CI M CM New crc:) , (sLosii AT CHARLES OGILBY'S • • CIIEAP. C A 01? E. 1? opuirantlready.for the inspection of thapublie priCOS.WiliCh ho defy compel:lon — Alitgirand stock of • : Fall and 1172L1er Goods,. LADIES' DRESS GOODS,‘g h splendid 'stock of Black and •Colored Pronelt lil crimp.. All Wool Dclainna single and double width, likck and Panay • Colored Alpastas, Coburg/3, Figured Dolalnes, Handsome Plaid Poplins, Black kinks, Ilonibazlnog, and a largo varloty of all the differ, • out styles of the newest styles of Press Goods., Gen - Yemenis and Boys' :Wear,- Intending to keep a larger and hotter assortment of Clothe and {Joss'mores to meet the increased, demand for this clots of goods the public having found that made up work is a humbug en the people, I have pur chased a-stock of - the Very besttualtes of Cloths and Cassinieres that ore in the warbit and am prepared to tell 'them at the very loosest Ilgirre, also Sattluotts, Iteattieky` Jeans, Plaids Au., for flays tyear, at Inis'ir s priced thin they have boon sold fur many years.: A full Stock of F. 7.1), • „ YELLOW, ' . BLUE, WOOL FLANNELS, and all the shades of Sock Flannels, CI ingDanis, Chocks, Takla Diapers, Towellimp and nil other Domestic (loads. CALICOES and MUSLIN'S, Tremendous Stock Kali the makes in tho make which I will cell trout 0110 to three touts n yard cheap er than the cheapest. Pitney end Woolen IloOds, Scarfs, Sontugs and Shawl: of midi.) , shade and sty le. -- , • Fancy Notions a full and complet stock embracing every article In use Inn family. , SHOES. : A IF,) , :1 101 l n tovstoelt of Ladles' and OhlWren's Shoo. of ['Very description: "I sell no auction work and eat warrant every pair I soil and being at no extra oxlams fur keeulng the same ant enabled to sell cheaper than any Sling 'louse itt the County, call and hell them al who want goad Ind neat Shoos. Thankful ikr thli liberal patronage which the publi. have lung et.corany vv. thitianee 01 the ROHM Remdmbor the place on Ono Corner opposite — Li, Post Ottlea and the Methodist Church. Como One and All land convince yourself before pu chasing elsewhere seeing in believing. OCIILBY. New Grocery Store ! cliAliGE OF FIRM, I r 1-1 undersigned-hernhy announces to big old patrons tind customers, that he has Ills plied of his entire stock of Goods with the good will of the establishment to Messrs Mier k Wasbumod, Whom lie recommends to the ettizeosso Cumberland County, AA Active, energetic slid reliable honoree lamb Who will spare no pains to 11‘,0111,111 and improve the character of the old stand as a fog cliQs • PArarLy carocuari. with aunty thanks for the patronage hr has received Ito bespeaks Mr the pew firm a con t nonce of the same PEFFER & WASII3IOOD will in a few days receive the largest and hest assorted itock of . GROCERIES, lIIN AVA RE, QtIEENSWARE, G LASS NY A RE, ' • NV I I,LO NY- AV-A RE, ,S;C..„ eyes brought to tills place, and will constantly keep on hand the rholcest Urocerles the Eastern Markets afford. A fall assortment of Lamps ar d Oil on hand. Call and see Us at the old stand, South East corner' Market Square .laneary 5,155111--ly PEFFEIt & WASIIMOOD :7-111.0NEY lAN BE SAVED ! BY ON I.I.INESMIT - II:& RU PP, who havojimt-rolorned from tho city with a splendid moowtmont. of - 0 1' 'ronslrtlng to 'part. of oIIARLEr "(101 , N," "LUAU ARA.. IRON SIDEti,"••NO111.1 , 1COOK" and others, aildril lay will Immure for FIX moNTlis mud owantoo to lie tho best Ilakerx•noil Roastors in the market. A Irlal will conthou you. Their " P - - ARLOR STOVES um nosurnamsed this .Ide, of the Litton, among whlgh to STEAM'S. a t rtltff"l;'vhintret mrthol nt . Thor refer by pormrlon to It ey. Bliss asg (Altera, nint hay 040111 in use.l They are prepiired to set HP:ATI:MS andl RANI' ES it short nottee, mid eall speeitil iittati• tin° to ' tiANIP'OII. ( 4)'S HEATER, t . EMZt=2==IZEZ triad, turd if nut satisfactory they Will rumor° th Vngt::ATH ' gi.e'thVil gh." " TINWARE of heir O$Vll man ufitvture, which they are del ermined to cell at chart profitc, All hi of Ii EET IRON WORK, ROOFING AND SPOUTING, dot: at short notice and on reasonablo toHns.—.loll 131 NO done with = CalEnatatnattmanull onnvlnrod that Ilia uumith and Itutnia utnolt lu uu output:m o ut In ty ; davabiln,yaind oho:time., and that monuy eau In s:tvud by dual Ina with thou. Thankful It,, paut favtda: thoy wit a coo. tin nano° of Ulu uatoo- WAR II ItalllMS n?uu• doom Nnr - th North quonvor Strout, Carllolo, Pa. 11D STOVE•IS TAKEN IN EXCIIANGE. 114 1861-3 m. EMPI.,OI . 'IIIENT FOR 130TH SEXES. .BL El) a h n of returned s re sold d ie t r i e, l widows a u..on ploy ed of both 51015 generally, In wont of ronpeet and prolltablo entirToYrneVoillourril proeuro sue!, by onoloolnu n postpaid addressed envoi. op+, lift partieulars, to jOIIN 31. DAGNALL, 163,.13r00k1yn, J4ll. WV, THE CHARTER OAK 1,1141 INSURANCE COMPANY, OF HARTFORD, CONN liicorporatki, 1850. Per. ,pelual. ASSETS, , 52,000,000. -l' ISII JANIE:4-0 , N A 1.1i1.1 , ..1", I' rPsidell t• Policies Isatul, on all Popular Plans. t k),NB NV lII' PEO. /1_ —1 , 1,1, 5q.... 10 Islos Charts, I lit —.114.4{0:4 tsri - vilOsu ate livolahit Llos (ohs( ors LrVuq erenii °ell washtub . ..l) to hiss insurele 0 Of hr., • • L. tiivKd pus sue !Mud wlt h great ear°s lints to. enirrlong smell losers, arid l"nneequenl by litre° dlVltienniS {1 . 12 to Pulley holders.--. 1 ,, Mass. I noun mice Reports last 40.: years. • . - Sryy Ate Ratio of l , :xpentlltures lovitttllne; Death &Dallas and WorldoK 14x.pussueu, to iteculpts, :au ttnhro' cosiunttolly lows—Sumo Hoport,u. s dth: All tho'proflts aro divided ussohog Polley held, ers the original .rapltai — boltig jintitt . al byThartei io uhtlit per coot diVltielulS, no nninrtitimn-A-entrleelut-the Compahy nit Interest.' . - declares and pays Ica Dividandsstnnuoily hr Cebu. tirun Tn.lsting• tine Insured IP the payment - - - 9 ,- 00,—.Its• bus/Hess to distributed over lucre , than twonLy Norillortn kitetn4, making It ileposethie LOlllllOl rOdUnuite.hirgt, Surplus, out apart for coutlngupeles, eren In the Grunt ofn ncourgo nit ChOlOrtt. . . 7th.—lt. in prompt, In the payment of iO$llllH, having, paid to Widows and Orphana nearly ONE ylibbiON DOLLARS, and has now lifiga4ciLit Bth —Tito ntan . of .wealth I tinures Its an investment. .--ilth:—Men of small means Insure to guard their lant• I lino against wad. 101.h.—The man of business Insure to provide against passible loss In 11 tun ' \it , life Polley, ktilig 0 basis for espilal. 11th.— Persona to 4.leht Insure that their earnings for years of toll may noel. nt death from want of ready Ash to cancel • hiVr h o ' rU Al et i m in te s , u b r a ' at " ra ' r " g n ily " I; h te u r ' el i ts " e l lro s arr lift„ttults llns, .math being certain to erne. Dr. B. It. KIEFT Elt, St E., Modival Examiner. .1. D. A D. 1.111, AgettfDarlisle, Pa. • E. 11. lt, State 'Agont, for Eastern Pit. • 4)31- 011ie°. Bushell:es New iluilding,yorth Sixth Street. flooding, In. Persons &Wow of Montane° n ill ploase apply to the agent. For information relative to agenefon drawl the - litate Agent. April 13,:1860. *lO PER DAY -Salesmen. Wanted. TIRE chance is now offered ten orgatio businessmen, by which the nbeva Call o realized, daily; it Is I n_solling..our now Hook, 'Dun AND TNUE, I4oVE ANTI',"—A Story of the groat , ?Ilion; „. - Thin lima I rritlon by the wife. of ono of our Gen erals in sho a.hl Army, a loyal Southern woman at -the breaking out of the war. It is a thrilling account of what alio has harsolf soon and known of- heroism, daring. and sugaring. A largo array of facts and some fiction, making a book of intaneely thrilling intorest. ~.The book is firmly jilusfratoti nod handycintily pub- Stilled, and will ha wolcomod by the loyal - masses - of our country. - An no authoress, the undorifigneil call.tiesuro while that Mrs. Sella L. Spencer has rare talent, for they have Worked alga- by, aide for tha °lava - Gan Hof Literature. and he can vouch, for hoc Diction, iddles will find tho selling °Mils book a lueratlvp and pl v aeant omployment. Ns lmvn lady agents making $lOO to $2OO por month., for full particulars and terms, address or apply to - It. W. WATKINi3ON, General Agent,' American Gomm, " Mande; INN pct. 19,1000.—ftri .... DiIYSICIANS will find to.tbeii ntr vantatpi to call and puichnso flair Mndlalpon nt RALSTON'B._ 1;18G1: - AT /ITCHES and. J - eCvelry _>,7.. , thti nowie_web7 Storo.. . • , AMERICAN - ORGANS. •,- • &OM. ".GOdcy's Ladies' 23oolc".Febrit4i2J, 1866.) REED ORGAITS; &o. rpj-E—following—r4marlis_tipd sugges tloni relative to this immensely popular lustre. mont 'will doubtless interest and profit very many of our readers, eve commend the article to their careful perusal:— , , A hundred and one makers of Organs; Coltage, Par lor,Cabinet, American, Scheer Organs, etc etc., are each claiming to make the hest. instrument in the world. Beingommparatively it new instrument as at present. constructed, coo are convinced the public are much less mutable ofjdtiging of its merits. or demerits, than of most ether Instruments. If there is really essential difference In'thotn, if 'there are souse excel'. lout and some,worthless ones, the public should' have soine criterion tbr judging of .thent, some facts which will enlighten theut. We cheerfully concede the racy for this article knowing that there is hardly a famify, er church, or school in all the laud, but is more or less Interested hl t ills topic. WO are also aware of its be ing a groat misfortune, a real calamity, to any of them to purchase an in leder or worthless Organ, ruinous to good playing, and often to sourcwof much annoyance and vexation. - We knew this cuticle to emanate-from a umdidnhd intelligent source, and thus we give it to our readers. t t Thu question it often asked, what are "reed organs?" 'We admirer, they are, in most eases, nothing in the world but the old melodeon in disguise.. Many of the . tto.called organs - have the sane bellows, the tome reeds, end the rato.• genoral internal arrangement. With the bellows turned ou trite to gain roma, they have simply put on a more pretentious exterior and a more high sounding mune. But an organ, to be in reality an or gan, must hove a e chest or, reservoir for air Repo Irate front theh , i hliewsnto which wind -chest the reeds been. and the tour line room to eXpand and perfect It. into the full.round tone, similar to the flute or pipe orgah; even, smooth, firm, and mulluw ; and this tone from reeds cannot, be obtained in tiny other way known. Nothing so annoys a quo organist tic to llaVe the vol. 111130 or sound awollinf; and jerking spasmodically with every variation of force on the bellows, which ls always the ease whOie the reeds- open direct into the bellows or air passages, instead of a Wind chest Or, And yetwome makers oven go so far as to clean ,this. epasmcalie or automatic jerking of the bellows tro the reeds as an excellence, just as though they did, not know that it must very soon throw - the reeds out of tune, mid Injure the bellews; and as though it Were Ind au easier Metter to obtain a 11111C11 better and morn ettally manage I swell by other methods. Thu , ,,_ truth is, any organ, so celled, or melodeon whirl, bits the wind actin , . directly Upton the reeds, is nothin.• mote -her a:sato:Po a Ito,. n tau rotate,,,oLooloonuto ySonoty. And when organists and true musicians become Memo 61-o,filetitutOtheynalreloitillt-Llo.anthat aieorgans_ In fact au Well as in. Milne, (bey 1,111 buy no more of the oohJectiOnable Ones. Then :main the swell should .111- ways be separate and distinct from the bellows, so as not to he acted ofilby - the hand, or soft blowing, but convenient so that the M k n eyerso use it with the nee, separate from the hotels or feet, and thus always un der seep control, to be used ad.llitilute. The large die hied bellows, or double bellows, IR also a very important llooproveineut. By this means nut only can the supplied taste evenly. but .with fur greater ease to the performer, from the Net that either tel s alone will Le sufficient for tinF lighter melodies, thus pen edging the playa. to (thank(' ithollio tyro) Teat the Wet m ; thole, at the bellows is o r I I. witl,l,llCst or reat.erolo earl o ill he Ao th ro sdr, I hay must be sclentif rall stied cud e :111 the othergood nualitie, in the o end annul prude, o i toned in• situation. Iho lhquiiy 'low eery nut orally arises, where can the organ ht. proenred rote ail these eastUtiod mod &Arabi,* on:ditto! , Tio:rei °DIY One potoSesaiout all these tad tar, and iha Its the AWERICAN OttO AN made by S. .D. tt. timr. h, of Huston, Staktax Olx Wholesale Agent,,, 581. Broadway, New York. These organs have a V ind=clulet extending the whole le - oath - 1V the instrUnient and st) constructed as to act lit the Settle time as a reverbereting sound-box or board, and letvint( the same important relation and part to perform that tbo soutatlng-board Inv to the piano. feature the 11111)olThove potion NM, and to it are oiling in a great measure the entirety une qualled fullness and of tone so highly , prised by all Wllko have Usetl_themkorgens_, They also have the largest !mil best divided bellows in use, 'which is another IMportant feature. No part of their work is slighted, no lexlmnee or pains spared to make the A merican Organ perfeeL noUrically, as weirto rneehen [cony, and, judging from the immense sale of them at present, they bid lair to long maintain theproud heel' Tien they lave elt Itlr eutatrler alone. We Would most heartily advim all interested to call upon or address Mu. LlionILIA ()TT, The Wholesale Agent, at 1,01 ltroadway,'New York. and ear, assure.them he will, in the asst gentlemanly; end truthful unmoor, impart to them all the - 1h lie ?nation they roily desire relative to this truly delightful instrument. • MUSIC TEACHERS TD~A~~I~S_- The SU hserrLurda 11111y7Filared 10luinish Sheet Music, Strings, M nstruments, and Musio.l3ooks or all kinds at the loweitt trade rates. NV bolosale and re. tail, Ireln the largest enlirctions in this country. 'Niels punctually null faithfully attended to. Address all orders BOA.P,DMAN, GRAY & CO PIANO-FORTES, noiaxnus nfwary. —I nu nub:termer, nicetaamaer at this woli kflOWO has established a wholesale .aeney, W ilroadway, New York City, Itere ho be oleassd to reeelvii, the orders of his friends and the paPlie,and especially to bear from those who hath so liberally bestowed their patronage crn the firm hereto thro. Ito will supply these superior instruments to ty,,, h,„,01 0 and fietaih at the very Lowest pri r os, mad° a ith the Insulated Iron HIM and Frame ( in one solid plate). They enrol a others fzi superiority 01 tone, and elegance of external ppvarau ru. All these Iliauos hnvo othrstrulut Slaps, glviiut In lahneellnn aith the potent Iron tins and frame. Full Full lid, Po,l'l'olll, /tll d Sweet. Melloteill lanes. -Thu Cases •no:ant - in appe trarre, Ild'edAY all safely 1I d :Inv to to prove satAtfeetory, or the money lute. nod. ..rddretzt all usdemt - SI BFAtIA OTT, 551 Ittondtvay New Took S. D. & 11., •}r. SMITH'S AMERICAN ORGANS MOST PIIIIFEOT AND BEAUTIFUL MUSICAL INSTRUMENT MEE WOIZIAID, MEE AMERICAN lIONIE CIRCLE `fit r. , ..,.,.,,.. 6 .t-,, ~ ..4...,.: . ~...1 r ilidLl 1 Utt I' 4 • , ,: ' , I , ,-,-_,---------,- : 1 1 ',:,J , :. 1 C 4 41 - 4- t.a11Z4:!!;7,71.vz • Az1.117 le ICA AT OR: beniaatt;lictlva, refines, and °total,. alwrifl i nda Of all, boautlail In appea!nn:Cu and affects. lO'BEILTA OTT, WITOLES-ATE,A.OENT. • The Immense popularity of 'tiles° Organs, and their superior M Indent Poseurs, in list bringing.thom Local.° thulie ' ,11.1 i the Instrument so long desired in. A MP:RR:AN HOMES. And although the cost price ix hitt a trine over the Melodeon, yet the musical advan. toga:, twenty of tone and anicknoss of tough and ac tion are Cd fir superior, that thoy are fast superceding the Melodeon and o.n:testi Ix now almost excluidvely fur tho AMERICAN ORGANS It is adopted to ally Music from the quickest nod most livery, to thu heavy tone of the Church Organ. And almost universally they are preferred to the Piano, by persomi who have them, yet costing less than half,arid only taking n atnidi amount of room. Send for descrliitive - elreulars giving full particulars nod prices.• Exclusiyo Agencies secured to Dealers, and largo discounts 7 A - 6 - the - trade dud Teachers, Address_ ell or ders, SIIIBRIA 01T, inoloaale Agent, • 681. Broadway, New York ISSarch . 3O,ISOC4; , -ly. New Spring Goods, )1- .. SAM.; LIVINGSTON, at his whole• min, and fan wor vtreot, adjoinh.g Miller 4 Ilciwors' Ilardwaro Store, an noun cos the receipt of a full awl Cumploto no. sorttnont of , arieth G and S ITALALER G' OOD oS, and tuanounblo ItIIADY MADE CLOTHING.' Ills stock , cooshita hr partuf.fiao-Illack and Moo ' - ' -•.- •, FRENCII and ENGLISH CLOTHS, Extra heavy Doeskin, . •-- Throe cut and rapes , • • • (3 A I Also a largo variety of ,Casslnets and Tyreed, Ken- Welty Joann, and. clottonnadus, .alid Linen Drillings, In karat variety. •. Ali, a great assortiaortt of ' , Ready Made Clothing, . . of ovary Style and quality, 311.11t0 Linen fuld• Woolen Shia ts. &minor Drawers, consfautlrtin baud a large gssortmont of nos, Collars, lloalery and Cloves, Linen, Mike and Col twellandkerchlocs, Also a full-assortment of Trunks, Carpot Bap ahil. Valises, of ovary size, ` Clothing tondo to order at the hhortest notice, ..Cal and stamina the stook ' _ March '4,1806, .113DR_, 12 LIBERT,Y - AVIIITE LEAD, The Whitest, the meet atirable and tho tuns econeraleal. Try It I tlanurattured . . .ZiOgiV .. r_ , 45...5174.j." - tii;:—.2. , — 77 , r , Tribllitifairilig., 'NITA &Dinar Ihitttoyn, , ' . N 0.137 North TliliA - Bk4 - Ilipad'a. , . Jan. 20,2866-17, . _ ... - - '... -- ' 9 HAOV`LA ND'S JUTTER§. ' The great-Strengthening 'Tonid;7 (N. 4. a IVhisky Pravda - Lon: Y GERMAN !NITERS, DEBILITY l DEBILITY I " resulting from iny cause whatever PROSTRATION OP THE SYSTEM, Severe Hardships:,------- _ExPosAIAT. Diseases of Camp Life. Soldiers, CitizenS, . Male or Female, . ' Adult or Youth. WILL KIND TIIIS a puro Tonic, not dopondont cu bad liquors for thoir almost iniratulouti effects. DYSPEPSIA, Observo Elio following xyo ptmns resulting from dls orders of the ingestive organs: Constipation, Inward Piles:Fullness of' Blood lo the• iletud,_Nausea. heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight In the Stoma - eh, Sour - Eructations, Bin1:111g or Fluttering ut the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of thellead hurried and - -et ffectutl n S darts or,,ung onsatiollB wh..n iv it lying Posture, Dimness of :Vision, Dots or Webs lefore_tho Sight, Furor and Dull Pain in .the head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Byes, Pain In the Sid°, Dock, Chest, Limbs, etc., Sud -don Flushes of heat, limning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and tlreat Depression of Sph Its. AND Dist:Asts DEsuLTING FItOM DtsoDOEltzi OF TILE LIVER AND DIGESTIVE ORGANS. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, I= GIVES BETTER SATISFAC • • • • 'T 0 , HAS MORE TESTIMONY, Has nio . re .14wpm:table I',:nph• Co vouch tor it, than any other article In the 'Market. We dory any one to contradict I hit tlshertion r ? nnd AV] ILL PAY SI 000 to any,ono_wlin w)ll prolluc. , a ..TrtlllAnto publihln•El by us ti of Is not ',unuino7r- lIODIPLAND 3 : GERMAN 'SITTERS, Chronic or Nervous Debility, and Diseases arising from a disor- ThTfrgriltßit ' te.r.S . 91W CONTIVINS NO RUM OR WHISKEt AND CANNOT MAKB Dp.:UNICARDS, BUT IS .THE 'BEST TONIC IN THE IYOII-I—P. _ _ SIBERIA OTT, Broatlwlty, N. Y Prom tho Rev. Levi (1. Beck, Pastor of the Baptist Church, Pemberton N. J., formerly of the North Bap; tint Church, Philltaelphitt, at prosont Pastor of the laptiat Church, Chaster, Pa, ; • tar PlitiriNgVlS I ) I R,Vii ' .T I MPL I ZT t i l l i t e t n u i r fu n gi; r iiig family, and have been co pleased with their' effects, that 1 woe Induced to recommend thorn to many oth ers, and know that they Lore )),pointed in a strikingly Imuoticial manner. 1 take greht pleasure in thus pub• licly proclaiming this fact, and coiling the attention of those afflicted with the dibeasos for which they are reconarnended, to these hitters, knowing from expert. one., that Iny rocommendatiou will be sustained. I _do this more cheglully ns l toolland's Bitter!, is'intond ed to benefit the'alkicted, and is "not it rum drink.' 3FII From lt,,v. W. C, :401064, rAstor qt Twelfth Map. Ist Church, Gentlemen *1 have reeenlly edo labeling under the distreFaing effects of n!•cumpuiied by n prostration of the inorvous . 8y Amu . innmerVUS TOM- sales were recommended by friends, and some of them tested, but without relirf. Your licolland's Dorman Bitters were recomateddirtrby persons who had' tried them, and 'whose favorahle mention of these bitters induced um to try them. I moot .reef's that I bad an aversion to Patdnt Modinines trom the "thousand and ono" quack "Bittere." Whose only aium seems to bete palm Mr sweetened and drpgged liquor upon the community in a sly way, and the tendency et which, I Bumf sto make many a con firmed drunkard. Upon learning that yours was really a medicinal preperft. tier I took it with happy effelt. Its notion, not oily upon ph° staunch, but upon the norvOUS system, Wllll prompt and I.7ratifying. I feel I that 1 have derived .i.treat and permanent - benefit horn the use of a -few bottles. ts. - • t Very respectfully yours, W. D. BEIGFIIIED, • No. 054 Shack:newton Street, Front lien. J. Newton Brown, I).editor of tire En cyclopedia of Religion, ii now ledge and Chi's!lan Ohl011l.! Philadelphia. Alt.tOugh rod disposed tr, f,r or or roe. linl.lll Patna MediCilll'S lu getiorel, through distrust of their ingre• thetas arid oirects, - 1 - yot lan, of no sufficient reasons arliy - rt man itaiy not testify to the laments Ire believes hives h to bare recelt.ed froin ally simple proper:aloe, ill the ii-pe that ire may thee contribute to the bene fit 1 , 1 others. Ido this tiro 0101 . 0 rrgrdlly in regard to 110011111,d's thirteen Bitter a, prepared by trr..C. Jnelt -0011, of Gil 1 Olin prejudiced against there for niarry:yeers, under the imprie , eitin that.thry were chiefly an 1114'011o11e nixie re. lam Indebted to my friend, Robert Shuumatter, Esq., Or the removal of this prejudice by proper loatu anti for encouragement to try thorn when buffering from great nod long continued debility. Thu use of three bottles of three Bittern at the beginning of the present year, was followed .by evident, relief and restoration ton degree of bodily and mental vigor -which I had not felt for els months be fore, rind had almost despaired of regaining I there fore thank God and my friend for - glrocting ma to the Luso-of-them_• .7. NEWTON Philadelphih. From tho Huy. E. D.lfondell , Assistant Editor Chris, tine Chronicle, I have derived decidadhenefit from the use of.jiarif• land's German hitters;-and feel it my privilege to roc. °mewed them an a most valuable tonic, to all who nro suffering from 'general debility or from dismount; arising fram_deraogement of the Ever.. t • ' Yount, truly. E. D. FEEDALL. Front Rev. D. Idurrige ' Pastor of the Cassyunli Dap tiet Church, Phil a. , Front the many respectablo recommendatitms given given to Dr. ilooiland'e (let man Bitters, I wee induced to give (item, a trial s After using *several - bottleril ,foundtthein to Ito a good remodylor • debility, and - a most excellent tonic for the stomach. From Elm Itoi.TlloB. IVINTLID, D. D. Pastor of ltox Ilorougll nap! lot Church. Dims Oita'; I NO It duo to your excellent preparation Ifobttand's (lernian Bittern, to add my testimony to the deserved reputation It obtained. ,I have for genre, at times, boon troubled with groat disorder In my Intadiand nervous *adorn. I was advised by a frioud to try a bottle of your II crow n Bitters. I did so, and have experiencad a grout nod unexpected relief. My health has beim Tory materially bunefited. I con•. fidsntly recommend tbeartlelo where I of with cases similar to my own, and have boon acenrod by many of good effects.. Mennectfully yours - . - Boshoraugb,..N._ . 800 that the ehsnuttlie M.:1A . 044TV oft tile , Wrapper of each bottle Should your noarest drugalat- not halve EUo, - rtt•ttclo do nut bo put olf by tury of tho Intoxhating propora- Mom that may to offend In Ira place, but ,sond to us and forward, socuroly pacicod.hy„oxpress. PILINOIPAL OFFIoU AND ..3IAT4FAPTORYi IS &AO LIVINGSTON. For solo by Druggists and Donlora In ovury town In the United Staten. "Dee. 1;188G.-1y,. . . . __ • WILL CURD] =I Fevers, =I PERFORMED MORE CURES, CURL NVERY CASE OP Diseases of the Kidneys, dered Stomach. - REMEMBER, Read who Says. So ~. D.:111E12111GB .. . . : D : ' ' ' . . '.-TIII;WAILZ.VIST:ITEICV.IIITS No. 6UI A \Tit Htvcat, Ri4ladalphia; Pa JONES & EVANSrt li3occesßors to 0 !, 11; Jacloon.A,Co.l PROirßlia"Oitti.• IIIM!IIIIII , NEW 'STORE and NEW • GOODS. riling undersigned would'tho - 31 respect- 1.- folly Inform the.eitizens or! Carlisle, and sur rounding-county, that 1116 y -have just opened a largo - and well solected 'stock of. Di 2/ . Gnon 7 ;; trnfd ilit;taats ; in 'Maglaughlin i s Building, North' 'Hanover Strout, -tone-door-South-of-H. Amorlean-Llunso.)' Our stock is now„liti ring recently been purchased, it ronslsta of _ . Ladles Dry Cloothi, Prowl+ Morinonti, DeLidues, all Woel DeLalmw, AlptUßise , ' Coburgs, Son„ o, , Also;Dornatlcs, such an Musll4, Gingham, Prints, Checks, Ticking, ,tio. You hill alto find a full line of Fancy Cassinieres; °Mho, Satinet, Bontuolcy Jeans, Sie„ with teeny other articles too numerous to hum. tiou. - We are determined to sell our goods very cheap for mill. Our Motto le "Quick Solos and Small Pro. fits." And rolling goods for carill wo aro onablo to sell cheap end rondor perfect Ratisilutlon: Please call end got BARGAINS at the NEW AND 01111A1' CASH STORE of • A. L. CO qop .7, MO. LIVE-MALT-1i .311.1,ENFT WE-HEALTH-STRENGTH LIFE---41.EA LT H-STRENGTIT TEE GREAT FRENCH REVEEDY I) R. u AN , -D,l4l4AllAßltlil'S Colebrated 'Specific Pills; Prepared froni a prescription qf Dr. Juan Delantarrc, Chief Physician to the Iles . putat da Nord on' Lariboisiere . of • Pierls. - " - "' • This invaluable medicine is no innionition, but i.L3 In the cure or Spermatorrilio or B,llllllgal - Wenkuese• Every specids, of Oenital Or Urinary irri tabllity. luvoluntarror Nightly tlemlnal Emissions from whatovrr• CHUsu produced, or how ever suvel 5. will be rimed Ily relieved ml,l the bigots restored to healthy action. liettd. thin following opinions of eminent-Frew:l,llhp „ •'lYe have used the Spoalfic I'lllo Oa, arleicre J 2 Dupout, No. 211 Rho Lombard, trout the Drmicrlptlon of . Dr. Juan Dolamarro, 1u our PrlYato I, e ru Ss no other medial., so well calculated to Cl,a atlt par -001114 sulfuring from Drvaluutary llolrclong or any other weakness of tho dor ual grgano, NV huther caused by a.„.Fedentary mode of living, - excess., or abuem. - R. A. BEA UREDARIE, M. D. • O. D. DUJARDIN, 211. D. .JEAN LE ',EUCHRE, M. D., • Pulls, May 5t,b0.1166. . .13Ew.A.RB . ol•.'CoutCptsltllElrS. Ih6rlensi,,. Pills are sorb, by all the principal Drug. gists Iliinngliont, the World, prlce Ono Dollar por 800, Or o_,Ltuxeli for FITO It!..NOWt I: & DUPONT, Solo Proprietors, . • - - k.i...2.1.4..1tu0 Lombard, Pools Ono Dollar enclosed to• any- authorised Agent, wall insures bnx by return mall, nerur,Ay Sealed from 11l ob.ersation,ix tioxes for live 565., inSOAlt C. MOSES& C 0.,. Ili Cortlandt F / t, N. N. H.—Soma .6 ur unto, Spanish and Engll h Pataph lotn, nontainhalOulLpacticularx and diructiorin for Übu sent fr. 14 1 ,2, sly tad re,i> Sohd in earl/all, fly .7. W. ELLIOT, and at RANEE BMWS. • Jan. 1666-I}. DR. An./ISDALL'S 0-11 T 1 , 1 Ii S -I\T This Snuff has thoroughly proved Itself to be the hurt 4rtlele knots, for gmriug the L'ahorh, Cold IWO., newt - and Ileadaelto — lt - has. boon found an. excellent remedy 1,, malty eases of-Sore Eyed. Dourness liits boon removed I. It, and Hearing 11461411 m been great ly Unpeoeed by its use filii r rraut and agreeable, and Gives Immediate Relief to the dull heavy Dunn. - roused by ditanisen of the hood. The nednations after using ft aro delightful end In vigorating. It cyan, nod purges out all obstructions, Ntrangthcus the glands. end given a heal . thy indlon tc the parts affected. • Moro Than Thirty-Years' . or Sale nod fled of Dr Marshall's Catarrh and Head ache : 4 nulf, hoe pruned its great value f ur e ll th e com mon dltteage4,of lire Hord, and at thh: - moment It stands blglaLtion, It I) , l',0111111III:af , l1 n 'i i i of Ow Last 1111/1 Is LISUd with great succcsv and ,atisfa,Hou every win, O. Raul vr - VVlult , e.filu Drug- - • gists in 1804. ho ter, er,i4,lod, Ithving On many -years been no (031111 ed it lt s -llr, Marshl I l's COLIOrh and. Ileadacho SuulT, and sold it in our Wholesale trade cheerfully ht.dtu, that. wa believe it.l.b be ecpdal;in ovary respell. to the recommendations given of It for the corn of • Oat:nth:a Affection:l, and that It So clOOSllOsalf t 3.10-614 tartiOlo WO hate over kIIOWS/ ferall 6011111JOIldiseaset , of Barr & Parry, Roston,Barnes ,t Park, Now 'York. hued, A1.v.1.1u .k Co. " A. 11. A 1./.. Sands, Brown, Lamson kCo " Stopbon Paul k. Co. Rood, Cpt.lor & Co. " 16rani :Moor A Co. " Sod, 110rowlo,. -" Melcusson & Robbins," Fairbauk & Co. A. L. SebrlreCo. " llumbay,, %Mounds A Co.XI. Word, Clore Cu , IL 11. 116. Portland, Na. Bluth Jan. 12, 15011-Iy. IiEI.IE.P IN IHIN ..\IINUTES Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers ! VIL.TM. original ISledielne ehtablit.hed , In 107, and arst urtiele et' the kind wear introduced under the ;name 01 ..PUI.MONIG WAlil o .li.,” in this et any other (conntry; all other Pulunnile 'Wafers are counterfeits. I Thu genuine ran 1w know n by the name BRYAN being g l amped on cad] Wafer. These Nl'afers has o lawn bolero the public for nearly thirty yours, and the (lemons° rale attained.-not only, in America but iu foreign countries, fully atlestlF6lF intrinsic worth. The medical- propeoties are superior 14.. any other tklu offered for_thi. cure of Pulmonary or Bronchial affections, and the quantity contained lu each box to nearly double that or the mane worthless imitations ads Lrtised. Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers • cur. Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, lioafaeness,' Asthma, Catarih, Ilwu vltls, .Lifficult Breathing, Spitting of Blood, Poise in the Chest, incipient Consumption and all diseases of the lungs. Not only affording tempor ary relief, but effecting a rapid and lasting cure and me warranted to gh e satisfaction In ever instance. They do not nauseato like alcoholic compounds,- and the medicinal mopurties aro combined in a form so a greeable and pleasant to the taste, that nay 'child:will readily take them. One dose will Always afford .RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. To VOCI.U.IBM and Punic 2P.F.A.t.UI those Wafers are peculiarly valuable : they will'in one any reMOVO the most severe occasional lionistlAVl...l; and their regular use for a few days will, at ail times, increase the pow er :Ind ilea bill6y of the voice, gteatly Improving Its tOO% efrinphAii and clearness, for whirls purpose they are regularly steed by many professional vocalists. The very groat celebrity of this Invaluable remedy ti n s it,,A ue ed unprincipled perSOUF to prepare hasp Imi tations, which disappoint the just expectations of the purchaser, ,red injure the elthravtor of the 011111110 that the Isola, "lin VAN," Is Ntalaped nn. each Water. mid docile Ow the stroll,ot the Bhp:attar° of the Proprietoron each nlapper, to Jounternlt while is_forgory.. .4;‘,:ranhnin t i.: pnrlleo will he dvalt'wlt h to the tun extent of the law. INXAN . B IVAFIntn nru fin salo'by nII Drilg• M0A1.:.5,--Volo Piny, iotfn., 27 Cc rilnuat, so:, T[ Y. ann. 12, 1i Oi—ly. 3AMMS CLARKE'B kl - LEBrtATED - F - B-m - A-L-E- TILLS. Preparmi from a proscription of Sir J. Clark, M. 11., Pi ysiclnn ExtraortlimnY to tile qiimitt. THIS well known uledioine is no itn i; _position', but a aura and mifo.tomaily for Fon=lo blillaultion and Obstructlami, from any cause whatever and although a pOwerful moody, it son talui nothing hurtful to the co.tltution, • To Married Ladies UN ptealiarly kwitia. It will, lit io short thne,.briug on the monthly 'period with rogu• orl ty. In all cases of Nervous:4ll,lo - Affactlona,.Pain In the Back laud Limbo, ilonvinoss, Fatigue on slight ex '..Ortion, Palpitation of. the Heart, - Lorne. of • liplrito, llyatocics, Slob Headache, Whßoo, and all tile painful diseasos occasioned by a disordered system, 'olo6olllls twill effect a Cairo when all !Alm . moans 'Lan 17.121.1. ObsorTO on oath Bottle the name of Jacob Moses,'without ht none aro genuine. ~ - ' - These Pills have flavor boon known to AM whoratile directions on the ~ kt page of pampitlot tiro well observ ed. For further particubwo, got. a pa.rph/et, free, or .the ogont .. $.l. and 6 postage stamp; nelosed to any authorize agent, 1 , 1111 luouro a bottle, containing over 50 pills, by return mall. W.1.11.1r0TT, , Jan. 12, 1860-1 y: Agent, Corltale. • -- WORK -BOXES, Cabas; Port Fo lios, Tourists __ Desks, ,Confuctionary Cones of all kinds. 120.1.15, 1865:- ' ILAVERSTICKS. QTICKS.- , • j Mint, Teaburry, Lemon, Di ;tap, Laveadtr,llo9o, Nougn, - and lieu 15,1805, IRESSING CASES, Ladios' ; and Duo: 16,1865 , :11 — )11,01'S. • • • .. ' Mint, Chocolat., emir% Lemon, °rouge, Vann fono nod Mose, i Dec. 16,18110, , , AT MAVERSTIOICS. / .LEAD, j---vroferred-by-.111- practical raintore I Try It I.Sz you will have no other. Manufactured only by' • ZEI.OLItIt I'liolos3lo Ding, Pittut 013x3"Dentorn, N 0.137 Mirth Third Stroot, Jan. 22,1806.--ly. - • - ' • g2-00A A ,Yll4 - 1 - t: ma(le by any kJ ono with itls—ttihioll Toole. No experience. neeedaary: The, Presidents, Ciudilere, and Treanurore of 8 Bonita Indere° the circular. Sent free with samplca. Addtese thu American Stencil Tool. .Works, Bnringliold, Torment. '• July 87, 1868-3 m. VIQLIN and Guitar Strings, Violin flown, Sat ova, &c., at tto - now Joyelry Store, llnnt Nato Bt. •• S OLE Agoooy for lho_salo of Morton's oplil ronH, 'Elio 1301 V Juwory,iitoro, East: MMn "LIAMILY .12YE COLORS, . ;' AT• RALSTON'S. 31ily 1, IBM CHOICE S_EG,4II , S_ & TOBACCO, REDUCTION IN PRICE 41.11IERICAN 'WATCHES, :Mado.nt.lVAliri'llAM , , MASS. rouse;{uui~Cu of-tae cutout great inipiovinnonts In leiittid _for manufacturing 'vu Irmo minced our to as liny 0 point as they can ito plucog With Gold and Par, like our 00 prices TO that no oua need healtata Eolnry_o_liatelo _nem froM expectation that It 1011 beetle:wee at future time. —Tito tort oaten pcais and the Manufacture and sale . of . More than 200,000 Watches, have given our prolletlolls tho very highest mutt a mong time keepers. Commencing with the &tenni , nation to Mahe only thoroughly excellent watches, our business han steadily increased as the public be came acduninted with their, value, nu tit for months together, we havo been-unablu to supply to demand. Wa have repeatedly enlarged our factory buildings until Choy now envoi , over three sires of grouu, and give necounnodation to more than eight bundredworic: num. IVo are fully Justified in raying that wo now rake THAN ONIC.IIALV 011 ALL THE WATCHES 0001 - 1 IN flit UN ITED'STAVES. The dlfforent grades are distinguished liy'the following tradodnarlai on the 1. "American Watch Co." IValthon, Mass. ' 2. "Appleton Tracy &co." Waltham, Nano. 3. "P. Ilarelett," - Waltham, 310 es. 4. "Wm. Ellery." 6. - 01111 LADIES' WX.TON of drat quality is nained "Appleton, Tracy A Co." Waltham, Maas. 5, Our next quality of lalica' watch to named "P.O. Bartlett," Waltham, Mato. Plume aro furnished t o a great variety of aloes and atYlea Of canes. The American Watch Co. of Waltham, Mum, au thorizes us to state that without distinction of trade marks or price, "17111: PItODUCITS or"ellEIR FACITORi ARE FULLY WARRANTIID, to to thu beettimelturpere of their class over made In this or any other country. Buyers should remember .that unlike the guaranteo of n foreign - maker who can never he reached, this guarantee's good /dell times againit the Company or their agents, And that trotter the 1110 Ft, thorough trial, any-watch should prove de (votive in any particular, it may always be exchanged for antither. Al the American Watches made nt Walt ham, are for sale try denture generally-throughout. the country., we do not solicit orders for single watches. CAUTION.—The public are -cautioned to buy only of respectable donlere:, All lament:selling counterfeits will be, posrecut ed. , ROBBINS At APPLgyON, Agents for the Atuuriettu Watch Company, 182 Broadway, N.V. 1866-1 m l'Challenge Conn:elation .! IN - the - 'way of variety, elegance of style quality and choapuna of my stock of Dry Goods. Especially would I call attention to my largo assort want of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, FOlectod with special car° in. tim Philadolpbia - and Non York markota a fow days sirfeo. Rion, my thro' goru olgung combination - -- Il 0 0 - P — S K - llt 11; - decidedly the utest itnproved pattern of the age, itiOntt tire weerer the meet artistic turn. Likewise, a variety of White Bonds, such as I.lllll..._,Blaldsand-Litriped • ['hill, ['laid and 'Striped Nsime,eks, Swiss and V leturialsmus, Brilliants, Linen Bandkereltlefs, , kr Cottonadet, Blue and Bold Duck, Deninis, Kenturky Jeans, sShirting, Stripes, • Ousts Conibrics, • " Blue Canibrica, Checks, . w. Blue Nankeens, Diapers, " Brolvu Nanlseens, 'Lancaster Ate., &e. April tO ALL TO VII IIAD !yr iv:Nr.-IE- , 'ILES' "STORE, - NOR 2:11 JIANG ITER STREET, NEXT DOOR TO DEl.ailYtt. ZITZEICP O NSUAIPIIVES, ' ItHADWLIAT Mt. SCIIENCK IS DOING lilt. J. p:CIIENCIC." - Dena Stu fool It allay I owa to you, and to all who are suffering undertho'lltleases known as Con. suniptiou and Liver Omnitaint, to lot thou, know what great benefits I have fesolved from your 'linßonnie Syrup end Seaweed Tank In no AO, a time. — By the blessing of Cod It has cured toe thus for Dr. Eehen,,,, I will now stake my statenteut to you, is !Wipes :—About eighteen moatha ago I 'wag attack ed with n severe cough, and It nettled on my Dingo ;1 I rout./ not retain anything I ate, and suffered with rvruiny fevets and night sweats, I wan YOU Mal 1 . 0(111COki• 1. Ito whiten of say cyl, were very--yellow; L :Mow Ito to-. Hid 0 : my appetite" all 0000, find unable ! to digest - ,drat 1 , 11(1 oat; bOIVOL'S mouton, impularand cohtlvo: 1 woo very low npirite.l, and had such - violent spoils of e..ughing a hen 11100 dole n at night and when 1 I arose In the nufrtrilw that, they would last One or twit hoists. I then would be nearly exhausted. and WAS iinthely intablo_to li,, on ray lett side. I cannot dots:rile, Tiny x'rntclied suffering as I winill - WISII - tudd: •Ilvery'or geolti rip body was diseased or deranged. Such was my situation at this time, and I was confined to my -Intai-frmorthordost-of-fcbruary,--lbfith-tosluns,:lB6g,not able to t•it, top. I had the best of Medical attendance the whole of the tittle._ My cough was so very bad that ... Vackod ine".yery at this; time ralsedU large !luau/. tey of thick, polio to, offonsive matter, eometimun tvith blood, ,tnd it WAS generally &am:oriented by and a futrod and thick coated tongue. At the time of coughing Co badly I would has, sharp, shad.- log pains In my loft side and heart, night moats, and soronces alt-thioutill my whole chest; liatimuch in. blades and in th.neoitil of toy hack, and at littlest!) Se ven, that it would throw nos LAO spasms. Now Illy physicist) gsloe too up to die. Minim I hod, toad tilt, boat of OW:Ai - n•llt riley retold do nothing tor too, and at that time 1 was nothing but skin ao,thones. I then was In the WsStern part of Missouri. • In June last wo loft there for the East, and in August last we came to !sm. York, and I was so reduced that I could only walk a filth, with toy husband's help. After I had benxt hero a short time the salt water breeze made mu Mel much better for a time and then I had again to calla physician for aid. Wo had four of the best ph3- sirians of ow York on tho diseases Of the lungs and doctors-,fall kinds ' lout of no avail. They said I was Js it,citre, and that my lungs were too far gone igg tirtY .ohe'ra-cure me. - But at this thud I wan un my feet a bout thaltouse. not :dile Mitch of anything. In November last I grow worse, imd the consumption diarrhea sot lot and lasted about eight weeks.-- it, had tried, all and everything that I could grasp at like a dying porton for my dlseases—consumption and liver complaint—but of no avail. In ail nary, 1603, I was broughtdlown again on, my bed., cud WAS not expected to Hsu the night out. My husband stayed at my side, and other friends, 'and they all give uni up to dig. At this tihorofery ono who PAW mo did not think I would ever leave any bed a living woman. Tim first night I Was attacked with spasms, and rots deranged most of the Ono. A friend, Mrs. Harris, came to sue me the last of the wool:, tadd brought the Sunday llrroyry. In it who an ace . ..tout of a gront,curo performed by hr. Schonek. She read It to mo, and It was so much like my disease Iluit I naked my husband to go and sett him for me. At thin time -I had given up all hopes of ever gutting well again, awl mode my pence with fled, to be really irlatme,or ho called fur me. _ 27 On the 01 of January, 1803, my husband called on Dr. Schenck, 32 Bond street., Now York, and stated to him my tine, with a request for -hint-tot - all aud Bee one. which ho did, and examined refs with the respire meter. When he was about to-go I asked him if he could cure me ? Ms reply was ; "I cannot tell,i both lungs era diseased, and too bronchial tubes are affect'. oci.nn both sides." And yet ho seemed to think thorn worn 1040 anuo,:n loft to oiled a cure Utile diarrhea could he stopped. Ito said Ail order to do this, Ice would have to give me Mandrake Pills in small doses at first, to carry oil the morbid Matter, and than, with estate. gents, he hoped to check it, which ho did, but the con stunt rough rig, night sweats, and diarrhea had pi oat tr.ctoil Un• no tintilo.l Wits afraid my vital goiters were' too much piostrs OA ever to rally, and yet ho roomed to think 11- I could livo to gel enough Vuitton's Syrup -through-my-systolic to .iuto uxpoetoratton them woes lungs enough - 1011, for me to recover. Ile wished me to try the Valmont° Syrup and be weed Tonic at .olice, saying It 'would do me no harm, if It did me no good. The first, week it seemucl to give me strength,SO that on Sunday alter 1 sat Up in -bed and ate hearty for a sick wounin",• but the next week I lost all hope and wished my husband not to giro um any mom moth.- clue. But the doctor had *turned him of this, and whose thectuaticitio was cloaring. out the system it made them fool .nuccvlist rostlees, sod so p er5 „,,,,,,,,c ; and he Insistod 0u lay ticking it; and nun I feel am "boutifit of It: Bor after eight (loyal began td gain my strength, aud, with •tho exception of a mild that put mo back some, I base boon gaining strongtitor body, my cough is going away, andlill my pains - Ore gone; no soroudes of the body, my bowels are regular, and .breath is sleek, and I Clank Clod that 1 am noel going about, and sow and read ae wallas ever I could. 1 have talcon sixtuou bottlos of the unallano, eight of each. 1 now, boy° gOod apputito.and root well at night; toy' cough deco not trouble 'Mu in Hotting isp 60, 4lng down. I Would hero say to the !inflated with consumption hr Deer coniplaint, thit Dr.Bchonek is no humbug. You .can roly on what ha sus,' Dolay not ; it is dangoinUra to trill° with.these _disuses-1f you would be cured, go at once ; find any one wishing to know the facts as herein stated can call at my real denial, 177 West Mouston street, Now York city. - MAS. MARY P. BARLOW.' , - . • We, the untiOrtfigned, readmits of New York, ore ac quainted with .51.. Barlow, and know her • statement to Mcßae. We also know that sho used Dr. Schencit's Palwonie Sprup and Seaweed Tonle, and have reason to belies° that to this !Mallet nu Olio 01000 presOrVii• non innu it promaturis grave. 11. BARLOW, 317 West liouston at: • EUGENE VPIDERIIILI., Ole G roan w tch. st. Mos, EIRIENII LINDERIIII,I,, 076 Oreenteich et. AUGUSTA c, 67;; Clroonwich st. A: F: HARRIS, 117 West Houston nt. ' . . EMILY GLOYER.,I.I7_IYest Houston at, COLE, 33 Cottage pl. A. M. LEIUIITON. .183 Br. aciwoy. Marc RENJAI/1151(1LAPP, ID Amity pl. ' I am wall acquainted with Mrs. Mary F. Barlow, and with lc* husband, Mr. B. Barlow, they having, for a , low months pashattunded coy church, and ant con. • vinced that lacy statement /which they Might make' may ha relied on OS tout, .101181 DOWLING; IL D.l Pastor of Bedford St. Baptist Chinch, N. X. Dr. Hamlett will be Professionally at his princiPol office No, 16 North Sixth street ; cornerUf Commerce, Philadelphia, every Saturday; from 9 A., M. until 4 P. 11., No. 32 Bond street, Now York, eyary Tumidity, troth- p -to 81 N 0.38 , Summer. streat,„Boston,-.slossi-royery: Wednesday; loin 0 tral, and every other 'Friday at 108 Baltimore street. Baltimore, kid. All advice free, Ina for it thorough eamuinatlon of t h e lungs,with his Ito• spirometor, tiMoharge is throe dollars. Prico of the Pannonia Syrup und Seaweed Tonto , crich , St 50. per bottle, or 57 bin per half dozen. Mundralse Pills, 25 cants per box. , - 'For nolo by all Druggists and Dealers. • lon.l, 18C13-4y. ,AT !lAVERSTIOKS AT II A. I IEIIATIO Kl 3 . . . G UNS, PISTOLS, &a. • • I havo added to my already suyerlor stock of sport ing inatorlaln, soma Birmingham Double Gunn, Amor'. .cut, Binglo and Doublo , Gunn, Remington's Elfin Canes,. ltqcolvors,' Cooper's' Self Cocking 'ituvolvors, 'FlOry's Barmier, limiolzA Wohnon Revolving, Dixon Dead, Brat Farallon, Donor Powder Flasks, lily's Felt Gun Wraln,-Li,_ , , , : . , - • .. . ' - Rummel), my old kltoud-noxt door to the Conhon Ifouoo. I„ . &opt."lJ, 180 U T , codeotionnyy aucl , Fruyq,.. ut -1,11110. F. Clllol.oll' SEGARS & TOMO:IO,,i aril 11 i PAY BAXTON ME CUMBERLAND vALLgy kelt tr4 -414 off.ApNGE 'OF HOURS. • and MoND7Y . ,. May 21st, k_fl.B6Cl, l'argonger Trnlns w9ll run tinily as rnllowr, (Sundnyfi - n:trupted)l • ' • ••• WiIISTWARD. . - ACCOMMODATION TRAIN laaveS Harrisburg 840 A. M., Mechanicsburg 0.18, Carlisle 67, New villa 10.34 alripponsbarg 1107, Charabersburg 1.10 P. M. - , linmv castio 1.43, arrivbrikat Iligociitown 2 10 1'; 51. MAIL TRAIN loaves Harrisburg 2.00 I'. 51., Meehan lesburg 2.33, Carlisle 3 06, Nowvilla 3.40, Shipnousburg 4,10, Charabersburg 4.50, Oreaucastle 6.25, arriving at Hagerstown 6.551'. 51. •t EXPItII3.3 TRAM' loaves liarrisbing 4.16 P. :1, Mechanicsburg 4.51, Carlisle 5-21, NoWville 6.53, Ship. pentburg 021, urrlvlog at Cbambersburg at 6.50 P. 51. A 511X1:13 TRAIN leaves Chambersburg 8.20 A..M., Greencastle 0.30 arriving at Hagerstown 10.15 A. M. - EASTWARD ACCOMMODATION TRAIN loaves Churnburithurg 6.16 A. NI., Shippootsburg 5.45, Nowvllle 6.15, 6rlisklo 6.50, Illecluiutetthurg 7.21 an ivitiwatt, Ilairisburg 7.50 MAIL TRAIN leaves IlAgort.towu 8.10 A..51.,-Graou =Ala 8.45, Obamborsburg 0.25, Shipponsburg U 66, Nowrillolo.2o,,Carliale 11.03, Mechanicsburg 14,37, ar riving at llarrisburg 12.101'. EXPltneg 'OIO.IN leaves Hagerstown' 1800 .1., Grouncastlol2.3o, Chambsraburg 1.10, Sh - Ipponabbrg 1.43, Nulvville 2.15, Carlislo 2,55, Mechanicsburg 3 . 20 , arriving at Harrisburg 3.55 I% 51..• Ikt[XED TltA.Ol loaves Iltigoristown 3.05 P. M. Greencastle 4,00, arriving . at Cliainbarsburg 4.50 l',ll ire•Malcing closa conneattOua iti Ilarrirtairg, wit) Tritium to andiron' Philatlolphia, Nsnv York, Pittsburg 'Briltininro anti Winnitnaton. • Rem -Ron Ortux, h ambeisbuyg, Slay 17,1806. REQW-CritAll; ROAD - • L= VOI 5133131E41 APARANUEMENT. . ;TUNE 11th, 1806. t:tREAT TRUNK LINE FROM THE N_A North and North-West .for tlittadelphia, Now .York,Roadlntr, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Ashland, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, Ephrata, 'Atte, Lancaster, Colum bia, tic., As. Trains loavo I.ln - ritalturdrfor Now York; as follows: At 3.00, 8.105510.06 A. AL, and 3.10 ,aud 9.15 P. Al., cansoetlng with similar 'lndus on tbo_ Pennsylvania Rail Itoad, and arriving. at Now York at 0.00 and 10 10 A. N., and 4.10, 5.10 and 10.40 P. Al. Mopping Cars so. companyhm the 3.00 A. AL, and :t1„ Trains, without clump. L.VO IlartiNburg for Itextllvg, Pottsville, Tamaqua,' -Acidttud,-Vine Orove.Allentown and - Phil adelphia, at 0.10 A. M., and 2.10 and 4,10 P. 5t., stop ping at Lebanon and principal Way Stationa; the 4.10 T. M. Train making Ninvertions for Columbia and Philadelphia only. For Pottaril , o, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Sehnyllilll and Susquehanna hall Road, leave Ilarrlabuig nt 11.20`1'. Ileturning : Now I'M* at 7.00 and 0.00 A. :11., 1100 Noun and 0.00 P. 71 ; Philadelphia at S 15 .0. M., and 3,30 P, M., Way Passenger Train leaves Phila delphia 00 7.70 A. M., returning from 4tading nt 0.::0 P. M., stopping at all Stations: Potts, ille at 0.45 A. 'M., and 2.45 I'. III.; Ashland 6.00 and 11 30 A. M., and 1.05 P. 21; Tamaqua at 0.15 . 11.•21., and I.ou and 0.55 P. M. •Luavo Pot tsviillifor flarrisharg, riu Schn! !kill and Susquehanna Roil Road, at 7:00 A. 51. Reading Accommodation Train: Leaves Reading at 6.00 A. 31., returning from Philadelphia at 0.00 P. 51. Columbia Rail Road Traineleave Reading at 0.45 A. 5.1., 12.05. Noon and 6 - 15 P . -51. for Eplira - tli, - I=dtW,lldit , caster(Columbla, be. , On SUndays : Loavo Now Tor at B.OU It 31., Phila. delphia 8.00 A.31.,,and-3.15.1'. 31,, 11n,1:.00 A. 51.-Traitt running only In Reading. Pottsville 9.00 A. M. Taut arpin 0,00 .0, 3.10 flltrantnrg - g" 00.1 A. lt., 2104 Reading at 1.33 and 7.20 A. 51., for Itarrisbunr, and 10.50 A. II; for Noir York. and 4.20 P. 51, fer Phi/adeiphlo. Commutation, Mileage, .orison, School and Wsmir - : slon Tickets to and front all points, ut reduced Rates. Baggage .hocked through : 00 pounds /ale% ad rack Passengor. O. A. NICOLLS., General Superintendent. Reading, Pa. Juno 25, 1500, The Family Grocery. r JIE subseribrui, having, taken the va“,lf 7 Grocery Store -of 3toningtolth ti Maker, on nal! , St., 'ad.ionihilt Coia Machine Shop and Fon da y. hhSo joist opened a new and elk, glint atoiortnieut cf UIIOOI,IILES. dL.ISS and ClUMENS lVAltli,.seleeted with_yrreat eater fur family.supplitis, which th, y wlll son at the very lon •.si prices to cash. F.:very - article in the lino of liatolly Groceries trill clot ace In lop( fresh and -heap. '1 hey call partioutar - atteuttou to the • Ryreka Gla ss crud JurA, _ . . . of whleirthey - havo the exclusivexgen *c, f,r'f`arlitlo, hod which has moved , . 7 ., . i! , D., ;1,.., It o supermrity over all other vans or -'- ' : ..,,, ' Jars-now_in_natt-hy-Ile4tcat.t.implleity., r . ''ll perfect reliability in pooping Fruit, and' t the extraordinary 'MAC with which it in \11E4.. 1 ' f ' 2ll l' ;' l ol a ls n e ti . ' l T Z P in . lll d' ll; it st o U ' llld i p ". l3 ' l .'r ef„ i f or eu ' [ PATENT other jars without first examining the_ Eureka, if they avant to buy the best. We belie also KNOX'S. PATENT STEP. LADDEIt, an article which np house - d A il, i k keeper should be' without. 'A Is o , .I.lsh's .milebrated WASILiNG MA- ZiltiilS -, only Five 'Dollars, and the' Amldon GLOTIIES - WitlNtilllt., both of whi-11 they coulidently recommend to• give entire satislaction. They have also been appointed Agents ihr the sale of EAETHEN DR P tn , vhfeh they would enllthe attention of Parmer:, and ethers needing thou on the boot 4:1111 cheapest Strtielo to be fo•ind for convoying water threngb y:uns and boon-yards Also o variety of other on roe, as Uth.lll. M ATB of several ki ado and prices. nut 0m,..d a hupply Fresh Mei ring and all kinag of Malt Fish, pot up into Spring. Also Flour In harreir Kra sackr And Peed by the bushel. MARTIN d, GARDNER. '•May?:. ihar, Walker 86 C1a4.1.4y, (Successors to J. D. Gov , as ) r • THE subscribers respeetrully 'Worm tiro public in general. that they have purchastd t u Tin nod 'Meet 13,1 ll,taldisbment of Mr. Gorgon, in rear of t he Court Ile one, where they are prepared to accommodate the patrons of the old establishment and all others olm may favor them with their work. If 76u want the very test. . . COO - KING STO#E at the lowest price ) come to us. All insured for six months or longer. We hare nothing on baud but the best bakers. and Warntht them to ho sorb, for xe hoop none otlzor. ()ouzo and moo Um great variety. Wo can era bundrotlg of toAlmonlols If desired. COME and SEE, our P a rlor and Office Stoves for wood or coal HEATERS AND RANGES, Eitatioaary and Portable. iIuIiN WA3EI.IO - all Muds Ih great variety, made from the very boat thietilote . All yon nerd Ja_Oltr,Jl,p.a,ctil Le Tied from 114 at a vavl lig of 20 par - CAL L at our l:ltoru lino \Vino tagms,. In rear AJ thu Court Homo, and you_ welt nova moony lnj your put clumm. It will fully pay you to oComo: -- , Tin Roofing and Fpoutlug • dorm at shbrt notion liy Btrlct attention to bushiest. tho undersigned hope to- merit and moire a titanal share of imbllo patronage. .. • . =9 The. Carlisle Cook ! TO NEW AND OLD lIGUSEKEEPERS A new and perfect Air-tight Gas Con 4utning Cooking Stovo for Cool or Wood; CALL AND BIDE TT ! At ow' Finaidiy and Stove le001)18, Main & Carlisle , Thu pattern of Stoyo aro uow and ortginol ln . ntp,u 41,41 gotton up o?cprelody for our muo. Wo thoro Toro call it ✓ TIIL CARLISLE COOK I • • It eenthluoa every now and Valuable Improvement In 04Iiing Stoves. It le eltdondlegly handrowo in hp pearanco—ls a perfect Alr‘tlght and One Cohsundug Stovo, end may safely-1.0 pronounced the cheapest, best and moot °mold eke Cooking. Stove in the country.. We cast two shoe, adapted to tho ',yenta of both largo owl small families. Experleneett Hamel:rmora will' find upon examination, that the , • . NEW CARLIS.LE-COOK combinoN ovary requlslto fur ocionany and ofileinuoy fn cooking. Thq. public aro I,purbilly rootondod to call And boo ft, u 8 sun inn confidant It "will folly recOnonontr Staub'. - _. _ March 28,18611: 7 ,1y. —" N. GARDNEIt k. CO. Cli(3 l a. IV€l."Virf9, .... . ,large assortmont.or thoi)est -quality of • Groc'eries,Pfoas' ions S'pircs .Pridtb, gelling off nt tha vory loo4st pricao ruling in tho Mato of Pennsylvania, . . FOR ,OAS. -" Lcal - ontl 20tilify yourselves of cha truth of ilurneser• tiou. Feb. 23, 1860. 628. ' HOOP SKIRTS, . HOPKIN , S. !, OWN MAKE," . .A r e w ..Pall Styles ! respect first olass, and ombroco n oconilJto nosortmout for Ladlug; loses, and Childron, of 't.lait , Nowost styloH, droll Length and sires of Waist: OUR SKIItTS, whorovor hilonm,tiro metro nithor• sally POPULAie than any others boron tho .publle. Thuy rotitin Choir Bhnpu bot tor, aro lightur. Mom UIIIS tfo pwro dutyddo, and really OIIHAPIaty than any tthor HOOP Shirt In Iho matkot. Thu aprlngo and Motor,. ings aro warrantud period.' Eveny!Lknir should - IMT ThOy aro now baton oxtonalvoly Sold-by Blow. OMMTO, throughout tho Country, and 'at ,IVIIO,LE BALE & lIETAI L at ManufaCtory and Salon boom , 629' AROii Strout, bulow Mk. for norKIN , B . " moue;'-buy no ntLorl CAUTION;—Nono gonidno union Stumpod on cull Ind red,—,"Flopkln'a Idanufuctory, dolphlu:n — Also - Constantly on hand full lino of Now York mode inado Marta, vory lOw prlebs. TBM.IB NET - OA.BII, OND riga: ONLY% '.AND LOOK. IN: ST W. .Fridley's Tinrier .gl,iciti,7 - Eir.iit - Lontbor St., Slgn of thu_lled Coefeo Pot whoro you tho Pinot, fllkelkikeet,.aud Co COOKING STOVES Ever offered in Carilslu , lm hai+ on hand the litioit lax pi rived Paterng noel, Barley Sheaf Cooks, . • _ Prario.Flowve , ' Awl() eiinental, Ded Itca;m and Otileo nOteli of the latest. Patterns, and hut quality-The alma Cook StoVall ttre all \l:mll.4h ell . , to give Atiro satiafitrtipt. heeling, Spanking, float• at work, and all tin and• Shoot . Ironwork Ilona .T 1 the neatest manna? and at- short notico_, all kinds of tin and Shoot Iron ware constantly MI hand for housa fur - FRUIT C.A.NS'alad JARS. •Taro of the bent over offered to the pubib. Fridlof andCoronfan's SelfSeallog And bolt Waling (Inns nod Jars nlnn, Fisher's ratent, the Ili)(70 °MIS find dive can• not be surpassed In any notrket." 11 N-A E S The best brick, Sott and. Portable Furnaces ever of to -the public, for sale by Wm. , rll.lley. East Leather ... Call and see thorn In WO at Dr. iieldlg's, Conlyn's and C. Fleming's Alain Carlisle: Thankful. the a, I;ibural Patronage bereti'fbre as tcuded las hopes by eta let at tendon to business and &sire - to please all to merit u continuance of the awns March 23, 1860-0 y: J o in( I''rei . :} l, f itii,l Fur It;«,r(litg .Buiiiiiiiti bay ~,:l the °Mos opPbilndelpbta, Baltindite and blr,Av 1 'bufl,tad Palley Hall Rood Company ----' - -. -- WO T n hQ t/Ar un Frelht ' Depot . at, Carlisle on the Is .. COAL AND DITMDEIW .lanua ' ry 180; fr'thb I OCOilit nod filliPlllllllt, of all needs " - • T ST ' OUITIOttPti to thOttl• • f_l 211 ,.. .Ir, G as-_, , , ~,-, - -- • e i Jro. g o Co forwarded by thls arrangement must 'l.' AA_ , Hued with Iho kit at Punneylvenla Rail Mond Company bullet, Nix. i' Prod Shrum In ' corner of liith and 'Market St,, Phllndolphla. North. M C ' A .l*--- "" 4, ..„ .. :- . 4v . .7 . 1 ....' I c l u e., , :ii , .= and t 1 4, , , ,, - , ,, ,, , i , f, 1 , e , ,..1 4. Ll e ty i tl 4,r ii a ,l , ) , / a . hoe d 1 o C, y 'rfrn v i i: . 's it l - 0 )2ot c l o V , t p lln r. 7 . ' 1 ':.Tii .. ..7 . 7irt,7 - " I_,. .Stand et belaney and . i nel.ot'ai, Ca1 . .11.,16,_ .. • . 1 ~ , ', - r - ;'. . ' . ''''2l4''''. ';' hair, oho," ''' . will 1111,1:MIt',',','„7,11'1,,,'„nadc(',t,iltio,7i„ty!;'),.„'I`gl,`,1'itut`i.'.,:i0ahlii't by Company Cat's O. N. LULL, keep the hest and CLEANEST COAL,' In the Market, and.perrectly dry. Kept mndor • cever. Vaudlies will do ',ell to try us ; no wa are detiiry tabled to sell cleaner coal. and at as Inc prices as any other yard in the town. 'rry us anti be eidivtherd. We have also on hand ALL .ICINDS ---- OP . M.T.H.BER usually !tout In - anret Olson Lumber yard which ore will Cell es /OW, or Imcor than tile lowest Jan. 12. 1866. • DELANCY .h • • . ~. , • . . . -• . Y a ili-' 4 'K-:z- IR A. E. SW I NG, Lvil'h4 . Op cab • r. n 2 '.''' V I , l 'i '" tioA k ti,?( P 4 r! ' ' ;...),,:i-,!.. ~4,,,-;_,__ . • 141 , , f ..,,,,, ,, , .....:::--,; Ty WORA,Alltin St, - —l.__ --- 11 s t),aVi '-'4l.' A‘g 0P1 3 06 ur.r. LEE vitEIIOII:4E trrilit ;MP fill' BON , . 1')1 I , wcul•rlrrl ‘ f t (ill Fairs siirce 1857.] Furott ttro of all varied... 4 end Style:, of Porefsh twantititoturo, from thct hm2st 10801000 d and 111.thoouy to tho lowest prim.), m z tpio and piny Parlor, 1• Cltomlot Dining-room, 1 FORNI9L'UItic Kitchen. nod . . will leave their Ware'.Mel every morning at 7 o 7 e/nek, arrive at Tiara:Mpg ..11 II o'clDek , and ,at. Howard & Bin ehnian's Warehouse, Nos. PllO and 610 Market street Phllittlelpbla, tit 0 .i'eloelt in the evening of same day T. BEETEM & 11 11 09. BOOTS AND SHOES., • A T:tho-store-of' John Irvine-, -on th • . I 1. -- a_N• E. earner of the public Koltun, is .Aite place to I rarchana Bunts Shoos Bata .and Cgs, at phts,e . n „that defy rouqintition, , . lie has .1 . 4 returned frouithe East with the large6t .._ and nest complete inisertnient of Boots, Hie,,,, Hata it.. i Caps that he has ever 'presented to thin ei - Mmtuttity, Illsnd which lee Ls tletarati a atl.,h7 sell at the lowest 1., a ' FIRE INSURANCE. 1 sibielwices. His Ptock wiichla aces everything in his ; line 01 hoairtens, snob as- , .._ rg-qrv,Alleil and .I±;;Lstponnshoro' Mu- :MEN'. S & BOYS' FINE CALF BOOTS, A • tuai Piro Lanus:Oyu COMpady of lima herinati - ' - Comity. Incorporated by en net of Assembly, in the tit mots. Calf or.d l' n Linthei - 00 fin - d Tie-, Call .yete 1643. and having recently had it; cliarter extend. - 0 . 1 Ica , . i ie - oili ., ihtilet s, 'Calf A'uilifiera, Calf iiii.l ad - LA theyearl6.63, to nov in active and vigorous op , hilißreii.iiii 61 711 vi e, &c. . . eration. under the snow inteittlence of the followlitg •-•- •--- - . 1,-,1-3) ,i, E 5t....10 E A ,H,- - baud of Malltlgod... Viz i - Willi:1 u I. (I cartes, chr iatd a n ita) man, 4nenli Eherly„ . , F .t" 1, .ii , i."Ei ll 'ti I, 'Prgiiiiter,. Morocco Bid I BF:Lly,Ale.. Cith ,: t,.1. 11. CerVer, John Eich dig, , n. Kid ii" 01, %;Y ,, i ,i . id ~i iida, Z i, i dS-5114°.:-lior gin... Joseph Wick, -kiln, borni. Eberly, Moses Bricker, : rie , '• -"id Ii id B"• &e. , • Beduin), Martin, Jacob Coever, and I.C. Bunlap.”" till, hii• .1 II) ti , I I Wilt iiN"... IV di AI: of all Ilvrictip The'intec of Insura inie ace Al in.' and favorablii N 3 t". ernbr'''lng 1 . 6 I .a , ting Pinter, Miwincee en d i‘nyCompany st the kind in the 6t ate. Persons wish-, Laid leg Dolton lie , ts, Mt•roucce 111-10010 ot all Idio t s 101 to broom° mdtrthero ore invited to make amilica- .1 fancy ehotii ref yttrium. ~t',les ropparf4, an. . - .tion to the o'rents of the i Ntatparr.?, isle are willing to PAW ,V CAP 6. 811/.. Ca‘sinplo. Cur dad ll'icid I id.ts wait !twin - thlita - at - mg - titan... .. . ,i. _.. . _ -,.. , ‘ 461 ! l!ialiii". ~. 0 .. .0 3 :3 ! , , - 1 .1 ,5 , . ... hitate...nssottment Cl 14 01cEltS OF 'rum Of.rAll'AN Y._ S T l(l( A W li. AT S . . -' Wm• it.. fliniP.A 0, - Prii'i/iititi E1.. 1 3 . 'i , _,Mi111i . 0.u: • . Boot, and Shoi,:!_. made to or' ;kr tit tliA sliArfest twine - i•AHLEI34-1.-0-7,4± --,- ALEX. CA9'II4AIIT, Vice President; )4;6l,lolin:burg, CunihFtland county. .. _ .. ..... ... Office: - - - • Embracing every article used by (Louse and hotel keepers, Of the most approved end by design Ind (think. In - edulud - alstreottage furniture in cotta, rereoptlogri and Cdtql, Chairs,- Mottnaßeem, framets picturesotcc. CO—Particular attention given on ugual in fu nerafs; ordure from town and country, attended. to promptly and ou 'moderate terms. Wirell'2l, 1304 JOIIN C. DUNLAP, Sort . y. MoOtanirsburg, Cumber land county. .DANIEL BAILEY, Treasuror, DUryburg, Sort: Co. MANAI I Pat 6. William It. Cathcart, J. (J. Dvlap, Daniel Dalloy, Christ,n Stayeetn„Jacoh ii. Coover, I.,eph wicket:4i*, Eldielberger, Moaeri lirirke r, Ja cob Conroe, dull., Merin fames Anderson, drain ii. Doctor. Cumhorland?county —John Shenick, ;Ulan; floury 7.a3ring, Shiremanstown; La Fayette., PolTer, Uiokln- Fon; Henry hawmnn, •Chu,btown; Modo Urillit), b9uth Aliddloton ; Sandal 0 raluinl, IVoat Pannabor; Uugh: Saninel Coover , , filpehanie;:hu.,•,;; W. c u d, 116, I. , hophanWown ; J. S4xtoo, SilverNring; ;John Uyor, Ca rllsh; Oralon tin° FOOlll/111, New C.:M.01011.1d; \Val. n.Woodburd, Nalryfirj:— • York . b ounty.—Jutoulllth, Warri.trton F. .I.luualor(r, I)lll4burg Rutter, FNlrt ; jrthi, Carroll; ItLtm : , !tovens, Uoldshor'; blertiorll. Mulberry P. 0. Dauphin rnuuty,— , Jacob Harrlsburg The sulscribors inform tho public that they still continuo (bo GAbFITTII.4I AND bualum: at the Old SLnd 11;o havemont - tho Frisl Alothodlst Church. They rlll attend promptly to all .hlmlneas in their lino. .hood and Iron l'ipos, Hydrants, Hot and cold ,STIOWER „tiATES, Water Closets, FOrce and Litt humps; t Welded Tubes, Iron Sinks, Bath Tuba, 150th Boilers, n onh Ha ring, Hydraul.c Rat., Se., and every description o. cocks and fittings for gas, steam, water, Snpurior cooking rthigea, heaters and gas fixtures put up, in churchas,xfores and do ettings, at short notice, in tho most modorn style. All _myterials and work In oar line at low rates and warran`vii. laryi„.oountry work and johiii‘g Promptly attended to July 1, 1341. -'BARbWARE STORF,, rrilE old hardware stand of ,Lows F. 1.3 . n0,-bac paused into L4O Lundy of W, E. Millor A. Bowc,s, sr Lo xro nor trantist,Ang buslnoou un dv the mane and style of, -••• The new firm lowojust returned from tho city and are now prepared to turn to the public At the lowest prices, all kinds FOREIGN A N. 1 - PO.IIIEpTC lintlttram, Coach Trlttfing, Paint“,ollt, GLASS, VARNISH • dc. A lock into their store will couvined till that Choy have ildnis to fully supply : tin) dornand In this market: rorsone wanting goods In Our lino will find it to Choir tideuntago to givo us