mds, an amount sufficient to purchase a ssoo'bond of that company, which cost aTre mium of 10 per cent. , , making the .- cost of the bond $550,. whilst the legacy was only $5OO, less five per cent, for the collateral inheritance; thus rendering , it necessary to_ advance47s from the funds of the Society. A few henovo lent persons, who always seem ready to -step forward for the relief of the poor, advanced; s_n_of_that_amourtt - This now is a permanent. fund which- will alweys pay $4O per annum to the Suciety for the benefit of those who need their care.. Lil El The example _of this benevolent lady is -worthy-of being -followed; -for what - :charity ‘so efficient and so enduring, as the creation of_a_permanent fund, the interut of which is to relieve the poor and afficted.„ The"names of--thirty-seven families are on the list of beneficiaries. The number is small er than in former - years, but the . pricea of-all kinds of - provision — hiving great - y advanced, an increase of funds is necessary. • The managers therefore hope that contrib utions will ba libPral. PUBLIC SALES.—BiIIs fur the follow ingsales ofjteal Bstate and personal propel ty, have Unn printed at this ca d& On Saturday, Feb. 7th, Geo. A. Lutz will pen his farm containing 521 . acres, situated yi South Middleton township 1 mile east of Papertown. and 21 miles west 'of Boiling Springs. The improvements are a framd house, and bank barn. On Wednesday 'Feb 18th . Mr: Lutz' will Bell on the above premises, his personal proP aty, consisting in part of Horses, Cows, Young Cattle, Hogs; farming implements &c. On'Monday, March 2d, Frederick Mumma. will sell on the premises, in__Hampdentpwn' ship, 1 mile north of Bryson's mill, and one I mile ,west of Rupp's ,mill. Horses, Cows, Young Cattle. farming implements Sc. On Tuesday, Feb. 10th. Mrs. Tobias will yell ‘3ll the premises,' in Middlesex. township; Smiles north east. •of Carlisle, on the road • Wont the Harrisburg turnpike to Carlisle :Springs; Oue Mare, Cows, &a. On S;tturday, San. 31st. Jacob Goodyear, ten. will sell-on the preini.:ies, in Monroe 'township, 1 mite east of Churehtown, and 1 miles north of Bran'lt's mill, on Mechanics burg road, one Mare, Wagon;. Household Furniture, &.c - - On Saturday, - Feb. F. Longnecker 'Will sell in Plainfield, Climb. Co. Colt, Cows, Sheep, flogs, and farming utensils &c. • - REVENUE STAMPS :—The following are the regulations in regard to revenue stamps:' OFFICE ItEv'Exce., Jan. 12. !Revenue stamps May be ordered form. this office ,ia ; Anaatities to suit purchasers. Or ,dersishould contain remittance of treasury motes, or an original certificate of a 'United, :States. treasurer, otrdesignated . depository, of m deposit made for the purchase of stamps. The following. commission, Rayable in niaY. he - - One purchase of $5O or more, 2 per cent. One purchase of $lOO or more, 3 per cent. • . One purchase' of $3OO or utdro, 4 per Cent. One purchaseof $l,OOO or more,s percent. As each stamp_expresses upon its 'face its kind as well as its demunination, it,-is desira - Ile that every order should refer to kinils . as well as denominations. By the third section 'Of the passed December 25, 1862, every, instrument is valid: provided a legal stamps or- stamps; denoting a duty of the amount required ;hall - have been duly affixed 'and used thereon. Proprietary stamps, cannot be - -used upon any instrument speCified in szbedule B. _ Stamps of every kind and 'denomination can be-furnished in suflicient quantities-for- . . utie in—the -District of Columbia - and the Stiles - west ofthe Rocky mountains. - Collectors ire hereby required and direct el to commence proceedings under the law gainst all persons with said District and States whoshall wilfully neglect to use stamps as required; Special attention is called to the 93th sec tion of the excise law: ----- Be - ittfurrherrenoCteil7--Thar-1 or persona/Mall - make, signor issue, or cause - to be made or signed, anyinstrarnent, docu ment, Or paper of any kind or description whatever, without the sante -being duly stamp ed for denoting the duty hereby imposed there on, and without having thereupon an adhe sive stamp to denote'said duty, such - persons or persons shall incur a penalty of fifty dollars, and such-instrument, document, or paper, as aforesaid, 'shall be deemed invalid' and of no effect." Every correspondent is requested to give the State, as well as town and county, of his residerce. If not otherwise ordered, stamps will be trapsinitted by mail. . . GEORGE S. BOUTIVELL, Commissioner. Teachers'; Institutes • The Members of South Middleton' Inititnte con- ,voned at.P.Leagent Hall. Jan.' 10, at 11,A. M. The ,house wag called to order by 'the President. The pro ceedlngs of the last meeting were read and' adopted.-- Miss Sue H. Rendes and Mr. , 11. Burin read selections, Miss F.orence Henderson read a Poem, and 11. M. Cri 'der delivered an Oration. The Institute adjourned at A. M. to meet at 1,?..; P. M., Arithmetic was taken nreat the opening el 7 .the afternoon session and dia. cussed by teachers and others. -Miss Sue E. Adams had a ela,..s_Of_her_pupils_pnment,_aild-illustrated-her- Ano d e of teactijug.arit4ma - jp. A class of teachers Ivat formed, knd conducted by Prof. Geo. ilwartz, Miss Fier. once Henderson was_ again called upon to read her . Poem; after the reading of which, the Institute re quested it for publication. MisuLyde C. Fleming read her "pea of criticism. Shortly before ad j ournment, the Musa, Wembley, Miss 'Henderson and others ' moral the Institute with music. The next meeting will be held at the lied School !Mute Jan. 24, 4803. The nreetin: will commetat4-1.-.ll_llingrationeif flex mee mg: Seleztions, Miss Lyde C. Fleming and Mr. A. 4. Myers; Essay, 3liss C. K Culvert Grathin, Harry Burn, Critic, Mr. Jas. It. Stuart, ;subject fur ass-, cutsion, English Grammar. - I The thanks of the Institute are tendered to Hon. Ilugh Stuart, Messrs. Soloman Kramer ' Geo. Yoh, Dan lel Naylor and Mrs. F. Rudy Tor,their hospitalities to . the members FL M. CRIDER, Secretary WHAT Ts A? The measure by vihlch we determine wheth er any currency is depreciated or apprecia led, or that which everybody should haVe in their winds whenithey speak of par, is the Mint prite of the standard of the currency. Say the standard is gold, then per is the Mint price of gold. In the Übited States the Mint price of fine gold is $20.71- per mince: that is, an ounce of gold will make $2O in coins and leave - 71 cents over. Now, when gold is above or below this price in .the Mar ket, it, is above or below par; at proseut dold may be said to bo worth in the market $26. per ounce,_therefore,, .about 30 per cent. above par.' Let us continue to recollect, therefore, that par is $20.71 for an ounceof fine gold, $l.OO fur 23.2 grains. Now what is the connection of paper currency with t hie state of things L. raper.currency is a substi tute for gold at its par, or. Mint price. The —question,-therefore, whether paper currency Is depreciated, depends upon this, whether it Is of equal value to exchange for comniodhies as gold at its Mint price. If it is not, it is below par, but if it is, it. has not depreciated. This point is readily determined by the mar , het or. exchange value ; _when the market-and the Mint prices of gold coincide, no mom purchased with a gold dollar than witha he i nk note in good , credit, or a government noterfor one dollar; but if the market price of gold goes above its - Mint price, while the same quantity of anything pumpt gold can beniTlywvi with. lho pjPer • • as before, more Of it can be purchased with the gold through the medium of the paper; consequently. the paper in good credit stands still. while the gold exchange value. —American Exchange and Review; To Nervous Sufferers of both Sexes A Reverend . gentleman having been restored to health In a few days, after . ufnkmelng all..tha usual routine - tindirregniiirrrapeil.ive modrs of TrEament, without siwces,nonsiders it his sacred duty to commu.. nicate to lii afflicted follow creatures the means. Of cure. HOOCO, on the receipt of an addressed envelope, he will send (free) a copy of thd prescription used. Di rect to Dr. JOHN M. DAG NA Lb, ISt Fulton St., Breok lyn,..N. 1. illarch 9, '92—ly t- A - COUGH COLD .01 -AN tatefl Throat if allowed to progress, results. In serioue ifttlmoutfry_aud ifrouchial affections, oftentimes limn— table. ' . - BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROOIIES roach directly the affected parts an dgive almost_ instant relief'. •In Bronchitis, Asthma, and Catarrh they are are beneficial: The good effects resulting from the use at thd Troches, and their extended use, has caused them to bo counterfeited. Be sure to- guard against worthless Imitations. Obtain only the genuine Brown's Bronchial Troches which have proved- their efllLacy by a test of many years. Public Speakers and Singers should use thp Troches. - Military . 011icerfrauttSoldiers who overtax the voice and are exposed to sudden changes, - should trace them. Sold everywhere still& cents per L0x.... • •• • Jam 23.—nun Batchelor's Hair Dye'—The Best in the World ! WILLIAM A. BATCIIELOR'S celebrated Hair Dye Produces a color not to bo.ilistinguisinid frotn•nature— warranted not to injure the hair iii the.least; remedies the 111 effects of bad dyes, and Invigorates the flair for Grey, Red, or It u,ty !lair instantly turns a'splett did Black or Itrown, leaving the Hair sollaildbeautilut Sold by ell Dluggists. Ac • • The genuine Is signed. \VILMA)! A. BATCHELOR, on the four sideS of e wit •box. FACTORY, No. 81 Barclay Street, Now York.' (Late •2:13 Breadway.and 16 Bond Street.) . . • May 20,- - Riarriages-. I=l=l OH the 14th bqtant, by the Rev. C . P. Wing, 11EN , .IAMIN It FRAZER. of Oregon, :.lissciurl, to ANNA ELIZ'A STERRETT, of Carftsle. - $ . -- - .Tn this Borough, on tho 15th instant, Maj,SAMUEL. CitOP, in the Guth ye:ir of his ago. Elje niarlicts. — CARLISLEPitODUcEAIME:T. Reported weekly for the Ilerald by It. C. Woodward. Carlisle, Jan, -23 1563. • • 6 Ol) 1 -IA FLOUR (Suporfine) do. (Extra.) .. do .ItVE • 11'111T1 WHEAT... It ED CO It OATS :BARLEY F.V. II 15 • .BA II LEY SPRING.— ........ ... ...:105 CI,OV Itit TinirritvsEt) ........ . . .... ... ... t 02, FOR RENT. 911105 E. , two large and cominoc isot Brick:Utilises, on West. st., opposite lt,C. Wood— word's Ware Win o. Also ' the .sidn of the StOno noose, on Main et., adjoining Dr. :Nialunr.s residence. For parli r eulars apply to . ' Carlisle, Januqry 2.3;1t63-Inl FURS AND MANTLES! WE are selling the balance of our . Furs and Ma n tles at grer4ly reduced prices.— New is •the time •to g el bar g ains in these g oods. We barn on hand a lar g e stock of all kinds .of Goods.— Phase caltat•, -LI{II)ICII~'SAWYIiIt ,@ 3111,LEIt'S tannery 2371843. • FOR RENT FEE Store Room now in the occupancy J of Greenfield S: Sheafer, will he rented fi out : the let of April next. Apply to Mrs. G I:0. W. lIITNER Carlisle, - January o,lB63—at' FOR RE 11 T. . THE subscriber ogers for root C4eatore --- Tfir - OfiraiiiiiiWriltig - Irouse, for one or znoreyearri, Filtrated iu Milltown, Penn township, and at present occupied by George Mussel. It is an excellent country stand. Any personiyishing to rent will apply soon to JAC‘III It EMMINSEIt. Spring Mills, January 9,1863-3 t• ASSIGNEE'S NOM) IC Notice,is hereby given that Frederick Seldle . and Samuel Eberly, as a firm and./Ise as Individuals, have executed a deed of voluntary . assignment for the, benefit of creditors, to the undersigned. All persons knowing themselves indebted to the said parties so a firm, and as individuals, are re q uested to make-imme— diatn fiayment,. and those having claims will present them for settlement' to 11011EItTi WI hSON,I msigmes JOSEPH LEAS, f Nl?clianiesburg, January 9,1863-4 t AUDITOR'S NOTICE. " TIM Auditor appointed by the Orphatis' Court of Cumberland county, to marshall and distribute the balance in the hands of ,hones J. Logan, Administrator of the estate of Susan 31cOulre, late of Clark county, Illinois, d,•ceased, will meet' the parties interested at his. Oleo, in the Borough-of Carlisle, on Wednesday, the 20th clay of January, 1203, at 10 o'clock, A. II J. 31. WEAKLEV s - Auditor. ^ January 9,1863-3 t Zusiness Lcarbs.- WDS. PIIINTIOSE, Attorney at Lam. r • °Mao In llboem's am Pr:Ilona! bind ness promptly atlenAadjo, rebrun4 217186 T. • • .P UFIJS E. SHA.PLE Y Attorney .nt Lib Law. Carlisin Cr. Attends to . Fre u 0 n g And col lecting Soldiers' Par, Bounties. And Pensions., (Mica oin South linvoyer Street, opposite Bindz's store. Dile. 27 ; 1.8(d. . IV Alt S I EMIIM=!:E=!iMM T M. IV EAK.L l ? , l 7 .—Attorney at Law. _To . Office pu jjanover street, opposite Bentz' Dry deeds store. All professional business entrusted to him will be promptly attend/4 to. AW CARD.-CHARLES E. Au. GLAUGHLIN, Attorney gt Law, (Mike in bi llet:Cs Lullding , just opposite the Market House. Carlisle, March 14,'00-Iy. el 'P. lIILMRICH, Attorney at - aw. j o _olllco on Nortb Ilapover street, a fewtioorn south of Glass' Hotel.. All business entrusted to him 'will be promptly attonded to. [April 15. J °SENT R1TN.14.3R,,TE., Attorney"at • p Law and Suiteyar,3lechanicabarg, Pa. oClico - ext - RaiLltoad Street, two !loam north of tho Bank. Wee Itualnose proroptlkattendad to. DR. 1. 0 . L00M151311 , 1, % tartc" South ilanover street, opposite Bents'Ar store. ygopda .`" TIR.-GEORGE S. SEA *a. iL/RIGIIT, DENTIST, from tho Bal. ""Inall Mame Collego of Dental Surgery. 43-oMce at the residence °lbis mother, East Louth street, three doors below Bedford. March 19, 1856—tf. GE°' - w NEIDICII; D. D. S.- Lato Demonstrator of' Opel alive Dentistry to the Baltimore College of yl Irlr:•s‘:•''. (1 2 Ifl a e l e B a?. at r PY eelden Oprositis 3lariea.lluL, Vest Main street, Carlisle, Penn NOT. :1.1.1867. • DR, MN. IL COQR, HOMCCOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, TIIIFAVING recently located in Carlisle, • hfu; taken an office adjoining Herman's. where ho can be consulted by persons. seeking medical advice; or when desired, Will visit them at theinresi , deuces, either In the town or country. May -,.186:-Iy. The Dlagic Time Observer, PERFECTION -0F MECHANISM, BEING a Hunting and Open Face or Lady's or Gentleman's Watch Combined. , ....Anent_the_protilest.Most onvonient,untldecidettly the best and cheapest timepiece- for general and relia ble use, over offered. It has within it and connected with its machinery, its own winding attachment, Ton, eering a key t,ntirely unnecessary. The cases of title Match Ares-outposts' of two metals, the enter one being tine 10 - carst Irinurthirliiiprafel - F-tibY - itEtien lever 'movement, and is warranted an accurate time piece. Price, superbly engraved, per tole of a half do-- 7.011, $20.1,00. Stopple Wn. elms, in neat morocco boxes, for those proposing to 'buy at wholesale,cl2s, sent by express. with bill pa 3 able on 'delivery. Soldiers must .remit payment in grivance,- - as - tire - cannot collect 'from' those in the Army. Address 1110111 MM 11110. - & - 00.. Salo . Importers, Cos. - Nassau - Si John Sts;'New".Yorli. , ' January 02'1823—et.. • • STATE NO t JNotlea is hereby given that Letters.Testament,nry .onstheuelate-of 'elalllllel.biberly, sr.. late of eihiremans town, Cumberland ccuntY, Pa., doe'd.,lic•e been gran— ted to Christian Eberly, of Eberly's Mills, and Daniel Eberly, of Shh•onntostown. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to matte immediate payment, end those haring claims to present them tinily atitheu 7 tieated to - : --- • , • . C. EBERLY, 1 l'l -. • . • .1). PIWItLY .1' N " December:lo,l'662-6V' j ' , • • Large . and convenient Store Room; well known as the White !louse Port orneT, atea /elthut 7 fillies west of Carlisle,. IM Walnut linttoln hood. Possession given on Ills Ist of April next. Apply to GII,E E NFI F. &SII I NIT . IJAyE just reocived a bOautiful asort , mont of NEW DRESS (100133, which we offer as sultstituteslor Calicoes: lintel Del:lines plain at.' . • .20 cents.- " " * lige:red 111:,1f; „„. Extra qualities. '25 cents. 10) yards beautiful new style REPS, at 2zr . -- , button' than auy Delain es. • Always on ,a ,look - out fur your interest, GREEN Ed D R„•SIIEAIIER, lave now on hand let,3 of BARGAINS. tharwill .knoelc ho spqls out of -any thing in the shape of Dress floodsn Carlisle. Shawls of every. description, nt low.prives Brew,, end Idrached MUShINS lower until can he hoe ht elsewhere. Also II cull :issortmolit of the heat prints in the County ondiand at all prices. • Wettlso httroun hand ..ur usual assortment of Rai u..ind Figured 'Mei. /noes, inin edlirgs, AlliaccAT.ll.;Adia?.ines, lioider3 , And indiroidury in abundance. . .Carpets Carpets ! , • It the old prices.— 4SOO yards luaight befbra the ris e, will lie offered her thirty day's i at the Old prkials. .. Islig Carpet at " .10 etc. 14t;; Carpet at . • all Extra heavy wpai,elatin do. • fill ".. lleadtiiul styleslinport.d Carpet at 40 All . ivool do. • Itext qunlity .2 ply ht the pat Itet.front tluud heavy all wool three ply, S oper . extra all wool. • - . Grand Finale. The-nhnvo Goods moot l o Fnld. - They were bought lo sell, :mil es we have at dislike - ler took keeping., we pro. fer the eash in exehnn_ge for Goods. .-' Mit:ENFIELD & SM.:AVER, Ono donr west:,of Oip County Cnrlixlo,bc,lll, - 18u2. -.• WANTED FIFTY COAT ADIDNEST IYIAKERS. AV A NtED immediately fifty, good Coat and .Vert "apply Wit° die - able to moire a good jbb. . Liberal 11,1,, , V£1 will be paid. .Apply at, ISAAC LIVINGSTON'S Clothing Ereporiurn - , - North Donover St.' Carllele, Dee. 12, I bo2. J. N - MOTILE is hereby given 6f an inton 'non to establish allank of Discount, Deposit - and Circulation; under the provisions of the net entitled An act fo.estoblisli a System of free banking in Pl3llll - fic.." and the supplements- thereto:, •Vaid - bank _to be called:" Tim 'PEOPLE'S ]Dias ," to be located in ilia liormiall'of Mechanicsburg, Cumberland county, Pa., with a capital of Ono hundred Thousand-Dollars, to be divided. Into two thousand Chores of fifty dollar!! each. November 21, 18G2—Gm FROSTED' THE celebrated Embrocation for frost ed limbs Is now put up in n form which makes it come within thwyeach of all. A-certain cure for Frost bite or Chilblain., As a preventive for these complaints, it is Invaluible. Full directions accompany each pack age. Send at once for theltilmedy. Persons at a die tance, by enclaing Twoutv.flvo cents, can haven pack age sent to than frco of all further expense Wo pro. payfroight,z , GEO. W. KINGSBURY A: CO., MIS Mayket St., Phila. Dee. 12,1.802-1 m "Health of all earthly blessings, 'tis the best, Which most Is val tted'when 'tie least preserved." ,(l j lct ^ f~~y_~ r Digiaon is the great essential, primary and prepa ratory process of life, and thereloro tai keep in repair the digestive organs should lie-tile great butane:ix of life. The Stomach, which is the giand digestivelato ratory, and from its great and o isential function has also sympathy throughout the whole body. herb na ture concentrates her powers for the formathin• of nourishment, and here it is that Dr. ZADOC PORTER'S ST ItaCAC3i3 RXTTERS Steps in at the time of need to assist the process of Digestion. • . Dr. 7.adoc Porter's Stomach Bitter's streggiben the system In an extraordinary manner. They are of the highest value in nausea of the Storm - tell. Weakness, I ful igcst ion, Agns, • ' "General Languor, Dlarrheee Teething of Chlld'n. Dizziness, Summer Co m p'. Worms, Elms of Appetite, Matatburn, Waterbrash, Dyspepsia, " Sick lleetlache Jaundice. They correct the ill effects oeunwholesome toed.— Children when using much fruit may be saved from colic and alarming affections of the bowels, by the free use of Dr. 'lntim Porter's Medicated Stomach Bitters! Those who use ardent spirits will find the stoma+ corrected In a most remarkable manner by this preps— lation, • Whenever there is - an unpleasant feeling in the Stn.' mach from anything eaten or drank use Dr. Porter's Bitter's nod relief will soon be had, Price 15c. and 25 c., - goverrinumt slanip Included. For sale by all dru•gists. • HALL t MICKEL, Proprietors • - .118 Oreouwich Street, For sale in Carlisle4o.E3AlsllLlEL ELLIOII%, . - puns !- FURS I Another fresh.lot L' of Furs just received. Also CLOAK S, AWLS, Mess Goode, a great many kinds of Fancy Goods, such as 'Wyatt, Gauntlets, Collar's, Scarfs, 'Gar dkerehiefs, Bahnoring Neck-Ties, Gents Collars, to Now is elle thue to buy •your Thdyday Preeenti!— LEIDICII, i3AWYgit December 19, 1882. TRUNKS, VA:LISEB Carpet Bags: Frimeh Sole Loather Trunks or all Macs and prleen, Lad! OR Traveling Trun he : tholiggeat Alms, Brass Bound eapv - ixser Trunks, Valipil,'Careet Bags. Plufih, Oily ke., ISAAC, LI VINU STON, - North Hanover Bt. Carlisle, Oct. 2i FOR RENT. .10IINSTO: 1 1' 1 01113, • trikli. Pa t & 7.1 T:t LO '1.12 , 5 $1,•20 BTOTICE. FROSTED HAIM FROSTED EARS. FROSTED FEET. FROSTED FEET. FROSTED DANIA FROSTED lIANDS. Dr, LIDDC PORTER'S MEDICATED STOMACH Bitters! A Vegetable Medi cine, and Sure re , reedy for all Stomach AND /30virel— . plaints ! BILLIOUS Avim. TIONS, Feementation ors TiBI NEW DRUG STORE. THE lindeisigned 'has just opened a now Drug Store, in South flunover street, next door to Inhotro Grocery Store; where holies just re ceivod-and-opeued•ndargostock" • Drugs, Chemicals, Dye,-Stuffs, Perfumery,. Toilet Soaps, and Fancy Articles. Also, a large lot of ' • • Tobacco' - aaid — S - egais of the most flivorite brands; Coal 011.faunpsand Shades, Hornin g Fluid, Confectionaries, Fruits, Nuts, Coal iii, Aleohni, Stationary, Patent Medicines. and all other articles connected with our lino. All of which WO will sell at prices to suit the limos. Prescriptions carefully "'d n competent druggist . Carlhde,Dye to, 1862--ly GROCERIES 1 -GROCERIES! ripHE un.•"ersigned would call the atten , t,1611 gke p üblic, to thefhot- that he still keeps 011 liana all extonsivu assortment of .• . • •Evilvazzar GRociarazs • , - On the South-east corner of the Puidlq SquUra, where thivpuhlic. are Invited to.calLund examine it stock .01 Woods, which, in elegance, variety and extuntovill defy competitlonf comprising In part mar, lump, crushed atilt brown 50(1 All 5,..1ava, Elk& Roasted et IF.' FEE; Every variety and quality of TEA. .spfeas r tgriiiiiiti and nueroundh Plekels, ~ Sauces, nide Oil, New Orleans and Sugar.' house Midas/W.B Sea. YOrk & Philadelphiau l , CheeSe. Corittitareb, Farina, Oho. celate, Extract of Coffee, Relined Sugar, Washing :old Baking Soda. Tobacco and Sega rs of Mot o cot. quality. A beautiful assortment of Hi itanni4 Warp, plain and gold baud . . China - Ware • Glass Queen., Stone and Earthen Ware, in great variety, an elegant lot of Fancy Soaps, Extracts add I.'rfifincry. for the toilet. , • I RUI I e Tnel tiding Pe t. hos 11 Visins, Combo' rur, Dry Apples, CI lion, Almond , , Olinigc s, Lemons. f (41 LIQUOR,. Wholesale out retail, l a a i r at i e c !l" L :1 1 , 1 1T '," 7.::7( a i ni .t ol i d mi.. 3'" r.l l , l b l o l' ll Jt TAT AI F ;:h..,,,, Purt.'itadini OD ram , Catawba 1 and MUY- a )1 I acs in casks and but. ova_. ku•l ' t105,—,5,4,1„. i i hisltey, lien Inao in, Ind Seliold im Schnapps .• PIM AND'SAIT. , A large stock of LAMPS, including Dyntt's ecletwited limps for burning" iieroßOU a nr . caul nil, also Sperm, Piss, Lard Vigil Oil, •Burning. Pluld, Simian and -Star . Candles, ' 2 ' • • , D „ CEDAR A =WARE N BROOMS. Brushes, "lopes, - Muting, Soaps.: Doormats, Waiters, •La doing-glosses, line' letter and note paper, Willow Ware, painted hueltete, ke. . .• Cottoni‘n:l wo.illen hose, and half Tinge, and a full stock of (fovea, including the well known Ilanovee Buck Cloves. 311trlsotillo; of alll tak'nl" "Li' aCffNhglTd'.. .C:.rU 1S 2 -11 TI heretonire existing' under tilt! .11‘1111(1•Or John P. k Son, was dis olved by itintual consent on the Ist day of - Novinnber, 1612.. The hooks anti accounts of Ho, 'nem will remain in the, posses,ion of Lewis I.vne, at-the old stand in Hanover street: All persons knowing thentselves in debted aro requested to ealllind:settle, • • F. ' •.. M Ain' A. 'INN E. A tu r'x. TA,I, i 5; V Lynn, having purchased the int erost Of leave to inform Ow publie that heln tends to Lout inne the business no heirtotore , and respectfully solicits n share of public patromi,,e. .11inunrY:+, LEW S, F. LYNI , .. • r-Sale o~~~n . . I)esirable residence situated on STAidl fl Hanover' street, in the Borough of Carlisle. owned' by Jaeohheilly: now in the tteoupancy of (leo. 11. 110-• land. Thin i.e oneof the inset des; rattle private resi dences In Carlisle, having all the Ova:A.4 . es of large and convenient building;;, ttomi Fruit Garden.dstern, ,t:e. • }lor rent from April Ist, 185:1, or will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply to '- Dee. 5,1852-2 m -.' - A g.t. for the owner: - . - Private:Sale of Real Estate.. 911IAT very desirable` Farm, situate on . th, , , Harrisburg turnpike, about ono mile ftoni Car lisle, late the property of Andrew McDowell, deceased, adjoining lands of Win. M. Ilendelsini, is. olTered al Private, by-the - `heirs of - A. - 'McDowell, deed. if sold before the lot of January, 1863, possession will be given on the lot of April nett. Apply to - - 31T1 I RR or NEWSIIAXI. Carlisle, Dee. 10,1862. EVERY: BODY TAKE NOTIGE f -- Wil'A E d i n n s i t C l o r : o . S d ' o l Orf 7 0 E n 4 1. 1 ..1 1 57 1 r E t a t" have, received our WINTER GOODS, • which for quality, variety and conijdotincsa*, cannot he surpassed. styles; plain plain hops, all colors; figured Merinoes, Cash, mores, Delalnes, Empress Cloth, Poplins, Va &e. A full assortment of very SUPERIOR SILKS, plain and figured; a large aupply of [flack Si lie, bought before the•hcavy advance in price. CLOAKS ! CLOAKS ! 'raving the exclusive agency for this place, of one of the largest manufacturing houses lh-the country, la dies will find our assortment %full sod (If the latest styles. We have a few Cloaks foul last SO:18011 , which. we will sell less than cost. SILIkIVIS elf kinds :Ind qualifies. $2,101 worth of FURS for Ladies, 3lisses and We give special attention to MOURNXIVG , GO ODS; and Imve nit hang a large supply of Silks, Reps, Merl noes, Caslnfieres, "Amiss, Lavine, Bum basiti es, Alpacas, Mourning , Veils, Collars, Crapes, Gloves, Shawls,h:e: • A large supply of Balmoral Skirts, Ilonp Skirts. lat leit Improvements; Ilmbroideries, lild Gloves, Gaunt lets, Woolen Hoods, Scarfs, 11o4iery of all . kinds; - • • IYlen's and Boy's Wear, • French Cloth, Cassimeros, Testin g s.-ull.hincis of Fur— nishing Goods'lhrstic Gooth4 In iiinnonse supply. CARI'LTS, Oil, C7,OTlf, all 'kinds :of Ifouse.furnishing Goods. Constant addi tions of floods through the season. ' • We cordially invito the attention of the public to the above Goods, inlet mono ethers not mdntion ed. LEI Mil, 'SAWYER. .t ni - LLER. ' • —earlit+lJU-Deer.-Ji, Valuable Town Property at Private Sale. • riii FIE subscriber offers at private sale, •. IL the folleirfug valuable frown l'roporty, consisting at TWO LOTS: the first:situated ini the flarrislourg turnpike. directly opposite the residence of R. M. lien. diasan, lisq., bounded t o , the west . hy a lane, eft thu , id, lu letu 'Noble, ...ion Eh, Ly Wat — M - Hi-et_ .. . _ t. l lAFAR—hig derson, containi ug 5 Acres and 109 I'erc•ltcs. . • The other Lot he on-the noellitweet side of Corns the end of relief 1s kntiwn . as Logne's Lane," adjotli lug lends of John Nobloon the north, and Voter tirettir on the south,.contalulng 3 fleres, litor&or less Those are very valuardo Leta , and aro well worth the attontlo . or pnroliwrs. For terms and other particu lars enquire of . dos. D.:IIALIIEWL December 5,..1882-3in • READING RAILROAD. „Ic s trA ,. ;!7 - ?,4*-;ioTemw WINTER ARRANGEMENT. CIREAT Trunk Line from the North NA and Nortit,West for Phi ladel pith, Now Ydrk, Head. lug, Pottsville, 'Lebanon, Allen tow n, Hasten, ka. Trains leave Ilarrlsburk tor'Philadelplila, New York, Irwunog, Pott - sville, nud all Internindlato etatlons at 8 A. al., and 2, 00 P. M. Now York Expilw. Nay& Ilarrishirrg at 3.15 A. M., 'arriving et Now York at 10,30 the some morning. 'Pares from Harrisburg: To Now York $r,,10; to Phila delphia $2,35 and $2,80. Baggage chocked through 'Returning, leave New York at 6 A:111., 12 Noon; and .7 P. 21.. (Pittsburg ExpresS). Leave Philadelphia at $. 15-A.:51., and 3'sl ..-. • , Sleepingcars in the New YoritExP,esiTinins,through to and from Pittsburg wit Rout change. • Passengers by the Catawisea Railroad leave Port 'Clinton at 5.15 A. 31., for Philadelphia and all Interme diate Stations; and at 3.25 P. 31,, fur Philadelphia, New York and all Way Points. • • , • Trains leave Pottsville at 9.15. A. 3f., k 2:30 P. N.,for Philadelphia acrd New - York; and at 5 80 P.'314" for Au. bum and Port Clinton Only. conuectiug,for Pino Grove and with thnflatawisitti Railroad; and returning front lip/Ming at 8:15 - A. 514 for Pottsville. An Accommodation Passenger Train loaves Reading. a 6.33 awl returns from Philadelphia 4,30 P. bl, All the above trains run daily, Sundays excepted. A Sunday train loaves Pottsville at 7.30,A. 31.; and Philadelphia at 3.15 tclr. Commutationi 511Ieage, Season, and . Excursion Tick.: co, at reduced rates to and'from all points.. • - • • -O . : A..NICOLLS,AIenuraI Supl: Novi '2B, 180 I NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! AT OGILBY'S CHEAP CASH STORE. TUSt rooeived a laEgoa§:sPrtinent...of to which. the attention of - the public in general fare spcctfully invited. ,In the . . . _ -- GENTS`IYEPARTAIENT, Cloths. Cassimeres ' Testings, Shirts , Shirt Collars Neel( Ties, Cravats, Suspenders, Clatthtlets, Gloves &c., Silks, Poplins, French Merinos, Do I,lllns, Figured and its rrod Do .Glioviers,-Figured -and ~Flaln Velour, Cashmeres, Paramettets, Olnghants, Prerell Cur- Fels, lisimoralS,JlOodse lßintpgs, Skating -Coats,-Nu - huts, Vests, ac., Sc. A fill imsertinont sf GOODS for Chlldreils' 'What, of all kinds. Cheeks, Mus lim, Drillings, Flannels, lilanlints,"l,ssinets, Jeans, ,4e.,-.lnost. gnality.erd cheapras 11m - cheapest Hosiery and Mores of all deseriptions and prices. • DAVID- A LSTO:'i. A largo assortment Of:Shawls and 'Scarfs of 'all tle4 crlptlons, and cheap. TraTelllng Trunka, well mpde and Carpet-Bags. AM it Is impossible to .enumerate all the articles, I would timpeatfully incite all ,persons in,rant of hand. SOllll3 and cheap GOODS, to call and look itt toy stock motors purchasing utrsewhore. • Recollect the plaee, West Multi street, nearly opposite the depot. • Nov. 6,181;2. , . N. 8.,-An Cloths; Cassiincres and Vestbnus: will ha tnade up bu order. (if desired.) in ~the bust manner, and warranted to fit by an experient•ed tailor and the best workman in. the Slate. SUBSCRIPTION. AGENT, At JAY COOKE & CO:, Bankers; • 114 SOUTH. THIRD STRELT,— ---_ Philadelphia, Nov, 1, 1562. . • The timletsigned, having been appointed SUBSCRIP- TioN AO PINT hy the tit:cr.:tau er,the„Trensury,lsaww prepared - to furnish, nt once, the. NEW TWENTY YEAR 6 PER. CT. BONDS of the_UnitedStates,..bedgnated--as,"-Eive Twenties," 'reliteltialile at the pleasure of the" Government after -fivo years.- and ri withorizml- by •-A ct of Congress ;"approval February The COUPON an; Issued ln—stuns of &in, *IOU, $5OO, 51000. Thu It Ell I . STER . BONDS in stun — of $50,5500, $101)0, $5OOO. . . • Interest of S.l!< pM•eent. peraeem d • will COIIIIIICIICI) from date of purelemo, and • PAYABLE IN GOLD Semi-Annually, which is equal, at the peasant prquti um on gold, to about };1(I LIT PElt CENT. l'Elt• AN NUM. ._ , l iarm ers ,.. : ll etchantsr - Itteelninics;Capitalisfn; - itifirall who Imve oily money to invent, now and re thato hese 'tomtit are, lit effect, a t 1 11ST 1‘101:TtilArl 11.0pmn all Railroads: Canals, Dank tools and Sevuritresolnd thm-innitenre- products - of all the Mon ufactlllMS, kc.. in - the country : tind that e full and ample provision made tOr the pa) meta of the interest and liquidation of Customs lisciso Stamps and Internal Revenue, serves to mak° these Bonds the Best, Most Available and !ilfoSt Pohlad). Snbseriptions l'er . eived nt PA It in Legarrender Note's, or notes an eheeks of banks nt par in l'filindelphin.— Subseriliers by mail aeill receive prompt attentions end every facility 4.111 okplanntion will be afforded. on ..p pliention nt this office. A full supply of Bonds will he kept on baud for ho Ildizitt: dulivory.. • 3:4 - Y - COOKr — C I 1011 Sn2_3 - I 1 TIT , • • Now Sky-Light. Photographic and Ambrotyp'o , • Gallery. s t( - 1 L. LOC H /),lAN is lAN toin form his numerous customers, anti the public gene. ra ly t. tlytt ho has rent eel_ his establishment to Lis in the building cccupied by Mrs. ,- Nelf. as n Millinery Store, opposite the Cumberland Palley. Bank. Mr. Lechman is now able with his splendid light, and the addition Of new and expensive apparatus; the very hest manufactured, to.produce • PIIOTOGRAPHS,.—CA:RTES - DE VISITED =A MIRO TYPES AND EVERY STYLE OF PIOTUNES„ • equal to,thehestinadmin Philadelphia et , Now-Yerk. , Pictures can he taken now eqUally well. in cloudy ca clear weather. • - - • Daguerreotypes or Ambrotypes of deceased persons coPied, enlarged, or made Into cartes de visite. Carlisle, Nov. 28, 1862. CLOAKS! *CLOAKS! T UST° received from New ._York at - • GREENFIELD k SHEAFEICS NOw and Cheap Store, a bountiful asaertment of new CLOAKS, whleli will be sold lA. Parsons buYintr from us will have the satisibetion of knowin , .they are getting a new,Cloak, as we never kept Cloa ks belere,consegirent. ly could not have any oldatock qls others have to. lay over from ono season to another. -We submit (Mei:lock to the public for examination cud feel confident wo can undersell any house In town. WIEEN FIELD 3 SIIEAFER, ' m west of the County Prisom Carl lee J - • UST received a very large stock Of CLOTHS, ,---..• • C4.S,SINIERES, OVEIZCOATINGS. V EPTINGS., kc., - . . , at the North Hanover Strect•Clthlng Emporium, to which the subseriber begs a careful Inspection of the public to his immense variety of • . Men and Boys' Clothing, of all'styles and sizes. Garments Made to. orCer with neatness add dispatch at. short notice and warranted a lit or no sale, Personw.wishing to buy Aleti!s and ❑ny's wear by the yard. wilt hind a superior assortment of Goods, and will be cut free of charge If desired. kA.AO LIVINGSTON, Opposite American Hotel. . October 24,101. MILL assortment4rMen anill36yir Boots and Shires, suit:able liar the — Wilder. Also, Ladles luid Mi,ses's Itahnoral Bootees, Children's Iloots of Ladiesitnd Gentletnen'tdlUM Over Shoes. My 1/111 CUStninereti and all in, want of guest Hurl heap Hoots and Shoes, will and examine the stook, before purchasing. Main street, nearly opposite the Depot... CIIAS. OUILIIY, Trustee. Carlisle, Nov. 21, 1852. I LITAAY suits of .every 'desorip . Mu. nude at short: notice, of evbry style, color, and quality, at, modern to'prices by - ISAAC LIVINOSTON, _ Carlisle, Oct. 24. North hoover Si. • PAINTS ! PAINTS ! ! Oils, Varnishett,'Turpentinc....We invite the , atten tion or the public to our suporior - WIIITE LEAD, put up exelualvoly in Tin pales, anti warranted to beaucte,A, •rlor-to .any other brands sold in this market. A great variety of colors of the lie,t qualitleit and ceiling - at thti lowest prices, at John . l'. Lytle klMu's,.North Ilunover street, Carlisle.- June 6,' 62. . CILRVETINGS. • A NEW lot , . of thrrpetn, bought for Llk_cosh st auction, now oponing, and selling low for cash, at the cheap 'stor. of - darlislo, Nor. 21.1862 OTlCE,—Lottors of Admioistnition • • on tho ostato of Bonjomin Bnni, dee'd:: late of West borough twp.,-- haring-boon- issued by lbo Register of Cumberland County, to the subserlber, residing In the samo township, notleo is hereby. given. to all persons indebted to said estate to make iminediata payment; and thosoluiving claims to present them duly authen ticated for settlement to Dec. 12, 1862.—Gtt FJSTATE NOTlCE.—LettersTesta rnentary on the estate ofJoi.. Bauman, late of Upper Allen townehip, have boon granted by the Ito- Rioter of Ctimberland county, to the undoroigned m olding In the same township. All parsons knowinir themselves indebted to said estate will make Immediate payment, and those having claims will present them properly anthentleated for outthnuont to ii SS} IIARRI8011; .1 • ISAA.O . IIAUMAN . ,. Deceatbor • • •OTICE,-,t•Leteis of _„ On tho ostatoi of Joshua Smiler, dec y dr.. Igto or fOun township, ./InYlog _ leente to—ther.'tin” scriber In same township:by - the , ile4ts ter — Of Cum berland. Co. Indtlee to hereby given to porsotis Indobt, ed ofttottte.melte,pSymertt. those twang-clams fresout.thoetto SOLES, •. Dec. 28;1862— , f1t. ' Adnitufstratrlx. Fall and Winter Goods, LADIES' DEPARTMENT StIAIVLS AND SCAIUS Office of JAY COOKE, Investinent in (fie Market LOCH - MAN , -; Sky,-.L;gly" GOCDS. BOOTS di. SHOES. 011AS..OGILBY, Trustee ELIZA. BEAR, BALIIDIORE LOCK HOSPITAL. ESTABLISHED AS A . B.EI?UCIE FROM QUACKERY THE ONLY. PLACE.•WIIEICIaIA BE -Oi3 TA• • R: JOHNSTON has discovered fhb moat certain, speedy and only a - dent:nal remedy in the world for all private dignities weakness of the back - or limbsi strictures; kifectionabithe kidneys and bind. der,,lnvoluntary discharges, impoteney, ganorai dobilL ty, nervonsness, dyspupsy, languor; low spirits, confu sion of ideas, palpitation of the haart, trem blings, dimness of sight or gidtlinoss, Alisoaso of ; the head, .throat, nose or skin, affections of tho stomach or bowels—those terrible disorders arising frOns the solitary habits of youth—those secret and solitary - practices more CI tai - to their viCtirins than of Syrens kn'tho Mara kers of Ulyssos, blighting their most , brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, - &c:; impossible. vOUZZG TVEL'N especially, who havu.beeothe the victims of solitary vice,-that d r;m tful-and-il estruCtive—ha hit - whienttnnu.c ally sweeps to au untimely grave thousands a xoung Men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence or 'Nuked to ecstasy the lying lyre, may call with full con fi dence. . • • ZYJCARB,IAGE. '• - . Married persons, or young men contemplating mar riage; being award of physical weakness, organic debil4. ity, deformities, die., spriedily.cured. - • lie winilares • himself, under the rare or , Dr..T. religiously , cMifirle irf his honor as a gentleman, and conlidenttively. Upon his sir ill as-a physician. • • ORGAVAC IrkrEAKNIIISS ' Immediately cured, and full vigor restored. This dim, tresiang .altection.--.which' renders life miserable dud marriage Impossible—is the penalty paid by the'victiihn of improper Indulgences. Young persons are tno opt tof .cominif excesses from not being aware of the dreadful consequences that may ensue. Now, who that under.' stands thnsubject will pretend to deny. that."the power or procreation is lost sooner by those. frilling into Imr proper habits than by the prudent, 7 Besides being de prived , the pleasures of healthy offspring, the roost _serious and destructive symptoms to both body and Mind arise. The systroil becomes deranged, the physi cal and mental functions wealrenixt, hiss of procreative power.-nervous-irrita dyspepSiii; liiiipitation of the heart, I constitutional debility, - a west ng of the frame, cougli, eonsumptionideMy and death. • 01". TOE NO -- 7 SOUTiI FAEDERICE S'X',IIII.ET. • •• Left band side going.frouf iirdtimore street, a few doors from . tin corner. Fail list to obserile minuend number Letters must lin paid and contain a stamp. - The Doc- • tor's Diplomas hang in his olhice. `ET - TIRE riATAIII3.II.FPED IN TWO " • No.W r reury or Nauseous Johnston, mem • Ser of ihn !loyal College of Surgeons, London, Cl raduato front one of the most eminent Colleges In the United States; slid the greater part of iehose lint has term spoilt in the hospitals of London, l'arle,l;hilailelphia and _elSewinire,---hes-elfeeted-soma cures OM were ever known: manytroubled with ring ing in the bead and ems wrist tishiep, great itervittie- 110.1, Lciug nlanued at sudden„sounda,• bashful neate t : • with.frequentdiliishing, aStended-nometinies-with . du. - rangementof•rdind; were tiered immediately. • - rAwritarr•, , ssroTtc.E. widr,,,,es;Lll those' who have lli Ureli themselves by improper indulgence and solitary habits, which . ruin both body add Illi entittingthem for either,bus yeas, study, ..tiittittty or marriage. T 'noise are some of the sad and melancholy effects prrelnedd by early habits of youth, viz: Weakness of the hack and limbs, pains in the head, dimness of sight, • loss hr InTwularp,mr,r, palpitation of the heart, dyspep .Yl nervous irritabilitY, derangement of _the .digestise . functions. general debility, symptom: of emisumption. MENTAI.I.V.—The elbignon the mind are Much toith it ryaded—Piss of _memory, confusion of Ideas. de- • pression of spirits, ovil - lbrebodings, aversion to society; oclf.diStr_ust4evii.of-solititilo r tiuridityrata r tirecsome-or the evils prod sled. Thous:nuts pOrsons of all nges can now judge what is•the eanee•of their declining health, toeing their becoming weak, pale, nervous and.emagieted, having singular appittiOance about the Oyes, cough cud map- e • tonic of con:s=l;lkm. • - Irour,:cr• 2 , 2E11 :Who have injured themzelOes by a certain practice indulged in•whon alone, it habit frequently learued•frett evil companions, or at school, the effects of which are.. nightly-1;4f; eves When_asleep, and if not-eured render:et marriage impossible, and-destroys both mind and body, • • should :triply immediately., What a Pity that a young man, the hope of hiscouto. • try, the darling of his parents, should be snatched from• all.prnspecfs Mid enjoy-ments Of life, bytheconsettnenee of deviating frourthe path of naturs and indulging jio a certain accret hitbit.. Such persona niiist before con•-• himplating •• • • • • _ Crl3 . reflect that a sbund mind and body are the most fie , . •cessary rot - itt:lto& to promote conntibial happiness.— Indeed, without these, the journey through life bnebrues a weary pilgrimage; the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and filled with the melancholy reflection that the happiness of another becomes blighted with our own. 'ISEASE OF nwrztuDmsrcE. When the misguided' and ininrudent votary of plea sure finds that be has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it too often happens that an ill timed sense of sh:till°, or, dread of disco Very, deters him from applying to those who, front education and respectability, can alone-befriend—hint,--delayi ng — till — thir — ermstitutional - symptoms - of - this - horrid - disease - make their appearance' such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, nocturne, pains in the head and lindisdthanees of sight, deafness, nodes on the chin hones and arms,. blotches on the head. face and extremities,. progreising with frightful rapidity, till at last the palate of the mouth or the bones of the nose fall in, and the.victim of thrit a wful digeaso becomes a horrid 'object-of commiseration, till death puts a period to his dreadful sufferings, by send lug him to ‘• that Undiscovered Country from 'whence no traveller returns." It Is a melancholy filet that thousandslitil victims to this terrible disesso, owing to the unskillfulness of ig norant pretenders, who, by the use of.that deadly:poi son, Mercury, rub; the constitution and make the re sidue of life miserable. STRANGERS Trust, not your Eves, or - hen - 11 h, to the care of the many on learned and worthless pretenders, df , Stitule of knowledge, name or charactfr, who copy Dr, JohnsteiV4 a trert3Sraleats, or style the mSelves, in the 11 1 ..IVF:pcpo l ia, regularly educated physicians, incapable of curing, tlit , y," keep ysu trifling month after Irma It, taking thoir filthy' and peismmus (mullion nds. or as long as iho smallest fee • can be obtained, tai - d nn despcir,`feave you with ruined health to, sigh IOTOr your galling disappointment. Dr. Johnston is fl;to only Physician advertising. Ills credentials oxiliptemas always hang In hls office.' -.His remedies or troutuent are unknown to all others, - prepared front a life spent In the great hospitals. of Eu rope, thb first in the country and a -more extensive nlvatii — practiee than any other physlchnxin the world. INDORSEM ENT OP .THEPTtESS. The many tbousandsgured at tiiis Institution year aftet year, and the numerous important Surgical Ope rations• rwrforined by Or. Julinstoti, witnessed by the reporters of the " and' many — other' papers, liaises of which have appeared again and again. Andhra the nubile, besides his standing - as a gentleman of charaeter and responsibility, is a sufficient guitranteo' to the afflicted, • SKIN' DISEASES sPEF.,DILit CURED. Porsonti writing . shnuhl. :tiirertin their letters to this Institution, in the 11;110wim: man ner: JOHN M. JOHNSTON, M. D. Of the lialthnoru Lock Hospital, Baltimore, Ald. May 2, 1812—ly 11!Mexir. ••••••ada-wss ur Emivor4 .m•rwtir• ..,114. , 11171M11 El * NEW FAMILY GROCERY ,ANDAIAEENS WARE.sroaE, rif um subscriber lias lately