►1 giOntltxr',o,4 Coal Dast.,as a Manure. E Very few farmers:fire aware of the great - Value of this article as a stimulant of vegd table life. With rnanY, the question whether the ashes of anthracite coal have nny per . coptible ,fortilzing- properties or not, is a perplexing one, no exporimtmts of a reliable chlifliefet having been instituted upon which any ciecisive or definite opinion can be brised. A writer in one of the most rioted papers in Pennsylvania, in an article on the material pi:ciperties of Coal Dust, says: - have neor- seen any notice of Coal Dust, as a manure, but the 'finest and in.st luXuriant stalks of the Poke weed (used and preferred here for early greens, because it is * more tender and succulent,) are found grow ing the beds of dirt around the mouths of the coal mines. Its growth is most rapid, and-At blanches beautifully, in • sittii,sitnationg ', Upon the heaps of coil dust :,..upon the wharves of Philadelphia, fine crops opts May he seen growing, with extraor dinary vigor; without any soil. lam not a • , farmer, but I can answer for its efficacy on ^& - garden made in this regioh• and from the filet, that fruit trees wh.ch sulfured from in- kcts in the roots for several seasons past, he 'ing very healthy this year, after removing The soil s and covering the roots with coal dust. u '"DTo`ono = vvlio tae not witnessed the pow ',.eiful efibat of pulverized charcoal on culmi ferous and leguminous plants, can easily be induced to believe the extent to which the fayortible action of the article is developed 'liy'the surprising and almost immediate ex qinnsion of the vegetables to which it is ap- Tiled. :- " The antheimitic properties of the dust • are also a very powerful argument in its favor, as well as the absolvent properties characterising it. The gaseous products of fermentation, and the aura resulting from the economy and development of vegetable, life, and which not only cumbers 'the air in vast quantities, but acts under favorable circum stances, as a most salutary, and, indeed, in dispensable agent of vegetation, is attracted, absorbed and economised by this substance in surprising quantities. As a dressing for onion beds, it is perhaps unrivalled in the whole catalogue of manures. In Scotland, a piece of ground has been shown, not long since, on which this vegetable had been grown- for upwards of seventy years consec utively, and with no other material or stim ulating agent long applied. The productive-- ness of the soil, and the quality of the crop, steadily improved. On the wheat lands of Pennsylvania, it is extensively used. It is ,also applied to the corn crop, and in both 'eases with like success. A dressing of coal dust will last ten or fifteen years—charcoal being nearly indestructible in its value, when thus used, its is evinced by the fact that part of limbs charred by burning of the primitive growth in clearings, are often found many years afterwards perfectly sound and undo eayed, though buried beneath the soil." ■ ' PHILADELPHIA BUTTER.—The supe rior qnnlity of the above to the general aver age, found in other cities and places qj:resort. is a very common observation of travelers. Its excellence has indeed become proverbial, and there may be several reasons given. lst. The character. of the pastures in the dairy districts around Philadelphia corn arises a mixiurc of grasses. We find among these, varying, of course. somewhat with the local ity, Kentucky blue grass, ( Poe pea tensis,) greatly valued by our best dairymen, and red clover, white clover, herd gross, timo thy, sweet-scented vernal and rye grass. The mixed c,haru of , the pasturage probably of some importance. Where the pasture is chiefly red clover, it is a common remark here that the butter is apt to be strong. 2eOur dairy-farmers are very particular to take cut of their herd every cow whose cream, partaking of an oily character, does not separate freely from the milk and harden readily. We once owned a cow of this char acter, and had to churn every ecv.'s milk separately before we could find which she was. The cream was what is called ropy, and would never harden into anything lot oily butter. It spoiled the butter of twin ty cows, when mixed with it. 3d. When milk is allowed to stand too long, as, fur instance, in a spring, house, be l6w the proper temperature, it then become; mouldy, which, of course, hurts the quality .of butter. This is obviated by keeping on hand a pan °fano' or thickened milk, a table spoonful or two of which is mixed with every ,pan - of fresh milk, when it is put in the spring house. This ha tens the decomposition or souring of the milk, whet it is believed here is indispensable to secure the whole quantity of cream from each pan. The rule is gene rally for pans IA) Stand for three milkings before the cream is skimmed off end put into the cream pot. 4 h. The care of the ererott is considered important. It is putitS a tiu.‘essel, about 16 inches deep, by 10 or 12 in diameter. A hole is made below the level brick or plank floor of the spring house, in which the cream pot is plunged up to its rim in water{ This keeps down the temperature, and Pre'vents fermentation. Very particular care is used to stir it well round once or twice daily. sth. Churning not less thin once a week contributes to make prime butter. Most of Our best dairymen churn twice in the week through the summer. Go. The cream, being in proper order, the churning and working of the butter follotvs. "flutter gathers soft in the churn. no sub sequent working or manipulation will make good butter out of it. It is essential that the butter . "come hard;" and this is insured by 'throwing in a lump of ice, and working it arounda few times in the churn with the butter, when it first begins to break. It is' then transferred to the hatter table, ailz:the wfiter and buttermi'k worked out Of-it, iii a very few minutes, no matter how large; 4. quantity, by one of our patent butter' workers. A sponge enclosed within a softmuslin cloth is used at the same time, 'and; When the process is through, it would be difficult to discover a single trace of either :water or buttermilk. The salt is applied at this drat working, and thoroughly inCorpor 'sited, by the fluted rollers of the werker.— , Th ; e,tike ; of any water at. all in working is generally avoidqd by our best ditirymen. :The lateD. B. unman, President of the Cheater county Agricultural Society, often • , : replied to visitors from a distanco, , who'Aaid ::they Could net:make such ieed,butter 11's he gaVe:them,.." that they were'toe'ambitious du-try;" said' lie,__rrt4 save both the but(er andithe'butternfith. lam content with the „ pure:butter r and alloW the other to drain Off.” 7tli. Entire cleanliness in and around the. .sPiiiii,h,O4o,ifi• scrupulously observed. The milk huelcets, strainers, &c., are daily scalded:and exposed to the sun, and all nox ,ios.pdork.xidlieb,lnlik, and cream absorb so and , retulily, carefully ayoided. Ah ,oldf lady on a dairyfarm once told us that ,t,s4,fully,,e2mused her. son for, giving her a tuidden..and, 'violent blow on the moutb.— ',VOUglitlessly 'she had gone into her spying smoking her, ipe. A sudden blo'w, ?''i;juri,d...f4tathping,iiniler hie foot, dashed away ,'' 'Apo; tobacco and sm okep' One minute would have dono the binilnasii, I and .damaged the •` lvlii le iltialify.ljf hiO r pll)4,o.l9g: ,11e , had'heeti s 6htillAngan oitra,priop for, a ohoii3o artialo ~....tir,but,tor„,sold • always,' in , ndvanco, and took It:hii'„Ohl,r;alolhod: to save,. lilOopptition, es ho , - •!, PriPti ng alt;', Qtind'•and.p`ohad':'lumps, each. separate alean white ink,! iitirtia::,.4W.4ll - o,siiiii`eii.l-3i4Ho.,int it, papiteki • `. • '' , c; , in tha tub among ice, and brought into mar ket•as fresh and hard as it leaves tha spring house, .• Butter made in the abcile way is now set= ling (June lst,) at forty cents per pound in the ,Philadelphia market, and has brought for many weeks the past winter seventy-five and eighty-five cents per pound. Such but ter is one of the luxuries.—Rural Adver. CIINIBERLAND VALLEY 4, 1 p91-7,;: - 01 4 ,„; - • ::I;ZAT). 'FRANKLIN. IM AIL 120A.DS. OHA.A 7 GE OF HOURS. . ON and after MONDAY, APRIL, 4th, 1864, Passenger Trains will run daily, as follows, (6 unday excepted): , FOP. CHASIBERSBURG AND HARM- BURG. Leave Hagerstown, 7:00 A. M., 2:45 P. M. " Greencastle, 7:37 " 3.35 " / Arr at 8,17 4 4:20 Ohantberiett, - - Leave 8:30 " 12:55 " Leave Sly ippensburg 0:00 " 1:28 ". ‘• Newville 9:3 " 1:28 "' ' Carlisle 10:10 " 2.42 " • Mechanicsburg 10:42 " 3:12 " Arrive at Harrisburg 11:15 " 8140 " FOR CH AIIIIIERSRURG AND HAOI3I.BTOWN : Lelvo Ilan isburg 8:05 A. 51., 1:35 P. 51 • Mechanicsburg 8:37 " - 2:15 " • i arifslo 9:27 " , „,, 2105 " " Newville 10:02 - 3:29 " " Shlppensburg 113i33 " ' 4R:Rf --". Chambers'g, Arr at 11:10 •• 4:30 { Leave 11:10 - 4:40 Leave Greencastle 11:55 - 0:30 " Arr. at llaorstown 12:35 " 6:10 " The Carlisle and Harrisburg ACCOMODATION TRAIN will leave as follows: Leave Carlisle 0105 A. 31. " Mechanicsburg 6:25 Arrive at Harrisburg 6:55 " Learn Harrisburg 4:20 P. M. Mechanicsburg -PO4 " Arrive at Carlisle 5:20 " making close conu•ectiois l at Harrisburg with Trains for Philadelphia, Now York and Pittsburg ; and with Trains for all points West. The Train leaving Itarticburg at 4:20, I'. N., tuns only an P.r as Carlisle. 0. N. LULL, Sup't. SuperinlopilenVs Office, Chamb'g..luly 1. 1804. Magnificent Sale GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, ewelie3r, eic4c. ON THE ONE DOLLAR PLAN. The Entire Stock of One Gold and Silver Watch Manufacto ry, Two Inonense - Jewelry Establish wants, One Silver Plating Warehouse, One Gold Pen and Pencil Maker, To be disposed of with dispatch WITHOUT REGARD TO COST ! The floods am 01 fashionable styles mid moot excel loot woiltmanship, and are sarrill , ed in this manner to refers the proprietors from embarrassment occa sioned by A distracting civil war. It should be promi nently stated, also, that they are mostly of AMERICAN NI ANUFACTURE unit theretimt l.treatly superior to the good, Imported In on abroad and hawked about no Illy yhe.tpeot ever sold. The simply duty fill imparted 00 is, and the high premium on Gold (all foreign bills are payable in gold,) amount to more than the Petite Yost of InitllY of the attic'' , offered by no to the pubis. To farilit•tte the sale ONLY ONE DOLLAR will be charged Ihr any article on bur list, and this num the purchaser need not pay until he knows what he i to get! This plan a: cords with the method re cently become on popular for chi.posing of large stocks efilewelry ar.d eimliar• productions. THE PLAN IS SIMPLE: 'rho nxn u • oaoll olrored for sale—ate 4 . W,ld II uothrw oh• 11," •' 001,1 Oval Hand •• Pomo) eastplo and Ear-Drops," . -ho d Enainollea 11mg,•' Pla..rat Cake Itavket, - .tc . Is a ritteu on a card and vueloavd in a sealed envelop, ; theseenveiopes are then placed in a drawer and a ell mixed; then as an ord, ris reveled, with twenty five von Is he return postage end other viler es, :in. r the cards or e rtlli eaten is takes at rand,. and sent by first mail to the customer, who a ill nee at 01.1, what be van get fir rine Dollar. I he In pleased with bin I.•rturre 10.1 1,0 1;0- war d the un.ney tecoedin • to direetten• iv. the 0,011 eat.° :sad se-lire the pr II the artiele a e arded should he unsait4 to t. r purchaser—an fir exarnp• o , a set ofl'ent I oar-Drops and 111 eas•plu to a young man who caul.] not wear them. and had no 0110 CO Rive them to-0e 0 111 send any other article sit the catalogue 0 41ud priers whial may be pr ferred Or if, for any rl. I'l,l )11n1 vlrso. , e to 1,010/1,1 no harsher, then yuu van let the mar ter drop where It in and spend ..n more. Es mill , v.:. fully 10111 :110.CLIO: \VA Fe 11 DE PA It'ir 31 EN T. 1 . 211,nt Lever I:ollHunt.ina-Case $5O to 200 .o ..e ti' Lover 11.1 d 1 40 - 175 -10 Loot , ' Svv:, 110 ottog Cnsa, 3.1 - 1.0 _0 P I. I 11 .1d nod EnHood'd - 80 ttoot 110.)tio, ( . o.e. 30. 00 1 .1 1 . !...• Sliver !loud ('non, 3. - 05 1. , t 20 - 00 25 - •;00 .10t 1H- 40 .1 \V E lt Y l'A ItT 31 I.'N' f. D. 1,1 011 long., i 4 to $l2O (h • iltS Ping, 20 - 100 111 C_h California Diamond Pine, F.) (ion( q' nl t Diamond 1; 1 go .110.1 1.1i•11 , 1;1,Id :111d 1 . :1111111e11.11 h. L., Gloins, 4 - 40 40 .0 Ilcol,' (/ , 4,1 Yost I Lnil,n, It - 40 40110.1, Id Sleet, Buttons. 8 - 10 4000 Palrii-11 1, 0,-Id ,l Enam ;duet, Buttons 3- 18 (10110 0,10 Gent,' li. 61 Etude. 3 - 8 00 Heels' 01- no 0 l am) olgnct lllnes, 3 - 12 80110 (1c01.,' 0,10.1 :et .1 oiguet Enain Rings 4 15 401 0 1,141,'1.1,M1 Neck 'halo , Ii 511 0000 (1.1141Js , :l -Baud Bracelets. :1 - 10 110110 0014 and :let Bra c,•leIA, 8 - 12 000. (10:4 0,4 Enameled Bracelets, 8 - 15 :,000 0,4,1 Chatelain Cll/1111N. 8 - 30 (1111111 1,41i,' 110111 SI eve Buttous. 3 • 8 41010 Pair Gold Nlllllll, Sleevr Buttons 4 - 10 1 1 1000 Sollt,,lre Brola.he,. 3 - 12 61/11 11 COl.ll, opal 0101 Emerald Broo. hes. 3 - 12 50.0 001a1.1 and ('earl Enr-Or, ps, 3 - 8 7000 Mosalc. lel, lava & Florentine ear drops 3 - 10 51100 I Old T1.1m141, 5 10 lOU 0 onral, opal and Emerald Ear-Drops. 3 - 10 111000 311n1 tare Lockets, 4 - 10 100011 Miniature Lockets—in:tele xprlng, 8 - 25 IN 01 ('llllll (laid It loos. 4 - 12 1 0 0 outs 1,1,1100' Jewelry, (1014 and Jet, 6 • 20 10101 0010 141es' Jewelry, Cameo, Pearl, Se. 5 - 20 10000 Gilt and In Bracelets, 4 • 17 10000 I. JP,' lit and Jet 11.11 Slinportele., 2 - 12 SILVER PLATED WARE 1008. Cups. $2 to $2O 5000 GoblelF, 3 - 12 11,010 vair Napkin Inn, - 2 - 10 2000 0.11.11 I.laKl,ls, 4 - 113 .10.81 Castor Fr.ilue,--roniplete nvith 1011tles.:5 - 20 2000 Ice Paoherc, In . 20 (100(1 Poir Butter K Ili v et.. 3 - 8 5000 Soup. Oyster end Gravy Ladles. 1000 ling raved Ple 11 sll, ou. it - it 0000 Dozeu Ten Spoons. per d0 , ...en. 5 - 15 1.000 Dozen 'rabic, BpGouh, per dozen, 8 - 24 0000 Dozen Desert Forks. per doe u, 8 - 30 (rni,i) PENS AND PENCILS 19000 H. id Peus, Silvor 1 xteusloo Holdsr $3 to $lO 1200(1(4,4d Vimg, Silver IL•nuted Holders, 2 - 8 8000 Hold Poo:, Hold Mounted Ho'ders, 3 - 15 0000 ..old Pons with Hold 1•:x tons inn lloldors 10- 25 0000 Hold Pens, (told Holders ood Pencils, 10 20 0000 Gold reudig, 0 - 20 REM EMBER TBE PLAN L. all tfa,l, we charge for forwarding Mu Certificate .1”1• o the bu.dness, the Bum of Twent,, five onto w Mai InnFt be In the older. Five Curtin- Vai „ 111 he FOllO fur V: eleven for $2; thirty for $5 : -live Fir $10: no • lillndrod ;nr $l5. AG HINTS -,I E WANTED Thiiiiii4hout the Country to operate for la. dt huge compeosation will Ln raid. Rend for ternui, &r., en elo.+ing stump. NEWBORN & CO., Fulton Street, N. Y ]l:,V•jb 24, IMS IMPORTANT TO ALL SUFFERING :ROM DEFECTIVE EYE BIGHT. ~ j • 10 ROSENDALE, Oculist Optician, IP 'now permanently located at 20 North 2d St., arrisburg, Pa. . J. It. respectfully solicits Ladies and Gentlemen who are I u the habit of wearing the Glasses now In common use. (and which are generally so injurious to the eight owing to their attracting heat and drawing ,the eyes, or who may have had their Hight Impaired by the use of such U lances, weakness, opacity. or any other-defect to make a trial of the IMPROVED PERISCOPIC' LENS These 9pectacles will enable aged persons to sit fo,. anylength.oLtlmo at, & he minutest employment, either by day or candle light,And will not require thexhange to greeter magnifying powers so frequently as the Glasses in common, use. They are manufactured by machinery on a new c.onetructlon, peculiar to the In ventor. Always on hand a large assortment of Microscopes, Telescopes, Opera and Field Glasses, Thermometers, Ba rometers, Magnets, Magic Lanterns, Dissolving Appa ratus, Electrical Machines, Therescopes, and flee Catalogues sent gratl January 21/, 066-1 y READ! READ!! r have - Jost. returned from Now York j_with the lalek styles • • DItESS':GOODS -r -for tho BenFon. Blias,.Olottrand Moo Mantles, Shawls, Hoop king, Piirasols. Hosiery, Gloves, and all hinds 'of White Goods.' Cloths, 'CasAmores, Linen, Coatings. All kinds of D;0 C . .G 0•D8 raniiti o . A Jorge sunply - of CARPETS; Oil the, Shades, , - and Suinlahlng (Mods, ' • Please tall and examine my Stink, .118 always soil at the las sit market value. • • • . Additions cf1310Q1.41 will be.made as the Season ad vanees bno iloo , below Naiiin'e. 1 1' 1 V ol It".7)'" 13.1rne..t.. A.111:11TINGS,.011.0.1otlia and a',o'Ogliliy!ti p'4,f44 . 011A0.. OCEILBY:, +WI rj /866, MIM=EEM . . • ,D..R 00. S. • • " To - . Whom it -May Concern.". .G44tAiskAUe'l d & Sheifpr jRE happy to inforaijhe:ppblio:that theyhaTejust returned from NtlV. YORK wills a new and desirable stock of goods-4ought aeigreany reduced prices, which will be sold on the original and popular principle of QUIDS SALM AND SMALL PROFITS DRESS GOODS, Scotch Plaids, Wool Nadia, Zephyr Plaids, .Enipres Ciotho Plaid Moholrs, .oitimore Cloths, Amours, Barra theas, Alpacas in all colors, Emb. Alpsens. Wool De Mince Coburgs, &c Balmoral Skirts, A full assortment for Ladles and Chl/drrn CLOAKS and FURS! A large and desirable stock of Cloaks and Furs. bought In Now York which will be sold lower - then elsewhere. DOMES TlUB*, Do Laines, Checks ' Prints. usllns, (Animus, Canton Flannels and Tleulugs, all to be sold at grrat bargains. NOTIONS.-116biery, White Goods, &e. GENTS' AND BOYS' WEAR. Cloths, Cassltneree, Sat[netts, Jenne, ke A full asy norlinunt of Mager( Wu eelebruted llome-Made (Goods always en baud. Don't buy any hind of goods u 0111 you 11800 first called on 11 IIJoEN NI ELD & 8111.1OFElt, to note the great difference between tho prices asked for goods there and IMMEIE Bonds rorelrod daily from Now Yorh and Philad& phin RP:ENFIELD SLLE&F ELL_ East Malt, :Arcot, South side. 2d door, 2d.door, 2d door from corner MMZI BEST WHITE LEAD! BEST ZINCI DURE LIBEti.TY LEAD, Unsur i pa3god for Whitenes., Fl uo Uloeo , DUrlibility, Firmno zs, an,, evenness of sui fare. PURE LIBERTY LEAD—Warranted to cover !nom surfer fol. same weight than any ethm Lead— Try it and you will ha c no other' • Puitm LIBERTY ZINC. Helerted Zinc. ground In Refined Limuted Oil. une gulled in quaiity, always the same. PURE LIBERTY, ZINC, wa rra n toil to do more and better su'ilt at a ¢I rem 1.04 than :I , ly other—lint the Cl,:' Mto u tactu red at Pen n cy!va nla A 1 l COLON WUI, R 5. Ordors ex. cuted promptly by ZEIGLER & li7nilcsalr Drug, Paint awl Glf - s I)rn/rrs ~ , ..Sh.re Oillre, No 137 North THIRD Street, PHILADELPHIA. Mor!•tl tea, thita ly. Important to Millers and Mill Owners. yler's Improved Iron Water Wheels. Patented July 1855-56-58 H I•: following arc ,onie of the advan or All whoel, Ir•rr•r!1 C:t f I•rrlrr•r Ir•! tI!.• ,utter Its durability, nn tit is not. AO out of re pair. It. rays In as wrII is nut bark water with the a.ima bead. It Is Ilia 01 iStrllt•ti'd 11110101 . It, nr other RIII/Nilllll . o. NNlth n saltallh. lark. It Is Ild.lllLed to 11101 head, as well as low. It Is the steadiest ruimioq sad easiest regu [al ed wheel in use. •• It I. suilabio t a ell tuarldoerS. rot on and tux , to 80., end POl/01 The •ultt.o h the Peteht I:h.ht fir Cumber bird 0,1 Pm I. it tic , ill 111 ., t potl .•1 •• •..,lit •ti .1 teletarel urth er ..poly, ti t.• .'.NI,II:OeN. r Ltht. Eollhm z , pls "‘lO , O , (iski.SED Co Cn1::.Jr.1111i01,011 lit, lit iv 0 lei 4 - 0 number of heso atel !Wort-tam!. how h• pet them In PO I'• g v. 111:111 the most power ?lye-rt. 11ar w: ,ere et MI pr,.pehel to torn inh ilearlo4 suitel le t o r 1., 'I) ler olive's. :11,trell 24, ISt. WINES -AND Liauoi.,. SOUTH HANOVER STREET, CARLISLE. t 111 E 1 uudersigned, successor to D. P tiaielton. would respectfully inform hie friend and the public generally, that he intends to maintal, t 1,.• eller:Actor of the alien,' house ay heretofore. and evil beep rot sleekly on hand a large assortment of URANDIES, GINS._ WinSKEYS. RUMS. CORD; ALS &a., &C., I Mal, hi• can hull as cheap as any nther establishment , 'arlisle, If nit cheaper. Couuly Landlora will find this a° pine° to buy their. WINES AND LIQCORS Both in rept rd to q unlit). mid prie Ills st,k IF. large find well snleeted, and he it, it 3 call hell., pun:l..3llp elsewhere. Remember th place. South Ilanover street. diroctly opposite the "Co unteer 'l l rintine ( II Inter's old stand (Carlisl, November 0, 1864—tf. T. .1. I{ EH. LOCIDIAN & BRETZ'S NEW PHOTOG RAP H ALLERY IN NEWVILLE, PA L LOCH AN', long and fa vora ). lily known as our of thr br.t, the rroolry. lawns i•onAtti 111311..1f ith (is, no rolioent PhOtAgraplier, to carry On the Pho toisrehhir husiiietis in New Cumberland CO Pa. 'Their okilkres Artwith a I•omplete art of the hest ins , and a so'', rpr roost.; o Y I.IUII'I'. rive thorn ailllllltliff, over All other , zollories for work In this COUT,iy. 3- 15 12 rnu COO A1)11 4 , C.‘ III) MOTU It },s. A \I II ItO I'ES AND GOVI ES. public is cordla ir:vlted. All work guar.° eed to please. May. 12, 1805—tf nn \l'hccping Cough, Son, Throat, Consumptan-, and all lineation of the Throat and Lungs. For sale by all Druggists. General Depot, No. O. Bast Front Street., Cincinnati. 0. c4N7i • -7-ifil,, - - ~ , 71 , re- --. 474, -- - , e:vs7:7-;:op. q 01:. LMlV.lit , `' ' PIM igiu. •T ' ..., An' All the Medical mem and the Press recommend Dr Strickland's A uti-Cholera Mixture .as the only certain remedy for Die rrlicc-a and Dysentery. It is a combina tion of Astringents, Absorbents, Stimulants and Car mina t Ives. and is warranted to effeet a cure after all other menueluive failed. Fl , r sale by Druggists. General Depot, No. 6 East north street, Cincinnati, 0. sir , ItICKLA - , „s. o : 3,...4..,....f,,, pp .., , , '.." ;',,,_,,,-,:1.7.::'1: .f,„17'...... •'l ~.,f,. 4 71E,..,riEDy , ~.„, ~..,....,..,,, • Dr. Sidelihintra Pile Remedy has cured thoucands of the worst cases of Blind and Bleeding Piles. Itgives Immediate relief end effects a permanent cure Try It directly. It is warranted to cure. For sale by all Druggists. general Depot, 6 Lust Fourth Street, Cincinnati, 0. ~DYSPEPSIA. Dlt. STRICKLAND'S TONIC.—We can .recommend thorn Hut - Turing with loss of Appetite, Indigestion, or Dyspepsia. Nervousness and Nervous Debility, to use Strickland's Tonic. -It lea vegetable preparation, fn o from alcoholic liquors; it strengthens the whole nor vous system it creates a good , appetite, and is war• ranted to cure Dyspepsia and Nervous Rubility. Percale by Druggildsgenerally. nt $1 per bottle.— Prepared by . 1). A. Strickland, 0 Nast Fourth Street, Cincinnati. 0. Dec 2, 18f.d. TUTS, Confectionary arta Fruits, at gaverfalclee. CARPETS CARPETS`! I Ihave received from New York, -all kinds and qualities of Carpets, Oil Cloths, tdattlngs Looking Glasses, WINDOIV SHADES,. . • . Curtain Materials, Table Covers, Counterpanes, Wide, Sheeting:4.l4ll°w Muslin:4, Towelling:4, crash and all kinds of house furnishing goods.. Also, a large et' nk of.genersl JJIER CHANDISE. Persons in want of any of the above goods, are re spectfully invited to call. • • „ floods sold at the lowest market value. - Additions will be made as'the Season advances. ' Ilighoot cash 'pric. , s paid for Carpet 410. Street, one door belew Martin's Hotel. ' O. SAWYER. TO .3,1866 BOICB SEGABS S TOBACCO,C , • AT RALSTON'S W HISItERS I'WHIS.KETS:I_±... .- . , . . , . , :Do iou want Whiskers or lfouideehes ? Our Gre cian Compound will force them to grow , on the smooth-. est 'face cr chin, orhair on bald , heads, In Six' Wean': Price $1.00:' , Sent by mail -enywhere, 'closely sealed, on receipt of price. Address,' , , - - • • , - WABNBIt k CO. Box 188, Brooklyn , N 7 , I -81ire1i , 91,186151y., '• - ... . . . . = DEM LOCUM A N h BRETZ NEW PHOTOGRAPH AND AMBROTYPE GALLERY. E. thsumdersigned, respectfully in -Iforl our friends and the public generally, that we have opened a New Sky-Ligh PICTURE GALLERY In the new' second story Over tho frame buildings located a fete doors south of the Post Office, and nearly opposite A. W. llantz'e store, South Hanover street.— We have constructed this Gallery according to our taste, and flatter ourselves in saying we have far the best arranged light le town, To mend, infirm, and deli cate persons, see will say this Gallery Is winch easier of access than any in this place, being located on the second story, and the story beneath being low, there Is not such a tower of steps to ascend. Having procured the assistance of au experienced operator, and purchas.d the best and latest improved apparatus, we are prepared to produce pictures equal to any other establishment, not excelled by Now York or Philadelphia. Suoh to Extra .Whole Size Photographs, Cartes De Visite, „ , ' Ambrotypes and Ferrotypes, We shell also Introduce a now picture to this vicini ty In such unbounded demand in the cities, called the GEM PHOTOGRAPH. one dozen token at onr sitting at tho low price of $1 60 dozen. Pictures insorted in Lockets. Rings, and Pins. and copied or enlarged from old Daguerreo types. A mbrotypos. ion.. Am Also, ffir sale a lino lot of Pletur.. Frames and Albums. We hope. by a strict at tention to business and a desire to please, to reedy° our share of the public patronage. Do not forget the place. a few doors south of the Post Office. South Ilattoyer.Streot.. 11.....1LL1R0.Y.K.A1if. Dee. 2. 1004 —tf. THE PH(ENIX PECTORAL WILL CURE Youn Couan. MEII - ; ,';>7%;,-e); THE PH(ENIX PECTORAL; Olt, COMPOUND SA RUP OP tt 11.1) CHEltity AVD REHM( A SNAKE ROOr, Will curs the Diseases of the , TURCO T h LUNGS, Sash as Colds, C ughs, Croup. Asthma. Bronchitis, Catarrh, Sore Throe , Hourseness, Whooping Cough, As. Its timely use tout prevent PULMONARY CONSUMPTION. And Pven where thisfeartul disease has taken hold It will afford greater relief than nay other medicine Miss Kate Vanderelhe of Vol tsville, says: ••1 was benefitted more by using the Phfehlx Inctut at than any other medicine I ever need " Ellas Oberbolteet, of Lionville, Cheater county, was cured of cough of ready years' standing by tt,ing the Phoenix Pectoral. .liweph Lukens, 01 Hall street, Phan lx villa. eon] Hier that he was e tired of a el) ugh 01 two years' standing, when all other medicines had failed, by the l'heenix Pectoral Jarob Powers vertitlf, Llint he has sold httlitlrf,ds of bottles of the Phdfolx Pectoral, and that all „ ho used it bear lr•L iin 1 1 ny of ifs ~, , Judernn a liorts ill curing coughs. John foyer. ellitee of the " thdepentleet l'handx." boring used it. has no hesitation In pronounclnn it II nn pinto I.l'll MO' fv mugh i .h nrseness 14t1 , 1 Itrite tine in the throat. The Cluede•'• .lefier,sat lan" says •' We base I, norm D r . oherholtzer personally a number cf yea,. aml it gives ut. the ,:rvater pleasure to recommend his medicines inasmuch as the public rarely hate the Mown t of family medicines prepared by a physician of his acquirements and experience. Dr. Oberholtzer is a menilso of the Alumni of the Medical Department of the Universby of Pennsylva- Ws, at which institution he graduated in 1854 The flooding '• One.ecie" tos: ' . 'this temedy —otde up by lie. 1,. mita., holtzer, of ithreola villa. Pa , :old a has acquired .111 unsurpassed leputatlon in cur ing coughs. It Is car, fully and skillfully prepared from Wild Cherry Bark and Seneks Snake Hoot." Dr. Dee. U. Wood. Professor of the Practice of Medi cine in the Univergity of Pennsv Vlllll/1 9 Physielan to he Pen nsylvpula Hospital, and one of rho authors of the United States Dispensatory, says of Seooka Snake Root: "Its nation is specially directed to the lunge" T:,' proprietor of- this medicine has so much confi d• 11, in. its curative powers. from the testimony Of hundreds who have used it, that the money will ha paid back to any purchaser who is not satisfied with its effucte. It Is FA pleassnl to tabs that children cry for it. Iccosts only Thirty-fire cents—large bottler $l. It is intended for only one class of diseases, namely, there of the throat and Lunge Prepared only by • LBVI 01.1E11110LTZEIt. 11. D.. Plicenixvlllc. Pa. Sold by all Druggists and Storelteop. rs. Johnston. J lcdloway & Cowden, No 2,0 No- th Sixth Street, Phiudelphia. Demirel Wholesale, Agents. D. W—Gross.B.. Co., Wholet,alo Agents ilarrishurg,, ilaverstica's Drug Store, agency for Carli To. N:your neuront druggist or .storekoeper does not keep this medicine do not let bite put y,.0 elf with some other medicine, heves., ho utak ,•s more mon. y on it but send at once tonne of the agents for it. Starch 10, 1805-17 Richmond has Fallen.. A VU with the fill of Richmond, we _Clore must hvppy le zionnunee to the people. the gre:ll decline in good, BUSINESS DONE ON A GOLD EAsis. GOODS AT PANIC PRICES. Our entire stock reduced to correspond with prices in the eitie , , DRESS GOODS, PLAIDS, DELA N ES, MOZAMBIQUES, ALPACAS, SCOTCH GINGHAM, ,S:,e CALICOS, GINGWANIS, CIIECES, TICKINGS MUSLINS, BLEACHED AND UN- BLEACHED all at areatly reduced rat, s. Every one 'nwant o cheap goon!, should give us a rail. /to e are doter mined to sell gaud, duwa ni the very lowest nick. Bargains will coI all the rage at Olt l(l(N FIELD A: SHEA FEB'S. S. E. corner Market 5111.111.. 21) DOOR, 2/.) DOOR, 2D DOOR. April 7. INIIS. Burt's Rat and Mouse, Roach and Bed Bug Destroyer. popular and reliable article fbr I destroying vermin° should be used by all persons troubled with seek pests. It never fails, sold in Car lisle at Elliott's Drug ntoie, lLu•orstick's, • rug at Book Store and by I/. Ralston, Drugglst. C. 51. BIOIT, Proprietor. 13 North Eleven Areet. Philadelphia. Pile° 25 rte per km. (Large Size.) Nor.d. NEW FIRST CI, A GROCERY STORE. rrilE Public can find, at our new . I, Grocery Store, In the Building lately occupied by Philip Arnold, dee'd., and next door to the Carli,lo Do. ['molt Banjo a very largo and fresh assortment of all the different kinds and grades of . Teas, Coffees. Online Et:9.nel,, Soaps syrups, Candles, Molasses Salt, Spices, Pickles, „Sugars, Preserves, Prepared Canned, Coffey in Fruits, Papers, Jallas; V egotablbs ,Cra liberties, and Meals. . Raisins, Prepared • Dried Mustards. Cui rents, ' Sauces. Dried , Crackers, Fruits, (Meese, Nuts, Sweat ;egars, Cokes, Snuff, TOBACCO, PIPES, Eicc. ALSO—Rice, Barley, Starch, Farina, Corn Starch, Cera- . allow!, :Bernina, Macaroni, Yarn - 11MM, Azurnea, • Prun4 A, Concentrated Lye Bologna,Sausage, Table and other Oils, Nutmegs, lacklog, Beeswax, Chocolate, Cocoa, Tie Yarn, • Lamp and Candle Wick, Bath Bib k, Clothes Lines, Bed Cord,, Spice Boxes Paper and, Envelops, .31a t hes ~ Pewter Sand, otove polish Pia vorlif„,, Extracts Spigots, Penn, Inks, Brimstdhe, Mackerel. Sited, Salmon, Herr ing and Codfish: ALSO the celebrated Ex celsior limns, Dried liner and Tongues, Rugs, and Matte, Shot and Load, .rushes, Brooms ,and Wisps, GLASS,- QUEEN'S, WOOD, WILLOW RATAN W A R E. Vo respurtfully rile the public to cell; ex:lndus, and Price our large end carefully selectee,' stock of VINE PANILY GROCERIES. We buy ell kinds:of Country. Produce. JAMES It. ALLEN & Co. 0ct.14,1804-1y ( - 1 UM BELTING ! • . • Juot recolveJA large aiaortment of all EiZOll--.; Gum Bolting, cluih,lloae, Gum Packing., &c., and for Bale cheap at the Ilardwaro Store of .1111NRY- SAXTGN.-- - • Juno 25, 1851 H• A MRS.-500 pairs Hawes on hand M' all kinds. Elizabethtown pattern, Loudon do., Common do., with and withnut patent ihateniuga cheaper than over at IL BAXTONM, Haat, Main at. "'July 1.1884. • ' ' A T THE. PARIS MANTILLA EMr PORIUM, No. 920 chestnut-BE, ',Philadelphia OPEN—Paris-Slade , MANTILTAS..and -. Also. SPRING agd $U5131131t GA ItslllN4'B, of iir own danufaeture, of the Latest Styloo and to groat variety, ,•• • JW. pgooToli, 3v - Co.; - The Pirls Emporlinit, 920 ,WIESTNUt Street PRILADELPH/A.' m an- . 11 LECTURE -..g/Y.:: • TOOUNGMENL- Jae, pubjishe'On a Sealed! ilavolapo., Price Sax emits. A LECTURE ON THE NATORR TILRATMENT AND RADIOAL Once of Spoiinatorrisoca or Seminal Weak ness, Involuntary E'nal.AionS, Sexual Debility,and .pondiments to Marriagegenerally. Nervousness, Con sumption, Rplieflily,. and Fits; Mental nod l'hyircal Incapacity resulting from Self-Abuse, &o. By BOWT J. OULVEIIWELL, M. D, Author cf the "Green Itook,'.&e. The world renowned author, in this admorable Lec turn' clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences od Self Abuse may be effectually removed without, Medicine, and without dangerous surgical operations, bough's, instrunnnts, rings, or car ilals, pointing.out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition my be, may cure 'Remelt* cheaply, pri vately, and radically. TILIS LB TURN WILL PROVE A BOON TO THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS. Sent under seal, to any address, in a plain, sealed envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or two p.stage stamps, by addrffssing eIIAS. J. O. KLINE& CO. 167 Bowery, Now York, Post-Offiee Box, 4586. Oct. 11, 1864. .i.iii: I wmiliar taint or in feet itin 'which we call 1 . , _lt, St - itol , 1 I„%. 11111 S ill II:0 voliStittltiollS DE .....-. i 1 1. ' ,it, 111 oltit toles of men. It 1 : ~' either produces or is ~....:..„_...._.___, 4 prodliCCll by an en rrx.,4 , ‘, r ,\ , ii.,1,;,,i, vitiated state 7i,, a °,,; --,--. , •• , 1-- .e.---or 0,,, blimp. wherein V.N..p , IV -5- 1 II,:"., (hat Ihtitl Is 4 oines in. -.4 f. - ".. 1.,,qi. k ) , i , fy - frsi 71111,0,111 to sostnio i1i . 0. „ ,42 :i: : 4ip w am ,,, , ! • ,• ,!:„! fi,r , v... in t hei 4 RL.......L - ; •,...t.ttirr-...,41 ,t , on.. action, and ! t, j...;,_—_;_,,5,N-11-...-_-, .o:.: • till ,y,tt.iti to IA inli di-miler and . 1..• ( . OW11111111:1(1011 i.; V•l' ini diwar-e, low living. red .. • t', 1.,,1n unhealthy fln], i ni.,l .• filth : nil II ltr thehabit (letll'o.,ll. 11 I• •:'. l.y the venereal infeetion. 1,- it is hereditary in the tonstitutiot , . iiest.othng "front parents to children unto tic third end fourth generation ; " indeed, it sct•ins to lar the rod of Hint who says, "1 visit the iniqui ties of the fathers floe their children." 'I he diseases which it origimitt s take ,arittus names, according to the organ it nita, ks. In the lungs, Si•rofula polite tuherclts.:nul finally Consumption ; in the glands, swellings which suptirate and become ulcerous sot-es ; in the stomach and bowels, deranttements which pro duce indigestion, dyspepsia, rind liver com plaints; on the skin, eruptive and eutancons affections. These. all having the same origin, require the same remedy, viz. purification and invigoration of the blood. Purify the blood, and these dangerous . distempers leave you. With feeble, foul, or corrupted blood, you can not have health ; with that " life of the flesh " healthy, you cannot have scrofulous disease. is compounded from the most effeetual anti dotes that medical science has discovered for this afflicting distemper, and for the cure of the disorders it enthils. That it is far superior to any other remedy vet devised. is known by all who have given it a trial. That it does com bine virtues truly extraordinary in their effect upon this class of complaints, is indisputably proven by the great multitude of publicly known and remarkable cur's it has made of the following diseases King's Evil or Glandular Swellings, Tumors, Erup tions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, Ery sipelas, Rose or St. Anthony's Fire, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Coughs from tu berculous deposits in the lungs, White Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia; Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases, Fannie Weaknesses, and, indeed, the whole series of complaints that arise from impurity of the blood. Miaute reports of individual cases may he found' in AY EH'S AMERICAN A vii N AC, Which is furnished to the druggists for gratuitous distribution. wherein may be learned the directions for its use, and some of the remarkable cures.whieh it has made when all other remedies had failed to afford relief. Those cases are purposely taken from all sec tions of the country, in order that every reader may have access to some one who can speak to him of its benefits from personal experience. Scrofula depresses the vital energies. and thus leaves its victims far more subject to disease and its fatal results than are healthy ConStitll - Hence it tends to shorten, and does greatly shorten, the average duration of 1.-man life. The vast importance of these considehl tions has led us to spend years in perfeetfflg a remedy which is adequate to its cure.• This we now offer to the public under the name of ATI:riA RSA PA Itt LLA, although It Is corn post•ll of ingredients, some of which exceed tie best of Sarsaparilla in alterative power. By its aid you may protect yourself from the suffer ing and danger of thess disorders. Purge out the foul corruptions that rot and fester in the Mood ; purge out the causes of disease, and e2orou health will follow. By its peetfflar irate, this remedy stimulates the vital func timis, and thus cgrels the distempers which lurk within the system or burst out on any part o f it. e know the public have been deceived by nutty t uiyounds of Sarsaparilla, that promised much and (lid nothing.; but they will neither be deceit ed nor disappointed in this. Its virtues hare been proven by abundant trial, and there remains no question of its surpassing excellence for the cure of the afflicting diseases it is in tended to reach. Although under the same name, it is at very different medicine from any other which has been before the people, and is far more effectual than any-other which has ever been available to therm CHERRY PECTORAL, The World's Great Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con sumption, and for the relief of Consumptive patients in advanced stages of the disease. This has been so long used and so univer sally known, that we need do ii . more than assure the nubile that its quality is' kopt.up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do :ill it has ever done. , Prepared by DR. J. C. AYER & CO., Practical and Analytical Chemists Lowell, Mass. Sold iv 11l drugvists everywhere. Sold by .1. W. Carlisle, arid den ers everywhere. 11j C. HErurAN, Attorney at d 1 °1 1 117: July 1. 1864-Iy. • TAMES A. DUNBAB, Attorney at O Law, l'o. °Mee On tie south side of the Court Hume. adjoin Illy the •• Amt. Iron Prin July 1,1804-1 y M. WEAEL 14: , A ttortwy at Law, PT. u„tmv,„ „trot•t, the ,00Ice arJudew mho et. AII pi efessional business en trusted M him will he promptly attended to. July 1,1804. Q.AM U 11111 BU RN, Jr., Attorney aeLaw. °Mee with Hon. Samuel Hepburn, Main St. Carlisle Pa, July 1, ISCI. • OARD.-=4- . CEIARLES . E. MA.- ... oLAuauLtN, Attorney et Law, Office In Inhofe building, Just, opposite the NI/tricot House,' July 1, 1804-Iy. P. H UMERIC ~ Attorney at Law vi e Office on North Hanover street, a low doors north of Gill's lintel... All business entrusted to him will be'promptly attends(' to, • July 1, 1804. OSEPH RITNER, Jr., Attorney at Law awl Surveyor, Mechanicsburg, Pa. Office on I nil Road Street, two doors north of the Nnk. 0361lusineen promptly attanded to. 'Julyl,lBo4. Dr: L C. LOOMYS Porofir et St root tow doorAVtTr,V, below South Hanover of , July 1, 1804. - GEO NE:mica,. D. D. Latta Dutnonstrutor.orOporativoDentietrynfthe alr; : pfico at lila 4111(113n - co oppnalta Marlon huh, net naltf ntreot,Qo,llelo, Pa.' • July t, 1854. •to.. ; GEORGE S SEA 'li"-MOUT, Dentist, from the Bald. eat more Collage of Dental Sur trn..olllce at the residence of his 'soother, ,Last, Louther,slikt, three doors bu,iew Bedford , ;. .. .L . l E. BE . LTZ HOOVER, , At ; torney .at Laiy 'Office hi South linuovor atrdati oi4asite 11outz'a dry goad - atora Carlisle; In. deptonthary, 1,894. ; ; . ' : ALL the leatlink •Peteut 1110(110in - es •of the day, at Ifuvorrglek's Drug and D9ok Eitpro.l • . . , . . IPES, Tobacco,: (omolung und: 'chow. Y ll ~ Big) and Sogara s at ilaveratloVa.Dru Bo ok, aad, Bo MI=IMI Ayer's Sarsaparilla AYER'S E W S NEWS!! -NEWS!! ' LEIDICH & AIILLH.III are just re jlAr:elvitig at their sew and choap afore, on the south east corner of Maio street, their trot supply of Fall and Winter Goods, o 'which they invite the !Tula" attention of every patron in want of Corals desirable for the prosont and coming Season. The stock comprises all kinds and Tartrates of DRESS. GOODS, such as Plain Black, Pignred and Repp Fll4s, Plain and Figured colored Dregs SIMI, and colors French Merinos, French Cashmeres, plain and figured, Coburg Cloths, all shades and colois, black and colored Alpacas, plain and figured all Wool Moue DeLain es. suitable for Ladies and Children's Dressos, Mohair Poplins, Valenclas Antorican Delmines. Calioes, Uloghanis, Ac. Mourning Goods. Blank French MorMons, Fronch•Cashmoros, double and single width all Wool Dol.alneitTlilbbett Slertnos, Bomenzines, Crap° Poplins, blank and white Plaid Pop lins. black and purplu Plaid Cashmeres, long squaw° and bibbet Shawls, long andsquarn Blanket Shawls, Crape Veils, Crape Collars, flandkerchlers,Gloves, Sal morn's, Sc„ &c. NEN AND BOYS' WEAR Black and colored ' lot h, black and fancy Oassistneree, all grades and qualities, Vesting's, Sattitinets, Union Cast:ho:ate Kentucky Jeans, Shirting Flannels, Merino Shirts and Drawers, &c. A special arrangement made with a Drat class TAILOR to make-up Clothing at vel Only t notice. Domestic Goods; Mosel. d and Unbleached Mush ns of every quality, Sheol ing us] ins Vol IONC.CIIBO 11 Linen and Cot ton Tablii Diapers. 'Pickings, Checks, Striped Cotton shirting. Duni.iins,_ Loniestic Gingharns, Scotch ding- limns, Seek Flannel • f every color, Shirting Flannels. Factory and Shaker Flannel. for Skirtings red. yellow ind while Wool Flannels, Can Flannels, Calicoes, colored, cianibrie, and paper M within. Drilling Nankeens and many other tioods in every day use. NOTIONS IN GREAT VARIETY. Mon's Hanover Buck Gloves 11114 Gauntlets. Berlin Cloth, Ringwood, CZIFSIIIIOI . O and llogbk in Glovos, La dies Rid. Cloth, Morino, dick. Lislathruad and (lotto. Ult.ors, a full as in talent of cotton and wool Hosiery, thr Men, Ladies Lod Children, Balmoral Woolen ; Hose for Ln liec Misses and Children, .4)pre Hoods. all hizes and colors Scams. Suspenders, Sontags,lllooped Skirts, Balmoral Skirts. Umberellas,*c., Also. just opening a complete stock of the newest styles Cloth Cloaks, and Blanket Shawls Carpets, ell Cloths, )late logs, \Vintinw Shades, Looking A= the Helmut advances M c will constantly be mak ing additions to our stork, and will always endeavor to ma..e our stock the most desirable that can be found In the country. Fooling very thankful to the commu nity for their kind and liberal patronage on far extend ed to in. New Pirm, we earnestly solicit a continuance 01 the gam, Please eus a call before making your purcham, as we are always ready and willing to exhib it our goods, and can and will prove tl, t we study the interest of our customers. Please do not forget that oor Store is on the corner, dire, Liv .pp..lt, Irrl nt.'s Shoe Store. LEIDICII it MILLER:, Sept. 111, 11,64 A. W. BENTZ SPECIAL NOTICE, Great Reduction in Dry Goods, \ p \Vl Nt3 to the recent heelvj Tall in thy pi Ice of (10141 1 hay: dott.rtniited I r,luee c, cry Ai Lisle In ty) . inimence Steen of DSc (Inside to a teap , ooli W.: price with the precious metal slid intend to !rake still further ream•tion,, f rom tint,, t o ti me as tl-1.1 recede, Inc pr ice. extensive Stork has heel, 10 clic ly itran, ti nt use pt ices end helot , • the scoot it, seed. I lnhe this p rtunity 01 calilug the attention ol the public to the notice. ar I van and ill sell 11,,r than any fiimse the Hastern ',ties. Call and Esainlne for soulselv. e. listnrtnber the 1.1 stand South Nano VMS •freel colic tics i!icurt, i it. 7, latit k 131:N"rz, Esox, S. M. COYLE, J. M . CANDLISI B. .1 A M I , :s )N & Fan h . ~!Ht coroor of ilani-vee 2,0 Pomfret wont rioipeolfull, inhoutice to the. Public that they ` hare just returned t ion the Kiistern Cities with [live selected -.l.iek of l;•,1 , 0 colodsting in putt Ili-0 iy, Cr.ivtra. N Stitipenilers, Shot, kt th into -1.11. tons, Sew !loop to, raper P.lll, l'erfutnery. 11 0 w oo l 1 , 01 ,Li e ol, t0 1 3 ile the attention of C II II tr y J 1 ere 11 ant to our 118 in the ci ether of pricen, a. well eth• ruu poi taut particulars. ue enjny this great V . :Mt:tee.cli. ,one brinvb - .four Ilouse a nd , mu l, our tlitn 10 Philadolphla, And alwaye' p paled t. ta , “, n 11 . . 11 t.:02 , of every Itu.•[u.eti io In I Libel, tortiu: In:Wt. iLb us holet•ale pus oltiser 111111A11:11111d11,0111111atS Offered to buy:•rs of every Ohl i :Loll ,11111110 (lilt Stileh. if. 1 - 1..1 A Al-F, e 4404 k C. =El= New Stock of Hats and Caps AT KELLER'S OLD STAND, .VortA Hanover Street. splendid assortment or all the new 'if ii ll< M01v , .111. 'frau no : ',pen ul city and haute man tincture wit eh will 'a t Field at :he inweat cant] priers. t hats ut al I ttal- War flout the finest Beaver anti Nutria to the cheap art wow!. anti of all colors. unsui p lased by ally this pli la A largo stock of \, SUMAIER HATS, Palm Leghorn Brnld, 'lndia Panama, and straw. ...ntldren, Lincy &C. Alms a fud ahst.rt !nen oi tit 'itoys nud rbildrens cap- every description and style, .obsc.-iller invites:lll to ennui and examiuo bin hock living a !Hayti...ll lo• coutl.len• .1 f:r the liberal patron .gu be,towed lie solicits a continuance of the saino Unit f r:et the %Land, too tours above Shrinei . - Ho:el •11.1 tleXt to COtliMit ' R shoo store. JOHN A. KELI,EK. Agt N. Id Hats of 111 Icinda tondo' to order at ...tort to ti ARCH .: ARRIVAL OF I.I'ItES OROCEMFS-FISII OF ALL KINDS. inongll is a large lit of riot genuine Rai al we dry tail!, II Eltlt !NG, In nal; barrels, NI AOK Alb at priers I hal is rattily astonishingly low. all liinds. SAUCES, PRESERVES, and a good asso!tment of TOBACCO AND SEGARS, LIQUORS, 4• c.. at tin. lowest Intax fur 018!! or Country Product , . WM. BIiNTZ Jul) 1, 1814 DISSOLUTION iitlE partnership hevetofore existing between Charles 1. Halbert and Cranford nem. lag, has been dissolved by mutual consent. The hoops and accounts are In the hands o: Mr. Halbert. Tho earnestly requests all-parties bavitm. accounts with the late it to eall and settle them. William Hai port, jr. having entered Into partnership with his brother, Charles 1.. Halbert. the buqness will henceforth be conducted under the style of Halbert & Brother. The new 1 . 1 TM would respectfully call attention to their Mock of New and Fresh Groceries. Tholi.stook is large and selected with the greatest care and will ho sold at the lowest prices for cash. It con sista In part tl line old Olovernment lava COFFEE, Prime Rio do , Prime tile Roasted. SYRUPS.—Now York, Boston. and Philadelphia Sy— rups. of the very boat qualities. BROWN SUGARS.—The best the market al:Nide.— Levering's best Crushed. Saud, and Pulverized Sugars. Also, his A. 0. and 0. Sugars, which cannot be sur— passed. Rice, Corn Starch, to,rrioa, Da ndellne Coffee, Essence of Coffee, Concentrated bye, Soap, Candles, &r. CII INA, GLASS, AND velp V Q 11 SNV ARE. .0 A largo and wall selected stuck .4 the very latest pat— terns and styes, lower than over in price, and better In quality, thah was ever offered before in Carlisle.— Call and sou. Wooden and Willow Were, such as Tubs Buckets, and Churns, Baskets of every description; Children's CARRIAGES, Stoneware, Cream Pots, But— ter Jars, Preserve Jars, Jugs, all sines.. FISH—No. 1, 2 and 3 klaokoral. No. 1 MESS SHAD No. 1 Herring. A largo quantity .4 the celebrated Excelsior HAMS. SALT by the Sack, Dairy and O. A. Salt. The subscribers respeetfully ..ask the patronage of their frlendo and the puhlic generally, and Invite them to ,call and examine I heir new stock, at the old stand, corner of Hanover and Lonnie,. Streets. ' HALBERT .t BROTHER. Carlisle, April 22, 1864. Flour and Feed Store, 1 1 FIE subscribOr'wislies to-untiouj.co to the puoplo of Carlisle and vicinity, that be ban opened a FLOUR AND FEED STORE on the South Emit Corner of Mau and Wont Streets, In the Warehouse owned and formerly occupied by Jacob Rhoom. Tho b st brands of FAMILY 'FLOUR, kept •constantly on hand and delivered to any part 'of the town. flaying perfecto , / arrangements with some of, the first mills' In the neighborhood, I con _assort, I:6Y customers that they will be furnished with en article of Flour, which 1 can vouch for. Twill keep constantly on hand VERD,OF ALI, KINDS, such as' Corn, Oats, Bran, 'Shorts, Potatoes, '&c . , T,ho highest cash prices paid fo r Grain of nil kinds and Flour. Don't 'forgot. the old esiabllshod stand. Oarlsl3l9, jlray 20,1804, Important Waite; Reduction on Dry- Goode, At og,ilby's dinar) Cush', Store' (AWING to did redubed priOoo of.goods aLt tho day, I am now running of may:entito stook of dry goods at greatly reduced prices for i.ash. Many Articles Laving' boon purchased 'etbro thP ad vance in price, I Auttonahle -to sell for than- ity- Prices. All in ,m, 4 ut of 'bargains will do well to before purchasing elsowhere. .'• Trustee.' OARPETING,—SeIIing of,balanco, of tny Iltrpets ut re . duced prices. 0111i8: 01311,U36 Oct, 14, 18C4, _ Trustee. -• , . The Heise Oleenere'Prienu.i Ao„LLE.N'& 004 . baiie, a ,Back,ki „ aving artlole,thr cleaning Floors, 011 Cloth, Window', that I" worth an ozatubuttiou by tho ppldlo. 04 and lea It. . ~ , HE. Allen and Eastia3nnsboro' Mu tual' Vire Inenradco Company of Cuiriberland ounty, inccrporated by an act of Assembly, in the yearlB43, and having recently had Its charter extend ed to tho year 1883, la ,now in active :Ind vigorous op. erotical, under the superintendence of the following board of Managers, via: OHIO, IND' AN 1, lOWA, TENNESSEE, ILLINMS K ENTUCK Y yIiCUIII A N, ISCONSIN, cALIFORNIA These celebrated Adapted to every ' riot; of Sex ieg atCosily ,cal. from the lightest air lids to the liimviest cloths. They equally w.... upon silk, linen, woolen, a:1,1 vatic, ;;"• , ids.—seatning quilting .ratliet mg. hemming, ceiling, cording, and braiding—making a beautiful and perfeo: stitch. alike on both , i,1,0-111: I performing species Of sewing except button holes and t , 1l ng on buttons. Full in for operath dechine is given griitulirmsl) the sales room,. thi Machine is set✓ s, ore dist nor,,. so that pm 'mil: instruction is 'peony, maul. in tk.trd of direction is cut, which Is :utNrl,nt side. 'rice quail, ten which recotninend the 11 heeler .1 s I . neont) at.,l excellence of stitch, id Ike on both sides niche fain It. sewed. 2 Sire ng tic. filminess. and durability of seam, that will not rip nor ravel. and madewith 3. li'menom) .if thread. 4. Its attachments and wide ran app' . -at. in to purpose , aunt materials. 6. Compactness and elegant... of waiol and finish. 6. Simplicity ail , . thoroughness olconstriletion. 7. Speed. rave of opination and management, and quietness ,q movement ,CIIEDULE OF No. 3 Machine, will) Plain 10, rim 04 aft ritnnolled. GO 0 aso \i'zilout or Thihogitio 55 01 No.!! %rhino with Plnin 00 P dished, Black Walnut, 70 00 Iluli tlas, Polls.ted, islack Walnut or .‘l.thogany 71, 00 'loll Ca,. Polished, Rosewood, 80 00 Volished, Black Walnut or )ladogauy 00 00 FW Cuaa, Polisho.., Rosowood, 100 00 No. 4 Mavhinc, Largo with Plain Table, 75 00 MEESE Every larldoe k sold with e 111.•nnn, 1 and 2 Machines al. a“ld efonpl.do, watt the ^,• l I :ass Cloth PrOSS,r, Styl, 115111 , 41, vnd Itraid,r— Whe-ler 4V Wilson', Agenoy 1,1 roll. undersigned ha:-just received, nd intends to knee constautl) on hand a full as. sortinent of Ihr unequalled Plano , manufactured by Bteinwey .t dons of Now York. Each instru MOW wilt be carefully selected In the kinnufacto`ry, sod will he sold at the New York Jash Factory Prices, with the addition of Freight to Cat lisle. A written guarantee of entire satisfaction will he given by Lhe , übscrlber to ouch purchaser. Persons desirous to purchase are invited to call and examine these unrivalled Pianos, at 8. E. SlApley's Jewelry Store, Main Street, kd door east of the Mansion House, near tto Railroad Depot SEOOND•IIAND PIANOS received In exchange and kept for silo and to rent. A. B. EWING'S F U It NITURE WAR ELR 0 0 A Premium awarded at the Cumberland The subscriber bee just received the most splendid assortment of articles in his line, ever brought to this place—which he is determined to sell at prices that doty.copipetition. Parlor. 'Chamber," • , Dining—room, FURNITURE,. ' Kitchen and ' Ortice Embracing even y article used by House and Hotel keepers. of thWmost approied and fashionable "design and finish. Including also Cottage furniture in sal te, reception end Comp Chaim, Mattresses, 0111. frames, pictures. &d.. tja.Partleular attention given, as usual to funeral.; ordure froru.town_and comitry,. attended_ to promptly and on moderate tonna., .61i'LE " It July 1,1804 FAINTS AND 01.1.9 - , . ~ 10 Tons White Lead, 1000 Gallons of On. Jost roof ved wl hn largo assortment of . _ , Vairdsbos, • Fire Proof Paint, . , , ,Turpentine, , Florence White, - . . •• inpari,• '' White Zinc,, : • Potty,._ ' ' Colored Zic, 4 , ' . , . Litharge, • • iced Lead Whiling, ' Boiled Oil, , . . . . 01ue,s , 7 — • Lard 011, Shellac, • ~ . Sperm OIL : Paint Brushes, Fish Oil. Ace , ,,• ._-,.,..,, . *Color,. of every description dry, nod 011 in coos and tubes at the liardgure Store of . . ~ . , , July 1, 1861 .D'pe. 110103 .17LIYSIULANS wiU•find it to their ad rr to call alidinwhatm ttotillodichies at , , FIRE INSURANCE. William It. Gorgas, Christi,n Stnyman, Jacob Eberly D.Bally, Alex. Cathcart, J. 11. Coovar, Juba Richethe, ger, Joseph 'Wickersham, Semi. Eberly, Moses Bricker, Rudolph Martin, Jacob Coover, and L O. Dunlap., The ratan of Insurance are RH low and favorable as any Company of the,kind In-tho State. Persons wish ing to become members are invited to metro appllca thin to thn agents of 7he Company, who are willing to wait upon them at a i.y time. • WM. it. GOROAS. President, Eberly's Mills, P.O. OURISTIAN STAYMAN, Vice President, Mgcbanicsburg, P. 0. JOHN C. DUNLA P, Sect'y. Mechan icsburg. DANIEL DAILY, Dlllaburg, York Co. . AGENTS. Cumberland county.—John Sberrick.. Allen Henry Zearing. :' It !roman own; Lafayette_ Puffer Dickinson; [leery Bowman, Cburchtown ; Mode Griffith. South Middleton; Samuel Graham. Westponnsborte; Samuel Coover, Mocha. Icahn rg ; J. W. Cocklin, Sbophordetown D. Doov"rt "pier Allan; J. 0. Saxton, Silver Spring; John ItYor, Garlisle • Valentine Seeman, New Cumber. land; dames fdeCau ' dlish, Newville. York county—W. S. Picking. Dovor ; Jamet Griffith, Warrington; J. F. Deardorff, Washington: Richey Clark, Dilisburg; D. nutter, Fairviow ; John nilliama Carroll Dkuphfn co —Jacob Houser, Harrisburg. Members of the Company having policies about to expire, han have them renewed by making application toqiny of the Agents. July 1. I 'O4. WHEELER & WILSON'S SE ih3/ ff, d ai c Ar.; AT REDUCED PitICES, With Glass Cloth Pressor, Improvod Loop Chock, New S'ylo Hammer, Binder, Cor or, Braider, etc. At the Railroad Office, Carlisle. Pa Highest Premiums at the • INI::RNATIONAL EXIIIDITIoN, LONDON. 1862. INDUNTRIAL EXHIBITION, PAEIi, 1861. at the Faire of the UNITED STATES AGRICULTURAL BOCIETV, Silver Medal at the Transylvania State Pair September, 1862. American lii,itute. New York, Mecham,' Association, Boston, Franklin Instil tau, Philadelphia, Metropolitan Mechanics 1 n.,titute, Washington, Maryland Institute Baltimore, Mechanic,' Association, Cincinnati, Kllll - I nAiLute, Louisville, Mechanical Association, St. Louis, Mechanics' I nstito to, San Francisco. At the State Fairs of : AIN B. V ut mo NT, CONNECTIOUT, NEW JERSEY, PENNSYLVANIA, VIRGINIA, MISSISSIPI MISSOURI, Plain Tai•. 55 0') Half nFe. Pannelled, 60 00 Half Case, P.4lRbed, Black Walnut or 05 00 Nu. 1 Nlaelilne, Sliver plated, v.ith No. fi \Lich i 0... 1'3111,1,r. III) I=l Railroad and Telegraph Office, CARLISLE, PA. July 1,1804-1 y STEINWAY PIANOS First Prize Medal at the World's Fair London, 1862. .‘ ..... 1 . -- t ,-; . „; „;:iii,....,:i ... .1)4: 4' - 1 - , d! : ,, , ._ ; i,e," ,a - 0 . 4,,,,,,,eq -I. ." , JOIIN K. STA73.IAN Ourlielo, Muy 22. 180W—ly 1. 1 19) .;:-'' ..,`"..•,,,,, 4 . : 1 :, :..4.. .z-,,' *' West Iligh Street, Carlisle, Pa COUnly vtgricultural Fair of 185 7,) _IIENSY SAXTON laryang Pulmonic_ Wafers, AT ItALSTON"B.- - 600,000 MORE MIN WANTED. . To-r,urtimiAsi_iTtEiT. Spiing a n m m e r Clothing Q,. ~. • , IS4 : _kC LIVINGSTON, A T his cheap Clothing, Establishment en North Minors'. street, Carlisle, from one of the Jurgsst end boot stocks of AIEADY MADE CLOTHING, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, ANT: BATS, over brought to this place Having just returned fro the Campaign, be acksuntledgea bin gratitude to the ns of ettrilsie and vicinity for the extensive pat tronage they have bestowed upon him, / Ind take's the present opportunity to respsetfully sol eit a cwttinn anee of the Caine. Ilia Lock of ready made . SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, is not surpassed in thiwpiace, either In quality or in esdremo cindapneFs Remember that he also makes elating to order; having in kin ernploy_at experi— enced cutter Prom my extensive numbest, lu .the ea-tern cities, I fuel confident that I cannot be utitler sold th o by r any ut other esiabllshment, either EttstOVest, Nor So,. Livingston has always been the first ''lto supply you with clot-sing. twenty.five per coot. cheaper. end one hundred per cent. bettor than you I can purchase elsewhere Como and examine hp,to c k when you want to purchase clothing. ISAAC LIVINGSTON, North flanover Street. April 28, 1865 Notice of' Co-Partnership, riIHE public are hereby informed that the undersigned leave this day entetcd into a Co I artnership, under the name of Delaney Sr Blair, for the,purpose of carrying on the Coal and Lumber bush 'nese, at tau old ;nand of Oliver Delaney, near the Gas Works; where all orders In their line of business are respectfully solicited, and will be promp ly filled. °INVER DELA NCY. ANDREW II BLAIR. Oct. 19C3— i I . 1 1* -- Ord..rn for rota Hill he rccclr•od IlnllJert A Fletnina'N Grocery Stun•; Robert. Alooro'g S'hor Hcal. and A. Cut r 3 I oft Shop - - DELANCS' I.l = Ordelt , for 0441 or Lumber solicited thioneh Jae Post Cate, arrangements I ntlu g been made o ith the Postmaster to rnarge the postage 4.n some to us All orders punctually fill. d. . . _BOOTS AND SHOES. A T the store of John Irvine, on ill \. lb curlier of the public MUNN, IN the place to putehase herds Shot, flat , and Caps. at mires that defy competition, lie hasjust eel eetw tied from the best with the largest and most complete assortment of (hole. :hoes. likto A Caps that he has ever presented at this community. and which he is determined to Fell at the lowest-pos sible prices. Ills stock erataxces ever) thing in his line of ht slness, such as 't MEN'S & ,BOYS' FINE CALF BOOTS, 1p Bouts, Calf and Patent. leather Ox ford Th'f, Ca ll and patent Litt! her Gullets. Calf Nu Millets , Colt and Rip Brogans, Slippers, Arc. LADIES' 11' E A fi, Fine French and Englisb LaAing Gaiters, Morocco lb f and Kid Fiords, Fine Kld Slipper ; •. rape, Slippers, flier 'nem, and Kid Buskins, Re., NllB I:ti A s 1) l • 1111,I112 EN'S Nt EAR of all Itl`Fel ip tinny em l r a c iuefine neWrnz Morroern Ann hest lug fluttnn toot, Morro,. I ace boo o of ell Muds fancy shoe,• nf verinu> styles siipin.rs, Re. fIAT. A CA t.o..,unnre. Fur end IN no! Hats of ell qualities and .f 3 lee, ales, a large assorftneof oi S T .11 AIV HATS. (toot= and Slows made to elder at Lim shot teat nutlet. /typal!, luu ppomptly trout. Coufklent of hit ability to pleaae all elas I's of eustoukel= he regpeethilly htvitef the public to 'rive hint a tall. it 9_ltemethher the plßee. I: corn, of the Public Square. Jul) 1, ISt 4 SELLING OPF AT TIVENIW-F1 VV eElt CENT. BELOW 0'81'77 At the si,Tl of the Gold .Ifagle,":3 doom , nhuve tb4. Cuillhez1:1110 t 11 , 11%). hank, *llll duos I , elom the 11,4 Jlulu •treet, the 1., rend t,[1,11,1-1 selt.etv.l stork of WATCHES, AND JEWELRY 1,. tl,e tOll . ll, i:1 I.e sold r.lO perseet losysTtinin ap: plai Slat/. l'liii - ittifilMfilpriseit n large aisort meot Bold and iii vet hunting case itateL es, Levers Lepincs. Ateerisoo sviitchesca)Fici 111 other kinds al:" Styles. GOLD :I ND SILVER oliALvs. o,dd Pens and l'en/dls, Jewelry doll Gold and silver, Mated and Sliver Via, e. MUSIC BOXES. ewe! ea, lety of fee:.) article, The I'll Hill Stock of Watehniak., oa k. will 1.. , nlc wholesale Cl- ',tall on the radiest terms. I is solar' tt• tu,t clans workman all kindr reit:aril, will t i omit...usual, at 'tortured prices.. IL PIE V. ./1 , , M 1 NEW ARRIVAL OF DRY GOODS The undnr,hrirea Is now the , a..rge,l.. most t.14,1r.0h1e stock of goodst ver ed to the people of etunberinnd County. A c,.NTlete vu4 gollel'lll nose. tnient of . Ladies Dress Goods. An I uonoose assori moot L;fl.A DI ES .11(11'1(2k I NO and 54.0 ~Nll WU MINIM} DitP , SCIOOLI.S from the Celehrn ..... or ifogoo.o a Son. D 11.1,,. A large to.sortnmt or LADIES PLAIN lIONNET R1 , :11,,NS AND DRESS TRIMMINGS The largest stock ot NOTIONS outside of the Vasholt Cities A full assortment of Cloths for Ladies Cloaking Boys and Nlens , ear lu endless variety, ronsi.tiou Cloths. Fancy and flaln CaFfif 10 eyes. 'l words,.lean , . and Cottonades. DWESTIC GOODS nn immense ItsNoriner,t. at reagnnal.le rates. A large, eomplet iiud varied maseronent of DU pi. EN, is,Li 1 , 1 IC sPli s tit I and from all the celabrat. oil Man ufaeturershl the U. S. also nallnoralh of every grade and price. CARPETS, OIL 6OTTIS, MATTING'S AND LowiLvo GLASSES. OM A large stock st Lace and Silk ('APES, {Civ., itA it E(; ES, Ac., I ever from lam sermon, will be sold we CSt remely lovrieea. Particular att-tion paid to "Funeral ordera,"as well as orders Of all kids promptly and punctual!) attend• ed to. All of which el be sold lower than City pricer; ha, Ing been purchand before the into advance. A. W BENTZ. ROCERES !! GROCERIES !! ! I'. myas, has opened a new Grocery Store ill Main Street. liliale. opposite II Sexton's Gard ware Store. and lima - prepared to supply his friends and the public, th all kinds of Choice Goods, at the lowest market raft. ills stock comprises COFFEE SUGARS, SYRUPS, TEAS, Salt. Spi6es. unground; Crackers, Chret.e, Coffee Essences, kb by wholesale or retail, [rooms, Brushes, Tobact Segars, Snuff, Mulches, Blacking, Bed Cords, GLASS AID STONEWAIIE, Queensware, Ce4nre, Notions, and all other arti cles usually kept a first class Grocery. In regard to pup lam determined to sell goods at the lowest figure- BUTrER, EGGS, and all hinds of (Unity heducc, taken at niiii bet prices. Farmers and D: ' men are particularly Invited to call and see the vibrated 01.11.1111\, which has been pronouud by competent judges the most. superior Churn obit age. ,July 1, 1864. Carpetits and Oil Cloths 'MOW !Teeing at Ogilby's cheap cash 1 . 1 Store, a lot Ingrain, Venetiaq, 'Hemp, Bag, and Stair CiRPETS. Also. Floor OIL &IPS all widths, which will be sold for the cash the lowest rates. 011.19. WADY, Trustee. March 4,1864 7 HAT AN CAP MPORIUk. r IHE undejgned respectfully announ• Cell to the pub that he still continuer, tee ITat• ting Businets at,i old stand, In West 1110 week, anti with a renelvand efficient ell'ort, produce trti cies of Ilea(' Drool Every Yalty, Style and Quality, that shali tio 1;411 , In ketiplng with the hnowlc., mont of the Art, d fully up to' the ago which 'a live. In on hand'aisplendld ~cr•••• 4 • assorOnt of ' v • . ••• HPS ANTY . QA . I 3 S; ci; r. ofall leriptions, froni th a sermon Wool to the finest Fur'd lllk DateL.and - at prices that must Belt every t who has in eye to getting the worth aids train 'The stack includes, . SIOLESKIg, cAgERE, IttlAVElt & FELT HATS, of every E tym . anoi'or and unsurpassed for Lightness Durability and WI: by those of any other establish „, i d ti . ; by those or any•to..— mont In the 000 .•'• . , • mo n % Boy's a tilldron's Hat's anti Cops, of tivery description cons ly on hand. • He respectful) Iles - all the old' pptione and as many new onoe osslble, to give him a call. . J 'O, °ALPO: July 1,113C4. '. -.',.: , OEM; ' x. FULI' sortment of Man and Boya':'," 11cothandihi, - hultibbl,le'r the - winter Lidlep and Nisallaltnciral Bootee's. children's Poote - of all klnde. TO and Gentletnen'agtlid Over Shoats. Illy old 'custoni and all, In.yant of 'Poo&and ' heap - Booth and shyrin , •pleapc:can end examine the stoek, boforo ?Jain - strata, - nearly' oppostt . the Depot • . • - CHAS. July 7. 1804., 1. B. 11, YX . COLOES AT RALSTON'S., i• I. 4 I AiNII:L July 1, 1804 DS,- • " • • • , , . ;' 411 lon and • quality of . Gmrotles, • posi:Yro,h Frulla aid - ae*otableadE pious, Wood Alitr.Willaw`Atatei, st., quality aud to - bo„aold at the fib ley NEW • i` Evpry .Queenfiwareo ; 'obacao. Bop Cans; Oysters hinds and'ptt: loves o.r.lcea MEE • -" • or lize iioick • HO AN() t stlok'a D .-„ , „ , TIONSdie iilVoclitipolo4 . klespruganomotore, ..•," - RES° dqd 13 • :w+ ~ ,Fi.r~..~ .1011 N IRVINE