Ziut *raft • t. . • CARLISLE, PA. .-FAID4k; I!TA'•Y IG, 1868. FOP. PRESIDENT.._' Gen: ULYSSES S. GRANT, os ILLINOIS. '' FOR , VICE PRESIDENT; s Hon, ANDREW, . G. CURTIN , • OP rraorAyLva t slit... Subject to the deci;loit , of tke Republicati, National Ccrivention. ' STATE TICKET Anr • General. cl Gen. JNO. F. .11AfTRANFT, of' Montgomery County. Surveyor' Ge#eral, Gen. 'JACOB M. CAMPBELL, of Cambria County The State Central Committee. , .1 - The imembers — ofr - the - Republioan State eentrarComrnittee'rnet on .Tuesday last in the city of. PhileidelPhia. But two of the tuba remote and smallest counties were un represented. e Mr. Goo*, -the Chairmaiwcalled the Cam- . miti,ee to order, and after some preliminary arrangements, -9eorge-W. Hamerslor, - Esq - ., late the efficient clerlc-of the Committee, was re-appointed, to no assisted by J: R. McAffem Esq., of Westmoteland.. 'Both those gen tlm men are- well acquainted with tlie political affairs of the 51.at0 and:will do their work -- Thc - rfollowiff:Cpreanible and resolutions were,urianiMou4 adopted by the Commit teq., ' . ~WintnEes, The. members of the Republi. can — State Central 'CO - iiimittee hre fully con vinced that Andrew ;Johnson is guilty, of the - high crimes--and misdemennors - with'which he . stands charged before the Impeachment Court, constituted in accordance with the laws of the country, and that . the alarming at - ll:bid:Affairs as they now seem to exist at Washington demands an expression of opirw• ion onothe part of men of all parties who have the welfare of therr country at -heart. Therefore, be-it • .• Rm/red, That, profoundly impressed with the solemnity of the issue at Washington be., .tween Government and anarchy', unbridled usurpation and the supremacy of law, we but reflect the r unanimous - and - earnest convic tions of thqaithful people of Pennsylvania in demanding the conviction' of Andrew Johnson upon the grave charges preferred against him by the people of the nation, through their representatives, believing that thbre can be no pence, no safety, no respect for law, in a large portion - 9f the Union while the-apostate--usurper remains in ; Abe Presidential chair. THE nimq ,, .-):-does not appear to like our publishing the choice extracts from "Brick" Ponieroy's out-spoken journal, 7'fl La •Crosse Drmocvai. We shall, however, please ourselY , es in.tlii9 respect. As the Democrat is anacknowledged and — influential organ of the Democracy, and as it conceals nothing, we quote it in ordm: that our readers way learn the•true principles of that destrue6e party The Vidtint,,r is not one whit behind Pomo ray in bitterness and malignancy, but.is immeasurably his inferior in honesty and ability .tkirThe Republican National-Conven Lion will meet at Chicago next'Wednes day. Gen Grant will be nominated for 11M - PreSidency.without a contest,. For the Vice Presidency there are the names of a number of strong nien .prqpnted, and the contest for Utah position will be a warm one. Who the lucky individual will be no one can at this time tell, hut it_must_lM a man who-will mcie r proVe—a . Tyler, a Fillmore, or, , if pessible, worse than both, a Johnson. No matter who the nominee may be, he Will receive our hearty' support. . _ THERE was,gc2od reason for sTonday's " scare." The treacherous defection Of men whO hp..ve hitherto been honored andArasted as leaders in the jtepubdicam, party has edme very near proving to the popular hopes 'for the restoration^ •orneace and-order tiTthe cortntry—This treachery admits of but-ono-explanation; nothing but an infamously corrupt . sale of-their'votes, for the money which has .been lavishly supplied , for' their pur chalk, can alone account, for the Infamy . with which their names Trill& black ened in all coming time. - - JASPER - BLACK73TITIN, lfie rof coo . gross i dea from one of. the - interior. dis. triets of LouisiantOlas airbied in New., Orleans. He says thousands Of, 'colored people_in his district are actually starv, ing. Nearly every negro who voted at the . roan t election has been discharged by his employer! ,Organizations of white men aio existen-e to. see that those people.are, not employed . Ile charges' that Hancook's4leetion commissionersaro guilty..of_ alrsorts, of frauds,,.and -he I hopes to prove Qua when he gets a heat , log. 'Wellope will soon havean,o portunity of making his aliarge.Tgoffi TEE President is ocriaimof six Midi eel votes, viz': Messrs. Possenden, Grime's, Henderson, FOwler, Trumbell, andlran Winkle. Anthonyand Bprague haVe given no intimation how they will vote. Anthony is claimed by the Con servatives;=—Democotic Siecial of Mon day. ..Mr...Toribisort knew his men before the dayofjudgmetit7came, as thii result:thus far shows _lt. is_.• interesting' to know why he was able to count upon them so confidently end safely." The whiskey .ring, to .his:retention for ten inonths, in, office ,is understood to be worth-millions, .boasti that they ean.okplain the mystery. - •:R69` Courier is to :be: enlarged in tt,,sh'ork thud. Cy. :,Trorth.,- its editor, is oini':of,th'eT s best ittfniost industrious ..of , editors,,nnd we litre glad' to,notiCethie evidence of This purposed enlargement auvlyErwell, for tho ottooesti Of ' • ,• , . rrobable Acquittal 'the AlioB - It is, in• sorrow rather than hi . ..anger that we Irediet; the . ttequittal of the - worst man whom the bullet, of "an. assassin ever lifted to the. bighest.positian in the gift of a free people. Andrew Johnson, im- peached by the people's RePresentatiies, We fear, through tbeageney of money and personal malice will be acquitted by the votes of men whose action resembles very much that of the Apostle who "went and hangedhinself.'2_ We have heard of oorrup Lion in high places,- oluian whoWould.bar-, ter_the.rights of- the people and-the con sciences of, themselv - es for gold—we have heard these thingti and sometimes doubt ed, sometimes believed) but, that United States .Senaters--men' whose positions -and 'duties", we have been Wont to regard a; the proudest and noblest in the land— should, either._ for-gold or for_the gratifi• ealion - ZIC personal malice, dispose of them' solves like slaves 'on the auction block, - is a deeper depth of corruption and degra dation than we had Over thought our country would reach. And, yet; to-day, the 'Washington news indicates. that Messrs. Fessenden, Grimes, TruMbull and perhaps four other Republican . Sen ators have sold _out the birthright of the great party, whieh, confiding. in their in tegrity and patriotism, -eleated,them 'to the high positions whieh- they now so -foully ,dishonor: Of Messiii. Fes - sondem tied Grimes-we will not--say that money was the commodity which. lyd their. plastic-minds to the -Presidential view of the impeachment case, but, the-whole miuntry has been predicting for the last' three weeks tFat these two gentle. men would vote for-acquittal on account of their- bitter and malignant hostility to Mr. Wade. What was predicted• has come true, and it makes but little enec whether Their price was money or personal feeling, for the•man who semi fieetivihe best interests of his party and ecient'iy to .graiify Ins 'privute - ApitC ce better, if not worse, than the man who does so for pieces of silver. Mr; TruettPlM case on the other hand looks like a very clover business transaction. 'The whis key-ring have been openly boasting around the Washington bar-rooms that they have already spent twe millions of dollars 10 secure the acquittal of their friend and ally .The President. Mr. Trumbull has been one of Andrew John son's bitterest enemies, denouncing and . euli'deinuing his treachery and usurpation in the- •very strongest terms. And yet this Senator from the great Stale of .11' nois,, with its sixty thousand majority for impeachment, simply because he is pour Las not only stultified himself, but ac tually sold his convictions and principles in the publio market. In order that he may be able hereafter to pass his days in comparative comfort and ease he _has be Arayed• his. condituents. --The name of Benedict Arnold is - used us the synonym of-the- biisest treason, but,-henceforth' it will be forgotten in the - et eb-g.reiitcy-afrd baser mime of the Illinois S. nator. These three men, Fessenden,-U Hines and Trim- bull, it is known will vote against their party_and-their-country. 11.11. J - ohnsun's frienda in the interval are eudeavurir, by all means fair and foul to secure fou more Senators .for acquittal. Whether they will succeed o• not is a question to be "decided by the vote.ot. to-morrow. - Many Republicans still feel tonfiden of conviction, and we ace yet in_hope that they will Dot be disappoiatecl. , let the result be what it way" the Repub !lean , part; yin stand firm and defian and, under the leadership of lien. Grant, wilt-march on to victory over - the - bodits of an apostate .President and recreant Senators-, The nanies.of the teen who betray it will become household words of 'warning, while those who stand true to their Auk, and the prineiples of the per ty will receive its honors: Iris bound to hold.the control of the notion, and the . men-who throw themselves in the wily of its advancement will be ground to atoms. - In these dark and. trying times it is a source of pride tq all loyal Pennslvanians to ob - Liervq tlio course of her Republican Senator r tlio Hoo. Simontaiticron. When. others_falierpd in their votes` on the ad mission of testimony, Senator Onneron alwaye voted right, and now when vve are speculating abolit theAvcite of this or that man, we all know what his answer to the Boilomn question of guilty or not gnilty iiilLba.Yitithful and-true-to-the best in- tercets of the country he will long be re membered and honored by the great. at ty be . Bo'well represents. When the final , vote atoll ...have been taken aid Andrew Johnson shill have bden convicted or• acquitted,- his name will be - founOUpon the roll of honor !while Feeseudem grimes, Trumbull and Men of their ilk will become infamous in the memory -not, only . ot:tho.profent "gen eratiott, but :for: all Limo to-awe MILES CrE,Ettzy, speaking for thd War Democrats, disclaims a:I sympothy,With or respect for •Pendleton• and his .repuditition and surrender principles, and threatens most unequivocally ;to bolt if he should be. nominated. "The War Democrats," says hei "aro. only retained in the ranks of an or-, ionization' thst has outraged - patria ifinifor so many.years•rwit.k.the slightest link of sociation;" and "they 'will never help, di rectly or indirectly, by assertion r silence,. by action or idleness, the election of - the tra _Daterbend_und false-hearted Northern-, or, Geo. : ' ! - _ On the ollier hancli-tho,Peace-Demoeracy are equally 'B6 , tere 'on Oen: Haneock, and insist Most positively that they ivill not vote for any man who worn epaulettes, and forti fy' their Opinions by reforring—tothe Meek!, lan fiasco, To havOfoght for the - Union, and particularly to bay() hurt somebody in so doing,.is an 'Unpardonable Offence - In the - eYei of.the pure and untainted Democrats of tho old-school. • The happy family to be caged at New York next :July will'; present an interesting qipdy., • , 9u.pernociret . le friends wore,ii,i high feather Monde,yqno 7 -44ey were ear ittiik of Soknocin'O The Demo - 61i ,• Never in pe history of the Democrat ie organization was' there a scarcity- of anxious and hungetapplioante:for sitions from.that of the ,"hurableGreon ( village Alderman" to the high position of President of the UnitedStates: l iAnd, although at the'present - time there ieariy - quantity , of disinterested patriots, .. ,ready and anxious to serve their Country - in the capacity of . chief Executive officers of the ration, they Ire nevertheless in great straits in making the - selection - of -a-can= ,didate mho will be able to make any-sort of a show n againet the - lheromnd states- men, General Grant; The Peace-Democrats are load in their demands for the nomination of Penf, dleton,'HoffMan, or one of . the, Sei4 mum; the War-Detnoerate are clamor 'ow for the nomination of Hancock, Dix or Farragut, while there is a very . .sruall but influential faction. of ,the party,'who,. aisatisfied -with either-of-the-Other mew - named, are talking and - figuring around to secure the nomination of Ilr. Chase We do not believe that Mr. Chaso would accept their nomination,-and surely if ho should do so, it-would be upon a plat form-of-. 21,21 /versa ls upag ! , .. If either-of the - pence•democrats spoken of should be nominated we may look for a very large, accession to General Grant's vote - frcim such men as Miles - O'Reily ;.,„ on the other hand should Hancock, Dix or Farragut receive the noroinalicn,.l such men as Vallaudingham, Pendleton and the Seymours would let the cant= paign.go by default, nod, as forthe pros pect cif Mr. - Chase getting the nomitia-, tion upon a uuiversal suffrage platform,. it would take away from them _their only common grmindof principles, viz; hostil ity to the negro ince; rising from fear of their - I)666lphi* the Demon-060_0.pol and consequently, such a nomination would•lead only to to disorganization and courted defeat. Thus are they placed in a in - OW trouhletionie dilemma. - Already -- Imi the friendship fur this Or that man developedliself into a fierce and bitter partizanship, and especially is this war 0f....3v9rds fierce hetWetin the Pendleton and Hancock, 'suPporters; these two be ing taken us the represcntatives - of _the' two great faction's of 'the party respect ively. The following is but a mild spec- imen: . The Daytou'Ledger die organ of-Val landingham, strikes back at the New York Citizen for its recent denunciation Of Pendleton, led its adeoMpanying:yer:_ million pledge to support no Peace Dem ocrat for President, The ,Ledger re marks: "Wri say rto '"War Democrats' of the Mitrhle-llalpfn school, that-fli - dy 'only waste breath and paper and ink, if they iningiite that their threats, or their vows, or their oaths, meet with _anything hut contempt from the more than a million of 'actual, positive, unconverted and undeniable peace men,' in the West and holder. States South.- -We are of that-sort - ourself, precisely ; and all around in this valley -for fifty -miles, there is scarcely any other_hind tti_he'foun - O, ama in the State of Ohio, especially, they num ber 187.000, with nearly live' years' increase to be added." VERY LATEST NEWS FROM WASHINGTON Impeachmeiit 'Prospect Briffilt- enth ff. [ndependent of r ail feeling regarding the betrayal which the Republican party has suffered, the feeling.to-night is Much easier. Those who were most despon dent yesterday and 'Jay before; includ ing Senator Wilson, of Massachusetts, now consider yonviction certain.' It is thought that if the defeetcrs had been . allowed to file their opinions on Monday, and tt vote hnd been taken_ on Tuesday, our. cause would have been lost; but by allowing them to read their arguments we drew their fire and developed the de fection in all its hideous enoraity. Sub- scquently, with reliable information re. garding the status of the case, Ivp.liave been enabled to mirk intelligently, and eonserittontlY with great effect. • Senator Howard's Condition is rapidly improving, nod it is now certain : that he will be able to resume his seat on Satur day. Governor Burnside 'of Rhode island - has teleghiphod,t hefollowing --dispatch , to Gem Schenck, chairman of the No tional.Uniou Executive Committee. Rhode Island is C law and eider State. Sho isle favor ofconviction, because slie believes the Piesidene, has violated the law of the Iald: - Senator Fessenden already repents . his action. Ho micatculated, shrewd po politioian though he is t the results of his action, and is now startled at •the indignation his reercanoyhas: provoked. 1173 was much chagrined to-day, whdri . a friend told Min that the ; Republicans of :Philadelphia .were more• surprised and .disappointed by his resistance to impeach meat than they wore by. the tidings of tlitFNUtional discomfiture at Bull Rum- The Tennessee deleicutiqn!drain's] a lettOr, to Mr. FoWler, asking him to re concile his present course with his . first' pe'rsistent demands that Mr. dcdinson be impeached and -be rembved from dine°. Senator Henderson is is a bkfer frame. of mind than he has been'for some days past. ,It tip be remembered that ho gave his opinion against only eight of the ar ticles, add the probabilities area dial he wilt not bo so blind .as Fessandon - and Trumball and Grimes as -to Keeord- his ,Nifotolig - Taint conviction on every article- Altogether tiM _prospect brieitons r lind them is emery •,reason to suppose that Johimon will be drixon from the' White lionsti before another week , shall have -Times does not hold an:oloction 'for n Constitutional Ccinvontion until Juno It is understood that Gon. Buchanan, com manding the , Distilct; haspostponed this action until the iory latest possible day; in the view of officiontly.obstructing the parti cip ,ation of that State in the, Pres%dentin] canvass: In the mbahtlese, Texas sends a full deldgatlon to represent haraepublioans at queogi);:' . • . • .Extraot from Me Democratic _::Th e inioWing audacionsr justification Of ooltirkplooded murder and ,treason ap pears in that:leading :dapperbend journ 'al, the La Crosse,Democrat ,: . ~ :- "Do you blame us when We toy that God ~was just in sending • John Willies Booth : on that dark' . Good , Friday-night, three •years' ago, the darkest and gloomi est in American. .history to • strike, the traitor down, and liberate the•whitefree. :. men `Of•America froin the y : olie of , a „des: pot.:.-;God is just. 'He straok the t.9;- hut, Lincoln from existence at an hour when:the country could no longer bear the 'burden of him; and tod, in hie wis dom cannot let the free people , of Ameri ca, whOm he has so protected and prcis peredl'long remain chafing 'ander the tale of any despot." . , . . — Behold this wretch,. Pomeroy, attempt ing to make the Almighty appear as the God ofavaszins,. Should's* outrage ous blasphem'y be tolerated"in a tree. and enlightened-:country 7-- Should the - laws of the land, or the officers Of the law, permit such unjustifiable license ? Will not the great 'Omnipotent hold our na tion to .a,strict account for " "the public acts committed by its citizens? And will not the party that applaud and wor- . -ship-the-author of, the above extract be called,on to answer to a fearful oharge on the great day of judgment'? These arc questions. which every -sober-minded end well meaning Democrat' should pon der over well and oarneptly, and govern himself accordingly. • ' ' . . A NErcv Yonic latter to Weston Post Ito (poni,) thus refees.to, the July*. doniention and the candidates : An carnet. day might be advantageous to Mr.-Pendleton, but Mr. Pendia= goes for greenbacks and 'Mr. Belmont does. not. Pendleton, I may remark, is rot in favor' withTrominent Democrats here. Most of these gentlemen...would—rah( r let the bond uestiori=alon& F , -and- Mr.- Pendleton - seems to have a peehant for agitating it. There fore, he is not in favor with them. They would 'prefer either Horatio Seymour •or Gen. _Hancock, and you may bo sure that these two names will be Strongly-urged' lon in the Conventiou—piovided Seymour will allow his name to be Used at all._ I have noticed, however, that Gov. Seymour is not so fopular the inasses as ho used_to-b. He is rather • too conservative for them. They like a man with plenty of vim in him, and they think Seymour lacks this. Still, if ho gets the nomination. I predict for him Rs largo a•vote as any other candi datevould'gar--Jt would not be veer wise At) forecast the nomination, but there is hard-, ly a doubt that it will lie between Pendle ton, Seymour and Hancock. If Pendleton gets it I think n good mapy Democrats in this part ot the country will stay nt hod°, on election clay. . Sc s ribblings and Soisaarings - 1V111:x the Impeachment Conk first met, the, Democracy predicted a great "reaction" against the Republican party. ,Ilut almost every election held - since, grent or small, where t.ltttiteople could express an opinicfn, has_ given the lie to their predictions. In 'the loch electioriAn this Stab last 3lnrch, the R i c Publicans triumphed in a large ma- jority pf the cities and toivns. Recantly, at elections held in Chatnbersbui.g and Union- town, we hdve triumphed, and in Lancaster: once the only Democratic city in - the ,Union," wo have - driven the' enemy to the wall. The Dernoda& have found that when politico! " troubles come, they come not in single spies, but in battalions." 'fur: Grand Army of the. Republic is per _feeling _i_t - ',Lorganization_fot effectivo—sea-we: in the campaign. These soldiers will not permit the welfard of the Union- to bo endangered by the restoration..er disloyal men to political power, if it can be lawfully prevented by their patriotic efforts. The principles for which they once freely expos ed their - lives, arc even yet imperilled by the intrigues of the eriemies - of a Constitutional governmefft, - .Mul these - soldiers still rally around the flag, relying now upon tire ballot instcadrvf the bullet. .SEistATOR CAMERON.--The Raftsman's Journal,. printed — Sit:elearlield,_Pit,, says: We are glad to see that throughout the en.t . tiro proesedihgs of the Impeachment trial, Senator Cameron has steed up' manfully for the rights, of the people, and against the miserable usurper who has disgraced the nation. The loyal people of Pcnns'ylvania iixpeetd this from Simon Cameron, and they have not been disappointed. Thera, need be 'no speculation- as to where ho will stand on the final question. . • In addition to this, the fending Journal, West Chester Republican, Bloomfield , Ad vo.eate, Harrisburg Telegraph, Bradford Re porter, Philadelphia Beeneng Telegraph; and many - otber u- other" — papere; - speilk — in terms of the highest praise of SMiator Cam eron's course during thoimpeachment trial. Tun borough election in Uniontown, Pa., On Monday of last week, resulted inM Re nubliettn triutnydr by an increased mAlority, over the election of last,siiring:- This being the home of Hon. (1 E. Boyle, the Demo cratic candidate for Auditor Getieral,.iito DOmocracy used every endea - vor to elect their ticket, aothat another " renetion" might Lie 'crowed over. But the Republicans stood to 'Hulk guns, and'elected - their ticket by Ma jorities 'ranging from twenty to thirty, an, increase of.nearlytwenty per : cent. ovcir Met year. • . , LEBANON.—The election held in Lebanon for borough officers on Friday week result ed in a splendid Republican . victory. The itepublleani elected Chief :Burgess, Anis-, taut Burgess, and eight Councilman. The Copperheads elected four Councilmen. , isn't it, that-every 1 1 ffinitholIninia - States Imve grown prosperous under proteetir Aherharo.been seduced into free trade? and ()Vary Limo they,havo fallen into bankruptcy, national and, catvidual, they have- gone back to proteetionfor a remedy, and found • it? Witness 1812, 1845, 1852, andllB6l, for their periods of Protective policy, and tho tariffs of 1810, 1833, 1848; Ond'lBs7,•for no . dates of their delusion. " - s'l.tt Now- York 'limes soya i Mr. John eon's use or abuse of the pardoning powcir has boon utterly inexcusable-Lilo-has-turned- loose upon the country litindreds ofthewersf offenders without any - shadow-of reason and greatly to tho public detriment..-.Re may have 'been imposed upon and mialod; but ho ought by•this time to, have' become able to guard. himself against impositiOns of this kind. • Wo hope he dons not intend:to make' a general jail deliverito departure from office. - • •. • Mr. Thaddeus . Stevens, .on Friday last, reported to ttio'llotison bill for the admis sion-of Arkansas. The only condition, tin osod that - the Constitution of the State shall not bo so arnonduLas_to.deprive any citizen of 'tho United, 'Statceopthe 'rlgrilTo voto? who is entitled to n ygtd-hyaaid pon .stitution. •• . - • Ttr lays' and • Means Committee aro holding! daily. sessions, and making rapid progress with:the tax. bill. Theyoxpeet to have it ready to report as soon as-Impeach- Mont - is disposed of. .:-Therhave adopted nn important amendment, imposing a tax of $5,000 on foreign commercial brokers. A proposition bee been submitted to restore the,pd'valorem on brokers' sales on stocks, bonds and , securities sold, from tho fact that it will give the Government several millions additional revenue. It will sprobably be Adopted. . This tax does not boar either upon industrial or corn mercial interests. TAR NoN NoYork Tiib - mic says d u The pointment of the Ifori."-GALtstin. A. Gnbw .to be Republican State Central Committee of Pennsylvania, indi cates that our friends in that State intend to make a strong canvass: If men:aveminent as Mr. Grow, find as fully acquainted with the workings of the party, were placed in charge of the campaign-in all the States, the vote would be largely increased. • Pennsyl:. 'vanin has peon rather tardy,,:lr. getting her canvass open';,; but now that AIL Grow .has taken _conunand, 'wn: look for splendid fight." 4 Ttin Republican party of Chester - eOunty . has decided against adopting the Lancaster; (or rather Crawford) county system of nom initing.eandidates for office. A,:very sensi ble decision, we should say. THE lennenster Express,:one of the brat and most reliable Reptilißean journals in the country, makes its appearance inn now and beautiful dress: The result of the late mun icipal election in Lancaster city. Shows con clUsively the power and influence of such journali as the. E,:rpie. - • Mn. McGirr„Loott's montliq exhibit of the public debt shows that our net linbilities have been reduced to the round sum of - GlO and a half billion. The statement is on the whole faiforitble-showing n (Wrenn in the •nationiadebt. of !About two millions of dollars since April 1 . ; and a &Crease of the debt, less, cash on hand. or nearly nineteen' millions of dollars. "Pun Pittsburgh Poxt denies that. the -Pennsylvanial - ThanuertieY Iliti .. de - eltied, or over wilt. for Gen. 11AN1.KIK,..apd asserts that it has not, vet met a single delegate to the New York Con'veiitien who has e.pres sed 10111st:in . ,. favor THE Cincinnati Commercial aspires to the position of divtntor. it is trying to indite° e_Den.neratie _party lo nominal , Chief Justict Chase for Prosidont, and it also_do sires the Reliiiblit.an pork - to . reftLao to nom inatAmmor Tele es Fier President. One paper eon away, partiOs; • but, the two parties rarely Albey the dieletion. • E New Harold has given up Ad yo:n.uut job, and ttiketr to Judge a 6 eandidale. Bennett's parelei.,:ed support is as deadly as the poi:on or tbo i.l paQ tree • Its support bad a most blighting. effect open the - reputations of Gems. P'retn ”sid M.•rlellnu, political and military TIFF island of Hawaii. - the chief of the 'Sandwich IsCinds. basjast - been the scene of a terrific volcanic.erni,tion. It begun q March 27. find nt.t he date of our lateii 1111 - iCes it 111111 not pet ceased. The effect was frightful.. One whole village was destroyed, and nearly a hundred lives lost. On the 2d of April one shock' was so severe that no living creatifee: could . stand, • IT ifi reported 'that - the prospective in augeration of Ben Wade as President causes Bowe unewkineFs Jeiferson—DaviS.- An drew Johnson, in one of his public speeelies virtually promised to pardon Davis if he should be convicted by a jury. The con viction, according to his ' - notion, was the eAF , c_nlinl_thing%icanake_tmasod loos ,--as-ho expressed it in his own language; and it was not necessary' that the conviction should be followed by punishment everywhere. A very sharp commentary upon the Man ner in which our railroad consiructirMs are built is found in the fact that one of the docks the of Eric railway was (Tusher] by a loco- MotiveaCeidentallY gettin it. A 11111- I.6nd dock which will not bear the weight of alecomotive ought to be n nevOtffitrion railWay structures. In this way we are fast, learning what is meant by twit Now York enterprise in railroads. _Their construction in the dishoncaty of Moir management is being proved a fraud. -; SENATOR YATES, of Illinois, under date of- the-2fat, addresses tethe - people of that State RE 'extended reply to recent criticisms upon his unfortunate habit of intemperance. Acknowledging the justice of these stria tares,4be declars that ,the future shall proye the completeness of his reform; and that fin will yet deserve the good .opinion - and justify theconfidence of his fellow-citizens. The kindly spirit with which his address is received, is evident in the annexed from-the Chicago Republierin: If there be truth in•the adage that what is confessed is_ half redressed, dbore is that in this manly and mournful apology= of our distinguished Illinois representative, which will go far to repair and restore the brilliant reputation and pdpularity, which lins only one -unfortunate incumbrnnee. None linye felt keener regret for the failings of - Senator Yates, than. those who beet know and most thoroughly appreciated him, and wprfa aware of his earnest. struggles against the, habit which has been his bane. But .with. , all those failings, Senator Yirtes's record lies never been yminished by a departure from the' line of - public duty and fidelity to the cause of which ho has been an early cham pion and tallant--knigfit. Coin antl ifingtg Maittr, PAI4ORANA.—.On -Tuesday evening next, tho lOth'inst., Major Ifershborger, of Chambersburg, who is7oll . ItnAv„p4onriany of our eitizens,.tyill ‘ eAthitks .. panoramilg qttio itraTsion of Pennsylvania and the, burn- ing of .Chamterkburg,",in' Rheom's Hall. The - Chambersburg and Bedford papers spealcy it in the highest terms as a work of art ; and as the subject is on in whidh our people have telt a deep inter st,. the Major will doubtless have a crowded house. The; panorama embraces views of Stifart's ca- Mend crossing the Potomac—arrival at Chambersburg-Leo marching 'On Gettys -burg—Uhambersburg in flames, Moonlight views of; the ruins, &c. do.—Admission 25 cts. ; , MEE CHANGE OD RAILROAD TINE.-By. our advertiseg colnmns to-day it - tvlil bo soon that the trains bnqh.o CounbOrlaha Val ley Railroad wiir'llaatiftor loavo Carlisle for liarrlaburg 6;18, and 19:53"A. Af., and . 2:58 P. M. Trains for Obamboraburg i will loavo of 9:15 A.. M. and 24.45 and 5:17 P. M. 'DOULI'ILINd GAP Srialwas.—Wei learn that,Col.: MANN, fate the pop ular and gentlemanly proprietor of the Jones Deuse,..Garrisburg; has leased the Doubling Gap Springs; near..Nowville, in this dOunty, and ivo bops will havo tho large hoteLerect -ed- there' tilled 'to overilowing . dtiring the" summer months., He dosoriSiitiecossetuiW at the hoad , Of such a faveritotratoring place iso surd tq hdvo it. . • • A , Leoiure will ' be delivered in Rheom's Hall,on MondaY.Ovening next, - by the Rot , : 'Doctor Swartz of Qineinnatti. His subject will be, "No man' owns deeper than hO plows."' Mr. Swartz is a Lecturer of decided emi nence. The proceeds of the Leetnto 'will be devoted to tho.Young • Men's Christian As sociation. lie following is a brief descrip. • tibn of the style of the Lecture. - The lecture ;IS a goad one—good; In a bread sense. It is made to touch all facili ties, 'and Hoover the whole field of 'htiman interests. The thought Of the lecturelithat. results follow the flowing togethor of _ the two agencies of knowledge and doing under the personal direction of - the; will: • KnoWing goes before doing.... and becomes practical -in doing, and both • are economized under the agency' of the peril:mai man owns nothing in any lield,of life , which be does not touch and vitalize in his personality. In other words, the rational idea of• ownership con- , aists'in the person's Aieviciflo put himself into, and then leaven albthings _with :his own energies. iNre need say no more,- for the thoughtful reader will discover in our gonorizatien the substancespf- the whole lecture.andithe original methods of owner ship. I=l . . 'A NOTII ER SALE OF FINE - •OATTLE Mr. Eilmi BRENNEMAN, of ,Middlehqr, Township, sold to SAMUEL . SEIEAFFE - R, of Boiling Springs, on Wednesday of this week foUr bend of ''exceedingly fine cattle. Three of thern"weighed 5010 . lbs, ,making an average of 1670 lbs per head.- • • 'I he foilrth one weighed 1460 pounds. The price paid for theri3 we understand 'wis.lo ets. per lb. The beauty of this transaction is that they are tmbe killed In '; elm county for Mr. SHEAFFRit.'4 own custonnerst, and we learn thatle is anxious to-secure-a- •stalkln--our market. We certainly hope he will Succeed for this lot of cattle is-said to be but a spec imen of the kind ho bulcherS. I=l2l A NEW jilttm.—lL Will be ern n__by an_ advertisethent in.to—day's "HERALD," that WlLLtsut, Joint', and MARY M, BENTZ, a hve purchased the entire stock of dry goods, lixtures.and good will of Mr. A..W. BENTz, in the old established store in South Hano ver street, Carlisle, long' celebrated, ai the " Mercantile Depot." The new proprikors have had great experience in the mercantile - business. are competent judges of goods, and have re-furnished their store with' the very best and most seasonable Cloths, Cagsimerep, yestingi, Silks,Dis Laines, Alpacas, Mohair Lustres, Poplins, jCarpetings, Fiincy Arti cles. 'Trimmings, 'Varieties, Cc. • =I .SCHOOL - HOUSE - TO TIE 8U1LT...-1110 School Directors of the Borough of Carlisle invite proposals for tho er , etiop of .n now School, House on East Pomfret street, and Thursday, thb_alst of Mny is designated as the time when the proposals will be opened. • Contractora, and builders should at ones band,,in.proposals. . AT n meeting the General Synod of the Lutheran Church of the "United States. r , ?eently held in Harrisburg, Pa., HiwaY SAvroil, Esq., of Carlisle, was'ideeted' 000 of the Vice Presidents of the Home Mission-, ary Society, an institution which is under the auspices of the/Lutheran -church. SUPREME Comtr.—ln .the Supreme .Court, nt Harrisburg, the . following named Cumberland county cases were acted upon during the present week : Ego vs. limes—Judgment of non. pros. Kinspfy vs. Coyle.=Argued. Moore vs. Woods,-_—Argued. Trego vs. Levis.—Argued. ' On motion of J. M. Wen Hoy, Esq., of Carlisle, Pa., M. WlMani's, Esq., was ad mitted to practice in the. Supreme Court. I=l BOARDING.—It will be seen by a card in to-day's paper, that Mr. T. J. ltirrEY, formerly the efficient proprietor oftho "Cor ral 'n House," of this borough,- has locked in Julia's now building, 'Market Square, and - Will-receive a - limited - nun - 16er of boat 7 d - - ors:. From his great ex.perience in the busi ness, those who become inmates hisouse, will be certain to find a comfortable home: =I A NARROW ESO4PE.—On Monday eat, the wife and daughter. of Mr. Was. Burfr:z, of Our town, made a very imminent escape with their lives. The circumstances were these: During the shelling of Carlisle by that good Democratic Frrz HUGEL LEE, a- conical shell struck Mr. Bentz's house, but did not explode. This missile, after hav ing been preserved as a memento for several years, was thrown aside, and ultimately found its way into the_ coal bin. On Mon day last, the - shell, without being observed, was shoveled into a - bucket of coal and from thence carried to-the cook stove where the contents of the bucket Were thrdwn upon the fire. For more than a quarter of an hour after this Mrs. B. and her daughter were hbout the stove preparing dinner, and they had just stepped into another room when ° a Most terrific explosion occurred,. shaking the house to its foundation: -The only real thnage' done was to the stove, which was blown 'into smithereens... • .. Thos Tof init.:Madera" whe have in their possession any of these LEE hinds, will ap ply the moral- of-this occurrence—which, we submit. is not to experiment with them in hot - coal stoves—they won't burn. I=El X HOME INSURA ' NOE.—WhiIe a wise precaution will always dictate the propriety Of protecting property, real or persona, by insurance, a sound cOnsidcration 'of the mat ter will persuade' very ono that it jolliest io• effect .that insprsnce with ,substantial and reliable companies 'at hdmeoThereLtho Of deers of Companies are known, and their . standing and condition Can be .most easily and correctly ascertained.' -1 4 he Allen and Ease Pennaborougli llntital Fire InsaraticO Company of Cionlerland County, whose ad/ vortisement ioriblished in another column, is made up of i oni own eitizend, whO are well knoWn to the people, and - offers an eligible/ opportunity to those who wish to take advantage of indemnity 'against fire. We invite attention, also; to the advertise ment of the "Cumberland County Horse Insurance and Detective Pompany,kt in to- Afty's — panef:: - . This Company insures against loss by death, theft, or accident. It is tknly necessery.to diroottho attention of the reader to the nan4p,of tlko officers Of the Company to convince tim of its responsibility, of its eitiiity there can be no, doubt., , . ENZII29 At the Restaurant under the ComArz • HouSyrUl Courni the well known eater pc FEED. VOLMEU. It is not neeiisiiiiirte make any comment on the oharacter.of thO dishes served up: ,Fred's, reputation of it self insures first class articles dressed In drat, dress style,. • r .FERTILizEI- T ror •• Spring crops, in fyiriajiiirdori;iirid - fdebWice - e;sheo .1.1au.44' Super Phmhote. For onto in 'quantities to suit purohneorp by-F;-,0-eniiNEW44-00.- THE FALLEN BRAVE.—The &coin thin of the graves of those,who fell in the defence of their cannery luis been assigned for the Both . of May, .Iby .Gent Logan, commander-in-Ohief of the Army of the Re= putlic. The custom prevails at the South, and was suggested no doubt by a practise common in • Prance of placifig .'wreathe of blooming flowers upon the graves of depart ed relatives and friends. It is a .custom. however, Worthy of general adoption, and a day . especially assigned for honoring the dead will given significance to the occasion which - will be productive of General Logan prescribes no form of ceremony; but leaves it to the different Posts to devise their own ,plans-for-keeping—green—the—memory of fallen comrades: Every soldier's grave inSumborland county on that day should be crowned with floral emblems, for the . living can pay no more beautiful tribute to the fallen brave. Post No. 114; 'of this place wo understand has the abcwo order undoi consideration, and in due time will announce to the public lbeir , action. Should they be able to make the necessary arrangements they will expect our citizens to cooperate with thorn. -- IMEI TORKLE Sour,--And all the other delicacies of tbeneason aro to be found in HIPPLE'S Restaurant under Rbeem's Hall. The restaurant is kept in themost approved style and will give satisfaction to the most fastidious-Epicuro. =EI RALSTON'S SODA FOUNTAIN.—Is kid now gushing and foaming ,with that sweetest, purest-and best of beverages—ice cold Soda. Water. We imbibed—wore re freshed unspealcnbly and desire to Herald the good tidings to our neighbors. CMS YOUNG WoArEN.-=-llf - you need a Dressing or , Restorntive for the Mir; try “Berrett's,". and be_no longer ashamed-of- your appearance I=I3EI Rev Dr. J. S*ARTZ of Mieinatti Ohio will preach inthe First Lutheran Church on next Sabbath loproing and evening. , ESTWARO HO !—Capt. John A. IR WIN, oth U. S. Co valry,.on- Tuesday last took 135 recruits to Fort Leavenworth," Kansas, en route to ttlf 3d .regiment of U. S. Cavalry in Now Mexico. I=l .Tfll EV' NG.—The petty thieilng -of dishonest men in business is beginning to attract the attention Of communities, so that_ we may look for reforms in . huckstering nail merchandising, which will relieve the con sumer of mdch of_tho burdens by which he is now constantly kept pressed within the bounds of poverty. One of the great evils of trade is the - custom of felling certain ar ticles by measure which should-be sold by weight.. There would be as much sense in sel ling a pin steak by measure, as there is in measuring cartbts 2 , -- string beans and corn. If they — were - sold by weight, the purchaser would always get the worth of his money. Wheat, rye and oats should - all be soldc-by weight.; so should potatoes, in fact, all pro duce. The balance 'scale weighing is the fair way of doing business. Experts who aro accomplished in bundling a half 'bushel or peck meustire, know just_how to manage their, produce to defraud a purchaser ; so that besides paying enormous prices, the buyer very often cfres not get all he pays for.' I=l • The ancients desiref "loCks bushy and black as the rayon!' is ono of the perfections of manhood; and tresses long, silken and luStrous, as the 'crowning beauty of NVOM' anhood, but Time, the sly old dog, drew hits fingers through their hair, and left "His _.M.A.itic" in white.---Time no_w_baffied .by those who use Ring's Vegetable Ambrositi, the great List and most reliable Hair ReAterft tive of modern times. apl2l-Im. /MAGNOLIA WATER -A delightful toilet article—supehor to Cologne and at half the ME mttyB-2t MARRIED. KNICISLEY—COCKLIN.—On the 30th ult., by Nev John Ault, Mr John Knell.ley, of Cumberland Co. to Mleslitle S. Cocklln, of York county. COOVEIt—FLOYD.—On tho sth Intl., by tho some, Mr. George 0, Coorcr Of. - Monroe - tkireship, to Mls Carrie Floyd - of Meehenicsburg. DIED, ' ' WEISE.—On the Utb lust.; Charles Edwin, an o 'George and_Ann C: Weise; to his 19th year. 11011ERTS.—On Sunday, the - 10th lint, to Phila delphia, Mrs. Catharine. Roberts, widow of the -late Andrew Roberts. aged 64 years and II month.. MARKE,7'S. CAI:U4SIiE PRODUCE MARKET Carliala May 14th, 180. " Family Flour Superfine do. do RYE:... WHITS WHEAT. tED d 0... (LYE OATS (n0w).... CLOVAEBERII.. TIMOTHYSEED FLAXSEED ..:. LEMESII IMEEMEN GENERAL P ALODUCE MARKET • Car May 11th 1868 . • Corrected Weekly by Andrew Washmood BUTTER 30 BACON SHOULDERS, 14 15 BACON BIDES, . 10 LARD, 10 WHITE DEANS . 305 TALLOW, • ' . 10 PARED PEACII,ES, 25 SOAP, - • 8 ENPARED PEACHES 13 BEESWAX, 40 DRIED APPLES, 225 BACON RAMS ` 18 RAUB, - . 4 PHILADELPHIA MARKETS • TULAIDAT; May„l2., 11365.. CorroN is inactive; email sale. of Middling at aoa3lc. for Upland and yew Orleans. OROCIERIge—Sugar is in good demand; sales of 300 hhde Porto Rico at .1.1%;* 100 Ude do 'at .12 1 4414 e, and 200 boxes Davao& at 1534 e. There lea total absence of any. demand tor Flour for shipment, but the home consumers operate with less caution. and prima, although weak are _quotably the sem% salsa of 0,700 bards,. including superfine at 8 70a0; extra at $9 2.5a19; Nothwestern extra tinnily et sloall 75; 400 bbls Penna. do, do, at $ll 50. 300 bbl, .Dity-killia-eakratand-extra family at - $11143; Jenny Lind family at $l3, and 250. bbla fancy at $l4. By. Flour niay ha quoted at $9 60a9 76 lb bbl. Nothing doing In Corn Meal. The Wheat market is without Improvement. Bales , of 1,000 bushels prime red at $7. 80. . bye is selling ats2 par bushel for Pennsylvania. Corn ~is irsgood demand at the recent advance. Bales of IWO. fibuithele .yellow at $1,2 , 9, and 600 bushels iVestern mixed- at ,24a1,25. Oats ere scarce and held' firmly, Bales of -choice light Delaware at 06a98et Pennsylvania at 9204 o, and Western at 900. Nothing doing fn-Barley -or Malt. , /Unit to good demand. I &lan o 1 20• Midi, No. - 1. Quercitron at $O5 por ton.. • . Wiluser.—Priceg aro nominal.. ' , • • , .„ S2S . :YAGENTS WANTED. ••• $25 • We want Ord-class Ageota to .introduce-our—lM PROVETFMATC - 131111TPLIt SEWING MACHINE. Vie cheapest and,beat Machine in the whole country, xtraordinary . inducements to good active aaleamen. Partictilars end sample work lurnished .on- applica tie°. A. .I. DII3IONT, Agent, . " 030 Arch Street Philadelphia 28f01, , 3rn, 110li81inn4 Cattle Po w ders and Lloitounte,.togeth• or wttli, a large aysottuient of fresh Drugs and Modl oleos, Dye Store; .to.; Ste., just rucelvott at Comm A Worthington's Drug Moro, No: 7, Haat, Main Street, Carlisle. ' STILT, AZTOTIIEW-REDUCTION. We have lelely cOmploted such' arrangements as enables ns to offer the following toodsat quiff reduced rotes, both Wholes.ile -Retail. , ; • & An's Fine, medium and cheep' Smakinerd::' bn'ooo. J. 0. Fell k BM'S Pure Spires. Preston's Uholconteacolatoi. liingatbra's and other ktirrobes. kiiirdiriffiitfitliiniFFldli — ori - beind n6liarpile:oi. air profit for. Storekloperiibetweenbur:Wkolesale & Rliton lvisair &taw SPECIAL NOTICES. Moffat's Life and Plicenix Pillars The Wonderful effects ofEloffet,s Life Pills incases of menial depresslontr phyaleal svankness. i pcpceed , ihdfrom Indigestion, costiveness, or billions socre tionr, are certified to by !Billions of pentons , :who have been benpfitted by them. They are the moat effective cathartic and purifier over before the public and have never bean In use sinew' 1825. They aro ebeali; - safe . - and reliable: - Bold by -all tespletable ` • dealers everywhere. • , ' • " , . A plain" statement of facts. I inherited Scrofula, , and many of my relations hove died of it. In 1839 my vase• was frightful. Tumors nod ,ulcers spread' until 1842„un der the advise of my physichmu I went to Avon Springs: I re'coived no 'benefit—tried every medicine and did everything I could. I- had_to rest my arm on a cushion, and hid not been able to raise it lo my head for over ti year. ; Ehe 'discharge from two ulcers was nosily a him a day" Amputation ;rag recommended; but 'pronounced dangerous. I could :not sleep, and _my .sufferlngswere„lntolonilde—lA friend brought me an English physician Rho applied a salve with - which he said he had accomplished ex. traordlnewy cures in ho boupltals in England. It commenced to relieve; I &related to Its use; It finally effected a perfect and entire cure It Is now 1848. It is five years since I had the appearance of a scredu lone sore," and my health has been .rood ever since I procured - lia receipt of this wonderful article—this blessing of humaillty—und have called it '•Punt's CtittuxEutvzi" and allow,thci"Public to uunit or not " as they choose: This is a brief bat candhletatement, _given more full in my circular. . GENEVA, New York, December, 1418. J. M, PAGE NEW YORE, Oct. 16, 1866. "I Italie known J. 31. Page, Esq., of genera, N. Y for many years. lie Is ono of the first citizens of Western New York. I saw him laid week In good health. Ills case was a most remarkable one( bet actuitilytti tie In every particular. (Signed.) DF,MAS Bowes." We have watched the unaided but_ growing favor pl - Psou'sCuar.tx Satyr," and availing ourselves of the knowledgq,urtts. wonderful_ curative, pearers, .have become proprietors of the same. -- -It Is a sure cure for Burinf, — bcalds, Sii9o Rheum, lover Sotes,:. Broken BrAsts, Frost Bites, Chilblains, Stings, Bruises, Cute, Swe.lings, , ivhether upon mart or beast. It mit:hies pain and intimation with stirprianiCelerity, and heali burns without a scar. No remit); should be without it. It Is always wanted, and is always really. Wo will. forfeit a dozen boxes for any single failure. We be. Here there was neveAtnything like It in the world. It is put up in tin boxes, surrounded by a lull ciun ler giving facts, directions' testimonials, Sc., and Ah too ordered through any respertlble Druggist through out the world. Price ouly 25 WHTTEk 11 . 01 Y LAND. Successors to J. Sb. Pane, 121 Lininly ST., New York. Bmay-2t SUDDEN DEATH n the tote of every fibre upon which the CAUSTIC POISON of an ordinary Lair dye - falls. There is no RESURRECTION, for the filaments thus blighted. But, lo the TWIN LING OF AN EYE hair of any otnoslous color fa changed to a RICA AND CILDItIOUB,figN, and at the dame thee,ritalized_ mai helm - weft 113 the uee of —CHISTADORO's HAIR DYE, nature's silo ally, and beauty's regenerator. Mum factured by J. CRISTADORO, 68 Malden Cane,. New York. Sold by all Druggists. Applied by all pair Dressers. From the "AIM US," HOOFLAND'S VER - 31.AN_ BITtERtI. We are not In the habit of notlein's so called Patent Medicines; but we have no hesitation In commend lea Mils valuable Bitten; to the Obit^. It Is com posed of, noon but the purest :And host Ingredients, and the thotsands of teitimonials to Its 'efficacy, leave no doubrtbat it is the• moat - valuable - specific known for the cure of Diseases of the Liver, donera I Debility, fever;, and complaints arising from a Dis ordered Stomach. This Bitters is entirely free front alt intoxicating properties. 1100FLAND'S 'GERMAN - TONIC --Combines all the ingredients of the - Bitters with pure Santa Cruz Bum, orange, ants.., Sc. it is used for the same diseases as the Bitters, in cases where some Alcoholic Stimulant is necessary, and makes a preparation delightfully pleasant 'and agreeable to take. Principal o.lfier, 631 dirk St., Phirii Sold everywhdril Sul ) Int DR. T B" A ' Celebrated Venetian Liniment, whose wonderful cures, sure and instantaurusaction In cases of Chronic !them:matlsm, Ileadacho,, Tooth ache, Cuts, Burns ; Colic, Cramps, Dysentery, etc;. hairo astonished the civilized 'world. It is 00 new catch-penny ; but au article that has stood the test of twenty years. The enormous rob and rapidly -Increasing' demand ie at once the - surest : evidence of its usefulness and popularity. Try it and la ,con• vinced. No family should bo without a bottle lu the house—hued; ads of .dollars, and many home of suffering may bo saved by its timely use. C r one, Cramp, and ISpentery yield at once to its pain - curative properties. It Is perfectly innocent, and can be given to the oldest person or youngest child, No matter, if you have no confidence lu Patent Medi cincs—try this, and you Rill be - emir to buy again and recommend to your friends. Hundreds of Phy sicians recommend it in their practice.' Nbne genuin e • unless signed, "S. 1.. Toblea." Price 50 cents per bottle. Sold-by all tied Druggists. Depot, .50 _Cort - landt Street, Ntw York. . ' I. 60 ... 8 00 ....7 75 ....2 75 85 "Poor Tom's a'cold." - How warm son'er the genial eun May look In kindness on the earth, In Tom Jones' veins_ no cheering warmth Dispels tho gloomy sorrow of his soul. " Dyspepsia, like a goblin, hunts him down, Ague, grim chamberlain, lights him to bed,. ' While Dulness, Vertigo, and Ifeadach . odire, With fiercer aches cemblno to nutici.rhim green. Ing ' IleM.keu Thonina,; to hietrUction : For all thy ilia a remedy to found, A Panacea, certain, pleasant, sure, PLANTATIOtr BITTED.s—S. T.-18f,0--X., A wondrous Tonic, mado by Dr. Drake. Wo presume . Npoor Tom's" case is .not worse than hundreds who aro. cured _daily by this wonderful medicine. mnyB-2t DR. THEO.INDFP, • GRA.EUATE Or PENN 1. COLLEGE OF " DENTAL SURGERY DENTIST, • • , Respectfully informs the. citizens of Carib • ;tty - that - h, has Liken the office No 25, West ,}1 airs Street, lately oceupled by Ms Father, where ho Is pre pared to attend to all professional bnsineis. Mal teeth inserted on Gold, Silver. Vulcanite and Platinum. Charges moderate. • - • l'lsspicil OB,ly d. , " • ITCH" ITC - 1-11 ITOllllb SCRATCH I SCRATCH 11 SCRATCH 111 • -- in from 10 to 48 hours.. - Wheaton's Ointment . cures The Itch. Wheaton'a Ointment' clams' Salt 114eum. Wheaton's Ointment' ntren Totter. 19heaton'e Ointment curse Barbers' Itch; - • Wheatnn's Ointment cures Old Bowes. Wheaton's Ointment .cures Erery kind of_ Rumor like Price;..6o canto a boa . ; byl;-Inall, 60: cents;' Address WEEKS It POTTER, No. 170. Washington Sheet • Beaton, Mass. . • —. • Drugglsts.. !sap& 20 67.1 y. • Chills . c7rcd'7 . . Aper, . Dyspipsia, Liar • COniplaint Diseases aired. SHEELER'S HERB BITTERS . • flea cured mare' dleeaseowhere it hne 'been need; then all other Bledlelnos con pined. It is the Only -+o telly that really purifies : the blood, and has sever failed In curing Diapepela, Fever and Agile, and Die. - ensue of the Liver. " • Aoki by all Druggists and Deolera.. DR. S. D. HARTMAN & CQ., Proprietors, Lsac4ettlip PA.. and Onnuao, "Luton'. . ' 2.7apr 08.1 at . CZENTL . Ell.lElsliwiehiPg alp(' agi'oreCl. \ Cigar 4_ 1 npiyier'il .111fteg . Crook.", only '6 cent's. - - MI II Albany RI