Cheap Jqtr:e Comirtatidattvts CHE*P JOH N'S TEN COMM.AND.DIENTS MA I axe Oheap A Jelin, who keeps forth fn the Franklitt Ilona., Wand the Court Hausa. Thou shalt buy at no other places but at Cheap 3olnet.. Thou shalt not commit the great error to go to some other pl.* to boy • • Thou eli6lt — ii6t — go to any other place to pay two pricey, for I am &Joelouu Cheap John, watchlualyou from the Court Home stooplo. / show mercy to the poor man in giving him bargaine. Remember i lon t irell on rt - 9ab , bath'llay. Honor CliettreJohn; for ho is the benefactor of ragged humanity. I have elotWag. I have Boots Slices. MD I have hate and -Notions I am the only 'Cheap 'John in barites ruy goods 2.5 per cent cheaper thou auy other store. FRANKLIN HOUSE, 6 COORT 16OUSE AVON IJE ABeliend the Court house,) C.A4LIBLE, PA., YOU WILL fish /MIN'S SION 411 , 13T1 Cloths and Furnishing Goods THE BEST, and decidedly the largest stuck of FALL A.ND'WINTER GOODS, In for lon's, Youth. , nod wear, to I found at the old and popular store of t§ki'd LiViNasTom No. 22 North Hanover Street, • yt;tt con 'find the Intent production e of Lori tuitunfeetttre. c T ,‘A or vv.') dew:lll,llkm olid quality, and all (1/. 'popular uudjuoblunuble liad..,. 0 V ER-COAT INC, Caseituerid in enilleeti variety Tweede, ttllltutfl, ♦ tylondhl .toQk or Ytoottuga Aa itoulettou .Wok YonLly•unp.tha Clothing, of our I.l‘'Nu uatunfocturs, oquol to garoiqpts plod.. to order. A 61;londid asiortmerfral GautlOnon's Fnruishing Goods I Talk.. EMIT! lkly tbu a 11.41 fag to glvu usu .11 Wn ur•Aletrrtulrud to iYll uliaapor thou iqq 11011. 111 • ISAAC/ LIVINGSTON, • Ye. 9.S North Ilnuurur Street. Cnrllule Ilstablisheil 1847 ME IViwthern Pacific! IL It Gemming, [N... 21 NEW 740 GOLD LOAN 1.4 Pl4lOl %NEN rt JAY COOK le ,j , C . OMR Toll liAl.ll AT PAIL AND ADDIUDED 1111 FIRST 31ORTV.AGS LAND OIbA Nl' 66/.6 BONDS OF TUE _. Northern Parifle Railroad Company Them bonds are secured, tirg, by a Firet Mortgage an the Ridlrmid Heidi', lin rolling-elook, end all equip. motile:. 'and, by II /at at.Mortgago on Its entire Land firmit,being more then Twenty Tiro Thoutand Acree of Land to each mile of Road. The Bonds ate, ;free from United Tax; the • Principal and reforest are payable In Gold—the Principal-ICD4 end of Thirty yearn; and the Inter. eat ileiplottinually, at the rate Of pRVIIN.AIII:. T 111413.. Timms Pan Our per annum. • ... • They .are Issued in denonainations of Oli n ), $5OO, 51.000, Ph 000 and $lO,OOO. The Trustees under the Mortgage are Messrs. Jay Cook e, of Phllatelphia, and J. Edgar Thompson. • President of the Pennsylvania Central Reflood , COM pay ! • These 'Northern Pacific 7.31 Donde will of all times Lollar.' materiel', hi receivable Ten PER. Ore, (or M P), In - exchange „fer . the Company's lends at their lowest cosh price. Is oddities le their nbeoluta entity, th. an Bonds yield an ineome larger, we believe, than an r other tlrstOlaes ...laity. Parsers boldly g United }Pates • 5-21.0 e eat, by converting Northern , Nob flee, lumbago their yearly income one-!heed, and et I. 100 W TO GUT THEM—Your nearest Bath or* • Balker will eopply thee. Donde In any desired amoust,„and of any reed..d denomination. Persona' wishing to 0/change storks or other bonds for these, • can 4o se with any, deur Agents, who will allow the hl heat current price for act MAKI MOLE Thane living In localities remote from Dank.. luny • send money, or other bonds, directly to on by express, end. we, ill send back Northern Pacilin Bonds at our own risk, and Itltheut cost to the investor: For fUrther information.parephlite, maps, fto. , call on or • address. the undersigned ' or any of tho Danko 'Bankers employed to cell this-Lose. . ye Igor Paintsr& Co„•litakers,Phileltel. his, agents for, Eastern Penn's; sod Carlisle. Deposit nk, Farmers'llauk, and Pleat National Dank, Car . 'le, - • . 9fe7lgna Dri Goods anct.'.6iipets. SPRING,. 187 p AT D A. SAWYER'S .! D. A. SAWYER Now opona a fresh SSA•WYER' D. A. SAWYER stook of gobila SAWYER •D. A. SAWYER. suitable. for SAWYER 'D. - A - SAWYER - the aeaann. - flaring SAWYER D. A. SAWYER Jug returned from SAWYER D.A. SAWYER tho Eastern marts-.. SAWYER D. A. SAWYER eta,..we are new_ SAWYER D. A. SAWYER prepared to SAWYER D. A. SAWYER • offer SAWYER D. A. SAWYER borgall at unheard of SAWYER D. A. SAWYER low prices. A choice SAWYER D. 4. SAWYER lot of prints, SAWYER D. A. SAWYER gingham/1 SAWYER D. A. SAWYER and drew SAWYER D. A. SAWYER ' gOode. A °olio- SAWYER SAWYER . ' rior "brawl -- of - — SAWYER D. A. SAYER Black AlpaScas, which SAWYER D. A. SAWY ER for prim qunilty, lux t4AWYER D. A. SAWYER tro nod weOr cannot SAWYER D. A. SAWYER ho excelled. SAWYER 144 ! SAYFVER. D. A. SAWYER keeping goods SAWYER D.A. SAWYER very low. Cheap SAWYER D. A. SAWYER Tat& linens and tow- SAWYER D. A. SAWYER els. Great liorgains SAWYER D. A. SAWYER to Marseilles SAWYER D. A. SAWYER Quilts. A choke lot SAWYER D. A. SAWYER of Hamburg cdg- SAWYER D. A. SAWYER Inge very SAWYER D. A. SAWYER low. A superior lot SAWYER P. A. SAWYER of Laces and Lace SAWYER D. A. SAWYER Collars, Hand- SAWYER D. A. SAWYER kerchiefs, Ac. SAWYER D. A. SAWYER Cheap Linen SAWYER D. A: SAWYER Halalker. SAWYER D. A. SAWYER chiefs. SAWYER D. A. SAWYER Latest SAWYER D.A. SAWYER Ayles linen SAWYER D. A. SAWYER collars and SAWYER D. A. SAWYER cuffs. Cheap Bo- SAWYER D. A. SAWYER - biery, A splendid SAWYER D. A. SAWYER selection of men's and SAWYER - 13:4: - SAWYER - boys' Wear. RePrylanly SAWYER 13. A. SAWYER cull and exandno for SAWYER D. A. SAWYER yourbeV, and 83V... ' SAWYER D. A. SAWYER money. SAWYER '91331171 BARGAINS ! IN DIY 000 D -4, rytowi ArcTioN, 00ILBY'S C'HEAI' CASH S q' 0 It E Nun opening, a serund aupply of thr clielipeat Fatl sued Muter Lluude brougla to Carhale this If N.oti. A large easurluiret of Die.ait (total. In ea el) vatiety. Cloths,• • Cabsimores, BLANKETS AND FLANNEI,S,Ner) W ATER-PROOF CLOTH ii xll Mnelins, Tickintm,bingheme, kr. tit the very loweet notch. ❑utdery, Gloves, CI odembirtv, etc , cheat. titan ever.- 'fable- biome., Towellagt-nott Napkin, All kinds of Notions, 'Citywide, Yarn., ❑raids, tibia Collars, Balmoral itkirte; Sr., kr . in entlle4e variety ..„liiimelat bat galnA_lmillack.Alyaree, of Itr,llo4k e, anti eilentiol quality. BEEN • Au eutire new lot of Furs. Great bargains, having no old ones. Purchasers eau depend on gettin; a new and cheap article. Purchasers are earnestly requested to call and are amine my stock of now goods, and satisfy themselves. No trouble to show suede at the Cheep Cant, 'Slum, moo. 47 wEsT MAIN STREET, CARLIBLE ea= DECLINE IN GOLD: • Quaker City, and Coral Quite an excitement In the liry Itcott& inhckx•, Store l eJS,rire Cr, hea y Ha no'. vcry mock WI deelme In pi:. re t , I .1111 nt fin .5 DINIANK IN (11)(51oS . . I fat heather, mill,. :anion's'', dr., •nd prepe red. to fur- Silk'', Dtll.l.F, Nleitnnes, Alpaca'', P'opline. Sol gee, i 'ash and place th tin 111 petition at ' , hurt notion. Rep', and a 'urge Inriety, comprising ntairly er•ry• i , Having an expo-riot., of 22 3 elre - In ail. businew. thing in this line ni gootls. I I world reaper fully solieit It 411/111 . of th. I Odic ' patronage. feeling vonfldeni ihn• I evils ;It e entie- STAPLE GOODS. • 1 im.ti... litliNTOly , A IN , ()DS WA I,K Elt.- • _ • 'Flailed, Ticking'', Gingham'', blank ete, Cot lanarlts. I E XCELSIOIt __lientin ky Jeans, CLUTIIS and CASSI NI Ell IItI, Linen i and Co' toe Tn. le Map' rs, Shirting,. Cheek, , . • - . ' • 11 lIITE 'GO MS f'unl lei it e, Jaconete. V 1.11.11 Niue 11..lutoion, 1 , and t Edg ttge ul/11 Io ..n in go HOSIERY, GLOVES, FANCY GOODS ut ;rat niauy .tile ,uLd nll sery then', 1,11(liee Under elollkiny; Ivry lamolsontely Ui wed. Alen Cheviots, &c CARPETS, orL cLoms, Doggett., Duo, Window Shades, Quiltn, rionoter prate., stud noulygouill not mentomed I. r x a:. t Vila claim to bare the largent nod iv:et . ..took 0 Dry Gouda lo tha Itt tailor thl. Matt., nod will a ell' nt such oilcan nit wlll natislyoll that the 1. the One, to get good bargioun. ECM Pitt Haling. Gas FM arc IIM!!!':1 JAMES CAMPBELL. • Wr P..ILEN WOOD. PLUMBING ;. 0 .A..N.b STEAM Al N;. 18 North Hollow Street, CAll1.181.1C: PENN'A STILL AT BUSINESS! Alta iiittivntlgotol aro uuw fully pir epotrtiti to at loud 6'061..11111,a krill' I n JlllO.lll. I rancho•. 'l'l,•y lau kvol, 41.11ei . atillly 4u luau 1 and =ME W ATEIL CLoSP,TA, WA r En CLOSETS, • W_ll ER CLoSETS. • WASH IL% SINS, TIYDIt•ANTfI, h 111 and Voreet'lidernu, , •••••• Lilt end Force Clelrna, ' *tali Deep WWI l'uunpil, Lead,lerra•rot'll met Deep Well Punt] Load, Terra Cotta and Iron Pipe. Chimney Tore 111111 Flue.. 7, GAS PIPE Al;11) FIXTURES • Olobret, and all 'kinds of haws Work fur Meant s.l;d water ebo,fithqy on hand, or fornlalled to ord T s . D*01110,., Churchoh, Factorlee and othor Laildh In town or conntry, hard up with noatnout and do, patch. As work warrhntrd.. •. • Thankful for public patronogo, Ivoby eh!. , nttontion to btolinees to merit tr'eontinunneo 'of t rettnonnble,it requiring but one tt of to errute jour"etintotn. 111vounn rag. Don't fto r ' tho Woe., No 18, North honorer otreet, In tintbr mom of Hipo'n hew building. order. left ot l• reoldone , of either Meigira. • 8 .0A ifpBELL on: HEYWOOD ( ( 1 ) -- .a eithmr . ddy qr. night, milt .ho..prontits itttotitlod Jlllll. eatupboll, Aloxottdor's Ito Pitt etrvet, or NO illlttnqonwood, South ',toed, at, Went: ' • having special advantageo trn alio prepared to urnisit . corritre 'WORK OF,ALL'I/EBCIVIPTIONN for Still lloososand other marpoNee, at home or' at a Wotan.. COFTER forulahea to order, eltliordrowu or bnirod. .2.saugly CHEM Our house, BARGAINS! /3MMill sattinet,, and Ram, mit Wm' FURS' YeitS CH A It OGILBI DRESS GOODS, MIME = Bran TUBS, kTII TM!, BATH TUBB; Groceries, Family .Ltc FRESH ' Gill' OCERIEgiI Atriain to be bad at the CHEAP STORE, No. 88 East 'Pomfret :Streot:u And why ors they.always fresh? Because we sell a grant amount of them, am? sell - them -low. There fore, turn our stuck often, and consequently our goods must ho fresh. You everything yoit wish in the 11,3..0 .Grocceion, Queenne•ure Ulanswaro, Willow awl erklarwero Slone and Crockeryware, Choke limo, Drlot/ Boot, - Bologna, • Boor, Biscuits awl Crack«, of every tlt.eri id into. Pickled, Sidi:tut arid Frettli Plll.lllll, Ellgiitil PlCkiVt4 Lemon Syrtipx, Sr., nod ilo nail to NOTIONS ateli,, to lunation thorn, rime and non cur yonr indvnu: and parents if It don't snit - you to - vela - your cbildrnn,an they ti ill tat dealt - with tin otno rare an If you teem here yourself: alit, KINDS OF CO U NTRY PROD VCE iukuu:in ...ammo fur gouda, or curb GEO. B. lIQFFISIA.N'S SONS, No. 88 East Pomfret Street, lOscp7o. . CARLIfiIX, PA J . M. MASONIIEDIER, EMEM3 CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, tzi FINE QUALITY OF TEAS, PURE. SPICES; Queenwa re, -CrlasJittire, Stono raze, Woollen nil rarer IMINFB OF FAMILY FLOUR, I= ALL RINDp OF COUNTRY PRODUCE BOUGHT.AYD SOLD SOLITUWEI. cora:En PITT Als:D P.3)IFTIET STREETS JGdvc6o Stoves and Tin ware NEW STOVE AND TINWARE E-STABLISIIMENT! The pnrtourethip heretofore •xi.ting beteteen Walker & Clandy having been by Intittlai co.ent., I herby ono...viper to the eit..ens of Cariole • hod .urreoptling country:Chet I WilV,op.ned = in II birds frame building, en the corner et_ Went Iligh - snol Went B.trr pin, formerly orenplild by Corne lius & Bosh • . . flaring a Incite and complete stock eff Stoves and Ti 11,1 re on hand. selected with the greatest care, ex pressly for th is market, my roatoniers are guaran teed sat islattion, both as r.ogni ds finality and plies. I= ronstantly on band and mode op to order. My stock of innaire einbraces ever) thing usually kept Inn find ridoblishotent. Roofing and Spouting prkoipt ly attended to. STOVES! -- STOVES! E ''STOVES! ! I am non priparyd to eshibit to the Winter Trade largo and troll-assorted stork of the beet patterns of Stores. flaying the agency of the followint vele hinted ttnysii i .tstrrispropirred to larnisitthentz to-par., fleets° ifestrldlii Morning Glory, Light 'House, " Bon-Ton, Ro6bud, Beacon Light, Egg, Mice, and Parlor S T 0 V I.: S Ili. lion .1 l'vok S:ov• t.. iOlll.lll, Noble Cook, Superior, I= I I N VV A II I. S T 0 E Asn 'Empoittrm -yi`- The Attnlng.•l,:n..l W. till trnll3 in 01111 elfin. It nt i,le and Cl'di) lba I. 1.011 .nitnni oti the =I illull ttyl nriun brnielnAL. lIT ha d AL:en - rd the Agyney tn. th.• t...luning 141, LLlnr pLos Lot : raitOr and 011 Ice Stoves, Morning Glory, Morning Light, 'alloy Ifeitter, Parlor Light, together aith n r okay of COOK sTorA:s Combination Gas Burner, T.ureka, Regulator, Niagara, eN • au T?l,rebourd Steveg JtAt lm In proparott tt frireltili ut the limott 111/11k,It lituelf,l:•p tiling promptly iittneileil to, ltor.lltig. Ppolithitt, nut! Jobbin6 exuemed in the 10 Int nitt rortory 11111103 of °very .'e criplbnt co:lethally on helot, or tnelleto order, nit rettooentilo 'Acre. Hay Dig. none but expotionetol work 111011 employed, be hoprn by a oloeo ettetallou lu 1,11011111 . 1. tO eveuro tho publla potrototre. _ Itooleolloor the Once, NO. IA WEST MAIN "TREET. SAMUEL It. CLAUDY 241 nr7llly HATS AND CA rs J. G CALLIO, No. 29 WEST 3iAIN STRECT, CARLISLE, PENNA., 'rhe HATTER of The II ATI'Llt of Carlisle! The latent etylesJu4 teeeivid , The Inteet styles always on hand I I SILK lIATB from tbo beat filimufacturee I FASHIONABLE WM just out II I 1 OALLIO alsbee to call attention to hie large OM ir A-q' - k" - 4 N D d e r S •u manufathve■ Hate to order; and bee tho boat 4rrangeingntti for, colorlpg flats, Woolen goods, and Ovetcoots, at abort notice The,highost OA$ll I'IIIOES pu r l for OQIJXTRY.FURS Sir 011 i ./1111 NO 40 MAIN STREET. ;. 1 lOsopo% iteury,.Satoit '66:, Ad. 1 84G I virOLEsicix: • it' OARLIStE - HARDWARE HOUSE! B . AITON. I J. P..lllxLin I D.'11.. SAX ON , . . .. •tc.. . . ll.' SAXTONOO. _. - ... • • = - CVC. kl,arue 11.kkk 1 tkiftiflC. \ ) 1 5;11 . 0 ;01 \1 4 :kV %. C S JA ail -. 0 ;,11,11 Cc—.. . * AM •0 \ 1 kI.V V, ( - 01( • Alli A.VAl(lll‘= 'Ali tfvl \:A V'ke \ - to \ c‘koAll kt\ (AO 1 ?- 8 \, , t'ultc.\ k? , _ 9ticloe 97 CLAJANAA •:, I.a.A 25 it 0, -.\,, \* 1 e.(..1,..,, e .1,, e, kl 2 IVIR.C. xm il,Atinfli dab. ) • t1,A . 11 kIVIA. 0 . X !A.R. MR OIA iIf?.tAGUR. 1111.0,1YLIA = ;.o„ckm.h.,e ,th ,111 ro.,ehit tal .«1 ' kikiekk ;,ekh Q% , Q-33 ) . V A. a, , . OEM We secure "' rates," there''' . offering 14; e• eta) Inducements. We would Invite the'attention of the public to our Immense stock of _Building Effrdware, 1,000 kegs nall, 20 tons Wetherill Buck — Wlilte Lends, colors, French and !Amerman window glass and mirror plates. flaxseed oil. N 111111411., &c , &e., Content, Calcine Plaster, nitre Sand, Lc,. be. TVillomma•e Farming Hardware, AND AGRICULTURAL Implements Dames, Chains. Shovels, Fork., _Rakes, Scythes, Snatha, Sledges, Drills, Crowbars, Digging Irons, Du. pont's Glazed Blasting Powder, Dope, Perm Neils. Grain Page, Mather Belting, Gum Bolting, Dose and Paekl lig, Mill, Cr°. Cut and Circular Saws. Platform, Counter and Ten Steles, Boring Machines, Plows and Pion Patting., Cultivators, COMCLIMAKERS' GOODS, Axle., Spoken, TAIL.', Follires and Trlninilaga BLAgIiSMITIIS' GOODS, Iron and Steel, Burden's Horne and Mule Shoes, Nails, Ruth, Ac. llamtware Toole!, for all mechan ical brandies from bust English and AlPerif waken, emodantly on hand and warrantod. HOT:SE FURNISHING HARDWARE, Cetlarivare, Pearl, Ivory and Rubber Hawllea Table Cutlery, Silver Plated Forks and Spoons, Curtain Cornires, Rands, Stair Rods, Cloth., Wringers. S:ol Irons, Plain and Porcelain Boilers, Solid Lon Pans, Patent Ice Crennt Freezers,Lc., Wostenholni k Rodgers' Flue Pocket Cuthiry and Seissors. Wire, Mose and Flower Baskets. • Fine Bird Cages, Fluting Mitchlues, Curling Irons, Ac. -Eureka Slating Mr coating Blackboards. Prepared llornees Oil null Blocking. Special err/log . owatt, for furnishing plarble Tiling and Slate Mantles. Sole agents for Plank's Plows. Sole agents for the Patent Post Hole Digger, digilag - a post hole In one halt minute. Solo agonts tor - Palriler'i Patent - Ant iron Planes. `- Goods delivered free, and with great promptig. Will guarantee goods to merchants as low as city griees, saving freights in most rases. Thankful for post. and soliciting your kind patten. .age H. SAXTON & CO., IMEM Pacific Guano Company pAciFlo GUANO COMPANY CAPITAL, $1,000,000 JOHN S. REESE & Co., GESERA L .4 E N 8 , iagv a, 122 South Delaware A venue, SOLUBT4 PACIFIC Reduced Prices No ferttlizer Intro 4oceoi to (lie farmers n 1 the Mhl die nog Southern State- line ultite more youlnal av d onifurtn antler/teflon than this gnarl The trade in It htentily Icerented, until the voneninption now Ihrhhghout the Invite country far ttexeutio that of uny olhbr fertilkor. Tha. lamp. capital Involalet In eta riot uet aft - of da thuenrret gonsaantee in kit anan'lntmil excellence Thu company hat a far greater Interout lu the [WM, nonce of ilea traele, , ilian titay . ontuiter of cottauVits on hone; hence it In the_ highest Internet of the company fort! tlin'r heel IlTtl Woo In the liarlact, that their nmal Melilloa, a dell by the. bent anictillfle ability, con prodnre. Thl. guano la mlii nt retail by I col flgt . /11.1 of the ompany-throughout New Jerncy, Ue no, talo— a) ivelma tint the sentltutta siaam,,, nail .are stlt.t'eto& lay I= JOHN H. REESE & CO., Liberal Diecoaut to Dealers J. ¢•-D. 12110 ADS, Agents, Light nous°, OA RLISI.I% PtNN'.A Ihnltll3m.tlauT I Bra Boots, Shoes and Trunks. STROHM ct SPONSLER, No. IA, South Iliukiver . Blrdet, Carlisle Theul