LIST 01 0 PREmnme; 00IICLUDFD C6lBB 2.3. pitEsua r, PICKLES AND OAriRD,FILDIT. Bed lot of praserves, Mrg. Frederick fickle, Hearth and Homo and'sl; best lot pickles, Geo D Craighend,.Horticul turist ; best lot: jollies, W H Zearing, Horticulturist and 2 ; lot canned frujts, Mrs R. W. Miller, do. and 1 ; lot canned fruits. Mrs W L Haller, do. and I ; lot jellies, Mrs J H W Shreiner, do. and 2 ;, best currant Wine, Mrs Jos Heiser, dO. r and 2 ; best grape wine, Mrs .T W Eby, 1 110 and 2. The exhibition in gile class was very superior, and the exhibitors have the warmest thanks of the society. Clam No 24 DOMESTIC MARU FACTURES Mrs Q D Craighead, best quilt, Dearth find Home and $2 ; Mrs John Spahr, sr., second best quilt; 1 ; Mrs M P Hackett, best worsted quilt, $1 ; Mrs Sarah C Brandt, second' best-; worsted quilt, 50 ; M rs John noYser, ?lest counterpane, Lady's Friend and I ; Mrs Hysinger , best pair of blankets, 2 ; Mrs Martha E Wolf, second best pair of blankets, I ; Sarah C. Brandt, best rag rug, f ; itek‘rtev Cauliflower, second best rag rug, 50; Frysinger & Co., best rag car pet, 2 ; P D 801 l second best rag carpet, ; Mrs David * Wolf, best table cloths, Lady's Friend. - David Horsier, best satinett, diploma ; Mrs C 'Elliott, best Nyollen hose, lady's friend ; Mrs C Elliott,best cotton gloves, JO cents ; Ida Clendonin, second best, lady's friend ; David Horner, best wollen yarn, diploma ; Ida Clendeniu, best linen yarn, diploma ; best coverlet, Jacob Meixel; .The committee would also notice the beautiful quilts, exhibited by Mrs A E Bectem, L Martin, Jerry Corn- man and others ; also blankets by Martha E Wolf, and d M Peffer ; a rug by P A 11°• stockings and socks by Clara and 11 1 Mary Anthony and J P.Bixler ; a muskrat fobe was exhibited by Forest Shenk; and a beaver one by J W nosier. Tho display of, ingrain, tapestry and brussels carpotings; by Frysinger A: Co., was very creditSble to their firm, both as to the quality of the goods exhibited, as well as to the beauty and variety' of the patterns. Class Ni. 2•i ORN AMENTAI, WORE The comm itteei,of class No. 25 re spectfully submit the following, which they have endeavored to the best of their ability, to award without impartiality, the premiums as set forth in the list, with regrets that many more articles enumerated. on list of entries, , do not come undcr" their list of premiuMs, as the display is large and highly credit able to tlie.exhibiOrs. Being unable to decide on the most meritorious work of their class, the pre miums for which is $lO, they have de cided to reccommend the following as the result of their investigation. We divide the $lO premium as follows Miss Eliza Stahl, most meritorious needle work, fancy rug, $5 ; Sallie Wet zel, do. wax work, 5; Mrs Dastiell, sec ond best wax work, hearth and home ; Miss Gertie D Bosler, do. ; Miss Annie B Ogilby, best silk embroidered flannel skirt, do. and 1 ; Mrs Win. Kennedy, Second beet, lady's friend. kiss Lillie Church, best afghan, hearth and home ; Mrs J T Zug, second best, lady's friend ; Miss Maggie C C Lumber ton, best slippers; hearth and home ; Ida Bolander, second best, lady's friend ; M C Kieffer, best hassock, hearth and home ; Minnie Rhoads, second best, lady's friend ; Mrs Cauliflower, second best rug, lady's friend ; Martha 1 Steel, AeSt display needle work, hearth and home; E M Ctateead, second best, lady's friend ; Behqaller, best chemi_ sett, hearth and home ; C E McClintock, best sack, hearth i and home ; Celia Bentz, second best, lady's friend ; A Definers, _ best pin cushion, hearth and home ; Minnie Hoffer, second best, lady's friend ; Bertie Henderson, best shell bracket, hearth and home ; Lizzie Greenfield, best sham, hearth am home ; Mary Foulk, second best, lady's friend. Miss Amelia Blair, best woiliccl handker chiefs, Hearth and Home ; Miss Emma F Sonseman, best watch case, Hearth and Home ; Miss Clara Anthony, best card basket. Lady's Friend ; Mrs flower, best lot hair work, Hearth and Home ; Miss Ada Hackett, best mail sofa cushion, Hearth and Home ; Miss Mary Bentz, second best croel sofa cush ion, Lady's Friend ; Miss Helen Beatty , best worsted work, Hearth and Home; Miss Emma Kramer, best wosted work, Lady's Friend /Miss Miss B best chair seat, Ile. rth and Homo ; Miss Susie Shearer, rk!' - cond best chair scat, Lady's Friend ; Miss Bella Faller, best thread tidy, hearth and Home ; M iss Emma J Oyster, second best thread tidy, Lady's Friend ; Miss Kato Age, best cruel work tidy, Hearth and home Mrs Dr Cook, second best cruel work tidy, Lady''s Friend ; Mrs Sallie Wetzel, best v;•olited work tidy, Hearth' and Home ; Mrs Carrie Neidich,'Vecond best worsted, work tidy, Lady's Friend. The articles of the folloWing ladies aro all worthy of: notice, as they certainly added-much to the creditable display of this class, and although not successful this time in securing a premium, we hope that they will not be discouraged, but be able to come forward with arti— des made during the long winter ev;m 7 lugs, that will enable us to display a Stili larger assortment at our next fair. Mri , : W G Myers; Mrs G W Hoffman, Mrs J W Henderson, Mrs J II Bosler, and Miss Bosley, Emma Becton], Misses Church, -Oyster, Beep, Icieffer, Saxton, Zeigler, Conlyn and MeCommon. Class No. 26 GIRLS' PrAIiTMENT 'Miss M - J :Line; best Worsted work, consisting of two worked chair Aeats, $5.00; Minnie • A Hoffer, best parlor cushion, 1 ;Miss Martha Logan, second best, 50 ; beautiful cushions . were also on exhibition by Miss Ida Ziteor, Mary Ensmingoi:, Mary Duke, Lizzie Duke, Minnie J Hoffer, tizZie Shelly, 11 M Monyer, Mollie Ogilby, Mollie Beeler,. FMcCommon and Minnie Hackett. Miss Sue L Cathcart, best chair seat 1 ; Miss R Elliott, second best, 5,0 cents. . T. Parkorilmst ; Miss Jane Beetem, second best 50 cents; Katie Neidicb, MollieDgilby and 11.1Y1 Monyor, also exhibited exquisite Cushions. 'Mrs R M. Henderson, best worsted tidy; 1 ; Minnie ZitzeK, Second best, 50; Mrs Win.'Kennedy, best cot ton tidy, 1 ;Miss Mary • Emminger, !sec ond best, 110. The"' tidies . of Minnie Rhoads, Misses Scesby and Shelly, also gave evidence of much taste and aptitude. `Mrs Jane Beetem . , best toilet' mat, 1 ; Miss Lizzie Shelly, second best, 50; a beautiful Mat was alsd exhibited by Fan. nie Rhoads. , Miss Minnie Hackett, best tatting col; lar, 1; Miss Mintie Hackett, best tat ting edging, 1 ; Miss Minnie Hackett, best tatting inserting, 1 Miss Emma Cornman, ono case of worsted work con sisting of sack, tidies, a special prominm • is given of 1; Miss Emma Cramer, best samples; 50 ; ttiss Minnie Hoffer' ex hibited a chat which was very hand some., 7 " Olatis.No. 27.- iIISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES Three splendid organs exhibited' by Newland Harkness, diploma ; ono organ by J ,D Itrret:erger, diploma . ; washing compoUnd b J Shrine', diploma; sewing niacin eby D S Shanabrook, diploma; choperping machine, Adam Koller, Scientific American, -diploma ; pruning shears 14 Jacob Katz, diblinna ; the7dieiplay - of gas - fixtures and plumbing with hot and cold water fixtures, ex hibited by Campbell & Hon7ood, was something now, in our exhibition; and attracted a great deal of attention to which we award diploma ; patent farm gate by C P Dinkle, diplonia ; a cage of canaries and poll . parrot by John D Mock, washing machine and ringer by P Ii Cook, diploma; Elizabethean chair tuftxd work by Mrs J W Eby, display of hoop skirts, comets &c., by W M Ohmic worth, diploma ; a very pretty display of cushions and totting, by Miss Marga retta and 'Rebecca Albright, a plate of fine chestnuts by Chas . Clendenin, a gothic school desk by John C Comfort, diploma; a surgical operation by Dr J Zitzer, in plate by John Zitzer. Class No. 28 GM= 13est ploughing, Alfred Stroek, $: 5; second - best ploughing,,Jno A Shetron, 10 ; third best ploughing, Wm B 111m;i1- son, 0. Samuel Beetem and Wm ti Coyle, arp awarded much praise for the manner in which their work was done. Mr E Moore, is also entitled to notice for work done .by ,his rotatory barrow. The ground being very soft and wet, and freshly ploughed. This, harrow leaves the ground after being worked over, twige,,flne enough for any purpose. The barrow, is also free from the dragging of_ ordinary harrows. Class N 5: 29. TRIAL OF SPEED Entries fof first trot, 11 Neidig, Bay Bob; M B Dusinberre, Cumberland Maid ; W S Woods, Black Dick. First heat, Neidig 1 ; Woods 2 ; Dusin berre 3. • Second heat, Neidig 1 ; Woods 2 ; Dusinberre 3. Neidig took $5O pre mium, i'Voods being ruled out, Dusin berre toBk second premium, $23. Entries of double teams, Geo S Sea right and David Sterrett. • Cleo S Sea right took premium of $23. - Entries for pacing, l)r W I) Hall and Jerry Noffsinger. Dr NV D Hall took premium of $2O. Last premium, trotting--entries, .1. A Mcaure, Henneman and NV S Woods, McClure distanced on first beat, Henne man taking both heats—premium $3O, MEDD! All persons to whom money premiums and diplomas are awarded will call on Mr Saxton, Treasurer, and those award: ed books or periodicals will leave their address with L Lyne, Secretaiy, on or before the first of December next. NEW AXD OIIIUINAL EXHIBITION 1N CABLIBLE.-,--WO take great pleasure in announcing to our readers, tint Mrs. Jarley will exhibit her " world 're nowned" wax works in Itheem's Friday evening, October 20, at 8 o'clock. This is_an entertainment rarely offered if an inland town, one which baffles diseription, and Must be seen to be appreciated. The figures were modeled by the most prominent of the "Old Masters" 'after many years of persever ance and toil, and ° have recently_ been diseovered amongst the ruins of the palace's of Pompeii, and imported by the Managerei,'s at an enormous outlay of capital. In order to afford all an opportunity of witnessing this wonderful exhibition, the price of admission has been reduced to the extremely low price of 25 cents. Mrs. ,larley will give it her personal attention, and has kindly consented to award the proceeds to the Episcopal Sunday School of this .11114 We hope that no one will fail to witness this great exhibition. [ANNOUNCEMENTS.] Go to Mademe Rote for your fall .and Winter hats and bonnet 4. FOR SALE OR 'RENT A large and commodious three-story brick, house, on the corner of Main and Bedford streets, now occupied by Mrs. Gordon, has all the modern improve ments, with brick stable and ice house attached. Inquire of R. E. Shapley, corner of North "and Pitt streets. THE cheapest hats in Carlisle, , at Ma dame Rotes. Go to Iltunrich's for Irish and sweet potatoes, onions, pumpkins, apples, chestnuts &c. THE largest assortment of hats, bon jets and feathers, at Madame Rote's. WANTED. A sober, honest, and industrious' boy, o learn blaelcsmithing. Reference re quired. A p Frib rl ll'. W. Gitoss, .11Iiddlesex VELITT bats, cheaper than ever; at Madame Rote's. . lIHAvi oats are good for horses ; none will deny that ; but oats can't make a horse's coat look smooth , and glossy when he is out of 'condition.; Sheridan!s Cavalry Condition POW(1011; will do this when all else fails. • Tun best assortment of feathers and flowers, at Madame Rote's. PINE Jersey Sweet potatoes foi sale_,at Moloy's. - ennitrir and. pains lnthe stomach aro the. result 01. imperfect digestion; and may ho- imnindiately relieved by a dose of Johnson's Anodyne Liniment. A teaspoonful in a little sweetened water is a dose. Fri quality new corn meal for sal° loy. DON'T BE HUMBUGGED I but bily.the best stoves that have ever been in the market, and pronounced so by all wJ have them in use, the Ameri;. can Basßurner and Base Heater, the %client, Firo Place Heater, and the Cabi net Range with hot closet. Call at. W. Fridley's Stove store on Hanover street, and r y es the endless variety of stoves and house-furnishing goods. • Imsn and !meet potatoes, onions, ap plea and grapes atglunirreles. • Pole all yourmillinory goods, go to Ma-. dame Rote's. 11. you wish a serviceable platform wagon, go to Nagle a - Smeltz, on 'South Pitt strodf, a few • doors Roth of the C. V. R. R. depot. 218e7Itf. Fon - yout-Winter bat, go to Madame Rote'ff., ,* THE MEDICINES ,OF : THE MIL. LIONS ! For thixty:five years Iloofland's Ger man Bitters have held the position of a standard household remedy for dyspep: sia, liver complaint, and nervous debility. Every yoar has added to the celebrity of this admirable restorative, which has in spired a coniidence in the public mind which nothing can shake or impair. It is expressly adapted to the constitutions and systems of invalids who require no alcoholic stimulant'; while for those who do, Hoolland's German Tong,-of which ,pure Santa-Cruz rum forms the diffusive . 'principle, is incomparably the finest in vigirator at present known. Sold by all druggists. STILL another lot of that choice chew ing tobacco at Moloy's. THE best brands of canvassed Sugar Cured Hams and dried beef. Coffees, Sugars, and Teas of- the finest quality. Choice new family flour. --Queensware at the lowest priceS".' I cannot bn under sold. Everything gum anteed. M. MASONIIEIMEE, SolltilWbSt, corner Pomfret and Pitt streets, Carlisle, Pit. IF you want a good and cheap hat, go to Madame Rote, No 37 South Rollover street, Carlisle. SPECIAL NOTICE All persons knowing themselves in debted to the undersigned, either by note or book account, will please call and settle the same without delay, and oblige"' LEmica & 3,riT,Liot THE FAIR IS OVER, and yet all persons eim get great bar gains in all kinds of dry goods at the ,Ceritral,,dry goods store. ' Now is the time to save at least :25 per cent on all kinds of ladies' dross goods, shawls, skirts, flannels of every grade, cloths, cassimeres, satinetts, Kentucky jeans, table - linens, towels, napkins, sheetings, quilts, counterpanes, 'coverlets, French kid gloves, all other kinds of gloves, cor sets, hosiery, and notions of all kinds, as we are determined to close out our en tire stock. d❑ persons will find' it greatly to their advantage to call at the Central dry goods store and save money• LEIDICII & MILLF.R. A enntE article of honey at Ilumrieh's, LACE Cowots from 10 cents upwards, at Madame Rote's. PEASI•Tsby the sack at Hunitieh's It you have a Vehicle of any descrip tion, and wish it repaired in excellent style at reasonable rates; take it to Nagle Smeltz's. SWEITZEIS and American cheese, just received at Thimrich's. THE "ATLANTIC REPUBLIC," London, Liverpool and Globe Fire In surance Companies hereby notify their„ customers that their losses at Chicago are in rapid process 'ofsettloment, and will be. met without embarrassment. The companies continue business with undiminished capital and largo surplus, and issue policies at rates commensurate with the risks assumed. J. C. STOCIC, lig6iit at Carlisle, No. 7 Rhymes Hall THE cheapest .Jewelry at Madame Rote's. 460. clUckcus and ducks at \V A. I , IF you wish one of those lately pat ented "Hilton" Spring wagons, go to Nagle & Stneltz's, on South Pitt street. Pot?. the latest style jewelry, go to Rote's, Go to Nagle Smelt z's carriage far tory for the latest style phaeton. Stixtt vett jewelry at Itote'e CHEAP COAL FOR THE FALL TRADE The ilpdersigned respectfully an nounces to the public, that he is furnish ing Coal to families and TimebUrners at 50 cents reduction on current market rates in Cumberland county. When we commenced shipping Coal to this market in February, 1870, coal deal ers were averaging $1.20 to $2.00. per ton profit on their sales. This percent age was deemed exorbitant. Complaints were made that the coal was badly screened, and deficient in weight. Shortly after wo commenced the sale of coal, there was a collapse in the price of the article, giving it a downward tend ency, until our standard of prices was, nearly reached. In thin aspect, of the case, it may be considered we have been a benefactor to the boinmunity ; and in another: Purchasers engaging coal frbm us invariably obtain the article ordered. The coal fururshed by the subscriber, has given in all cases Satisfaction, and is pronounced on all hands to be superior in quality, cleanliness, &c., and unifornilY weighti 2,000 lbs clean coal to each ton furnished. The' 'sales of the undersigned' last month exceeded 300 tons, With an open ing of the present month promising a lively fall trade. It will be to the, de cided advantage of all to call on bine be forw purchasing elsewhere. All orders • GEO. ZINN; 1 148071tf - • 'CarliAle; Penn'a. Go to the United State il Carriage Bazaar, oil South Pitt street, Nagle & Smeltz, proprietors, for all the—latest StSie wagons and carriages. I=l SHOULDERB, sift, dried beef, beef tongues, sugar cured hams, whole or sliced, .pieklee and canned oysteFs, at Ti you wish to obtain a handaonie trotting buggy, go to lingle . & Smclteji carriage factorr Commas, 'undo into switches, chig nons, curls," frizetts, ttc., at Madame . Rote's. TItE REM ON WILY everybOdy should go to IL 'WZlf's No. 18 North Hanover street, for notions and fancy goods. Ills styles aro the intuit, Ills assortment the greatest, Ilis goods.aro quite cheap . And his stock Most complete. To a few lines of godds would I callat teution. Ladies' and Gents' undereloth ing, woolen and cotton hosiery, German _ town and Saxony yarns. Gouts buck gloves and mitts,. Ladies',- gents' and misseslkid gloves, hoop skirts, corsets and bustles, chignons,- switches, and braids. „ . , large assortment, of plated and jet , joweirt, satchels, valises.and-mmbroilas, a good assortment, Call and' examine pileesand goods for - yourselves, and he oonviiiesd -that what ,we set foith is traq 288010 .. . . Go to for ranges,' lepons peaituts,2raisins, SPECIAL NOTICES TO A DISCRIMINATINfI PUBLIC. Wm4lair & Son offer the finest teas imported into Anierica—particularly nice and freak groceries, carefully ) se lected and carefully kept, with a view to please the most fastidious. Fine crack ers, (12 varieties,) a specialty with- us. Beat browned Java and Rio,. coffees, fresh all the time. Sugar cured hams, best brands only: Spices perfectly pure. A whole line of condiments to gratify the most cultivated .taste. In short, every__thing just ps _you _Would _like , t have it, at fair prices. , 215e71. WIC BLAIR & SON, • South': end, Ca klislo ° I. A CARD TO THE 1.4 , 1E5.1 DR. DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PERIODICAL PILLS = INFALLIBLE IN CORRECTING IRREGULA,RI TIES, REMOVING OBSTRUCTIONS OF THE MONTHLY PERIODS, FROM 't‘riLATEVER CAUSE, AND ALWAYS SUCCESSFUL AS I= THERE IS NOT A LADY LI VISA Rut what at Some perliel - of Iler Life a ill find the 'DUPONCO GOLDEN PILLS juet the medicine—gal needs. ,For Nervous Bearing dirk'n l'a'ns, lion id the Heart, Retained, rregolar or Paiute! Menstrnation, Push of 11100)1 TI I, 1)11,1111CtIN, dc, Ac Theo arel.the only l'il s ever known that will cii• the Whites, (they will cure in curt vane.) They ever fall, and may lie depended upon in every ` s where the monthly haw In been itliqtrected cold or disease. DUPON COAGOLDE PILLS alwayn give Immediate relief being‘ennegi ly prepared Sir married ladles. A Indy writes: Dupeticu's Golden Pillsgelieved line In one day, withiont Inconvenienve, ti4a magic. ii= is now rot up- in Largo (Whin.) Boxes containing .double immtity of Pill , and opal each box', you w ill find the Revenue: Mamp, printed from my PH vato Die, maul which Lomihtei, of the Sapp you will find the words DUPon'O'S OOLDEN PERIOD ICAL PILLS, to White L , tiers, without that none aro genuine. • “ul exp:ielt dire, Cone accompany each box. P,riee $l.OO per Lox, six boxes $lOO. Sold by one Drugglmt in every tolto. village, city and hamlet thronghthit the war Id. Sold in Carlisle, I'a, by S, A. Ilaverrtirk, Droggist, No. 10 North Hanover St. Sold also by Drugh .1‘ Moss r, 3lee - hanlcuburg, and J. C. - Alitrh, Shlppenslairg. LIDIES! By stv talibg Id, $1 to the Carlimle imat, ,fficr, can have the Pills rent by uurll fa any 'mot of he country, free of re, ta P. N.ttt geniiine tinkstothe Lux 14 s'gno.ll S. D. HOWE, . m Pr"pf irt"r, Now York 1 j ' -1, TRUST WIIAT Tl i nt: HAS SANC • TIONIH. TllO 013X1117111.0 the care of the p.l in the voice of the die Jolty. unly in .0110.. Cl.Oll, 110 spun tll 11011111, hit 1110 lrstuoouy hon,,t and en lightened et Itne.mes e'en nding n eerier of )ears, nnd 01! to the band' purport, Ix n orthy of eredenctl, admit. of nil wiestdon. l'imn bitch testi mony the leant. ion of Ilestetter's 6toumell Hitters ns nu antidote' and core foeundo . oilments is based. During the twenty year. flint it hen been before the world, It... Table prep dation s intended to einn!` ilete ee all It, him, pine me like roe]; els, and rotm dom. the exlitigniehed sbckl Meanwhile the progress of that Inrompsrable tonic I nil been lin ift 111111 shady—alsen3s opnlird and onward like the eagle's light. Its introduction prodnees n revolu tion In rherapentice, and it proved to to ono of thodo saintnry ret olutiom that coon et go backwards To day llostetter's 11itmern is Ones' of the most pimiltnr len, eines In, ril 1 . :211011010111, 11101 commands a larger Rile than any other niedh hint pleitratiott, domes tic r hvorted, on this Ride of the Atlantic. An cure for dpipepsin, bit hoe , disorders, 10.110101 Itffer- Elm R. general debtity, J.nd as 0 grelenti, of el. neinic fee. rs. It takes pier...lwo of terry other remedy MIS heel 111001111 tent li the o:nbitiOns otntr)• ticalcrs oho endeavor to faint their • local bortions on the j I tie in its stein!, how futile their null ntleniiits to cajole the CollllllUnitj 1111101 nrily be. Where the game fish hato rifled there to to elltkllol. for " inicheln " BE \VISi 1V milt wisdom o 11l belie 111 you: le mil itiwilys trrl le I by -your incredulity, hundreds lons° ',tight relief fi out the horrors q Dygpeinina through Lire medium of Dot trrulti ANT .;11T8PE'TTic SToNACII IliTTFnn and found It. Wiry shoul you suitor alien tblo admi rable Kloninehle.liny Oared ninny elnillar enfiem-w11) do you doubt while other believe and are vomit this matter in Loth dungy. l•uoitn,liinprblitnl,l,.. Your health, happiness and limitless suffers, while eorstunt neglect In ri equeistly frill wed liy minium slid iineoll trolhible results. Drumril's Illirrrlts aril equally onsfill hl tilf. nunu•nan otintrling Judi gestion; no 1{11.101,011,41, I • nNSTII'.ITIUN. .417. LVEI4 Ind Anl F. tli.rnliqx pt. , reeding 7111.41.11,1, it i• the ooly tehaltleo‘ ontiv . o nod mede it flown. . .2.lse WISE RAILINO, 1 , :1;1: 411 Frentk, Asylums, dm. I run ltem.tead, %V ire Well bings for sheep and pouhry yards, Brew, and Irt wire cloth Sloven, Fenders, Screens fur real, urea sand, 8.e., Heavy Crimped Cloth for spark arreite, 'Landscape Wire for Windows ae., Paper Makere Wires, Ornamental Wire Works. Every informs Lion by addrossin the manufacturers, NI. WALKER Ak SONS' No 11 NorthoSixth street Philadelphia. 141111711 y RON CITY COLLEGE—Pittsburg, Pa he lo.:st 1.0t11111..t..11. ihnst p4..rensfol listlththm in the Cult..l Shtto.. f r th,roligh, noel It 411 e,. lilt lull, vl lig 141 1/1111111r 11(011 U1(.16 4"7- For huge tl Ipt I , ril rnlurrx, r, i taining I iktldrex+ J. (.. ,311T.1, A. 11.1 EERIE MAR KETS : o: CARLISLE IMCODUCE 'MARKET. Corrected Weekly by B.' C._,-Woorltrard .. . . I' lirtith, Wednrsaity, Ocit/ber IN. iB7I. FA MIL Y ELprie - On SE PER PINE EIMER .1 1 o SL'I'ER FINE Jr YE ' , LOUR 11 - 111 TE 11 - 11E.1 T I 45 RED 1171 EA T , I 4) R it- 75 CORNI 8 NEW OA TY 43 CI, 0 I' ER SE 1.,V) II F., TIRO ill )'RRSU FLA A. L6'1).... CARLISLE PROVISION MARKET. Corrected Weekly by Wm.' Blair `• Son. Ired logdo !I. October IM , 11,71. TTE EGGS 18 LAED s 8 TALLOW 07 HE ES tr,Li• l'!\' HA MS II do SHOULDER •lo SiDi . :S 11711711 It EA NS I 11l PA RED !'EA (MIES 1! , UNP.I PR!) do II 'il !EP A PPL 53 11rout mr Philailet ;Ida or/h A..ricon•l PHILADELPIIIA - .IIIARKETB. - FLbUlt, ONAII4 AND REEDS. P6itatt4pltift, OcioLer 17, 1 , 71 EXTRA F.1.1//LY PLO Ulf 511 E. 1171.1 FLOUR 6 Li = =1 NEW WHITE WHEA 7 ° 1 1;80y 16U BYE CORN sc 0.1 T.l rEIMBED TIMOTIIIWEED I=! .110'ntloy, - Octobro. 16, 1.71 The arvirals and salve Beef add, leery Ms meek' reaching ulOOll i head The co ale market *war very dull this week. alit yrieva tvery unel•adged,AvorinY buyers. EXTRA EAT CA TTL C. per II PA llt .1 ND 0001) C.I TTLE...- c DAMON.. i - COWS and CA L lerre in steady' de. maid. Wit yank Sprinyere at ss' , , and Men and (tares at $3O. Ipexipiz4 11,0 head. • SiLlh:/. Caere dull nod tower. ,littiot of fair 0 . // choice at 50j( - r! lb, and slack al $20,3 head:` ceipfs 18,07 G head. HOGS tyro, in pie .1, lamed. Soles rtf comfit/ at 11iA6 1 7140 floe latter As extra rtllrltiff. Receipts, 3,778 head af.t I . . ° Glass' yards. • MARRIED. • - - FIIUPPL-ICIJNCI.E —ln Cdrinle. the fifth In- Blunt, by tho Ito J 8 Foulk. Mr Wionon Bbupp, or finuth Middleton townnblp. to Minn Julio A it hole, of Churcbtown,-Cumborland county. SMEE—ICOCIIItIt —ln the, . some lance, •on thu twelfth inntunt,bY the now. Ali; John C Story, of Carroll •lownelsip, to MINI Ann lo C Kocher, of Ityo tom:10101N PO r rry county. ' NEW TO-DAY. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.—The undor- Bl g iied auditor appointed by the Court . , to marshal and distribute thin balance In the hands of A. lAndsoY.ntelgooo of John W. Mulch. Under a deed of voluntary asiiigninedt,gl yes both° that he will attend to that duty itt iris office, Is the borough' of Cedtoio, on Friday, the tenth day of November, A 'D.1871 . ; whoa and -vitae - We- parlica luteacated ere notlfitd to attend, 11:10413t 19f A LINDSEY, • Ayt r NETT' -REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE 'PIM NATIONAL . BANK, of Carlbsto, Po., of elm orbuslnese, October 2,1871: • ' . . . LAIN arid Discounts 67,070 14 Ossr•Drafis $1,046 33 'U.S. Bonds to securo Circulation 50,000 00 Oilier Blocks, Bonds; and Mortgages.... 28,300 00 Duo Isom liedeeining Hennas Agents. , . 6,050 70 "• " other National Danko 1,261 82 J .," Banks and Bankers' ~0 ,466 65 Banking Dense and Insurance ' 9,226 80 Nurnit tiro and FI stares 1,240 45 Current Expenses ' 7,622 13 ' Taxes Pahl 3,611 13 Cash Dania, ineliiding Stamps . 4,106 04 Mille of other National flanks Frnetiobal Cori eney, including Niekle... 1,807 71 Legal Tender Notes 8,537 00 MEME=I LIABILITIES. • Capital Stook paid In $10,001.00 Surplus Fund 250100 at Diacount and litteregt 12,940 21 Profit and 1,054 ' ^ 4.245 04 National Bank Circulation Outstanding '45,000 00 Indivhinal Deposit- 44,057 29 United States Deposits Due to National.llanks - ..0,004 40 4 ' `. other 11.tnks and Bankers 6,074 09 • Slide Penaryleania, „ (tuna!, JCumberland, • Charles It. Hepburn, Citslll, of the First Na• noon] Bank, of Car Peoria, do solemnly alllral Heil the above statement is true, to of my iolowledge 11111 i belief. Clf AS. 11. 1111P . 11111t1 , 1. • Calder.- Tnlbserlbecl and nlllrmoA la•rore 010 Illls seventh day of October, 1071. ''"l 'JAMES M. A LtEN, Nolary 1.91,1 k rrr t—A llenl 9A311i1E . 1, 111:PITURN,1 Oltit. , D 1 1 ,1•11,111 S. II 1.3711:1IN, Jr. •j MEM . List of unclaimed letters remaining in the postoflice at Carlisle, Pa., for the WEEK ENDING OCT. 18, .1871 t, • LADIES' LIST. Briscoe Louise - Hako Anu COOVer Mary A King lain ro K Cr,ip Ii Minisli A nuinila II Clepper Sarah K Hiller Corellll - .3;•" Cabaugh Minnie C Sushort Sat , .li ' Durnore, Sally Wilkinson thiralt Gorman Sarah A Williams Annie • ' -• GENTLEMEN'S LIST. Ilaltleys Mills Joekson Thraufmm Benjamin 7v. Co Kiehl Jacob Mahan henry Kerner Charles Butler Chas II Lopes W I, Brown Herbert L Lawn! , W j Carrels Parker LOW Peter Common John P. Morse 0 L Cadwalder 11 P May Adolphus Cobaugh Harry A McCrea William Cromleigh David ' Mellinger C Danner Samuel Myers N Fisher John ; - hickey Benjamin P - - (1111 .1 C ',Kiley Wm Graham Graham 0 W ~ I ' I.. Slismbangh JAn liaried Raphael ' - Sinith,John 11 II iekman II 111 C 'Flintier W A Ito bar :Bones , Westerman James E. D. t RILEEM, Postmistress. ' PUBLIC SALE. On Saturday, NoVeniber 11, 1871 The undersigned will, sell at public sale, on the above day, on the premises, -in the village of Oakville, Cumberland county, on the Cumberland _Valley Rail road, that two story brick dwelling house,' with back building, wash house, smoke house, &c.,on a lot of ground ail joining lands of . Vanderbilt's heirs, P. 0. McCoy, E. Walker, and a public road, containing 125 feet in front, and 169 feet ih depth, and formerly the property of Charlos.Horn. This is a first-class house and a very desirable home. The house is new, well built and in good con dition.- The house is Kurxounticd by a large orchard tilled with trees and shrub bery: Sale to commence at ten o'clock a. m., when terms, which will be easy; will be made known by _ 19ocil th LADIES' FANCY FEES !. 'JOHN FARERIA, 718 Arch street; Middle of the Block, DetM',•cn 7th and Bth streetB, South 81,1,, tottorter, Manufacturer toot 1/..ttlet in lin iiitlll,l nod tuality or Fancy "Furs- flor I Attie. and ChildletCs Warr flaring ioq a very hurt, out I sasorb intuit of all the different kinds of Foyn_foitu lilt howls in Europe, awl hare hall 111,P111111111k up by the most skillful morkIIII4I,NVIJIII , I it11.1!!1,1 lot In the readers of this pap, t...r:ortrarA,, , XIIAIIIIII Ills very large and be: as.ortAient or F. noy Furs, for Ladies 11011 Clllllll'll t time 14etertfilt Ist to sell at low-tuteesars any bo.tra in thla ty aII Flll, ‘,/111111iVil !5i1....r,111.1.1ata11011 to t 11.1 . t . WIN fltitglitA, Ito , 71 in 710 A. ell St, tel l . ulee leitittia A. W. Bentz d Company W. BENTZ CO., tiasthe largest A. • • of W.ter-i rw.f Cloak mg, (11V1.11•1-111i =I AW. BENTZ & CO have just is • d another iurolro of brigllt awl nh ."I.ired ilk Poplins, ac., at A. W: A LARGE lot of Thibet. and Cash mud; bliiml,4,lilll/biM Mid leettiv. , l at A W. BENTZ a CO AN immense pile of remnants of fine Cm.%heeren, &e., very rhenp at A. W. DEM & (0. AVARIETY of bed, cradle and hose I fl onkel .4, at A W. 11E \ (O. GBAGS.—,Tost received a large GRAIN nuunirl .4' Ow imallty. at 3: , /, 1.1.11111 piece, at 111 Cl•eap St r• or IME= MUM ATS, Feathers, Itibbou,s, ,jest e I nt A. W. lIENTZ h 111. 112,171 JS extra supply of Tl: i i:ec i e ved a t r w) i t u lic k r ttek. nt A. w. IsENT7, k CO. TUST received another large supply Of tfi twunnsa‘s,,neen:4 In nit colors. Sr TOTE have just received 500 y'nrdv of VV' I;•uJid I rnyl,, t 12 ) c•u;x p•r v" lat 10(1 NEW' PALL SHAWLS, latest kl et) le. c A. W. NENTZ L CUB. l'rothonoiary'slle , . 11.0TIIONOTAlt)."S NOTICE.—No: P Tic"; is hereby given that the billowing' troll net omits have been lily 1 in the Protlitizovaryee 011Ige, I.ll.l,lllllbratioy, and will lin pie...toil to the Court 01 Cll.a , of l'uniberiand NOIR,. I.r firm lion, on Weiliii.nday, Noyeinber it, la7l, viz 1. T. of lion y Itnby end It .1. coney, assignees id Mil Imo N, Slio• p. acto,n, M I. II over and (11.1. Iltitturf, it-si t nee .r D 11, The 1..1'..11.1..i.1....11111 or Geo. Alien, committee 0( Julio Nit.enne • I Newton township II innatic. 0, V 11,11'ANAUGII. Carlin t. i•i.• tr, INTL • himot.3. lgocHrte , COl'/7 /3/ . (I1»/I7. • TO 1 . 11.05 E INTp:IIESTEI) . • nod r-Igned having learned the art Ina log CORN 13ROOt S., .lik the Pennsylvaidt I.ldititte for the 11 Ind, I ring a graduate at that 10 001, and having a hill set of ry, reSpeeinGly obi, Its your p.tnoilige. Ile In I...pitied to ni be all kinds Bri/111r, stilt at llo.shortent no lee. .Farmers it. others visiting Carib. dining GU p,,11 an d 1t Ir.t r wlxl ing hr.!us man. an- WI would CIO sloth by Lriuxh,g lon th di. material, nn I will gnaran ee to chi goo I caulk, b 411 in illy le and ,leielelity, and et re.eonel to multi,, .1. C. BOYER. REEID st etreet, b w1..0 Nlll. h oil 1.0. mist aLley, tar.inlo, Penn's. TVall 'T'apers. - 1871. ' 1871. WALL PAPERS. ROWELL & BOURKE, qq Miitinfacturers,of PAPER HANGINGS AND OINDOW SHADE.. N holenale and hetall HlllOBllll,lllll, C !BAER Fol.llll'll AND MARKET S'EREP.TiI, PHILADELPHIA. - Facto, y=-Cor. 23(1 and 51121307/1 Strees. nnol7l-310 • • MEM 11.0/ per Ili . 3 25 ==gM • • NE IN' BARBER SHOP.. Voter • udgo 111111 recently epeoll tiso Nall•n•al Shaving h••inon, No t, East Noin s'reco;, rex. Hair • tilling, shampoolug.sliavlng,nmoslneho flying promptly alienated to. baffler. , hair rutting 4tx.euteti In the latest City styles. My prices are •ns reasonable OH oily 01 bur saloon in this place. I hate 110110 tint klllllllllllllll ht Illy employ. Henry Kennedy alt, also, tin found at my a doon. Phrase give mu a call. . - PETER ROGGE. , ASIF BUSINESS.—On.and after the C Met. of September uekt, I Intend to do nUASII BUSINESS with oil,' without reepect to perrnne Country produce received as Mal, In cacheugo for 'geode es usual. By this atrtungemevt,ptrictily liurcOd, I will he eneldod to grocnriee of re , rotes. . Ilkju7ltt , DU can obtain Dyo Stuffs; and,Pada enorlee. yanoy Artleleo, at J. 11. 'favor. stlok',l." PhynlultdiO:pececriptlonn carefully cool. pounded at 01l Mum J. 11. TIAVERI3TICK, '• • ^ 'lanoline street, 0411181 e, Pa. . RESOURCES BEM EMI ~.$101,312 of $107,3 2 02 SOMfr:TIDNU NEW UNDER TUE SLN! T HE UNDERSIGNED, having just returned from the rifled with a large ntoek of gof.Ml, invite the uttrntton of i.ll who l.otro ratio faetion to mill cud examine their large Mock or ANTI-CLINKER. BASE BURNER, Nthirh they ehellete,, the trode to ntupety Veto Knives, Forks, Spoons, Ladles, Lamps, Dippers, tinrellior with Toil et Sets, Coal Buckets, Cosi Sieves, :Rwels and Tong.ti, 'tine iutd every wiriety of Tin %vitro slot /loons Ftaniehing kept Inn first clins store. JOHN STUART And lure for sale thotelebratra to tended to prtnniql) and bn reanontible terms . _Remember llte place. the green front oo_Xurtit r street. A few dimes alnico heather. Ili,. as a rail as tr• ars determined not to h.• under sold liy en) other parties In Ili's+ place Thatildul for lisst iiittroarigs rocilkal in, itnti , it, to Ili/ to Inly ux /1 Anzerlean Clothes Waqhes THE AMERICAN WASHER ! • PRICE $5.50 77,„ a ateriean IVnsher sores Money, Tillie ,and Drudgery. The Fatigue of \Washing I), no Longer Dreaded, but Econorny,' , Elieieuey, and Clean Clothing„Sure. EMI In railing publle utto.nth , “ 1.. tide li• tie 11/11e, It it•W of the Invnlunhle quallties, (....t 1/11•S,1•4•11, I.l' Amy other washing ntnehine yet to, , ntell.) are Into enumerated. It is the ninttileit, utoi r t coati t. twist [eatable, most simple t.conntruction, most en-i y operated A child ten yettrn old, with n lew practice, can tharonthly comprehend nod ellectoall, tete it. There In adjusting, no .1011,10 10 111/1111), 1111 delay In minding! It is alnuys ready for noe! lt In perftrt little )1 cagier! 1t is a miniature lint, tlon'g tnorg work and ufa better quality, thou tit • 1/1 it elaborate and 1-01111 y. One half .ff-tiof labs to 1111) eased by Ito no, 11 nit the dell.n will slant o egt fit longer than by ilfe old plan of the rob 6,111 It wilt )1111111 01. Lit keel toltinkf t Three oltirte at a thee, masitit g thettnighl,, ' ton noel, the ~blot m. ninny fabric, Iron. 11, 1 / 1 11/1. 11/ 11 lAD, Celt tin or Cambric Ilatelkercllta, nre initial y wrhio the ca pacity of thin 6.11' ti r.. 11 I! It can I u fa-tited to any tub and Inken off /It Wall No ninth. t 111.11,1101/11.11 11 111j11111 1' 11111 y, ...xi t itgalttat U'uslifog yiaehinee. the moment this little machine to ea•tt to t erfornt its notelet., nil tionl.ts slits clamming efficacy and ill lily ore ha:Oohed and thadoubter 1111(1 dotraetor lit '0 bee 11111 the 111111 friends era. machine. We hare teollineends without en 1. setting forth its 1111111,1111,1 otl, ganged ever 11 I ether, 01.11 trout gfond.c lo who Int 00,,;11 0011 11/111111 the 1111110 ily, leas tunridnett, wl telt 11110 e nlgn Illy loin. I to nee., pit It tllll'lll,fres protnined 1.1 pr t 111111 1111111 eptindlog advert linguini , . It In in; erfect for washlrg tft n wringer In for I,fluging. Thu pri. tf. an titer piratinenni Induce weta to pnrchandre, ban Infett plnc.ll se Inn that it In ithin the reach of ever) It, and Owl of in to.arti to of domestic ecunonly that wilt rep ,y the 01.11 efat talent no 1.01111. =IEEE M=El A. w. 111:Nri,t1:0 144.1t71 All 011 L as, I for.tliir (IRE tT LAIIOII SA V E 1 1• Is s lair trial, {Vs ptlarna es each Jaarhiau is tlo its s‘or,l, p•rfo-11p. Altars 1-01 t UNITI.II ST VIV.N. A. FRAN , 1:41. 1 S 3: 111... 513 Nliiiket BlreePl'hil:utolptd • p,. The Isrgo , t amid., pest WOODE:t WAI,E I•IICB e: iu 11l fulled States. 31:Lia rna .TEIVELIMS, SIL-VERSMITHS VIENNA RANOY GOODS! __ . . PARIAN STATUARYI Solid Silver War'e! TA S 1 ESC LIN ARIA NO It IS CA. ES FOR eIIIEAP COAL 1 =, The unslorslgnsofproponee to furnish !looniest and lkOVidllailt with coal at extremoty_low prices.— Ito Is prepared to all the varietion of lard' and Bolt smaist,*gettranterlng the cord received to 'lsLt, i the coal ordered, mid accurate In NVOitrht. ..1 Farman stud I,ltuolatrnern along the Ilno Of the Cumberland 'Valley railroad,. will be supplied sat moderato rates. . . It will ba to the savant/v.lO of purchasers to call on him bolero purchasing ulsowhors. , __, 1871 -.. . - NOTICE! ' ',r - ' -.. 1871 .. . . .:-...-3E/L...exivz-1 .- - cnprmw.rm- sQr. , • UF . ___. . ..• • . . ~. • - Fan and Winter . Dress Goods - , • .. . , . . - .... .4T . • - (:),' .•r o 8 '• % • • ~E , , ___ CHAEH' AP Sr - I'OEO-i" .4, . _ .North-east Corner Public Square, Carr4e; Pa. I invite the attention of all to our new and 'elegant, stock of Black Silk . at great - bargains, Fancy Silks, Silk Poplins,.Eping line's Cashmeres, Morinees; ,Empress Poplins, Satines Valours, Handsome Plaids, Alpacas, Delains,_ &c. A stipdrior brand of Black Alpaca, which for lustre, wear and price, cannot he equalled. Our Domestic Stock 43. complete, and at low. prices, cheap Blank ets, cheap Coverlets, and cheap White Quilts. , • . - SHAWLS.!.SHAWLS I l • • . . The and cheapest sto / ck: in the town, 300 clillerent styles 11 1 largest . to select from. • FURS ! .FUR! ! • „.. A splendid stock of Ladies'-and Children's furs, which will be sold :it great bargains. _ •Velveteens, black anal colored, from 50e t0i52,04. Water . Proofs, American and .English ma re, from . 'sl.oo' to $2.00. Lace Collars, Linen Collars and CutTh the latest styles, Gloves, Hosiery, &c., - a choice lot of CASSIMEIiES and CLOTHS, for men and boys' Wear. Suits made to order at short notice. No trouble to, show Goods.. Our motto, short profits and quick sales. We have a permanent buyer in the City always 011 the look out Tor bargains.. Examinefillr stock before purchasing elsewhere; as you can save 25 per Cent. . .. . . D. -- "A. SAWYER Stoves, Tinware and _Pumps Stoves and Tinware Among Ow nhe,l: of stover may be 111111111 the ANTI-CLINKER FIRE FLUE II E \IER t get her with WI the Intt•nt tity of I.A LOH, IU N 110101 AN D Coot: STD VES Wean also prvinkte.ll to fotruinh Pumps for Cisterns and Deep Wells, EEC= ROOVING, SP6UTINO, AND JOB WORK RITINESMITR S.,' RUPP, J. Nos. 62 and 64, NORTH HANOVF:R STREET, CARLISLE, ;loco I PA $5.50. ' !Pitches aiM Jewelry. J. E. CALDWELT S.; CO., 002 cnEsTrarr STREET, 11111AVIMPHIA, liiirlfc)i-torea, I=l3 FALL AND HOLIDAY GOODS, loVti:AciBll A SUPERB STOCK oK .1 ) Al{ IS BRONZES!, CLOCK A NE) :11,1 • Nigl. ))RNA M EN . TS! WEDDING PRESENTS ALS), A :•IM.ENDID ASSORTMENT OF FINE JEWELRY, WATCHES, C HAINS, ELECTRO-PLATED WAR S. Cheap Coal LAN IN YOUR WINTER COAL no rogpectfully 6311cIta n litaro or public patron ego. °Nom prompily npo 1. °B°vo„llleN'pa 17a17111 Valuable Real 1? talc for Sale p.ußLic SALE I= On Thursday, October 26, 1871 The endernigned, exeraters of J 111,111) Ilarlionn, deceased, o ill offer at piddle male, an the priiiiieea, (Ili UPI :1116V0 day, thin 11/Hewing eleierl and real ward°, A tract.olland Nititated In North ship, on tar road tr. ni Carl lola to the Curbs]. Springs, two at 11 a-half nailpiu front ( al lime, and ad joining Wino's, Bridge, on the Nor th idols, of the C. creek, rnnlolui , g 1.19 At'llES AND T.:t I'Mltt'llg and lousing thereon rreclial It IWO-S - TOR DIVELIANO !!OUSE half brick and hall wenthitrboartleil, ii'peel Bank harp, and otbeb olilbuildings. The tarot ix twitted on the North bank of the Contelognt not creek ,111111 there hi a welter water in theyard. Persons chairing Information in regard to the prop, try, bolero the day of sale, tt ill call on .11,11 N R. 3111.1.11 R, tett , 'Sale to comment, et 1 o'clock p. no, token terms will be mile known by ISAAC WISE, SA RAU II A IM AN, 3t Ex toni VALUABLE RESIDENCE ' - ion SA LE 15;111 I sold at private note that tore Ilediralolu properly, the resident, of the late thdifrey Otekler, immediately east of Carlisle, adjoining t he property of J,.W.110,11.r, esti 'Elie lot eontrins nearly ACRES, milli a large II utile TWO-STOR Y BRICK 1101:84 Frume Stubleearid nil neeesravy outbuildings. There Is ttlsoenrlety 11 eta he'l Fruit, Ornamental Trees, arid Grillo Vises Ilionn this - properly, with It good gurden nUuched, 111111 troll 111 . water I,lllVeltiellt. t 1 Oro Poreliwiws nrv• Ito Its• I In 1:X11101110 the prinulsen. and Inr tern, will rnll tin HENDERSON lt HAYS. 171::S. .7. M. C(EI7.I.EIt, Esveutrix MOM VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE The undersigned offers at private sale, his farm In North NH11 , 11011.11 township, one ad ire:odor Carlisle, - and adjoining the four House ferni,. containing 103 aeres, wit., a giral Sion. llouse,c - liltalti lig eix rooms, and a Stone and Frame Horn thereon er.cted. and eel' and cistern 11 . 11/ the fluor. An or. bald of choice fruit tr1..111 In n . 1 ,011 bearing (...nditioo. Th,. land giallil I:olive:demi he throbs! into two 1001111 (111 . 108, is in good cond lion, and in nell•linosi ii to be ait productive es any Ind in I umherbal, Vol ”y. For terms call-on—tine indersiglied, ru Wing on the Kent's., or address hi n by lei ter tit Carlisle, En. Also, a tiwet of isiiil in J'erry county, grown i ver with yin.* thriving lliestnut Timber, containink II acres and 7 10.3 - chf.4.bnonded on the north by the PetecJiiiig road, on tor, east i.e land of lir Ileriniiii, on the west by hoot of runplri floor, on the south by 10n11 and clear field on top of 111011.110 0, and !In,' lining It of a mile Iron/ the hoer., on Stet rrlt's hip, and about ell miles from the hirin :Haul] if - JONATHAN HOLMES. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. • 'r rs ho mid mignuil w.II ollcr at iii irate sale, it lot of grand in tits 1 / 1 11.11.111 01 l'itrliiilo,pn %%est .41114.1, ours., i. Emory Coimel, ailjoini..g property ol .liiii. 'ibis:tits iiii the south, and 111r+ Hoffer col the tinri 11; intalmng go 'Pet 011 11'1,1 street, nod 12 i le 1 deep. running to nii alley, and luting thereon erected a .1 , 1“) swicy illticii HOUSE ar II lark building, containing set en 1111.11, and a %Viith 11. use, or tiutt.iile Hit. loin. The bonne It. supillisl with ,14tor and um, iti dls In exce lent urger. The are lieurlitiii,' i.'11114 (;11lPell and Apple.; iti the u. lot. Terms easy. For lur.litir information a i a ly lo S. t. 'AGUE, ~--ii". Carlisle. IMIBM A DESIRABLE PROPERTY AT I•Ill V ATE The . ite and. raigned Ilia loots i 111111 lot at pH. Vale .111., .1.11,11•,1 100 Wl. t No. 711. Tho lot .a 1 - 1111i1 011 SOIIIII 1 411.14, Mot 740 tioit deep, Old , rood. g n All all 1• 1 1, 1,0 root, having Clod, aireideil a SINE .1•11 0. FHA:II6 1101',1. vaaeil ((lin 1010111 gad Lurk buildl gaud a bogy Moon at the I. Id; &ad., idola 114,er-falling well of venter at tho frankdour, Alai, 1/111' 11111, hllll,l l t with n 111 111.11111 01,11 In It, 1111111 Lnnxr , ear rldge lilt all uerrsur, , n building. , idiot all In good 1/1 . 1 1 1 1 1 Thr lot in ell with cloiletid git • r Portions Inli Og to ‘liiiv the 1/1 . 111i1.1t . 1,111 do no I.) rolling on die owner re aiding tho pl ME= EEC EURNITIIIit. 1 CHAITURE. A B. EWING, CA 111 'FT vAKER .1N1) WeSi .Ifeein. Street, OI'I'OSITE LEE'S WAItEIIOUSE, Premium for 'lte t Furniture awaraml it Id! C.lllllly telt. einee In 17: Fuenitmeerall vs... Mies toil ntyrt Foreign mill llumestie in 'trailer( tate, him the thlw't Conti, owl and mahogany to the I went tolmel maple and One. ffillrlZE = K TM EN ..1 *ND U N T UI B.A.r, End) acing evory 41191c10 um,,l I y t•ooss nod 114/I4) of the no/ ; svp...vo l',111 , •xoltle 10111 /4h. In. In Ong also fl P •go himiture to Mitts ; Itscololon nod Vamp Iltair4 Flllllll.B, P1et111.44, 4 • 1111..t.i. II 01 . .11 /I[l 41411:41 Wilmer-41:14, orders loon tool. on I volottly hills:l4le I to promptly, and 41,1 itosloralo terms Special (tool ion paid to the r;leciion r t f II I'a pO. A E. Livery and Salo Stables IVERY, SALE, AND EXCHANGE L smutx. J. L. STERNER & BROTHER, =1 lIORSES AND .7,A11111A0N.3, TO 1111 LE ON REAHDNADLE TEltAltl, AND AT 81101ITEST NOTICE. CARRIAIRNISTIOUO FOR FUNERALS tOr N. dl. Stikl,lo room lor•50 bond of lon sfafi keep. .17 w 1,70;, • LIVBRY AND_EXCILINGE, STA BLEs. B 0 6. BB E 7' Z. Ilatidad; recently purchased the liveMy st ible of Goo. Won, they would ro neeffaally announce to 014 citiu!ola of this place. that they hove recently purchased at number id new vehicle, Iv addition, a 1.., they have had their entire stock of Wiggler, earflaps awl robs, • RE-PAINTED, RE-MODELED, and dandled up In the Intent city atyle. Hutson and Darrlagcn to biro at. the Anneal NOTICE, AND ON IHlt3D+.' Vuldelee furelahed for all I eCllliiolllll. the plane; a few doors South of the 0. V. felt. de. pot In U. W. llllton'a.old stand. " . 110811 k BRETZ. Dritgs and'Fancy Goods, PURR AND' UNADULTERATED MUMS CAN ALWAYS BE OBTAINED AT J. B. lIAVERSTICK'S No. 5 South Hanover Street. Carllalo, to. N. IL-trim:l - 101am carOfully and accurately camp led at all Unica. "- • . 15Jo7ltr J 1 3 . iIAYERSTICK; • NO 6 13011TH HANOVER' STREET; OARLIBLE, PA Donlei to . • Drugs, Modloinos, GOODS. VICTORY OVER ALL! A GRAND RUSH GREJT 13,4 R G-v_ ! Every person invite l d- to-call-and 'see that,this is no trash thrown upon the market,: nil NEW, FAMIONAIIa AND DMIIAIII.I. 0-001)S! DUKE & BURKHOLDER 'Have now one or the Largest Steel; or NEW GOODS ever opened in Carlisle. Call and see our elegant Bittek GrOs•(.4 rain Silks, lap:mese 1,1()I,P;;, Sutinett,, Merinos, 13o,lerno Cloths, Prince Cords, Empress end Mohair Poplins, all in the nee Va and - tidiest shaded WE SELL ALL KW GOODS,, Mlll9 SHORT PROFITS THE STORE to get a Fine Shawl, Cloths and Cassimeres fon suits in the latest styles, comprising • IM!EI2IESTEI MIME 111=11=1=112 and all good brands of English, French and American manufactures..., FURS ! ! FURS From the best House in New York, and at prices that astonish the consumer. Call and price these goods, and save twenty-five per"cent. Stack., of 101 . $1 , : FURNI:4IIINO FLANNEL , AT OLD PRICES NOTIONS in great varieties We buy our goods direct from the . manufacturers and importers, and can sell lower than any house in the valley. Call and see and be convinced. No old styles or shelved goods% .our stock. ('all at ta• lIIJR .t North Hanover street, helms Cnrrlinle Depimit 'Bunk DRY GOODS MEE R., A.T_. -V.A_LTT Harkper's! souTif LIANovEit sTREET, MIME f you want a nice Calico Dress, ,os want a ski, url.llul , Wraiiper, C you want a nice Alpaca Lustre, If pio wont a Biol. i l'ore Mohair, f you want a nice Cassimere Suit, it 3011 wool a Ili. , Cloth Snit. f you want a nice Table Linen, If yoo wont oho. Fell ielloop Skirt, you want a Mee Opera Flannel, If you wont I Miniboom, Shawl, f you *ant a Handsome Lace Collar, If you wont n Handsome Lace Ilmoilkerchill f you want Hamburg Edging Cheap, 11 yOll wont linipuro Lorna 1, hell, f you want Linen Handkerchiefs Cheap t If you wont •Dry lloyda Cheap,. CALL AT I-1 A. 8., I=' = TZ ' S . You 0111 find an extenalve and anyerlor variety r. Dress Bonds, comprising Caolttuerea, Awesllan Crape, Silk and Wool Repps, Plain and Plaid Pop lins, Blank Silks, and a conittleta assortuen,i of Staple Dress Goodo. Aloe, Illanketo,Plannels, Water proof lispellanto, l'elveteltaa (Black, and Colored), 311olno Shirts and, Demers, la Iles' Merino Pmts, le Mel 11.11' leg (it new article), and full 11. es of Nations, White lords and Itlblanat If y. would e tool erll at' toy store, where prices "ivory foretold) with a ycu ado side of I he Eastern CHI a T. A. II A I' 9 —Jo.apl,, filth, $1 10 6„1 i 7 I Ili FIVES Ch eti pest C; uJ 61 EA PEST _0(.).0., 4 4,.-Tho io .lersl,tited n roes to flu visit Coal to ICI rartienreither {'..r — Fantily — or --- blittelattatersLune, nt :111.11 MI., Ism i ell • try accept the following: Int. Tit Ind, 01 Coal In Company tem. 21.1 (11111 . 1. N mine weight, irtenpectl.le of any into lit shipment by lenity tun, ho. 31 ti. 4. deity, your coal,. it I . striet to hand, without re•ncreetting dirt and all. , 411 a. That lit the above xttentioned mode of bunt teat titt! will • • LOSE TEN PER CENT So that when 20 loos bought and YOU REALLY OEY BUTAROIITEEN TONS 'To this fact all regular deal•rrs trill testify. rob To strive to get your coal trout any breaker yon may desire, lint as we hero to toady° what Is mtt, be it Sllllllllit ltranult, fig Lich, or Shbrt Moun tain front 141.1,0 - alley. Until of tiara being not So 11/odrahle: the 0011111 applying to the hard cool bresketo also; you to tithe It as It ix sent to us. titit: An this hind of business Is done On • tllO 111/11- WWI COolitny's sidinge,lll/ not ask to 800 11 0111111111/ of coal. 'They do let a 100 . 111111, than 24 bourn' one of siding; we therefore cannot show' what WO can Avnlelt you. Sinutid‘you wish to purehase coal where it eon 110 /men at all limlre, kept to tho dry, = EIEM e'en it eithrr yard or the Nthrre yf ur tulles. is II Ito promptly filled, stud itroutibu to ea,n you the loss and vuxution canned b}• using- dirty nod injerioi• coal, thereby giving your supply for Ws. money than nay one can do by forninhing the lee of mine. . • 24ussiltf , it. BLAIR. Edittational AIRY VIEW ACADEMY, . rlinityviLLE, JUNIATACO. PA iOR MALE AND FEMALE PUPILS. -- -A . first-rate school, combined with the comforts of home. Attractively titillated ono-Ntrth of a sidle (turn time Pa, It. It., inn I,64titlful and healthful re• gion. Your regular olhltitites,, assisted by other Juntipotent Instructor ,