Tun ILLUSTUATUD CiffirsTlAN WERufir for` July 15, - contains - ti,` - Variety of: inter eating Matter, among which are the fol lowing. illustrated articles: Egyptian ' Nile Boats;. Lake George :' pfe in the coal *ince; Tree Chapel of AlOnville.o The paper enters, with this number, - _,. upon the second quarter of its existence, and 60 publishers, in order that they may better introduce it-to their friends. offer to send it to any new subscriber, from the - prosentdate to the first of San nary, for seventy-five) cents; a rate which, it ;is believed, renders it the cheapest illustrated paAr, in the country. The paper is enriched 'by articles from Dre. Adams, Skinner, 'Schaff; Buding ton, Duyler, and „Rankin, Profeeiers Baird, S. S. ;G. Abbott, Dr. Ball, and others. Darling,, , Hart,. Gifford, Bashi ter, and Chapman contributed to the art department. While. the paper has never lost sight of its Christian Mai, it has illustrated tiro breadth of the Christian rOgion by the range of its topics. - r, ~~ PnEBERVING FRUIT.—As the 'season for 'preiervfpg fruit 'has. already , com menced, a 'ldy friend has kindly-fur nished the following . 'recipes, showing th • -proper periods of time to boil. various kinds - of fruit, _to gether with the amount of Sugar required by each kind to the quart, which will be of interest, to many housekeepers, and, perhaps, of use to them : Cherries, boil (Ivo minutes, in six ounces of sugar. Raspberries, boil six minutes, in four ounces of sugar. Blackberries, boil six minutes, 'in six ounces of sugar. -Strawberries, - boil eight minutes, in . eight ounoes of sugar.. Plumbs, boil ten minutes, in eight ounces of sugar. Whortleberrios, boil Rve• minutes, in four ounces of sugar., Pieplants, slic4, boil ten minutes, in ton ounces of sugar. , Small Sour Po ars, whole, boil thirty minutes, in eight o uncos of sugar, Bartlett Miami, in halves, boil twenty minutes, in six ounces of sugar. Peaches, boil flOs minutes, in four ounces of sugar. Peaches, whole, boil fiftoe \I minutes, -,Vin four ounces of sugar. Pineapple, sliced, boil fifteen minutes, in six ounces of sugar. ' Siberian or crab npplo, boil tAyenty minutes, in eight ounces of sugar. Sour apples, quartered, boil ten min utes, in fly() ounces of sugar. Ripe currants, boil six minutes, in eight ounces of sugar. Wild Grapes, boil tou minutes, in eight ounces of 'sugar. Gooseberries, boil eight minutes, in oig lit ounces of sugar. Quinces, sliced, boil fifteen minutes, in ten ounces of sugar. Tomatoes, boil twenty minutes, with- out sugar CilAxon OP POST.—The fell owing or ders have been issued in regard to the Recruiting Depot at Carlisle Barracks : HEADQUARTERS CAV. SUB. DEPOT, Carlisle Barracks, July 18, '7l. SPECIAL ORDERS No. 73 [Extract.] I. In compliance with General Orders No. 12, Headquarters Mounted Recruit ing SeVvice, dated St. Louis Arsenal, Mo., April 26, 1871, this post is hereby discontinued as a Cavalry Sub. Depot( 11. The pormauent.party, disposable recruits and recruiting property of the Sub. Depot will be transferred to the General Mounted Recruiting Depot at St. Louis, Mo., and will leave this post on Thurs day, the,2oth instant. By order of Capt. E. V. SUMNER, 3 . : M. WALIIKEN t Commanding. Ist Lieut. and Adj. Bth Cay., Post Adj. THE Hagerstown Mail, whose Democ racy none will ,deny, pitches ungloved into the "now departure" men, and con cludes an editorial on " The Senseless ness of Departures" as follows : Departures forsooth 1 A. nd departures from what I Simply a Departure from principle! A Departure from the princi ples enunciated by Washington and Ad ams, Hancock and Jefferson, Clay and Calhoun—that white menishould rule in the land I New lights) have already .sprung up—Lincolus,• Butlers, Grants, Beechers, Stunners, Greeleys, Philipsos, . and even Fultons—who have taught, and some of whom still teach a " new • departure," or more properly speaking an " old departure" from an old truth— • the truth of Democratic Principles! The • principles taught by these now lights in • dicato the sentiment that the 'negro is not . do inferior being to the white man,.but is Jas equal in all; and the " new" depart ure as well .as the "old" departure (into which some unthinking Democrats have been enticed) is • simply a departure front 'the fundamental principle of the Federal as well.as the Democratic Fathers above mentioned.. Whenever we hear a Demo crat talking about "Hemecratio Depart ures," we at once assume he does' not know what he is talking -about, or has abandoned his ancient faith. AT au, coming October elution the claims_ of _ Pennsylvania will vote upon the question of calling a Convention to amend the Stain" Constitution, under the following act passed by the Lagisla lature : SECTION 'L. Be It enacted, t e., That the question of calling a convention to amend the constitution of this common wealth bo submitted to a vote of the "peo ple at the general election,to be held on' the second Tuesday of October next, the said question to bo voted upon in man ner, following, to wit : In counties and cities in which .slip ticket voting is - au thorized by law, votes for and against a convention mapbe expressed and given upon the ticket . headed or endorsed with the "State," and not otherwise ; and the Words used shall be " Constitu tional Convention" or "against . a Con vention." and in counties or districts in which slip ticket voting isnot author ized by law,-each elector voting Upon said question, shall cast a separate bal lot, endorsed on tho outside, " Constitu tional Convention," and containing the words "for ,a Convention" or against. a Convention ;" and all .votos cast ..as aforesaid shall be received, counted, and returned by the •proper election officers .and return judges as votes for governor aro received, counted - and received un- Aar exiating.laws— SECTION 2. That the election afore said shall be hold and bo subject to all the provisions of law which apply to general elections •, the sheriffs of the sev eral counties shall give notice of this act in their , election proclamation the pres ent year, and the .Governor shall cause .all the returns of the said elections, as received by, the Secretary of the Com monwealth, to be laid before the Legis lature at its next annual .tricoting„. EANALINCEUENVO Trn finest photographs aro still Made by C. •L. Loohman. His pictures are equal to the best-mad° in large cities, and much superior , to most made in the country. He gains daily in • reputation , and outstrips all Competitors. He 4e . - "inoyed his gadory from Neff's building: some time ago, and is now permanently established over Leidichitls Miller's store,, whore the public, is cordially invited to drop is" and. examine specimens: Ho hoops on hand a largo lot of excellent' frames, ho sells vemr, FARM Whortolberrios at Hunirich's re ceived daily. APPLE and 'peach butter at Ilumrloh'e. FOR a choice slice Of ham, and beef chipped data ready for use, go tia - 3:11. Moloy's, south Pitt street, CHAPMAN'S IS the place for children's pictures. OFTEN the rioh insure far the 'benefit of their heirs; fortune sometimes traces wings, and at the ,death of the head of a family the helpless survivors are un proiided for, unless insured in a reliable company, such as the North American 'Mutual, of Philadelphia. $lOO,OOO de posited with the Auditor Qeneral of I?ennsylVania, as, seourity for all policy holders.. l Harrisburg Branch, No Third street, ) Harrisburg. A. C. BELLOWS, . General Agent..' • Fon suspenders, handkerchiefs and paper collars, go to J. 11. Wolf's. FOR a choice roasted coffee, go to Meloy'a. 13ju712t Suotainns, sides, dried beef, beef tongues, sugar cured hains, whole or sliced, pickled and" canned oysters,' at Humrieh's. ron largo assortment of walnut and gilt frames, go to Chapman's. KAFFENIIERGER, having just returned from Europe, is now prepared to resume the business of 77iair dressing, curling, braiding, &c;i - hi all the latest styles, as heretofore, at-the old stand in Mechanicsburg, Pa. Work done at the very Wisest rates. SwaiTana and American cheese, just received a?Humrich's. CHAPMAN has an arrangement of in struments by which ho can take a pic ture of a child in half the ordinary time. ;PIIING CilC ens a sa:nta Pirm apples, poaches, tomatoes, at Humrich's. Fon fine photographs goto Chapman's, 21 West Main street. i 1 , • J. IL 'WOLF sells the cheapest cor sets, hoop skirts and bustles. Go to Madame Rote for youPchignons, switches, curls, &c. Go to 3.- H Wolf's, No. 19 North - Hanover'stniet, for jet and plated ..jew elry, bracelets, &c. Commxoe mado into switches, chig nons, curls, frizetts, &c., at Madame Rotes LITSEBORNERB' coal constantly on hand. Also a full assortment of lumber at the lowest prices, at the yards of _ A. H. Ihnin. 25au70. LADIES desiring a beautiful and fash ionable bat or bonnet, go to Madame Rote, three doors ~ below Bentz's dry goods store. Go to Madame Rotes for all your sash ribbons, lace collars, setts jewelry and all millinery goods, No. 35 South Han over street. ATTEND to securing your coal for win ter while prices are low and quality good. Call at the yards of A. H. BLAIR. WANTED 1 A. good blacksmith wanted immedi ately. Apply to Philip Hammond, cor ner of North Hanover and North' streets, CarlislO', Pa. GO and Roo the largo assortment of kid gloves at J. H. Wolf's. BOARDERS WANTED The proprietor of the famous summer resort at Carlisle Springs, hereby gives notice that he is prepared to accommo date about twenty more boarders. These Springs are so well known for their medicinal qualities that no further de scription is necessary. On inquiry at Carlisle, passengers will be taken direct to the Springs by J. L. Sterner & Bi•o., livery stable keepers, Carlisle, Pa. WM. STITZEL, Proprietor, Carlisle Springs, Pa 22j071tf. , You can save money by buying your notions and Biwa: wares from J. H. Wolf, No. 18 North Hanover street. WANTED A general agent for Cumberland coun ty, by one of the oldest and most popular Life Insurance Companies in the country. Address R. Kent, care of A. L. Sponslor, Carlisle, Pa. - • Fon a ❑no assortment of Hamburg and Swiss edges, cotton fillige, and Marseilles trimmings, go to Volf's. t BETTS of jet jewelry for 10 cents, at Maclaine Rotes. - Ftais and parasols at reduced prices, at J. It wows. DOLLARSTORE Just received a largo lot •of looking glasses, writing desks, work boxes, largo and small casters, tea pots, sugar bowls, butter disbes; tea and "'table spoons, arrows for the hair, ladies' underwear, and othor•brticles too numerous to men tion. Call and examine. Constantly , receiving now goods, all for the sum of ono dollar each., 18 West Main street ,POTATOES. =Poach ' Blows—by the wholesale. EBY & Soto, •4ma7ltf Harrisburg. If you wish to buy ribbons cheap, and see a good assortment, .go to J. THE CUMBILIILAND VALLEY SItPARA- Tort.--A Great Buocesa.-11arvest' is over and a number of "big,crops !' have been already thrashodi cleaned and bagged, in the best 'Style, ready for market, by ' this now Separator, manufactured, by F. Gardner & Co., at the Carlisle Machine Shops. , The. now Cumberland' Valley Separator proves itself to be Just the. machine the farmer wants—runs , easy, tbreshos rapidly, and cleans perfectly— simple in construction, easy, to keep in ):?pair, and built in the ;hest style.' Our farmers will no longer have to send away hundreds ofrniles' to other States for a Separator. They can now. get ono at home, inferior .to none, In workingi capacity, and at a very considerably lobs cost than the. Western - and many other ,machines. Without wagons the Cumber land Valley' Sepanitor' is so low in Price •that every thrifty farmer , can afford Co , have!lbno on hie own barn Soon' _ •,. 3220-13 t ME TO PAPER' MANUFACTURERS.. -- Sealed -- promsals will be - received - at the Office of the , . Superintendent of Pub Ili) Printing, at Harrisbiug,'Pa., for sup plying the State with Printing Paper, said paper to bo book paper, measuring 26 by '4O 'lathes, i r md to weigh respoc .tively 40 and 50 pounds to the ream, and to bo sized and super calandered: Also, double flat cap, ineasuring'l7 by 26 inches, Weighing 28 pounds to the ream, and to bp _tub-sized. BidS will bo received for each kind separately. Said proposals to be opened hi presence of bidders; on MONDAY, the first, day of August, 1871, at the Offices& the Super intendent, at 12 o'clock, m. The con tract to run for one year. Tho successful bidders will be required rigidly .to conform ,to samples, which will be furnished upon application at the office of the SupOrintendent. Said proposals must be accompanied with guaranty and securities, as required by Acts of tenth April, 1867, and tenth April, 1868. JOAN 3PcURDY; Superintendent of Public Printing HARD:kern:MG, PA.,: July 17, 1871. A LARGE addition lately made to the stock of lumber, in the yards of _ . A. H. BLAIR. EVERYBODY buys that 7 inch sash ribbon for $1.25, at Madame 'Rotes. FOR SALE A large merchant mill, situated in Harford county, : Maryland, about—one and a half miles from " Edge Wood” sta-. iionrod Philadelphia; Wilmington, and Baltimo_ro railroad, has' four run of burrs, with capacity of 20,000 barrels, which with a small outlay, can be in- Creased-to 30,000 barrels. Also, a fine farm adjoining the mill, containing 340 acres, 200 acres of which Is clearod, and in a high state of cultivation ; there aro 3 houses on the farm, also, barn, stable, corn house, &c., &c., For further infor mation apply to E. J: Stiow & Co., No. 10, Spear's Wharf, Baltimore, Maryland. -B-NOTICE. 4rna,7l3m As I wish to treat all my customers alike, I will hereafter.give a credit of six months on all my work, or five per cont off for cash. All accounts payable on first of-January and first of July. As my success depends upon makiUg good 'work, I endeavor to get well seasoned stock an'd good workmen.: Thankful for past favois, I beg a continuance of the same. Corner of Pitt and South streets. A. B. SHERI; :13ju7ltf. . Carlisle; Pa. FOR BALE OR RENT A large and commodious three-story brick house, on the corner of Main and Bedford streets, now occupied by Mrs. Gordon, has all the modern improve ments, with brick stable and ice house attached. Inquire of It. E. Shapley, corner of North and• Pitt streets.l Fon a plug of good Navy Tobacco, .go to Meloy's, South Pitt street. . FnEsu country cabbage, beets, and beans, received daily at Rumrieh's, SPECIAL NOTICES The best Fruit Jnr in the market. Pore angers for pro...riling purposes. flatus of the very boot tirouthi,- wholo or sliced. -Choice old - whom nod Wooterti homily flour for role by J. M. MASONIII33IEIt. Southwest corner Pomfret nod Pitt otrects, 8341 t f Cerliele, Pa. SOUTH END Wo have just received, of our own im portation by ships Hope and Midas, two large invoices: of plain and ceree -iron stone queenswarc of very fi ne diary,, which wo offer at redUced prices. Akio fifty boxes very best factory cheese, small sizes, direct from the manufactur ers, which we offer at greatly reduced prices. Also 100 quarter barrels extra fat No 2 mackerel, which we offer at extra ordinary low prices. We warrant all thegoods we sell. Wm.rikarn & SON, July 5, 1871. - Carlisle BE WISE, wisdom will &mat you: be pot always eon. trolled by your incredulity, hundrods have bought NILO from the Im?Trors of Dyspepsia through the Imo TI lam of Dexutii'ANTI•DTSPEPC STOMACH BITTERS a found It. Why should you suffer alien this adult. rahle stomachic liar cured many similar cases-why do you doubt while other believe and are cured? Delay In this matter Is bo th dangerous and unproll tnblo. Your health, lumpiness and business suffers, while constant neglect Is frequently foil wed by serious end uncoil trollable results. Dement's BITTERS lire equally useful In the numerous difficulties attending lndl glAtI011; us BILIOURNE.S. BoNSTIPATION, dc., while ,or Fevre nod Aaux and other disorders proceeding from hlts‘m.trs, It I. the only reliable preventive and remedy hamrn. S 24s eOO [A CARD TO THE LADIES.] „- Dlt. DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PERIODICAL FOR FEMALES. INFALLIBLE IN CORRECTING IRREGULARI- TIES, REMOVING OBSTRUCTIONS OF THE mon . FILT PERIODS, FROM WHATEVER CAUSE, AND ALWAYS SUCCESSFUL AS eA PREVENTIVE. 7, k• :~ But what ut sOlllO Porld3 of lier Life Wlllolnd the DUPONCO GOLDEN PILLS Just the it(tedielne she needs. For Nervous Debility, Burning down Pales, ra.pit.tieu of the heart, IteLdeed, rroglilar or Painful Menstruation, hush of Blued to the -.Goad, - 7 ev e r .known .4r.c. An. Three are tho rod) Pilo. ever .hnown that 10111 cure tholVhites, (the) will ..ore In °lei) case.) They mover tail , met rimy be depet.ded upon In evliry s Case where the notably now hue been obvtructed through cull or disease. DUPON • CO'S 001. DEN PILLS Away. piVe ituntedisde relief being especially prepared for niurrittllndlea. A lady writes: Deportee's Golder, Pills re laved 1. In mt' day, without Inconvenience. ties Oilt.lo. TDB OENUP:B Is now put op In Largo (ll bite) Boxes n,,,iittlinlng, doublo quantity of Flit., end upon raelt box, you will find tho Rerearts Stomp, printelrfn!to my Pd.' vote No, upon models Lem/I/min. or the Shoup you will Ilud tho words DUPONCO'S BOLDEN to In Witile Leiters without that none are serail. Full t t ml nip Icit direct ons n ecompa ,y reels box. Prlco $l.OO per Lox. !fix boxes $5.00. Bo:d by one Druggist in ovary town, valogo, city and hamlet throughout the mold. Bold to Carlisle, Pa, by El' A, Haversack, Druggist, No.:10 North list , ovrr BC. Bold also by Brush & !less. r, bleelmulesburg. Pa, and J. C. Altiek,lihippons burg. LADIES I ity sending him $1 to tho Curled° 'post Alm Can Intro the Nils soot by mail r 0 any yari flocountry, Iron of puauge. t Mono gelatine unless tho box Is signed .'• B. D. LIOWB, ' 8010 Proprlotor,'Now York.. , !MI Crrmstinnv is furnishing us new agents for fuel, force, food, and many other hn portant aids over dies° we once pos sessed. Ports from which commercel was driven during the hot mongis by their terrible fevers aro visited 'all the year with impunity now. " Many locali ties in the South and West kept tenant less by their deleterious miasma are. now tilling up with populations under the protection of Ayer's Ague .Cure. Their afflicting Chills and Paver aro so effect ! uafly cured by this rembdy, that the dis ease no longer turns emigration aside or destroys the settler if he ventures upon its infected districts. [" Gazette," In doimmdences Mo. HALL'I3 Vogotablo Sicilian Hair Ite. newer prevents- the hair, from 'turning gray, and restores hair to its natural' Saari ribbons, 7 inches wide, for 1.25, at Madamo :Rotes. Lees collim for 10 cents, af Madnino Rotes. LIE vlioast lacc collars ,lu .Carllslo, at Madame lotor. Qo tolitutuno'ROCa'forinnr bath and bpunotn. ‘.. A FEW WORDS TO THE LADIES ' - paiticularly-mothare . nursing,-mm 'plain of a tired, listless feellog, or • complete eihone Lion, on arising In the morning. On the- wife and mother defolees the reapotteibility of tegulathig the ;duties of 4 t IM household. Her cares aro nameroue, and the mental as well as the physical powers are frequently called Into requittitlon. She often, finds her slightest occupation a weary teak . and °Meiotic° a burden, while ntibe'eame time ebb has no regular Memo. IlestettOr's Stomach Bitters, in restored to at this period, will prom an unfailing ,remedy for this annoying lassitude. The effects of thin potent agent are soon seen in We rosy Shook and elastic step of the head of the fancily, as with restored health and renevitidkiiiillinifte takes her accustomed place In Om family circle. If this friend In need be regularly used, the.e depressing symptoms will never be complained of, and not only - Would lust tad° not be experlemvd, but many - diserisen tog its advent be avoided. An a medical agent It has no equal, while lte pia:l44 flavor and healthful effects hove made It a goneral..favorite. It in free from all properties calculated to Impair the system, and its operations o ar° nt once mild, mottling and (Octant. All who have used the Bitters attest its virtues and commend it to use. , ljedtjull-.1m71 LIVE STOCK MARKETS Npnrlay, July 17, 1871 . The - arrivals and sales of Beef Dsttle were large this week, reaching about 2,800 head. The cattle market was very dull this week, and prices were We adlfed and lower, oaring to the large receipts. EXTRA FAT CA TILE, per lb - FAIR AND 0000 CATTLE... ...,. 6(e07 COMMON COWS and CALVES were duller, and no , de mand. We gunk Springers at $5O, and (bins and 4 (bins a $5O. Receipts of 250 head. - - .FHB I' '6,re:in:fair Hemand at an advance. 18,- COO tasty sold at t.©oo 11 lb, gross. as to condition. ROCS' nrerefirmera 2,200 head sold at $0 00@0 76 104 lb. net. . . BUY THE B'EST The _Cabinet Range with hot eloset is, vithout doubt, - the finest cooking and baking range in the market, and saves ono-third the fuel of cooking= stoves. Call and see theth at Wni. Fridley'S store, No. 21 North Hanover street. Also look at his refrigerators, water coolers, broad safes, umbrellastands and a full line of house furnishing goods. 2tima7ldm MkRKPTS CARLISLE PRODUCE MARKET. Corrected Weekly by B. C.. 1 Woodward. Otrlisle, Weelneway, July 19, 1871. FAMIL—Y — PhOUR SUPERFINE FLOUR 4 50 SUPERFINE RYE FLOUR 4 60 WHITE WHEAT a 1 40 RED WHEA 7' 1 719 RTF CORN NEW OATS OLD OATS . CLOrEfesEii, . TIMOTHY:WED FLAXSEED CARLISLE PROVISION MAP.RIer. Corrected Weekly by Wm. Blair- Son qirlisle, Wednesday, July 10, 1871. BL TTER $ 14 EGCY 15 LA RD TALLOW 07 B E ES W A X. 25 BA CON HA SIR 14 do .SHOULDERS 10 do SID ES . 10 'Pi/11TE IDEA NS 1 60 PA RED PEA CITES 20 UNPA RED du 10 DRIED APPLES 00 RAGS ' 03 I [lrnm the PhilelelflPUll. North Am. - H...] PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. 1+1,01:111, GRAIN AND SEEDS. Plgilodelylgiu, July 18, 1871. EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR *4 50 EXTRA FLOUR ' 660 RYE FLOUR 5 50 OLD WESTERN RED 1 48(c5 1 50 NEW SOL TIIERN 1111E.17' ...... 1 3504 1 43 RYE 90 CORN 73 OATS CLOYERSEED , Ikslo c per lb TIMOTHYSEED 4 50 FLAXSEED 2 00 MARRIED DEW A I.T—C o LLIO—On thp Irtoentfi instant, )), Hun W. M. Fry4lngor, Morton T. Dowalt, of Perry ounty, to Mi. Julia Ann (Nino, of thlo county. DE¢THS. Olt ACHY.— On Monday I.st, at 1114 mildew, in Plithiigh, Roy. Robert Oraroy, In thy 59 h 3,90. of his ago lIENTLEFINOIIR Wodnes•lar, fifth instant, at her r. Mitten. in 311111 , 0 township, Mrs. Susan Reillotluger, ag••d about fib yours. the 4 tuturth inktatit, In North bliddleton township, John 11 , . , 11nytt,ttged t.!3 3 ears, 10 muuths and 6 days. "" iILOSER. , —On the liiirtieth ultimo, nth's residence in Blosereville, ISIIIIum Elosor, in the Nth year of hie age. YOUNG —On the eighth in.tant, at his residence in West Pennsbore` township, Abriliarn Young, aged 80 years. NEW TO-DAY: ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Loners of adniiiii. (ration ou the estate of NVlMain Moser. deceased, late of Fran Rford town ship. base been Issued by the Register of Cumberland county to the autmeriber, residing in North Middle ton township All persona Indebted to said estate Will plena make pas meet, and those having OMITs to present them, duly aullielitlcstod, to the under signed, fur settlement WILLIAM It, BLOSER, Admsnlxtrator 20J 01. • ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- Lettere of adinhilettation on -the estate of I ?avid Musson demised, ho o of Bost Venneboro ' town ship linen boon Issued hi the Siegister of Omnilierlnud county to the subscriber, reeldnic In said townoLip All persului intehted to sold estate will please make Immediate pnytnent, lull these having 0 slms to present them, duly authenticated, to the utelershined for settletn• lit. ABRAM.COULE, AdmlnNtr.Wr 2OJuTI. CUAIBERLAND VALLEY R. R. C U ItSIONV I.Xe.UIISIONI etigual Cop Meetlog for too Carlisle Mattel Motliodiei tdoleropal Chinch, will be bold NEA d r ° VI LIA: STATION, on the lino of the riand Pnlluy RAII I oat!, Commencing Wednesday, August 2, and closing Friday, August 11, 1871. .Tlte Canuipritoiti Valky hull Road Compoly will ..ROUND TRIP TICKETS during Oa. continuance of the rueeiTrig, whiclr will ho•'good for return 'lmo/Igo on all. train+ learlng Oakville Station until lust train ,d Saturday. Augutt 12, and poxitively nu lungitr. Avatar Troins /care Oakrillr Daily, as Allows: r:ASTWAIIit. • Wli.illsVAlti). Arc .In, t. 43 n. tu. Accent. 9.57 a. in, Mall, St l 0 Mall, 942 p. ill E.,( 1.62 p. H. Expreen, 1X191.1 Tit %INS! Ditrutg he contintutt.t.- ot the Cu.gc \touting Extra TIIIIIIB wIII run n. runner:it . FILIVI'4I,IA M BER•1:1; 011, - . , On Saturda", - August 5. . 7 FI l'ktT MAIN. . Lem' ennilkmileur • r . 5 :op lip. ,111111004/OFg 195 -• Arrivo it °ally 111. 0 50 . 3P '' ItlaUlt NINO ' Loom (1 4. , ki" • ' 0.45 pan I= Leuro4'llatillwroburg' Stalppoonburg. rrivp at MEM= Len. • ...I,llle 9.0 " VItOM CIIA 'tBERSRIJIdI A NEW On Tueadaay,•August 8, I+llt9i"EltAl • L L.' Chain' ornAtitg 7.-1 • n. Lur f3lllppP.l.tag 0nkv1110.... Arrive of Nowvill nrru NIVI 11=211111 Oakvllfo • 0.:10 Arrive at. 9hlppunkibur4; 0.50 " BECOND !VAIN. Lou. u Clot 31 un0,0r 4., • 5.50 p. " plapponnburg • " 0 35. " Arrive at oultvillu , .0 so " ItEn 4NINO =I = = tddipponxburs Anivu et thdtvillo.. ME= I=l2 FROM CIIANDERMURO AND CARLISLE On IVednesday, Aug tot 9. 4iy - oNE rm.% TRAIN ONLY. . Leave eltambrroburg 5 rd) 1 1. m -•" Shlppeneburg Oakville - Newvillo ArrlVe al Oarliele.. ItETtIitNINO. Loevo CarllBl6 ji 1 745 p in. Newvillo 815 ". " Oakville "8 36 " Bliipponeborg p 55 Arrh oat Ohontbereboto 950 " • Two Extra Trains to liarriaburg. Ono on Saturdgy, Aug. 5. Leaving Oalr.vilio and Intormoillatostationliat 9 p. nr AnOthcr on Tuetqay, Aug.- 8. . Loving Oakville for Harrisburg and Intorigetilutii illations at 9 p. tri; . At Whtto lAII, Middlesex, Good ',nom Kautmon'e and Morgantown. tickets don Lo procurod. Aron Conduotora of' ~ - s ' . 0. N. LULL, • 811Perlut9tdott. • . ' Einporhitondent'o Office 1 ,Clinniirrablirg, Julyl7, 1871. I . ' NEW TO-DAY. T R AX D . OR 13 T 0 VE • • On Thursday, Juno 15, strayed or veto stolen from the residence of the subscriber, In West Ponnebore township, hear Mount Rock, 211 haul of hogs-18 of which am shoats—left ear spilt-5 breodinit•vows aad 4 pip. ' 4 suitable rettard will be given,tor in formation that will trail to their recorery:. ' LEVI TERRI); • '2oJu7lSt."' • , • Mt. Bock P.O. EXECUTOR'S„ NOTICE. Lotteis testamentary en the estate ofAhmham Young, late of Wes tpennshore' township r deceased, have been granted by the Register of Cumberland county to the _undersigned executors residlngin Arid .townehlp. MI persons indebted to said estate .will make im mediate payment, and tboee having claims to present them, properly authenticated, for settlement to:. ANDREW YOUNG r• - 401.1 N YOUNG. 20.1u716t Executors. • List .of unclaimed letters remaining, in he postoffice at Carlisle, Pa., for th. WEEK ENDING JULY 19, 1871 °: LADIES' LIST. Albert EvaEnda Moore Peggy , Blackburn Lucy '. Myerg II A Baker Ella . 'Murray George L (2) Bear Lizzie II • More Mary P. Duff Keno • Paler July A Polka Charlottr. ' Page Katie •Forlick Rachel • . Rem Jano Garner Rath ' Bwarner Rata R . .. . -. • Hero Mee Speer May A Caro Catharine ' Stotataan Itobccra A Jeddy Hannah (2) Wonderltch, Hanna Jordino J . ~ Idorrott A E GEETLE.3I,EN'S LIST. Aogbiabaugh Mr. Xillvillo Goo ~.. Allen It Miller.Jaa ...'" Bock Jacob - . Minalch Balmy . ' dleaninga JlllllOll ' fiord Jou Draught George NickeyJno L Bonder Jacob Nolo* . Andrew Common Win '" NalorMarney Common A 0 - Shim Jno 0 Boomer Charlos •-' -, It r otrJll -- • - . - Eyier.o7m . .. .. , Ihmta Peter . .... Ego Michael ,' - Sharp David Orooli Andrew, Smith Jno (cal) Garver Prowls - Shugart Peter OreivecA 0 , Bw•igert flow gracy•Tollia • Tutf Ben) liorc•r Jun Watt W W . • .llnvorstick 0 R , %Vatter Jamb linwprti Chas. Wagnor 8 W Kiehl Ocorgo Wood! II W _,_ Kremar Jno • Wanamaker Christian Lehman Adam • Waifs Prof 1 ' Lent John Whioler Arairove . Low Wetzel Moses Llgbty Mr " (blacksmith) Lana Jno Zeigler George Mellinger Juo Zeigler Jacob , " Levi PROPOSED Antendmdcit to 'tho CoOstitutioeof Pennsylvania. • C JOINT BESOLUTION. • _ ropoatrag an mendment to the Clonal tution of Pennsylvania. Be it Itesotred by Me Sennte.and House of Reprsi laiires of Me Cloantonnteatth of rennsyiranin in Genera/ Assembly met, not the following amend ment to tile Constitution of this Commonwealth ho Proposed to the pet plo for their adoption, or, rejec tion, pursuant to the provisions of the tenth artielo Menlo. e, to wit AMENDMENT. &tite out the Sixth Portion of tho'Slath Article of the Constitutton, and insert nlb (Immo( the following t •• A State Treasurer Omit bo el odett by the quail. Cod electors of the State, at ouch times and for such terms of service as shall be pronoribod by law." JAMES 11. WEBB, Spook er of the 11011811 of Representatives. WILLIAM A. WALLACE, Speaker of the Senate. 60 • -' 4(0 1 70 Approved lhetdenth day ordane, Anna Ihnutol ono tla ueand eig hundred and bevonty-ono. JOHN W. GEARY, Prom . ..land cortilood for potOllcatlon purotsout to be 'truth Art,p!c of the ConEtltutioo, Secretary of the Commonwealth Moe Secretary of the Commonwealth, t Ilardemurg, July f,th, 1571. f 29,1e71. A IRY VIEW ACADEMY, PERRYVILLE, JUNIATA CO. PA. FOR MALE AND FEMALE PUPILS. The above Instil ution was 'founded In 1852, and Is located near the village of Perryville, on the Penn sylvania Railroad, The buildings are new, largo and confmodione, constructed exptessly for the purpeee, according to the most approved models or ache•] architecture and on high and commnnalna gonad. The scenery around la picturesque In the h•gbost degree, combining tbo beauties of mountain, valley and river views ; and the community la licalthittl, moral and intelligent • . . Whilst very young pupils wl I not 100 eacludoLl from the Institution, it is ',domicil mainly f r th so or more advanced AO and acquirements, it-d more especially for tams° who intond to become to.ch•ra, and a cordingly, instruction will bo gi• en every ses sion in tho 11IgOltY cud PRACTier: of TE +CH INO. Tho instruction will 1 0 th,,,,,,, g b, th,, ~,,. eminent ihm,hut kind and parental, ewhilst the moral end ieliglotts Instruction of tho pupils will he ) , hoot fully up to their intellecti 11 culture. Tho Principals will devote t. ir undl , idud time and onereles to the wellaro Or, • ,_eir pupil.. ' a,,tl will Mt snot-tad by other compet :Ft instluetore. All pupils from it distance aro required to board w Irk the Principals, unless expressly understood to the contrary when the pupil enterer, but boardin4 can ho hod 'at-seasonable rates lu'respectublo families in the neighborhood. The Academical year consists of forty weeks, and Is divided into three terms, viz Thu First term. consistitig"of sixteen weeks, com mences September 3d, and ends December 2 41. The second Term consisting of twelve , weo-ks, coup nienelmi, January 3d, and ends March 28th. The Third Term, consisting. of twelve weeks, com mences April 4th, and ends June 27th The Coarse of Instruction ens races every branch of Bcleuro udually taught the best seminaries of learning. TIMIS • For Board, Tuition and Furniehed Room, (per year of 40 weeks.) $2011,01) TERMS FOR TUITION: For Spelling, Reading, Arithmetic, Geography nnJ Ettgl telt Grain ur, (per torm, 12 yreetrej $0 t 0 For Spot icg, itottillog, Arithmetic, tharraphy ' and Englix6 Uramular, (per team.-I weeks,) 11 00 For lllstury. Natural licione6, Ac, (per term or 12 weeks.) 0 0• For mai :dunce, Lc., (per ie:111 • 18 wreks,) 12 00 Fur Anciuot Language. and Nut Lomat lee, (per - . _ term of 12 u'eolc+,) 12 uU For Anclog.t.bauguagon emu MA I (per • tom of 16 weeks.). II Oa l'uvlie will bo charged Olin, (or (inane, Fie , cli, ii WM: Urea leg and risitithig i at liii•tructor e pile.e. 'rho nesiell.Paltitiog alio or. wan: D prirtp,ets kro seder Ali.. COW rol of teachers on exportation and a • knowleilzed reptit 010, in.l% . .irlitrilli coot b eta 75c nt• to Si per month, and Feet 75 cents per swath in the wild, vision. light, &looks ap,d_Stailonary foe u: by the d i kir pupil. and •an i.e had .t the store. 11t retail prices. ‘ , l2llq.rt 111114 be paid ot advance; whoa the putill (wirers, itiit4 II lei Is mind b paid oil holortr leaving No dialectic ti mode for .d......, uood• emend by e1.:ki11... Thera 1 ureaehleg te:ldarl. In the. ereshyterlan, Lutheran it , d Ylethudlat churelata, and puree a tan dearhtwe %there they whsh thyl• ellthlrteu to atton I divine Herncr, t.ni where eaT,Fut-r.neo la dleated, they ho required - to attidel* church with 'tho Fur reference, 1.1,e Primll.l tarts to Ida nutnorous pupils nnw rogngod In the v.rione pr..f.neunanti,nu•l In tall Wm inqulrlinpote of business. _ Aildreau ull euututuulcutluus is ' DAVII) ?i'ILSON, A. D(, 41 — On A. J. PAT.TgqON, A. m 2.Ju71.3m , Worlfiqui 1 4 0., Juliutu, J'U CITY °ADVERTIS EME Ts. SPECIAL NOTICE. CLARK & BIDDLE rt espoct.fut , y 'worm tholr rrtoi•dr trikr - 71.11tE•IIA111.011111N5, (late of Om; 6•m of It,iley& C 0.,) has tldr. day mix clatod Moonlit with them. undur lho lino name of RQI3BINB, .CLARK & BIDDLE, 7 00 p tu 7.30 '• 7.41. " WATCH AND - JEWELIVit BUSINESO at tho 01,1 stand, 1,124 CHESTNUT STRIII:T PHILADELPHIA. Thuy nr,. nutv uliorlng, at r..,lnced pr cu., n cllolcn stock of AMERICAN - AND .IYISS, Are • ES, URA.. ON Ds, . • STEULIN.I .11.VERIVA RE, • T tin., CUTLERY, ' • MANTEL CLOCKS • ME b. 3 845 FltIINCil AND VIENNA, LEATIIER AND FANCY 000b8 ,28,070 CESI AEsc-IlaneotisAds F - BPEEDY; - A D . - : - o 45 1. , Dr. Morrie Syrup of "fur, Wild ChOrry, unit Hour. l nu l is 1111 Vi or.. or •1.1 by 110 ontlroly now proc. so, and voutoks tho best known roloodio. for C. nubs. Colds, ro 'Throat, and. oil Lung Complointo. Pldnonot to the Nato, but powerful to ilo uCtioo. sond ro, olroulxr cola doing tat of nrticlui used, • and tho to unor of prupnrilut thorn. to It. BI•11tRI,4, Koltun. Po; Oonerul Ao•oto: John F, Iloory, 8 Co'lgo Place. N. Y. Joialmon, II Poway & COWIIOII, 002 Arch at,, Plato.. Solddu Collide by - COroinaut. Hwlhinglnu,'• ' W. F. Horn, T. N. Wank.. uutl • 4. B. Ilarorstio. • 28Jan71.13en 700 p m MEE MEI 035 '• 0.50 7.05 " 7.35 •• OAK.' BUBINESI3.—On and after the ' , Li • Stet of firptembor mutt, I Intend to do a OAB II BUSINESS with ail; without. respect to patrons. Country produco receitial as cash, y exchituas for goods as usual. By this arrangemeat,strictly coo tonal, I will ho onhblo4 to sell groceries at reduced rates. Monti . • - 0. INIIOYF. A & - ARVEBT' Cumber land 'Courtly Agricultural Society will hold lholr annual llama Mond 011 Saturday, August 10,,at tho fair grotiod. ' All Mond. of the Society aro Inrltod to by predont, ~ • , , Mundt . _ OR BALE.—A''' &lit-01W Oaro Ward Table, bee been need but a abort Bum'. Belle, CUM .m 0 all .uomplete. Inquire at Tmq Ontoa. , iwuntr • Walinca Qeor&o E. D. RHEEM, Postmistress F. JORDAN =I • 2'ootk Geanticr. L. -TODONT THE.MOST•DELIGH.TFVL TOOTH CLEANSER AND BREATH PURIFIER DI THE WORLD It Is a splendid IaNTIFItICE It Preserveo the TEETH from docily It prevents the form:4lon of TARTAR.otho ' • Eizazs It harden!, tho 013M9 It prothices , GßANT intakrif ritcrirndetlqhtful MOUTH WASH. ,114T.Wqtrummteo tAVODONT to cattiku nothlOg of au injurious or oldectional cliunieter lu Its conmuult lon, either to tho enamel or body Of . tho TkETIt Th . e' Rev. Dr..R.l..Drullilell, Vreeklent of Dleidneen CollVgn, "I have, used • LZ.VODONT.' It le plonliant Dentifrice and Flagrant Mouth wash: I =9l For ado by Joe tfavortatick, lg.nt, Carl's)°, and druggists generally Prlpo 50 cants prr Bottle PARR BROTHERSt'OO, Proprietors. . Baltimore, 61d. EMI Dr. Ayers' Medicines Y - ER'S - BA - RSA - PA - RILL - A FOR PURIF YINO,TEI.R The reputation title exc;ilent medicine enjoys, le derived from its 'cures, many of which are , truly marvelous. Inveterate estols •of -Scrofulous dis• easte r -where the tt moot seemed saturated with ,rruption, have been purified and cured by It. Scrofulous alTectionaand disorder. which were tag gra voted b.) the 'scrofulous con tamination until they were painfully afilictibg. have been radically cured in such groat number. In almost every sec tion of the country, that the pubDe scarcely , need to be informed of its virtues or uses. Perofulous poison Is one of the most destructive enemies of our race. Often, this unseen and unfelt tenant of the organism undermines the constitu tion, and invites tha atibck 01 enfeebling or fatal diseases, without exciting a Suspicion 01 Its pres ence. Again, It seems to brood infection through out the body, and then, on some favorable occasion, rapidly develop Into ono or other of its hideous forms, either on the surface or 'among the vitals. In the la. ter,tubercles may be suddenly deposited in tbe lungs or heart, or tumors formed in the liver, or It shows its presence . by eruptiiins on the akin or foul ulcerations 011 some part of the body. Ilona,' the occasional use '• of a bottle of this Sarraporilla is advisable, even when no netlire symptoms of disease appear. Persons afflicted with the following complaints generally lind Immediate relief, and, at length, cure, by the use of this SA RSA PA RILLA : St. Anthony's /tire, Rose Or Erysipelas, niter, Sal/ Rheum, .Scald Head, Ring soorns, Sore Eyes, Sore Ears, and other eruptions or visible forms of Sclettdous disease. Also In the more concealed Orin, as Dyspepsia. Dropsy, Heart Disease, Fits,. Epilepsy,. Neuralgia, and .the va-lous Ulcerous affections of the muscular and nervous systems. Byphilie or Vruereal and .Mercurial Dioceses are cured by It, though a long time is required for sub duing these olpitlnato maladies by any medicine. But longcontinued use ut this m• divine will cure the, complaint. Leueorrlona or Whiten, Uterine Ulcera tions, and Female Mamma, •me. commonly Boon me- Honed and ultimately cured by lie purifying and invigorating effect. Minute Directions for each ruse are found In our Almanac, ,applied gra•is. Rheumatism and Gout, ashen mooed by accumulations of extraneous mat ters' u the blood, yield quickly to It, is also Liver - Complaints, Torpidity, , Congestion, or hillanui lion of thy Liver and Jaundice, when oaring, as they often dn. from the rankling poison In the blood. SARSAPARILLA is a groat restorer Inc the strength and vigor of the system Those who a,c. Languid and Listless, Despondent, Sleepless and troubled with Nervous Apprehensions or Pears; or any iv the affections symptomatic of Weakness, will find Immediate fallen and courinclug evi dence of Its restorative power upon trial. PREPA - RED BY Dn. J. C. AYER & CO, LOWEL, 11IAS t,, Practital and Analytical pianists. J. B. lIAVERSTICK, Agent, —CARLISLE, PA. " J. E. Ccildivell & C 0.,• Jewelers CARD. J. E. CALDWELL & CO., 902 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, DESIRE to invite the especial atten tion of purelissers and onion visiting the city, to their unusually largo and varied na•.rtrueut NE,IY JEWELRY, FINN WAPCIIES = Artistic Silver Ware 1==:! A /ILE . UTLEItr, ILECPILO pLAT4.I) 000 US OF FIMEST QUAL!TY FRENCH CLOCKS, BRONZES AND MANTLE ORNAMENTS, Rocelvol DIRECT 1?-031 PARIS during tho prooont COurtuoua and polite an, nthai lo uncalled to all who may bu la wood to accept a cordial Invitation to d•h thukr,boultital storu, • • 902 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. • 10Jan71-1y Gift Enter prise. • S 1 765,000 - CASd (UFO, 1'0 , 11% 1) NI.,:W YORK CA •1 • • TED DT THE II PEI ZR - Or . • EVERY 'TICKET DRAIVS A'PRI2E. 3 en.i, Oilla sea. h Nu o , u eII Caq.. 01110 81,0 . 0 20,11001200 2.) " •• • 5..00 :154 •• • 0 os. roan lionewo.4l . Platte., • each, 53 0' to 5:00 73 " tb thloonn . g.' '76 'a 100 •wl , g Magittnen, • - do 'to 175 tiold Wangle. - - '• 75 to 300 ~ Cole. I.•mt, Silver War-, etc., ..hod it 51,m 0..0. A Oulu' to draw tto.f of the nbored•rizon fur 250. • •mcribing Psizon aro sealed In ruvolui ran ,t.l well mixed. On •0 dpi of 2.h0 a Sealed 'I leket la drawn without ehoico, nod n•nt by trad to ape ad drone. Thu p Leo tweed upon It will he dells'ored to the ticket holder on payment of 0116 Prized are immediately sent to any addrenn by ox, pr as ur return su .11. -- lot,- will allow What yOlir 11•1110 I. Wore you pay for is.' Any price exchanyed for another of the same ~alue. No I.la•ks. Our patron. can depend on lair doohlog Itermtioro.a.—The f01,911..g :tardy &our Valuable Pr'sns mad kindly perm MK! unto publi.h them Andr.ts J. Burn, (9,1 .10,1.06;, %Val k,r, lain • rr. SSW ; Jame.. v Mat. :thews. i 28,40 John T Anderson. Soy .I.llloh. $O.OOO r James Simmons, rocon. sfnM 0. P10:218 0/1010:01: Ihe Or,, Is rellabh." .4Veekly Traime, Dec. 28. •'Dormve their (uncoil "— , /V. 1. Iferaht, Jon.-1, "Jut and Honoraria"— Nem, Dee. 9, - Bond - .frir - a Liberal Induo.ments to Agents. Bollsfiratlnti guarantood. Erery package of 200 tooled Envelopes contains 0011cAun 01/V. Boron helots for 11: 1T for 22: 00 for $5; 200 for 515. Address JAMES E. MARTIN-et CO., 1910712 m - 70 Ilroddiiity, N.Y. For Sale or Rent. HOUSE FOR ' NO: WI:8V LOUT.IIEN J. B. HAVEUBTION. 12Jan71 F OR SALE • A largo quantity of STONE, sultublt. fur Cull :lug curt., awl illutchuruing putiroars. Paquiro of •• MILS. Pr. D. POTTS, Harrisburg Turt.l.lkr, ur.ar North Hartuvor strest. 6.1au71. FOR SALE.:—Several lets situated W twuen Lutort Spring and Oarriaon Lane. aultablo for building lute, of for truck' gardening; being bent qualsty of ground for thlif purpose. Ap ply to. CIIAB. If. lIMPBURN. -BOrnlt7llf, Pure Ih•upa; C74einicals, tOe. OR PURE DRUGS, PHEMICALB, F and'Patent tledliitios to D. Ilivorstick, No. 6 Booth Honoree stroot.,,go Also, iplendidnsoort• moot of Tollot Soap,, Perforoorlas, nd Yank! Toilet Articles, , J. if ventinon, • 5 smith ihnui.retru t, osr4oo, 13octIO • YOU• oan obtain 'Pyo Stuffs, Porfu: amigo, and Fancy ,qt .1. 11..1.farox , Rbytilclaue' , vreecrlptloax,,ciaffotally ; powalo4 , • • " ••1 I •`c, ' • trAVSIIFITauff • • Nd,.4 South lirmovpr otropt,Oarliale, Pis noct7ol •, • • • OITY dDYEETIBE~i'ENTI~, • • XrAI 3 Ia2WOOD 7 1— INSITitJT:E t Young Ladles, Plttlitteld,_ Rass.,,lour and widely known for great beauty of locatiotiand gaga' rfority of instruction. REV. O. V. SPEAR, Pitnel-. FOR BALE. -206 Ano ro s sttpexior :WHITE OAK TIMBER. lind,runir Lock Eleven, Pa. 6,000 acme neinlock Timber' Mod, Potter Co., Pa...P. W. SUBAPBE, Geologist and Boginoer„ Pottsvillo, Pa. ROOT BEER.—This delicious whole some and refreshing Summer beverage, can be very madly made In every family at a cost gf about. FIVE Olt SIX. CENTS' PER GALLON, 'l'y beteg - ASCHENBACII & MILLER'S, Root Deer Extract. If your store dote not sell thin, send twenty.flve mate to Ascheribach & aftlier,'Go. 900 North Third. Street, Philadelphia; for' one bottle, which will make a whole Sorel er Peer. Plea bottles for ono dollar. Full Instruct ons Nun iv Rh each lot. gOLLIDAYSBURG SEMINARY, HOLLIDAYSBURG, PA riIUSCARORA ACADEMY, ACADE . ' -MIA, PA. The tbirly.sixth School. year begine September sixth. Location healthful, attFactivo and Well adapted to phyelcal development. Frio from lovfing places and saloons, the -Influences aro morel. Moro ,than 3,009 yotang moo hap here been prepared for College or business , Terme moderate. Apply for circular_ to D. D. STONE, A M. - J. J. PATTERB N, A. M. TWENTY YEARS IN SUCCESS FUL OPERATION. ivory policy issued by the ohElfassachusete Mutual Life Insurance Company is seCnred from forfeiture by law of the state. For insurance or 'agenCtee, ad dress-or apply at Agency, Sixth and Walnut streets, Philadslp la, Pa. Hp HENDERSON'S FAMILY QUOIT CASES. Each Clue containing OctrEottlo of OLD PALE BRANDY. I HOLLAND GIN. OLD RYE BRISKET. OLD PALE !MERRY. TINE OLD PORT. OLD BOURDON Odaranteed Pura and of the very Beet Quality. PRICE .EVEN DOLLARS. - 'lent by Express O. 0. D., or Poet °Mee order, U. lIENDERSON, II Broad street, New York. -AGENTS-WANTED-FOR-THE TRAMMIBSTON OF LIFE. • COUNSTAN ON TAX, PIATUIIII AND HYMNS W TUX MMICULINN FUNCTION. hy .Da. NAMIBIA, author et "-The Physical Life of jVoman." rolates to - the mak sex; to full of new facts; delicate but out spoken; practical and popular; highly andorsod ; sells rapidly. Bgid by eubscrlptlon only. - Exclusive torrjtory.' Terms Choral. Price $2. Address for contents. &e., J. G. PEROT% & CO., Pubilehore, Philadelphia, Pa. ROTARY MEASURIN G reliable FAUCET. e beet. A durable and article. Ne and not liable to breakage. Bend-tor circular. Addroae Box 4.6, tiblremanatown, Pa. sA MILJION—DOLLARS Shrewd but qu'et naen caw maluis fortune by re- ealluktherieeret-of-tbo-busineso-to-no-on , Addr.ee BDOAR SIMS; 688 Drendway, New York. AGENTS READ THIS l WE WILL PAY AGENTS A SALARY OF 530 PER WEEK and "exp.... or allow d largo oolongs. elan to sell our new end wonderful lnvep•lune ad dress M. 'WAGNER & CO.. Mazatlan, Mel, A MONTH, TzTorso and Car 832er rlago fundshod. Expenses paid. u. 80KW, Alfrod, GJu7&4 THE ACCOUNT OF -J. W. EBY; Treasurer of tbo School District of the borough of Carnet°, for tho year coding on the Drat Monday of Juno. A. V. 1141 : DY TRHASUREIR. • ' 1870 Juno To balance In bands of treasurer at last settlemont $735 30 To amount of school tux duplicate for 1870 ' - 13,342 60 Nov 2. To Halo appropriation to Common Schools 730 80 To receipts for tuition of uou.resi dent scholars 123 09 To amount, received from 11, L. , , Bbryock, erg., floes and penal ties collected by him 2 00 1071. ~ . ' • " June 1. To Wane° conk on bond $1.52/3 4 Indobtednosa of (11..1r10t, I6, , oo—lutereot payable eta banouall, , bum Joao 1, CR. PAY AENTB BY TREL&I.III kn. By salaries of teachora for Bt. past Year.. $8,377 40 By Incidental expenses, inclusive of print ,,--,ll47stationary. mtelsongtr, cleaning • rooms, ac 074,04 By repidr•, foralturo, slut fiztur - 41 — 309 01: By interim!. On Indobtedness one year, to 1 Juno, 1671 380 00 coal nod wood ,„ 242 26 lly rout and In•urance 202 50 Cash Expenditures Al.o, . • By Abatement orb per cent to prompt tax payer, 370 30 By szonera•ions allowed on ern lector's du ' Minato, Inclusive of dlscropauclee, over charges, do 618 06 By amount allowed treasurer , for over chores at lest settlement. rurOpproved • - ' by Board 123 60 By few! of collection ' .. 425 31 By tuxes outstanding fur 1870—Including , a portion In dinputo and subject to fu- , turo settloment, Ac 1,700 27 By balance In ban 10 or troasurer 1,528 45 Juno 2e, 1871, II rands) report read, approved and ordered to be entered on the minute. of the Board, and noblehed In the papers of the dhitrlet. By ordenof the Board, C. P UUdIRICII, Secretary. The a.count of J. W. Eby, tronsurer of tbo !school district of tho borough of Carlisle, for the year end ing on the first Monday of Juno, MI, having beep examined by me, and compared with ,tho origlosl vow:lien and papers 'tauchitti the sumo, I do therefore, certify that tho abobo Is a Just and troll exhibit of the some. and that a balance of fifteen hundred twenty-eight dollars and forti-Bre coats remain in tho Lands of said treasurer as of said ditto, and, ale,,, that taue for the so r. 18717 remain oot.tanding, to the amount of $1.70927 :Oval to alboh further exo..•retious or corrections as may ho t ti n t propur and lawful. . . . . Gold Chains I= Valuable Real Estate for Sale Ftrast of land situated all: on tiro Canal attl Elver, in r iverpeol township, sorry county. c..atirintrig IiEE Iliq SD,ED AND FIFTY AOrrES, more or leas, havloa thou., erected twmatory brick don , le DWELLING HOUSE, elm vainly firdelled ; n large twtnstory , LIRA ME DWELL. INC HOUSE, and a ' , cry tin • frame BANE EARN, 111)000 feet. Thu abliv"e'llatlecatr ho ratellly . sti•idod Into lieveral foram which •111 be ea d • together or separate, to ell! purchaser., A so, it Plo.o of land In 'the townaltip, con. *Mains THIRTY A.'ltEg. mote or t 0.,, partly clunp:d. Alin, u Ira., or load on lb. canal' mad river, in nuffslo totortieldp, in th. round county. c-ntaining ONE 11UNDItED aND kIPTY AClte.l3, more or less, abut the half being el.are.l, having tharerm . erected two log Ileum and a log *taiga. Also, a lot criminal In the borough et Liverpool, being 01)011,0 ferre,llyins bataeen Atm Meer and carstl, and having thereon ere, tad a tVA ItEIIOVEIE. All to be rid on 'very favorable terms and •thoe Jaren to atilt the purchrser. Thu above prSpertles will be offered at' private tale until OCTOBER 2e, 1871. and IfShot subd befaro th.t tiroo. will tr. *odd at . public sale an that day in Liverpool wit'an and wil-re the tonne will it. made known. • . Apply to U. 0. MOPED, Ntbellsolcaburg, or to J brealtltleK,Jr. 11nrriaborw MEI Durtii,rnas, - • 47th Dividend. • CARLISLE DEPOSIT BANK.) ' Carlinle,.Pn.,;May 2, 1871. f Ibo Board or Director. liat%- this day do In ed a Dividend of VE per cent. for thO past ol t month., on tho Capital Sock, free Of Slate awl Nall, ral tame, t ayable on demand. , J. P. lIASSLIItt, 4uta7l9nt . SCHOOL 'FAX 71041,1871 Ifa* . lbo Ibip:ieuto ,•t 84001 'fazes fur the proseu your boo boil.3ued by. t h u &Iwol biroc tool of lloroutakui (Naha°, end. delivered to tho Treasure for coll,c1I•ti. Notice le therefor° It•reby' given to the taxable Mixon° of xeid Pullout District, that the Treasurer will attend at the unty Court house (Commix , Heaters' °glue) on WEDNItIiDAY IN:' THURSO/I', 'AUG. 30 %XliBt, oust, betwo,n tit. hnore of elite and tee o'. look on said. day.. tot rho poplin of receiving the indil lOUs, 111111 Up IS wild dates tex n e olay,.be pull at the 11110 or No. XS: "Minion HMV'. Ite.t Hain street. . Ou all taxes paid on or to , f re the above dirt e, deduction of—. • FWE "PER ,CENT . will ho made (4 prompt pnyineut, alter which limo a uniftaut will,to Issued, onfareing the cenrctlon of all Atoll taxes as Female uutthl. ' J, IV, EBY, Tronsuter. Juno 14, :871 •• 40101 . D•a!%s and Fancy Goods, PURE .AND UNADULTERATED DIIUOtI OAN ALWAYS UN OBTAINED AT J. 11. LIAVERSTIOICS No, 5 South Hanover Street, • Carlisle, Pa. N. 11,. - Proseriptlons• carefully and ,accurately erunpoundud at all limos. • 151e71,1f• „ , , , • ; j B. HeiVERSTICK, • NO. 6 BQUTLI lIANOVICR .OAULI6I.N, PA Dealer. in - • • Drugs, Medicines, ac. 'HEREBY announce ' n4tielf. ate tui I Indoyoudont Candidata, the °Moo or County Troaanror.Montt • • • ' DAVID IttIOACB.. Nv4paiisTettliq'lliti Ortitsoii ,00,LLICOZ. ,TWO counrjse, pLABAIPAP . AND 1101 N ,TIWtO, ?Achy ,e*oonio to the atudeut, *2OO t01260.T0f Infonsottron; addreet rPREBIDENT HAYS,' •• 2 . 2 J on Dos - . Nyalbinaton,Tenheylyooln: Financial 14.910 59 t 10,086 78 14,940 69 R. C. wOoDWARD, Financial ,ecrstcry Schnoi 'Tax Ira!leer's Vinegar Bitters. A. EMMA' TSEDICAIiDISCOV=Y. Dn. WALK/IRIS CALIFORNIA ViNE A R TIERS. Huri6MlW 4 l4Thoileands b(Mi Testimony to their Wonderful Curative Effects. WHAT ARE THEY? They•ltri not a vile Vency Prink, !Ueda Of poor Rum, Whisky, Proof Eiplytt, elet..:Petnee-Llonora, deetorelolpkood„Ond eweatetn4 to War the taste, called TONICS, . ' A PPErf AREI, RESTORERS, • , &c., that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but are a true Medicine, rondo from tho Niitive Roots and Kerbs of California, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants. They aratteitireat Biood . Purlflor, and . a Lifo-Giving Principle; a perfect Renovator and In. vigorator.o'rthe . system. carrying off all pLisonons Matter and restoring the blood t. a - healthy emil. tion. No person can tab. Wes° Bitters according to Ste. direction and remain iltp unwell, provided th brines nro not destroyed by mineral poison or oth r means, and the vital organa wasted beyond the p oi t of repair. ' For Inflammatory end Chronic Rheumatism and Gout, Dyepepsla or. .Indigoatlon, Bilious, Remittent, and Intermittent Fiwnrs, Dlseasea of 1b...8100d, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bitters have been most successful. Such Diecauca ore caumed'hy Vitiated Blood, which 'is generally produced by de rangement of the Digestive Organs. Dyspopela or Indigeatlon, ileiiduche, Pain In' the Shouldare, Cotglisnighttteas of the Chest, Dimmeaa, Boni Eirichitions of the - Stomach, Rad lio;to . In the - Mouth, Bilious Attacks,- Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammatioci of the Lungs, Sala to the region of tliA Kidneys, and n hundred other painful' symptoms, are the armoring. of dyspepsia. They Invigorate - thirStomach and 'a tlmulato the torpid Boor and bowels, which lender them of no. 1 ~equidedeillency_ in cleanaing the blood of all Ito, purities, and imparting now life and vigor to the ! whole system. Bilious, Remittent, and Interinitt,,nt Fevor, which are so prevalent kn.', valleys of our great riven throughout the United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Missouri, Illinois, Tonnesmeo, Comber land, Arkansas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Pearl, Ali,- hams, Mobilo, Savannah, Roanoke, James, and many others with their vast tributaries,' during the Slim mer and Autumn, and reniarkably so during seasons of in:menet heat and dryness, are invariably accom panied by extensive derangements of the stomach .and liter, and other abdominal viscera, Those aro always more or less obstructions of the liver, a weak ness and irritable state of the stomach; and-great torpor of tho bowels being clogged en Witii_villated_ accumulations. In their• treatment, a purgative exerting a powerful influence upon these various organs, is essentially necessary. There ei nocathar tic for - the pnrrove equal to Dr. J. Walker's Vinegar Bitters, as they will speedily remove the dark-col orrd vlacid matter with which the B ,well are load“ 1, at the sums time stimulating the Si...rations of the liver, and generally • restoring etas' healthy functions of the digestive organs, The universal popularity of this valuable remedy In regions sub ject to miasmatic Influences, Is eufllcient evidence of its power as a remedy to such cases. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tetter, Balt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pest ulos, Bolls, CarbuiieW Ring-Worms, Scald Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scarfs. Diecolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatriver name or nature, aro literally dug up and carried out of the system In a short time by the use of thews filters. One bottle In such cases will convince the moa incredulous of their curatlve,offect. Chums° the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its Impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Bores; cleanse It when you find it oh. structedind sluggish in the veins; cleanse It when it is foulond yourfeellngs will too you'when. Keep the blood pure and the health of the system will follow. Tapo, and MI., Worms, lurking in the sys tem of So many thousands. mu effectually destroyed and removed: For full directions, read carefully the circular around oath bottle, printed In four lan. gouges—English. Gorman, Foonch, and Spanish. J. WALKER, Proprietor. It. 11. McDONALD & CO.' Druggists and Oen. Agonte, San Francisco, Cal., and 32 and 34 Commerce Street, New York. . Sold by all-Druggists mull/raters. Bdoc7o-ly Livery asci .ale Stables LIVERY, SALE, AND EXCHANGE STABLE.' - J. L. STERNER & BROTHER, In roar of Dents House. HORSES AND CARRIAGES, TO .111REI ON RaIIIONADLN TOUXO, AND Al 0110/1T88? NOTION. CARRIAGES HURFIISRED FOR 1/INERALS Afir N. B. Stablo room for 60 Load of hol.lion kaop. 17fab70 LIVERY AND. EXCHANGE STA JL.A BLEB. _ . 0 8.13 fir. BBE 7Y-(Z. Having recently purchased the Weary stable of Goo. W. Gillon, they would reppectfully announce to the citizens of this place, that they have recently purchased a number of new vehicles. In addition, also, they have had their entire stook of haggles, carriages and cabs, R]-TAINTED, REAKODELED, ud fluished u► in tho latest city style itorses sod Carriages to hire at the shortest NOTICE, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS.. Vehicles furolehed for ell ,40e1110148.. Remember the place, a few door. eolith of the C. T. It It. de pot to G. W. Hilton's old stead. 22,1e7114, DOSILI.LtRETZ. Cucumber Wood Pumps. THERE WERE sold in the year 1870, - 8,841 of B 1 Achley's TRADE 0 MARK. WOOD PUMPS, lloosuring 215,G60 foot In length, or oufflclout in tho aggrogato for A Well Over forty Miles;Deep. Siniplo In c-notructont—llooy operation—tilling no node to th. Watur—DlWsble—lt•liablo and Chopp. Theeo.Putupe sro tis.lr own but r.comulend.thm• Po? onto by Donlon Is Hardware ail Agricultural Inplemonts, Plumb-re, nu app Sinkers. ic., through out tho country. Circulars, ac., furnished upon ap plication by moll or °them i•e • • Blush. PllO3Ol t.mkried to parties in towns wt.° . I have uo .gout. tiros r•coipt r-gular retell vice. In buyn•., u.r nil that Von , rum: , brors we. trade noirl. 10.'"1` .. 0' oohs. CHAS. G. BL.ATCHLEY, Manuirr., OFFICE AED 024 to 112 , II.11.•it nult:10 .stoveN, Tip ware and Pumps p YOU WANT ()HEAP PARLOR A - D COOK sT,vt , s AND Evhaa V tRILTY OF ''TIN AND 8116h.T'litON W 1E3311 RIUNESMITII & RUPP, NOS. 62 AND 64 Nonni HANOVER STREET, CARLISLE, Ps We. w•.uld reepretfulty Io•orto our numurou• owl the pub lo geuer.ll.l,lbut we imv o can etnitly on hand u I.OIIE AND 1yHt.G81.6."V . 0 STOCK UP PARLOR AND COOK STOVES This department. of our stock le unexcelled for artlathr design, superior knish, end elmplkity of arrangement., 'Our stbck of novo@ Is Immense, 'and' embraces all the meet popul.ir t arlor and, Cook Blom of the times.. . . . Wator Cook." a Noclalty at tbc; present Limo. Knives, ' Fois t • • , ' Spoons, •• Ladles, Lamp's; , Togothor witli.Pildrl and Jappnrked Ware Welaro oleo prepared to faraleda Pumps for Diidorns and Doop Wells, and Imo tut into thuCulubrutod,Ommitm Cucumber Plcu.d Pump. -.. ItipkJßO. SPOOTJ;iO . , AHD, JOB WORK attondoil to promptly and on renconahlo Orme. • nernoraber the place. the green front ou North Ilanowir. . Stmt. , fow. doora above Loonier. Oleo as a call as we arie determined col to ho under. aold by any other parthie Ia thle Thankful for pelt. patronage we extend ro_cowlha invitation 16 all to pay no a Welt:, • • • • " ItIONESMITH & 11UPP, . ' • „ncis.'l32.aid 64; ' NOILTII HANOVER STREW'. • CAIILIBLIti' • PA; 1114071 - Hall's Vegetable Hair Benet/3(44. HALL'S ETABLE. SICILIAN R R E N E W . li It H A I Restores Is the only perfected citacelontlit colly ir.ptrod pr,panatiou of ' It. Gray dreral to the pilbl e,•tinel Hair line no cOmpotitor In Imit. Ils Itn tom Ow Bair is soon restored to the to its o;4lfial youthful ci.lor and bill Original 1q mucli.uiludro4 Color, by all. remue u}loBo liair 18 thin Promotes or fallkug out •111. by tho ueo_ot our Ilot,ower, •001 k 800 Its tpod'ef• forfte, ne, by lb, tonic a d et innflut Grom th ! Ing properties, the halr glutotn will •to Inc:tod the halr.grow tblek and is a and litroog again. Inc.aoa of 1.41.1 SPlondid m se It will •roftto tt,tl,7 gruw!lo unless dm fullielou try dostloyed*. Dressing It la cooling, and ollayx all itching Try ono Ittid Inflation of ibo Bcoll. IC too Bottlo not Oath thu chin nu do ,dy.a, hat malcomp. scalp %hits and cleah Ae a dremalag It la tho . ..bost and shoe t Thicken economical preparatl"n In limo world, up the au Its affects last e - t much longer ME Semi for our Treatise oil the hair,' fro to all, by mall. Locket Druggists and Dealers in Medicine. Sold by all Price Ono Dollar Por Bottle R. P. HALL & C 0., Proprietors LADORATTLY, NASHUA, N. II B. A. HAVERSTICK, Agent, CABLNLE, PA. 95ang70.1y 'Lines of Travel sIUMBERLAND VALLEY R. R. . 'On U 9 11W010. _ _ WINTER ARRANGEMENT. On and after Thursday, November 24,1670, Pussouger Train. will run daily, An f01101111,(3t111d3ya excepted): WESTWARD ! ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaven Harrisburg 8:00 A. Mecbanimburg 8:35, Carlisle 9:1 I, A uvvllle 9:40, Shipponsbmg 10:23. Chamborsburg 10:44, Over!. castle 11:16, arriving at Hagerstown 11:4'6, s. Y. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg 1:55, 9. Y , M. ohm:drain:T.' 8:T1. Carlisle 2:88, Newville 3:32, Blip ponsburg 4:o2ophamberatng 4:35, Greencastle 6:11, arriving at Hagerstown 6:40, P Y. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg 4:30, Pm, Mechanicsburg 6:02, Carlisle 5:32, Newv111.81:05, Ship. pensburg 6:38, arriving at Chambersburg 7:00, p a. A MIXED TRAIN leaves Chambersburg 7:46, A ■ Greencastle 9.00, arriving at Hagerstown 10:05, A N. EASTWARD ! ACCOMMODATION TRAIN loaves Chambersburg 6:00 A )1, Bhippennburg 6:29, Newville 6:00, Carlisio 0:38, !Mechanicsburg 7:02, arriving at Harrisburg 7:30, A Y. MAIL TRAIN leaves Hagerstown 8030 0 no, Omen east's 9:00, Chambersburg 9:46, Shippensburg 10:22, Nowvllle 10:53, Carlisle 11,0, Mechanicsburg 12:06 arriving at Harrisburg 12:37,1". m. EXPRESS TRAIN loaves Hagerstown 12:00 m, Greencastle 12:25, Chambomburg 1:05, Shipponsburg 1:37, Nevrvillo 2:10, Carlisle 2:50, Mechanicsburg 3:18, arriving at Harrisburg 3:50,9 Y. A MIXED TRAIN leaves Hagerstown 3:20 P M, Greencastle 4:27, arriving at Chambersburg 6:20, p Y. .11Z^ . Making clued connections at Harrisburg with trains to and from Philadelphia, Now York, Washing. ton, Baltimore, Pittsburg, and all points West. 0. N. LULL, Supt. Suloorintendent's Office. Chamb'm Nov. 21. 1870. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD BUMMER TIME TABLE. Eight Trains (Daily) to and friim Phila delphia and Pittsburg, and Two Trains Daily to and fro Frio (Sundays excepted). AFTR MONDAY, JUNE, Gth, 1871, Paorenger Traine of the Pnaylrania road company will "depart from 'ffArrieburir and .rtrrivo at Philadelphia and Pitteburg as follows: hASTWARD 8 45—Philadelphia Exprose_ laav,,a Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 3 45 a. m., and nrriveaat West Philadelphia at 7 40 a. m. 7 05—Nast Line loaves Harrisburg daily (oxeopt Monday) at 7 35 a. m., and snivel at West Phlladel• phis at 11 15 a. in. Mall Train leaven Altoona daily (except Sunday) at 3 00 p. m., and arrival; at Harrisburg at 9 00 p. m. 10 45—Cincinnati Express loaves Ilarriaburg daily at 10 45 p. m., and arrlves at West Philadelphia at 3 10 a. m. . • • 11 25—Pacific 'Express leave. Harrisburg daily at 11 26 a. ra., and arrives at Went Philadelphia at 3 16 p. m. 1 26— ELMIRA EXPRESS leaves Harrisburg daily - 7 (acept Sundae) at 1 26 p. m., and arrivea at West Philadelphia at 0 00 p. m. Harrisburg Accommodation leave. Altoona dn11.7 (Sunday excepted) at 7. 26 a. tn.; and arrives at Har risburg nt 1 WS p. m. 3 22—Harrisburg Aceeminodation lea4n Harris burtritt 3'66 p. m., and arrive at Philadelphia at 9 45 p. m. 7 50—Lanesstar Train via Mount Joy, leave. Harrisburg daily (except Sunday) at 7 LO a. m., and arrives at West PidladOlpida at 12 40 P . m. =EI 4 35-11rfo Fart Lino wort; for kric, hove War- Helm rg daily (uxeopt Sunday) at 4 35 arriving at Erie at 7 40 a. m. 11 65— ERIE MAIL wort, for Ede leave. Hard.- burg dolly at 11 55 u.ns.,,arrlvlng ot Erie at 3 50 p-in. 11 41--Cincinantl.Expreeu leave, llarrlnburg dolly et 11 45 p. m. arrives at Altoona Rt 4 40 a. al., and rhos nt Pia/antra at 10.00 a. m. , . . . I 3.5 Filth PACIFIC E.Y.PIIE,B Isar. Harris burg at 1 85 A zn , arrives at Allot,. tr 00 a r and arrives at Pitt.l.Purg at 10 , 20 a. m. 2 10-4econd Pacific Express len•es liarrbburg dullyt 2 10 a. m.. arrive/41a Albans at u 30 a. m ; takes breakfast and arrives at PI ttsbu r; at 1040 u. m. 4 45—last Line leave. Harrislairg daily (exc. pt Sunday) at 4 45 p. m., arrives at Altoona. at 8 55 p. m„takes supper and arrives at PI ttsbn — egit I i 0 & m/ 1 15—Mail Train leaves Harrisburg d.ily (except Sunday) at 115 p m, arrives al Altoona M. 715 p. take. supper and arrive. atPittsburg at 1 00 a .ru. 7 00—Way Pasdengor Train loaves Ilarrialatyg daily except Monday, at 7 00 n. •m., arrive& at Altoona at 1 20p. m., and at Pittanirg at 8 20 p. m. - SAMUEL A. MACK, Supt. Middle Div. Penna. It. It. Harrisburg Jane 3. 1871. THE BEST AND CHOICEST SMOKING TOBAO-OU la manullt :lured at FACTORY NO. 1, 30 DISTRICT OF MAItYLANS, Sir Bee that every package you bey beats Urn Inscription 200ct704, Boiler Itfaintrattory 4 ARRISBURG CAR • Manufacturing Conivany's .BOILER Department, Corner Thirteenth and Vernon Streets, Ts prepared to matmfactitro Boileiti, 'ranks, Staelcs, Steam Piper, All kl . Mla or wt rk In . - ;Boiler, Tank or Sheet Iron Promptly and ootJefactoaly osecut.l.. Particular ottautiott pit! to REPAIR.. Nil, of tho alme or abroad. . . OHO. 0. BOY ER, Bovvrii.tondont BWER RILEY, FO.lllllll, BDJ*7l3m Peter .bodge, Barbel NTOTICE.—Notice is hereby given that application will ho niado to thu next L..g. UMW° for the incorporation of • hulk of Deposit and Discount, to Go located at Carlialo, Cumlaoland county, Penallylivable, to ho called the Poop lugs hank, with n capital of twenty-live thousand dollars,' with tho privilege of incren dug to .oto hun dred thousand dollars. n • • • 20JoTIOns WN WITH HIGH PRIORS FOR WASIIINO. • T. J. SMITII, is • now praparo•l to do white wash ing nod wall cleaning, and well scraping. on the moat improved plan, and at the aborted HliCO. Thorn need ho no removing of carpets of furniture. Satisfaction given, or tl , ) pay required. Good -refer ences given. Nose leave orders at tho barber shop of: David Welch, or Galvin Able, or at the OffiC6 of J, L. Sterner & Bro., livery and exchange stables. Please give men call. • WI RN •RAILING, (MARIA, for Moro Fronts, daylump, de. Iron bedsteads, Wire Web binge fbr abnap an4poultry yards; brae .and Iron wire cloth Playoff, Pandora, Priaana for co es sand, do, IleasyCritunad (Moth fur spark armlet.. Lindscapo:Vigra lorL Windows de., Paper Makers, Orinansental Wire Works. every Inform& tion by apt casing the min ufaciurars, N. WALK NU Jk /WNW No 11 North Math 'Argot I , llllollolphlit. - Otob7llx 111