1 II 'STOVES,- ife BEAUTY,.` I . DURABILITY, .ECONOMY - - - The tanderelgeed having- roLurried from the MUNI irlth a laWstoek of goods, invite the attention of All who desire satisfaction to call end erAmin• their gtook could/sling in Tart ''''' :" - S T 0 V E'S , 'tee& es the , - BARIZZ,SHEitIt; NOBLN 000 E, DIOTATOR, , I Ind other varieties of ---- C9OII — STOVES. iihich they challenge the trade to compote with feel log eontiftent thatthey-can tell better stove 9 lor lees, Money than any firm lathe country. The atlentiorr ot_the_publlo_falnilted ro_t,beir choleeseleetiqpot_ RANGES, PARLOR AND OFFICE STOVES, • among which can be found • . SPEARS' CELEBRATED Repaving Light Base Burning, Juniata Baae, Burning Parlor gaater, la fact they can plane° you with &oyes of all /ands at prices which defy compotition. PUMPS; - • !by deep 'Wells end Cleanse constantly on hand. Their mock of goods comprise every thing kept in a tint elan furnishing Mors, such as 007/1.11 MILLS, /LAT IRONS, COAL BUCKETS, COAL SIEVES, SHOVELS and POKERS. REGISTERS, - . TOILET WARE. BOOT TUBS,. INFANT , BATH-TURS, CHAMBER SETTS,An., COPPER AND BRASS DIPPERS, WROUGHT IRON PANS AND LADLES, CARD PANS AND MOULDS, ••• SPOONS, KNIVES AND F4v" dl ' WARE. • AND ALL KINDS OF lloji kinth, sorm, Fire Drinks arid Orates foEaL Burning constantly 'on ban d . Latrobe. Ten Plate Flraillace Iidater,aIm.M'SIATIONARY HEATERS Stove' PORTABLIS yd ems r - dur t manufacturers nd and ANGERS of. patterns. • qin'and Sheet Iron Wcire, constantly on hand, manufactured by Jae beet workmen of the best material. Buying stock In large ot. for the cash they are enablad to sell at email advances, all they ask lea call from You to examine their goods and price list after which they feel certain you will buy no where else. Their 11t tto is '•live and let lfcc." Old 8 uves taken In exchange, No. OK North Ilan• ajar Strett.l THE ORIENTAL. -~' • ~ _. THE. IMPROVED OfefiNTAL Base Burning Coal Stovbs, and Flirter Furnaces, Have received Four First Class Premiums at the Now York State end other Jake. Also she— peat SILVER MEDAL at the Fair of the American Trictitute hold in the City of .Now Y0rk,1865. THEY ARE PERPETUAL BURNERS, ONLY ONE FIRE BEING REQUIRED TO BE MAIM • DIMINO THE SEASON. - THEY ARE PERFECT VENTILATORS OF THE APARTMENT. THERE CAN BE NO E ,- .OA.PE OF OAS FROM THEM. THERE CAN BE NO CL*NICER OR SLAG TO 0 EISTIWC r THE HIRE WILL Rf i ItI N N TI gre.DAYS WITHOUT TIM ILLUMINATION 15 EQUAL TO AN "OPEN FIRE." THEY ARE POWERFUL HEATERS AND YET PERFECTLY ADAPTED TO MILD WEATHER. iCODI9MICAL - 820 1 713.9 A - NDFU ItNACEB TIDE FURNACE WILL LIEAT, SATISFAOTORLY. BOTH AN UPPER AND A WITHOUT ADDITIONAL FUEL.E The following are a few of the many references to persons who have boon and aro now using the "Oriental," and to whom we confidentially refer for ilentimony as to its groat merit. ,• • ' 1.1. Brechbill, Dr. P . Mahon, Miller & Dowers, Dr. COrnman, Wm. Spongier, D. Bpotts, J.'Notfeloger, D. Lomat ecker, I. Leonard, hire. Galbraith, Dr. Z JUDI., Jacob Thudlum, and quits a number of others. , For Salo by & RUPP, No. GS, North Hanover St., CARLISLE. PENN'A. 14Ftop a-8m PENNSYLVANIA ELASTIC SPONGE CO : . 1111 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA• ELASTIC .SPONGE, `A. BIiiiBTITIITIE • 0 OIYRLID HAIR EIMIEB3 UPHOLSTERt PURPOSES Oheapei than Feathers or Hail', tAR SUPERIOR The'Lightest, Boftest and most Elastic ind Dom ble material known. for . • Mattresses, Pillows; Car, Carriage, • . and. Chair Cushions. R Is entirely Indestructible, perfectly clew and free from dust. ' 1T DOES NOT PACK AT ALL I • X II always free from Insect life;is porfectly,bealthy, sind'for the sick le unequalled. /f sailed In any • way,•esn be renovated quick's , Av p r c ir a iTr a gr n Tr o nj g c i r e e d r j t lattress. • • l•NISUINO CU CROKE% JULIA, Ac. Railroad men are especially Invited to examine the Cushion Sponge. . • • a SATISFACTION GUARANTIED. . THE TRADE BURPLi ED. -lobs 68•17... BAH( AiNS 1 13 GAINS! . 0G I B S • CHEAP CASH STO'R-B.• Just returned from the city, and now'openlne'a ','large assortment of. the cheapest „ • D li, Y -G,O O,D ~,ever brought to Carlisle. - A full atinitoont of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, of all•lher °wnt ! 7 1 1t V ddig Clods f or lal s ,lanraitr •, Coats and ,A brie aseortment of •, ' " • S' gA W 1.4 „, • 'Very &sip, Calicoes very best 1230. Mullins, • Clngbazils, , 1 Canton,Flannels, Tlektnp ; de. tql,mlzoil reduced. , Clotia and Cassimeies, . . ..' ~:Operite. 1111161ln great yirielt i r And - cheaper than • • , :;}:lkol v , BRIRTp-11111 BALItiORALI3,, 5:,,,,4 1 riy.i:6, , oo:invest 14 thncounts. • - '.V`' / 'I , XO/ . ~.,1-' ...e, :1,1i . :'- ,. .. , ;.•'”` , , \ . onommazie , ;i,..,;-.. 1 :.;,•., , ,-.:.-. •'. , ._. =vino, *e. ike. - ' y tikotP,„%ri.id 6 tin.li id veryhow \ ''''': l t l fill:i,itok,.. - r V.. 7 ;1111 . axtd. complete l: - ' ..',0 1 ! 1 .1# 4 """0 reline inildool64% . . "4104 i , ° f ,, , ,,t b iaßry !aoodo 'int r,' , Alkw,.." -- , ', els#whire' :rt.?. • ' , '' a:.,' ' ' 'IR . gi' 4l.4 ?k X' ' -'-.... • '. ..' ` 4 :1m,,,;:',.:',..,', , , -:,...V . 1 . 1111 .10111. ~ , -.-- • , . DRY GOODS. READ nitvii - i,- ,i,cv. - ; . CONSIDERII. :ArtaPar , _ : ; • • . BARGAIMI !I ..:" . .11411WAINS!„! ( W. C. SAWYER &. Q& Wit have' just received from New York and Philadelphia a large stasor4lAr of DRESS GOODS, in which will be Perim:l. o D= late and attraetivw styles of the awe Stook arab/are' Figured, MS 8 I L K-S Gros Grain, Grog Doarmuro, SLACK SILKS EPINGLINE, ROUBA.T.X, __LYONS. CRETONNE, SHORT as MOHAIR POPL EMPRESS CLOTHS, ALEXANDRIA CLOTHS, AND CASHMERE POPLINS FOR trench Merino, dlpam, Caahmarat and BrlginLa 'Motile In 11 enlora and pricy. We have n fall line of the Celebrated 'BUFFALO 'swain BLACK ALAPACAB, Alen 'n leas &oak of ell binds of Bleck MOURNING -COODS StWI All • 12,3fP4E36 Particular attention paid to Waneral Orderi Call and fflio our large Stook of • MINK SABLE, ATONE MARTINE, IMIRMAN PITCH, SHAWLS! .SHAWLS SHAWLS I LUSTRE FITCIL WATER MINE, . BUTE OONSTi MUSKRAT; AND ELVER MARTIN EIMEE4 Just received from the well known House - of Nichols Burtnett k Co., Broadway Niw York'. , Thus Huffy and Colton, all hare a nor'!. Improve ment which will make them wear much longer than the old style of inanUfacturde: Gentlmam canalsoflod on our counters a ya.. rlaiy of French and AmeriaanCasiltnarsilrillanei and Black. Buyer Cloths in Emodmani and Nit for heavy Hooke and Over Costa . Belts made by'tbe beet Tailor in town, Ciotti sold by us are warranted to be trimmed with the beet materials. CARPETS! CARPETS!! CROWLEY'S, ENGLISH, TAPESTRY. BRUSSELS, Lownr.,,p • AND ILLETFOUB EXTRA. TEEEE PLY, • manna,' 00SPAGE, " • • VENETLIX, BOMB MADZ, " mimesDitile, Brain 40ats. and upwards. 0 LL s,,:'. AIIOB, DR11661,18; WINDOW ' 4111•Dgi sad • general pportment Dt . . • ROUSE PirENDaiinki-GboDsi UOBIICRY, NO I TIO'NS•aiair Aket4 - ' • illiWooirei gnat st.triettova AO. hattpirannti 1 aU whhlnenri Goods' aud. 1 71.•11 4 14. 4 1 1.04.4 1 111 aral And avuulits oar stook.: . ~ E • • . •.. \ BAST MAU( STRUM,. • •L Min iiotii" 13." itidid. = =NB RE , y . ~ . , .~,,. ~ altriped and -Fancy Gros Dorhino and Lustzine _SBRSIISI3, LADIES SUITS. QUERNS AND 111 SIBERIAN SQUIRREL. BROWN OONET G, B, B, _ _. ~ , 11xE4~S, -, ` l lhe Las 11t1t 3 • % jl:l l 9 t'' lIVIPER'OV ' laEsTo . ww. ---,FA .-- -- Vd . W" -- ' hi .„'., RDRESSI ~ 1 w otyt e i n co.ffpitete ~ e ... ..,. ..., , ~.4 Gray_ „ 'will quicklydfor and beauty; to its natnixuriant growth. It is and ProdKirmless, and is preferred 'Perfq - ciery other preparation •by Sge who have a fine head of hair, as well as those who with to restore it. The beautiful perfume imparted to the Hair mal' l leit desirable for old 'and young. • Par Babe by nit' itit6 . o loAbi. DEPOT. 110,9 GREENWICH ST., N. Y NOM ONE)}- / 4feb4B ly Fr hl o n''B' :74 hl n p c i, O 7 4 1 4. P. t 4 FnroSfnre - Of all- varieties atd btyles of Poreign and Dmiientle manufacture, from this finest rasewood and Mahogany to the lowest priced maple and pine 1 - 114:NITIIRE . , Parlor, Chamber, Ihntro3-roorn, Kitchen and - ORM. . Embracing every article used byDouse and Dotal keepers, of t b. most approved and fasbionablo dealgn and finlah. Including also Cottage furniture In sett. teceptlon and Camp Chaim. alattrainies, Gilt frames, _pictures,- ice., AC. , — la-Particular attention ghee as usual to funorals order. from town and country, - ratan tad to promptly and - ow modegatuterms.. - . _ _ SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO THE SELECTION OP WALL PAPER. caarch2l. 64 BUSINESS . , W -FITRNiTUREI: EMI A - . V;•;,• 11•11 I.fr i g I The subscribers having associated themselves in partnership for the transaction of the FURNITURE BUSINESS, have located themselves lit the well-known and pop nlarst and lately occupied by the junior partner as grocery store, on the south-east corner of Hanover Otrect. . They desire to announce to the public that they hare now on hand and are constantly manufacturing and purchasing from the best eastern manufacturers, the latest and best styles and patterns of FURNI TURE of all qualities. •TLeir stock ofvendy-magle work, consists in part of 11•HOGANY SUITS, W-ALNUT SUITS, CHESTNUT SUITS, FLORAL D. E. STANDS, TEAPOTS, DRESSING BUREAUS, of all styles and prices. Tete a Totes, Sofas, Lounges, Cottage Trundles, Cot tage; - Pernik Japanese, and Jenny. Lind_lodsteads,- Cottage Bureaus, Marble Top Tables and- Stands, ;Washstand., of all varieties Chairs of all kinds, Stuf fed Furniture in sults or In pieces constantly or( bond. Mirrors of all styles sod prices. 'HOMEMADE WORK, 4 :iiiarailianliniFdKßUYetrusilledeteeds, - Safes.S e c ro. tarifa, Chairs In Betts, Rockers of all descriptions, tn., made by competent workmen from the very beet material and at reasonable lAP prices. SHLEY A HALBERT. SHEET MUSIC, constantly on heel. l4felv6Bly. BAILVs• WAGON BRAKE. FARMERS AND WAGONERS, LOOK TO YOUR INTERESTS. Rally's Patent Wagon Brake Block holder, is just she thing needed by every person owning a wagon. For chospnoss and convenience it excels all others ever useviabrought before the public. It Is mode to suit all sizes of blocks—Round, Square, Thick or Thin, and can 'be applied with the greatest convo• ninon, without hammer or nails. Agent. wanted in ovehy county in the United States. For particulars apply to • D. 111. BAILY, Carfiele,Ta. 7aug 653.6 M. • • J. BEETEM & BROTHERS, Forwarding & Commission Merchants (Henderson's old stand At-the head of MAIN STREET, Carlisle, Pa. The highest market price will be paid for Flour Grain and produce of all kinds., Coal of all hinds, embracing LYKENS VALLEY, LOCUST MOUNTAIN, - . ' LAWBERRE, A. Limeburriers' and Blacksmiths' &Al constantly of sale. Kept under cover; and delivered dry to any part of the tows. Also, all klnds of Lumber on ' J. BEKTBM & BROIL 1701.68 - -• • . - _ • . .1 001 C OUT, DRY GOODS MEN. TITS PIZ I havejust returned from the Mit Wien my Ting Eiteck,and as ueual,l am selling Goods &little rbtr, er than any ethei Dry Goode house in town. Ido not think it necessary to occupy a column of news paper Lateen. up my reputation :for selling cheap Goods, nor do 'wish to resort to clap trap to gull the public. All I ask of them is torah and examine for themselves, and if not satisfied with the prices, not to'brry. 'lteteember:thaattind No., 82 North Hanover street, next door to Br. Maffei's, and Mil ler A Dowers hardware State. .1931. A. MILES. , It; B. I will say nothing about mythirdand fourth. grand openings. naprll-87.. QUEEN OF ENGLAND SOAP Yor doing a family washing in the beet and cheap eat manner. Guatenteed equal to any in. the weld Elea all the strength of old main Reap with the mild and lathering qualities of genuine Try this splendid' Soap. Bold-by the 'ALDSM OHSaIIOAL WORKS, 48 North Front Street, Philadelphia. . sep4 68 ly. NATURE'S GittAT AIESTORER. , 131311.E8TX!8i, : ,CELISBRATED ' BIT'I'gR °lda . This medical preparation is now offered,• to the public as a tellable substitute for the.many ororth. lees compounds which now good the mailmf.", It I. Purely fegehble, wmpeoed of varlifoot hpflOs,,- gath ered from, the great storehouses of:nature,. and selected with the utmost care. Itj is not recom— mended as a.Stat ALL, but by - Its -Meet-and salu.' tap influence upon the Hearts 'Liver !Kidneys, Lungs, Stomach and Dowels, Hada both as a pre. eentloe end cure for may of the diseases to which those Organa aroombletiE. , lt is a reliable Family Mediclue; and can be taken by either Infant or adult with therea.me, ?beneficial •reaults.', It. ,1 a certain - cm:opt and rceedy remedy for DIADEM:6A. DYSENTERY, BOWELCOMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, ,DOWNESSOF SPIRIT, VAINTINGS; SIOICHEAD. ACHE, dc. For CHILLS and WEVEffilef, all Undo, It Is far better and safer; then gull:line, without any pf its pernicious- effects. It creates -an. appe tite, proves arpowerfUL digester •of food„ and will teunteraet the effeeta 4 liquor in a Al minutes. ritiikurm BY 4APPiSCHEETZ §° l6 P°PriAt.rr N.*;Cor. Fifth andlatl y i; Pi • SOLD Irk ALL DRUGGISTS 20nov 664 y. opoom , FINE OUSTOTC - IVINI O E 11 9 , 9T§ , 44P WIPP CtiTioiel!E)SiEN i . All the tRAIIIIMIrCIaIrAt7en band or made to ,measure4Prieda Omni we , An INA! Crated Price Ltd with Inetruotlona for dolrmetaw relent tent on receipt of Poet Mee addrem.. - lA24L: llllAtaialit W at i lde A t i rlitgi i i i. ' • PILILADM Pas 0.3.% AizscE.t,ll;l.'26&,`i:'`` ' ti'-il ' -- . . 2 ' • .11 ) : ' -.• :: • "-' - _ HIJ. rit a lfgrt§ re - : 13 ,, 7 . .: :,. :4:,..:? - i':-- _`• _ r.,..r . 4, , , ._ 7-51-11116 % __.,,,,,i'''',,‘, Gli-'! ° ! -- o.le'''' . - ..s. - 0 0 ' , '.' ~.,0 .• ~ THOMPSON & HAHN''' . .• '''''i t : , M ANUFACTURE M A vE NUE, . • 1232,1231,03 P 2• ''' ' ' r • ••.• - . . pre Oars pass tho .4010 r., '331d a 4,......,..-tor Illustr.ted Cat;al'iguellEl), r . :....1 . CCM. S FIT 7'lN to' uiid 1'L17.103.1:Ar0 POOT.B & LYNCH, 1 Practical uas Fittem apd Plumbers Desire to In furtn,thrir old euattmarts and Unocal -lens of Car Iltda ° generally , lesye,y,a . oieve,d, their eittabllshinent to the rent modlone'reorts Wilt* Bisemenli'or Bheenes Hall. entrarSco on Church Alley., ^ . They will .ttond promptly as heretofore, to ail work OntruCtod to - them.' - They keop constantly on hand and are Prepared to, introdpeo LEAD 'ml IRON PIPES HYDRANTS, HOT, add COLD t G R: OWEBATHS, WATER CLOP, FORCE and LIFT PUMPS, IRON SINKS. BATH TUBB: 13011:KitSW - At3ll BASINS, HYDRAULIC RAMS, all Mode of GAS, STEAld'and WATER PIT, TINOS COOKING ReNGES,HEATERS, AO., rat up In the InOst modern at ]e. • • ' Country Work and 'Jobbing-promptly at tended to: 17aPr 68. Lr A- , 'D E' CY" FURS! I am enable to dlsnose of my goods at wary' rea sonable prime and t would therefore eollett a call from my frlonlle 'ofpuntryand • Renumber the Name Number and Street .T 0 N ..F_A No. 718411,011 St:, ab. 701, south Side Phtlaabi • HATE NO PArtniat, 000 Connicifox WITH 4NY °Tall 9TOHE IN PHILADLLTHIA. MEM V IJ EAP and keep Yourself Informed. ra(ng - porch:teed the old and well known buel ness stand which khaee occupied P r twenty years, I have dote , mined not to retire from my present business, but to continuo on lu the manufacture of READY-if - ADE CLOTHING, of till eises nod deecriptions, as well as ploca.goode hy yard, anti a general .awortment of GENTS FUR IS El IN° 0001)9. 1 would reePoclfully — lavite - my friends ancysitrans who need a good suit of clothes to glee me a call, an I haver,lnet returned from the city with a_ large assprtmonW the best quality of Spring and Summel Goode, vie: • • Fine black French and English Clothe; " " and " Doeskin 'CASHMERES, Vino - i t ightTnney Doeskin Cas - simerea, Cassinette, Cottooldes, Velvete, Drab d'elo's Alapao as, Linens, Satins; Velvet Cord, and many more too nutiierouaftbolfien Geo. Also, N full assortment of Trungs, Valises, and Traveling-bags of the best description. Wtth thank. to the public, for past favors, and hope I will receive a call ete?n at my place,o./12, North Ilanovoi St. • I LIVINGSTON, DEE • HATS AP CAPS,W Do you -want a-tsiee Hat or gai ! 9 . - If tio. don't fall to cal] on J. QALLI,O " No. 29, Wet tlaln Street, Where eon be MOO toe ones; sasorranent of HATS AND PAPS. ever brought to Carlisle. Tre.takeo pelt Plvamile inviting his old friends and Customers, and all new York to his splendid stock Just received from New York and Philadelphia, consisting in part of fine SILK AND CAS ' SIMERE HATS, Besides an endless variety of Hats and. Caps of the latest; stylo, Ml of which be will gall at the Lowest Cash P - tlees. Also, his own manufacture of Flats al ways on hand, and Hata Manufactured to Order. .„,. , • Ile has the best ariarigiment for rokiing Iles and all kinds of Wooleh Goode, Overcoats, dc., at the slrbdteet nonce (u ho Colors every week) and on the inosavessonable.aersah.....Alao,_a_finst let of choice [wands of TOBACCO AND CIGARS, - - - - - - - - Always on hand. 11e desirei to call the attention of persons who hate COUNTRY FURS To sell, tu he pays the. highest rub prices for the mote, give hlm , 'a call, At - the above number, his old stand as he feels confident of giving entire males.. Wm. Julyl4 t 7. SPRING. BARGAINS. 1867 NOW opHNING DOMESTIC GOODS DRESS GOODS, • CASHMERES, 13ATINETS, 'JEANS, WHITE GOODS; DRESS TRIMMINGS, RIMERS, • RIBBONS, - • NOTION/4'AG AT RING'S NEW STORE, _ No. 55 WEST MAIN STREET, Opposite tie Mansion Rome, next to Post Moe Carlisle. , 11. .s. HOTEL, Opposite Pa. B. 8., R Reading Depot HARRISBURG, PA... W,,EI. EM3141;051.7,11 .C 9 propriotore 2oct. 08-I:y.' ' ' DR. TAYLO'R'S OLIPE.BRANCH B T' E Sl. :mtici'• end aiieesble TONIC STIMULANT, ii/VijA.ISLUO,4nd 'o4Bllll,NAnyill MI:MMM liztrasted eztOr . ely:framlllllßHB andAoo7llll 4 !ininglitlnl in .) tIyapEPRIA , ,and .11•1 of AIp0111•,, anA as ngaellent , 90 . TIF ! OT44!nr pirating Won• ing tom p4ordorsprt . h•.Z9oirdse . insiti*Gnies; AL- Ida 01 tv he . eriwro, , „ •• • . •Depot t No. 411*orket rhlloolptilk • I rAItrOOgAVQ": 4 .449 61141. • STOVES '..4:Np TIN WORE.® . All - ilaill All Elog'' . . • The. 01%:'::::;:YC.11.:::'..... , :... . -- ,,..5.5T1NG, , ,01.011.Y 5T017.11. The Greiteel Stove.for-1868 W4ICER t CHLAUDI having just Mimed - horn OIIN WAKIRAII New York, .Doiton aid PhLlaielphis, wkere they establlehed Fur suuStetory; Na. 719 ton Street, above h, Philadelphia. Have pow In Store ' my own Imports and Manufacture le of the largest and oat -beautiful solve• ma of PANSY MEL Ladles' and Chit• tine assortment 'hero purctuuml the to Chat 'au4l but uFrt• meld PARLOR, COOKINGIAND over brought to fhb piano, hero now on 401bItIon and for sale, at their IWO= wogs. No. 18, West Main Street, when" they will always' be pleased to NA their old friends and many sew ones, call and mamba. tie MORNING GLORY i'AMLOR ST:,OVE AND- HEATER, REGULATOR ROTARY TOP COOKING STOVE the bwt in tbeweeid THE 'MORNING GLORY L the most periled, Parlor Stare he gee oleyerh or everyalkarc It t Bass Burma and oat are will last all wlstor. It Ur into* doors all around and In as brightand ahoefful as an opus grate. We _vostfollt refer to the following penmen 'rein among hawirods of Wain oho boys mod It, as to Ito IMM2 James B. Weakley, Bev. J. Bear, W. B. Mullin, Webert I Derland, . Geo Weise, • -- David Ithoade, Levi Trete, Samuel Grearion, Weakley k Sadler,. T. L. 0 reentleid, Samuel W. Gould, Jaton W. Eby, .„ 'hoe Lee, Peter Spahr, Wm. P. Stuart. We bare also a moo of the verylbest,:baskely 14OHLS) 000 X, (Gal aara•r,j .0011111iCATION,I(Giii Banpq. NIAGARA • idl 'O/ loroo tilos groat' ostistootlea , tiro p4shoura. vI 2111rs'also, mb Wifo to of TINT AND OTHER WARES, EIMIM ~!;'1 TIN Ak'N•D SHEET'IRON =lll era lambi immulastly ;as bond, . srouilrre.BC*FlNG and JOBBING llMMsiii °NI kink dolu on .i!:11 eoselesion lirrite ovs Meade I. NM fed u at. at unit tvrazr I II --I:W4tE"lit4lPPiro . , 11110$M, • -thilltight; is `the' Iffl =MI HEATINO•STO'i EB also, the Celebrated Jos. Galbraith, Hon. J. Stuart, • 'Edward Fury, Beret Irvin, Col. A. Noble, Satel Hampton, Mr.Marudirld, Supt. Mt Holly Paper Mill Thos. Cluunballn, John Stuart, John 'p Green, • Henry I.,Bmltholder, Richard Woods, .1. 8. Woods, Mo 3 Woods, John li.Grogs,, ESE e varlet) of 10cook BtovN WK. PINK, 11112JSZA, - , RABAUL XII4OTRIC awl of ear own inattulketino. MEIN Y'4001)8.. OHR•I S 7,NLAS AND HOLIDAY GOODS, MIIIIIIIKIEIMEM CENTRAL DRY GOODS .STOII OF LEIDIO - 11 & MILLER. ..lnot apnea lugs STOOII for th. Boma DRESS GOODS I DkEBS dOODS I ! Redttesd at last, et, pqr cent to slow out far th BWOII suit eoeblq•sery permit to got • DA , NDSOME DRESS at . very low prleo for the LIOLIDA.YS NEW CLOAKS, - iITkOAX,S, Letest Styles, selling much below the usual prices FURS! II R S 1:, FURS!!! Elam Mink, Sable *ote,l7ernan 'Fitch Pllll, Super Siberian Squirrel YURS. YOBS of angry alga and.quallty Ladies Far-trimmed HOODS, All selling at such remarkably R 'T B S L 0 W Ho that arm Lady or Mrs an purchase for he real and ;Imo enable every won to task. s Ilauttoomet Chrietzeuis Prevent to their kind friends, ae nothing ill be met* acceptable at this Hawn SHAW-LS 1 SHAWLS I I BLANKETS! BLANKETS I 1 RLANKETS ! ! ! BALI46RAL SKIRTS WOOLEN GOODS, BREAKFAST SIFAIVLt3, LACE HANDKERCHIEFS, EMBROIDERED HANDKERCHIEFS CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, OVERCOATING, LADIES CLOAKS CLOAKING CLOVKB Now Is the time Mends to purehue all kinds of good' atgrutlx reduced prim uwe an going to don out .Iptz STOOK gt mob si wlu utontah the e9munt . aplty. ' - OW/ v C 1121112.2 wn yror :Laney by weonr*T mai Central Dly Goode %pre- OF THE TOWN. LIiDIOR it MILLER.: OE TER OORNBIL, efin of the Carpet HaM. NO: 2 - ~., -.. , NARY *AtATMS% fi'-:•'.:,: "P ' onnsylva.sla... HARDWARE. MILLER & BOWERS' .HARD WARE STQR_E,_ 26 NORTH HANOVER STREET, bARIALSLE, PA. WE would respectfully call the atten tion or the public to our recently replenish: ed STOOK. We bare carefully avoided au:vim:dug during the recent decline, and now that the market liar become tattled we halo filled up our shelves and awe pymared to offer special Inducements to all who will favor ihrwttlr - a-call, We have constantly on hand a FULL STOOK OF "Hammered, English Refined, and Nor way IR ON; Berdatis Horse and Mule Shoes; Norway Rods; Horse Nails; Black and Polished Springs, hc., togettioi with a full,stock of ?-7 .BLACKSMITH'S t,f ,' • ,p TOOLS, suchav Drills,.Bolld Box Vices, Bellows, Rasps, Files le; MJILDING MATERIAL We invite all persons Intending to build, to come and take a look thrnogh our stock. We have our Bolts, Locks, glass, Paints, Oils, and ull , materiatin thls - ltne maoc'eNdowtrat - therlowuareNbll - PRICES; and feel assured that we can offer - special Induce ments in this branch. HARRISBURG NAILS, always on hand Con he bad Othe best quality. We take special care in selecting all tools and are bound to keep-up-the reputation of the old stand in this particular, —ice, ' TABLE AND • • --.0- i '' . • ~.71 . ..„J POCKET CUTLERY oral] Immagloable patterns—Neiman onitandit:fal line of 'them goods and are always able to mat th taste of eien the mon featfdloas. SADDLERY, of every variety, embracing In part self adjusting and rp tg Trees, Plated Japanned and Wood names, Bridl.Bitts, Brow Bande,flirthing, , Horse Blanket", &c., also, SADDLER TOOLS SHAWLS !!! )10E NDINGS, • MOROCCOZS, _ . LIN/NOS, BINDINGS, THIBBAD ae - 'HOODS, Ougfrio ride will ilwaysifind uc well supplied with the• best brands of these aCticles and-ready_to sell them at the lowest prices. We are constantly in celpt of Faints, thus enabling ourselves to supply our customers wlth frekh paints,*colors of all des criptions contently. on handl Also pure , LINSEED OIL. ; 006011 FURNITURE, DRIdAR - LEATIIER. • and IRON VARNIEMEE, MITT, GLUE, U . LITURAGE Ae. 1 Cabinet 'Milken and'Undertakere, will always find us buying I full suppil.clf Pude. In this line. PUMPS of all description and dither beit'llpitPaiso• torero, Wood, Iron and Lead pipes to suit, GLOVES, FARM AND /louse Belle, Mill,Cross•ent and Circular Saws, RlSeand Blasting Powder,, Itosendale, Hancock and Scotland Cement,, Oa!sine Plaster, Crow Bars, Sledges, Le. • • FARMERS, • will do well to call and examine our dock. of MINI, Tree* Breast Mains, Tongue and Btey Chains. Jockey Milne, ,Spreads, Halter Obelus Cow Ties, .Shovels, Bpadee;Torks, Bakes, Grain Brigs, ,to., De tre buying elsowbere.. -We are ready to oder aperlal Indireements I line. . • Repairs for McCormick's Reaper .and Mower 'constantly on hand. RIFLES,' SMOOTH AND TWISTED,- IP' 4r - Double and Sligle•barrol • BHOT-GD1 4 10,. REVOLVERS, OAETRTDdES, WIPERS and Gan TrinimAgi of or or, kind. • - , C E D r WARE. Timers' Sol ering IR ONS, BAP . - AD,II ck. Tin, Rabbit-21dd, • Sheet-Rrass,.&c., &c. W•:sr. Bole *gent' fir the ' - BUFFALO SCAMP. WORKS end ate ready to supply Scales warranted. 'and Sir nished at lower prices than any - other Pother In the Market.. . . We are constantly In receipt of goods dtoet from the manufacturers and ale able to throb h Country Merchants, at Philadelphia and- New York prices. 00AOR AND_ WAGON FIXTURES; 0 41104.011117 alwayi on hand and at the lowed market rates, Hubs, spokes, Wellote,Axlesi 6W1., Durk, Drilling, Dateask; de.; • ; • - • • GOODS deliiered.tc all partii of the town freo of 01300. . , • .. BOWERS. •Nr Zfortlinanover , St: Varlialeinsf. 4Tht 0 0 o o 0 8 Carpenter's Goi - s !MP of ovary doscrlption oonslottog of WRITE LEADS AND ZINOS *is CELL A.NEQ U e S. , RINCI?S PEGNABLE AMBROSIA IS THE MIRACLE OF THE ACE! Gray-I-Tended. People have their Cocks restored by it to the dark, ?ustrous: lam tresses of youth, and arehappyl- YoungPeople,with light, jaded orrectileir, have these unfashionable colors changctrto beautiful auburn, and rejoice! • People 'whose heads are covered with Dandruff and Humors, use it, 'and have !dean coats and clear and - healthy scalps! Bald-Headed Veterans have !heir remaining' locks tightened, and "the bare, spots covered with a luxuriant growth Hair, and dance-for-joy - Young Gentlemen use it because it is richly perfumed! -Yoti - ng Ladies use it because it keeps their Hair in place! • Everybody must and will use it, because it is the cleanest and best 'article ,in ,the tnarket! For Bale by Druggists generally. fe6766•1y TT KY IN YOUR COAL.- the weather Is now_trory preening, and the pr ces aro tenet favorable for the laying In of your WINTER'S COAL. • Tho subscriber would offer lila stook to the public nowing full Well the disposition of the trade goner, ally to make many promisee to effect sales. The sub• scriber would prefer to learn the quality of the coal ho furnishes speak for Itself and he will be he)d to the following which are his old standards. let. To soil none but the BEST COALB to be had 2nd. To WI es 0 H E AY se any in the trade. 3d. To deliver what his customers buy,- and not to mix with a LOW-ER PRICED article to make the price to Nutt his sale. eth.' Believes lit the principles that SCALES cannot be in (-without_ropalts)_for a eeriee of yeare to the advantage of the customer.. 6th. To' keep all kinds of coal to bo had °Nowhere. 6th", Never to MISREPRESENT makl to mako a sale. 7th. To GUARANTEE 2,000 Ibs to tin;Toi - C - • - Bth, To give tho curtotneiti tho advantage] of • ANY CHANGE In price et the Olney. • '9th. Ie DETERMINED to do all in Ills Dower• for the benefit of those who deal with him. Bandon - your order and you shall' be dealt aafalrly _with and on as- favorable .terms se any yard In thi pleas. A. If. 131.JAIit; _l7july 68.. . - . _ . . E CONOMY, IS• WEALTH ! 'Jautea McGoolgal, at No. 83 South Ilanover . tit. C 1111.145, would, call the atteution of hie frlendq and.the jttAlc_generapyto hla largo . ati4.9f.. ~ STOVES, TIN & SHEET IRON WARE, which he feels assured will give satisfaction in both quality and price. In the cloys line he would call especial uttention .to the__ EMPIRE GAS BURNER & PARLOR HEATER It is a Perpettial Base Burning Stove. The Vier • pace w.II heat an upper and lower 'room perfectly, and Is guaranteed to,he perfectly .free from explo sion of gal It is so constructed that its rays of heat are deflected to the floor, warming the feet instead of the face. It lea gas consumer, and to perfectly clear from dust. Its ventilation le com plete, and the burning vas and ignited male shine out through the Mica Windows, giving the bright ness and cheer of an open Are. Call and see it. He also offers all the latest and most Atnprcr,ed Pattert PARLOR STOVES, and a large stock of Cook. Mores, coneletlng of the . • Nimrod, Niagara, Quaker City, Farmer, and a variety of other., all of which are warrant ad to be beet class dtcves and to give entire Bath faction. TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE, made of the veryaost material, and all other things necessary for housekeepers In his lino of business kept cot:latently on hand. His expenses are trilling, compared with others, in he defies competition, and would ask those de. Whig an 3 thing in ale lino of business, to micer tale prices olsewheret and then give him a call a d satisfy themselves that he can sell better articles for less money than any other establishment In the county. His motto is, Quick Sales • and finial!Profits. Profits. Old met al batten in exchange. Spouting, Roofing and Jobbing promptly attend ed to. made of the beet material and at reorder. ate prlceit. ' JAMES MeGIONIGAL. lead 08.6 m. ' BENTZ & CO. Basalt:tit received their Fall doods, vritlch are creating excitement on account of a reduction of fronslo to 25 per cent Just received 160 yds N'EW' PRINTS, Such as , Merrimack, Cochecoo, Sprague, Gloucester's and other fa yorite brands, at 123cts per yd. DRESS GOODS, • Alpacas at 25cts., . , . . ' . Coburg, . :. . , Merinoee, , • ' -Silks, Wool De Laing, • • • - ' - -.' ' • Melange,. ------ - . • 'Panel°, • Japanese • Cloths • , Silk Poplins, ,'• Epingline, Poplin,. • • ',, - Fault Do Solo, .-. . Oriental Lustros - Do Laines dtc„ at reduced rates.. ' , CLOTHS. CABB'3IEIOI3, . . . . . Erome-Made Ea Watts Jean s. 'flannels, Back , ' Opera Xlartnelr t Olakinge,, Glaghara. CARPETS,. -914 :04, CTRS; ~!..r..; .• • . BLINDB rf wArINQS,. 01denist. 61113 • .ALL • • A fell.line of 'MUER, WORSTED, PRINTED and EMBROIDERED. P ATTERNS and •Ltiti largest and meet complete asedrtment .of Notion and TrimAdliga, in the county. • Woolen and Zotton Tame,' Tom:Mingo, liolenty . and GlOvea, , Blanltetei Showier lit fUn't,variely, and everything belonglall o ttict f . . To all *wiehhig to save Money, 10, lniying' Dry Goode, say rpm 10 to 26 per cont. INa , would say now le your t!tne to Beano bargain!. and' 'Vogt' stook to select from... -• ! • IgttiTZ Ooot. • ~ grET the -beit Photogniphto 'at , Loohnuths Preillum ! • tio . tfrypli , * „ Is Olivet; WdLd• • lb PIT, .RAIL. RpAp,,s . _ CUMI3.ERLiNt) ;VALLEY nomm . . . O Et A , N•G E • 0 F., a 4 ;) . v A h rr ,.). • On and after•Nandrty,Septembarl4lll,PB9, SPr Tralne•will run daily as 16,116riApandiyi egaap , .• tad): • ' • ; t •° r Toh, W T: A R • H. Idechanleaburg 8,23, Oirliela '9,10; Hilevre 6 ' 9 . 45 B b l p-penalnirg..lo,l9,:Chambaraburg,lo 4 B,6lr9 tie 11,14, arriving at Hagen:town 11,42 A. M. • Bien TRAIN Harriet:nig 1;80'P. M., Idectiadvt.t. •••. leaburse 2,02, eta:ll,lle 2,34, Ns:urine, B, l o,o 9 hiplut . bug 8,40, Chamberaburg 4,20 0 Men enistia, 460, &reit , - • • ing at liagetatoiviv6,2s. ...1; • 1 ... ••-> •••:!: kxraeas tramrt• leaves Harrisburg 4,16' P. hieehanicslmrg 4.47, Oarliile •Bb 18te"bul8 647v2iti*Iti°4!q(?46*°3'bRr1.$11:..;! 6,46 A /MUD TRAIN leave/ Ohamberaburg Oreenesatie 9,28, arriving at llageratown 10,10 A. 114 E. ~s WARD: A CcoulioiiTica; 'ERA . A DS., libippenaberg 5,114,,,me55e11ie16.45, Carpals 18, Alethanicaburg OAS, arriving at Marrlaberg 7,18 A. Al. • Malt TRAIN 10611811,IINVININIRN8,00-A• M. r o reas castle 8,85. 'Chambrrsbute• 9 ,lo,3lippenalitig VAN' . .Neweille 10,14, Carlisle 10,60, Ifeehaniteborol,24, ; ;f „ arriviog at lianislltirg . 11A5 :A. DV I • EXPREBII TRAIN - leaves Slagerstore, 11158,7 A, B 1•. Oradireastle 12,23, ChimMirsbrii4l,oo,Blilptiettabi4" ll .' .1,82, blewville 2,05, Carlisle 2 45, 6leobilelosteit-3,12A.0 arriving at Ilerriabtirt.3,4l.; 51 - .'t 't• r• t,t; Masts TILAIN,,IRAVAR 1:1110(11t0W1/ 43•05,-,Y• :116 1 4 ” . • Orocnesstle 4,12, arilving iit Olfambetabutif 6,01_ P. M. 11 - 0-ITakitig cite,conneetton4aLHarrlabnrtorltbi,. ar l trains to and from: , more, Waehington and Pittsedig. Surcemyrseeter's 01/FICZ,.'" 0; N. LTILLP • Chamberabuig, Pa., Mai 8;',151011..; } tato., I!IV•S'CIRAVOE,COMP,A,A 7 THE CHARTER 911,K • LIFE INSURANCE-COMPANY • OF' HAII;TFO,It Incorporated 1860; . i chart.e.ri'Vei-.;'l. . , petwt,L ; -• • • CASH ASSETS, 1 . 11,000,000. • JAMiEI O.' SVALKLEY, Presid,i Pollpies /gaped on all POpulai . A few reasons wbir . peopla Ingark•in the Pußetar Oak. ' _ iet.—AlL banking..priillegeq,aT.T_ .Proldb business being confined exdldidvely_to, the tneurane of lives. - 2d.—lts Risks are selected with great ear., thus Incurring small losses, and consequently large !Erin death accrde to the Policy holdhitt.-1360 Mass..lnrinsi alma Re ports last era years. 3rd —lts Ratio of Expenditures, Including Deitb Unfree and. Working _Expenses, to Recepti, ars vn , precedentedly lop. flame Reports. ' • 4th.—xll the profits are divided among Polley; • holders, the orignal capital being limited' by Charter to eight per cent dividends;'ho.more than it earn!, for the Company at Interest. .6th.—lt declarer and'pays its Dividends annualiy it OASII, thug aaeleting the insured In the payment o. premiums. 6th.—lt is prompt in the paymentof kisses, hay- •• ins paid to Widows and Orphan. nearly Two - Km .LION DOLLARS; add has never tifigatEtt a clainit'..= 7th,—The man of wealthinsurns Asa° Investment. • 9th.—ltion of small. means laser/;,to guard their families against want. s' , • '•," '• ' ' 9th.—The man of .baeluess insures la timid,: against possible lois In trade, a lifelkilloyi heals for caOtal,„t 10th.—Persona in debt Insure thathitli.,eartiingt ) , „for. years of toil May not be Sadrificed at deith frodv wont ofready cash td cancel .11ablilties: .• ' 11th,—All Insure, as money lbws.lald away,by ltttlen le pure to come Wok largely Inerdued td their ' families, death being'cortaln tb oecnr. " 'la a Dr. A. B. KIEFFER, 61:TD.i Medical Buitolner, , , I 4 J. C. STOCK, A Out Carlisle, Pe. ;,, ; E. H. BLAIR Oenoral Agent, fOr Eastern Pa. 'Office, 140:,,}37 West . ,Wflllamefbrt, 250 t 67 RALLL , R PATENT CP.NTRA L & UIITWARD.DISUIIAROR WATER WHEEL; .B6arin'dato April 30, 1867: JACOB ABRARIBIS & CO., ' Nctomile, Cuinber/and Clotii;ty, Pa., - Proprietors bf - the - abomy hamed - Patent - for-thr. 2 — Countlea of CUIIIBEItLANDrand..PRANELIN, PA.,_., and weatuvoToN CuLINTYM.D.,, • We desire to call the attention of Millivrights,lllll Oscners,and othara,to the meilta of the above inven , tion, which for Durability,Elliciancy mud Cheapnlari- - : they ore confident cannot be siirpeuwed. Wherever it has been introduced,, enema him in- variably followed; even nodes the moseunfavorabill. circumstances. fibr Back Water and Low Ifead.and economical use of Wafer, this Wheel is icillsout's A'Worlthagidodei - oftho - Whlsef can, : ;bdemoninsti at the - EstaLlishmenrOf the Mintifaitureit in Nhl vttta PA., where nil Information mayllsmheeribily glum. ' . We append thefollowing references . J. & J. B. fIURSIL JOIIN DRORIAUCIR, BENJAMIN LANDES,' , • Millwright.. SA Mil EL LANDES. . CL &A, DA V,IIMIO/N. J. S. - LINDSEY, - 151Mwrikh.t.e. J. F. RUSSELL. LEWIS BOWMAN, SAMUEL PIPER. SOLOMON ,, EPPROIIM, ADAM RAMP, - Millwright JACOB RAM!'. sept2o tf. 31l I HATS & CAPS. Hats, Caps, and a greatleal.natew, Kept for salq at lloaa'a Store, Wool arid- Fur,butb coarse and Soo, • . Silk aud - BruehLiats In his line. Beaver, and and amen, Bats to fit uleyou all, Only call and.let him try. Though you should not wish to buy,. Gladly he will shdw you round, Through Ms hate till one is found, To suit your taate, and fit you well, Then kindly all your neighbor, tell. Whet hatwyou saw at Bone's 'atom Ha keeps at corner.numbec four, , In North. Hanoyar Street Carlisle, Wero you can find Mar all the whit., -Rent Doctors, Lawyers, Preachorrkodil • ' Students, Merchants, Farmers too, Arip please, kind frlendsvallnitito, feces. He keeps'eonstantly on band a laige sesortmeat of flats, Latest styles of Silk, Soft and Stiff Brine. A large assortment of Ladles and Gents';ltUNlCS: VALISES, TRAVELLING BAGS, ' ',KAMM BATCH ELS, cud a fine lot of Ladles 'COLLARS'an4 BASKETS. Also Gent's Furniahlog Goode. such u Collars, Shirts, rinse !kr. And extensive and carefully selected assortment of Ladies Furs, ale. Ladies Bur 'floods' and Fur Trimmings, and a regular blue of Gents Fur •C.Fy and Gloves. • AI 4o Umbrellas, Clines. and a variety of Notions. , Thankful for rut favors, he solicits a continuum* of thu same from Me numerous patrons and kihdly Writes the nubile to general to favor • him ...with, a call befdre — purctasiog, feeling confident of his ablfity to tiolt all all both In, guality.aptilleriee: Don't forg t the place No. 4, North Armorer Street, opposite the Carlisle Depedit tack.' The highest mush prices paid for 8141pplogr . Fprik such as Muskrat, Mink, Fox, Raccoon and a ll other fur sk ins. • 20oct 68.6 m — GOODS F. 01!. T : 4.4 , . , . , • HOLIDAYS. • • ..• J. E. CALDWE.L.I.I & C 0.,. - iTEWCLEIRS ,, No. 902..C1iE ll* STNUTItEiT, • L. , tlf A.. In addition, to their largely increased Stook of WATOIIES,DIASIONNS: JEViNI.I"t, ARTISTIC tx,yEn w. 448 ,1 SLATED • • Are now opening , a makilficent collectlOto of ' . • FOREIGN FANCY ' •' IN itrrif.minitiE A • ‘. - . DECORATED mcAin, GOLDEN 1311.0NZE,,. • Iu SPNOIAVI/NSlNlNlrifewstileltio-titoss all quarters of-Nuaops k -partienlarly adapted for their ---G - TiRISTMAS SALES. Our `ar `i ngemets , 1;a11"fil iui4o thls countryy are such asiftive• ue tinusual faciltios In the selection and economical production of our stock. It le our wish, or well as our• taterliet,..to secure to our patrons-the' benefit of Ando 'Adfait• tag" in ••• • . • ~, ~ . ; rt- Modern Pricee_kThroughseit...our Stac k, • • • ' WITNOUT SIXORPTICitf • • HE CARLIS,LE cooKjrovs. . THE at P. CARDNRR k Co's Youndiy and Machine Shop, Carlisle, CANT 111 DRAT This la the testlpeony of scores or families in Cumberland; PirryirldzAdamuelotoitieliOrho aferyitamlntlism. OR 0 1 9,4 t.m. • Q. 00.4 Et•rt L.)Sric ~' . . o.fi ..mililisither.byppwar or by hand—;eonstirotly et nand d for' ails :1.17. GARDNER kry arid Ma bine Shop, SaSit.Pdaltreet. • - 4'i .•• • • . SIOR:A.At .111AKING.w•'? • s are preparia'td inakettemn Boller*. or shells.and kinds promptly and' un the Miltdati tartar A Smoke Stack, ap.d. all article! in that line," RnUii mo or Domino and the beat mart(9-Fzij . JILL kranuNlan & CO.* • • • NoTkv,a,nd Ifatddnq ohop 3 Clarlallp r Pa, .. beii*lst Istrithatire' • . 1300t . :POLIS)1 MAKit3„A atTist4. Th 0151; ' lo,io blailletheli basil ois 4 pittntloiy, alight , with doettsViimakiltalltdo.osa EnalaTi ! of . S'aturttast dollsk! , -,f4idedayf ;Susan') It BOAS &Ay later Blaektilie 11 Dobbloi; at bit La. .ISlasinfee.urs. mouse PospinAl. matti klt iltrois ot. ginpalAlowl3Penite 91 1 . 4. 4 .0.45q 01 .. -? !.97e1tbF,0.04V1541,4, IMIE g 1111 MEM J. 800