ALNyA.Y9 • .ALIiTE THE INTEREST OF THIN 0011MUNITY at the OLD' CORNER Just recelvldg nn9tuor 'urge supply of Goode suited to the pteeont season. DRESS __Goons! A boantMil aosortmatit of DRESS SILKS, In nil enfora and qualities. BOPERICR BLACK GRO..OIIAIN BILKS FOB SAQUES 'AND MANTLES A FULL LINE OF BUTTONS AND TRIMMINGS For the trimming of §aques and Mantlee .• GRAND , ASSORTMENT OF Blank and Colored Grenadines• French Organdie Lawns & Swieses French Jaconet Lawns, French Percaills 1 igured, French Percaills Plain Pure Mottled Mohaire, _ For Ladies Suits, : Plain Mohair, All colors for'suiLs, IitOZAIIBIQUICS and FRENCH' CHINTZES SCOTCH GINGTIAMS &0., cto Dram Goods sll selling at astonlAingly ldw pride am are Are detaimined not to carry stock tryst no •WWITE GOODS, Plain and Stidned Sjvisa Musline, Striped Plaid and Plain Nainsiir Plaid, Plain and :40Red ,hiconiitbi, Syrred, Puffed and Tacked Muslim; For Garibaldies, Stripcd and Plaid Whil.e • Franc Organdies for -Ladi6s' Black Grape, MarAt 2-yds. wide for Pbawls - and Dresses, Two yards wido, For Shawls and Dresses, MOURIMINC GOODS, Of every devellptk.u. sulhible kr all seasons and• for All purposue. A full lint ui FUNERAL 'GOODS, alivalls on hand • DOMESTIC GOODS, ` Of all kinds soiling at unusually low prices - OA-RPETSII C'ARPETSI Great Inducemoula low offering In all grades of Osrpets to close out our stook of the season. PLOOIi OIL CLOTHS, AXI widths for Entries and Hans. • A D . l B OIL_0•LOT11B, Plain and Bordered WINDOW SHIDES MEN AND BOYS WEAR, OXOT.HS 0 ASI M. ER ES. LXNESDUOKS, .DIpILTNGE3, DAM', DoTAE, Of tvAy v. de r a i c a ttl e oi t t 0111 and see tbo boat stook of 144d0e °arta /Riney Conti Qullte TABLE- COVERS AND SPREADS, , , A great bargain In all kinds of Linen, Ilunkalack and Damask Bordered Towels, Doylies, Nankin., Table . Clothe, Bath Towels, &a. ' .. Lace Mantles, 811 k Menthol and Segues of the ileteet etylee. The Celt Wetted ti HOOP SKIRT , Of the season, with the drop fastenings, enabling a lady to adjust the skirt to I make it any length - alio may wish it, either for the trail or walking Mesa. N'OTIONSI 'NOTrONE3I.I • . In ench• groat .vaelety that It Is Imposelble to enumerate them. Please give no a tali and see all descriptions' of LINEN lIANDKENOIIIIMI, LACE —HANDIVEROIITEPS,. — ROISERY, GLOVES, TRIM. MINOS, RISBONS LAOES, EDGINGS,USERTINGB, MARSEILLES TRIMMINGS, &a, . Please dm net' fall to give us an early . call and ex amine our complete mbira, as We' are always well pre pared to prove the fact that we do study the Interest, of our customers, sad novel suffer ourselves to bo un dersold, LI 1):It1 It IL L Meuse be particular in notleiturtheleading and the' clapinn of Sur-advertigement as it, it; sometimes closely Imitated and may ducelve iliosti not on thole LE,!X.3510H ct: pfi IiLER ~.~ ~ ,O N••THIO~•EU1fi~ER; r~:.~~:~:..,~~. Sign of the Carpet Hall NO: 2 BAOr mAirf sTREET, g!trliale Popiqlvinia &ifs We . 1868. M A magnlncont stock of new Gooodg now onl os hibltion et Greeitflhd, at No: 4 East Main St., Having determined to keep a much larger stock. of Dress Goods than heretofore, I am now pre pared to exhibli. one of the most beautiful stock of goods, consisting of all the latest novelties of the Heaven for ladles suits, and also all the thin feb• les fel summer wear NO OLD SHOPKEEPERS ON HAND Every thing in our Dress Good department be found of the latest Importation of our purchases last week, we know we kayo some bargains that can. not be found elsewhere. OItEIiODEAN SEASIDE •LUSTERS; The now and desirable shades of PliAltf, and BIS MARE ALPACAS only 5' conks. • The BEST afeortineut of in town - from $1;15 to 4,10 per yd Lawns ) Alpacas, • All Colors Dolainos, BOM BAZINI:4, CASIIMERES, &e. A great burguln in nil WOOL DELAINES, 13LACIE BLUE, 11“ Ali and BIBMARIC. A pod asoortzoeut of ‘1 , :111TE tASIIIIIIERES Black Grenadines l'unooll orders promptly entl'Entistletorly lined A well selected stook r f . b . ought vory WIII tie s Int popular Bleached and Unbleue:ed Muslin from tho lowest grucielto 1l floret New York M Including all the beet matte COTTONADES, , HICKORY STI PES, GINGLIA.AtS TABLE CLOT 11:•;, ~,,,0311,ae prices that defy con) pet I non WHITE Pique, Nahwook's, Clanabilea, plod and plain Swiss., In groat varieties, all dew of the beat Ruglleh Good at redueod rates. BARG AINS' IN SHADES BARGAINS IN SACKING CLOTHS A large assortment of Shades CLOTHS and CASS' EKES At tho lowoat market rates, In kid newly or them ehoapor than before the war. FRENCH CORSETS CHEAP .Tho boat selling Itld-Olovo 'in town sellin at sl.2b A pow-lot of llool:93KiltTEhdiroct from I g o mono fa° tbroi at a bargain. - ' . FLOOR OE norms TABLE OIL CLOTHS, UMBRELLAS, PARASOLS, SILK UMBRELLAS • •• All I ask Is an examination of royt stook. Buyers will bo astonished at tho difforenco of prices between thla arakotbor eStablishments claming to sell ohcapor L T. GRERNFIELD BAST 'MAIN BTIiBETA • •S • G!tANIT POPLINS, 011ENEA POPLINS 80.51MER'POPLINE4, BLACK SILKS A full lino of FANO Y, SILKS, Jaw( , ice, Percale, Alaptten Lusters &c., &c HOMEMADE - .WORK,' Such as Sick iloorih—llui sour, Ilecktoatislialos.-Sticroi: ries, -Choi fS :Tits, ilockors 01 all cleseriptions. MOAN Icy compel., V'Orklll.l hen, the vivre boot ALPACA I tusk' and at reastiooiile BLACK.GOODB, =1 EOM Mall and CI ins, Ocartit g, 5111