THE i•.IIEPIRE AIUTUAL. ITNEXA.MPLED ! EM=I LIFE INSURA.NCE COMPANI =I ht tlio flat Fifteen Months of it. 4i:detail , n has his OViM FORTY-FIVY HUND111:1) POLICIBS taevnrrne bums $8,000,000.00 . and taking in Premiums $500,000.00 bolsq the largest •ommoncommrt boldness ever don by eny company Is the world I 1. THE IMAKIN FOR IT. Ordinary wholu-life policies aril itlionitilioly au furiolt3bio from payment of drat lionual premium Almelo] litortrancto &too-forfeitable after in o Ana paymoules All polities lueotiluslAllu f.r Ystial 01111111,11 r, 11{111 lucuntustal:ll. prululimA. All restrictions open trarol and residuarsrarnavred and no permit. ragtured. fiiaaccurnulation of iiiierott on Loa. •r leoforrmid Premium., and no lorroneo of animal payrumitil on nay close of pullolee. Oato-third of th• proullum loaned to the party wired, if de.ired, utol ■o Nola roquirod. Dlvltleuds on the progrediOrs plau, nog also up. We guarani. lalsmt plea., Ilualam of Ihu cumlony condoetud on thu Nut Non. u PoHuy uiinplr x 1d fidis IT Its prorlulwa Incontestability of Policies It Is the purposo of Thu Co fulfill all its rontracts, the eviduace of which Is that Ito policy loin no convenient ranges by moans of which it eon escape a Just demand. Pray., fraud ou the part of the insured will always inya,idato a policy. Also *tic ide, If committed pro •ious to the pays/mut of the second annual premium; or.death caused by engaging Inlay specially hazattions businsis within the first two years. But after • the asp (ration of two years, the policy will bo hold incoutestablo-for all causes except fraud. Non-Forfeiture of Life Policies' No policy of 'nem-mice with contionond pnytnante fjr-life will he forfeited or becozeuvoid by the nun - - payeneut of premiums thereon, until the full preying powir of tholnutniume have been ezhnuelod. The ortho policy in: That If tiny premium after the fleet anneal pee ns:Rum shall hare boon paid, shall not ho paid ou the AI) win.. doe, and the amid itimored shall, within thirty darn thereafter, glie notice id writing of Ina: Willy to Wry the 11111110 and of a Iles 10 that mid pPny !Gin no continued to fond, under rho following eneditiors, Then and in sorlt 04. thin pm Iley shall diet ho fort - sited or become told try the eon-payntent Stine send premium doe thereon, null oiler the want - Minn of o period, to be dutorruin•tl its follows, • lOU 'Mho not •alue of thin policy whoa tint pro al•unt becomes duo Blinn be det•ratinill i.J art. trial eidrulation, nod afactr deducting from such net rnl ue the 'Adam tep•rt said polloy astennented hr dividends, tip any indebtedue• to tl Compnos , toot-flftfis of 40teit rattail - Is shall Ito consid•rel n net single premium of temporary 1113;1r/tone. nod this policy shall bo continued injures aLatiWito lotto for wattle It will Insure, aceording to the age of the party at po thlan.of the lapse of-tho premium. .Examplo of the Non-Forfeitable Plan of the " r,elpire." Aye oip" party 111017,1,35. Onlinary whole lifg Ono annual ',minim° will continuo the policy force 2 yearn anal 3 days. Two annual ureimituns will 00011111 U the pulley fur.. 4 years and 12dayo. Three ,alinool prowl was wilt crolitlnoe IYu policy forco 0 your. and 27 day. Ilaur annual prealio,guil will vont - I,llle the pulley forte 8 yearki 10)&48 (1.48. Five annual pretnininii will CCM iiiloo ihe poi ivy forue 10 yearn and sil day, () FFIC II It B G. Ililton Scribnor, President:. Georiii W. Smith, Vico Pres dolt. Sidney \V. Crolut9 Secretary Lemuel LI. \ , Vaters, Actuary Thotnam K. Nlnrcy, M. D:, Ntotli cal Ex:tit-lino' Everett Clapp, Superintemlout o Agencies THE TESTIMONY OF THE PRESS The linpir• le a p•p•lar In,titutium, elikedgod by ou weed bovineee urinolelem, and le ftlelhiad nt..a v i ary early day Le eland shoulder to elibilliur rrlh the eldest eldepanies of its elterarter in the euentry. Ito eljleord and direetare " mean hoineas," and lave organized with The view of •etablisiaing a modal luatitutien.—..Y. Y. Independ ent, Jamigry 20, 1870. "'lath. (70;11).1117 It n grout sne..joid; Me remit 43 ti•onotoloal, and rollablo !MUM:011100 I. Th. Ifupira hat to wsporior Iu tha touutry."—Bodon Pod. The linecutlutthe Lax bOl/111-11111.11.180a I renelrr 'Thu !lupin, will ntliwri the tlioie lralch num 004 Re. , '• Plavloy n p la Me Company, wo fuel a Jost pridu tha 41. II kn.,. It I/ 0 A IA wicell.l4 oftuipitily "—Zion's ninth!. "A vorynurcensfhl '—Conyergafienitli# ~ "Thu ilkoPlro h;olunl im villsii - rivinie.l. The niilit ooliMintiul with it are, for limn who know. thorn, it eufiloionftweometuldettion of tho Compituy."—The. Natiott. . . . ' , lt le with peculiar pleasure that wu cpuuk of thia Roy candidate for public foam - We "tom many Din Moo° the Proublent of the conipany. Woknew Lim to be a man of ouorgy, of oh:truster, of suidrior ability, tutu Idlo'fo all olio, a aooooaarol 1 . 111 lit whatever ku undo. tut re.. Thu truulsie,.thu f lit boa adopted Ito loot improvunkent• of the day Y Ite orgaulintice."—on linfikuld ItlsirraNd Na- '' '' '' kam, AGINUT FOR Cnitianrks . id, Perry, and Juniata Conn- . tleß. OFItICIi WITH S: lIEPI3URN, Jrt 14July7U•1y MACHINE. WORKS. CARLISLE MACHINE "S:VORli§-1 F..GARDNER 6. 0.0 CUMUERLAND . VAI LS] REAPER AND MOWER 'We aro now hulldwg.vud . .111 ling uut for the hug vOit of 1870, thu New Paileut Coulterlondlloy Coin Mood It IIAPER AN I/ MOW , whit SEir RAKE, 01.11 till tither kilo I eprov: olotitii. It will he kohl hi thu htu style, orrantiol to wor uutiu foolu ily. The wait of it lioino tootle heap, h 10110 le Po ful , • nil we enpuct to ho ado to offer to the fur.: ere of Coto berla d and udJuitdug c. Ito machine whidi ill to o completo .A 1 tl 100 . 0 . Ct MO. rottier, uopml to the beut brooglit from, a ilintolooi Form,eru ore r, qiiroloil to call nn,l no tinykeit. EMMEI2I33;I3!E — Uo IWO bnibling, this wea•on: only a limited null. her of tiny flakes. The Novelty boa the boil Acting arrangement, ur can ha worked by hand, on thug old Ipriniple. It will be made of limo beet materials, in ,amino:nu style, and will ranted to giypj eritimfaction. Bond in your orders early. THE OUM SPRIT(? we COO flow, building the original Willoughby Patent (lam (train (trill, no well known, and popular among ((,mums. No goad farmer cfu affoid to do without tho INTloughby, for it largely in. mouses, and limo ore. Inn crops, and noon pays for Itself Wo mak° It as a Ornin and flrao Sander alone, or with Patent , linaso Attachment for sowing phospinit.n. or guano. Wo eino build the Willoughby with ,tho. shovels In straight amok or zig mg, lin :armors may proler. =I Wu aro mannfactoring fl variety of Nitric oltural implements, such lei horse powers and threthers, cider mills, St tri corn shellers, titteo alzeo, Cannon corn libellers, Eureka fodder cutter, and keep eltotis on hand thu National Fodder Cutter, three biers, Ith various other farming Implements. We alto make Earner's patent Tire bender, and porter'. pa out Toyore,`which ovory blacksmith should have. Also east iron corn crushers, wash kettles, four sizes, cel lar grates, tiro different patterns, plow castings and of bbr laud Ingo bop% always on hand. Tho'CARTASLE COOK STUVE r our own casting, to one of the beat and choupo4 stoves in the mark.s. = As herotoftue, we give psrticir nr Patent on to' STN *3l lINU INNS, and fornlithing :HAFT INO, tiEARINO, PULLIEe, nod every 'art of the machinery connected with- Papas' mills, Flouring nail's, Saw mills, Tanneries, Le. Our pato.. for Ettouin engines nru from two Ur to twenty-livu hints power, combining ximpllclt, o yons I ruct ion .rich ell modern Improvements, anti forniblied at R , C01111.- dating pricer We alto, build purtablo anginal; of twu•hmxe power for running printing proms., Sc. Wo have an- extensive variety of patterns for mill work, to which we aro constantly making additions, 31111 C. fill contracts fur engine. a and nulls at churl notice. Two new stationary engines now on head and for solo HUILDINO MATERIALS. Afrachrd to our estalillehment in no fistonelvo PLAN.NO Mild, and SASH and DOOR FACTORY, with all the machinery- for manufacturing dour and window frames, ea , ll, shutters and blindn, brackets, mouldino, comics, and north,' drapery, stair rail end Whitacre, flooring. eblingand every other artivle In Cho line of building mat...HMS. from the lomat price to first ohms quality. Iluildere and contractors m r. 17 on all orders, large or email, billng promptly filled— Au exten,ion imply of sii.oncil pine, walnut and'oak lumber kept count:m[ly in our lumber yard rigid, for silo. Small elves of lath and low priced doors alwoye on hind, no I oilier articles mule to order A0 ..11tr , 1 , 1 , 7 , n , r , by whet - wive, In m. p d y .u.n i do nnr dto brnucl• our bn.lnenn mit no 1,0,0"I'-'4 RUYIIR df. CO. BIM Plumbing, Gets Fitting, d't =I PLUMBING, GAS AND STEAM F 1"I' I Zi Il No. 18 North Honorer ,S'l'reet, CAR LI SL PEN N A STILL AT BUSINESS! The undoreignod are now hilly prepared to attend to this londne,n in all ha different broocho•. They alto keep ,onstantly on hood mot for ado, WAT Fit CLOSETS, • lIATII TUBS, -s - TATint cli,*3 WI'S OAT T H ÜBS, - WA FES CIA , StS, II %I'll TLI Il•, WA I Ell CLOSE CS, lIATII 'I UIIS, ~, 1 ASII II ISIS, 111 - 1/11 ',NTS, I llt Anil Foici3 th , terlt.s, Lift and Force (intern, ' e/1 Deep Well I mei , . Loud.eelll 11l la Mel Deep Well l'liinp.i. LoAil, Torra Cotta ai.o Ir. I'litti. Ultitiliwy Tops and Fines. - j „. . GAS PIPE AND/IXTL:RES ,o • (1101. ex, and all Lloatt of Wi.rk ' for and water cu, tautly ou hnntl, or filroishell to ordor. Dwolliorp, Cltrolle, FliCtOrlOrl and othur lit town or couu try, [lard up with 11 . 13 , MAXI and Its. irach. All wmk warrantvtl. Thanknil for publio ' ,, ye holm Ity strict atlantic., to business to met it n continteinee of the same.' Terms reaininahle, it requiring but one tr i nl 'Perms your custom. ( Ile a nail. Don't fin get the piano, No 111, North Hanover street., In t... beet mol.t of Sipe's new building. All orders left al the residence on either 0 C - -IMPI3ELL on lIENWO OD 0 t tin e. ullher day • r sight, will Lu pls.:aptly tlistale.l to JI \lllll Callll , l/011, Alexiwitlut's Itow, 'lit stri et, r %1111 xis llott.tacal, Vast. 1111%111, special I,4lvalitapia wu a o iirsjatrail -to 'urn xh COVI.PIII. OF DliSt,'llll ur Still ilialstatand other ilartius st listaitdu • COPeElt rice Nil ufl to ordur. ,du u, r brazed. MEM m nom' i Pulmon B /sit m COUGHS,- SORE 1:11110AT, ETC No Inc(beim) or treatment can excel thu powerful curative power of D al3l 51 ' WHITE PULMONIC BALSAM It eons with a rapidity muslin:died by any other rein, ily offered f o r Throat' and Lung itiioaXem It Is recommended by over 2 000 persons in w ilmington nod hundreds in Millen WO la, Multimor 0, and other citins and communities through of the to entry. Mr Pennington .of Ihningten, illinois.writes that I her., lo not (will, a few exceptions) a family in that city who will ha without it If possible to procure it buil, is its popularity wherever It is known—and this popularity ado, hum the fact that it universally cures nil who 1140 It. There in un C/1110 of Cnugha, Colds, Sore Timm!, Asthma, IYronrhl. i. Croup, Blood -Ppitting, I EOM,. lieSS, and even Pulmonary Consumption, whero the system Is not in. ken down with the Wei rof . h e illsenso, or preloi dod medielom or inoxp deuced edema, that thia it,, now Ari'l Trot ctiro itvorrAill r um d according to directions. We guartintm it it I we represent It to be, 'mil I.,TILe a ham the nillieled everywht , 0. PI ice, ;4, coots mud on, sir for •arge .liPo bo ten Fr-pored only by M .1. 11. SIMMS, M. D., ORCANIC cuwonr, , No. 707)Ear1:et kraut, WILNIINWTON, Philadelphia depot, Johnson, Holloway & Cowden, 002 Arch Street. Baltimore depot, S. S. Hanes, 108 Balti more Street. 'Por'S.b, by Met Denjerx gen . -Bsep7o ly ISE - 1!'(111.N TU:IIE, A B. EIVING, CA BIS ET MAKER. AND UNDERTAKER, West Main Street, OPPOSITE LEE'S WAREHOUSE, ifroinliim tor. Mutt Furniture awarded at 01l County Fait .. .lnce 1857. Furniture of all varlet!en null kyle., of Foreign and Domestic feet are, from the !Inept rune wood in'allngt.ljo LLu I..weat priced ample awl Om. PA RL OR - • -DIMINO ROOM,. KITCHEN AND FURNITURE ICtob.iving avory article uncal by Mimeo andlfotvl korprwe of the most approvod I.nd fsbillonalilo lice ge awl finial,. Including also Cottage,. Purnituro 'l,. xattn ;and Camp Chairs, Nintioenaa, Celt Yraincs, Pletnrus . do ;&c. Particular ationtleu Oro, as ti,nal , to futn`, 1,- °Mora 111 . 0111 town mud country ationdo.l to prowl.. and no noacernie tonne •' attention paid ,to Gu soloction A• U. ti 2lumr4l 80 MEWS 4981:Pit NY A L.TO' , l - C O., Cqbinot Makeis, AO. 413 NrALNLIT ST., OtiF oat I.llelktilont to ono of tho.oldont In Phi!add phla,,atol f 01/1 tong oxporience nod titiperldr fncillt 1.. x o nrn proitared to luroldlt guild work itt:ressoupLlO , prlr4o. • • • ,Wo. oftoturo nualornltnro, and also medium priced furniture of ouporfor qoallty.'t. A Toro stock of turntimo aliroyo on honfl... Ooodrinado tp order County,* Deek•Work • Wilco Furniturn for llanill, (aeon mud Wore@ nuuli . to order. Jo.. Wu:tot., J. W. llorincotr. • JIMA. SCOTT. OtabVtly • • GRE ElViiTE,Lp—Dry Goods 1870 FALL ANI).WINTER GOODS A full wow uuu t of Now O ode 01 pricee that duly mop. ilVon, EMI FroncliaiT37 - 1 , 1, 4 - 11toltImix; Nortrlch r PArgls, Rich &•. A largo asaortmoot of in all tit° DM nth tar -N. IV? Ma so 11114; Water-Knof at $1 00 $c yard. Beautiful a'oe' of NtiW fill AWLS Joel opened, Tory Loup. WILITEI AND GRAY 111.ANKKT8 ILINVOr lu 111.1 r,.. FULL 0 SORTMENT MOURN INO 00008 RUM Bloc 3lori tips, All-Wool Dolainos lholtrusa Clothe, Rut lan Cord. Black Cratonns (autnathlk noe and va% duldrabla,) Crape Voila Cullara,Clitque, TidbitBl, Thi, Crape., &c. A lull =tort maul of lunoral Gouda - alwayht u• hand. llavlng mereasad my facilities to Oda branch, I am prepared to ip t lip Oral-clam work at abort notice by a Tailor that amulet to oxcellel Elegant monrimont of Feonch Caseimires, 13oavers, now on exhibition. LARUE STOCK OD VCRS to open on the first day or October, at ,ory low prlc 11nblencl.1 at 8, 10, bind 1 i aunts Best Applet , n, A, Muslin, only 15 conts. A splendid Muslin, one yard wide, only 12 cents. Bleached ,Vuslins. • Y.ry good 110.01., 10 canto. ll= I= I= Canton Fran.ln at Ili, 15, and 20 c;e•nta. • ai.i2 . ,1 ; 1.11,1, cent.. Flannela, Jeana, Sattlneta, Cllngha, Tielde gx, Se., all at radoend =I All the i ant umhM Deltnnew In now sty 1,111 , t, 20 rents. . A gr 6 la.gnlti in Plain Ainea, all,Aolore, at cunt,` per ye ii. =I hlosiery, Glove; I= I would rot dlnlry Invite nll to Io ttur nick mot put tuft 1111 u determined not to Jun it 4itilllo/11, 11111 V.; /I Offer I.llle of the lint bargnlturin that vii L. llama In any 1100( Pill 111,11 MEI NEW DRY GOODS STORE DUKE. & BUREHOLDNIt = Below the Car tide Depaiit Turk ; ' Ifavujunt • u•mu nt d from N..v. Yolk and Pkiluthdp: with nu ontn =I Our gunk 1101 e bruit uulnuntnal unlit t h e grunt.tunt ultra and in point of Inanity owl v11..01026 cannot ho ux culled. • Wu WON every unto to entuu and Inquiet our chute clock on gownc. You will Lind ovary vitrluty null styl• of goody lino unorkula milord, in Dross Goods, Calailmoroi4 = = I= = Esuiress Clths, Merinos. and Plaids rtglS /. ' FURS I. aunst \ — fittr stook of Pore expo]. anything In otnt of holuty of titti.h, and fineness of quality, and we have inerketl_thout,down to lower _puh!s•f,_lltaft kayo ever Loon offers t to Carl' en. We purchnro this Stock from lho Immo •ud bold House In Now York. WO Imo mode n'eltolee selection of 'CLOTIIS AN OASSIMERIIS, lq rhirh we Invite the especial attention of .yottng nod old. Wu have selected some choice patterns. of NOB BY CA BSI3tHRES, Intrticult rly flaunty,' to young nun, Wo buy° oYory thing In Nualins, Flannels, Prints, UM Coverlets, . , 'i , 0. 4 ' -- :.'• . . -•'' - i+-I , ..: ColiMerpa nes, - i t, Balmorals, . 7 nrnii re Cheeks, &0.., : LADIES' AND GMT% NDBILWDAD .• . of nil-kinds. A Am of the a =lima' ofPbuyirig'. owls from ' Us are, HO have 1111. ntfro N. KW STOCK OP 006D8 TO SELBOT which 114 re boon bought for cash; and ifs wilfallow 0 oho to Undoi sell. no Wo extend n cordial liciltatinu.:lo all to call nut tool* boforo roach% your purctuulen,.na eo Hank ea gala offor dire Inducamouß, • ' . - IRE -1870 N W tlt itTVAL MICEEMiI SILK AND NOOL POPLINS, I= w.vral-moor CLOTIf I= VestingH Suiting% 1/0511iSTIO 000D8 113. ma ,- and Notions, El= L. T. GREEIstFIELD, =9 Shawls, Funs, and Notions = tirap-eir nice .I..),inglittes, Siergqie-Arminires, af army shade and siyk. DOM 148 T IC B. ' Pi, I= BlankotB, Tickings, Ruin EIORIWOLDER JOHNS. RHEEIII) S COLUMN. PPPPPPPPPPP PPPP . PPP .PPPP PPPP PPPP•PPPP ' PPPPPPPP PPPPP. PPPPP PPPPP - ~PPPPPPPPPP TIIIIIITIIIIIIII 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 AAA £AAA AAAAA • AAAAAA • /AA AAA A.AAAAAAA AAA AAA AAA AAA AAAAAAA AAAAAAA NNN - NNN NNNNNNN NNN N NNN , NNN. N NNN NNN - N NNN NNN N NNN NNN . N NNN NNN N NNN NNNNNNN NNNNNN 00000000000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 - 000 000 000 00000000000 sssssssss'ss SBSSSSSIBSSSBBBB SSASSSS SSSB MESSSSS SBS SBSSSI3 SS SSSSBSS SS SSSSBS SSS SSSBSSS BSSS SSSBSSB MISSSSSSSSSSBSEI SBSSSBBSSBB 'lb. 90.. i littvlag "Pnn•dn - .lt I(T LIT O R ea N. 11, West Mein 'Street, CA RI, ISL PA., would cull it he attoni-100 of the liublio tohi. larg 141$ tilllll. tof • N MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, among which will he found o lot of ~,ORGANS -ORGANS, ORGANS, ORGANS, ORGANS MELODEOIVS, MELODEONS, MELODEONS, ItEL 01)EONs, MELODEONS o NIdW AND ELEGANT PIANOS, mannketored by tho wiLobrdotl• Saoemallor I Co of rkludolphia. A limited unmber of tilos° ao will 1,. for RUNT, mid tL. nib!. will ha o part paymont for iho same In mile of retrainee, This arrangonout nlll Lucke the purchase cent', by I plying limo for payment, and will allow opportunity of testing Um Instrumomtbeforo purghasing. Also'bood SECOND HAND PIANOS ibil..l 0 or rent, xt to.rmx b emit the draws °Altana ozamlne them w►.thur yon wit II to reu hay. SILVERToNciUEIIoxuANs MELODEONS from life world renowned tnninduotery of B. P. Need Lam & no., Oormorly Cerhart A Meedhane). The *Dapped i d beet lu titc %mill, And ekll warrentacl'aisd. kept lu order by myilelf for Oro yea/i. Also VIOLINS, GUITARS, ACOORDEONe, FLUTES, • • PI E% 34% • SHEET MUSIC AND MUSIC BOOKS; STRINGS OF ALL KINDS, and everything appertaining to thernale buelneisa., Old rhinos, Melodeon', and Organ. taken ,In part pety,kr Sow onto REVAIAIisIG . , All kinds cdlnatrumonts repplred and tuned Call and °wane my 'tor), and I am , Hura X.C.AII 11= JOHN H. RHEEM ,Do WI forgot Vt., plaao, N0..11, WEST MAIN . STREET, (opoosito Marion 'Hall,) OARLIBLB,:PA 4,eidich Miller—Dr/.Goode 1870 FALL fiC AMP A I DRl' GOODS STORE, direct from Noir York add Philadelphia, a great varloty of Muck and Piney Cold Dro Silks Irish Poplins In nil rotor. • Oula'Plnid'C:oths nna' s. Senrges, for •Ladles' Circulars and tuitings, Plaid Poplins, Blerinoes, Cashmeres, Alpacas, pelainos, 2c SHAWLS! SHAW LSI Btr sped and Plaid Shaw lx, a - grantinriety, for Ladlna, .111b,eo, and Children, . FURS I 113,1 S I • FURS I A full Ilse of every grade and quality of Turn—groat bort : as—much under tbo prloso of lust season. BLA'NKETSI DLANKBTSI Urea t N 1.1.011115 In White Innnkote, Drookfost,Bllowls, now styles of Hoods, Scarfs, Tloo Sc., 16 great varlo4:. DO?1IESTIOBI DOMgBTICSI MOM Shootings, Tahiti Linens, Ticking, at lox or ra tea than ova.. FLANNELS! FLANNELS! Our stuck of Flunheln eikunot be ourpars. d for qual ity, quantity, or Ore. Call cod bet iiluo •of th• ci.o . nis AND CABS MEltliB, of ave..y variety and quality at psis, to salt all custom -ft , , fur sn's and Ito)le %roar. Call and son. All (inst.:lts Made up At short • NOTIONS! NOTIONS! In nueh vai let) . , nvinnnot be Helm elvvwber, C .11 )11, Id I the bove)1110 of tho meamon C Alt PET 91 - P T We hove jot filled qttr Oarpot Room with DM and beautiful styled of Oai pgln , Floor Oil Clothe of all tvldthi, Drimgets, Mattiogs, Rugs, Mate, 41c. We cannot he undersold In Cerycts. IVo wouldpiy to nil persons desiring to purchase Yell Goode, to examine our *lock before oinking CurThrisee, no we hove just returned trove the Modern ities el.ll the LARGEST STOCK OF DRY G 0044 S AND CARPETS, At oxtremely low Kiri., to be found In 11, county, rr nn wit are tletarmlnril to Loop up 01, repal Or Nulling ;tooth; very cheall. Itur,all, nt Thu Central r every curt aler ,Call awl ire f. r ,) °mealy., Sign of tlof Carpel. 8011, trfi. 2 I.:AoT 3f AIN STI:P.F.T, PA. 2 14'0 ORGAN, Moves, Tinuawe and .Plt7»pti GRAND OPENING RHINE'S:WITH & RUPP, NO. 69 AND 64 NORTH FIANWEIt sTmewr, TIN AND SIIIIET.IRON TORKEILS, and dealers in Cook, Parlor, and every variety of HEATING STOVEB Thu subscribers. laving 1...n(1y meted n cotnino dlour store room, adjoining their old A bull, afford'. g increased Illeilities for In.lness, one now propsred to turni.ll th. Ir patroliel and the pliblio goner:oly wl.ll eery srticlu lu thmr Ihte, on the most am ommo. luting hunts With no lingo and vamml nnsortmoot, to which additions urn co/mg/nit y mode, they feel coulident that in quality aunt price they are ahead of all competition. PARLOR STOVES, COOK STOVES, OFFICE STOVES. Thin depariniebt of their Mock is uneXelllloll for nrtbitie erior finish, nod simplicity of eiriii.gonient, ninon; which nifty be mentioned the = BUNNY BICH DOUBLK OVEN COOK BARLEY SHEAF, NOBLE COOK, mid Ilh u. variety of other Cook Stover wall known for hair taculloneo. of all klnds,lucluding the celebrated BASE BURNERS, If you want an Ornamental Stove, If you want an Economical Stove, If you want a Powerful Heating Stove, If you want a Perpetual Fire Keeping Stove, call and oxamlne our rtock, whorl you will find the OHIENTAL HOT BLAST, reTerpible (1110 and oven ORINNTAL PARLOR ItHATEII, 19'11Alt'b4tEVOi;VI\C LIGHT, AND. MACHO LIMIT BABE BURNERS, with a lorgo assortmont of PARLOR AND OFFICE STOVES. SIIEET IRON AND TIN WARE, Plaln and Japanned, Including Toihit Ware,. Cash and Deed Boxes, Broad, Cake, and sugar Boxes, . _ - .Knives and Forks, Spoons of all kinds, Ladles, Lanterns; Coal Buckets,' Enameled and Plain Hollow Ware,- Wrought Iron Pans, and Tonga; Coal and Flour Slone, Flat Irone,,lirana Kottiea, Fruit Jars, &0., Ago., do., embracing a largo nod comploto as. eciftmont to which vie motto the attontiou of buyore. Wo aro also peepared to furnish Pumps for Ciatorns and poop woms, =II and helve fot sale the colebealoil cUOUBIDER WOOD PUMP, warranted genuine. ,Constantly on band. FIRE MOE AND IMPAIRS yOn. STOVES EDDYING, BPOUTINI, AND JOD WORK attended to promptly and on roasonoblo torms.,p 057 Olc? Steam taken in exchange -Thankful for the patronage hetobefoie bestowed on us pro are determined, by Increased efforts, to merit a continuance of it, and respectfully ask the public to call and examine fur thenumisse. 11,111141E3M1T11 (t-RUPI I ; Non. OH and 04, NOWIII Juxovral OTRBEIT, 'cumxina, ?Ai lkopTO 1870 • NOW OPENING 1: ITEM CHNTRAL DRESS GOODS, French poplin'', all.culors, English Satin; all allndea Emproxe Rope, all colon, 43r.t Hargnins In Colored 111.ke1.. WOODEN , 0 OODSI MEM 011igh.) , Kentucky Jenne, LEIDIOI & MILLER hr TILE FALL CAMPAION NOVELTY PARLOR cool( STOVE KITCHNN RANUESI NATIONAL. ItANON. for two or mono mow MEM GROCERIES, CANDY, FRESH GROCERIES I FRESH. GROCERIESI I Always to Do bail at tbo CHEAP STORE, N - 88 EAST POMFRET BTRERT. And why nro they always fresh? ' Doering° we sell a great amount of themount sell them low. Thoro fare, turn our stock often, and consequently our goods must ho fresh. You will find everything yon wish in the way of - . . aßooirgEs, . ‘_ GUEENBWARE, ' .• • GLASSWARE, ' ~• WILLOW and CEDAR WARE, ' STONE and , . CROCKERY WARE, Cholco Noma, Dried Boef, Dalogion, , Boor, Tonausa; Biocnits and Crackers of ovary doseription." Pickled, Spicod and • Fronk Oyster. • Sardines, English Plcalse, Lemon Syrup., &e., and no end to NoI'IONS, It to melees to moo non theht, come and coo ter yont , eelyea ; and parents if it don't suit you to •om•, sand your children, a• they will be dealt with the same care rrif you were here yourself. ALL KINDS OP COUNTRY PROD,UCE taken In . exchnnge for goods, or GEO. B. ROFFMAN'S SONS No. 89 BAST POMFRET" ISTREET. OAHLIIILO, PA 10 ep7U- Nonce.-11aving transferred ley entire Interest in tho grocery business' to my Song those indebted to me ore requested to settle with them, during my ab sence in Europe OEQ. 11. HOFFAIAN. J H. MAEONTIEIMER Don!or in CHOICE. FAMILY GROCERIES, FINE QUALITY OF TEAS, PURE SPICES QURLS,NiWARE, EMMIM CiEMZED WOODEN, AND FAMILY FLOUR =I I= BOUGHT AND SOLD CI=E! leder%) CITY ADYIERTISEME.*T. to8r4111.1:311ED 18:1. HIGHEST PREMIUM SILVER E ., AL, uwa rdod over all coniputition, at Illueluinie.' Exhibit' u, Boston, Outotior. 1809. Tim. ORIGINAL AND GIiNUINT. =I WROU'GH'T`,. RON, AIR TIGHT, GAS-vONSITM INC} II KATE'? , patidited Du•t Fr.. en,(lrAte liar Wreught Von itedia tor, n.ol A utomntl,• Itegilledor, I. r brirniqf Antbraritc or tlitundoomi Cool or Wood. 10 niece for brickwork, and Y nicer Portable. Ilanufar ttu.A otdy by J. REYNOLDS t.C.; BON, N,'W . ,.cor. 13th 6. Filbert Streets, LADILPIIIA, PA Theno ilentrre nrn made of h• my wrought iron, troll ritt•trd to;ntln•r, not arc nnrrantod to tin nbno• Intel). lit, nod Ito. 'rigid. Th e y E ao th,, only tinnier. that arc 'ntoadud without nny daropern, nod in which all koala of forl can lourn•dtrithoot olterotion. Cooking Ranges, for Hutu Reatourootr, and rotolll.l IBM Flat Top Heating Range, .Fire Place Heaters, Low Down Grates, Slate Mantels, Registers, Ventilatore plrlete dt‘lng full “rneriptioo, o o o i fr o ., t o s,,gy Add' 0,11 23june70 ly Boots, Shoes an Trunks SITIIOII3I fi SPONSLEI3, No. 13, South Hanover 'street, Corti-41e Thrtn!tittl for the prc.•t;tl o ,t..tttle t tutus, ao s , c.iv unr,onnr• I hUir II•1Irti int gi.;1•411 sr itir:o .e151.11s or is ors k . D I Ladino find 3lissem, Gents and Boys, Youths and Childs which are uerhalled for comfort nod beauty. Aid, TRUNKS AND VALISES =I An of which will be sold et smell profit. GeV o And all, and get a full equivalent fur your money 14a1,70 CHEAP Goody aro not always ttc begr — trioul yon go to buy an article, and &modally la the matter of BOOTS AND SHOES go•to a dealer on whose. words yos con 'rely, the very low are good J edges of loather. • AT • this timo of the year many will ho wanting light boots and obeys for aummer wear. All • snoh can .. bo accommodated at ADAM DYS . ERT'S, where will bo found n supply at tho lowest prices Boole and elms rondo to.onlar with tho utmost dle patch. Plano of Madame . No. 84 East Louther street,,Carlisle, Pa. ,1461.70 •- • - • .LcathW and Fancy Goods. SPECIAL NOTICE. . CLARK & BIDDLE SCapeetfully !worm their (detin that Bllt. JEREMIAH ROBBINS, _ (tote of tho flew of Raney & C 0.,) hoe this 'day MO .olated'llltnnelf with them, under the firm name of - ROBBINS, CLARK- & BIDDLE, . and will continuo tho WATCH AND JEWELRY BUSINESS at tho old stand. . 1,124 CHESTNUT STREET . . . PHILADELPHIA. • Thoy are now offering, at reduced price., a cholas Block of • AMERICAN AND SWISS WiT011.1315, DIAMONDS„ JEWELRY, STERLING SILVERWARE, . , 'TABLE CUTLERY, , • • , -' MANTEL CLOCKS, • ENGLISH, PUNCH AND VIENNA. • LEATHER AND 'FANCY 000.DS. 28ap70. -13altI2nore, Ailvordsement • VALI; • , - , -a: •.* AND WINTER IMPORTATION. 1870. .Ribbans,..ilattnery, and Straw Goads. . ' ARMSTRONG, OATOR & 00,, Importers and Jobbers of Bonnet, Trimming and Velvet Ribbons, Bonnet Silks,,Setins and Velvets, Blonde, Notts, •Ornpoe, Ituohsk, Tinware, Feathers,- ' Ornaments, Straw Bonnets and Seidl eV lists, trim/sod and untrimmed, Shaker Roods, &a. • • • , 237 and 283 Baltimore Street, • BALTIMORE, MD., • cdres,,the, largest stock to be found In this couitiry and unequalled In Anion, variety. end cheapness, -comps:ll4ns the R&M noveltleg " Orders eoltoltod, and prompt ittOontioli aiion. . . 4104704 We ' DRY GOODS, AND CARPE.TS. DRY GOODS ! DRY GOODS ! SOUTH HANOVER STREET NEW STOCK OF FALL 'GOOD.? I take pinumro in offorlng to my potroor And tho public, A stock" of complete In erery branch, and not excelled In quell ty, beauty, and cheapness. I have now open a beautiful stock of FASHIONABLE DRESS GOODS, comprising Black Silks, Black and Colorod MI-Wool Reim Black and Colored All-Wool Pontine, Block and Colored Wool Moines, Black and Colo%d Merl. noon, Rich Plaid Poplins, Bergen, Volour,, Ph. Tamlao Bombazinea, Purl) 'llloliairs, now brand of Double Warp Block Alpaca, for bounty of color, weight of loature, and price, it takes the lead of any Alpacas In tho =dealt. Fashionablo Shawls, In new styles of Stripes and Philds. Long and Squaro Thibet .Shawls, all of which.' offer excoedlngly cheap. BLANKETS, • Whit. and Gray. Bargtins guaranteed FLANNELS, in every variety LADIES' OLOAKINGS--Black Beavers, Velveteen., White Corduroy, Opera Flannel., Plaids for Circulars. WATER-PROOF 1, WATER-PROOF I Houso Furolshlng Dry Goods, 'Pablo Linoas, Napkins and Whito Goods All the popular brands of Domestics, at prines to meet tho lowest quotations. Morino Vests, Shirts, and Drawers, for Ladles, hilsoes,_.Mert,And Dove. Knitting Yarns, Zephyrs, Gann onto,' rt Wool, Per sian Wool, and Balmoral Yarns, Llambnrg Edging, and Ineertings, Thread Laces, Culprit° Lam, Linen and Lac° Collars, Kid Cloves, Handkerphiefs, Pelt, Balmoral, and Hoop Skirts, Coreots; rind a general variety of notions. CLOrU3 AND CASSIMERES, lAtra I No hesitancy in saying that the prices alit ho as low an any In town. All goods Inrught at the bend of the market, for cash, nod superior Inducements will be otforod at the Cheap Cush Store, Cor. Hanover and Pomfret sta MEM NEW GOODS I NEW GOODS OHBA P DRY DODDS STORE D. A. SAWYER, I= OPP Ot3lTg THE MAR X NT 110 utin, lltg Just opvnuda large and aril xlock of D R_Y c; 0 0 D S , =IMMIX • Isck Silks, CidcWirSilks, Sek Poplins, Preneh Pop. laic,_ Wool Sergio, tl 00l itt•ps, Vsliwn, Victoria Plaids, Stuart and Rob Iloy Plitido, Colored Poplina, Alp.' MR. A stiparlor brand of Mack A ipilleell4, which for weight, inane, and price 000014 any other in the market. Mumilnii,llo,:,:, 8, 10, 124 15 11c0,19/i, 8, 10, 12!.;, 12, 14, 10. TlcklngH, 12, 16, 18, 25. Dielnines, 15,18, 20. FLANULS! FLANNELS! All the hest writes fit the toweet priete BLANKET DEPARI3IE,T. A (reel) stock of While and Colored In fronalle milln. Very cheep. Velveteen', Mutts Ilruers, antepward" SIIAW12"T''S11.111L8! Ilroche ahnvlx, 'Thlbet Slimy n. Striped Shaw le, awl Itlaukel SilllW leen away dov•11. NOTIONS IN AI.hVARIMTIES Breakfast Show 1 1 ,;" 11.1t,lies' 'on& CliPtirete. Sit:vino Vests, Men's Sltchoo Heels, Wove Yarns Zeptt,rs, Hosiery, !Ares, E,ntlooltletien, 011,01 Juovin's 1(lii. Motes. EZIEEIEMEBIMIi!IiII E 1 .1.81 1 MIK' I, In futon ae notaufachir. rs, leas than city prices' A lull line of Men'n and llo3s . Condoler... Suits made too der at lots eat prices. ' We urloli est.) hudy to call and ex:twins' our clomp stock and lama of the Barg dna, no you can save 25 per re. t. IZE3 CHEAT DRY GOODS ! Still Auntbur Iteductio'n in ninon ! Lory't Lola of (Mods front Austion Every 0011,BY'S lAigto n•iorlmot.te of DRESS GOODS Cloths, mid Cottou Stuffs (or Men nutl Soya' Wear, at lower pricna thou coot at factory. SPECIAL BARGA.I,NS lu Black Silke, White Piques, Fancy Sill:a, Hoop Skirts, and to-ny kinds of (Mier goods. Endleas varhrty of Fancy Goode—all cheap. Hover boat t Never tamed a ealo of Black Alpaccao r topline , and atilt smother rudnotion In them. Can ho compared with any in the county:Ar price or ;panty. ' 7.A ha EST ASSORT:if ENT Laco Points, Bilk Coats, IT IT 23Junu70 ' DECLINE IN GOLD I CDRRESPONDIND DECLINE IN DOOM! Quite nn oscltomont lihlto Dry Nom], market, In a very marked doelino In prlcon of Bilks, Dl,leaner, Meritioes, Alpaecris ' lins, Soros, Reps, Ad a huge' earloty, comiirlslng nearly aver-- thing In thls lino of goods STAPLE, GOODS. • , .•• Nfdhd~o 18,5Ickinis: Gingham; tilankals.Coltenades, Kentoi*y Jeans, GLLITHEL and CASSIMERES, Linen and Cotton Table Maven, Bhlrtings, WHITE. GOODS. Swiss, Nalmook, Cambric., anconsts, Franc)* llum line, Tarlatans, Cambria and Swish Edgings and In sorting.. HOSIERV, GLOVES, Trlmenlage, In great' varleli, Llbbone , of the but quality, Hale and Bundowne. • FANCY GOODS of a great maay styles; and all vory clang, Ladies'-tinder Clothing, 'tory kaugeomoly inadognl trlrrniiod. Also CIARpETti, OIL CLOinS, • Ruggete, Mimi, Window ilibades Quilts, Counter. panne, and manygooda not mondoneil for want of pace. olalm to hero the largest and beet 'took of .Dry Goode In the Dilutor" the Bfilab, end will e eu ma w z o , t o e n' tasterytai plus this #e the , pia& toipt awe & co. • MEM HARPER'S DRY (MODS, OM WM THOS3. A. HARPER, I= vaarltty of deNlgn and ==! I= MEE=M Day I= for Indies and Children Casyiniord§, Linom, nod Summer Shawls C. OGILBYT, I= DRESS GOODS, HARDWARE, SAFES, &c, MILLER & BOWERS' HARD }MARL' ST O.RE, 2G NORTH HANOVER STREET, CARLISLE, PA lkyEvenld respectfully call the aiten tion of the public to our recently replenish ed STOCK OF HARDWARE making It now-one of the largest in Cumberland Valley and consisting In pert of HAMMERED AND ROLLED, • IRON BURDON'S HORSE 15110/48, NOriWAY ROM, BLACKSMITHS', WAGON MAKERS', COACH MA KERS' AND CARPANTINI TOOLS, BUILDING MATERIAL Sa ddleu Pais ts, Cabinet Nlakorn, Undortakorit, and Coaoh Makora MATERIAL Chalon, ?hovels, Forks, Rakes, ho Ronal.' for McCORNiICIO3 REAPER constantly on band. We are constantly In receipt of c goode direct from the manufackrers and are nble to fur. nlsh country merclants a¢ Phlludelphla and Now York prices . - 000D3 dellrored to all parts at tho town J. of ohargo. WILCOX GIBBS' SEWING MACiI _I - IV E We here secured the kite., of 'the Wilcox & hewing Machine, n little family arrange ment no One Poems willing to do withnut after haring sen rate In operation. 'lnn Wilco: & In s a Blngle Thread Machine and claims superiority o•er all Double Thread Machines inthe following particulars. I t le rlmpler and lone !PON! . to get nut elrepair. It In cheaper It rune with loon noise. It rune easier. It rune faster IL bar the boat &sloe to pc - tenting the whorl hunt running bat kworil. It requires less mechani cal 00111 lo operate . 1,. It roq.,lros Inca time, and instruction to learn leore it. It le the. most c e rtain and reliable In Its operations Its needle is straight nod lens liable to be brok•n than a twit red ono The needle ix soentald .in Ito place by an ingedittusly patented theirs which rendera It Nell adjusting en that neither skill no. experivoce aro required in arranging It. It yeas directly from the spool thus doing ninny with the tedious operation al-rex hiding the-thread fur adjustment In the shuttle. It makes 'the Wilcox & "Lida° I loop - stitch," a s [ltch original with-this machine and made by no -thor, the ream Ix tense elastic nod nt ronger then the Lock !Glob The 01.001 t the nisru nor,, and beautiful, the seam is always self fastotfuil thus avoiding a r.versiltle feed. Its ten- Pion is more siniplo twit mer e easily adJu•ted, IL ix Moro rpoillily )ranged from one I Ind arwork to another, it, dues ucautlloi embroidery, /Ina the bett hemmer. IL has the hest &der.- it liandtrin laud braider. It hoe the bent brit. 'I lie Nil, I,a t lllkbo liso I, no in the market Irte s little more eight velure, 1,111 , 11 tuns upwards , of st e t, Unnoomd hero been tondo and s Id, a nutnnea ill flit) per cent tar or than Bore sold of any I/outdo Thread Me. 01.1,0 In tlie o,tne number 01 Ito eurliert years. ettecel.r Is mullicient lu warrant the sale 01 this ihicld tie NV , ,,Pen lino an A gen. y Without the deublisg es I , °Dee of text 1.1..1001., ttfw lord, there nee hutigit to till up the column. to 111• , load- Those at:butes are exhibition , nt our store, No. 26, North Manor on .' street, Cut Mete, whore they may he nod, and they will take great pleasure In ex , eaaustanything relaliny to IL lin..o.ctniliy Sze., • SIII.I.NIt et BOIT EltS, No. 20, Nortb flooover EMIG 1870 HARDWARE I=l H. SAXTON & CO., No. 15, EAST MAIN STREET, Dealers in Hardware, Iton, Cutlery, &0., Carlisle, Pa., ti.ool.y nonoence to thn polo in. that thoy, intend °ling everything In their line, nithut wholevnle vvr nt prleux m nch lower Ulan can ha bonghl thin alde of PHlttole,rhla Our .tna rouniety le pert BUILDING , CATRIIIAL nF ALL DESCRIPTIONS Iron, Paints, ..,..,,, Noll., Oils, \ - Shovels. Stan, . Hoes, Putty,• Perks, l'arnishee, Raises, , volllll3llt, Stultro, . • e" Plaster, Crow bers, Saud, Sledges, Powdyr, Picks, Beet, fuss, • Abe a full and well soloctod an wrwaulit of 'Moehanlae' Tools, Tablo and nooket Cutlery • . stock of Ar A It M BELLS, I 'hats, llamas, Chal un, , , Grain bags, Ropes, Pallays nd Huy Lltrntorn of all deacrlplloial.' OOSS, I'lS - TOLS, POWDER,' ' 8110 T, CAI'S ud ananoloition of n❑ kind!, Th.rnkful for pnet. %Tore, by etrlot ettonlloo busittotoi tro,bulto to receivo" n continuation of tb H. SAXTON k 00. A LL PERSONS knowing themselves Indebted to Henry Buxton are requested to make 'toutedlate settlement, and those having plaleas to present them (..r settler., as I clam np my books to January 1, PM. 27,1an70 LE= HATS AND CAPS G GALLI°, • tJ . No. 29 WEST MAIN TOOT CARLISLE, PENNA., The lIATTIIII of Car!lelr , t - Tho lIATTER of:Carlisle! Tho Intmet ntylosJunt waived! Thu IVACO. Pkylei,/awnya on braid! Y BILK lIATB from tho beat Mnrilifacturos PASTIIONABLE BATS Suet out 1111 J. 0. CALLIO wishes to mil attotttlott to 10s large stock of HATA AN.D"GAPB ItO inaunfa , turra - Rata to order, and has the 'List orrangetconin for coloring Woolon OooAo ancipvercoate; et abort notice. The ligliost OABII Pitlo6B 0011NTRY FUF.S A CALL. 'ID - NO 2 MAIN STREET 10dep00 FRESH Ar!:.piy.4l! Of all the New Spring 'Style., of HATS AND CAPS. • • The Subscriber has Just oponed, at No. , lb North .llanovor St., a few doors North ef the Carflelo Deposit Dank, one of the largest and beat stook of HATS A OAPS ever offered in Cantata. 811 k Ilats,'Oassimores of all styleO and qualities, Stiff Brims different colors, and every description of Solt Hate now rnade,The Dunkard and old fashioned' brush, kept constantly on hand and made to order. all warranted to give satlolitction. A full aosortmont of STRAW HATS, Nei', boy :k and childron'o fanny. havesloo any stook, Notion, of dittbront kinds, consisting of Ladios and Gent!, Stockings Neek-Tlos,Portells, Qlovos, Thread, Boning Silks, Sus penders, Umbrellas, Se., Prima Begara and Tobacco, always on hand: . °from° a call and oxamino my Block, as I foel•aon , ildont or planing, bulges saving you mono'. • __.3 111 A. KEIILEIt, Agt. e. 10 ,North Ilapoiratet. 31myet .STORE. .TEM , BEST, and decidedly the largest stook of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, In Carlisle, for'llfee'n, Ymiths', and Dere wear s to be feud at too old asdpopalar storo of - ISAAC LIVINGSTON, NO. 22 NORTH UANOVRII BMX', where you can find the least preadallons of Euro pean and American madufaCtura. of eery dorrerlptlon and , Plallty, and all tho Various popular , and faahlon'ablo Oradea The langest assortment eyor Cassimores in endless variety, Tweeds,. '- A iplondid stock of Tooling. An lino:Ion. stock READY•3IADE CLQTUItI6, of our (.Irn ronnufneturo, Nun' to garments mado to order. • A splendid assortment of OENTLEMISN'S roA = IMMI D lU ' :ro rrt d il ot a o n rlnfn ire ed " LX:l n l i e l. boaper Ilan any Rouse In town. ISAAC LIVINGSTON, No. 2 North Ilffinovlr Areal, Carttrail Established 1847 ED= Carriage Building and Livery CARRIAGE BUILDING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, AND REPAIRING AND AT" - HIiSIAUNAIII,6 71A-Tlll3 CARRIAGES, CARRIAGES CARRIAGES, CARR! AL11.8," CARRIAGES; CARRIAGES CAM:IA(I/9, CARRIAGES, CA lOU AGES, CA R RIAGM CA RI