OUj 0.0 UNITY .F./1 ;MIENS*. DISPLAY IN Errarie DEPART 4, AIENT-LARGIi ,ATTENDANCE OF NISI TORS-StICCESS CROWNS TEE EFFORTS OE TIXI AGEICOLTURAL SOCIETY. . Two weeks' since we ennonneed the inauguration ,d the Fourteenth Animal Exhibition of the Cum. hetimul County Agricultural .9orlety, on Wednesday morning, the eleventh Instant, neder'laninverable circumstances. Tho storm raged with innbated nary until an early hoer on Thursday morning, when the wind changed. and the rain thaVid fell nnlntemip , edly through tho night . finally ceased. Although the storm to an appearances had sub_ sided,, yet it lout, no doubt,_ prevented thausandi from being in attendance on Thursday, the bi,r 'ay: , This was_plainly visible on the erlival of the ilitierent mornineirainiTthere being a marked dip ferencelrom taut year. k . Owing to the rain, the Society determined n. con. finite It four days, instead of three; and posters, to this effect, were distributed through the town. By noon tiro Sun smiled propitiously, giving no n bright sunnblne,'arrqiivigorating breeze, and all tiro constituents of on Autumn day. TIM scene On the grounds, throughout the day, won truly animating , and the iisitora generally seemetrwt.ll pleased with the splendid shows In each department. Owing to the condition of tiro track, the titopured, programme for each day was dispensed with, and no trials of speed took place until Friday forenoon. Visiting the grounds on Friday and Saturday, wo trill attempt to giro a britf description of the molly thodsands of articles offered for exhibi tion. Exhibitor, that Mould - happen to be load- Tertently noticed, will please bear with so, 114 have not done so intentionally. F.r , the circa and trials of local' are, to say the lend , ntimerens, And they stro.lucreaseol au hundred fold on such :to occasion as the one in rprebtion. Entering the grounds front the main en Ir., on tho west, we preceded to view the horses. Thin part of the nxhfLitlon Nr.l4 full and complete, and, nit It a rew ep ion g, all the stills nem eeenplett. Upon referring to the we :t , ,,rtaitt,.l that there item 19 entries in CLASS 1-71QRSES OF DIT'ROVED BREED, and among them cr noticed thr fullowtrq rxllll.,i. tom: Wm. C. Sharp, W.)? 1T.11„,..C. IL Mullin, W. A guilin, W. M. fienderron,l. K. Ilornrirll, Dr. U. ..flrovn, S. Zug, 11. Lye: D. enrotliera, .1 na Camtron, J F Ken,lig, :SI Blinn., 1r II Alien, and (othera. In CLASS 2-ITORSES FOR CENFit AL PURPOSES, thero wero 45 entries. Among the long hot of persona-having hones-in thi4 rto o. Iry roenll 1110 following: E. Itrotn e man• 1 k Mickey, All. Mon. noman, M. Dronneman, J. Dennerap, J. li Stuart, C. Yeinf.st, W. McCoen, J. C. Lehman, Jon. Ring watt, W. L. Craighead, W. Skelly, D _SterretO, Calvin Howard, T. Sharp, D. S. Craighead, W. Walla D. Long, J. F. Kentlig,.P. Trego. Jno, Daie, A. A. Searight, and mady.othet s. 'lien contirn, , to CLASS 3—DRIVING AND SADDLE ,horses, SeC found 24 entered fo? exhibition. !lore aro the names of name of the exhibitors: W. I). Wert P. Sharp, Jas Jackeen, pair of heal): J imiaht horses, , Dr. a. J. Zlteer, ltoo. S. Chilli, A. Sharp Woodburn .1 W Boiler, I Brenneman, W S Lee, "S Darr: Jas. Slicaffer 1 pair of hers, 4, b tether an ith many other exhibitors. Arriving at the star I sin which were the horses embraced In CLASS 3 4-STALLIONS, wo ascertained that hurstan, lapin:aging to the follow log persons, were eat• rod: Abraham lionnenhan .A. A. Swigort, J. IV. lost n, Jobn — D.ori.a, U. 11" Norall, Michael Hann natal A S IVnoallotrn. CLASS S—JACKS, JENNETs 31"0 LES, there were but thee entries, as folilw, I span r.l muleit, W. L. Craighead: 1 team of 111111,1 tq the 'mine, and 1 team of make by .1. W. Craig! The show of mules was Very lor•gre, mid not v.v.l la the display of former years. The show of cattle wan not no larwe nc In on of former year; They are mina ed in two elmties, VIZ: Clean 0--implovvil cattle, unit clues 7---native rattre. The former doss includes then - mob Alderney, Ayrshiro, Deena, weD Dna : un—John Thin Moore, a herd of 11 heed thnr , ugh lired Del Yummd 3lorrisom 1 herd of Dnrl Y un cattle: .A Dim e Wltuyer, hart it One Inirlmin 1 . ,h00 lhs, 1 A 37411111, hell flirt 1 row in elan. 7 1. W. Cu aiglisnd, yndrof fine twin colvel,(Durlinol„) o months 'Ad ; IV 31 Henderson, 1. herd ofd white I oiTs J. IV. lien lc: - son, 1 prir of nice twin calves, al di, n held of u large 3 pear old hull by IV.3l. , llendorsim Jared) Mounts, 1 call, 0 mouths old, Weight COO pounds Jacob Meixel,2 thorough trod heifer+,and a fine hull MOM'S ST L. Crinigheaci, 11 irkrrt , Corti man, 11,11,1 di" Jackson, Laughlin, l'ef(er, Da rid a nil Sl'olf, had fine cattle :mil r.ddui largo)) . to the =MEI Tlio Colawald and Soullidown alwir raj.. In Kr n tlllaro of al ten!lon, and ore enthravvd In CLASS and were very film.' Foam icr.nlif. following exlnbi tors of stock In this doparttnent., Messrs. Myers, Davie, Shank and Craighead, each, flue pens of the Cowesld Jute d. S.milidow am` were exhibited by Messrs. Craighead, Coyle and Farm,_ bough, while D. II niter exhir.ited a tine Spank back and lamb. Thor were 15 anthem in this clams . A trained goat, nit ached to a enhd I a agon, attracted considerable attention, ,prelally among Young America. Mr William It llregg. of title Owe, ex. Whited 3 lilexlvan- king.. The mbew of e came under 1,98 9, WAN I•XeePd 11110 Y One, arid chit et try hot stook. Both the Bel I,ltirect t,l l'hmkter IS:ldles wore hugely r,prommt,.l 11. L. t`mig head hod sovm-al prim of imported Bert -hire 111111 CL/141,1 purehnted by himrin Can:ult. Mr • iFr l . Sea - Tight, Graham, S IVoodburn and .1114. .1.111/ - !Mil had fino .m.‘rimen4 of the ch.•st, „,, en , Whitton; They 1; 1 010 many 'friend, mad admirer, and have Proven to valuil,le t f bomininny loculitieg. Mr. (leo, ge lloffer, of thi.. bad 1111 • xeregllngly fine sow and pigs on , •xhibili The Society eon certainly 5 , -1 Crnll lied L,t tlm Loy , display of poultry, which non hi certainly h 0,.. do." ermlit I. any exl,ll,ition 1,M,1 . laded N . Cr. liS 10, nail, it WO, Indeed, frill TI. • ty ~1 illP ef,01,1 tied admi,1...1 feathery tribe, during the Ct.ffilllll,llit •of 11, ,I,lhi„ Lion. D. 31 Barm, .'urn,' 110. prl,, fur having the Itrgeit rxl, po ui tr) iv lii.. county. He ha I 2:1 coop., numbering S lel,. ducks, turkeys and gt got. Wt. had handed.tuvo• Boning the different vinietivi,' exhibited by Mr. liana, but space forbids. Ev, ry ono 111,tt root t hitt f department a visit, OAs loud in_ _thew praise of hi.. display. One pair of - "oddity." t rac: c,l 1,111011 attention. William 3101 S root a of foil• game, cltlckens ; li. IV. Burkholder, Ill:, k Itralittmq . John Stull! 2 coops of gautt•A A fine dkplay 15 Dark and Light . Brainnuns owl Cosh n.; . I,y Jei6,ll 13 limner, Oliver Delaney, ex ;,0,i1,.,1 a t, ~r beautiful Mack Cochin chicken'''. henry Brown 4xliipited a veer fine coop of grades. (leo. 0. Posh exhibited coops of line light aral dark bralinu. 3les.rs. Barenbaiigh, McPherson, Jones WoT,lßurn, Baird, Spalte,Devralt,Trego, Senaeinan' and Boxier tunic creditable displays of fowls. A coop of 11 pigeons by Itlrlllo lienderson and 2 white rabbits by .1. 0. Coble, were greatly - admired. In agricultural implomen),s, the display, though 401)0 lotto, was not no full as former years, there be ing 4.1 entries.' We lOU notice et,ess 11 • briefly as follows: I', C. Gardner & toad° the largest display, Including ten or twelve different agriculthral Implements ; Johu F.llorriam 1 eingic corn planter; Wm..3fortisit double corn planner; reapers and rnowers,eby !defers. Firithorn Brandon, ICelner, reffer, Rohrer, Hall, Kerr. and others. A Bullard ilny Tedder by O!1 Blair, of Shipponthttrg, - _ nt tragt ottu great deal.of attention. There was quite a largo display of threshing machine., the agents t el which wet eicept busy exploit/leg the merits of their respective Intuitinott, corn and groin rultivntotr, corn 'plantnra, washing tonclifin 8, tins or IttOltw, grain drills, grain faus,Plank's plows, colt Bator' and ° th e e agricult Ural implements. IN CLASS 12—CROPS • thorn wore 41 entries, embracing white and red wheat, white and yellow own, rye, oats, barley, clover and timothy aced and beans. The following persons competed for prizes in thin cl s ass, MePirre• Buser, Belton., Chambers, llcolleraon, Wickert. Davis: TregO, , ,,Kutz., Morilron, limp,: Irnolbur.n, McLaughlin, Cra!ghee,' mud Mlles. :There .were /deo several samples of -barloy r t I.y ITlndmnu, of Tepokn, Flour and meal ix old/faced ' . IN cLmks 13, and Includes Nvltenf floor, rye floor. and buckwheat flour and corn meal. There were but 8 entries, by& tho following gentlemen: It.T. Ifendersori,-W. L . Craighead and B K dtoutler. • The display of vogetablex, In class 14, of every va riety was tho largest over on exhibition at any fair of the Society. This Is owing, no doubt, to the fart that tho present season Ilan been an unusually favor_ able one, and vegetables of all kinds have I eon °pro Ilfle. 'no following named persona had articles on exhibition in this class: .losers. Buser, Sellois IVetzol, Hodge, Wickert, Cornniau, Searlgbt, 'Deo' tom, Lino, ilrocic, (J. Spahr, n lot of form baskets, (onions from Kansas,) Chambers, Shiva, lfendersoo, thsorgo —Wetzel, - Jon. Elearlght. , i)nrr; Pails Martin, We!rich, Itamp, ltlyers, Patkor, Zeigler. Norris and Campbell. Several of Ilietutiiartle., ex hibited as many tut 14 varintle.,, ineludlng many mammoth vegetable.; ,tiveral largo pumpkin. are worthy of notice. C. D. ,Dratlt had ö Iftigo•punip Mils from 1 vino;. J. P. iirtMlie and A...131a1t0 11011 nol, ench had ptimpkinfr weighing 111 pounds each, *John Wolf ono weighing 118 . poUrals; Sire. J. Eby bad also rtfluo . eno on exhibition: Owing. to tho large dIsPIOY In claw 14 and CLASP f 15—PRIJITH AND .VLOWERI3, ; the Judges were scarcely nblf; to make m report The display by the Curaterimul county Ifortlenitte• Tal BeelotY, was, indeed, magnificent, and ndele,l greatly 'to the success of * Die exhllfitiop, We will glee the following Individuals a poosleg nolico: J. ;Mumma, 120 vingellei of apples, Wm. Irony, CO varieties of apples, C. D. Eleatey, 40 ditto, II S- Rupp apples, pears, vegetables, &c., Jam . rlidTerdt, the largest apples, Mrs. R. W.. Millef•and Mrs, W.II. Zearmg, canned emits, &c., nti dokit the largest ever made la this courity, D. Shelly, Secronary of , l ocistY. general display of - gi apes, peaches, pears, and Togo; tables, Mrs. E. W. (Joann very largo, display of pears, and di tea fruits. 11. It. Stouffer and W. Ely , large display of pears, fr. Watts flub display dapples and pears, J. Fraser and D. 8, Moore, large display of apples, Mrs. Elehelberger and Mrs. Ira Coover, fine display of apples and drie6 fruits, Mrs. Bear net! Mrs. Roth fine display o rimers, J. P. Kit•t and jacob Neldig, large display of potatoes, Maj. Haig large dis play of apples:M. C. Eberly,'J. (I Rapp, Cl. W. Sou does, and W. Clendcu in, fine display of pears and dried fruits, W beets and prdatoeri, 'This So duty had PO Lior es of potatoes on first - floor, afro it very large display Of pumpkins and squashes, Every one In attembinea at Iles fate Was bald in their praise of the display lay lhif 80:lety, the fruit, v., occupying the entire eaMarn ming of, the second floor of the new Florist Hall. Fine end delicious looking frail teas exhibited by Motors. Basler, Hen derson. Roston, Mart in, , cWolf, Brown, latfelter Beateni,pardner, Fishbur and ribers. 'Many Individuals had .1, d, 8,11114 aeon / 2 varieties of different lamb, of fruit. We _not iced n Casket of gray ruslings from California State Agricultural Society, goon by .1. Rutter, Mr. Thompson a bask of of apples, s.,.ral of theta weighing if, tit and 22 01111,11. Indeed we never a Itmmaed such a grand display of traits of utl theditlorout varieties. 31r. Lntr A Line, made ft grand'llisplay of flowers on the •secood fluor of Fiore] Ilan. haying - at neon ISO different sarietlee, nod 70 er Su varietioe o f l t was obis of the Mort complete scenes of good taste that sr e have ever teen at a Stir; there, was nothing wanting that could add to Ite beauty; This flowers wore arranged on n pyramid In the centre of the room. The hangings of the festoons of es ergrtene were graceful, while they adorned the Minding in tst rlsitrtitlitgly. The beholders are easel 1111444,1 to 31,1,1 no• for this ilkples or the beautiful . TM re o ere MirOtrCIOI Other house Ilowvvx mid plant,. oh I,hibtlioll, 1,111. It, were unable to oldaln the ;hunts oT the patthe eshihitinir them. The Wepl. wit , rid dirlbh , MalMfacilliej eincles ern' Iva-el In ( 1 ,q 16, lamilq.l,l 2.1 t. 1,4, Tlooll•plar ..r , all. ry, gardan tools, nod eVl.ry iII I r pal laittik 1 , . the 11.,Imaro . business, by 11. S31C:011 A, C'.., Wll,lrllll and complete. (1 IV. Ifoffinan made n fine elirphey - of IVsg,on gears and lurerhbalnis. 31,:srs.Slisplry & Ilalbort a largo and lininlsolne dbeplay Of rabinol NN :try, sofas, bed steads, ihresinu , bureau', rhairs.,A.r. - 'rho Caelirlo Shoe Fartory, Neolal, (been h Co., rx bibl/ell 2 4 . pge , ofsplendl.l shies,which for work. niseo.hip a.] f ulsh rannoteasily be Sllrllll`,lo , l . M;',1 , 11 , , it ine4lll t I k 11111/1 , hali the celebrated genuine Cucumber IV4aal :Pump on exhibition Upon reaching thu department assigned to CAICIIIAGES-CLASS 1.7, We 6,nod u, . ti xiei,ore. Nagle h elnielte. hail 6 veld, foe on exhibition, mid among them art noticed a Ono trnttiug buggy, and the CO v!,,,t101 watron7icrently patented. )Ir. S. li. Sion le, bail 4 . vellieleo on exhibition, -up In the very, lino style. 31r. Adam L'elp:ornan had it eeliiclett on exlil ',idol], and am the'itt Icas an intlinishi d hiekin y buggy, oh i.h attraetil',l' - ‘tiilerable attention. The tliiith:h hot hope, was Ivry credit able and much admired by the Icivo's ill handsome machine, In CLASS SPOVES AN!) TIN MEI 11111.111.11 11 lull 111111 sr II icpri e. tired . 1e311.4. E11,1111g,..1 ,1111g,..1 Iron, arid Irli. Irso I k 11nelninger mule l argo (11-plays of tailors' leather, .ludo 'Vanier, kip rind calf ' , Lin , . cap' IV. M. Port, a splendid br r,' alb," rna I,ln. 'pie display of :401 . 114 wax sr ry large rind nth arbel - 'latch al teution.A Jlessre. libiny tatl tinfi li upp 111.1 In different saner it , ., run ,raring all the,latcst nowt lies In thu etc,. line. Tiro 111111:111111k, luter.burnsr, but ',curtly Intro. du' rd. came In f.l. a largo N11:110 of attantlon. 'l'h,, film al, exhilo to • a nandrouic lot, of Eland' , A. inoorls Walk, had 15 Nal 1,11.e.,11 of slphip,i'd eras., and 1. ,tile I ,ruing 11,111,14. IV. / 1. 111410,) , /S:111 11. allll 1111101:g thi m no noticed the popular, Atari burner, a:11 ' , aka !water. :brume' It. Churl) bad 12 . sarirto e, inclusllngt ) rho coniblnatprn gas burner, 11usesa, Regitlatlr, and c•veral ollnrr. .)li•Urallgal had 11, curbracing cle• gaol ',wird', doling room and rook Hoy", The dle p layy in this dcparrrnent wax !Inc lushrol, and 1,. 11:111 111111111111 Y say that Iltu move liadv wax well ' , to 'reenter' at Ili', fair. "rhero snore 11), collcclssrur .it entrica IN CLASS 19—PAINTINGS &C., no both,' the lol3owing • 31i, G. D. hosier, fine d9/13).43•44-GrAd-0hn544 30 3 3 -4 1, sabioll ,-I svo , hplests ll,l. &an togs; 3 or gins logs nod 1 Vlll,lllO by Cl )letzgar tlq., were gre.itly ad at pod, the one wan a represeti. , tattoo ot a " Initch.Schuul," and this other •• th o Clolaren in the Woods.' Ml, Nary Jr Lenher,l xldcud}d ernymo dray infix ; C. Cross 2 11mnd/tome tiny one; 13. Law tothildted G rl 'pant drawings axe ed by F. A. Law: painting» by (Its Dr. J. J •7.i tore::; pinnies icy J o ti ler liva . illmo, esq., store the centre of attraction, &llele. no log to the ori ginality and doiogn of them, the iao• 11.11.1 a copy of a portrait of an Esquimau , . In, 11.., looneht by Dr. H11:1C, Irani IS.' Acetic re.riotis ; 1 floe water oali•r r ainting and 3 spleodid crayon dean logs by ill's Carrie N ; ele.tant et•gras lags, 1 frame of cards nod It painting., by I'. Mato,: 1 nploodid dinwnot by W. A. Aloti3••r • 2 Gilley crayons by Mks Dane Ire in, and 2 robin,' citric by Mb. Atll" ddrnsl••y: :mil ait oil painting fly 31.5. holabd. all ..011 , ` ill lei /I share of pi al• fn 111011,115.19 of •r1:0011 11:11t..1‘ 1111d1...1 L. V, Wlll. ttfos .. 4, ntutlent of Int.hini.on rollrir, til.lonyeti artistie Lill of tio•'Otto: talk r, ninl v. nottl.l ttuggelt, to he y.ottig wollitonntt tlo , pro:nip! y of dirt•cting tttotti n to whit nat nro o;tithottly int,ntled Linn to „ .e , ring . tho , r 4.r P1...11 11' rtll, 1111. yu gr.a•ltal ‘u ilk a inagfakt,all t of o,a 12113 F.M11y.A(17.1) I.!•f L. t initig Ili to nil Won. “2.1.1- 11..11, i r mak, , onil boo. occutilill from to ill Ira:Jr/NO/110 I) 11 . , ntiil i.ri• tlo contioutivris of the //I 16 place nod.. it lioc slo, o, &e. Dry ,no ing Machines IN CLASS 21, atttacted mnrll .000111:n, and the display e.f bell, atrttcles Mari 1 ery largo. 51r. L. the premier merchant, on East Main street had a rev , of clogont dry goods on exhibition. A handsome lot of Mrs by-the stint. gentlemen, le alto worthi ut ;to ti .o. 11'. Bentz& Co, also made a largo 114,1 ay got) Coyle A It, other a very large uud roditable display of none°~. Ac ., porttdtdog to the ho , reale trade. J. 11. [VIM, • made n inagniticen display pfn rale of goods in tit, t :ode: it I art tho building. The display al sewing 0,110 mood 10110 von' large, :10,1 the judgee 1,1i1.111/1 cod cetc,ider able 'tliinclthy itt deritllog. Nom the 1 et ml,rl,iae on the 00 timh, The 110/0.1..1 itoher 1000 retoetnettotl: also a show case ofspleteliti gou,la mniltif.trt Oil 11. Itc Singer-Hewng a rhiur by Lents Febor, 010., a rasa of elegant aura inade by Silo. l'ulwr II Mit znecitive. Chinned 11,0oe Sewing Machno. by 11. S. RCerr A. Son, they also has nig a work executed 'by them. 111.0‘.1. r 111111 W Cit ha. The Elias Moro Imi roved machine. Thu Ilsboolt r S Wilton nee hig t.y II Harkness Tale 1,1 I,r the el.:1111.st nod best, ai it hos ly 01 parts, and 00 atteteltinon • „Noopt nintl•ae• rompsitios Ill” notr•hine. 11. lEOr tan the agatit for EaStertt I'r° my beanie ,h 0.0.11 10n ijuilt 7 loot 5 inehaaily u fek C 4lnrhes flint hilt been nulls 00 ono of these mitehines. The 111 , 01 e Shuttle by N{'Oed loon al't.7, the Ansel kali 111111011 Hole Machine esbil.ded by NI .1 Mach, altriteted notch entreat:lnt. 'floe 0110 it+ of t.. 1011 a o set 11 rile by their unorgere rg.•01:to r lll . O "grl.nt delight 111111 ilOtiliCti of the parL_of Wort 111111 In - the. vicinity ut !Ito soning mach' r. was throutimut I 1.0 ,nt In , day. ° IV , • then ran., to CLASS 2:2.1).‘11tY AND HONEY mei were almost toil - pled to linger around F.. se I.yrauthis of nice loll:big. butter and the tempting ,Inc ea land nisksi, Litt l ow moot In is iris on. tu. 1144 near *rough with oar report. 'Phmlot I ter, hread and rusts, honey, , preserves, pieldes and canned fruit, together with other Inuits A 1 ern budefully Rrranged on 7 sholvet. In the N4lll'oo' Ilse loner tin,. ,Ther.. wore many thlnga tin 110 adutlrod, both In useful and crnamental shnPe. 311. e, Weir, John P. Coritutan and 371st Barbara Ilartzler, exhibited floe •Inater, Story llinver Lenin!, 311 es Laird, Mrs. 1; ,31yots, Mrs. John Curnatan, 3lrs. C. Stapp:ill, 01101 exhibit(' .I..lleloni broad. and 311, * 1./. Wulf bread and rusk. .1. Fletcher Yellfgst, exhibited 5 boxes 0 , splendid honey, John limner, 21..3 of honey 6.0. young Italian /lova, weight 67 1b.., and 7. A. Latighlin I box. 'We Mil *not noth.c' any. immix robe, Jelly • C10;0,1111111 or plunge, tiun, therefore. Colt Hay teeptiev. alma then,: 'The preservt s, pickles nitd tanned fruits - • INCLUDED IN 'CLAINI 2:3, itAn Very creditable, and .very largo, 11' I, Nallo, ainliatly.thade,,large„dimplay of wine, NON and • tome vorY choice atiples. slessrs. 3 1V Nosier end (kb:linger each exitibltial several varielled rf splendid . 11Irs It 'AI 'lend ()smut floe' Joilles,..islei.kriolp Dinkle a very'larje and eholco display of preserves Mrs 0 I/ Craighead 3 Quin of peachier and I .1. 1 pleko le. Ere 'IV II %earhlg,.o splendid lot &Jollies on d'3lra It W Stiller , s largo:lmi choice lot of canned fruits. Mrs Noises, bles Eby and Dr lUD rt splendid 'MOO. E-W ltiddl2,iud Jai Hamilton esna, HOMO of the c'holcost peaellei' go have seen title sonsun. 101,0 "ifltielner, 12 varieties of clinic° fruit,. W 9 ilea SOY etaf varieties of applai, A tathcart 5 plates of sp I es: Aid apples, The display In this department none highly croditablw• Thu display Of domestic manufactures,' MCIAMIEDIN CLASS 24, %vas also vorf flue, J. W.Poslor 1 beaver robo 1 web of Plea easelmere, carpet yarn ,oti l Web of blankets) by 13:Berner ; 1 rug made by hiss Leahßrandt, in little girl, anedult has been in tise 2 years, was much eilinirwl. The display of carpets, both lin 'harlot-1-7(UB' bons° nude,. by Fryeltiger9rCo., was; •ory large and complete, together with many oilier articles: Beautiful (pints were exhibited by mrs 11 D Craighead, Met John Bpalir, or, Mrsßackett, Mrs Brandt,•J Cornynan, L linrtin, Mrs Abe Ilegoilt;and corona others, that drew forth the louller% emceed moo of praise for the lovely spiv, ironer they pre sented, Airs Jeaerili Heiser, a t fine eentaterpene, lalra Ilyslnger, JAflleltdr and Mrs Wolf, spienillil blank ets Mrs Brandt; Mt eiCalillilower and A Bell r flne rote litre Darla Welt' had the only (Aldo' eliiih9i that wo observed, and they were very III) x. Mtn J (Icier, and Clani and Mary A Who:hi+, 1,14 e stockinga and inieke Fori!xt :bent: exhibited nitwit' itrtlele, In the choir arid toin.lcrat tolie. The show of ornamental workiand the tiiri's department, IN CLAStSIIII 2:i and 21, wag very la•gn hruLencellent, and :'triprlYral n..ellle_ work, brad work, wan murk, thlya, 11,1111 um:s aryl the trinisauilolrooltifarionq artlcleiow Lich the den lingers rit the 101 l roilue•• for the 1050:11 lug aril nilornifig of mi. ft. it Hosier a !rind •itini wax bouquet snit heautitul rtar, or •Wer, .N 1 J. 11. 800 0,, ,•• 1111/Ited 2 Iltio baskets cony/do lt,: collection ui • made rf roan ; Slur. It. L Dashlt•ll hail a oil ill lot/drat or w,no Ilawivv mid fruit, w lift nit, greatly adult/oil; Slims Lilly Church also 1 .wax Imaket ; hut 5111 - 1 11'euel had the Inrge•rt and flneot collection of sax at. the Stir. M lee Elillllll ,11,11.111 1140 exhibit.. I a very titre basket of Wax fault. Slim 1111'1 I" ill it., our I_,NO of exipililltely finial-ell needle ronrlo ; • logant euilimidery by Slims A. Blair, nod Mis.i E. POI Mika!, a line rr. t het and rorirs'e I ; Minnie 1 riot:at : Mrs. 1.. 1 , Lyric 2 handsome chair meats : .1. 12. I•lby ono ll,eurbnthcnn .hair, 23 years in use; and Itelaaata dial, aoolAn aliair elll Lp 31i4s honor Sh.nri , r; Ironic 'n m u& r 11, 4 • try P. A. ; two tiers ' in Java canvas by 311's 311114,1 e Hon wor7i meet adroit-.d. Ain, 11 illiton ISerptioly, EliAa INld, Slits Martha !A:A I I, Ali-, Celia Slime Limo rlroon. 11 , 1,1, Allis 11.1 le tiglllry, 31imi Annie Sire 3 II 11.,10r, L t, file )Kunio ilnrl:rl1, mi s t Ida zlo,,,,Miss Itoider,.3ll, It AI Vender r On, Sl i.a .1101 , 11 Beatty, Minna It rimer, ftlallfe ciirtool; flallgro.nfillieh, rind many others., appeared to vie o it It 1,1.41 Z!!1.1 1111111,0111111 g lowly .11rplle,r1 of fairy neeilli• ern))roldary. afghans, worked slippery, pin rtiabloto, watcli eaves, tt °rifted Work, eltair thread tidys, and an endletai variety Of lovely troll tastefully tlldsloil artlelea. While a fancy lion I I furniture onliillted by Mrs •14 troleil Tsidiorable att., anon. ' Perth: 11,11dpi:son had a boontifol- shell bfar•lcat on I itilL111:1 l, thrrr NI ay IL huit...f.otlf.,, retch ..fwh irb noole n credit - able .Ikr.fry . nod :11111( . 11102/0/ 10 OW at Ira 11.00 rf the r‘ltibitioo, T 11,2 display of . MISCELLANEOUS ABT/CLES—GLASI3 vi was verY ntsritntions. Messrs - Camphyll 8 llenwotal nude a large and tn.alllfnl tli•play td' gas t L . v t urea, L. M le,y'exiltittil the goads lamp, tvlitelt is nitimstaly 0141.'1! 11l ill, ate univtavathy used, in llt abaenes of gat , . A nett of aril tot 111 , .‘ ly ors,. /nit Ilnighk t/regg, Dana t.. Atari lean lailtnnhole ntrnn.nitug machine, knitiing mat Mites, Ic. It avtathl I etin Ire ft great dna; 'nor, spare than we have at our gia watt to nn ta t ty In a , Grill everything in thin departni,nt, 1. 1 1 11 Vanua noticing the line tlbplay tit org Ins and pianos by Nen lin hash want of I hi. place. W II ClietnAt a.natt di•play of hnttp :hist s and t,r,st9 cLAss 28—rLouonj,No MATCH place ;r1 J. W. lit , ct.lerAlaCii fild, el vr. grootk, on rrigloy afternoon, anti Wag Wit fir, , Vii 1. lurge eoneourso or preplu, tt ho 'were unn,lllll , ni in their ugpro,ol LdtLr tJI.II 7hc ground nue rd:Jed nodel and not in try g,,m d rondil rn, owing t. , the recent ruin•. 7 lie non yuing 1,18, s woe en tel 4 Ly the fellewinr-: pirth, Alt .1 Steed:, Valnuel to Wll l'eyle, .1. A. Shet ere', (V 11. Murrei ana 1V• I, Craighead. They all aid ttanarkeltly well and we ref , r to the report of the comatfltee ft, their de• i•i .11. A risol‘ttig 11,Itrc to , 313il.ited 13 E. Mt.re, itract. 14.010.1.q.17,1u :€ll , and dl4l its ',York nn.l 1111,11tikii 1.0 torn.,m l tl...ir T WAIF. 01 SPEED - C under thin lure eenleheed all the animals 1 , 11 'eyed for speed, Tha Soc'ety admire good ntoelt, and don't object Fee the. 21i0etea. de,the je. fast stork, bu t their object is ta devaeop and (11,11/11,rt• the good and useful, and n..t to mot their lair teethe:elle title the ring. The follon log entries net. made, although They du tint couiprise a 'very large number, yet Ilea display woo wilte creditable rebel many nut el kir animal,: ;rare to bo seen upon the. greed:eels. A jlenneemen, I bay mare; .ferry' Noll-hner, 1 bay racking horse; Pr 11' D tint 1, 1 bay pacing hose; mm — Pfd.l7.l ll -10ritillteiffy, - 'l:k Dick, by %V ' , tercet '''ands; sorrel mare by IV 0 Thompson; Ceeml.erland Vail, fix Alex Stem art, 'Bay Ibeb by Barr, Notable; Erep,Meer colt by Goo 3 Clara. Amen Allen And Nlniel; to double term, by Dr Gem 1 1 Senrighl, and D Sterret. n double team Tho firth la.ionieme to Mt theetested for war it purse o f $5O, for Gee fahleat hotting hors., or nesre to haene s ;, owned noel ;eared in Cumberland county, I,ooll', best tutu , in three, All the trotting horses metered fur speed, took par t the contest on Friday noon al 13 o'clor.h. theeterrland Jlnid galned the first heat ?.:57,iu leaNtmale by ilea Leileigh horse in 2:53 me I eke Ilelrd heat by tin lull ter, that the.lameleete Inane was alvendeol tho first premium ed $5O, and Catilleeellhelet .. Maid the second preal'une .ef $2.5. 1111 9.1t11r11.~v .111 t 1110 11,CY1011P day ‘‘oot I,r a lan of $6O. Thl. race Ararilliy 1,1111,414.1 i by boy man.. nod It‘rret Wood, Work Id.ht ilno• load , . woo : :mu It ‘,6 , 1 by ilo. foaro.. Tho trot a itch the tsains, Itnuutlintelt It r the single rare ott SAttuttlay, by Dr. Sl.llllglit's team soil D Sterrett's team was very exciting,tan.l.utsrutiy attested, but lit- rite° IV IS won by the lii tor pert° of $.20, for the fiettest lllel g nr I,irl. i Lnsos was eahlieded IV 11r II 111 etel 111. Soli.ioG er 'I lir raros, or.. Air)s, wero ri.•.it crii lm it ul Istrtion, spit Ilion,. Is throng °rid. en; .• 'llly ring Ig won, iht• ( . ontoet... Tin• •r. L, on bring Ow nr,,E evielup 'Clio preutl io,e 0, rtorcial Ili.' Pt otitient el the Sucti.ty lion. Frot anta h: It'ai /t , leo "'Hot 1111 Saturday hieemarti, l'pon the limtbure of U r i, part of the pouvittarne. Elm .litibra ad leoutii.l Ahe flit[ born, in au elm:twat and lioeilde manner il/1 111 e jeo , t of agrieultiiiii 110 wart hallo:it to nigh the utitana attention, om ha Imparted snub very intormatien to the la - owing eottimunity. And thins we hay° attempted a deberiplion of the Fancteenth Annual Exhibit:on of (he Cntiolauland aloutity AgriettlittrtirSociuty The mush: Sian fur nished by the Shirentauslown Iliad. This organbeth ditoll Into wn Ie ngihl,prugt alit, and illaeoursed Omit, darlor tho priurreta tattle fair. On Thurrality the Nowellla hand tow ihl elitelll l / 1 11CO, nn l Iluan Me' regaled the apechttas prop tit with xwc nt Munk. Thalle ea. ho nu ,pr a nion that lito rain of %%lean,- illy deterred• tlialamila loon attending. Ito ro. eelpts ware eitheiderild) halow thou.' of loot 01 the SOCIOt.‘ had tu'ly exit-vied 10 riat'ize nl lea-[ '91,000 additi ;nal. whteh they 'would vett:duly have dune hail 10 , It 1 ....ill with fay.» able w , ather llolow wo grey - the :Oa hits for ouch day: Wailneedity, Ort0111; I' I • t silo 75 Thu railay, October 12 ' 1,273 115 Friday. Ootolier lit $llO IS I=l EMMEN The sievin:,i tact ,n2it,-010 5,07 nhvu,l ill' 11l le 1•elt. 110 ,, Soe'oty have Mellen it I' ll t, [Whitt, ~t th,• of the jell Ft. rah l 1011, and ether iinininessiontr to the grsunnim. Th« stein building, ithine, sorting fall; 93,0055, while the premiums nod other Potters:ON theprritd, mitt Tooke u total oritiant 1101 nliould then lot - fav,Te,l, neother os;.‘111 another Full, they will he to pro" elf their Itn),bteatiess. TllO • 11111111 .1 . 1,1111 Hanel he gilled the °Diners( of this slit 1 Illttle vit'unltio Clarks-Tots(all of win on dill their duty. Th, secrot.r.r, SI r. Lewitt I' Lynn, wile malting In his efforts to render 811th:faction to snit visitor, Boa ho mill pL hest ht•ettitt. 11111110t ‘ Vt?ttOtTlftl. evorythits; Into fvn,eidnmli,in the fair woe to grunt! •(e: