FNA.NGIAL STATEMENT of the Boreaigh of Carlisle, for the Connell year 865-1866. D. CORNMAN, Esq., Treasurer DR. To balance from former Treasurer, $lOO 07 To amount of loan from Carlisle Deposit Bank, 1000 00 To dividend from Carlisle Gas dc Water Corn " pony, To rent of stalls and stands at market, To exhibition liconses, To P. Madden ' for dirt sold, To Manicipal lean against J. Dunbar's linirs, To Municipal lien against Mrs. ,tiirrn, To amount taxes front A. L. ithineherirt,Col- lector 1804, To fines from .Thstf yes Smith, Dolma' & 110 l comb, Tu taxes levied rut tie. yenx 10415, Total Receipts To amount of checks over paid hy Treasurer, Expenditu res. / Paid Oeo. Line and others, Interest do for °ugh Bends, Paid Gas k Water Company, for gas and Wrt Paid ' P Madden, Street Commissioner, salary, wages ul tmti is, and work on streets, 1,7(51 Paid J. Postlethwaite, sleet ion en pen4vs West Ward, 10 00 Paid A. Kerr, election expenses, East Ward, 11 00 Paid D. Smith, Esq., (pall fying boron ph OM-. erv, 1 , t1.1 James Marlin, Sr, .Inr.s• SuPerinte. dent of public (Ara,. Yard, Pahl Union !•'ire Co., appropriation for loot P:1111 State Irene,,, or, tax on Bonds, 101 15, Pall Cleaning Letort Spring, wage. of Lando, 173 50 Paid Alfred thirduer, stars for Police, 4 511 Paid Um It. Foote, repairing lamps, '2l 75 Paid Geo L. (lowlier, (cooling ordinance, :: 00 Paid Jno. Lost, news• pump at market house, 30 00 Pall Levi Albert, in tail of , alary as Lamp lighter West Ward, Paid Henry Wulf, crossings and tree boxes, Pahl S. 14.,peta, supper for Patrol, Paid John tanipbe)l, pine knots, ringing of boll be., fur Richmond Celebration, Paid Wm. Lyue, trees, Paid George Wetzel, posts, handles, Wheel barrows, ,Cr., lur Rot ongh, Paid A. S. Lyne, repairs at market house, Pant J Boas, 3 t HIPS for Police, 9 0 , . . _ Paid A. S. Lyn., 1 •l - miring lamps, 145 Paid E. Swartz, remosing 11 , 11.1iCt , IC , 7 27 Paid NV. Martin, supper for Patrol li (N Paid D. Black, 124 perches of italic 0 45 ets., 53 8 , Paid J. Araedrung, lor making out Duplicate, 15 Ui Paid John Spo.hr, planting treat, Paid lianashuh liliue, , I- I ,i net of troll at Spring, Paul )1. ltarnit7., 8 pi rch of Stone a:s 75 els , Paid It. S. Glass, work at Grave Yard, Paid W. Miii tin, slipper tar Po 0 - 'Ol, Paid Lautiaon setting curl, and 'uniting pavement on North ,Street, PAM Jonathan Zeigler, stepping stones, Paul George \ Vetzel, erecting ilea stand, lit outlast house, Pn d L. Punier, iiork at erossingii, Paid P. Spahr. If.! loads tit •totie,o„„ .5 et,, L 3 mcl, ,e l oote, plumbing., Paid Jahn lion pso,ltg that 6,0 Paid Cooper Eat li, t Inging Paid tie,. 11 . 0r/01. 1111 W ,, h,r It.trollgll and Midge , Paid John rauiphell, trimming trees, Paid iipprapt ,an..:, t t Hook s Lad,, U.dat. Pala JO, Mal lid, api ..jd 1,.11•.11 L. Uldoli Fli.- 001111,113 , Paid J. t.. (Mod Will lluae Cump.my, Paid G. A. 0111111 in, lipprOld aft n t„ low I,lllllld 1 . 1 rc Cum pone. Paid tjeci 'fa) lot extra ser,i,, Paid hi. OM., Paid Geo. lierteui, 1011.111. tlonr,ug , is or!, lit Borough bl Ides, l'ald C. U. II utter, numbering stand, at flint Let, and Id, btu out lur lamps. Paid A, s emit, id; tiinn ket house, glints nut work tor street' Lamps, Paid Iriti. llaudolmh, r,,loing and Netting curb tit Hoe, er Paid J J. lh,ler, Vail Broil itJt/, hal Jain n. Purl I. h Li lie, plait and hard," t . . Paid A. 11. BM., Inuilier, I`atil Delaney Blair, [umbel, Paid John H 14,1•11i1114 tlll.l L. Pald titan'. Putd \ Purl George lieetem, n mit tit market house, rind J. 11 Lai/lean, tug'," eineiii Let louse, ' i D. Ills It, for stone, Pall E. Cut nut.tn St Sun. it] luting, Past J. U. Br - Att., 1.1 tut tut.;. Paid I'. tzphau, but Paid L.Jst9 ut :51)prctIlk. C.. 111 I LI, Paid A. S. Lytle, 8,1 E. .'_',.lllZ.` , lllll at+ High Yntd A. ( ie, k, kalary n, 1.111111.-light, d, Paid D Lainialightir 11-1,1 ME Paid A. S Lyue,salal 3 as Clerk ~f Marko, Paid lion, Taylor, nalary as .lamo,r, Pat.' ll Cotoman. , lliao as Bnlnugh Tro,t- Paid J 7 , 1 lu,o lilt ian r. hitho t n. Scl y of Col porauoil, Punt 11. lc, balmy it , ArtS.l.llltt ,tll ,•1 Cam nw.hioriel Pro ed A. S. 1.3 De, tot It t•,, PAW 1). C01,111:111 101 oxtra ,or, l'imi J. 51. )I,llollllt`llllll, proparlng 'inf.. meat or Itorough Fund., p a id JtmioS Lotudt,lrl hook and tit/11,11- ury, =I Maxim. Regolatog. Pad .1 M. 11trrerr.urreirrrr.r. nod fr. r I'tiltl A S lie. rep,”nag I oupt Tutal pnt By Exonerntmts ailt.tv , l .t Kt ti. Aalount of taxes outQtati.lll, , 1..1. A • NUAL STATEMENT OF THE DEBTS AND SEATS ol"riin )UU Lmbilitirs Londe issurd for Gas k Water .wk, ecriptiun, Bonds adst.Ll fun all , A: ocript,oo. Bonds lssul d to George Line & :hallo/mit of )1. Nl arileu uxe of .Mrs E. M Is, gts, IWO ti .h 1 ell One • Rt. , luck lot . 1 1. 4cr i i , lion, par value, `.rL,, rit ii,ts ak. \Voter . .2r1.1 • , 1 1, ..0 15,010 3,100 ou i t t. tt , Par %slue, I^t tttiott cs On, n « " atvr stock, par %aloe note tsuttlog taxes 100 .1000, Excecs of Inclebtodneea Ltabiliticsfor Bounty Purposes DR. To amount received nom vale of Bounty Bond, 825,8.47 33 To outatanding taxes of A. Rinehart Culler. t r, 106 i, To amount of Duplicate for 1865 = [y amount paid on notes in enritele Deposit - .l.lnelc by. lienety ted..owi.d, iticeout patil un Lichen's, Ily amount peel Jelin Lie. pt uwtl 414 rredita to Itureugh, By enticlut paid Tha) et. Ba Lei. e uI Bounty, By awooat paid C. Warden, Bounty and Costs, By alllollat paid Rheem and 51 rally Printing Lunde, e c., By amount paid Stamps nod necessary Ex- poneee, By Exunemouns to A. Rinehart Collector 1584 101 35 By Lxoneratione to A. Kerr, Collector 18115, 441 47 Percentage allowed D. Corm:nen, (ay I ,e, per coat, Dalaw, Duplicate, lu Lunde of Trettatirer We the Auditors of tho Borough of Carlisle do certify, that we have examined the foregoing account of David Cornman, Esq., Borough Irons urer, and find a balance due him by the Borough of Mx hundred seventy-seven dollars and forty-three cunt. The above statement of the Liabilities and RHBUEItI3 of the Borough we find ear ecct. We have also examined the account of said Treasurer with the Bounty Fund, ..nd find a balance due by him to said I. nod of one thousand eight hundred seventy seven dollars and thirty-two cents. J. P. BIXLER, R. D. CAMERON, Auditors A. K. EIIEAFER, The First Premium, FOR THE BEST PHOTOGRAPHS At the late Cumberland County Fuir, has been awarded to C. L. LOCHMAN. Ai R. Loehman has the pleasure to an- Lti_ nounctl to the public. that he has rcrpurchase.d old room from Mr. M'lllillan In Mrs. Nelrs build ing, opposite the First National Batik, and guarantees that his PHOTOGRAPHS, • •: CARTES DE VISITE, AMBROTYPES, &c. Have no superior, and In tone, finish and clearness, surpass most pictures produced. Ho gives his person al attention to the room, and with the best and most Improved int.truments and appliances warrants the finest results. A large assortment of Gilt and Rose wood Frames, and splendid Albums, for sale verp cheap. Copies of Daguerreotypes made In the most perfect manlier. Oct. 21, 1865. HA RDW A.RE STORE. Tb.HE old Hardware stand of Lewis F. Lyno, has passed - into:the hando of W. E. lillilor - A. Bowers,, titnii - are now transacting business un der tho name and style of , L MILLER & BOWERS. - z ,, Tho now firm have just returned from the city and aro now prepared to furnish to the public at thdlowcatr prima, all kinds of . _ FORENN AND DOMESTIC Hardware, Coact/ ir,lmlng,Painte,.ollB, GLASS, VARNISH, Ate. A.locic into their store will convince ail that they' have . enough of goods to fully supply the demand i this market. Penne wanting goods In our 1100,11 , 111 find It, to their advantage to give us a tall.' All ',Orders personally , and7ruptly ,attended to. .„. . , July 7,380. •• LIFE-HEALTH-STRENFTH LIFE-HEALTH-STRENGTH LIFE-HEALTH-STRENGTH THE GREAT FRENCH REMEDY DR. JUAN DELAMARRE'S Celebrated Specific Pills, Prepared from a prescription of Dr. Junta Delamarre, Chief Phymeian to the Hos pital lu Nord on Lariboisiere cis: 5G2 00 1,020 99 13,5 00 22 75 6 00 89 24 13E3 This in, al milde medicine is no Imposition, but is unfinling in the cure of Sparmatorrine or Seminal Weakness. Loot y species of Genital or Urinary Irri tability. Involuntary or Nightly Seminal Emissions frrm whale, r rouse produced, or however novel e will be speetilly relieved and the erg as restored to healthy action. Read the following opt nh,us of eminent French phy sicians: "We trite used the Specific Fills prepared by Oat ancient Dupont, No 214 Hue Lombard, from the pr,,riptam, of Dr. Juan Delamarre, In our private practice m Mt unit tin seeress. 10111 we 11010,3 there is uo other medicine calculated to cm,' all per sons sullering from Involuntary Emissions or any other weakness of the Sec nil Organs, whether caused by a sedentary nu de of living, excesses or abuse. 9 .30 5,:"00 40 $3 ,647 79 677 I I EMS X 3,169 :16 MEI Paris, May :db,IBIIIL BEWARE or CouxTERFEITs. Tho u Dills are sold by all the principal Drug• cute t brotmlmut the World, prier One Dollar per Box, or l ix floors for Five Dollars. 11 ANCI I:It I.: A DUPONT, Sole Proprietors, No. Rue Lombard. is One Dollar enclosed to any authorised Agent. will insure a Is, by nd.ulli mail, securely sealed from all oh et sat ion nix boxes for live dollars. Sole t;, me al Agents tar Amerie3, OnCAII U. MOSES A Co„ i Cortlandt St , N. B.- Frebeh.limnan, Spanish and h Dampb lets, containing lull pat Menhirs and dbeytlons tor use. sent fr, to ant adifi rye. Sold t t CarlisM 6t ,F. W. I 1,1,10 T I ' /11:(1 XI II A V Elt- 2, 00 .00 00 15 00 1 00 `) oil Is 7 0 00 CAT:\ It 11 II S N l I 1 F! 'I Lis ,null h , I nrd Itnl ll le he the be•l nth le I, a• eeu I, ear hie Waleb,Cidd ia.thu Ile el awl Heads , iit! 1' :I , bee. found an estll lllde 111 I Eyes. 1/0.0 . 111., 1111, lII', 1 1 . :1.01 I t•nnug ha, ,ftea been 1. , ,r eat- I) ISII n Ne.l If at .1 a,. eshh•, and Gives Immediate Relief 110 31 6 00 lo 00 1, 00 1 - - 0 10 ( 1 111 00 -11 11 10. deli iltqlV3 111111 , CallSeri I ditoasesot tlo 111. Actor 11 , , it au, illelnghltal moil 1, re.r, 1111 a 11111 . 4. 0 out all 4.lintl 1111i1 , 11S, $ :ill • nun glant'S. :11.'1 alvo4 a hoalt, , action to tlo• te.l. Moro Than Thirty Years' N1.1,11.111 • N c.nt,n II .1101 111_1 — ,null, L.i. 100%. It, all tho 01111- /11,i tlll . 1101. :1101 "t t hi. no..ehit it stut,i , l,::;lo I tlnn 0 1 . II l- n.. 01.1001 !, 01.111) I LI,. 111th gte.it -wrote- lion eveo IBM \\*bolo-Me I)rug gi,ts in IS(I I. * 11i..1. hits t 11911) 31.11 1.14•11 git 111 1 11 I 1 1 - -11 tII 1 I 1•:‘ in , •11.• 1-11 11 11 .1 1..1 11( v. Itl 11 v ht it L, 1,1 I•Sviy rt,iwet, t gIN ot It Fir i• ,• .1, 1 I ~ tll t hat It 11 , c1.11,11y lit. I ,, —t i• eVII 1.11 , 11111 toi tho r:. rly, Pat Is, Nt.“ . WI A 11 At 10 1.mtu,..11... Paul A 1:,•• .1, t Liner C., •• :111110r ACo " • ,1.1••••••ttlt 10.1.1,j,,,..• I Alt .' A. C., •• llt • kt " 11. II le. Iti,ll ,alt• rr 'I Dr I=1!1 ItELIEV IN TEN MINUTES Brain's Pu!monk' Walers ! tn.'l he ci k:111(11 :ll,lb in, (..,t 1111(..;7, and 1,4. alto ;o of the hind (,er introduced under the .% Fb.ll-."iu till , ol aby other r tAry ; all (The; l'ithnonic a:t al.( vonnteileita 'III° III:ill:III:. 0:111 Igo t 110U:11.y the name MIN' A N bring tontine(' (.11 I:11 L tt ofer. The., \Valera have lawn hetore the puhlie for nearly ILli to yeat , , and the ilillllens,yph. attained, not only in ant an, hot iu tbrelollo,llllLlries, t.IIIY atte•t their Intl in-, b. rill. 'I Ine itiy(lleal pl,p(a.t until6111:P1k:1 t I 1/.11 . ILA r:t Lir bu 1.11, 01 I, the et], o f I.lllnom,,ry or Ilro, (nnl earl( b., 1.. in ally double that ni the niany 11 mirthless innhab adv( nisod Bryan's Pulnionie Wafers 1,10 t-ort• hn,al, 110alsethe4s, AtAlita, l'ataith 150andaltia, I.llllcult 111,1111111,,, t , pittirg 01 111- d, nit sin t leripieuL Cenhttniption and 1 I.lot 101,, :sOL 4.‘11) all edlng te:iel, eiletAllig rapid alOl ht• Ling rune nO.ll 1 1.11.1 1.. //I/ 1..1/ 111 N, I tintalic I and Ili ,I n.ll • t i• i..ll,llined 111 :1 I ,, rni ':lull 11r.rallrl It tliu taule, Ora ;my rhlld ~11 I.ly take 1.111,11. One di :u II Als a) s d ME MEE RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES \ Vllll It 11111• rrrkerus, these \Vale, art i.e. talttal:le . ll.ey it ill in ahe day rethot e tilt. 111. f ".1. , hharsener.s ; Irgallar lit • I a tea .1 i o :11..1t all 111,1•11N1. 111 e :al Ilea:I:111[y 4:1 the rffirr f g rally iw pl ovlng its e cI,II.IIeSS, ,11:CII 1,1110.. they ale rugulttz ly lt•••:1 Lc than) ta•nr: Ihe1: r 3 git oelt 1,11) 4.1 (111, 111,:1111.11)1.. rrruetly is thduce 1 ufliahtriplett plain to hi ti:lre Lase 111:1 t,:t :alit a: hi th , 11:1:: let the jest yap , . iii a•tic 4.1 the pat, heat r, aid injure the 0hm:1..1,1 . .4' the gouttlta: h. illf1111• Ina =MI 35 .110 1)0 h Sh ) •t• that t tvc , ttl, "Ill: \ ' •I ttoputtn at.), %ink, and also ~Lie, vu thu ta , • stunt.: vt the st,tnlttnre Pr..inietur “.1 , , It )ItUil.,' 011 1•31 . /1 tt ruppor, 11111 i, reit tt hi. It is A* - 011onding p:u lire tt t,l Le tivalt is tilt to Lite lull extent of It It hits =II MEM 11111%N ., VI NN Al an fur Ralu 11 all Drag gistv. • • • . . METE CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS 164:.-'1 _S 4,1111 - fl 0.11 n proscription ol Sir J. Cho k, V I) to the guy,. MEM . rrll IS well kimActi medicine i s no un. po.nio,t.i.suro And sail, remedy Mr Female Inlnr,ltie , atoll ~ i ,trtri.fmn, , nmit any ram, n !later, A ny AlLlinull n pnwerinl r, minty. it 1 . 1010L1)11.1 Urithing ti 31 . :1.t.1 1,41 e, It Iv peeellarly t•ttitell It will, lu t e . , 1/riti on the 11.11011 y perl 4 .1 It ,ego 141 - Ity 11, Nervetts Spittl,tl ,%ffectietis, Pahl lo 3.1.• 1 t wed Fatle:tlenlight ex ert en, I . .epliat.lllll “1 . the !lent t, Low '-p1.115. 11,-let i. it It mutt ollthe 1113111111 occa•imet.l by a ills .stored •ystent, these l'llls 1, 1 :1 CM.' 5113., ell Wiwi ttleans lint, 11111,1. "41 o 0 10,6 - .3 2 4 ' , 41 - 1.... 0" t , 31 {4l h - J 1 U 61,11 101.1,1 to Nil is lo.ro I he .li.. gill t/1.. 211 of pittiphlot ulo well I 1 , 1 tut tl.to . 1,11.1 ostiltirs, pot a panitshit•to tree, or lo• ,I nod IS potstAi_e s amps istirloio•ct t o al l y ~ilh , 11,11 its 111, is ill os , orst a bottl, cositasishot over 1.111, I.) eel unn mail 15 E 12. Inuon—ly. A gout, MEI i.O 00 2-0 15 New Grocery Store ! cHANGE,OF FIRM I OM THE unden,igned hereby announces to hfe old ' ,al room nod customers. thni be has dis. nom.' of hie malt.° sleek ul tioodH with the good will of the ustabllshnlent to Messrs Pelf, k Waldimoud, Wll6lll he revommends to the eltizens of Cum Lerhu,d ou ty. 05 actlre, onto getie nod relial lo huhiness oleo, 1,110 will spore no paint, to to/dui:tin and improve the ellarnoter ol the old strand as a Shot 01:04. =I 11,5 15 6,681 51 1,h77 35 .: , 11,"62 07 with rn a . 1) ti i t hs for t t ronogo he has I (Tel ef'd ho horpenl.e r the new firm tt von ti into nro of the 88111 e PEFFF,It & WABI-1111.0013 will in a few days receive the largest and best !molted stock of ' GROCERIES, CHINA WARE, QU EENSW A RE, GLASSWARE, WILLOW WARE, &c., ever brought to this place, and will constantly keep on hand the choicest Groceries the Eastern Markets afford. A full assortment of Lamps and Oil on hand. Call and coo us at the old stand, South East corner of Market Square PEFFEIt & WASHMOOD. January 6,12.06--ly. itLarge and varied stook of G roceries, Queonswaro, CANNED FRUITS,- sauco.,Fish. , which I am selling at the very lancet Cash Prices. Thoso lodobted to the subscriber, and particularly those in arrears for a longth of limo will come forward and promptly pay,np, as longer delay will not" be sub mitted to. Nov. 3, 18135 PURE LIBERTY IVIIITE 011 do more and better work at a given Cost, than any When! Try It I Manufactured only by Zia; 7.Elt & S I TU. Wholesale Drug, Paint & Wass Dealers, No. 187 North Third Street, Jan. 22, 1866-Iy. DRESSING CASES, Ladies' and. Gentlemon'i. bec. 15, _ , Burnt, Rose, Coffee, Vanilla and Choc°lnto. bee, 15, 1865. AT nermisTlCKS Presents for-all at Haverstick's. RITING Woks, Papier, Mashie, aosnwood /4 Walnut. Dec / 15, - 1865. AT lIAVERSTIOKEI. GEM BELTING ! Just resolved a large assortment of all dz.:m— -.01-in Bolting, Gum 11054 Guin Packing,: &e.; and' for stile (heal:, at the Hardware Stars of • „ 11141 4 1ItY• SAXTON. ' • 25,1804.• It. A. W.:ADIII.:I'AM I, 'II. D U. U. 1711.1 AHD) :V, )1. I). JEAN LE 1,1.11A111111.1, tl. U. DR. MA FISII Al, EIME r. 27 . 'ittlaiL It ,t . N. I= FAMILY GROCERY. =II Always On Hand IN3I. BENTZ AT lIA.VERSTIO E FORWARDING AND COMMISSION HOUSE 'FLOUR & FEED, COAL, PLASTER & SALT BEETEM & BROTHERS having purchased of Snyder k Newcomer their entem sive Warehouse. (Ilenderson's old stand,) head of High street, beg le.ive to Inform the public that they will continue the Forwarding and Commission business on a more entenslve scale than heretofore. The highest market price will be paid for Flour Grain and I' , oduco of all kinds. Flour and Heed, Plaster, Salt and Hay, kept con stantly on hand and Mr sale. Coal of all kinds, ombr,cing LY KENS VALLEY, LOCUST \lO UN TA IN, LA Vir BERRY, &c., &c. Limaurnory 'and ftlackspeitbs' Coal, constantly for sale, Kept under cover, and delivered dry to any part of the town. Also, all kinds.of LU MIIER constantly on hand. A Daily Freight Line will lefty° their Warehouse every morning at 7 o'clock, arrive at Harrislung at 11 o'elovh and at Howard it 111 nehman's WarehouFe, Nos Slid and SIO Market street Philudelphia, at ti o'clock in the evening of same day J. BEETENI 'mos. Nov. 10.146 n. • M , 4 A) "(lel , , . * . i) ef;f: IVlieeler Si Wilson and Bowe. LOCK STITCH SEWII.RIGi kit A t Hl* s. 'l'! 11 , . / ~J ( pest rrNVilson machines are „. 1: , i m4, 1 to all Lirol , 1.1 I null; M.Wlng, worlsinis, woll upon 1.111011 and Cotton goloiS, jib I 1 ot L. , 111111.i Inolutiful niol 010 Ito t itch ollo• ,•11 both si4les nr I lie vrtn•le 1•11,,,1ti N 1 littolor ttt tottoilltots No :t tt.to•ltittt• tt t I.att,,tat Itrottzp, • e I t -r pl 111.1, The Howe Sewing Machine t.,11;11 `11".111OlO, Satllm,ltt to this- -tht. litehlorg It In titutititriougly admitted t tdi4Frin,.•ve “, 1.. :Ai i.ttl, ,Li li ~,t• I,,LU,Lr A ziILIL `i rtltOjOr. 1.11110, 311 t (latiet 1..•t10t 8. Itt.tolLlnn i.l) ....LI, \ hitt/. • 11:t..1 IL, II& I. , •th t' 1 , v. , ' 0nu1 , •11 , ! ,,, 1 I , I 110.,,y :111•1 nllll lat It Irurdilw IL funs litzlll. 3,1 rapi and N, Ito 1‘ ,, r1, It HI 111 , tie Call :Ind rxar , ll,lr at hail lla I'elegt:ipit 1 , 111:e. Cit 11 , 14•. l'a. uvt GREAT DISTRIBUTION In' TILE nitql Jewelers* Associalion, Depots : 37 & 39 Nassau, & 54, 56 & 5S Liberty St , NE NV Y Olt CITY, 111 Its "011 :111 , 1 )11 . 11.d1.11 . 1 , . h.' I rarv.4rnviTlgs. ,tl%. r 1 ; 1 .111:1,1 , 1,1v, 11nt,111,, Elo rru.ni•l lug I.! Din T ,,,n..l 111ant,r1.1 Ring, treln ts. ('• r nl. snie. Jet, Lill, Intl Camp. t.,(i 1i1.1.1 r I n , nosi.,.. Ituttori , net,: Ftu.l, t n. 4 .111,1 NI - ..1. 111.11?,, Plain nil CIIIO,II (i $1,000,000. FORO?:E DOLLAR, which they need not pay until it is I;enu n nhnt driikin and its Nal THE A ERICAN .1E1V1 . 1.1,1 , 111' 4 ' .t 1 1• 1 :414'1 tTH,N roll yotty at tenth it to tilt Lu t of its belt,. the lars"est ant most !top.] tt iell it lip the L'ltitet :states. 'lin t. and atty..) , he. 1,,0, conduct 4,1 In the 111 ,, t, candid all•I Inalluvr nu iplilly I twrea.m.r, Oath. 1, .1 sill, L:11:11tnl ee of 'l,O ryip. 1,r - 4, 1/nlllOl ot [half .•1. , l•O• illvtl,•.l et ohtainin T“• 11. elo12:411t tad lostl3 goods 'I he sodden (v1111111:I Lion of the lot Ina, has muted the tnllwe of a large nttntletr of hentes N 1' , 'Who were ext.,. nil Ply, ettwaged to l unoinestrnmet, 011./11 , 4h the bloc 411.11.411 W; Ihell to , ell Iheii 1:0o,1••• at a grey s3co o. m ',MI,' inst. inn s less than toe-t , ui th tilt 11”. of 111,11111 . 1.•tkiring. tt hate lately wit, ha., ecly largely of these 11.11.1110 ttteek.at s eh nn ttente Iv low prices that we call nll,u,t to se,' 110..04 and wive Lotter chance• to draw the 111011' viii l/ 111101,1, S i11:111 nu. olhor doing /I,illl Ilnr lama •,•• 11l It Ali] it TO and we re sin ctlolly soli( it your ittarone_e, es st ear.. confident o 0..114 the ntznost sat istat•t hat. Dm hog the past j'ett I. have jar w turtle 1 a runs her of the most vlllll,llO, prizes to all pat ts of the .e.unt y. Those who patron 17., Us %, ill lervill• LI.. luil 1:1111.1 of their 1110110 y, :IN .uncle on our 11 , 1 is w0..111 less t lot. (Int. Dollar. retail and there ant• 11.1 lihl ul,. 1 • .11111'S 1//1 i 1 .4 wilh us Only depend on ha% nig I sonipt tet. mats. and the artist .11.te n will to intintaltatel. sent ,m 3 :111,111•Ns !.). le Lllllllll.lll or 0 toes-. 'I he tallotl int; pat ties have recentll thaw n pt Ives hoot the A , • et halt JI. , 1'11•11 . an, hall. I, uidly :ill•ost•t1 tin. 11,, r.l ILrlr u . uw, • ch Houh,.l, . 1. , 111 . \ I epariment N1;1,, itnioo, li C Lilt.. Nis, %nod II Vni,e. .52 :I Nlat k's , Nl:whine, value ‘ 57;•; 1111i-li,, 1,. P. S. Vole.. Ndshville, Tenn.. Sliver 'lra idlue 1..11115,1 Float St , 11.trrishilr 1 r, l'.l , sewing Nlaihine, value $110: Lieut. -Colonel IVditer ChiLlenden, QuatierudisLor Lonist ill.. Icy., (lola AVaitch, value, $150; S jog St.. s , Silt Wtd...11 slur $:.11 .1. 1111,, , 11, 1:St1 6.ii1101 . )11,101 lour P11.11,e, Ni112 , 101t,11 . , tl lun, Ladies Einnuelell 1,1,,,• ;Ltd); Samuel Lee. Snip, Plesident anti lied ll.lah Mining C. mpaLy, San Frain:Leo; Nl,L,.deso, cn line f'_o .lame S. Long, Esd l't lu ipal /dd t 1'..11..,4idtt. I ostitute, , tn. va I ; It NI. Longstreet. (lot. g anew Ala, NI n4l, But, : N'at, Due r, AI hit”. N. P , ll,dd Lined (dodo; Set. 13 u ; )Ile 11:11,1 I,lll.llgtior, Ilan feu, (11111/, l'1:111 , .11/1 .. ..1• V3lllO $4OO 11 nil hilll..ind Pin, ‘llll,O 5'175 Nlani 1111111, 1 . 05141 6e p1ae..,1 on the List, Ind, i i , puldish inn anise nsitlioul permission. our patron 1.1,1 red Cluile.l 01,11, Ullrrellry whin :5 I ronvenient LIST UI" PA RTIA L ARTICLES SOLD FOR ONE DOLLAR EACH Witli,mt I'6.g:it'd to value, and 71,4 to ho loth fur until vii know what you will r,coiye: I 5 Eleg , tit Rosewood Pianos, worth nom 2200 to $450 11. Ele..ion I Melo •eons,ltose weed Cases 175 to 250 50 Ftrst Class St,, lag M.tehines 411 to 300 16 Fine 1)11 Paintings 30 to 100 1511 Flue Steel Eng, livings, framed 20 to 30 50 Music Boxes 25 to 40 150 Revolving Patent Castors. Silver 20 to 40 50 Silver Ft oil 11.. d Coke Baskets 20 to 35 400 Seto of Tea and 'Pablo Spoons 20 to 50 150 Gold Hunting Case Watches, warranted 50 to 150 100 Diatnonds Rings, cluster and single stout. 75 to 250 175 Gold Watches h 5 to 150 3011 Ladles II /itches GO to lOU 500 Silver Watches 20 to 75 Diamond Pins, Brooches and Ear Drops, Ladles' Sots of Gold and Coral, Jot and (hold, Florentine, Mosaic, Lava, and Cameo; Sets of Studs, Vest and Neck Chains, Plain and Chased Gold Rings, Gold Thimbles, Lockets, New Stylo Belt Buckles, Gold Pens and Pencils, Fancy Work Boxes, ti Id Pons with Gold and Silver Exton ohm Holders and a largo assortmont of Fine Silver Ware and Molders, of every description, of the best make :std latest styles. ALE,- A chance to obtain any of the above Art des for ONE DOLLA It by purchasing a sualott onvolopo for 25 eta. 4*"'" for Si pled Envelnpos win be Hunt fur $ Eluvun for $2 ; Thirty for $5; Sixty-ltvo for $lO ; 0 hundred lor $l5. Agents wanted everywhere Unequalled inducements offered to Ladles and Gents who will act as such. Our descriptive circulars will ho sent on application. Distributions are made in the following manner : Certificates naming each article and it its value, are Placed in scaled envelopes, whicharo well mixed. One of these envelopep containing the Certificate or Order for some article, will be delivered at our office, or cent by mail to any address, without regard to choice, on receipt of It cents. On receiving the Certificate the purchaser will see what article it drawn and its value, and can.titen send One Dollar, end receive the article pamed, or can choose any othm one article on our Hot of the same value. Purchasers of our Sealed Envelopes m y, in this manner, obtain an article worth hum ono to five bun drod dollars, Long letters aro unnecessary. have the kindness to' write plain derections, and in choosing different arti cles Iron I hose drawn, mention the style desired. We prefer tette] s to ho addressed to our Box, 5319, Post Of fice, for greater safety. _ * * *Orders to SEALE!) ENVELOPES must lu every casette accompanied With the Cash, with the ,nttme of the persou sending, arid Town, County and State plain ly written. Letters should to addressed to the Managers as fol lows 7. 0111 AN, WATSON A: Co., Pox 5310 Post Niro, Now York Jau. 19, 1806-3 m. Iron, English Refined. CENTS lb. Nails, $5,50. Horse BERMS, $7,25. and by ory th I rig oleo In proportion at TEENSY SAXTON'S &NS will find it to their ad al and purchaso thoir Medicinal' at RALSTON'S. , ; july. 1,1861 SCHENOKIS MANDRAKE PILLS FOR LIVER COMPLAINT. A SUBSTITUTE l I OR CALOMEL. your bowels aro costive, TRY f you have worms, TRY THEM f your bronth In bad, TRY THEM you feel drowsy, TRY THEM f you oro low wplrlted,. TRY THEM. f yon ave a rick headache, TRY THEM. Von have taken a drop too much, TAKE A FULL DOSE Tboy only cost 25 cents a box. TRY THEM Blue Marts, and other preparations of Mercury, ac tually produce more suffering and death than the din moms which they Profess to cum And yet this corro sive mineral no denounced by the allopathic doctors, is prescribed by tiftho almost universally in Liver Com plaint, Consumption of Lungs, sic. are composed entirely of roots and herbs, obtained from the groat t-torehouse of Nat ore, and their salutary of led 0 will appear as soon as the medicine is brought to the test of a fair experiment. SCHENCK'S MAN DRAKE PILLS do not produce any nausea or sickness of the stomach ; hut when given - far Dyspepsia, It may be proper to use them in connection with SCHItNCK'S SEAWEED TONIC. By this judicious treattnent the digestive fitcultios are speedily restored to their full o Igor, and the 'worst roses of indigestion may bemired. IS Min We reflect that the liver in the largest Inter- nal organ of the body, that to It is assigned the impor tant duty of filtering the blood and preparing the bile, that it is subject to many disorders, and that when it is diseased or inactive the whole body stiffen sympa thetically, it is not surprising that a medicine which can restore the healthy operations of the Liver should oduee aunvicrful changes in the general health, and effect ores which may appear to be almost miraculous. Headache of long continuance, severe pains in the side, breast and shoulders, Itehhig of the limbs, a feelin: of general weakness laid w retched nose, and other alarm ing and distressing symptom., indicative of imperfect or disordered action of the liver, are speedily remov ed sl . %(.:.,..' .de 11 ATSAN 1) U. A YS , ".. - : 4 0%: *--1-" .;h -.. o fall descriptions, from the common Wool to the finest Fur and Silk Hots; end 'et prices that mustsult every one who has an eye to getting the worth of his money. The stock includes, , MOLESKIN, CASSIMERE, BEAVER & FELT HATS, of every Style and solor and unsurpassed for Lightness Durabiliqy and finish; by those of any other establish wont in the nountry. Mon's, Boy's and Children's flat's and Caps, of every description constantly on band. Ile reopoelfully invites all the old patrons and as many now ones as possible, to give him a call _ _ my I, Ifie4 .14/ . .. 1 1) st, C 4e r• 1 e ST . =1 JJAVING just ioturned from the 11 Eastern cltlos desire to inform their patrons that they have laid in a large and varied stock of New and Fresh Goods at the lowest cash prices. Their assortment Is thorough and complete, contain. lug everything neressaay to constitute a First Class Grocery. TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, in greatest abundance, and at lowest cash ligures.— Syrups, Spices, Canned Fruits, QUEENSWARE and Crockery, Salt and Fish, Hams, Cheese, Crackers, Brushes, Baskets and.,Willow Ware. &gars and nhneco, of tho Choicest brands. Brooms, Buckets, and a com plate assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES. Don't forgot the old stand, south East corner of Hanover streotg. Feb. '24, 1864 CUMBERLAND VALLEY HOTEL. N. E. Cor. Blain and Beaford Sts. CARLISLE, PA. JNO. G. lIEISER, Proprietor. ESTAUItANT in the basement, which Is n ya lt= en with the very best Of 114uore a edibles of all Tune 16,1665-Iy. VoIIIOTOGRAPH ALBUMS all sizes and styles c. 15, 1866. AT EfAVERSTICKS tOADIES COMPANIONS, all aorta shapos and alzos. c. 1845. . w AVORK BOXES, , Ottbas,' Port 'Fo iio.; Tour.t,Doke, Confoctlonary DpiOBi Onmos of all lands: , , D0c.16, 1805. ,' .. ' AT I.IAVERSkOI4.. ; , . ~ AT LIAVERSTIOItB U"'Confectionary .and Frnitai at atworatiFk's. CUMBERLAND VALLEY READING RAIL ROAD • • 4'4 r ) Ali 17; i►any. FEEPHIT DEPOT, A.. 1. K UT7...\Jettt.. BOOTS AND SHOES. NEW AND FRESH HALBERT & BRO., HALBERT & 11110 AT_IIAV JOHN IRVIN I. MMl=l