lIM . - CCONTINUEIi FItOM; Filt9T P.A.cIB. I °ranted, less than six per cent of tho etitiroinumber, being about one to overt sixty thousand inhabitants of the State; and far below the average-ht any state in proportion to the population, in which committees aro appointed to ex • incise this power. _ Accompanying this message will be found ti.. r _pardon report, in conformity • with a plan adopted the fir - at year of my administration. ihese , roporti are mado for the purpose of shewing tliat no se crooy adheres to the exorcise of tho pro rogativs in question, and to inform the legislature and the people, every ono of whom lids an interest in the subject, what reasons have been adduced for tho liberation of persons convicted of crime and,what personal influences have:beef; employed for the accomplishment of that object. C0M3113 TATION 8 OF ( IMPRISONMENT. The act approvedll . s..y.2l, ING9, au thorizing commutations upon the terms of prisoners convicted of criam, has pro. -duced a decidedly salutary effect. 'The discipline of the prisons is reported as being greatly improved„by the voluntary good conduct of all desirous of availing themselves of the merciful provisions of the law ; and reformatory influences have been manifest in many eases by the good behavior of those who have been the - forturrate - raciptcntri - Nrita — b - erWIT Tho improved habits of prisoners during their confinement have gone with them into private life, and the wisdom of the legislature in passing the law has thus hem signally confirmed. In accordance with the act referred to, commendable conduct on the. part of a prisoner, such 'as will merit and receive a favorable cor- - tificato from the warden of a prison, with thirapproval of its board of inspect ors, 80C111118 the following deduction from the terms of sentence, viz : " Ono month on each of the first two years; two months on each succeeding year to the fifth year ; three months on each following year to the tenth, and ' four months on each remaining year pf the term of sentence." The number oT convicts directed to be - discharged, under - this - act; - before their —terms-of-sentence-had-expired;-Trom-tim State penitentiaries and county prisons, during the past year, amounts to five hundred andli ay -three, and is a gratify: ing fact, that thus far I have unt"aral'il. of any ono of them returning to habits of crime. CIENERAL ItENT.ARNS. Iferewith is submitted a comieunica tion from the President of the United States, in regard, to the twenty-set-ern orl of the treaty concluded in Wash iugton- on the eighth day of May last, Between the United States and Great Britain. It relates to the navigation of " the hakes, rivers And canals along the northern Ifoundarion of tile United States. To which, and the accompany ing copy of the treaty, your attention is united. • In'aecordance with an existing law the banks in the commonwealth aro required at 'stated periods to publish a correct statement of their business transactions and financial condition. A law. similar in all respects should bopassed in regard to all saving fund institutions. A resurvey of the gologicel and mineralogical resonrces of the State has on several former occasions been recommended. The subject. is again commended to your consideration.' The report of Colonel Janos Worrell, Ash commissioner, will be laid before you ; from which it will be seen that although the work assigned him in,pro grossing slowly, it in surely acuompli,,h ing tho desired results. ?:r previous messages legislative atten tion has been called to sundry subjects upon which so action has been taken. Among the most important. of these are the creation of an insurance department, the pioteethon and multiplication of our fisheries, and the establishment of a 'bureau of statistics. With 'regard to the latter, it as important that the ie - sources of the State 'should be more thoroughly ascertained and linden-stood than they are at present: The extent apd value of our oil, salt, coal and iron fields are unknown, and there is no reliable information to be obtained from any ono source concerning the - amount of these great staples mid 'the value of their annual production. The same may bo said of all our prodnet,ions, whether they result from-mining, Manu factures, agriculture or conamerir. There should also be recorded in this proposed bureau all such facts and st a- Unties as are accessible, concereing, jhe condition, wages and treatment ~t' all classes of our working people. Facts on all hese and other nut dects relative to the business and productions of the State should be collected and properly recorded by au officer appointed fir rat purpose, and who would not only Veep them easily accessible to all persons do airous of using them, but ,puhlish them annually for general information. The „expense of such a bureau would lie in isignifleant when compared with the advantages to be derived therefrom. The obnoxious doctrine free trade is agate raising its hydra-head with a view to' destroy, as far as possible, sonic of the most important interests, of State and 'nation ; but it is hoped and ex pected that senators and representatives ini Congress will interpose in solid pha lanx between its advocate andllia ay comnlinliment of their designs. My opiniops, heretofore so fully curl freely expressed in relation to a tariff protection of our products and: tnanufae tillers, and especially upon salt, coal, iron and steel, remain not only un changed, but are greatly , strengthened . by. reflection and observation' Auy at temprto-reduce the protection now :Ir . forded/cannot but be regarded as an effort to benefit foreign interests at the expense of our home industries, and to - - —place-our toilern - on - typreThitli i paid labor of foreign countries, which must eventuate in the destruction of the very influences which have, • since the war, made us no proaperoos a people, and laid the foundation of such great in dividnalAnd national vrealtlii TheaVail=' - -`,-, able teachings of experience of this im portant subject should not be unheeded, arui legislation on it should be for the welfare of the people and the nation. It - should unhesitatingly protect Anima- can labor, maintain its atuppennation, hold out inducements to capital lets for investment, give the producer a home market, and afterd the amplest opportu nity for the developMent of -the ifd bounded resources of the country and not for the benefit of those win) are induntri-. ously endeavoring to lure our capitalistis to financial ruin, and bring about the im poverishment of our mechanics and cid "' zone who are nowprospereuelly engaged in all branches of trade and industry. / An "International Congress on the Prevention' and Repression of Crime, including Penal and lleformatory Treat ment,'! has been appointed to be held in • London, on tho third„ of .Tuly, 1872. - By resolution of Congress, E. C. Wines, L.L. D., has been Wiesen commissioner • of the United States. The philanthropic, objects and beneficial resultii content plated are too numerous to be here set forth. The actompanying documents will furnish all necessary information, •.Coinnalaidonere from nearly every civil ized nation aro exp . ected to be present,' mid a number of our trim States,. will, doubtless,' be represented. It is mugv gested, very properly, that the legisla ture of Pennsylvania 'autlibriie the up- . pointmeat of one Or more eemmiesionern ,to represent the State in this important Congress. • Upon all national queetions the views then entertained and advanced in my Net. • annual message remain unchanged. On thin account, together with the belief that Congrdes will soon disposed .the subjects Won discussed, and others that have, sine') bedn 'brought - prorninentlY before the public, I deem IL unnecessary remarks on the affairs of the nation. • I conclude with, a Sincere and earnest desire that yonFtierision may - be charac ' terized by mamma kindness and gen,- • •erosity,: while on: my part I. ' lie ,• pleased to give a cordial concurrence in every Aseanuro calculated to adviinciii the ? interests' of our common constituents ' and the 'general prosperity - of' the Cons :, I, Imanwealty.. • Joins' W. GEmtr. F.,xecutivo Chlmber, Harriaburg, Janti aky a, , . Lhieq of Travel LN-IQOUTII 3101INTAIN RAILROAD! .• TIME_ 2.7,4 B TAKES EFFECT SEPTEMBER 1, 1671. Qn and-art pr Friday, Soptomber 1, 1871, ' this Company will run two trains ,through to Pino Grove daily, - . (Sundays oxooptod). FOLLOWS : • Leave Junction, 7.00 A. at., eßonnybroOk, 7.10; vCralelleaa'n 7 20, Mount Holly, L4O, *Upper Mill, 7.45, nunter's Run, 5 05, Laurel, 8.40, and orrivee at Pins GroSo, 0.00 A. H. Lartro Carlisle, 2 08 r, tt., Jiinetlon, 3.00, ellonny brook, 3 10, eeraighwurn, 3.25, hlount Holly, 345, "Upper Mill. 3.50, Run, 4.00, Laurel, 4 20, nlOl drthee nl nine (frovo, 4 40 p.m. .1t T U It tvitie Pint , atovn, 910 A. N.i Laurel, teen Bun, 10.05. •Upper Mill, 10.25, %fount Holly. 10.30, 1000, * L onnybrok, 11.00, and arm°. at Junction, 11 15 A St. Lour° Vino Oruro, 5010 P. 31., Lamp?, 0.15, . un ter's Run. 5 36, *Upper OHL 5 20, 51 mm{ 110111,5.55, eOrnlghearl's 6 10, elionnybrook, 6.25, nod arrives s t Junction, 535 P. 3f. P.ln iron. Plarkel. Illue (f . ) ore ring ststlons only. 11. OF. DA VP:N.I'OIU, °poem! Superintendent. Office of Oen. Spperintendent, . Orn•e, Aug '25. 1571. f - C/ it"; MI3ERI,AND VALLEY It. R. carqac OF 11OUR . - WINTER ARRANGEMENT On andnOrn.'rlinr.nlay, Noonnher 187 n, Pannenntor Todur rill rnn dnliv, nn follown fElond.tya pxrepled): W EST W Alib! ACCOMMODATION TRAIN lonvos Ilnuisbur6 6:01/ 1, M , Mbeltanlealawg N:l5, 0:011 rlo 0:11, Nrwrille 0:10, Shlpponsbarg 10f22. Chamber tburg 10: 11, (Dean. castle 11:16, arriving:at Hagerstown 11:45, • . MAIL TRAIN leaves Ilarri•barg 1:55. r , glotnlcsburg 2.27. Carllslo 2:5a, New-1.1110 3.P.::. :414- _pswlttlatr_gASllL O6artgltart.4 44:15,Alreancasila-001-1 1 nrrl •Tng at Ilagoratnwn P N. . . 'EXPRESS TRAIN loarus Harrisburg 4:30 r Muulianirsburg 5:02, Carlisle 5:32, Nowvllle6:os, Ship peruaburg 0.33, Arriving at Cham bersbu rg 7:00. P A MIXED TRAIN leaves Chambursburg 7:45. A At arMICAALie 0:00, Arriving at llagurslown 10:05. A Si. 1 4 1A8T4VARD I ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Cluoilbermburr, 5:00 A M, Shlpp,on , hurg GO), Carl.te 6:33, Mechitulculairg 7:02,. Arritipg at Ilturinlmrg MAIL TRAIN lonvea 11 goratrown too A Y, 0 seen• totally 9:00, I'llanthotaltrgl::lo, Shipponshurg 10:22, Nowvillo 10:83, Owlish. I 2leohnoloahurg 12:00 arriving at Harrkhorg 12-37,1'. as, EXPRESS TRAIN lons', Hatiorstovsn'l2:(to at, Oronnogatlol2:2B:Clurnharaburg 1:05, Bltippaostntrg 1:37, Nowyillo 2:10. cmihrt. , Moclutalcalturg 3:15; arriving nt frarrlattnrg 3:60,p as. ' A'3112 ED Tit N loaves Jingsratonn 3:20 p ar, Orroncitstlo 1:27, arriving nt Chantherstotrg 6:20, p Cis Making Host: vonnortions at_llaol4l:nrg with trnins to runt Irmo Philadelphia, Non York, IVnaltlngs ton, Baltinwro, ttatnirg, awl nll points West 0. N. 1.1:1,1t, sent Superintontiont'a 01Iko, 01001111 . , Not 21, 1970. pErNNSYriV*I , I-1-A-41-All-Lile-A IV I tYt T ER TIME TA Eight, Trains (Daily) to, and. from Phi la , and Pittsburg, and Tum Trains Daily to tied from Erio ==== A FTEJt 7110NbAY, :November 13th, IST! l'aPettgrr Train, t hi. Permay fi.lllnonoi An'y ‘,1!1 deionrt fs , lll Hat ri.t.otrz arrlyt at ['him Irli Ii In nit I hum] MERE learn Ilserlshttrg Nl t t,lty, at 2 1t.% a. la , nod altar. nt West I I i deipin, n, c, 1 ,, n. m. Iti--Vt, I Inn It .no. dailr t'eseept Mantlay),lt -I on R. ,an RRRI at It'e s r ;in a. nt, 30-310 !rein 'Nev., Herr om,, deller (rxerpt ‘t 7 - .3 el 1:1. ett..l arrlvrn nt 1'1111,0r:011e 111 73e1) p re 11 Ajo—Pnrifin Inor•• flnr.:l,l , nur tll 1:5 ant ntriton relit Nit nt 3 In p m 2 t ,, -1•: \ !11l I 1:'N.P111 , ,1 en-ve. /1111.10 , 11,; I,c. .pen uml I#l It 2 p sn I xer:ree et %rest at'n ^n p. m. .lo.untl I•• re, r rt mn.l ntrivT• nt P 3 a. 111 I...—ib rr i l hn rg 4 , mnno.lotmn lenven IlArrtr -0u..1.8,1T. ,ript,l, nt 3 30 p. m , nntlnr fl rillill , At 040 p .in Mount .I(Jy. lettvOs le, t,rec.t ~ 1 3,1•1:ty Int 50 a. rn , and urea At Went I . l.ll,lelphin nt 12 lo =ME i Plitt Llun w. ,L n-r Erin 4.n•er llnr 1.r.tik , 1.01,y lay— •v.nrl.iri M 4 10 p rn nrrlr mg t M 7 40 rt, 1 ,, .IR—FM - 11.11 M A !I. word. for Prln. Ir ivna Ilarria , A Frls al_ pm. V.,:o••• Hai rannurn 4allr 111 :In D. la ma - aye! al Alit...Alan( a. tn. and irlyn4 it ~ al , _oa Di. WI/ EXHIE,I If , arat Hairilhora daily 1 Id, n in . arrisos nt All aria nOl a. I/1. and =I :) , --Soutt,: rs;.lPrig Itar,l,burg dal:} at. 12 4.5 a nl.. arrive.' tt. Alt, TM 2 , , and arrir ex Pitt:,La., al 910 A. in. ffAr: i4l.nr4 : 4 44n.1,0 :At 4 - P. ill Alit! els A:, C/11.1. 0.) II AI Arrl; ring 11/ nt I 'lt tit. 15 —‘7,l rty, ;to 11ttrrI•Httl.; tt,;111; tect — pt .1115 p tt 11Ittttp., at 7 In, Antlt. fttitt Ittar At I It) 7 .0 11 . 3 . 1, ,,r: pl ^tll;tlsy• 7..5, I. , p tp t: ,t;l.t, *.; - I Itt.tagt ;_; r IR 0 , P 1 ..trtlott !Pr., tit !••1T; /Intl mr; nt r ; ;pin. 1.11111:1-3. A. 111. 1 .1.1. 50pt.111.1.111. Dtr. forr no. ILI Ilarrirlior , 4 1. , n- - n) or 13. IST 1 ===l I= Mountlay. Novcinbc?!. I:1, 1871 w..r IT TIt'UNK FEll‘f '1110' . ! . t.r:11 and It a., 1.:1 2 '• .1,, Ita•pling, l'att4l . ;', 2 :ma 01.1, I.l:!and - 1.,:!!!!•! .1 1.•:!,:an. 0p1:: I, I p: 170 !it:a , It 11.1,1-hurt SPIT Y''r) 14 llIono!. .tt 21; a:al Sf”, d 1 , ID, cntlna..tln: WI tit •%Itt!liir t, n:, Pe!..:vt:rt!.::: Wriiilr4 al 2irTr lark at a and :5! /a p in. ely lICCOIII pttav .Ikilnblet ~,_n Itat..rni, I 0,. 1. 'it 1::, 12 3r: 0 , u:l 71 . IP. m. p!:.4:.:1,111. 11:• p 1 11 !tar. at Loran • •.: tt,111 , . l'arutt qua, , :ner•r -, -11.11n61,11., 1,..1 It •• m MI, . it ~.ry +tnrhon-, th. .111', tr 1'70.11,,1e1ph1, nil 1'31,1 .;• .•I F.•, nY•r, • 3 1 \ ..—•llny i,t,11,01111111 it. r F.3•t , I.nili, n.l I,n n trim tirtal , nr Tr.. • r,,1 2 ..', r . tit ~ ,n2, lons, New • I /Li n s 12.3. , an I t...x11, in, a .1 Mt, 7:2 , 1n to ! . .! - 2;. ITAy 1 r.. 11 1• ,11. 7:3f, nr, nit 11 , -:111,11; /I U.., Pennpyl. In froni IZP•drzig 2.1 f In i11.11 . 14nt n I ,n , pon• Lnnvo aaM al ntl p 11d..11 10,3 Ili Atltl.l/4.11.1t), nt ap I m. , ArS• 111 ,tl n and ;:: nm.n. I'Lty, at in I m.,1,n1 I p m I .mippi aa..t R. n rn. nml tl p m, for Ph hololph•li. N... Or Lrnyr P. (Porille ro‘ 8. 1.:Itlki:; and r+ 1.1, 4 11111. to r..r Ifarrh.borp, 1...1 I ZI m. for rine 111 ore nt 4.ttiVit a HI. .11 - 7,v1 phis nt lo:.20 rr.. frorrql P611n.. tholpten al 4.4.1 p nesclin, .11 pt,,to - - riving at at tr',/, p tntown toil 'ft nit] 1..3 MA Pat 4.,wu at 7.00 m. rn , tirtlinn lenrer PLuwlr 16, .t 4.14 rolnitili a roillnund train,. Inn, Ren dl•, nt 7'20 s Rinddn - IT ht y 'rove I.Al3,ten nCUnw nnti 3 p 3n3 ain and 3 pro Nric:oinen 11.311inail Ir oun le,vo .1 rine lion in, 3:0 , 3 and 3 I in: let vin: nt 611, 8,10. n0 . 2:7.0 nt3.13 .133 I.anryting with train• riendirri .-• Ilconil Untnit leave Illnenla All:, at (1.1 i; a Pi, nod 1/ p 111 eel Tuning, lent, Dyers nt r, fill n a, 1 1 2.46 moon. ens .1 20 p n tmoilect lug sal b slant, trn3 WI on R. mllng Railread. Coleinnot.ild:e Rnili and train , I.are Pettatown nt 9:111 a 10, 1,10 p in, returning,lenTe Alt. Pion.- antlnt 7.1. 1 1en(111. 1 2 , a in.arn112,949 m Arian:n.ll;l;l alth alunler tralno en, Rending Chester' Inlley Iln I': mid 'mine Ira," S;3O a m, aml 2;110 31.11 1;20 p in ; returning, IPA" Deirningiown nt 9,6% n nt. 12,110 n and (I:1.1 p ennneetinglilO; Aimilnr trains .m i•ltnn, Ilailroeil. On Oandaynd lane, Ilea Tor!, t s.enp m, at m and ,'.:10 p (the 6:06a in, Irk. ro nn in; only to /renihng ) 111 Tr rolleville at 8:00 el ru; lenvo At 2,12 a rn, end p 10:1Y0 p la; ie.. Reading nt Tali n. m, nod nt for florrlalowg, at 431 n In for Mom Vert, nod n m, and 1:13 p in. for 11111onal than 'Commutation, dlllarge. &onion, liebool and r.tenr *lnn tiel'nn, to rend from nll point. nt resolved role. 'llaggnr,e .herbed through; ono llundvrOl pound. Allowed earls pIllo•Iirr. .1 IL 16OO'C'flrf. • .1/./Ft:Stlpt aril flog Mae} ry rA., NO , 13, 111i:1. Sp e ct a cles ppnovn' TOUR srowr! fly THE 1.1811 or TYKE & 'SON'S Parabola Spectacles MANUFACTORY AT UTICA, NISK' YOEIc T. It. WHALER IN ' ,DRUG 5, VIEDICINES, TOILET VANCY ARTICLEI, Aa. 'CARLISLE, PENN'A., I, appoint,' agent 11,r tliilsrdo of ile abovexpectar,lo, - PERSONW AVEABINg GLASSAW cwtbokin peed of them, 1011 for ;II every cane wo l 7 UA ItANTF,E TO BUTT 'TUB'S:MUT PERFECTLII! Na Pelllorn. limployod MEM MONEY CANNOT BUY IT! . FOIL litlO/IT ib PILICEI,Fo.: io Lho DIAMOND tiPAOTACLISS nIII proorrvi II If Yon rainoinjor fk NW anon -• • . 'P'l , i it 1" E 'l' .1'; t' (hound front rninntn erystni 'me! Rd Pother, ..I,4l , lvotbeir nnhted!Diaminkri'nn neenotn , of their hnrdnonn Thny will 11.11 i tunny genre Nvitimt. chnngn, 084 or• nom 1104 nup•rior In all othntn In, ne e. 711ANTIFACTI.1 lettje9nrc.,.t. ryn i ttt's, ' Bateglne, • Lipka itntapetheitli • .For FRIO by reupo I.lWe agentx throuxhout. TllOliA'S CO'NfiVN,'.hivrelei,Carllule, Pa.. la writ.; from nhora.they tin ouky he ub gained. No raillera employed. .7 . : - " 2414.4.714 y • I'ITE:Li'MPTIC.E% UT UAL I TTNEXAhI PLED I 7 HE ESIPiBU . MUTUAL. UZI LIFE INSURAIioE 603IPANY, 01 , 'NEW Y011![, • ' Iu the flrrt. Fltinea Mn tLe of 'ltf 'uxlntenee Lae !mod OV CICVO 11111 , 11A6D VOLIC I I INSURING OVIIIIt $8,000,000.00 • - • and taking in Premiums Vi 00,000.00, bolug thu Inr i o•st vommoneentrot buslnuaA orrr Boob Iry nny company In 1k w,rfd! -- - I= • Orylinnry whole-life poHri.n /ire alinii'mtrly forfeit& tile ft oni pnynnint f ilrst annual premium. Specini Insurance nois-forAltublii lA, two finnan' pnyinonts All policloo Ineuntrotahle fur uounl molten, and nhenistely inrantoatnl In 11110 Y t WO 6.1.1 TWO:Mill`, All riellrlotiona upon travel and awl no permits required. h'n Revolt, alittion of 11l rest tots Latour nr D,•frrrod PrOlllllll/t, and in inerenneof nosy t 111 , 1, of pZilloieo. One-thtril of the pretntnis loosed to the party ito mired, If ilesirest, nod no Not, requirotl. PIT klenae an the prot k ereselee Wen, nee elm, epee the plan:mire !tarred phi.. Ilueittp•A of the company concluded WI MO Mutual Plan. Polley Pimple ninl fele In lin pruplielone. Incontestability of PolicloS It in the purpose of The Etepirn to mist nil Ito contracts, tiro evidence of which is timt its policy has no convenient rierugen by tnennnof Fhich item] eernpe n just demend. Proved frond on the port of the Insured will always Invalidate n ialicy. suicide, If rem mated Pret tells to the payment of the second niinuni premium; or death roused by engaging In any epecially linzardonn h.i1101 , 11 within tho (trot two purrs, Pot alter the coy (ration of two yearn, the policy will ho hold Incontestable for.all rank.. . Non-Forfeittiro of Lift+ Policies No policy of insurence svitlicentinuous psyminnie fer life will Ire forfeited or heeome troll by the non• pnyinent or premiums thereon, until the full paying 'COMP!' or the premiums have been ex heulled tic langunge of the policy Is: “Tlint if any iirenduci after the first Ann owl pre mium whit.l have Con told, Anil not he paida9n the day triton due, end the said ri.uaireil shall, within (lila,' daps thereafter, gins moose In writing of Irll - to pay the manic, narbf-r-a—tienTielhat nisi polcy shell he cootie nal in force ender tho ing conilftlerie. Tlitin, , nfid In witch cane title policy shell not he forfeited rr become sold b 3 the non. pnyinent of the Enid pletnium due thereon, until after the ex pled ion of n perind, to tin determined se fol lows, to wit The net onion of title policy when ite premium heti - Mies due, shell he dela - Twin{ ~1 4 );Pilk,iti, anal calculation, and after deducting from such net • saint the tonne open mid Tolley eneneceled by dlsi dendn, and ony inilebtedziess' to the company, four. fifths of villa retnnins shall he censalored a net sin gle premium of tanpornry Itinerant.% and thin policy shall Inc continued In force daring theitorm for which It will insure, according to the age of the party at the time of the Inpno of the premium Examp)o ur,tlv3 Non-Poifoilablo Plan of the "Einpiro." AT^ f 1,11 Ilured, Or libßry whnle pidtry nno nttnllat premium all} tor Inn , the 1,11,11 n ==3 Two no.nol iwolnitune will i . ork I Al• the polloj ai t,rce pa, nu 112 diTn. prernln nu. will cmilinne 11. p'ollry hm tqro fl year, nn! 27 any, ronr On II 001 prpnilunn , will r 0.11.. ILn poi ay In lu.rr S yrnr, and 40 loot. Flee tChnnel rennonne tvill tnntlen• the polley In P , ree and LO driy, oF.F IC S !Num Scribner, Precident George Sthith, Vice Pre Ni dent. S!,llnev CroFut, Secretary Lontuel H. \V, A elitar.) , cal Examiner. • Everett Clapp, Sueriotentlent of A - ge etS. THE TESTIMONY OF THE' PRESS The Ilhovr• hi n p •pulse inntllutlen,-.•nenaged by reliable men. on enniioi hue Luella prier : 4lm and le destined at a very early day to eland ehorticier to . shoulder with the oldest comp/mina of its cheriteter In the oon•try. Its °Meer. end Illrect,rn " town hosine,a," and bane cropland with 'the view of establishing a rundelinieltulluu.—.T. huteren t f• tut, Jormorg 2tl, IS7I. "This Conipopy Is n great nonce.., tho'rinnilt or oonnoinlertl, end rellable,ninnageinnot. The , Empire tine, no supeflor In the ouuntry.”—/Josion Ilseig4 pin ColupnaT e :Ke 0,1 no poi 01,In In 'llia g nod Runny. ll li Em. - ..111 exunllkiibemptthy..--Xion's !reread " A vary navecesful Coutpwia."—Cimiireiufignalisr "le le with peonliarlilensere thet wetalootk of thin How oamll,i n for puhile favor, re itLevr many yearn since the Preehlent of the tompeoy. lye Itnew• In be a men of ennin, of ohmmeter, of superior nelpene nbillty,l64ll.lltitive all else, aanceeeethl man , , In whatever lie undertakes. The truth le, - tlte pan) hen adopted the beet haprevements of the dity In Ile orgsaleation,".—,Nega Eaptand Insurance Ca- GEO,, • ~Ao.llllrr FOIL Form, and 01410 E *iTXI2S. 115jy1y704, Clothisirj, - Becits and- Sloes I CHEAP ',MEM Ht -41'1 smA r 1:14113 / 151§1' CITE PEST '.00.1K.'. OF • • • . , . t 11ril l it6l For ,Men's mid Boy's Wear ! 0 eS, hoes, klats -aaTom Noflow( ,lull I N1)1;11'Sj[111 Ts RA T. 1 14 Ilte% Cr' • -V, c„:I2IAP -11-t% The Poor...Yu/l.'s Friend, N 6. 5 Court //ousr, A romii', FRANKLIN HO USE II O\V Your Most Obedient Servant; Cheap John, BenefactUr of Ragged Humanity 28bep71 lf ISAAC LIVINGSTON, mato Inuit alid . lh•ttlor I❑ FINE CLOTHING FUR MEN'S. POI'S' A Nfl YOUTIII. , 11 IIA 22 NVIVITI STREET' I. I Iv IN(;:,,T(riN, 111 C A TAI 0-R I=l Cloths, Cassimercs, Vestlogs, &c., in tot it, ni loot pibw Vi N01;711 HANC.T aft ST-?t 1 • . • ',oak. In FINE THAVELING AND I'AUK.ING a u MI. 10 - raT CA. PLT ,ATt • Ac I ,, rowrit ll.,t,Rty ER n111,111<1.1... Al oNTG()3lElly iwusE. The politic that 11.1 1,1 6r I t 0,1 tr. of 11 lit a •kilo iii nll tell.. nn) pinto with Tho Chntni.n.•l•nrls and i;ottyrimr, Inn rrhrn .nd 0 ilk hoiti =a CENTRAL iforrEL, NOR. 82t and 633 Are Strai, L.l I) IS k r 111 A . Toros, $2.50 poi' day, or roomo with out Lon rd, for day. J. r. Dr. AV N, 301011711 y FAIIMEIN' A NI) v 1)10 )ITEIiS CAIO.IBI.Ii.PA. ilotlArgivi A lot viog t'tlapo uoJ d , oll.ely re nod Itirollll,l tA.itt load lr proporrA to lurolsli good .1t.C01111.1/alit. to all volo, - dog to tooko It tholr boon, A sit lin of lite Inl troung, of too nlr. rounding roooll., it o jolphe no jclttnl. noon, Inl 'to no t coofl or to pllml wall tho Inoo. OEM THE "BENT" HOUSE," " - N OS. 17 AND 41) lIAS'I` MAIN • CARLISLE, PA. •flo on& reigned haying porelo,n.l enpt e.tlely rl•ntlekl, p nd fotnaed a now throughout. with 'ie.:t ete. fornatire, thl• trolt•known, and .4.1 pelnl,liahod lintel, adielot the ruelorn of thin 0011.101,01 S and trarelhoi publlo le. prepared to -fi teo Se..t.elate uncoil moll.ttlonn to, ill alto etre to :flake e hotel their 11011 V., or pleaeant temp-Carp a hob. Tuo cumtent from m 1,,. toseroundlnlreountry l•reeport• fully noll,ltetl. Coortet ott and attentive leriants nee engaged at I hie powder hotel. tRItE Z BENTZ, Proprletor Alllret-chten livery in contneeted veltn the hotel under the management of Jueoph 1.. Sterner Ilrother. 7nee.oo9ly . .Cheaprot Coal. CHEAPEST COAL). aIF/YeTlie undersigned names to fornlall Coal to parties, either fur Foully or Limeburner? jm, at iilienp rotes, proviard they swept tha•Tollowing: • /lit. To order all Coal in Company earn, 2nd" To olumgo mlue w•laht. It..espensive of any less In shipment by leally rare, Srd. lo deliver your coat an It 'coinos to hand, without rreerroeuing dirt and all. n 4th. That In Ito above mentioned taudo of boat. risen bull Will • LOBE- TEN PER CENT. M that when "JO tan. are bought and anal far, YOU ttRALLY Off BUT 111011TREN TONS To I hl4 fact s oll regular deniers testify, To Ktrion to Oat you r. 'cool from any breaker inn too, desire+, lint no we bane to ',rely., uhnt is toit, be It Illaultrtlt Brhnch, Big Lick, or Nhort Moun tain from hyksiin Volley, sumo of Mein being not s,Y &hirable; the name epplylog" to the lies coal bronkera elan,. yon (plus. It on It is HMI to ,oth. An this kind of business ler/ono on 'the I,ell. rood Crimpany's sidifna, rio not ask to nO n . 110114116 of tionl. _They do 'not 1001 V morn -limn 24 bowel' use of eldbig; ten, therafore'nennot 11)50s what we can' 'furnish you. ' • , ti ' you wish tp purelntin.coal ythert§ It Pall be seen at all times, hist In the dry, • •RE-801101INRD AND IT mum) DEVONN Liv.isrof, • . eel) at either yard of the enhecrlber, where yonr ordern will hoi proniptly filled, ned jormohro to eIaVII 'lon the /es; and '4 ea aliod calmed by thirty and *lnferior coal, thereby giving your nnpply for Ire money than /111], MM no n do loy fir rnlshing the /1111 of !nine, • r . -24enTpf • 2 r A. it !MAI X. rs LADIVV VUIII4 JOHN. FARtRIA; , ' iletween 7th nod Slit ntroele, mouth k4lllB, TPIIIT.A.DELPIiIh• siporler:Manufsettwer and Denlor in WI Fancy Furs For Ladle.' and Children. Wear ' ' ila r rlOplmportool ar•ory loran npd Fplendhl Reborn 'newt of 'all the" 'Lllffeiolit kind.' of Vnre nom- that bends In P.urtqw, and hart bad them made up by the !non 00111'0 workmen ;ermad reepoctfully Invite th...Yasidere of this pitpOr tin call itud oXamilin .his airy' large null boantirul nemmment of randy Mire, 'tor Ladles mad Vhlldron T non determined to epll at as low priory na any other resportable bone. lo'llde oily All Fors worrantod No mieropreeentatlon to effort ealoa JOHN ' Illudnin • • ^7lB A Loh Strout, Philadolpitht. Cnrue and Sue 110 T EI,S 13=1 N. W. WO IDS 19,,prietor Henry So:riot:al Co's., Ad, E.V.I` A. BLI SH p .1840,.1 • ,CARLISLE HARDWARE HOUSE'!, ir.T:43-ff • Co .fiPNFT SX:vrom. I 3. C. Rix,.n I 1;:11. 942iU11 . Farming, and yeelianies' hardware inul Materials. - Iron and Steel, .• Paints Oils and Varnislies, Cdmetit, Plaston-and-Sand; Guns and Aunnunitinn. `HOUSE FURNISHING HARDWARE; with every description of useful and fancy goods. Useful inventions constantly introduced Solo Ageno for Kt:PLOWS Thankful for past patronage, and so iciting a continuance, We - Remain Respectfully, .11. SAXTON Si . , CO., N 0.15 roI: 4 T MAIN STREET:. Carlisle, Pa., BEM 11Viltrhes !ut Jewelry. J. E. CALDWELL & CO., 902 CIIESTNITT E , TREET, JE WELEAS, AND -7 2frja. - .lol(Cnereire . ARE' NOW IS Itt:C.F.wr OF THEIR FALL AND HOLIDAY GOODI3, 1.31 . 10 ACING A suPEni; STOCK i F PARIS BRONZES! cLocli. Ala; AND MANTEL ORNAMPNTS! 17.ESNA PAN'uy eO9D3! • PARIAX 87' AT UARY Solid Silver Ware! . q'ANI6ruLI.Y A ItIIAN,3 cAs pm; WEDDING -PRESENTS. AssownissT OP NE JEWELRY, WATCHES, CHAINS, ELECTRO-PLATED WARES. 10jaWilly Jlydica A YEWS SA11:-.APAR11,1,A F,O PURIE IN,, E Cl,OO 11 Inn reputation Uhl, el,•llPut triodlcine ettJoy., it tlet s ott front it • one,. ntorly of which non hilly marvelnu K. 1 nerternt rasel.l.l licrof dlt• eree, o here the syntern teemed g%lnttt , d with irrtiptitio. hero been purithhi end noted by It ernfoloun aflorttoti• and .11,11f,/ern. which worn Ag gravated the art ofol-nn vin tondo:0 Inn until they Area painfully afflicting. barn Leon rodierttly cured in Pooh great ntimttera In noat earn, eto. tion of the ',lna., I hot the nlll.l toettegreelf need its b• intoned of its vlrtn, or urea. Fr:.ftti tt poleole coo of tit,. moat destructive npnotte• ot our roon. I:11. I,mor,hl and oftfrit tenant of the or.rottlent undermine, the nonstatt hloo,,ond tooth, the• ottani. ot sole-1;111'e nr 'fatal diveneen, without overt toe o pt.ppleion ot its von enro Attain. tr to breed, itt tertion through tilst the body, anti then, no ...true tat 'wattle erro•inn, tetpitilv develop ;tan 000 , Or other of tea bidn o w, forme either on the •nrfora or among the vital. In the In ter, t °bele lea mon he andatnity dertneit•tl in the Innen or heart. •or twat we 1--turd In the' Liter. or It ellow• 1'• ;weer., .e •rtiptione on the o,i n on font wirerationn tkot non, port of tie belly Ilan rr, the occasion., I oat of ttottie of this Mrsaparil 1 a in otirleable. •Tell when no nark, st)1111,11,111, tilnearte appear. Perrone afflicted with the following complaint , generally f. tot immediate relief and. at lengthcure. y the urn of thin 8;1 /e. 5.1 i'.l /MLA . „ Erysipelas, IMer, /,'tram, 111 Head, warm, .vore Eyes, S eer al N. rind at tire trot rilOrlf r c 101 l h. (01111+ of remoinua t,gitteftee. A Inn in the mote roncraled fern, AB zpep. limier. Mara, Ept , p , ,.. Artl,l,,ltl. sod the n.l4,un ricro nrie,tior,n lb ,. 11111..•1.,, nod •Weins SMIlt V•nr,t,ll Id/ I/Isrdaus als ns/I In !Arne]. I, !ile 'line ia /I Inr sob. dnlnz thr , • by any r In" I , mprwitn,or tin, risco Ills r/nplaanl. I,rnern rhtra 1l sine,. rtraine Clcrra. Duner...r err ..111111kr111) .011 le l'inVed and 1111.112,0 y emu IQ and hiltg , rAl slug eitrer Minnie fullerltent ca•e ars fauna In on,' Almanac. supplied ; ‘,l ,;ead, when rnafte I by accumulations rf eal.ansous ma, ji I h. blood, v 1.1.1 .15... I.IV In 11. ,n . nl,n Coongdoents, in.Thritiot; of the Llcer Am' .Inuio!ire, art/so 21,•1n,, AA tiny nftsn teen - ho 'rankling 11,1. S.I L.I l•a gra:. t•alnrrr I r the at renzth n 'lf, of I) n 'lO,l Thrss n) a r La./j////1 and /.1 41 Liout.l,l with .\ .I,:pi , hen•srms rw' /strut. t. Inv Ihr tlrr.s •)mptni tile .1 11,0, tlmr4cnniailldto toilet :,nd i, :on rinrlnK er, ionri• roclm (lie p,r/IT und . ,r trlil. PIIICt Pr,pared by Pr. .1. C. A jt•r, S 0., Nlo ANA1.1"111..“.(.111.:111,,r,, 1.0WE1.1, MASS $13,0 !Tie Borri.E. P R 1 - •; P E D II.1" C. AY MA .t ' CO, I.OITIM. MAS. , „ Pn , tioal cold..lmatittnal lIAX4Iir , TICK, Agent, ^ CA ULM.; PA. 2Pizili,l I) SESIILIBUS cuitAsTult-N HUMPHREI"B' // OATE (it',l 7'lll C l'E Ci Ei TTA V E proved, from the, most_ alit 11 nxi0 . r . 1.. , ..0, ••111Iry 5111,1 . .4: Eirkinnt ao./1 Thi.) . on. the cmly pm ly • • 11/111fril 10 1,,p111, t.•—n.. sim ple that all l'an not 1,0 111111iP in 11 thttn, ah litirtul , lon tuft lie. I'll. tutu I', nipt all eilktent on to i r..11n1.1e. I.nro thy higli"nt•oomiurivlatiol, 1,•to etII, nllll 11l 41 may vti d.4.vll i+f+rth~n Yoh• l ' entn. • 1. Cure. - (7 , 14,0 I .111 - 11111WrI '2. do Wntin• riurrn Fever. {Vim Cipl,r. Cryin,Colir ar trothlt of I n fo tt• .1, do plarrhrolt, nr Ohl olri, or Adpltr 5, do I/Qv:airy, 11r11d1d,.1101011K C l .l l /- iln Cholera Niortoi•, It 7, do Cougha, et. 1,111, Illonol.lllo. A, do' Nourcogin, Tonthnehn, Fodanolte. • Ilendoe Smk Vettig.. 25 lu, 118 1111.0 , etomoh, 65 11, do, er - I•ninfol Petiors. 12, do Nrildeo..4 eo Pram , . I.[lll/1111. 25 13, do ,Croup 1O"0611, 14; do. ...Mt fthrftn, I.:rtaipo'no, 11ruptlom IS, do libemnotlern, 2.5 10, do Corer nod Am: Chlll roier, Ag0..8. 50 17, do 1'.1.11, 1.118.1 or I.6eolng. 3" 18, do Ophtldmo r. 88.1 ::rre m wok oira. td 19, do Cot‘rill, non tr I r chronic, lidltomm: iw do. Ithooplng Com:11, vlolept geoghs: .10 311,, Aothnot, opmelood Breath leg. 80 rl, do or lAN larger., Impaired Morlog. 511 23, do Brrofolo, I.:gorged 118,1118ge. • 50 114. do nomral Ur, Ilts, pliyol ni we:Lk:lens. 50 25, du Brophy nod neonly drer..tlom, 80 20, do Bea dick I.le, 1116.11C0N from r!dliig. 50 27, do Kidney 111808,r, 56 DI lici Nervous Debility. tin rnilkkl.Einlo,looli• involtintii.y Dischargoe. itt. 00 Five Doxe4, wall ono i 2 vl,l of Pnrler, ' ' inq.y neo.seery in berloue tiii,en 6nn 20, 00 SON, iilll3lll, Canker. 51 30,-. do lirinury Welkoci-e, welling bed, MI .111. du PRI.IO P...timiv r .with enannni. 59 112, do 1-tillorDi6,l et phange Pr, Din. . 1 rn' 33, do lipilnin , y, in.o;row,l4ll'ittio Ponoi. ~ 1. rn 34, do- , Dlphtltpris, 11D:trilled corn thro.a. '' fill FA JUL)" CAS PS. With to 19.1 !Argo Mole, otoo.sco or rosomo.,l ' • too, routoming a Bproilinfor'evory nary tlotelon la subject to. um! ooks of diroptinint. front SAO t 6535 Hmnllur V.noly 01/d l'ravnlitltt"casos, 101111. 511 to 28 vlitls, . foim $5"..10 gpcoltlen for nil Prints. Niteroi's, Ijollt frr Curing and fir ,Prnvtoliro Itrittitirta, lu ¶ , n's and itockercasti. 52 Ss' POND'3IIXTRACT, OW. 1111111 R, 1111114 , 1. Inunrnree , KirOCININ, Soro Throat, Nprolne, ,Tonthache, Earacho, Neuralgia, Ithemnatiorn, Luhrbago, riles, Dello, BO e ga, . Sore Ay., Dm iling of the Lunge , Nona, st,iruov, oi• Come, Ulcero. Oil Bate& Prlcri on,, ; rinte,; Quit to, 43 -; •Thesti Retndleg, exerpt Pond'. Extraft; hY tint often fir tingle blo.SOlrl, APllt . t4any port or the, er.' 6 omA. free Om. go, on ro plot of ti...prim A.l.lreof. , _LATittrip4rnye Eipeolftg, ' liorneopatliiri Modiplpo CO.' Omen and. Depot. No. 004 Dal:tawny, New Took. For malo. in_Carliale, by S. 4, Ifecrerallek and Oarsmen k Wprtirilugte.n. 2np7117 ._ t .Z ivlden a 6 Not ice! ,18 .1 41•DIVIDBZ(1). • • " • ' ' CiltiltloD4o4l thstsk., , • Nor. 7, 1871. . . The Board of Dirsclum hero doclaisd II thrldosti bi /ITU Pita CIiNT, for .tho - lest six - mouths, deist' of 'taxa., payttblo on demand. 114118L6R•' l• • Carib Ise C 19311 ek;clVial2r . caul. Punspihi , . 80.11ETIIINp TILE ILD UNDERSIPiTED, haviog . juir. , roturpod, from ,thb„cltle, with n lArgo,otook of :gboili,lntltt , the htVentloti or,Mi who'. tiAlrb' nettle. :faction to call and examine their litrigo'Ptctclltiof, Stoves and Tiro zare. ; ' Amung the'liim:lt istice ma ho ftilind flu ANTI,BI,INKER BASE BURNER; Ppl?; i',LACE!LTI:art, together with .11 tho hang otyloi df PARLOR, DINING ROOM ''AND COOK BTOVE4,, which t l, oy chnllrug• thb (nolo to otAttp•to ,;•101, Knives, 1 Vol lux, qpoons, Ladlos, Dippers, tn:r.the, with Taal lota, Cual ntiolcatn, Coal SIOT., Shur°la and Tonga, 2ilric and tri.ry 'variety or 'flu: wart: and Hon" Furnishing 0001.14.kupt Ina (kali ( claoi WI3 or, ol.oti,ropOred to Ihroiok Pumps for Cisterns and Deep . Wells, and hove for solo thoColrlirolvd Getorino fuleutrtlkor L11,2_21.4113 ANI) JOB IPOHA At 11.11,1e,1 to promptly and on reasonable, tenon Retoomber the Oxen. the green front on North honorer sireolt. A few &own above loOothyr. (bye not n coil ay ore Are determined not to ho under void 1, noy other pertly. in Ibie btu, Thankful for petit pottronnge are extend to cordial inrityllon to ell-to pity Ile n ♦lilt. RHINESMITIT A; RUPP, Non. 62 and 64, NORTE! lIANOTI Ic STREET, CARLISLE, PA EMI - - EXCELSIOR ' STOVE AND TINWARE E-M PORI UM The .onder,..lgned wralld ravnttfnlly Infhtin tha cltmnro of raraoln and valid ty, that he atill earns, on the AND TINIVARR 1111: 4 1 , ,FS 5, In all Its %aria. brAnclien. Lie hnn ne. ad the Aoncy Ihr the f,,lh•wirw l o,llln,tovve: Parlor and Office F'toves, Morning Glory, plinining Light, Parlor ileatir Parl,,r Light, t”gell.vr with t ',ley .f COOK STOVAS Combination naii Bniner, .rurekn, Itegul ttol , Niagai.n, ric , a t ers, Ranges, and Firoboard Storen, a Lich lin le prepared eu Wirninli at the lovreet market Store Ploptirion promptly ottmolud to. !tpootloc. and Joblong ',mated In th• moot nnLn lhatoq tonna.' TINITA Il II of must tlentrtraltot constantly tort An d, or land& Se fordlll . , nt pansy, /Or prier, :toying none hot oxpc loc.roil workmen lomployetl, he hopoe hr a eintio nttentioa to twain, nn bq necuro th• pnl lit tin troneye Itornoin hor the - ?hi . . 15 IT WC' 111 IN ST Int - •A Li !IL n. CLAUD! . 34,tinri , 1y Pltimbing, Fitting, .1.1:%f P:l3 CA1f1'111:1.L. W. Ir., UENWOOD. DLUMBING, GAS AND STEAM tITTIN.(I At Ir 4. 1 N,rth llnie s esr gtreet, C A ItLIISI.IC, STILL AT BUSINESS! The If n.l et IKnrl nrn not/ runt if