7 --MISap.T e LANE6I7B.- TO FARMERS AND TEEN PLANTERS . • 11.11 - CIIAMBERSITURG NURSERY, r.) •• (Formerly Ryder Nursery Assoilation,) Have foreole, In largo or mall ,quantillee, a choice aeortmont of • Apple, _Peach, - .. • - Pear, - - • • • Plum, , . . ad ether treee, Irlth all the now or good kinds of Grape Minas; Over one hundred Varieties of Roses, And an endless assortment ofeverything that : Is &- Bitable to stock a first class orchard.or garden. Our prices ore low and our trees are as good as 'the beet.- Orders by mall Will reeolvo our beat attention, and satisfaction a - mantled In all our dealings. For Catalogues and other Information address the ' . SIIPERINTENVENt, Chambersburg Nuirsery Annoilatlon, Wa want u good, roliable . ntan In every to at act `as agent for the Bale of rug troes and planta.—sle,4 READING RAIL ROAD I= Monday, November 22, 1869 GREAT TRUNK LINE FRO6I THE North and North-West for Philadelphia, Now York, Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Ashland, Shamokin, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, Ephrata; - Lancaster, Col umbla, Ac., &o. • ' Trainileaye Ilarrieburg for New York as follows 2.30,5.35 and 8.10 A. as and 12.20 noon, and 2.55 and 11.00 P. Y, connecting with almllar trains oriVenn aylvania Rail Road, and arriving at New York at. 10 15 A. w., and 12.06 noon, 3.35, 6.35 nod 10 00 P. as., and 000 a. as., reapectively. Stooping Care accom pany the 2.30 and 5.35 A. u., and 12.21 noon [raise — With - out - change. Leave ilarrisburg for Rending, Pottsville, Tama- . qua, Alitteraville, Ashland, Shamokin, Pine Grove. . Allentown and Philadelphia, at 8.10 a. m., and 265 and 4.10, P. as,, the 2.55 train stopping at Lebanon only; tho 4.10 P. X. train stopping at all station., and making connections for Philadelphia, Potts - vine, Columbia and, all intormediate stations be tween sold points only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Raven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, leave Ilarrlshurg at 3 40 P. at. Returning: Leave Now York at 9.00, a. as, 12.00 noon, 3.00 and 8.00 P. M., Philadotphia at 8 15 and 3.300. as. Shaming cars accompany the 0.00 a. Y., 3.00, •and 8.00 P.ll. trains tom Now York, Without chango. Way Paesangcr Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 S. Y., connecting with similar train on' Haat! Pena sylvanla Railroad, returning from Rending at 0.35 P. a., stopping at all Stations. Leave Pottsville at 5.40 and 9.00 A x., e nd 3 05 r. ar., Herndon at 9.30 A. as., Shamoklo at 5.10, nod 10: 40 A. as., Ashland at 7.05 A. and 12 30 noon, Ta maqua at 8.33. A. a , and 2.20 r u , for Philadelphia and New York. - . . . Leavo Pottnvillo via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail Road at SAG a. IL for Ilarrleburg,and 11.30 L. for Pine Grove and Tremont. . .. . . . . ... . Reading Accommodatlen Train, leaven Pottsville at 5.40 A. 11, passes' Readin r at. 7131/, A. sr, arriving at Philadelphia at 10.90 n. -Returning, leaven Philadelphia at 4.45 Y. /1., imam; Iten./Ing at 7.41 0..1t , arrivlnk at Pettsvili at 030 P. n. Pottstown Accommodation `Train,, leaves Potts town at 0.45, A it. returning leave. Philadelphia at' 4.00 P. IA . - Columbia Rail Road Trainm leave Reading at 7.15, s. at., and 0.15 ; r. sr. for Ephrata, Litis, Lancaster, Columbia. kr. Porklon: en Rail Rood Trains leave Perkier:no, Junc tion at 9.00 • IL, and at 3 10 and .5.30 r. 31 , re; urn? Mg, leave Echweuksville at 610 and 8 12 • m , and 12.45 ndbn, connecting with 'similar trains On Reading Rail Road. . Colebreekilale Rallroainralno leave Putt•tewn at . 45 • m.; and ,6.30 r. m. for Mt. ,Plensant arriving there at 10.20 A. 31 and 7.20 r at., re. ar. itg, I oar u Mt. Pleasant at 7.1.11 and 11 00 A. 0...003,t1 it g With similar trains on Beading Rail Road. Cheater Volley Railroad trahmlutrie Bridgeport at 5.30 A 11.. add 2.05 and 5.02 r. at., :Al:riling, leave Downingtown - at 0.30 A. as., 12.46 no., nail S. ill r. at., coenceting with similar trait:sou Beading-Rail Bead, On Sundays: heave New York - at 5.00 - and 0.00, at, Philadelphia tit 8.00;8. 11. and 3.15 P. at., (the 5.00 a. ar. train Tanning only to Reading,) leave Palle villa at 8.00 A. 31.. Harrisburg at 105 A. If., .1.50 and 11.00 P. 1.1.. and Reading 19.47, midnight. and T,15 A. M. for Hal rlaburg, at 7.20 A. at., and '12.55 add. plot, for NewTorlf, and at 040 A. at and 4.25 I'_n. Mr 0511 Sel`phin`. Commutation, Mileage, Seamen, Schbel arid Excur sion Tickets, to find from all pollits. At reducultrater Baggage checked through; 100 pounds allowed :loch Passenger. _ . G. A. NIGOLLS, Gen U t Rending, Pa., Novoniter 22:15t:9. 2decU9 G RE A T BARGAIN g • IN I , ' 1?, N 1 T U E The under/4;ll°d, Intending to cha L tige trio business, will colt trio entire •tick of furniture " AT COST PRICES. De bag now cn band the largelit and most varied stock of fut 'aura ever offerOd for mile In Cumberland openly, nil made of the beet material, Ltd in the moat ticalral to st,ylea. Dounekeepers, especially thos i eJuet commencing, will find it to their advantage to call and esamlne the STYLE QUALITY, AND PRICE - Grlilnistrii•befiou pvirchuslng-ebte.whererstswll-must be sold previous to March, eta hick thee 11l remain ing on band will be sold ut public suction. Sometime In April, I wl 1 sell at auction till toy tools, and material, and stock on band. Come for bargains to I). SII'E, North Hanover Street MEI THE GOOD WILL HOSE COM, PANY would roepectfelly announce to the c izena of Cantole and vicinity, that we Intend dedloating our NEIV 110USH, on Hanover iitt cot, by a PAIR, • EST I AL, ' ♦ND EXHIBITION, co:unmanning Saturday, January 'AI, I 87.). We would earnestly inquest all friends of Ibe firemen to waist In Milking the enterprise a success. Amy contributions, nu matter bow trilling. will ho thankfully received by any member 01 t h e onmpauy. Among the many articles to bo drawn are. A LADIES' GOLD WATCH, FIRST CLASS SEWING MACHINE, RAG CARPET,. C111.N4 SETT, Exr,ymt WARE, AC. We would call epeclal attention to the fact that in addition to the featival in oar main hall, we intend holding on the ilret floor, an EXHIBITION OF PAINTINGS, I'ANCY WORK, and MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES, to which all are requested to contribute. Any por t saw Laving articles which will add Int..rest to thin department of the fair, who will mention the name ,to any member of the compane, will ha walled upon by a COMmitt..o, who will give a written guarentoo for the auto return of any artier(' exhibited, together With a lie4Oull ticket f the fair. NTOTICE.—By virtue of a resolution of the Stockhohlorp, tho Capltal Ruck 01 the " Callao hhoo Company" hia been Inereaued- to . 30,000 DOLLARS. sundown.' to the Barna will be received at the calico of the cowpony, No. 6 East Main Street. By order of the Board of Directors: JOHN GREEN; President. Joan .ISiViNs, Secretary. SijauTO SHOE AND RAT STORE 'OR SALE. TIM undersigned, whoso time is wholly takes up by bin duties to tho Ourllshi Shoo Company, will, In corn/Nurse° tboreof, sell his Store, siluoted on the north east writer of the Public, Square, where he hos dons • successful business for many years. To n eat lefactory person iinuh facilities can he offered for the roskullon of Rio business as will make It n nay desirable oppilletunity to continence the best business of tho,town. • . • JOHN IRVINE. . GOLD 'OWN 1 7 - DOWN! DOWN! TREME ilt S DECLINE, IN THE price of all: kinds of Dry Goods. Panic In Doe. ton, Now i among tho im porters:lmmense lAe of itim, and tiesirablo geode forced into,tho auction room and said at a saorlfice,all of which accounts lbr the prices I am enabled to effor season able good, to buyers. Goode received every day at vices that will astonish all. • - Paisley Shawls,. Bowel Strips Shawls, Fancy 'Wool Long and Square Shawls, lain Black „do, Caibmoro Semis, Silk Thee, now tylo, and . many other fancy good. at price, that dory compotttlell, ne I have rocoived ilium on la days Bale, all unsold to be returned; nu advantage no oilier house lathe county possesses. Black, Blue, Green, Purple, Lead, Wino, and Drown Wool Hoppe, it oppe, beet quality, eta great reduction. Mack TAlpaccais, of beet make In existence, et prices lower than previous' to the war, which shows the 'effort of A panic. Men's and Doy's Wear; Heavy Deaver Cloth, Plain Black and Panay Clotba and Cartel mere. , Pat &lota, aane, end all tho various - gamier meltable for the moron. at greatly rodneed Water Proof! Water .Proof I The reale of Water Proof Cloth leaving Increased no much this reason for ladles' Buffo and Circulate, some manufacturers buys soon proper to advance lb, feriae.; l ut we shall con ' Unmet° 801 l at tho lowest price. that they leave ever boon sold at.. All qualities of - Black and Cold Mix' Waterproof. Ladies' Merino Vests and Dreeteetra, Gents: Shiite and Drawers, T;aillett' white and colored Noting - lid all wool Huss of ovary quality, Children's whiteitud fancy wool Bose, every else, wool llau. nolo Canton Flattol, Ticks, Muslin., inghatn., pt prices, lower than they harehon seld for nine years. Ladles' and Children. now style Elliott. of very de merit:4ton. from the heaviest to the flood tonnufne lured Goats.. ',adios' and Childrosee (bun Sheen, every else, of beet . quality. , White and cold, ed Blank etsand Pountorpnee, at a great roductl a._ I - respectfully. talc co impaction of en) stork borer puithabing ne lam .conildent I fleets able to sulk prices all who luny four Ins nellie -a call. Bo ot t humbuggedlnta buying by a price list clomp mum Um, calicos, Ac., but call Rua en n wholo stock of goods right through, all reduced in ',rico. OHAS 00ILBY. • No. 47. West Males Greet. - • • A ssIGNEEs- , NOTICE. . . n 01269 Notice is hereby given flint' John IC Bohner, of Plainfield; and Levi Zeigler, of Carlisle, beim bean appointed.assignem of fuelehoir 11. Zeigler, of Mid dlesex township, Camberland county, A'o.„ under- n dood of voluntary sisignmetit for the lament of creditors: - Persons in debtedqa the sold assigner ire requested to make Innnedinto psymi nt, and thoso honing claims against him topresent them. ' . JOHN H. 'IIEIDDER, .4.,E VI ZE - Asslonees.. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE:'• ..." ••_ • , 27Jan708 . • Lotto toalamenlary on tho Ot to of.Tohn Ito of Carlinlo, deo , .aied,.lntTo boon grunted by, the Itegiotor of Cuinhorland county to lho subiWribor reedding In said borough. II yoroonn Indebted to (ho mato nro ronnostod to iliniiolianindutio gityniont, and titoho having cldlina., Lk:pro/lent theta, nntlionticatod, for,l °Mon:tont. ' • It, At, WNW:IIBON. , • Exobutor. 27Jarg700t -DBY__OOODS. GOOD laWB ANOTHER GRAND OPENING EEEEZI CENTRAL. DRY GOODS HOUSE. Raving taken ativaulage tho groat docllnb In -Kim in nip city, wo lucre tondo largo,rolltione to our !took of DRESS GOODS, In every variety and style, at such prices as will as tonhill •ll lotenrcb of bargalne DOMESTIC GOODS At witch lowerintes Ulan usual. Best qpnlity I.ln blenched Muslin 'only 16 cenlpi very good s fell yard wide; only 12M cents; very beet Callen., only 12% cants, And all other Doihestics - ito cheap in proper EMIEREEI =1 =I - HOME -361)E-111,ANKETS FANCY BLANKETS (fur Buggy Kugel) OVERCOATING, of uvery and variety, In brent bargains. CLOTHS A VD CASSIMERES For menu' awl boys' wear FURS ! FURS!! IVe Lare made ppeciad arrant:oll.lAV with u Bllit clauu Fur House, to keep 111 supplied with a superior sup- ply 01 EUIIS, daring the eeneap,pf all grades and qualities. Hamlntone netts of 15IInk, Sable, and netts of all otl o kfirlv of Furvi vrry await LADIES' CLOAKS, NE ,W STYLES; (olugautly trimmed.) SHAWLS! I SHAWLS ! ! ! ItXuch under the ratios early -In the reason. J the noa styles of WOOLLEN MOODS, Calm, 0/11111,.1/6' Savkx mudluro, Mittens, 1.146ing 5 , Inovna ME= =1 Plcaco do not fall to giro uc a call boforo making .41 your purelmses, no we um undernulliug u.uy home In the counts ~ LL ~~~LLI~Uti,`iI & ~fTL~EIi.. En= REDUCTION I=l DRY GOODS Focond Nal of NEW GOODS • etlfhlu the le eeeot month ut L. T. GREENFIELD'S Best Calicoes reduced to 121 cents Good Muslins, 1 yard wide, 12} ". Best make Unbleached Muslim 16} " Popularbrand, Semperldem , 20 " Wamsutta, 23 cents by the piece. ORB AT BARGAINS IN 100 . B uTdY„ l :l l lrbontiLuiJa . tK.7„aßul:l.Al l l7r; j"" 1 uag nro.,. MENS HEAVY HALF 110.'11, 193 j cent. LAW ES HEAVY WHITE NIIHtINO HOSE 124 coots DRESS GOODS, BLACK AND FANCY SILKS; FitENtll MERINOS IN ALL COLORS EMPRESS CLCYfIISVaII ehatleo, PLAIN ALL WOOL POPLINS, SILK AND WOOL POPLINS, DSACTIFUL SILK AND WOOL MUM PLAID , Octhobriglqcst IMO MIXED .1,01,41:16,' WOOL DRLAINES,IIOIIbIO Widal 1052102 A laigo aosortnionf of New 4notoi, to take Nat placo of Shawls', fußt opened FURSI FURS!! One hundred 'sots tholes Furs of overydeseription now . ready,:for Inspection, rnoi the lowest price to .the finest BOW.' My prices en the above 'will defy comps• tition,ns they aro purchadod direct from the manu facturers. ' A 'FULL SET FOR $6.50 AND $7 CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, AND aASSINETTS In tide Imam], *a claim that our And, will Oomparn favorably - with any Merchant _Anita mulo to order by. first elm. Oarkmon lIIAEGAINS 11011'111TE AND RED FLANNELS A FULL ABSCiRTIIIIINT OF • • 401/11. - RIZTG GOODS Alwaye on lmml: ViMorolurdein promptly noiltuttlii fnltorlly 1111ril: NOTIONS, QUILTS, "OIL OLOTIIIL Woolon Goode nr every deeeription, to feet everythiek found In o fli-et class Dry' Uoods'llbnie, 'and all mill Lo mold ta VLI MALL MONTS L. T : GREDN,FIELD, No. 4, East Main.Streot, MEM A TJDITOR'S under signori, Appointed by . "tho Orphans' Cotirt'of Cumberland county auditor to make 'distribution 0( the fund found ,on Ilnat eettlement In theflhande of Jornee Hamilton, Esq., Hon. J. If. . Graham'nod D. Sterrett, Executors of Dre. Fovea Ilninirn, tato of the borough' of Carlisle,' demand, among the lege. toes and oil, °Mora tbergio. will min t, ow portion intereot.ii ht bin Vooln, No, Weed.' Maine Corliele, on' Monday, the :mouth day of February mkt, at Ifro.olock A. Id, — .7: W. EEC . 4 tjan7ti AiTio • . IRESH GROCERIES! Alwayo to Lo had at tho C P T ORE` NO. 88 EiBl. - PO.IIILET .BTREId And iv* aro they allyaye trash? PlecrMso'svis a groat amount of them, and sell them low. Thai°. fore, turn our stock:often, and aoimquently our goods must ho fresh. , ^ ' • You will.find everything you wish in The way . of • GROCERIES, • . QUEENSWARE, .-. GLASSWARE; • ' WILLOW and , • . - - CEDAR WARE, . - STONE and CROCKERY' , . - ' WARE' '' 'Mien name, Dried - Boer; , •,. - ' Balogloa, Boof, , - Biscuits and Orackersof every description. , Pickled, Spiced and Fresh Oysters Saidines, ' ..krirdish Pleklcs r . Lemon Syrups, dc., and no end to It hi mielosiolo ',motion them, come and see for your solves; anti porouto if It slant suit you to come, send your chllilron, 141 they , will be dealt wills the mum core rs If you wore • here yourself. =I COUNTRY PRODUCE taken tat exclionge for gootlai, or caelt GEO. 8,. HOFFMAN'S SONS No. 89 E.A 9 T I'OIIFIIET STREET, August C. 419 NUTICE.—IInring trtosterred my i nth° Interest In the grodery business to toy Sons those Indebted to. me ere requested to Fettle with them, during my 111, sonde In Lorene •• OEO It lIOyp3MANr rrifiEFARMER'S BAN K.,OF OAR. LIALE, PENNSYLVANIA. Recently organised, hes been opened; for trannectlun ore general banking business, In the corner room ol It. glean'. new building, on the North %lest corner of high street and the Centre Square. The Directors hope by liberal and careful manage ment to make this a popular institution, and a safe repository for all who may favor the bank with their account. FURS!!! Deposits received and paid back on demand, Inter est allowed on special decoying, 'sold, goner, lress -ttry Mae. and 00vOrneliant, Benda; bought and sold: Collections made 011 all secesylole points to the country. Discount lay, Tuesday. flanking hours from 0 o'clock A. 31. to 3 o'clock P. 01 J. 0. HOFFER, alshier DMECTORB. • R. Olyon, Prontdont. lA. Miller, I Jo?, n IV. Craighead 27 mar ea-tr REMOVAL =3 Ilatx born romosed from Nefru Building to thu NEW GROUND FLOOR GALLERY, Na. 12 East Main Street, . ' NVIIERE tile BOOT PIC71.311(11 IH 70TH 710170. 6j:11170 SHAWLS - 111,M BERLAND VALLEY R. R CIIA NO E OF-MOORS. On 11111 i after 'Monday, Novainnny 1869, l'as song,•r Trains will rim daily, afi fulltwax, (Bnnilaya one,• rtud : ACCOSIMODATION TRAIN leaves Harrisburg 1:00 A. At 5110.11aniesburg 0:35, Csrlisls 9:11, 6101,111 s 0:40; Shippenabbrg 10:20. Clambersburg 10:44. 0 rest, custlo 11:10, ai riving ut Hagerstown 11:40, A. Ai MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg 1:35, r . 11 , cbarsiesburg 2:07. Carlisle 2:40, Novvil Is .3:15, Rh ip pousburg. 3.45, Cluunborsburg 4:29, Oreencustlo 4:66, arr.' Inapt Hugerrtosrn 5:25, P U. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg 4:15 rO, Mechanicsburg 4:47, Curlislo 6:17, Neu.ville 5:00, Ship pensborg 0:171 srrivin4 at t 11101141ou011PR GAP, P u. A MIX ED TRAIN NAV. Chambersburg 0:00, A 0 rt....rustle 9:25, ...rising at Hagerstown 10:10, A u =9l "CARP I ! ! 'ACCOMMODATION TRAIN loaves phantb,raburg x, ghippetuburg 5:29. Nevvvillu 6.00, Carlini° 0:33, - Slecluniicsborg 7:t 2 arriving at Harrisburg 1:136, 4 Mr— MAIL TRAIN I aren llngaudown 8:00 A sr, Oreen eantle 8:35, Chambetsburg 0:10, Shippennburg 9:40, Nowvlll° 10.11, Carlisle 11a50, Mechanicsburg 11.24 arriving at Ilarrinburg 11:55, A. U. , EXPRESS TRAIN loaves Itagorotown 12:00 sr, O reencantle 12.2214..Chrunhernburg 1:05. Shipper nburg 1:37, Newville 2:10. Carlini° 2:50, Mechanicsburg 3:18, arriving at llsr.labnrg 3:50,r sr A MIXED TRAIN learrn Hagenrtos n 32.5 e u, Clreencardle 1:12, erriving at Chunsbernburg 515, a td. Making chore rennet:Do. st Iterrrinbdrg with trainn to and from Philadelphia. New York, Pitraliurg Baltimore and Washisurton. • 0.,4j. LULL, Supt Itailrund °nice, Clutrub . g, Nov. 1667 1860 HARPER, Cor. Hanover and Pomfret sts NEW GOODS NEW GOODS H ME= OPENING OF OPENING OF HEAVY BEAVERS BLANKETS OPF.NINO' OF OPENING OF t OPENING OF OPENING -OF PLAIN AND FANCY DRESS GOODS MOURNINCI 4t . SEGO] D AIOURNING O.OODB HARPER, Cor. Hanover and Pomfret sts GREAT BARGAINS IN GREAT BARGAINS IN CLOTHS AND CASSIMF.RES. GREAT BARGAINS IN - • Hops]; FURNISHING DRY GOODS. nEssiixen STOCI( OF ALL THE LEADING BRANDS OP -DOMESTICS HARPER; Cor. Ilafiovor and Pomfret sts ALL WOOL PLAIDO WHITE GOODS. TABLE LINENS NAPEINS. BALMORAL and CTMCDM MERINO VESTS, BIDETS, AND DRAWERS For Ladles', MISR.% MOD'S, and Days' Wont. A good class of Goods at the loiWst pos sible prices. • • THOS. A. HARPER, CAS DEAVEIR; Ine7o Cor. Hanover and Pomfret eta CARPETINGS•I_ At ode now'unil olognut atom, .635 MARKET STREET, A full stook for Spring Sales of . A XMINSTEIIB, TEM El B, BRUSSELS, TA panty, • • MA C ITINGS, • OIL OLOTIOOa LITE1)031", SHAW ylto-4mo SALES BY COMMODORE PORTER, AUCTIONEER: Fob. 10 John Orlder, West Penrosborough township. W Messrs. 14 elteellitn & DlDer; Wert Peusp4llo.; ongh twp. " IR' W. A. Rice, pckirason twp " 21. Henry Myers, near fillilppensburg. I" - • ' 24. Michael Anthony, Wagner's 04p Rood., 20 Thotorts Mover, West Peonsbow' twp. Mar. I J. N. Long:meeker, Went Poonsboro' twp. ' 3 Geo. Deli shooter, West Pettlsboro' twp., 10 G. M. Rorer, West Pennslioro' twp. " 11 Clirlethin Loos, ;trunkful d top. 0 17 .A. tlumbougb, Disk losoolwp. ' 2030 n , , ;;, ; ; WIIITY. 0001)8, DEIITAL NOTICt. —"I havo taken. notlco of a card In our Carlisle papers, eon 'tinning the public from employing any.dentlst to make or sell artillelal teeth, on plates of. hard rub ber, who Is not liconaed liy. the company', lie. 'I take title method to Inform my Mends, sod the publlo generally, that I,bitra mod,' arrangements with Jo- Dricon, treasurer of _ Goodyear Dental Vul canite Comvan l y, -and hut° takeu, opt license up to January 67 .' I etn, therefore, legally authorised to make artificial teeth milord rubber, instil sham, and forma. I-invite my friends, nod the , pfiblluin putout], to give too a call, where they cau7sate teeth' tondo on itubbor plait; so cheap • as °tor. :Mee We. 26 High, sire& opposite the First flannel Dotty, Carilakt, Pa. ; ,• O.' SEVP,.Dontlit. r • • • . CARLISLE v I lONS , ALL KINDS OF Cer.usLe, PS MM=l A. J II eruinn. toratimm icitinor. WESTWARD! PASTWIRD! 1869] tWbS I= I= WATER PROOF CLOTHS I= MEM GEEMEI HOSIERY. GLOVES. CORSETS. • 11001 , SHIRTS INGRAINS, 6D5 STRIOV, ruuoinzLnilri - ity 18( ith IC,ANECt US. _ Eel rs A A (1' " It. '; ( *k‘liirkii:EiC .1 W , and JEWELRY No. 148 r./.R.T.g SECOND.- STREET, dorner'of Quariy, An nesortmont of Watcbee, Jawelry;;l3llTor.,and -Plated Worn constantly on bald. - 41-Itopatrlng of Watclies and Jaeralry ,promptly attended to. 17/3opt O9ly A B: BWIN•G; • Cabinet Makor and Unclartakor, West 311iin„strFet,. OPPOSITE LEE'* WA REIIOUSE Premium for Dist Furniture awarded' at all County" Fairs .yipce 1867.] Furniture of all varieties at d :stylus of Foreign and Domestic manufacture, from the finest rosewood and Mahogany to the lowest priced maple and pine FURNITURE. Parlor, Chambor, Dlnlog•room, Kitchen aud OIDro Embracing every article used by House and Octal keepers, of .11 e most approved and fashionable design and guleh. Including el 60 Cottage furniture In setts scold lon and Camp Chairs. 3lattrasses, Gilt frames, pictures, Ac., Ac. /Sir - Particular attention giver; ai usual to funerals orders from towvand country, ettented to pspmptly and on moderato terms. • SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO TIM SELECTION OF WALL PAPER. ". mareh2l. 64 JAMES - S. EARLE & SONS, MIPORTER6 and IIANUFACTUREI43 -• LOOXING GLASELEB The heat and eheapeilt. PORTRAIT AND - PICTURE FRAMES, Mostclogrint styles. CIIROMO-LITHOORAPIES, European and American--an.ltumeim assortmunt. FTN.E ENGRAVPIGS... The newcat ROGERS' °ROUTES. • - We are the only audiorlieil wholesale }um] retell dealers In the Rogers' Grooves shnod sell all of them at 1111 l facturer's . ratos. • Circulars 'scut on application. . EARLES' GALLERIES, .816 Chestnut street, PIILLADELPIIIA FRESH ARRIVAL Of all the New Spring •Styles,nf HATS AND CAPS The Subscriber has just opened, at No. lb Not t Hanover St., a few doors North of the Carlisle Deposit Bank, ooe of the largest and best otoo of /I ATo OA P 8 a.. .offered 10 Carlisle. Bilk Efate_pinesitleret or all rtylett IR Brit]e tilfferapt e?lort, sTI eir,ryderfciption ,ft Bats now made. The [tankard nod old fashlenotl. 'ooh, kept &instantly on htttntl nod tondo to order. I Nrhrra ut oil to glvo satlullictlon. A full oosorliutil STRAW lIATS. Non's boy's and crloldren% fancy I have nil.° added to my nook, Notion' , of different Moils, consisting of ladies nod Gent'' , Stocklogr Noelt.Ties.Penclin °lures, Thrend.tletalii Sillit.Sm pondore, Umbiellrm, ke., Primellognrs nod Tvinire., nlyytyn on Mind. tllvemo wadi and examine my stock, as 1 leo) fident of pleasing, !midden ravine you ionno3 J•IIIN A. MELLY:It. Agt. Na. 15 North Hanover It MEI WHEELER & WILSON'S PILEM MN'S SEWING MICIIINES ! At tho groat Exposition, Paris, 1807 Awarded the Highest Premiums over 82 Competitors Tin.: PEOPLE'S VERDICT THE SALE OF THIS WORLD Itl:NoWNEIl MACHINE All/I 100,000 ORSA'rEIt THAN ANY OTHER. ' TUE GRAND TRIAL- Daily use Throughout the world, ert, wily Taus !titan' gains laver, and BUPHIIIOI6TT 'wins the race. The,Wheeler & Wllnon stands triumphantly tio Champion and Leador over ail others by tics ours let of the pet.ple. We claim no merits that no cannot sustain by lining and reliable witness.. We stand Upon our own HEAL worm:, without declaiming against oilier companies. IV., claim to have Improvements for sewing that we know canoct beitoxeriled, and in many points that no other .18iisliaby'daris compete with.' Np-otior company can 'show an many ma chines that `Pave been In daily use for the length of time as sio can. For the I:re:mint this, look at the numbers that are on each mechlue Thu Wheel er and Wilson Sowing 3'echine In the Bleb Stan's Beat Friend. and the i'nor si oman's Trust nod Coin furterer, for no other compiny eau sell ono. liberal and easy forms an we. The poor W0772(1» can get herself a Ma chine, and afterwards yay for it. No Machine is paidfor unti parties- arc fully satis fied. Constant use only . increases the worth • of OUR MACHINES fleveral ladies-in-Carlisle who-have uaed our ma chines from six to twelve years, say "They consider them better In every point than when new, and ,there is not a garment wore in the.farully, from light as dishes-to heavy as Beaver cloth, that' they bays not made." One lady anys - "1 - havir sewed for three years and never broke a noudlo" We eau furnish names and residences of responsible parties who can sustain 'all we claim. The unsigned dro alow ' or arty who have fhi Wheeler and Wilson Elewlog Machines; In Oaillsle, and length of time they bevels= In constant nee. Mre. J. B. Haverstick, " J. Mean, " Col. Henderson, " Rev., Dry Wing, R Woodward, . Roy. Sterrett; "- Peebles, ' Mies Caroling. Ego, . C. Herman, (Monroe two 9 " Sterrett * (Dickinson twp. 3 loatiuctlona given free of eharge. and 'Machine's cheerfully shown to all - who calf at Mrs. Williams' Millinery Store, No. 20 - North Hanover Street, Car- lisle, Pa. Priem) and styles• to Salt any customer. Mitchinei delivered to all paint* in Cumberland and **Wog counties free of extra charge. • PETERSON - A, CARPENTER, Gon. agts MARIOrk STIMET lIARRIBIIURO J. If. & L. H. IfULMER,,tho only initlforita 'Agents, in- Corliale.. tplir A GENTS WANTED, AkentsN)rnnt-, „AZ * ed, $75 to $2OO per month, male and female, to! mill' the colobmfed and original Common rouse riUully Sowing Machitm, Improved and perfectod; wlll'hom, fell, ;ditch, tuck, bind braid, and embroider in a moat superior manner, Prim only $l5. For eirrl- Welty and durability It no rival. Do not"buy from any. parties selling, Machines 'Under the mum same Caine as ours, unless hpring a Certificate of Agency signed by us, as they are worthless cast 'iron machines. For.circulars and terms, apply onadd .• ' • • "eitAwFolto co.r , • • • • 413 'Chestnut street, Didiad,'a. J. BEE'D.E.3I , BROTgIDRS,,, Forwdrdinq Conimission. iltercliqnts. • ;(I!?ftdorigiVapld ot.i4n4 -At Elie head Of MAIN STREET, Ope Mlle, Pa ThO blaboist eisarket price lie•palel.for Grain aod produce of all Mode..., • • • ' coal Of all omraolug • •;•• • •; • . LOOUST MOUNTAIN,'' ; • • '•• • .- ' I 4WPEI4tY; 41 , , AD . , LinMburnere and Waal=ltbe4 00 ainatintly of gate. • Kept under cover, cud delivered dry to any part of the town: . Moo, ill kilobit of Lumbar on band, • SHRTI46.I a Baba 17apr CEI 1 7 ; l1pC.F.ILetIVE077.5r. CL BLUER f,o nilassiort mcnorrAlers, Arid wholesajo dealers In Country Produce. Con• eignmente respectfully eolleitid. Beet reference given, No. 1.685.31cirk0t stroot, .-2-IATELADELPIIIA. loc7o THE. "lIENTZ L . .gousE,u (Lormerly CormaiiilOuse.) No. 17 AND 19 EAST MAIN ST., OARLISO, PENN'A The undersigned having ; purchased and entirely refitted, ova furnished anew throughout with first- clew furniture, this well-knoirn ontablishad hotel. eolicite the custom of .the community and • troculitnii public. Ito le well prepared to furnish Prot-sixes accommodations to ail who desire to make a Ildel their Ildme or pleesaht temporary abode. The., custom from the .surrounding country is re. opectiully solicited. Courteous' and attentive nen , v ante are engaged at this popular hotel, ' OEO. Z .lIENTZ, Prorp, N. IL A GraLclaea Livery Is connected with the Hotel the management of Mr. JOS. L. I".. ^ RItNER tc I.lllto. 301pril 65-1 y CHAESIAN MAKES FINE PIIOTOGRAPIIS $ At 21 West Btreet, NEFF'S BUILDING 6J:111703m ' - Wheeler and Wilson and Elliptic I=EIB SEWING MACHINES EZE SEWIN9 MACHINES The Best Simplest and C7beapest. rAIIIESE - machines are a d apted to do all hinds of,famlly sewing, working equally upou_ellkl,lnen,Lnd Cotton goods. with Silk, Cott^. and Linen threads, making a — biaralful and perfect. i+titeh alike on both aides of the article scared. All machines sold are warranted. Can and examine at hall hood Telegraph Office, Carlhle, Pa. 'May 24, 1887-tf. POPULAR GOODS! At the groat Dry Hoods and Carpet Emporium, Jost received from the cities the largest stork of DRY GOODS ever brought Intl) the Valley. Wo iuive Sillts, Men-- nom Poplins, of wool and silk, all wool plain and figural Deloins; Alpacas, Reps in all shades, Cobergs, DOMESTICS, in Tituslins, - . . -- l - Gingliams, . , Prints, - Ticking, . . • Flannels, 4. Cotton and Linen Table Diapers, Towels and ,Towefing, - . - - - Table. Covers, - Backs, . Cloaking Flannels, . , : Quilts,' Balmoral and .. / Hoop Skirts, Slir o k of ing clo Yarns, ths, Water p • Ribbons, - - Gloves, Laces, _ Embroideries„ Handkerchiefs, " A largo assortment of FURS, very == CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, Window Blinds, Trimmings, In endless variety, Morn ing 0110Ik Kentucky Cussimeres, and n lot -0f Unsay made Oteods.• The above end a very large me sortinent of other goods we offer nt lower grieve than the sena. t Ito bought a.ywhere dun county. We give more for the dollar time you can get at any Other gluey. (Eve ne n call, buy from Ps, noel save money when 'yen can. More Kew gonehithan soy two stieres in Cmnberland county. BENTZ & CO. • 211011 tiS DA VI D STROHM, . D. SPONSLER, • JOHN W. STROHM 'NEW AND POPULAR BOOT, SHOE, TRUNK AND HAT STORE, N.o,l3._lizath_unrisrmrqtrcigt, n few iltibrs South of Irloaf's corner. K hevcjunt opened thn largest and beet stock f lbC To and BOOKS en, 0 - hired In Carlisle nod ootlet.. Ainelbt daily to reeeLee such goody in, our line As eve) body wants. • our ,cock ,ouslntx In all kinds and variation a 15'1311.11 . Y ‘ll:•sen and Chile's strong Leather Shoal. W, wen's Minces' and Child's Lasting Halters. Woo° Kid Turkey and French Nlerone. Mt:Wt and Bays Calf duff and it ip Boots. ?ttetes and Boy's tall and Buff Congre.l Baiter 'Men's and Boy 'a lasting Gaiters and Brogans. Men's and Boy's .Calf and Ilul Oxford Ties, Out SmidAC., banking and Overshoes. Men's and Women's Gent Welt and Carpet Slipper Boy's and Child's Fur and Saxony Italy. Blunt:. of all then nnd.prlcion Trn.elllng liege, Satchels and Vatican, together with a prime lot of HOODS which WO WI it .11 to suit Eh. tinier QUICK FA W.. 3 AND SMALL PROFITS IS OUT. MOTro. Therefont lu Issuing our card It Is lotondoll as i.erqnal Invitation to MI lo Deed to toll mil look through our ato4l. wtlbout fooling untlar ohlb gntiont. to buy unless sultjd lu quality onerprlee. We ellen oiways try to deal with every one In etraighi forward :runner, and give every custom, • full equivela.t lbr lilanroney. We hope nil arli - avalt - thennelvas 01 their first opportunity to and see us. 9 A pril i'o-1r 1G IG .Y IMPROVED GRAVEL lARNS AT PRIVATE SALE. Htnatto In Frunktord twp., Comb. Co 4 mile north ol N. wldlle, I 1 4 miles tooth of Illostrsville and !4' mile lont Diller's bridge, adjoining lands o 1,111001 Erubt, Letup 11. Orat and cthees, •rootalo ing 146 ACRES, (more or lees,) all cloture' but about 20 Acre., which aro cover° good TunLer, oleo, about 26 Arrxa or goo , " A.. md'ow• -the Improvement. area Largo TWO-STORY FRAME HOUSE, (now) with Wash Rome, Hawke House and other necessary oul•huildinga. A LARGE BANK BARN, nearly nary, with now 'Wagon Shed, Corn &rib Cnr• flag° House, Hog Pen, and all neceJsary out,build Ingo. a150,.8 well of good %Valor nt tho door and an abundance of the choicest and best fruit. kt There Is also a largo stream of water running through the fond, having thereon erected a first eteerr AW . M I ;T;li, This farm is 'a good state' of cultivation, the 'buildings - new, fences in good order, and well limed recently. Is on o . of Aug, most productive and beet stock fartn, lu tho county, and is bonvunieut to school., milts, he. • , • POWna desiring to view tbo ahoy° property can do so by calling on the subscriber roelding'On the farm. A. CONS,ltlff, Br. DENTAL NOTICE 14 years 12 " Tha GOODYEAR DENTAL VULCANITE COM PANY, through their agent, IL 'F..Conklini horeny cautions thu public from employing any dentilit, or other ',anion, to mute or cell artificial tooth on plates of 12 " 11 1C " 8 9 II 5 VULCANIZED. OR' HARD RUBBER, who in not licensed by this conginny. Tho only licensers for Cumberland county are, Dr& 11. Leon, J. 0:111111er, and .1. Blvder, for atoanulcsOurg ; Dr. George, W. Noidigh t 7for Carlinlo ; Dr. R. R.' lottor holT, for'Nowvillo; and Dr. J. W. Deader, for Ship., ponsburg .All portions Wearing artifleleLteoth on Vulcanized Rubbor, made ,by persons who aro not licensees oh this calumny, aro equally renianniblo with the yin(- ties making them, and will bo prosenutoil for in. fringemolAs of our patents* Signed—lf. F. CONKLIN, Agent, of G. D. V. Co. ECM GREAT DISTRIBUTION By the illetrop'6lltan Gil? Company Caßh °Mi . to tho Amount of .$250,600 RyERY Tram+ DRAWS . , 6 - Cash giftp;" °deb .10 Cash, gifts, each •' 2O Wife; each , " 40 Cash gifts, each 2bo Cash gifts , each 300 Cash gifts, each , 7 • - , BO Elegant Ronewood Pinnae, - eneh• $3OO to $7OO • 75 Elegant Roaincood Biclodeonn, " 70 to 100 35D Sowing Machines, : " 60 to 176 „800 Oold Watches, • ' ". 76 to' 300 Cult prizes, Sirver Ware, ntc.,all valued at $1,000,000 A Wilmot, to draw any•of the above prices fbr 25 ate. Tieketa deserilling prison aro coaled In °Melones and well mined On receipt of 25 cents a 'sealed Wet IS drawn without choice and sent by mail, to nay ad• dress Thu prixonaded upon It will be • dnlivered to ',ticket holder on payment of one dollar.' Prizes arm :immediately nont to any addrOne by express or return mall. • you will know i,hat'your prizo t ie oefore you pay fort t. Iny prim exchanged for another of mac vat. ne.' NO , Blonke. Our Wrong can depend eti fait .dealing. • .• • ~ReesnEncis SoleCt thei following from - tnnny - Who havolataly drayna-_valuable. prizes, and kindly porn:MP:id us to publish 'them ; S D. Wilkins, Buffa lo, 56,000 ; Adele Monyoe, Oblong°, Plano, ENO,' John D. Minwo,Luidaville, $1,000; biles Banton Wal worth, 3111traukoo, Piano, $500; Rev. E. ° A.`Dny,New Orleans, 000. We publish no natnee without per• Mission. • OpJetfoils of tho proof: "The firm la' and deaerto thcir aticoosa 4-IRekly Tribune, Oct e . " W know thorn tutee a fair dealing Arm." —N. Y. /Arabi -"A friend . of 'Taos drew' a, $BOO talks, which was promptly rocolved."—Daily Nowa, Oct. bond B•r cinctilari:Llborat indncerabuto to Akenta Aatlefactlon -guarantood. Ovary tiaabago of aealod onvolopea contain,' ono cash gift. olz tlckoto for $ll. 12:for $2; BS for $5 g 410 for $1.5. -' All !otters e h ould bo addretwedto JAMISON,/ prollil MOORE. & CO„ • • ltay, N. Y. - HEATING - 4X.p COOKING. IT YOU WANT TO ,SEP,: THV, most perfect PARLOR STOVE Ovcir (Anvil to the atop Into • ~ • •' . Eli= & BRO QP:Ni. F II) I,lFY's • Stove Store, Beet I.otther • Strout, - 1n -the rear of lialbert'a Store and soo the . • GREAT AMERICAN BASE BURNER G operation. It is .a perpetual Burner, and perfect Radiator, as well as a perfect Ventllatcrof the room and Is warranted to consume leas 'coalition any other BtoVe of the same sine, ever offered to the public, requiring but 01313 ordinary scuttle of small coal once -in tw ontv-eight .hours, being perfectly aimplo in all its working , having a simple elide to regulate tho fire for keeping at night, ono kindling of fire being all that is required during the winter. No dust, no gas, no slag or cinder, PERFECTION OF OPBRATION.I The Ifdtapc quality is produced by many ) improvements Its Important charaCtertsties aro them REFELZENCES. John Paul, Amos Miller. I Dr'. S. E. Kififfer Issue Porter David Miller, 'O. Delaney, D. Hoffer, Ralstorn D. Kiser, Col. Williamson' Mrs. Itingwalt, Prof. Staymen, A. Sensemern, DrJ Irvin, Johnson Moore, J. T. Rlppoh D. Wittors, C. Inhoff, A. Coover,J. Thompson, .J. Burkholder, Capt._Brindlo,.— Mrs. Gordon,. ..I—Gorgas,_. Williamson Brost]. Stouffer, .ILlibea ff er, Turner, J. Stouffer, W. McLaughlin Uumer, • A. Le 1,110,, P. Thumma, Odo: Parouboughl F. Elgantrits, Mrs. Wooderlich, Abner Miller, S. P. Hessler, Major And others. = =! POPULAR GOODS Get the beerCOOK STOVE in the Jgxe el sio r Penn or, Morning Light In:addltion to the above Stove FRIDLEY keeps on hand a full - anpply of the beet Gook,- Parlor end Chico Stoves. Tin and Sheet Iron cork of all kinds on hand, and Spouting, libeling and Jobbing of ail kinds done:at rhort notice, and of the best matrrinl, Fruit Cane, and Jars of the most approved patents, and in conclusion the begt Portable sad Briek Set EFURNACE. FURNIGE. evevoffered-to-the-pubib,.--Fol—referenees-eall-on Dr. Cleorze iteidigh , Henry Saxton, F. C. Fleming, ?tire. - Gordon, Prof. Hillman " F. Gardner, - F. Watts, I ' .1. D I eldigh, A. L. Sponaler, I J. Rosier, . • And others. Omar 69 ly REYNOLDS & SON, W„COI?IVER 13TH AND FILBERT GAS CONSUMING HEATER WITH PATENT DUST SCREEN, GRAPE BAR ItEsTs, and =I These [haters are made of limey Wrought 'lran, wall rlvitod together, the only suro prevention pgainst the escape of One or Dust. Tboy are easily managed, without any Manuel's. Ti,Z. Patent Ra diator avoids the, up and annoyance of druins,'and le permauetifTY Sttnehed to the floater. Thin Is the most derable, shopluomeonornleal and mipular Heating Apparatus ever offered for sale. They are all guaranteed. COOKING RANGES for Hatola and Falunlee, PORTABLE HEATH • LATROCIP. HEATERS, LOW DOWN ORATES, SLATE MANTELS, icalisrEics .d VENTILATORS. 'We aro also NNW "FLAT=TOP - 11EATING - RANO - 41- Crud for oar Illustrated Pamphlet. nor'! 23,69-Is. =I SHEDDERS AND 01 op' IC MILLS. Moholea Portable Cider Mill, Gardner k Co's., Portable Cider Star Cora Sheller, (three sizes.) MMNIMM Nationd Fodder Cutter, (thror dool,) Cumberland Double-action Harrow, Together with AGRICULTURAL DINA . NTS For solo ut the Carlisle Foundry owl Machine Works Bop. 3, "m WHILE wisdom will benefit you: ho net AN on• trolled ,by your incredfility, hundreds have ogilt relief from the borrori of Dyspepsia thropgh the medium of DEMUTH'S ANTI-DTSPLPTIO STOMACH BITTERN and found it. Why should you suffer u hen this mind ruble stoutschlebits cured many similar cases-why do you doubt while other believe and aro cured ? 'lleinv Ia this Matter is both dangerous and unprofitable. Your health, happiness and business'autTers, while constant neglect is frequently fell wed by serious And nn on. trollable results. DEMUTU'N• BITTERS aro equally . useful_in the numerous diMeulties attending gestion ; rts Dlttoussyes , COATIPATION;AH., svlillo or FEVER nod Anus and other disorders proceeding from MIASMATA; It Is 1.110 only reliable preventive And remedy known. 2450 70 KEROSENE, LAN TS, A great variety' of New - Stiles. MERIDIAN. BURNER. eafest and IlV i p . t i llo n ) y in i r l l u ce r t nur l n t , gi d v e cer the t. Ipygoe COULTER, JONES & CO., Manufaoturets and ' Dealers. . . • • -702 ARQU STREET, PRILADELPRIA unekrlly • T ;' , o THE WORKING CLASS. No two now prepared to lurnlnh all VlllllBOB with ennstant employment at bomb , the whole of the thou or for the spare 1110111,10 MS.• Business 1101 V, light end profitable. Persons of either erx eaiiiirobrn - troni-LIL emits to $6 per evening, - and a - proportional mini by devoting their whole thno to the business. - Bo,yantu - girls earn nearly tie much as men. That all *ho see this notice may send their address, and teat the Mud. nose, ire 'make this unparalleled offer : To such as are not well Satisfied, we will send El, to pay for the trouble of writing. Full parfinulaitbis valuablebam ple,willch will do to commence worisio_ty end a copy of The People's Literary Canpanion—oxia — ri — t Magnet and beet family newspapers published—all sent frac, by mall. header, if you went permanent, prontablaworkoddrens E. Cr. ALLEN A CO.,,Angukta, Maine. . nonant 610,000 6,000 1,000. 600 100 NEW LIQUOR STORM. • . .. • . . , JOHN HANNON, • , . • Ist. E. Cos Hanover and Pomfrot divot& (A few doors south of Boit te'e stpro.). , Pero Ilyp Whisky, . . • Beet Common Whisky, . ' ' , Pure Holland Ohl,- _ • Clinger Brandy, . - ~, ' • - root Wine • - • . - . , Shory,;Wipo,. ' . '.- . Jamaica Rpm, ' ' Itnapborry Syrup. " • • . ChemP agile. MISRLBit'S .- BITTERS i -IMHOFF'S. rind- OLAnS'Et If ou7o. . BITTERS. • - Tlio`lnlntb annual sosalon will Login on Baptambor,lat. For,ultoulari or furling Information - igjsu:ii PERFECTION OF OPERATION I NEATNESS IN DESIGN! NEATNESS IN DESIGN! COMVACTNESS IN SIZE t COMPACTNESS DI SIZE! Market, I= STREET. PUILAPELPUIA, PA., Sole Manufiteturern of the Celebrated W ROUOIIT-IRON, AIR-TIGHT, GAS CONSUMING lIENTEI3, I=ll I= F. GARDNER & CO. BE WISi, GAS FIXTURES AND Wh.olesale THE MARY 0 ARLISLE,'P.ENN'A. A 'Poardiug School for GIRLS )'. (*Mole Pi.; " F'ARIOIIS.. 4'7 1 - 4 71 1t aINTals . TG TO ORDER ISAAC LIVINtSTOIT, No.. 22, NORTH .HANOVER ST. . , I Invite the attention of my old . customers 'end the public at large to my Largo and Brilliant Stock of 817111111ERGOODB-forZion, Youths' and Boys' wear. My Custom Dopnrtment comprises the finest and most" select of Cloths and Casslmers, whlio my ready made Clothing Is carefully and most tastefully gotten up. -I cannot and will not be undersold. . . . • ISA AO tIVINOSTON, • No. 22, North Hanover St., Carlislo. N. B. Still selling / the Floronce Sewing Machinos, BOWER'S COMP.LETF,,MAN'URE, MANUFACTURED BY 1 HENRY BOWER, Chemist, =I Supor-Bbosphafo of Limo Ammonia & Potash WARRANTED FARE FROM ADULTERATION This manure contains all 'ttko elements to pro, duco largo crops of all k Inds, !India highly rococo minded by all who use it, also by distinguished chemists who Lava, by analysis, tested Its qualities Packed iff 15a:98 of 200 lbs. each DIXON,SIFIARPLESS & CO., AGENTS, 39 South Water k .10 South Delaware Avenue, I= WILLIAM REYNOLDS, 79 South Street, BALTIMORE, MD Aud by dealers generally th rouheut the country For in'formatlon, address Henry Bower, Phil's. 12cob FALL and WINTER FASHIONS Mrs. EL A. BINDER hoe Just arrived from Porte nod London with t h e Infest designs, personally .se • tented front the grentest novelties; also, the most Me ;Aunt trimmings to Le secured in Paris. 'ACES, RIBBONS, VELVETS, BRIDAL VEILS FLOWERS, FINE .111‘1111,11Y, and Till ‘llO ED PAPEA PATTERNS, DRESS and LLOAIi MARINO. Eselnsire ;meat for Mrs St. %York's celebrated sys tent for cutting ladit , s' drosses, enemies, immure, be, - Northwest corner Eleventh . and_Lltentnut Streets Philudelphin. li. Sept that • SOLID SILVER and - SILVER PLATED-WARE Of vvery lloo.option nod Intost Bridal Gifts, Testimonials and Itolida MEM Prices lower than Extraordinaq Incluisnocuts to purchasers. UEO.II_IIECIITEL, No, 716 Arch bite 1, rill [,tm.pin 220e70 (Old Ritithli , lted Eland.) REMOVAL CLARK & BIDDLE-, JEWELERS & SILVERSMITHS Ifav log mow, egl from 712 Chestnut Street, PIIPIIL NEW BUILDING. No. 112.1 Chestnut street, PHILADELPHIA Are operilog a large and now assortment. of bin rd.] nod other - fine Sewn ley, A 111,1.111 nod }twins AVntehes, English Sterling' Silvia Ware, U,•rhnm Wale, fan Taal CleePe, .te , Sr. IS.turiu Ud ly HFiItRn , TG'S =I FIR -11 1 AND BIT s.GLAR PROOgrq SAFES, SAFES, IV My Filling A wardP.l • p,ivo Ire 'als i t WorloVel Fair, London, W O'r Fmk, N, Uui vorsole, PEI, HERRING & GIL 29 011 ESTNUT STREET Harvey Gillum, Chas Mathews, PIIIL'A Ueo.F. Myers. II e. Hog, Farrel ; & Sherman, N. York Herring & Co., Chicago 11 erring, Farrel, & Co., New Orleans Mora than 30.000 HERRING'S SAFES htvo Loon and are flow in 4160; awl over six 11UNMIED have passed through accidental Ord; preserving their contents . ' xi 'ea no Inetaneos x hero many others failed Szcorm HARD &MO of our own nod other withers having boon rocolvod In pare pay for the Unproved Herring's Patent Champion, for sale at low pricer I - I.BJuno C9.ly 1867 SPRING BARGAINS =I 'DOITESTIC GOODS, DRESS GOODS, CAM:GIMES, LearnkfETA,- .• JEANS, W,IIITE • GOODS, DRESS Tram SUNOS, • ' ZYPIIDRS, • RIB DO RING'S -NEW STORE,- • No. AG WEST 3IAIN STRCET. Opposite the Nampo Nouso"'next Post Of Carlisle . NEW 'GROCERY STORK. Tlso subscriber having purchneind esscremlth's corner, on Pomfret and Bedf•rd streets, and erected Mort on a Store, has now opened wills a N Stock. of well seluelmerresh•Groaerlos ills stock will bo found to be comploto In every'partlonlar, and every thing sold will be warranted as represented Ile Inman hand and ready TOr delivery Groceries of all kinds, QUE/1,191.7.A1t11, • , • . GLASSIVAItkI• , , . • WOWDENIVARE, • • WiLLOWWARE, • ' . ,I'i;RFUAERY, 'BOAP, A irmt4 isFortma'nt.of NOT/ONfl. '/L - opiclatiLy inado' an ~1l kinds of Bolt Maids, moth M • - Idea , Shouldeili;Sides; . Dried tee& &c Dried, Oaanad, and .„' • • • . • - .". Pickled FRUITS' of hillanda.'ionstrAntly off band • gai'ffrOVlNtlfl PEED of thq boat trnslo4, rind iu tonalities to salt ioffelotsurs. • , , ; • floods soot fussy part of tho town It (leaked • Call! and idles for yourself nt 140:46, Fist Poinfrot, kudos.. . , .101 IN DENDEIf.'. o Wald 11160..0m • _... 3I ISCDLL9-NEO - 175.- =I mILtER- & BOWERS' "'HARD WARE ORE, -26 NORTH HANOVER ,STREET, CARLISLE, PA Wlfwould respectfully oall the often-. , Undo( thh public toliuy recently roplquieh 4 cd STOCK OF HARDWARE making it now ono of the largeat In Cumberland Valley and. colligating in part of HAMMERED .AND ROLLED 2R _ON, 11.1 9URDOWB HORSE' 9116118, NORWAY RODS, BLACKSMITHS, WACION MAKERS', COACH MA I{ ipt S' A N DT A ItPENTEft ff001.3,- BUILDING - M-AYURTAL Saddlery Call not Mnkerb, Undertakers, nod enneh Malmrs MA TE RI AL thains, novels, Forks, liakes,_&c, Repairs for 3IcCORMICK'9 REAPER constantly on bond. Wo aro enomtantly In receipt of goods dlroct from tim manufacturm, and are atto to for• nlsla country morelmnts of Plaplelphla and Now York prices . ItsGOODSrlellverett to all pflrts of the town froo of charge. WILCOX & GIBBS' VI" TIV: - G 111 A Cill E We have secured the Agency' of the Wilcox & Oihhei YOWit , g ?turbine. n little tinillyarrange. ment 110 ona seems willing to do without after ' having F 1.1.11 -one -lo operation. Thu Wilcox & Is n Single Timed Macibi ne and elahns superibrlty over all Double Thread Machin. in the following pirticulara. 1 t Is simpler - and teas Defile — to get out 01 repalii7 - 11 — Is chsaper. it runs with less noise. .11 runs raider. It runs faster It has the hest:device 11ar promoting the wheel from running backward. It requires loon mechani cal Mill to (morale it. It requires Pm time end 'lnstruetlon to learn to um It. It Is the most certain end reliable in 'lts operations. Its !Mediu is etre', tit and less liable to be broken Lion a mitred ono The needle Is secured In its place by KU Ingeniously patented desire which renders It cult adjusting so that neither skill nor experience are required 10 smancing It. It sees directly teems the spool thus doing_ mien) , with the tedious operation' of roolndlpg the thread for adjustment In the shuttle. II nittl.to the Wilcox A WILE: of "twisted „loop stitch," a' stitch original with this machine "pet made lty'no ether the seam is tensors elastic and stronger thelt T n the ' Lock tlebi.main is the moat even awl beautilui, the 5,1111 al ways self. _tautened thus avoiding a is velsible teed. Ile ten sion is mom simple and 11101,1 easily 1111j11 , 1011. it is -more. speedily eltengsd from one kind of work to another, It dOes lonutlitsl e.ipes , idntl , It has the best honmek, it hue the best lIIIer, it ion tho best braider, It lice the best belt. The, Wit 111 1/11.116 has 11,11 In the market tar n Little more right years, dui ittg which time upwards Of - slaty thimeand,havo been node and sold, a numbed be fitly per. cent Inryer than were sold of any ihnible l'breed chine In the s.rtni number of its ,'not beet years such F.llfseor cssuilictent to warrant the sole of this Machine wherever it has an Acct..y without the doubling eritience of testiincinials, of whirls there ere enough to til up the columns In the land. These Machines are' on etsbibltion 01 cur sOr e, North lianovt4r street, Cerliald, where tiloy may he OX111111110(1. /1411 they will-hike pr-lit pleasure In ex ' plalnitvx anything retail., to it. _ liestoctlnLy Ac.,. MEE STOVES, TINWARE;, TAMES 111GQ0N.EGAL wmild respect, i“vit.• 11144 atlontionl 11444 ;440.1.44 14. Ilk 14trge ”toelf of STIII IS, TIN, AND SILET lIIUY har uuulo It an "I pjrc•l 111 . 04 11,01 - .1140, 01 . 0110111k I lli, 1111,11.10 Ptol . ol/ 111 HIV ~ allet. 111,, couldng c0n.43,t of I N 13111.01), NI.ii:AIIA, I!! tool other+, ohlt , ll hr g11111101t), to give ma‘itfartion in tlery tcsioo t. 11b =I ere enterpfuttetl for twenty of 1111nIbility, 1.111 11,110111 y Or led. Ile niter ollere to ihe pulite: the justly telehetted =I la would lutvutioli to a few its merit,: I. It haulm brick t*lu replaced ont it or twice n Heating downwards, Its rap Of jwal are deflect ed to the floor, heating the feet instead of the - 111. The-horning of the gas lira poconil anpply stf fteidt air is ctimplete, The let ice is not hound in other stoves, eikovenortntly the air is always pores IV/ It Is itlittillittnal burner. V. It makes no clinkers. Vi. I t i, perfectly clear tram drt,t; the arrangement Is covered by a patent, and hip/trivet). it! ope-. :anon. Lts viiiiiitathin la voniplete s and In ivory respect is a first hiss Move tool warranted to give stills. facifiro. Numbers rif can be given us - IA the 'inerits of this klsice, stir lie would oak limier who wish to get Ode:fir/tide hIOVO to call RE ilk shop null ewe It iu operation. lit opium among other Porter, flitting Rom, owl Chant her dt ores, the • " BEACON I.lollT,'' a beautiful, economical, awl pomerful lleatjug,Btve, patented 1:869; Illso P.lltl.olt lIEATFIRS, ror two or nTral/11.,,Partable Furnaces, &c. AND SHEET IRON Wntli constantly on 0 1. SPOUTING; GOOFING, nod JOBBING ,nnln to order of boat tnatoriol, and ntt roanonablo pious - ' JAMES Nlal ON Ea AL, SS &alt llamwer St., - “ear Wm. Blair A: Smiu 111 ocury Stpre, South Emll 131131 MEDICINAL MAARQU - ART'S :CELEBRATED •LENDIENT. FOR PLIAN OR BEAST. his . VMlinabtePreparation is admirably adapted to the Cure of all those,-Dis eases for which a Counter-Irritant or External ReMedu is required. ;- ...REFERENCE. =MS 1867 Abram Margnart, Emu, has shown no the re ceipt of which hie Liniment Is composed. From my know ledge of, thn Ingrodionts,l do not Imitate In certifying that it will be beneficial whore an external applicatton of the kind Is indicated. •. - -,•-• A. STEIVAIt r, II: D. ,Shippenshurg, Supt. 15, 1858. Fully conversant with the chemical no mponents and'inedleal °fronts el A. Sittrquart's Liniment: I cheerfully coMmend it to those whn ,nn y need it. ' Jacksonville, Pa. - S. N NOKEII, M.D. Mr, A: Marquart Sir: I lake oloa.o.tro in saying that I have used your Linlnnint pod hand., and it cured them end =Mb, them feel soft I think it the Lent I ham ever used, Anil would cheerfully recommend It to the general • . • . \ I, .I . 4wfOn Township, I'n, Nov:24, 18SH. "11;5131)y certify thot I have used A. Marquart's Liniment for Scratches and on two of my horses sith the greatest success, and would ree- Otrdend it to all that arnJn poet{ of anything of . tho WA. C . Ml Ll.fNUiilt, - ZIOTIONB,A.O Troasuror. 8 1 oollastown, Po., Nov.lB, 14. '111y - , • Sir. A.' afarfluttrt ::-Dear Sir: Inure sad about half a bottle of your Liniment on my horn .fora bad G ollar Gall, which was the most obellnate soro of the kind I over saw: Ulili''on my arm for Ithounottlem, and it has given entire satisfaction in both cares.' I would riot do without At or ton Gwen it coat and choerfully recommend .1t to . the -public MICSIA LATSGAW. • Jacksonville, Pa., Nov. 20; 1808. ' ' A. Mainuart; 'Esq :—Dehr Sir: I had •It vorli Hover° attocic of Ithencuatbou in my back, no that I could scarcely walk, .which was very paI:ISA After using half a bottlo of your colobratod Linb sooqt, I AM entirely , pored. Thla is het a venom m o adation,•but the plain truth. You ca-n make any one of tbi4 yptl • " -JACOB LONG alnut Bottom; Pnf, Nov. 20,1808. ' , Mr. A, itlarquar't :—Diar Sir : I have used your valuable: Liniment in my family' for differ :lot palns and nohov, and it has proved satisfactory In every ciao. Ido think, as-an external Lint. ment, It stands without it .rivaL I would- cheer; fullyrecommund It to the public. Respectfully, GEOlllill W. YOCUM. - , - !Jacksonyllio, Pa,, Nov, 21. 1.808. . • A'.Marquart,. Dap :•— , lnear Sir:. It affords me plate . au& to certify that I have nee& your Liniment on my near, In a case of very Sore ,Throat, which was much nwellee,and 'very painful. After two or threaapplicatfone, I Ibund it to act like maple, and would reCommend it ae an °unlink Liniment, JACOB B.EVERI3." •/; Walnut Bottom, Pa., N 017,19,1865, , • • • ' *.r....A0 UNTO WANTED I, .AM.lAim! _,...----,_.: •.• _. A MAROCART, ~ . • , . • . ' •• ','ll7ftlaut bitten), Oumb. Co., Pa. • ,' , For sale at 1.1AVE114101,1 ir• DUO. Drug 'Store. . . ,Oarllala, Pa. • ' - - . • • . - .. -- MISCELLAIVEITO.% - ECONOMISTS I Your attention In called to tha fact that at Store:you can aeo the finest &Tiny of Goods oval kept In nny eimik r establiehment to the county, con gating la part of the following STOVES AND HEATERS, 3wqrrautea to giro general aatlaraellen: BEAUfIr, cannot lie hurpascral. COOK STOVES, 1 3 (tho ts, 0,7 g, I=l Bober, with lean fool, than auy altar guava in this ECM ;laving ar,inirvil a ropmplinu Iu thlu and adjoining =I We nro , 4eternaltled to lii.fitp the same In th• feeling - conlhlt:nt that WC can hell ys.,u7guotlartlulcii at I=l EBB - FLAT - MONS, v Of Good twi4eri . 4l laid romp. 11!=:1 Mlllllll3' kola in it thst-iilus. and JODDITCR Done on shori notico, and nt rcnnonabloturma. None but gaol mold:men and plod milterial on hand. mn.i.Ert . ,si BOWERS, No. 26, North llanov , •r 'St., 42rtriisitaTI2s. Jcc-t puldkhcd. s new edition of Dr. Culver well's Celebrated Essay on the radical cure (nithont medicine) of 1,1•11tIITORSIIOIL, or ;Sem inal IN eat oeu, Involuntary llemlual Lone,, In POT OW% , Mental and I'llyslent I nreptKlty Impadl• uu•nt.. to uturriage, etc.; also CONSUMPTIOZ, Emma and FITS. lad used by sett.indulgonea or snout es trai accauee =Ern MIME 111 scaled envelope only 6 cent.. 'Abe eelebintod author, in tills admirable seamy clearly demin.trates from a thirty years' suceassiul practice, that the claiming consegnisti us •f fait abuse run) be radically cured without the danger. con ore of Internal medielne Pr the knife; isolating out a mole at cure at once simple, certain, and •16 foctual, hydneans of a lath every sufferer, no mat ter abet his condition may he, may mars bfraset ' cheaply. privately, and radically. Litallte rhnu ld ho In the hands e eve youth nn.f eveiy man to the land. Sent under Fool, in a plain env elopo, is any ad dress pricfpoid, uo receipt of six ousts, or Ore poet , stomps. Also, Dr. Culierniellik i•Niarrletice Ove -price-26-cent , - Address the Publiahers, CHAS. J. C. KLINK At 127 Bowery, N,Nv loch, root (Mee D d, Ijati 69 8,;a,. end Tonic end Mandrake Pil le, will cure Con ',emotion, Liver Complaint, and Dyepepsta, if taken meotdiog to directions. They; are all lime to he taken at thn sane thou. They cleanse Ike stomach , rola; the liver, end put It to work: than the Wye - tite jtecontes good: the food digests and snakes gpot biked: the patient begin, to grow la .Ilenh , tin disenned matter litmus in the -lunge, and the pa tient nut •rowa the (licence and gore well. This Is the. only way to cure consumption. To theta, three ntedlein es Dr': J. It. Schenk, if Philadelphia, owes his unrelated neuron la the treatment 'of pulMonary consumption ' The Pol. 'monk Syrup ripens the morbid matter ire the lungs, nature thrown it oil by 'an easy expectoration, for when the phlegm or matter le ripe, n alight cough %ill throw`irolf, and the patient has root and Wte twigs begin to heal.. To do this. the Seaweed Tonle end Mandrake Pills mutt be treaty used to cleanse the stomach end liver, no that the Pulmouic Syrup and the food will make good blood. . • Schoncit's Mandrake Pithiest noon the liver re moving all obstructions,. relax the dnet of the gall bladder . , the •1 le stnrta freely, and the liver In soon rolloved; the stook will short what tbe, Pills eon do; nothing has ever.been'invented escinit calomel (a deadly poi NOli %Ilia, In very dangerous to eve un Ise w tic great care), that will unlock the gull blad der and elart.theeeeretionspf rho liverlikeSchenchis 'andrake Pills., • , Liver complaint Is ono-of the -moat prominent louses of connumptlon. . Schenck's Seaweed Tonic is a gentle stimulant and alterative, and the nik,ll In the Seaweed, which I hat proper:aloe 4; 1111011 of, assist's the etomtsch to throw out the gastric juice to dissolve the flied with tile Puhnon to Syrup, and it Is Maio into good blood without lernientetion or !Peering In the stomach. Tho greet rdewtn,why physicians don't sure con sumption Is, they try to do too mush : they give medicine to stop the cough, to stop chills, to step night 'meant, hectic lovers and by no doing they do , range the wholeAlgostivo, powers, lockluit up the eceretlone,and even tually . the pationtitinks and dial. Dr Schenck, In his treatment does not try to stop a cough, night sweats, chitin or fever. - Remove the roue° nod they will All .top hr their own accord. No ono caw hocured of Consumption, Liver Com plaint, Dyspepsia, Catarrh, Cancer, Ulcerated Throat unless the liver and stomach are range healthy. If n person has consumption of course the lunge In tome Ivey are diseased, either turberclea, Abaco* ens, brolichial Irritation, pleura edataloo, or the lunge aro a masa of Intlenneatlen and Let decaying. the lungs that are wpsti toe, but it is the whole bodly The stomach and I ivenbare lost their power to make - blood-out ot food. NoW the only chance Is to take Schenek's three medleinee t which will - bring - egy a tone to the stomach. the patient will begin to want fond, It will digest easily and make good blood; then the. indica begins to gain In flealf, and as soon ae the body begins to grow,the lunge commence to has. up end the patient gets fleshy and well. Thiess the only way to curo cousuptlen. -When Moro le no lung diseano,and only liver °Om p Inlet and Dyspepsia, tichouck's Seaweed Tonle And Aholdrake Pills orb sufficient without the tpulmonlo, Sirup. Take thablandrake PIUS freely in "ill bllti, outicomplainte, is they are perfectly harmless. . Dr. Schenck., *am has enjoyed uninterrupted health tor many years past,' end now weighs 735. pounds, won wasted Itway.to a mere ekeletomln the last stages of Pulutinar'y Consumption his phyelciare having pronounced his calm hopolees and abandoned hint to his fete.' lie None cured by the aforesaid med. leines, and duce hie recovery many thousand simi larly afflicted have teed - Dr. S,chenck's proparatlone with the since remarkable success. Full dlrectlone aocompanylug oath, Mal It not abiehitely netessa-, ry to personally see De. choork unless the patient wish their lunge exandeed,and for thts purpoe• he, is professionally et hie Principle Met, Philadelphia every Saturday, where all letters of advice mint be tldresiAl. uls also' ptolosslonallyet No. 112 Bond street, Now York, ovary other Tuesday, and at Ne.• 111, IlanOver etreot, Buster', every ether' Wednesday lie g 'venally ice free, but, for a thorough ex Omen amine tiros with• his Resplrometer the price is $6: hours at each city, from 0 A: M. to O P.'lli.. Price Of the Potato:llc Syrup and Seaweed' Totif ct, each it 1.60. per bltt,le, on f 1,60 a half desen. Dian, dft cods a land -FM sato by all druggists , • • -IL J. 11. SCIIENOIII No.lli N.' 6th St. Phila. PA. yxt, C.IRAOY lAT - .A.TOHES, V T CLOCI{O, 'AND...IIIWELTI,Y • OEIARLES M. ROGERS; •‘ : SoatlillOwver qt., Collate, Pa., 'Keepe constantly on band a full amoortmont .of • OLOOIII3, • _ • stlOriAn6., At, at the lowest cult priest. iistlealdra..lgrattoa to - tko repulsing of Watrlso, Cloots ioud J•welry, • ' N. 11.--81INET M*Mc oolikeutly_ou gen& 6140(1.3m . , RIIINESMITH & RUPP'S STOVES. AND HEATERS BUNNY SIDES FIRE PLACE HEATER, ORIENTAL PARLOR IiEATER, ORTENTAL PARLOR STOVB, LIVELY TIMES RADIATING BASE BURNER, .JUNIATA PARLOR NEATER, Eniti.oli ma RASE BURNER, EZIIIiS ECONO3II, oud DURABILITY _ _ lIATIt!,EY 'SHEAF, NOtiLL COON, NOVELTY PARLOR COOK, and NATIONAL RANDS, BANE ROMT, AND BEAT =I lIII= REVOLVING LIGHT BASE BURNER, STOVES, =I =I KNIVES AND:FORKS, MEM ME COAL BUCK ETV, =1 HOLLOW WARE, IVe have, and keep cunetently on hand, n eery large EME I TIN AND SHEET IRON WAREIIOUSR, ROOFING =I RIIINESMITH & RUPP, Nos„ 62, 64, 68, NORTH HANOVER STREET, CARLISLE, EA lEEE PATENT NEDICINES. 11 A N -.11 0 0 D w LOFT. 110 W RESTORD SchilleMs Pulmonic Syrup. apr1123,69 ly 3 U Quito a novelty