-Fos SHAMBI-Molit of _our 'readers are aware that for 'several years past the severe winters haie been thelOodasion very largely increased mortality amo gift the birds and partledlarly inlbc,Partitdge branch of the family. .Indcod' so severe •havo bowl the ravages upon this portion of the feathered 'tribe that only by the most tender and fostering care of,tim feW, apocimeh4ot to be, onneln our fields, can-this-splendid - game - bird - - be kept from becoming- ontirelY extinct in our midst. Taking this view of the cREO, our sports men with-Most praiseworthy forbearance, have entinily t.o'frained fo'r years past from hunting these Lilo and aro affording every facility for their rapid propagation.. These remarks aro induced-by inforina tion wo have recelfed . that a party of gen - tlemeh frondaborad, acting upon - an invi tation frOm some of the sporting procliyi ties in our midst, were a few dais ago, scouring the country in quest (if this Choi, a game:• Although the season is now at . hand• for indulgence in this sport, wo appeal to its. lovers to abstain from it, until this, now almost extinct, class of game shall have been •multiplied to such an extent as to warrant it. • . MARRIED. hIOpRE—IIIIANDI`.—Dy Roy. O. P. Wing, D. D., of Carlisle, Pa,, Oat..lsth, in thi Presbyterian Church at p,us q uehanna,B wove hon. C44 . nty. Pa.. ROT. SOIOIIIOO • Moore, floater of the church in that place; to Charlotte, second doughtor Of floors W,-Brandtrfrivq. , WING—BRANDY.—By the same, at the eami time and place,"lter. Theodore T. Wing, rotator aloe of tho Preabylerlati church in Ooondago Valley Now York, and son 'Of the officiating clorgyman.o. Blarrlet•B. the third daughter of Ileary W. Brandt -'' • MARKETS. cAnd4sLE .PRODUCIA PdARKET Uralicle October 2.3 rd, 1868 •Pomll7 Flour Superfine d 0... .. do. RYE WHITE WHEAT.. RED do . RYE • CORN OATS, (new),... DLOVEDDERM: TIMOTHYSEED FLAXSEED.... MEM • General Product Market: Corliole, October 23rd, 1868. i Corrected Weekly by Andrew Wabhmood BUTTER 1, 35IBACON SHOULDERS, 18 EGOS, 26 BACON SIDES,. 16 LARD 18 WHITE BEANS s 805 TALLOW, ' 10 PARED PEACHES, 25 scAp., • 81UNPARED PEACHES la BEESWAX, 40 DRIED APPLES, 2 60 BACON HAMS * 20 RAGS, 4 SPECIAL NOTICES A Humming BUsinese If you want to OOP business, Hum, call and se! our Whoresalich Reboil Grocery s Queensware Es tabtishment where seven full grown clerks are em Oloyiktlifiellltlg the best goods only, at lowest prices for cash., . Coal Oil anti Sall at -stilljower m ices. Please call and sec when yOu come to the Fair. WI!. BLUR .Vl3O - I , I; "SouthY.nd" Carlisle Pa. alii-DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS, and CATARRII reated with the•utrnose success by J. Isaacs M. D. and Professor of Diteaaer of the Eye and Ear in the 4fedic9l allege of Pennsylvania, 12 year/ experience (formerly of Leyden, IIolland,) No. 805, A,ch -SI., Phila. Testimonial!' Can be seen.at tnienface. The medical faculty are invited to accompany thelr pa tionts,as ho has ho sacratalutils practice. ArtifiCial eyes Inserted without pain. :No ebargo for OVUM' nation. _ - • . - _ 12Jurie 68 ly. - NEW BEL EDY IN CONSIIMPTION.—A lan whc had Consumption for several years with. frequent bleedings ofthe lunge, cuffed himself with ■ medicine unknown to the profession, when hie case appeared hopless. ,Hols the onjy phyelclan who bas used it la his own person, or. who has anylknotib edge alto virtues, and he can ascribe the degree of health hemow_enjoys to nothlog:butthe use of his medicine; and nothing but utter despair and entire extinction of all hope of recovery, together with a wont of confidence Nall othereloduced him to banned the experiment. To those suffering with any disease of the Lunge he proffers a treatment be confidently belleies will eradicate the disease.. Price $1,50 per hot tle or $8 a half citizen,' sent by express. Send for .circular or call on Dit. E. BOYLSTON JACKSON, No. 250 North Tenth Street, Philadelphia. "22may 68.1 y. HORSE and Cattle Powders and Liniments, - togeth er with a large assortment of fresh Drugs and Medi tines, Dye Stuffs, &c., kc., just received at Common` , & Worthingtor,'s Drug Store, No. 7,East Main Street Carlisle. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. F OR RENT OR ,SALE . . . The tom - dwelling-homes I;Sti Went Pomfret; above- Pitt Street, ns now occupied by Woo. Clapper and M.. Conn. Apply to. J. W. EBY, Agt ECM F RESH OYSTER SALOON TINDER RHEEM'S HALL I will supply fresh, prime oysters to families at one dollar per hundred and will furnish them at all hours of tho,day. On chafing dish per dozen On bait shell Roasted Frled In my ninon aro to be found the very boat table out fit, and the finest Lancaster Boer brought Into the town. • • • • I have also In my Billiard Saloon two of the very bent - tables to be found In any town In • tho State. I will apare 0o palua to aloe satlefaction to My duesta. Oleo me a call and you will find all things Yost ne I represent them: JACOP FE= SHERIFFS SALES, By virtue of sundry write of Vondltioni Espa nol and Fleet Fades Issned•out of the Court of Com. Please crt Cumberland County, and tome directed; I tall expose to tale, by public youths° or out cry, at the Court Monte, in 'the Borough of Carliele, on. Safaiday4troatmber i tb. 1808, ;at° o'clock, A. the followitirdiscrlbed Heal Esfate, to wit: A A lot of ground; sltonted•in the borough of Cori lisle; Outnbeillaird county, Pa., bounded on the West by North lianovor etreet, "ths the North by .Penustreet, on the East by , an Alloy, end. on the. Shnth by lot of, !!!!!! Frodelette,, containing 'ln "trout, on' IlanOver midel:;tlo . the't ; . aitt•in depth 240 feet; more or lees, baying theition“ areabd a two-" and-a ha f• More Stone an d Plasforad Dwelling' Mouse, back buildings, Fountain, dtabie, Or. - ALSO.—A' lot of ground eituato In tho borough of Carlisle, Cumberland. county, Pa., bounded eh the South by North •streot, on tho West by 0. • Wolrich; on the North by. an alloy, and on the &lg. by 8. Martin's Loire, containing In front ou.North street 20lset, and In depth 120 feat, more or Ides, h Agog thereon erected a two-story Brick Dwelling ...House; -", A LO.)—A lot Ot ground, eituated In the borou gh — Ol Carllale, Cumboriand county,. Pa. - , 'bounded on the - East by North Eist street, on; the North by' ,John Mcßride, on the' West by North Bedford street. and on the South by John Moore ' can tain lag 8% acres; mor. 'or' less. Stilted and taken in execution as the property of William- Leeds: ALBo.—A.lot ot ground; 'instated In Upper Allan townshipiCumbeitand county/ Pa.; bounded on the Borth by a Public Reed, on the East - by . lot' of Jacob' Bishop, on-the South by land of Emlg's And on the West by lot of Adam B. Seachrtit, cols- • Wising one-half acre, more or less, haying thoroon erected 'a Ontvatid-a-halßstory ' Log House, Log Stable, and other improvemed le. elsod and taken In ezeoution •aithe property of Fleury 0, Springer. ALSO.—A tract of Laud, situ e to in 'Frankford township, Ounsberland - county, bounded--on. the • .North by Murflorth• Mountain, on: the Beat ..by land of Jameeffegin, on the •ISonth by lend of John Myerif, And °utile West of .Lydia Logan, coutainingl3 nem,. more •or less, having thereon ...tad I: ' Stro-Story • Log, „House, Log Stable; to. ; ;Saud and taken In mention AB the property Of Jacob Worley. • ' • , To be sold-by 'me ; •• •, • Joflorit O. THOMPSON., amditions. On oil eabis of $5OO, or over, $5O odll. 'bo[rod to be Old Odien tho.property le stricken .off and $25 on all sales under - port tis-5i..' 2 ' ' ' • OUT ''LOT and ;. . BTOOK FUR BALK.. • • • o Bubseilber.will offer on SATURDAY Novels,. her the,7th,leall et 11'0!elosli,'at1lie Court' Admit an out lot it publlkhele, Jeentelidog Serei. Acres. —and-11131 , iirebeeneerei-ar-leitr—l6les , altuate , in'lhe. Bouth4 ritelpart of 'the Borough on whine .runn to thei. ..nofrofaliold pare yard and'adJoloine . du the n orth w 'a' lot belonging to 'Simon Rilintraud 1s the, lot lately , bblotiging to Mr* Stutan II: Thorn, deed, It will be sold by_the aerei.nne third of the "pur chase' Mang'hand'and 'the 'remainder in , two equal annual , pigments bearing taterebt, and' ens , cured' by a Mortgage. Possession will 'be 'given en' psym«nt of hand money auhlect td Imam to Wm; Dina; ahlehaspiree on , April tUb l hut wheat le now : an:part of it, and, the leave with the rent frem' Oeti lee 113011‘1111 tio'.oselgned , wlth' , tha . deed. The South .lifonutain Rail Road hire laid thelr,road along the. modern end of the let, and, the. pnrchaser has tlie — eleethiii , WittilnASh' digit kfter the tale to take the portionout off by the 'Rail Road as part of his purchase or. only the reeldup of the lot,dedueting the portion °tingled by the toed. likAiroifirlilliksold ad the same time, Olt Shares of &nett In the Oumberland Valley Rail Road b'elong- Ing to the ignite of the leis Ws. , Sign: 11. Thorn, deed. , r JAMBS ,IXAMILToti • '"'lnnietilt and islieettor'of "•, r • MRS. SUSAN SElSetitit ' . • '' po. - G, lost( blis' cipil n•fi ' di,gar •oi'aie 42iis: .trithvie. ‘. . i -,,a. ci ~: • - SFONsLEkSt• car, ugly. • . A . L: SPONSLER, Real Est'Atii 'AOnit, L initroneit knee And Claim ;Ageht. Office Main Street Near 19entre•8 'hare. .JAJ,41111414; •PRIVNAE vI:SV ' • VDklridg -" • - . Situate on South Hanover street, Carlisle, now. '6wried and occupied by Mrs. Woabotood, late the property.of Denedict Law. Theta, fropts on Ma", _everat.; 00 feat, atid'istiade / back the seine :width/ 240 feet to an alloy. The improvements are utarge twceatory BRAME HOUSE, with Verandah in front, containing Double Parlors, Hall, Chamber, Dining room and ttitchen on loner floor and Rix Chambers nod Buth-rpoui the.Duirsterv.Sles A,aukyrateg have beer/ /Iptymincei. - 1/Tihte likklargeffitable and. Carriage House it the loot Ortbe`lot."Tlfib lot - to welt studded with ornamontal trees and ohm bbary, besides fruit of almost every description and Grapes of the moat choice selection to al/undo/rice. Enquire of, MEI yRALTJABLE ... .41RM in Perry Co, XT PRIVATE RALE . : utile In Carroll township,'.9 miles -nbrth of Carlisle, 4 miles north of Carlisis.Pprlogs and .11 miles wort ,of,Euncannou, adjoining. lands of J. Sheafoe, Nancy Clint,' and others containing 129' ACltEtt. now -owned by - .Lout' Leeds. 90 - acres of which nee: cleared, in a Mai state of Nultiyation and under gari,fonco s and the roaidue covered with, thriving timber. .X never-failit.g stream' of AiAti. , rune throtigh the feral and •plantY of.limo within 2 miles. _ --7!o; Tho improvemonts'ara two-story. Log A Weather. e'lt boarded House, Largien - and' Spring Henke with excellent castor.,, Pahpol Jiousa arid.,Ohneoh, et convenient diAtance. Afigly to •. ' A. L. SPORBLEIt, Real Estate Agouti. 230ct.03 • , FOR 'S ALE; ' •. A LARo6 r `iliftiE.ST6ftlt BRICK'fIOBSB, ivith a bothmodloue Back Building, occupied as a .Store, and private residence. situated op Wont Main Street:Csrlisle, near thocornor. of West. This prop. erty_contains_all_th,modern_lmprosecuents--The lot being SO feet In front, and 240 in depth . with. a Stable,apd_Carriage House on the alley in the rear. The huildings aro All now and in good condition, and the location is a most desirable one f business: Bonaire of A. L. SPONSLEIC • 28oug 68. T3oR ---- sALET -- , - •, Two new TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSES. sit uated online. Street, a abort distance Seuth of the Railroad Bridge.. 'These buildings have been lately erected end era In excellent order, having water Introduced, with other convenient improvements. Apply to A. L. SSONSIJER. 28aug 68. , . 11 00 "700 7 76 2 OJ ..1 90 -1 a ..110 VOR SALE. L . A commodious TWO-STORY 13RICIf PRIVATE Rif SID ENCit; with a Two- Story lb ink Rankiluilding and frame Wash House attached. situate:on West Louther Street, near the corner of Pitt, In the for. ough of Carlisle. The lot contains 30 feet In front' and 1011 in depth, the house containebeven rooms and a- kitchen, and ban been but recently built. TN, owner being ,leairlous of removing from Car lisle,'the property will• be disposed of on Cie , must reasonable terms. Enquire of • . - ... G 60 ... .2526 2 10 1,.05 - • to • --1 60 VALUABLE GRIST MILL AND FARM AT PRIMATE SALE. Situated on tho Conodoguinet Creek, 0 miles East of Carlido, and 2 milos.North of Now Kingstnn, in ono of the moot fertile and productive ports of the county. The Mill is built of Brick hod Stone, has 'hem recently repaired and is in oacollent condition, containing lour run of stone, and has one of tho best water powers on the'creek, with a Saw 11111 at tached. Thu farm cootairm :WI ACRES orezcolfoirE land; Irt,th a largo Tivo.Story , MANSION HOUSE, BANK BAR N ,I?RANIE TENANT, ROUSE and other outbuildings thereon erected. IV land„ IS in a high state of cultivation and under—de - OAPence, and Las an excellent apple orchard, besides other fruit The - 61111,wIth the water power and 6 or Ii acres or laud, embracing the tenant house, will be disposed of separate - from the farm should, the purchaser de sire It, Nor term. And partioulars Apply to A. L, SPINISLER,' • Real EstatnAgn,AL 2?aug EAL ESTATE FOR SALE. A Double 3 Story Brick Uouoo With Trams kitchen attached, suitable for occupancy of two fan, ar.ea n Store Room and Dwolltng, biLuated on . • PENN STRUT, CARLISLE, will be disposed of no favorable terms. 12june 68. ' Also a valuable building lot, situated on the South East corner-Of West and Pomfret Streets, fronting 60 feet on -Pomfret, and 240 feet on West Street. Thie is -one Of the moatilesirable building lOW in the borough, 12junu GS. • • A VALUABLE LIME STO'NE ts FARM FOR SALTS. Situate,about 134 miles South West, of Carlislo, owned by David K. Leroy, conlahilug about DO ACRES, nearly all cleared, under good fences and in a high state of cultivation The Improvements aro a commedloire iwo.BTony LOD 11011 BE, WEATRERBOARDED, small FRAME DARN and' other convenient out.buildlogs.. The owner having ietnoved from the county is desirous of disposing of the above premises which will bo done on terms advantagoous to the purobasor. The close proximity to the borough renders this property ono of the most dealeablo investments of any now in the market. - For torms Av., apply to A. L. SPONSLEII. Beal Estate Agt . . 186 apt 69 TWO NEW TWO-STORYTRICK REBID/MRS AT - PRIVATp Wll Pltuate on Went Pomfret street, In the Borough of Carlisle, owned by Charles W Weaver, each build ing ecntaios trrenty_feet In front end twenty-eight in depth, ands has a TWO , BTORy DRICK BUILDING attached, having Gee and Water Oro. Mired, with all the modern improvements. The buildings are just • neely built, In the best possible order, the lota ontonding back from the street 120 For terms ,to., apply to . . . 18sop-138 VALUABLE AND' HIGHLY IM PROVED ?ADM AT. PRIVATE SA FM. . . . . , Musks on tho "prio.flond" oqail_gblttobto.FfM, 11 °wood by ,11. - Nto,aloy, arka containing .91). Acres of tbo boat quality of I..4neett,po Lopd. lo o higb •tato of aultlvatlon. - . • „ Thu improvements are 'n o ' largo TWO STOICY ST9NE MANSION HOUSE, BANK BARN. Walton Shod, Own Crib. and other convenient out build ings. An oxcellout well of color at the buildin.., besl coq iunning;water, In two of thin Solde and through the barn-yard. The fences aro all nf Locust Post and Chestnut Rails and are in. the 'host possible condition. There ,s an abundanve of fruit of all Linda, This is one of the most Pr cluctlve farms in the,county and will .be disposed. of on the most reasonable terms. The subscribe, will also sell 15 Acres of excellent Chestnut, Tim ,ber Laud lying on the mountain South of thy above described prianisosbueir the land of: Mich . '. Brandt, either together or separate from the alio, described (aria, 25 te - 20cts. 25ete. 25nts, Qe.uis and further partlealars Inquire of A. L. SPON4LER, .• • . Real Estate Act.. 25sep 08. .4_TWO STORY BRICK 'RESI DENCE Al' PRIVATE SALE: ituatrion North Pitt Street, CarDelo,, owned by Mrs. Ellen Lamberton. The,lotcolstnins,2o feet In' front and'l26ln depthi The irriprovom'ents aro a commodious TWO-STORY 1111.11 K. MOUSEwith ot Two-Story /lila 'Lack - Building 'atiriched. The • front part, containing Double Parlors and Hall on first floor, and three chamliers on the second story back, building a largo kitchen, and 'chamber Ithoie, flora Is a good Promo Stable 'on the foot of the lot 16 by 16. Fruit trues. and grapes and Hydrant la the yard. The_ premises era in good condition, with good brick pavements nouvand • A. L. BPONBL4RI,. . • . Real Estate Agi.. 26sep 68. HO I 4IIIii ,A N EI LL Iv • 'A P it ttiV P gr Situate abnint fzortii pt the residence nt :.Wm. D. Mullin . . Esq., adjoining land of Gee. ,Neggle, owned by. John Goodyear, containing 'Acres of land. The improvements are a corium, diens TWO-M:4IY PRAIIE.IIOUSELTraintI' - Stable: and excellent well of water and.frult of all kin.:s. The property 1@ In good conditfoer.the house bac illi; been recently repaired and 'painted. ' Yorterms dm, apply to A. L. SPONSLES, • -Real Beate Agt. ; 1' I ' 111ALVABLE TOWN PROPERTY • ; 1 AT PRIyATE.SA Valuable residence or bustaftsti slantit it 'Titivate sato situate on South Hanover stroot. Nos. 35 and 37. Tho property consist; of a' D. O. one port of whictif s Wait .of Stone ond ,the other of Brick, Making , tifo complete' Idotteas, , knitable for dwelllogn or places of husineas. There Is also two frame Buildings on, the promo lees which'could buyer/ readily, be converted Into • • ~.. r; For terms AO other particulars enquire of L. BPONBLER, • , Beal Istate Agt. ,18sep-08. ITALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT .pIVATE Ortz oy,of ,Valuable pool Eatato f ly uttered at private nolo, 'eltuatad ailbteent ta' the' village of °reason, on tho Cumberland Volley - Rail ,Read. Pounded on the wait by Famnab Cresson. on 'the north by the Cumberland Vallayltall Road, on the tact by 4ornali :Rtrothery,atnokoft tho sotatlr, by Hobart °Fenian' ainrJohti latinbar. " ' • ' Thie property will either bo sold as a whole, or in parts to suit purchasers. Six acne of !taro colored with fine White Oak and Hickory .timher; all of it I . " 4t i cstlet f r 4 r , • u nth tdl/4, .4614P5. •"„ifttlffrlllagPof iticson. ' helot Is Eighty foot 'rent and nicety feet deep. Thle houno and lot will be sold sea whelp or separately to cult' minimum. Good ffllM/0" and cistern' are on the property. The'lip dens;We LI MO: Wait kffditeneWall ithlehed. - -“- !I "- " , '.70111N 311:1N110k/. Trtlidee'rof Sialtatel OreasoU , ' 4.... *'POi44 r l l t. ,I"Ert,goi44 l .l: • OP il i t Y'Xitnid4, bdoder t Win be sold at Public Sala, let the reddence of 'Oboe. W. Heed, N 0.117 South Bt., Carlisle, Ca., the followlny..ff t esuribed Ilomuchotd mid linnet? v Turni RO_I3,EWOO.p_PIANO, and tit00),,154,110141YY pAD utixan, inialt: l 3lt e ctc, , l 4 4423:. " n i ges n uen Marble topped Wash Stand", ti Stoves of different varlutlee, and a great many Misr articles too no. morons to midi cl""it r A 'e'at, Salo to conammne.dt ~at.l of said day whoa attendance wlll b6.jgiOen and tame made known by rrr , • 1 n.l ' T A P(' V`P IED. 2800t4t '''"' • ' • NEW AD VIJII7IS.ZMENTS. Election Proclamation. .• :WHEREAS, In and by an Act of the General As. V V "sembly of the Commonwealth -of Pennsylvania, entitled " An Act relating to the elections of this Com- Mouwealth,V ,passed on the lid day lafJuly, Anno Dom , tut, ,1889 it is made the duty nf the Sheriff of every. dunty within '-Commonwoaltit to give. public ofiVe of , tho General Elections, and launch notice to numerate— lat. Tho Officers to be - elected. . . . . . 211: Designating the places at which tho election is 2. - be hold. Therefore,. , JOS. C. THOMPSON, 'High Sheriff of the County ' Cumberland, do hereby make known and Ora this bile notice to the electors of the County of Cumber- ' htld; that onTuesday the ad - day of,Novarnbi r neat an otion will bo hold at the several election &strict. In 4 , county, tit which Vino they will vote by bollotlor !'ho sold election will bo hold throughout tho County E2:1193 The'election in the election district composed of the rough of Cattalo - and the townships of North Mid- Man, South Middleton, Lower Frankford; and owor Dickinson, will be held at the Court House In o borough of Carlisfo. _The.eleetion 3nilia election' district potnposed_of. Lower West PonnsfiaiMgiFttraviiefifii; atll to hold t the North School House in Plainfield. _ • A, L. SPONSLER, --i;" 'Reel Estate Aient Tim:election In the election district composed' of .81Iver Sprinfi township, will he held at the public house of Geo. K. Dney, in Ilegpestown „in said 'ownship. - • The election in the election llistriet compelled of ,Ifeduptlen.towntihip, will be held at the public house occupied by Milos Crowley, in lodd township. The election in the election district composed of tlzo .toWnship of Upper Allen, will be hold at the public homoiofJoshult Culp, In Shopherdstown. The'clection In the election district composed of Middlesex township, will be bold rt the 'Middlesex ISclinel 'louse. Tho election in the election district composed of the township of, Lower Allen, will be held at thosogon tricker glop of JOlllll3 Hunchbarger, on Slate Hill. The election In' tho, election district coinposod of 'East Ponnsborough township, will be _held at -the 'house of I. 8 Hatfield In West Fairvlow,-- The election in the election' district composed of New Cumberland, will bo held at the house now kept by William Bell, in the borough of Now',Cumberland. The election in the election district composed ofthe No tut Bard of the Borough Or Mechanicsburg, at the North west corner of Market House in void borough. —Tho-electicrin-thfrelection-districtrompoeed-ortlie 'South Ward of the Borough of Illochatficsburg, of the South-west cot. of the Mnrket Mouse,,in said Borough. The election In the electlen Middy, composed of Monroe tininship, will ho held at the' public house kept by A. L. Muth, in Churchtown, in. said township. The election in the election -district composed of. -Penn-townshipi - the Infos° lntoly occupied by. Jacob Redsecker, In said township. . Tho'election in tho election district composed of Upper Dickinson, will MI held at the home now occupied by Joseph V.pottlo, known as - the Stone Tavern. Tho election In the *diem district composed of the borough of Newvillo, and townships of 11111111 n, Upper Franktbrd Upper West Pennsboro, and north Newton, will be hold at the public School Home in the Borough of Newville. The election in the election distrlst composed of tho borough of Newburg and Hopewell township will be • held in the public School House, in the borough of `Newburg. Thu election in the election district composed of the borough of Shippensburg, Shipptinsburg.Township and that port of Southampton township not included in the 'Leesburg election district, will be held at the Council House in the Borough of Shippensburg. The election in the election" district composed-of Lower Southampton township, will be held at the ildllBo occupied by Wm.' Maxwell,— In Lreshnrg. The election In the election district composed or. South Newton township, will be held at the School Housuin Jacimonville. I= - That every person, excepting justices of the police, who shrill hold ally taco or appoinment of profit' r trust o oder the government of the United States or of this State, or of any city or incorporated dis- Aricti Whether a commissioned officer or otherwise, a - *subordinate officer or afoot, who is, or shall be, employed nailer tile legishttore, executive or Judicialy, department of. this State, or of any city or incorporated district, and rilmothat every moinber of l'ongre‘itsaind of the State legislat tire, and - of the elect or common council of any qty, or Ootinnission urc of any incorporated district, is by law incapable of holding or exercising, at the Bono time, the office or appointment of.judge, Inpector or clerk of any election of this commune, nith, and that no inspector, plp; or other ,„officer of' any such election, shall be eligible to liny office to be theft . voted fur ;hut nothin4,hemin shall be so cons rued as to prevent any militia officer .or borough officer from serving no judge, in pector or clerk at tiny general Or special, election; nor shall 'any -thing herein contained be so eon trued as to prohibit a judge inspector or clerk of election from being, voted for to lilt any towmlitp aloe, or render eltlttCr - or any - of.them--inellgiblo-to , hol&the - same. - - Particular attention Is directed to the -first section of the Act of Assent bly,liassed the 30th day of Maroh, A D.; 1860, "An Act regithiting the mtinnerof,Voting at all Elections, In the several counties of this Com monwealth:!' - - - , • `"That the qualified voters of theseverni Counties of this Commonwealth, al all, genrital,tovriiiffifiT:harenth and special elections, are hereby, hereafter, authorized and required to vote, by tickets; printed or written, or partly printed and partlywritten, severally classified as follows; Ono ticket shall embrace the names of all Judges of courts voted for, and to be labelled, ontsido, 'judiciary :" one ticket shall, embrace the names of all State officers voted for, and bo labelled, "state;" one tick t shall enthrone the nom. ofall- county officers ' voted for, including of Senator, member, and weathers of Assembly, if voted for,and Members of Congress, if voted fur, and be labelled, "county:" ono ticket shall embrace the names of all,township officers voted for, and be labelled, "township:" one tickht shall embrace 'the naineX of all borough officers voted fur, and be la belled, "borough:" and each class shall he deposited in separate ballot boxes," In accordance with the provisions of the Bth section of an act entitled "A further supplement to the Elec tion laws of this Commonwealth," I publish the fol- WOOOOO9, fly the _act of the Congress of the United States, entitled "An act to amend the several acts here tofore passed to provide for tha enrolling and calling .t the tint ionitl force4end ter other purp ,, se," and op -proved-Slarch-341,-•otio-thousand eight hundred and shrty-five, all persons who have 'deserted the sanitary or naval service ante United States, and who have not been discharged or relieved from the penalty or disa bility therein provided, aro deemed and taken to have voluntarily relinquished an I forfeited their right of citizenship and their rights to become eitimns, and are deprived of exercising any rights of citizens thereof: And whereas, Pers'ons not citir,ens of the United States aro not, under t.h (d o ; constitution and laws of Pennsylvania, titialiiitar eclare of l this Comm,- wealth • SEcriem I. Be it enacted, ctn., That in all elections hereafter to be held in this Commonwealth, it shall,he unlawful f r the Juelgo or Inspectors of any such elec.' tion to receive any ballot or ballots from any persons embraced* to the provisions" and subject to the disability imposed by said act of Congress, approved March ad elle thousand eight hundred and sixty-fivo, and it shall bo Unlawful for any such poison to offer to vote any ballot or eallots. Stenos 2. That If any such Judge or Inspectors of elm:Conon any ono of them shall recoive or consent to receivOi any sues, unlawful ballot or ballots from any ouch disqualified ,orson, he or they so offending shall . Jm,quilty of a misilemetiner,Ond_unOn. conviction thereof in any court of sessions of this commonwealth, he shall, for each offence, be sentenced to pay a flno of not less then one hundred dollars, and to undergo an Imprisonment In the Jail of the proper county for not less than sixty days. SECTION 3. That irony person deprived of citizenship and disqualified as aforesaid, shall litany election liere er to be held In this commonwealth, veto, or tondor to the n , officers thoreid, and offer tovote,n ballot or bal lots, any petal's so offending shall bo guiltyof a mimic , ineanor, and on conviction thorof In any court °rimer . ter sessions of [hie commonwealth,aball for tech of .. fence he punished in likowisernanner as provided in tho probeeding section of this-not In menrof officers of election t ecolVing such unlawful ballot or ballots. Sccrionr.4.That flatly personatitill hereafter nomad° or advise:any persoo or persons, deprived of citizen ship and disqurlified as aforesaid, to offerany ballot or haliMs to the officer of my electioahuncafter to ho hold In this commonwealth, such persons so offending shall bo guilty of a mistiameanor, and upon conviction thereofin any court of quarter sessions of this Com monwealth, shall be punished Iu a like manner as Is providod In alio second .section of this act In thu canto of officers of such election receiving such unlaw ful ballot or ballots. A. L. SPONSLEIt, Iteal Estate Agt Agreeably to the provisions of the six ty.first section of said act, 'Every Orneral and Special Election shell Ito open between the hours uf eight and ton In the fore noon and shall continuo open until seven o'clock in file evening, when the polio shall ho 'closed.", Purstutut to the protisfuns conjoined In the seventy sikth eortiop of the act drat aforeanid,thojodges of the aforesaid districts shall respectively Jake charge of tho eartificates of return of The election of their respective districts, and produce them at it meeting of one judge from each (Maria, at the ,Borough of Carlisle, on the third dnv after the election, being, for the present year ON FRIDAY, TILE faItDAYOI? NOVEMBER NEXT then and there to de and perform the duties required by lane of said judges. Aimr-That where njudgo by sicicnosit or unavoidable —tecitiont,ls unable to attend swill a meeting of judges; then the certificate orratarn aforoesaid dint] be Baron , chargeotbirone of time Inspectors or Clerks or the olec 'lion 'of said distriotovhoolMll do and portorm the du d. required of said,' edge unable to attend " "- Given under my hand, at Carlisle, this 15th day of October, 1888. nct. 16; 1804.31 .• PROCLAMATION. • rHERPAS, JAMES a amines, Presldoct ;fudge of the several Courts of Common Pleas of the counties of Cumber land, l'erry, and Juniata; and Justice ofthe several Courts of alyerand Terminer and General Jail Deliv ery leml rtiontlenothd T. I',. Thoreasillall'and: if ugh Stitart,Judgas of thhCOurtsofOyerand•forml qor end Jail Delivery for the trial ofall capital 'and qther offenders, in tho' said county of Cumberland, by thole precept to Ole directed, dated August 18On'tev's ordered the Court of tiyor and Terminer. Ind General Jail•deltvery to be hoiden at - Carnal° on the Sti mooitgiy.or November, 180, being' the Otleday, to continue twa weeks.. • . . NOTICE Is hereby given to the Coroner, Justices of the Dcsco, apd Constables Of t ho sold county °Mum. berfand thapthey aiithy . t hisaidprocelit commanded io hp tholierid thhre Ytt thsit,propor persons, with their rolls, Wocords,,and inquisitions examinations, sedan okher ramembranwisito do those things which to thdlr offices appertain to be dime, and all Abuse thati'Sre bound by socognisancos, .to prosecute oldiit the'prlcpnere that -are orthen obeli be In theJall'of said •• county, ate to be their to prosecute them ao shall;boJSlSt. ; • • " • • "" "` '" • ' ' JOS. 0. - TflOitilinif.' - Mc!, 1808, CONGENT.NATU INDIGO ~ .21.34 5 : •Itorpao Latuldry,—Yrso (rola Onito . Clhemlats Certlflute. • • I A Patent Pocket Plocu shon ewurr Geert Emery, Bag_ for 8010 by atl relprot7l; GrOcors &manifests. 7aug 68-3 m. INVEttEsTED. Wo oraly prepared fu Ito make out papers and pruabelite deluge .before the board of Comsat/odour', appo 'cited. to oatmeal aud , apprelee ;lemma aystaltied. 'durloo the late rebellion. Oft, 144 u: 084 t. • VSTILIiT'NOTIOILL'eft the reg.' teppe,ff tbe subeeriber,ou the ,28th arrb it'ED pijorkED COW,. . abobt 3.2,yptiritohlr Al iblltOritward'wlll be paid for' her reoov 1.. , 4 q4 14 T/LEIMAIR ' 404•knt ' • ' . 1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN JOSEPH: C, THOMPSON, Sheriff 1 - AZUREINE • • r , it' ..• 4 43.'Ao , PTINIIATI, .• 'SAO, It, SP4MII. 4111 '7,lll3otat'm-Ifell. s "~ oY~A4e~ i ME miscE.L f LA ( 4q,..q - q r , Qii~aterlijS t a Cein• op Tin ....t: , v' , ' I . r'k ,• I, J FIRST , NATIONALTBAIM • d. od'o►nLidie.P►..Yuly'B, 1868: • ''Resources. D.B. Bondi, Bills Discounted, .Due from Banks and dianicors, Legal Tender and PostalOtirreney, National Bank Notes, •. • ! Cash Items, . • - Ileal.Dstato and Insurance,- .-, Personal Property • . Premiums, Protests, Expenses and Taxes, L:jaattiti4s.. _.i • Circulation„ Discounts and Profit and Loos, Deposits Individual, U. B. do • Due to Banks and Bankers, • 5223,806,130 • The above statement le truo .• to the beet 'of rny knowledge and belief: CLIAB. H. BEPBURN. Cashim. Swain and aubmeribed before me thleebthtli day of JACOB FRIBLBy, td P. •' 1600 t 69.1 E LADIES.' FANCY FURS! of Gout's Fur Gloves And Collars. lam enable to dispose of my goods at very rea sonable prices, and I would therelsre solicit a call from my friends of country and vicinity. Remember the Name Number and Street! JOHN TAREIRA., N 0.718 ARCH St., ab. 7th, South Side Phßad'a RATE NO PARTNER, Noll CONNEETION;.WITH ANT OTHER STORE IN PHILADELPHIA. 2oct 68-4 m. ____. BENTZ & CO. travolust received their Fall iYoOds, Which are creating excitement on account of a reduction of from 10 to 26 per cent Just received 160 yds. NEW PRI_NIRS, Such a Merrimaek, Cachecoe, Spr ngue , Gloucester's and other fa vorite brands, nt 123 . ets per yd. DRESS GOODS, Alpacas at 25cts., Coburg, Marinoes, Wobl Do Loins, Bombazines, Melange, 'Japanese Cloths, . Silk Poplins, Epinglino, Poplin, -• Poult De Soie, Oriental • Lustres, De Laines &c.,, at reduced rates; CLOTHS CASSIMERES, limo-Made Satlnott. Joann, Flannels, Sack Flannels, °porn Flitorals, Oloakings, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, ?lATTINGS, RUOS, cn 113 6 , 1,1,, CHEAP. A Full Boa of ZEPIIER, WORSTED, PRINTED and EMBROIDERED PATTERNS nod the lergeet and moat comploto, assortment of Notions and Trimmings, n the county Woolen and Cotton Yarog, Townßinge, tipleery andillovee, illanken3, Shay varloty and everything belonging to tbo bnainues, , To all wishing to save money In buying Dry 'floods, say from 10 to 20 per cent. We would say now Is your time to secure bergalns, and n 'pat stock to soloct from. BENTZ k CO. 9ec t. tsLARK 4 < 4 7BANKERS,b • N 0.35 SOUTH THIRD STREEI PHI LAD ELPH lA. 'ffkENERAL R kENTg , • • FO 'C PENNSYLVANIA. . AND' . ' fe s )ll s%.- * 4 E i N S'A . OF -THE lirrANS jignorOF THE . ..- u lkicE6 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.. The NATIONAL LIT/ /Ii6I7ILLACIN C0111,47iT eorporatloe chartered by sprelel Act of congfeae. proved July 25, 1868, with a , • CASH CAPITAL, $1,000,000, FULL PAID. Liberal term offered ta Aff_ent! and Benetton, wbo• grelnylted to epply nt our onion. • Well particulars to bolted on application at our offire, located tn the aceoati story at our Banking BOW, where Circulars-and Pampblete r tntlyieleriblartbe, Itlyantagee offered by the Company ma baba.-- , Et. W. CLAR K . CO., • :16 S.th Third 9oct 68 . . . g:1 1 'HATS. & CAPS. ; • .• . , : Cape, and's giant deal more,' Kept for solo of :Dome!. fitoro, Wool niid l Fur'bothonarno - 811 k and Bruen hate In bli lino. Deaver, Nutra, too on& small, • '.- "'Hate to fit and suit you all, • • Only call and let him try, . :; 'Jr I Though Yon'ehOrild not wleitri • Gladly he will :show yOu Mond, . Through hie hate till one is found, -Tomtit Your facto, rind fit you well, • 'ikon kindly all your neighbors tall. HO keeps at 'cornet number four, ' In Niwth Ilauovbdßtttat ', Oorllele, %f;;.' Wore you can find him all the while, ."'Reedytoetlt to great find, 'emOlf,'•• • . .. , Doctors,XoyinX.Prel l 4oChtilili Students, Merchantsdtarmon.,A66, , Z,„ 114WItie t 6 FPP o He keeps constantly on hand a imp assortment of Hatx:Lateet, styles of Bilk, Eon and Sliffllrlm• A lora.. assortment Of Ladlos and Gebta' TRUNkfi; VALISES, TRAVELLING BAGS, • LEATHER. BATOICELEI,IIO.a•Sne lot of Wiwi ;COLLARS add BASKETS.— .Also.Oepts Furnishing Goode( such' As , .(lolfors, , , Shirts, Ilose4e, , , •„" • 0 1:: U I -And extenelvb and carefully selected assortment of , Ladies e'er Ladle. Fur,. Hoods pod Fur Trlmtnings,land regular line M.Gently Fut'. Oaps, Madero; and Gloves. , I • ll46Gmbrellati 3 Oapos, yorlpty. pi Notil)PLl hankfill for past favors, ho 401104 O. COPtlmmope. 'of the came from hie numerous patrona and kindly invitea,thomtblia in goppral. to t (*Tor hinvivith a call •• Wore.- plirohasing,- feeling ht • 'Of -the 'ability to cult all all both.in quality and price.,, Cool 'forg •t.tho placo ; FRIA f. 4 - NortixiiatioyOc, :Street, oppositef he O r arlieltqlopoidt Sank. • The higbeet' cash prime guild for 'Shipping Pure,' mach am Muskrat, Mink, , Fox, Raccoon and all ',other fticiklps. 1 .; 6 ; )".• 2ooct 08TOtp. gr. , ET the boat ; l'hotographa at I w hOeiltet ja crg e ttu Pitoiagreto . 'bowery -1. _.....,.e4;. OEM .41.E4.L ESTATE. . rtUABLE LIMESTONE FARM ;- ..;• , , E ..t3 A L•E . , • The Executarpl.of gto.petate of John Pritknf, dn' y e 'd; will offer at Pritattl;Sale,(untllthe3oth day of Otto. her, MS, when it WiliVel offered at Pubilit Salo, the Allowing valuabfei • ; . , A. It' 14 • • 1 . 4 • situate - ern-'Vest Pounaboni township, thrinberlanic county; State df Pennsylvania, bounded by lands of Samuelltlyers, Samuel Plongb,l3amue - AbratasJohn- H. Bricker,. J.. Snyder and Capt. J. L. Elliott, contain ing Ip2 IACABS more or less, This farm is located In ono of the-- most''populous districts of this groat _agrlaultural-salloy,-boing '4l milos.West of-Carlisle, ' and about 3 miles EastorNovrvllle, having the Cum-. berland. Rail 'toad 3 tello and the Turnplke near two Miles froth Its Southern Boundry, the State, Road 3 . 4 mile and. he Conodogulnet Crook near two• miles from -its' Northern Bonndary, with a public road near the house, leading from Mt. Itook to Sheila bargors Mill, Intersecting the tremor great therough• faros at right angles. renderVthis farm easy of across, conyenient for travel, and toile, close to schools, .atptes,altops,-gondmarkttsandituamllls—lkis. also_ located on the range whibh appar ently °Steads east to west-through the valley, one field bearing strong Indietftlobis• df tills valuable 4 atitteral.. Tho soil is of the beet iuriffly fit Limestone, eome.. what tolling, and all ImproYed and arranged for easy harvosting with , s 1 ower and itostior. , This fent I soil is Made more highly productive, from the fact that over .itiflO,bullhola offline have been placed t hereon during ' the' laSt.three Pea.. Tho featcessfrvall Ingot] con dition, sifl.hrm beingsifl.,*isk Spat and Chestnut hail. - There le shout lb acres o ' f'yettrut and thriving Oak Timber upon tl!proualeetriand kiso*largo.quantitl of euriei•lor Locust Posta. : Thu Orehard contains 'towards of YO different va rieties. ihisbleit largo nu bof Of ihifite grafts, therd are also Cherries, Grapes, Peashea add-.other choice fruits. The Mansion Bougie andlCltabait aro' party new, being partly Brick and partly:Frani°, eanteining IL rooms. Near. thwdoor le a large. eemontad cistern a well of 'toner' failing water, amow' Oven, Smoke II ouso and other outbuildings, there Is also upon' thu promises a Bank Bata, two Hog Pone, two Granaries, two Carriage Pilses, Corn Cribs, a Wagon Shed, nearly new, and other sheds convenient and nocessurrtor - larm — gurpose - , . -The exact, number. of acres' in the farm to be weer. Mined by'survey. , Terms •easy. . 100,000,00 "" 4 4. .10,300,18 23 57 , 93 10,636,34 ' 643,00 1,700.01 .I • • 8,60747 ) 963,68 1,050,00 39,40 2,4.64,12 .1123,866,80. .60,000,00 ' " • 46,000,00 . 6,661.60 149,034,90. " 31,108 05 • , 24,605,28 =I ,stabllsfiol Fur ifetrory, N 0.718 C Street, abovo teenovr-In—Store j,own Iniporta nd Manufacture f the largest and beautiful liblep- , . .Persons desirous of of purchasing . or .vlowlng the proporty' will call dpontV. H. "Bricker; ',Aiding upon thepromiros, or upon John , ll..brickori reading near tho promisor. PorsOria doilltkeg InfOrmation by mall wiltruldreas._ • ' • --- , 1 4 JOIT,N - 11. BRIOKER,Xxocutor, '• • Nowvillo, . Cumberland ilounty Fa. " Lancaster Examiner copy t. &mall rend bill to thin °Moo. ' '. 2raug 68411. . . . Ncr—rtnts,— dies' and dhll• Ina assortment • VALUABLE- REAL ESTATE FOR SALK—The subscriber trill sell the following property , No. _Merchant 14111, having four run of stones. Situate on' tho - Conodoguinet. creek, a stream furnishing at all, P 121.130118 abundan se of water to drive the works, ll of which ore or latent, improvrmovits,-(with a Kiln for drying corn.) Also a _Saw Mill. Clover and Pinter .81111 These mills are 'tweed in.a rich 'section of country, do a full 'edam of business, with a HOWICI, Stable, 110g..00n, Cooper Shop and other requisite build ings. About 10 9,r 12 Acres of Land with all the • water right and privileges. ' No. 2. 'A Form containing about 200 'Acres of, Land (slate and bottom,) 15 to 25 Acres in Mohan bavlngrthererofa twri.story - Drltik 'Nouse TO . by 04, a large . Cistern, Well_ of good TV,itor, Farmer's House, Bank Earn, thy :-and Wagon' Shed, with many other buildings. The land Is enclosed with l'o t and Roll banCes; dititied Into suitable 'fields. Their are two Orchards on the premises. No. 1. and 2. will be sold seperatelyor togetheratfmay suit buyers. No. 8. About 240, :Acres of land, on the :North side of the North lliburiWn, at Miller's Pap: This land Is known AA the beet Chestnut land, ou tho Mountain. It will be divided and sold In 10 to 20 . acre lots. 'Should theso proportion which are all patented not bo Fuld before the , 10th or November, No. 1. , and 2. will bo then offered at Public Salo on the prbinlses at.lo o'clock. No. 1 on tho 11th, Ind ~outinub'unell all is offorel. Conditions may 'be known by ervntiVltitig thr subscriber, who resides on No. 2.. being - one mile North of lloguebtown, Ouniberlend county, watch le the eddrees of GEORGE:II. BUCIIER. Noe, 65-ts, SALE CIT CARRIAGES, 4,3 Wothe undersigned, have now on hand, and offer for sale at a bargain, a great variety of Carriages, such as WWI ANTOWNS and ROCKAWAYS, EX TENSION_TOP_PLIZT.OZIP,CA IVRY LIA_AntLVW_ BUGGIES, Leather end Canvass, atall prices: - Also lot of Second hand Carriages and Boggles. which we offer tery cheap. Everything la qur lino made to order at 6)161 node°, and v;arrauted to givo satisfaction We employ in every tiranch none but the best work men.. Particular attention paid to Ropairlog and Painting old work. A. tz N. SHEBA, Cothrr of Pitt St. and Church Alloy, Carllale;:Pa 28Aug 044.1 in "VALUABLE HOTEL Property AT PRIVATE SALE,OR EXCIIAISTOM FOR A FARM The subscriber offers at,,pr Viate-sale.the well known hotel stand he Nowvlllt., Pa., known as the , 1,0 GA N '1(0 S E The lot (upon Which the hotel stands) contains 67 by 180 Pet, and in udditlon thereto will be sold on excellent GARDEN roil Mining 65 by 180 feet. The house is largo and substantially built of stone containing 8 sleeping 'apartments. gooddlar.room .Dining•room, Parlor,Kitchen and all modern eeniten lenses. A"good Well orWater at the door, EXCELLENT' STABLING for forty horses, Ice House, Wood House, Smola, ouse and all necessary out-buildings. The Logan House is widely and favorably known rd Is largely patronized. It has been quite recently novated and repaired throughout. Terms to suit the purchaser... For further particulars, apply to the smbscribeLto , lays absence to Peter A. Ahl, nt Newville, Pa., JOB. A. WOODBURN. VALUABLE FARM EME! 2HAuq•i.l' CLO lIS, AT PUBLIC SALE On'Saturday, Pclobe,. 17Eh , 1868: The sulacri her as Executer of tho last will and testament of Satnuel Musslo;nan, doc'd , -will sell at' public hale, on the promises, that valuable trust of Limestone Land, situated In Silver Spring town ship,'abOut IA mile West of the village of New Kings ton, and about 034 miles East of Carlisle, ria3olnirig lands of James 11011, Samuel Ilemmlogor, Henry Kenr.ga And _others_ containing . I .3o_Acrea more -or Tho llar ishurit Carlisle and Clumboraburg turnpike puttee through the farm, and the Improve. manta consist of a TWO•STORY W lIATIIERBOAITD -Eli NOUSE, and WASII 110119 E FRAME BANK -BARN, 70 by 40feet, Wagon Shed with Corn Cribs attached, Ctrria,e liousa,.ling Pen unit all other ne cessary out-buildings. There are two wells of water and a cistern upon the. premises, and 'a Orchard of Choice Fruit diffract kinds, the fences are in good order • about id/ Acres aro 'covnierl with One thriving timber, the residue cleared, and In a high state of cultivation nod has been- recently limed, Any person wishing to view the same can do so on or before the day of WO. Sale to commence at lko'clock P. M., of said day, when terms and conditions - will be 1114(ie k how, by 30115.71 Edit, EM AN, jr. Executor. PR VATF SAJ F • . The suhicribor offers at privato sale their va liable proporty situated in Militia township, 3 miles North EAst of Nowburg,contalollig 28ACItE3, toKether with B Acres of thnher land, thole Is sup ppstal to boa WO 4unntity of Iron Oro ow_ the -wain tract. which makes its valunblo property. The bulhlings consist of •a . splendid BRICK lIOUSP, Wash HOUR°, Double Log, .ifarn, Hog Pon and otlior nocessary.outthuiltlions there Is n varie ty of all kiwis ,of fruit on the prom MS, also a well of water nose the door. . Taeland is•the best quality of slate having bairn recently well limed, title Is n desirable property near to C'hureh, , liehool and Mill. {Nnuops' wishing toapo the property and know the terms will - pleass gall du the subscriber resid ing on thusanle, 1 , . • • . . _ . 25e0cl es--er. - VARK AT. ,PRIVATE SALE. i• The eubscribor offers: at , pei vato: sale hIA farm, situated Ott the Tuinbilioleading to Ohamhersburg, ono mile west of Carlisle, containing sixty (60) acres mnro or less. .Tho land is In a high statoof cultiration the Im provomonte are Brat class, while Its situation Is un equalled. Any person desiring to view theadeuniseir ate do so by calling aspen the euhogriber'whb eildes thereon 2laug-tf. • "'" .01j14 SALE. Tho fie dirielanda Uffer sato, five nee TWO STORY ,110USES._wIth :TWO syoßy BAIN .BUILDINOS: Each llousdeontsinsia rooms. With' ad An tho boot style: The lots nro '2OO bait deep. The proportion will be told together,' or teperately,at. low rates and nosy terms: •• • • • • , .litoe't!lrthoi , pa!ilculare enquire • DELANOY Coal and Lumber Yard, 4sop_4 *,:VA, . AT PRIVATE SALE; LI:j4BP ; '. , . ho undersigned odors - hie farm at private sale, ell noted ,I -.13 tl (m.O go eh ip,, Adams cOunty, en the Pine pr9vo. MO, Ara los:, doutb• of:Bonderavillo, clan, to ' orael, 4.149013 es mill,:::contalning lag ACRES, about 20 acres of Woodland, a duo p-opor- Mon of &Natio rr, : mith , a good two-otory, STONE Intro% wimfratne kitoluno attactical And it Brat rate new:ilapktßarri Just complete; a i Blacksmith Skmp,fldrpentor, SW:. and other neoesuory ; nut bulkily/oln good order, with an abundanoo 01RM:wales couvAlent to Rouse and: Earn: aloe, All klpda ofeh,lre, Fruit, °rape., f 2000 flughols of Adam have boon put on thin farm :with in tho last two years. Any parson wishing to buy, wooled° wall to see this farm before - purchasing 040'u:here— It lion -ccrivenient ;to Churches, ; Meeting Rousos and Sehbeleit and ' in, an ' excollont neighborhood, formerly the : property of John Ddll, deceased. ' lOoot"-M. ' '.; t: ELIAS MAYER. • " TN — Tilt OURT Or ltE,l UNITED. STATES ..FOR Tftr, EASTERN,. ifINICT OF PE NN SY INA pitA'.*F—Eaftitiief.fleMilef O. Droirn, a Imukrupt. 'rho final 'account of D. liponaler, ',sigm, having bean antited'ane auttled 'before !be „Register and distribution reported - and ton eltlered by tim Cope t on error appears therein: But tbq *Tit_ ,in uf, opinion that notieo by. publloa tient° dl , athera Interested ehntild ,ba given, to appeal!. hoforo the' thaalatpr,, , Obits. A. - . Barnett, Earl , nth% Mike th'etirllelo, on Thursday. :the,. fith tif,NovetrOprosoB, jlt 1 8 , .o'alonk; ; A: ;when Mild settlement and'report .4111' bo' mined, ;Itittly. , party. interested 'shall request )10.! Other. ;who the-sameli4lll:lieJ iiiported idistritnitlounarriedittooeffeeh ' • :. Lt°5"ATI": 11LD:00 . 001:dalit; /. • • " . tocAiWt.: tamoutalry, onstheastato%of 'Aloisadel. Woods) Ocu•of.ttkrllorougli, Arllllo,', '41.6 , d..,,,bAye beeo, lalliett , to , thilmudoollgobiLYealdliag.lo pald.borousti.' All potg , ouolodobloil'te.sald'ottittOirllr 'make' 014 . moot, AO rth'oluharill4 tlilms , .l,lllqirBs6fit theta tkoperly auttkoptloutud to : ~ • , g 11:g ig ' BE= MEI Eli MARUARET 11Y 11100, 719. T. BRANDON =MEI :NEWAD V Eiß7 ISEMAN All'Hail Al -flail 1 The GlOry of the tjghti:le-th9 MORNING - GLORY STOVE The Greatest Stove for 1868 WALKER 3 OLAUDY bayinginst returned from New York, Dogma and Philadelphia, where they twee pureheeed the largest, latest and beatf,=wo • want of PARLOR, COOKING AND HEATING STOVES ever brought to Chia plane, here now on exhibition ad for solo, at their STORE ROOMS, No. 18, West Main Street, Where they will alwaye ha pleased to see their old friends and many new orkyki call and examine the I=3 MORNING GLORY PARLOR STOVE AND, HEATER, also, tho Oolobratsd REGULATOR ROTARY TOPACEPRING STOVE the best to the world. THE MORNING GLORY ,s the moat perfect Parlor Stove In me anywh or everywhere. It Is al Base Burner and one firs will last CI winter. It .hortnlca doors all around • ad Is as bright and cheerful as an open grate. We re epeetfolly refer to the following Persorul I rom among hundreds of others h Late used It, u to Ito lIMEII James D. Weakley, Rev, J. Boa, W. IR Mullin, Wobo,t t Deviat, Geo Well°, David Rhoads, Lea Trago, Samuel Greanon, Weakley a Sadler, T. L. Greenfield, Samuel E. CI ould, Jaen W. Eby, Thou Lee Peter gpahr, Vm. P. &mart, IJcs. Galbreath, Hon. J. Stuart, Edward Fury, Serg't Irvin, Col. A. Noble, Sam'l Hampton, IlanstiOd, Sept. HI Holly Paper Mill Thoa. Chamberlin, John Stuart, John T Groan, Henry L. Burkholder, Richard Woode, _ J. IL Woods, - . Maj. Woods, John ?Caren, J W. have also a very large variety of Cook Stoves Of lie Tett bog, namely NOBLIC 000 K, (Gm Duroor,) COMBINATION,,j(Gas LlPmera Wbf, PENN, EUREKA, WABABII, MLECTRIO and ell of which have elveu"treot oatlefeetlon to the yurchoooro. W 1 bwroalio, • 1am0 . 154. of TIN :AND OTHER WARES, of our oWn.inamilsketurs TIN AND 9HPItJT:'IRO.N' ._..._ ~4 - ~ .~ olall klodolenostintly on itand, SPOUTING ROONIN ,Grd JOBBING otall done on Ooft,notlao find subsinutially n conclusion we lutas our isleuds to all and spi. endue oar goods and save at least bratty par coat W:i:IkE11. di 'OLAUDYi Pro. 11 8 .; ,West Maio•Skeii. Pa, • , E Nil 4iapt oi • - TiT FOR Y' GOODS. READ!! ofe, READ 11 BARGAINS 4 1 BARGAINS 1 I 0.-SAW-YER-&- Co's WE have just received from New, Yorli and Pldiadelptila • large aiiiertinent, of DRESS GOODS, in which will he found all the . ]ate and attractive styles, of thi seeion. Chu' . Stock erabrip“ • Figured, Plain, Gros Grain, Gros Dosrmuro, BLACK - SILKS. EPINGLINE, ROUBAIX, LYONS, CRETONNE, EMPRESS CLOTHS,____ ALEXANDRIA CLOTHS, AND CM3H3IDRE POPLINS F,92, IaDIZS SUITS. Preach Merino, Alpseasi Oalbswirope and Zailds 'Nabs Itiallaolirs au!! plea. We him) • 'lllll line of the Clelebrated'SiffNAl.o MOHAIR DIACICALAYAOI.O, alio A hip Block of all kinds of Black MOURNING GOODS, Such as Ti, EMPRESS, QUEENS AND , 4 4 . A81A OLOTHEI Partleular attention .paid to Funeral Orders Call and see our laTgtc Moak of - MINK LIABLE, BTONA MARTINE, , 41111ISIAN imam SHAWLS! SHAWLS I SHAWLS I LUSTRE PITON, . WATER MINK, aC.trz CONEY, MUSKRAT AND BILVOIN ARTIE PUBS. Just reselved from the well known House of Nichols Duitnett k 00., Broadwro. New York. , These Muff. and Collars all hare •j(" pew Improve ment which will Make them wear m a ch longer thin the old style 01 manufactures. Gentlemen can also and on our counters a va riety of trench and American Oasaluseres in Pastry and Black. Bearer Cloths In' Esqulmskni and Welt for heavy Barks and Over. Coats. ' Bulb made bj the b~ia T.llor to down, Cloths sola,by us are warranted to be trimmed with .166 beet miteriale. I I OARPE•TB! CARPETS!! GROMMET'S, ` • '. , , , ENGLISH,, . . • TAPESTRY,' . , ~. • BRUSSELS, ' . LOWELL, ' ' . AND HARTFORD '' • . . . ' . . IXTRAyTTIREI PLY, . . INGRAINS, • . . ~ - MIOBTAOR, , 1 • ' VENETIAN, \., ~. , • ' ' ROHR MADE, . • LINEN AND MUM- . • •- YrOm 4Opts. sad tiviricdo, . - - ' NIAGARA OI•L. CLOTHS,. _ . . R 1368, pAUGGETiI, WINDOW snAinis iodv• ieneralfuutortment Of .•.- . • „ • HOUSE FURNISHING fiK)ODf3, TWXTTT 7T NOTIONS 0., Sci) Wiii . offs* great altrlctlgoe-and Inauesmon**.k. all vilahlorDry floods and apselally •Invlto all- to call and *zinnia* our stock. • ..... • . . ... _ W.. Q. SAWYER & 0073 .11AST MAIN Si'REETI • 'la!, • - - • :,,tINI),ERATAINON'S''IIOTO.I CONSIDER! MIMI Striped and Fancy SILKS, Gros Derhine end Lustrine SHORT & MOHAIR , POPLINS BERG S, EENiI -- BROWN doNNY NM GLOVES, Mil GM DAY ‘OOO.DS: OW OPENING ._ ' _ N AT TRH 0 T It A DRY GOODS STORi OF Li:Elliman 84 . MILLER The moat complete stook of FALL AND WINTER GOODS That have ever been brought to Oath - ale, consist by of all kinds of desirable goods suitable for th moon mach as a SCRAM, DISPLAY DRESS GOODS !.DRESS GOODS! BLACK DB.Bill) BlLlit3 All Qualifier, SPLENDID CHANGEABLE SILKS, Superb Plain Silks All Colon, MISR POPLINS. ALL COLORS, FRENCH POPLINS All Shades Splendid Bilk Paced Eyangelinet, Superb Amp' en Heppe, all colon, Boautlha Bilk Ilixtureo, chaugeable, Poplin 41paess, Black and Colored, Mohair ilkacal, alraolois, Prenei• Mgr!nail; Clashlute: e, Coburg' Plaid Popline, SHAWLS ! SHAWLS ! I The largest mortment of ithawle that we have, era opened. All the new stylu, Panay and Plaid Placket Shawls, 'Manilla 21hawls, Thlbet Shawls, all sizes for Ladies, flissia . add Ohildran, at rery low prim. FURS! FURS!! FURS!!! We hare the largest ageortment of bore that are to be found In the taunts. .111.gant Mink Sable Fare, Splend!! Garman Fitch li.nra, Superb Siberian Squrrel lure _furs of nvory_quallty, and shoo Ibr_Ladles, Mum and Uldldron. - MOURNING GOODS, of every description for the 'season, FVNE Speetit attnittou giving to filing ciders Air own or county. LA•DIDS -CLOAKS CPLOAKING ' CLOTHS of all the colon. A splendid variety of BLADE AND DOLOR= DHAVILD CLOTHS, for Ladies Sackpigs and Cloaks, .'IEIDIGH&MILLER'S is the proper place to purchase your FLANNELS, u they are the citify beiges hi teem that keeps • hill Ilse of all grades and qualitlu. lime Mad* Yl•nnels, Elegant Rapp Miter 'flannels, • Bpleudld %Mlle Ylannell, Borne Made Barred Ratably • 'gannets. • All kinds of Hannah! to cult all purposes. DOMESTIC GOODS,, Wa do not mention the amount of yaids on hatid, but-wwwlll prone that tale largest 'stook in town of Bleached and Unbleachid ittnallno. Bleached and Unbleached Shootings, Tiektiogs, 16 eta.and wards. Cotton Table Diapers, Gingham, Cheeks, and Fallout as low u 8 els. BLANKETS! BLANKETS/ 1 el eannoi be underlaid, Ws deft eoln P ititi°D a 't g p having bought a very l arg e will :Ilr - of Whit e and be cold, weepcheap. Colored of all graOrls,,ieud FANCY 00VERI4IDM MARSEILLES QUILTS, ~ HONEY 00HES QUILTS; ike,,O BAL3IORAL SKIRTS The saw style of Beaulieu Balmoral,. Ilaltuorgla of all sloes and CLOTH DEPARTMENT meat complito stock of 0L9T,118 & O•SIMBItSA, that aro to be found in the market BEAUTIFUL ! FANCY CABBIMILEBB, Dar gent', youths •nd olandraia. culla. . OVER -OOAT - 8 under r e °revery grade and color.. to be sold under regular prloes. IcSOTION6I NOTIONIII ID melt iu andlaai varlet,. that It *could b f ha possible to ,numerate. • \ • WOOtEN GOON, ,Xlvory allyl•Frad, and CARPETS IT . .OAItPICTS; 11 Loos oz.L , Druggist In ,patterni erOte Borders and br the' Above you dud mentioned bat a small talon of our elegant italic of tools jamt dpanedon as we are determined not , to b. undersold by any other bones. we still keep up our I aputation for trolling sitreat many good., and 'telling them , always at . vary low prime to suit every person that 'will favor us with •eall. Please do not fail ,to giro us an early call and ail for yourselves we an Hilly prove every word that wee publidi.: . . , . „ )_.1.4.E1 Dia H .Sc jMISLE&: 0 4R/LE/t, • Siam of &to CarpetiialL tiAST MAUI 8211101 T, .) ') ))4 • ' ° 0/01110 1 ' 04471‘,014, - 1044* 4:14' :441 .141,,`GELLANE0 LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, 'UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, WASHINGTON D. - e:N. ) . Obsderdlipy Special Ad of Congrpe,ApproTed, July 25. 1812, Cosi) Capital = - $1,000,000 BRANCH OFFICE PHILADELPHIA FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, Where the general boa/nem of the Company Is tram acted, and to which al/ general eormapoudenae should be _addressed. Jay Cooke, PhCada. E. A. Rollins, Wash. C. H. ClarkePhllada. H. D. Cooke, Wash. F. Ratchford tarr, Pbllada. W. S. Chandler Wash Wm. G. kloorhe,d, Phi 44. John D. Defrees, Wash George E. Tyler, philada. Edward Dodge, K. Y.- J. Hinckley Cork , Phllada. „D. o.lfahniatokk, N.T OFFICEitS. 0.11. CLARK, Philadelphia, President. • HENRY D. COOKE, Washington, Vice•Presiderlt. JAY CODEE, • Chairman FlPence and Execrative • Committee. EMERSON W. PEET, PhHada., Seely and Actuary. N. S. TURNER, Washinglon; Assistant Secretary. FRANCIS C. SMITE M. D., Medical Director. J. EWING ME ARS,AI. D., Axe [dant Medical Director MEDICAL, ADVISORY BOARD .T.EDARNRlLSorgeon4leiseral 11. S. A. Washington P. J. lIOR_WITZ, Onief Medical Department 11. B. N., Washington. D. W: BLISS, M. D., Washington: 'SOLICITORS AND ATTORNEYS • WM. E. CHANDLER, Washington D. 0. GROROR HARDING, Philadelphia, Pa. - This Company, National In its character, offers, by reason of its Large Capital, Low Eaten of Premium and New Tables, the most drat. obit. mean. of insur ing life yet presented to the poblic The rates of premium, bat g lau,tely refined, are made as favorable to the insurers as those of the beat, Mutual Companies, and avoid all the complications and uncertainties of Notes ' Dividends and the pais understandings which the latter are so apt to cause the Polley-Molders. Several new and attractive tableware ntiw+preaented wh eh need only to be understood to prove accepta ble to the public, noels ae the INCOM&PRODUCI NG POLICY and RETURN PREMIUM POLICY. in the loniser, the policy-holder not only secures a life in sumac, payable at death, but gill receive, If living, after a period of a few years, an online/ income metal to fan per cent (10 per cent.) of the par 'of his policih4n the latter the Company agrees to return to the assured the total amount of money he has paid in, in addition to the amount of his policy. The attention of poisons contemplating Insuring their lives or in•reasins the amoant of insurance they already have, ii called to the special ad vantages offered by. the National Life Ineurance Company. - Circulars, Pamphlets and full particulars given on application to the Drands,olllce of the Company in Philadelphia, or to its General A gents. • • SEirLOIJAL AGENTS ARE WANTED in every City and-Town r and-applicatlons from -esmpetentpartie. for such agencies with suitable endorsement, should be addressed *I - TUE COMPANY'S GENERAL AGENTS ONLY, In their respective dlstritts. , Delalnes, Age., to GINBILIL !MINTS: E. W, CLARK A CO., Philadelphia, For Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey, JAY COOKE & CO. Washington, D. O. For Maryland, Virginia, District of Columbia and West Virginia. peep • 68.1 y. _ DR. TAYLOR'S OLIVE BRANCH BIT TERS 7/ ' . A milii"SlT spAaable TONIO STIMULANT. STOMACHIC and CARSUNATIVB BITTERS. Sxtracted maim]) from IME . IIf3 and BOOTS. Ilfgh beneficial In DYSPEPSIA. GENIIIILL DEBILITY, and an eieellent CORRECTIVE for pergova eudering from Dlnordere of the Bowels, Flatulence, de. II Sold Everywhere Depot, No. 418 Market St., Philadelphia 3. R. TAYLOR & CO 4sep 08.17 Ecwomy p _WEALTH I at N 0.83 Eolith Hanover At. estlisle, would call the attention of him friends and the public generally to hi, large dock of STOVES, TIN & SHEAT IRON WARE, which he feels• assured will . give satisfaction In loth quality and price. the Move line he would call especial attention to the EMPIRE GAB BURNER & PARLOR :HEATER. • It Is iSVeipetual Base Burning Stove. • The-Bnr• nets w'll heat an upper and lower room perfectly, . and is guaranteed to be perfectly free from explo don of gas. It la So constructed that Ito rays of k heat 2 are deflected to the floor. warming the tent Instead of the face: It Is a gas consumer, and Is perfectly dear from duet. Its ventilation le cods plate, and the burning Oil and ignited coals ahlue out through the Mica NYlndows, giving the bright • - nese and cheer of an open fire. Call and see it. He also offers all the latest and Most. Improved Patterns of - P - kiZelOR, STOVES, . . and a large itoek. of Cook ntovon, cot/dating of the Nimrod, Niagara, and a variety or othera t all of which' are warrant ed td be' bed clue Stoves and to give • entire 'aatja• faction. , . TIN AND SEfICAT.J.II , ON- - WA,RE r : . Made of the 'eery beet Material, and all' .other things necessary far honeekoeperls in hie -line of' Wants/ kept - constantly on' and. — ' • • lab expansea me trifling, compared with othars, air .he deftest competition, and wad' ask those - de. siring anything in nis lino otbuelhess; 'to 'meter. tab pricesaliesrhere, and then give' him a' call a d' Witty themielyea that he oaq soil , bettei'artioloa: fot lemitnonsy than moy other °stadia:talent' thd county: Him' motto is,'Quialt Bales and 'Small Profi tabodin. Old fetal talcon'isnachange. ,' !g, Rooting and Jobbingnromptly sd to. b made of the bmt material s• and aomoo akinord4 ateemematz. • LOOK. 011.1 1 ,,finit GOODS TO x 1 roe Iharojn , tnturnedfromrhoScatwith,ittithi t tit i illtook,andaa.ustuthlalu Goodaillttle;elfiap. „Ir than any other. Dry Goods idolise la ,torfo., potthlnk It necessary to 000upy a ooluttut news.; papa' to keep , l up my reputation for setting eloosp , , Ooodainbr do mlah to resort to clap trip .to gull.. 'the publla. , , , All I ma of them is tOvall cud examine for thomaelrea, rad If not satisfied ' with 'the prides, ' .uot:to,buy., • RemeMber the ataud No. 32 North,'' Itarioteratrßtinott door, to 1/r, NlOffor's, fkpd lee 'Bowan Nardn'atolitore. ' ti 1 1 .9,nlIthIng.abtht t"'" j*ta\ C ‘ Mtn/ En M 3W E NATIONAL OF THE DIRECTORS EBBE •nd LOsH_p AppMLtS .Ironsidea g . t Quaker City, Farmer,