Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, March 27, 1863, Image 3

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GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK:—We have re-
Ceived the Aprilifiumfier of .clodey's magazine,
and find it na mimed full , of interest and in ! -
struction. The:fashion plate merits all the
praises that have been bestowed upon G )dey's
previAtiirodnotions'of the same kind, which
is saying a groat 'deal. The frontispiece is a
"bo4lo:tit engraving the subject being " The
return of the swallows in Spring." " Rtin
,imps" is a quaint conceit, , and will provoke a
smile from the tit-rinelanolitilic. There is a
'great variety of other embellishments. The
literary department is ri.ih and full, and may
safely challenge comparison. Altogether,
Illoiley's is the hetlt. Lady's Magazine publish
ed, and should bo universally patronized
Published by L. A. Godey, Philadelphia, Pt.
uable and ever welcome magazine bas been re
ceived, and exhibits the following table of coo •
On the. Vicissitudes of Keats Fame; A
Spasm of Sense ; My Ship ; Betrothal by
Prosy; Rosigtpoion ; The Ping; Wet Weath
er Work ; Golden Wedding ; The Silurian
Beach; curalie; Sajourner Truth, the Libyan
Sibyl ; American horticulture ; The East and
the West ; Personal R.tminiscences of the lute
Henry Thomas [tickle; Ctovulry Song ; No
Failure for the North ; Reviews and Literary
Published by Ticknor Sz, Fields, Boston,
l‘lsss. Terms, $ 300 per annum.
Batchelor's Hair Dye !—The Best
in the World!
WILLIAM A. B.ATCHEI. , PR'S celebrated 11.112 Ihv
- produces a color not to be liu , inguiuhed from mann.—
otarcantel Injure thu Irak in the tenet; reno,io,
the 11l effects of bad dyes, and in - v 1 a , rkton tlid lfiiir N
grey, Red; or Itn-ty 1111 r In..tantly tug nq a 9len
dld Mtek or Brown, lea ving the Ilnir colt and besulilul
Sold by all Druttzistr. Rc
Thu genuine he Siine , l WILLI A A. B El.Oll.
on the lone cider of e lel, hoc.
FkrlfollY, No. SI l3,rch,c 'trect. New York. (butte
2:13 'Broadway and 10 Bond Street.)
ay' 0, 18 i2—ly
0011G11", - 'COLD: Olt 'AN - 111
tatod Throat if alloiv , d to progres., ri,tilfs in sto into.
Plitm 'nary and Bronchial alfoceitliil47efteutlincs hien
roach .irectly the affected parts and ei almost instant
lu Itroachitir., Arithiu.t. and Catarrh thee ar.
are beneficial The co ei effect., result ng 1r..t0 the a , re
ot the 'Troches, and th.dr extended ur.e. hay en no-"d
\ them to be count, felted eure to curl,' agttit,t
twertbless imitations. Obtain only the gentline Brown's
UESpehlai TrOPilllF which have proved their erne:my -by
ot many years Public SpeaXers and Singers
ithoald use the Trochee. Military .Itlivert..lll4l Soldiers
who over tax the voice end are exposed to sudden
changes, should have them. Sold every where at
coats per bux. Jan. 23.-3 m
To Nervous Sufferers of both Sexes.
A 'Reverend G entleman haring - been restored 10
health In'tt after 55 ndoiraiiing all he usual
Y 151 1 ,11,0 anti Irregular espen IV' triodes of trey
without su res, einishlor- it his•refl If, nom mu
infante to-his attlirteit ernatures the moans of
cure Hen en. on t receipt of an addressed etitel.ipe.
ha will sand (free) a ropy of he vest, ipt
rort. to Dr. M 1.).117 N Its Fulton St.,
lyn. N. Y. Nlar .11
In Uarlisle, on the 24th iti4tant. 4y the Rev. NV, \V,
F.ells. EDWARD C. .10nDAN, Etal of Walnut 11111
Danzthln county, to Miss ANNIE t'.. danchter of the
JattiJohn Sanderson, Esq., of Ctirllsle.
In Carlisle, on as '2.2d inst JOHN' ('II tlt 1,r.:4. wTI
C.( Japans and b.tatla Wilson, aged 7 tn-nt h awl In
In this 13,;rough on the 20 inst, Mr. JAMES MAR
In Dickinson township on the t. 4 — til lost , r.. 1 AC( )11
BARN ITZ, aged Ha 3 ears.
Ckt Mullets.
Reported weekly for the herald by
K. C. %Woodward.
Marrh 26, 1663
FLOUR (1 uptFllm Hl
do. '(l.l\ rm.)
do 11C1;.. .
wIiVrE wit EAT
d 0...
(1 kTS
1111MM' FA! b..
Assets $1,151,789 511,)
Mates Lifd Insurance Policies on fitoral,l,
The Board of Trustess have dechircd 0 Scrip Divi
dentl'Of roe'rr per cont. upon the Cash Precut utns re
cordisd lalBBl, sin all i'nli•ies In Ion•e on lb.. 31 tit lio
ceinher,and have decided to receive the grip li,vidends
of 18511, 1854. 1855 and 18511, in pn meat of Pr, d UM b
rho. having Premium Notes or La 'tor 011 1 . 011C11, , d 1111
the Company, will he credb ed on the 11.111111 so ith the.
S . ;rip of said years.. Tho undessig r ised is ready to
deliver certificates to patlles elltit , ed to roods, thous,
at the `arliclo A.zency, at Ilk nn Main street, at
any dine after the date of this not lee
i'mnplacts, Tablas lititos. Applications'aud ovvry
oforaxtiuu-furulblind without eliargo.
A. L. SPJNSI.EIt, Agent.
exrlisle !klardi 27, 1963-7 t
followihg certificate gives a god
description. nnf ample evidence of the utility and
durability or the Patent Concrete Paving which, we
stru prepared to furnish and lay or , , thort notice. The
tillisadhers deem nay further pocriocion of this arti
cle, the. is 'contained in the certificate below append
ed. unnecessary, teelinz that this is the b st pvesible
introduction of its merits.
,I tip mosrelicerfully certify that I have had tu)• pivc•
meat in my yard laid on' the Coneret plan, and ea 11
,spNtk (nen experience that I have found it eminently
xatklactory,— , 4er extolling brick pavement, 1) l ag more
durable, turd entirely txcluding rat n d trust from the
found aloe of the house. The rolling of heavy barrels
over it dons not Wert It. At is (*caper, pleasanter and,
(or till purposes much bettor than any other pavement.
I. cheerfully recommend it., .
.. .
Ilivilng - triticl the Concrete pavement, 1. 'nest wllltng
Iy cpacur In. the above. .
. .
111;1N It 0 ICV LAW.
. .
We rotor ' by penrinlislqu,•to the ii,llowilig persons who
hillie:trje4t.l4ll article :•
Min. Thos. lionsuoly, ;lon, Oeorgo
ainiptirs; :Jzirdos IViitet:, W. 51,,h0wd. unini e s
Crewforl, Ototilos Polivicks, Jocob Nixon, Win. °O
wlets, all of Chamboriibiug.
Persono_ 4:11,401. ng 'any further particularp euu obtain
all tho'nocewtry inforcoatlon by oppl ,Ing to
Chantberiiburg, P.
Maisch 27,: 1863
--,,fr-R.E 7 E
.N Cr it 0 -0- -Kit S.
W 3 have talt3o the Store .11.00 ms 'formerly occupied
by , ireunfleld ie'Bheafer la ltast 4 44ln street; mutt door
to t , ,le .1.01, when., we , futend to
,• her. all Itla Is of
tre.r..s.e t qq An] 'Onr $t Is umv
fresh, etrufallY seleqtalin the CAbtord CIO".
v crto,palilie act! friotidk:N Opera( 6 ) glco us it odir
'sp.?' examine ink' stook of gem Was tvo are detlrmiood
'to syy. roa. c 14a: .oal,•,fito , lc consilts lu 1; 30 °I
LTG 1 ICS, 0011 TE" 6', Ph' S i?,
tillassp Q, , INCILIIS.Wart!: Willriw wars, vettr all: 13roonvi
` ArdiS9 , i, 4.4'14.01 .pletis al thiyy,ltiti I, YrArraot o . l,
''' , ;, ; •
. . . .
4 1 9 ' e i gn f :: 64—)chiijostio; a full .a - Ssorlufeut of
grocer los tce.sorstly.
,Flour by tlatt blirrol or pound; auuntrv.
m c pl ii g‘toi;oomi,
tic!) 20, 18U3
- Fruit and Ornamental Trees,
Vines &0., from tho.,lfursery of IL iihjA.
- - - . •
Ori IVednesday, Thursday, Friday, Sattirday,
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, April
On these six days will he offered frees of good size, fine
Mimi, and 10 quality at healthy as can ha groi . rn and
trained in any Font in the United States or other coon
to lea -4o•'b to thn) Trues, Vines, kr., will be offered at
public outcry, In lots of from 1 to a half dozen, for live
or 111 X days, (Or longer if much nut:mashie weather
should Interfere.) Thu reason why we ad lit this mode
of offering trees at puldic'onter) is because we wish to
hare the people Satisfied with Sorb stork as they may
purchase. It has beconiu a fact that many who wish
to purehasu and plant trees do not like the idea of pur
chasing articles •• sight unseen, '+aB uniny hate Often
been Imposed Upon and
through the stock purchased not proving in quality us
reprosynted. We, there tiro, being nssut•ed Lint our
stock gives guttural satisfaction, enthteu•o this opportu
nity of giving all n chance to see the stock when mak
ing the purchase. Gn the days above-mentioned, ill
be olfored at public sale, trees of the best varieties in
yullivation, as none of loft-tier flavored qualifous are
cultivated by us, situ 'out of
ti eel al Hundred Varieties of Apples,
leadtes, Pears and .Lots,
Purchasers will have the opportunity or procuring the
mot desirable sorts, the t w, , sl sized and fittest thrilled
Standard Pear Treeq, stink as hi,tvo never boon pur
chased from Ira velliog agents. It will surely pay to
go a distance of lit or 20 tulles when thieve is an °pica.-
tianit3 of imrchasint Pear Trees which will wipe() satis
fartory and are of g.iod size.
Sizes of trees which will be offered at
Apple Trees,
l'oir do Stand.trd
Churn• do
DwArf Pears freem
hvorgroon Trios, very tine
EVERti It tIENS. an well as other kind of treas. are
more su•ee-sIMI wheu plant. d from the middle
of April until the middle. of May than s ' uch an are
planted very early in the season when the sell is
mld and wet. Trees of all kiwis are known to have
d .111` MUCII Letter that have been planted about corn
planting time than such as have bemi planted too early.
D•triaz last i-prin4. from th • llth of tpnil
the first of Nl.ty, s one .2 yam trees hive gone out from
•or Nursery. and. ‘•‘) far as hoard from, they have
proven n general Success, mtint mere cot tan IS Usually
knaen ot ally that wore over planted hewn,
~' l ` . ltiMr,ht,NTElttit Nitta II see the toeli when per- .
ch tshig. and need not tear getting ouch firferinr stock
as that oft •11 taken out by seem.travrlllng mren l s. The
Peleb trees eau all he twee. andivlll be found to be the
most healthy in I heir roots of any to he found. A
credit of eiiiht months will he given to all who Pur
chase to the 11111.‘Unt of iti - 0.10 and upwards. and when
Cash. • per rem. will be taken off.
e.ll, IM•nee nr eti_Mt n chrclt .1 rel •h (NV, ftt the
ol u•r• 3111,1 4 Mentioned. 'Pries and Stock are from the
:Nursery ot
11:I , . M. PE lio,ndorfir CO
Mal ell
rilitx shop sitnat,d on Vi pin street,
r.rulerly occupied by Ovu. Aruir.r. Apply Rt. Otis
March 13.
jr E 1 I "I' (1 N k ' lt; LLEN, purpose to
~e.intinue ter irry on the h: , ,ine s of mannfietitr
11.4 antlyendin.: Hop p a p e r. i n a il its branches, i it t 1,31.
11,1111! ; their mimes a -i. S imuel litAiiptntl. Jr" :A 1111
l 'lirlos U. Muth,. stet they ray wrtly el v . rr.sidt• At
NI nu II tII kik', r'i 111 , 4,11111,1 (ninny, Pa Th.....2::...•..t.•
aiiimint of I, pitAl euntritmted by the speeial par , m e,
is Tamiity '1.4 usand Imilais. The partnership ' , MI
Ille , 1 ,• ••.1 11.'1 , 1 nit January, 184.3. au 1 will terminate
thin lsi of January, 18611.
(Asscrs $1.151 7SO 5),)
on favoraMe to
The Board of Trustees a nee tied tred a Scrip Dlvi.
de m i of forty pee ' cent upon, the Cash Premiums re
cei,ed in 1 shl. on all Policies in force on the Illst of De
ceinher, and huge to r„ficuivi. the Scrip
de•nds sf,t, and in payment u Pro
uunm Vote, 11r LOrtns 1•TI Policies due Om Company.
will be el edited on the same a ith the Scrip of said
I-SThe undersiir lied is Hitt& to deliver rertilleatos to
p: l r. — ties entitled to receive thorn, at the Oarlisle Agen
cy, at his office on Main street, nt noy time after the
dam ol this notice.
tables of I a tes, applications and every in
formation furnished without rim. g,e
:March 111, 15 1. 3 Ammt,rarlisle
1()111LT 1' It (1 1, A .)1 ATI () N
Woratuti the lion-1.11.1.S 11. 1.11 111 AM. Plesi
dent .1 cd,r ul t several Cuurts ..1 C 1.1111111.11 rise. , I
111.. counties of C1111)b1 1 11:111 1, terry and Juniata, I.
.Im.ale.• of the coral Courts ..1 1)3 er and Terminer ....I
lleneral Jail Delivery in said , muntles, and lion. M.
1.70.1iL1N and lion. Iltadt STU k of the
Court of Oyer and 'Permitter and tieneral Jail Delivery
for the trial .tl' .iii /111.1 other offenders, in the
countnald v alainborlarld. by their preeepts to me di
re,ted..l.l toti the 12th of .1 tenors.. to',.). have order...l.
Cho Coto I ot. tyer and Terminer ttid General tail Deli very
to at Carlisle. 101 I lie 1 , 1•1 . 0/11i \DA %. 1.4
1:111;i, ( being the 1.1111 day) at 10 o'clock hi the
t o ren..on. to continue two weeks.
N , atov. Is itEitEine 111 V I.IN to the Coroner. Jus
ices of 'llO :111.1 roost:o.les or the said eo u n ty nl
t'ttiniterla nil, that they are by the said prover, vont
mantled to 110 then and there in their proper perm its,
with their rolls, records, inquisitions. examination..
and all other remetnbrattces, to 41.. those 1011. 11
to their offices appertain to be done, mid all those that
are hound by recootiptnees to prosecute auainst the
prisoners that are or then HMO I be in the jail of said
county, are to be there to proseente them as shall be
J. T. RIPPEY, Sheriff.
March 13, 15133.
C 0)
6 75
1 0
1 10
! I a
OW offering an immense variety of
c a I l * S,
V FS I'lN(l.i,
corrov ()long
For Alen and Boys' Wear,
in a larger variety, than can ho Mum] In any estat.
lishment in this place, and at as low. prices as eau be
sold Any where. to suit taste and pocl:et. We mann
factn“, the fItIOVO cola to order. In the latest styles,
or sell per yard. Custornors wishing to hn mi the L roodg'
bought of us, cut. can be accommodated. free of ehmae,
An early inspection of our goods and prices, respectful
ly solicited.
North Hanover Strout Clothing Emporium.
March 13,1503.
OF our own manufacture, the most ex
ceasivo stock ever exhibited, warranted as repre
,,,,oted, s old Wholesale or Retail at the lowest market
price, got up ril the most ,
-F,1,571.1.'0N.A8LE _STYLE, .
. .
to please the Most fsstidlous taste; be sure and 'call bo•
fore furnishing elsewhere at
North lianover Street Clothing Emporium.
March El, 18b3., . . .
WE have the largest and finest shirts
ovor . offored
811111.1'd Id 12,00 1)0i doz.
do. 4 '. 1501 " ' 4
dp. , " 2110 ) ' u"
do. " 25,00 " "
do. 30.00 ‘.
worrtnted to 1;o^of ato tost.ond.mot;trotobratod makes.
tiozim or you witut..o
ra ~
nat ~•••,•.,..• •
North Ilauovez: SfroOt - Envorlusn
March 1.1, 1863. . .
ttKE Ito 1.113 S Ties, ',Stocks,
jui:i N t V itavons. Nhfirenderm, DiaArcra, a
beautiful vitortnieut can beiTuflrit.• .
l 4 •
• . Ntirtlilltauover.•StreAtEmporiuur.
March 13, leB3. • •
! 'TR U 1 K,.9
v 4,413ati, ro
, .—...,ttd, tkatiet Rags, TJm
tTrallalti ha, Preuvit solo leatbor Trunks, Ladies
1 trrirvolling Trunk s or 'largo sizes brass bouud, Di tho
j best , u4koa, in largo variety .o't ' .
i •
Mitch 13, /562. .
Nardi Ilatiovqy St.xo9l
P. AI yi tutzi sc
1,2, 3, 4:6, 7 and 8, 1863,
do l) It out kin ls, - 7-to
K E3l P PUNS mu ',LEN
51arch 13, 18,33—tit
:toady Made Clothing;
Perfect l'iltmg Shirt,
Pocii ttotio,6 gtaten*eiit foi A.i.A"iB62'
" „•' • , . .
COAN,.andROBERT ELLIott, Dlid'ote , Of tlie 06ra r House of
Employment of Cumberland County, in account with Bald County, from the flrot day of
January to the thlrty:tirtt day of neOthnbai, A: D:1862, incruolve.
To balance In bands of Treasurer at last settlement,
Cash from County Treasurer.
Carlisle Deposit Bank. on lotto,
Col. tiracey and C. inhoff, money refunded,
A. Busier, l 4
J. Bets lino, for two shoats,
D. Wolf, for the support of James Sanderson, deed
J. M. Moans, Esq., ler support of C. Lauglln,
D. Wherry, Esq., " t• Mrs. llollar,
J. I'. Sterling," ' 'tMary Knettle,
4 Perry and other Counties, for support of Paupers,
E A. Smith and others, boarding,
John Fuller, butler,
S. Caldwell and others, tallow,
M Myers, B'4o. lbs. of lard,
It. Parker, st,,nio and ntraw,
P. Homer and others, stock sold,
Drovers pasture,
A. Itoslor and others, rye,
- -
.1. Clendeuin, hides,
By rash paid A. W. 13entz & others for merchandise Si groceries,
L 7 • '
4 to IL
t a
I to 4
to o "
rf‘QUl ER. EF , I , Treasurer or the Poor llouse and House of Employment Of Cumberland
County, in aeeount with the idreetors of said Institution. Mint the first day of
Juuurny to the List day °I December, lend.
ha taut, u Cs hands at last set t lenient,
Cltsh truin Count V dreiriMrer.
Carlisle Deposit
soureti4, as exhibited in the foregoing statement
By cash paid on Directors' orders, as above,
Number of pAutierF In the lions° ilan. I. 12462 1 11) of whom acre colored ' )
Admitted up to 11,, 3i, 141i2.
livrii ill the house up to Dec. 31., 12462,
Whole number provided for during the year
Number died, of whom 5 were colored,
Hound out,
Discharged and..eloped,
timber remaining in the Howie, Jan. lyt Ittn3, of whom 31 are colored,
Number °lout dont paupers supported at4tublie expense, of whom faro in the State
Lunatic Asy
Whole number chargeable on Jan. Ist 18f3,
Thorn are in the house, no , ear as can he ascertained, 2 under 1 year of age, 10 from 1 to 5. 12 frotns-t+r..10,•-
it frion 10 to •, 2., from 20 to :10, 14 from 31 to 4u, 17 from 40 to 50,'20 from 5U to 60, 20 from 00 to 70, 10 from
7 ,, to nit. 3 Innis gn to PSI, a n d 5 Prow 90 to lull.
Iu t I llt Um 0 the ahovo,1:1 , 1 1 1 traveling paupers have been received without regular ortl i eto to whom were
giveu 71+3 tnealO, and many of them Were I ore ohed with n rtiel..S of clothlog.
1,3;5 tnisbeis of Wheat, f 4 bushels of Rye 1,300 bti hell 0! )ils, 2,53 l bushels of shelled Corn, 433 bushels
of Pi,Lli‘oes. 03 loads of Llay, 40 loads of FO ides, 3 loads 01 l'utniksillb, U 0 iItII4IIAS ul Ull'OOR, 1.0 bUSLIVIS 01 red
eta, 20 bushels of green Voans, ti bushels 4if Peas s bushel of Thmato,s, 311 bushels of l'arselps, 3d bushels
of Turnips, 4 0) heads of Cabbado. I doeoo Cucumber picsles, 3 bushels of Dried Apples, 190 dozen of Eggs sod
75 corn Brooms, were made, 5,000 bushels of Lime buried, and 43 perches of Stone wall unlit..
32 pairs of cloth Mitttens, 11 pairs of knit )listens, 97 pars of knit socits, 25' pairs of Stockings footed, 30
Bonnets, 14 ('s, pa. Ist) slicks, SS Aprons. 12 Comforts. fib 1:111.111iSOS, .2.01 87 Frocks, 104 Pillow blips, 54
1,3 On& beds, •24 . 4teets. 153 Ilandlterchods hemmed, 10 children's Skirts, 00 pairs of
Stisputiffers, 7 hod l'uria.oh, 4 t tlutlls, ti woolen z.birts, 30 children's (Initial:es, 55 children's Frocks, S boy•ii
Shirts,s Table Hollis. 27 foe eb, 21 Shrouds, 1,1 yards 01 rag Carpet, 223 pounds of hard Soap, 51 barrels of
soft 2,l2s.fiounds of li tater and tit) crocks of Apple Butter.
31 Cuflins, 4 Chests. I ix Yoke. I table, S IMOI,IO 101.1 trees, 40 flanuner Handles.
lil`e,`l , iavera, e trub r flit ) 117 115 , 1 lbs.. 12 ('aly , s I , iverago weight 61;!...i . lbs) 703 lbs, 3) hogs (average
3 5 lbs) 7, lilt los. inah.ilif In all 21.1J7 Iha . 1I t.t 11,,gs died daring the year, of hoj, cholera.)
STUCK ON FARM. JAN. 1, 1863,
S Horses, 15 Mllch Cows, 14 head of Stock Cottle, 1O Steers, 2 yoko of Cixon, 2 Sows nud 12 Shoats uTENsiLs UN JAY. 1, 1863.
Y broad and 1 narrow n h0.,10,1 IVagous, 1 stone Wagon, 1 pair Tam] 'Ladders, 3 pair ha) , Ladders, I Wagon
Bed. 2 jack 64,,,W15, 1 Cart and cart tiears. 1 Spring Mag,m and Harness, 1 large Sled, 0 Plows, 2 single nod U
nblo Sii vel l'lowr• I erg. :ind 4 small Cultivators, 1 Roller, I Undo Drill, 1 Threshing ISkohlue, Dorset
Pra o er :tint Belt. 1 Wind .11 I, 1 Fodder Cuo ter, 6 Wheelbarrows, 2 log diatom, S setts of wagon Hears, 0 setts
of plow ti oars 2 Oh and 1 carrying Chain, Spreads Single aod Double trees, 7 Fly nets, 1 Wagon Saddle, ii
Halters and Cliainn, 40 Cow Chains, I set of I 'arpenter 'Puff., 1 set Blacksmith Tools, H grain Cradles, 18
mowing Scythes, 1 wire, horse hake. 4 l'icl.s, 2 Mattocks. 3 Crow 11.trs, 3 stone D Ills, 10 Shovels, 1 grain Heap
, r and a variety of stone Hammers, quarrying Tools, Spades, lurks, Rakes, Sick", corn lines! Wood. Saws,
Axes, Mauls, Wedges and trout !Collo, etc., Se
WO.llll, Directors of the Poor and House of Ruipleyment of Cutuherland Couuty, do certify the above and
forgoing to he it rorrect statement of the receipts and expenditures of said Institution troth the let day of
January to the 31st day o. Pet:anther, 11402. and also, of the operations of said institution during the tame
rriod, and of it.croldita.n en Jail nary I, ISO 3, according to the bust of our litiowledge
Ulveu under our hands the 12th dry el January A. P. 1863.
w I I, LI AIL CoItNII.A.N, Directors.
We. the Au illtnn or Cumberland County, having examined the neeoUntS and voushers of the Direetors of
the Pour and 110 Me of Employment of cold County Irmo Jan lst to Dee 31st, 1862 and also the nero nut and
of .lamb e.(l u ler, , Treasurer 'omit uthin for the Etilllllperlud, do - certify that we 13nd tt
balance. due said T,easurer, of one h un•• d and 'sleety two dollars nud sixty seven cents.
Wit nese our hands at Carlisle the Nl—, day of Jau D. 18113
f NEW GOODS ! NSW GOODS ! - Office oil TAY COOKE,'
J UST received a large assortment of
fj elegant new style . Philadelphia,.-Nov. 1,1802.
Fall and H'inter Goods, Thu undersigned, having been appOinted SUBSCRIP-
Zo which the attention of LIM public in general is re TION. AGENT by the Sent-tau-of the Treasury, is now
specttully invited. In the • prepared to furnish, at once,- the
.• of the United States ' deMgmited as ‘'Five Twenties,"
Cloths, Cossimeres'
s, Veatings. %JAB. Shirt Collars,
redeemable at the pleasure of the. Government after
Neck Ties, Cravat Suspenders, Gauntlets, Gloves,
five years. and authorized by Act of•Congreas,,zippoMved
ice &i: February 20, 1862,
LADIES' DEPARTAIENT. • The COUPON BONDS are Issued to annular ato,
$lOO, $500.-$lOlO.- .
Sillot, ' Pepline , French Merinos, Do liiiii r Eigureil and
The REGISTER BONDS In plums of VA $500,.51000,
Barred liepp's, Poll Dc Chevlere, Figured and Plain
Velour, Cashinet es, Paramettes, Gingbanie, Fierch Cor- WO-
sets, ilithnorala llooda, :‘Otitega, Skating Coals, Nu•
Interest of Ska per rent. per annum will commence
Mail, }'eats. Ac., q tr ,. A full sortmentief, (MODS for mid is
from date of purchase '
. • •
chtidivns' wear, of, all - * kinds. Tisk Ingi, Cheeks, Nue. • - PAYABLE t.g GO I LD,
lint., Drillings, Flannels, Illanltete,• Cassinets, deans,, •
Cords Ac., tic.. host quality and cheap lei the cheapest,foini-Annually, which Is equal, at the present prenti-:
Hosiery nud Gloves of all descriptions; and prices.. •, inn on gbld, , to about EiGUT PER CENT. PER AN-,
Verniers, Merchants, Mechanics, apitallsts, and all
A large assortment of Shawls niull seaffs'of 'ell des• who have agy money, to Invest, should:li now od ,re'.:
crifitie r ns, and - cheap. TravelTimiTrunksiwell-nraticv-rntemberthattheso---Itonthr-aris,--7111—etfeet-n—rtltB
audCarpet Battu_ 'IiIORTGA GE upon all ltailreads, Canals.'llank Stocks
As It is Impossiblsae - enumerati - 011 the aftlerelj - iffiTSCeniltittiTtoid - tlie - iminelitii — pkOßßODflireli - the
would tesPeetfully Invite nil peisons in want of hand, ManufactUres, &c.. &c.,111.•th0 country: and that the'
some and cheap , 004).D5,.t0 call and :100- at my' stock full and ample •iirovialon Made for the payment of the
before purchasing eikftV here. .0:3• ii eeelieet the Pleee; interact and liquidation of principal, by Customs Du.
West Slain 131 rebt, nearly opposite the depot. !' s • ties, Excise Stamps and Internal. Revenue, serves-to
. . • OLIAS. OGILIIY. make these Bonds Om ' .
Carltalo,Nov. 6, 1862, • Best, 3104 . Avaitaide •
oiaci• - •31/ost'Popular
I s f,
.0 . .....Aii cloths; Cjipkiwores and Vestings, will lM
Made up to order, Of desired,) in the best mantic, and • • • love: siliteitt . ia the Markdi ','''.
witrrantedilo fit by an - experienced tairor and the best
~. . • ~..
workman in, the State. . . -
.• .• ,C.O, • . Subserintions received at PAltin, 14%11 Tem -- let rintes,
- t_:......-.4....__:„!...,. :....,.....4..
~..- - . - or, noted an checks
every facility stad eXptization will be afforded
,ok&v ,
echo ot" hanks, at polo cantatoptiia,—.
.11 . ANV CA R D.--:-.0 II ARL.bS ,E. '.14.A.4 Ottbscrihersty,Mait wiihrecnivepnernpt - attention, and
• OItaUGHLIN, Attorney at Law,' Ofliee In in;
• -
, . .
51tirah •14
1-113NIRICIT; Attorney at Law.
e•—ofac. on North Hanover street, n feu doors ---- •
south of GlAfte 'An bust entrusted to' him . fob :Work done atthis office;
still be prosoptly attended to, ' rktrills.
- ,
Total debits,'
Mrs. Saltahurg and others, out door aid,
Slate t:matte Asylum, supra t of ratipers,
York County Direetors,
J. Doi:Aline and others, tailoring, hats and shoes,
I). Sipe and others, out door funeral expeusea,
Smith and ethers, Justices and Constables fees,
Wei. lit acey and others, cattle and lingo,
John Single, brown horse,
.1. A Marsh & Co., new reaper,
A. tinnier and ethers, grain and grinding,
R. 0, Wood surd and '.there, clover and timothy seed,
0 Delaney and others, lumber, ,
" '• coal for fuel.
Henderson & Reed, coal for lime,
.1. Miller and others, wood for fuel.
Wm. sillier. new and repairing old pump,
Henderson & [toed, plaster,
'Wm. Fridley and others, tie ware and tinkering,
Geo. Iletzel and ethers, wagottwaking,
Geo. Lintlettit tid and others. hlackstnithing,
.1. & J. Dealer. imn it • new wagon,
.1. P. Alspaugh. ettinting tin ripd
G. Zinn and tatters, postage, express charges & stationary,
11. saxton and others, hardware,
.1. Clendenin. leather,
F. Viardner & Co., castings,
Theodore Kiefer, baking,
4). S. P. Zeigler. drugs and medicine,
Dr. Rolf noun and other a, out-dour medical aid,
Carlisle Deposit. RnlJi. luaus,
I in sea F 1 1 .13 I l!PlIMP. 00 On,,
Prost & co., vines and It nit trees,
Dr. S. P Zeigler. salary, 4c.,
I'. liraketnalter, w 1.31;111g,
11. Snyder; Ertl , salary
moo-, Director, extra services,
John Miller, ‘' "
Win et woman, " t.
Jacob Treasurer, salary,
W.. 1. ''hearer, 1:5.1.,
ittliscullaneous Expenses,
Ital4ri.o due Treasuer,
Bola:Ice duo Tioahurer,
- Hui('El:l)S OF FIMNI:-
11,49 S IU
Auditors of Cumboi4ud County
. .
~. • . . • • ...
' A full supply of kondi mai be 'kept oli,ltitidrot tut;
radiate Oliva -Iv.
'.3 AVCOOO.a, f34biorli.tlon Ajz.otitc
-No!. 7, 181327-3gl
HO. •Sc - 001 . for Tottug 'Ladies;
, AT dAR,Ltat
, erench And liignagekare - initt of the - reg•
tiler course of study. - 'Other langthigedhnd the orna
mont,aldiranchea taught, it desired, A t teaciterarAte s.
Pupils received at, ny time, r '
Apply to the Itm , ...I O ItA,NOMI.'CLER.O. or
$470 77.
0,000 061
093 00
1 17
41 09
4 05
84 00
a 00
29 00
83 80
25 44
35 56
16 26
51 31
57 40
0 00
85 00
78 00
89 01
125 23
idar . ch 20, 1803.., r ,
telegriph'lnaort'lo days, • Shlppons•
brtrit.,Ziositi ,2 months, and :Ohtimborsburg Repository 2
months, for $3, and send bill to this office.
fi L Letterifbr Admlnlßtratlnn ofJohn J. klyerS, dee'd.
late ofllonfee township, having boon issued to the
subserlberi.S'residing to the limn° township, notice Is
hereby glimn to all pertains having claims against said
estate to present them, and those Indebted to make
payment tO .
BY virtue of an alias order . of sale of
I . lthe Orphans' Court of "Cuinheillind county, the
undersigned administrators of the estnte of John
Plough, dee'd., will expose to public sale, on the prem
ises, on Wednesday, the sth f April, 181:4, at 2 o'clock
P. 'f., the
$11,305 46
of said doepa.ed: Atuated In Dickinson township,
bounded by landsof George Risdnovr, Adam Flsh•
burn. Anthony Fishburn, James Myers and Gilbert
fie the same more or less, all of which In of the best
lnalltp cf limestone land, and in a high state of culla.
cation. The . farm aforesaid Is located on the Walnut
Batton' Road, about fu miles trom Carlisle: the Im
provements consist_of a large two story_ ltriek [louse,
barge Bank Ila-n. Wager' Shed, Corn Cribs, flay Fans,
and other necessary Out-buildings, all In gond repair.
A good Well et Water and n fine thriving Orchard are
on the prenilses About 7 acres are entered With fine
thriving timber, the reinalnder under cultivation and
all enclosed.
rjAVE removed to their nevr — and
beputilal Stare' Room, South-east corner of Mar
ket square. oppodte Irv : 1110'H Shoe Store. Having just
returned from New Y•Jrk and Philadelphia, with an
immense variety of Chess Goods, we are prepared to
oder superior Judd •einente, to any other House In the
Plain A [peas all ' Knoirb:' Illiades. single and double
OrmAdo Oriental Lust-res. all shades. Plain and
Plaid Poplins, mare heantiral than any sill:, nt one
hall th. cost of-silica, Pongee: 311xturos. lie Lathes
Challira, Lawns, Organdies, Cluntaes, lee., &c.
Domestic Goods,
A henry• of Prints, Chucks, Muslins. Ging
Cot Gonndes, Dril , s, &Q., will hu wild at reasunable rates
$192 07
. I - o "7
0,1 oo VU
PO I 11l
, 41 (S
$11,30., 4a
11,494 12
$192 67
Fs Art 4 NOTICE.
4Laters 10st3mentary on the ostate of Adam
Mountz, doc'd . late of Frank ford township. Cumb. Co.,
having been issued by the Ite,tister cf Comb. Co. in
Simon 51ounta of Frank.f.rd AIM John Heiser of West
Prnnsborranrii township, notice is hereby ,given to alt
prone Indebted to sald estate to make pay moot. and
41405 e having claims to present them, duly authentica-
March 20, 1863
Containing 103 Acres,
Terms made known on the day of sale by
March 20. 1803-Bt.
tourning Goods to be offered at astoniphingly low
B•nnhazi nes, Cashmeres. Summer Reps, Alpacas, Plain
Mirages. all w,.1 Da Laines :Anglo and double width,
very c eap.
Cloths and Cassimeres.
A good assortment of Cloths. and tho lartiaf. t variety of
Fancy Uassluiores, ever offered i ft this market.
Also, our usual assortment of Notions,
Gloves, Trimunws,
F.huili East Corner Ma ket Square, opposite Irvine's
Shoe Bt6re.,,
Mdreh 20, 1863.
FST AT P, N (yr lc m.
tern of administration with the will annexed,
on the estate et (lett: ge Wive, late 'of South Middleton
twp Cumberland county deed., have been issued by
the Register of said county to the suilcriher,residing
In the Sa nil! LOW II • hip. All persons indebted to
said estate are requested to ma Immediate payment,
anti those
_having claims will present them ftlr settle—
went to
Fu 1.8113-6 t
Feb. 20,.1m63
LitHE unfailing in the cure of Couo•hs,
Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, S re Throat. Hoarse.
1101.4., Ditlieult Breathing, Incipient Comumptinn, and
Diseases of the Longs. They Lave no taste of tut:aloe
and any child Wilt take them Thousands have been
restore] to health that had Itt_titre de-paired.. Testi
mony given in hundreds 01 Cases. A taught dose ae
heves In ten minutes.
Ask for Brynn's l'ultnonie Wafers—the o tglnnl and
only genuine k stamped ' Bryan." Spurious klnisare for sale Twenty nee cents a
• Fo:d by.
deat•rs..generally. JOB nt.):"EIS. Sots l'n.prketor,.llu
c6ester, N. Y.' Tor gals by S. L Ilott, Carlisle%
February 2U, IS63—ly
The Great English Remedy.
Prepared frau* a preeMpt (on of Sir J. Clarke, M. I)
Phyblelan Extraordinary to the Queen.
FriIIIS well known medicine is no
a sure asiu NM, routed) for Female
Unfit:eines and Hbetrucimms. from any sense 55 hates er;
and although a powerful rumen; It cunt: doh nothing
hurtful to the constitution.
To Merriest Ladle:, it Is peculiarly suited. It Rill, in
a short time, bring ou the Mbilthly period with regu
ia sty.
In all Cases of Nervous and C'pinal A ffeellous. Pain In
the thick stud Lints, Heaviness, Fatigue f4l slight srf
ertien, Palpitation of the Heart, Lowness of Spirits,
Hystesies, Sick llvadache,'Whi,te, and all the painful
diseases by a dlemdei l vd system, these Pills
will effect 'imam when all other moans have tailed.
These Pills have never been knee, is to fall where the
directions on the 2d page of pamphlet are well observ
ed. For full particulars, got a pamphlet, free, of the
agent.' $1 sins) 0 postage stamps onelmed to an) au
thorized agent, will insure is bottle. containing over 60
pills, by return mail. S. Elliott, Agent, Carlisle.
February 2U, 1803-1 y
Now Sky•Ligbt Photographic and Ambrotype
(1 L. LOCHMAN is happy to inform
J. his numerous customers, IMO the public gene
rally, that he has removed the establishment to his
New Sky-Light Gaiter!),
In the building ( ecupled yy Mrs Neil, as a Millinery
Stare, Nyman the Cumberland Valley Bank.
Mr. (~,eluntin is now able with his splendid light, end
the addlttun of new and . expensive appetatus, the very
best manufacttireti, to produce
equal to the beet made In Philadelphia or New York,
Pletureacan he taken uow equally well In eiondy as
In elear - vveather - --
Daguerreotypes or Ambrotypes of deceased persons
copted;onlarged, or made Into cartes de visite.
Carlisle, N0v..28, 18112.
--- . . .
... .._ .. a 7, ...• •0 0
it .? . c s- , .
:::: 5 ... e -
- 4
j a . tz A ,
i.,'.•.•',..a ..,
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~ ..e, • .' r ' , a' , r.: ', AF • '-' t•
.2 t,i
•„i• -,. ~ 0 .a 2 .
'• 'cl t , ^-011 .5' 7-1 ..1
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p,. 1:114 "bp , : 4 :L A : '"4 ,..t 6 . 9 :•••0: 1" ....„ : :_:.•:. ,
~...•._'"' r gym.
.. ,.._ 0_ 2 .1...,„;"
z ., ' ~..... , • 0 1.,... 0 . A . .:74 2 . 4:,,..; .
-, ------;•;" i i-114--t-e----'-t'-t--'-=--- , -.IK----.=t-uut-----
--- .J. ' c.ll - t-,`" ..4: , : . . ;,1- ' ... .. _ g ji
%,„. d :
,• . ! ,46 : : Pte, •
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.• . g,, ... .-tir , -.4.. , ; ,
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. 4 , -.., 'H.. .. ' ' 0 . • 1 , ....,-,==4,5.1.1
~-. ' , &,1: . V t . ~ ..,..=::--,14 . t,', . .:. -Or ', I
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at .1- .. P - ."".' ' 4, 't • !t*JPl
._.. ~' - • •rZ 0 ' 4 F:1 1 .0 ..... E •A.-
- -, . (i i ti -t, rst. er 07 r••• =r, .- .*.'4 c .
— ..a.' '''. 116 40,:t1... 0 ;
80. D‘•-••
• oulciiisirator of tipet iv 4 , o3?: . e4tlstry to tlio
11 11
rialtif 0 r 4,
ato, -D
• 'Ateelfo 41-niinMdenee,
(*resit° Marlon lls—arV4sl3CEP, stet.:,t,Varlisley Pim*
Nur, 11,1851. • '
lit.O. U. Clt.t10111?A1),
Adner. C. T. A
A UDITOR'S iSToikie l : is
hereby given that the undersigned appointed 'Att.
dltor by the Orphan's Court'of o.umb. Co to distribute
the balance remaining in - the hands of James ILI' vino
EsuiAdteinistrtitor .of William Bretton, late of the
Borough ut Newville, dec'd., among theparties entitled
thereto will meet them. for, that purpose nt bin offleeln
the Borough of Carlialo,nti Saturday April 11th, 1803
at'lo 'o'clock , A:
. ' Auditor
111 arch . 20 . 180
CIF all the) NEW Styles, For Ladies
kfMisses & Childress Wear. French k American
Bonnet Dthbons, and a general assortment of
nnuANsity GOODSI
at the lowest Cash prices—Wholesale & Retell—
MILLINERS Will Consult their interest by examining.
my stock before making their purchases.
No 218 Arch Street, Philadelphia.
March 10,1863.
1863. SPRING, 1863.
ITOOD $.5 CARY, No. 725, CIIES,T
French Flowers, Ribbons At.,
In which they respectfully invite the attention of
Merchant & Milliner.
CASH BUYERS will find special advantage in ox
[training this qtoek before purchasing. •
March 20, 1803-3 m.
Watches, Jewelry,
No. ti2o A RCII Street. PHI LA D' A'
N. R. All 1.1,01‘. of Silverware mow lu the Factory,
back of the Store. '
March 20,1062-3 m.
II R. JOHNSTON has discovered the
most. et lain, speedy and out) env, tool rr ta.i ih in
the world for all private diseases. wt Mtn( ss th the Lark
or limbs. strictures, affections Of the Lid IIuNF 1111(i Wu
der, involuntary discharges, potehey. general del Ili.
ty, nervousness, dyspepsy, languor, Ir•w spirits, contu-
Silal of ideas, palpitation of the heart, r•mitirty. in n.-
blings, thriftless tit bight or giddiness, disease of the
head, throat:: nose or skinsaffeetions of the iii er.lungs,
stomach or bowels—those terrible di• orders erisil g fit in
the solitary habits it out h— those secret and solitary
practice• more fetal to their via tiles then the song of
Syr ens to the Mariners of Ulysses, tint ii n a I t
brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering Marriage,
ko , impoSsible.
roped:llly, who have become the victims of rolit sr y
I iac, that dreadful end derbr ur t Inc habit w Lbh !trim
ally as evil! , to an untimely pave ii. ur.andr. nt \n 1,1,g
Men of the inoirt exalted talents and l.rllllnrt intellect,
oho might otherwise have entranced Usti:x.l:lg nal rts
with the thunders of elogur nee or to eestat) tim
living lyre, may cull with lull confidence.
Married persons. or young men contemplatttat nr
ringe. being aware of ph) sical weakness, organic
ity , deformities, &e.. speedily cured.
lie who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may
religiously confide In his honor es n gentleman, and
confidently ml) upon his tilt ill as a plusician.
immediately cured, and full vigor restored. -This dirt
tressing atrection—whirh renderil lite miserable and
Marra:ll4e ILapna,ihtti—is 1110 penalty paid tr) the t it tinis
al improper o.ndlikencns. Young pi , rsonS ar , apt to
eninnilt eNr.esat , train not being as arc al the dltanthil
rsorserinence , that may ensue Now, who that under
vtarol. the subjeet wilbpretend to deny that the Teta or
n! procreation Id lost-sootier by thoSe Intuit g irtn Inn.
pry per habits than by the prudent' Ilerldrs I cling de
mtved the pleasures of healthy offspring. the most
serious and destructive symptoms to 1 oth body and
mind arise. The system becomes de co to god the Ito
ral and Mental functions w taken rm. la,s al until' a
power. nervous Irritability, dysp. psia, pallritatirn of
the heart, indicestlon, constitutional debility, a Allot
lug of the frame, cough, couttimption.dern) and death
Left hand side going from Baltimme street, a few dm - trs
from the corner. Fail not to observe name and number
het Fr;rs 'inn St Ini - ' olti ri. iiir Thullo e
tor's Diplomas in file office.
,ier of the Royal CC:liege of ••••urgeous, London. Graduate
f.oin one of I ht• tiaet eminent' Cuil• gra in the t filled
Sates, and the greater part of ie hose ltq• hiss tees. 1.1,1 , 11 t,
i•• the lonqvitals of Inflidon, Purls, l'hilndeTh a and
elsewhere, has effected sonie el the most is tonedifug
cure• that V. re es 1!1' kIJUW many troubled iiilh ring
trig In the head and eats when itslesp, great nervous
n.•ss, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness,
with frequent blushing. attended s,'s , •times with du.
ran :.!tn out of fulud, were cured hm. tliately.
Dr..l a ,ldresses all those whp bat e injured. t huniselv ert
by improper Indult:emu and milt r 3 habits, whit h ruin
both body and mind. unfitting them lot either busim ss,
study, society or marriage
These are some of the sad and melancholy directs
produced by early betels of youth, 'viz • IN eakm•ss
the hack and limbs. pains in the head digent sr of right.
loss of museul ar power. palpitation of the heart ,t spelt
sy, , nervous irritability, derangement al the digeStire
functions. iteut•ral debit lty. t.ymptv n P -onsurnitt ion
illgsrrktLY —The learmi citeets on Ply tnnrh
to lie di ended—lra- memory, confusion of bit a.. de
pression of spirits. evil fond nth as ater,loll focie ly,
rel I' dist yard, love pi solitude, timidity, !fie., are s, u,e of
the oiln produced.
Thousands of persons of all ages ran n w judge is lint
is the cause of their declining health tl air
bee4,llllllg weak, pale. net, and. maid:tied. hat fog
a pitligtllllr appearance shout the 03 es, cough and s3l:llp
toms of consumption
voim,7a ayintr •
Who, havo Injured themselves by a certain prnetieo
Ind Mont in when alone. a 11111.1 t, fri q nen tly lilt n 4• Ai fi
ovil 0 ,,,,,pani0.F., or at Si hind, the effects of whirl" al 0
nightly felt. oven when asleep mid it not cured rendei
marriage impnsethit. add destroys both Inlaid and body,
should apply Immtvliately.
AI hat a pity that a young man. the hope of htsrou n
try, the darling of his pi:m.llU+, should he s notched trim
all prospects and cojoymeot , of lite, by the rimmiqueliee
of iniyhttit, ft um the path 01 nature and indulging In
a certain secret habit. such persons must before con
reflect that a sound mind 'and body are thu most ne
cessary requisites to promote cotton Ha I blipPiness
Indeed, without these, the journey through lite hei, Ines
a weary pilgrimage; the prospect hourly dark. , us to the
clew; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and
tilled with the melancholy tetlectlen that the happinebs
of another becomes blighted with our Own.
DisisAsia or .114PRUDravc, E.
'When the misguided and imprudent votary
of p.etr
sure nods that he has imbibed the seeds or this painful
disease, it, too often happens that 1171 ill timed sense of
shame, oridread of discovery. deters him bon, cpplying
to those who; from. education and tospecteility, ran
alotto befriend him, delaying till the coatitutional
symptoms of this fervid diSVEISe Make their app' mantel
sugh as ulcerated sore throat, disrased nose, maxima,
pains in the head and linalts,dintness of sight, deafness.
nodes on the chin hones and arms, blotches on the
head; face and - extremities, progressing with frightful
rapidity, till at last the palate of the mouth or the
bones of the nose fall in. and the victim of this a a ful
diseasebecomes a horrid object of commiseration, till
death p - the a period to itisibreadful utturirg4,..ll, send
ing him to "that Undiseovervd Country frrm whence
nitt traveller returns!'
Ws a melancholy fact that thousarde fall victims to
thditorrible disease, owing to the unekillfulnestsof ig
norant.pretenders, aho, by the use of that deadly poi
son, tittrettry, r ui n the constitution and robe the re
sidue Of life
tiPl fir: ELS
'Trust not your lives, or lliealthrteo the care of the
many unlearned and wortblests pretenders, destatuteof
-knowTatige, name orehttraeter, who copy pe. Johnstott's
a lvertisements, or style themselves, in the to ewste.pers,
regularly educated phYsicians, incahle anteing, they
keeti tailtrifling month atter mon th taking the:eV th 3.
and fritsonous compounds, or as long as the smallest fro
cam ho obtained, andin despair, 1141{1/ you with ruined
health to sirLh_over lourgalltug disappointment.
Di". :Tarns torais ludviTtifing-,;r------
-11k.oted4ittIttle_cirdirionms always hang to his 01110 ,
_ Bitts reniedies or trotittnent are unlinnWll trFLitt OtberF,
proP mid from a ft fe - spont in the great hospitals ofEno
41to first in the country and flAnall'O' extensive
prii"; pyttence than tiny Ober , physician,in tlek!uorld,
ti Don'S Eitittivr 411E:pii**.
~ljuut:~iiy thous oxiiredrtit „thls -- tut,t, u t.ipyr, y r
Anal tb 0. nuiterolifl iin,p6rtillt'Fuygleattipe
ratlupp portormed: by aohile tau, .13s'0, the
repurturs 014110 Clipper;'. and bialoy nib or
Pilutrrft notices 9f whiqhfiliFe; Rl)Pear 9, l ZIA itga
bet:or?, the' ptanding . me's; geptlaunn
'4..t(liattittOr aryl reipobsibllity, la ti s uthetOrit gilarainteo
.101 is it:A.4IE3 tiVe PEE DI Ileic Vitig D
- PorsOitariting. Ealottld particulto,,d l roctiug ,
. iot,tprp ttv t),OK In s ti„tut ion. ix ma*.
3011 N. Kt: JOLINSTON; ,
•-•- tbo Tut( thwire U*lolooo4l, BitltittgotCVd:"
Kleiy 2, 18G2—ly .