rriages. gin —o— Peoria,.lllinois, on the 15th Inst., by the Rev,, W. ABEnI2, Mr. WILLIAM 11. RICHMOND. of Peoria, to'hllss AGNES WETZEL, formerly of Carlislo. In this place, oil the 24th Inst., nt the German Re formed Parsonnge, by the Bey. Samuol Philips, Mr. JOHN.MINICII to Miss ELIZABETH THUM:VIA, both of Frankfort Township,Cumb. Co. • On the 201 h inst , by Rev. Jamb Fry. Mr. JACOB 11, ALBERF, to Miss JULIA A. ADAMS, both of Carlisle. pt a ft s . -0--. On tlio liWrinst., in this place Mr. MICHAEL Mo- MILLEN, aged about 70 years. On Monday morning last, OIIARLES B. RIIREM; youngest sou of Jacob and Susan Rheem, aged o,years "No bitter tears for thee be shed, ; - Blossom of being I soon and gonel With flowers alone we strew thy bad, 0 blest departed 0341 Whose all of life, a rosy ray, Blush'd into dawn and passed away. Thou wart so like a form of light, That heaven benignly called thee hence, Ero yet the world could breathe ono blight O'er thy, sweet innocence : And thou, that brighter home to bless,. Art passed, with all tliy lovelinesd." E4t Utaritets. CARLISLE PRODUCE MARKET. Reported weekly for the Herald by Woodward dr. Schmidt. FLOUR (FamilY•• • do. (Superfine) do. (Extra.) .. Rl E FLOUR WHITE WHEAT... RED do RYE ...... ••• • • • CORN OATS, CLOVERSEED..... TIMOTILYSEED... FARLEY, EIPKNO BARLEY, FALL... Hew ithnertisements READ 7. READ ! ! READ !! ! THE GREAT PUBLIC are respect fully invited to call at the new atone of LEH/Telt, SAWYER k MILLER, East Main St., and examine their extensive stock of now WINTER•GOODS; consisting of elegant DRESS GOODS of tho latest ho. portations— Poil 'de sole; Brocade figured; Plain, colored and Black Silks; Plain Oro de ra Rhine Rik. Silk (all prices.); Splendid Fig. Merinoes and Cash meres ; Ottoman Reps; Valen ties ; Empress Cloths , Brocade Pop line ; Volours ; French printed Delaina; Plain French Me rinoes and -Delaines ; Parmettos; Pacific ' and Union Delalnes and Caihmeres; Mimics and Children's Dress hoods of ovary variety, suitable for the season. I . • DIOU.G.NING GOODS. Our line of these Goods is unusually full and coin plots; as we hove every variety of Goods imported by the celebrated mourning house of 1100000 h. Sox: ouch as Mourning Silks; Lupin s Merinos; Cash .-- mores ; Reps; Double width Delaines ; 'NMI' •• "IpthA Bembrishi vs ; l'aramettos; Alpacas; Deledues; ;repos of all qualities. ', MOURNING FURNISHING GOODS.—Long eras , Veil". i, Collars; Gloves_; Handkerrhiefs; Hosiery; , frimmings; Double Thßiltand Single Shawls; Cash li mere; l'eaced - ale ; Washington Mills Shawls. ..i Particular attention paid to Funeral Goods, of I elikh wr have A full line. • . CLOAKS! CLOAKS!! CLOAKS!!! We have made arrangements with a New York man. lecturer by which we are enabled to furnish the latest and most fashionable Cloaks worn through the season. We have lust received a large and choice lot of Mantles, to which we especially Invite the attention of the La rites; also Misses and Children's Cloaks. We will be making additions of these goods as the season advances. ilaliast - vcrlsi In all their yarieties—Brocha, Jaquard, Peacedale, Jec , EMBROIDERIES from AUCTION at very low prices. lIAI...MORAL SKIRTS in Mourning and Fancy Colors. Hoop Skirts ! Hoop Skirts ! ! Of the latest Improvements. We have received the ABENCT of a Now York Skirt Factory, and will sell these indispensable articles at wholesale prices. Ladies Furnishing Gropers of Every Varsety. Kid Gloves, 0/rootlets, We/den mad -Cotton Hosiery, Underrests, Corsots, Nu alas, Bonnet Ribbons, Dress Trimmings, Worsted Hoods, &c., &c, Cloths, —Overcastings, Cassimeres,.. Vestings. We have secured the services of a first class TAYLOR, and make up clothing to order at short notice, In the best styles and lowest prices. BOYS' WEAR of ail kinds for the season. Men's and Boys' Shawls, Drawers, Undershirts, Han over Moves, Uauntlets, Collars, Neck Ties, Stockings, `Scarfs, Suspenders, Are., &c. DOMESTIC GOODS, AT WROLEBALE AND RETAIL. flaring purchased largely before•the great advance Ii pricon, we can sell many kinds at old rates. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATLINGS. SHADES, BLINDS, BLANKETS, COUNTERPANES. All the above articles and many others we offer at the lowest possible prices. Constant additions will be made to our stock during the winter. No pains spared to show our immense stock. LEI SAWYER' A MILLER. Carlisle, Oct. 25, Mil. 1)liBLIC SALE oF REAL ESTATE. By an order of the Orphan's Court of Cumberland county, I will expose to public sale, on the premises, on THURSDAY, the 21st day of November, 1861, at 10 cf sloes, A. M., ALL THAT PLANTATION or trael, of land situate in Monroe township Cumber land county , bounded by lands of, hlichhel jo-Hoover, Christian Baker, John Cockloy, and pliers, containing EIGHTY ONE ACRES, more or loss, nearly all of which is cleared, well fenced and cultivated, and having thereon erected a two story LOCI WEATIIEIIROARDED HOUSE, Dank Barn, with Wagon Sheds and other ••'• • improvements. This Farm is situate about one and a half miles north of Churchtcwn. Teems —Elm pop eopt.tita be paid at the tiffie of sail, one tbh d to remain In the land, the Interest to bo paid to the widow, ono third on the Ist of April, 1862, and the balanzeOLl the theist of April , 1863, with int e rest, a ..IJOSEPII NE WCOMER, AdmltilsrmiblYof Jacob Newcomer, decM. Oct. 26, 1861. OR RENT.—The Store-Room' and Dwelling at the corner of Pitt and Main Streets. 'he Store-Itoom has every thing necessary for business, nod is of ample size; and the Dwelling is comfortable, with large rooms. Also; the TAILORING Store Room and working room adjoining; all which is offered at rod uced.rents, and is one of the best locations in the town. The former.will be rented from the Ist of April next, and the latter can belled on let of January next. - .1. HAMILTON. Carlisle, Oct. 22,1881-40 fIARPETINGS, &o.—just race Tied at INIILBY'S Cheap Cash Store, a new stock of Car• putings, Druggets and Floor Oil Cloths, which will be sold at very _le w. figures, - - Please call and examine the stock. Carlisle, Get. '25, 1811. G RAND JUVENILE • CONCERT AT RHEEM'S HALL, Os TUESDAY EVENING, OCITDEER 29, 1861. Mr. - KEMMERER, assisted by nearly - 200 pupils - also - Master FRAZER from Lancaster, will give a pupils; Musical Eutertainmont of miscellaneous music. The programme will consist of 33 different:pieces. Tickets 10 cents; for sale at the door. Concert to commence at VA o'clock. [Oct. 22, 1801-It* FURS! •FURS!! FUttSlll ear LADIES' FANCY Funs. -en MAMMA T,1103450A, Old Stand, NO.SIB Market St., above Bth, south aide, Philad'a:, have meat opuned their Entice,New Steck .of • Ladies' and Children's Fancy Furs, comprising , all the loading . desirable styles, at tremendous reduction In prices. We have determined to offer for sale ourstock of Furs, at Pssio Moss; affording an opportunity to. all Ladles 'who wish to purchase moot of Pure at a great reduction from former prices. • FAItEIRA. TIIOBIBON, 818 Market St:liter, Philad'a. N. B. Old rare altered to fashionable styles. highest price, paid. for Shlpplug Vitra, Mtlik, itao.llt, Ste., de. , (Oct. 25,1881-Bra M"',OTICE :TO ',.BllCiElliAtE . 200 Hands Vatted to work on Army Elms, to sr out constant employment will Ile, given. for at least, are or slxlnongo t att llt?_nrel !suave _ • Aug. 00,18011. - Roagivr,m.ooint_. ang--;-bnok for sale; at lieu priee than tiny can-be bad at the kl►n. Buointre this aka:. dept. }4,'00. • Tnet, redeilied -another new. and cheap lot of Ittehardsiinel, bar & Dizon MMUS, MCLI lien, Calicoes &e., At, cheap Oath Store • .; Nor .1.1t.m . -- 1): 0011.111 r, 7 . 1 , "17T1 I'. —The subscriber desk _J .1 --- Inn- to so ttle-m p Wei ness, requests _th ono in. debted to him to ihnke payment to A. b. tipousler, Esq., and those having claims against him to leme them nt the same Olen Carlisle, Oct. 25,1561-3 t TOOTS ANDSHOES.--Just received at 001LIlY'S bhciap Cash Store, .an entire nen stock of Ladles', Mtesso' and Children's Morocco Boots, Shoes an liaiters, of the best quality and lowest prices. Carlisle, Oct. 2 1861. DOOR RitCHARD'S EYE WATER. Benjainiul Franklin assorts nit an ounce of pre volition Is bottel..than a pound of cure. Then we ask you do you wtph to keep hipthoria, Nouralgia, Sore Throat, Colds in'the head, with an endless category of. diseases which Infest the syitem Irons your house? If so, ueo unsparingly if Poor Richard's Eye Water, to bathe the Eyes and Ears. By this moans only you can keep the sowers df the head open,and thus prevent all Internal inflammation, which is the precursor of disease. Please gat circular from Drug Stores of the most ro• rcarkablo cures on record. . . To be had of all Druggists. Price 25 cents per bottle Airs. 111 O. BROWN, Proprietor. 632 Arch Street, Philadelphia. . . Oct.. 26, 1861-6 m QHERIF F'S SALES. IIJJ By virtue of sundry wilts OF Fenditioni Expoiine issued out of the Court of Commcin_Pleas of Cumberland County, and to me directed. I will expose to sale by piubllc vondue or outcry, at the Court House, in the Borough of Carlisle on Friday the Bth day of November A. D. 1801, at 10 o'clock n. In. the following described Real Estate, to wit: A lot of ground situated in the borough of Nowvllle, containing 00 feet in front and 120 feet in depth, more or less, bounded on the east by High street, on the west by property of the Lutheran Church, on the North by property of John Bowers, and on the south by property of the Lutheran Church, having thereon erected $6 00 .4 75 .5 00 .3 25 .122 .1 12 Frame Blacksmith Shop and Shed Slezed end taken In execution and to be sold zo the property of John A. Harris Also, a lot of ground situated In the borough of New villa, containing 60 feet in front and 120 feet in depth, more or less bounded on the east by High street, on the west by property of Yost Spangler, and on tho South by property of John Bowers, haying thereon erected a two story Log House, Log Stable, and Carriage E'hed. Slesed and taken In execution and to be sold as the Pcol.U . ty c.f.lohn A. Harris. Also, a lot orground altuated lu South Bliddloton township, Containing Five Acres, more or les3, bounded on the east by the Walnut Bottom Road, on the west by the Spring Road, on the north by the Spring Road, on the south by lands of John Noble. Slexiid hnd taken in execution and to be sold as the property of William Cart. Also, a lot of ground situated In the borough of Car lisle, containing 60 Pet In front and 110 foot In depth, more or less, bounded on the east by an alley, on the west by Pitt street, on the north by lot of Mrs Bowers, arid on the south by south Street, having thereon erect ed a ono story Frame House Slozed and token in execution and to he solg as the property of William Cart. Also, -a lot of ground situated In the borough of Car lisle, containing 30 feet in front and 240 feet In depth more or less, bounded on the east by lot of William L11;0 and others, on the west by lot of Goo. Wahl, on the nprth by Chapel alley, and on the south by South street, having thereon erected a ONE-STORY LOG HOUSE. Belied and taken In execution and to be sold as the pro erty of William Cart. Ala°, a lot of ground situated In the borough of ]lsle, containing 30 feet in front and 240 feet In depth, more or leas, bounded on the east by an alley, on the west by North Hanover street, on the myth by Louthor street, and on the south by Rev. Smiley, haying there on erected a two story Brick House, a two story Brick Kitchen Wash-ho Use and Ware-house. Slezod and taken in execution and to bo.sold as tho property of Samuel C. Huy-OU. Also, a tract of land situated in Middlesex township, containing It) acres, more or less, bounded on the east by Minis of John Ileushow, on the west by hinds of Adam Forney, on the north by lands of William Cepp, and on the south by lands a David Hoover, having thereon erected a two story A Log House And Shed Seised and taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Amos Collins and George Contras. Also, a lot aground situated in Silver Spring town— ship, Cumberland county, containing 70 foot in front and 130 feet in depth, more or less, bounded on the east by the Iloguestown road, on the west by an alley, on the North by proPerty of W. 11. Oswald, and on the south by the Simpson road, hawing thereon erected a TWO—STORY FRAME HOUSE:and FRAME KITCHEN. Seized and taken in execution and to be sold ate the; re— party of Peter Earlecher and Elizabeth Ilarlacher. Also. a lot of ground, situate it, Silver Sprinfg town chip, Cumberland county, - containing 35 feet 10 front and 200 feet in depth, more or less, hounded on the east by an alley, on the west by land of Frederick Wonderly, on the north by Lotket Street, and on the south by the Simpson road, having thereon erected a FRAIIIE STA BLE. Seised and taken In execution and to be sold as the property of Peter lierlacher and Elisabeth llarlacher. And all to be sold by me ROBERT McCAETNEY, Shod!" SIIERIFF's OFFICE, Carlisle, October 16, 1861. CONDITIONS—On all amounts over five hundred dollars, fifty dollars are to be paid when the property Is stricken off, and tweuty•fivo dollars on all amounts under five hundred dollars. NOTICE is heareby given that the un dersigned Clerk of the market, will be dt his of fice in the weigh room at the Market Hon so in the bor ough of CarlisKon . and after Monday o,etoher the 28th. 1861 orregulnling Scales an 6 Weights according to the provisions of a Borough Ordinance passed July 30th. 1865. Ile will also visit places of bu sham for the same purpose. ' A. DEMOBS, Oct. 18. 1861 3 I.* Clerk of the Market. PUBLIC S A LE.—Will be sold at pub lie sale, on TUESDAY, the 29th day of October, ISM, at the late residence of William Shriver,dee'd., In Centreville, Cumberland County, Pa., A TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE , and Lot of Ground, In mid village , sixty feet front and one hundred and fortysbven fest deep, with an excel• lent well of water, stable, and other outbuildings on the Lot. ALSO, At the same time and place, I will sell TEN ACRES OF MOUNTAIN LAND, adjoining Henry Ru pert, heirs of Marlin Cloudy, deed., and other.. This lot le covered with Bret rate ,deed., and other tim bers and of easy access. Sale to commence at 11 o'clock, on said day, when term. will be made known by .101fN T. GREEN, Executor of Wm. Shriver, dec'd Oct. 16, 'Ol NOTlCE.—Letters of administration on the estate of Win. BLAIR Sr., dec'd. late of Carlisle, I'e. having boongranted by the Register of Comb. Co. to the subscriber, notice is hereby given' to all persons knowing themselves indebted to make immediate payment. and those Laving claims to lire sent them duly authenticated for settlement to Wm. BLAIR jr. Administrasor. Carlisle, Oct. 11. 1801 ot* F/ STATE NOTI.E.-- I Lotters testa mentary on the Estate of BARBARA CitALL, late of Upper Allen township, decd, having been granted by the Register ofCUmb. Co. to the subscri ber, residing in Harrisburg. Notice Is hereby g•ven to all persons knowing themselves indebted to make immediate payment, and those having claims to pro-- sent them duly authenticated for a settlement to JOHN B. COOVEIt Executor. Oct. 11. 1861 6t.* VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY - AT PRIVATE SALE. Tho subscriber offers at private sale the following do. 'scribed, Real Estate, via : All that property situated at the corhor of Main and West streets, Carlisle, Pa., extending • • back to Church Alley, having thereon - erected three largo BRICK ROUSES, 4:1.111] and a FRAME WAREH ityiVOUSE. : Those houses are all now, largo and commodious. They are modern in style, in,. • and havo all the conveniencvs, such as gas, water, &a, and era situated in the moot pleasant p rt of the town. The Warehouse is large and convenient, and having a nidllna Into it, is well calculated for carrying on the Forwarding and Ccnnmission business. This propertywill bo sold very low, together or in parts, to sult_purchasers, and..tho terins_ixiadoeasy,-- For information apply to Sep. 13, 1861-tf. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE. • T EIDICH, SAWYER & MILLER are now getting In their Fall and Winter dry goods, sob oh notwithstanding the cry of" hard times" will bo snore complete than formerly comprising all kinds of goods suitable for Ladies, Missos, Children's, Men's and Boy's wear. Thankful for past favors, wo ask con tinuance of the Ramo, and we will use our best endeav ors to make it the Interest of the public to patronize our large stock. persons indebted to the, old firm of Lel. dich and Bowyer are requested lo call and settle as wo aro in great want of money. NEW STORE, AND NEW GOODS HATS, CABS AND:STRAW GOODS. JILTS, car s---dre. 3 „..........., ..... 4.,...„:„...,,, ._.. r.l. .1,.... a7r-r+F‘t - tr,. ,„,.„... , --- -k,....: ' iiilr a; z-e' r, a• .. r, , ,,, ._ _ • i . .. o" The - kubscriber- has-recently opened A - New Store etand of J: - .1) llalbort hi North lianover St. opposite the Carlisle Deposit Dank. 'laving received from Now York and Philadelphia, a Dimond woli•eeloctod assortment of goods in his lino a. busineits, such as HATS and' CAPS, from the common Wool to_tho line Nur, , SILK' AND CASSIMERE•HATI3;'.. . , Spring' 841ee of 811 k bate for 1801. . Straw Irate for Gentlemen, Jockey Irate for Ladhphand &bullets and Cape for Children, and, . . PRICES TO QUIT THE TIMES• Also,-Carpotrilags, Valises. Trunks, nand Trunks, Umbrellas aryl prima Boil Feathers., An ASSOX ttEl.ent 0( , . , Thankful forlihopatronega already. reeelved invito 411111 s frierida trid, the public,. generally, to give kale a call.- Carlisle, Apr 1119,1861," 1 , , - S /000 . dorptahriu. ao.f;'o:tOwbj:t;el:irnOfoit. turn over 1,1110101 i; AJLAVIr ;qt. 4k-MILL) NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! ! A large assortment Of Fall and Winter Goode of al description of the latest styles . and best maeufacturea now opening at the Cheep Cash Store of C. 001103 Y, cm , nor of Main and Pitt street. The stock has boon se lected with great care, and bought for cash, and will be sold cheep for the money. A largo lot or Black and Fancy' silk, French Merino's, Cashmeres, Parernettoes. Silk Poplins, Wool Delancs, Printed ltepps, Figured Betimes of all kinds and prices, Grey Goods of all descriptions, Alapaccae dm. NICUCILS Flsin -Black Cashmere Shawls, -Stella Bordered, Black and Fancy Colors, Black and Fancy Colored Long Wool and Brach° Shawls, which have boon bought very chain an'd.elOaki':of the latest styles: Dlnnlinte of all o:zes and Paces. Calicoes and Chintzes of the newest styles and will be sold cheap. Canton Flannels and Bleached Hunting at the old Prices. MEN' AND BOYS' WEAR, loth, Cassimeres, and Vostings, Bettina, and Joan. A largo lot of Hooped Skirts of all sizes and styles, of the best quality; and will be sold cheaper than Lean be purchased elsewhere In the County. Call and Examine the stock before purchasing. Rec oloct the stand EAST MAIN STREET NEARLY OPPO SITE THE DEPOT. NEW FALL gOODS.- 1 . 1 THOgAS W. EVANS & CO. Invite attention to their LARGE . , VARIED And HANDSOME assortment of 'NEW FALL GOODS, Embracing all the NEWEST Styles in SILKS; DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS, EMBROIDERIES and FANCY DRY• GOODS. 0 Also, a full assortment of MOURNING GOODS, WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, MITS, Ac. This stock is principally T. W. EVANS A CO.'S OWN IMPORTATION, having been selected in the best EUROPEAN MARKETS, expressly for their OWN RE TAIL TRADE, and will be found UNSURPASSED for STYLE, QUALITY and REASONABLE PRICES. Noa. 818 and 820 Chestnut St., BELOW CONTINENTAL HOTEL, PRILADILPRIA. B N.—Wholesale buyers will find it advantageous of examine this Stock. [Oct.. 11, 431-am. KIMMELL HOUSE. ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN, C STREET, BET. 4i AND 6th STS., Near the National Hotel, and two aguarea from the Railroad Depot, WASHINGTON CITY. FINE PARLORS FOR TILE ACCOMMODATION OF LA BIM Room end Board, per day. . Room alone, per day M=B Lodging, If the room Is vacated by 7 a m The HIMMF:LL HOUSE la newly and elegantly fur nished, and in every rerpect a first class Hotel.. I Invite the public to call and examine. A. F. KIMNIELL Proprietor. Oct. 11. 1861. t f =MMI Lor,o arrival of Now Styles of FALL AND WINTER GOODS At . THE NORTH HANOVER STREET CLOTH- The undersigned taken pleasure to inform his friends and the public generally of the large andivariod aesert wont of piece goods for HENS AND BOY'S WEAR. Jnst received, comprishA,,,all the latest styles and novelties In the market,VLlich have been selected with care, and will be sold, at air - favorable prices, as can is obtained anywhere else. CLOTH, • CASSIMERES, VESTINOS, Overcontings, Satinets and Jeans. which will be made to order, or !sold per yard at the lowest prices. The public is respectfully Invited to inspect our stock, before p urchasi ug elieWhare. ISAAC LIVINGSTON North Hanover Street, opposito the American House. ear-NllMary work made at the shortest notice, and with despatch. F °UTZ'S CELEBRATED These PoWders have proved, after a trial of several years, to be superior to any preparation of the kind in use.. Tho chief superiority of these Powders arises from the fact that they are composed of Medicines that have Laxative Tonic and Purifying properties. The Laxative elects crudities; from the stomach and intestines; the Tonic given strength to the system of the Hone, and the purifying mediclnnlt contained In them cleanse the blood, and lay the foundation for a healthy and vigorous circulation. The use of them improvea the wind, strengthens the appetite and gives the horse a fine, smooth and glossy skin—improving the appearance, vigor and spirit of the noble animal. These Powders are not intended, as most pWwders aro, to bloat the animal, OW as to give him the appearance of being fat when not really so—but, to remove the disease and promote his general health. These Powder's will strengthen the stomach and In testines, cleanse them front offensive matter, and bring them to a healthy state. • They aro a sure prevention of Lung Fever, and a certain remedy for all diseases Incident to the Horse, as (Handers, Yellow Water, Dis tempers, Pounder, Heaves, Slavering, Coughs, Lees of Appetite, and Vital Energy, Sm. These Powders, if next two or throe times a week, through the Winter and spring, your Horse will never get the Lung Fever, Colic or Botts. A few doses of these Powders will remove the woreteough on-any Horse.—Wereawners of-Horses .to-- feed a few of those Powders every year, they might save the lives of many valuable Horses. MILCII COWS. - The properties this Ppwder possesses In Increasing the quantity of Milk in Cows, gives It an importance and value which should place it in the hands of every person keeping a Cow. In fattening Cattle it gives them an appetite, loosens their hide, and waken them thrive much faster. In all diecases of Swine, as Coughs, Ulcers In the Lunge and Liver, &c., by putting from half a paper to a paper of these Powders in a barrel of Swill, the above diseases can be cured er entirely prevented. By using thnire - Powders the Rog Cholera can be prevented. Pro. pared by S. A. I'OUTZ, Weetminieter, Per sale by REYNOLDS & PEIFFER, Carlisle, Pa., end by all country storekeepers. Price 25 cents per paper, or pa papers for one dollar. [Aug, 23, 1851. RE MOVAL.---LOC HAAN'S Photo tographic and Ambrotype Gallery has boon re. moved to the second story of Mr. tribal?' 's Grocery Store. Mr. LOOAMAN will be pleased to wait upon his numer ous friends and patrons, and will continue to make every kind of Photographic & Imbrotype Pictures @;z-EQUAL TO TILE BEST MADE ANYIVIIERE Carlisle. dapt. 6, 1801. TAR. LA CROIX'S I/, PRIVATE MEDICAL TREATISE ON rug Physiological View of Marriage 250 PAGES AND 130 ENGRAVINGS.—price only TWENTY revs CENTS. Sent free of postage to all parts of the Union. On the infirmities of youth and maturity, disclosing the secret follies of both sexes of all ages, causing debility, nervousness, depression of spirits, pal pitation of the heart, suicidal imaginings, Involuntary emissions, blushings, defect! ve memory, indigestion end lassitude, with confession° of thrilling interest of a Boarding School Miss, a College Student, and a Young Married Lady, &c. It Is a truthful adviser to the married and those contemplating marriage, who enter tain secret doubts of their physical condition, and who are conscious of having hazarded the health, happiness, and privileges to which every human being is entitled. Tax-YOUNG MEN who aro troubled' with weakness, gon er-AMY caused by a bad habit In youth, the effects of which are dizziness, pains, forgetfulness, sometimes a ringing In the oars, weak oyes, weakness of the back and lower extremities, confusion of ideas, b ea of memo ry. with melancholy, may be cured by the, author's NEW PARIS AND LONDON TREATMENT. We have rocentlyolevoted much :Of our time in VIS ITING TUE EUROPEAN HOSPITALS, availing our. selves of the knowledge and researches of the most skilled Physicians and Surgeons In Europe and the Continent. Those who place themselves under our care will now have the full benefit of the many NEW AND EFFICACIOUS REHEDIES which, ,o are enabled to Introduce Into our practice, - and the public' may rest assured of the same zeal, assiduity, SECRECY and ,at tentket being paidito their cases, which had so Mums; fully distinguished us heretofore, as a Physician in our /it PECULI Alt chr rtment of professional Practice, for the' past twenty-, e years. FRENCH h s 'ALE - PlLLS.—Ladles who wish for bled! CilleA, the.i eacy of which. has bean tested In thou sands of cases. and never tailed to effect speedy cures without any bad results, will use none but Dr. DeLa• nay's Female Periodical Pubs. The only pfecalition necessary to be observed le, ladles should not take them If they have reason to believe they are In certain situa tions ,(the particulars of which will be found on the wrapper accompanying each bor,) though always safe and healthy, on gentle, yet so active are they. Price $1 per box. They can be mailed to any port of the United States or Canada. JACOB 111111 EM TO TUE LADIEB.—Who need a confidential medical advisor with regard to any of theme interesting com plainte to which their delicate organization renders them liable, are particularly invited to coconut utt. TUE " &ECM° GAINANIO PUOTteTIVE."—For marrie4 ludle.s whose health, will not admit, or who, have no desire to Imre:tie their families, cony be obtained as above. lt is a perfectly safe preventive "to conception, hits been extensively used dud oglhe last 20 years. Price minced to $lO. THE SECRETS. OF YOUTH UNVEILED. ' A Treatise On the, Canto of Premature Decay —A 'ea .eirin warning. Just published, a book allowing the in , alduous progress and prevalence among acheols.lboth male and femalot of this fatal habit; pointing out the fatality - that Invariably attends Ito victims; and deved. , °ping the whole progress of the dhow°, from the com. moucoment to the end. It will be sent. by Mall on receipt of-two [3) cent Stamps Attendance daily, from 8 In the morning till 9 at might, and nu 'Sundays front 2 till 5 P. Medicines with full dlinctlons cant to any part of the United Fltates or Canadas, by patients communicating their - symptoms - by , letter. - BIODOSLI" corrospondeUce strictly confidential. - •- 4W Dr. Ve Oleo 'still located as establlehell, tinder the name. Of„ DLL LA CROIX", at No. 31 .Alakbin Lane, Albany, N. Y. . • ,-fllppt, 20, 1861-Iy. • • f J IARPET OLIA IN.—A new supply of k auperior Carpet, Ohaie,f last received at the cheap atoreer 011 AB. 001LBY, reit. 15, 1861. j L,Truateb.-, ,s!cp . WQ/s,.SKlRTS.—Anotherlii o . sift. ty Of these au gorier and cheap steel a I g ,00. 'nit rteJna recalv N e:l : Decidedly the beat. and cheapest rn )13 Carlisle 'at .the illiap Cash store 4 N*. 2 Ili • • • , ...--,,, - - . - 11711A5.0611,1111 1 , irastelt. . NOW REOEIVED AND OPENING AT- 0 GI.LBY'S__OH EAP_STORE FALL AND WINTER SHAWLS CIIARTZS OOILBY, Trustee Otherwhio It wilhbelonsidored by the dny. ING EMPORIUM Horse and Cattle Powders H 0 G S STATE, -NOT RIE.-4-Letters , testa . mentary orithe Eststoof.-Cai s einum Blum. late iddlissix — twA — decd,-having — been — issubd Register ofOumberland County; to the subscribers resi ding tumid township: notice le hereby given to all par-. sonetndebted to said Estate to make payment, and those having claims to present theta properly authenti cated for settlement to Oct. 4,1801-0 t f3ll6V.lreo QIIPteg,`CSALI6I.B, Sept: 16, 1861. TO the heirs and legal representatives - of George Melt, late of the-township of South- , ampton, County of Cumberland, deireased. Tako notice . that - by virtue of a writ- of Partition and - Valuatlon, issued out of tho Orphans' Court of,eumberlandcounty, and to me dlrected,l34ll bold_au_lnquest.to part or value the real estate of gald doceisod, on the premise& on Tuesday the 15th day of Octobers A. D., 1861, at 10 o'clock, A. M., when and Idlers you may attend If you think proper, - ' ; arA 1108 , T. Mcpaltmgy, Sheriff:. F OUTZ MIXTURE. The Bess LINIMENT for MAN told BEAST now in USE, Is a safe and reliable remedy f r the cure of ilneurne Clem, Painful Nervous Affections, 'Sprains. Burns, Swellings, and all diseases' requiring the external ap plication on Man. - • . . On Horses it will never fail to cute Poll Evil, Platula,. old - running - Sore/or Sweeny, if_ properly applied: - For Sprains, Bruises, Scratches, Crooked Hoofs, Chafes, Sad !. dlo Collar Oall, Cuts or' Wounds,it lean ` nfa able remedy. Try it, and be convinced of its efficacy. RHEUMATISM. Persons afflicted with this dlscise no matter of how long standing, can be promptly and effectually cured by using this illature. .There is nothing In the world so sure and so good to take away Bad Corns, and core Frost Bites as pre. paration. Try It and satisfy *ourtelies. Price 25 and 60 cents for bottle. Prepared by S. A. FOUTZ, West minister, For sale by REYNOLDS A PETFOER,CarIIsIe, Pa., and by all' country storekeepers [Aug. 23, 1861. A. 33. EWING'S FURNITURE WARE-ROOMS = - .;; - 7 - -- -.•_ 1.,& „era- tib, 4) t 4 il..Fhlbil :. 4.1, , l, 59 - 2 v: 1 ••Q 1-:---riPag'•,„_- „,, West High Street, Carlisle, Pa. Premium awarded at. the , Cumberland County Agricultural Fair of 1857.) $2 00 The subscriber has just received the most splendid assortment of articles in his lino, ever brought to this place—which ho is determined to sell at prices that de fy competition. • Par 10, Chamber, Dining-room, FURNITURE. Kite hen and Office Embracing every article used by House nod Hotel keepers, of the most approved and fashionable design and finish. Including also Cottage furniture in setts. reception and Camp Chairs, Mattresses, Gilt frames, pictures, be., Ac. Purchasers are requested to call and examine his stock, at his extensive ware•rooms, West Main street, Mirth side. A. 1111:WING. .0a- Particular attention gPronas usual to funerals; ordars from town and country, attended to promptly and on moderate terms. 'A. B. E Carlisle, May 12, 1858.-Iy. Zusiness Earbs. JOSEPH - RITNER, JIL L Attorney at eLaw and Surveyor, Blecharthaburg, P. °Mee on Rail Road Street, two tln.,ra north of the Bank. AlEr Business promptly attended to. LAW CARD.-CHARLES E. MA GLAUGIILIN, Attbraay at Law, Office in In hott's _building, just opposite the Market Ileum Carlisle, March 14,'60-Iy. fJ. AV. FOULK, Attorney at Lam kJ. (Vice with J.ll. Smith, Esq., in Glass' Row, in rear or Frst Presbyterian Church. All Business en• trusted to him will be promptly attended to.. May 9, '9o.—ly. WM. BIDDLE, Attorney at Law. ~ Office, South Hanover Street with A. B Sharpe Esq. Nov. 16, 1860. LAW OFFICE.-LEMUEL TODD has resumed the practice of the Law. Office In Centre Square, west side, near the First Presbyterian Church. April 8, 1857. CP. HUMRICH, Attorney at Law. N. J.—Office on North Hanover street, a few doors south of Glass' Hotel. All busixtess entrusted to him will be promptly attended to. [April la. It removed NOTICE. - REMOVAL. - W. m.,PENROSE Wei moved hls office In rear o tho ourt House, whore he willpromptly attend to all !liminess entrusted to him; . August 19, 1857. NEWS' ATTORN Y At LAW. Office with Wm. IL Miller, Eng., Swath Flanover Street opposite the VoluoteerAgirs;._ - Carllgto, 8;1850. W. C. RHEEM ATTORNEY AT LAW AND GENERAL AGENT Minneapolis, Minnesota. urriA, give special attention to,,collections through TY out the State, make investments, buy and sell Real Estato and securities. Negotiate loans, pay taxer, locate land warrants, dec., &c. Refer to the members o the Cumberland County Bar, and to all prominent citt sena of Carlisle, Pa. (Aug4's6-Iy. DR. S. B. KIIiFFER O ffi ce in North IL/Hanover street two doors from Arnold & Son's tore. Office hours, more particularly from 7 to 0 o'clock , A. AL, and from 6 to 7 o'clock, P. AI. !:,: JD R. GEO ttGli; S. Sf.A -11/;4.,,--. EIG 11T, DENTIST, from the Dal " timer° Collage of Dental Surgery. -Office at the residence Mills mother, East !Author street, three doors below Bedford. March 19, 1856—tr. ..e4k7 . 7.77.-- DR. J. C. NEFF respect - fully informs the Indies and gentlemen of Carlisle, and vicinity, that he has re sumed the practice of Dentistry, and is prepared to per all operations on the tooth and gums, belonging to his profession. Ile will insert full sets of tooth on gold or silver ' with single gum teeth, or blocks, no they may prefer. Terms moderato to suit the times. DR. 1.D.L00111.1S South Hanover street,' next door to the Post -e-C"' 01See. Aug.l,'69. G".W. NEIDICH, D. S.— late Demonstrator of Operative Dentistry to the Baltimore College of De O l i t e a c lS aVil e s i. K;sidence, oproslte larlon Bali, West Blain street, Carlisle, Penn Nov. 11.1867. S. W. HAVERSTICK, Druggist, North Hanover Street, Carlisle. Physician's proscriptions carefully compounded A full supply of fresh drugs and ehemicals. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYL VANIA. Medical Department. .Ninety-Sixth Scission, 1861 and 'O2 The regular •Lectures of this School will commence Monday, October 14, and terminate the last of February. FEE FOR THE FULL COURSE 8105. It. E. ROGERS, Dean of the Mod. Faculty. Sept. 20,1801 ser . FARE . REDUCED. -ilsra S T 4,, TE S UNTO N* HOTEL, 606 & 608 Market Bt., above pixth, PIIILADELPAIA. JAMES W. POWER, Proprietor. mats 2t. per day. Wo'sB. UNITED STATZTHOTEL.— Cor.lith t i• Market Sta., - - .PIIILADELPHIA. . . IC A N a A.', PROPRIETOR. , Jan. 4,18130. . “ TiitE C./114 . 0.74 1 ;” " ARCH' ST-.., ABOVE THIRD, PffILADEI4 2 I-1.1A.: UPTON 8. NEWCOMER, - . . .. . - . . Proprietor. - • 4.%••• This Hotel Is cootie.), convenient by Passenger Cars to all parts of the City, and In every paiticuleir adapted to the coinfort and wanteof the 1113BIUOSS public. Tsang $1.50 per day. . . [Sept ! 20,1861. EM.OVAI.A.The - ,llat and:Cap store horetofo're known as 4. KELLERV bee been re moved directly oppoal to the old stand. two doom from. Arnold's elOthing spore. • The bushwas will be Ondnet, id as heretolbre, and all the goods, both been made and. atty . , manufacture, warranted to give, satistadion as commended. -A full patronage la respectfully solicltad. as-every effort still - be Wade to keep, tb4 assortment of men - and boys hate and cape complete, with priest' to suit the times. •-•- • - - -KBLLpu. • Aft.. Spring styles of ink hate milt re ady. rtmitiv hl4 eke ' Trew Eß Now house, oppoalto Glasse ' - • Dlarch 28,1e60-tt, HOOP SKIRTS 1 LIOOP SKIRTS latost novelties!, Mid At priced to dory 'comp° nI.IIID/CLI, BAirtlpt & MILLSIt On the seventh of September,lB6l., TDB NEAV•YORK WEEKLY.TRIBUNE commenced the twenty-lirst"year of Its existence; TIIE DAILY TRIBUNE being some months older, and the SEMIWEEKLY TRIBUNE somewhat younger. For More than twenty years. this journal has labored in what' Its conductors have felt to be the cause of Humanity,lutica and Freedom, endeay. orlng' to meliorate the condition of the oppressed and -unfortunate, to holier chad encourage morel exertion in whatever sphere, and, to promote by all means the moral, intellectual and'material advancement of our ,tountry. -It has aimed to be right rather than,popular, -and to espouse and commend to-day the truth that others may not be willing to accept till to morrow./In 'pursuing tole course, mistakes have doubtleas , been toads and faults committed; but, having in all things Incited our readers •to think - nnd judge for themselves rather than adopt blindly our own and others' condo• alone, we believe we may fairly claim for this journal the credit or having qualified its readers to detect and exma - evon its own errors: - - To - develop the minds of the young by the - moStgeneral, thorough and practical Education, and to encourage and stimulate Productive Industry, through free grants of Public Lands to actual settlers and cultivators; as also through the protection of immature or peculiarly exposcil branches from too powerful foreign competition, are among the alma to which this journal has adhered through good and evil report, and which it steadfastly commends to American patriotism and philanthropy. . As to the Civil War now devastating our country, we hold it to have originated in a Rebellion. more wanton, wicked, inexcusable, than was ever before known—a • Rebellion in the interest of thefew against the many— .a Rebellion designed to raise higher the walls of caste andlighterillie chains Of Dupree - sled. "Hating crone all we could without a surrender of vital principle to avoid this War, and witnessed the forbearance,meekness, and long suffering with which the Federal Government sought to avert its horrors, we hold it our clear duly, • with that of every other citizen, to stand by the nation and Its fairly chosen rulers, and to second with all our energies their Worth to Upheld the Union, the Confab tutiou, and the supremacy of the Laws - And, though the Rebellion has become, through usurpation, decor). - don, terrorism, find spoliation, fearfully strong, we be lieve the American Republic far stronger, and that the unanimous, earnest efforts of loyal hearts and hands will insure its overthrow. But on all questions affect. Ing the objects, the scope, and duration -of this most extraordinary contest, we defer to those whom the American People have clothed with authority, holding unity of purpose and of action indispensable in so grave an emergency. In a crisis like the present, mar column must be largely engrossed with the current history of tAt War for the Union, and with elucidations of Its mo striking dents. We shall not. however, remit tha attention to Literature, to Foreign Affairs, to Agricultural-Progress, to Crops, Markets, Sic., which has already, we gust, won for THE TRIBUNE an honorable position among Its rotemporarlee. Our main object is and shall be to produce a,comprehensive newspaper, from which a care ful reader may glean a vivid and faithful history of the times, not merely in the domain of Action but in that rf Opinion also. As our facilities foracouiringinforma- Hon increase with years, we trust that an Improvement in the contents of our journal is perceptible, and that, In variety and fullness of intelligence afforded, we may still hope to "make each day a critic on the last." In this hope, we solicit a continuance of the generous measure of patronage hitherto accorded to our journal. TERMS. OCORGI BENJAMIN P. N ICICEY/ • . ' Executory E ilS59 DAILY TRIBUNE 1 . 311 issues per annum) $ 6 SEMI-WEEKLY (104 Issues per annum) —O3 WEEKLY (52 ISKUOP per . ....$2 To (11,uns--Semi-Weekly: Two copies for $5; five for $ll 25; ten copies to one address for $2O; and any larger number at the latter rate. For a club of twenty, an extra copy will he sent. For a club of forty we send the Daily Tribune gratis for ono year. WEEKLY: Three copies for $5; eight copies for $lO, and any larger number at the rate of $1 20 each per annum, the paper to be addressed to each subscriber.— To clubs of twenty, we send an extra copy. Twenty copies to one address tier $2O. with one extra to him who sends us the club.. For a club of ono hun dred, the Daily Tribune will be sent gratis forono year. When drafts can be procured It is much . safer than to remit Bank 111118. The name of the Post Office and State should in all cases bo plainly written. Payment always in advance. Addreos TILE TRIBUNE, N 0.154 Nassau st., Now-York. Sept. 20, 1861. CARPETS! CARPETS! CARPETS! Persons going to housekeeping and others want ing to refurnish, are respectfully invited to examine our large and varlOstm-k of Carmda, such as Brussels, three ply, superior Ingrain, English and Domestic, Yo. ninon 9 I widths, HEMP AND RAG CARPETS, Druggers, Rugs, Straw and Cocoa Mattings, Oil Cloths for Halls, Looking OlaSsos, plain and fancy blinds and shades, Daturas, &c. Having purrhased those goods for Nett Cash, we are prepared to offer great inducements to buyers, as we have lately gone into thin business we mn warrant our goods new and fresh. SAWYER & MILLER, Carlisle, March 8,'61. Rost Main StrOOt. Designers and Engravers on Wood PXECUTE . all kinds of Wood Engra ving with beauty, correctness and dispatch. OH ginai designs furnished for Fine Book Illustrations. Persons wishing cuts, by sending a Photograph or Dm guerrootypo. can hdere views of Colleges, Churc hes, Store Fronts, Machines, Stoves, Patents,&c., engravedas well as on personal application. Fancy Envelopes Labels, Bill Headings, Show Bills, Visiting, Rusines and other Canis, engraved in the highest style of art, and at the lowest prices. For specimens of fine engraving see the Illustrated works of J. B. Lippincott &Zs., E. 11. Butler Br. Co. Nov. 60, 1860.-iy. eI_REAT ATTRACTION AT LEON Vf ARD'S CHEAP OLOTIMG STORE. EDW'D• B. LEONARD, JR., Han just returned from the city of Philadelphia. end opened a splendid assortment of R CADY Al AD&OLOT-H -MG, which cannot be surpassed" In style and finish. The Clothing at this establishment, consists in part of the following, viz: DRESS AND FROCK COATS, of which hp has a magnificent assortment of blaok and Limy colors, cut In the latest &oblong tastetully and elegantly trimmed, and mado in a superior manner. SACKS AND RALF SACKS, of Cloths. Cassimeros awl Tweeds, all of new styles and at Very low prices. The richest and best assortment ever offered at tbi Corner, of Satin, Black and Fancy Silk, Valintia, Ita.lan Cloths, Marseilles, double and single breasted, of every variety material and patern. PANTALOONS. Plain and fancy French Doe skin cassimares, oath nett jeans and a groat variety of others, all of which will be sold at the very lowest prices. SIIIRTSI—Fine white linen and cotton ofthe newest style and best make. Also, calico, check and currying shirts. , A largo assortment of BOOTS add SHOES, for Mon and Boys, which can and will be sOld cheaper than ever. Also a splendid lot of Trunks and artitiritags. I therefore confidently invite ono and all, to comoand see for yourselves, as I will not attempt to describe the bargains that may be expected, for I ate determlndd that no oppositbn can sell lower. 46) Remember LEONARD'S Corner. EDWARD D. LEONARD, Jr Carlisle, May 10, 1861.-1 y. XSOOCAN BE MADE! By Buy • ing your goofs from Leidlch Sawyer & ikt Her. Wo respectfully mill attention to our Large Stock of Summer Goods, Just received from the Eastern markets. Having been purchased for, CASH, and since the ruinous decline in prices. Custoiners will find great bargains in Silks, Bartige, Thessalia, Barege Palermo, English Grenadine, Organdy Lawns, French Lawns,Mozambigues, Ernilines (laseles fig olevias, Chitties, Chintzes, & c., &e. Newest Styles Paris Coats, Basques and mantles, Shan!Maned French Lice Bomours, Ilantiesand Points. These goods are very low—less than Importing cost. Shawls of all kinds suitable for the season, SUN UMBRELLAS, Parasols, less than original coat. Gloves of every des cription, Lace Mitts, Embroideries of every variety, WILCOX'S Celebrated Hoop Skirts—" The Skirt of the "Season." Every variety and kind of geode suitable for Ladle; Men and Boys wear. The largost and - newest stuck in town. 911 Clothe, Mattings, Looking Glasses, Tarnishing Goods in great variety. MI of these goods, and an endless variety not enumerated. We offer to the community at prices to defy compotion. Please call and examine for yourselves. June 29.'61. LEIDIOII SAWYER & MILLER; :IVOR SALE OR RENT.— 1: The subscriber offers for sale or rent, the new - -- Three Story Brick SoCse Alt • t • on North IlanovefBtreet. POBBOBBIOO .; . 211 • *;:.v.,.... • given on the let of April next. The -,' ipt 1 cAT' , House has nine rooms, Is furnished "=.-x—-..."'" with water and ges,andsultableeith• er for business or a private residence. 0ct.26, 1860.—t f. JAIIIiB R. WEAVER. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AV PRIVATE BALE. Tho suliseribor offerifto no7l his.ihrtri, situate In Mon ron township, Cuumberland County, adjoining lands of .JOeob K. N 'coley Wm. I I ousor, Jos. Strickler, aud others, containing MOIIIITY AOlth'S ON LIDIST-ItATIVLLIIE. STQNE LAND, with a good two-story Bank Barn, and all nocessaty Out-lmildtngs, with a never falling well of water near the door, only 18 or 20 feet deep. ' Also, all kinds of fruit, such as is common to have on a farm. , Thu land is in a good- state - of - cultivation, - clean - of rocks and atones, and of late boon Well limed, it also lien convenient to stores, schools, /to., and on the whole Is considered a desirable property. Any person wishing - to purchase pools 4.rnrma.would do well to examine tml above, and can do so by calling subscriber living on the farm, - who is willing at all times to wait on purchasers and make known his, con ditious. 4.ESS g . NG LE. - September 6,'01. • , . . . ,1114.0"110.143.--..LOtters Testamentary •on the Will of David G. Rupp, into of Lower Allen ownship, dOcbi., having boon basted by the Register of Cumberland County,•to pm the subscriber living in Lower Allen. toWnehlpi ..notice_is loreby given-to all persons indebted to make immediate payment and those having, ehlitne to present them duly authenticated ffi aottlement to , --- -.' IikiNRIC.G. RUPP, Executor. - „Garlisle, Aug. 24 GP ,:. '• • , -... . , . SCEIOOL,TEACIIIERS WANTED.-- Thii Laredole of North Itlid . dieton township, wish • to employ three coniplitentleaelfers to flit the vete - Andes In Scheele N0.2;3, and 4... Liberal salaries will be given, Application must•be made at Ilaymond'e 1P,401, in Car lisle,' on the Brat Saturday nt October, 1861. . _ • • , 33, 1861 ., • • P. 'W. QUIGLEY, Sec'y. BAGS.---,Tuat -.redeivrad and ILA, for sate 'very shop for Cash , Nora, 1640 Truatt THE NEW-YORK TRIBUNE - NEW vottrmu Housekeeping Goods of Every Description VAN INGEN & SNYDER, N. E. COR. FIFTH & CHESTNUT STS., Philadelphia. VESTS! VESTS ! ! VESTS I ! ! EL7L . I3C , tAS ! NV EA.THERBOARDED HOUSE, COURT PROCLAMATION.- _ WHEREAS the Hon. JAMES li. GRAHAM, Presh dent Judge Of the SeviritlCoiliti nf'COrnmon - Plinta - of the counties of Cumberland, Perryand *Juniata, and di:lathe - of the sevemi Courts of Oyorand Terminer and General Jell Delivery . in said counties, and Hem Ron- , ER? BaVSOrt and COMAS, Judges of the . Court °Myer and Tern:liner and General Jail Delivery for the trial of all capital and other offenders, lu the said county of Cumberland, by their precepts to me di rected, dated the 26th of August, 1801, have ordered the Court of Oyer and Terminer a ndGeneral Jail Delivery to be holden at CARLISLE, on the second MONDAY of November,lB6l, (being thollth day)at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. to continuo two weeks. NOTICE , IB -IIEREBY GIVEN to the Coroner, Jug. Liens of the Peace and Constables of the said .county of Cumberland, that they are by the said precept com mended, to be then and there In - their proper persons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations and all other remembrances, to do - those things which to their officer appertain to be done, and all those that are bound by recognizances, to prosecute against the priSoners that are or then shall be in the jail of said county are to be there to prosecute them as - sluill - be Just. • ROBT. ILMOARTNEY, July 12, 1861. Sheriff. 'PUBLIC SALE.—In pursuance of an I . order of the Orphans' Court, of Cumberlsod coun ty, I will offer at Public Salo, on Saturday, tho 28th day of Soptembor,'lB6l, tho following ricacribad real estate, to 'wit:— A LOT OP GROUND, Situated in East Si3nneborbugh township, Cumberland • Co, adjoining lands of Camp hill Church:s=nel Eberly, Johtr Musser, and 'others, - containing about an eighth of an acre, more or less, having thereon erected a Story and a half hog House, in good repair. Hog Pens, and other out buildings, water convenient to the door. dc, Sale to commence at 2 o'clock, P. M., when atten dance will be given and terms made known by WILLIAM W. GARDNER. Administrator of Geo. Walden, dec'd. September 6, 1861. F URNITURE WARE ROOMS HENRY A. RHOADS ,:i ._.- . tia . . ~, $ ..."62,ii ll i s 5aUsg-N..,._ 4144.• WEST HIGH STREET CARLISLE Tho subscriber begs leave respectfully to Inform the citizens of Carlime and vicinity, that ho has now en hand and is manufacturing, every variety of Cabinet Ware, consisting In part of SCHAS, BUREAUS. DRESSING OASES, MARBLE TOP TABLES. BEDSTEADS. - SECRETARIES, OH AIRS, Gilt Moulding, Oval Frames &c„ &c. This work is warranted of the best materials and workmanship, em• bracing all the latest city styles, and will be furnished at the lowest retail prices. N. R.—Coffins made at short notice, and funerals at ended to promptly in town or country. Carlisle Oct. 12, '6o.—ly. EMOVAL•.—Dit. NICHOLS has re moved his °Mee from ono door west of Saxton's erdwaro Store, to his residence, on west. Main Street, directly opposite the Railroad aloe, Carlisio,ya. Wilco hours, more particularly, from 8 to 10, A. M., and from 1 to 3 P. 31. Ap.2031-om. XTRA. FINE- GOLDEN FLAX HURTS of tho latest Stylos and Improvement!. 'laving bought an unusual large stock of fine Shirts, wo will sell the entire stock at verydow prices. Also, a very largo assortment of Collars of the various kinds. cia..Stockit, Neck Ties, Cravats, Furnishing goods, he., at the lowest prices at I. LIVINGSTON'S. April 12,'61. North ❑anovcr Street. D RUG 8, BOOKS, FANCY GOODS, ' CONFECTIONARIES • F.RUITS, PERFUMERY, PRESERVED FRUITS, I.);i , ; C. S. W. HAVERSTICK, North Hanover Street, Carlisle, Pann' a. Ilasjutt opened an assortment of Fresh Drugs, Fan cy Goods, Gift Books, Perfumery, Fruits, and Confec tionary, which has never been surpassed in this bor ough, for novelty and elegance. The articles have been selected 'with great ca. (3, and are calculated, 1U and pi ice, to coal mand the attention purchasers., FANCY GOODS, which comprise every variety of fancy articles of the most exquisite finish. such M. Papier Mache Goods, Elegant alabaster and porcelain Ink-stands and trays, Fancy Ivory, pearl and shell card cases, Ladles' Fancy Baskets, Fancy Work Boxes with sewing instruments, Ladies' Cabas, Wr iting Desks, and Pott-folios. Port Monnides, of every variety, Gold pens and pencils, Fancy paper weights, and a large variety of ladies' Fancy stationery. Motto seals and wafers, Silk sod bead purses, Riding whips, elegantly finished. Flue cutlery, Perfume baskets and bags, Brushes of every kind for the toilet, X. Brain and it. Si G. Wright's Soaps and Perfumes of various kinds, Fancy Plus for head dresses and shawls. Musical instruments, together with an innumerable variety of articles elegant ly finished and suitable for holiday presents, to which he invites special attention. Also, an extensive and elegant collection of BOOKS, comprising various English and, American Works, richly embellished POETICAL WORKS, Bibles and Hymn Books, elegantly bound in velvet with metal clasps and corners ills assortment of School Books and School Stationery is also. complete, and-comprises-everything. used In. the Schools. He also desires to call the particular atten tion of Families to his elegant assortment of LAMPS, frelit 'the extensive establishments of Cornelius, Archer and others of Philadelphia, comprising every style of Parlor, Chamber and study Lamps, for burning either Lard, Sperm ot Etherial oil; also DYOTT'S celebrated Kerosene or Coe LOil Lamps, together with Flower Vases Fancy Screens, &e. ills assortment in this line is un equaled in the borough. Also, SEGAIIS AND TOBACCO, embracing all the favorite brands, and a fine assort ment of MEERSCHAUM SMOKERS AND PIPES. FRUITS, such as Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Raisins, Nectarines, Prunes, &c., FANCY CONFECTIONARY—NUTS—PRE• SERVED FRUITS, MIN'ED-MEAT, PICKLES, fic., In every variety and at all prices, all of which are pure and fresh such as can be confidently recommended to his friends. His stock embraces everything In the line of Fancy Goods, with many other articles useful to hens ekeopers which the public aro especially invited to call and examine. Remember the Old Stand, nearly opposite the Bank on North Hanover street. May 24, 1861 IRE INSURANCE.-THE ALLEN AND EAST PENNBBORO MUTUAL FIRE IN UItANCE COMPANY of Cumberland county, Incorpo• rated by an act of Assembly, is now fully organised, nd in operation tmder tho management of the following commissioners, viz: Daniel Bailey, William It. Oorgas, Michael Cocklin, J. Eichelberger, Christian Btayman, John C. Dun. lap, Jacob It. Coover, Lewis flyer, 8. Eberly, Benja• min IL blowier, J. Brandt, Joseph Wickersham, Alexander Cathcart. The rates of insurance are as low and favcrableae any Company of the kind in the State. Persons wishing to become members are invited to make application to the agents of the company, who are willing to waft upon them at any time. WH. 11. 00110 AS, President. CHRISTIAN STAYMAN, Vice President. LEWIS HYER, Secretary. MICHAEL COCKLIN, Treasurer. Managers.—Wm: IL. Comas, L. flyer, Christian Stay man. M. Cocklin, J. C. Dunlap,' R. Martin, D. Ballyy, J ll.Coover, Alex. Cathcart, J. Wickersham, J. Eichelber ger, S. Eberly, J. Brandt. AGENTS. CUMBERLAND COUNTY. John Sher-Ick, Allen Henry tearing, Shiremanstown; Samuel vr oodburn Dickinson; Henry Bowman, Churchtown ; Mode OWoth, nth, South Middleton ; Samuel Graham, W. Penne boro'• Samuel Coover, Mechanicsbnrg ; W, Cocklin, Shopirerdstown; D. Coover ' Shepherdstown ; J. 0. flax ton, Silver Spring; Benj. Haverstick, Sliver Spring; Charles gen, Carlisle; John flyer, Carlislo. YORE. COUNTY.—W. S. Picking, Dover; Peter Wol. ford, Franklin; Jas. Griffith, Warrington; J. F. Dear dorff, Washington; D. Rutter, Newburg; O. Clark, Dillsburg. DAUPHIN CO.—Houser A Lochman, Harrisburg. Members of the company having policiesabout to ex pire, can have them ,* Owed by making application to any of The Agents. April 20, 1859. pr .M LEFT LEONARD'S COR NERI J. W. SMILEY Hereby gives notice to hie friends, customers, and the public, that be has removed his store. from Leonard's corner to his new room—formerly known as Keller's hat store—on North Hanover Street, between the Car. lielo Deposit Dank and Iluyett's Grocery Store. Ms stock of ItEADY-MADECLOTIIING,Boats, Shoes and Hate is large and complete, pod you - can depend upon the fact that he can and will soil cheaper than ever : and always Intends. to I sell good zoods and at a lower price than any person else. • `• CLOTHING . • . Always on hand, the most seasonable, beat, made: and fashionable Coats, Punta'Gana and Yeats ,2f nulnotAcifron'arepta'sett:7eys ninald- 4 5 6 .gtes alh ich tlsc faction in general. Also, Shirts, Undershirts, and drawers, collars, .cravats. susnendersi gloves, stockinge, &c., &, all to be mold a the very lowest Woes. '• BOOS ANY); 8110 ES .• . • ••• Miraya on band, a largo and -Coniplete 'assort - mot of every variety of Boots, Womble, Oxford if Ties, Slippers, Qattara, J.:gamins, too., for Ladies and Oentleinen, Misses and Boys, youth and — children; alttiihesold - cheaK — Also - onlizitid - andoti• stantlrinanufacturtag Oho best Fine French and None Morocco Boots, and Jottersons for Ladinin . liqb, An rips Bowed free of charge. A largo stock off:Eats for Men, Boys andAk _ Obildron, sarcoma, good-and SOW " - lug cheaper than. over. , , , ". • TRIII4KS. TRAVELING BAGS, UMBRELLAS, OANISEID GUM COATS AND LEGOI6IOB— - • • PREAPER.VIIAN I baroikY tender ray thariba, to my oustosiers„ sad frlende, for past favors,-and earnestly soileitroa -41 to Mill and sea mo and my, stook of goods, bell & you, pi:lr cbane Shoviliericps Pane-usO every-effort. to 'supply y.)n witlrtbe very best, and at ouch prices 411 will snit MI. Ito particular toloolt Sir my sign, • April 6, 1611.-19. " W. SMILEY. p4pIE CIIA.NBERRIES. • ooparlorartlcio Cranborrlosjugtreookod Ind for Onto by , • • . . 0 . 91. 20;00. _ ly. „BUY, L bUBE ; AND COAL. ()LIVER - DELANCEY,:• LUMBER, Ar4l,) COAL YARDS On Me'Rail Road, near the Oas Work.. The subscriber keeps conitaatly on hand, a hallaaa sortment of - . . Lumber & Coal, _ which-Lo can fur 'Ash to order promptly and on the most rea sonable terms. LUMBER SCANTLING, BOARDS. FRAME STUFF Palings, Plastering and Shlngthig-Latiui,Worketilloor. ing,Weatherboarding, Poets, Balls,Whito Pine, HeMlook and Oak Shingles, of every quality, He also furnish bills to ordef of any length and Me, at the _shortest notimand on the Most reasonablejerms. ills worked boards are kept under carer, so that they can be fur . Mated dry at all times, . He has constantly 'on hand all kinds of Family Coal under cover, which will be delivered clean to any part of the borough. _To Wit t . LVRENS VALLEY, LURE FIDDLER, TREVERTON, - EOCUST 'MOUNTAIN, And other varieties, and all the vinous sites Iti use, which he offers to the public - at the lowest prices. L IiMEDuRN ER'S AND BLACKSMITH'S COAL always on hand, at the lowest cash price. Thankful for the patronage of a generous public, be stowed upon the late firm of Black & Delaney, he would solicit a continuance of the same as he will strive to please. All orders left at the residence of Jacob ObrOM for Coal and Lumber, will be promptly attended to as heretofore. OLIVER DKLANCT. July 26, 1 —ly. FANCY FURS ! FANCY FURS I I /opted to the coming .Juld respectfully trait° an esamination of my stock and prices from tho in • tending td purchase, as I am enabled to offer !hem very desirable inducements. All my Furs have, been purchased for cash, and made by experienced and competent hands, and as the pres ent monetary troubles render it necessary that I should dispose of my goods at a very small advance on coat. I am satisfied that it will be to the interests of those who design purchasing, to give mo a osli. BQI- Recollect, the name, number and street: John Farelra, (New Fur Store,) 718 Arch Street, Philad'a. Sep. 13, 1881-sm. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.—The under signed having been appointed by the Orphans' (Ann, of Cumberland County an Auditor to marshal and distribute the assets in the hands of Lemuel Todd, Administrator de bents non of the estate of George Keller, deed., to and among the creditors of said estate, hereby gives notice that he will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office, on Monday the ]4th of October next, at which time all having dolma against the said estate will present them property authentica ted to Sep. 13, 1861-5 t DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER SHIP. The partnership heretofore existing between the nn dersigned in the Lumber and Corti business, was din. solved this day, by mutual consent. The books of the firm are left at the office of the late firm, where all per• sons Indebted are requested to call and nettle their accounts, and those having claims are requested to present them. ROBERT M. BLACK, ,OLIVEN. DELANCY, Carlisle, July 16, 1851. The Lumber and Coal Business will km mutinued at the old stand, by the undersigned. July 26, '6l. - OLIVER DILANOY. SELLING OFF AT TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. BELOW COST I I At the sign of the "Gold Eagle," 3 doors above the Cumberland Valley Bank, and two doors below the Methodist Church, on West Main street, the largest and best selected stock of WATCHES AND JEWELRY In the town, will be sold 30 per cent lower than at any place in the State. The stock comprises a large assort ment of Gold and Silver hunting-case watches, Lovers, Lepines, American watches, and all other kinds and styles, GOLD AND SILVER CHAINS, Gold pens and Pencils, Jewelry of all kinds, Spectacles Gold and Silver, Plated and Silver Ware, -MUSIC BOXES, ACCORDEONS , Oil Painting& a great variety of fancy orticlesoind &lot of the finest Pianos, which will be sold 40 per cent lower than ever offered in town. The entire stock of Watch maker tools, cases, largo Mirrors, and Palo will be sold wholesale or retail on the easiest terms. Having selected a first elm* workman all kinds of re pairing will be done as usual, at reduced prices. Three Pianos at $lOO below the factory price on ac count of the Philadelphia Company closing out. I will sell at the Jewelry Store, THREE 'ROSEWOOD PIANOS, warranted, at two-third their real value on easy terms If Ailed on soon. 1411/z MANHOOD. 91. - .171%,.. • How Lost, How Restored. Just Published in a Sealed Envelope, LECTURE ON THE NATURE, TREATMENT, AND RADICAL CURL OF SPER MAT RIREA, or Seminal Weakness, Sexual Debility. Nervoosness, and involuntarybmissiona producing im potency, Consumption and Mental and Physicai De bility, By ROBT. J. CULVERWELL, M.l). The important fact that the awfnl consequences of self Owe mry be effectually removed without internal medicines or the dangerous applications of caustica, instruments, medicated bougles, and other empirical devises, is hero cleanly demonstrated, and the entirely DOW and highly successful treatment, as adopted by the celebrated author fully explained, by means of which every one. is enabled to cure himself perfectly, and at the least possible cost, thereby avoiding all the advertised nostrums of the day. This lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. = Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, postpaid, On the receipt of two postage stamps by ad dressing, Dr. CII J. C. KLINE, Aug9,ly 127 Bowery, York. Post,Office, box 4,680. FARMERS TAKE NOTICE.- JOHN PLANK now marmfaCtures and keeps con stantly for sale at his shop,'on North Hanover Streeh, opposite the residence of George hfetzgar, Esq.. Carlisle, Pa., a large assortment of the best IMPROVED THRESHING MACHINES Horse Powers, three and four Horse Machines, Clover Hullers, Corn &tellers, Straw Cutters; and Harris's Improved Cider Mill, Harrows, Plows, &c. Also a lot of second hand Ma chines and Horse Powers. Farrow s call and examine my stock, I will sell to suit the times. Repairing done at short notice. Aug. 30. 1661-Bm, SHRINER'S BALSAMIC FOR COUGIIB, COLDS, CROUP, WHOOPING COUGas ASTIIIIIA, BRONCHITIS, SPITTING BLOOD, PAIN AND .WEAKNESS.OF THE lIIINABT, DIFFICULTY OF lIII&A.THIAG, &O. This Is no new remedy. It b4s.bgen used for a 'num ber of years IQ Maryland and• parts of Pennsylvania, and has, wherever lenown, ficquited an unprecedented reputation tor curing the various diseases for which It is recommended; So apparent Is its usefulness, and so remarkable has - boon that - it - hi fist- superseding every other remedy for - these diseases. , The afflicted - can rely 'open Its doing as much for them...and in many cases,more than any other remedy now befdre the public. It le eftommended and•preacribed In the practice of a large number of the most intelligent and able phyla ciene.of Maryland. It Is,iised and considered an Indis pensable household remedy by a large portion of the first families of the !Mat%' It is used by all classes of society, and-the universal opinion is that It is good Tuts STEEP is PURELY WOE. TABLE COMPOUND., It Is pleasant to take, and ne - dire dolls Injury. But owing to its purifying qualities, must do, - good under any circumstances. Its effects are truly - wonderful,-soothing, -calming and allaying-the most, violent coughs; purifying, strengthening and invigo., rating .tho whole system, calming and soothing Ole nerves, aldicarand facilitating expectoration, and. hted,, lug the .ipt DISEASED LUNGS, Thu:retracing at the root of dteerate, and driving It from, the system. __This disease lacianonncodl:o , - difilettlky -of breathing,- - Atilt whistling or hacking cough and throat, - onnd oullecation, ho, It mostly occurs in young chit.- dren. 'No child. aged din of ecoup If this Byrup Is pro. porly used and use a In, time. • Mothers haying ceollPr . children should watch the tirst show of disease, and al ways keep this remedy tit band. • For coughs after measles this Syrup la moat excellsot..- perlouce has proyea.that ls ; Intoned by no, othen• • preparation. , . ' . The price °Mho remedy-Is inch as to•placeit-wlthln— the reach of all, the poor es well as the tidy and every. -imam should have It.- , '- • Eyery . person should ,bats It in the house.. It IS at - true and. falthroVtriend to all who value health auk, o w is is sa h s t o o ,co " Usu lo ati" Mp t tb ern o!t allel against that moat terrible, viii be found the most nsefut as well as thoeheapest fatally medicine in the world.—• It hai beau - used for _ the last four years, with a anemia Without a parallel. . , Bare your children: No skald 'need die of croup If this Syrup is used in time. Price 37 cents per bottle, or tht to bottles for; $l. For sale by ItItYNQLDS & MUTER, (kullide, Pa., anti by all country storekeCpers. [Aug. 23,1801. . , NOTICE- TO - ItIiMAILERS: - == - - - 110 - R M etailers of-Cumberland oiety , ere hereby no. ed to call at tho Treaeurer's ofece, mid take up their Licenses for the present yeas, otherwise .suiPi brouglit ibr their collection. •• • • • e • term of office will abortly eiglris;mnd uo rarest bottee will be given, 84. 14,1861: OHN FAREIRA, 8 ARC[! Street, be tween 7th and Bth St 8., Late of NS Market St.,) PHILADELrfithj mportor and Mannino- Irer of, and Donlor In ' kinds of Fancy Furs eOR LADIES', M 18811 5 9, cod Onmonsx's Wren. Having now mannfao• wed nod In start my out of all the .yarloaa C. P. 1117.51R1C11, Auditor JOIIN PLANK COUGH SYRUP. CROUP, • A.' L.• SPONLtER, CiottiSy Trvuuret.