awe .irt . : , , anti at tbe t top nangt have n about six feet i• y twenty. In no place are the elevated mote t. an .:igh,t. feet above the pre ss t level of the • nds. and this can be said ooly _ t of vie of the ier4. The two outer abutmentsiiiii- nearly per endivitlar upon-the rides facing 1 inward, while t to outer gradually slope to the level and even I 'tow the surfaec--how far below, wits dot se- 'ltainetl. It is eonelusive, therefore; that the ',age was plevatot to a Attsiderable height a. •c.. the 4nrrountling country, and that the ?ri , nal foundations are more or less submerged by' te accumulated szind= l ik i ff "Ceittltrie. nat.: II the sligltte , t appea nee that a river bed its arse nearisr to thiA,rain than the Colorado, butt con the ram that thil l iSt ructure doe% not coedni ,•itl , ker north or -4otth', !last or west-, but rasher 4 in a north--A4 and. north-west _direction, mitt lead to Oe . twliet% that • some ancient river" i In the north-we,t once tto%ed is•iween the wins il pie( . .• f. 7,% i,l•.;wk• sifter striteturtss, having existed the sieitsity are apparent in numerous 4ep!ch. I oof what ' were *met: onc l ueotionably svalt:..4* I,itilitingT=, and the-.• extend for 11E14 11:111 :s tl)3l;se in every titreeljoit atol lisrkE • ,at the los,ilisss wesslsl rinilicate ts, 'NO 11..,21k 1 - Ir • 1 - Pt.4 it tlift thev.. pier.; and „. h t . ‘;.rt jeal ,upv - Nrier- c‘f la as wo , ul, t r th..-re ij n.,1 the slight• t ak•ut. thttu ;heir itariup been t• app..rt .4" ai•m;6. A Faisal. Husband. ,t.ty, previous to th,. : 4shng . of the 6...1 .11i1.4./..Aini ouisti solieitetl of Mr iiroti.:Til , • ,ol °. (l f the' Los f nikwin e g gi Z i Sio• eouttplained that ht:da , il.l ..r _• had dour through a7.4k -1.9 of tossriagr VC ithwit being blesi.e• alth iraroi. , Ura. s-thtr-.•. the time 4 , tie • suppo s ed that , she laws being united ttt• 4 . the other sex, and.they went to Yorkito pen,' the Ituneyntoon; but her daughter, tat her great qtrprise, diseovered that she had, been inex tied I.) a woman in untie attire, - and, them of three Atildren. Slr. iii:oderip, after stating . that there were other ea* , of similar eharieter on record, and learning that the marriage was solemnized at Highgate Church, referred the co plainant to the Magistrate of the aistriet. Be fey, feat:jug the court, however, j the• mother tussle the following most extraordiniry statement-2 - she said that the.pwado husband ins fins intro duced to her in feinale attire, under the name of Mrs. Panton, but, after an int.ftsey of some months, suddenly appeared in the costume Of 'a gentleman, announetng himself is Mr. Albert Guelph, and declaring that he was the ism at George IV. and Queen Caroline, but that for certain reasons his existence bad hitherto been . kept a profound secret, but that .his love for her fair dangh l t k i had wriul it from his heart, and induced lti to appear in the becoming habili ments of own sex, in lieu of the feminine - at tire he bad been disguised in for years, by.direc tion of a very benign old lady, who me et* . bmi Pe riodically in Park lane, and supplies him with cash tuffibetinat. As he dressed vary fashionably, Mid alwaisa bad plenty of money, the mother,. believing the story, eouscotod .to — their ungtials, particularly as the Wieser Mrs. .Pantan 'and her daughter had upon the occasion of little vis ite slept tagethor before; and so Miss Bobbins changed her name for Mrs. Guelph, on tbsti.2tll g ep te r ber3 by limn*, at ENV" ehnrch ; but also ! discovered titabilka. raw after • ' ton was bat a - 10 , 11