The Columbia spy and Lancaster and York County record. (Columbia, Pa.) 184?-1848, August 07, 1847, Image 1

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    NEW SERIES, VOL. I, NO. .6.]
Printing Office—Front Street, opposite Barr's Hotel
Pubiication Office—Locust Street, opposite the P. 0.
• Turas. —The COLUMBIA SPY Is published every
Saturday morning at the, low price of ONE DOLLAR A
- YEAS IPI ADVANCE, nr one dollar and flay cents, if
not.paid within one month of the time of subscribing.
Single copies, THREE CENTS.
Tunas op ADY Enron No—Advertisements not exceed
ing n square three times for Sl, and 25 cents for each
additional insertion. '1 hose of a peeler length In pro
yortfon. t2eA. Mural discount made tO : yearly adver
tiser". ' •
4021 , PRINTING— Soich as Rand-bilis, Posting-bills.
Cards. Labels, Pamphlets, Blanks of every description
Circulars, etc.etc.,execnied with neatnessatiddespatcli
and on reasonableterms.
From the Man In the Moon.
Sweet Whackem house for contemplation made,
(We've sixty boarders there)—thy tranquil shade
Invites me back to taste the calm delight
Of Wisdom's lessons,—(Tip us, Bob, a light.)
Sweet Whackem house! Fond mem'ry Invea to trace
Thy hawthorn lane —(where Tomklns smarted my
Thy willow—(and the birch) beside thy rill,
Seat of my youth—(l feel it tingle still.)
Thy orchard hung with apples ripe and fair—
(They always keepa wicked mastiff there,)
Thy playground—and my playmates—kind and true—
(Who laughed when Wilkins thrashed me, black and
Yes, I remember—l remember all:
The white . -faced usher, and the white-washed hall—
The marbles—(thot were prige'd, I know, by Jones)—
Friend of my soul break the rascal's bones.)
The sports at eve, when coats and cap were off.
To chase, the hoop —(1 chased The 'looping cough—
And caught it too,)-0 t days of gay delight,
Youth's morning draughts of Joy—(with pills at night.)
O! much I love thee—(gammon!)—Doctor Duff:
Thy care so tender—(and thy'beof so tough)—
Thy words, that fall like eugar—(in the cane);
(I also love the gard'ner's daughter Jane )
Sweet %Vhackem house f where first my infant tongue
In numbers liep'd—'twas thus I trembling rung—
Sail, Muse divine."—Ot curse it, Soli, don't snore;
Here's Whackern Souse; we're back at school once
From Sharpe's Magazine
The old lady who related the outline of the fol
lowing singular story, heard it told in her youth,
by no means as a fiction, but as a real occurrence.
She even once knew the name of the old northern
family concerned in it, but that, with the exact
dates, she has now forgotten, it she evlr knew the
latter; and having never written down the story,
she'has 'no means of recovering them. However,
from the express mention of a tight wig, worn by
the benevolent old hero of the tale, we have fixed
the strange occurrence not earlier than the last
Towards the end of a gusty October day, about
the year 1730, a barrister of the temple was sitting
reading, when the opening of the door, and the
servant's announcement of " a gentleman," inter
rupted him. He rose to receive his visitor, who
proved to be a perfect stranger, a person of very
gentlemanly, but extremely old.fashioned appear
ance. He was dressed in a grave-colored suit, of
antique cut ; a neat, tight gray wig surrounded his
serious, and even solemn, physiognomy ; silk stock
ings, rolled at the knee ; enormous shoe buckles of
gold; a cane, headed with the same metal, and a
broad-brimmed and uncooked hat, completed his
equipment ; which was in the fashion of the last
years of William the Thud, or the first of his suc
cessor. Having stilly bowed, in the exact wuy
prescribed by the etiquette of the era to which he
seemed to belong, he took possession of the chair
offered him by his host; and, after a preparatory
ahem, thus began in a slow and serious manner:
"I think, sir, you arc the lawyer employed by
the family, whose property in Yorkshire you
are, therefore, aware is about to be sold."
"I have, air," answered the barrister, "full in
structions and powers to complete the disposal of it,
which, though a painful duty to me, must he per
"It is a duty you may dispense with," said the
visitor, waving his hand, "the property need not
be sold."
- s. May I presume to ask, sir, whether you are any
relation to the family ? If so, you must be acquain.
ted with the absolute necessity of selling It, in con
sequence of the claim of another branch of the
family, just returned from beyond sea, who, as heir.
at-law, is naturally possessor of the estate, in default
of a will to the contrary; end who desires its value
in money, instead of the land. The present pos.
sessor is unable to buy it, and must therefore
"You are mistaken," replied the old gentleman,
rather testily, "you seem not to know of the will of
Mr. S--'a great grandfather, by which he not
only left that, his estate, to his favorite grandson,
this gentleman's father, but even entailed it on his
"Such a will, sir," said the barrister, "was in
deed, supposed, for many years to exist; and, in
virtue of it, Mr. has, until now, peaceably
enjoyed the property; but, on the claimant's appli.
cation, a renewed search having been made for it,
either the belief proves wholly unfounded, or it has
been lost or destroyed. Cabinets, chests, every
rootn,inhabited or uninhabited, have been ransack
ed in vain. Mr. S—_ b an now given np all hope
of finding it; the sale is to be completed in the
coarse of next week; and the fino old place must
pass into the hands of strangers."
"You are mistaken once again, y oung ninn ."
said the stranger, striking his cane on the floor;
" I say, sir the will exists. Go, immediately," con
tinued he, in as antbcritative tone, " travel- night
and day. You may save an old family from dis.
grace and ruin. In the end room of the left wing,
now uninhabited, is a closet in the wall."
"We have looked there," interrupted the bar
"Silence, sir; there is• a closet, I say. In that
closet is a large chest; that chest has a false bot
tom, and underneath tbat is the deed. lam certain
of what I say. I saw the paper deposited there;
no matter when, or by .whom. Go; you will find
it worth your trouble. My name, sir, is Hugh
S-, I am not now personally known, to the pro
prietor of S- Ijall;but lam his relation and
have his welfare at heart.. Neglect not to follow
my advice,"
So saying, the old gentleman arose, again bowed,
and at the door put on his bat, in a fashion which
would have enchanted an elegant of Queen Anne's
day ; and sliding the silken string of his cane on
the little finger of his right hand. on. which the
lawyer had remarked. a very fine brilliant ring, he
descended the stairs and;:departed, leaving the bar
rister in the utmost astonishment. At first he felt
half inclined to consider the whole as a hoax; then
again, when he thought of the old gentleman's
grave manner, and the intimate knowledge he must
have possessed of the house, to be able to describe
the room so exactly in which the chest was, he
could nut but believe bim to be sincere.
At length, after much deliberation, he decided
upon immediate departure; and arrived, on the
evening of the fourth day, at S- Hall. The
sale had been the only theme of conversation at
every place he had passed through, within twenty
miles of his destination ; and much and loudly was
it lamented, that the squire should be leaving his
house, forever,mnd that poor Mr. John would never
enjoy his rights, as they persisted in calling the
possession of the estate. On his entrance into the
mansion, signs of approaching removal every where
met his eyes. Packages filled the hall; servants,
with sorrowful countenances, were hurrying about;
and the - family were lingering sadly over the last
dinner they were ever to partake of in their regret.
ted home.
Mr. S—greeted Ins friend, with a surprise,
which changed to incredulity when the barrister,
requesting his yrivate car, declared the reason of
his appearance.
"It cannot be," said he. "Is it likely that no
one should ever have heard of the hiding of the deed
but the old gentlman yon mention. Depend upon
it, you have been deceived, my dear friend ; I am
only sorry you should have taken so much trouble,
to so little purpose."
"Hugh S—i" each' 4 . ped the gentleman, laugh
ing. " I have not a relation in the world of that
"It is worth the trying, however," said the law
yer; "and since I have come so far, I will finish
the adventure."
111 r. S-, seeing his friend so determined, at
length consented to satisfy him, and accompanied
him towards the appartment he specified. As they
crossed one of the rooms in their way, he suddenly
stopped before a large full•length picture. "For
heaven's sake," cried he, "who is this?"
"My grand uncle," returned Mr. S-. " A
good fellow as ever lived. I wish with all my heart,
he were alive now; but he has been dead these
thirty years."
"What was his name?"
"Hugh S-. The only one of our family of
that name."
" That is the man who called upon me. His
dress, his hat, his very ring are there."
They proceeded to the closet, lifted tho false
bottom of the trunk, and found the deed.
The kind old uncle was never seen again
It had. been a very hazy day on earth, with a
cold north-wester, though it was in the month of
July, and, to say the truth, it was very little better
in heaven. Jupiter and Juno had been at sixes and
sevens all the morning, but that was too common
an occurrence to produce much disturbance. But
to-day everything appeared to go wrong. Hebe
had stumbled over one of Vulcan's new-fangled
tripods, as she was pouring out the Thunderer's
champaigne the night before at supper, and showed
her knee—a mighty pretty knee it was too—and
there had been no peace in Olympus since. No
body seemed to know exactly what was the matter,
bet all the gods and goddesses were out of sorts
together. The eagle had been sent oat in the morn.
ing—Juno said that Juipler was at some of his old
tricks, or that rascally bird wouldn't have got the
job—and he hadn't got back yet, though dinner had
been over these two hours ; and old Momus, the
only one of the lot, that never lost his spirits, was
out of the way. It was terribly dark work. Juno
eat in a great golden arm-chair, with her large eyes
absolutely red with tears, and her bosom throhbing
as if it would burst the ecstus—she had borrowed
it of Venus to come over the father of gods and
men, but it was all for nothing--and her little foot
beating the devil's tatoo on her footstool ; but it was
all lost upon Jove, for his brow was as black as if
all his thunders were there, and his ambrosial locks
were quite out of curl. Venus herself wag melan
choly, less perhaps on account of things in general,
than because Mars had given her a savage look,
when she stuck a pin into his arm, just to make
him take an interest in what was going on; and as
to Apollo, on whom she had to hook a little senti
mental flirtation, he was walking up and down the
jasper-paved hall, every now and then striking a
false note on his lyre, end then cursing it for being
out of tune—with a scornful curl upon his lip—sad
if ever he made an observation at all, it was sure
to be the same bitter taunt at the immortals. For
Apollo had been a traveller, and, though there was
not much fun really in keeping sheep for Admetus,
whenever he got into one of his vagaries—and that
was pretty often too—he would throw it into the
teeth of the gods how mach happier the poor dis.
pised mortals were than they ia their chrystal pala
ces .`. ..For, if it comes to the worst," he would
say—" they can at least get rid of their miseries :•—•
They can find repose in the quiet of the grave—but
we !—we are immortal!" l" Night came" on, and
this did not mend the case—it was pitch dark,
though the moon was at the full!
" Mercury"—roared the Thonderer—" What. the
Cocytus is the meaning of all this? Where's
Diana to-night?"
"Have done with your folly—Venus—do!" bel
lowed Mars, as the laughter-loving queen pinched
him again, for she knew that Diana was after—but
he couldn't stand the look she gave him, it was so
irresistibly tender in its languid tearfulness, so he
stole his arm around ber waist, while all the rest
were looking at Mercury, who was rather in a stew,
and they were better friends than ever again,—
"How could you be so crdss to me, Mars, dear ?"
whispered she.
"I believe she's gone to Latmos, Jove," said
Mercury, who, for the first time in his life couldn't
make up a lie.
" Gone to the devil," replied the testy king
" No, Sire, to Endymion—they say he is more
like Apollo, than your brother!" said Minerva, who
hated her—" She's no better than she should be,
that Diana!"
At this moment the conversation was interrupted
by a long-drawn sigh, strangely terminating in a
sort of chimp. Every one turned round, and though
she tried to look innocent, Venus blushed. "You're
none of you half so good as you should be"—an.
s wered Jove, waxing more and more indignant—
" Flebe—my very cup-bearer—must show her knee
to all the Demi-gods, that supped with me yester
day, just from vanity at its whiteness; and to-day
the moon must go to meet her spark un Latmos,
and Venus kiss her's before all our faces on Olym.
pus. The next god or goddess that commits such
a breach of propriety, shall go to earth for a hun:
dred years, I swear by the $--."
"Oh ! nonsense, Jove," cried all the deities at
once, and the sound of their voices pealed, like the
roar of an avalanche, to the remotest wilds of
"Let him alone!" said Juno—" he'll suffer for it
himself—as soon as any one; but he need not hope
that I'll kiss him on the earth to shirk his vows, as
I've been fool enough to do before ! But he'll have
some of his Europas, or Alcmenas before long, I'll
warrant him. That infamous bird is after some of
thorn now, I suppose."
..D—n the bird and you too!" answered he, in
a passion, and flounced out of the room on his way
to Dodona, for he smelt the fat of a score or two of
oxen, that they were roasting there, in hopes of get
ting an answer to some oracular questions or other.
It was not long before Juno started for Argos to
dress for supper, and then Venus and Mars stepped
out to take a ramble in the myrtle groves at Cyth.
era ; and Heaven was left empty, till the Hours
came to make it look a little decent for the compa
ny—then the Muses carne in, and began tuning
their instruments, but they could not get them to
rights at all; and Vulcan's circum-ambulating tri
pods had run down, and they couldn't get them
wound up again; for old Mulciber had got so mad
at that unlucky kiss, that he went of to .Etna—not
to be back for a week or two. It was terrible
work; and when supper came, it didn't tell one
whit better than the rest. Every body missed poor
little Hebe's laughing face ! She was a general
favorite, and so pretty—and then the absurdity of
the thing ! If Jove had never seen a knee before,
why there might have been some sort of an excuse,
for turning her out of office. "If it had been in
the old days of Saturn, when modesty had not be
come utterly ungenfeel, we could have understood
such pranks ! but now, my dear Venus, it is too ob.
surd!" said Juno—" The truth was, the poor little
thing kneW Hercules was looking at her at the
time—she's to be married to him you know—and
surely that's enough." "Oh ! you may rely on it—
June—whispered the fair Idallian—‘ , Jove has
made arrangements to instal some of his mortal
beauties in the place! We shall have some beauti
ful, wo•begone, thing with her hair out of curl, and
the waist of her frock up to her shoulders—all
simper, and bashfulness—before night, I warrant
you." Venus wore very long waists, and couldn't
endure bashful creaturoc.
"It he does, I'll go to Eubcea again—and we'll
see if he gets me back as quickly as lie did belbre !
I won't endure such treatment!"
While she was yet speaking, the heavy flapping
1 . of wings was heard without the hall, and in a mo
ment the eagle flew into the room, enveloped in a
veil of silvery mist; diem was no fierceness in his
eye, the feathers of his lordly neck slept peacefully ;
the very lightnings, which flashed from his talons,
were of a lovely violet flame, that played lambently
in the perfumed atmosphere. "It is too bad—l—
will not—bear it," sobbed the heart broken Juno.
But the faithful messenger floated silently to the
throne of Jove, the vapory shroud melted away from
the presence of the monarch—and there stood re
vealed in more than mortal beauty—no soft en
chantress—no mortal mistress—but a boy! a bril.
liant boy, dressed ins. bothers cassock, with golden
ringlets floating from beneath his Phrygian cap,
and the jewelled quiver glittering on his shoulder.
There was a general murmur of applause! the
jealousy of Juno- was appeased, the goddesses won
dered at. his beauty, and Venus gazed so earnestly
upon the charms of the young Trojan, that Mars
had a relapse. Some of the gods, too, grumbled a
little; they preferred, they said, a pretty nymph to
all the boys from Ida to the pillars of Hercules; but
when have males a chance against the sez. Be
sides he had not poured a second round of nectar,
before Bacchus swore he &culled it, as well as he
could have done himself. Just then, too, the moon
shine - streamed brilliantly athwart the sapphire
vault of heaven, the spheres rang out with their
celestial harmony, and Jupiter himself smiled with
majestical serenity, as amidst the harping of the
Muses, and the symphony of the stars, the assem
bled deities drank to the. Golden Ganymede
hadn't been married very long, and hadn't quite got
out of the habit of Lakin, little punch drinkin, frol
icks with his old friends on punchier occasions.
He was first rate at making excuses for staying out
at nights now and then—he was terribly pressed
with business, as he tuck monstrous good care to
never cum home crosslegged, his wife never spect
ed nothin, and all went on lust rate., One night
Bill got rather msre'n he could carry straight, but
he didn't find it out till he was on his way home.
He wouldn't have Susan know he was in such a
sitewation not for the world, and he begun tbinkin,
as well as he could with his lied spinnin round so,
What was best to keep her from findin him nut.
" got it 'racily," ses he—" Hie, Su-
Su.Susart knows Pm Chic) terribly f-f-fond of m.m.
milk. Well,'l'll jest take a big (hie) swig of m-m.
milk, and NO sh-she'll never suspect nothin, poor
Home he went, practisin straight walkin all the
way, and studdyin over in his mind how he would
talk straight, so Susan wouldn't find him out.
When he found the latch, which was on the
wrong side of the door, what opened the wrong way
too, he felt round in the dark for more doors than
was ever in the house before, and got into ever so
many curious shaped rooms, till he found the pantry
whar he spected to find some milk. lie didn't have
no very clear idee as to whar it ought to be; so,
after feclin about in every place but the right one,
he cum to the conclusion to go up to his room and
ax his wife whar it was. The stair seemed to be
turned up side down, and the bed room was chang
ed places with the cellar-kitchen, but he made out
at last to find the door.
Alter clearing his throte, and saying over his
speech so he wouldn't make no mistake, he opened
the door, and tuck a lean agin the door post, and
listened to hear if his wife was awake. She was
sound asleep.
"All the better for that, thought he to himself.
"Susan !—Susan!" ses he very low and plain.
"Eh 7" ses Susan, jest wakin out of a duse; "Is
that you come home, my dear, so late—l—"
"Susan, Susan !" ses Bill, not payin no attention
to what she sod, his hed bein full of the milk—
" Susan !"
"What, my dear?"
"Is there any in the house?"
"Yes, dear—but what in the world—
" Susan, Susan 7"
"What dear?"
" Whar is the milk ?"
"In the pantry in the dinin room, dear. But you
hod better come to bed now, it's so—"
Bill didn't say a word, but tuck some terrible
long steps in the dark. He found the thrall room
and the pantry agin, but he couldn't find no milk
any whar. After tryin for about five minnits, lie
goes up stairs agin, and leanin against the door to
steady himself, axed his wife agin—
r Susan, Susan!" ses he very partickcler.
" Eh—what 7" see she, wakin up agin.
" Is ther any milk in the house ?"
"I told you titer was some milk in the pantry,
Down went 13i11 agin. This time he felt every
whar, and upset lots of things, making a terrible
racket among the crockery, but drat the drup of
milk could ho find.
"Cuss the milk:" sea he; " whar could they put
In a minit more he was at the bed room door
"Susan, Susan:" see he.
Susan snuffed a short snore off in the middle.
"What:" ses she, sort o'Cross this time.
"Is there any milk in Ile house ?"
" Yes, I told you." •
"Well, whar is it?" sea he.
"I told you, on the shelf—in the pantry—in the
dinin room ?" - ses Sus&h, breaking it off into short
mouthfuls of pretty loud italic.
That sort o' skeered Bill, and put him off his
" Well, Susan," ses he, "is it tied up in any thing
or lying about loose ?"
- That was enuff—the cat was out of the bag, and
no help for it. Mrs. Pipkin was bright awake in
a minit, and the way Bill got'a Caudle that night
was enough to sober the drunkenest husband in
creation. He never got corned agin—and it was
more'n a year after afore he could drink milk in
his coffee when Susan was at the table.
A NARROW Escape.-1n the month of October,
1828, my vessel was lying at Mobile. I went
ashore one bright morning, to do some business
with the house to which I was consigned, and as I
passed along the street, it occurred to me that I
mightas well have a beard of a week's growth
reaped, before I presented myself at the counting.
room I stepped into, a barber's shop, and taking
the chair told the barber to proceed.
He was a bright malatto, a good looking young
fellow, not more than two and twenty years of age,
it appeared. His eyes were large, black, and
lustrous, I thought. His manner at first was
quiet and respectable. I thought be was a long
while lathering my face, and told him that he must
have bought his soap at whcleatile price. Laugh.
ing he replied that mine was a long beard, and
tbat lie knew what he was about.
"Are you the boss here, my man?" I asked
" Yes," he answered, " my master set me lip,
and I pay him twenty dollars a month for my time."
"That is a good interest on the capital invested,"
I remarked; " can you pay your rent and live on
the balance of your saving ?"
"Oh, yes, and lay up something besides. Sonic.
times I receive thirty bile a day."
" Thal, I suppose, you will buy your freedom
one of these day!, 7"
"As for that," he rcplied I care but moo. I
have all the liberty I want, and enjoy myself as I
go along."
But should you marry and have children, you
would not wish to leave them slaves 9"
" Yes I would for they would be better off than
if they were free."
By this time he had, laid down the brush and
commenced running the razor over the strop, and
I%..king at the blade every time he drew it across
the leather. His hand trembled a little, and his eyes
absolutely burned like coals of fire. I did not feel
uneasy, but I could not avoid watching him closely.
At last he commenced shaving "►ly head
being thrown back, I was able. to keep my eyes
fixed directly on:his ir.wrc..,NV by I did so-I..eannot
tell; certainly I apprehended nothing, but I did
not remove my gaze for a single instant while the
razor was passing, over my neck and throat. He
seemed to grow more and more uneasy, his eyes
were as bright, but not as steady as when r first
observed them. Ile could not meet my fixed and
deliberate look. As be commenced shaving my
chin he said abruptly—
" Barbers handle a deadly weapon, sir."
"True enough, my man," I replied ; " but you
handle yours skilfully, although I notice your baud
shakes a little."
" That's nothing, sir—l can shave you just as
well. My hand shaker because I did not have
much sleep last night. But, I was thinking just
now," he added, with a laugh, "how easy it would
be for me to cut your throat."
" Very likely," I replied, laughing in return, but
looking sternly at him—" very like, yet I would
not advise you to try the experiment."
Nothing mom we said. He soon finished and I
arose from the chair just as an elderly gentleman
entered the shop. The last corner divested himself
of his coat and cravat, and took the scat I had va
I went to the glass, which did not reflect the chair,
to arrange my collar. Certainly I had not stood
fore it it single moment, when I heard something
like a suppressed shriek, a gurgling, horrible sound
that made my blood run cold. I turned, and there
—great God there sat the unfortunate gentleman,
covered with blood, his throat cut from ear to ear,
and the barber, now a raving maniac, dashing his
razor with tremendous violence into the mangled
neck. On the instant the man's eyes caught mine,
the razor dropped from his hand, and he fell down in
a fit. I rushed towards the door, and called for
assistance. The unfortunate man was dead before
we reached the chair.
We secured the barber, who, as I subsequently
learned had been drinking deeply Ole night latn.rt.,
and was laboring under mania a pole. His fate I
never heard.
Col. Doniphan made his treaty with the Navijos, a
division of his command was entirely out of pro
visions, and the Navijos supplied his wants with
liberality. A portion of the command; together
with Col. Doniphan, went to the city of the Sumai
Indians, living on the Rir. Piscow, which is sup
posed to be a branch of the Gayle, made a treaty
of peace between the Sumai and Navjjo, and thee
returned to the Rio Del Norte. These Sumais, un•
like the Navijos, live in a city, containing probably
6000 inhabitants, who support themselves entirely
by agriculture. This city Ane of the most ex
traordinary in the world. It is divided into four
solid squares, having but two streets crossing its
centre at right angles. All the buildings are two
stories high, composed of sunburnt brick. The
first story presents a solid wall to the street, and is
so constructed that each house joins, until one fourth
of the city may be said to be one building. The
second stories ries from the vast solid structures,
so as to designate each house, leaving room to walk
upon the roof of the first story between each build
ing. The inhabitants of Sumai enter the second
story of their buildings by Indere, which they draw
up at night as a defence against any enemy that
may be prowling about. In this city was seen Al
bino Indians, who have no doubt given rise to the
story that there is living in the Rocky Mountains
a tribe of white aborigines. The discovery of this
city of the Sumai will afford - the most curious
speculations among those who have so long search.
ed in vain for a city of the Indians who possesssed
the manners and habits of the Aztecs. No doubt
we have a race here living as did the people when
Cortez entered Mexico. It is a remarkable fact
that the Sumaians have, since the Spaniards left
the country, refused to have any intercourse with
the modern Mexicans, looking on them as an inferi
or people. They have also driven from among
them the priests and other dignitaries, who former
ly had power over them, and rammed habits and
manners of their own, their Great Chief or Gover
nor being the civil and religious bead. The coun
try round the city of Sumai, is cultivated with a
great deal of care, and affords food not only to the
inhabitants, but for large flocks of cattle and sheep.
TALKING " Btc."—We cut this from the Boston
Post. "My dear," said Mrs. Bell to her compan-
ion, Mrs. Popplestone, as they walked past the ex.
cavation fur the water works in Washington street.,
yesterday morning—" can you tell ma what them
holes are for?"
"Certainly," replied Mrs. P. ..They are for the
anecdote to bring water from Lake Cochineal,
The limping aliment will Leander thro' the iron
cubes, and irritate all the eircumjacent beelike".
They'll have hydras at the corners of the streets,
and probably a jetty dough" upon the Common,
for•it is a law of hieroglyphics that water always
descends up to the level of its source, and this hera
fountain must rise as high as that 'ere lake. Isbell
be very glad when the water gets here, for I am as
fond of absolutions as a. mussleman, as I dement
wash my feet in .jamaiky water on account of the
dirt of the heels:"
[From the Note Book of Sir George Simpson-]
women, with their witchery of manner, it is noteasy,
or rather it is not possible for a stranger to speak
with impartiality, inasmuch as our self-love ianatu
rally enlisted in favor of those who, in every look,
tone and gesture, have apparently no other end in
view than the pleasure of pleasing us. ' With regard
however, to their physical charms, as distinguished
from the adventitious accomplishments of educa
tion, it is difficult even for a willing pen to exagger
ate. Independently of feeling ur motion, their
sparkling eyes and glossy hair are in themselves
sufficient to negative the idea of tameness and
insipidity; while their sylph-like forma evolve fresh
graces at every step, and their eloquent features
eclipse their own inherit comeliness by the higher
beauty of expression. Though doubtless fully con
scious-of their attractions, yet the women of Cali
fornia; to their credit be it spoken, do not "before
their mirrors count the time," being on the contrary,
by far the most industrious half of the population.
In California such a thing as a white servant is
absolutely unknown, inasmuch as neither man nor
woman will barter freedom in a country where
provisions are actually a-drug, and clothes almost
a superfluity; and accordingly, in the absence of
intelligent assistants, the first ladies of the province,
particularly when treated, as they seldom are, by
native husbands, with kindness and consideration,
discharge all the lighter duties of their households
with cheerfulness and pride. Nor does their plain
and simple dress savor much of the toilet. They
wear a gown sufficiently short to display their
neatly turned foot and ankle to their white sleek.
lags and black shoes, while perversely enough they
bandage their heads in a hankerchief, so as to con
ceal all their hair except a single loop on either
cheek; round their shoulders, moreover, they twist
a shawl, throwing over all when they walk, or go
to mass, the "beautiful and mysterious mantilla:'
The men arc generally tall•and handsome, while
their dress is far more elaborate than that of the
women. Round a broad-brimmed hat is tied
parti-colored cord or handkerchief; a shirt'-which
is usually of the finest linen, displays on the breast
a profusion of lace and embroidery ; and over the
shirt is thrown a cotton or silk jacket of the gayest
hues, With frogs on the back, and a regiment of
buttons on the breast and cuffs. To come ne;t to
the nether man—the pantaloons are split oa the
outside from the hip, to the foot, with a row of hut.
tons on either edge of the opening, which is laced
together nearly down to the knee ; rot,nd the waist
is a silken belt, which to say nothino_of_ils_value
ornament, serves the utilitarian purpose of
bracing up the inexpressibles; and underneath,
through the gaps aforesaid, there peers out a pair
of full linen drawers, and a boot of untanned deer
skin, the boot on the right leg invariably forming
the scabbard for that constant companion, the knife.
But our dashing friend, to be appreciated by the
reader, must be placed on horseback, the quadruped
being generally as gay as his master. The saddle,
which is encumbered with trapping, rises both be
fore and behind, while, at either side, there swings
a wooden shovel by way of stirrup. Thus com
fortably deposited on his easy chair and pair of
footstools, the half of the centaur propels the whole
machine by means of enormous spurs, with rowels
to match; setting rain at defiance from head to
heel, without the aid of any of your patent water
proofs. To soy nothing of the broad-brimmed bat,
his legs are protected by a pair of goat-skins, which
ore attached to the saddle"-bow, and tied around the
waist, while his body is coffered by a blanklet.of
about eight feet by five, with a hole in the centre
for the head. This blanket or serape appears to be
to the vanity of the men, what the mantilla is to
that of the women. It varies in price from five
dollars to a hundred, sixty dollars being the usual
rate for a fine one; it is made of cloth of the most
snowy colors, sometimes trimmed with velvet and
embroidered with gold. With such painted and
gilded horsemen, anything like industry is of
course out of the question; and accordingly they
spend their time from morning to night in billiard
playing and horse racing, aggravating:the evils of
idleness by ruinonsly heavy bets.
In a word, the Californians are a happy people,
possessing the means of physical pleasure to the
full, and knowing no higher kind of enjoyment.
Their happiness certainly is not snob as an Erig-
Hellman can covet, though perhaps a Calafornian
may with reason disparage much of what passes
under the name in England, the accumulating •of
wealth for its own sake, the humoring of the capri
ces of fashion, and the embittering even of the lux
uries of life by blended feeling of envy and pride.
But whatever may be the merits or demerits of
California happiness, the good 'Ms thrive Upon It.
They live long, warding off-the marks of ago for e.
period unusual even in some less trying climates,
and, with regard to the women this is Abe more
remarkable, inasmuch as they were subject, to the
wearing effect of early wedlock, sometimes Marry
ing at thirteen, and seldom remaining single after
sixteen. In the matter of good looks, both !sex*,
merely give nature fair play, ?cooling as well ills
cares as the toils of life.
AMF:III34N Corm—The coinage at the Mint for
the last six months (namely from lit January to the
let of July, 1847 is 8 8 , 2 06,323—hir exceeding the
amount coined .during any similar period of time
since the government was founded. Under the
new instructions .given by Mr. Walker.under , the
law establishing the constitutional treasury. an for
eign coin received by the governaient is at ones
transferred to the Alia, where it is recoined,ancl
pair: out as Americanzoin—the only form hi whitfh
it. Will circulate 'among the people. The Union
says, "There is ercrg reason to bereave that nearly
sixty, millioes. of.liollars will he converted Into
American coin during the, adminisuation of Pm.
Ideal Polk."