the Constitution of West Virgi,nia,in 1862 ; was a member of tigi LeginiaturV Of that new State from it organization to' June, 1803, and in November of that year he was elected a Senator in Congress from West Virginia for the term ending in 1809. serving on the Committees on Finance; Pensions and -Post Offices and Post Roads. BENJAMIN F. WADE He was born in Feedin;; - Dills Parish, Massachusetts, October 27, 18l 0 ; received a limited education, and c ommenced llCti VI! li ft by teaching ichool and attending to agricul tural pursuits in Ohio, to which State he re moved when twenty-one years of age. lle studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1828, and held the various positicns of jus tice of the peace, prosecuting attorney for Ashtabula county, State Senator and presi dent of a judicial district. In 1861 he Ives elected a Senator in Congress from Ohio for the term ending ih 1857; and lib was re elected for a second and third term., ending in 1869, serving as Chairman of the Commit tee on Territories and of the Special Com mittee on the Conduct of the %Var, and as a member of the Committee on Foreign Rela tions and on the District of Columbia. SVAITMAN T. WILLEY was born on Buffalo creek, Monongalia co., Virginia, October 18, 1811 ; received a com mon school education, and 'graduated at Mad ison College in 1831; in 1841 ho was elected Clerk of the Monongalia County Court; sub sequently Clerk of the Circuit Court, holding the two fourb en years; in 1850 he was elect ed to the Convention to refo-m the Constitu tion of Virginia; in 1853 he delivered a series of lectures on Methodism, took plOt in various local societies, lectured on various topics, and wrote for the reviews ; in 185 e be was a delegate to the National Conven tion of that year; also a delegate to the Ph.- mond Conve; Lion of 1860-61; in 1861 he wa elected by the reorganized Legislature of Virginia a Senator in Congress, and at the close of that year was a delegate to the Wheeling Constitutional Con ventiOn ; and in 1863 he was elected a Senator in Congres , f. um West Virginia for the term ending in 1865. serving on the Committees on Nava. Affairs, the District of Columbia and En gross id Bills. In 1863 the degree of LL.D was conferred upon him by Allegheny Col lez,e, of Pennsylvania ; in 1864 he wn, re elected to the Semite for the t. rill COM nwne ing in 1865 and ending in 1871. DE= Ile Was lore in t'ttlttrobitt t•twitty, York, 'Alarch vod :to rnie I education in Itamida,ga county, stn hi' ill W, and tto Itt•ing lidloittr.d th , btu. 1 4, iiiiiredizitcly emigrnt,tl t J,,xv:, 1847 lw \vit. elt , t•lctl.ltith2J. (4• the h'it , t .littl c n Lo.itict of thttt :-;;;to; \tit , tial Elector in INS'; Ito to e \ ed, iii 11t53, ti t C!jvt . Jti tie • id' the Tot itttr.\ and V.ll , l'lt c•ivia,.l; Wai; a 111 .tiil,l th C, IVtituti :u l C1,11%.4 110 I ' M 1//0 in 18111 It \N , i.'t!lf`,l ti SI ilutmin (',JII,Ar,. frt , lll 011.gtol It 1. thy tA•I 1865 tuid widill l 2, 1;1 1:"71 I=l Born Vebrunry 16. 181:2, Ir, Ni•w wn, far! Itpd Wll,ll \V t" vu 11111 . tic NlhlTe hr leill'll..ll !t. n ,Ilo' n 11.4411 fr• W2l , 1.1000 . 11 t thr I,t gi,1:1(111, hick ilo,orveol 6.lir and then nail' \ Car: in the which Lae was Pi esident two sessions. I 1852. he 's/is the free soil candidate for Len gross, but wn• deleatt d b . N a vety small vote; in 1853 he w a s n nu inber of the State Consti tutiotoil Convention, and has since then ta ken till active !Wit in I.olitital oni,mtions, and in 1856 Inc N%11,6 el( tied a Senator in I on greet, to succeed Edward Evcrutt, 1111(1 tut, re I..leeltd in 18,',9 tor a I lig term. Fri in 18-12 to 18.11 he was uctiscly conioisti.l with the• 111:tit , f, 0 lu not and brigadier gen. ra I. In 1801 he raised the Twenty second regiment of .Massamiu setts V olun tcers, of is tins It he la came colonel, and after jmning ale• my of the Potomac was 11111111.; It 11141iibl - r (lea. stall, on which he s. rved until the meeting of Congress. Since the commencement of the war lie has been C had limn of the I mu mittee of Military Affairs, which has had to pa, on eleven thousand appointments and to devise most important matters of legisla tion during the N belhon. In 185 n he was challenged bN;Preston Brooks, of South C'ar olina, for pronouncing his assault on Senator Stunner, ••murderous, brma r l and cowardly; ' but he replied that, while believing in the right of-self-deft nee, he declined the chal lenge, as duelling in his opinion was tt vio lation of law and the relic of a barbarous age. le was again re-dectod to the Senate for the tot m commencing in 1805 and ending in 1871. Within a tow mouths past he hub published a work entitled "Anti Slavery Measures in Congress,'and is understood to be enguged on a history of the Thiriy-smenth . ! and Thirty-eighth Congress, as well as of the , Congressiomil nieaures connected with the prosecution of the war for the Union. Lie' was the originator of the hill abolishing sla very in the District of Columbia, and also that establishing the American Academy of Science. =I Born in yarkstiiwn, Rockland county, % Nt'AV York, in 1791; removed to Newark, . t ''New Jersey, in 18_8; was elected vor of that city - in the pars 1840-41-42-43; WAS a Represtn ativu in Congress from New Jer sey from 1843 to 1847 ; was a candidate for Governor in 1848, but was defeated; and in 1853 he was elected a S, nator in Congress fur the term ending in 1859,,serving us Chair man of the Committee on Manufactures and that on the Contingent Exlienses of the Sm.- ate. In 1863 he was ngain elected to the Senate for the term ending in 1869, serving on the Committees on Manufactui es , Public! Lands and Rovolut'imary t hams. I= He was born in Kentucky in 1818; ye: moved to Illinois at an early day ; graduated at the Illinois College, and was bred to the Profetision of law. 'tile frequently served in the Htate, Legislature, and was a Represem trtive in Congress for Illinois from 1851 to 1855: In 1861,h0, was elected Goverhor of Illinois for four years, and participated .ex tenslimly in the refsiiig of troops for ,tional army during the -rebellion 3 and .he was elected a 8, nator in Congress from Il linois for-the term comtnencipg in 1865' and ending , inlB7:l.lfaving: been Placed on the Committees on the District of Columbia and the Pacific Railroad, MONEY: MONEY Money Saved • is. Money Earned. AAItMERS;: Mechanics an . laboring non look to your Interests, If you wlah to SAVO U I O I IOYr.bOY YOUV , HOOTS,: SHOES, HATS AND' at PLAAK'S Cheap store, Pnuih 'West - North- Thinovo'r , nod Minuet . Al;ey, told vtny.botwothf.The. dium's end Watt. lintuir, Cat 114 e. where %Flbe:si - OR. midi Caps can be hedlpen•the.;ennonone t ankle to the very beet quality al ouch, prima that. defV compell lin and Noe thaw,. ---Mimeor.eo,tho.tqltnit, - *tfoiittiW . eat corner of North. Hanover St and Lo , cupt a lley, midway botwoeu,Thu ddlio's and.Woizors'llotels. - r • _ ' Ookber 0, iBoS—tt. =ME •GT.AND - OPENING DAY, Greenfield --.Bz Sheafer's. •‘‘TE liiv now for inspection ERR aWnonl ni Dress Goods i•Vet exhllilLeti Ito railisk. at pi leen 011111 i ii Lll• mach nl 1111. AR Eva were au I.lrtiltllllo 110 Io he in 1+ 010 York (toeing the Into GREAT PANIC whlah 1:1,t tt Jtily two tittyll, au littyL‘ d torndoed to gi, Vll , bliterS I 111,17V111111140 it/ An 14010 . h.trAlt i 1111“;:. tI,. t' •I In s that g,clA wee e cold at Chu low• lit pt teem DE.NSS GOODS T . npir l'lsh, t.. ekilorg, Plnitl , :.'trips (.1". Unc Ada Reps, Foulard s.tilpre s 1\ 0‘,11....th15. rviteli llPrinoes roburgs of overy shade nod c)1, .r: Silk Plaid ri , tpoq. Si tin .41stilos. l'lttid toil do Cho , co, Uo Lidnoo oil now doniatts. • Iti tuldltil di to tlu. aim e lion ofne stock of Dross Goods art cull old k Shouter lone 41 full line of EOMESTIO GOODS, at prlera that defy affirmation. We mall acll MUSLIM'S, CALICOES, GINGHAM'S, lower than other merchants paid for the Ft1111( 1 Ooods ten days :lan. Those who 00811.0 a fistst, tier their oyes should not fall to call and examine our stork. Keep In mind the ;dam, South East ,orner ldarket Square, erond Thankful for the past patronage ire respectfully so debt a conLnuance of the same • GREENFIELD & SIIEAFER. October C. 1S(l5 Astounding Revelation! THE PEOPLE ASTON LSII ED CARLISLE IN AN UPROAR! :\ I A)! ER, or 11 arri:,bur,, has ol • in OM nrrtiva vltb I.L iitore itL Una city, ery Lablibbed u now MILLINERY .`YORK the le.rou2h el Cm,-lish. I d. or to Dr. Dale's North ihui Cer street. art P. loseplired to oiler larg. Doh, events In the.l..t.h , 'onti thing const:tntly ,sipt 111 the Isles! , tvltes a• Irotit ihe i.• of New York Phlladelphh and Ilsithnorv. h. It. pi visired to end nn Invitstist to 111. , i visit 111111 31 his pines o whs,•• h,•v ,au jigs lor Iliclssllo,, ae t, Zhu= lrosiss of ths style and Issldott 0 the .a, and p•• re , ve hat t arlis'e Is Ilp to Oil large cities null 1111 t no longer thn nris.e.gity ssiol trsvelliwz eitiss for Ow purpose Olt:0,th; h".11.onal.lo lull, I. o,r. . h i ps iii.srul Cly ohl 111114 Ladies' Bonnets, olvet. nith 11)0 tichti.t II nt•ii,t .t laolie 8 ht .11i.sseN I lats, In St r:lsv, ball IL, I v.. . with 1 , 1141 Ih • hlh lln.l ~rnmn.•nt, Old Ladies' Dress Caps, 1•1 14 , , .0 :ird ton immero. to mew inn. 11.111 - et. lnd WAter 114ir Itnll - 11..1;11.4 11 , 111 Frames, • •••41101 th.• cLr lA KS. CLOAKS, .1,11 3' 11.•!S irks. h.• c,. V n!1,.•,:f :sicks It. all (or Iltli rr ot Beaver timl I ..I.t :I`lll 13.11.13'd I,S, ,k nll ir,t , e•rt,,,,1,0 c 1 ,011,1 an I sit. Ll.• 101. Fall and Won!en Goofs, Emi;1;(>11)1•AZIES, I.Th; Tr,im!,:iNc;:•-• .t 1.1 ( 1.• .1; rli .1 li r. n t.t tottuvilf 1: =III lIE 1,1 I MUMS GitEAT ; XI! IT! TION , e .V,\‘' Boot, Shoo, Ilat & Cap SiOie I 1.1 wwild e .i,,, t ,!, , „) 1 ) iulonn II 10. tilat 1111, . that he 114- Jll , l , ur 1 h t” 1 111, :11.0 tri.. Sill , i .11 ot hi• lAt .11Iti S .11111 ,•1 A.,111) II :6 0.1,1 lic), a tarp & 0108, t, V.ll ell lie I I%il, tillei.llo, to puivliaser, part nl lieu'.. itil)ti and btdittin FINE ~..d I,ait \\ r Irrrori irr vrr• irr LADIES WEAR. .• %l• Ki,l 111,11 /111.1 Lu. i,ll I.aitors 41 , 1 Ls ti••I Ay Awl lin. SOIL. In, - I, LI [y rord ~', of all t tl2l t. .U 1.14% 1 . .1 :11.i! 1..10 I t• Hai, awl Capµ in great variety, fur 111, Js, F ui.,l . 1.1 tin Ww.r. fr , 111 [ln eOllllll/11eNt ti , t 11,1 ;), nl i.,“ la), es. Lad a d nee thorn. Ilts uu6H,. t-,wall t, Intl qui k dos /tali , nag sn LI.Ne pi 111C111i. , Lc ti u.ln Lu zl% gt mg, I SUL- Is:111111.n to tl.•,u r 1,1111 11.11sge Iteeele.,lll...e. the. eereteeel 'e t. rt. r North St, 41,4 i ll , hut etutee•ee :111.1 It 1.1.7 I lee Il• II ( SAX% I El:. .1 NI.. A. D c E NEW FIRM 1 binv.. t. 11,11 piltnership, .1110. E. littrldiolder ettol .1 nn Doke (. Jerks ill itty st ore) for Ihu purpott to ,ottllttlitot the Itry UI k{ 1' t5.,103. t .t• iris Shore is uow 1 , 1,011 1 / I .lSilleSS Err. tilt ut ON ABLE l; 001 M may bu found, v-u ill'be runty lug every clay 00.1 int. I.d to keep up the reputation of the S mu. tor ar , ivity mot ler always having tau Segt to. It to in the ValtLy. nein; very thu ni. fun Sir the large 310,trpit ago civet, mu I 3 a . 0111,0115 pl3 l /11e, volt contin llllln,lll tlie .11110 lu the New We ei,l Le inert th.• lay, I hor.o WWI will II a all. - Tht . lll/lILO thulalu o.siler tli a here ler n.:ttletaunt .isd pernaun itoleht. it 0,0 teque Lod to utak° settle went. hist - Main Strout ono doorbe:aw Martln!h 'UAW: W. U. t... 111 V rli t. Supt . .a,tk , ts. • . - ESTEY'SCO'KTAGE ORGANS, I 1 / 2 1 4 Cottago Organ. • _ :4*4-_—q:•->---6.; ARE loot only unexcelled, but thay arn -- abSoliaely unequalled. by ally I Uwe. Bred Instrument in Cm 'outary In signed expi Codiy nor Churches and Saillools. they are found to be e,qually adapted to Cie parlor und draw In; room. For bale only loy N N. ORTYIN, No. 18 North 811V10:111 Stroot, PintAolasuta. Alm. BRADBUItY - 8 PIANOS a da complots as s6rtment of PNIWNOI! Fepti 22, Ibob—ly. LADIES FANOY FURS! Gent ' fllr •1411V.111.11 01,111 M. aim onahln , l to tll3ooßn of my gonda nt very rrnnon ' able fairer+. and f would Moyer. , re vliclt, a call from my . filenda of Parlisl- nod vleinlty - • ltemember the Name, Number and fitr. , .l I • ' PARIURA. - • 718 Arch'Street,'llb vu 7th, P 0. 1 ,11 da gar I - hove-no partner,'nerconnection with any other. (stole In Philadelphia I T'' - yir owantrntiy-tin g - g or nn.lflrua leni< I:itorft. 17 8, Opnfectiou . ury .I,fiutts, , u u ~, PLANS: I :milt 1,10 I , 01 111 . .., Ft • - PaJt I.V 1,()\11:1,') 11l ME IMM • I'i' 1 1. 1.11.1 ii. =BIM A n>i ti 1 , I is 1.1 WEI= ml racih, tino hid and I aid lug 111.1 is iti i.M't (4 411.11 Iht.und-ith, =MEI NEW GOODS. ct : ~ /OfINFAREIRA'S Old established vUit XIANUFACTOIty No:118 Arch St. ,hove 7th, Phila., 1 lira° now In otoro of ,y own ltupintatiou ud ManulnoLure, one I tho Lament and most leuutltul lieltAlollll of F/11%idi ' FURS, w Lndten nod nitildrem 'enr thu city: Alto floe nmiortmont of PROCLAMATION ! w[l ERE AS, I, W Cal.- ,110r 1 . l'a. honing Jost returned from the Fag orit•eitine with an aatensive,invortment of the most ashionablo and colors of DRESS GOODS, . • , • ucb ne. , Merinos, French Cassini urea, Cold W•ail hul.nues. thilitt American do, , TIM,. Poplins, kighreil d 0.,. • - • • 11,5 P •'"•• Alpacas, Co'Mune, Figured do. Therefore puichaeces nlll . lind It to their advantage to inv.. use a Call. • , Also. the handsomest oesorLintint of • PLAID DRES . S GOODS. in Carlisle. • T Particular attention given to MOURNI7,O - Goon. ii- . It7l. A MILES. Directly oppatito 'he :Monition Liman:M . ld ono door west of the Sept. 21, 181.12 NEW STORE (n Eby's Old Stand, Main St, L. BERN HARD& SON, J N FOB M the citizens of Carlisle and 1 vicinity that they have just opened in the above popular stand, an lilinllufa, stork Of First Class Clothing, and Genliernen's Furnishing Goods. Their stock con siste in part of Coats, Pants and Vests, - foi• civil ilin of Eohlier. tondo otter the Intost patients, e Joo(IF the quality of which ocelot hovineatlched. Overcoats of all vvieties rnintts Carpet Rags and VliiiP.3. Neck Ties, Scarfs and Conn r, Shirts, Dretvere and stockings Fit My Goods of oil descriptions. In not a complete and entire assortment of Clothing ! and Vurnishlng I loads Dent ergot the place. Eby's Old Stand, " Marlon Ilan," Main Street. Ca lisle, l'tt. L. maNnAno & SON. tleeember 21, 18r4. HARDWARE STOR E. 1111 E old Hardware stand of Lewis F. Lyne. ha, p,Fed into the hands of W. H. Miller A. Bowers, who are now trinsiistlog business un der the halal, au d , si yin. of MILLER & BOWERS. Tha Ile,' firm havejn4 retur, ed from the city and sre now prepared to turni.h to the pnldir at the lowest prices, nil kinds of FOREIGN AND DO ES TR Hard ware, Coach TH11111112 . , I'2lll - its, Oils GLASS, VARNISH, &e. A lock Into their some will row:ince all that they hart) enough 0! doods to hilly supply the demand In Persons wanting 4.,tals in eiur Ilnr will lied it to their advantaze to dive us a..n11. All orders person.ol, and pr,optly attended to. Jul) 7. Great Excitement ! ! AS I b(too , ot;T: d cs.rt•ia ety t_e t at 11.1 T, 11lch ,:.. e ‘ n i 1 1) . r i ~„ t 1,1, p ninir t e laritest sto Full.and Winter Ili n fn ut V . ,. Vol k I l'hiltulo phis, that hog tiviir the tern 11, en l•rtiel nit nil thisrrtiii hitt- a. d t Instr of goo& to no flout, in tt fir-t plat, r tote .LADIES" DP ESS (; 001)s f anti rarloN r• Inred lorr k” !1111i a .1 H.. m. d Ir.,uh kl.•thrtr, • I.Lin t. - ii I , ',l•Tioh 1.141 1 , i l• ti,-. 1.1 :1111i red AI , 1. • r. • ! I'l,l v i ea. ;O. II n. .:1;1 • i•n:•d rtß one'zing Goods •-• I'a.”l-1,,1t.s 1. 4lt•:i ..s 1./s t0t,.., 1;,•p•.arll P ,oicin .1 o'; ! I s It a pad , • t I. I, A 4 I. 1 r h.,' o I I I 1111.11 r.I . 1 1111, ‘0... 1 r p,. • 11, 1111,1111, I lantil:el• , . Donicstio Goods. to. 'll,llll- .-11•••.1.:Ii4 Ca•e• ( FLA .\ t.t 1,40 11. ' t. t t• ,Ifrn's loMoi 1.11 . .)Ter , ••••-•1: 11.11111 LC ,t • I .1 . 1. a ti.• h S•IIIilet, I tl . 5.•., h o I • 11.11. r .11 ;I 'IA • ' CA haVt: 11,11.11 g . t .1 .1111,w, = CLO:\ LOA KS' of tho latest !rind and, "0,0, Furs I Furs ! Furs ! thti Inrge trn rtllll.llt tic 1•1,11 . 3' St) 11111 i qu a lity fm 11 1.11,11c14, MIS: , IS: I all 0 id I n. repel h., Co Lk 11'001 and Ca •Ini 1)1o, S. al, IS. 1:11111,1.' Cot 0•11 Slid 110 11 11,Ftety II 110.1 II outag , . 11..1 luwel L, 11.1.11, 1.1., iland,er•Lie i•• 11 \'ell - 8. I re.s T. 1111- II Cllhdrott S , rIOVt•S And 110,.1t. CARPETS! CARPETS: of all quad 1 , 01 . I Nil:tell.. VIIIIIO,4ICIOthI,IVIII ,I t S J eul I,lt tr ,IVe u,,1 beaore yo [Jur e the ul auplete 8t e/0 IS Lunt 18,8 ever been exlii.,iud having eau 8, leete I u e.perial rale, .11,11 11• II t• W ele'LlyS tame great plea -ure Iu e../Jll7ll, .11,1 !Ike t•ruvo that a study the of .or, .'ept 27 1.6% h I 3 Plea,. remember I lt,• Dell 1.0.1 Stal.d t.II tie 80111i1 I.tist 0. iler at , iito ket tt.r.q•it opp WV /IN I, `hot. t..t,. W. C. Sawyer & Co. (.'..Sawyer, J.:l. f)ake, J. E. Buil:Ito/4re. IA AV E just received flow Stewart'6, 1.1.1111 n., Neer Verit, and the bet , t, I'Llnantelphin, the hngubt .o.d te,t Muck el Fall and IVinLer Goods EVER BRouwil"ro Tins _MARKET Please ea I and usatuine Our innnesso stock of Alpine and "eh Ito) igurecl, I I.lli, suu Sullied Ecu pless Cleth•, I 1,0 luld k 141 ired k mulch Al Rep Uplifts, LaLeilio Efts, Diesel .loud In eceu y rant.Ly et el, Fee at.d shad• e, Louisa tjFel.Fl and Asetle, ..fic.sku tied tedgict, YUcids 01 IA 11 La, Ultiels., I • .aid ta . .ette and e ilart, Linen and Lace ohare, o,eeves :tad llaudkert Suds. Our meek at 11 ume Uu ds aanpri-os Blau vto, Finale ut.ule :11,.ker Hal lard ' 1 ale, lied thud Wow u llau u cls, us Dionne Fit a.l uo,orm. Domestics in Quantities. s, brown and blench° I Mut.!his, ()Ingham, Odd ugs , Cr. 1111., 01.11,b, Gents' and Boys' 'Peal N'u❑ Hee of ClAtes, Cassimers, plain and Cities Scarfs ties, lin ”dis ea Chit, i 8 aad birta. 11US I Eli & GLOVES Cotten and %Void for Lalathi, thds, MI is and Chit druu. 1. URN ING GO iI) of all kinds u :tinily Inept In 16•-L van. Dry G. 011b , 1.01. - 1, • Unit Varpats. U I ulntlig nat., ..lassos, .halos. ,e. WO ply H attuall 41 to MOURNING GOODS, ~,d kill he ,blo to lilt all urilvrt+ r t unorals; Cush nu 1,1,, :1 4 10/Mllllj. Plat.. Id, Crilp,, I Willi s, Itl.,cit )10 I ill,' bulpross, hop Poptto nod ..ugouo Mourionge; nii quAlith.s Engli h and French Crapes. 1111A.00e, AC All orders carolully-utt elided to ty.„3")_,. Vow.) , 1)13. boons tic du., Uoutx N our, Hosiery nod 01.1% es. Kid Li love 4 whitu.tnd block col ors nod ull sizes, lu ondlom Vol let lox nt W SAWYER Co, Pao Door Bolow s.lortmeo - 110tA Lunt, .1111111 utrllBl. , , Pd. ' -fiept. 20,1805. • BOOT and SHOE EMPORIUM. , ripriE Subscriber having rump% ed Ito t & Shoo -tore from North Hanover street to II oat Muth steno a low doom below the burnt corner. opposite Morino laell. Is proparod to neneunnodate the public with the very best assortment of . BOOTS . 'AND SIIOES, • 110A1E—MADE WORK Mall binds euntOttntly ott timid, and motto to order at the shortest notieu. 1 use :odium; but the beet mate- Hal and outplay none but the bent Ito da. Especial a tendon given to the otanumeturo of French Calf Hoofs, If pin want in font fit !hut won'tsolacla give ate a call.• Clsr itonts train {l7 16 *Ey 0 . COoiSe Boots front 412.5. to $l5O `' Women's 1..hnt... Worn 81. 1, 0 to *O OO CHILDREN'S SHOES OF ALE MINDS. I have a lot of Boy's and Wouteit's ShOos that 1 eta soiling nt cont. ` Cali and examine before purchasing elsewhe e. F. O. FE West Slain Street; • ' - ' Lardele:' SePtembor R,llo§-Iy. TAR, GEO ICU S: SE A- JrltlollT, Duntlel, froth tho' Deal. 411 111.11111' mere Collage of Dental Surgery. : c r ijAmp e _ il t, '039, realtlenee of his mother,' .Eset Lout her Birkir; 41 . re0 do ors laflow Sedcord.' E F I CIIZ 19,N S . parefujly cotpp9unf -0 0 A4Wivforoi.. 1 4t's Di,11,14 4,1/(l,llinkt3.toie, NEW GOODS .I?E'D CtED 1 - 'I2IC E S J.! ". MOW opening acOgilby's Cheap Store, 1/ a largo assorranunt of new and deelrable Fall and, Winter Goods,. • - which ferslyM, equality anil lowness of prices, cannot he surpassed In the eintety. flaying purcinneti this stock timing the greatl4tduc than in prices ostien lasted but too days in Nov York and Pitiladelphitt. we are enabled to sell nt In or prices thou other MUMS, wits put chased their entire et . ck at a firms when all articles in the Dry (Mods lino Were at their Itigha.t prices Mr the Int.t six months. A full One fa'nlaelt and enlun-d IfILENCII NOS. COSI:POS. ALL WOOL POPLINS, '" !Peek and Colored Wool Delalnes.. Fhiurel LeWines. Shepherd's Plaids. Mask' silks, Sornbazluer, and lima) other Goods suitable fel Ladles' wear. Cloaks Cloaks, ( looks, all the new style of Cloaks which for quality excel Junco of make and lowness of pr ec cannot be eurpaseel All the latest novelties In Shawls that mein the Mar, ket. Meld lAtirt and Situ ten. Miturnlng. all sizes of Chiliirens' Shepherd's Plaid Shawls, Germantown Wool knit Shawls of all Mora and shades. a large end full assortment, consisting of BLACK i t FANCY CASHMERES, SATTI ETTS, KENTuCKY %NS. • BEAVER CLOTH. for Men's Over Coats, Cloths for Ladles' Cloaks, Black and Colored. such 11P Dinalins. Calicoes, Oingiutins, Canton Flannels I. hocks, White, lied and yudow Cs, of Flannels. a full assortment and all the t Ic necessary is to hear the Nita. s Hume to convince all that they are lower than the law eat. French Kid Gloves best quality. black and colored, a full lire i f Ladles, limas run ihildren's Gloves, ton, %Voile. acid MerillU nose. Dorm skirts, New stylei. Dress Trimming, 111 blahs. Ilandkerchleis, and hut, dress of small fancy [title ea. 300 BALMORAL SKIRTS, all SIM'S and prices lor Lad and Chllprun. FANCY BRESS BUTTONS. In Buttons we es nog t In) °stud led ) ) uo look gill eonviheu all. %%eh tee every style, coi shape and price that can lie lulaAltiod. FANCY WOOLEN GOODS, Shawls, Sontags. To 'lights, Nubia Hoods, IL•ocIF, Hand !Suit Ileeth , „ Children's 0,,1 eats and Cup s, Saucy Kr It Sem fa, Children's Won, Mitts and Waxman, and many ether fancy 0 0 ticks a I Shades and etyiof. FLOOR OIL CLOIII9, all widths and patterns. A now style wllh border f. under otoves. A 1.0 Table an I Window Oil Cloths. EL.LVIa,I:T•S, L A ETS', .1( and tualitle . 4 for Betts. Cradles and All we ask if, a cull and e • xnutlne Or yourselves and be cobs hived that the above is not mer• ly talk but lea Ity It u %rill he hnppy ae hilaW cur Goods to oil ni (I not lie utirlioeil if au outwit i.ult even the ut al ['Attu:lllnr I um.-other the place opposite the Methodist Church, It cut >Lt.n tqloet. OCtobe , 6, I 565 - GRAND CEN rEAL • IM.MrsAtaiticoltlC) At tht. R.H.nts of .1. G. LESHER. ri . I I'S Id smith east corm •13r. I'L trt• up Lk: Lilo. pictures, eonalbLing I. 11'11S. aP 04 • 1 , 111, pl. 1 11, 1 1 1111 . • 1 1 1,1..1 1111• 1114 1110,11, aro , ap-rior t,, an Idl 111 tit, oalllt y or ..,•r. hi. atm ••r/al aud lice cubs Pllllll a. 1. , 411 i 141154,1 P a,4 nun, Irr .t.o 4. f,2,131 Ili • rit•lo•t4 and Itl 1111' W.l/11121 , 1 •• 11 I 0 ••1111•• I 11 11. 111 111 1 5 1,21..11 , 111,1 1 1 .111111,41 S 1 1 1 I, 11 '1 L :1,1,1011, pa•t o[4. a:itt 1:1111111Mil! NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! lNi) opcning of uni wiods \ifjust n-n , i‘t-1 fn. tlt: 11.1,(vrn -it11•14 . t•It•Clot , aut.( tatittclnolvelit)., !tettlo'n . 4 ,, t‘th tt ntr `t.. f nod/4r awl ‘7 , 11 Is noW , t It. , Itir 1,11•. s BLAr,',K SILKS, Li ermit. riety b•riuditig the best, goods imported. t.riiii s I.y•ms lAros de Ilhiu. los d' lii Oita, :tad (blared. Lupin's. Hriluoss ill all colors ['river Plaid,d - ()L 7'IIS lieuiod uud L'ldin, Aiparoas all shades, Coburgs, Ih -I.alues at X. WHITE GOODS, Jaconets and Camin lee. Haiti 11111 l'lnid Ramsoukr, ua 4 0111. Counterpanes t ery FLANNELS Rrery quality of white awl cr.lorti.l IPtnn ule, Blank els, ',Antis,' skii LH Sc. Aln ye stok of Sal thiet I s N'el 'AA ol o. d. llommade .1 eons he. 11 155 u 11. , , a ,upe 11, s..rt men!, of illinery Goods, Velvets and linnet and trinnlnp: Itlln ra.g.11,11 rata, and Lace,. I= Si lisle and Doublr %width nll wool DeLtion,.. 1.01 iu'n Porn to sine Can Moore, Fret, uerinoes, 1 elour Reps, Velour It use, Alparen, l.rnpe (:1 •Lh. Quern 11th, 0 rip .d ME Enell,ll Pen) s, Thibei Long Shawls, Crnpe Vella .oilers, Handl:et, hien, ung netting - NOTIONS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Floor and ']'able Oil cloth it I ndow tThadeti. Um. I.reiltis, and 110 kV., All son Inn, zinc: •vonslOor. ably unler the market. prices Nov. 3 1805 Public can find, at our pew 1 Grocery S'oro, !I the Building lately occupied by Arnold, deed and next door to the l'arli le De p,nit Batik, a very lace° and frock l icsortmnt, of all the different kinds and grades of reas, Coffees. }raps, 1110.11SSCS Spleen, Sugars, Prepare.] Unfree in Papers, Vogetab es • 11.11' Moan, Pr oparod • Iffut.tards, bailees, f•rnoaera, Cheese, Cakes, Coffee Essences, reaps Candles, Suit, pickles, Preserves, Canna I, • Fruits, Jai les, Cranberries, It Flipi Pried Cut rents, Drled Fruits, -."'" • Nuts, Favars, • ' • - - - L•ln ti ff. TOBACCO, PIPS, &c. AT.SO- . --lt Ice. Barley. Starch. Faris ia. Corn Starch, Coro Mazeina. Mat:amid, Veruileella Asuman, Prunes. CoLeentrated Lye. liceogna, Sausage, Table and other Oils, Nutmegs, Blacking, Bees, ax, Chocolate. Cocoa, Ile Yarn, Lamp and Candle Wick, Bath Uri L. CI thou Liner, lied Cords, Spiro noses Paper and Envelops, 111 at chola, Pewter Saud, ete•ve poll:).1;1a vorimt Extrae•s Spigots. Pens. Inks, linstono Vaelaural. Shad. Salmon, Herr ing and Codfish. A LFO the celebrated. . . condor llama. Drlcd Duel and Touguto, huge, and llattm, Sly t and Lead, rustles; Brooms and Wisps, (MASS, QUEEN'S, WOOD, WILLOW & RATAN Wo respectfully ask the public to call. vicinduo and Price our largo nod carcfully selectcnd stock of FINE PANI LY hOCEIItItIS. Wu buy ill kinds .of Country Produce. /AMES M. ALLEN & Co. Oct. 14,1864-1 y Ihave. received .from New York, sill kinds and qualities of Carpets, Oil Cloche, Matting, Looking ciiIISFPA. IVI.NDDIV SHADES, • , Portaln M aterial'. Table Covers, Countorpanes, 'Wide Shootings. Pillow Musli', Tow°flings, email and all kinds of house furnishing goods. Also, a large et ck of general 111E1?CHAVDISE. . Persons - 1n want Of any of the' above goads, are re spectfully Invited to call. (loci& sold al the lowest 'market value. A(1(1101118 will he made as the Season advances. lhabest 'cash priers pall for Vitrpot Hags. East Main gtiort one sour alarthits !RAO. , • ' 11 7 :0.,SAWYER. ' Feb 3.1806. illOlOlll SEGAiIS & TOBACCO, , AT , RA I )ORT Writing 'Desks, Back Gammon Hoards. aameaol all description at ilav erstieles Drud, Fancy and Hook Store. . Cll - 101CIMEGA,B,S &TOBACCO, AT.. It A LFITON'S PH YSIOI ANS find_ 'will it to.their-ad- . vantage to adl and purchase their Medicines at ItALSTON't3... July 1,1804 17) , Par p 1- 7 1/ F4IIY. • CO6tliCtiol3,. &C., -at llpmerstclest Drag and Book:E4ore.. • ' ' .131ACR' . AND COLORIP) A LPACOA SUAWLS, SHAWLS M.en and Boy's W Domestic Goods, NOTIONS. CIIAIILES 001 LIIY, I•:1,I. A \ I+ rTl' P I=l LINENS .1 ND 7'TO GOOD. Clouts Cassintere. 0 URNING GOODS NE W I I HST A 8 S GROCERY STORE. W A 11 E. CARPETS CARPETS I! The Great Internal Remedy For TUE EFFECTUAL CURE OF 1?IllEU111117 7 1SAL GOUT, NEURALGIA, , '• . RHEUMATIC COMPOUND. BLOOD PUB- IT STANDS UNEQUALED BY ANY MEDI CINES now berme the public for IN cure of the at,ove named diseases. The vest number of rub on medicines Nt bleb formerly hare been used for these diseases. were merely temporary in their effects and of doubtful vlrtu,, but The Rh , umatio Compound Reacher the source of nil trouble. and actually banish• ea the disease from the system by Its Immediate action en the blood. Johnson's Rheumatic Compound THE SOLDIER'S TRUE FRIEND ! I=l Ma. ANDREW JOIINKON:—Dear Sir: November last had a severe attack nt Rheumatism, to which I tine not been subject f..r llntirly three years The attack was on oevere tit .t I could not more my head Sr rano my arm. After trying different medwineo without avail. I was induced to use your Rheumatic Compound and Blood Purifier•. and before I had taken three hot• ties I was so completely cured that I could p'rfi:rm any duty to which my country might call me. I can glad Iv and confidently recommend it to all Inv 10110 W and die, no Ih. ,pliennrt and surest remedy for Rheuma tism I evt'r used. Your true friend. NORRIS PATTERSON. Reference I'. T. Patterson and William Douran, No 71 Wood street. All who use It i•erelvo boneflf. It rules when all other remedies It gives sal lionetlon. The proof is moot :d•undant. It is the only sure rure for Rheumatism. ~ It Is the greatest diseoverr of the age No ether reeved has become SD popular. It is presrrile d be physicians. It in. rerommended by idursirinns. In truth, It Is a perfect heindhetor R. E. SELLERS & CO SOLE PROPRIETORS, !•or sale by 3obvs..n. tbOlowny dell, 1' In c , n.'cl ID ItAL3roN, July 7, Illtls, ..;• ..:,5„-„ „.„,,. • . -:lciolhi,t4 - ~ .'groy,v4- 4 ,- * : , leo ~,, , • ... v.,774... at' P . . 41 : 4-,,,,: '• .* i' , 4 l ' Vta" ' &1 gilA t '-a ~ ..- 1 A - F,..' ... ~ .. C i . ;t,t.'4l Plain and Sugar Coated , , re I S dr oo l yiais ood fir Thirty a .'l.aple rneal 11, .(1111V. p lIMEIMIE iht• ottri , i t I C•iwpl Ctr , Listette-=, tfi , :too, Clio wit •13 , snt di,.t•e, tiri4it,ttilt , 1,, liilkry dor Iry.enn,, Symptoms of a Diseased Liver (;ene , al In.= of :ipp. Vito ~ ,• I‘rn, ol the 1..t.d0.1 pita , in tho h , t had; S . oe.irio , •.s. with 2-I oiTh s OAS! nt .01w. by t00 0 me. ,. . :411sta erm.fh , ‘lth disinvlin 9, 1 t. .111 nr • 1,..1111 ,,,,, t 5V111, , , , ,,nl r dis,a.ol state of r The liver 1 , . however of . en mnrh deram when the tons' torod Inl I. avalp•owa beeomoc daily out of order 'al:welt is krt.iwn. Great Cure of Liver Complaint. Re, Ihe enly Tr,r , • ioint Fn vv., bin In..tier. 20 IA-19. 'lr It. I. .1,1,1.F104 .flo, thlnt. It n duty T nwn t o 1 . 4111 and th e f uldle ixent•rnlly to vt Ito that. f her,. been :filiet..•d with Lir 'r flomplalnt f •r a lone time. end so by dry, that, en amino farm el on'l broke. whlrh lilt nil In a very Inv stet, flaring heart of your role bretel Liver l'illv helot.; for vele by A. It Phn•n We I Liberty, end recommend to 1110 by m• ph vplekr, Or F ,mich. I conclude Ito 'Ave them r fair trill. I fur rbssrd one hoe and feund theta In he just what thnv nr.. rernmm"•tide I-the Ver PHI nlur used, and .f.eit Eat( I 11.: ton • 1, xe , . I finiotho iliseaso has ontirely loft ?I\C, a nii am now porf,tl y wpll Rei.pectfully yours. It. II riILENI ~S T Ms re h 1.11 1 WO. certify that I lllllrer. , naliy arqnsinterl with Nir. rolernan. nn' can Lear testimony to the truth of the above certificate. A: It. sit A 11 P. "GENERAL SATISFACTION." II El:seats. Floyd C 6., Ind la nn. Oct. '27 I.IIR. Mr. It H. Sellers Sir—l am out of your Lire,. Pile and shoal I he crlad to receive n Fupply Ile they give Fa! Isfaetint, Please send me some soon. BEST FAMILY PILL. A LEX A , DIIII. Liching March I. 1856. Mr..D. R. Owen:—Dear Pir—T have used SELLERS LIVER I'ILLS in, self and In my family, en I muct =ay, nn an I Otorat ire and common faintly physic, I consider a very de6irahle They are prompt but mild in their effort arouse a healthy notion of the Liver carry off the morbid snore lions, and leave the FVfil.olll in a healthier condition Ilion any ',mg,. I have ever taken or administered. Very truly and Respe, tfuil r, SAMUEL PARK. A W. BL NTZ TO THE PUBLIC. Owing to the Incn•n'• (I demand throughout th country f. Fugar C.ulPfi gill.. the proprietor hoe coin raced the process el SIP) tlt Ch) ATI \U TII C 111.1.: ❑lt ATE!) LI Vtl 111,i.s, , hProby placing them beim.l the public, both PLAIN and sllllAlt O. , ATED It 11 SELLERS A CO. PIIOPItIEMOIIS, Pit , shur h Pa net. 20. 18135. SELLERS' IMPERIAL COUGH SYRUP, DRONOUNC E TO BE TII E MUST Treileant and eilleaeloue remedy now in use for the one of- COUGHS, — COLDS, HOARSENESS IN FLUENZA.. TICKLING SENSA'I lON OF THE THPOAT, WHOOPING COUGH, &c.,, &e. Tt in an old and tried rrinhdy, having -stood tho test of Thi rt y 1, ears. NI:oleo the fo lowing: Sellers' Co'ugh Syrup cannot be too Highly- Itectommenced WADAVonriioSetlina County,.olllo, ..February 24, IbSd. Mn It. M. SELLERS :—I have sold ail the Imperial Consh.Syrup,yrm agent left .with us, annt should - like to have morn hf it We have-mad y ur' Syrup in our families. and can safely pronounce it the best Cougti medicine we h ve ever known, and cannot recommend It too highly ttetilrthnso„v ho are afflicted with coughs or colds,,ao a ,speedy and certain curd. -8. —LIJOK Env-Postmaster. .1. kl.•1111A011; .1. It. I.IIVT,k, J. 81.1.111`Elt, OBlSlNtilill. "Can Recommend / • , C Y‘NDOTIT, Mlchlaan, Oct. 20. 1 858. D. 9 Owes. Hsu :—llear Sir—'lll,l box of lt: H. Pel le& Cough Syrup has just arrived all right: You can use my name CO recommend the Cough Syrup. a I have sold u great deal of It, and can recommend It to bu a sure remedl for coughs and colds; In hot the bust temody I know of. ' Mr. D. S. Owen Esq., Alexandria, Ohio Dena But—l hale .old all of It. Et Clellere Cough Syrup, If you whit to, hued ou a few dozen inert, I dare MI It will j .et now Ile calla uro vary cotu inou hcre,...and our 'lecture utte it in :heir practice. and give It a titrod nom. VOXrimptic!fully, PRBI , Aick.D BY R E:pellers & C.o„ Pittsburgh, Pa., SOLE'.PROPRIETORS 1 4 1 4MILY DYE COLORS, . AT RALSTON'S, July 1, 1864 . . . . ... , 't - EW GOODS--- • ....,- • , 1 1 , itverydeaeriprlon 'MA' quality ordmeirles, Queensware, Hardware. i'lekels. eauce, Flue liquors, Toltatico. idegars. Plra.s. Fre li Frans and vegetables In Cans. Oyetars do. :vices. Wood and Willow , warw, all kinds and ~f the best quallty And to, be sold at the loweet prieee fur and! by - . luly 1,1864. TETTER, RINGWORM, Ac„ ^IS TRULY PROVORT MAINE WS OFFICE. Ilee. 17111, 1864. PITT , UUROII, PA LIVER PILLS. CYRUS lIIIADNORP Itospuet ly yours, J, M. VAUGHAN "Doctors ILlsO BOWLING GREEN,' Wood County. Ohio, March 12, 1850. V 5 51. HOOD •wm:,p)3:Nwz READING RAILROAD • SUMMER A ItRANGEMENT. 11.11.; A TRUNK LINI FILO Tli Y.; kfi /Oral and Nosh-Nest - for, Philudolpbls, New York, Reacting, Potttville, Lebtiali, - *llentorm, Eas ton, Trains bore Harrisburg for Now York. oo follows: At 3 bu, 7.25 and 814 A. 51., and 1.46 P. 51 arriving at Now York at 10.00 A. N. and 300 and 10 3u P N. Thu abovc connect with similar Trains op the Penn sylvania Rail Road, and cl.mping ears accompany tho 300 and 6.16 A. 11. Trains, without ch,lllte. Leave Tor Rea log, Pottrville, Tamaqua. Il'neravllle, Ashland Vine tin to. Alloitown. and P1.10100)13, a ,8 15 A. M. and 1 45 P M., stopping at Lebanon and principal Stations only. 11 ay Traine fooppleg at all points, at 7 25 A. M., and 1.40 - I'7:ll7lentlirtillig Ikav - r - s - aw York utll A SE, 12.. uu noon. and 8 I'. 11. Philadelphia at 800 A 31., and 330 r. 31.; Potterille at 810 A. 11. and 2.35 M Aqh landint 6.10 A. 11. end 2.30 noon. Tnaniqua at :1.15 A. SI. and 216 P. 51., and heading at I:0o, 7.35 .aid 10 45 A. 11. 1 31 and 605 P.M. Beading Ace:onto ,ditian Train : .I,eavos Reading at GOU 1. 31., retoolng, Irani Philadelphia ai - fF.UO.I', M. Columbia RAM itn,a Trainalvave Rending at, 0 00 and 10.50 A. M., and 0.15 31. fur Ephrata, Litlz, Columbia, • . On Sundays : Leave New Vor 'Bt 800 P. N.. Phila delphia 3 15 I'. M.. Pottsville 730 A. M. Tamaqua 7,0 n A. :11, Harrisburg 8.t5 A M. and Reading at t tgl A.M. for llarrhburg. Commutation, Mib•ngn, Season, Scheel and Exam -81011 Tickets to and boat nil p lots, at reduced Rates Balltgalte checked through : 80 p muds alioued each Passenger. 0. A. NICOLLS. (loneral Superintuudont Inadlag, Pa., July 10, 18135 Richmond has Fallen AND will' the fill of 'Richmond, we are most hippy to tinnonnee to the people, the great decline In goods. BUSINESS DONE 04 GOLD BASIS. ' GOODS AT PAIstIC PRICES. Our entire stock reduced to c4respnd with prices in the cities. • DRESS GOODS PLA DELAINES, MOZAM BIQU ES, ALPACAS, SVOTCII UiNGIAM. 45:(2. CALICOS, GI NGHA CHECKS, TICK IN GS MUSLI NS, L EACTI - ED AN I) UN- B LEACH ED. 11 at greatly rod uced rat. s. Every one 'n want •Iteap woods• nhould give us a rail. as we are dote !lined to sell geode down al the very lowest nick. Bargains will be all the rage at - (7 REEN 81 N)1.1.) & SHEA FEIt'S. S. E. corner Market Z-quara 211 1/11012, 21) 1)30)1. 2)) DOOR. April 7, 1865. New Stock of Hats and Caps AT KELLER'S OLD STAND. North Hanover Street A splendid assortment of all the new les of Silk Molest.ln. Blnurh. Sufi & Stras , it open of el'y and home tincture wit eh wi. ne sold'at .he lowest en prices. Solt hats 01 nllllll/11' 41113 tom Iho finest Heaver and N utrla to the cheap est wool. and of all rotors. ungurp Is:4yd by any i side Philadelphia. A large stock of SI:711,11ER HA TS, Cahn Leghorn lirsid, India and Straw. limey Also a fa I asieirtmeilt el tit ns Boys and ishihlreii. sop , 01 every (lesei•lplion and style, rho !,übset ibrr Invites all to coma 1111.1 I,:itninc ilark IleitiLr n plactleal Witter. :Ivo , • Thanklal for the liberal pat) ,All be.towed he solicit, a eon tin 11:1.114`.• 0 0111 slew Imo I I r.ret the , tattd. t‘i - vi •iltri oil's I lo!el and tire[ to •10. qiire .11/11N .5. a 1,1.1,1 t. . N. B. I lot. of .11 I- I-• to or I. 11 A,litiE :z►;iti~ ~ .~i ()F I.ItESH \ 1.1. iv n targo nt• rl,ll ' , Alt IP .. .it it 0. iu MO hal `1.11'I: AII d pr t 01 lid,. SA 13 C ES. I'E. ES E,ltV ES and a Ce.•d 11,50,101-01 TOBACCO AND SEI;A118, LIQUORS, 4C. . the lowest antes for CAS I I or Conntry Produce, NV NI. IsENTz .I.l v 1, I 564. DISSOLUTION 'h 1 111 ,. ., part tiership • here' orure esistiri ll_ ',twee.' Charles Le lialbett l'll.lll has been d•sstived by 11111tlial MPIIIIOII , . Th. 1/0"1, Ind apeounts are is, the hands o: Mr_ Wilbert. Ca, virnestty requests all part es • ziviint accounts with the Bite lira) to mil and settle them. tt Illhuu lhtli,o, t.. jr. naviint entered Into partnership with his brother. 'ha les L. Halbert. the I,ll , ines, will hen,qorth conducted under the style of Ilalbert Brother Toe 110 W firm kyoutcl respectfully call attention to their stock of New and Fresh Groceries Their 400 N is Ia r,4 , and selected with the c,reatest care old will he sold at the lowest prieee For +lsts In part fine aid ,overnment Java COFFEL, Prime Itin , Prime Rio 'wasted. ,Va UPS—yew York. It on, and Philadelphia Sy rups. el Qin very hest qualities. PROW N ,110 A ILS.—The be,, the inarkel affords.— Levering', list Crustiest. ~ a ud. and Pulverized anon; .Also. his A. B. soil U. Sugars irbieh I,llllot be cur passed. Rice. Corn Starch. rrina, Dandeline coffee, Essence of Coffer., Concentrated I,ye, Seep, Candles. kr . cyOJILNA, GLASS, AND v Q 1.1 E ENSWAR A large and well selected stock Cl the very latest pat— turtle and sty es. lower than ever in price, and better In quality than was ever offered before in Carlisle Call and see %Vooden and It Illow Ware, curb asTubp Burke's. and Churns. Baskets of every description, Children's CARRIAGES, :Stoneware. Cream Vets, But— ter Jars Preserve Jars. Jugs, all sizes. ?JS 11—N,, 1, 2 and a Nluokoral. INI ESS Sil'it) No.l Ilerrhig. A large quantity f the oelebrated Excelsior /LAMS SA LT by the Seek. Dairytnd Q. A Salt. The ~übscribers respol,fully ask the patrnnajre ni their friends and the public trenerally. and invite 'hen, to call and OXIIIIIiIIO 'heir new stock. at the old stand, corner of Hanover and Louth, Streets. HALBERT & tutornEn. Carlisle. April %?.'2. 1004. THE PIHENIX PECTORAL WILL CURE YOUR COUGH ,•;-, W"' THE PLICENIX PECTORAL; OR, CONIPOUND RUP OR WILD CHERRY AND SNNEKA SNARE ROOT, Will cure i be Diseases of the THROAT & LUNGS. Such no Colds, C agho, Croup As'hma. Iln.tichli is. Ca'arrh, core 'Enron , I vSIIII44FR, Whooping Cough, &c. Its timely use will pro Vent PUL.IIIO.ArARY CONSUMPTION, And oven Nvhure this fearful diSO.OO has taken bold it 011101. rd greater relief than any other Medicine I , disit Kate Vanderslice of Pottsville. says: I wee bent litt,d more by Airing the rhoinix ectoral titan any other medicine I ever uell." — Elll.lB Uteri oltzer, of Lionville, Chestoi: county, was cured of cough of many years' standing by using the Ilicenixl'ect , dal. Jnsepb Latins. of Ball *sot, Phoenixville, coolfies that he was cured of a couch ol two years' standing. when all other medicines had failed, by the Phoenix Pectoral. .7 (cob Powurs certifies that ho has said himdrials of hot Iles o, the Phconlx Pectoral, and that all oho used It boar testimotly of Ito wonderful effects lu ouzlog coughs. Julio !toyer, editor of the a •iddopundent Phronlx," having used It. hos no hesitation in pronouucleg It a c•umph•tt rug ody fur cough, Ivareenea and I, rltatlon to the throat. The West Chests• "Jellersonlanil Bays : "We have known Dr. Oberheitzer personally a number of years. and It gives us the greater pleasure to recommend his Medicines Inasmuch as the public rarely lia• - s the bon‘fit of family medicines prepared - by a physician of his acquirements and experience. De. Dberholtzer Is a member of the Alumni of the Medical Departmoot of the Unlvorsl.y of Pennsylva nia. at which Institution he graduated in 1854 1 ' The Heading "Gazette" sass: '• This cough remedy le nuule.up by Dr. L. Ohm holtzer, of Phoenixville, Pa., and l! has acquired an unsurpassed reputation in cur ing coughs. It is car, fully and skillfully -prepared from Wild ("harry Bark and Smelts Snake Root." . Dr. Geo. B. Wood. Prof ssor al the Practice of Medi cine In the University of I'ennovootu r ,Physiclan to he Ponneylvititla Hospital, and one or thil authors of the United Statue Dispensvtory, saYs of Seneka snake Root: ; its action is specialty,} . dlreetud to the Immo " Too proprietor of this imdleine hoe AO much coutl- , d nee in Its 3urativo powers from Um testimony of hundreds who have acrd it. that the money will be pAd hack to any pitch:mg who is not satisfied with Its effects. It boo pleasant to take that children cry for it. It costs only 'MK} -five cents—large b dtles $l.. It Is Intended for only one class of diveakes, namely, those of the rhroatand Lungs. Prepared only by • LblVI ODERTIOLTZETt. M. D.. Phosnixvilld, pa. Sold by all Drugaists and Storekeen re. Johnston. Holloway & Cowden. No. 23 No th Sixth Street, Phi,adelphin. General - Wholesale Agents. D. W. Grof4i& Co., Wholo , mle Agents Harrisburg, Ilmterst e lerhoDrug Sture. nonry for Carl! lo N, :tout , nearest drugdist or storeiesper does not keepthis medicine do not lot him put ymvolT with some other medlelno, becatose he moo to morn money on it but send at once tonne of tbnagents for It. March 10, 1805,71 y The' House Cleaners FrieD, - & CQ. ' • have a_atekLeaving attleta foi.43loining Floors. 611 Cli)th, Windowo, c . ..thizt Id worth 1111 ' 4xamlhitt,lun by tlio publl . c:' Call Dr. I. C. LOOMIS - - ut . ~ Point) et Sti eat fovidoore "? . "'lllirlisriu,„ '7 -- below tio4th,lltmoyer.4 Jcily'lilbo44' • ' - ' .. . . . COAL ANDWUAI BE It YARD.- Thu submit - lc hex lug leared Use yard fortnerly occupied by Armstrong and and pm chased the stock of COAL AN,D LUMBER, fn tho ,urti, low:tiler With an 101” n now rtock Wlll have rongtantly on baud and furnish to o ull Rinds and qu„lity of e.uusoned LU""""' POAItUrr\ e" SCANTLING FRA Paling, Plasterinv Lath, Shingling, I nth. wort,ed rh urine and it eatherboaldintr. i'i, to and I ails, and ever, article that belongs to a Lumbel Yard. All kiodE. of thingles, to wit: tt bitej.ine. Hemlock. and Oak. ol tillirrt•ut qualities !laving earn of Try own I can furnish 11111.• to m dor ol any Ic, Iph sic, or tllo •hartsst 'lotto. and DTI 113.1 most rra,onable corms. My workt•d loArrls will 1 , 0 14t:pl unrtrr o.Nor diet (-to dry at alt I have c. , n4t in tly •n hand al k,kilias of Family Coal on ler -over, which ( will deliver clean to ally part al the I.oroogh. To in it: 1,1 hens Valley. llr,ltlM. rjri , , ari ‘..7 ~.:,...4t. 1. in Rich r& fit. , 7 , e m a i n o i.l ~,N i t !, t , . ., .L „ u 1,43 11,, 1..'11 , 1 , 1 , 1 t , .e , I.ohhety, lvb I pledg.• ~g N 0 "I prices Host quelily of Limeburner',R and Mackmnith'.l Cool, alwas on hand which I will sell at the lowest floirt. Yard west Olio 01 GraMillar :7.01001, Maio street AN hlthli It. ItI,A June 9, 1865. tt FIRE 11:URANCE. TIIE Allen and Eastpennsburo' Mu Ir. liisurittivo Company 01 C111111)011/111, °may, Invorporated by an act of As.onil ly, in Cll. year Ir4.t, , sod fid4l,ol. revero 1 . , had lb , charter extend ed to the 3 ear 1,83. Is now in netive and b;orous op under tba suia.o tendeoco of thu lollox 11011111 of nundrl s, viz: lillll,ll It. ~ , rgas Chrihti .`.. 4 tayinan Jacob Eber y Bally Lathe:. t.. 1. II Coos yr John ElelielLer ger,Josepl , I,L,,,hin. daunt hberly. ?lows Ltikker, dodolph t cm.vt•r. :tad 1.0. Dunlap. 'I be rate, o• new lot, are ^a 111,e toilvorable a Any Comploy I the kind la the State Pt•rtalllS Wi•11 rug to Lev , as 11 , •11111v, stiff iuvstrd to nod.e applieu don to lb- e r, ~,, ,:otopany, who at, t. wait upot, i hut tit 21 t tinm WM. It GOIDSAP. free Went, P. 0 CIIRISI 5-TAY:MAN, Vice l'r,sidont. I,llBl , lvshurc. I'. 0. JOHN 5` iIL I si P. Seery. :t l oeba oirshurg. DAN Ir I, 11.1!'.r. tlilintontlz, York Co. All ENTS. Vaunty.—,lobo Shen Ick. Allen; Ilent &qui:JONye; t.• I . l.lTvr, Diekins..ll town; ritli h rout in. 11-I or , ilittui. %leutpeillw. n coma Co ver. .• ,' 0:1 11 Alm.; : .1. W Cock lin, :1)(101er/stow D el AllOl. : 0 Sttx vii ,or SPrir. John liter Vldelaine l vonlan. Note Cumbe t andlish, Ylirk —• It .6. l'lelti,.g'Dovo• rJam flrifillh. ‘% .... . •.i hichry Clark I. sirviow ; Williams Dauphin co uwr. 11/.110 urg. mulan • ~ I.rulpan% hosing po•kinn about expire. nil 11.1 V • thorn ryn0,..1 by malting applirati co airs ~f thin. ‘ , ..ents. .11113 I. I' LYNCH & FOOTE, P:umbers & Gas Fliters sete.enbers hiform the public tli g they , till eeittinue tile GAS FITTINO NI) 11.11\11S1:“1 01{111.4)a (h. •I I St, .1 in L 11.• hasem.e , t t h.• Si 31..41 - lAlst (•hurrh '11..3 .st [viol prtisilol) 1. I U.. a title Ip l / 1 Ily./1:111t4. 11. I:1114 roll S 11 - ER ILI S „ 1 . , ,r •1 t I r,ICI ;••• r;r l ' I.•• -• • • lir irr .1 r • ir r • • N't t t• t t .1..1., tt • ttitt it; •t, 111 ,, It, t • ,1 • t•-• • r 1 ,ttt .tstt 11=1 Li; IL\ :I) FEM.\ Li =MEI .• 1:••• 10, ••ilitt I 1::: 1/ 111/ :' '••••• •-•:: /11/1 •/ •.// Is I / 1 a.lll 1-!!!! .!! I !,•!! I !P: t!! !! - t. !..!!!! !!! I!. i. . 11,!!!!!!! , • '.! P,!!! ,I,lsi S 1.1111.! AlT.iil , ll' • Hk.ISI(1 , ••• 4 .11. 01 .11 , II,•1•1.1t•Iir• \\ t, (1,••••1 .1,11 thy,. will 1.1i...1 tr t rt Ir., rd. lir, tr r Ilr Itt.o•rt tr• I il m. 1.01 t.rr tit. Jlp.,trl irtttrph .`• C. 01 . ..1 I. r , a a.ld ,E;ttrty er r , It rto nrtLolizr•l.lVll. 11it1ill . “ . zttti.r....rtitriltritriz try, rt. WM , tO I tl/1,1 I I, .2 A ..trt• :n Iran A. W. lIENTZ. SPECIAL, NOTICE. Great Roduction in Dry Goods, 0 ~ftYt!!!!}'; rn Ar ti •I. 3 111.1111q11•1 1 . % (It,•wi 111 1i..311 . k . ri..its 111.•t.11 :tint Ili Lein to suave eatletigoi , 1,1 , 1 V uu to hue a• .''•• 2 , 1) ..X 1•11,i, 1.. .1 at low io le., oat l, ••• 1.1 t. his ppo3fl/1.113 he att,..ti 1 r!it• 1.L1 , 110 n 4 I ,111 rill !‘l.l , "int , lll" 11 .1 I • for %; 101, 111, "IA helms the roan lloilso Ow 7. .1. IV. SINNWAY PIANOS, First Prize Medal at the Worlds Fair, London, 1862. „ . -- i __%,.' 41 -' , _.-• , _-` , .‘ 2 4 . ..., , ,-':&''' . ..... t - Is . -:,-,4 - 4 ----,-.:—_ •- ,, -4-* ~ , T . - i , , , F , --9 '\.-.4 .1 ( y ; .-: :1, 141, Yi . p . k,........ T . ) ,.. _... 2 :, _--_,..-..- _ r LIE undersignedju,t eceived and I nlenoa nee vonatrant.:) on Land n lull an 11• ot 11, unequalled Plano- inanulartured I.) ,1011/W .1 Earl, ni , tiumen• Dili be varetully aulet.ted In tilt ‘lanufarthry be sold at the New Vac ash Factory Prices, with the .da,Li",, of Freight 10 C,011.1t0 A tuo of ”11111 . 0 -atl4tolloa will bi 41v1•n 1.13 t. -tillherilmr to ouch lt,stn.ti" to pur••• siu Inrlt,•d to call tuna %Dud Vint/ R. E. Shapley's Jewelry Store, Vain Street, 3d dew 0n,4 of the Ila..kdoki nous°, nea t o Rahn ad Depot SECOND II AND I'l ANU:s received In exchange and Ken for -alt., and Id rout. Carllsln. May 22 1863—1 e A. B. EWING'S P U N I 'l' U EWA It E-11. 0 0 111 " h ,{. ;,V--.4 , - : k 4t - 5 4 1, 7 , V Y1 IT,Ai. 1 s 1 )t:-, „ West 'nigh Street, CarLsle, ,Pa .(14.0,1 in in awarded -at ti"?otberland Comity -I.f / ricultural Pair of 1837,) Thu suMerlMo has just. reeeiv, 0 the most splendid tomort meta of firtiCii•ii in tilt iillo, over Mought 10 tili• place—whch In, is determined Lo soli at price:, that duty competition. Parlor. I , Chamber. DI Ming-racial, FURNITURE.' line limia__ooo , i Oin1:1, timbromng every article u.etl by finlike and hotel keepers, of the most approved alld fast:lt:able design and ft olvh. I nel titling also Cottage furniture in set to, remotion and Camp t balm, Mattrasses, Wit frames. pictures, .tc.. 0. to ..particular attontlon given as usual to funeral,: orders from town sod couotry,l attended t'.) promptly and on moderato terms. July 1.1664 • • I)AINTS AND ,011,5..-1-• ' „10 Tons White Icpd• 1000 Galloneof Oil. Just recejved Nvi li a hirire•assortmont, of Varnished, '' • Flro'Proof Paint, • Turpentine, , Florence ti bite, Japan White Zinc, Putty,' , 'Colored Zinc, Latham% - Med Load Ifiiii lag, . Boiled till, Ohio, Lard Oil, Shellac ' Sperta Oil, • Paint. Brushes, Fish Oil. &c., Color., of every description dry, and 011 in cans and tubes at the hardware Store of , July 1.,' 18114 rya Pulmonic Wafers; AT It A ISTON'S. Dec. 31, 1603 TiNE gtod - Phottwiliph'ifiiwi'irt a doz. y en poor 011(19, Who will ~.IyO tcpooi.picitiio to n flieno 7 , All P 110TNI It A made at . u .. -. are warranted to giro satisfaction or they will he re taken Oct 21,,1865. 3EIYSIIIIANS will find it to their ad vahtitgoo to call, u'd purchasu their es at " • _ ltiLLSTOspia—o- Attly.l 4 1884 500,00) MORE •MEN WANTED, TO PURCHASE THEIR Spring and Sum me, r Clothing of ISAAC LIVINGSTON, -AT his cheup Clothing Establishment oc North nunover trout,. Car.lsle:trsts olio of Jr rivst. sod best stocks READY 111 A 1) E CLOTHING, GENTS". FURNISHING GOODS, ANZ . DAM •er 1 -, rouelst to this place Ilavltig just rob tolled fro c,,e,pasgs s he aoh..o , ol.dges Ids oral it title to the liz nod vlelolv Sro she ex tes,Fis e pnt they have IsuFtoeed upon Vila, sled takes the .-sent ,spisos limit) . to rpbts,.. till Sy oil jalt a mbt r i"... Pry tI I b., NUM!. Ills took or re sof . , mule ,SPRING 'AND SU.NIAI DLOTIIING, is 11 , 9 r torpassed in this piney. Si In-r In gustily or in 5,00141 w clompnets LSIIIIIIII., that he Also Matra L•i of art io ostler tits in his en.ploy a. experi oile,d slit ter • t laill 1113 ity lUr, atilt In the tri n la ties, that I retonot lie node, F old l. t soy utter, csuildhilinent. rI le.t Ii s, t 1 rat. \ or.h or :.-out I;lvings on has nle tlys been the first to supply you With slot log, lice sly' tiro prr cent. on.nner, and (me Lnou nd pr cent Letter then you „„ p„.l,„prrfind OSIIIIII tlt his stock ,her, you Want to latiebese clothing I.eAAC LIVING:..TON, North itauover :qreet. Apr I 2 , , Mir, MACHINE SHOP. The sulwcriber 111.1 V ui es and . 11 liver, eon tautly on hand. on It :Are; t, taut of 1 henfliunt's lintel, a large ens rtinrot of AGRICULTURAL 1 )11'1.h:11 ENT'S, ,u,.b ns Hurl, Pufv,s, Threshing 31fohln. s with Sep ral ors atchelied, Cover Il oilers Corn , 11,1,era. t , t raw and hld, t ut tI,F, all latest and the hem at ~WYY l'arrieular eltenlinu rid,/ to MIMI, Ind ko.ff, of Ayrh 111 l oral Imi,la tnent, nt short noti. o af.d IA li t 'I I a , 11.1u1 for former favors 1 tepperifnlly lust t ahalo ot puhlta pal iooage , l'fikuum '1 the:•tuie ol John ',vine, on t h -L - 31_ N. E t•orilor of the publir NI., I , Ole lace t , huse 'toot, :Owl., Ltd.,. and t ti I.V. Ixt )Hint. tl.nt defy compe.lith.l), Ile hasjus. eel Lisped Item the Bast Nvitl, the late.. and nil, d itt Lit n. 71,(nn. hulls A Caps that he has ever plo Felted to this 1 . 11511,11 011 i whirl, 111 1 is thitelnilned to sell el U, Jou esl. sll•le !Tires. Ills stock eullnaees eTer3lllll g in Eli Ilse of b Filirns. Furl as • & BOYS' FINE ('•AI..F B• 00 TS. catr:md l'acma ',nth, Oslo' !tie,. nt , , Sul p:arlot I, al lier Oaitf. A. 1. all Nullif;,,. Cnlf wi t Siipper. WEAII. Fitly Fre•nelrund F.nplrl I.a , tll.{:Ga4ors. blororro .11141 I.IIIE• kW; Ippl lt.l m,l y Hi, l „." . NI ( rovet and Kid Ac. %I 1. , 1. , A I) . 8 IN El: nsti,w Gt6tl it I lISIIIIg V.UL1 , 41 IMIS. )...114,e0 It u s cl ill 611,01. ral.e) 0141,101 SllllOlO. r Fur :ilk Hark: ui d Ott- [1 At or rlOl I, Pry , mho ❑has ar. r. to pettily;tits hri.. tootle} . 'I I/L• II dudes, .1 ever, rt,l, n1.,111.11a U11,011:1,1d 1,1 I iel,tt , ens ' P OO.' in/A arid tmiLli; 113 (111,1- atQ 0 her t.te,Lle.ll !neut it, the t•eullle). IMPORTANT TO ALL SUFFERING ROM _ . DEFECTIVE EYE SIGHT. fil /SEN . DA i'tuli-r. Optician, •is now he) untnehi ly nt 21 1 N. 1111 1 2.1 ci , 11 . 12),.11104. .1. • o;h•ils Ledi s Pt111111.•11 who I Ie 10 the lothlL of weal illµ the 11 ht-st s 011, von,M4, - ) OW/ a h»•b e Si II jor nos to the MOO lug 10 their a rnctizt:.: )11.1 thaulit, the e) omit bane hind eight imptirell 1y the 11,0 wemiln pecit n).3 »the) de Vet !‘) Mai, 0 LH...4 he INI \ LI NS Tne•in 'nectarine e ill (*wilily /bed per,ons I. tit fin in . ) length on Union-it ~liennlinutee.tenniplo)uni int. either by il.iy ni vanillin Huhn nod ell not require 1110 1.11:11410 in greeter ruing, it, line p wi rni. N o (renown, ly !is 'lle • 1111 , S, In rOllll/1011 den. 1110, 1111111111”.•1 r.. 4.1 by ineelinnery on a uua'rnuaructleu, peoullnin to , the In. Feeble NEW AN!) FRESH Ckk - C)) 40 se i p ISe . LB 1.. & B RU., I lAV I AV LNG just leturtied rroui Che Lower. CII lUS ‘1,11 . 0 to 'nlllllll their pair. 'is that sic, int, u iti a 1111,1• and varied stuck uf NI iv and Gisqls at the Am est , /Isl. prices. I h.-dr 1..41111 it 18 Ilik - 01J411 cud complete cnnt, , in• ever) thing, I/newts:lay hi constitute a First Wass Ur °eery. ?PEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, In ores to-t abundance and at 1. , w. at rash figures ,yrup9, - Spices. I ut, nod Fruits. QUEEN:SI% All I' and o ,, ekery. Salt arid FLh. UltlllB. Chrl3Bll, Itrushi.s . , Baskets lull 11 filmy Ware. Sellars «ial 'Tobacco, or the i•haleest brands. Brion., Buckets, and a cam pl, to 1121sla t me. t FAMILY GIICCEIdIES. 11o0'. motel the old stand, Last corner of 11:11../Ver sir, Ste. , HALBERT A BAH.. 04, 18:4. I= Cash Capital 2.003,000,00 .tgouta J uiy 31st 1335 3,714 60,00 011 AM Alt Proalilsnt. A P. iV I 1.1.711 A 11TH, Vico JOHN NVOCE, Secretary. The attention of lam , re Mid business m n generally is invited tic the superior advantages afforded by the ahoy.. responsible Steck CO. 'foe Insured air ,s no ore es; is subject Rl i e assessmente; and tho rates are aseheap MI IS 1011Sit.t..011t wi 14 the In .13,4', eorep d ismitoo. Pnii ries ifiqUeli and lesson wi nitnhly adjusted and rlr raptly paid by the undersigned who Is epaulet, d the author. trod ngent for Cumberland County. L J. W.-FOULIC. A. B. 1.. Oarpktings and Oil !Cloths N o t r lotoc i o v r i g ' a e ri c h up l e o : n 1 p c a t sh and ti g tar ' • ...CARPEtS. Also. Floor OIL CIA rin4 all ' widths, which will be .alit for the cash at the lowest flare WAS. OGILOY, Trustee. • March 4,1811,1 EO W. D.' D. S.-. ‘_fi- Vito Domonattator of Oporti t Ivo Den tla , rr of the l'altitnoru cflle,to of 4 ' Duntal eurg, , iy.• c.a" , OW° at Ilia roAdoure oppoalto Marion 11kat.111eati i.troot, Odo lisle, l'a. 1854. lIENRY SA XTON ! - cubi..pgras'i,4l)' V. At LEY 11,UTE L. r . 7 ._1P,4L - Cor - !kain_ an d-Berilmq 0- -- - - • • • • C4R.LISLE,_Ir.. - JNO. O. BF.- - ‘ .c r o i "' 1 1;ST --- ' ur " l A h. , ,l ll : 6 4l li th,, l l le ba?cincnt,' , Aeia - 11p o t4 f fuly,"vtisrlo4.o!l 'orY o.lllemirs, Juici 1.806-Lly. A.. 1 Agont Itt,UpTS AM) SHOES. MEMO 1‘ A ICIIES NI) JEWI.I,In It, : i'l•I . • I. ••I Is• • (;(,1 ALVS • !.. .. • •1 i ••• 1,I• .J- • *i !•• .1! •I•• •t: •••••,• • 11.!••. 1111 M 11.1 , ;5‘, ONE - 1:2 .1, ,‘ • 11 , 1 , so ::II i• , 1, du. I:. P. :-I!A . Every Val 'Hy. qty lc and Qualily, , 101,1,&•107,, CA::: - •1:111,1t 11E.1 TER & T 31Ilit chllS 01 every te•eript 'ol.nm(ly lle InA lie , all the ohl Inlrons ul tlaa ...In). new ones as 1.155111 . 1 e. gi%t , a =MEI A i lip+ On band a large a , snrt tiler t 01 NI it•rnSPOPPH, AIt , AIP , •H. pe , n and Held i iiiSseh; her 11 1 ,1001• 1 ,. 101. r.•ine ters. Nlll,lllt.Lti 1,4,111% lug A Iva- I C rival 11 OChines. Til4 . l . l•SCOpe- , apt tins Views. Catalog 1.11• F SOW gran d .1a .. cia n. 2. 1 . ly HOME Insurance Company OF NEW YORK. Office 135 Broadway Carlisle Pit. Sept. 1, 1805 Jo!IN t =NEI = =