ISMIMENIENNII CORDS. RI I• A.A . /11'06. MAO W. 11.1M'It. ATWOOD,: RANCIC commissioN iiir,nouANTs, ITholeNalockalonvin all kind!. of ' - PICKLED AND BALT AS TI No. 210 North ;Wharves, Abu.° Ilaco of evei, PHILADELPHIA, MEI S PION°, 1872. 1.871 COYLE BROTHERS JOBBING #ND COMMISSION MEItCII.I:NTS, '` N0..24 SOUTH lIANOVEN.4T., clAniusf,tl. They have constantly in stock a largo selection 'of Notions and Fancy, Dry Goods, ladies' and gent's hosiery, gloves, suspenders, neck ties and bows, white trimming and ruffling, paper 'collars and coifs, note, cap, business, letter, billet., wrapping paper, envelopes, japer bags, tie yarn, drugs, fancy soap, hair oil, peifuma, and an endless variety of knick knacks. , All orders will receive prompt atten tion. COYLE 13110THEI1S "71111172Lf -.1)1L J. 8. ISENDEIZ, ❑O3IIEOPATII IC IlllYsiolAN. Ilex removed illy 011ico to 1 , ..,111Ce Cron., Coruer of South Elanover and l',.ml,!s, Ihu Sveuna Pros!), l; rims elutt..ll. It E7-131111A7A100N - 41 - R, Ji_' • 1;1' AT 011ico in Sontil IlAnover titrcel, upp ilontt4 dry 10..70 gond° °tor°, Will MAN, 11'h,d,•wnlr drnior, In MANUFACTURED TOIIACCO, N. E. (I,r. 77 in? and Marl," efredg, Philadelphia E. KIRKPATRICK, =1 EMSII C. P. HUMLICIL WM. B. PARKER UIIRICII PZKEII, 9-1 AliOl I; IS AT LAW. Onion on.Midn ' ai . ,t,in Marion llnll, Carl lAn. • 10,7 P O. U. 61,11.01. J. IL on 0.01, Jr J. 11. GRAHAM & SON, ATTORNEYS. AND COUNSELLORS-AT-LA*, No. 14 ,South. Hanover.streeMl, =! rfon. d. if. Graham. hOo rt osoleut .1 nag e of the Muth .Itllrial District, lots.reso nil tilt , pool i 1 .1.11 /AV, ' nubl,l.ol Intl is Oh him Lon Il.Urn hnm, loon, jr. 71'111 or:owlet. in Ills counties ,61 . bather. land, Perry and Joninto. 741,7 I-tf JAMES N WEAKLEY, =I OFFICE, NO. 22 SOUTII iLesovEnt!ATILEET CARLISLE, I'A t irOHN COHN3UN, EV AT I. t 0111ra No. 7, Ithoon's Hall, llt us, of the .'out tltlons , thoolao tf - kNNoN - , Cr_IL9ALE AZi 1) RETAIL DE.11.1:11.1N THE BEST Qum,rry WINES _.1 7 1) (,), C' 0 le.c, No. 41 south Ilan over Street, llja72ly JosErit .'. A TTORN EY AT 1..1\P AND VEN CM, illerlmtikettotrg, Pa. - It,llll , a,l ”ti .ot, twt doom 1,011,1 thi. Bank llottinord promptly attontletl to. I Om,. J r .OSEPIT A qrT .V I LE, , 0 E V A T VA W. • ra c tiocs in Daiithin and Uninherland Counti.s: OFrier.—to Court 11.1,1. AN 4.1111,1, building, In, thy nut. of the .1. nib, l'A 14 it 711 JOSEPH F. CULV ER. rius P , cVLVIp LAWT'LOAN AN I) .c()LT,ECfIoN (wt. T('i.; .1(rm.:1.11 r crt,) 1.1; posTIAc. 11.11. 11n , t/ioq t'or ohnong cnOtal on 11,1.4 Inn ovna Lon, Titlln in , o•t‘gatioi, ;1,1 fl 1 , •111, tt. Inn .1,1,1,1 1/1 our Own °Moe. 'Eon por coot ill./ pl lopi nmynin nuorantniol. WI: 1111, , 1 ,, 11, 10/OIL,. i t v , ry part of tho fir Itich tornl•lin, 114 L 4 1 .2, far:1111 it for snood,' ItIiFI:IiEN('ES, 11011..1111W, 11 /r”1:.1 • . Pettro,e, Wtt, .1. Itr tr.•:. 1 4 . ' ll 41.,,1;.,. ,1 41111amerti Y.l, 22.1c..71 c . ,l'1"1 , 11'-1•;7' AT I. IWr Car P.L. No. J 1:11,. ::C• II .11. A. R. .11 . 11.11101.. .1. IL 1.1 . 1:1:1:11 - .1 Al' 1( EEII .1 N, .l'l` 1.115*. 11.1 tirullt /pill DI SIIM1FFIAllnh:11. . ,tvcc.ur rnic ri:Ar =I All b 114,1•44, t h,lii I I 11T F. SAIIT,EI?, HD • MEMI hTTORN 1 , • tii , Belllw \ Vahnll SI teul , ivi / PM I.A.DELI . IIp, I; Ii nt,,frui, c"»,p,,,,.,/ T HE NORTH AMERICAN E=3 OP' P 1117; A I) Eld'l/ 1.1 .Y.l LIN o: r • .. tip 0 thr• uro I t Ado toms. I ...111'1111, n. , I I IC.IIII. n . •IIIIII• lIMInI/11b ..1" pi 1/ 1,1 Ail I. T\\'l/ r. 13 moot.+. No extra Iola ; . fro . lAttal ,.. f. Sr , cl,t1{;•• y oi . Slaolpv Lol.l. n , , lec I irt . tl fto woolly alive 11131111 . W., Oil 111,. 1,1 M; I, 111 AurlOor lieso,.l of Potir,y -van. 11111 y Ivr pniiry holder, - I:UMW:NANO CtaINTS oppoiftlf-fl n Vomit of Onlllll/I.lllnd of Ili,' Colloo lug woll..l:nown of 01,iffborl.affi ea•uly : E. 31..131141.11 S. 11 gfErrifff, Al. D 01,1114.1.3 11. :11131011110, Wm. A. Nlrt.t.lx, JOHN WAlLiaff, IT 11.11,01 1{ MIMEO Mrlinodx — P,Mdunt WitAl,tm it'ext:innv Scrretary owl '114.4•111t._ Tito tr are all po6rr holdclx lu 411.• Con pitily, and 0104,111H...1 xi n to Inc .ti.ll rho bniliies. In tHs will ant lii rill in. vent it certain proporiton hit till, 'W . l'lOlllll4 t , ..11.ch1 in this district. with 11. 1110 M 1.1111., 111th, 111111hillg it innylintically and prout.cnlly n 111 I till Nl7. A (I litll,l.otVA, • A. CIIIST, ijouaritl ttateclol Agrnti CZYKIN 13AGS.—Just received a large tiorooot of dm best trio:kik!, at 113,,i could p•r pleco, at Meal - leap Store' of Au p0it, , 21,187 I Ittaxt7ltf . . N EW sAsEr RIBBONS • AND N ECKTICS for Chritit math "New 1(1.1 (I loves tool—Now Linen ColltirB, all.ertyleo, for Clalfilartti. 7throll ' , . A. 'W. DEN;CZ .t: CO. .41tit1vOrsar Cha'rt AlsT ORNAMENT. FOR EVERY .41.kERIOAN11011F,/ •, -rue AMERICAN .CENTENNIkL AN.NIVEItMitY Withol " Indeprnilencii Ort 41'011cl:on' Creek - Falruidunt Para'," ^Up the tay kill,' ulan,Leit gun lion/in," a !urge bean li lolly Colored ;Slap of Ph114.10111.1a Om wine; Pay ' whore the Cuntiookial Anivia iry Built bifiereeted, by 24 linellea. iiztblishod in aid of eho oontennial Fund. AGENTA• IVANTI:II.—VI . OIII ' S 2. to $2ll per day can 'made. hood 50 cents, and n• xpreirnull enpy and temps to agenbi will Liu moo by [olll'll Mail. T. It. C.O.I.ENDEIt i 4 CO Told Third and \Vanua atroot r i lihilitilelphin, 2fi1tn1)7213 ' 1110 . 111, .Proof chent TIIE. AIOTII•PitOOP t:IIEST 'CO, Of Philadelphia, Pa. • Intorizoi.ote(l August, IS7I. S 1107:, 111111:11Cle tlll 111 4 ' A ir•Tight.lil4lll.4:llll.ll 'ClietlA Ulla T 1 1111 i 11, 111 Villll/1”1 hl,ll, l'lllllll . 110.X.1, kW li ~ ID, 1 htt , eq., (lolls. Co If 4 nod , whole Sof fff'pof el'Ory 11,•:11,1V11011. ‘,111. , ..., ttr4 r, CIChl 11.1 . 0 fully t 11•1•11 1 .1.11 Illy,lot corn paten) of tlfo '?! I). :1., mid :fro 'feller 11.1 In Ifo 11 1111o1k the omit Elonlf ablo of' no) tlfifir, 110',. noot,itvc Au pulfilft f' Atom% A pofitt 111111 IP itION, W11111.•11 in 111 , 10- ' '1 .1111.11 11111111 111 111f , 03 town 111 Ihn 15.3, oot•littin ill' .t 1ii.....1 .11,0,,HA - co LI by given. , . . Ailtliof r, .1 11. 11% NI A Icf!"IS, FlQey, 4 141.5%(1.; k 10,, , • 313 A ulna let„ I'lliln:,1'11. k. 0, , 1 [o'.. ' .. WinihT2ot SOo'll MOUNTAIN 411.ILROA I) MEM TIIITL . T A B 1 1 13. I'AR:IIS liIII , ECT - 5 . E171131111111 1, IE7I On anfrafter Friday, September 1, 1871, this Company will run two trainic . Onough to Pine „Groye • (Sundays excepted). As FOLLO*B 11.V13 JOlOllO7l, 700 t. nt., •It , ..nybrook, 7.10, , • •iiii • 0„7".;_0,_:00••••t 1100 Y, 7:10 "110 •••r Mill 7 • 15 , 1 1001 , 1's 1100, 6.05, 1..1,01,0.10,•••••1 artivoi nt Pine 01.01,, 11,00 0. tf. 3,4 V" 268 t',. .Itiovtion, 4 11anny 41rao,14,Z411 4 ,..0 , eraiglaala's, 31iiat II tnnlor'a !tun, 4.00, Lautel, 1:40 lit IlrriVeS at HMO (iron., 440 P. It 11 - ITN' TNTI. , 1,‘„,„ Pine ltrot,., tot I A. 7.1 40. lin, Ot li,ant, 111.115, ^l - I.lad• 01111, 10:25, 11. and llolly, 1111.10ra, 10 T. 1 ,^11,111) . 1.1 . 0U):, 11.00, and 11 . 1 . iVt15 nt Jatn - ti••0, 11 10 A M. ' 1,..111 Pine I; rove, r , P. . 5.15, it„„ . aa , • 01111, 0 00, :donut 11.611 v, 0u TCniialtod'a 0 IS, , 1 0 •11n,.110 - 0. , 0, 0 and nodynt :,t ,Itin•dion, 6415 P. U. Led trIAN C 9 are Ilag• stations only. 1. 11'. 11l VENPOIt r, ltoneoll 6nporintendent. . ("1 1 11 11, ' .: 4 O ( . 1 . t 1T.:• S AW i- ,. ". 75tT. L. • t\I,ANI) VALLEY 11. I. cif.o6l; OF 110000. iNTER ARRANGEMENT. On allt1:11l..1-TItur.1113., .1 'minty le, 1572, Ilaqsong, Trains ill rim H \V ES - I'll'A ! A@CO)II44I)ATION 'TI( ATN Itatars 11arrIttlang Rattt A. M, ~ l eeltalil,l.lkrp, l'artihtt.9:l I, Nrlvvillit it: in, Shtitiaarda:rslo:224 l'ltattilt4r4burt4lo4l tirta, rast 11:10,arrivIng at 11,,,., I,orti 11415, MA '1'11.% IN IraNa4 Ilarri4bar, •t_, Mr r tattit•-174F:T=e7C - tiT7i4ll , Ni•wrltlT - 44.02 SFity• potislotrg 1113, eltatuta•rhltta g: ~ ,tle 5:11, arrit In: at Ilave•ratol, tt 5.10, .1.; l'itl:SS. Tit AIN lunvi, lIILrrIvILtIrg. 4:10. P ta, ML •IlLiniLLLlLtirg 5512,C.1p1i51e5:::2, Net% villtLl , :os, Ship , i, ILuL.g 6.3:1, LirrlAlti.; al l'llLinlbtolsburgi'..olo, p ii. A MIX I:TI 'I'MA I N ILLavi,L 1'1L3151•444/Lurg 7:45, IL M (11.L.L., L,Nt1e..11.1:L.,15.1v111L, :LI Tl.t,r,tiLLL:ll 10:05, A ,L. A 311 \ 141/ TRAIN IL svt•4 CIILLIIIILLSLI•nr4 ILI 4:85 TL. v, AI 1115t1.1-...1 5,51. mL,, , ,,,:0irg :1 I, Loudon . 5..„ a, .1 1 )..,; :LI n1i . .,/t. • , I MT . 2. P.M. . i -, 7:1!••;'1 . 1V A III) ! • Af2(7O' , I , II)I , ATrON I,,veg Chnnilinniburg 5.110 AAt-C , 1111 , 11,•11 , 1.ilre C.:111), CAA.11.1,, 6 , 13, 7:02. all is MI All, TII.IIN S,m) 5 , , firp,. i , ; ppt•ttstoirg 111:.J7 !I: 111. lultitsl,urg 12:05 Arli\ :it Tit 12,00 NI, 1,t7, .2,ltt. 111'11%111g nt • A mt. VED J ,. ; „ 1 - .:7„t1 rn'un!v r1111,111.1.1.thI1rf! b JO tom. A ttl I N 1:0 Tit AIN r. ... 7,0 74.1,- At...rat.tAttlA. .0 attnattft - , :157ttr , 0. 0., at CI. at to A. m. li ( )• )1•110111r 1.1 t.. 1,1111. i turns :it Ihirridairg with traihs hi and ir)II, Baltimore, and ail O. N. 1.1:1.1i. Sulairint valiant'. Our,. ,S a n, la, La 72. plix . xsy LVANIA RAILROAD IV I NT Ii it T I II is T - 1 It I, E. Eight (Daily) to and from Iliria i.lelphia4and Pittsburg, and Two 11 aius Daily 17.i lll and from Erio (Sundays excepted). APT ElTi. lON 1):\ Novonibur 12th, I , .111,.“1 11. , it•l.4lt fll.lll Ana ,rlo, . :1,1 ,11,,,A; d:rYad... .. 'l^fli 13, 131 :4, 3 111 , 3,11 11'1,, 3, t - F I .I I 1.1.11 t•••;t::•1:I :: tt: tti \ 1:111 , “I, I n: • utti -- , -th I rn:tit 1. 11. n• ' ~1: t . • at Ph.ll:t at I I : t• PRIM • !I trri 1r.,, :1,11 A, ~ 1:11.1•• - - 1.. ...I z ;II . CARLISLE, I I ;;..L ; I EL , t i•MO. Al , tf , r 1 IRtt, Itelvett r:sr (e,,, I 111 p. m , ;11,/,l_', • Ut J:rl. ..t 7 / ,t 1 II: ri.• 1E4,14- %; lit 1 nr. Rll.l .;•.1,. ..; .1 ... I , and ~t i /11. „L a art,l - .• ,{1 . 11,• :it ll' .1 ”1, , I . _ • 11.1 ..." , I= ES • a! I p y ll.' '2, H7l ! I Ni. LI • ;: I : .Ir, N :t I 11 , : • 10,. 16,.111 • ut ttr. tin N.• V.U. zil. :rdltt,‘ 1111 =EMI m ~,v iii .~~ , 111. • . I I I I I I I 11. I I .:t •• 1.'.4 'Ol4, /It f-11)11...11 .11/1 Ili 1,1 ,11,1. A wILI 1.1 I, ['Olt Ili, 111 ht 3.,4 - C1 , 1111. 1, 1•.11.L ,, 14 itl/.1.i1, c ,11 awl id', I , 111, .1 1:10,,,t,t, z, CI, 111 Na 1 11 . 11 y 0 1..1..1,101 t nd o. :It 'l , I'm ,1,1:: I lza trtir,, Itionlon .1.11/1' lion nt 7:•25, to.ory n moil t." , rio; toruing, lort‘ , • doe ns, And ni,.. ttu,a,oliz. x I,L tilutilar trails.. 1111 RU.II//,',1 11 - 311 N l Illy , "I 9.1 , a m, .11; tvt muillr„ a-m, {.) aro in coll.', I h -0.10111.1 , nl. , ItithlB leave. I'ultnlr.wn n 1 9:111 it P., it, rot ut 1;111:•, loiL,'.lll,l'!va•- aliCal rtll , l I I: 1:1;; t,11,11111.1 . t1.11;10.011 10.11rnn.1 • t 1..av0 pnr: at gad tall) p t;tv turning, 10., Downingtown a in, 11.:50 nnon, inn! pro p nt, cnntincting 0 it!, •ittin.n. nil It.nittling 'li/inroad. (Ill . :Irma laktve No‘v Vie.. at 5./111 p tit-101'1,AL 1,1,01 , 1 p (,),,,410 a ill, trail;rmul n r, rldadnl, p o i,ailing ,) f,at.• asnli 111„ lealn it at tkl,i 111, '2:00 V, III; 11,1 VI, AllI•:1 II 'at k::15 p in; I( tiva, Ila•adt•ip, at 7:16 n. In,and 9::/0 p ul It ilairiabarg, at 4:11 hit for No,' York, and at Iklo a in, and 4:14 p In. lor Condouitiklat, , -)llldagg, Stai n Std - 100l and larm xinn IldadaT. lo and Iran all poilit,a ut rodovedarator. 1!;=EI -_•,- throligli; cam htiodued pass!, for. .1. E. IVOo'lrEg, - At O. Snpt awl Eng. Alaclfyy. Itroling: Po,, Nov 13, , Ili; I. pirRoVE yOult SrElirr Parabdla Su—ectacie-s AIANUFACWORY Al' UTICA, NEW YOIIII. „1. IL 11AVIIIISTIlli, pIIALINt IN HUGS, ToILET- AND 1 , ARTICLES, 4,, CARLISLE, PENN'A., nppolat,llllgent. th0nb,,,,,,Trm„, , - PIMSONS WE Ab' or thow In need of them, wlltaia6 well to call, fo I. - ever . ) . eat.° we TO SUIT THE SIGHT PERFECTO . , M • OlsTEir 'CANNOT BUT IT ! ploom,r, But ow DI AhlliND I I lion 01001 PE E' ENSES. around from, getlier, cold 1 . 111 t 111" 1 1 111111011trtl'ISI,w, • of tlitilr P/1,1 will .1 mmq 71111.3 tire war 0.110•••• empialiii• 10 1111 nth, ra 111 MANMPACTUR in) BY, E. k CU. , OPTIChIiNS, 1:1•INV YOUK. • CAIITInN.--Nondgoiluino on Irmlu 1r uir.tL. For tfklo,loy rorpolitiblo :tget!to thtoughout tho • ' . , TI I OMAN CONVN,Jowolor,Carlislo, t ~b wzror, from whom thrar wironly LU hbhklncriff No ',whew by/r,yi3l! Lines of Travel =MO =lran tt .11 •rt . ; 1 , ; it,iltitttli4 wl!! Cl. p.11c7 I I I. t , ttt 'kII •I. ;tl, tt1..1 tlititimx Catt.tinttp ply h. ,` • tt: .11:. , 111 .••• .'lr,ll .I.x ‘‘,ll ervltt nil* tile to:try In fittl 0 yvar4 atttl t I . . .11 5.1., 1 , 10.iIi r=M BY Tip: t Sfl 01 , PYKE & SON'S NO PC(111,1,11:1111110y011 EILE!.EMPIRE ,dl7 TTTAL. "`AMPtED l •", . • %RE EMPIRE Mun/if,' LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, or. xnw' yOnic, . Lt thu first:7riii 4 Z.lll/Mild of NlPlitliolllll.l has louuoil OVER I,',RlVY__HuNblilmyoi.lClE.S INstrinNo oven $8,000,000.00 ,und inking .in Premiums $500;000.00, Laing the 1nr12.•, counnoncoment lna'xin.Fn over Juno by ho; company in tho world A r. r.cA9OII FOl IT. flritlnary whole-lifo nra alwointely non from payment if first antinal premium. Spacial ill,Ol-11rion noloforfaitablo after Iwo annual paynninis All pond, Invontest.thln for usnAl ertuarg, and nlmnlntoly 1urmit....31.14. , After two Annual prquitun, All t vs, rivti,AN up. u Iri,ol And rusldeneoletnovocl, And no porman requir,cl • r'o nerlonantion of on Loans or Polerret tiol no Inerrin, of onnunl paynionin pn of the to Ilia ita mired, If and no :Coto required. The!den !ff , on tho progrfalm.,pian , ; anti also upon the gueranteif alt rev..!, plan. Iluaine•s of tho company conducted on Clio Mutual Plan. = Incontestoiility of Policies It to itm rm1,,,g0 or The Etopiro to fulfill all its contract+, the M Menet; of which is that its policy haS Mi convenient ruingea by theansof which it can escape a lust demand. Proven fraud on the part of the insured will always invalidatm n paltry. Also attitude, if committed previa°, to the payment of the second annual memium; or den thenused by engaging any specially hawardom the Mat Iwo years. But alter 'the eapiratitin of, 'o pairs, the imlicy will ho held incontestable fqr ll catutq except. fraud; Non-I orfeitnre Qf - Life Piiirdes .No policy of insurnocc rrktribraltlnorms rotymcrits' for WO will be for foltsil nr brown by Ihr non pnymont of premiums thrrcon, until the full living provo of I,lr, prmolums buy° broil oxlinusird. 'l - hr languor:, of tho policy im • "That If nny premium After the first aOllll/11 pre. 101110 sh/I lin,• eon paid, Alvan not he 011.1 on the day outrun doe, and the Aftid nnutred 'hall, x ithin ,thirty doys thereafter, give Ticrtin, In writing of ion. Idlity to pay 'ty r o same, and of n donna tint nail shall he psntinnod In three tinder Ow follow. eethliiienq. Then. and In StichCAPP I'd, 1 , Ile? per he frrreitecl—ot 14ecq . ....e Told. I.y the no, iteyrnent of the eallll,lll-dm 'there., nut n ußer Ihr expiration *t put 1,1, to I r 11 ,. 01 . 01i.rf , 1 ne fol -I,n • , : Thn valun „Len II prvlrnin,; l - r4.ln, due, .10tvlIninod A.) nt to. 011•!ra'o n(1 , 1 r ik • hn't..±. th" ”p,4t, .111 , 1 onrancrNl., TIT I lid., in}' I.l•l.l..tinoNs It, the cnotpitn3, tom. li:ft• of , on• 1. 1 ,10.1 0 11 , 1 Cin ph. preAhim nit.,lpt.rnry ironnancr. and 111.1q1.11cy .1.11: o reotleßol f. 0.0 dori, foe r it will 1i:to-, a. , 0r.1.t: to of the pat to at titno Hit , of tho pt Example of 7.. , ;0n-Forfaitalllo Plan of tho "Empire." Ac. of port inset oil, YC, lir ...I nry vrl.ol • _One a 1.1,11 pttAztililn will tut. 14, piney iii !met...! •'..f 3 110 n tol,tial, l the von., lu fort, I e.L•s Atli 131114 dl YS E OFII E G. ['atm' l'reP;(lQut ( I'l ' I I I. S:dnov CroHL . :11111.(ty, V. D., Nfotli Everett 711 - tiip, ttlitt‘i•in.tentlent of 1 1 / 4 1;clucttea. . Tjw TE - sTimoNy OF THE PRESS Ilia E 701 1 . 1 .0 If n viutlar 11,111.10.0 n, inatat.....l by 1..`ii:114.1 No 011 rwitol .hmin,x. In luvl~lex,cqul In do.llne.d at n v.y earl, day to eland filo - wider to ebonider rcllL tutu indent emnpublog,ef Ito eltarnetor In tlof COllllll . l. TIN 011II•er3 and 1111 . 6 Ci• I'B Mean slid limo ori.oodryil with :ho vlow of extabllsblng ri :owlet f4tltullon.-27 F. fillepernd rof;:fortuorJ Iretc. Conrpanyt , ln -or 134,7 A ...wexn tloo rioml tof oconomicol. RIM EO l / 1 1h10 untntigentont. Tlw Einpiro Int* no ouporlor Iltb country."—Boston Post. "iinvinta p.licy I:1 this Comptuv. 'n few.l n Jun pritio Bl thu In 111,1111•Ving.,',.. Era. An oxcollont nompAny..—Zion's Herald "A vory snrcowittil Comp, ay."—Congergiztion . wive' is wilt peculiar ploaanr• that wo spook this now eandidato for public falor. If o know ninny years since tho Pfosident of tho company. Wo know, him to boa matt of energy, of, character, of superio . r Mildness ability, and above ull'Oloo, a sucernand room In whatover 100 undottakes. Ti; trnOb is, the COM. pony lists adopted tbn best ImproVoinonts of the day In its organitation."—ko Enytand . .17surativ Ca• 15210.. • • I 41110. EISIIG, AGIMYT YOU Curoborland, Perry, and Jindata Conn ties. OFFIC4 7.1.T1 B. ,lILPBUI2N~. Jac, lAduly7o-tt A. L. SPOMLER, ltenl I , ..itato A gont, Scrivener, Convqendor, Inom• atom. mei Claim Agent. Office Main Street near a Centro Squre. DESIRABLE, PROPERTY AT PRI VATE -$A Lll.-110 owner tledroaa of ru• InnwfuLt sywit. (Were at private Entla a • LO•T OF 'GROUND, • OtnatOtl'on Bedford ntront:ln tho borough, of Car- Hole, containing •15 fOot. froitt. Ly 106 feet in duptil, nod hnvina fin.roon eireted • T—IVI)-4:80121L'te.U.4.41X-11-0-U,811.1 with brick bank !Milling:, w.l33.l3'botiso, (with cl34,crit 'llicrein,)3llll3l, 11113.14, h111:0 ((TOO, and all MIN"s try outl.mll4lngm. Tho pilipncty fronitrig. no Bedford i(treet is •13 (33(31 front by 31 font 31091, ho • back building fronting on 13ncont albsy 133 31 feet in front. Tho_prnpuTty,l(4.ll33llll7r_tr_ contains 'a knrornolin 110 W I)Velliiitil) ., to gr33333313.v'5t0r0 I• In crud rnnditinn, and in adatirallii,llllfll,l Per nuns wishing to Vil••1' i hr ill t•r•rty, ran r 1331333 13y roil ing on lion ovner, rosiding on rho prnndnea.. Nor terms anti birthor parliilinr3333tionirtt of .. • A. 1,SIIONS131 , :li: Real Estate -Agont. EIMMEMI A. Two-Stor'y Brick Dwelling F, Sitio No. 38 Sogth .treat, containing tae parlors, Loll, tool'', ttchou a,, tho first floor, and Orr., ahao, boss on ilto ro ill son', a ith a fin:shod oilier bock tool fron., .t airway holoony, to lato building, wed grapo nrlor nod hydrunt lo the yard • Apply to MEM rir II E sabscribor has savoral °tiler val- A 11.11.10 I,,,,pErnt Pro nor sr& In irligilrlo i.nrts of tiro town, which will bo r ntr•ronibly A. 1,, 1 .1 1 1 0 ,1 51.1111, 11..1.11t0 Agent.. 17 nov7o . , AI\TDS intile Sltenan. - V II, 1, 1(1 ,0 I t -N VII I IIii; number Of valuable, and highly Improved farms hi "the Valley" aro of fered hit. sale. Tin' tracts run front 00 to 7150 The hind is of ilia licit gnnlity of limegtono, fully equal, if not superior, to the land in Cumberland Valley, and will ho illsiaaital 'if at astonishingly low figurea. 1111+ extension of tho Cumberland Valley Railroad into, now son-opal, will riin immediately through the. sortiiin dif - eountry In theFii 1111111 n aro Itivalial, alien Ovid, arlyaniagii of the Shona, thetil lit Vl' irlitlion it ill whit. Own, all the nil Noillioin'ianil tic,trrn 111:111:0tx. A splendid it,' larratiw went, Is A foil 3,1 tifi r ,The AuvnrA rli 111'..1 110 by ap• plying In A. L. i=1.1,11.1.:11, .171.1117/1 ll/1.1 l' , 141...14.•111,1•:”11,.1v. - 1,708 l';.:\ Ll': 1/R 1 EN T. --A C 01111110: .A.: (1101 T twn-.tart', prl I at. ~..-.1..k.,1 , .,.. on 11..41 1....11:11, str.--t, A . ..Hi-J... , an n in :10 1,1 r, ffi .ti:.12111 1..,1 i. ,i.. 1 4 ,1,, ~iii, :, ht,1.1.. n/1 ..trria-,.. h 011. 0 ,, itii.l ..c fruit Ilytlrant in M t p fi ' s ' . ‘ l ' , l. . i ill l s .- . 1' .. g,1 1V.1 1 y .. 1 i . ' 1 1 : . . " / - ; , 11” 1 - 1• • • la. viot-n itni”..11:11,11,, iii,l 01 1110 lal for on op attar - otiNoftli 111 r ./i.)-;k1. .1• 1 ,...i. ' ; ' 47 ' .„ ?."? ,i, • ;. " "f:„..: ' , L ., 1 . 1‘1 „ ' .717• Illy Ilrit of .lilly .-N1 Apply 1., 1110,1 p.lolllll' 1 , .1111111:0 , 11.1.1111ic. illthe ....Lint Ty. It C 11 1 .11,00, In. 01Z SA I.E. A II ti E kND in Cut A fito• locntion for 3 rot•I•lonoo on ru•l Httoot. No 0.2. hoh.oon tmcl ht t Th.. lot wolo fool door, lo hi , it, loch., in tront, 3 , 311 . 011i:h. • 11 1.31 kir% !II g^ inolt6 and ohnln toNot, hit, hon And nn.ll ill .1 I and 1,011 1,4,1. liar. mni. t In th.• I,ilnl,ra And hall. root, nlol ill Ito parlor. 3'11,0 •Inhl,ontionts , ll, poool ,td , n nll.l fruit Tolnr• f.11911.1,rl A. \ SLED. -• 71 lip •! Al^ I. i es NEW :11tH! N Ew Fun, .1 . A3l 1.:": Il'. /2 P.' . 11 1,11. th•• y,,;; Ili s two. , 4.1 1,1! !ill ol , th.• !. tt I th• pithli •r. 1.11,,...11 , 1 1, `, Fresh Groceries as 11,.111 ,, i I; 1 . 4 A it kork, , II 11:1, :111d. Piq .crl:. ,d ,V ,V E ./) l• f 7', Pllll,l. i't I . llllt, nta 1,1•1.1 C”rtll4 Stltrt h.. Coal Oil, l ' ohvgat, inaci,n r ., Stove CEDAR 11 WILL.OIV-WARE, Qtivonsware, Glassware, Sioneware,Cc t” al: partq of filo town I= Do The 11Igitet1 tonrtot for Comdr.) '1'13..y 'opt., I.y fair gloat t Ntrict lIttoot : t 1 , 0 , 0t00t, :trot n 1.1...tt0., to it plolto .1 Iha public - I..tltolooto • hilly, i Int . ll7l:tl4tp .1. & E A itE T AIL GROCERY STORE to rut: "Sbuth 'End." "!a• 1111,1•r•Ig,..1 r tfifl Inform 11 , 01..1 ilNIt 1144 PPi 11, .1,1 Si.. .1 , 0,11 II loon, ,Ifs,l ly usual All tznit ho,ir a good a Id 111 •t N OF (1 HO CE I 1111.1 „1,691 ~111 4111 ul it trip ,tLi 'l'vn,:,^pit. (111,..1,,,,a30, 1/11,.+A‘nv., m.ll k..ry, 11.,6•t•. Col , It , t, Tot.,, 11.4 ••,I 41.1 .11 , 0 1,1.1 .L .1 tj r), (I In. ' r, Ir, • •p, n I,• t t•: t 11• \ • 1, , 1•I1 1 :•••111,1 I ....;•:•• P • •••• •: I , I 1 Ir IP., ,•• 1 1 1 1 , I 1 :•••••.• 1••• • 1,•• •i ••'‘ tiLo.,P• 111 fi,•• i•lng t L .1.0. 4.1.1 1 . 1. t TEM IMII . 11 AND I)li()VßltS' II T E = • .1 Ita., In); Lun awl untl•,ly re oitae.l latiotn. In nil "In) Ilv,l t” mak° i 1,4 1 ,•.• 1 Mil., of Ilif.p.thomagi• -r r. public mi.tulltql ,n I vtaolto m u , " 11.111 I 1.1.1 TT. J1:11E Ik,IO7I . . ' iTGOMERY 11012.5 E. The unclocela tcl respeetfully Infeein thy 'cubit lout they Ica, licuosi this well known hotel 111 Ito 11 qicticcil of l'hwalectHilllll:. It 11 their hitention tI keep It Inn style I.7llich they hope will give scab. lon to MI who Luny wltch their cow Psin t Thu Cltimboniburg null Gollyabitrg ConrLrx rill fr.on and ni 'ilk hole!. MIMI THE "BENTZ HOUSE," (Formerly Carman Howe No 3. 17 AND 19 EMU DtAIN STItENt', CARLISLE, PA. 'Om utitl•rolunol having purcliattol and entlrt•ly re-fluted, nun turnlokril ore' throughout. With fin,l elitvm tumour°, Mitt tvnlklmitwo, and old tottaltllxtuttl hold, nnltito lhn riNtorn ,of thin entoutunlty and traveling pultlle. Ile fir 11 / 01prchotrtn1 lop l'utot t li iterommottatlono to rill "OM olniurn to matte thotel their 111111 N, or plouttuit teropnritry Thu ettittout from tln•nurrottutilpg country i• rocpnct fnlly sollolltol.' , Ctotrlvoim nod qtto.4tlvetivrvantxdro u ',gaged at MIA popular hotel.' - - Proptletor. N. It. Alllrdlelass livery la roNlowetoil with !ha hotel notion thodnallagunient of Joseph 1.. Storniq• 1011op6 I 1) iipirryJ HALL 110TEL,t_ )IARICEP BTREPIT, "IfAllnlftitulto, PA., In centrally located,' oppmille the Court Howie. 1 . 104 :Immo) to hopt' no a 11E4'01111 choke or Farmera' Hotel, .at moderato charip% Onemts nthnitt.,a at n44).110111' of the night. Octal Staoling attnelteol: r . MOSES CIIELLY, .11111)723:0 Proprietor. Pacific Gila2lo. SEALE PACIFIC . . • GUANO. PEKES REDUCED, ..- - • '.- STANDARD: (Amami) * Farm. and Donlora Ina informed that thlx arlleln contnina all tho recinhdlo olonionti no It Forterlizer that the aoll will dlig.t, nthrwhil. IE Ix quidc 111 Ito IletlMl It In pormanont In Ito °Da t. Thu' inermied donaod for this Gorton In Ihn Sohihorn Mid !didn't) Shaw., is a suroTrlterion.? Ito ra,no. JNO. B. itlemsE G0.,g0! A g o., 122 Pcsloll ID•lawaro A1,11111.1111001011a.. CAI T‘,llAucto gro.'erm hl . - . LIMOTAL DISCOUNT TO DEALERS. 20611123na1J01D 11t18C(1lufCOfl8 171 1 011 SALE On RENT.—A. coanno ,4_ dionx Two.Bl.ory 13rlric Ihnifit h No. 88 North Plailrver. Acply to him 111. Loo., oL anfN , TOTAL ,VALUATION 's3so- 9 0-06 .-009 DISTRIBUTED XIIONIi SHAREHOLDERS As a Majority Ora?, Deter»line ut n meeting to be heel In the City of Neel York ON :Xllll FIFTEENTH DAY OF yIAY, 1672. L. POUF. I. ER, 11.1 t9.t tr Av:pnt One Dollar Erteh. Ti 1111 PI been propoeeil thot the Property ito.l Fend Put m.wit ho Io i ioa by lb, strAitr.tiom , mis TitEmstiLvE:. is cnlled 10 1110 I.ot that this I 3 got 11 "lull Eittor Chin lir eanert,,' norarty .1001.0 ,10•010 10t. ,11/Ipt ping 01 Ticketg, 1011 an lahsolulv Lou. nut' . Certificate of nib - Lir:gni:the(' Gentlerneir Relative to Mount Florence : Wo are familiar with the ilitilsom nil nil, plane' Invaying that it I 4 It am Irealltiflll property, convenientlyiliwated the railroad apAhlie and I,atnntfTl`y II :ulll idahallished to Is do: roe rarely r this ..mlutey. mount was imp:inv. , ' Ly Ale. f 3 11. Craig. bet, 111t1S , 11, alti! 'ill I..ilVC•4lll{ of miter :ll ',myth, :113110,3 140 lbe immense slims entl 11111tIly i.vo,tS . boniod. Tile , iiiiatiod is extremely friar al ho tor lisellb alai trforl, aml oips, sof InotllP tad, river, and Miami -molory, Inn, parts of Ihe ',minds, am sailed and beatilifid at all 1,110.0:14. A'. L..SPONS Rval I: , t A i,nt lion. Chauncey M. Depow, late Seers - icy of State of New Ytirk. Hon.' Jas. Ay. Hosted, of Peekskill, , N. Y. I). 'l l . Clapp, esq., ('m. , hier Westchester Co. Bank, Peekskill. llngh C.- Wilson, Cashier Saving Bank, Peel:skill.. (). 11. Shreiner, mi., Cashier Ger. Am. Bank, Egoithide Ins. Building, lii oadway, New York. Il‘sen 'l'. Collin, esq., Surrogate of West chester 1.:o. Prof. ('has. A. Lee, M. 1) , Peekskill. ` .1. B. 1k aeq.. t , ;(cretary Peekskill 'Plow Worts, 1M Beckman St., N. Y. John McKesson, esq., 91 Fulton Street. P. S,Siewarl, M. I)., Peekskill. Thv Colb,wing well-known Goutlemon have Ome , ntetl to net an an D 1,1;50 1 . ./i0: I • • - lACIA V M.:Sill': Ne, Tort. C.l.i , Cf::ft I NNI: tii/CLI.T. St. MPH, N. T. TM/1111S .1. F. V. STOW ELL. T. EN. u . M ISEII ELL, Tiirt: City. Y. II fsow City. S S C. • i I:Halal Inducements Offer[ to Tents and Canvassers. • For Ara'', iv. u1...4,1140101if0:1y ll hmumu,•d Viet,. of Mount non., o Sull utol lugs, , Addrt,.. JOHN A. LEFFERTS, , 61A Ilro.olst,q.', Y.C. I'. 5). hoc 3,131 . 1. W. St \lo,g, ~ New York, Mon. Ev . lutu,,,llo soot .17ed len/. liO.llEOl . Al'lllO SI'IC('IFIC'S VI.; proved, from the, most :1111libi ..11 e•Sj..••l t., viltire. ;illl{. , ltalqe. an. tJ pt.. Adapl,l to pkiall.l 11/, til/11 1111 1/Ik/4 1,11111/1 1./1 ina , lv lit 11/111/14 .1 111. , 1t l: t/1/ 11111111..•• "I/ 1/• 1.. fren f...1,1dan , c , r, and 111 1 // al They bass r,..ns all, and 5,111 al, ay,rvn drr 1. 1-.1% Np. , 11,1, 1111!,nulatil , 1. NI. 11. rut MEM=lll= .li t 1%4.14 . 25 N. tt.t t i ttt.t.ttrlttt. h.Vt.rtlt, FIMMM=IIEI (11.1.0i1101, , s 50 I . !, .1.1 1 .tl.trrl.,Wl' • :Pt d , v 1.0.111 c..oght, .0 :it. .1. A (.0 1)•1.1111, - ,1.1t,, .I.s ! , 11.1 , •, 11,.l Sow, dont. , t. 1.•• 11,10 , I= .21 Ili) :\ 1 . / k.llO neldhly :nduol rank , ions InvelenNey e $1 On Flvu N% .0 ;12 ‘l,l Peed: ry 14'1vary lu ,d.t . lond ca.,,, 6 , 57 70, do Sore s l eutli, Cnnker. fe, ;in, ,lo • Ilrf 551'y Wt:t6ls(C4,.,,t , ttlng ho , I. 50 31, th, Pal slid I' •ro , lo. with Irisitdo. 80 30, do :ollurlgd 51:1•115.14,0 01 111., I 00 :43, du I:plitio, ,it 01011, $t 19(101 I;110C, 100 31, do 14111 11.011,, ilk. 1it1,51 ~1.11:L, all . loit. 50 N. W. WO '11)4, • Propriotor 3' Of 33 to tin large %laltinwort•eet or 1,1 scovot.ll care, contoining a Special: fpr ovnty tr) thorass a Wilily is sniduct to, and ho'olo of di volt 011 s. from $lO to $35 gbirdler Faintly tin • Traveling eases, with ito to 28 vials. front $5 to $S FPeclllca fid• all Pidvdto Dittele•rt t both for Oitritig and for Preventivo •In 0100 null - pocket cases. • • S 2 to ELY.TQTT •SITINEFIELD Curer Buena, Drukea, LamenexA, limelltaa, Pore . t . l, tam!, : , fgaini, Toothache, Derache ' Ithemontiton, Lumbago, let, (lulls, SU ugq,' Sure .I.:yelt, I.lllm:ding 'of the ',unto, Num, Stmlutab, riles; Comm, (liners, OM Sores. Thief+, 0 pa., r,t) 0111 ; L . IIIIS, $1.6.1; Qumin, V. 75. ' .13:3 - The..t, It etneilles, except Poittni Extract, by the care or Flngle hox, are scut to any part of the country. by mall or expreem, froti,or charge, 011 ro. cella of the price. AthlrecA. Pto. Hole In Cm lisle. by D. A. .11ityorat Jolt nod Cornninn Worthington. EREEI • -I C' g r r:=l it • , .5; „ -.1 'Be t‘ ::) V:4° 5' -M 8 " 5. 4 1 ' R • t-1 Pl' 6' 2 P_ 'M --4 6' " A PLO g H .„ tml f-3 ( a* i i• is" V 'g gld .`S i g 1-4) -J 0 ( Y, .1 o '2- c t - 4 13>% , 9 c = C o • G . 2 , C W C=) f s. u3 a ; r7n 6' R.Oll Pl9rexce Estate Pand SALE OP ,TIIE Florence .Estate WITH A :77) ; ! Fa w a nt tkinm ALL TO BE SHARES ONLY 2,457 PRIZES, 6 PECLI L TTI: lAT 710'N I=IMM =MORI FPECIAL MADE. WITH CLUBS SIMILIA SIMILIBUS CUIIA.7NTUI 11 t; 1' 11 It S' = =ME POND'S EXTRACT, Humphreys' Specific Homeopathic Medicine Co. csive cud mptm No. Ltl'!. Broadway, Now York I?eivoi'd Soar • Stoves, Tinware find Pumps. • SOMETHING NEW UNDER THE B.ONI lIE UNDERSIGNED, having..just'z num.' from, thu cltiee with a large stock of . goodi, invite io uttengmi hf all n•ho 11041ro oath lactluit to .1 and mmnodao thelr largo stock of .7 • ~ Lo es and: Tinwate. Amon,; the otOoic of stovoglony ho found the I -ANTI -CLINKE-11,-BASE-BU RNE R , ANTI-CLINKER FIRE PLACE IIEATERt. tugother wittrall Cite latest, nty lea of PARLOR, DININO Room AND COOK STOVES ••• which. thoy cholivivzo the trado to compote wi,b Knives, MIMI Spoons, Laclleß, • Dippers,. together with Toll et Solo, Coal Sockets, Coal SIOVOP, Shovels mill Tongs, Mr noel every variety of Tin wore and }lmmo Furnishing Goods to a Snit rho. etora. IVO ■ro nlno propared to furnish t. Pumps for Cisterns and Deep Wells, =I _Ls_epJ_ Clmp,_ ROOrISO,,SPOIITINO, AND JOB WOBN attd : OhoMpromptly nod on ronnonablo toznno. Ittanornbsr tho place, the green front on North linnovor strut. A • for doors rthOVII 1,1111101 . . oils it call It ns aro Ibtoritlinol not to be antlers 0010 by any other polio.: In this plata. Tlianl.fol for plot patronago,ve extend it rortltal invitlthrn to all to pay 11,1 0 visit. & RLTPP, (12 and 64, ItAxoyElt STREET, CARLISLE, Acci7l l'A E xt : ELsion S TOVE AND TylivcAmi; P.ll7'Q[tl TM nnel,•lgued th. tUtir,nn and'llciui,y, that ron lea ou thn ANN TINIV.IRE 111'>1:!1:: 1 4 , ^. 11 nll itql.[ Ilt. IN. Inr Ihn rtko,or,: l'arlor and Office line I', Morning ()tory, Dlorninc,-, Light Parlor Renter rm-lor Light, twr•ther wlth n rariety ['On!, ell) VI Cal Burner, E , lick-1 lit rill ttor, la garp., Superior, Ibitivry mai Fireboard Stoves, sotto., t• i. 1 .1 -y o u,' to rns - n1.4 lowt,t mitt Lot Stoini iiroinlitly to. inn. Jo ici.cuidil in tin. to , ul nialr factory 111:P.1,,,. =EMI nr , vorY ennntnnttri on Lund, or nunlo to ortlnr,a, iu.uvnnnl,lo torlung. Ilnel u;; 11101.• f . X.1...0 - 11.11.,11 W1,4E1111.1 0111)11.!),..1, Irr hope, Iry do, v teeitioll ti/ 6.111. PVI tweurtt tolkhlie tontrowir, 1', thy phtru, NO. 18 WI '1 MAIN STUEI;T. 3A Mlll , ll, 11. CI.ACMY Ili 'idly Flambina, Gas Fifthly, ,Pc JAMES - ACAMPIUML. W. F. IIENW001). pLUMBING, GAS /CND STEAM. FITTING .1l ljn. I.S Norlh Hanover ,9llTet, CAV.LISLIC, .PENN'A. s L T BUSINESS! The rrn,l.l , lr. no I nr4. t.nw fully p•r•parefl to 11l iii• hn.r rrr. irl tIl i thfkrt rrt I rit. IL:no kvop Olialllll Sy (.11 IVII/J rwol n.r ..1.., 17 A T CI.I!A 6 A Tri 'MPS W , 131.: lIATII 3\ 1, r,‘ ch. , FETIS, l3 TII WA' F.II 1.;1...5 , 1 r MATH 'I 111.:3, WAS!! VI , II I/11 and Fo.ri•f!Nle.rlrx, 1.111 ..0.1 1 ,, , , •• 1.4.11, . i 1..•. t lord 1101 I.• .1(.. GAB PIPE AND rhx-r... r:E-; 111- 1 ,,, and ,111 , • lul du .1 .1, k t. 11. Tl.nlA , '4ll Cp. 1,1.11, :111,..1., M , l•tt•iliv., ttoll, 4 to :1111•• ..••• • IS• 1. ‘,.11.51,1 , , 11 1•,..111 tr 4,.,..c.Gre 1 nit, ,1 ot .11 I.—s't (1,.. I, N I . nlelt S IipIII, APO 41... ..1111 A. resltie.•• ri ,s ! • • (1 0 • (Li ff..", ow. II wool) 4vy [thin, , ,111 liv 1., °wt . ). nl ten.lud .I,truvn 1•41 strout, ..r 111/3111 •t• etut, uLuru ‘ttwt. IlriVitt; xp•clol rolvootageo w. atu propartol to urn ollt 'COPPER WORK OP 'ALL nnscluvrilvs tor Still Iftiltnnn and pUtor purpunot, at boom or at n dintni.v. 'COPPEIL PIPIT cnroi4yod bo orttor, elthoolrown or torarpc - Tonnt FURNITURE, U.ILNITURE. Al 3. Fhirl NG, • CAIILT rr.T 51 AR En A :ID UNDERTA [Gilt, IVest .3fain Street. .0P I'OSITE LEN'S Promituit for ill Purilituro'nwoulial at all County fithal oho•o 1807. Furnititra of all ',victim] and rtyimi of Foroign awl Domestic titaniatiot ow, from thn liuo•t 011x1, aloud Mat mahogany to tho I,voot primal maple foul plou. P4/Iro CII 11111114 = kr !MIEN AND cw F U 1? Ar I T UR 13 Psnl,rtrlng every Article nsod by Muse owl Hotel keepers of the no,t Approved And floillio•ohre fool InCludlne Furnitortr In HOPI ; Reception and Camp Clinks, Slott . ..lux, (lilt Frames, Pictures, PartiettlAl• Attention given•nn 11511111 If; funerals; orders from town And country Attended to promptly, and nn clarate terms. Nprcial attention paid to the selection of 11W1 Pa. per. OEI Livery and Saif3.Stables. • IriVERY, BALE, /4D EXCHANGI.I 14 MIMI. • J,. L. STERNER r & BROTHER, ' "In roar of Mut!. Iluneo. 11011.81' ANIYTARRIAGEM TO HIRE ON 11,MAINADLE T . E11113 AND ATSIIORTEBT NOTICE CAIIIIIACIES FURNISHED FOR FUNER,ALII Air-9, 11. rota fur 50 hund of koop, 17101,70 T IVETTY Alt ) EXCHANGE ,STA AJ W.2LLIAAr H. 13121hTZ. • Having recently, anroluotal Ilyory of Cleo. IV. Hilton, hp Nv nu Id • teiLp t tli II y nanounco to the citlenno of ads photo, tharloi r'oellittly. attroltaard nolo:ober of now Yoltiolod. In „addition, also, ho Into had, tlto ontlro atocic of buggloa, earrlottatt and calm, RE-PAINTED; RE-MODELED, und flnlolnktl up In thu Intent city otylq, Moroi 'and Carriages to Iklro, aut. flue Alkortoat ~NOTION, AND ON REASONADLII TERM, Vulktolue furolOkeil for till occasion°. Itonlembrkr Unglue°, it four door°ounlll of no 0. 1 1.-Nelt. pot, In 0. W4llltorde aLO ntand. - 11/ AA . ..A Hardware.; Cutlery, tec. ESTABLISHED 1846 HARDWARE HOUSE ! 11. SAXTON t CO HENRY StxroN. I J.. I'. D." 12 SA2CTo Farnting and Mechanics' liftriTiilro Tools and Materials. . . Nulls, iron rind Reel of all,81ZOP:hilltrell 111111 lands. Railroad Rut! Slinlog_llittka, Shovels nod hinterlulu. Wetlll.oll 'SI . Bro. Flrsi National, Book, and, 'other covorite !minds of Whit° Lead nod Coin with n fell assort moot of Tuba Colors, tiara lit and Boiled Linsted Oil. ••- cIOAp . D. AND FrniklTUßDt---" Varnishes, Glass; &c Lamps, Greasing and Lubricating . 01Is Cement, Maslen and Silver Sand. Dapont's Bid:ding and Sporting I'on•dur Guns, l'istnis sad A Tanaadtina. Cacho Warn, Rape, Litlltl.l.llM, HOUSE ,FURNISHING HARD I WARE Sliver-Plated Spoons. Forks and I: nhyrx. 11111 y_ 11 . 1111 - 1 . 1 ..d4111414- 1 / 2 41.2f41.14(11111d-1'4.1,111-Cutlory ittolgiss Se,imour's Seissots and Shea. Finn Curtain Cornices awl 110:1110. Brass Stair Rods, Wiiita and 111ael: varied flair for Matt fasses and Filrilit non.{: noon Iteps, flair Seal ing, nith n full Ii ur or Upholstorer'sgoodd Alikeelinnimiti goods, shirk 110 rluthen Wringers, fine `Bird Cages, l,rir lag :tie] RGIBIg IChips, Sr, Fein Agents for Beam awl Knits 14.1p.2 11 , :It iii , 11111,1 Pm' (1 , 01. 1111 orMit , ld Imperial Plors. last mentioned lira of a resent Introdnelisa Into this serf ion, uliedi hare the advantage:4 of :shining It Oin and Sia of Shear, st almost the HAIM, 114 theorlinitry.Caar 1 ron /'lnns. t•olo AgeolB 1,.r l'o iititritil Iron Plano,. Solo Agoo to :or Bur, Ntlenlller trip. Fhb crobloo4l 1....1t rloom:, nod ontofort,or. onghly Iti, nllog 11/ ,11 . 11 0r,.0hr,,i;- Irinter 111 r7r ,, r tor ntrtploing 1111 online bonv , . i. Ito r 111.111 rn , t. , la,”ltig . Ito. \VIII:or by the yvoloon) ,111`1, It inking bl lonst one third loss fool to 'mono o trio Nnlnytnrinl 11. It is !undo In 11'al out, Colt ..nnd hob] for 10 , 4 door and !hitt it i• hi• adaplodnude' bonne. 1)111 goo. Ht l.: 111, 1/1/11-111t 111 Ll/4n 11l11111t front' Ho. ni.toul .ti 1.11,11.1 41 111,11'111115 11%. 1 1 / 1 1 . 11 1 i11 . 1 1 1111 1 1 1 1 11 . 1 1 t1 1 1 , 1 1111 11/1 . 1111111,11 care mid 1 1 111 1 1 1 1,141 ,1 11, /11,1 100 11,1114 1111111' 1111 11110 Wlllll to nichn.o lo• 11,1 1110 lotve•l ranb rate/Ito pnlrolo, Country merchant:: will cet•tainly find it to their adt•ant.age to call or write us fur gttutativas, bufine purchasing. I;emain Respectfully, s.A.xT 66 0 Nu. In R6°" )I.k s r: , r, 5,,,1.8.1:171 rarlisle, Pa. ,Sitrc)./t.(f (I,J(-irrlrU. N. 9013 cirEsTxtlT sTicEET, Liglit flouso, os,lllF, TO CALI, ESPEEI I; A ITES 111 CIE t/Cl'.\ ItT. or 50..1D I I.V W.% EI:S. SI:1 . 1:10oIl FACT LIT] vs TICE) . EE !II.! II Ti) I'l, ICI: 'EH EIE rui- - rwiE , :s. IN k OE TOE OEN ir,vrt - NT;Y:,% 1,1, III: NI IN: EI,TI I S AND NIPEOVE. 11ENTS ' , MI - Mt fill Ws As it rimx As PIIODECED : A FTEN r lON BEIN \ EN T , Ell r: 11,TI IS OF NEI DA I. AND I/I:III:It E , ENT.I'I GLEES. • THE 1 TANIr11:1) 11l Sill it lANII SINCE Al' , PTEI) DV Tit ‘l' nF ENIILIS LING, !..r,10 , 9111+ F'N 1 . , THE 111:ALJTV 0 EVEIll• 4 rzTo:LI: f.l , I; Li N) TLS GUA AN I AT'ITNT lox 1 , 1',L1,V DIRE(' rEI, TO I'S VA IIY:NO Pi ,111' IN iutr k! . 1) T 0 VII.: It Ly TIIII,I II r:1) SYSTE,I . irien WILL DE lIIGIJ , LY AIIII F TO .N ALI, ISES, S ItlNil To ITIIIIIASEII+, FAIR , I:SS AND EQI'A 1,1 rr IN Ev :1,l TRANS ("L ION• rom 1111 rEc 111 A 4.1, F THIN II ITII A VISIT. ORDERS AND !MITA RIES NV 31.11 1., !TWILIT IN ATV!. N i•Etivo 8 feb7:2l y _ _ 1872. 187 TA SI kcz SON; U ,V D Et7',l KE RS, .NO. YG Nrlirrir Tr.\ NovElt STIIHET, CAlt I,ISLE, PAt th” larvt,t, Ilgwst .111 • 1., 1 11 h 1.i11,/ 111 rt.!, .1.111( V. I,\•ct, tr p. v 4•111- ilor•ex .41 +id,. ' • •1 lo•nr.•••••• Proll ,111,it ion I.:tic I C• 1 I •••", ' V r t•It • t lii;lit or day. ) 1 ' I .' A N!) CA .t,.." Al, 1.0, ronolv 111 , 1 11 1 1 . 1 .1.1 '.11• lo•op it., ,I•• coll•qatttlf \‘.• . 1 11 . I'• 1 1 F.; .11.1 oil .• II i MEM I , "• I: I I••• 1;:, PAP 1r,111.3 I: 4 4.'4.11 1. c:A1.1.1o, I=l C A . ll L, 1 S I. E , PENN!., •1h u,, ..TrEli ofCarllido I I la , ust t Ir. jud re. vivett 'nit. Itar•t. st, Iltv , tyx on Land 811,11 IL\ TY. front tho hest Mannfiteturus I I IT J.O. CA I T iO trlsho3 to roll attontlon to ttlx lorg MEM " - HA re 4.N1) CA PS milmjfit-tur,11,...n to ortlrr, bas the boo ArrallirenrotrA,:i for color! og llntr %Ito , on Goode awl Overcoutr, al uhnrt no.l.lcu Tho lii.lhol•te.l.9ll for c o u INr IRYFU It )9 = leaop7o Boot and BPpe StoreA A . BOOT Al'il.r.Sllo , E ST9IOI kindgi of OUST() WORK on Band nnl.lnfade, to: order. Repairing- promptly allended 4 to al R141430N ABLE PRICES, 11,EMEMDER THE PLACE, Aro, .4 East. Ala? it' Street, CARLISLE, 'PA.; . . iii the roan lately ocenpiO, by L. T. Greenfield.) • 2.13in723in A. DYSERT. Boot and Shoe Warehoosp. E. S. REEVE, IVIIO.I,ESALE • • • BOOT AND SHOE WA.It'ELIQUpE, NO. 11l MARKET An Ext,lislro'Stoolcof Clital{ty Illtxtorn and Phil/1.1011411n ninth. lioolx and 81n.ed nlwigt!,pn lquq, Orders-111114 nc_ . ithort notico. N. .11.—Brown'il , Goluhiulrll Arniy tind Nni•Y Blacking 41011Front:h. lquybllig, on bond, 144111.422401*' CARLISLE PI II I, 7) E rll C. D. CALI) WELL LC:, CO n .11, I ft; I 1.1 =II =Eli =IMMO I= s;l . , SON 1.1,1 t• D. s S II MS llATgJulit °tall I = New, Beaintiful -AND -IrEasumameol iidEpßay --0.1?- " % :41 4 AT L E T NT E . No. 18 East Main Strenti . 9 aeTlia Great ' ,Specialty, - ' - o3L.B.EDLDE - M.. For weight, durability, heanky of finish, and-prices, my stock of ; Black Silks can, not be excelled by. any iu the country. • I am prepared to guarantee briery yard we sell. Beautiful assortment of Japduese Silks,- Japanese Poplins, Japanese Robes, Cheue Mohairs, Princess Cloills Stripe Parisienno, Silk and Wool Pongee, Black Iron .Bareges, Alexis Poplins, 00l Delains, In a word, cvprythiug in DRESS. GOODS that is New, Cheap anglepiyable., - 7 F STOOIC OF MOURNING' 0-000 S - • • ever offered in this market. In Cashmeres, Bombazines Bombazine Cloths, Silk and Wool Henrietta Cloths Tamise, -Belgean Cords, Batiste, Astralian Crapes Crape Veils, Orders for Funerals Promptly and i ' SfPlislactorily - w - rr &o or An immense stock of the above in, all the latest novelties of the season now ready forpinspection. Choice lot of New Spring Shawls and Scarfs STACKS. 0 And Table Linens at low prices. • lta..MlV - ... 7 W30.Z 31 1..2Ft. • Having increased my stock and facilities in this branch, I am now prepared tcr offer an assortment second to none in town • • Blank Cloths and Doeskins, FrenCh Cassimeres and Suitings, Enklish inid Scotch Cheviots, A:e, , Snits made to order at short notice. Tho following artists have been scoured-to make up our work this season : SAKIJEL_S IV A ItT Z, T. S. RE ICtI IT E It, .TOIVN• CAROTIIERS. I would derdlally invite ell to inspect my Stock, as I will offer inducements that cannot fail to please. L. T. GREENFIELD, 9 No. 1$ Fast Mai r , C'ARLTSLIT. 1.11p72 1872. un ED , is ti 1 W •-:. , i); :4. - •--. .' r; , el .'. -: .;,4 ,:, l iVell ,- II () D CENTR A I, GO R, For Great bar . gains in flinch silk', Cal at Miller & Ilnticoll - s. For Japanese Silks, in handsome style,:, Call at the Central Corner. Fin. all handsome Dress Goods, Cal at. Miller & Ihuttoi li's. For Dolly Varden Dress Goods, • Cal at, the Central . ~rn,% For 11.11 kinds ( Or Mini-sing Goods, Cal iit. Milk'. & Bin tortrit. _For beautiful Spring Shawls, Cal at the Central Corner. Fill :ill the -New Goods or the Season, . ' Cal at Miller & thittorirs. For bargains'in Table Linens and T,,,, e ling s , Cal at the Central Corner. For cheap Ilousefornishing Goods, Cal at Miller & Buttortrs. For a large assortment -df Cloths and Cassimeees, . Cal at. the Central Cor ner . For all kinds of Notions, Cal at Miller &,linttorll's. For bargains in Shootings, Maslins, Tiekkngs, ,Linens, Calicoes, Gingliams, 'Cott,onailcs, ,tcl, Fall at the ILl! BETITIRi 3011NEL A For CounterpanOs, Quilts, Coverlets, Blau tk:c., call at MILLER We are the sole agents in Carlisle for the e el( wated Joseph ms Seamless Kid Gloves; these are the finest; Gloves imported. 'C. II and see them. We will'4lWays try to male the Cential C Goods in Carlisle. 4:,11172;', 1872. GRAND SPRING , OPENIITG I 1872. FR'YSINGEF2 ~~ _,~_~ ~ , ~ _ l v _ r ? ~~ Lo' English Tapestry lit us,el Stair and Hall Brussel Carpets, Three Ply Carpets, EngliSh Ingrain Carpets, Two Ply Carpets, Venetian Carpets. • Wool Dill eh Carpets, ' Linen Carpets, - Vienna 11111 , scis Carpets, English Stilir and- Hall Carpets, , carpet 4, NVe nee thq'only tiSriatt Store in this section of the country, and having re ceived (ill the now•Styles,' we oiler as large and good :In asoo I meta as can be found in the city. OIL viEiOTlt WIND( H .V1D1147,5, CARPET - CHAIN, CAB,PET CHAIN, In , Endless Variety. Wall Paper, Wall Paper, Wail Paper. We haye increased our stock with 6,000 rolls of all tai late styles of Wall Paper. We cannot fail to please all, as our stock is immense. Call ilia stip the late styles 10,0(10 pounds of Carpet Rags (in skeins) wanted.. Also Wool in any quantity. 14feliT2tf GIG ARS ND TOBACCO . NTGIT-Pl-1 17 c4' • O. 23 WEST AI AIN TR E ET, CA R LIS P.A.;- . May be obtained the best brands of Smokin_and___Chewing..Tobacco. - . • My ,StOck.anbraces, the following varieties ' Natural Leaf, k • . Golden Flake,, , Early' . • Navy, Gravelley, • Natural Twist, • Cavendish,' Fine Cut. Smoking Tobacco of Superior Qualities. 4C 40) ra..14..3Ft. T. endless yariet'. All the ' , 'LATEST STYLES TI E AND 0 lI'S. In my largo assortment of Paper Collars can be ; found the following styles : Collegian, Grand Duke, -Tyne, , .• „. Alta, Romantic, - Rub Roy, . • Temptation, Argosy, • All..year Round, and it host, of other Panay Goods,. Ultaap for. (Josh. , JAMES P.:NEFF,/ Al' dap723m • 'No. 23 West Maill-Strect. • 707 TYNDALE ct MITCHELL, CHINA GL,ASS AND - CROOKE nv: . vv.:, ' ..E., ___ • n; lIAVR NOT INCREASED OUR PRICES. . .. THE W lIOI4E OF OUE IU3I ENSE STOOK WAS PURCHASED DESCHIE THE EX' rE.I O DINAR' ADVANCE IN EUROPE. G 00.15.5. LOWEST PRICES.' ^ . CHV,STNUT sTRgwx,..PHILAI 707 707 i~~~r►~~r~r~~! Tho ost.c6mpleto F DOMESTIC GOODS ~~ BY TILE eT (P, .4 : 1) I d ,4 J 1 cfs. tUTTORFF'S. imer the nest. attractive for ry pa-rTom:l, -I''l.T 110U11 FURNISTIINQ IN 1872. (r'kt et% ‘ka MI 111 E