Ayer's Sarsaparilla A compound remedy, in which we have la 'bored to produce the most effectual alterative that can be made. It is a concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla, so combined with other substances of et ill greater alterative power as to afford an effective antidote fur the diseases s a rsaparilla is reputed to cure. It is believed that such a rcinctly iK wanted by those who , suffer from Strumous complaints, and that one 1 which will accomplish their cure must prove ' of immense service to this large class ,of our afflicted fellow-citizens. How completely thin compound will'do it has been proven by exper iment on many of the x% orst cases to be found of the following complaints: WWII LA ANIS SUIZOITLOUS COMPLAINTS, U 110 NM 5511 Ent ern C DISEASES, ULCERS, PIMPLES, 131.0TCII:s, TUMORS, SALT RHEUM, SCALD lime 1 , , SYPHILIS AND SYPHILITIC AP- - PECTIONS, I it, DISLASE, DROPSY, 'NEU RALGIA OR Tie Doci.,,vm.ux, DEBILITY, PEPSI% AND INDIoPNTION, ERYSIPELAS, ROHR on Sr. _A NY'S I ' n u., and indeed the whole class of complaints arising from ImrunlTY OP This compound will he found it great pro moter of health, when taken in the spring, to expel flit ,- foul limners which fester in the blood at. that season of thil year. 11y the time ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of find eruptions and ulcerous sores, through nhiclt the system will strive to rid itself ,if corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood uhencver you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores; cleanse it when you find it is ob structed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this pabulum 'of life disordered, there (111 he no lasting lwalth. Sooner or later something inu.t go wrong, and tlw great nnteldnery of life is disorfferecl or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, and deservOi much, the reputation, of accomplishing thc,e ends. lint the world has Leen egregiolnly deceived hy preParatioini of it, inutly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more beeauf...e many preparations, pretending to be concentrated txtracto of it, contain but little of the virtue of San•aparilla, or any thing else. T)nrinF late years the puhlir haN't , been mis lod hy large liottles„proeirding to !.;111• a (1111 It .of Extract of Sarsaparilla fur one dollar. Most of then have been fraud. upoellie sick, fur they not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa rilla, but often no cut alive propei tic. 5' hat CV or; Bence 'titter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the vni ion. (..NlvaliS of Sarsaparilla 'which Hood the market, until the name itself is justly de , pked, and has lie,onie SyIIOIIVIIIMIS ith 11111,051t1.11 and cheat. Still we call this compound S;ue;gca ;ind intend to supply such n rcmedy as shall rescue the name from the load of ohlogny which lusts upon it. And we think we bare ground Inc believing it has vit tut s which au' in.sistilde be the ordinary run of the di.eitses it is intend ed to cure. In in dl2l to ,CCI C their complete eradication front the stem, the uinredy should be judiciously taken according In directions-0n the bottle. • =9 DR. J. C. AYER Zic. CO. 7.0NVE1,1.. 7\l:\s-;. Price, SI. per Bottle ; Sic Bottles for $ Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, has won for itself such a (mown for the cure of ,cry eariet) of ]m i tt and 1..1114; Complaint, that it is entirely 1111111,,, , .11, fin 11, to lecutint the evidence of its virtues, whetolol it line heel% em ployed. As it ling long, been in constant lice throughout Jlri,'ct:twu, tv tiri d Wit 110 11. , ,11re the pruldc ii , 1 1 11:111iy is Iti•pt up ti the best it e'Ver tt s hoc%, nuul that it 111:1 \ he relied on to du (Or their tcltcf all it !lit, cict hoer foutd to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, Fort THE HOOT or Costiveness, Juunfli,e, Dplupsia, Indiyestian, Dysentery, Foul Nuunnh, ystreias, ILudaclte, liheumalishi, Ee,rphons and b 1 in Diseases, Liver (hanyland, Dropvy, Triter, Tumors and .salt Rheum, Warms, Gout, Neuralgia, as a Dinner ,and for PurilYing the Blood. --They-tme•totg-ar-eriated,-so -that-ilte 111014 ACTISI - can take them pleasantly. and they are the, a best aperient in the amid for all the purposes of famil) physic. Pr,ig9_2s eents - Ror Box; Five boxes for $l.OO Great numbers of Clot \ Strll4,R -111011, Mini eminent per-on:tuts. 11:1, I' lent their name, to crrtifn the totpto all. It d of these reinetlicts, but our spate Inure o ill not Lt nttit the insertion of them. The ,Sgents Lehi, introit fur nish walk out Asnut It N .\t \LON on ill ‘k 111 , h they arc given n \sift aim, full ripti. , ll , nit ii. :Wove cotaiplainte, and the Ire:dolt tit that dotuld be fol lowed for their elite. Do not be put off lu unprincipled dealer , nilh Oilier pu•p.n.ivau, the, ivalr !Im, innot o n. I)einand A t Lufs, and t.i It no ot.),et. 7he sick .cwt! I lin !“,t aid thin• t. list thew, and thou should hat it All our Remedies arc fin side by For by ‘l. 11 n,r•Lk I. all / Pasebaker, Samuel BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! L'k_7,l INCE the late Victories I)()mestic Cot 1-nt, e anti there is now n pros peet, 1.1 eetting a Nt .SAN 1 hlt 1111.1,E11 i at thei/eW tllllll . l . )lnrtiu ' n ti /Na', East Main ntiroet ;Ain emits: dally largo sup• plies of _ _ NEW SPRING GOODS, which, our r/111 stock sor Orturmituul to CITY PRICES. DRES:: Wm) 011,ery ; Plain and Fancy Silks at all Prices. A largo lot of new Flank Silks at 75, 87 1 ,, 1 00. 1.21. 1.50, 1 7.), you 2.50; nee Spring Delaines al 2:i yenta: 4,010 yards host quality 31nriniae, Cocheed, Paidlie and American Prints. din: and light colors, nen' styles, at a large lot at and.lo. Full and SECOND MORNING PRINTS, host quality English, 12 1 /. els. All kinds Domestic ni high/tins 12 1 iLi; Mancheiiter ; French and i 4 eoteh Dress and Bonnet ingqains at 25. BROWN AND *IV II ITE M USLINS at wholesale and i °tail, a good quality h, tine 10, 4 4 wide Alsti, a 4, 10 4, 11-1, 14.4 at corresponding prices. All kinds of HEAVY lit)DB in large stqply at red aced priers—'pickings, Stripoh, Cheeks, Drlllinre, tienaburgs, Cotton Marmot', A , Ac. IAI.II Goods of all kind:, Table Cloths, Shootings. Linen Diapr, Nap kins, Shirting Linens, Shirt Fronts, Collars, at the old prices. White Goods, all kind:, al old prim,. • SPRING lANTLES, DUSTERS, Shawls, Embroideries, kc, Hoop Skirts direct from the factory. 1,00 d0z.1411.1 knefi. Menu and Boy's HOSE, 12 , /, to 2541 en's and Boy's Wear— BLACK CLOTHS AND CASSIMEIIES, all gravies, Fancy Cassimeres, latest styles, Vestings, Satinets, Jeans, Cotton:ides, _ tug secured Ihr ~ . mires of 11. first class Tailor, ee are prepared to get up Clothing in the most fa,hlonable style at short notice. '" CARPETS!. CA RPETS ! ! 'We are reed'sing our Spring supply of Carpets ; compris ing all the various kinds kept in a first class ,Carpet House. Carpets ranging in price from 12.3 to 1.25.- 011 Cloths, ail widths. Mailings ' Looking Glasses, Shades and blindsnfall kinds. I,oon lbs. Carpet Chain; Feathers; Cotten Batting; Countes panes, ,N;c., Bc. All the above goods and many others, we offer to pus chasers at a small advance above cost. Winter Dress Goods—Shawls, Mantles, Furs, less than list cost. We are determined not to be undersold. Please yell and examine our imnience stock. 0.-A_We will make additions of New Goods as the one. son advaubes. All Goods warranted to be whid we sell them fur. LEIDICII, SAWYER & MILLER Carlislo rebrnttry 28, 1862. 1862. SPRING. 1862. I . • SAA.O LIVINGSTON now offers one of the beat end most attractive assortments of Piece Goods over exhibited in this place for lYlen and Boys' Wear, of every style, quality and price, and is continually re calving additions as _the season advances, of all the latest novelties and styles to suit all classes. Our stock of READY MADE our own manufacture, cannot ho excelled for STYLE, AND CHEAPNESS, of ovary variety to suit thu season, taste, and pockat. All we want Is a call and sue for yoursolves at ISAAC LIVINOSTON'S North Hanover Street Clothing Emporium N. B. All goods bought from us by the - piece or yard, by persona wishing to hove It cut to measure, can be accommodated free of ,charge. . Carlisle, May 1, 1862. 1 RAVING SALOON.—Having fitted up in the very beat stylo, the rcom In Cramor's building ; next door to A. L. Spoliator's office. 1 ankpro pared to give my tonsorial attentions to ell -who may honor MO with a visit. 1 shall constantly be' Supplied with competent and polite hands end shall sparono effort to give general satleiliction. I wish to _employ a good boy, botween 14 and 17 yearn old, Apply immediately t J. Carlini°, Juno 27,1662=-Iy. MYERS'. BOOTS.AND SHOPS.—Just received at OGILBIPS Sloro, an ontiro ,rm atock of ladlete, and , Clllldron'a Morocco 13oots, 411oua autl - palloroi.or,iito - lorat quality arid-tweet -Irk-Oa- DR. WILLIAM B. 11UItD'S MOUTH WASH D' A BURE REMEDY FOR A Bad Breath, Sore Mouths, Canker, Diseased Bleeding Gums, Nursing Sore Mouth. A ND the best specific now in use for Ca_ ANY diFeased condition of the mouth. It is particulnrl3 beneficial to per s ons nearing A RTIFICIA TEETH, completely destroying every taint of the month, nb• sorbing and removing ail inwurittes,lnsuring A SWEETn It EA T I-1 to all who make ustrtlf IL. No Youm; Lint' or YOUNG tiENTLEMAN Who is afflicted with a BAD 131111TH should delay Applying this rem,. y n tar it it a certain cure. and Is approved and Inntennlnlended by every phy. blrlan ends: in hose lautnru It has been brought. USK D. Win. 13 11 CRIF.ti MOUTH WASH. I'rep.u,l at Dr. Dr llD'h Dental Mike, Nu. 77 Fourth Street, Brt.ultlyu, E. D. 41:1Y - Price 37 Cents per Bottle.-kc A liberal disroutit cicada to d,alers. Address Principal Office, Tribune Buildings, _ _ No„1 Spruce Streot„New York Sold In Philadelphia, by Itytitt. R Co., 21;2 North 2d Street: 0 B. Hubbell, 1410 Chestnut street; and by all Itrueekt,„ DR. WILLIAM B. II CR WS TOOTH POWDER! This Powder I,a:sane:es the CA it Rtl\lC Rrrtwur TII I.: 15.1111111.1 I'IMPERTIES (IF (11.11tri iA 1.. and tree rl . Olll .orAi•iik "I A that ran in the least injure the Teeth. It‘aetion heina entirely Int.n.hanical —ptditshitst.t tt tilt nut Ora ring the enamel. 11r. B. !turd's Tooth Powder Is I.y all Eminent Dt-nti•its Pr . .. 1.1,1 nt Itr. litird't, Dental (411,..., No. 17 you r th t. E. D. $- Price 25 Cents per Box. - t ti A liberal tli,reoltzt made to de:dem Address Principal Office, Tribune Buildings, No. 1 Spruce Street, New York. IroMid.. by Caswell. )Inek & FULL Avenue trte': .I_k 1. C.F.I liupt , nn. 71: lireall,ty; I). S. Barnes, Ilreadway. slid by all Druggists. - DB. WILLIAM B. lIURI)'S TOOTHACHE DROPS For the Cure uf Toothache, o all tiatiti, with :111 iel love Lltt.ut•elvt, ft 0111 that tlistre,sing tv?.a.tut—,l.y 1. 1 0 S F ti I,1:E1', and th.l, n,hl gr, at sillTerititr. lei Leopittg 11 ill the i'l . l at. Dr. 1111111'h Delltlll ()like, No 77 Fourth t. It (ink 12 l'i•nta per A lihrrvl dis,outit made In 11,11,5. Address Principal Office, Tribune Buildings, No. 1 Spruce treet, New York 1 , 1011.111 a, by , 2;2 :snriii 21 Stivnt, It r Ilubbi•li, I and by all t.iii-ts DR. WILLIAM B. HURD'S EU LG lA PLA ST E S, Trin NEVIZAUIIrA Oft \CIIE CED lIV COLDs. T.. 41 11, N El'll 1,. /1.17), ruru.l I.y 11)..ir They Act like a chum, alla are pet iu 01.4. nature: d u , lt rt/i/ U.. 1, a 11,4 awl uniden %tilt iesti lt, Dr. Wm. B. Huni's Neuralgia Plasters 11,, Lin In •,,I,e hati , 1.1 , 1.1k.11 ta tent lhru irtarl Prerlar,l at Dr. thud's Dontal Slltiee, No. 7 . 7 F..kitt It IStool.l.ti, E. D. Cray" Price, wily 1.", Ell'll. — i:L.4l A Iberia discount maid. to dealer.. Address Pi iocipal Office, Tribune Bindings, No. 1 Spruce Street, Now York l.y 2 - .2 tii Street; II t_1......:111:1 r l 1-.1 : ail lit tiggi , t , NtiTit'r.-1.. .1:6!) It , 'O.Ol 010 0110 01' 01011,3 lir. lIUIIt 11, 1111 R0i1101.110., ~t 11.11r110.0. . . I.il. 'O , OO .110 11110 o'l o ,01et ihr N 0111.11,11 1 NSIIi• II ,0 10 1, I . I.• cvitit 411, :1101 01.0 , t 101,11 , .t Itl• 1) 0 1 , 00 , 10i.0 . 05,00`, 11, 11; 1 , , 1101 •I...hind the i‘t• Ic.nc 1,1 \\ 11l 1,111.111.110,. .1 1 01 1 1.. 01 111'1.11101 . % )Itilitli 111...11i At Ili. a hos At tl.• .ori I.lli•tr. 1.0,1 10/110. 01 WI; I 111,2 thi.m. the prop, to i"it • T...•tit,..t itself the vitt it.. "WI M critic ',a i.tle ',Maly nth,' iis's.ity :cc , il..lliir.•tir tor ci• A, Ili , . expit-ss ar./ iiiti.•ll it :it, /1 - 11 t11.“1 011 ..11.•. it. is I:" Orth•r irt or a plc ti I, -- .A of 1.. it .••t limy lit it, It -till.. I. s. mut un,urc 1. 0 1114 ...111. I I. i• ills t ..r.• I I,li comp:. t.• lietttal A• 1.11...., s: II lit 111,t i 0 1 1 .1110. 1:11flilhig, :S. IV 1 . ..11, i1:01 erll, 0.11 . 10 plainly That le. 111.,. th 1, hi. m.(dr •II =ME lIIMMIIIME .1 HMI; %%ht.!. - IL .11,1 ‘1,11.r h., allt•i•l r % t tlt•It• I • 1000 ADEN Ts NV A N I intrrntuve Dr. Ilurtft, Dental Itentektler 'Ounty. Men or Ivontett nho ttnnt t.. tnnlo• quiekley. ern do better eith the, tttlit.lon than ni., Unit, tit nottket. They aro 11 , 0111 i. mot.tre t.pon 11111: tiltlusan.l. tot, et ti-ine then, fnr In•netit .tiler In. Itono.ot saniple.,etottninto, doren of the one dollar ttolsn.ret. alto% e ,lonnittot watt be tnott„ on tectopt ot sot etn tlollatn. nh .itt Molt pr •, to any person Stishing to tett his or hers , tit iu .nelling..with n time beeonsing a .leettt Nt• w rid ratite. ism tottnete , than Clontnit,nlotts to tho, e who Imo, Ittetto , eli es ellivieot salesmen. NOW in busitions. For address And reference sew al,eve. IMMO 800 K S , FANCY GOODs, CONFECTIONARIES, F It UITS, PERFUMERY, PRESERVED FRUITS, MINCED MEAT, PICKLES, &C. S. W. 11A VERSTICK, North Hanover Street, Carlisle, Penn' a. lists just opened an assortment of Fresh Drugs, Pali cy Goods. Gill Books. Perfumery, Fruits, and Conf . °, titulary, which has never been surpassed Its this bor ough. for novelty stud eleg:suct. The articles havo.been selected with great ea. 0, and are calculated, in quality stud p. lee, to cow mend the at of purchasers. FANCY GOODS, which comprise every variety of fancy articles of the most exquisite finish such as. Papier Machu Goods, Elegant alabaster and porcelain ink-stands and trays. Fancy in ory, pests I and shell card eases, Ladies' Fancy Baskets. Fancy Work Boxes, with sewing instruments, Ladite' Calms, Writing Desks, nod Port Purl Mollusks. of every variety. Gold isms and pencils,. Fancy Paper weights, and a large variety of ladies' Fancy stationery. Motto seals and wafers, Silk slid bead purses, Biding whips, elegantly finished. Fine cutlery, Perfume baskets stud bags, Brushes of every kind fief the toilet, X. Bad is stud It. k G. Wright's ,Soaps and Perfumes of various kinds, Fancy Pins for head dresles stud shamus. Musical instruments, together with an innumerable variety of articles elegant ly finished and suiteble for L ID A 1' REST. 11 7 T to which he Invites special attention. Also, an extensive and elegant collection of • BOOKS, comprising various English and American Works, richly embellished POETICAL WORKS, Bibles and Hymn Books, elegantly bound In velvet with motel clasps and corners Ills assortment al School Books and School Stationery Is ulsu complete, and comprises everything used in. the Schools. lie also desires to call the particullir attem Hon of Families to his elegant assortment of LA 31 P S Ac., from the extensive establishments of Cornelius, Archer and others of Philadelphia, comprising every style al Parlor, Chamber and study Lamps, for burning either Lard, Sperm pi Etherial oil; also DYOTT'S celebrated Kerosene or Coa I Oil Lamps, together with Flower Vases, Fahey Screens, tic. His assortment In this line is un. equaled he the borough. Also; SEGARS AND TOBACCO, embracing all the f,vorito brands ' and a floe assort. moot of MEERSCHAUM SMOKERS AND PIPES, the celebrated Killecochhil; Lynchburg Smoking Tobacco. ' FItUIT S, such as Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Rabaul, Nectarines, Plmes, fie., FANCY CONFECTIONAItY—NUTS--PRE SERVED FRUITS, MINI PICKLES, &c. , in'every variety and at all prices, all of which are pure and fresh such as ate be confidently recumnionded to his friends., His stock embraces everything in the line of Fancy 'goods, with umhy other articles useful to hoes ekeepers which the public urn especially-Invited to call and examine. Remember-lice Old Stand, nearly opposite the Bank on . North Iltfuover street. Dec. 20, 1801 NAILS ! NAILS ! NAILS ! I A large stoelc of good, Clean, Neat, end Tough nalls, at the lowest Prices. Our palls are worth Wets a keg more, than any other make of nails sold' in' our town. this is the opinion of mechanics who have tried them, we also "MVO a full assortment of DIATEILIALB, of the lntopt land trkost approves war. ottoull itcfrepreuentud. JOHN P. LYNg S SUN. MEW STORE AND NEW GOODS, MEW After returning. his acknowledgements for the very libaraLpatronage which has been extended to him, the undersigned would call attention to the Met that ho has just re-opened his extensive assortment of fanihly In his now store-room, on the south-eest„eorner of the public square, where the public are in V itod to call and examine a stock of goods which, in elegance, variety and extent. will defy competition; comprising in part loaf, lump, erusheil and brown sugars, Java, dile and roasted Coffee. Every vu-...C1r•0i • rioty and quality or TEA. iiplces, (ground 'MUNI! .e and llllPuuntl,) Pickets, Sauces, Table Oil. Now Orleans, SuMuhottse and Trinidad , Molasses; New York and Philadelphia I. 4 yr- Cheese, }!neuron I. Yermecilli, split Peas. hominy, Mincemeat, corn : 4 larch, Farina, Chocolate, I.:street 0. Coffee, refined sugar lit reduced rate, washing and bak ing soda. Tiicwes ot the most favo r it e brauds, and the finest ninthly of Segals. Mao. ft beautiful assortment of liritauni., War, plain 11111 i g .1 I band China Ware, Glass, Queens. ;Iloilo :Intl Mil thef n are. In groat va• riety„ind an elegant Int oY nun. 3 Soaps, extracts find perlinnery for the toilet. 1 , 1:1:1'1%, Including In rims, Ha Crun berrivi. dry npplcn. citron, /dint - mils, "ranges, lemons, 2 Liquoits : Whnlesalo and rvtall, fip 111 o;;t,innion and nld 11yv AVMs Di:lndies. dark :end pale. Lisbon 7, Z 4 1 . : 1 • Stwriw Mad. , ria.(;lng.r, Catawba 4 .eaffm , and . .%tu,vat Miles Si , 1040.1 and lint. t . (1,. 604. It (S Inmke.y, Holland Gin, and Scholdam Schmtirph. A I.lr,zr sloe': of LA 'II'S. inelmling 1)yot t's colehrateil lamps fm Mirmlm 10.1.,sene sr g.on I .11, also Sl form, Vine. La 1,1 .$ll,l Loa] Itll. Burulim fluid, Sperm and A NI) Bill)(1MS. Itru.lo•• Snaps. t e. fine letter and 1101., paper. 1..• retten woellen Hese, and half and n full gtoels i.r wove, iudmitug the well hnlos,ll Hanover itnel, •Oeve, 1 I. Inc .tort: enn.prise, rverythint: t hat tc calletl P.. - tit I.ll , tint.s , and 1111 otTortg Dlll hr ,parad to rend', ettlirt. sat Islatlit.t. I I.ls rti,ton.ors "I a 1: 4 7 o.l' RN . if ff: FA)111.1' - GEOCERY AND TEA „At ' crs{l,'4, VON . E.III;ER 11;2. • “I • 4 tl that 1 hr,•ll.'ht ;4,, .1 :11 1:1.1) .1),0 )1 Lt•il l!J•• ~•: I 1.1 1:x,; ••t1 ‘I .ti, (li.mg,• , . I I.- 11.11. FM(' and 1,1.‘ lion 11.111111,, 1 1 / 1 1 I.lt I,', c 1 1111 , ,\1 , 1.1 , 141' 1 '11 111,11 1 1.11 111,141' 11.111 111" 11 11,11•. nt (11, , v , ry Fi I. 111...\ TZ. • t I • ; 4 ••• ; 4 ' . ,s ; • .11 .1_ •" r • . 424 - e . s r I t• 1111.EMEN'I . 1)1'...1'0T 1 .1.1.. 1 .1 `11...•1 11 pt1,,,,01:“„ At, Ic I I L I.l'l IT AI. 111 I'l.l. )1 I. P Ts, nl 11 nl li.n.•d t. , C ifliriF among A, 11..1, 0111. 1111 .. 1 , .•. • 1.11.1t tll 15 1LLOUGIL 1 . .) 11'1.11 I'.ll I,\T (; ".11 I.\'(•1 (: 11j /A" 11 le I I„ I'hi is In, lA., tt, ei Ittl I ir , t4 l 'ato.; l'etuniunis Fttnte 1;t1 Plans 'ln tlie I;rit Inert, of Cumberland. 1 eel; . 11P41 Pet t etutntitt , eit i1f . .•.1 ~p ro in tleiitil tti i i,r titer drill. a. twei et- ttilltein are II“NV the fruit 1.11 tn. in till se et-unties. Its leitutn• Olin I. it,t.ilth;hetl le. I In. nie.t ettinitlele nun In t melt in I.lle I. ett,vx Wheat, 1:,.'. .111 d luta—, evenly and regular, et; Iten t-I,llnelt le.teten.l. het tlt ..N ,t tl .fttitte. elirflruit Itlettlon. t th .11 Ittt t Ann it g stui hie Int \ ; L I t; 'lie In 1 In ill It. unetintillett It, ally itt Iter tilt— et tun: it tug. .n ,l. Ittllen Inv a; In Its. ll tut 11 u. t e it . ,ttientl it; I tit 11 , Idlaldt . 1/$11 , 14 . 1111,1t, I ,•••1:. I n-1.- li.ll I, 11•1 11•.1...1 - I 111 1 .1 I'lll \ I'l A \'l I:11. 1.1,11: I'lll •'I I. 111 A 1 , '1 , 1/1 11 LI '1"fl It, :I'l I''ll l'lt -• I'lll 1 . 'l' t 11 I:.\ I' 1111 It 1 111.1.. .1, VII ('ArT Iltt li4lll'S V. 1'•. . r I I`..i..ds 311.1 ‘: • • • 1',.11,1: :$. I I. 1 II rd.), tick's 10i . 1 I • 1.111114'11.11 , tr. il/1.101,)” 1 1 .146." T.•/, I:11 , 4 II Iv tin 111101.100 it t , l') Iv. rthers. 11r I. IV Vi ill :41 tE:tv lal i rll 1,1 1;11 terns f o r IRON 11.1 I TI.I;N: I Illlirll Nve Nioold , ,dlriltlid.. IMIIII/1 1%. (1 ,1111J1 11 , 1 , 41, 1,1111 e give led ticu l.ni .1!J Ads vienci,e hid patterns 1,11 11111, :".1%1 Gem uloct.intly acin •. n, 31,1 ILI N 1 li•Adc 1.0 fur urhldllllll a ' , tinted 11.11,ue nl 1 11111•11. Pat vc. 1. n:ll.l.ll.a:inn. inn )I:whine:lie!) eollipricem all the I.non. I•adc I••rl iiroing, PLulluen,W Imiching FLult in, and l'a•tins. and,.as tut inists. STE.A.ACENCINES of cayacity flien tell tip tm enty tiveliorso powiw. huilt lu thY• hest i.tl le and oil MCI nit.dat log ten ins. Login., loolt at our virahlli•linicnt may be I.ll,ilieSSi 111 the ingest DiFtilloria, and I'ollotle, 011111 uml•erinud ferry anti Datiphin rouidito, t , there nor,. we ri•frr her I/0 , 1111,1(1.41 lIS l'orsto, wanting Steam Engines are earnestly ze quegted ci.ll3lld WI/1111111V helot!: contracting else. Nv hie e DOOR PI ND SASH FACTORY, Inn Hl.lllll Stlol and DO, :dall UT at lola a 111 , 11 in 110 W 01 eerlur 111 111:111111:1, of pl I, of 111'11.111M: )1A 1 11:111 ALS. l'or the most costly 10. 0511 as the plainest house. 15 1 1 i, doir Lush furnished 18 S reels tipaind, according to sloe of glass: 15 intioW Ntunes non] $1 111 lino aid ; Sha Its, and In 11111::, blinds how $1 i 5 upward; Four Panel Doors frsni 12 opea.d Inounllngs, Castings gush d r , ibursets. Fancy lhapery, n rills, ad oilier al ti.. 11, needed in house building, furnished at t In• lon est pi Iris Wild Of the best q nalny of lumber. nv,,,llii :no Aso peopared, as heretofore. to build epair 111 1 11 DEN CA liS her iiiinsporterson the rails sad, sit), iirtopi nee, and nu reasonable terms pooh. Ix respectfully tiollvited, I rrtl, 1.1 . 1.11) lly attended to EMIIIIII lb',E,' EN IF E & CO., One door west of the Gunty Prison. r AVE just received n splendid its j_ ,ortnient. of Ness . (1,,15. Gum New , V0r1( nod Philadelphia, ss Mai Bill he Hold unusually loop for cab". Fancy Silks in Great VUrieties, of all grades, from 75 rents to $1,50. In the above line el (loud:: we defy competition. - SILK AND IVOOLEN FOULARDS, Sills Poplins, Llama Cloths, Mosambiques, Shepherd Plaids, Wool do Lafnos, Choilles, Lairlin, .tc. Sir R TOM 11 PIEJLOLEVE at reduced prices. We fire now offering our entire stock it new styles of Spring• Detainee at 20 cents, orth 20 cents. Good Printti nE 13112110 Corbroter, Merrimac and Sprattnes at 1234 Bleached and unbleached 31uslins at It, 8 ttnd In Coll tn. Extra quality, ono yard wide at 14,' Imo la. Lancaster Wag. Lams at 14 cents. rzzo - aqs COTTON AND -LINT.:N penlins, Jeans, In great variety and al old prices. "MEN AND .JSOYS' WEAR.. A very handsome let or . CLOTHS & CASSIAIERESS A full line of the above goods always on bond. Also, Hoop Sklar, of the latest Now York styles. 8. W. 11AVERSTIolt 4,800 yards of earwax', nil of tim uow•nat designs and patterns in the mariset.vanglog in PHs° from ile: 4 ; " 8 . to $1,(0 por yard. Ifavitsg purchased Cut above assort moot lu Now York, Soo are unabltal to °fie). superior inductunonts to all mho will favor us with a atilt. As, our stole is now a permanont institution in we are determined to nusintalietho same (wit' havo al ready established) of soiling cheap, notwithstanding the various rumors I bat havo boon clreulatod4n regard . to our 1, acing tnton tiliMiN BLD - S:7 Cat! Ible, May 2, 1602. filiscillaneous. to C ~C;1 ~~s' AND t 4 .\ LT effriisle, OM '27, ISt,ff-ly 1;i)- )forketin,f of nil lauds taken in est:111111,f, ,o Jo , t lo and ho le rt.•.l I;in, Jain 111111 Morn- C/I ( I.lk, Crinshort Pill vet iLt•li ringers. Itetimiii nut eiirmnior yrtql 7 , 1 , 11:1S ,S, I ideallS n. Spire, 11•1 Vli itrit•ty•— . rtntri•, nut Chu i. ] 1'.11Pi1. , 3 :1111 r 11111)1,.., tse6 ! 1 1 / a tc(jes cuth Jetuefro WATCHES, snArEn-wARLAynim-ysi , ..l-0d ,fidd 10,1,1 Stand, West Main St., 11r, c , oppogift, the Cumberland ValleY (lank. lintvejust recuived4 ucu assorta ttttt it et watches, owelry.maidallitin,nilver ware. t. t•.. io addition In toy miner stock to wide)) I lota,. the a ttailiiiin of the public, Tha.assertnient eintiracvs line cold and silver lever watches, liuntiny end open aloe do.. gold An chors Tor Indies and I.lentlenion and Oliver Loplirgs and Quartier watches ut every variety in style and price. Also fins gold Medallions. Breast-phis for Indies and Gentlemen Of every quality, pattern and prhe. ❑ald fob, vest. curb and neck chains. Gold bracelets, finger rings, culf-pins, studs, sletivnbuttons, crosses, charms, &c., Ac. Gold and sliver thimbles, silver and plAted butter knives, forks, table, ten, salt and mustard spoons of every variety. A large assortment of gold, silver and common spectacles, to suit all ages to which we invite special +taut, Lion. A fino lot of GOLD PENS from the best makers, spectacle cases, floury boxes, silver and pearl card eases, gold and common bracelets, sodteh chains, 4 Mantle Clocks :male rurlety of articles usu ally kept in Jewelry e,,tahli , htnents, which 1 will sell low for rash. All articles e.ar. • " ranted to ho who) they and represented. Particular attentipn paid as usual to if WATCH REVAIItINO and all work war,. I.A ranted. Dec. 23. TR67.1 Cumberland Valley Bank, N fIC E. IT will be seen by the lullewiug ildver -I.lsetunitit, that ninny Arlstorgreiti, Key , ha- retired Irmo the Orin lir Ker, lieu lap A V.,.. and that of Carlisle Cowl. is, leis here as seciale with the rernaielog parrot, lino' her. lint.lap A: Co.. and that N 1 illiain . Keplitiro has Le en vit•i'Lt-ii Cnsliiiir int the pl.r a of 3lr. are IsAne IN, It lCuwnr \\ 4.,01)ti, Jinx C. DUNI.A This Mink, Rlll continul. lo n Len, al It.:lll;iiig mud Exchati.:ll I uslnr.n, at Lb. it I;ar,,ittg 11.. ii... Carli•111, omit, the name 1.41 st)ln t.I loney will be reee iced on deposit n lot pahl Earl, uu (1011131111 without With . , U,otilic,ktr-ot 11, po•11 1000 otereNt at the role 5 pri rent will he '1,11,1 tor es ehnrt ~i.eriod no toni olooths Interest On all von tilt e.tt COONO at MILLI, it V, Ilia If=s h ,so•t 11,1 es ion renewed at any flute lherestlor given period, they Owl! !wan the s•mnie iiitt• nl' in forest up to the time of retie, al Te ly oimys notice must be given of on lo•tentlon to withdraw Interest posits ' • =MEE 110 rrtopli(LOrS \volt ra van the attention el . Fa rotor-, Ntartmittas and all othOr, who desire a qata tleitt,itor) For that , toonay, fn the hat that. (hay Ail. 110 t (I.llv tin lie to (ho amount of their rtot k In the Bank. but ttra INDIVIDtI.III.I liable to tint eXtl.lltl,r their (vhola In.tarra far 7111 the Itepottits, awl other ottlittation, at Dunlap Co. tiruktr. 4 .,tl.ll.lvon t.. t r , .11.•0t ion V.", 1 N(ltvs, Clo•cks..tir., in a.t) pal I 17ni1,1 StHt,';ll.l lt,•mit tam., molt• to ;my part. td th,• :11/11 They 1 , 111 it all tin1051 , 1,1,1 , •, , ,..110 at, rlmi• I 1,1 desired m111•,:11:1 tl: 111 , 11, 1:1.1 1 I•r , in ,I:tii'l:1 I T 11:: !hall/11 1 :1,1 ~,,111111,•,,Iial 1,1• , ..11,11 ,, 1 all 1 , ‘,111 , , , , t.• thf•la nn Lr r•• 11,1 'I lie 11,1, „ ill 1••• open 1 , ., 1 11,'11,.,1 1 1,, the tu ,, , '111,111:111 alll.l :111::1 I 11:1 1' 1•1 1.1 /11:•,1,1 t. Root Nvw II tl.ll . 1 . A f'd. 1 I. \V CIAO, k r”. 111,11, NV, 1,1111. 11, 1 6, \\ W II I.lllr \ IMEEM h 7. 0()1\ l 1 . It \ 111. 1V11111(1 A t‘II, the •„, rind Ihe 1,131.1 n. gimPia 11, that. Ile ,1111111 i i•,•d IIIr•III:l1111 i•II .11..0 1,1,..,1.,11 1, iti I' II tiy.•l 1mi14111.,. •.11 .11,4, th. I'llo 1r ~,,,r, 1. r.„lir•r,- hr•„I II 01 011 time , I.e 11..1, all 1.11.0- ~t ..rrll, m linv ~ 1. 1 ‘11, 1 1.1“, ith 111 . 11 t 31111 h A II moil; .111 lie W... I, att , l 01111'1'0,J ppretttic AI. tl 1,111 nt, ol I tim, had fil , ••• TESTI , PRI.II I 4 .‘ r—Tic,ll '7TIT rANS 1I ,141. :1111i nttOhl H.', , 0.a., a: I L. s r o, ,ii.ara of I ',11,1t...0 I 2•.. V(l).\ LAN I )I.l' 11);1•:li 1:.11;1)• It.• Ilnyt•lhiq w1t,,,• , 11:,t, 1,11 MEI lllllll= N,• t• • ,••• ••1111.tud.tud l ttt 1,11 t• :Intl .4 tt t•,t) t I ••• nt,• L••••I MEE 1.1101. I : ius and \\ I 01 1.1111.: ..r t... 1 I.L ' , II:I.!. 1 ~ I. 1,. All kind, 01,1110,0 r, 0 r, 1.1 and I tali, of dtfferent gpalitite, jna rat, tt out own we eau furnish l• ills to ord., of 11 i , •,llland at th e %horteittuoti,a andthen toat ainnotl•le loons. Our wnrlted hoard., will Is kept under rot er to that they ran he furnished dr) at all tones We haul , vomit:l4loy, on hand all hind, nt l•:,mlly Coal undo, rover, NVElett tar trill detivel 'lean to any part of the botouith. Tow it frA 1, LET , LUKE FIDDLER, TR I:\ oRTitN, I,O('UST MOUNTAIN, LOBBERY. i••• • _to fi , l l at at low ell in hes q o:dity or Lon, !oil-arr . :l and BlackNautle. , , Caul ,11%1:1S ~t 111:1,111 hid, U.l! ,r•it at lint,l, •t 1 aid tu.t.>id ,• ul tail! t 1 1 1 01 MA I{DING AND c( ?II s \ 10,1 r. 1 , d- () Z' It Ak IP 'ff , G. I: GD . COAL, PL.\ ',lli: Th.. to, in_ till., II the \Vale Dims. nml h stln" , .ent Nto It. Alm le i ij e st u t eta. Pest High 51.004 , 1 otilit thi 111:11 • id, eit titi it rnl turn ;mill, Th.• highest limit:et p ure it 311 lie gin and primitive u.I ui kiwis The, n a1,,1 prop:tr . ,' 1 , li..juht and est and de,pa b9l l'l.AitiTElt AND SA LT kept ly r.n baud, 155,11 VIA it A N EEL> sit iiheilesttle or ',tail. lulu ot 111110 ml, etglisaging, hSli EN'S VALLEY. Ltilikii I'l 111)1,1iiit, FiliN111 . 1t1" .kt 4 ll, telitiiT 11 A I', Limeburner's .and Blacksmith's, ,STANIIS FOR SA I EPT UN IlLit COVER aud dulls - ere.] dr) to tiny part of Ow t .1. It. N. CarlIslo„-lugust 17, 1869. AR(3I.; ARRIVAL OF FRESH 1 itochttEs--FN , it 111* 1.1, A 1111.1112: N!11.11 Is a lam, 1.. t t I III• t. • I g• dry natl. 111..1tItING in I ..t. kl'K 1111 1. at prices that it, la.‘ll tt. 1 . 1. di IldH, SAUCES, N' ES, .Ina. go.] 8,2411 UN' lit Or TOBACCO AND SEGARS. L/ Q ueßs, ,t..c.-, al. Ulu lom vst nays for CASII or Cfkuntry 1 . 1.111Ve. .51 BENT% I= SEL N(; OFF AT TWENTY-F11'14: Pllll I.; EN T. 1101.0 W COOT! I At the sign of the "Gold Eagle," 3 dom s above the Cumberland Valley hank, and two doors below the Methodist Church. on Wet t Maln street, the largest and heat huh :clod sleek of 'WATCHES AND JEWELRY in the town, will be sold 30 per cent lower than at any place ill the Ste to The stork commis . . a huge 00,11t moot of Cold and Silver hunting-case watches, Lei ors, Lupines, American watches, and all other kit/U.11,d styles, GOLD AND SILVER CHAINS, fluid Pens and Pencils, Jewelry of atil kinds, Spectacles Gold and Silver, Plated and Oliver Ware, MUSIC BOXES, ACCORDEONS r Oil pah,t,„,„, a great variety of limey articles. and a lot of the finest PllllloK, which will he sold Piper cent lower than over offered In town. The entire stock of Watch maker tools, ruses, largo Mirrors, and Safo will be Odd wholesale or rotalt on the easiest terms. Milling selected a first class workman all kinds of re pairing will be done as usual, et reduced prices. Three Piamo at ;bon below the factory price on ae count of the Philadelphia Company closing -out. 111111 sell at the JewelrY Store, TIMER ROSE IVO OD PIANOS, warranted, at ter t4tlrd their real value on easy terms called On soon. - 1 DAINTS AND - GIES.— i„ 10 Tour White Lead.. 1000 OM loos of Oil. duet received with a largo assartinent of Varnish. Fire Proof Paint. • Torpor:Leine, Florence White, Japan, White %hie, Putty, Colored Z ne, • Llthargo, Red Lead,_ Whiting, ofl - , Glue, Lard 011„ Shellac, tiperm Oil, Paint Brushes, Fish Oil, Colors of every description dry, and 011 in cane nod tubes at the Hardware Store of HENRY - SAXTON, Carlisle, Ort. 20,1861. =1 CBE BREAD BISCUIT &0.. The Crean' of 'llytur "Substitute" is recommon• Mel an a suPerlor tirtilb in combination with Saleratus or Soda for Raking purposes. It produces bread oho -which when told aro sweet, midst and .ttraterti, while those of Cream of Tartar aro often dry and taste- less. It will cost lbss than Cretan of Tartar and is used In the same Way for cooking, ,!.tc. , • TIIIS SUBSTITUTE, togethar with Saleratus' Soda, Pure Cream of Tartar, Bermuda Arrow Root, Mustard Seed, ground and on. grotnul, spines of all Rinds unadulterated, and also Groceries Inmi_ery variety. constantly_ oil _hand, and at tho lowed, prices for sato by Bac. 14, 18112, I= MIII=EI ll= MEM =MEE I=l llrttkon, antl Nut BE=l3 J. W. 1.111 lltisttitantaus. ti' AMES R. WEAVER'S tz r7: 77 7., ; . CABINET t c. zl i . . ...,.... .. , ~ ,s CUM!? N 1 1N li VA CVO It 1", NORTH HANOVER STItOET, CIVIIIANI.F., l'A. Having been eng:aged in the Inn,ines9 fen• ()ter twooty years Ito would I etu rn than hs to his cm.tomors and friends, Tor the libel al encouragement ex tended to him In years gone hy, ,tud turf her assures them that nu pith.. will be spatted; to five Lull mtistaellun to all who may rater him with a call. C lAIJLF AN!) FURNITUitE, of every description constantly on hand, or made to order. Wart:toted to be ,d the•best quality, of the la• lest style, well finished, and sold at the leer..t possible prlhes.lor cash. lie also vontln nos buslnesa nv nn UN DEIITA I( ER.— Heady made Collins, Metallic or of her, lno. kept con• staidly on band and funerals promptly attendod to personally In tom n Or country. Cu the• most reasonable tert, (11,1'y 311 r: NV:111111t CiM)71,131 - ,2,1 well fiuGhpJ 31.11 /111,1 it/ , itlV. from 1-2 1%;I II u t I ' i Iti 11,1 VOV , , , d 0 nI:1 • :In J.1:111:S IVE.I.VER lUMMII 'l' 1 I, rII I l' II .1 N 'l' . Fiu Thi• success ..f 11.• Pt .thil• th,5111,1111., .alliug t lit. 31 of :ill s, ha y mail! 11 str..erit.r , tot nnl tllttl oul) V that loss el am 11111,,,,,il NVIIIT Is iMEP 11 1.1.111:N, I.t. .1 ',is lug' .1 Irmo cvnt. In 51.'1. 1111.1. .\ hot 1,1 llltti 11111 •1,,, %,fit, fir. larger Os 1111 V t,hlit , t ht. Ole 4111. The. the I.ltre having renaiiii, :Ali. The nest nein, 11, u.se, 1,111 A stineriert It 11.• ttlll,, th. AII pr:th.. ~ Isl.t; I,•.1 L. , in t•% , •I'S I.lllctilar Nlttl •11 , ',v1; ‘ , 11.11 pl,t , tir.. all 'A110111:11 call. 1, Ilialttn pii...liast• In Tint, Inry qiinntily .1 1,11.1, in I r ii It•w '11.V1,1 . 11 kind. NN bl itoona,. .loh Coma, arojthjeg :t tttl Imelpe] stork prompt], att.ooled to. to toe. ttt \II , aari.ilite] at the old ,tzm I moth t. 11 1115 11 111,1: EIS N rel H-1. Pll rand 1.0, 5 1 011 , ,1011. :11.1 t 44, 1 , tawl 2 110 IL\I FRS I,LNIEBOR:NIms 11 .•1 .1. i '.11%. , 1 , ~11 1 , -1 '1'11.t.11,,11 !id. I •I. tir 1!.,1 ilki I 11. I ill I/I 0 tz I 1 1 11 s Ili 11,. 1 , 1 1. , 1 • A. 111:. 11 110. I 11.11 I'l 11 1 • • 1 1 1. 1 ' 1 L 1 1 11 1 111 11 11.11111 1-• •11 111 •. 1 I 1, ~„1 1 1111 1, 1 . 11 1, 1.1 \ i.i 1:111 1 1 1 .1 . I 'l.ll, 11 1 ,11 /11 Nl l ll / lEI=I - 7 V (111' I; I) .1 S;'()(' lAT I (1N! .1 I, I. I. pH .1 1., 11•:, [!.:IL UZI •;,/•.I,li ~ ,1111•11/ I ',Ai,' L/II• t“,-.• 111111111! I .‘I. \ t!l ,, A.•tin, 1 4 111 . ,•4•1•..1•• .111 , ‘Ii••:•1•1•••• 1• 1 , 1 1 , •` 1,11 \ \ \ UIJ. 1:1.I'. ..H:..r I „ 11 , 1 i 4,1111'. ~do ,rp I rp—ri :s ll' 1 •I:; - • , -11.•vt. =II =MEI =II '1 r El 11..r,:.,r 111 111111111=1 SI I.k NI) li4,,SH \UM': HATS I=l I I lot It, Ilr - t,k tn.! Ilit t , t t ,, t• !i3l • . 1 , .•1‘,1 11.1 t;1.1.. 111,1 1 11 =ell BF PIP.% 1,0 H 0137,75, pi i Ih , • ;1,1 • l , CES TO .9 IS I ==Mil MEWS! HAujIW A I H. \‘,"! MI MIME 1;/ . 1.1.11:1 1:(101).',' I 1.,!1 • .! % , •••,L ~• 1. I ,‘ 1-1 1 • 'l.l 1.,11 11.1 1.1 II! .11 Ir• - I'l.ll I ;. i \ “F I. t • . I II( NSC• I/I 111.11 ,$/11. ..111f i 1 1!1 , 110 W.l i • ,11 ,k... PL•p,.1.••11,..• .tk ..iit ‘NIII '4,1 It lll :11t •t: I. 11 11111 1.11,.11. • ..10 11 01114 h.,1•• • \II o•itto I 1., ••• al I 1•0 h• I tl••II, t l••, alid 110 1111, P10 , 0'1111, , 111111 i.• 1•11. 1 ••• \ =NM I; 1 1 It NSI I \ - E.k 1.1. E \II TVA!. 111,1. I \IVAN tiemp t.I ti titvi 1•0-1,1e•.1 tho )1" 11 , 11!, 16.•. perltit.-.rt..1......1 1110 , rd 11 I It. (Ic.r.rai. (I‘ll..trtt. at inttn. 11 C... U. KW..., 11,, Cnlt. t.. 1 II C...".•1„1.0111 1:1., Is. , 1111,1 .I.t. t N ..1 . att.) .1 t' Th.• lIPW anti i.tll ColtiltAtit tI I Itt• hint 11l I It, ,Itttt I•,•l,ttts , Cl 2-11111, b0r,51111 , .111•111V1It'd agent. 01 I It /lII' N 1 to Malt lip them at N 1f I:. ui 11:1 I Ins, P. 41 (11111 S: S STA 1 M A N. \ , 1,1,1 t ( , lIN 101 N I'. 5 , •..1'y.,,,\1t•.1.:1111,1,tmg \11('11,1 I:1, lEEE 11131 . :111,1NI) r1)1; NTY ; 1;i1;,; H;;.,• ry 7,AT :"11i1,111111,t1 , 11 1.41:11't tl` Did.ll,llll ; s%. 11. chin , ht.% 11i 11 111.1 h, Soot It ; ralotot, 11. Peons t l ,llonol Coot.t.r. 1 11,11:m1, 1 / I ,g .1. IV. :,t% Coot l'pper Allen ; .1. U. Sax• too, Silt., John II yor, ..:11rlisle; 1 :detail.: N et% Cool., I.toll • YOIIK /I;STY —NV. S. vor ; rillitli. 11'arri Tl,l . . 1. F. Dom dt.t - 11. NV:tt.ll 1 1 1:o It 1 / 1 11,,buip; D. It tat vr, kilt% it t% ; .lE7tl 1% 1111amo, 1):11: I'll I ('ll.---.144444414 !louse, Ilil ri kb. rtt. )1,441, 444 , Itio 444414114.444,. having 1444114.14, about Co 4 , ph, 4,11 lois 44 thew ronewott 4.4) looking :41414114,t10n to /to 14.4.441 the At:vittn. FVII. 1,1,2 GL - efi - ICUS VICTORY! r I i late vietorie - s aellieviSkl by 1 0. Fed, al Allah, base gladdened ere„ .lnlet loan 11,111, gh lug a•suranne of a ~itts dy rstnrat ion of pow, to Ito, prat ..“it stn... In iew nt this I Itavn re , nlved to uller In) t tal l sintnino, :do ,11 al • Dili liUl )1)S, • at p) (11.tt 11l halinl lvS yr) oltvaper Mal 1,1 hr i 111 , 111 lIV 14 11, 11,1, v. illi hlllitt'l 111.11 S just ct.ollut.livilig bushier , . I hal 0 1011310 cds. n ED AILSLJNi, and tho F.lllO 11:1 "Lily tof ti n I 1 :I ild. f Cull Null good s, h • 0.,d e,llll 11113lity ut 10 mid 12 , 11 . .11m1, I ostPoo ):u d, c_ 1.1(1)ES, Of Mori nud 0.1•horo, at vtlg tho old pi 14.1.0. A lame 10 , ,i11 . 1111011( I.r .excellent het:Ulla 111ourning at old prices. Vary dnxii•ullo SILKS, at 1121..; 75, 57!,,,, $11. 4 Ii Is the seine that sold at $l, our dollar quality Is the Fame that has been and IF stilt selling . at $1.25 per yard , in groat profki.lon aL old pi•loan. Also, cant on Flamods and lin•ot to•ky Jean, at kite oldpric~•n.And In LA 11 awl MI, (711,111 716. I guarantee that no Mork oittside or I'hilndolpbl•l van begin to rettliote, tattler In quant It I), ice. I n addition to the above, I have a tor)' largo stock 01 It ibbons, Laves, liutln'uld• eries, 1)01111n ea, CaBhateres, Aletineeo, Coburg:, Flannels, and other DRESS GOODS, of the latest styles and ehrieost patterns, Itly success heretothro son 011:111111d MU lu oiler tolvantagei to my old, enstraners and The public generally, Which are not nemed hy•othera. particularly num, who are compelled lu eolllllloll,lllg now to l ay , in, it stock at the present high prioes the principal cl ties, • A dlscrlminnting puhlln will satisf y thelnaolvem of the truth of the foregoing before purchasing elsowhere.— My tremendous stock of Goode, laid in principally be. Toro-the rise, is lultnitted to be the largest blIt)VVIIII ndelphta and Pittsburg. I invito all persona hi' wont of Bargains In Dry (Mods, to call and examine' :tt i the• old and well known stand of • • Feb 21•1,1k62. A. W. lriNr./.. jTAmEs. 500 pail's Haines on hand •I_of all kinds. Ell2abetb town pattern, Loudon do.. Commit do..—lvllltand without patant - faotontrtga, cheaper than over at IL SAXTON'B, East Main at. ,Matell 2b, 1604. CUMBERLAND VALLEY AND FRANKLIN RAIL ROAD. 7 03 9 ,72 T atA 011 111111 attrr JI PIN U.l Y, SIA 'V 5, 1802, Pabxenger TI . IIIIIY will run an ful ill SY : (Sundays excepted:) FOR C 11.151 ARILS BURG AND IlAltItISIIU11(4. Ist Truln. 2d Tral n. 7.00 A. M. 2.45 P. M. 7.37 " 3.35 8.30 " A rr.4.20 " G9l VC 11:tgersl I fly `• U roeu castle. Uh:unbern burg ' " Learn 12.55 " " Shipponsburg, 0.00 " 1.28 •' Nowvillo, 9.32 " 2.00 " Carll,l, 10.10 '• 2.44 " " 31erliauirshilrg, 10.42 " 3.12 " Arrive at Ilarrighuru., 11.15 " 3.40 " FOR CI IA )1.111.:It S BUM] AND II MiEItSTOW N, Ist Train 11.t.trvil 112tritsltnrg 14.05 A. M • • I .llvellauichhurg 8.47 " "Fllito. 11.2 i " " New v tlle, 111.112 c" 111.3:1 " 111 i vt.) 11.10 11•.1 An 1, 4. nt 11,,,,t 11. 12 NOTICK Trr I , AsSl.:sallAtS, .Atnii Stntinns where 'rickets are srrld, 'I .t.r.•rr•tor, n, i;reenenstle, Chan, bet Or , no,. hroperrshor,., Urt - lisle. irrehatries. burtr.id lidtrr.hurrr.'“ rednetion of TEN CENTS on ern I Ii - ~ pIII he torn le P.ll, , ,lgt•l'S that provide thenrsslVirs with Trehets hirfore r•ritering the Oars. 0. N. I,,ULL Supor't R a i r r o, r d rdlrre. :I Chambersburg, } V 1,1f;6'. - . d IAIII.ISLE AN I) PIIII,ADELPI-lIA ft_ - DAILY LINE; MAI.K 1.111111/1:1.1'111A elr,- Cars I his I:int , lean .` DIT.,t. V, nt 4 “'elot.l4. P. N. s t 0'0114.1t, .1 this 1.1110 fAlo old 10. IFII/ lied C. it Frpn.,lLt I.lnn, an sent In by I o'elnat. )Iny :IS" I •:.n. READING RAILROAD, - . - •' , 1 . 1\111';li A 1111,1 N .1 I; EAT Lint: from the North Nk A And h 1'1 , 11.1,1 , 1phi:1, Now York, Itea.l 11. Ar. '1 ill, 1 , 11- t..E V..z 11.• I.ltt. r. •'l.• nn 1 :tll at ti )1 . 1 1 ,11 I . , 1 ,pi. tt 1 !row. 11.0 n,'.a,_ N rov 1 , •16 5.,. , 111: to Phil:i -d. uid 711 y1t,.1‘1,1 through 11rvIivrt :\ lofl. uL h l2 NO,i. and NI 1 . 11!•1.11, A . 11,1 I:, 111, Exp0.,,Tt1i,,,th,,,11,11 L, tind lit t•u li , r'tf Tea,. Plort 1 it ht. 11 it 1 ; • .\. >I . Philadidphia anti all ih .11 11 1,1 it I . Ti . 1 a Philadelphia, :New 11=1 •I I ...• t:-,111.. 11.. and '2.15 )1.. thr 1 . 1111,1-11.hil ;st,.l I.Ns 1 . . M.. for At, 1,1111 .1 I :II t.. 11 0111y..•..111111Ctnig nue (11000 .0 , 1 11 1 , 1: tl.O C.it 'leg . n t Phi1a.1,11,1,13 nt 5 P. 11 Ail 11,du 111/I IN - At 7 3.)A. 11 , and 1.1,0,10. 1 •1 d v al5 P NI. lA.. :111114 ltd I •,1•41 ,, 11. .9 T,,1 I,x ,• UI,IIIII Tli • k YE, ' 111 Ca 1.11,--1 Attt` ty illlll 11,11 :II: ' , jilt , . .1. l ooryeratffur't. • MT iIAT ANI) CAT •ENPORIUNI! r `lie undersincil haviug purchased the g r ...lc!, ht.. 11. Twit lord 3”. or• 1 , . the puhlp t lie will co, it.tie II \ I,\ `I \ I ohl ,tand, in =I 1 - E:i:2l :ic,,,_-z.:.-,:;,„,''%. I < i /, and y, I , ,1,,1 I 11 L,.. his I/1i t tut:. 01 H 'I'S .1 ND( ' .1 I'S 11E111 " I IN HATS: 0 - ' , Tire , ' • 111: PI I 11111, :11l I.), to getting the “, i t wontlit• ta, LI OA IN. la:. I:1,A VElt & FELT HATS, , It' :111,1 r nod tio•urpoN•eli for LIGIIT Irt I'l' AND II NI,II : by IlioNe of ony 111, •••idl 11.1. oo til io llli “dititi . ) ,11.•\ to. ILI, i; Ey, Lilly and cApE:, It ,1,1 ort,d3l.Lly to 11. It ,itt•,;:ll'I, 1.b.• old pntrous nnd odm, Lk, pno lik/I it all. J U. CALLI.O. ES T 2V1.1111-A-L:r-.-L--: \;...1 AND FEET. IBM II A I; I) IEIIIB MEI FINE CALF IS(MT:S, 1,1 1 . her 'lles. CO :111.1 I . 1,1 1 , 11 t. , ,, Ca:t 111' I 10114 h Z/11.1 ,huh 1,,t110.4 (;alti•rs, ITornrrrn, .1.,1 1...1 I tzi.• I,lfl :shippers, Entscj •.11.1 Isl.l ~. \ \ I•I II !1.1/I:l oSI ofall dr,orlptlons 1111,11 it, Pm.l-tlog and Lasting [tut r. coo LOCO fools of all hinds, fancy , 11(•... 111-1, .1, So. II 1 I . - aI I I ,1%. I ir.linote, For and Wool lints ot al .1111111, 1111 'I I Ice. tint, a largo tenor talent of 311.1 tggbrgiat at tilt. gdo g i tpqf notice it I ~ 1 11 pf - Cgoitigh of ni bro ability to igh..iggg• tome,. La raapertluily iutitee gio• ; al lb _lg.c i c v hign a g gill lieritembet the piece, N. E. corner of the Publ 111 =En A. FL EWING'S runNur If RE WARE-ROOM. • N 62, 1862 IVest high Street, Carlisle, Pa. (FMIIIIIIII 61r,11 . ( b . ,1 at the Cumberland County ten!ittra/ Fat/. of 1857.) The sultsetilwi i.ett juet Icc it ud the most splendid it,ortimitit itrtieles ig his liw. I rer brought to this &dee-1011,h he it deterniined to sell at prices that de ly competition. Par 10, 1 (11a 111111. r, .13In I 1ig...1'00111 9 / FURNITURE. I , C 1 lien and Unice Embracing tiviiry art iclo mind by house and lintel licepins, tit the innet apprneed fashionaldo design and finish. I ocl also furntturt) lu sell& reception and Camp Until e, MaILI . II2.OS, lint frames, pieta, 1,, kr., kr. air requeNted to call and examine late - stt.l,, at, 111, I, L011,41'0 11 . 41 . 0.1,0M6, W'eBt. Alain - stroot, Not LL nide. A. 11. IMTNO. trir-I..;rticulnr nttention given as Usual to funeritle; ordcsc noin ;Anvil ;ill.l country, attended to prtunpily not ..tt A. 11. Carh,lo. May 12. 1i.70:.-I . y. )1 B It AND C 0 L OLIVER DELANCEY, LVAIBER AN]) COAL YARD! On the Rail Road, near the Gas Works The Enbscriher keeps constantly on hand, n full s iortment of Lumber SI Coal, Nellie), lie earl fur. to order prompt ly and on the most rea soeal)le terms. Ll_llll3Ell, BCANTLI NG, 1.30.‘ It DS. FRAME STUFF, phtstoring and Shingling-Laths., Worked-Floor ing. Wenilserlyntralng, Posts, Italls.,White Pltsts,'ltundoolc and Oak. Shingles, of ovary_ quality. Ito also furnish Lilly to order of Milo length and sire, at the shot test notice nub un thin most-ireasona Llo tarns. Ills worlCed boards aro. keur duder, .ruver, so that they can be fur. • nisheil nt till tittles, Ito hsb ennstantly •nn hand all kinds of Family Coot tibirei• eoverovhich will bo tilt:fired chitin to any part, of tli, borough. Ts wit: VALLEY, . LUKE FIDDLER, • '• TIIEVERTON, LOCUST MOUNTAIN, And tithe: t,ailotios, and all the various sleet+ In usu, whirl. he idlers to the public et the lowest prices. „- LIMCIIOIINHICS AND IIitACICSItiITIVIYCOALaIivey . s on hand, al the lowest ca.sit price. • •,•• Tifiriiirfur ror the patronage of a generous public, by stowed upon Dm late firm of Black di nolnuoy,hu would. solicitenntinuadeit Or the-sarno as the wil l strivo to please. All orders left at the resldenee or Jacob Slirent for Coal •iin ti-Lutuberovllllts_pratuptlyitttendad_ heretofore. 01,1V.l 1I IVELANCK. July Mail Maas =I 2d '1 r l) II :5 P. 51 2.15 2.55 44 e 11.21 1 " 4.00 4.40 44 5:10 0.10 •' W.1,1t1) Az FREED, 1111= =I 1,1, 'at. 1 25 A, )1 •IIIII• =I Ise N. I.:. 1, 1 1 . 11er 1,1 .11 ; ;;•• • ILI; ;• •.; ;I :1. n; 1,1111 the largest ;••• t• •- t:•••1.1 It;•;;ts, :hoes, lintg I•••- • I ;•:;',,t i; Ertl It, thin co...unity, •:•:• • ”.. 1.1.1 t, ,II I,t the lut t.,t ' • pnnni i, I I vrything In Ills liue DIES' WEAR Ir" 7; b' 19= BALTIIYIORE LOOK HOSPITAL./ 1 ESTABLISHED AS A RE tn REFUGE riti QUACKERY. THE ONLY PLACE WIIEILE A CUitE CAN DE OBTAINED, , JOUNSTON has discovered th .nost curtain, speedy and only effectual remedy In 111, world far all private diseases, we of the back or limbs, strictures, affections of the kidneys and bled. dor, involuntary disc Bargee, impotency, oeneral debili ty, nervousness ' dyspepsy. languor, low spirits, confu sion of bleat, palpitation of th.s heart, timidity, trent. blingn, dimness of sight or giddiness, disease of the head, throat, nose or skin, affections of the liver, hinge, stomach or bowels—those terrible disorders arising from the solitary habits of youth—those seoret and solitary practices more bald to their victims than the song of Syrena to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, &r., impossible. YOUNG WIMIN Especially, who have 1 i.e.1111 the victims of solitary vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annu ally sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of Young Men of the most exalted talents:lnd brilliant Intellect, wino might otherwise have entranced Iklening Senates with the thunders of eloquence Or waked LO uestamy the hiving lyre, may viii with full confidence. saA.Rnartan Married persons, or young men contemplating mar riage, being ;tivare of physical is oakum., organic debit delormities, dr., si rowed. Ile who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously conlide In his honor as a gentleman, nod confidently rely upon iris skill as a physician. ORGANIC WEAKNESS. Immediately eared, and full vigor restored. This din , tressing affection—which renders life miserable and marriage impossible—is the penalty paid by the victim/1 of Improper Indulgences. Young persons are too apt to" commit excesses from not luring aware of the dreadful consequences that may ((none NOW, who that under stands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those falling into ire= proper habit, than by the prudent Besides being de prived the pleasures of healthy offspring, the most serious and destructive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system heroines deranged, the physi cal and mental funetions weaken en, loss of procreative power. neurons irritability, dyspepsia, palpitation Or the heart, ind igeitinn , constitutional debility, a wast ing of the frame, rough, younnnption, decay:lnd death. OF/OE NO 7 SOUTH FREDERICK STREET. Left band side going from Baltimore street, a few doors trom the corner. Fail not to observe name and number Loiters in akt be paid aad coutain a stamp. The Doe- Ihploma:, hang In his °thee. A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DRYS. Ni. Mer.:lll.,y or l'ilauseliti Ltru,„ii.—Or. Johnston. men, wr of tho liar al College ot S. 1,11,109, Graduate flout one et the nio.t, eminent rod, ges in the United States, and the greater part at whose life has been spent in the ho.pltrJo of London, Parts. Philadelphia and a, ills (114.414.1,{ sonie of the most at.tonishing rut., that wore ei Or It newn : many troubled yr Mt ring ing in the head and ear, when asleep. :treat nervous• ness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, all hequent attended sometimes with de ran ;len /k . II I ~f mmd, were CU red ituntedla Lei y TARE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr..l adklL ;111 tiltl , llllho hare iujureil themselves b. nui•1••1•••r hitilci•h•••• s••litory habits. shirts ruin 1•” th hod, and unfitting them for either bus nes., ntndy,,•an•ty ~r hiurriage. Tlie,,_ii,ellll2 of the .ad :11111 teelilerholy effeetA Pr. 414, '". 1 1 .3' 1211 iv leddts of viz: Weakness or 1,30, palm, lu the heed. dimness of sight, less et tlie , .•tilar 1/1.1 . 1 . 1 . .1 , 211pit3ti1 , 11 01 the herirt.dyetpup -5‘ det.ingenieet tPf the digestive fauctiere, general u.s of -resumption. . . t. , 17 vl.l, —Th.. (earful effcts oif the mind nre to lei 111 a:Med—loss of memory, contusion of ideas, dm riessi./11 spirits, roil torelindings. aversion to society,' acl l' ilistruct. lore ul sulitutle, are some of the pc...Need. Thinusimlv of pm sons of all ages can nine judge what. is the their declining health. losing their vig , lo.roming immi.iiited,linving 11 singular appear:in. e about the eyes. cough and syrup- Vans ma cnnsuniptinn VOITNG Who have 111,111r4,1 t1.1.10q1•I1 u, by a certain practice indulged in AV 111•11 ALAI°, a hnhit 1 ,14110111.1 y }earned from es II cs oil,i ions, or At 0, hoof, the etreets of which are tile. lit ly 1.1,31 a lien asleep, and if not mired renders m:u ring llnpoonil le, mid destroys both mind and body, shod}} apply immediately. 11 hilt a pity that n °wog Mall, the hope of his coun try, the darling-of hi. pal p . lltEl. should be snatched from all prospeet a nod en joy inen to of I lie, by the rongequenctt of deviating limn the path of naturc, and indulging in a certain secret habit. bitch persona moat Laura con g MARRIAGE rCtlect that asound Ittiud and Lolly are the most no rmittuotes to pr,,untr connulhal happiness I ft.•vpi. t twot t tiey t ',rough late eat y ',thorium, the prospect hourly derkene to the , v 0 I IP' 001111 )ii,,,Trws sl t,ll.wed with despair and till if a It m. 1,10 n• It,, I ion - ' Itnt the happiness .nnativi h tett n. h out own. DISEASE or lIVIIMUDEBTCE A% hen tlioa tided and intmtedtetet Veit ary of plea sure find= ho the gyred. of this painful !Ilse:esti, it t... oft on n S that an ill tinted tenon of shame., or drool ..I amosot .th•sors Moe fromapplying who, front ~Ito-st eon and teofmrlnttiltiy. C3ll 1110 n.• !,..111”1111 elelet log till Ito, rout.titutional ..on,l/1 of 11,,- hot lid nett, their appear:into' su.•ll e hetet, n 1414. 11111,11 t, dis.n.rA meet, toerturtm, pair, in the• Ito.ol one] limbs, dimness of sieht, deafness, ways on the ,hut bout, and orals, bleete•leti utt the titre and Pt trernities. prOgregOing With frightf u l rapidity, tell.nt not tho palato of, the mouth or the looms ot the nose 101 l In, mot thu victim of this , s 111S11Se heroines a horrid object of commiseration, MS tr:dh , p eo ieni to his dreatiflll so liming_, try aend he,: him to '' th.tt l'ioliseovt.r.ni Country front whence toe trot eller t nttirt.s.” It 1. , erelarrelerly hot that thoroands fall victims to title to rule rloreroe, ovrleg to the tortild/Ifelnesir of 'errant pot rooter,. rr ho, by the toe of that deadly poi soil, 111'11'111), role the erriorth ution 3111.1 make the re si.l in•• 1111--, -15311LANli It_K True: or health, to the cure of thy m.,ny uuleerurd :i n.! Ivo, the.. I.,toutters, destitute of name or who ropy Or. Johnston'sli,enients, .LN it' Li11.111.,11,.. it, tlie newepnp ors , regulat lv inlnanted ph, 'incapable of raring. they keep y nl lulliugmouth alter oval rh taking the", filthy and poi•onon. ,iinipotinds or an long as the , itinillest fen can lon and in despair, lenie )ou with ruined h,,tth 111 intr. IliSaplloll/Lilli,lL. =ES I), tin. nnly Dity vn lan advertising. 1,1 , 11 . , 11 Oak ..r hi s oirko II is 1,1111 , 111, or hr:anu•ol urn unk nova to all others, 111,1,111. 1 i1 .111 a life 4111111 t in the ;treat hospitals of lip the tirNt. In the count!). ;Old 11 more extenatirtr pi irate :Illy 01 her physician in the world. INDORSEMENT 'rite. PRESS The many tholl,lllliS cured at this institution year tine, yeal, and the I,lllllchill, Important 'Surgical Ope. rations perilitmed by Dr. Johnston, tvitnorsed by the of the •• Clipper, - and many other pipora, of hideh have appeared again and again brfire the' ladoillu Ito iJiantling as a gentleman o f character and re,poubiliility, is rt sufficient guarantee to the alliieled. sicrN DISEASES SPEEDILY - CURED. Persons w riling should be 1,1.11,11;1r to directing their letters to this Institution, in thefidloning man- Of tho Baltlinum lw soh llobpitll, Italtimvre, 31d May 2, IS(l2—ly GREAT EXCITEMENT 'Jas been „raised in Carlisle and sur— rvu ['ding country on learning that the subscriber has rec t. lied from the City with a tremendous stock of Dr 3 (toot's, all Lought fm Cash and to be sold at such Low prices as will cause and PEOPLE to bid", in their boots In this very extenhite stunk may be found great piles DRESS GOOPS Of Silk Poplins, Lustre. Fonry Silks In virility, Illook the une,... releler,tml ul:tctU: e. Mult.sis Plaid, de Chose. Sill, Cheek, Ern liroidered ? I uhnir, Sntin Plaid. Cheek MtioaniLique, Chain be Lani.; Botts Loon, es, I,lllllls. se.„ CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, Vestings. Boys o ear ofgood quality and desirable htyreg, Ticking, Chucks, Flannel, Ulnithams, Lawns and CALICOES of dense styles sod in sufficient quantity to clothe ever• female In the (en sty. I have also the largest assortment of CARPETS Mai the interior of Pennsyllania, of nil qualities and At Vol y sstl.hn•toay prises to the purchar Boshlo, i have almost ever• desirable article In sly line of business'thet ran be mentioned, selected with great care, and with an eye single to the 'wants of this communily and the present timer. The public Is ad rived to bee these magnificent loads of goods before purlmeing elsewhere, as I am confident that advantages wllrbo nained by a careful examine tion of my stock of Goode, which for immensity has nev er been, lind perhaps never will be, equalled In this place, for view beauty, and cheapness. At the old. well known stand of April 4, 1802. A. W. BENTZ. The Confessions and Experience of an Invalid. PUBLISHED for the benefit and'as a warning and a caution to young men who sutler from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, ac.; supply leg. at the same lime the rll.llB of Self cure. By ono who has cured Mould r after being pot to great expense through medial Imposition and quackery. By enclo sing a post paid addressed envelope, single copies may be had of the author, NATHANIEL MAYEAlll,,rdsq.„ Bedford, Kings Co., N. Y. March 14, 18112—ly • • It Matrimony IYlade Easy.". A NEW work showing bow either sex airy be suitablymarried, irrespective of age or iireposseAsiat'or otherwise, with a treatise cu. the Art of Vestal:Wok any person you wish. A curt sus sclentitie afterinient which never fails. Free fur 25 aunts'. Address T. WILLIAM & CU., Putdishere, Box 2.300, Philadelphia. Marsh 11, 1862..—1 y Scythes Su*Snaths. 1-UST received the largest, best and , cheapen nehortnient of 5,!) thee, Forks, , ^ Soothe, Rakes. , Whet Stones, ' Shovels,, Rifles, , , 5 Hoes, Water Cans, , _liege, &f., , ever brought to this rountyl All of which X VAT., loads expressly to. order, in large quantities,.ep that they can be sold at yury Idw prices anti wary:LIAO , au, reprceentd. .• , The thide and cradle maker, supplied nt, mut:tufa*, turer. prices, at the cheap Hardware store of ' HENRY SAXTON, East Main St.. Carlisle." Juno 13 posH . MACkEREL.-- - - A Jot of Mactcorol—now catch-Au assorted pack gos of Ilitlirou, Quarto, and tighth Banole. Also o • 3_A I. M 0 le for sale at tai Ti Stiiie of the subscriber_ Oct. 20, 'O2. J W ERX, =I