Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 18, 1861, Image 1

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K..ltlitEtiviti , llVorletur
win: piuliii943,lrOtt;',lEdi-tinq'
TERM'S '.'o4 -I F , L I'o ATI O,N
The OATOEILIi 116RAZD,.10.pubilsbodiv.oekly.on: a Urie .
sheet containing isir(int . T . Olght columns, and furnished,.
.subsdrlbins at - -$1.50 .1 paid . strictly In adVance
51.75 , if paidcwithitillik..yeniq.ot.s2'ltC-All 'cans '
PaYmant delayed sintlinfter the expiratio s olAtte,
year. ',NO subscriptions roc9lvonifor a less period,thatk•
ix-intintli.9, arid none dlicontinued'until all arrearagibt
are•pald,, unlash; at•thooptien of the publisher. Pailens.
sent to subscribers , living • out ',ef. Oumberlatid courql. ,
Must be paid for in adyance of the ,payment .assturiod.
by Some responsible person livini intlumbeilandeOnn.
ty. TlidAd torus will be rigidly adhered to In
D vEnTisiontEDTTs,
Advertisements will be charged sl.oo.per .squaicr of
twelve linos for throe insertions, .and- 25 cents fovea.*
subsequent insertion. All adverthofinents ,oftoss then.;
twolvo linos considered as a sqnnie.
Advertisements Inserted Wore Marriages and deaths
8 <Masser title for first Insertion, and 4 cents per line
or subsequent Insertions. ' Cemuinnlcatione on Bub
o*, of-limited-or' tudliqdual,lnterestrwillbitebarged
5 cents per. line. The Proprietor will, not be respenst
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noticeS or .'slarriamis• not exceeding Ave-Mee, will be.
nsprted,w, ithoutchargm. , ....• : •
J 013: PRINT
The Garlisie Iferald,Joi) PItINTING.OPPIOtis the ,
largest andmiost e,omplote establishment - in timenUnty.
Four 'good:Waseca. and a general ;variety or Material.
Butted for plain and Farley Bork' of every kind, , enables
us to, doJob Printing at the eliortestmotice and
moat, reasonable terms... ,Persons in, want' of
Planks or anything in' the Jobbing liro, yvilliirkd it to
ribeinterest to give us a ealL . ; ' ' ;
genera[ anb tocalanformattlin
.11. 13.-GOVERNMENT . • -
President—AßßAHAM LINCOLN.
Vice Prosidont—LlANSltim. IlAsturc. ,
Secretary of "8 tato-':-' Wx.' SE‘vo . • • -
Seerptary-of Interior—Celan
Secretary of-Troiksury - - 7 11maiorf P. OftAtro:: '
Secretary otiVir—SWON . CANLOtetf: "
Sepretaty of N49jy-`l3xit ox - r.Wr.m.ko; --
Post Master Qemoral—Motcraottziur
A ttoinq GenSialEpwitti• ;llkrzu.
OhlefJustieinit the - llnited States I 11. T►NEY:
Governor—ANunivr G. CDRTIX.
Soeretary ofState—iCti.SttvEß:= s'
Surveyor General, , War.,ll. KEIM. .
Auditor Gonered—Thoe..E. Cocottes.,
TreAsurer—lixtrui s '
Judges - of the Stiptetnif EAsini, , J,ll.l* "Attu
STRONG, W. 11.14,01111. G. W. WOODWARD. Joint M. MAD
ProsidenVoidga'-41ein; AMOS Graham..
Assoc'Oe Judges-Hon. Michael Cooklin, Samuel
Whefry. •
Prothonotary-L.-Dania:4in '
Recorder &e:-- - .IOIITI . ,
itegister.LE. •
High Sheri ff-_-Itobt: McCartney; Deputy, S. Keepers
County TrensurerrrAltred L. Sponsler. • - _ ,
- ironer—John:A, Dunlap, •
() , .
minty Cifituhaisslonerit—Nathanier 11."Helrels; James
H. Waggoner, Geo Miller. Clark to COmmissiOnera,
James Arra:tiling. ,s . • . ..
Diriieters o: - tho - "Poor—Jno: Trltable; Abraham Boai
ler, -Superintendent- of- Poor
He rir'y Snyder."... •
Chief Durgethiohn'Noblei • •' • •
Assistant litfrgess- , Adzim Seneemati. ' • • • ,
Tow a - -Counelljohn Outehall,
Irvine, Hagan - Carney, John Halbert, J. Parker; Yrod
crick Dinkle,, Samuel Engmlitger.
Clerk to Connell.-- , Jae. U. , Magenheimer:
High Constables—Dep. Donny, Joseph Stuart.-. Ward
Constables--4ricob Bretz,, - Andrew Martin..
Justices of the Pence—A. L. Spoil/der, Davld Smith
Michael lielconib, Abta.'Dolitf. • . •
First Preabyterian Church, ,Northwest angle of Con
ro Square. Rev. Conway P. Xing : Pastor ; —Servlces
every Sunday Morning at lio'clock;.4 pi., mill 7 o'clock
and Kunfrot streets.,
o ltev. Mr. . Eells,„pastor, , Services
commence at II o'clock; A,111,; and 7 ' IL clock P.; •
John's Chnicl4(Pint2Eplicopal)northeliat angle of
Centre Square. Rev. Franas 4.Clorc iv ßecter. _Services
at 11 o'clock A. M., and 3 o'clock, P. I.
Englishltutheraii 'Cliurph,; Bedford between. Plain
and _Author Htreets...Rov. Jacob Fry, Pastor. Services •
at 11 o'clock A.' M., and. 6% o'clock %.P. •
German Reformed Church, Louthor, between Ran
over and Pitt streets'. Rev.'Saniuel Phillips, Pastor.
Services Atli o'clock A. M, arid '6% o'cloek P.
Methodist E. Uhurchi(lirat charge) corner of Main and,'
Pitt Streets. Rev. Joseph A. Ross, Pastor. Servicesat.
11 o'clock A. SI: and 8 - o clock P. M
Methodist E. Church(second charge.) Rev , . Herman M.
Johtisou Pastor. Services in Emory IL Church at 11'
o'clock A. M. and 6•P M. '
St. Petrlck!s-CathoMo Church, ,Ponifret near. East st.
Rey. Sams' 'Colley; Pastor: Services every other
Sabbath at lO.o'ciock..• Vesper/3 nt Si • • . •
German Lutheran Church corner of Pomfret and
Bedford streets..Rev.k. ArStrunts - Pastor. Services at
11 o'clbclq A. M.,'and O o r elobk, M. '
ng- When changes iu the above are •ttacosoary' the
proper persons,quested to notify, us,
, ,
Rev. IT. III:jolins tiosldent and' Professor os
,tames Wi Marshall A: M., Prefosaor qf Latin , Man
guages en* Literatiire. , • •
Roy. Win. - L. Boasiell; A. M., ProfesSor of Dreek„Lan-,
gup.sco and Literature: •
williaruo.:.Wilson, A; M.,:Prorealiot of Natural ScOnibe
and Curator of the Museum': ,
Samuel o D. 4: 111., Piofessor Mathematics.A. N. Mullin, A. D. • Principal' 'of the Graminar
John,', B. Stem, Asstetent in the firetenukeSehnol.
Andrew Blair, Preehlent, Saxton, ;1'; 'Quigley,
Cornwall, 0. P:llumerleh,J. litirulltondheretary,Jasen
W. Eby, Treasurer, John Sphii;lliesenger. '3loet'on
the let Mondaiofeach Mouth atl o'clock/14M At
CARLISLE DEPOSIT DANICe - LPrealdenti nos!. Henderson,
Cashier, W. M. Beeteno; Asst. Cashier.", J. PI Hasler ;
Teller, Jae. I tonehl "Olerk . ,.C. Plahler; ‘ ,Messenger,
Joint Underwood;d liirectore 11,.1d:• Ilendeeseii; John
Zug, Sorting Wherry,: JAL ' Hiiigus;'Skiles Woddbtirtii
r P- 4u
It. O. Woodward, Vol. Henry Logan, Hugh Stun t d
• - I
James Anderson. , •
Cuunutliann VatttlvltatL Ifoet, COMP:trar-Preildent,'
Frederick Watts; Seerstary..and'Treateitor,
Diddle; t3uperintondent, 0, N. Lull., •Dassonger trains
twice a day .. Eastward leaving Carlisle at . lo.lo U 'clock
A. M. and 2.4 t: o'clock- P.M. 2, Two .train's ^ iivery — da,f,
Westwaildiltatarlngtearllsle at - A27 , P_!etOck.4Sl.,eitid
3.30 P. • • ,r . , - 1"
CARLISLEDAS AND DATEr,vOltrea..--r.reSole,D,,,,,ein;
nal Todd; • Trortglirer, Spotiider • • Supitrintendant,
George IVise;• Directors,. 31...WattiO Wta. '.sl:lltioteta;
E. AL-111ddhi, Henry. Sturtbii, - It, AL:Woodwar.d.4obn•Ti
~ p
Bretton. G4rdnoc, andLqahn Campbell... ,
Nett; Cashier, 11.. A. Sturgeon; Teller, Jos: C. Itofforr:— ,
Directors, John S. Sterrett, Win. Neri'Moicholr Drone
man, Diehard Woods, John C. Toianlap, Bobt.,C. Sterrett,
A. Sturgeon, add J.ohn
!•'• SQCIETIEB., •m•
ilombefisit.attte Lodge- No. 11, A. , :t Mr itieets
Marion 1140 , , aad 4th, Tuosclim*, oy,ery,
Month. ?' ; '
fit. Joh - ow - Lodge No ao A.:Y, .-"Aleatsprf *are ,
day of week monttyat • 1. - •• _ • . -
Carlisle Lodgo o . f, O. F. •,.._Npetef mezioey
evenin g , at .
'*.i.o4:-.'c-d.'4P4':','- .
The Union Tire t'otOpany ;Was organkad
Presianat, U. Cornman;
Wetzel; Boorbttiry,J,.l3.'llampten; Treasurer,,!Po.Monq
yen. Company Meats the tireatiatinviay in March. Juge,
iluptember, and December.
The Onmberliind'Eire'CoMpiny
ary 18, 1800. President, Thee: Thithilisined'lllecratifiy
Philip Quigliiy; Treasurer, . 13 ,;D.,ti1u1g1eyi11ie . ',..33.318 , 119
meats on the' third, Oaturday of january April July'
• and October. . r ' • .
The ailed Will IlcieCompanywadiryetittited in March,
1865.. President, 11. A. sthrge9nr PrOsldent; O.- 1 , ,
Humrleh •; ,BeerekiltYi W; 1 1 1 1 , 9 1 . 1 .
Joseph ,;I`he ,eenniany inepta, tbp second
Thursday'of Tannery, Aiiol;:Jnly;
The Empire hook suid . ..Laddireorngsiny.wijstrititittit+'
ed in 1859... ;PreilidoWii,itnijd.Tortert,TlC? PT.90. 5 7p.
John r O; .. Amon; ~.Tctukfigrerl4 9 l o 9l l PP).).o l ;ll,lso q 44
- John W. Void.. Tho.companyoneots 'ow millistrt.
day in
. JantiarY;Agril,',Juli and•pcfollor, ,
- • I , • I";';;L;G t .''''''A:; , '
Itegularinonthly 11100tIliff TOON! I •lleverling.'
' , Prayer meeting-4itliday , tifternoon-it 4* clock'd
Readlnglltotireatid. - I.lbraiy- 4 Ndminidelif3lWei" - 40PelS:
every evening.(Bundamitiweepti,4)4F9T..l to 1 l o'clock.,
etrangoki,espeiliallY,Weicome. , ,
~.. •..•
Postage 6ii ( 1111' libtierabf on half bunc weight br On
der, 3 cents "pie paid; ettept:.tof Oaliforiiiiti, Or 'Oregon)l
.which 619 bents! prepaid. ; '4) • ,W` , .
Postage pa the "Ilevaid"-rWlthin.the Cppilr , Etat,.
Within thb,stave 13 'cent,' por.yenitf awi, pa . fifths,
United „Stnitv conti. 'PostagOnbriiibt rtrnsitnt.plipers,
tinder 3 cumin's - in welglii7l - eWto or. two cents
aaidnu. Advertised letters, tobo charged With the coot
-. . 1
1,..,r1! r,,,,...'1'
ffielttted Noutvg.
' very ovo wbon re urn ng
'''4'"'l76Wirtilieltitasittkie day,- "
Ike paeucptlaitelY o f ttigEo' .
; 71,1.4 !6,. ; CAll9gArdecv . „„.,.
x!:phoid n a patient
widoa! papa Y.
White as snow hoe scanty tresses,
W~inkl`es on her thanghtful broW, "•' •• '
•7Actd beret:teaks tiro furrowed doeply • '• • •
c• : 7 -.With, , the,littes that Time can plow. , •'•
fievonty,rinters, long and dreary,
Front thidr,lienVY ctotidehain shod ,
'`ltialcSs of tiitier"Changinewhlianis' " ' •
•;• .•.:c On thopatlorit wonian'S hoed. •••-• •:
Tiny yeaii ago'hni lover
lgt&dteildeliOC hithn latter' 7 •••••••'-'-
.7 - .'l7SaYinjfitathicyipaitedo-•-"Hanutthi • • •
Sunday night i'll come again; •
Lot mo see you at the.wlndow
Ae I:hasten up,the •;•• •
• ciodlio .
can( again."' •' ' •
• "- - '
Butheforofrhat priclous evening,
• ' SWiietiVto ther Inilden's Mind •
mt . ',• • ••7 nlittiod bythegentle•April'wlnd, • •
C ,Cargo to bless her with itcptesence ;
_ forfor
_phich fun
:110--the moat beloved lovir
• '''lliat•o'cihiessed•a : maiden—dlod. •
• yfell-a,ttay for lovinggannah ;.
When they told ter he was dead,
`7lOr deioteit'inlnd forever -
rFrOicittatattered mansion Bed;
Octal° ae an ;April DUnbentd.
Patient aaapothere love,
HoPettd as the earnest' Christjan
Who bath moored hie hopes above;
libe,-through all those fifty winters,
llath believed herself again .
' Loved and loving, an . ofuld
When they, parted in palm*
Every day, td her, la Sunday,
gvery, day phesitiand watches
..,For.har lover down the lane. . _
Vox: the Hefeild)! -
tEisTiNcri Lualizta; Oct. 185'122
- Enrrott•--tflorne time ago 'read in
your tatereating paper an article' by "A gen
ahalie hands Vritti hint' in
my lieert, 4- and - preeent - to . yottreelf,4 vote of,
lioir often, Ike ' 4 Car Haler," I have looked
• ,
hack to days long 'gone hy,`,and in imagination
heaid itgaid - ,the Veleta of those who have
passed away: Idemiiiy calls up'and "the hettii
olinis to reniiiifsiitinaes diya
• ,
If youhtt*O'nii 'objection, I will try through
the Herald, to help . ilio Cla'roilioliM of the "lit
tie Borough,'; and perheps ,
_contribute some-
Whattotbe pleasure
,of old garlialera, either
at home, ,or, like myself', a far away sojourner
from native home. , • • •
In the , first, , let ; eno, furnish themames
of-thatartiste- Band.:-The-inflated-cheeks
of the. clarionet,players I, remember well; but
the manipulation in the bell-of JAEN Canvnit's
and AJAxe Htuosn's.Frenoh Horns was always
an object of great curiosity with me. Car
lisler!' speaks ofSIVARTZ and the cymbals,'but ,
jAKEI,PART was the first cymbal 'player, and
I think the boy inGuarcle uniform was Imes
(Immix. Lean SAO the :little . fellow now, ,in
his efforts to hoop step,between Joan A. BLACK
and 4 . 19: Aar. Then the Chinese Melts I I
forget who played them, unless it was Sivenvx.
you recollect, (Mr. Editor,- pardon me,
but you must•be getting,,venerable 0 the ar
tistic trial given to the crescent, as. up and
down it went with an occasional extra shake
of the,staff,to help the jingle'? 'Suldi music!,'
Did ever ,Dedsworth's Cornet Band, or Hen- •
delis either, "discourse.such music?" ,
The Guarda!Jst and 2d Lieutenants respect
tively, mere JAnns ALEXANDER and SAMUEL
:tIOIIIVEION. • .11,qpr,e I leave the Guards, I must
not-omit a,nartiothat-deserves most honorable ...
mention 7 -Mrs-lyfellY,Hioants, Mrs.'H., ern.
broiderod - a flag and,presepted it to the corn.
pany,,-;If the llag,is extant, I would like ,to
rseelf,,it s yet, bears, any'maik of ;the beauty 'I
used to, think., it- possessed. As long as Mrs.
Timms lived, she had the care of the flag,
and I have- often, on parade-days, watched
that lady hand it out of the second' story win..:
deli; of her house in Main striet;•third'inie 't:
- think ':front ' , Dittman's" corner..' hide often
since those days witnessed the fo'rmitts , Of Re
:ginzerits, but neverhave 'I looked' on with' the • '
Sa m e interest . ClEl'WheliCapt::HAVliEliT order=
ed- 7 "-Salute ~ i ks.Color 1" , Arnie 'Mere' Prel"
sentek then', arms to 'a shoulder, flag in Pot& "
tiOn,'mheeling into colunin; Fort'vard'Marahl'
:i3nAcw.'s and Jortir-BAOLIe'S 'or Stoki s Eir '
drums :and S4l. AiE .
Annen's bu g
the signal, the Hand strikes up,
snit of goctatintfder-the'lpublio;-situare,---
pride, pomp, and circumstance . •
of giorlous;iyar When,Mis.Htaatms.diedt
I thin't the "GtiardS,'noitizen's'odress, at-'
tended Inn; fungrnl,— •
Inv!.nrni . ,.ae.oor. friend 1 , 1 denu-1
ine Carlittler".'saye c seinaliew .or other that,
really,flne,eompitny opy,er. was,no,,gTeot,a
vaiite With tte- boys aith • d b't •
it was peottutto they,oaly liod,field But ,
was there ever a MQlllfaithful, devoted
EDIY#R , AztiolFl took
place in. jinn more prompti,T,,than, Illeatenaskt
lloraouri P; : •I , con even,at. this- .dietituCe
see the-Lieutenant holding thelieshbiird'ethid '
sword 0i109144•F9-I°gnize';tlll4'iiifeto,-.;
aolltuiPteq,(ll;4Olily: around •
riOnktipy to, take position preparatory, le *heel, •
.ing-Atto-oolutitu Who; i.'espicitilly; Mattinora t y •
regular itnkiirCinpti'ilian4lOotenoni ,
Stnutiok.,l,f,With,sreptinterest I wise d to, look
, i 2 t,•}1.16 old manoeuvres; (I honey° longnget oh;:!..
BFing ty_soctions, and wheeling from the (ten.'
t e, fight and le't 'ta v it4S'" Hie; euPerlor
1 01 1 iri.00. r artiltmkthetnphasIC
good Witten anii;%: ,-
tiorAer,43taFr--Atanitanna t , -- waa -- the• efficient =„
ru-. :Ae!oOkti/Alkitakiny.llwaldc; jnst
Within, :•the % last) for- hiontli4A Illtd""16Y'
h94ll%Bl.ll,llglitouched mot 6017 y
oi' P
theetreet,.mhihtli i, Wfine
big;a boy in Iliad I
. /9y014• 8 :t e113°, 1 . P ,, T0,04 1 *,,. . , / .,,played= '
li lB .9 l #ll°Po. , tY4B , Ot9o4Vefill4'
;‘Before leaving the military-,•g word about?'
. ,•
4.J.! v,t;
ihe let j3cfiitftlion , ilt eues6ertand .Irolutitecrt.4
Officers' of ,in otitsoldleiltbearhig are" atildt;rit
if "ever ei'dfil: 1 pox*: Col. Wit,Lip!'.l4'::fit:=
440 4 011'6i
,v. 04
much if;anyoUtheir suctiessors:could ClMr:yrf
the7Ptiitit or it Hegiment with 'tierti"Precialein
than they , apd` surelywe cannot - e'aitily forget
the trini . ..fier4o,4 brisk movecient.Of •Warrx
It' . :lnwnviliergeant diatintitlY
-We-recollect ilie - appeutrirrtete'efitheeti'Vre linear
in ohildhciod'ol. - Youtfi l while many inewer
in after life 4're Are;coinJ I.lcanxow seethe
portly figure ,of. Btr,t,rlamai (Ilatter,'egicts
'fi,guire Bity,i;) his hand's in' hia'pocliets, lei=
io_yhtl(*&.4tausEr!s,_stere', ; or- to-opend
few. minutes ,(iong minutes !).. with' neighbor
Huttoex; , 'chairinitker Ari 4 very
1111 0 6 11
in his Stepp:id forever ; tick .pos.:
eesseil of 'a:clearly well inforined mind and , rev
tentive meliry: 4 - 21kfr. - .Bit:OWa'tfiersOnal'' ap
potirance MeaniOcni , eyed the Idea`,.of
ljis COMiideribliCtieliltit. - ; „ '
Was there .everit moreLlingularbeing than
LlNDtprr SPOTir4OODI his apron and'tibtri
sleeifis relied arms ktdo/130, uttering
his abrupt, sententious epeeehesi.:_whiehimith
their nasal twang,,weropeculigily charatitfir-
Jells. His antipode in'lbetiperacient and, 'de
iiManOr Was 'his neighbor and_lellow.cirafte,
l_man; old gr.- KELLift. •, eakkandllignified in
all his 'movements, it. was ever a pleasure+ terl
me to look on his well defined and beirieiolent
I feature& - =I doubt if you'have, even with - all
the advantages .of modern improvement, in 1
measuring and. cuttltig;', and' the d. latest
ion" card in the - barkain; se' tailor'superior' to
Coming MoMattaes, - wii ever recommended
his business by-the fit of, his own semarkable
tidy suit.- 'Who rings your Court }louse-bell 1 , -.
Your new:bell does notring':Miire sweetly or .
regalarly„thendid the old'ottc, when .its,clear
Sound iras . fir.ought forth-by theaturdy pull of ,
old JACOB Carlisle has produced'
original . ttharacterii, but none More to that' that,
reemsylveribi_ClertOttii. - soiiii.eielted except
rwhen the boys would , climb his loduet trees,
-holdingbis pipe in "his hand, the 'stem',
a long piece of otitte, ; woe , brought _ 0 mew at'
severely into requisition ; = otherwise, seated-at
his dopr.-he looked as:though he had adopted'
as his mot`to,
l3tmr',CoOrEit, a baker, tiVin&in Hanover
street, - . a few doors from AIINSTRONG'S
corner, was -Mr. TLICiIIPSON'S predecessor as
Court Crier. Coterciperarywith'Mr. Cpormt,
and as fir bao'k as I Oita recellect,` waft. the
81 19.1%.149.44. and. nomovitial,atooping figura of
a worthy old man, of.whoM k in m,y ohildhoed;
I usedlo wonder 't'd Miry firornkion.trol
wairthe Belton ; or 6ir:45 grave-yar By
end in many cases when some person died,
he would go -- frond house to liotieo giving notice
of tho'furieral. .
I zirav o iny f, olti 8
t have two : ; .9.rm:BS.o,stnsuent at.tho
Bank, and BILLY Dia:trip:at, the, Agricultural
Bank. Report Would hamoit,,that thee° twe,
worthies took it. very comfortably in their ,
snug,myetertous looking boxes, - Of the Car-.
lislo Bank, ctliqtenz A. Lvoti was President and
was for a while Mr.- Pmexsar'e successor,
tinifbir. l Th.-"Vits • Succeeded liy l A. •MsDoWitx.
Cashier of tho , Agrioultimar Bank.
It is }Mid early iniPressions aro hating, and
verily they are and no less in matters'of taste
than in other affairs.% The sight of a little
sign of a black bottle, with the froth grace;.-
fullyarehing over,into - arCiimbler„ will Boma
times send me'liaok to days • of old, and then I
feel ne thongh I would , give's levy fora
, bottle,
of small beet:, Made after ' he ihimula'usedy
good Nis. 'Elemio. And' then 'such :ginger
eakas 'itineeti ealiee;'•ont Ok nice','
cup-board In the ' Then' I ieldornMier
pose a 'veryneaCirdiettir•e - , -
with ' its jarti'of iarigatod•thindiei, 'Without; a
momentary thought of Mr,, Hsvansrlox.', in
- wiroso - olyorq.,wasjn common with other, yoong
citizens, deeply . interested, , and frequently Co .
thie;dhy, the taste of lemon eyinp in l eoda
tgr;'will.cause me Co think 'Cr the deys, When
mineral imiCrs, w el were
supplied by Mr. Ffi.rni l ifiltOr.;FNiinefoos.
Ono of the ,institUtions 'ef.Carlipie 'Was its
market. I need 'to" hear old travellera
thei airier 'saw other inland 'tolin market'
so well supplied; andfr frecalleet:
,hayeeineelearned, I think they were very ,,
nearly correct: Som e time sinee', I eali in the i
hint' of 'some' troutdo among :the
4 , Fathers" of the Berouih oo account '
of the market hours", Editor de ? : say
could it ' lie"possible '` theithUtiiike nieni4,
and' ' s oiloeing . "ltitai?' momentous Mittera,_
antherities 'siMuld I' , think 'tile() hefore thei
moye'eneal 6 - Ater think'Of doing away with
the time-honored neoesbitiOf ar,
or two,,heforo" du t y to. et a
pound of_butterl
Would they prevent the OliimM9,ne'O`laughs-:
ing,Oly) `4t'is . lestetBitint4i;
cause haPp' end to'eleip tOolong,
and' in eanSequeneti'hid - to put np wtthtichat
. - :• ...
Where nre your ehoweAclir heldt, , Iftnext,;
ou'd `tavern ,used, to be he pi ce. The
Sight in looking at the pointing#ef,the i liene ?.
tiget4 -r tici leige as life eftd. twice AO natu
ral," hung on the irontef the house, was only
exceeded .by the : eight of' itTe 9l i g i n ala . #l op
old e6ed ,and Yard: . 0014 .
,a,onitO, but inOiitire9entitytikaoonti.o4ll,
:wab,theplace whore ' ooncerts , lectures ;: ` &e.,
ire'r‘lJoli,t;49a:" '" '` " " . ',
I I t ; 9 Aringt!?.:I I V E T. M C". / !NV!glil ° / / 1 7',T.C7
.a.plteoton:sti inetitotie4 l ,lang pore 4,941,0ifiv„;
I n P!° -, ',"TPs. l4 o9t 3 iM,¢
3 g f ii ;41!. 1 F • 1 . 1( PF, - .
,tlino' 6 - dole - been 'Rented inviting al) the !! lad 's .
and-itteoes!!' of die'. surrounding otiettir,7 to
come te,tilte 'numah suktlo•
ft i ni v ita. *ltch, for Molt
AT4's 731P91!',19,F5. as.lfor ; , lb ; nee the i
*.tq l t,', l !!!lo
t,,4 : 9„1 1 ,41k,0.9074t.
'73:40a8 . 0,: 1 10049..!404
410 - 090;459,,muelt.ekion
ooine,toot olotte,;,,,petiotpe. thernni be aien.,
Dow. too lengthY . : rWore
x' know not where' I would encf,„
'The shadows on the
P.m x, w,
:13 )-
, 0"
' t :8, -
'' - ' 186 . 1 .
. • I
wllflo c om ;tip andlmtioul. 'ear fondly likens
to tho,mldpkoringq,
;„'' Of (Ober d* atotind me,"
And then tWortder if 'the bops orthe preitnit ,
day:i3njoy 7 thiimeelittit''ati used ` to when We
fi gZi r d ' Tf l in t, Ili .‘ ; S oii h e in i7o e s l iti o t 7 ei l ir- o- r u o r ii o g w h n Pl ° 47, " l 4a sh r ee en ve .
the tirdgue;"and , !pi4i.an4 or 'gude:
theildinarliet house *401144. with i'loo-4looln
Whether there is lot 3i''.F . l"appit Retreat, add it,
the Meeting ate as'SFOoodingly,
beautiful as they Were'fcirty, years nigo.„,
if 1 'vier _te.Carlisle, shall T hear-
the "click of tho mill down There,
over the .bridgo. The:, Cosi ) , too, 'that()harm:,
ing Place a Eourth;pe/ittly celebration, or.
a schbol bOY',s Siturdsiafternoon.- -
Mr, Editor; Yearo:llo4:l4Bsed Sway siince
those happy. darn.: care-has marked my brow; ,
my eye -need lielp; mY : . stip,. IP is :no
longer - Olintloudizslile
..ell'alongonahood'a journey; itteeiiedhy .. tht
- a
vioieeitucterotatiiiiiiiiintiiiiiirlii; - ' 4 mind
goeilback'w* fond 67ari4/e,
the•deir bailie of my oliiidtioed ana
town 'fanltleee• in its 'planand boqutiiul_ for
, situation, the:laP" Of a vel,leir;_ocillod by
atrangers,thri 'nfirentitiyrilii."
' • • ' • :REAL dARLISLE.
; r , 7) , The. Daratfoui;
4i'lninlfid'ariirld was ; first , created,, it was
appointed'heir • MAO, year* ei:eh;,,Creatpro
shoild So the Ass came and
s' t
hen:leak - he wao-livse. ;
he Wee told;'an then he was asked,
that sufficient?" "Alas!" ,replied,, the ; Ass,
" that j'it3A lorig.time,t 7 Think : how ; runny
- wearisome burdens I. shall -have :to. earry
front mer'isin' tiil
• night; cornsacks to. the
thatethers may eat bread and - I receive
nothing,bat biews,and kicks, and yet [keep ,
nlways_activa, t and, obligingl ..., Take =Away:
some of my years I pray!" So - ,the:Assmaif
pitiqd,,, and•a life of - sightend - years'
snap, and the Dog Made his •appeatance,
and asked the -same. ;"Hosi .16fig do' you liver was inquired of;hiti;' : " thirty
years were too much for the Ass Omit perhaps
you will be satisfied.!' "Do-yon think' So ?"
said the Dog; "remember lion much I shall
have to_run; my feet will not
; last "out ; and
when have lost my voice and cannot bark, \
and ray teetit'and cannot' bite, What will there
be for me to do'but to ` crawl an howl from:,,
ono Corner' tOtitinther?" / , 'S'othetong's plea
was 'aliened; and twelve years, for
his age ; after which he departed and :made
word for the-vionkey.'Yu will live thirty
years willingly, rin = .dorit,"(wati.:snici. to. the,
Monkey;" you need not work : alike the Ass
and therefore will, alsobeWelloV "Alas! it
ehmlikbe, th&prikey,' 2 ",b_at-rettlly
itis'vcry:differenTtilmit:altrikytlie makingl
comten)-facesfer peopleto laugh' at; .and:all
the apples they give me to eat turn oat soar
ones, Hovr often is sadness a joke!'
The thirty; :years I can rteirer endure!"
Thereupon, ten years were aliened to bilk:
Last of all, an appeard, healthy 'and 'Vigor.
'one, and requested a time to be appointed 'to
him. " You - shalrlive thirty years," 'was the
reply; "is 'that efieugh`?" "What''Short
time I" - exclaimed Man; "just' 'whorti , Ain
buildlnYself a iMuse,
,rind' lighted' fire 'on
'my own' hearth. MA just when I shall have
planted trees to bear me fruit in their season,
and I am thinking of enjoying
s life, must
die!l pray lettay fife belengthened i" The
eighteen years of the Ass shall be added.
"That is not enough l" said, Matt. , You
l shall also have tneltre years, of ,:the ; Dog's.
life. ." Still too,. little,!:,' replied. Men. -r—
" Well then, you May hays the ten years al
lowed, to the, Monkey - : but ,you must t desire
np mare." , - . was then, obligeditoleave,
hilt he was ,not..ssisfiet, ;Thus ;•Man 'lives
8 9ventY3Par4 1 .1 The.,first thirty arethe - days
o. which-Apass . quickly '•aWay ;
he is then healthy. and Vigorous, - works with
pleasure, and. rejoices. in his. being. Then'
follow. the eighteen Years of the 'life , Of 'the
Ass, which bring - to hint one-htirden - f Oflei
inother he must 'Work for' 014 which'
iehes others ; and, almse,rMy, blame, become :
-the reivaid ofhis latpci?s. "Nef:St' come' the
tinelvcreyears alb; 4v:during 'Man;
baa to sit idecirrieriygruel:ding' beciutiii 'he
hes no : longer any:teeth .to, bite -with,,.- ; And
When this time then ,the ten years .of
thj Monkey:lnin Abe' :Clow of :the :scene.
Then Man becomes childish and foolish, an&
iloes st s rapqp%t!iyigs.wtd . cii,uake4
.4\ Conspirato'y Agollaist'iiiiorge Peeilo
PrePtiQbygf 09;L°0 8 00e 4.04 r1F,a,
le Dr. Clay hieriwether,of, Jefferson co* :
ty,llepteeky,.4 . , baderetitid, rt , ';Captain
in - hhe conforierate7serviee.. At the hotel,
ge'disecyille, Hopkins county, - ta-feiv' Up'
ago, and-anbeeettentlyl witage eitablt' he=
tivien kiadigortillloirtd Henderson' in :the'
'company -of other Confederate' offteera; rd.
vialedla , plen thaf:had.been.taid for the CO
i't rd
biro an neee'if eery, , e tau er o e.
- senior tiditotoof tho Magieville J ournal:'
"For' iiaBt";vo;
aforesaid, were, Until prevented 'by Mimes
'within the ; last few weekL3, , in the habit of go .
°lll;e,.sf packets --0411F4VfAVEi'
tr+ie€!,!;i" , lit"Ti , PqB l 4 ! ° , , W9 B t•
a s t
B ,ot,ed „gi9:,o";!! 4 )4, k bY,l l .,kblbetf:tblitotht
et:Secessionist ,wce tofiteeertlin,,hefereltatid
s , v hen , Wi.;l4:ro'ta, mike "a l trpi4tfid then' , eithC ,
er to. dimpee - , th env4el4 Aful.s . ,:tallwyessugu,
with us in such futee.qukt;,thet-teiplC , Sl,o* ,
cuk.end take the control of-tbelbsoati orsfelee
to, Olen; Abetneelvett upon , the , ihore at Nirsit
>kpii)t 403 tritiketVi!a , -,
,ittbere4hottid eeetu'tcitie= : a
n 'r nY'
goryingfue,Off in their -64iittd.;%t?'1"1.0.i."tl.
•Pf•the wAY- 66
I , 4lVe±dOnt kb - White drSiltT'eve!*N
lint' a 1111‘ , f , iniew'
thae, he le'a`d4werd
wriider, but he has not lib) nerve to execute
~[..-IfLA-PielliZa G . HIR,OZin..ii,. i:. ~',
t ADV,E?ViU,*E3*
Foi4:teeti fro'fit,`Litil.eto
a distance 'of forty-two:miles; and,:as I had le,
await' the arrival of tiii:orlfiCeediaolieii; did 7 ;
hot Statt.until after diuneoo 'died
bad n goo'c'edistanc.o to. travid i ttftm.', dirk; ft ,
Was iirtheTtlead:of wiht6r, and thelleason had ,
beedit'leggh one: A grea(deal!of aleyi
fallen and the drifts 'Were plenti and. deep:*
The mail that I•earried was not due until one
ei r elciolcln th& mer , ninp: but IthaC winter the:
,00843:taster' Was *my often Oblige :to sit - 'up
I Jittle , latsritltan Ant for me: , •
One day,'in January, when I drove . up for
my mail tit Da4oury,,".the 'postmaster called
me intohreofrice - .
" Pete," Said be with an important, serious -
look, "there's some pretty heavy money pack
ages, iu bag," . and he pointed to tW,liag" "..
as he spoke. He said .the. money • was. from .
'Boston te setahlandtigenteurnear. tbe,Oan
ads • Then - he Asked-me. if--I'd—got- any
passengers whavere.going.tbrougirtodaittle ,-
ten. Ididdotknow; but usuppose 'haven't?" -
, „ . . ,
41 why,!:• said he, " the agent of ,the lower
route came ,to-day,, and, he says there _have
been,tirepusfitolous - looking characters on the
stage that, came up last . , night,- and he, sus
feota that they have - iii, eye Upan the mail, so
that it will Eitand you in hand' to be a little
I3e, said that the's - gent bacUdiseribad One of
them as' it short, thick set 'fellow, about forty
.jeare of age, -- Witif 'kink 'heir, - and a thick,
heavy clump of beard under the chin, but
none on the side of his' face. lie didn't know
anything abont: the other. I told the old fel
low I guessed there was not much danger.
" Oh; no; not if you have got passengers
through, but I only told you this so you might
look out for your mail, and look out when you
I answered that I should , do 'so, and ,then
took the bag-undermy arm and left the office.
L stowed the_mailonder.mrsont a,-little more
r carefully than nano', placing it so that Leonid
keep my feet against it,,but beyond thls,l did
cnot feel any concern. • It was past ono when,
I started, and .I had four . passengers ~- , two: of .
whora'redeon,to my first
;place. I
reached dowan ; n Mills 'we
stopped for Emptier, and where miother two
passengers' conoltided to stapior the night:
_About sixo'oldok MI6 evening I lett Oar
an's havi ng two horses and, an
open pung.
I had seventeen miles to go—arid a hard
seventeen it was; too. =The night was' quite
huttliewind was sitylip 'and 'oeld, the,
loose snow:kyingin all dit:ectionti; while the
drifts Where deeti'and closely packed. . It was
slow, tedioui Work, and my horses soon be-
came leg-weary and restive. At -the 'distance - •
of six miles Icanie to a little settlement palled •
BIOS Lteelrfleahliortes. — lNt -
been two houregoing•that distande.:, Just as
I was going to start a 'man came up and asked
if I was going throne', to Littleton. I, , told
Him I through if the thing could be -
possibly done. He said ho was very anxious •
to - go„ and as he had no baggago..l:toid him to
jump in.and make hitaseil as comfortable as
possible, I was , gathering , up
,my lincerwhen
the hostler came . up and, asked , me If , know.,
that one of my horses bad cut himself badly 1 _
I jumped out and went with him,, and
that one of the animals had gat
„a r ,deep cork
out on the off forefoot. IgaYO Suchdireetions
as I considerelnetesiery; and Itias ~s tbdutzte
turn away, 7 11, 9!k141e1',T#Itit l ri!", 'krl9llll4PA. he,.
thought I came alone._ I told him
" Then where did you geithat POSPengeri
said he.
" He has just, goVin," I answered.
in'.finm where
" I don't know."
now,",said.the hostler, 1 4 that's kind
o 'Carious. There ain't no such man been at
the house,.and know, there ain't been none •
at.any ofthe neigkborn:". es.!"
"Let's have a look at, his face," . saht "
- can "get,thitt muoh,,at litikrete: ' you go'
back with me;, 'and when L get into 'the Pang ,
just hold your lantern so that
,the ,light light will -
shine into his face": - • " • .! • ,
Ile did is I Wished, and ie I F stepped, into
the pung I got I,fitir view of 'ouch portions . of
lay passenger's face as were not muffled :up.
I saws short,,thlok frame,• full,ihardy feattires;- • "
and I ettuikeeit that therneinin#')E,lii . o7:Veard,,
under his theught of theintin whom
the postmaster - had described to. Me NS, I
didn't think seriously upon it:Until I had start
ed.: Perhaps I had got
,half a" mile when. I
noticed that the mailbag wasn't in . '
place under my , fat;
Hallo t"1 pays I; holding:Alp my. torsoc a,
limo ; wlkere's'ioy mall ' • ' • '• • •
',My passonier'ent:oa the seat lichitidnm rind
I` turned' h ipi. -+[.,r..,
Here is a img,of , back r
Oder my;:feet,", hp z ooid, glylog it a kick a,
theughbp'd,shoved itforrearth r < .:! 7 -
`Just at thip -Mernent7MY• horses
Mb); a wae faired tegeiz.:i
out and ' tread,the h dOt th
anollead them through it. :
'This leok , in'eall of fdlier(min .
when ‘lget:',in ? ageii , l
ward 504,101, tot feei,miett•it ,Avid as I yais, ; .;
this saw the inantakersoinetbingfront:.' ,
his lap, ,, beneithlthe lipf' a lo,_aud r put : itln hi,
13 F° 1i0 . 0 0k A . , ' : 4e.
let 1 tiaid*4 ll ll l 4.4l4. gleala4 . lkoPill
theftitarlight;:ittrvibeti I had tintorten toffee;
I icrieri'l could not be mistaken. '
Otit tiraii begin ' to
deviously rrati hiiiittiiiit'iben,"
he' was; prepared 6 - '4W
hppe.he'thanalimriornr-thet ? delieele - jiiti'!rit
ile "..'
wo Ton eng e• or e in Lo
t if !t r • - "Pr:
Ige .)
, ° ,O O,PF,! 6 : l ,,'„.O l # 6 T ll .#Pi T p. , 00 Tp • f h eio;„
I asked My, pessenger if he 'WOW& ,
lepl , l 67 Nr o ,m01 1 1: 1 . ", ,
; Y7) , t 6 kiiioe;',Er4:
quarter of an hour gettini:mY;tentztAionigh .). ;,
ri4gan to feel for the Mailibabilith MYl4t,
and fotindii whero had lift ,it; when' 1. 9
'attempted to withdraw anymy f00t,,1, diecovered
_.:.:17 !
that it bad tit:tome untangledin apniething-4
thotight It the builalo-rc;bo;•ind•trledto . -klek.
if'oleat; but the More I kicked theta* oltuie
iiwatiit : heid. : 140 11 01., , ilq” E9.i4 11 0 . ;;!•4d
after feeling Omuta fi;Wminutes, Freund that
my foot Wailia the mail-bag I I felt 'again
Mid trinrid - niklaitKin among tho,ptuilitiO . it:tf
loiters and papers Iran my fingers (Ave,*
edge ofthe :Opening, and beoathe astniVedthit
the stout, lentVer fitt4 been cut with
lore was disoorry. ' I bein to Wiahl
had taken. a.,little' more •.farpthought before
loaving:Daribury';' bOt air I knew= that making
each Wishes'.Was Only a Waste Of tim e ,; quick
1Y gave it up and began , ta (molder what -I
had best do_under thersaisting circumstances.
I wasn't long in making up my mind upon a
few 'essential points'. First, the man behind
me was a villain'; . 1 1tecond, , be had cut Open th e
Mail-bag and robbed it of iome,vhliuttile Mat
e,uat have , known the • moneiletters
bathe - size and_Ahape Lthird,.,he_ _meant, to
leave the stage ott,tho prat opportunity; and
fOurthly,.ho was 'prepared to shoot me if.l at.;
tempted to "'rpst or detain him. .
' I resolved these things over in. my - mind,
and pretty. soon Lthought.of a course to, pur.:
ane„._l_knew.,that,ki get_say--harula safely, up
°robe rascal, I . must-takejtim unawares, and_
this-Leould not do_this.while he -was_-behind
me—for his eyes were upon me all the -time—
se.l ranpt reogrt, to- stratagem., •Only -ft little
distance ahead of us was a house. old
farmer named Lougee lived there, and directly '
in front-of it-waq.khuge snow bank stretched ,
across the road,..through which . a..track• for
Wagons had been, cleared with ehovals.l
As, we approached the cot, I saw,a lighbin
the front room, ,as I, felt confident I should
far the old man generally sat up until the stage
Went by. I drove.on, wud when,nearly-oppo
mite the door, 0004 uP,:as I had frequently
done, whoa approaching, difficult places.
saw, the snow bank ahead, and could distin
guish the deep out whiqh 440,_ been shoveled
through it. urged my horses to good speed,
aid„ ~rhan pear the bank, forced them into it.
- _
..One of_ihe runners mounted themdge of.the
auk, after whioh the other ran. into the out,
,sleigh over about as:quick
at it dightninglmd struck A. My; passenger
'hid not calculated mita any.ottok Movemen
mid waa,not preparecl.for,it, OCT.. had onion
lated„and was prepared.. He rolled out into
the deep snow with a heavy buffalo robe about
him, while .I lighted on. my 'feet,, directly on
'top of him. I punched his;head in the snow,
and-then sung out for old Lotigee. I.did not
have to mall a aecead gill% Tor the farmer had
come. to • the window to see : me pass, • and as
soon, as he saw my sleigh overturn; he lighted ,
his lantert(and hurried out.
'!What's to pay?" 7: asked the ot:Vman, se he
hurriecl ,os;t4
the heron into ,the track, and then
As I, spoke, I partiolly , loosened- lei hold
upon-the villain's f.hrost,,aud he.drew- a pis.
'tot from his hemp, butl,sawit in season and
'jammed his head into the,snow again, and got
"the. weapon away,frem. him. By this time,
'Lougee had , led the horses out and came baok;,
and I explained the, matter; to•him-in feW
Wordeap possibie t ": . ,
• We hauled tho rascal out into the road.- and.
upcia, examination we found_, about twenty
.ppokagosrofiettofe:whioh he hadatolmi from
.tho mail-bag and stowed away pockets..
Re swore, and threatened;
: and Prajek but
we paid no attention to his blarney, 'Louge`e
got some stout oord, and when we bad secure
ly bound the villain, we tumbled him into the
purig. I asked the old man if le:would so..
.company -me to'Littleton; he said "of course."
So,he got his overcoat and his mantel. ; and"
ere long we started.
I reached the end of my route with my mail
all safe, though . not ne snug as it might'have
been, and my mail-bag a 'little the worse for
the game ~he luotplayerueon it, ' However,
the; moil 4 , obber was secure, and within a'Week
Ito Was:identified by some °Moen from Cod-
as an•old offender, and Pm rather in
clined to the opinion that he's In the State
prison it, the present moment. At any rite,
.he waa-there when last LheArd of hint:
4,Coaroca !CoNsotince.One of the edi
torh of the New. York ,Obscrecr, :who is noyr
rusticating in the country' down. , East,'
latesthe following in his letter to that paper
I heard of a man. the otherday atlici 'had
i'curiouis coneeience on , the subject..;-a• Wae
Jonesorholifes .doirn in Vie' hollow.
neighbor dolintion ‘ ' - *ho r se . hitY Was ' all
.in, hair that charge /quantity of Jones' 6.4
was down, and it looked very much like raid,
he_Went avecon Sunday; . 'oWUrd noon,-fo'ad•
vise-him 'to get=it in, 'to offer the'whOle
force of hie...tnen'to help. , Sonee'and 'all hie
boye.Were gone, nobody was 'at home' 'hot
:Tonne' jibe said that' hechuehand
thought : good forer dame of working
• ,on
J3undny, and BO,henad the boys had_ gone. to
the sound
qxyamarcul,of Dount, Wos going out
in hie oarrlege 4o make_some calla with his
Wife, when le diem° voted that Itorhadieftlis
visiting Ile oVidered his,footemor re:
qoutl,y 00p20 into
,hiesersioe, to go to,the men,
tle•pieee in, hill tmd • bring the .
„cards ,ho ehopi4d, nea4hero. The, 'ofw7pot
ite lifl VlAB,Ordereg 4tetalued the articles to be
ru Bo4 ; 40 ifliNF°tfP,t odid:enfkottFted
man cendAngtho withAtto l oarde
,n ‘ honnit,OP. tk/ .1! not-Pt Aotne",_99oorred.„
,tboo,n-nßie„34n, l 4rolgif,h o- ttlon,d , ,to the oar-
Yatkt 3Y01 , ! - Y 0,1 14° 11 ,i 1 9n ;
1ti9P 1 10 4 .19; oftrk have Yott
Tell, "sir ," said the,,foqtmap. xesyL,lano::
9 yri-"AteitY,P nflinutoortint
Yotilint , PACt4Al l oo, -0 0 4 4.1)P1 1 -'•;:
l'hn dgp ej;"4 otolaitoo4l4 l 4 44411te,0q
'A 'Gni:ikon& Ag tit
*told ita l ia.iih*4o*fiiiittigkii44.) r ul.
illt..( 110 1 1 0 1 . % l lit‘elotti;o n 44 4 4fi , eil ' h. ea he,
',A. 'for on'thte of
:the , ieeitd - It tf s I °
, 17 / 6. 7 90 d ° P/ I PPI I I, I3e i r 1141 k to thOee
I mviote only whibli they uuderstood,-that
Which tat . John informe us took place once in
il l aven, would happen - very freluontly oh
tally • "silence) for the space of half in hour,"
t ,t5O-;::, .....:•:,:-,;;-- ''A ''' ;''':'.';';'-..7:',,,.".:.•41:.,.,.-; ':.;.
.:. :.'•,. '.L . •' - ';',.-,°:";: '.',.:-, -:-..
fill . ii*Ver atinitiriiiiii '1.0*;44.1'
1 s 2 *.glikt.mitid In iiii_iiipiii.
Thai* ism -more benutifill
niture . thin 'American neettery,' when at: be.
gins 'to shott the istffeett of the gentle tench off
ninuntn e or of the fall, astreo prSfSr tit It„ : :; •
in spite of English -lezionfspherai leerthel7 •
ink') of the ;tender, -assoelitions Aeutbodied 141
the ides of,the NI of, the konf,* England:lkinp
her dewy spring, . ,' -
"iniaii birds be teeny and , shawes be arstan, , !;
but the .glories of our American itutismit Are
unrivalled; incomprehensible." Visit the'oonnu"
try upon some bright morning-.fnOtitober."o.-.
There hal been a slight frost already, , and 'the
stubble-fieldshave donned thbir•sait of sober
brown.. - Along thelanes, wo &scoter s then.
sand touching and lonely indications that M.
tumwhai already begun - to - trail 'her girtnentS
among us.- . -etately; but 1/308b , ifealttiiKlita
warding queen. She - has plucked:this lesist
of the grapes,endbas tore and there, touched'
the leaves of the maples wilither.Stinil-itihsetli
fingers. The coarqiiiititillsup
eiening throng's. the .'talL weeds 'to. the nrattet
purple brambles,' tind - doten' infooptr the Ireeitid.'
eyed hawk, 1110 Sattni, , : A 4 eeekinvhhom ha'
May devour." ' The tsiaiielields; topped and. ,
stripped, assume- it - dull; deed yellow,-tonohetli-
-here and there with mildetioind giving fray •
token of - the - Wealth and plenty that flits,'
down their' fruitful stalks. Apples dhiati
- bright and rosy in their orobards, half hiddeit' •
among the green leaves, like thiS . bluhttes ., -af . •
merry damsels-that-they-Wealdeositeal-behind
their veils, or 'among their dancingeurls. 'The'. •
woodcook dips his lcing-bill^intolhe maid of
tho swamps; levying taxes ttpen woriti-nabstet,
the plover lifts his- shrill plaintive *oleo if "'"
morn and even; the killdeer sails erratic by,
and flashes on your desired Op the sisow i y
white of his bosom. Heavy and green long
the chestnut burs, touehed already with: gold,'
bat waiting_ for a black_ freak L te_isitiat!etvis
obstetric arts upon them :. Messieurs Eitrirre .
have deserted the odrn.fields , and ere new
ceediiigly busy laying by their Winter stores.,
filling up their peuehy cheeks, and's*urrYiti*
to the right and left from every - hit:linty tree.
On the rivere, the wild dueltti begin' Co make
their -eppearaneei - and• the pulpy meddetie
sink dowia out of sight till the -- iratere .
grow warmer again.' Th 6 bUshes the'itoods',A ll2 .:
are full of sloes and hairs red and wakik4 ,
Many flowers'are gonei' the' pieensins lotdaf
of the floral realm have passed away ; but:
some very dear ones still itina'tts thole Ittto
- ,
and fragrance. Every garden, le beautifgl
with autumn, roses. I f criv and maidettli,,,the.
yellow crocus hauge out her yellow Sa g.;, the
wild thine flowers and the Wild thyme fgrn ieh
eager bees, with dainty flar,orlng issenoSs ,
from their draining hells. The harebells with
eaoh breeze, ' _
In maiden meditation, fumy free,!!
end the brown - ticid initdetee'thi rips' grain
The Arab who is projeeting a masterstroke, : i .
and intends selecting the handsomest ont,of a
thousand steeds, usually comes in the ,oeurce , i
of the day to inspect the . bivouab L althoush ha•
is 'obliged" to .: make hie prelimanary chaerva. .: ,
ticinofrotti a, distance-4ra* a very consider ! ,
able distanee,' it may be. „The ,natives, •in . „,,,,, , „:-,
feet, are allowed to2penetratareasilpinto Att,..,, ~,
middle ofanoneampraent, but they ttroalpmk „: . 3
always people of the neighborhood who for
part of the expeditionary columnal-luokee, ;-,
camel-drivers, herdsmen, and pack-horsedel-„- ; -„,
lers, who' have, been, hired for the !ringer:pit' , , • ~
provisions. In the latter ease, the,Arab,thief , :-,
will be mistaken for one of the men, employ-,
ed. fie will good, care that no ones& sly :
see . hiM . :etiter. His choice made; the rogue,
disappeirs till, night. In - order, to return to , , ,
the middle' of the bivouac;; he . hebktuelly di.' , ~,....,..
Nests himself of every, item „of :clothing; arid'
-retains no other-arm than;-a-lwelltsbarpoOdni?
knife in a leather sheath, along witk.a,attap, l i c, l ;
•across Ids body. , „He, is also provided ,with ,a 1 -,..,- 7..1
!pug rope ~er
,camel itair, , whioh , itt twisted, : , - ::.2
z 1)
rodd his heed like a turlian. As soon sane, c,:, -. '2
has aseed the „Apt. sontries,, the thief le.met -,7 ,5 'a
and Plumed into nnOrPint; ate eree , ls on spit';,', 4.:. ,
!tilt silywithout hurry. without uelse, without,' ,!- ..,4
. any perceptible ,rustling. With his eyes fixed' ;
on the lieing objects whoia he wiahsateAvold„).
ike 'Biqa short if he peroeiree in the
the slightest alga that their attsntiori has
attraotod.. Ho ,wilt take three.houra t it dead
to clear a diatanfierof one hundred yardsi
At last, he gets near „the:coveted objectilhe
horse intended to.betialen: There
meats are more
.deliberate thaw erer,itt-oratiz'Ai • t
not to frighten ihe,animil, !mho' must tiotlen.l.l2.
allowed for pirronLiniunten inz'perfornt--any ,
. .but!aaturatutotiona; capable of; deoehriftg.the;::
oyes of.4he.most ,Atllret
:b cuts the ehaokies with nrialoti.,.thejloren*
for feet are tied together, halaatens his rope .
twene ef the horses feet, an&retiresi
jagiall the While,ai-far as. the length
repo allows The , distatimitbettreen a I
Bolt and 41up.nnicast then, - .vetrieslThini:tivelve .)
fifteearfect. -.lf daring theae-preparatioss i o.: 7+-a
the Iu n appear to hare heard any, . - T
noit(e, the,thiettigain remains methmlesm the:' :...:
pine remaixtidg quiet, , ,lll3d'..the eehtiiteli rer;',
st.ining•theirlormet) tranquility, the •pronetir 5 :
oi*Olgißg IS coniraen'Oe(l. Thd Arabalightl7::: •
pullb the roper; animated by this mutolippeal,
,thq horeeirises' and sets' a stspL lut, the mote!'
mmit is so perfectly similar to that whioh lba,:i pN,:as
animal is in the habit . oftiliking:when he
,*ants .
`of eibiOe c;ir'-"a
,gv 4 1313 iheit,o63u y,orotiitevi ,
0-1 4
+‘J: l •
41 020; rilable of t r liri'"A
h . Oreii;:helerikui,n a1194 '
bwJC hi'd esti IttiOring
Oat, guoeliolll -- by%,~gig'li!-erro r oht~'ilkogee~gnd :
for the iitliiir#4kot thoin whPliq u ihea. 7 4
a? ine t l 9 4 : Bi 4 4 )6 l,l l?7erlbo e *,kr e .tilt!, 9 #4itvt.
; iA
it, l!F:: not j ti Lf!lglTl! t 'RAPlC o C 4 o,o ,b ,Ql),lol,tl roll?
R,P,rI9PO 1 .;41
,eniticS. In a Meshy country he Jratisferne,„,,,,,, a
himself int,o allying bush; in 84E46 he Miami*
ilategi hi, person to the sepect of lho: eiMntri ,
he is torterslng.-411 the Year Round.
,~,, ~: