DRUGS, DOO K S , FANCY GOODS, CONFECTIONARIES, FRUITS, PERFUMERY, PRESERVED FRUITS, MINCED MEAT, PICKLES, &C. S. W. HAVERSTICK, North Hanover Street, Carlisle, Penn'a. Ilasjmt opened an assortment of Fresh 1/rugs, Fan cy Goods, Gilt Books, Pet futnery, Ft nits, and Con fee tionarY, which'has never been surpassed in this her ough, for novelCy and elegance. The articles have been selected with geeat rue, and are calculated, in quality and price . , to command the attention of purchasers. FANCY GOODS, whlchcomprlseevery variety of fancy articles of the most exquisite finish such as. nypier 3laehe Goods, Elegant alahni,ter and porcelain ink-stands and trays, Fancy Ivory, pearl and shell card raves, Ladies' Fancy Baskets, Fancy Boxes. With sewing instr u ments, Ladies.' Calms, Writing Desks, and l'ort-feiios. Port Mon sales, of every variety. Gold pans and pewits, Fancy paper weights, and a I eg, society of ladle,' Raney statione. y. MOttO seals and wahn.A, Silk slid bond purses, lidding whips, elegantly finished. .Plue cutlery, Perfume baskets and bags, Brushes of every kind for the toilet, X. Ba4lo nod It. ,fr. U. Wright's hoops And Portutnos of various kinds, Fancy Pins for head dresses and shawls. Musical Instruments, together with nu ionotnerahlo variety of articleselogant Iy finished and suitable for II °LIDA Y RESENTS, to which he invites special attention, Also, an extensive and elegant eollemion of BOOKS, comprising various English and American Works, richly embellished POET(C.kI, W‘fltii,t3, Bibles and Hymn Books, elegantly hound in velvet 11th metal clasps and corners Ins uasnrtment nl Srl,Ottl [intik a am! School stat,p,o,y in also complete, an.l c.onpris., everything used in the Schools. Ila 111,311 desires td call the particular atten• tien of Families to his elegant ,sortment of AP P , Iron the extensive ~,,tahlkhno,” t o or co, ne lie, , Ar. her and m Philadelphia. et , llll , ri, IPS l k , Parlor, Chamber and study Lamps, iii horning either Lard. Sperm m Etherial oil; also nyou-s Icerosono or Conl Oil IA naps, tl)geLl., With Flower Vatieli„ Parley Screens. fie. Ills as:oFrtmont in this line is un equaled In tho borough. Also, A\.l) TOBACCO, embracing all the f.svorite brands, and a fine assort. went of ME ERSCHA SIMI( EltS AND PIPES, the celebrated lilllocochink 1,1 nefil,nr.; Smoking Tobacco. ' lt U 1 T , such as Oranges. Lemons, Figs, Il•ti•ins. Nectarines, Prunes. kr.. PA I , ECTII)N A itY..—NllTS—PitE smtvith ppurp.,;, 1,1)-11 EAT, NCB , in every larlaty and 3l all priro, all of whi,ll ari• pore and fresh such as ea. Lr ,1 1111Jfkiltly o•coolTl000ltol to his friends. I. uw Lraceo vinyl hie;; i n o n , li no of fancy ttnn, Is, with in mv other article.; 05,4'1,1 to hotes 'keepers ihlo IPUblirinvited to call and examine. ltumember the Old nearly (pposite the Bank no North 11:mover sir Dor. 2() , 1511 It On TIONV i,osT ! 110 W it EsToitED ! Just Published in a Sealed Envelope, Leitt itt r e ,to the hitt'y,,,, 11. treatment, and ra.lnxil core torrlet, tit Stitohial NV. , al:ite , ,, In volt., - tarp I , :mis,ilittls, Sexual Itebility, :tot Impodinutot, to )1.r0z,,,, N•ortio.noss. Con- gumption. Ettilt•itt-y awl lilts: 'Aleut:ll and osultilLz from Sell Ala so. ltooLlit ,), Cuttetn, `tt, I), Author of the 11,1 , 11 Tile 10..14 n•nlnvnul author. fur this :1.110h:11.1e Lec ture, clearly pro vIN big lIIVII osporlor,.••• h:t I 1110 awful , 01) ,,, 111,11•1•5 Of 111 IV ia• roulov.ol without 111,11olno,ntot wit gictl 0111,361,11, iitla . fil . Q.lnstrimiclits, die_. to 0..0111,11 , pointing lilt a ,•• il. or cm o• 1.111•.. ..ertain sod elts•- tual, by which evert • Wit, ct. It., io titer a hut dui°. 1 11 , 0 to.ry 1.1• ettre Ittit.tittic• 1111.1 raslically. 1111, tun' „ill ;11.1 11 1 . 1 t 1,0 Sent under se,l, to ,1 11y 11111 111 q 1,114•11 vo/opo, in $ I, , rrrvwipt uf 0,, rent, or two stamps, by 14.1'1 I J. 11. I( ',INN. Nov. 14. 127 Bowery, New York 1 . .0., box .158,1. LADIES AND CHILDREN'S • FiLTILS. W E have. orr Fl e . d its, e o lhandsome stock nuusiiSl BAY SA B LE. - A N-,:t/t: I it It E Lngirc 311. 1 , •,1”• , •if11)1) . Ipelore 111.11111aS ing elsewltcre„Lnd h, (11A 1: llc Fl,lz Ch.,cnut :•trect Con Nov, 14, 1 662 ?Ao NII/11 . IS THE TI.)IE 'ER MidNEV. Molt! and Female Agents wanted ill ever) Loren 111 eIIe.SL , IL, of l i snoNolvoni.t t..eaninio. for Steithons a rot Innis,. the 1 . 1t"f,)111 11, 111 - TORY ol the \\'All FI/11 THE 1 It /IX Ris s ilod the work fit OW s 111! o,il Liter find 'ln irdy into I , Ol'OV 11111iIV 4150 p.ozes 'l ii. ithtn _nu first shots 111,1 . 11 , i/1,. Prke li e r solnlne. 1.111,1' DV. Agent, :Le heeling it it 11 extraordinary sureties. Sold nn lc lii idileerintion Lv regularly appointed Aeru Ls, si llll I, Lxe the solo In the territory stisiotled then. For term., ke., address WELLS, lh;, \\Ml:on st., N. , l'Uttlishor of SubSeripti"ll itonka, .11a11111 , talli itod Depot, for tio el, stilted to the times, and th s•den of Agents January 9, NEW GOODS AGAIN, O\V openin g at Ogilby's cheap rash store, anoth,,, Lrt nt. \vino•r styles, 11111 i Very harldsows, Ski, is, {Cunt Floods and Underslee,s. in grisit ari , t,'; n ~.t of lioods for Children's CI,, 11 . 11 S I,s . Ladies Clunks, CLOTHS AND CASMERES for Mon and Boy,' want.; with It great varioty of il4aols all purrhasod for reel, nod will he sold at Lilo very low , atit prices for va,,h. CHAS. 01311,13 Y, Tiusteo Carlisle, Nov. 41, 1.1-Wi2. rAINTS AND OILS.- 10 Tons White Lead IUoU oallons of oil. Just received with a large 5e0 0 1 • 0114.11f of Varnishes, Fire Prool Paint, Turpentine, Floretive White , _` Japan, White Zinc, Putty, Colored 'Lint., Litharge, Rod heed, Whiting, Boiled till, (nue, Lard Oil, 6bellac, Sperm Oil, Paint BruNhos, nob 011, &c., Colors of every description dry, and 011 In eons and tubes at'the Hardware Store of Carlisle, Oct. 161 BREAD BISCUIT &e. Tho Cream of Tartar "Substitute" is rooommere dad ns a superior :Laird() In combination with Saleratus or Soda for Baking purposes. It produces bread rains he., which when cold aro sweet, moist and graioftl, while those of Cream of Tartar are often dry and Attate less. It will cost less than Cream of Tartar and is used in the same way for cooking, fie. TUTS SUBSTITUTE, together with Saloratus' Soda. Pero Cream of Tartar, Bermuda Arrow Root, Muslard Sa n d, grouted nod lilt ground, spices of all /clods unadulterated, 11 nil also Orocoriea in every variety constantly on hand, and at the lowest prices forisalo by Doc. 14, 1812, A.VING SVU,OON.—IIaving fitted up in the very best style, the room In Cramer's building, next door to A. L. Spoilsler's ollice. lem pro. pared to give my tonsorial attentions to all echo may honor me with a visit. I shall constantly he supplied with competent and polite hands end shall spareno effort to give general satisfaction. b wish to employ a good boy, between 14 and 17 years old, Apply inimndiately to J. ill VE/03. Carlisle, Juno 27, 1862-Iy. on ft l u E it S h . td, sl3 lq o lb a ot i i i , s to!!Lip in n t e t B ' ba d " do., Common do, with and without putout fastenings, cheaper than over at 11. SA yrows, East It st. M== 'DUMPS .& eh:NJ:NT. 100 barrels of Comont, with a large assortment of CLulu and iron Pumps, just received nod for sale cheaper than Error. COILIOIIt Hold by tho quantity at Ulan LI faCtUrel H price March 2S. 11 . SANTOS. F , RESH. MACKEREL.— A lot of Mar: Cora I— new eatch— dm . tiortiol paelou g oo of Halves, Quarter, ael Itluhth 13artela. Alma, S A I. M N m for mitt at the-Store r übm elber • Oa. 20. 'tl2. DR. WILLIAM B. KURD'S EC it T AS H A B CLUE RtiMEDY Fait A Bad Breath, Sore Mouths, Canker, Diseased Bleeding Gums, Nursing Sore Mouth, AND the best specific now in use for ANY diseased condition of the mouth. It to particularly 'beneficial to persons mooring ARTIFICTA TEETH - , completely destroying every taint of the mouth, ab curbing and removing all impuritlen, Insuring A SWEET EATII T to all who make use of it. No YOVNU LADY or YouNe 1.11,N CLEMAZi tt ha Is afflicted with a ISAD 13REATTI , hould delay applying thin remedy, for it it a certain cui o, and apps rd recommended by every pity mintier nhoSo 11.thu It this been brotiOlt. USA' Dr. Win. D. HURD'S MOUTH WASH Prepared At Dr. Blom); Dental Office, No. 77 Fourth Street, Itroolslyn, E. D. a-z- Price 37 Cents per Bottle. -Olt A Ilheral tlisrount roftila to dealers. Address Principal Office, Tribune Building's, No. I Spruce Street, Now York. Old in Philadrlphiu, I.y '2:12. North :1,1 Sttovt: a 0. Ilubboll, 1410 (41141stnut Ntreet, 411,1 1, y all Druirgists Dn. WILLIAM B• HURD'S TOOTH POWDER! This pissosses the CA PROMO I% (MOUT Till: I I . IcoFENTIES OF eirAliroAT.. Is flee troll. uli Acid,: nr Allialivs that Cell iu the least iejilei• the Tee( h. lie nriinn heir) if enthely —pilishine; without wearing the enamel. Dr. it'm. B. fiord's Tooth Powder ix roconmendot4 Lc I)' tits. l'repated at Dr. Ilura's Dental 01lice, No. 77 Fourth Street, Brooklyn, E. I). .E. ,, 15-..Price 25 Cents per Box.—%Dtt A 11,1koral malt, to 11,11,, Address Principal Office, Tribune Buildings, No. 1 Spruce Street, New York. sold alto, In Ctoarell. 11,k A Co, Flat_ Ai en "el 11.44.1: .1. At I Coil Ilt,tott. 715 lit.o.tal way; 11. S. itaroos, ;202 11toa.1A ay, attli t all Dr,,,g,i,ts. r2 I OIZDTIIif A ICkEiIE 'DROPS Fur the Cr4ee of Ihache, pro , l” , ed by iq partirffinyly lithlptl . ll in) “t . Vititarvtl allli t,' with I'I'II ACil t • Feu th 131,1,1 1 ,, 1 . 1 4, n/ Ulu( dinto.shing , • s used by LUSH 1. E 1.; , uf ‘Vra. Ill; ftl,'S 'f() , Yl'llA( 111. 111;01%-, in the 19•par4.1 Nt. Dr. Hurd', 11f11..e, N 77 Fourth El, E. h. $. W. ii AVlt',K D-r2i". Price, only 12 Cents per Bottle. w,te scz,nr, Address Plineipal Office, Tribune Buildings, No. 1 Spruce treet, New York. Sidi, in 14,1a.b.lphia. by Dyott , 2 N,,rt/i t: IluWien ' street: am' by all I>rt,g-i•ts. NEURALGIA PLASTERS, P'Olt CCI:E O 1 NEL. N .;I,II,i Ott cue, 1,1 . c u i V Col.Ds 1. NE1:11.11.111A in hatilo.liatvly ctut-t1 1-y Iltuit Wit.. a 1 at, penfrotly lmrwies s laa 1114, natal,: plod,. aI. ist ;n..1 Irua w, kazipliatsant aesults. Dr. Wm. B. Hurd's Neuralgia Plasters 111,01 Jail vi. hati,hiethm to all who Loot their virt ue I' repo roil nt [Jr. Il urd's Don tul Unice, No. 77 Fourth Street, Druoklye., E. 1). Price, only 15 Cents Each.-tat A liberal discount made to dealers. Address Principal Qtrice, Tribune Buidings, No. 1 Spruce Street, New York. Sold int l'hiladelptti,, 1)10tt..C . : Co., übboll, I Ile Chestnut Miceli mid by all nr•rnivir7 Pr (41 si.fidlQ, 10..r.2,4 Jr. Hurd' , •[,1,41 Itt•lnothi•,, :di, h e 1..1..1 011, Vs, .Ile thy 1 . 1.1 01, r whi 11 ~11,1 111 all ellVel o l. , 011 00 enlid 01 Ire 110 oallts, a int 011 0 stdll,ll, Hut to as . . ca,olllo , lall , nelson. in plares 1111,1, tile itruirgists and 1 . 0 1,011 11,1 the age, 110 11,10 e pot Up plu k• 10. ins In 111,110 ellila , ssed 110010 , , neVell inches by Tour, with isitupartinents—yee It box eau tailling a bottle at Dr. 1 luril's Month Wash, and Teeth Arhu Urup.. a box ot 'teeth Powder, the Nein:llloe Plaster, a rain:thin little l'realise on 'Perth :old thei: Diseases, the best mean , i.l prise', int; 111, 111, :Loll ths per per treatment of Childiell's 'l'l , lll, 11.1111 or 1101111 1 ery ~ l i indli 01' is onion, ot I,,ltulltS Willi 011 il 1, 1111,10 , nth, neneshaly al (ides : plilo., la no, si 010,1. 1,0 •,I , oon a all,. .ts I,,pless Clistrges are Ind in 11 oh. if ally inn, iei tlpiti alto. it is lar lle:li, to etilsi 010 111' II t, 4,14 v, at 0111. t 1.11.:)' 0510ily 11111 11 1111 all, or the surplus ,',lll 10. did ris,..l 01 I, twighli is h In r 110 11 1501,10 0 , 1.1111:it, 11011 111 1101 pain. 011151,11j,iness, arid di s lign,,oo,o,l, nOlllOlO, 11,00 of time and 111111,0 y 11011 Id 1 , 0 5.11 0 .1 I" the reentry, it I . Very family to-day had one fq these lens Ln IOW!, in itself, is a ~1 /1111110t0 sett 01 1 1 ..111:11 Ablress NV:it 11.1111,1, Si '1 1 11,11 110 11,n1 111,,,5. :Sew Veil, : 11,1 t 1. 0.1010 :mil .1,11:vs: , Tit.it rlOOll tau,,. 111110 101 l 1101(10 10 11 11l 10.0,,, It. II A. retie to the ?10.r 01* to 11. IS. I 1 01111 1 11. i l l eSideld, ill the F.ltiners and CM' o , ll's haul., (In, dditnrs ar the A Merle,' n I%.loeite. 10.10 y, ;lents, Nee Verlt : to P. 'l'. Barnum, . whi. luwws a _sad thins when he 001.0 it And 1., hi, 11,10 already te ther,' a se., lel supply, etc. I (MI) To Introduce Dr. Herds Punta! 1;01,11, 1 ht.° ever}' ivenue. . Alen mir women trio. want to nialtm• money uiddi.3m. eon de bettor with these articles !hall ihut,: Lt lll.ltklge They ate new, useful, low priced, :lint w e are speudlit,, thousands 111 advoitistund them for the 6euef4ttd Agents. Itoxe, of tottoplea, cool ttiolog el the cue Ifoll.tr packages ahoy° specified, st ith ill I, sent. on rect•lpt of seven dollars, about (talf pm lee. to line pe, 8011 vt Ish rug to test (liner her ehill olth a v irtu gellt. CVO NV' old rather pgy sal:tile. than Commission:, to those m he prove themselves elbeient salesmen. Nov in the tiino to go irate lhr bu.vinunc. For address and ref., too, sue Itl/OVe. Second door east of the _Market House in - n EAL Ell 1N PIANOS. New Rose wood Piano,, born thu be-t, cankers. Ii IiNRY 6AXTON, The best manufacturod instruments from $45 to $lOO \loll TIM, li u I tarp, Accordeons. Flutes, Film, Drums, Ilan jos, Tambourines. Violin and Unita'. Strings, and Musi eal Illerehandhe in general. SHEET MUSIC. A complete assortment for all4nstruments. The latent pahlleationn always on hand. Teacher on the Plano and Guitar . , Instrumental and Vocal music. Pianos and Melodeons tuned and repaired. March 21, Ifirc2.. A. LEN lc. LeC3b. Lteas TUST opened the largest and best as tortment of Hardware, Points, 0114,karnIsh, Glass, Iron, Ac., ever brought to Cumberland county, bought exclusively for cash, and which we are nulling at the lowest prices. We invite the public Venerally to give us a call before making their purchases, as we are Hilly sustaining our old reputation of mulling the BEST 0001/S AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Returning thanks toe generous public for their past liberal patronage, hoping by perpinal attel.tion to their wants, to Merit a continuance of the MM. JOHN P. LYN B A SON, At the Old Stand North ilanover Street. Carlisle, June 0,1862. J. w. LBI NAILS ! NAILS I I NAILS I 1 I A. large stock of good, Menu, Neat, and Tough nails, at the lowest Prices. Our nails are worth Wets a keg more, than any other make of nails How in on, towni-this is-the opinion of mechanics who have tried them, we also have a full moan ttnent, or 1 4 pBIIII. LING M A '.12.1:1 It Ls. S of the latest and most approved styles. All goods war ranted al represented. JOHN I'. LYNI.I Jr SON. 1 (- 1 UM BELTING k_j Just rueoived a largo 11.014111 e nt Of 1111 slo, lium null.lllV, (111111 Hose, Gore, mind for ealet rlmop :it the. nava, ape r 4.4, uue 2d, 1,111. 11. I4.IXTON J IS I, tY lilt. WILLIAM B. lIURD'S DR, WILLIAM B. HURD'S A. LENK, Zug's ('oriter MELODEO.ArS. IMMO= GREAT EXCITEMENT Tas been raised in Carlisle and sur rounding country on learning that the subscriber aa returned from the City with a - tremendous Clock of Dry ()omit, all bought Mr CAI and to be sold at Ouch low prices us will cause Sum PEOPLE to shake in their beet, In this very 'extensive stock may be found groat plies DRESS GOODS Orltfr Poplins, Turen T,ust rn, Pancy SOkR In rar/oty, Itlaok Silks Id the most rcicbratod manuNetute, Mohair Plaid, Poll do Chore, kilk Check, I.hnhrolder..,l Mohair, Satin Plaid, Chock )foram bigue, Challl Po Lainetl, Bonn bazines, Lawns. ,te , CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, Vestlngs, linyir wear ofgond quality and duslra Nu stylus, Tidsings, Chucks, Flannels, Ginglnuns, Law!. and CALICOES of very bandFome styles 11111 i in sufficient quantity to clothe every female in the County. 1 have also the largest assortment or CARPETS aml Oil Cloth in the inferior of Pennsylvania, of all finalities and at vory satisfactory prices to the purcha• Besides, i have alm o st every detilrahle article in my line of imsinesvi that can be unrotioned, snlret ,• d with great core, and With an eye single to tato xaills of this ronunuuiip ;nu! the present (dine, 1.1„, public i s u ,],i s ii In. See thso Ilionliffralle loads of goods ladle,. ',tuella:dot , ela•xhere. a,l am confident that advantages will he is:tined hy e rcful ex:uninm Lion of my stork Cl iinud e. Wleirh for immensity has one. •r been. nod pet haps 111.1,r will lie, equalled in this `plate, fir slyu beauty. and cheapness. At the old. well kilown stand of Alen 1, 1862. SPRZATa. 1862. ySAAC LIVINGSTON now offers one of the best I mil most attractive avvortmonto of Passe Goods ever exhibitod to this place for Nen and Boys' Wear, "revery Le. quality and price, and'is continually re : ffiditltn iB as the season advances, of all the west nneel ties and ,tyles to Ign j t all ViabSCH. Our stock Or RI:A 111' )1.11)E Ci.OPIEINO, all our wo,T i n Immufiteture, cannot. Le excelled for ) t:ItAI3I STYL', AND CH EA P.)."'S, of every variety ,t 4. =lilt the seasou, taste, :,n,l . et. All sue sv:llltjh a Can :,ad su, for yourselves at ISAAC' LI 1./NUSTON'S " North Hanover Street Clothing Emporium. N. it. All gon,L, linught 11..111 us by the piece cr yard, by pin-ions wishing, to, have it cut to measure, ran be ii ,, nmitindlte 1 free of charge. Carlisle, Nay 1. lb.:. " .1.74 10.11' r • 11 FAMILY GROCERY A EA STORE It t andlnst r tt uod II se• furl')ts rtl liter, I uIII .lirat 111 ust t til Cuticu, I tht.s I C'tilra, Crunhod I tilt rt/t•I stn. us Itt.tute I and other I iron n sueirn, runt rinr Ay rot \I I its Orlt s (I 01 , 1.1 \I olasete ipirrn of I Mt•ty— pur ttr I I i t and ( Itl \ I( ; I t• 1.1 q• Ind Irtr•kars. 'l'npinrr e nd Stir, , . Fnlr. rules and Soda. Crswn 1,1 tr an. +mit•l l'irk lei, \luster I and Curl tinkr Surd. A ntenrttotnt In I'i,-knee s 4€."2 curd 1 1 .7. I l i, " 11 8 • ; " :1 1 ; I I111 8 ,s il t l tl 4 l 4 t i t " t r li t t irlen nit 1%1 1 1 i t ' t II au reduced • t11,04' J 15 1s 141 It \i) P -, (3 At., I I tL,: •'lic¢Al.l urn reminded I.l.ittll t lut , n , ht Inns the esti ly f ' , L. I_ It lit 111115 A\U 111 t• II ri I 1( (I I 1 1)11il .1, IMI )11 114 vet) Lr.l /ill 111111.111 k of /‘ \it ti is turd 1+..11. , 411 Put srunt } 1 very Ilnr 14rutII! , til/l)lN\ Ili Ast I I t t, rur*l tss • t tutltt ui 4 i 41 . 1/err I/ the ry I nest prirrv, NUtt 1., 4 , 11 \l M \ I/ \ov.2d. le, a roundry, AND FARM IMPLEMENT DEPOT! P. c;artlner S.; Co. 111. w iuL,rttua 1511,1 h eel , rot ,. ,t.lmt.l.v for nale.al. their ..‘11•11,11... W enw 11 ”I Fi I CUL. C. 1111,1 1 .. (1111•11 t. Of . .1. - of npi.n.vi..l tp-otol I,.rarnlers. nlllollg (1( k LI tlti.utis , ss CI:AAA; t:AI 1..15 l' Al I,,NT C(' sPEI .1' a a RAIN PR which has taken over ity First ("ass Premiums:it Spa to and County Fails. To the 1 . arniers l'ouiloertand, York and Perry c,151n lies we nerd li lit speak In detail at tiro merits of this (frill, us scores id I lure( lire flew In use on the most farlliMl In these 1•4.1.111ieg. Ito repllll.l.' ti” 11 le OfilabilVAlMl as the anal ct..tuplete (link) tniw man urto lured In the United Slates. It snwk Wheat, Rye, Oats, liarli•y and Grass. steely and regular. without blittchitcz tire scant. The gum Springs pass the drill cater stumps arid stones, without breaking ' tln drill. Pm even an.f r. tamc scum ing. the tt " illuuch - Lv item Spin_ trill I'. unequalled I any other. We a 1... m.O nita. Li. , and .ell the or al tic les, .111 ch nu . rmin t 4• , 1 ,1 .]3^)/h•il ellani. tin MI I ISOS': , I'ATt.NT PLANTEII, PATE \ roiwric cl - PTETt, 1 . .1 Ti..vrophN sr] ELLER , vATENT (1111 ER Nil Li.. JOHNSON'S I I;(}N 'IMPS Alto. Threl, ,11111 Four Ili° ern and Thirshing Cast Iron held !hdlg.., Plough Ca,thign of vitt iau, patterns, Pot and other articles tot linitoers lon 1111111,011 S to weulion. Alms, Egg Coal Stoves god Ten nit° \\ toil ,tiivi•s. tt Ith nu variety of other hills, l.orpers othets. have Altractisi• vin iely of patterns for IROXT nod Plinl ETPIt Ll\ C.LiPiCIIES to m high we would tall attention. Stu Elightes aud. Mill Gearing Ti, this dopart flout of our 1 / 1 .11 , 1111 1 , IV,' kir attrotool. 1 , 111 itio,,dt t. t•u sltr itu I, it patty, ris for Tapir, Hl l llll SAM 1111 f ilistring. Is roost:toffy 1114 . re/thing. ?till tin nei 111111 :11111 11 11phty 11111 lit, for ulslied with a printrd rt tal..goo of our various 31111 pull I • 111N. 1111 Application. Our 31arbillt . S111/1111 . 111111/HSOII 1111 the ,1/1 . 1111/, 1, 1 11111, 11 1 1 turolug, Oohing aunt tioulifitir and Castings, by good and Cal( 411 :1111(.1/111111t, STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES of any deli rabbi capacity. frown ten to tw on ty-fivehorse pan er, Lullt iu the best style and on accommodating terms. Engines, hulll t al our establishment may be Fern in successful operation at malye the largest Distilleries and 'f.lllllel ins in Car lisle, and Cumberland Perry and Dauphin Counties, to the owners ol %filch e confidently refer inleennition as to their efilrion ey. Persons wanting Steam Engines are earnebtly re quested to call and examine Miters contracting else where, DOOR AND SASH FACTORY, co.,,o,„dulth our establishment Di a Steam Sash and Poor Man II far tory w bleb is now in complete ureer for the manufacture of overy description of BUILDING MATERIALS. for the most costly as cull as the plainest house. Win dow Sash furnished front 5 cents upward, according to sloe of glass; Window Frames from $1 31 upward; Shutters and Rolling Blinds trent $1 75 upward; Four Panel Doors front 52 12 upward. Mouldings, Castings Architraves, Wash Boards, Brackets, Fancy Drapery, Scrolls, anti other articles needed in house building, furnished at the lowest, prices and of the beet quality of lumber. e are also prepared, as heretofore. to build and repair BURDEN OARS for transportersou the railroad, with promptness and on reasonable terms. The continued patronage of the public Is respectfully solicited. Orders by mail promptly attended to. May O. '6O. F. UARhNliIt k Co. LARGE ARRIVAL OF FRESH °ROM:MS-FISH OF ALL KINDS. Among which Is It large lot °flit° real genuine Thai !nor° dry salt 11 - MINING, In oalc burro's, ld ACK All.ht. at prices that Is really astonishingly low. Plehols of all Elude, ~ SAUCES, PRESERVES, and n good toisortmout of TOBACCO AND SEGARS. LIQWORS, st the lowest rates for CASLI or Country Produce.. earlisle, Juno 81, INi Interesting.To Farmers. TOUN Y. LYNE & SON, have just qiit received a largo lot •those celebrated ISCIrffERS, made expressly tor their own SllloB, which have always given en tiro satisfaction to all who have used them.— You that went 0 keen euttlhig and easy running Scythe, wo would say try one of their superior make. We have also a full stank of:31141ot, Whet Stones, ~te. Rau ex of Christ. iifyers' and other relobrated makes, Oral Ora• dies o f all the best makes In the county; with a full stuck all kinds ur Took and Implements for Farmer's ila:. All of which we are 'selling cheap at our StOrti Iu North, street. I at 1.1,10. „Iwo. li, lOwl 1.11att1) s ant) 3 etu aro ATCHES, JEWELRY, AND BILVER-WATMAT CONLYN'S old established Stand, West Main St., nearly opposite the Cumberland Valley hank. I havoJust received a now assortment of watches, eweiry, medallions, silver-ware, &c., in addition to my :ortner stock to which I Invite the attention of the public, The assortment embraces flee gold and Birder lever watches, Hunting and open easa do., gold An chors for Ladies and Gentlemen and Silver Lepines and Quartier watches of every variety in style and price. Also flne gold Medallions. Breast-pins for Ladies end Gentlemen of every quality, pattern and price. Gold vest. curb and neck chains. Gold bracelets, finger rings cuff-pins, sleds. sleeve-buttons, crosses, charms, Geld and silver thimbles, silver and plated butter knives, forks, table, tea, salt and mustard spoons of every variety. A large assortment of gold, silver and common spectacles, to suit all ages to which we Invite special atten tion. A floe lot of GOLD PENS from the host makers, spectacle cases, fancy boxes, silver and pearl card cocoa, gold and common bracelets, watch chalna, Mantle Clocks and a variety of articles usu. ally kept in Jewelry eAtablishments. which/e.... r . e I will sell low for cash. All articles war- • ranted to be what they are represented. Particular attention paid as usual to F'rct, WATCH. RIEVAIEINO and all work wars ranted Dnr. 23. 1857.1 Cumberland Valley Bank. NuricE. [T will be seen by the following adver- Ikt•uleut, that Esq., hai, retired troin the firm of Ker, Dunlap R Co., and that Samuel itepherti, ISvq.. Of C a rlisle Climb. en., l'a., hes been as• teiciated With tile rrillaillm< part eel, in the Brut of Ker, Dunlap Co., and that William w. leiiiburn has 111.11 elected Cashier in tile plat, of 31r. Sturgeon. !MEM= The Prnpri,turri are BV/1.1.1,131 HER., ISA AP' IDIENNEMAN, lilellAllP WOOlni, 30117 i :A.:TERRI:TT, J oliN C. DUNLAP, JOAN DUNLAP, SANT.. 11F:1.1.1:It:V. This Bank, will contler.o to do a general Banking, and Exchange businesi, their Banking House In Carlisle, under the •.....tne end style at E. Elt, DU N1..11' A:. Co. Money will be received on deposit and paid lack OR de111311 , 1 withoal sOl ice. Certificatesof deposit hearing intere,t at the rate of n per rent. will he issued for as Short 3 period as four (Iluath, Interest on all certifi• cites e ill cease at maturity, hut If sorh vertifirates are renew, at any LII thereafter for another given p 'al, they shall bear the 031110 rate of in terest the time of renewal. Twenty days notice 11111 st bu given of an intention to Withdraw Interest de posits. The proprietors would en!! theattention of Farmers., Mechanic, and nil others who desire n ante depository for their money, to the fact that they ate not-only lia ble to the amount of their stock in the Bank, but are Dinfvfou ILLY lialPie (0 the strut Of their V, hide estates for toll the Deposits, and other - obligations of her. Dunlap & Co. ticniar attention !Oven to the eollertion of Vendoe Notes, Foreign MOS, Drafts. Cheeks, 4c., in any part of the lulled States and Vanadas. Itesnittances made to any part of the Visited s`,d.iides;' Env,land. and I reload. They Y ill at all times lie pleased to vivo any informa tion desired in regitril to tip sney mat torn in general. The faithful and COUVILIPntiaI poorlltlOD of all basin ass entrusted to thesis !nay he relied upon. 'l•he 'tank 11111 be open for l'uslneSS felon, 11 o'clock in the uniroits a until ti'clock lit the att., noun. LYssronn day every Tuesday. Colleellont , from Philadelphia, Ness York and Ruston wade on favorable tern.. The proprietors refer to C oo k e Co, E W. Clark S• Co., Phila ; Winslow, hauler & Co., Sew York; Clark, Cheney st Cn , Upton.si W. W. lIEPISIIILN, Cashiet. • Carlisle, Morels 7, 18512. fOOK SllAltl'.—Wm. Fridley would j Respectfully announce to the citimins of Carlisle and the public generany,that he has im.tin commenced the man utheturing of tin & shoot Iron ware nfall kinds, in B.e. II uyotts building on ',outlier street. directly opposite O. Shapley's Chair Mainuficl , ry, where he will at all them; be In readiness to do all hi nun or work in his line of business with neatness and dispatch. All wot i: will he dime by himself and IL competent hand as lie Iseeps no apprentices. A 1 , 0. 1,111 at all times be had tilos, celebrated SELF— TEF.TINLI, ,1E1,1 , -.SEALINti, PREMIUM.- AIR-TIGHT 1.111 . 1 T CANS .l: JARS. nn,l .lol.blng of oil lcinl done of short untie 311,1 rnado ~f tlmlkest Ituktvrietl. te,)-I'l,ll pal.' I," Id POW for and Coppor. I lopin.z by sir ict, .at.untion to in/MI.IBF, and a 11051r0 lOW , an, to YO.OtiVoAro of publit patrolmgo. Carlisio Oet. 26, V I EW ( OA 1. A ND IA ) 'MIER YAIID LI The subscribers have this day entered into part tiert,hip xe trade in -AN -D LUMBER, We .111 hat, colu•laiilly on hand stud tui nisla to order all 1.11.1% end q uality of arilslll.led OREM BOA US Fit A ME STUFF, Pk ling. 1'1:04, tog Lath. Lath, etik ked Floor ing and Weathek boarding. Posts and flails. and every ar tn le that helong, ton I.LIIIIEIt YARD. All kinds of. hingles. to wit bltepino, lleirdoek, k m,' oak, of klitlerent qualities. (laving Cats of our own we van furnish Mils to girder of any length and mice at the shortest I mike and on the moot reasonable terms. Our uttrked lento's 1, 111 lie 'kept under rover no that they can let furnished dry at all times. We hare corPtAnntly on hand all kinds of Family Coal °ilet cover, Aielk we will deliver clean to any part of tins borough. To wlt LYN ENS VALLEY, 1.12 opToN, LoClltsT MOUNTAIN, MEM which we pledge out solves to st,ll at the lowest prteus Meet ,otality of nleL and Blacksmith's Coal, always on Luna %%Welk we . %ril I sell nt the lewsFt figure Yard. wet:Chide 0; Grammar Sehot.l. Mein street. ARAI6IIWMi s HOFFER. .1 uly 20, ISI' J. It. NONE:MAKE...ILP F ORWARDING AND COMMIS `ION DOUSE, FLOUR AN II E E . COAL, PLASTER AND SALT. The subsctiber haring taken the Ware House ears and fixtures el Wm. 11. Murray's well kuown erdahlish mont, on NVest High street. opposite Dirkinson College, would lobn in the publie that he liar mitred into a gsneral Forwarding and Conlmisslon lundness. The highest market price No 11l be paid l' or Flour, 0 rain and produce 1,1 ali kinds. They are also pro! dto freight prod WO and stork to Philadelphia and timers, at the lowest rates, uith safety and despatch • PLASTER AND SALT kept constantly on hand, and FLOUR AND FEED at x holesalo or retail. Coal °full kind, embracing, LYKEN'S ALLEY, LUKE FIDDLER, SUNBURY WU ITN ASH, LOCUST 14AP, Limeharner's and Blacksmith's CONSTANTLY FOR BALE. KEPT UNDER COVER and delivered dry to any part ot the town. J. E. NOINEXIAEER Carlisle, A uguxt 17, 181i9. SELLING OFF AT TWENTY-FIVE. PER O 1 NT. BELOW COST 1 I At tho sign of tho "Gold Engle," 3 doors above the Cumberland Valley bank, and two doors below the Methodist Church, on Wort Main street, the largest and hest selected stock of WATCHES AND JEWELRY in the town, Avill be Hold 30 per cent lower thou at any place in the State. The stock comprised a largo assort ment of Gold and Sliver hunting-case watubes, Lovers, Lepines, American watched, and all other kinds and styles, GOLD AND SILVER CHAINS, Gold Pons !Lod Ponelle, 3u‘volfy of all kinds, Spectacles Geld and Silver, Plated and Silver Waco, MUSIC BOXES, ACCORDEONS I 011 Paintings. a great variety of fancy articles, and n lot of the finest Pianos, which will be sold 40xer mint lower than ever offered lu town. The entire stock of Mite , ' maker tools, cases, largo Mirrors, and Safe will h., sold wholesale or retail on the easiest terms. liavlog sidected a first chime 'workman all Muds of re pairing will be done as Usual, at reduced prices. Three Piauos at sin below the factory price on no count of the Philadelphia Company closing out. 1 will sell at the Jewelry !PIIREE ROSEIV001) PIANOS, EII2CESDE warranted, at two-tldrd their real value on ensy terms IT called on soon. The Confessions and Experience of an Invalid, • pUBLISFIED for the benefit and as a L Warning and a caution to young won whO suffer from Nervous Do!ditty, Promaturo Monty, .6:e.; supply lug at the canto than the means of Self ourm By ono who has cured blinsulf after truing put to !Treat trlpensn through mediral,lmposition and quaelirry. By envie- Aug post paid addressed euvelopo, Hi laglo 'milk,: may 1,0 had nt the author, NATII A NI El, VV. % 111. Itlnga Co.. N. Y. hush I I, ISMS—Iy JAMES R. WEAVER'S CABINNT 'l l ' 0, • N D CHAIR MANUFACTORY, Having boon engaged In the business for over twenty years he would return thanks to his customers and friends, for the liberal encouragement extended to him lo years gone by, and further assures them that no pains will he spared, to give full satisfaction to all who may' favor him u ith a call. CHAIRS AND FURNITURE, of every description constantly on hand, or made to order. Warranted to be f the best quality, of the la test style, well finished, and sold at the lowest possible prices for cash. Ile also continues business as an UNDERTAK ER.— Ready made Collins, Nletallie or otherwise. kept con stantly on hand and funerals promptly attended to personally in town or country, on the most reasonable terms. _ Cherry and Walnut Coffins, largo size, bell finished and lined inside, from 8 to 12 dollars. Walnut Coffins revered from If, to 80 dollars. JAMES It..WItA VEIL. May 25.1859-Iy. QTILL The eninnlete sm rise of the Prairie Flower Cook Stove, warrants the f;nloseril.er iu 00l Hog, non attention of all w h o mad• wAnt a superior stove to call and ex amine lltc only stove that has given unlrersal satlstae don. THOMAS CONLYN 2nd. A hotter and quicker civen front the sonic fire, , 3d. A larger Oven than any abet stove of the saine,lea, 4th. The preservation of the centre piece from tinking saving repairs, sth. The hest Baker, Roaster, and Cook now In use, nth. A superior airangeincot for eleaning the flues, A.b. A perfect, aas 001 , 1.1111, fir either word or coal. The Prairie Flou er is warranted to give satisfaction In Merry particular. and will be shown with pleasure to all who was tali , whrthur Iloiring to purchase or not, any gwuttity of u•fi•r,ure in town cr country. A few uth,,good Cook Stoi e, on hand, which will be sold vary low t,, ri,ic u st g.oh. Spouting. !tooting, Joh work. Coppvr-smithing and Shrotitn4 o 1111, 11,11iptly attended in. In toWn'or coun try. All rr,vo Iv.orrnnt,l at the old stand, Hanover it rei.t north at V.,,uth,•r. MARY N . It. ()1,1 Ittaqs tel and thn highs Nt pric.• pi.l m rank or y.004.1,H. March J 0 1V A E. I) Ati::OCIATIONI al LADE LP II I A A Donal . ..lent Instituti.m, established by special dowthent fF,r the reuerot the sib and .distressed, afllictod with \ irnlant and Ividele le diseases. and especially fc.r. the Cute Di ,, eases of the Sex nal Organs. AIEDICA I, ADVICE given grati, hY Arting Sur. germ, to all who apply hy letter, a a deveription of Weir condition, vage•, orrnpatin. hahity of MO In cases of oxtredie ',overly, Medicines furnished tree ofebar.,,e. Thankful far the p arena, already received he would invite all hie friend, and the public generally to give hint a veil, JACOB BOAS, Act. Carlisle, April lit, MI, 1 K 69 II Alt D LtiA l it 4] R ! , H AR D i .10.1. P. Lynn & Son have just completed opening their : 4 priug Stook of Hardware, Paints, Olin, varnishes, Glass ,tc.. to which they invite the early aittention of the public. Wu have greatly enlarged our stock In all its:various bratiches,and can now accommodate the pub. lic w ith Drul.en, Fgg, Stove and Nut In large or small quantities, at the lowest prices. But r do not wish the public to understhud that we have brought all the peals In Philadelphia and New York to ou r town, but we van uncurl , them that one look Into our store will 1 . 011,111 re then, Eliot we hare enough to supply the demand in this market. Persons wanting goods in oar line s ill find It to their ativantatre to give us a call before makine . their purchases.—Ali orders filirSionniir and rill,' tinily attended to, and its micro• owntations made to ellert sales lEMMESI FIRE INSURANCE.-TILE ALLEN AND EAST PENN:3IIOIW NIUTUAL FIRE IN SUILANCE CoMPANY of Cumberland (Nullity, ineorpn• rated by an net of Assembly, In the your 1043, nod hay ing recently had Its charter extended to the year 1083, Is now In :odlve and vim. ous operation, under the flu jon mtendenee ot the redo, lug suid of Managers, • It. tirgas, Christian Stayman, M. end, lin, I). Bally, Ali,. Cathcart, J 11. Coover,John Elehethee tier-70,Th Wickersham, Sand, Eberly, N 111241, BrieliOr l Itllllll/01 Martin, Jacoli .1.0. 13%,01 1 ‘p. 'h iss rates cif insurance are as loss and law rable no any Company of the hind In the State_ heroine members are invited to make application to the agents of Slid company, who are wining Co wait upon them at any time. CUMBERLAND COUNTY,—John Shur-Irk, Allen Henry Zoaring, Shilvnutostown ; Lafayette Petrov Dlrlittnion ; Henry Bowinan, rtt'urchton n ; Motto Cr)] tith, South Middleton; Samuel Graham, W. I . ollllf , tore'; Samuel Cover, Th-haniesburg ; J. W. Coeklln, Shephwrdstown; U. Canyon, Upper Attest; J. O. Sax ton, Slivor Spring; John lino., Carnal° ; Valentino FOlllll3ll, New Cumbusland. YORK COUNTY.—W. S. Pleklng. Dover; .105. OrHllth, Warrington; J. F. Don, &rat', Washington: Richey Clark Dilisburg; D. Rutter, Fain low ; John ',l Itlhuns, Carroll. DAUPHIN CO.—Jacob Houser, Harrisburg. Mombore of the comperly haying policies About to ei pire, can hero thorn ronowod oy making application to any of the Attents. Fob. 28, 1802. A NEW work showing how either sex may ho suitably married, Irrespectivo of age or position, prepossessing or otherwise, with a treatise on the Art of Fascinating any person you wish. A curl nos scioutific experiment which never fails. 'Prue for 25 cents. Address T. 'WILLIAM di CO., Publishers, Box 2,200, Philadelphia. March 14, 18112-1 y Scythes ix. Snaths. JUST received the largest, best and cheapest assortment of Bev thus, Forks, Smiths, Rakes, Whet Stones, Shovels, 3tifles, lloes, Water Cans, over brought to this county. All of which I have made expressly to order, in large quantities, no that they can be sold at very low prices and warranted as representd. The trade and cradle maker+ - Supplied at toanufac• tutor, prices, at the cheap Hardware store of HENRY SAXTO'f, June 13. East Nlaln St,. Carlisle. EllloVAL—Thelrat and Cep store AA, heretofore ICHLLI ItS," has been re moved directly opposite the old stand. two doors trpm Arnold's clothing store. The bnsinsfis will be conduct ed 110 heretofore, and ell the goads, both home Illdliiillllll city manufacture A warranted to give satisfa,ition to le commended. A full patronage Is respectfully solid ,ed as every effort will be.made to keep the essortmon of too" and bop; hats and caps complete, ivlth prtgos to quit the times. Spring styles of sills bats new ready, . March 15, 1801, --ntistchancatts.-- NORTH lIANOVER BTREET, CARLISLE, PA 'WHAT IS CLAIMED OVER OTHERS IS I=l VA 1,12 A ISLE It Et't HITS on Spermatorrfnea. and other Diseases of the Sexual t Irgß no, a mi . on the N'Ell" Elf -1:;.S employ e.l in the Dispensary. sent to the afflicted in sealed let to, on pet, Irrr of charge, Two or three Ste nips for postage will he acceptable. AlidrOSß, DR. .T.SKI LLItN HOUGHTON. Acting Sur. germ, l low nest Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Ito order of the Directors, EZRA D. ILEARTWELL, Prosniont DEO. FA 7)2M111,D, Secretary. Mandl 8, 1801.-Is. XTEW STORE, AND NEW GOODS lIAT,S, CAPS AND STRAW GOODS. Ira TS, CalP S c 1 :.,t x:- ae- 1; -o 4, The subscriber hag recently opened a New Stori at the old of J. D. Halbert in North Ilan," or St e p r o i dt e th e to elide hero& t Havin g received fe,,nl New York and Philadelphia. a fine and well selected assortment or go o d s i n hi, 11,,, hu,lne:u:. such as HATS ana CAPS, from the common unl lo the fine Fur, SILK AID CASSIMERE HATS, Fall and Winter stylo.s &S ilk Hata for IR,III, Ladies Nurx. sorb as stun,) Mat tin, Mink Sable, Flteh, an Squirrel. Black, 'Brown anti Blue C(.1117, !lurk Mar tin. sdbl‘r Cbildrens Furs, Seaver llat.. for Itl4 and lb.ys, Yur Caps, Woven and Collars for Gen tlemen, BUFFALO ROBES, and prlees to NUIt the times A ko, Carpet nags hr. PRICES TO SUIT THE TivaEs. Also, Carpet ltals. Vallsom, Tiunks, Liana Trunks, ton rel;as. An asNut tmont of t.a" Mime S'egars arid Tobacco, A' ELIA J3LI: GOODS. JOHN P. LYNE .tr SON, North Hanover St Port NI is, 2,'00 WM. R. C,OllO AS. Prosldeat, Elatrly's P. 0 CHRISTIAN STAYMAN, Yleo Pruslalont Carlisle. P. 0. JOH N C. DUNLAr, SeeVy„ M.eahrinlas.burg MICHAEL COCKLIN, Treasurer, SliupherdsLown. AO ',NIS "Matrimony Made Easy." Mail daubs rIUMBERLAND VALLEY AND' ILJYRANKLIN RAIL ROAD. -„- , 91tt6Z CUANOB OF HOURS! On and aftor MONDAY, MAY 6, 1862, I'motengaw Trains will run as follows: (Sundaya excepted :) NOR 011 am BEnsauito AND HARRISBURG. lot Train. 2(1 Train. 3.00 A. M. 2.45 I'. 31. 7.37 " 3.36 " 8.30 " A rr.4.20 " Leave ifagerstown, Oreenrnstle. ChambursbUtg, " Shlpponshyrg, " Carlisle, 9.00 9.1 L 1919 " 1 " Arrive at II arrisbarti, 11.15 4, FOR CHAAIDER.SBURG AND HAGERSTOWN, Ist. Train Leave Harrisburg 8.05 A. 51 " Mechanicsburg 8,47 " " Carlisle, 9.27 " " Newvllln, 10.03 " Shiplumsburg, 10.3:1 " C91091,14', (Arrive) 11.10 . " " Oreencastie, 11.56 5.30 Arrive at Hagerstown. 12.:35 6.10 NOTICE TO PASSENGERS: At all Stations trhero Tickets are sold, viz: If agt.,down, Greencastle, Cham bembnrg. Shippenshurg. Nowville. Co-lisle. Mechanics burg and ilarrishurg, redoetlon of TEN CVINTS on each Ticket will he made to all Passengers that provide tbemsel es with Tickets before entering the Cars. 0. N. LULL Supeet Railroad Office, Chambersburg, l May 1,1862. CARLISLE' AND PIIILADELPIIIA „Z,L1, 7 7t. (.1 4 •”" t.tl4; l 'l- • ;err ; • AI; DAILY Ert EIGHT LINE. FREED, WARD & FREED, 811 MARKET HTICEET, PHILADELPHIA J. & D. H 110 ADS, nr.try Sili EET, CARIITLE, P. Cars of this I,lno leave the Depot 811 Market et. Daily, at 4 o'clock, I`. M. Leave Carlisle. Daily, .t 7 o'clock. A M. tloodalo tended for tills Line abould be marked C..k P. Daffy Freight Moe, and sent DI byi o'clock. - May 25, 1858.,., lIAT AND CAP EMPORIUM! / rile undersigned having purchased the stock, of the late Wm. H. Trout deed. Irani& respeAttilly nllllO4llOO to t.llll public that he will Can- I n Ile Ole' II ATTI Nil It USIN ENS at the old stand, In Weet Iligh ntreet. and with a renewed nod efficient effort, produce articles of Head Dress of Every Variety, Style and (ftral'itr, that uhnl ho strictly In keeping with the improvement of the Art, and fully up to the age in which we line. _,-, I hare on hand a splendid u , '"at assortment of .-.. .I—i' ,"' .. le t ).: ., EATS AND CAPS, „,;....;--,. ..... . .. . .. of oil descriptions, from the COllllllOll Wool to the Bnoot FUR AND SILK HATS; and at prices that must suit every one who has an eye to getting the worth of his money. The stuck Includes, lIDLL•'SItI N. CASSIMERE, BEAVER .1, FELT lIATS, °revery style and color and nnsurpftsted for LIGHT NESS, DURABILITY AND FINISH by those of any other establishment In the country. MEN'S, BOYS' and CHILDREN'S HATS And CAM of every inscription constantly ou hand. Ile respectfully invites all the old patrons end many new ones as possible, to glee him a call Apr. 25, 1660--1 y QECO N D SPRING ARRIVAL.- I.: UPP LI ES FOR TIIE ILEA D AND FRET, Ati,the store of John Irvine, on the N. E. corner of the public square. is the place to purchase Boots Shoes Hata & Caps. at priers that defy competition, lle has just returned from the East with the largest and most complete assortment of Boots. Shoe.., Bats Caps that ho has ever presented to this community, and which he is determined to sell at the lowest possi ble prices. Ills stock embraces everything in Wallas et:business, a nch as MEN'S & BOYS' FINE CALF BOOTS, ilip.l3onts, Calf and Paten XLeather Oxford Ties, Cal and Patent Leather Gaiters, Calf N ullifiers, Call and Kip Bretons, Slippers, Sr. itilDrEi Vi7M.EL:St • Fine. French ned English Lasting Gaitent„ lkftirtlerp,_ - thrten - rrd ft - itrltrmt s;"Fttitr IChrETigie . ric . r tavy Mnreeen, and kid Bnei Inn. A. AND i '1111,1)It EN'B l 5 I.:A It ofall deseriptlon n Out. Lasting and lasting IS utton Ila Mlo, Morocco Lave hoots of all kinds, fancy shoos of various stiles slippers, Ar. HATS A CAI'S, Silk, Cassitnern, Fur and Wool Hats of all quallti,n and styles, also 11 turfs assortment of STRAW HATS Roots and Shoes made to order at the shortest notice Repairing promptly done. Confident of his ability to please all classes of eustotners, he relpeetfully invites the public to give hire a cell. e Remember the plane, N. E. corner of the Public Rquare. May 30,'00. JOIIN A. B. Ii:WINCI'S FURNITURE WARE-ROOM z 73 - t tl ,;(1: 16 , 62 - West High Street, Carlisle, Pa. (Premium awarded at the Cumberland Counip Agricultural Fair of 1857.) Tho subscriber has just rucelvoLl the most splondl4 llFFOrtilluilt or articles in Isis litw, evor brought to Chia ho is doteiutiumi to sell at pricos that do fy cool pet it ion. Part°, Chamber, Dining-room, }FURNITURE Ratehen and Office Embracing every article used by House and hotel. keepers, of the most approved and fashionable design and finish. Including also Cottage furniture In set( ft. reception mid Camp Chairs, Mattrasses, Gilt frames. pictures, &e., &e. Purchasers are requested to call and examine his stool, at his exteimive nary-rooms, West Main street, North side. A. 11. EWING. Particular a ttontion elven as usual to funerals; orders from town and country, attended to promptly and on moderato terms. A. B. E Carnal°, May 12, 1868.—1 y, LUMBER AND COAL. OLIVER DELANCEY, LUMBER AND COAL YARD On the Rail Road, near the Gas Works. Thu subsorlbor koops constantly on hand, a full sortmont of Lumber & Coal, c If 6); 74: 4, _ which ho mr fur nish to ordor promptly and on the most reit- Boilable terms. LUMBER, SCANTLINci, BOARDS. VRAME STVEN Palings, Plastering and Shingling-Lathe,irorked-PJOor_ lug, We:Ober:mu:ding, Posts, hailr,White Pine, lbaniock sod Oak Shingles, of every quality. Ile also furnish hills to order of any length and size, at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. Ills workial boards are kept under cover, so that they can be fur nished eery at all times, lfe hito t constantly on hand all kinds of Famiiy Coal : under cover, which will be delivered clean to any part of the borough. To wit: roXiPN'S VALLEY, LUKE FIDDLER, TREVERTON, LOCUST MOUNTAIN, And other verlotles, and all the various sizes 16: um , ' which ho offers to the public at -the lowest prices. I,III.ItBURN Ewe AND BLACKSMITH'S COAL always on Mind; at the lowest cash price. Thankful for the patronage of a generous public, be stowed upon the late firm of Black & Delaney, he wool& solicit a contintiapee of the name an the will strive to Please. All ordprs toff at the residence of Jacob Shrom for. Coal and Liimber , will be promptly attended to as heretofore. DELANCY July 26, MEI Wood Wanted at this Office. Lent 012.65 " 1.28 " 2.0 Q 2.40 3.12 3.40 "(1 Tram 1.35 P.M 2.15 4 . 2.65 4, 3.25 4, 4.00 44 4.40 ,4 .1. G. CALLIO