ULTIMATn RECOVERY. —We are pleased to learn that th . e ultimate recovery of Cadet D,aniol Coruman, of West Point, who . sustained sdvoi•e injuries seine time since, ie but a matter of time. PERBO;iAI.—Mr... King, general agent of the Anchor Life Insurance Company, of Now York, visited our town during the -past week. The gentleman was do , sirous of obtaining a reliable person to act as agent 'for the comPany in this county. Ounns J. Wlsi, a "typo" in the Government printing office, at Wash ton, is on a visit home for a few days. Curt. is looking remarkably—welli—not withstanding he has recently recovered from a severe attack of typhoid fever. Oun townsman, Captain J. D. Adair, left for 'Chicago, on Monday afternoon last. MR. JAMES WEISER, late of- the firm of Frysinger & Weiser, paid us a hasty visit a few days since. MAJOR D. R. 13. NEVIN, Pension Claim Agent of Philadelphia, was in town last week, attending the Re-union of Compahy A, of which organization he was a moinber. INTERESTING LECTURE.—The mem bers of the Carlisle Brass Band have se cured the services of Rev. Or F? Stalling, pastor of the. First English Lutheran church, of Harrisburg, to deliver a lec ture in Itheein's Hall, this (Thursday) evening, for the benefit of this organi zation. The Hevererg,gentleman for his subject, "To Ordgon and back again." The Harrisburg, Telegraph, in referring to a lecture recently delivered in that city says : "Mr.'Stelling is one of the most fin ished and eloquent lecturers we have ever listened to, and his powers of por trayal of the cmtory are very gra it. Ills description of peollle and especially of "the child of the foilisrnts he'found him, and,, the comparison with the de- Fcrificions of LongfellOw and other poets was very fine. His impressions of the Indians and their, manners were not alt favorable to them, and fully coincide with these•of other tourists by the over land route." Prom the Reverend gentlemanzs well known' ability be will, undoubtedly, be greeted with a largo au.lkoc9, as the committee have informed tiVtliat a large number of tickets have. already horn 'disposed of. The proceeds or the lec ture will be appropriated to deria the indebtedems - of the bawl. Tickets 50 cents Doors open at 7 o'clock, lk.c tote coMmences at S. PERSONS 11:1Villg Mail.' printed at Tins OFFICE, Alin I CCCI 71 1101 I ve. a the same it, then, ee1..., until the day of sale. Hills for the following sales have Levu printed lucre during the past. week: By Israel Guilts, in thi , 7; out East Lifilther scree:, on Friday, hatch 1, extensive sale of huuu•limd and kitchen furniture. By Andrew Ount it,,ignet• of \Yin. A. Comely, in ‘Ve , tpellio.borol township, on the farm or Tobias Site's,' 2 miles east of No., vino, horses, cows, young cattle, shoats. farming utensils, lc., on Friday, 11tarcli 1. By Daniel Shenk, in Penn township. on Friday, March 1, one-half tit ile south west of the stone T a .vni n, and 2 miles east of Centreville, liorses, shoats, threshing machine, -Sc. . BY Stimuel Coover, in Penn township, one and one-half miles south of Centre ville, on the State road, on Satu.day, March 2, one mate, cow, •Imusehold and kitchen furniture, Vic. ' 13ir John 11. Kunkle, on Monday, March 4, in South Middleton township, miles southeast. or Carlisle., work horses, colts, cows, yonfig cattle, farm ing utensils, Am. By Francis Diller. in Fran kford town ship, on Monday, March 4, Muses, cows, young cattle, &c. By Jacob Bisler, in West pennsboro' township, on \ edinisday, March 6„ extensive sale of household mad kitchen furniture. By George E in Middlesex town ship,:two miles east or Carlisle, no Thut s day, March 7, horses; mules, cows, ming cattle, farming implements, household and kitchen furniture, tlc. By S. Slimle Woods, in Dickinson' township, six miles wept of Carlisle, on Thursday, March 7, extmmive sale of horses, blooded cattle, young heifers, farming impleMents, &c. By J. G. Zeigler. in Silver Spring township, one•half mile north of Ilognes town, and two miles north of New K ugston, on Friday, March 8, horses, cows, young cut tie, pigs, farming imple ments Fe. By Daniel GITC11; in Westpenindewo' township, one inile northwest id Plain field, on Friday, March 8, horses, colts, cows, young cattle, hogs, farm fog utensils, &c. BY Joins A. Dellinger, in Dickinson township, one mile south of the Stone 'Tavern, on Priddy, March 8, valuable real estate and personal priiperty. In tends removing West. Br • , Catharine Zllll - 1, iii Centreville, bditSehOid Mid kitchmt furniture, On Friday, March 8. By Michael SNIT, one and uue-hu ll miles south of Centreville, 00 Saturday March 9, mare, 'cow, household and kitchen Mrniture, By David Mayberry, in Westpenns bore' township, about two miles' south west of Plainfield on Saturday, March 9, large sale of horses, cows, young cattle, farming implements, By Samuel Alexander, executor of Eliai Alexander, deceased, in Moser ville, Frankford 'township, on Monday, March id,' horse, •cow, household find kitchen furniture. BY Jacob Donee, in AVestpennsboro' township, 8 miles west orearlisle, and 3 milbs east of Newville, extensive 8;110 Of • boi•ses, cows, fat cattle"; young cattle, „slioatsi wagons, baggy, farining Ici moots, furniture, &c„ on 'Tuesday, March 12. BY A. W. Rentz, ono half mile, north west of Carlisle . , adjoining•tho Cumber land Valley Railroad freight depot, o❑ Wednesday, March horses, cows, young cattle, hogs, farming imploomuts, &c. BY Wm B. Mines, attorney in fact for J. G. Weakley, in Milltown, extekl- Siyo sale of houlichold and kitchen fin Ili -4110, i&c. On Wednesday, March 18. Dir William S. Miller, in Dickinson inwnship, one-fourth 'of, a mile south of .the Stone Tayern, on Thmsday;•March 14, horses, cows, buggy, hotiseholil nod kitchen furniture. • •• • BY Mrs. Francis Heiices, in Weil putinshoro' township, ono mils roust of Plainfield, on Friday, March 15, wagon, roolcaway, household and Icitohen farni ._t ro, &c. . , , BY Jacob Ilemminger, in Penn town ship, ono•foluth of am Ho from Milltown, on_Satnrday,_March 16,25 - corn - cultiva ,- tors, carpenter's toe's, valuable Ineuutain land, 86e, lily R. M. Hendon:on, - assignee of John Schniohl, in South Middlotruc, wiis hi p ,. mileeast'of Papertown, horses, colts, cows, young cattle', (arming implements, an d a lot of lootist- posts and chestnut rails. On Friday, March 19. ; I3x Jacob Oreider, in Westpennsboro' township, oslo milo,Weilt : of Plainfield, on Mouda , Mara. 18, mare, cow, and houseliblr and kitchen furniture.- Sy J. 4 Lecicey r in Franlrford town. ship, t' ee-fourths of It mile oast -of Biodcle. on Tuesday, March 19, b orgo s„ mules, farming im lomonts, &a. litOoorge Ilimos, in onn township, op olalf mile south, at of Centreville, o n ',Thursday, March 21, cow, Sleigh, •platform• scales, spring wagon, house:. hold, and Icitelten furniture, • B-Y Adatritoove, in Penn township; on the Pine Road, 1 mile south,ofCentro- Alio; and 1 mils west of Milltown, Mares, cows;. buggies, household and kitchen . furniture, rnounain land , &43'.• On Sat ' u i daY, ; *.arch 23. . BY, Jacob Mohlor, sr., in Monroe townahip, 2k Tulles south-West of ,JYfe chaniosburg, on Saturday, March ;23, household and kitolion , furniture. . . , . --Ecno.—dorrect—nuf ced PEONINn SHEARS.—"Wo have been shown 'a pair of Christy & Hughes's, Clipper Pruning Sheers, Called the Red Clipper Pruning ,Shears. This is the first introduction of this valuable imple ment into this county. It is represented as ono of 'the very best pruning shears in use at the present time, being so-sim ple in construction, that_ it can be worked . to advantage by any person. Fully 125 pairs have already been disposed of in York and 'Lancaster " r e'ounties. The patent bears the date of June 0, 1871. They aro highly recommended by par ties that y have already uset them, and we wo — tildlse — ptirsons-that have fruit trees, to MI -on Mr. Oayld „Reamer, of Sandusky county; Ohio, agent for the pritentees, who is .stopping in town for a short timo. Large or small orders tilled promptly. A pair of the shears can be seen Messrs. Saxton & .Co's. hard ware store, on East Main street. [ANNOUNCEMENTS.] NOTICE.. 'The undersigned itentild respect- . fully info , in the citizens of Cal- 11xle and surrounding country, that he still attends to the repair ing of watches ~n ii,•,jelOelry, in ail its vartans branches, T 0 .11A S C(..VNL , Next door to Farmers' 'Bank, East itlaia. St Pert, Carlisle, Pet 131 PORTANT 1 Nev Mock ,d* calicos, muslitis and ging hams just'Peevivittl, at Greenfield's. Elcgant assortment of black, silks now . rondo at n'rt• ,low prices. • Mon's shins ;node to order at short no- I would .1111 special attention to my new stock or ouse-furnish ia gi goods. Blankets, bed quilts, table Wiens, :Meetings, towels, napkins, shemings, &C., at miens to suit everybody.. Cnilnt• J.. T. GREENFIELD'S New store. omiiiSite blue Bentz House and Saxton'_ Eardn e store and secure It ba r- BIM WE have often ~ordered m.hethor there is a p , !son in all Now England, whir does nig 'know and appreciate the value or Johns,,,, Am,dyne Lin intent as a family medicine 7 It is 0(181.1(41 to Most. all purposes,-and is the hest pain that ear be US VII. FARMERS nd ~fuel: rai,ers have fre quently told us that they have seen very good results front giving Slteriddn's Crcr.dry Cwilifir)ll. PO 1141 CPS lu cows and swine hifore and after they drop their young: The powders put thorn in good arntlithin, and give them strength to care :mil fon the sucklings. Pitimm codlish aL llunit ich's STILL THEY COME Itioces and bales of dry goods at the old Central corner. The new firm.is certainly making the goods go fast. Why-is, it? it must be that they ate giving every ti_ersen .i.tery good bargains in all kinds of dry goiitisi. -- Cailand see for yourselves. BuTTORFI. WANTED 1i42,000 or $B,OOO wanted for one or .more years. Apply to C. P. Ilutnrieli, THE cleanest. and most, effectual pre paration in Ow world for destroying pain, is Pain Care Oil. "There in not,b ing like it." . <...• - NOTICE. The stockholders of the Harrisburg, Carlisle and Chambersburg Turnpike Company are hereby notified that an election will be held at Hie public house of Henry L. Burkholder, in thb borough of Carlisle; on Monday, the fourth day of Mitch neat, between the hours of 12 o'clock, a. m., and 1 o'clock, Of khid day, to elect three managers for said company. 13. FRANK IRWIN, 22fe722t , President/ $-11000. This amount is wanted of mortgage on April 1, 1872, for 0110 year, or longer. Interest 8 per cent. Seeur ity undoubted. Call at Tins OFFICE 22fe1,72V STILL another lot of good llotir at Meloy's. 22feb7:22t REctuviNa fresh butter daily ❑t Me toy's ntoro MOUNT HOLLY, CUMI Ell - egUNTY, PA. 1 This is to certify that when I was foreman of the Lorey lion Ore Bank, Win. Dinkle told me the extent of the bank. I hail a drift made and found it just as he.represented. Also, at another place where I foutia Mimi' and Lead, he found the place, and told me What was there without Inc showing him the place. JOHN O'NEILL. The location of mineral veins 6r de posits; and their length and breadth, can now be deform . ined fora certainty. Gall on or address , 'NM. DINKI.S, Carlisle, Pa. Henry Robiltr, Rippen P. 0. Jefferson County, West Va. 22feT2tf B!!!!! SEED POTA'T'OES Darn — ers wishing to . obtniO ekeellent seed potatoes, Call paehase any of the follow-. ing ,varieties at rhunrich's : Peach Blows, Early Rose and Goodrich. • , , • Two small houses to let, cheap rent Apply to ' , Mfm FOR SALE Bev. J, .1). 'Brown, preparatory to leav ing for India, offers for' sale, at a very low ❑duce, one of Wood & best parlor organs. The instrument came from the manufacturers only a few months. ago, and is in perfect order. Apply nt the M. E. Parsonage, No. 04 South West street, Carlisle, —l5 f 0720 Ltuinif and geiit'a furnishing itnd fancy goods of every description can be had cheaper at J. 1.1. Waif's, No. 18 North Hanover street, than at,any other house in town. SounKiiotyr, Sweitzer and American chews°, pickles by tl4 , dozon or jar, at ' • „ u ' WANTED-1,000 able bodied men to have tbeir'Metures taken at Wumm did you got it, at lltunidell's. Ito has the finest dried fruit in town. MR. S. thatis a perfect fitting shirt you wear. , Who made it? It. is one of Richardson's make ; ono -- of the most celebrated Shirt makers in the city. 'Wolf, on North Flatiover street, takes orders and guar.:Laces a perfect Pon lottuco, cabbtgo, onions, turnips, beets, potatoe's, purnpkins,•go to Hum rich's. - ' Do you want potatoes—Htimrioli bus thorn from 14 to 20 conts per peck. Jfo72tf HUMRICH has it—Perry county buck wheat flour and oven dried'Corn meal. You 'farmers who want a good pride for produce, ,go down to -Moloy's now stare. I=l W. A. Hummel", north-WeSt corner Hanover and touther strCets, No. 44' 501, dealer in foreign and domestic dried, canned and greeil fruits, dried meats, nuts, vegetables, oysters, poultry, &c, Fon crash, towels, napkins, go to Wolf's, North Hanover street. TWENTY boxes oranges and lemons, just received, at Ilumrich's. FOR Froths didetwated — sugar—eured hams, whole orsliced, sides, dried beef, beef tongues, go to Humrich's. FrtFen cranberries, cocoanuts, shell barks, walnuts, peanuts, at Uumrich:s. 13ucKwnEAT (tour at Hoffman's grocery, No. 88 East• Pomfret street. 0031IIINC/8 made into switches, chig nons, curls, frizotts, &c., at Madame Rotes. Pon cranberries, Atmore's mince meat, call at Hoffman's grocery, No. 88 East Pomfret strecf: PnEnt: white clover honey, sweet cider, cider vinegar, ht Humrich's. Ti' you want cheap groceries or any thing kept in a first-class grocery, call at Hoffman's, East Pomfret street. FOR A valuable Family Horse. Inquire off' Jo UN Abi.t.E.R, (Tlerehant.) idee7l-tf Jus'r received 100 boxes of raisins very low, at Hoffinan's, No. SS Eagt Pomfret street. DON'T 13E lIUMBUGGEII! but buy the best stoves that Lave ever been ill the marlcet,_and propouncedso by all who have them in use, the Ameri can Base• Burner and Base Heater, the Radient Fire Place Heater, and the Cabi net Range - n ith hot closet. .Call at W Sieve store ournanover street, and see the endless variety of stoves. usT received a large assortment of fancy toys, suitable for Hie holidays, at Hoffman s, No. 88 East Pomfret street.. You can got tI tinest raisins, citron, orangcs ai n lcinons, at linntrich's. NOTICE. • . „, All persons kio theniselveiitn debted to C. inhorr by book- account, or other\%ise, are requeNted to make pay: meat lieffire the first or January, 1572, after which time all iteeonntii will be placed in the hands of it proper i;ftlijier for collection. cash business nMy done at. reduced prices. PATENT GATE At. Dud:le's Machine Shop, iu this place, can he seen one of the best. Practi cal Farm Gates ever invttit ed. It does not acquire any 11iti'gesi It opens twO ways. IL never rifles in the mud, and can he raised to awing clear over snow drifts and +other obstructions that al:9 not over twenty-four inches high. It is offeivir for sale to all who need gates at r.ll4iwing low .prices. For erteh.farm right, $2.00 r for township each, tovship right, $20.00 ; for eachcounty right, $150.00. Gates made to order of any size or style desired, and satisfaction guaran teed in all cases. exchange terri tory for a good horse. Call on 5r ad-' dress Clans. F. DINFLE. Also, 1 Wilson and 1 Wilcox 5.. , Gibbs Sewing Machines for sale cheap. 2no7ltf TO CHICKEN 11.1.1SERS. The undersigned, devoting' his time exclmii.v.ely to the Is ceding of elision lowly! -- ts pi'cpared to book orders for the following varieties of eggs. During, the past year I have made large addi tions to my stock, having recently ob tained several - Imported light Brahman from P. Williams, Massitehusetts. Most of my fowls drew premiums at the late County Fair. All stock guaranteed to be thorough bred. Chickens and eggs can be obtained at all times. The fol lowing is the prices fixed for the differ ent varieties of eggs: Dark Brahma, Premium, per doz. Light Brahma, Imported, " 1 Houdan, yremium, (Bearded and' Muffled ) ) • per doz. 2 Black Cochin, Premium, 1 Gray Dm k 1 Bronze Tftrkey, 2 JESSE 'B. - 121 South Putt htreet, Carlisle, I'a 1 41.173 t f CURRAI , ;TS, citron, lemon peel, prunes, figs, pared and unpai.ed peaches, at Iron'man's, No. 88. East Pomfret street. CASH BUSINES:fi! On and after the first of ' March''' . next, I intend to do a Casit Business, with all, without respect to perlions. By this ar rangement, strictly carried out, I will be ablo tit sell groceries at • reduced prices. All porsotfaknowing themselved indebteo to the' undersigned by book account or otherwise, are urgently requested to make payment before the first (WM:ltch, 1872.. 0. IS. HOFFMAN, No, 88 Ea,t. Pomfret 'Arcot ;1/11, NOTIp,ES SPEC A 11A.N . NousTAcHE. ‘V II ISli liltS, MOUSTACII SOME MOUSTACHE ! PROF. `crf. 01,01X'9 FRENCH (OM Po Ul') D„ Tim Great II AI It ()ROWER, will prodwe a luxuriant MOUSTACHE IT V. II I.lt I the, smoothest ram Pleanant to unor , Cent tunny 1.1411.o:I receipt of Fifty Crate. 11, T. BONI). CII KM I ENTII mad OUF:STN UT Ste N. E. Con T 2-2feli72ly SINKING SLOWLY Diereses that progress rapidly ton mists ern not the only ones to be dreaded. Canker ur dry isn't does not blast a tree en suddenly ns a etroko of 11:lit olog. hot Joliette art . ..led It fle,troks it as eel Minty ,• mod in Into tonnner chronic debility, although it lea out kill ,wlth the Mciftoess of yellow fever, in as sure to retp , , the nprinwx of Iflo eventually ite any acute dissect:V-4'l.r idiot:hod by to•lggratlng mein cation. There in nometlihrx inexpressibly touching In the ITN:mole or protituttire . decay. Lengtior. pal lor, emaciation, depression of spirits, and n dint:Mtn fur exertion, lire Its erdinarycsymptonis,„pnd they should he promptly nitt by tonic troutranot. Tho best I tivigorant and exhilerant that situ be admlnle• tired inn -Imo or this kind in. llostetter'e Stomach Bitters. The stimulating principle of the .prepara tion-rousem-tho-dortnant en-rglen the - systoin;lind the strunethoning find regulating properties givo'n permnnent aud healthful tonna,es in. the vital forces tints breught Into prey. 'rho failing nppollia Iry ro awttltunott, the process of digestion nod assimilation are oulekotted, the finality of the /400111 H improved, the secretions becoion morn natural, and,-.every organ - that nontributes to the nourishment of tho body undorgoes ealutnry change. Ity 010 in 1111,11119 ilin repnlr 01 thin 11 1 / 3 ilenl structure le elicited and Ito health and vigor restored. 10110: clans of inn -00005 11111111111111 ti lire Bitters been inure markut mud striking Ono in thorn cher, ecterico4 by general del illy att4 nervosa 'trent.: thin.- Ladies affectud" with these ailments nod lu thin mdst'wholononid of nil toolce and correctly. tutu West 11114 sorest means of relief. It In strong to restore and Vaveriess to inium Is the uni form testimony of •• clouds of witnesses " .' BE WISE. " Wilkk.r.).l.oo. will handl t you: he not' elways -on trolled by bout inoredulity, huudrode have oonght relief from the horrore of Dyspepsia through the medium of DEMITIIta ANTI-DTSPEPTIO BTOIIIOII BITTERS niud fouilo it. Why should yi: bufrorwhen thin admi rable ato Machte hen cured many altnilar ciusea-Whyllo you doubt while other believe:end procured Delay In this Matter le both dengeroutiondengrotitehlo. Your health, lippinews end hualnets aniforA, whlio constant , neglect Is frequently foil, wed by eorlosis and uncon trollahle. results. DEUUTII'S . BITTERS: are ()guilty 001101 In the nemerous difficulties attending lath gontion; no B11101IERE;11, COOOO,IPATION,4O., while for limn and. Aims and other diermiere proceeding from Miasuait o Ii le tiro only'rellablo prerontiva nod remedy known. , - WIRE,RATEING. WIRE GUARDS,' for Store' Fronts, Asylums, Iron Dedsteadir, Wire Web binge for sheep and poultry yards, Brass and Iron ,wire cloth Sieves, Fenders, Scream; for coal•; ores sand, he., 11..17 Crimp.d Cloth for spark arrestors Landscape Wire for Windows Ac., Paper Makers Wins, Ornamental Works. Every informs lion bilathigasing the mtnufarturere, M. WALK ER tIiSGNS' No 11. North sixth strck nihnly NERVOUS DEBILITY With Its gloomy attendants, low spli Its, depression, luvoluntury,emlsslono, b moot semen, apermatorrhom, less of power, diziy head, loss of memory, and threnteoed Itupotoneb and inibecillty, find n ta)y. °reign, cure in IIUBPIINEYS' INNEOPATIM SPECIFIC No. TWENTY-EIGHT. Colin:mod of tho most valuab'e mild and potent cnratives, they strike nt race at the root of the matter tune up the oyatem,:frreAt the disictie.rg,es, and impm t vigor and energy, life p.m! v.tallty to the entire mon, They have cored I honeins - iFrffeir — Prim ,- i 5- Per Peolsage- 1 of five boxes and a - Targrs2 via 4, which is yei y im -porhmt in obslicate or old .cases, or id ler eit'iglo box. :old by Druggi:to, nod eon( by mail on ecolpt of price. Addiess, it UMPHREYS' SPE CIFIC HOMEOPATHIC 3ILDICINE CO , 510 Broad way, Now York. , 2n07 Ily For ride In earligle ley S. A. llnverslick and Cornman k IVor,thlngti.n.- A CARD TO THE I;ADIES. DR. DUPONCO'S ,OLDEN VXMIODICAL PILLS, 1 , 131 C 1101 A I.EB NPALLIBM IN CORRECTING IRREGULARI TIES, REMOVING CH3STRUCTIONS OF THE MONTHLY 'PERIODS, FROM WHATEVER CAUSE, AND ALWAYS SUCCESSFUL AS A PREVENTIVE. . MERU IS NOT A LION'T.IVIN(/ 'But whet tut mune polio i of Hew Lilo will find the DUPONOtIOLI , MN PILLS Just the medicine she needs. For :SierlOtlli 11 ,, ultuinty, it em dawn Falpitstion of the' Heart, Itetaium4 urreguler or Painful Alenstrustion, Rush of Blood to the fiend, Dizziness, utc ,utuc. Thorn are the only Pulls ever known that will core tile Whites, (they will cure In re wry case.) They turner foil, nod may be depended upon in every cone whore the monthly flow has been obstructed through cold or diumume. DUPONs CO'S GOLDEN PILLS aiwn” giro immetitsle renal being especially prepared for married Indies. A lady Dupoiti•o'yloltioti Pills roliot ail cue iii one day, without incotivenbowo, Pm magic. EMM=I put up In ' , urge (White) Boxes containing double quantity of PHD, and upon each box, you will find the liertnite ,lump, 'printed from toy PH rite Mr, upon wnich I,:fklimi, of the Stony you will lind It words DUPANCITh: GOLDEN PERIOD ICAL PILLS', in While' Lrlfrra, withenft Dint none am gonulno. 101 l /.Itd oxplieil diyy.l,uns arrotortny end( box. per box oix boxes Lynno Druggist In every lour, •illago, oily mid liornlet Iluotighout the world. Sold in Carlisle, A. llorersti.l,, Drurgrol, NO : 11) North r St. Sold also I.Y Iltrogh 'lo.v• 1, Welruliesburg. oUI J. C. A Wyk, Shipp.o..d.urg. !•y 11,:n {lll,e c: :ti Ihn I •ont mai/ ~,ny ,•/* Iree 11. N , Olt!gt M 1111,141,1 Tht. S 1.. Prop..; ;or, N. , . York M A ii ic. F., T S CARLISLE PRODUCE )1..\ REM'. P. 1.1///. FLOUR an SUPP FINE RYE .4 4 11•M7'1.: WHEAT Ir I I EA T . 1 11 71 • NE n• 114 15 e rE EE /WEEP I tl4 CATIMRLE PIMVISTON MARKET. Corrected IFeekly by .1. of Pitt and South streets ,nNE sqe,tilE W ES'lB.4ll , \VBI. in,Ant A SON. arla'', Ir-doesday. 1401111.1, OS 1872. lii TTEII ' 22421 I:1;U. , or , . Ill) 76,s TA Lbw ill. . ..... , . 1.7 Ii E IN ll' .1 1' 30 11A (ON Il .I.IIS , ,'. 14 do 'Silo I ';', h h Rs A 'do 2 SI I, IS 8 WWII 111 I V 0 ' " (1./ to '2 SP • P. 4 R Ell 1 . 1.74C11 ES • IN' 22 UN I . :I R Ell do , 11 DRIED A IMF'S 07 (7/ER BIAS VI rl'lll - 23 . do UNIT ITED 4 1 :: ON/0.V.0 1 f."O - RAGS 01 If rani the Phitadelnhia North ...100401.00.1 PIIILAI)ELPITIA MAIUt7 Ts. FLOUR, GRAIN AEG SEEDS. Plabbl , lpi,in, brigary 27, 157 EXTRA EA MIL r PL 0171 $7 25 EX ril,A Fl.ol'll s 50 It FE • b On NEW WESTERN!? Eh 1 610, 1 02 NEW ll' II ITE 1 71. , 5 /.5 It l'E 92 Cu RN 07 OA TS ti (7.OI'EESEED per I h Thl/0 71/ YSEED PL A XN E E D 00 =9 Nlttntlay, Frltruary 28, 1872. ' l';:ttle in Id] descriptiorat of Bait C'altlo ex . 1-.0,81,03 dull this moring. alai lateral a prir.ut favuryd Let rra. 'flat t ot... L ute of Ito3re Ft um+ not large, lod they nutoilostad tut din lan to operate. 1 11elptid nuppinus_llß2Ltutd,t ttoretailtWts wants.NVll quota. .uxtra at 7 1 ita Su; nit Ire at - 7017 1 ';‘• ; fair to good at 11 2 ,1.11 1 ..t., - natl re,totaton at 4Wit• P Ih grow.Receipt=,2 406 CiAVA AND CALVDD w,ro DOI Dlll.ll 13.1110 t lint rrlvr• were without quotllolo rhaogo; ODD,. D DDDlDgery ryt 5*01,45. I.nd Ironit Coou nts-Iti(a.:.o Recetptx, 21.0 homt. DIIADI. DWI attir Inquiry at fal %anti: .ten rt...., at loc. lair to g0.,1 1 , lb, and con.tupt, at $.3.0 61 , . 14reipin. In 11..11 head. Hoag %%ore mon, In retra,t, but at son, for lino in priceo; lalvs of corn .$l. , I - 0 10 ' , the net, lII° lan, for corn fi.d. [ Report, (1 fpr ri, urr 1.1, by .1. Red,raer & TIC LTI MORE LIVE STOCK .I ARE ET. .1101 , i.notr, .11.1 , i4b 1,7'2. I. CATTI.I7.—The Loire, logo fur lino m took 1011 ranted to ~Lout 000 broil. u tolnesolny's ttoorlstot topentod anttly ut_utt.todymmto of ,eon, Alt out t to !..c on loot prices nod owing to 1111 , f9Torctortiorrml , tourgoo 'no mai hoot o Tlitottolity, It loins; rli,th . ny, 110011 y 00 that o'ol . o 011 lea, taro e1c...c1 pot,,ho towont sounr.ol lotts that uet to toot otlpriol lout to Ito ro othtiotoo4, tit • tot I r•don 00140 pl• p Ito, 000 0, Iron, 4to 7! null-t of the oaten AVC,.. outdo from t0!..,' to Almon V 210101% wpro -Pippo:a en-t. litlol3o—Tlito .apply ton thot onumlint boo about equaled d• 11111101111111 Mine.- onr lout ro twit, lino, Into 1 , 01, It ought nolx,tooon lit utrmtly I‘lllll , l !Ingo \ 11111.0 1110111 to 1111 t lot 110111 I%t, to 7 1 I ' unit $5,40 01fi SO Irons 1.41. Ittot they, firm tot thou,, figure,' SI11,1:1. —Coot Imo ttvorto, nit•l prii•OA horn, wad° IVo goof.. theta to day f.ono tn to (or tail' gt:Olt, it,l 7t Ito lit for gold 1. ➢TARRIED 110: 4 11—F(*1) —lit ill', boinugli, tl ,• ninth I r%, Ih7 , 10, LO W ,., tool, to ILe. Ik 11 kit, L.4h of CEttlis 0. Cit II EAll—MeOl% lan' —On the fifteenth letttt t, In Fairfield Pt eel') I r.n Cnnirl, by the gii. (frith:head, oft wither- RIO county, fonlalet Illanta Mc -inf.), daughter ttl hwt .hut. Mutt Inlay, of .AjLIIIIN comity. ÜBE • -- - - • • • - • l'e nelmro . Ina .10p, no krl , y OVI , II ng, COlll.l 7!,r. r., aged 71: ) care, Tllloll'll4 .111 day. IV II Eft ItY.--On the eighteenth (natant, In Fouth Middleton township, of typhoid ['dyer. Martha June daughter of W . tn and I Itralttith Whelry r nngtal 97 yea.. "MOIIILIFON.—On ILr twunty.4lrat Instant, In Ic4 Immo vortitltlit, B 1 rn. Sundt 510111.11, 111 Itor cAsttat,l-nll3 tit year. "S - 1 . 114:4rEit.-11..tIlenuvo,Inttfil county. on the item intlint.t Or. John A.-Ctlttniter. tor nerly of fltipponnbitc,4, tlttutl 74. yotri 4 months nod I °apt Itolll NSONI-1n thin lonottgli, pv Wednentlay morel.; loot, WA Illn y Itobionoi, In the eljlity fifth ear of her ago. 'I ho ttleerol will take place from hor,late ronlde•nco on (I eat Pomfret street, to morroW aftor noon at 2 o'cl.ck. AyItISBURCI 0 - A /2 R lA - GC ED EP - 0.781 T - 011 Y! 424 , --MARKET , STREET.-494 IN PANSONO FINNEY'S AGRICULTURAL I= All kin , ln or, Light Carrhiges, Top . Ilugalos, Opon Baggire, Ph.lo iv, Carrynlld , llochatvityn, Brow 11011,1, Tillinrys, Ac, constantly nit hand, anti at thn very LOW n'r Wo lion 1 to noll nothing hot . 000 I), THOROUGH 3IALIII.,3UII , TANTIAI., WORK. ~ • • . - - of tho haunt ntylha. I-:vory ,Carrlago Warranted, Call and 800 Us wilt titer volt hunk to boy or not. . 01111 A. TITCO,IIII & CO. • EIZEI ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Letters of, administration on the (state of Canted Throne. late of Went Ifs htdfOro' township, deceased, hero been Ifo.ued by the 41in:inter of Cumberland county, to the entueriber, realdint, , it Mount (lock. All porsoundebted to said ,estate will plena° melte payment. not .those Intylpg elltlM/1 to present then), duly nuillentlented to the under signed for settlement. GEOROE MILLER, • • Adiedulstraton 20t072t1t. ADMINISTRATRIX'S- Lotter. -of. administration en the estate . of Amos Initiner, decanted, late/ of Dinkintion town:. ship, Cumberland county, have been issued by the Register of Cumberland county to tho undersigned residing In said township. All persons indebted to said .00.1011 please make inunediato payment; mad tilose haring °Mims to present-them, properly authenticated for settlement, to ' HANNAII WHITAIEIt, , 201,311710 t ' ,Adidlulatrutrix. • DOOR HOUSE STATEMENT FOR A. D. JR7lw . ISAAC - WAGNER, JOHN UMBER= GER and JACOB- WAGGONER, es enires, Directors of the Poor and of , the Noose of Employment of Climber land .county in neeount with said county, from the first day of -January to the thirty-first day of December, A. D.,0871, inclusive : To h froth Ci4zny ‘ T , r u e g a l s , e u r r , o t2 r ,4q es . t m l u t 0 0Le 3 ....147,0f, 0 00 Trish from refunded 14175 To ,cash from 8 A. Bowers, mly.,.ntetfey, refunded 2 50 To cash from .1. M. Mearts r eng , for sup. port of C. Langhho GO CO To cash front .1. 5, .1. Smith, fAs., far .41A port of Jessph Smith, To cash from Joseph Baker, esq for sup. port. of 51 try Wise To cash from dryad) Ithoad, emu., for the art lit ammet 41111 To cash front 51ts. Chittenden, fur tiro supinal ro It. Chittentlen To east, from 1111liam Trestlo, G r [honor 1101 t of a pauper 2 CO To cash front Mimi Jane Bowls, lop 4510 To cash front Mujor Line nod others, for 22 c lees sold To cash it mitt 111:00111 tad others, far corn nod To costr,fieln ?Ir ituing mud others, for polatdeS • To cash front .I.l.lvlogston and others, for lard and tallow To rash horn ldliver !rem and others, fur seed e •rn To rank Irom Clondenin tind otherl, for Idde4 TL can It flout Henry Snyder, for en,,, of tr . /1111H to haul 111 To cash Irian 111001111 IVink., or wood. cm n and oats To 01811 Minn 3lic noel h go, Mr flour, 10,111 1111,1 1101.11 11 111 To 0,0111 11'0111 .101/11 I'/1 111, 101 . stove To cash from a drover, for 01113 1./11W Ti, C 1/111t, 8111 101 / fur use, or grain Uri il To 011011 from :Tulin fatier, Mr eggs T., 1,1/111 (I'olll J obit Paul. for curettes.... . TO rash iron, 111Ianleo 011 settiPlllo:l 11,r 19111 Total JobNA , CR. To rash 'add Jahn Faller and • others, ter griateries 1„6195. W. A. ilea and other+, !nor chandias • 2,215 37 511 s. Salisbury 1111 d ethers, out door aid 2,175 62 Dimalt Wink and other:4,6h., making. and tailr•rilil( 399 be, Davicll3lo.l and others, outdoor 'funeral I,4peris • . 349 22 By enth pa el D D lintnan.t ••th erki, for outdoor inedie.ll aid.. 100 03 D Sit ith and others, votistrmlun , unl jIIIIiICOS' feet 207 PI Iteeteiti end °theft, co:l4lpr . fuel 1,201 •In .1 11 nod tithel, Boar, bran and grinding 497 10 .1 Boss null others, hats, shirts nti mitt " 114 05 !leery tak. too anti others, ltrti- NN are 259 SO 9iinoll Slll4ll HMI IPI 1111111), Alo .50111 : H40er and otifertl,l,ool for 1 , 1 11 1 - dialnolloynd oiltes4c -010,trt• and dukenio F....... 12 5' 4.1 end mime, 1'141.,11111/ 40001141' 4ev01.... .1 ito, is 115.1 Olt wr., 0 sills. for 1000 /211.1111011111 0001 . 01 ILnr4, 10.0511 11 ink,y• 1.11.111 g Al 12 E Is 1t114,111 20440135 sx, 104011,0, 1., 11.01. 411141 ntatlEFuely ID i‘,in,,l” 1 111111 hi , ' 115,5. 5 ikl//, 1 Alin 1. II //3 Pllll, 11d111105 11,11,1 M. /114 /i 1,14 1,4010•... 01 41 1/ 111110 4nd 11.11'1,.1,40th .1. 1iag0 ill qv., k, 9 13 .1, lin 1,0 .511.1 01t04, 11.11 7 :40 J h.l.r I t i 111 5114 52111/10, 50105010 g 44441 , • 7,40 , 11 0101 4115,14, 52 , !MESE 4 , 1 071 Comma. A \ 1 tt111.111,1011, )II 4 0180 810 , - • e. 818) r0o,p18•1) & I 1 en .4, 1,18,4 opiho 23 00 01.4 and I /0...13. or, 1,241 ch 8,00110,18 Clo 1 81 , p• .4( hook. ti....,tty . 1 800 WI ti it r k Ct. , intim, gnat's 184 15 , 12 o 0 Turni4l(o4•Bolp.mv, 4 4:i bbeipley A 1101liert, , 1•11111, hi 20 A 1, 11.'n.11,1],llour a_o.o .moral. ego.'ll.o I, oht,t 188 t) Ilillol,llll 111,0111 0, 2,18 12 (' Weiro'h, I.ogon 1111)k1.11...... A. CO tiro Bpohslor, .1,11 4 , 1,3 L . 50 John "I' le,on, 1.1081(04m: 7i 110 Lan. Faber. roam] vk .Ikis eh John 1(.11.0,10 , 14101g • 7 101 ep„,hr, /1.14 I" 17 40 Honey . Hupp. Ilono, In 40 By 1,01 pool 1 , 001410 I'ot. :Num i rig ..... 1000 8. A. ItOkt ulleck 1, ok nod , stamp... i ,S 1 111,18.6 Kull., rep 0011117 WA, 11:1111 1 tt/t1 11 . 111,1 - II 7.1 C. 1...11)06801,16111104 011.1 re p 0, ing 011.110 feuce 51 50 I'. 8re1.011.3.88, 010110064 rurllol 10 t."I 100188 • 12 ,1 .161 n, Illtuch. "0. 0180 7 .S. l'en.'..rgr 6.11.01,10/g oat, 1:1 00 C. 01 Als I, .1.11.8,00 e mules. ... 01 011,1' 11em.a .ttn,nr 4 0.- 10 21- 11. S.yd..r. 31.51 n. and culer... Ii 0) peaches. fixli awl 0,104 putatous 5 07 .1 AU. 11,100010, Ireigot 0 00518 latur 4 76 11.. , Lry 11...... ctlll.l-1 , 11.. 34111, 7 1t.,Altr. 1 1 111111 , 7t 6 10, 7 60 Jarrell I8.1.1:0, 016.7 111111 sotult 1 1 II P. 7.1.00,), , r, exll,. •..r. ... 111 uu in 1.0-1,061 35 Olt Neff 5.. a 0 Iron , it Aide, bakio2 ..... Ivo 81 1181.8 . 1 Ito rurpronler 261 11 Peter 510 erg, I.ollolBer 240 101 .1. N 01 . 01; and le/ouster Jul . .1. U. 1111 , 00, at terser 40 1 1 .1 S. A. 110m0r.a.ArLas 03410 l'eul. 1 018181.0 ' s dory. . 167 10 Henry NVestfull, 6 months' salary . 221 00 Iler8) Snyder, mlitry as oily and 0 50 S P %Irglrr, physician 2101 00 Isaac ‘Yuuner, 11111t,f, 1 , 10 Olt Jahn 110.16ger, dtp . ..118 11111 no Wag ;on, r, ii ector - 100 60 • , $1,0:73 4,1 Valance in handy of Tron , - uror QOl 5 $'9,457 01 PAM C.% A It 1 7 ,1*, ItS, esti . l'reasurer of Ilia Poor House 11111 i tlf Pulployin.tnt 01 Coin •rland Count). In arrount. u 1711 t Ito Inert ors of said Institution Iron, the Illst day of January, to tho t tura y•fitt.l Jay of Itortanher, 1171. cash froin county Treasurer, cell- • to do f,17,000 00 To cash 110111 Oil 1•15tan.....p. as txltioli.d Itt 111 ,, loro.oing ni.ttornent '2,457 01 CH. Ity cn• h Intl ttn DI,. et •err' oLatura ill hands; of o rror 8603 b.% ON NATIONS OF 1111: I , BTITU lON DIL:111 NO I'll VEAIt 1871. =I Nolo I.Br of f•aufooffin tlot 11mum annum.). 1, 1 , 71 (13 of to hom iioro colorcil,) • 117 Number of plu tons tolnilittefl up to Dorm!, bor 31, 11 , 71. 160 Nullityi of pullers 4orn to tbo lluoor, ii; 8 Rent ineptop r,giutui,f {Slink uumlirr prmid.di fur during I ho your . 201 er died. II /,11111 3 wore colored IN Nond.or bccood cot. NUtisher di , cha,nd and el pnd I lid N meh•i iennuning In ofh Ilvanu January 1, 18.2, 01 %lion) '2O it 1. collard oVout dour poupors,totpport d nt poll: exp..: Whn'e number el argeable on Jeoutty I 1 hero alo to 1114 llonso no radar 05 0.111 110 00C111 . - till /...t1,..) nir•otor I your of ogr, 4 from I to 5, 0 fr In 5 to 10, 13 from 10 to 20, IS In um 20 to IN, 17 from 3 to 01._1 ftlowlo to - ~ 16 from 511 to 10, 2, fr, In CS to 70. 10 (loin 7.0 to 00, out It 11,111 NO to 00. In mlilltlon to Om olg/vo 5,1110 trulioling on • f • pion t pup/0nv0.,1J . 6.46 . n . lt low t yowl me mare-, to whom.werr plvilit 10,1325 mmrin, and many of 111.411 mono iurnleilled mllll ortion•rol 61,0114.. PROCEEDS OF FARM 4,F0 •Ilumbels 1,8( 1 0 bunhels ontn, 3,000 I.ll bblo. nhkiled ruin 1,1 110 . loolluds 1101111. on, 43 Loud. limy, 30 Noon bold, ; 4 bolds illunpkion; 12 bonlinin on!, nn, 1 busbol tiro d onidno, 33 bu , lieln roil In to, 20 1).10118 croon I noun, 3 bushuls twos, 00 bunliela lonlatoun, A l) bunlioln turn). 0, 111 bushels 'plirsilip+, 2 51)0 liondn elllbugo, 2,0 0 enottiniu•o4. 1,0010 di led oil rrien, 2 bunbblt dried ouplen. (Ills dozeun eggs wort) givon to p,upern, burnt 4,000 bumf !elk of Hine, motto 4,042 pounds of L•ul for 1014 45 crocks of4txplobulter were muds. ' • AIITICLEB "AlieDE IN THE nousn. Made 225 par pante, 27 yo9ta; ocoat., 20 fettr cloth Mit,. El, 00 paihilovlLW N knit, p tlr monk. logo feoted, 20 capse, I i 7 eacka, 15 , 1 011 coin for el, 100 - chelat,ew - 300 - ajiirta, 100 Prods IN, 75 pillow el ipe, 22 boll ere, 70 chaf Wm, 180 linedkurelifef,i hemmed„ 30 plklow Canoe, 40 rhilllrolix' from.,, .elifl.lre.' ebls la, 102 nun. ilundera, 10.1 too 1., I l 1 shirtx, 10 ellrotels, 320 pounde Lard /10:111, 80 barrels of molt Kelp wore made, WORK DI;ME IN BII&ENIAKEIt• SHOP Motto 147 palr trew sham 2 -pair boolli fhatonl,l3s pair hall wiled owl 1e01,d,29 pair hall oultal,oB fmir maim!, a'w.l.l now - „. DONE 81101'; Mad 10 i Icultivator, ” 3 .0111 A, nirro argo 4 gat., ot hoard fence, 200 panel of pont and , roil me. 0 1 1 . 1 .1 of fo.nco•reent, rug outdo a lot of mug% 11.1111 doulold tram., Tula goino 'unmoor handl.. STOCK PATTILNED AND NXLLEp 27 beeves. (average wolglit 0421101„) 17,1i72-Itt, 2 calves, (aver.,go - wolght _7B the ,) 152 th e., 4 to (rtrel lig n avelglil 210 Ws ,) 8,010 malting In el, 20,1714 We. . I - I3TOCK ON SARA JANUARY 1, 18721" • 8 mules, 8 boress; 25 101105 cows, 6 head of stock cattle, 18.stsers,-4,ows, 17 . shonts and 8 pigs. STEI ON FARM JAPMAIIYI, 187.1. ' • 2 broad and 1 ria,row witeoleti wagger', 1 atone wagon, 1 stool, sled, 2 pair wpod ladders, 1 pair roil ladders, 8 pair bay ladders, 1 wagon bed, 1 Jack lc raw, 1' curt and, cm( genre, 1 - epi leg wagon and gears, 2 large sleds, 0 plows, 4 barrows, a corn bar rowe, ',thigh" -rind 0 doublu ebovel ploMe, 2 ;largo and 4 aultlyaiure, 1 roller, 1 grain drill, 1 large neparatoenini No. 1 beano power, 1 wind mill, 1 fodiltir collar, 1 hood corn shallerotlx wboollaw. rows, 2 l'og choice, 10 recta wagon gem a, 8 Anita plow genie, 2 nulls and 1 currying dodo, eprentle, single and double trees, 10 Ily netida. wagon sadilice, 11 •lialteem and chains,,46 cow chains, 1 11 set1 of carpen ter Width 1 sett pf black/I,oh 'Nola, 7 grain cradles, 14 1 . 111 1 . 11 8 if 1183 1 111611,1' Yalu boron rake, 0 picks, 1 105 OD 633 MCI ElB Er 990 19 EIT 216 05 EMI BEI 63 80 15 3a 50 OM MEM Mil EN ME I= 1 01 21 of .11 ESE xEC 1i 4 1'6 I S NOTICE. Letters ..Lll tPitairtmmay - On the ektail of Jolt n Ntipp. late 01 111111111 , 110 101111S11111, 110cM1.1 , 1, 0 1/11011 hi.und by the. Rogl,tor trurnberbtnil c.onlty, to tint lot neoogried roslrllng In Upper Alien town.hip. 111 r 0114 Itololon , t to mold rioterill Woo-o rnoiloin• payment, and (harm hat lag rlohne pro. her t Otero duly outhentioottA to Iho urblorslgtord for settlement. • . ST c) t..:d 0 `- 4 27 ‘'M I . ; S 4 ' &- ‘ 1 " 6 . 3 "": Itz ) • •'?, - • ' , Z.4. t „CD C/D tz ".7" t2l Ems/ t4i • • CI) is ; r ^ 4 cr: .4 - 4 4 . a e'*7 • 4 g • 0 ......., fl,` e.Q C1(1 i 157 UI DIETEM UtiT PUB D. Wonitorful Convention in tho Sun TWO Allegories by J.-llitiaittpp,lBino cents, or gilt sides and edges $l.OO. MATED NIAILTIEN, 1211 Chestnut etrout, Pulludelphht. 16f072.at* • NYVE have just 'received 59 9 yards of 80. wild (.Irnah, ut 1214 conto par yard, at tLx chimp store of , Ay W. IIt:NTZ 41;0. 14Nep7I 100 NEW FALL SHAWLS, illtl3Bt utyy, la. • ir UST received another o xtra supply of ti, flu's, Tior -1 I nstil of Black Al: 'teen, ricji, porn 11'.1l, nt ' A A: W. IItINTZ& (JO. • . , A T A. W. BENTZ & COll to the 4.Y. only phi,ua to buy raid la , :fignod.: - neat_ Dau ban Loco Collura, ittml Point Loco Conan], Real Valunclanno Lien Oal lam Imitation Luck. Colors at all ',Hook, from tun dents and upwarou. beat and Imitation ,Limo Iladdkur rhlafg, Luca :and titian lotto, all purabamal far Lill , holidays. 7deo7l 11111),!'7,11t,P2°.2 just 1200t71 e, UST received another largo euppli , of those beautiful Satteoas in cloth colors, for lettlip,:butte, A. W. 1111NT44 CO.: . Peter licatrer . Barber. N.' ENV riAnni,R SHOP. Peter Hodge has reenntly opened the National Shaving Saloon No. 6, East Main street, Irvlne's row.. lialr rutting, shampooing,shaving,mgnslaehe 'dying -promptly sttouthol to. Ladles' hair .eutting °vented in the liilest City styles My prices are, ae roltsonabfoite any v.thor Pnlooll hi tills plane. hay. tons ,qt mitnpoirmt Journoymen in ,iny employ. Henry Kennedy will, nine, he found at .my saloon Perin rye me malt: tVal mattock, 2 crowbars, 2 stone dr1110,14 shorn's, 2 groin rrnporr a at mowors, and a variety of stono hammers, trarrylng. tools, spades, - forks, rakes, sickles, corn boos, wood. haws, axes, mauls, wedge', kraut kolfo, &c , dio. . . HENRI' 81 , 1113 kilt. Steward. ELIZABETIL SNYDEIi, Matron We, tire Direhtors of the Poor and House of Em ployment of Cumberland county, do certify tiro above and foregoing to boa correct ofaternent of the receipts end expenditures of said Institution. from the fret day of January to the thirty-first day of Decamb, 1871, and also of 1110 °potations of said In stftution'dhring tiro Fllllio period, and of Its condi lion on January 1, 1871, according to tiro Lost of our knowledge. (Oven under our hands this eighth day of January, A. D. 181.8 . ISAACIVAGNER, ' JOHN U\IREROERJ• ' JACOB WAGGONER, Direciors of the Poor of Cumborlund county WO, tho Auditoria of Cninberland county having exondtedl tho meount and vouchers of the Directors of tho Poor and Douse of Emit!lament of 'Mid ,colutly, front January 1, to December thirty-first, 1971, nod also tho account and vouchers of Sundial A. Dowers, cog, lreasuror of sold Intititution for tho mmenerlod,lto certify that wo find a halanco in hand.. of Treasurer of six hundred and thrdo dol. Jars, and fiftydno canto. Qlrnn under nor liana this moventenntlt nay of .ItrmlaryTA,D7-187 , • C. V. 10 , 111115IMINGER, DETER' SN P DER, • Auditors of Cumborland county. 1201e7 4t - USE PAIN CURE OIL, THERE IS•NOTHING LIRE IT FOR PAINS, ,SORES, WOUNDS AND LAMENESS. BUY IT ! TRY IT! FOR RHEUMATISM, usE PAIN 'nu; OIL. FOR NEURALGIA. USE. PAIN CURE OIL. FOR FEVER SORE. 115 E PAIN CURE OM FOR CHOLERA MINIBUS, USE PAIN CURE OIL. FOR SPRAINS, USE PAIN CURE OIL. FOR HEAD ACME, 115 E PAIN CURE OIL. FOR BRUISES, USE PAIN CURE OIL. FOIL CORNS and DUNI 2NS, USE PAIN CURE OIL. FOR ANY SORE, USE PAIN 0111111 FOR ANY LAIIENEps, USE PAIN CURE OIL. BTERY BOTTLE IS WARTIANTED, And we °bailee go the World to produce Its equal. Used Exdernally and Internally 1 . ,0' MAN AND BEAST. Ark for PAIN CURE OIL. Tako rie other, hr WARRANT IT TO CURE. It is ant a ',Deleting preparation, hot an OIL, made from pare Vegetable Oda, Herba; and Extract!, and Is clean and oaf,, to tire. Sold by nil Druggist! and Doaloro In Mod i t d aea . PRICE, FIFTY CENTS. McCLURE EATON; Proprietor!, • Reading, Pa. Sold In Cat by .1. B. HfivereCalc. No, 5 South II toot er etroet, and d. A. Iln'eoratick, No. 10 North Hanover btrent, drugglats. .• 20105721 y soLuBLE • PACIFIC UANO. • PRICES REDUCED: STANDARD G(`AR:IITEED. Farm,' sn.l Drairrs nre informsti that thin article cow -lin , nil i hr , elenionht,n Fsrtyrh/or that the xill ilh.n.st. and a h,ln it~it pack In ;Is astinn, it in perrininsta In its effect. Thr 40111.11141 her lliis t 7 n.,nn in Ihn Saul lurrn and Mithlin Shit'st, Is 11 tithrion or - Ins tn.ut. _J . -Y - 0. S. REESE 6. co, liensrsl Avente: 122 5..1.1111 D 1•111, are A name Phil idelpliht. /914-15's sail Ihn nlliaJtnal of Ti•b grto‘, els to I hp, t;inun.. 1,1111111 T.) DEA I,ETIS List of unclaimed letters remaining in the mistotllee at Carlisle, Pa., for the WEEK ENDING FEB. 28, 1872 : • LADIES' LIST. Bowman Fannie lils4inaar Mary A 11KantIon ATlnet to Lronaiil Mary Paariloril Maly Ludt Sophia (n pionrani]. Lippert El - IMM (lamer Manani Mary Ilainolh Pool LIAM° Ilannon Lorzia Proctor 1/Lialoolt N incy - Victim s'Mat.hla Watt.. 11014111,er M. , goir EN'S LIST. A runitrotin J II Nerhit .morn A Ile tool ((nary Polo, .Itin-VM, P 01 ,or Janina Clapp. Pant Itleherain-lamor rinkrnloml, Sarni Hohlip.on Fra!, HA; Ray Apart Glogiz,FrAnk M ' , rmtrA-I Shinny Ilemlorron Vl' .1 Sins illy Jolni Iluineut Pet, Walter J A Jarlirilti Smiley Winala John holivio Aron N , df i4ll/1 h Wolf Mull Lonird A Vin;or Marry Manon (2 ll Zeiglrr Abram .1 E. 1). IiTIEEM, Postmistress 11,TO'FICE.-IVlioreas, letters of ad rtt ion on thv Oita to of Jacob Long ni.olo.r. I e E..t. Iloilo/thorn' town hip, (11•COIOWil, 111, boon erniii oil to Cho enlncelhor, roslalng lh Son h MOH Olin township. All porson+ Indy', toil t • the I mite are regnootd to ninhi• tinuodmte moot, on I thoeoA.it or doinanne The r , lnle of The haiil lii•Codelit Will make known trio entue, " . Il EURO s‘r.tirrz, A.. 1 till,thtrit for ipriugs P 0. 010101PrItattl-t-ounty. 211,72 •I' EL MARK LEY, E NM' tar. MEM ivt,foSi, 'Tho ili4). on & CA Mil Misceilancous. Also • The Two. Pilgrims LEM N. W. 1U & CO'S PATILII. Hbod, BonpAgict f l; Co. '.2,•, • c) . . . ET 7 " -`IT 1 Bgi V.-Y., 15 Q , °,, Vil 4 , 0 El P, ._,'=. - , S' i . •r; P,.... ' - • 0 ...1- t's"„ t,,' v•-,„M -a x ,s , 46,1 a l F ... 1;, .a.rs 0.,a•0H 'g. 2..0 , •=i'Bl-,-1 ...-1 D,-..-„I I -00L9 U. 2aq S' 0 5 ~IBH ....Pi— , a cp 0 , • ca 1 4 4 - td g.. 11 , m ,Z :0 Ist „,- .T E ..-- .5 ~...., ; ,- ;.,- o ,ts' rr o Cl op „ II • --- i X 0.6-•' - 0 En 4 5 .o 0 E 1 tz1. , ,, Vril.t.'-' i y•d o - K 'z' P °, ?,-t7 . E ~ l' C I 'l : lE m Potj,7r tdtr9T+'"`42- ' t 4 HI : 2 0 tc,5°5,3 'n .S, ''iCLlgn)„..4•,' ' •:, .2. Tg -.-• - Ir._ t=i C-1 Y . .-_ , i " S ,, §' CT :g•n JA td HLA e ., • P . - d CI 3 . G 7 S+l eit' 2" ' 7 ',....,P;t:d8 ' "-•> • 1-,..,[9.-.p, .0 • ,•••J:,-7.5,°,..:. ' - .Z. n 1-.. 'r , :;-- .CX%.: , Ptt .-3 im U ‘: ar- ,, e,Ev c..,,,ytir ,_, co P..•z'.4k, (i) —1 ' r•'•:-9P L,:d Legal Notices A'DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Let tern of minrinintrntiomorl the estate of Rebecca Jllllll. Agnow, Into of {Vat Penostforo' tontinhip, bare been , Joanna by the Register of Cum betland county, to tho submeribsr. residing In the same township. All comma inflebtod to sold estate a 141,Iva...take payment, and those having alai,ms to present them, duly authenticated, to the under signed for settlement. Ife/IW 11',11. C. ACIf, Atlntluistrator., ADMINISTitATOIIS' NOTICE Lettors of administration on the estate of Win, II Swartz, ijesensed, late Of Eliqt l'ennsitorti' township, 'MVO 'wen issileelly tho Register of Cimino land comity, it, undersigned Administrators. Al) persons inlieldolitto said mast° Will [dense make pay ment, and those haying claims to 'dement them, doly, nu ilientlested, to Um until" signed tidnili.istraturs fur settlement. MEM A UDI7It'S NOTICE.—The eign,l 1111111tOr Coort in ilfstrihoto It !idiot:en of o•th.ts in tho hands of Jo•opli Erb rind Itei pinto Erb, oueentors of lhoifioniti Erb, iliwonsed, who, it t Ithi lilrti ins, wal the I.l`glieo Or llotirS hnpp, of Iluittpilort Nil] Incl . ( all part ten intvrorti..l at his in itiQ horiolTh Cot on Moost 1,•72, at whiff h limo they two tint 1110 I to attend and snot thoir W. , 723t - IN THE . DISTRICT COURT 111 E UN IT EL2 S rATES Fon THE EASTERN PIN) hill' or PENN- lIIE M. TII It OF )111.1.ER P. 'STALK FAt. NEWTON TOW NSIIIP, CUMBERLA ND AIJUNTY, A BANKRUPT. The , Feld llaultrupl Ita‘jo, under the eel of r'etigrens of ere lei M 11.011,11017. filed his pelftlou ter trst:ltorgo 1,11111 all hi.a 111.1 A,; plovelde motet 1111. 111111:'1, end for a vertilleate *belted alleging, 0101 tot debt% have been p, 111 egalll4: 1.111, fiat , wens hare ettoet Into Ile. 11 tnits of the it-signet II 14 ordered that 11 utteditut of creditor. he held on the fifth dity.of March, 1.072. Id two ....heti it to., ye fore the Register, Cita , . A. Itasnett, et his ell, in the Court limo, in Carlisle, when anti el., If,• rxsolination of the , alit ilaukropt will he rteshtel ; and that a heating he had iiitto tho said Is•lctota 011 the lireotit 111 01 Mary 11,1+72, at in o'elork a u, lie P.re the said Court lit WIWI, 111.1 nhe all rroditt rs ull ether pet •010, 1,, intet,..t no tippet.. and -11.01 1 1 ruse,lacy ;hey ha, e, hy the ptayer 01 th., 001,1 10111100 not he greet,. I. Ili 1.111 Drool - . 11. N. 31, 1,72. I N TIM' DISTRICT COURT OF TII I Si 1 1 1111 SrAms FOR 'IIIE 1.1.151T11N IN THE 'NIA TER 0I"11101 U.: .1 EIJI', 0 3IECHA ICSBUIHI, A 111 N II RIFT. The mild Itatikrititt having-, under the net r, C0111:1 . 4,4 of Mal. It 0, 14 , 17, li o I Ill:, volition for tt din, baron horn all hi. tlahts Pft , tthi" titlt , tin .1.1 net, and Ittr tt Ito. thei tad nth-wog, that no motet. , have come into I he hantht the it is ordered that alll..etlux of creditors ho heti! on the fifth day 111 11 / 1 1 . V11, of II 11 ',• 101 . 1i :I. tit., heVire llto itaghtler, Clot.. A 11:0a1011, nt Itl• it tie. Court llonse. in the lea - on:tit of otarit•le, ~ ho u and where the woonlitat ion at the will he finished ; and that ht.:10:110 ill' Idol 111,H Ito Todd petition Oil the 111,111:ell, of?lntel, 1872, at. ill Welts 11 a 111 , 1 0 f10 the oilCoort. of Philielaf %then ,ind holt, all cots and otllol iti1,. , 11 . 1 tit ni.ty aviator and allow cattle, if Amy they have,hy the pr A) or of the t.tti.l volition 1100111 not he granted.' ll,' Int Covar, 13(.4,31 Jun. :11, 1872. UNITED 4T 3 TES. I NT I/It NA I, 11E1' EN Ul3, tem Oilire. 15th Polriet, l't.lllCll. , C41:1.1.1o, February 1.1, 1,72.' ON Thursday, February 8, 187'2, the billowing at-twist: 0 Ph. Nig,, d kir rail lta/ of the lot rout It. /tome 1.1 1 / 1 - , elgorg, toot II smull lot //'.f 1 eat Tob.ritt, at "the Itoto , oof 31t - Put fv, war Newt ilk riot Ole anti l'ittlisle about forty now tiottlyti r 1/r 111..NriPit limo EN tr.rmittat... Any iterettot ot 'Trat', daintier the Hatton ato rettutroti tt molot t•uoit claim er 1.13i111.1 WitIIIII thirty cloy , . .108 W. I'ATTON, 161',72:+t Cellerter 15th Dititriet, U. S NIAESLIAL'S E, D OF PENNsrbyAN IA PHILADELPHIA, FEBlttiAltY 10, 1n72. 7IS TO GIVEIq()TICE: That 1_ on the thlt I v.l„Ept day of .1...n00re„0. D. 1..72, a warrant In iliWltrnotry was 1.0.1101 apdtiust the estate of John S. tutiglierty, of Newwvllle, In tho County of Cutuborland and State of Pwinsyltaiiht, oh, For Inlen adjudged a lioultrnpt, 00 hin owl. petition ; that the psyinent or any debts and de -11, ry of any prtpettt belonging i 0 141101 Itsnkrupt, to him os for hit aw and tho tnmshir of any tooporty by him, ore folloidden by Into: that a • nodding of the er.dltors of tin. Sn ld Bankrupt, to two,. ttt'ir 10 0100.1 WIIII d . ll. morn aselgnees Of tit untnte, aill 111 , 111.111 nt n Court of linukrupte.., to be holden nt bun in the Court Hooke, 10 tho hoc oth of Carlisle, bolo, Ch Is. A Ibirnett, Itontster, un the liftt. II to Of Match. A. D 1872. tit "'knock a In .lAMB"' N. IC F.ItN7B, Paul it . U. 5..71. rtdinl, nn M.toienger. IN TILE alatter - of tho Assigporunt of herein of ern 21010.. Norm,. I. livieby givioi. timl Iliti 11, of l'oninioo l'loc f i•ontity, to male' illstilhtition of ili in the poinnol 1111.1i , g ti , ' vilitol , l,llllll.il ./10,511,) .111 niter. 0 Iho Mg Appoint iiii.nraf h,. ..111 , 1.i1l Till ,•n•ugh oil' Thurwl.tt, %larch I I. 1 ri:2 it lo lc. it. tn, sit limo . arid olio. •toillforii ion 10 111 . ...111 thou claim thr 5;111 511.1 its., H A • 1 1:$ 1-1 P-J Crig 1) co -41 t lel 10 lb% ADM I N 15TRATtkIt'S NOTICE. Letters .01 administration on do. o Uneirl l'oe ell, Into AN...: ruuiLyl land, l'noJ or land county. 1,11. Ii Issue.] by flit Bort-ter of Ciiiiiticrlonil county to dm subscribe rteiltling smut borough II it to Mite I to soil! extol, Will I , intve Mak.. Inunteliott psyriOult, Jlll.l 11111.0 truing claims ii ii i.rtycni them, prop, y 011th. 111 rated for nettle...mt. to OWEN - JAM -22631172 U .ldudnlx; rotor. VXECUTOR'S NOTICE. 7-- Lottors tostalbontary nn trio csinto ihil.Ellas Ales miter, Into of Fronk, ril township, iletiessed, lucre been IN, stool by (Ito Register oh igjoloiriatol votinty, to Um subscriber residing In tit ship. All permit:llnd ,herd to mold etitte will pleose oinks , littintelloto iroyment, anti those harlot: anima to resold then: duly itutifunt sated, to filo hinder. signed, for Settlinw•ni. a -0 I=l Silverly(' re and Jewelry . 1 .Z 1 A.3E131D.. . , ECALDW &, CO. No. 002 CIIESTNUT 4 EITIMEI', PHIL AD reL • • S: CO., DESIRE TO CALL .ESP! CIAI. ATTENTION TO THEIR DEPART.' MINT OP SOLID SILVER WARES. ronEgsixa SUPERIOR, I , A(SILITIES TREY WILL BE RNA DIA DTO PE ACH lIIII'OILE, THEIR OUSTOMEIIS, IN A DVANCUOO TII I7' GENERAL *ARK NT, ALL THE NVELTI TS,A ND IMPCOVE. MENTS SILVER 00./DS AS R 11'IUNT AS PRODUCIUL VERY' PARTICULAR ATTENTION BEING ELVEN TO TILE BPECIALTII',9.OF DILI DAL AND ONIER , PRESENTATION MOTS. • THE STA NDARH, OF. SILVER LONG SINCE ADOPTED liY, THEM IR ,Tti IT OF ENOLISII STER LINO, 9 . 2.54000rna FINE, THE. QUALITY OF EVERY ARTICLE SOLD 1116(./ STRICTLY aIIAR ATTENTION IS REiRp FUI,TX DIRECTED TO. TILE UNVARYING BUSINESS POLICY OF TILTS HOUSE IN REGARD . TO THE FIRMLY ES; TA BLIPIIED SYST'EM OF FIXED 1.1110 ES, 'MITCH WILL 1111 RIGIDLY ADHERED TO IN 'ALL . OASES, SECURING TO PURCHASERS, FAIRNESS "AND EQUALITY IN EVERY TRANSACTION POLITE ATTENTION MAY BE EXPECTED BY ALL WHO MAY FAVOR mum WITI/ A VISIT, ORDERS ATRINQUIRIES.BY MAIL, PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO • C. E. OALDWEIAr t &CO 8r0b72,1y AFIRST.-CLAbS Stoup and Earth. nowaro Pottery for sale or lease. 'inquire MAYS X: 814.0. MEM • BAGS..Tust i:ocoivod a largo N._.4 import of tho beet morally, ut 1173:5,' onto per plocO, at thn Chen', Store of •. , 111 'tig u1 t tf 2.841 ... 8714 „ • ~ A. W. BENTZ— 22. The account of George W. Lit fugston, now do axed, one or the adaGnistrators of James Living ston, late of Monroe township, deceased, as settled B :Iv Benjamin Is iesley, r of the 00111 li . eorge W. I.lvitv.iton,lll,Ct.a.led. (11 , .0 'C SIIEAFFER 01 Cut Usk , .101111 ILASORK, Of Hampden (tsp. 24. The imcount of Benjamin Ok r, ext. Mori of Benjamin Older, late of Monroe township, Mievaiied. GEO. S. Audit.. MN= 11.•opoLin Er O; late I illnutp.:en t•.an , Lii., a••••l. • 35. Faakt and final aroolint of l'ola•la 'Tana,. ad odr.htratar I. a.. of tho ta•tata of Farah 11 = MOON tot? Ccitharloe. the I.lore or t roo of ('lir 141, 3i. I 11.• ,ila• 11111 of 4 Llcwwv llartlili now Doniol 11. licLoot.to and Wil I.x..cutori of .Itwolo Barn)l 7, eof Dwklnioll town.,lllll, ‘1 tot II crttllz, Our of ,orvlvlog twlolo. BA TS AND (7.4 P. 4 J. G cALLIO, .CARLISLE, PENNA., T'll7... i filtiT . ElL of Carlslel The II ATrlilt of Carlhilo! I The Intemt oflo. just toovirod I J. O. CA LLIO vrilthea to oil attention to hit large MEM 'to mane feeler. s Hate to order, and has the boat errengemonts for coloring ilntx , Ve en Goode =I RAyStAiIITS ! ! M.V.TS•!!!,_ 'TERROR? 1111:RbER !I - 0EATII!!! DI Il'l ROACMIS. ANTS, 111:1111U0S, RATS ! RATS !! RATS !! ! Farmers, secure you). Grain, PoultPy, etc. A REM AREA w.f.. PR EPA ft ATION, which RAN, inn i.p magie) from thrir Awl hiding riarmi They eat ramluntkAY and 411 din Inn feud errtaiWy in the upon nh. Bnfu to One. ennui! C. 1 , 1. N11111.11:0111,1v, Auditor Nl;3s' 1511.'80V NII VI•lltNIIN ENTER SIIN .ITOII. Uee.l , wtt II wonderful Minced+ It( t Sent llo•ntol /rod other I urge Rend , yol Inotllutfona Pldla "11-0111 me, New 1 .0 01 ; 11•Irott Donley Ilar. ie. 1 . 1 111:: Dvont• Dote!, ell tel.org: Ilerd •e Douse, sVlllonisi,rt, Da.; it, lu li,e I, the may article Oast will rat you • f th nn !lento. •1 ut 11114 advert loonent out nen flit.' to your Inuggint or Merchant If hn IN not oupplied, he cornet It for you ni any Wlinlenaln Di liggfet. Ile mire tool get Indy that .dgned K. !limy, Jr., Pu Ilud 10110, l it , nu town jar. Take n nth,. 25 rents ajar: ilveja;•a Tor $l. $1 worth will +slimily dun thorough work. TI) 511•;111.111.1NTS.—Ilutola Now IrnionN•ed o 11l toyer holdenelton, ogo. Alettpo In sire condi 100. 1,11. on 11411 , 1 of former 1031:0 will be nrchnngeJ, If de.1.1 . 01. Prlliewnl 11 ,untm, CO.! Areh. N. E. rin nor Tenth mei Illostnut streot +, and 5. \i". norm, Elg , xlll not Boa, otreets, Phlludelphlo. S .11 by till Whelesule Deng.;lato• Direct all liottern . to „N. IIUDT, Munullolttrer of flat Netorminator, Wodierk . llllsdelphia, I IJli72Bnl ' • SANIUI4, ALEX (NDER ExPoltor rrrili; .undersigned, agent for David A.- Rutz, run doci•aurd. Wit,lll6; to retire front inerinrat, will Pell at greatly reduced earth- rated, lilt large •rtaant of HAT , CA liS, . LADIES' AND IIENTLENIEN'S FURS arid ()LOVES, TRUNKS, • VALISItE3, TRAVELLING SATOIIELV, tOBES, RIX , BLANKETS, , ' GANES, UMBIELLAS and a largo varloty of Nahum. Tho Fn tiro stook will ho sold oat on 'Moral terms ti any me ilvsli lug to 'continuo tin busino.44. A .s leasy..ot-Ilto - io 'oroooni can .I,o' hail fora nionbar of JACOB noAs. No 4 Nn ral Illoinvor Flll . ooi, 011110151t0 tini Carlisle, Deposit Bank, Carl 1010, Pa. EEC l'ornonn knowing thomaelven to ho Indebted lin , donee cull met wattle their itceoinum 4ititi72-3111, • - - • Lumber aud ilfuterial. LUMBER - 1 ----LUMBERn BIDING, itlitDoa, BOAT, AND BUILDING TIMBERS_.. All Building Materials' furnished to order at short • Address. MIDDLETOWN,' Daupblu Co., Pa. DANIEL 000010, . • V. 0. gootnauan; wm. D. aamanicaso* -' WAIRE11:11. 0001)10 . ' r 74421 y TWE CUMBERLAND COUNTY AOII.IOI.ILTURX SOCIETY will "hold 10 regular mooting iit tho Arbltriltlon Chantbitr, In thu Cottrtqloutio. no Insettlltty, fifth of .MarchilhU. . 1.11‘918 .Botiretary.., 1= 4 r ---e . Register's Notices • • EGISTEIVS AYPICE.—Notico is _EV hail:My given to alir persons iiiterested, that the following accounts have been filed in this office by the necountante therein named for examination, And confirmation will be presented to the Upham.' Court of cumberl.ll - County, rot confirmation anii allowance on Tneoa,j., March ln, A. 1);, 1872. 1. The Recount of Dnehl S Clark, ntlatlnivlretor cf • 'Lola . Cl3ric, hie of Carlisle, dr:cussed. 2. First and final uremia Of W. anti S. Woothi, adniiiiidtrators of W. Woods, lato of Frankford township, deceased 3. Account of Chrlatinn lioshi guardian of Rebecca Zook. t. First nod find' [xenon t.of_ll,p. Darn, odudida trator of eotuto of Loll Line, late of Lust 1',00n• Iporo . townnhip, decoaned. 5. The first account of Jesoplk Clever, and Cottlal Clover, executors of Mc oatrt• or floury Clover, • deceased. 0. }lna and Oral account of Zulu:ring Smith, Ad. thinlstrntor ul 11offerty, luta of Uppot Al len township, :Ito:ea:nal. 7. That 1111111111111 account of Joßoph Yonne, adinin- Istrator of .lamer Harril l Into of thu botuv:gl: of Ninny Cumborland, deceased. rltn_ acculrot - of — jobt,—Do',r,—tidininixt.tator of Samuel Flnlter, lota of 'Pent: tow onhip : O. Adininlstrallon account of hoar{;. IVlllterx• inlioloistrator of B°,ll Cloven., Into of Soutlonup lot: tont:slap, deccasod. 10. Account of Joont, and 11. D. Roboolc, OXITIIt-rs of Chriolloo b Lo, Iloooosed, latd of onthnn.pton township: 11. Ettomul Fought.; lil.l . oflMCli. First tool tioll ar , count of Dr. liCorge Folmar, executor of otlil tlaradent. Tho first and ft administration account of lial.lcl 11 if., executor of flu, toot will and leant main of Jacob filth. Into of Hoot Penloboro' town ship, Cp.lOwl. laud County, Pa., draw...cf. 1. Firnt nut linsifaccotint of .lolin Itxeilltor of habella LLeaki, Into of ~.limo towuship, decolowd. • 4. The fitat aridflrial lICCIIIInt of IJenry Zllllll. man and Isaac Z1111111.1 . M1111. executory of Christian Zintmeririan, of bower Anon rownktilik deceased. 5. She account of John (I roller. rr., administrator de bonis 110,/ of Frederick Ztilglor, late of Wept PO:16E11101V tower hip, riecernoul. 1. Tim itecannt of ionneo Dunlap, oxeentor of Nnoe'y Dunlop, Into of Went , l'ometborte d0t:m.41,1. 7. Asoottut of Ilesior A. Flouting and Joseph A. Bthaft, executors ofAlt • lust Bill and test taunt . of Wilson Flouting, detrusTol. 8. The account of Alfred Shit 0 hart, administrator of Joseph filtitioluirt, late of South Middleton toarimLip, deeettioll. • 0. Firat find filial arroant of Flamm] A. McCune, executor of McCune, late ill Newton lowm chip, Cumberland reality, ittioencil. • O. Thu account of Jo moo Manny and lit:J..ll 11. 11/ cElhinny, exec ntora of Jana, Nlclillifittly, •loto of the borough of Nualttlyg, Cumberland county, duh•.wed. 'l. TOo account of 3lostt Connor, all ruin ro nor of tho eatato or Jt.ttoph Conner, Into of Frankford Can nsldp, decetettal. '3. Flrkt and final account 3lnmnin, nd rat,r nf Fredrick 3111nuna, Info of Ilampthq. townNlilp,dec4ll,l,li. 5:1110 IIeVOIIIIt of Jacob trtligto of F. Mauch, tumor ,op of A ‘l.oit rea,kl. Lit. Tlin firut nod finnVoreotinto,kl John ntinistrator 01 Stanton A.p,, Lau 14'31011.n to. II , 7. Thy fire and 11.1 A41'01111(4 C. P. Iltirnrich, of the t,t..st I. or 311 v. Eilt.il.t.t.ll Eg.,111, th 4. 1 , ,,,;,11 1.1 Cal linir, dec.:AH.l. 'S. .tre.utsl of .11,8.1.11 I t..ta eserittor of Nit., I• 1 i/.11,..th 11..1111,1, 11(.1,1.•Ii. Mt€ I 1111. )let t.i .1.1tri... IC. 'M. rn eA..cittor .4 1,00.11 a Ilenktitiget. 1,14. ..f Fhippt•titot.rg, • • 4). 'II Ilti.tl avvouitt of lirnry enpler Isslw ut tlecensutl. • , . Th.. ar,...mit .ofln,hani It. , l , ,,doltninostrat or ac. 401 . 1110 .111/.10 ,f •Nmr %% lan. NVt.t Pen osh, thr 'lllO orroonl of .10n0.,4 D. Pell.oduni.:tratr 1,6n1 , test', ro or .1.100 , Isle ..I too NV.ol Pto/ . ..1. , .rt0' .1. ceorod. .1 oroounl of Joule, I). Poll. tohoit/iIO tutor ele .pf .1(11,p I)unlap, bite or t tue nxli pof 11# .t l'•tit...onset]. 31. The 4reutult of .I%.seph Er), and MMEIEMMM/lI=M =I=NEMIME . . cmtilly 0 f ruilllwrlaull. ;:li. film and Ilnul Hor.mol of John 1). ' hnoll - yr, ntl - of Smonol Sp.lnglt r, Cato I. f 0111110 )101411,P0i t , ww.hip. th..,...1 IT. I. .r . ! , .1 and 0,11 orc.oull of John 1ji.,,,,n,•.x..0n• 3.i First nod final al Collnt !I \S. W. anbaugh, nrl Eninktrator, of Mono Mirin, Into ref Sliver Sid ins; tow otthip, JOSEPH 7'f '- 1 I= The latest kyles always on hand SILK lIATS flow tlio beat Manufactureo II I JiliON ABLE HATS just out! I ! HATE 4ND CAPS The Wheel C kSII PRICES paid for 0,0 UNIRY FL i,B A GALL. GO NO 20 MAIN STREET lOsei '0 Burt's Vermin Exter».)inatoi BLRI'S Great Bargains' DANIEL ICENDIG & CO., RIIAI,EIiS 'IN SEASONED PINII AND . 111n1LOCK =I Et= . 4 Agricultural SoCiety Medical SlMltlA_suanarrus URAIi TU -; • U 1211 R S' 7101111.703,2',4 IV IIC Sl'E AVl ` Korcti, from °filo' most ami all entire aucee,, Situp! Prompt —Ellident sr i Itelialle. They are the n Medleitani pat foetly adapted to pope hr ple that [phial:es can out Ln made In taring the So harmless ne t to be free from tianw 0, and . o olllei IVY to li, alwaya reliable. They ha i r highest commondatii,o from all, and will alwayit r dor rat faction. Woo. 1, Citron Congest fen, fill'. an 99:199 2, do 'Worm s. IVorm ivork,, C. 3, do 0094:C011p or 10141,10 g of In 10111.• 4, do Diarthrun, Cll'ldr,9, 01 Ado', 5, do Dycnitery, f91"0, In Chnlord Mortot., 1 - 01,1091. 7, do Coughs, (101,14, Itrmleln tin. Neur ,l l9n, 9, do 110nd:0,110s, SIC, 11,1 1001. , Srl lo,o. 10, do DyFpep4in, Stoin.o9, 'll, do 1099,0,..4 , .1. 0r l'nlorol 12, do 1119104, to, Pr.fto.o 114 do Croup, Cough. 11t , 0111.97, li. do 'Flat Lry,diddat, 11,0n11000 17., do 7 1T11011:191114. , , 111;t u,,191, ,157. - 10, do Fe•ver and .0700. Cl,llll'l_l,, Ag9l 17, do 199 a, 1111nd or 1,1, .011n 0 . 11, do 091111;119n y, nOll snrt. , r wool: rya n, 19, do Cataitll, Imo., 11,111101,0.1. 110 Cough, violent ' , ugh,. 91, do Attltnt, oppre,t, , 1•114 - 0,91,90 t. ^ 22, do I , or 11,19.,1,0,1 !oaring. 271, ilo Scrolplo, ~111,1rged SOllllll7O. 21, do (iH o nt4lllity, p113 , ,1 4.1 .19nituus9. 25, do 1/151,, , 49,1 .0,1.119 ,SO O tict Iron. 27, .10 1(1 , 1uoy 19,04,0, Ural 01. 98 do N 1.11,08 L, I , llilk. 1 , 91119:11 111111. , 44,9 111V0111nt.try 1)1,11,19,4. Five Itietrii. with one Si 2 i 2 iti of P0w , 1,, •nniry in ideioti, ta•i, 20, do, , Ford MIJII(11,- 30; do t•Linney 15'irth:le-112x el tint; hod. 31, do Painitil Pei ink, with i•pasin, ,do eniter:ngs nt rit dupe 1 18, do ,Epilininy, nand.,. 1 34, do Piiiiitheihi„iiinerateit sore tiniont. I=l Of 35 to CO large rlitle,lnotae, or 1 erend. care, contaiiiiiirraeSrecific for Lvi crili• nary disease a fiddly is tiubject, to, null lioolis of direction, Iron Oil G. Smaller Panilly MI • Tral,lil4l . C 11212., 11•111/ 211 to 21‘1•11111. if Specifics for nil [riven rhea kith Curing and fer 1:1 , ote five ti•soreent, In ring rind pocket cubes. t• I'itNLCS EX fit ACT.' • Cur, horns, Mallet,. '1,71M011 , '.t. F ) 1, , k11, Tbro.t, Ilaraehe, Nenrith. Itheontallon, I.lltoliat,, stit go , Si Illeteltog . of the Long., St h, on Corns, hirers, Old Some. Price,oz„ ; Pint, 1.5° ) cseopt P the dice or stogie Fox. ore i.r.nt to any 01 country. 1,,y 1141111 h. 1.17 tr., of cO, o ceipt of the price. Aibtrebi. E.IIII - 101TOyS ' Specific • Homeopathic :Sledicino Cu. Office and Deput, Nu. 162 Ityadn , yo,t. For sale In Cortkle, by S. .t. 4 , Common `2.n07.11y List of Srde.4 L;k IST OF SALES to be eafl by NV DEVENNI:V. cri,,NLER. IBM Ei•kort, Sr”,•111a, 11- ti-Z.1^1,” I,:,•l;ert.S • 11-- Nl4t ti 1 . 2—‘1 , IttVer I I :-- tt 't-tl, t : 't • t-t t tit ..Inhn W. ?l/t ii•l I, lor. S.ILES to ho by I:. M 4 ,00:, IVclIoNi LR Nwch 0 ,„ • • ,1,,•r• ‘,1.1 j, 1r,.1 I (+ITIiIIt, !', 11 I . !—Dani.•l 11 19—.1.•1111 2..—NVTR.. fa 111t11,.....• , 1,:11. P. :".Irivt attertfloP p t" 1110.1.T.1t0 LIsT. OF SALES to Lt. ra;;,•,l )N1 m 010 f: h ; •- I t t ; ..t 4—l. 'i I • a• 11—.1., ‘,•l S - "-1,11i• I , I1)1.1 NII.L IL IN. , - irl. LIP I L. 1l A row LT.Ly, 01. T MEI L IST ()1' SALES to be t Le \ ..tuctloo,l.l; EMIE I' ',I li • 1 , . lVoakl.,, Mill..r. 11,1121,,—, I —IVTII. Penn. 2 :—Adatti Co , 1 , 1, Poilti A. W. Bentz A. W. ISEN'I'Z CO. 11:1; just r ctOvt•O a hand•ono4 mark ol ttlo. It l.lvy o : f} lingo 11110 of T 01.144 Lnions is non- on,. I,i, ranging 144..144 :1; 100i€cn t. ~,r Tho heft brand of Bloch Alpargff can hn 14 chasdlolvorutol lol!or front A. IS 1 I:`4 , Zo Cu Arso, 1:111, ,t0..1, toll t thontio.vt to 1110 11..4 " Folta t " A IV. BENTZ CO., lin tin , large: ..c_x• ocli of W.ilvr-proof Clual,mg 10 s we° , tt ith Silk hitti-lt. A,w. BENTz co have ‘ illtit • ev i ived ..f l: Tit, hr . at AW. 111. N rz aCo A - LARGF lot of Thibet L "i.!... p rveuived A. W. I4EI I p 0) A o Nlll i . 1 , . . 1 iMelB4 . pileof7nants of fit A 41 Z .4 i --- • AT A. AV. BENTZ CO. can the I.trgo•st Ip+4••rtup.“l ", • 1113 1111 , 11i1111 . - 1111t1 t. 1 1• 01111 . . 14'1111541;k.. 1 - •• •1 nud p tr , tion.,l .1 A VARIETY or 1e(1 ; e;:one ;tod LAIL 111 11 bt at At W. PO. (.0 riZl'iOllS title PURE AND UNA.I)ULTERATI. Ditueso v IN A LIyAN'S Itt: .41:TA IN:,1 , ,1 It. WI V EIZ.t S. 5 5f.10.111101, v i St • Pa. • N. 13.--Pri,n I , t4ri4 car , :lllly It I/.: nG 6t coutpoutid.,l nil WI BUSINESS.—vu Li !hot ul5 plrodwr CAS BUS' NW. +lll,- 1111110'a 11,111 Conakir)' pn dncurocol,ea .1.1. Iv • 1.1010 II gon,lB on 1.1.1 II) this 111111tigrit• a. 11401 r n arce‘l, I 40111 he ottql,led to rolto I rotur. 15Jtalll JB. I.IAVEII.•.;TICK, S NO o SOt'lll II A NOV Eli .111E1 Dealer in Dyugs, Ifedicincs, AA) CWWEIS I C..IIIPE'I'S! C'AIZPETS souing,ll li:11 . 12,/, ' ' 11'111 I, t'lllll/11.1. VVIVet itllo /1111/ lio.r.V .1-, 7,1..71 4: ell. A .CMIPLETE LINE % Vorol for ltv flitti 11l i'ff` . shade, 1.1,m...1,1 V rctrei. , c , .,1 , ...r,„0tt blue" 7dou;l =ll -irou can ~ obtain hyo, Porft 1111/111•N, Fikrv.y t 3. I! , t 1 xtick's prim" Iptioto. ,nr.•::01 pouuded•at ua lithe, , N tr.ASpit t aim% er ulrc.•t, Col /11410. EEO ORTURE - liItUGS, -- CHENITCUL, F' And Patent hfctil g • lc J. u-. 11',.,htic No. 5 South Ilanov.sr rilryt.t. A1va:1.1,41 , 1 lIt , I , famt (41'01101 :onjoi, P, I (mut., s, z;1..1 1 alto . . Articles: .1. B. IIA No r lEEE zwaes 1:(TS0111 . 1 . 1 reOp;:riy N. 11. MOORE, pußT.m . ? SALT On Thursday,. Ilfartfn 7, 1'872. Tho talil'arlilar will aril in publio nib, on hi form, ill Dielii11801) tOVIOOrIip, Ii 141)04 Wf3f Of (1.1 . 1 . 11131 e, .a loilee south' te‘t.of the 110 nt thu following valuable pereonal prr.,yrty: A 'NUMBER OF 11 O 1 SEB TL N HEAD OF lIIILCLI ,COWS'! nf &Nth by Illy of rali• FIVE/ YOUNG•IIEIPMRSI sou 150 (mill Ms 'Bluing. 1 , 8011. 1 tit err, 6 c:4vvo ILll.blootloil Durham and Devon Fitook, 7 Head of Chester Whito'Ho , s ! 5 sheep, Ottswohl tint/ Leif:es/ex iNwsed, Sprini,jllTAknul, lge.w Coot, Doggy Thre.llll4,3lDchlnirnndlenwix, I Tornado Thredher afid Separator ! oleo (11111 hirgo 31cCORMICK REANnt. AND MOWISR, . . . . TO'SZtryor lyp.ll n largo rnriety.of orthlott too mt.: tuarouo to toontiott. HAI° to comment, at p 'o'lock II 111, 101oa itt.t.vodanco mot it credit of Ntno Mulatto will Ito glvon by : , - 8 BrBCELE 11'0011F, ES= ER MEE =I ~~, .. .i 11011111111 MEM • I Auctioiwoi•