Ayer's Sarsaparilla A compound remedy, in which have In.; bored to produce the most effectual 'alterative that can be made. It is a concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla, so combined with other substances of still greater alterative power as to afford an effective antidote kir the diseases Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It is believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who suffer from Strnmous complaints, and that one which will accomplish their cure must prove of immense service to this large class of our afflicted fellow-citizens. How completely this compound will do it has been proven by exper iment on many of the worst cases to be found of the following complaints: SCROFULA AND ScROPULOUS COMPLAINTS, ERUPTIONS AND ERUPTIVE DISEASES, ULCERS, PIMPLES, BLOTCIIES, TIT MOII3, SALT EU M, SCALD HEAD, SYPHILIS ANI) SYPHILITIC AF FECTION'S, MERCURIAL DISEASE, DROPSY,_NEII , HALOIA OR Tic DOULOUREU X, DEBILITY, DYS PEPSIA AND INDIO ESTION, ERYSIPELAS, Rosc OR Sr. ANTHONY'S FIRE, and indeed the whole class of complaints arising from ImPuruTv or THE BLOOD. - This compound will be found a great pro moter of health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul humors which fester in the blood at that season of the year. By the time ly expulsion of them ninny rankling disorders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the hoC.y by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores ; cleanse it when you find it is ob structed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, Mid live longer, for cleansing the blood. keep the blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something must go Nrl,llg, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, „and deserves much, the reputation, of necontplishing these ends. But the ivorld has been egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not till the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because - many preparations, pretending to he concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else. During late years the public have been mis led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa rilla, but often no curative pope' ties It hat ev er. Hence ''fitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the name - itself is jnstly - clvsrit , red; -1k0 , ,-bucom synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still -we call this - compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of tililoyfy us blob rests upon it. And we think us e hate primund fin• believing it has virtue , whit h are irresistible by the ordinary run of the dicases it is intend ed to cure. In order to seetnh their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to ditections on the bottle. =ES DR. S. C. AYE Ht 6c CO. LOWELL, :NIA S.c-L Price, $l. per Bottle ; Six Bottles for S Ayer's Cherry Pectoral , has won for itself such a renown for the cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues ' wherever it has been em ployed. As it has long been' in constant .use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be tolled on to do for their relief all it has ever been fotuul to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, POE TILE cunn oP• Costireness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigrstion, I)ysentery, Foul Stomach, Erysipelas, Headache, Piles, Rheumatism, Eruptions and SA, or Diseases, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Teller, Tenors and Salt Rheum, Worms, Gout, Neuralgia., as a Dinner Pill, and for Purifying the Diouf/. They are sugar-coated, so that the most sensi jive can t.she 111110 pleasantly, and they 010 the best aperient in the world for all the purposes of a family physic. Price 25 cents per Box; Fivo boxes for $l.OO. Great numbers of Clergymen, i'hysicians. St a t cs men, and eminent personages, Late lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulin , i , of these remedies, but our space here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named fur nish gratis our Aatuaat•.tx A 1.,1 SA, in w 1 11: they are given; with alao full de t mriptions of the :Mote complaints, and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their cure. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make mum profit on. Demand Ayrtt's, and take no others. 'I he sick want the best aid there is fur them, and they should have it. All our Remedies arc for sale by For sale by S. W. Ha vorstlek and S. P Panebaker, Emma Elliott, in Carlisle. f " INDSEY'S IMPROVED VEG.I3I.OOD SEARCHER .1;i A STANDARD MEDICINE For the speedy, radical, and effectual ruro of ALL DISEAS.ESn rising Cann INIPUItITY 01 T 111; 111,001). bt the moat miraruloux cures This molleine hag wrou. In desperate cases of Scrofula, Cutants.as Diseases, Cancerous formations, Erysipelas, Bolls, Sore Eyes, Soxld Ilead, Rheumatic Disorders, Pimples on Ow fare, Old, Stubborn 11leure, Teter aliectlotls, Cnstivoness, Salt Ilhourn. GonoraLnebillty. Loss of Appotito Foul Stomatl. all Diseases having theirrol Dyspepsia, Jaundiett ureurial DlSOaßeg j Liver Complaint, Low Spirits, Female Complaints, an the Wood. f DayhtCreary, of Napier giu in an impure state of We refer to the ease township, Bedford Co. Pot. who, on the :list day of Aug ust, 1858 maduaflidavit before Justice Gorley that he was treated f)r the cure of Cancer by three physicians of Bedford county, and by Dr. New ton of the Eclectic College in Cincinnati, for a p•wind of nearly eight months, notwilitstaniling whirls, his lip, nose, and a portion otitis left cheek were entirely cotton away! lie had giVon up all hope, when ho heard of the • Blood _Searcher," and was induced to try it. Four bottles cured him, and al though sadly disfigured ; there is no question but what this invaluable medicine saved his life. The full particulars of this remarkable ease may be seen in a circular, which can be luta of any of the Agents. We also refer to the case of Nancy Illeakney, of Eider ton, Armstrong county, l'a., cured of Scrofula after be. lug unable to got out of her bed for throe years. To the case of a. Indy in Ansonville, Clearfield county who was also afflicted svithtlerofula to its worst form. To the case of George Meisel, residing in Carrolltown, Cambria county, Pa., who wits PO badly afflicted with Cancer that it oat his entire nose oil, and his case was worse if possible, than DleCreary's. The particulars of these cases—every ono of which woe cured by the use of the Blood Searcher—may also bofound in a circular to he had of any of the Agents. R. M. LEMON, Proprietor. • 'Laboratory for the manufacture and sale, near the Fa. Railroad Depot, Hollidaysburg, Pa. Dr. Ceo. IL Keyser, Wholesale Agent. Pittsburgh, Pa. ti.S. For sato In Carlisle by S. W. Haverslick, S. El lint , and Reynolds &P olffer , Dr.J. Herring Mechanics burg; Gosweiler & Zook, illicrdstowa; Joshua Corp Hogstown; Jacob Simmons, Cross Roads; Coble, B.Whle Shiremanstown; A. M. Leidich, Boiling Springs Diary W. „Kissel, Chureidown ; G. W. Robinson West 'Fasuaught & CO, Oakville; Shoemaker & Elliott, Newburg; Wm. Bretton, Dian - vino; J. Hood & Co., _Springfield; Russell & Co., Dickinson; IPg'Oand 8; Waiting, Jackaonvillo; Wm. Clark .4 - ea., Leek Reads; Wm. 11. &Mos., Sporting 11111; D. Ilonlinger White Hull; J. C. Altitik,Shippensburg; allot Cumber und.conokY, Pa. • . _ FOUTZ'S-•MIXTURE.- , The Best LINpIENT for MAn and BEAST now in To a safe and r linblo remedy fur the curo of Rueumrt tium, Painful Nervous Affections, Sprains. Burns, Swellings, and all diseases requiring the external ap plication on Man. On 'Horses it wiflnever Lail to Qllro Poll Ell!. Fistula, old running Sores, or Sweeny, If preporly'applied. For Sprains, Bruises, Scratches, Crooked lloofs,-Chafes, Sad dle or Collar Gall, Cuts, or wounds,ft is an infallible tenieoy: Tty It, and ho convinced f its efficacy. r ' RIII;UMATI~M. Persona afflicted with this diseaso no matter of how long standing, canto promptly and effectuelly cured by . • -Thera is ,nothing the World so sure and so good to takeaway' Bad Corns, and - oure 'Frost 'Sites 1111 thin pro. paranoia. Try It and satisfy . yourselves. Price 25 and 60 centa par bottle. Prepared by S. A. NOUT7 West mlalater,' Md. For sale by 5.13, Pannebaker,'Carlisio, l'a • EMOITAL.-=—Tho . Hat . . iLiad..Cap stoic . ..uu ; berotofore lcnotvo oKELLyritB , o moved-dlroptly opposite the old - etondc two doom Oren Arnolnt clothing store. The busluves Le conduct. id 4is heretofore; end oil the goods, both beim) mode nod ejty mannfitdurd, wo min toil to give wilt - faction . fts commended. A full potronago is respectfully - as every effort will' be made to keep the ussoriSior. tot num and boys Las and cops eumplete,.with paws to suit the timra. _ltsGl.4 styleF.,of aillt hats now c eddy. 317trch 16,1601. ~~e~zezt~¢~: -- DR. 11.00FLA.ND'S BALSAMIC CORDIAL 1 FOR THE SPEEDY CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Croup„ Hoarse• 'MSS, Bronchitis, Paeunamia, Diseases of the Bowels, arising from C.gd, Incipient Consumpizon, and for the relief and (if at ad possible) cure of Pa tients in advanc• ed stages of the latter disease. The Balsamic Cordial Is entirely a Vegetable produc tion, combining the heeling properties of the Balsam, with the invigorating qualities of a Cordial,-producing a combination so well adapted to the purposes intend ed, that there Atm but few mull of disease which will not, at no early period, succumb to its healing and life giving properties. For ages, has Om treattnerit of pulmonary d:seases occupied the greater portion of the attention of the scientific of the medical world, but none acquired more Milineirco hi Ills treatment of these diseasesl than -the celebrated Prusidan hr. iloOnmsn, the originator of the Balsamic Cordial. Ills life was devoted to the pmdue. tins of reinediett that would stand unrivalled. flow well be has succeeded, the American people are able to 'edge: and we positively assert, that no preparatimm that have over been placed before them. have conferred the same amount of benefits on suffering humanity, or have elicited He many commendations from all classes of society, as the remedies of Dr. Ilootland, prepared by Dr. C. 51. Jackson ,fe. Co., of Philadelphia. The Cordial Is designed for a chive of diseases more general and more fatal than any other to which the people of this country are subject—thttse springing from a" SLIMIT COLD." TLiat eminent-authority. Dr. Bell, says: '•I will not salothat, Colds to our inhabitants what the PLAMIE a nd VIA Ell are to those of other countries; but I can aver confidently that they usher in disease Of greater complicity and mortality than these latter." Entirely Vegetable. No, Alcoholic Preparation DR. 1100FLAND'S =II GERM BITTERS, I=l Dr. C. M' JACKSON & Co., Phila. Fa WILT. I.FVECTUALLY 01,115 LIVER COMPLA I Nl', DYSPEPSIA, Jossdiee, Chronic' or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys. and all nrising from a disordered Liver or Stomach. Suet, as Constipation. Inward Piles, Fulness or Mood to the ileati. Acidity of tho Stomach, Nausea, Heart. hut n, Disttust for Food. Fulness or Weir.lit itt the Stout. aria, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the 11l of the St0111:101, Swinuuiug or tin, itnad, flurried and 1).ntel:II Breathing, Muttering at the Heart, Choking or Sulfoeatiiig sensations not ly I lug post ilre. 11 ins oil Dots of webs helm.° the Sight, Fever and in the I lead, Deliriency of Perspiration, Yel lowness of the Shin and Eyck, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest., I,imLs, &e. Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh • Constant Imagialints of Evil, and great Urprnssfone of Spirits. and will positively prevent el— low Billioils Fever, The Proprietor in railing the attention of the public to this preparation. trout: so with a feeling of the utmost etattideime in it, Vannes and adaptation to the diseases tor I,lodt it is 1 . 0.411111 e 11,101. It is no new :11111 untried article, hut one that has stood TI, test of a twelve years' trial before the Amerl• eon people. and it. I••putation and sale nb unrivalled by any sialilar pruparatio,n extant Thu testimony in its LNnr ci • ell by t ho nm,t prominent and well-known rhysdcians and hull, iduots ill the country is 11111/11311Se, prsual M the Alumnae ? ,published mina :diy by the p ro p r iotor, and to 'hi, liad gr7itig° a tiny of their ..I;ents.ean not but satisfy the most slseptleal that this remedy - is really deserving; the grbat'eelelirlly It has obtained. Rte_S. W. 11A EIISTICK. Agent for CArliMe. nml by Peale, eVi.Q whet 4.. Apr. 1:1,, '61.-Iy. D RUG S, 800 K S , FANCY . GOODS. CONFECTIONARIES, It U I-T S PERFUMEFtV, PItES . ERVED FRUITS, MINCED MEAT, • PICKLES, &C. S. W. 11AVERSTICK,. North Ilanorer Street, Carlisle, Penn'a. l his jar t openitsl an assortineelt of Fresh Drugs. Fan cv Goods. Grit Bouts, Perim...cry, Fruits, and l'enfec tionary. which has never been surpassed ill tL is her. oUgh. for novelty and elegsneo. The articles hai , e been selected with groat ra e, aud arc ralculated, in quality and pike, to reasmand the attention of purchasers. FANCY (I , IIIDS, which , 11111Pri.. e very variety of finery articles of the most os,qul , ,ite finish silt II re. rapier Mahe t ;0011S. Elega”l alabaStel WI porcelain ink-stands and trays, Fancy' ivory. peat I and shell card cases, I.adier' Valley Baskets, Fancy Work Boxes, with cowling instruinents, bath.' CaLxc, Wri,ing Desks, and Port-ft-rise. part )tonnaies, of every variety, hold pens and pencils, Fancy paper weights, and Iftre;.. variety of ladies' Fancy stationery. Mott.. ovals :Ind wafers. Kilts snd bead purses, elegantly finished. Fine cutlery, Perfume haActs:lll4 hags, Brushes of every kind for the toil e t, X. Ita,d a and It. Wright's :naps and Perlumes of val bin Is, .. Fancy Pins fin' 11,1 , 1 dresses and shawls. Musiral inotrunu•..rs, tngethere ith nn ITlllolllUrable variety Of arti,lol,2lC.Zllllt ly tuiished and soitabl44lor 110 I, 11) T, S Is ArT,, which lie iTlVite, spoelel attention. Also, no extenhive and elegant eollecclon of BOOKS, compri.lng various EnlfUsti find American Weeks, ri, lily embellished POETICAL M WKS, nibles and Hymn Ibmlss. ele4antly bound in velvet with metal clasps :11111 corners Ilis,issertment 0 School Books and School Stationery is a lso complete, Ml.l comprises eveuthing used in the Schools. lie also desires to call the particular atten• lion of FaMilies to Ids elegant assortment of LAMPS, kc., from the extelo.dve establishments of Cornelius, Archer and others of Philadelphia, comprising every style of Parlor, Chamber and study Lamp., for burning either Lard. Sperm oi Etherial ell; also Dvorrs celebrated liernSene or Coal Oil Linnin., together with Flower Vases Fa 'lc y Screens, Ste. Ills avvertwe I.lt in this line is led equaled in the borough. Also, SEOARS AND TOBACCO, embracing all the Overite brands, and a One assort slant of MEERSCHAUM SMOKERS AND PIPES, the celebrated Killueochlnk Lynchburg Smoking Tobacco. F' It U I T S, such as Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Raisins, Nectarines, Prunes. ,t7c.. FANCY CONFECTION A RV—NUTS—PR E. SEItVED FRUITS, MINt ED-MEAT, PICKLES, Arc., is every variety and at all prices, all of which are pure and fresh surf, as van be con fidontly recommended to his friends. Ills shirk embraces everything in the line of Fancy floods, with milky other articles useful to how , elem•pers which the public are especially invited to call and examine. Remember the Old Sland, nearly opposite the Bank on berth Uunover street. Doe. 20, 1001 SII INER'S BALS A. ;NI C COUGH SYRUP. FOR. COUGHS, COLDS, CROUP, WHOOPINO COUGH., ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, SPITTING BLOOD, PAIN AND WEAKNESS OF TILE BREAST, DIFFICULTY OF BREATHING, S.O. TlllB 10 110 11CW remedy. It has been liked for a num ber of years In Maryland and parts of Pennsylvania and 11118, wherever known, acquired an unprecedented reputatioe for curing the various diseases for which it Is recommended. So apparent is its usefulness, and so remarkable has been its cures, that it is fast superseding every other remedy for those dismises. The afflicted can rely upon its doing as much for them, and iu many cases more than any other remedy now before the public. It is recommended and prescribed in the practice of a largo number of the most intelligent and able physi. clans of Maryland. It is used and considered all indis pensable household remedy by a largo portion of the first families of the Statr, It Is used by all classes of society, and the iinfiersal opinion Is that it Is good. Tuts SYRUP 113 rtnIELY re,nr, VOILE 01:WNW:in. It is pleasant to take, and never does Injury. But owing to its purifying qualities, Must do good tinder any eircUnadances. Its effects are truly wonderful, soothing, calming and allaying the most violent poughs ; purifying, strengthening and invigo• rating the whole system, calming and soothing the nerves, aiding and facilitating expectoration, mind heal ing the DISEASED LUNGS. Thus striking at (ho root of disease, am! drlvlng It from the system, CROUP, This disease is announced by difficulty of breathing shrill whistling or wheezing, lurching cough and threat ened suffocation, &e. It mostly occurs in young .chil dren. No child need die of croup if this Syrup is pro - 1- 'l , loy User Land .usedin time_ Mothers haying_ croupy_ children should watch the first show of disease, and al ways keep this remedy at hand. For coughs after measles this Syrup is most excellent. Experioncehas proven nett it la equalled by no other preparation. The price or the remedy is such as to place it within the reach of all, tho poor as well as the rich, and every person should have it.' Every person should have it In the house. it Is a true and faithful friend to all who value health and wish to secure themselves against that meat terrible disease, consumption. It 'will be found the most useful as well its the cheapest family medicine In the world.— It has been used for the last four years with a success without a parallel. Savo your children. No . child need dlo of ctouP if this Syrup le uxedirk.tinio. . Prlcola cents per bottle, or three bottles; for VI. iya,.Por salo by B 1' PANNABAKbiIt, Carllsto. Pa.,and by all country storekeepers. [Aug. 23,13131. TUBRIOATING OILS.—Wo wish I to inform machlnests,millers and,the public gone. 'rally, that wo have on hand a full stock of Lubricating Oils for all kinds of. machinery, this oil. surpasses all others, having been subjected to a thoronghtest by the side of the best Lard and other 0i15... It is pronounced a superior Lubricator at loss cost ; and wearing longer. and entirely tree from gum, and Will stand much Solder weather and has less tendency to heat. Try•lt and you will use nothing else for Lubricating. Carlisle Nov. 2,'W.-'JOHN p. LYNE North Hanover ... Street Carlisle. NALLS! NAILS ! ! NAILS !I ! • • KlariVfaook ofg9od; °loam Neati and Tough luttLY,at the lowest Prices. Our halls are• worth bOcts a kogmorp, than any other make of nails sold to our, fawn. this le the oplalou of mochaulea whp have tried thorn, 'Welds° hays a full assortment of DIATERTALS or the latest aud most approved sty OH. • All goeds war 'doted m;ieli!eanAtotl. .101 IN P. iNNIIic ;30!.Y. May 2, 'I3U. Nui Ilanuiror Varlialu. aTTE.73 I I I IOArr NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS After returning his aeltnowledgements for the very liberal patronage which has been extended to him, the undersigned would call attention to the fart that ho has just re-opened his extensive assortment of family In his new store-room, on the south-east corner of the public square, where the public are invited to call and examine a stock of goods which, In elegance, variety and extent, will defy. competition; comprising in part loaf, lump, crushed and brown sugars, (--- Java, Rio and roasted Coffee. Every va- memo duty and quality of TEA. Spices, (ground P nril "l and unkround,) Pickels,Sauces, Table Oil. . l,l New Orleans, SUgachouse and Trinidad _ tam t, Molasses; New York and PhiladelphlitSyr ups. Cheese, II acartinl, Vermeeilli, split Peas. hominy, Mincemeat, corn.litareb, Farina, Chocolate, Extract o. Coffee, refined sugar nt retraced rates, washing and bak ing soda. Tobacco of the most favorite brands, and the inest - qualitrof - Statarsc --- atiso; - a - benvitlful in.:natal:int er Britannia Ware, plain and g..ld band China Ware, Mass, Queens. Stone and Earthern Ware, In great va riety, And an elegant let of Fancy Scope, extracts end perfumery for the toilet. FRUITS: Int!holing Peaches In' earls, Raisins, Cran• berries, dry tipples, citron, almonds, oranges, lemons, &e. flop, tirotch 11 Idalcoy, Holland (lin, and Scholdam SellnApps. _ _ _ A large strict, of LA M l'S, including ➢pott's celebrated lamps for burning Km osene or coal oil, also Sperm, no, lard and Cool Oil, Btu Mug Fluid, Sperm and Star Candles. CEDAR-WARE AND BROOMS. nru.be,. Hopes, Hoppe. Soaps, Door-mate. Wailers, Looking-glasses, fine letter and note paper. 11 it Wore, painted hucheto. Coto,. and woollen Hese, and half Hose, and n full stack of (Ibises, including the well known Hanover Buck cloves. in short. his storic comprises everythintr that k called for in his line of intsinos,+, and 110 efforts will ha qmo d to rendur entire satisfaction to his customers. Carlisle, Oct. 27, IS2B—ly. J 7 3larketing of all kinds taken in exchange fo goods. FAMILY GROCERY AND TEA sToRE Jul reroired tind In stun, n f,sll and Well Sd lel toll assortment of IZio, Java and Morn eaihn l tdl.o, Itoarted Coffee. Crushed Pulvetized 'z'lugars, Refined and other brown Sllgars, .Superior Syrup MI,InFSeF. Orleans (Lakin.) (piers of every lankly— pure only Starch, Fa imt:tnd Choeolate. Nlarearoui. l'hrrr , r till Crackers, Tapioca and surfed Pickles, Mustard and Curlander Seed TEAS.- -A fine assortment in l'aekafreg. Aand in bulk—as well as all oiler et tide, airy tinging to the hu.dnrsa--all at the lowest 7kt,„„uttle ‘ late reduced prices. J. W. rltY. • - - SCLUNG OFF T TWENTY-FIVE T. IIE t IW ell T:t At the sign of the "Gold Eagie,''!filoors aLove . Mi Cumberland - Valley Banit. - and twn dont, bi , ifitr The . Methodist Clinrrh. en Weil. Main sheet, the largest and best solo-ted stork of WATCHES AND JEWELRY in the town. mill he sold 80 per rent in than at any place in the State. The shock rompt kes a large assolt inent ot Gold and Silver liunting-vane m atrhe4, Levers, f.epita! , s, American watches, and all other kinds gun! GOLD AND SILVER CHAINS, l'ens 0,1,1 Pencils, Jewelry of nll kinds, Spectacles (bold Vlnted and Silver NVare, MUSIC BOXES, ACCORDEONS , Coil Paintings. a great variety c,rfairy at tivlrs.aiirl Irt Of the finest Pianos, which N, 1111 e err 11near than ever offered In town. The entire • Lodi ;aril maker tools, rases, 11114,1 Mirrors, and Safe will be hr•ld wholesale or retail ell the easiest terms. . . • ihrrlem.srlecteel lint workulan..all_lantls.of re- Puking Will lie dour as lasu.ll, at redo. pit prices. Three Pianos at $lOO helms the fart,' price nn sn• count of the l'hilailelphia Company closing out. lin iii sell at the Jewelry Storr, warranted, at two-tthird I heir real value on r.t.y Lenin if 1,11,1 nu emu. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS " OGILLIY'S Cl-11 , 1A.1 3 ST()Itlz: A larite assortment of Fall and Winter hauls of al description of thr latestlris and insrufact nre„ now opening at. the Cheap Cash TM, e I'. 1 , 1711.1tY c ner nl %lain and Vitt ,stteet. The stuck has I.een looted nith great cart', buttght ter cools, and ir ill be sold cheap for the mney. A large l o t of !Wick :111.1 MITIC, silk, 1',11 , 11 Pareinetto.,. toted iteine., Ficore.l llama's ut 111 1,111,1 0 :111(1 prices. Cray Good, dt,criptl.at , , llai.accas aO. FA I. I, XI) W1.,VT.1712 53774 117.,5'. . . ri 110,1t.rt•ti awl Fani• hau., \‘. and Its tql wlw.l. ham Ism,ht heap Ihnnkr t, ”1,11 :111 , 1 r.t tho newe , t sty I-. will Is, rs ld heap l'athlon nalinvi, Rl...ached t 1 ,11,11: :it LI, , Cloth, Cassiteres, and vestiug.=. Sattlnet. and leant. A laree lot of lioopel Shirt, ot all sines and ,lyleq, of th e hest lna/ity ;and will be sold cheaper Lb an eon lie purrhas.A elsewhere in the Comae. and E‘andoe the stork before purcita.int:. Eer elect the stand EAST MAIN :ill( EET NEARLY I s rrE TILE DEPOT. GLORIOUS VICTORY rrE y late brilliant vietoricA achieved b Our ' , lateral Armies have gla.l.l,awqavrry A ill, kan heart, kiving a,,surance of a speedy rr.torntiouol pea to Vas great country. In i iew of this 1 halo rt.:01,4 a La offer my tremendous stork of DRY GOODS, at prices that will satisfy every person are cheaper than ran he bought from ens ether home with limited means just commencing business. 1 have 10,000) M.. of BLEACHED MUSLINS, - and Cho Ilan til yof unhleashed on hand. T can sell gond white Muhlin at h cents. and extra quality at 10 and Alpo, 10,000 yards of CALICOES, of Merrimack's, Sprague's and Coebeen, nt 1 t 1 a ets the old prices. A large assort 111 t of rscollcut SeCt..ll Mourning at old prices. y desirable BLACK SILKS, S. W. lIAVERSTICK at 52',.75, Sits, $l. The S 7 is the same that cold at VI, ana our dollar quality Is the saute that has been and Is still belling at $1,:25 per yard. GINGHAMS, in great prrfu•ion old prices. Also, Canton Flannels and Kentucky Jeans, at the old prices. And in CARPETS and OIL Chol 11S. I guarantee that no stock outside of Philadelphia cars begin to compete, either in quantity or price. In addition to the above, I have a city large stuck of Ribbons, Lien's, Sutbroid• cries, Dalai nes, Cashmeres, MerinOes, Coburg,, Flannels, and other • DRESS GOODS, of the latest styles and du icest patterns. My success heretofore has enabled me to oder advantages to my old customers :nal the public generally, which are not pros messed by others, particularly those who are rompelled In commend ng now to lay in a stock at the present high prices iu the principal cities. A discriminating public will satisfy then selves,of the truth of the foregoing before purchasing elsewhere My ttemendous stock of thesis. laid in principally be. fore the rise, is admitted to be the largest between add phla and Pittsburg. I invite all persons in want of Bargains in pry Hoods, to call :tud examine at the old and well known stand of Feb. 2S, 186'2. A. W. it}:NT%_ TT will be seen by the following adver tiHomont, that Henry A. Sturgeon, Esq., has retired from the firm of Kor, Dunlap lc Co., nod that Samuel Ilephnrn, Ssq., of Carlisle, Climb. co.,' Pa., has ham , tts sociaterlitviCh tho remaining partners to the firm of Kor, Dunlap At Co. and that William W. liettburu has been elected Cashier in the place of Ale. Sturgeon. The Propriators are \Vtttanu KER, IsAAO BRENNEMAN, RionAnn WOODS, Jourr S. STERRETT, JOIIN AUNLAE, SAME. lIEEDURN. This Bank, will continue to do a . general Banking and Exchange basilic:ix, at their Banking llouee la. Carlisle, under the name and style of KEE, .sr. Co. Money will be received on.deposlt and paid hack on demand without notice. Certificates of deposit beating interest at the rate of 5 per cent. will bo issued for as short a period as four mouths. Interest on all certifi.. cotes will cease at maturity, but if tech certificates are renewed at any time thereafter for another given period, they shall bear the same rate of Di torest up to the Lime of renewal. Twenty-days notice must be given of an-Intention to withdraw Interest de posits. The proprietors would call thoattentlon of Farmers, Mechanics and all others who desire it safe depository for their money, to the fact that they ate not - only lien ble to the amount of their stock in the Bank, but are • INDIVXDUALLY iiltbie to the eident of their whole estates Or all the Deposits, and other obligations of 'Aer, Dunlap & Co. Partieuler attention given to the collection of Vendee Notes, Foreign Bilis, Drafts, Checks, in ony'part of the United States and Canada& Remittances made to any part of the United States, England, and Ireland. They will at all times Ito pleased to give Any informa tion desired in regard to money masters - in general. Tho faithful and .couildential execution of all business entrusted to them may Ito rolled upon: The Bank will lat boon for business from 9 o'clock In , the utoraing until 3 e'elock in the afternomi. Diaconal, day overy. .Tuestlay. Collections front Philadelphia, New York and Boston 'made on favorable ternniV. - The proprlotore rpferto • • .lay, Cooke k Co., E. W. Clark A to., Philo.; 'Winslow, Lanier - I dt Co., Now York ;.Clark, (Money A Co.; Boston. ' • W. W. HEPBURN, Cashici. - Carlisle, March 7,18921 TOOTS AND S -lOES.—Just received orimilt , B Ch 7 p einqk Store, nn ontiro now" ido4tn.d - Children's 51..roven ahuln;aud Gaitern, of beat quality and lowegyrieen New 01 , oats). atE s LIQUORS: 'Wholesale and retail, embracing common and old Ilya Whis key, Brandies, dark and pale, Lisbon Sherry tort. Maderia, flinger, Catawba and Muscat Wines in casks and tot- FISH AND SALT " ..7/0.67/ o.lr flidMIL" =MEIMSt=I2 THl?gb' ROSEIrOop prAs-eis% NOW REcEivED ANT) OPENING AT TMEMM=J MEN AND BOIS' WEAU, CII 1111,ES 0(111,111% Truo, Cumberland Valley Bank. NO IIOE. l ccllcnco:u . Carlisle: lroundr* vjsq , .„-- • 00. AND FARM IMPLEMENT DEPOT! F. Gardner k Ca. now manuilictnre and keep con stantly for sale. nt their extensive Steam Works en East Main street, Carlisle, a largo assortment of AORICULTERAL IMPLEMENTS, of well known, approved usefulnaNs to farmerx. among eYWOnlstvalletpecl a tat t ont t 2 )Y UAL UUf7IA. BT'S CELEIIII.ATED PATENT G UM-SPRING. GRAIN DRILL, whleh Mistaken over fifty First Class Premiums at Stele and COIIIIty Fah fit TO the Farmers of Cumberland, Nett iiud Perry counties we need not speak in detail pr the merits of this drill. As scores of them are now in use on the best lkrto hi these roll ties. Its reputa tionis established as the most coinplute 0 rain Drill now manufactured in the thortea 9tatre, 1 t sows Wheat, Dye, Oats, Barley and evenly and regular, without bunching the seed.. The tnuu Sprit' gs pass tlio drill over st untps and shin ea. Nil tlrttne break ing pins or the drill. For (Non ami ry alit, sowing, the Willough by (I um Spring Drill Is unet willed by any 'Altar. Wit alma m:nntlarture told 4.11 the lollassing articles, which we eau recomniend In Farmers as reliable implements, of established character: ItIORIIISON':: PATENT roIIN PL.VNTEII, LASH'S PATI'INT FTIIA FoIrDER CUTTER, lilt I DEM/M.I'IPS PATENT CORN ELLER, 11.‘RNIS PAI'ENT JOH N IRON 110 TROVII 11. Also. Three :Ind Four IDn=r Pom err: atilt Threshing 'Machines, Cast Iran Field Boilers. Plough Castings of vat inns patt, us, Corn Crnshtn s, and of In, articles for l e atours too numerous to tnenthnt• Alto. Egci Coal Stn and Ten Plato Wood rtovos, gilt on initurnee variety or otte•r en,l lugs for hour, hoppers and others. h.tve also an al trictive vat illy i t patterns fur IRON RAILINGS, MIZE Y ESCLOURI.S: to m hich we would call nttentlon. Slenm and Pi 111 Genring To I hi, department rq'ovr 1.10 , 110, 4 Wl` plVii lac ntt,•u Liao. i.1.1V ali ooloi of patterns for Paper, Plow and r. 3101 ih•,, ipg. is fooiliStitilily Mill is,.ao awl \ll4 hi: will be fur nkhed with a printed r:rtale,oe of of r ran itollS Patterns, ou application. Om comp, iset all the variou, toolslor and foil:411,1g Fhnliinc and Castings, it gt0,,1 nod ran 11,1 I.o . l,lolfits. STATIONAItI: ENUANES - of .tny desirable envarily. fans ton tot went y fiyelinrfe 1.1.1%„01., built in titl• lo•SI stl II• and on ale. nonodating Irvin ~. 1; ttßinrc 1,1111 et our 1111 nt may Le q,ri:~ti ni el ninny of the larve,t ;‘nd 'fanner,- 111 . r:11lb:1e, and Cumin., land Perry mid D:1 11011 II Coll talcs, to the owners of 0 Lich we c•nnlidently ruder tof intnt :nation as to their ellivien ny. Parsons wantin. , Steam Engines :nr earn, stly re queFtedtocollandl.:l,lll)lle before: r nitrite ting else , w Inge DOOR AND SASH FACTORY. with i , : 1,1111 F:1 , 11,11,1 : , lanntartor) e hid. u,,,p't LL I,2ei tor the lll:mut:win, ot o'Vel I , rt of for tut° most et.stlt, us Will as the rt•i;tiest 11,11 , 4. Will relit?. 117r17tycl - v ttertr , rtliT:g . ltt - 541'1.0 - rrt glas:lit 'rt %ftitse - 11. et QI 111.11 :. 41, Shtittets 1 . .1111,1, tilt. I eut Panel Duors from:E. - 2. 12 I , l.w:wt. lettltllltus: Casting. Art:hitt:nes, W ash Itettuls. Ilr•kc ketv. I , tap.l y, 5.10,115, end otliet in how, imitates:. nislted at the It., pt tilt, Lest quality ii ! 1, 111 0 i u t es tql, as lnv, tire .to 1,1,11,1 :1,1 11.11,1 h nt It IaIN l .1115 11 r tlNl,p , rtotsf.n the rail, v llh iteempt [less atilt ott re❑=nnehle 1 , ruts. The patronaffo I I,Liblle tttlet,),) until rl,lllpr I,•1111, ti to, Pfau P.Il l IlltN El: &'n. XT ENV CO'A LAN I,l'M 13 Ell VED. have Lliih tiny vntyn.il in A to part uutship c.. trade in ij ()AL, AND LUMBER, W, 11,t• IV I'llll.llllllllla 11.11111:41 to Order 1.111-. 11),i quality of soit:oLod 1.12M1 . , lit, . • _ 1;1)..V.U.t1.8. 111.1'd P. STII. F, Palirrz. l'ln..tnrinz f -old tt. linc IA t It. loor iuc and 11, dtlivrboatniito. Pod.. 111,1 hails. And us rr) nl. tiri, that belo,, b, n id • \;1 . 4..1; VA I. All kind. of Sltlo IT • \\ hit, piny, Ilrudork. rind tat,, td dtdot,o,d tt a llur ~t ot , ,111, .411111 , 1, I , ' 4111'i J 11), 1,',4;:11, nod rim: at. Ilia .11.1,0,1 I'll Ow Int no.. norho.ircl. 1.111 1.11 hopt.llollor vosur th.tt 0.01 ..ttl • (1,17.1.11 , 1 , 11 4,1 :111 e 11,11..,, , Ui1a;) 4,1111,11 1 1 All kind, 04,1 11t1.1 , 1 • 1,11.1, r..• )il ,141444 (1 , 111,) part LA the dor-, dlt. EN , 1' .F.r.d.en, Egg, Slttvn and Nut L121t.}..; dr, do. LW - 15ST NitIUNTAIN, LOISItEI , V. whit+ o plodanl,ll',.lll,, to sell at thin lowest. prlees Best quallty ut 1//4,rdit'smitA'.l Gnat, my hand h:lt jII -,11 i , • A. o.t. figure ." ul ULAN 111 , II.!( 1 1.611•••• t. - A 4. t. 4 110 I uls 20, 7 •'.Ol. 3. IL NoNEmAii.Ew FORWARDING AND ('0 \1 \1 IS F Loun AND FEED. COAL, PLA,TEIt AND SA LT. The suleterilete hat hie taken the Ware Thome ears tittl fixtures el MIIIIny . I , mint. sn \Vest High street, enitttsite Ilieltiertat College. tretthl infeete the public (lett he has enteted into a ,1.5101.11 1.1.111:11.15,, :111,1 1'. , 11,1111 , ,10111, , 111,, Btu highest ll.lket {trice 1,111 Lv paid for k four, Grain :fll4l produce et .1 it kink , . They are also le, paned le freight, ge.dnee and stock to Philadelphia :eel (Atone,. at the lots esl raLvs,, DAL n.tret v and despatch. I'l.l:frit:lt AND RA LT kept oldislant ly en h a nd, a nd E1,1,1'11 .INII P rr.h ti ehrh :tale or it tail. Coal ot all 1.11,15.-olultraeing, I.IK EN'S I ALLEY. I.lj SUNtilltltY WIIITE Limebtirlier's anti Blacksmith's CON;•IAN'I IT Ir U. 4 .; KEPT UNDER COV and dellveryd dry to any pal t of the town. J. It. NOM:MAKER Carll-k 17. IFA LUMBER AND COAL. OMER DELANCEY, LUMBER .A N D COAL, YARD! On the Rail Road, near the Gas Works. Thu subscriber keeps countantly en hand, a fullag sortment of Lumber C Coal, which ho ran fur to "nit.. promptly and on the meet rea sonable terms. LUMBER, SCA NT I:1 N G, , BOARDS. FRAME STUFF, Palings, Plastering and Shingling-Lathe, Worked Floor ing. Weatherboarding, Posts, It aII s, hRe Pine, I I emloek and 'Oak Shinglek, of every quality. Ile also furnish bills to order of any length and raze, at the shortest notice and on the most reasons Me tenor. Ills worked hoards are kept under cover, so that they can ho fur nished dry at all timer, Ile has constantly on hand all kinds of Funnily Coal Ullder (.I,llr, which will he delivered clean to any pert of the borough. To wit LYKEN'B VALLEY, LUKE FIDDLER, TREVKRTON, LOCUST MOUNTAIN, And other varintleF, and all the various sloes In uso, whirl' ho Were to the public at the lowest prices. LIMEISURNER'S AND IibAOICSMITLUSCOALaIways on hand, at the low'est cash price. Timid:fill for the patronage of a generous public, be stows upon the late firm of Block& Delaney, he would it con ti LIII:U100 of the same as he will strive to please. All orders left et tho residence of Jacob Shrolll forQoal and Lumber, will be promptly ottonded to as heretofore. OLIV.Int DELANCY. July '113,1 Practical - PL UMBER Tfird — aitg MITER, in the ?arsenical of the df E. Church, Main, Street, Carlisle.. Lead-and Troiel'ipes, Hydrants, Ilot Water Cli.ecte, Volvo end Lift Pumps, Wro't Iron Wel'efulmo, And every description of - cocks and fittings for gm, steam, water, &c. Superior cooking ranges, neaten and gee fixtures put, up In cliurchtm. stores and dwellings, at Nhor t notice, Lt the etylo, All united ale and work in' our line allow ratee and warranted. Lr.e - - Conn try work and. Jobbing promptly attended to. Mar. 23. 1650-1 v THE( GREAT . CAUSE ra lo 'sr • Just Pupil - shed iu a Sealed Envelope,. • pa,. 0 cants: - it Jointure - by Dr. CUL. E 144 VllltWlll4 on the cauini and mum of • e SpOrunitbrrham, Consumption, Mootal and Pbyokal Duidl,ty, •Norrourness, - Epilepsy-; ImpairmiNutritlon of the Body; Las-Rude; Windiness pf the Limbs and the Back; and Iticarnity for Study and Labor; Dullutool of Ap. In,th e nsion; Loos of Memory; -trove-lon Dr flooloty ; _LOW) of holit min; ; SolfDioteust ; Dizzinemi; Alinetlono of- tho the m u m ; Inv6ltintary I , :mlasionn, and Sexual I nrajaielcy ; the Cansiaipmaaua of Youthful Indiscretion. Ac. , This admirable beettn•o clearly proven that the above enumerated, often • sulfnili feted, or 1114 war ha ramovial 'Without landinl no and wit hoot thingeinii,3 „„ 0 „ rattans, and *Mould Lo read by eye, y youth andurery wan In the .land.. . , "Sant untlar.saal, to any loldrev,i, In a plalia'aOaled on Takl), on tile reveipt or. 141 X 11r tali postage 4111111 , 5, lay /MAI i .T. O. K isTK. . Jan. 31. - .I.Z Loa, cry, Vu.A.. Vuat Lance, box 4556. 4' - ,l O ti . ' C k ti7 L ,. ikt ~.!..,_,•,,,,...,,, ,41 4, 0, r: Al ~._ ,_ -__,-...,.._ L. OE William P. iLyucli, Iron Sinks, both Tubs, Bath Boilers, Wash Basins, Ilydraulio Items, Se illatc(jes nit petudni. CLOCKS WATCUES ..JEWELRY ANT:I9IOER WARE. at Maltilfacturers 'prices. - . IV. lb A. Naugle, AO., Zug's building East Main St., opposite Sextons Hardware Store, Dealer in FRENCH & AMERICAN CLOCKS, 6,Nirt f, 'lV4(4_ _--` 4 17 4 t.. - L;i ,1 1 »~:.~ 9 i ti' '' , x - '1 f,-_ - • - c, 4 k.A titi . 1 , - - 1 i d, 0.-1,11 , m i t ~, , p, : i ' l: i--,, .QU - -„ , ,, L ,Tx: -, ~,,.--I.__-_-_-,--- Foreign and American Watches, Jewely,Sliverand Pla ted warn. Fancy Omni s Ac. would most respectfully lu f , rm his old patrons and the public generally that tin hasjust returned from the East with an entire new stork of FINE WATCILES,JEWIie Y, SILVER PLA TE I) WA It E, CLOCKS Ac. I aying secured agencies from sonic of the largest and host Frm^t , mins for the cumin- -of -these- -gooda,-1 am -prepa red to offer to the public any article in the lino from . - to Ice per cent less than they have ever born offered In this plare or Lido,. the regular wholesale price, of follows, Clocks trim 75 runts to $lO, Watches from $2.50 to $l5O. Jewelry In setts from 50 cents to $2O. Ten Setts from Sum to $30,-0 pieces best qMO lty and latest styles CLOCKS WATCHES. JEWELRY. • day alarms, (Mid Runt. Court Eng. Coral, 8 " Birthing, " American, Pearl, 8 " Striking Al. " " Swiss, ainerr, 8- " Regulators, ". French. Cold Stone. 8 " Rallcrw, Silver II tilt. Case Eng. Lava. 8 " Church, " '• A muerlcan, Carhunele, SAVII , I, 011111. " ' 1 , 1(91,11 Mosaic, 01,,11 1 , a,, A 11101k:111, ;11.t, “ " ',pines. thirl:ett. A " mantles fi " Per lor, " )I:trine o :30 litlur, " " qtl3, Hors, 'PnriU is, " 11 I irit: 4 , " Prrnrlt, rnrll rd, 30 Striking, :la Alarm Stril .‘ l'a.to, " 1;p1.111.111, St,"no, , 1 T I.; .1 81.: BEM I,nlll. g, C 01... Bigler Dishs, :: , :.IL . 4 1:ttl, I i , h Kniv,,, pi, K r ,,,,,, CI unil , Knives, I .o ri.elni dn. Cu),,, Knives, 1',.,-I,s, Spoons, Cast ut s. Carli 10. July' '',", 1 , 110 -Iv. Jl , :ll'll',l,ltY, A NI) Ft hvElt-IV Alt EAT Ct)NLYN'S ,Id established Stanil,lVt.st Maitl arl y opposite the Culuberhind Valb.y I )11“ 4. j 1 1 ,4 1 . 1,1.1V,1 a new to,snrtntent. of ,r,trbp, oweiry. ..ity t r tvto.. Ae.. i n t „tatti,.„ to ornoo—ddel: In e hich I kit tte the atlantlon of the Tulin... 'llll,n-sort Writ 1.11111,1 , 1, gOlll anti silver lever sratche , . It untlng and open ea,. do • gold An chors t..r . 1 11.1 I l'entletnon :tint Silver Lettine. and Quarticr v. etches .1 every variety in style and Price. .‘p,„ One roll NiPtiall inns. Breast-pins for I.:ldles sod nelit1"1110a nit over?: tt nattor,arni..prige. Gold fob, vest mllll.llll 'loch cintinK. G,1.1 hracelet.F. finger riu~ roll-pin., sludgy, cle , •re-bulLo nom, CrOS,S, Nt... I cr thintl.lt, All . , and plated but ter hnive-, tot 1,.. tea. salt and tan•tard spoon, of ever. variety. A la,- a,. , 1.1 intent id gold. and e...10100t t.perlarlcs, to silt all g 1., to which tnvilo cperLrl atten• Won. fin. lot of t:i'l,lt PENS froth t.lla newt. malterft; =pcet..t.•lr vas,. fattry m1.11 , 1'011 runt elates, trol.l 11 .11 tins, )1,, uI 1,.. :1,111)1.LS) .111 i4•11:S nllr It.t.t .1.tt.•1i% I .v ill t. 1-It. All At ' ittra..l t., I.t. e 11,1 t 11, .• ( .11T.I.,..1111•11 . a t 1•11:1,,n1.1 - tit t.ttt 1.1 itild 115.11:1 I tr. .4 4t t WATt 1 and null Nvorlc war. • -••••-•--•-- Der. 23.1' 9, ii. I, A (_) IX ' S PRIVATE IYIEDICAL TREATISE ysiobvi , II 17, 1, of ,11arrinwp 30 1 . .1.1111S 130 1.Ni1 8 .1 I NIIS.--Prior only TS , ,1 FIN 1.1 I t i.e.',t 11,1` pci , lll'l.l• to all inlets t ti n .. I t lil t tin' 11:11.1ti11 1.. , at 3 tint h 111101 111:11111iL31 111 , et 1 .111 r, t , l 1..111 1,1 all nL2,1,..,, 1,11 , 11, 11. ut rat lint.tti. it of Hu. I , ituit in”.l ••Ititssi.....t, 1,11;11 is. 1., .1 it e trout ay. hot and 11..iirdiliz F. 1... 1 'Nliss. .11egt, ist /111.1 a V 01114., 1,:1 Iv, • Itin ati to the mu t t, rj.al nit th..se rout eitiplat Whr, m.l 111 , 11 pliy•. and the h'•:11t11. li s appinesq. attlit it ile t t..:'l'. - NVl6il.ll 1n \ 111.1\ it Ito :11'.. 11.011'01 , P11 , 1111 wonlow.4, 1.2• as lad ht' in the t, uitti. l l 111 1 .1”1111, IL 1,11141111 , , i. 1.1.11 eats. \\ V:11, rtl.. WI.:111 . 1eS0 01 the ao .tl .trout to-. r.al Ittsi.ut of 1.1 . 000, 10-L1 ti t tt , t . tt ,,.. lilt nit. I it, 11..1, Itt. rurial by the nut hot i t . Mimi 1-1111, \ 1,4.‘ Utt,\ LL I \ .t'•,. , 111l1011 ~ 1 ~ 111 lilll, it, I IS 111 Ni I ll'. I:1'1101'1:1N iitie es ..t the1.1.,.,1...11.0 31111 114,11,110, 1 , 1 11p. 1,10,t n.l lhr 'l'lll.SO N/11 , 1 1•13,.. 11,11,1111, undo, .111' cane Lull to. , ha,r the lull 1. , 11. tit ..1 the 111:111y \'l'.ll' AN() EtTICAIItI( Ilial. HlESrchin'h a, enahlial L.. ..inr pritaiLite. and 111/1y assur...l or the ,11 , Le /eal. assiduity. SlilL'111.11;1' and :IL tenth"' lief. , paid t.. their.vas.", who h !tail so surer., folk lus lier.•ll.tio....is I'ht.l.irm lii utu 1'1:1'1' 1.1.11( .1. pal till, 1.1...1 pr. le.siottal ti t. „ tine, tee t he -11,.• vial 1 1.1.11.. q NV . 110 LL Isl. fur Medi heh I. 1. Letited i in thou L i tt .. 1 1 i i.. 1 tl5 ,1 / 1 1, i1,1i. , ‘11 an, I. 1 11,0 1101111 hut Dr. Thu priteltu.Lisitt iita t .et try. Lin shoriltl not (mitt, thiutt if th, 1, ,‘. • t :1 11. 111 n 011:1111 si111:1• i . • l . 111 , 11 j:1 1..• 11.111111 4'll 1111. t.. If 11, 1,14 h th..tt a sate and 11...i1thi 1.•11% . 0 are they. 1 . , I .• 1.•• T lk I t., b umileti to any part 01 lbw 1 Til DI --N1 elmfillont.):11 roteilloal svith I 111..0 plnitti. I. hdli li t It. It' q , •fil'.lll. , r,71111/.1 , i,1 t.11,11111.11i11....111. US. •• t i For 11131•114. , ho-.• li , ill 11 s , lll 11.4 atillsit. (.1 %%lin have is 41 -1. • to Note te• their flolilies, toa. he obtained 0, No. It 111 . 111 , 1 .1f• 1 lithe tr. 1 . 11111 . 1.11t/.01 illl.l hag heon t duri Etv k - •21) ye“, Prit , I i.ti THE SECRETS OF YOUTH UNVEILED, A Troatiso nn tli Cop, ~r ny —A ,o 1 unm ,varving a Ho. In prntress :in.l ahnire .tinnua nt•lsmt, id till , let d liat , l , pnnting nut. Ow tatalilv ottoollq its vi.•l ;tin! (level opin,; thu Inattni the ditwate, Irtnn the coin tinnirement t,. It will be sei:t. I v Mail on receipt of two ;3} cent 40- Attetul . tu., daily. from t hi the morning till ft at nhtlit, anti um Sunday. tr,.tn 2 till 5 P. M. t.llrine, withfull 4111 . "Ctit 11, !Wilt to any part of the 11101,1 States ur I.y I,d:tents eonununituttug their symptom.: Ly kite, nt.iiiONS correspondence strictly 4E4- Dr. ,fflee still located an establimlied,llllllol. IMMO of Dlt. LA 01101 X. at No. 31 Maiden lAne, Albany. N. Y. 20, 184(1-ly 00K fillA It I).—NV in. Fridley would ltesp,etfully no4olllloe to the eitinms of Carlisle and the public I.:HI era Ily that he has again commenced the inantila,trirliie . 01 lin & sheet iron wareofall kinds, iu S Lonrho,. street, directly oppo , ito C. Shapley's Chair Ilhanta:ll.l.m . y, whore he will at all tittles lie iu le:l4lin,, to do all kinds 01 work in his line of puniness with neatness and dispatch. All work will he done by hinthell mud n eompotent hand as he keeps no apprentices. Al•i .an at all times ha had those rolebrated SELF— NO, SELF-SEALING, 1'Ithl)111;)1 All:41(111T I , IIIIIT CANS .57 J A ES. How, .41.111.11 w. and Johblog of all Kinds done at short 110001 and made of the hest material. .i.ti) - ( . 11S11 paid PIT . I.lti PAW ter and Copper. Hoping by shirt attention bt bu.inesn, 11111.1 a desire leaq all, to i erol re a share of publir patronage. Carlisle Ort. 26. ISOO A1t ,13, - - FOUTZ'S CELEBRATED Horse and Cattle PowdeAs There Powders have proved, after a trial of several years, to be superior to airy preparation of the kind in use. The chief superb, sty of these Powders arises from th6faet that they are composed of Medicines that have Locative Tonic:tad Purify ing properties. The Laxative elects crudities Peen, the stomaell and Intestines; the Tonic gives sG ength to the system of the Horse, and the purifying medicines vont:tined In them cleanse the blood, and lay the foundation for a healthy and vigorous circulation. The use of them improves the wind, strengthens the appetite and gives the horse a fine, smooth 1111 d glossy skin—lmproving tine appearance, vigor and spirit of the noble animal. These Powders are net intended, as most powders aro, to bloat the so es to give him the appearance of being fat when not really so—but, to remove the disease and promote his genend health. • These Powders Will strengthen the 'stomach and in testines, cleanse them front offensive matieroind bring them tii a healthy state. They are a sure'pi evention of Lung Fever, and a certain 'remedy for till diseases incident to the 'torso, as Glanders, Yellow Water, tempels, toumb,•, !leaves, Wavering, Coughs, Lbes of Appal ito,and Vital Energy, &e. These Powders, if used two or tin Or, times a weak, through the winter and spris,yourliortie will never get the Lung lever. Colic or Botts. A few dosea l Cifiliege Powders will - remove the worst Cough on any Horse. Were owners of Horses to feed a few of these Powders every year, they might save the lives of many valuable Horses. MILCII COWS. The properties this Powder possesses in increasing the quantity of Jl ilk in Goys, gives it an importanee and value which should place it In the hands of livery person keeping I L Cow, In fattening Gale It gives them an appetite, loosens their hide, and makes them thrive much fester. H 0 G S In , tll, diroascs of Swine, ItH Coughs, Ulcers In the Lungs and Liver, &r., by putting from half a paper to paper ()I these Powders inn barrel of Swill, ti n t above diseases COO NJ toned rr entirely prevented. By using Muse Powders the hag eliblera can bo prevented. Pro. pared by S. A. rouTz, West minister, Md. • :0 - rijfer sale by F. P. PANNEBAKNR, Carlisle, Pa., and by all country storekeepers. Price 25 cents per paper, or nye papers rm. onb dollar, I A ng. 25,1801. . _ pA [NTS. AND OILS.•-•-• . • .. 10 Tons Whitekend. 1000 Gallons of oil. Just received with a large assortment of. Varnishes, - Fire Proof Paint., Turpentiato, ' Florence White, ;, _ Japan, , 11'llito %and,' . . Putty, ' • Colored Zino, ' Llthargo, ,lied Lead, , •` _ • ' IVidting, -'. ' Boiled Oil, - . Gino, Lard Oil, - •• Shellac, Sperm' Oil, ',.'• - - • Paint Brushes, F 1811011; he„ Colors of every description dry, and 011 in 'tulle and tubes at thp,llardwam Store of. ' HENRY SAXTON, . ... Carlisle, Oct, 20, 1001, .. - - FURNISHING .GOODS.Th9 tarromt, mitt host variety bf n t'9 V &MAI . . . pit Gotlds, tt9l.laL tile Itiwust priecn ~ n ll be found ;it - LI.VIN(ISTON'S, .. nlistthantaus. JAMES R. WV, A Vlll S (lAISTNET CIIAIIt ,iliog2+:3t. • AND M A 11 ACTORY, NOItTII ifik:VOtllC STREET, CAItI.I,I,E, PA lin'ring been engaged in the business for over twenty years ho would return thanks to his customers and friends, for the liberal encouragement extended to him In years gone by, and further assures them that no pains will he Tared, to give fulbsatisfactien to all who may favor him with a call. CHAIM. AND FUIINITURIi, of every description constrontly on band, or made to order. Warranted to he the best quality, of the la test style, well tininhed, and sold at the lowest possible prices tor rash. 110 also continues business on an UNDEIZTA j f Er,.— nrady corm, ”thers,i,e. I,•pt rm H tautly on band and funerals promptly a ttelldrei to personally iu town or country, an the most reasonable term, Cherry and Walnut refiln,, large sir,o, n ell finished and Band inFside,-fram h LOl2 dullars. = May 23, 1R39-Iy., N. ll.—Twu pnglrr Lire sltnate In Cl larAltown. Cum}, county, are ullered fur iltie on easy trrnas. Apply as tbevu. • J. It. W 'I'RTTiIIPIIANT. 1 . 111; vonilllete ',c0...1,41.1 I'r.kiriti Elm% 1 , 1. Cool< Stln't•, Warrants ~,11,111:or !Olt' till• tt tull I ion of till who 111:ty want ti supl•l gtOVII to PAH 1111{1 ON :1111in° OW only stun to that lutx given un1v0754 satliqa, tion. W I lAT IS CLAI)I KI) (I V Elt OT111:1IS IS = 2nd. A better An.l quick, (Ii i, 11 , 111 1111' S• 1,111 . fire, nr lit. A igPr () ,, ..than Any 01.11, Itose of Ow mtme viva, .101. The prvsci, AU,. of the picre floin saving f, h. In ~th. A 1111.11,• , , th. A perroi t (inS o,ll,lllner for i, szoldraisl to ills, y %111 itli :ill who iii.ii call, wlodlior di—dling to Too, lot, or not. anc gonotily of [Allyn cr ronotrc‘. , A l o w t,tio o -.,..00i c 04.1, ;t4 , ,00 1111011, hr sold Vol V low to closo stork. Sroot)litt It oolizr. J. d.o /alc. Co rio . r . gm ilhi ng Shooting oorl: promptly :it toioloa to. in town or routi try. .til tvora o;trranto k t at Ow old stand, ll:mover streot tooth 1101:1I1S. N. IL 01.11'f•pper. I,ot,ght,:ml tho 111.g.lie0 1,11(4..1,11,1, t-,11.1 1 4,1. , r, )1111111 . 2'. 1,0. If. 41Dc).a,12 c -4 c_,,n,12 2 rr 0 FARMI.:IIS LI MEI3I.JIIN MIS NI),)TIIEUS. Lin ,10 t , rvcotitmen.l , l \ Ir. 1,11 , 1 i, and .titir , ‘ , 111 , 1n li i.•. 1 It, I. LP I'llll,llk Urn pt, toll. its I, ! N . %!1. .11 i sviti,t a ill Ilad it la lln ir iti tart.sl I.oy till- ..qt I ri,ts tai.in t.a.•11• pair to \nlh V. 1\ a tha walm..l Ii aial I'.-,.1 t..r ays im brilittl. a ',rat. ' , took ''ml lit all ',Attila 1.1 . \ 11;1.1: i, vo!tiplt•le AID/ will I,e I, •I ik, I.r ht,,, ,11‘ rr•prtfollyl4( 21 1.• ti1111.11,•0 ‘,l I!.• •.11110. = .7ttly tfd, I y.4y,.. o \y„,\.l.t, 1) 1. . A Itcnev,;ont ut ~ , t,t1, 1 1.1 dnn t ttn , nn , l titltict,l nit It it Wont. and I..;,idotntr and I 1 , , Ct, nt =I 1111:1)1CAI, .111\ 1tT..v. , 11 ri tbe A..florz Fur goon, to :111 ,‘ ALL :, hy I, Lt..r. ith u th.•ir condi! ivo. „I I Oho. I,' 1111., and In ray, of n,tl,nn, poverty, )ledou filrtlirhell frer vh:trve. \ ELK und Ui ~11110 : 4 .•,1111 (hr. N kW It I.`l - 1.. the 1,1 iu ,1•31.•.11..1t, .•I ve tk.r 11111 A11 , 11 , - , ..1 , 1:..1.:=K11.1.1 , N 111)1.'1;111'0N. Arthiv Stlr itith t•I, F.Y.11.1 U. II EA ELL, I'ri•Nid , .nt OEI 1'.111;c1111.D. IMETEMEI 'A:JEW ;STORE, .A'S I) (;001),sII\IS. I ilk k :0.1. 511:111 (::11 , 0S. . d 'ir A> 9 C N e' c ....r,,,..4.,.., ,_, ~.,,„ -- ~,,f„,..„.„......... ...:,-4. .. 4,:"...-----:4,3 Til, , ul,-, ,:h , •, II , : r , •,,,,C, .1k.,,1 a Ne•w Fi..,.. nt th , -1 , 1 i ..•1 , ...1 1..111j, / I 111 :,,nth 11. 1 / 1 11,1.1 , i Oilil'1` , 11• 111 , ~. ,11, f .• fht , i 1 Nart K. 111,m; 1, t•I1 , 111.1 Ili NI, 1, Is .111k1 l'Iti:I.loli Li I. t ii 111.111 1 ,1 ‘ll i 1 ', A IV t , . i 1 , 1-.11'11,1/ t l , i ' ...I , /1/ ill , 1111,, 11111,11/1." • 1 / 1 •)1 .14 II IT , and CA l',, ll , klii 1..1.4 1•1•111litl, ‘llllll t.ll/1 , ti 1. , i'lll., HI.K :\ NI.) t'.\ '''`DlEPti . : II \ TS', Vail and I , ttrs,,ovil , t , he 1 II LIII. .IF t : .4 .l”irrt.l. I. 1,1 1111 (1. I'4 .0, tI t r. ttn St:‘,l . 1 .. . 1J11.11., 11 1.1 11 and Fut U, Int , L.lu and Lul,a, Ist Utm (l,,n,tl. =IT FLYA LO :LOS;E,, and uhe ! , •.11:11po PRICES TO SUIT '2l-LE t I t r, 1 th , ..F. l'runku, 'rum Ku 1:m11101:as. An n.. 1 ,11111,11 of Prime Segli vs and Tobacco. I h, ru‘.ti! p,“tk,• I, , riv e 1;‘).‘8, ( . .‘111.1.•. A pi il I IIIA R I) K(')( " A .1,01 I.V HP A S., 113,, J,,.1 1,11111dvIi•II , 11 0 1111, tildl Ili• P , l e. eh„L, till') hi' 12.11 1.11,11tii•li •• 1, ,t .•11 hi) 4.11, I rki its r:u 1.11 , ;./.111 , 11. • ,111i1 C,lll titl . 11111, 1111 1,7:11.11a,1: uriops In 1tru....1 •11.111 .E.llllEitil.s. at Ihr Lit est prices Put Eve .1.. rot th.• utillt.r.tdull Ihel r• !lAA i11 . ..LW-OIL all 11/1. ,I,l“if ill 1 . 1111:1.1.•1141,1 :1111i NE, IE.: I. 1.. put tutu, but uu P:111 :1•1111. Li 11.111 that E . E , uur stilt ii 11l rune i 110,1 I liLlt o Irate ,•m.ucll inn supply tilt. El..mand lii I his marlEtt. ii:rulirle goods In .Eur Ilia mill find it adtantaid.. to ;Edit. I.lb IL call nutt,intr their piusuuall and I.uustually /aloud...A to, tuft nu Oli>re ptchuutiElluits made to ulluct su lrs .I‘lllN P. I.VNE FoN, North 11:totty, 51 ay •_, 1 o NB V 1.:1EIL 2sl), 1 , (11). rea,h•ns o" are ronlindorl Lltat I ha , 0 .I.st hooarin 1 troni t [locity a la r,te supply of St tiAlll'Uttl..l) 11.1115 X.Nit . . Pried .I.ppler.:incl Peaches, Fresh T11111:1111eN in 1 . 3 t Is. fresh Mushrotele:. the very hest dillerrnt kinds „f LOIIII.IIN and (I,.“”g es . rolfee, Teas. Molas,B, Fish. Svit. l Ile. Sel,lr. 31Iti l'ehaers. verb Old 1:.yl• R' hies se ; bes‘des gernmil a,Nort. thent ui assets in nit line Cl trade, °tiered .I.t like very It, est in h•rr. FOR WM. BENTZ. Nev.2 , l, Isze,t. FRES H MAC Ic Elt E A tot of Nlackerel—oow ea teh—lo asso,taal pock gee of Halves, Quarter, and Eighth Ban els. A 1 4-o, 8 A 1. N U N, for sole at the Stoto of the buhserlbor. Oct. 26, .1 EISY. • 600 TRACE CHAINS OF ALL 1,1u,L8 with it large tissortaleu I of BUTT CHAINS, ~ HALTER CHAINS, BREAST CHAINS, - FIFTH CHAINS, LOG CHAINS, . TONGUE CHAINS. COW CHAINS, SPREAD &c., A:e., Just received at the Cheap Hardware Store of • )11,141A D BISCUIT &c. The Cream of Tartar "Substitute" Is recommen• dud as a superior article In combination with .ialetatus or Soda 11w Ing purponfes. 1 t produces bread rakes Se., which Whoa cold are sweet, moist and gratrfil, while those of Cream of Tartar aro often die and taste less. I t will cost lens than Cream of Tartar and is used in the same way for cooking, TillS SUBSTITUTE, • together with Saleratus' Soda, Pure Cream - of Tartar, Bermulla Arrow Root, Mustard Seed, ground and un. ground, spices of all kinds unadulterated, and also llrocerios In every variety constantly on /1111. d, and at the lowest pH/I , s for sale by Due. 14, 1550. t - i_. - 11EAT ATTRACTION AT LEON kLA RD'S - CREEP STORE.- EDW'D. B. LEONARD, JR., Has just returned from tho Philadolppla, and opined a aldendid aSsortinent of READY MAUI CLOTH MI, which cannot ho surpassed In style and linish. rho Clothing at this establishmid, consists In part of ho following, viz: . :DRESS 11..Drb FF.C.OOI{ COATS, of which lie lingo magnificent arsortmont of lilaolc and fancy colors, out in the tat:Molly and elegantly trimmed, and made in a superior manner. . . ' SACKS AND .17AM' SACKS, of Cloths, Cm:81111°1 . os Lind TwootlN, all of now Myles and at very low prices. VESTS! VESTS ! ! VESi ; S ! ! ! The richest and hest assortment ever offered at MI Corner, of tlatin, hark and Fanny Silk VllHuth, Itadau Cloths, Markle'llea, double and single breasted, of every 'variety material and patent, PANT .A 0 0 N ,S • Plain and finely French Deo shin eassimeros, satl I nett Jeans and 0 great variety of ethers, all of which will bo not LI at the .very lowest prices. silinTsi—Flue white linen and cotton of the ii • terest style and best-mato. Aloe, • cheek and currying shirts. A Largo us9miment cif- BOOTS and SAGES, for Mon and Boys, wiiich can end will he sold.cheapor than ovor. Also a Spittiellti lot of Trunks and Carpet Bags.' 1 therefore conlidantly Invite one teul all, tecnnetantl tee Gtr yourselves, 00 l will not attempt to deserlito tlfti bargains that tintrbo expected, for 1 tau detertahuld' tliat, opposition can sell lower. • • .41&'•Iteasutbar LEONARD'S Corner. • . ,EDWARD 13: LEONSED, Tr Carlisle, Dlsy 13L 1861.-1 y. - T. )) RI All?, • Cli A NI3EIRRIES.-- -- . 11 Asu Burl° ttrticlu of Craniiiirrfus Just revolved Imp fur 5310.1. s • ' • • J. W. Elt I' Oct, I'AOSO. , . SHORTEST IN DISTANCE AND QUICKEST IN TIME BETWEEN THE TWO CITIES VIA. REA D NcrA, A LLENTOWN A N 1 - ) EA STC)N EN lqt leav M.. :W.'', Ilarrkburg n 112.41, noon, only 6 3 / 4 hours hot,, (.Ith.s. M.\ leaves: New York at 12.00 noon, and Of 11, , nl flarri , l , ig tit P. M. :tlAl', LINE East. !clves llnrrisburg nt t± . 140 A. 11.. nrrtrinr nt'cnv Y silt nt 4"n v. 14 - , A ETEENtU , :st h..\1 . 111•.. A LINE, East, leaves Mirth) bunt at I.llt P tirtlving nt New York at 0 00 P 0,611Vrii4 , 1, nre mad, an titr ri•l urg at 11.00 P. M. with I Passeugm Trains in rat.it cll,. elk •u on the Penney] van la, Cumberland I alley and NOrt,h,,", Central ltall nad. I A:%ll , :ri It. 1% EA V ER. An 'rains con n eof at Itemling with tt OW, far Potts ville and Philailelphia, and at, A Iluntown for Mauch Chunk. EaMon, ' Ne change nt 'Passenger CarF or Baggage between New V 101: and by the il.OO A. 01. Line from New V , .rl: or the 1.1", :NI. tromqlntlisburg• For bee ;Ay of Frenery. and speed, emnfort and neeMft ❑unL tie... Nils t onto presents superior Inducements to Llte tlnvelllng oublk. Fore and Ifarrishnrg FirE DOL. LARS, For Whet, and oihrr Information nppiy to .1-1. Ul.l' lit. I; vnerld Agent, 11nrrisburg. CAItLISLE AND PIIILADELPHIA triy- rn es of thi= 1,1 I' !env, the Depot Sll mArl:let st-, Nils', :1r ,p',loels, I'. )1. hir Oil, Line sbotild he warked C. & 1`.1 , ,111 3 ii,•iglit.l.lll,, :11,1 sent. in 1,3 , 1 o'clock. 1h59. 1.1 I L. A 1) E L A • 1:s.1) READING ,- It A I 0 A 70 - - SUMMER. -Altlt ANC] EMENT,. - rn,f , Harrisburg daily, (San 1 40 P. 111.. for 11l Ing .• :11 10.1.1/ 0101 6.15 P.lll. nt 800 A.M., and 3.30 I' 11 , arriving ,It Ilan kl.nrg at 12.4., noon and 8.30 P. 31. • • Tf• Ph11,1,.11.11in, No.l $1.2.1; No. 2 On it a it... 70. t Al Ity.l A t 1;..1.11m, v,lOl trunis for POtt.Tlllo, /%/171erA A I -tti (1:11r, 1.•, daily, at 6 ‘. . \ NI.. I 61.... ii :iiiii:;.-13 I. ;At hAw A..N1.,:1.0(! I t.oi)..P. M.- - - - 1 11, 11,” 11.;IptyLpIlis, glib (!yid $1 45. 'I P II Ipin, 1:11T1 fr , m 11111;lb:burg connects al al P.v.t.liuu Pith up train for NVilkes.barrt. Pittston and Fni thr,upll tichets and other Information apply to J. .1. I. I,Y DE, A nv. :1, 'CO. C enel al /wont. PHILADELPH A AND READIIVG ,Vr., , :!: , :1:Y. 1.1+ .7 1 m0i , '. I' kVi/ -eTR:AP r.77-:4A 7 2, 7. f, , ' ~PP Poit'srille, Read , itsu aml Ihrrri,shurg. Daily, (Sundays ‘ , ..1•1"I N.." 11, 1 1, t, Corner of liroall tttal C.111.,11111 l'1111 ; ‘,IvIt11118. l'asFettltyr p I F• 111.1 • 1.11 /111 . 0 1, 1.111 .11 1 d ( 1110.,1,111 Ott vots , B t, 8 A. )1.. 1111,11 n Hllll , llll, 11 111, t 1 1 ,• L.1 . 1/.t.1. I \ . 1 .11 , 11 1 . 111111 , to l'itt , httrgh: the , .1 Contlrho. t 1.. k. I' (1 li 11 mo running. to ('horn t• 11 . 11,h Sy:81.1 tlw :\‘1 . 111,11 1 1 ,ifirttl 1:811 , 1...ti1l 211 I'. )1.1,10 111111111,1(i. > unl,u ry, (ic Lana n..sv • I I; Itizl)A D „„,1 cALI,OI4, 4111,1. .•I'-, ‘1 , 1.111L uutlauces urr 111 i. tventit nu.l ,t 1 I ee \ I 1.1.1.: .sts,l IL\ I: E I,ltl. Iti;, at :1.15 p. OA I 1,1 , fleet me' at I I:nn>l•ur_o tth the Northern ;:.ssir..s•l . .. , tsubslsy.ll illime,pert, kr. t p.t I I :t :II erlt makes elope cense, l l Il e Ills I:, Jul isle slAiland .44,,tnniodatic1n t ot, ...es. e: .st ,f Ills the Petlusylvania t'.11u.C... 1 1 , 1 51 tJ.,its DIN .% \ 1'1111..\ TL, 7., A i; CoNNECT DAILY Al vo . o,4.i l ited.) with ta, t . vv.% Nt 1, 4 A, %1 I L1.1.k ISI , .)IcT AND ERIE IT HUI'S to NI AliAltA F . k LA . s , c.% kirA, the mut SOUTIINVEST. DrunT IN PIIILADELPIIIA, CI In., (1 Hi...land rallowhill shorts. W . 11. 111e11,111iNN Seeretapy _ The undersigned having purchased the of the late Wtn ii. Trout dee'd. woull r peg :ouy Announce to the nubile that he will con tiuw Ito HATT' NI) ItUSINIS at the old stand, in 1.101 stre..t. anti at ith a renewed and efficient e that, oduee articles Cl llead Iness of Ercry Variety„';lgle and Quality, that shhtly in heeping.,..with the improvement ot the Art, and fully up to thr Age in which we live. I hare on hand a splendid 1.501 tsar cm I or •--- T . HATS AND CAPS of all descriptions, from the common Weal to the finest 1/ It AND SILK HATS; end at pfleen that niu,l suit every one who has an eye to getting the worth (d his money. The stock inclndee, MOLESKIN, CASSI MERE. BEA V Elt. C FELT HATS, of every ,tylo and color and unsurpas , cd for NlNe, 111.1 It .\ BILITY AND ElNiall : by those of any other c,taldiblunent in the country. BUYS' andCIPILDREN'S lIATS and CAPS, of oval y Jescript ion constantly on bond. lie respectfully invites all the old patrons and a many au a• ones as pOSSIWC, to give him a cull. J. (i. CALLIO. QECOND SPRING ARRIVAL.- LAIIG E SUPPLIES FOR TIIE DEAD AND FEET. At the store ofJohn Irvine, on the N. B. corner of the pin lie maitre, is the place to purchase Boots Shoes flats S Ceps. at prices that defy competition. Ile hen Just returned from the East CV Ith lbe largest and most complete assortment of Boots, Bh6fs, Slats Caps that he has over presented to this community, and.ohich he is determined to sell at the lowest poosi• Me prices. ins stock embraces everything In bin line of heliumone, such as ll= ICip Boot, Calf and Patent ',anther Ox ford Ties, Cal and Patent Leather Clatters, Calf -Nullifiers, Calf and lilp lA °guns, Slippers, Ice. LADIES' WEAR. Fine Fl'olloll and English Lasting Gaiters, Morocco, Calf and Kid Beals, Flue liid. Slippers, Nancy Slippers, Morocco, and Kid Buskins, etc„ J. W 14111 DI ItiSES AND C1111.1)11EN'S WEAR ofall deserlptlonn embracing fins Lasting Gaiters, Morocco and Lasting llutton - 1100 - COloroceo Lass Boats Of all kinds, fancy alloys of - various styles. , II OA I'S, gilk, - Casaltnera, Fur and Wool Bats of all qualifies and styles, also a largo assortment of -titiot/4 rind - Minos ritido tri order attlit, sh9otost.notics Repairing proinptly done. Contident of his ability to pleas° oil classes of customers, ho respectfully invitos the public to glee him a roll. tym_, Remember the place, N. E. corner of tho Publl4 Square. May 30, '6O T J ARGE ARRIVAL OF FRESH OROCERIES—FISH OF MA L KINDS. Among which is a large lot of the real genuine ReRD. more dry salt HERRING, In oak bawls, MACKAREt. at prkes thikt, Is really attordshlngly low. Plckolsuf kinds, SAUCES, PRESERVES, and a good assortment of TOBACC•O.AND SEGARS. LIQ ik C., • at the lowest rates fur•CABLt or Country Produce. - W ffi. BENTZt Corn:llo,4one 21, MT. J) AitGAINS 1 BARGAINS Noy la tho Alum for clump goods, Closing out the entire . ',tack at unprormlonlly low prices, to mak& room for'sprlng assortment. All In want of Cheap Dry 000116, o u rompeetfully Divlted to eall at tho cheap atoro "011 As. 001LIIY, Teoateo. UM BELTING - I - kir J unt . ruuelvod a largi tuigurftnont, or. all slim,. Gum ltultimr, Gum limo, Guth PaAkiug, and kl sales elautry at Ilia Ibrdwuru btoro of 11 XiONi J nun 4,181 k. • Jiail Jlaubs. NEW AIR LINE ROUTE TO NEW YORKI run- "gir o AND lIARRISBURG PA% - , 1.) A 11. Y 1 , It E I G II T L IPI E • FREED, WARD A: FREED, 811 Ist AUK Cr STREET, RR 1 DELPHIA & U. 1;11(1,11):4 IIN NTIIKET, PA wI On and after MAY 28, 1860 AIL'ROAD. \FTl:ll\rmN LINES 1.:.1.1 olli)..t1 -I (I P. M.. (6untlays excepted.) i 'll, I . llilad..l).bi:k k Rowlin ; 311(1 - 1,IntlInn 1'7111(7 IL I:. I 1-12 1 Northern reTltrzti I. a .lillo.l ion, I ,• 1.291 1;1 17g 1 , 7 .c , unbary and Erie It. IL .209 1,1 H t, Al 11, irt, 1;1 \VI tn.port and Elmirer 257 lIAT AND CAP EMPORIUM! ATI, 2s, 1860—ly MEN'S & BOYS' FINE CALF BOOTS, STRATV RAT,S Cni11e0,.14,1), 1 5,1961 JOHN . IRVINE