peajts. In Nforcershurg. on the lath irrst., at !ha residence of his father Roe. TIIOMILS CB KW 11, I). 1)., JOHN CREW 11, in the 27th year of his age. . Suddlonly, ,ts on Vt ednesday nestling, ELIZA, wife of Michact Itolcomb, Esq.'. in titly 41lLyear of her age. giartiages: • —o— tho 29th of December. ISSO, by tho Rev..cflrleh Mr. EDWARD SporrswooD, to mi. ISARtiLLA Mc CA RTN BY, both of Carthtlet Nero atinertisementB • Itli!kl OVA NICHOLS has re,- moved kin Aire from ono door west of Saxton's Hardware Store, to his residence, on c net Street, dirm:•,ly opposite the Railroad often. Carlisle. l'a. (MINI honrs, more particularly, from 8 to 10, A. M , and from 1 to 3 P. M. Ap.20031-11m. NOT ICE —Notice is hereby given that an election will he he'd on Monday the 11Ith day .of May, A. LE, 11461, at the Court (louse in the borough of Carlisle, between the honys [4'2 and 4 o'clock, P. M., of that day, to elect a PreKikleht and Five Managersior the Carlisle Oat; & Water CoutpalX, 4,EIIUEI, TODD, Pt'es. C. O.& W . Co. April 211, 28111 • AN ORDINANCE.-RELATING TO TIIE REGULATION OF THE MARKET HOURS. Section I.—Be It enacted and ordained by the Town Council, of the borough of Carlisle, and It Is hereby en• acted and ordained, Ire the authority of the same. 'hat the hour for ripening the markets upon the 11111rket days, t.f this borough, shall ho at sunrise, from the let of May to the Ist of October. end at 12 o'clock, M , from the Ist Pf.ootober to wicolpc..or May. Sec. it further enacted. by the authority of the same, that the hour for opening the Markets shall be I ndleated by the ringing Ma hell, by the rlerk of the Market, and no person shall sell or purchase In the Market Clouse, any article until the hour appointed far opening the market. under a penalty 01 ONE DOLLAR. Sec. 3.—Be it further enacted by the authority of rho same. that all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances incurs , sistent herewith, are hereby repealed. Enacted 111011ln ord111:1111.0 tire 13th day of April. IR6I. JOH N OUT:MALL. l'res. Town Council. Attest—J. M. 31,0)111E131ER, Ser'y. pro. tem. Cor. JOHN NOBLE, Chief Burgess. Carlisle, April 213, 1851. . , A N ORDINANCE -RELATING TO THE DUTIES OF THE roglcE DE THE 00000011 OF ammo Section I.—lie it enacted by the Town Council. of the Borough of Carlisle, and It is hereby enacted and or dained by the authority of the some, that It shall be the duty of the Police of the Borough, to arrest within its limits. all noisy and disorderly persons, all persons standing upon the public pavements. streets. and we) ks, to the obstructi m 01 others passing to and fro, and who refuse, 101 request the proper authority, and to rem•rve all i 0 tox icated persons and vagnln so. See. 2. Ile It further enacted by the authority of the same. that upon the arrest by the said INdice. of any Intoxicated persons or y Ognints. they shall be taken before any Justice of the Peace of the said Borough, and be properly committed to the Cohnty •tail, mid in case of the arrest of any other of the persons named in the fyregoing Section, they shall be taken befisre the Chief Dago,, or In bit absence m inability to act, berme the Assistant Burgess, who upon hearing the complaint. shall have power to commit the offender to the Jail fur apm IA o a t exceeding Piety-el4ht hours. Sec. 3.—Be It fin they enacted by the authority of the SAM, that the Sheriff of tno County shall receive from the Borough, a salary of Twenty-live Dollars per 00011111 for receiving and detaining persons su committed by the Chief or Assistant Burgess. _ - .Ehaetod Into an Ordlnaneo. the sth day of April-. 1661. JOHN till n. 41111.1., Pro, of Oiuncil. Attest—J. M. MA.SONISKIM En. Seo.y. JOUN Chiof 14urgoss April 2.11, 180-, REGIMENTAL ORDERS! DEAD QUARTERS. lot Reg't. I 6th Div. Penna. V. Volunteers.; rrHE condition of the Country is such as to require prompt action on the part of our Citizen Soldiery. The Colonel commanding would ear nestly call upon the patriotic to z-TA ND ItY THEIR COUNTRY' hill up the companies ,already organized, and form now companies at once. The services of at/ will be required. Prompt reports to the Head Quarters of the lie:0,110ot are earnestly requested. Let no true hold back with the Idea that there are enough without him. The GOVERNMENT CALLS FOR AID, let Cum berland County respond to the call at once. By order of WM. M. PENROSE, Col. Commanding. LIALRERT, Adjutant. & WHEELWRIGHT SILO". WM. CR.OIIILICH & CO. :Sanufacturc and keep constantly for sale at their New Shop, on North Hanover Street. Carlisio, Pa., opposite Raymond's lintel, a large assortment of Agri cultural implements, such as horse powers, throttling machines, with separators attached, clover hullers, grain Lana, corn shell°, s, STRAW & DODDER CUTTERS, of which are all the latest and best Improvements. Wagons of ovary description, harrows, cultivators, Corn ploughs. field hollers. single and double shovel ploughs, ~ :arriages on hand and made to order. Having a smith shop attached, all custom work in town or coun try, done with neatness and dispatch. Repairing of ;rill kinds done at shcrt notice and on reasonable terms. Thankful fur past favors, we respectfully solicit a liberal share of the public patronage. ORDERS DT MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED T. t-sj._. Lumber, cast and wrought Iron scraps taken in 6achnnge ter work. April 19, m. • .tgaI..MANHOOD. How Lost, how Restored. Just Published in a•Sealed Envelope, ON TILE NATURE, TREATMENT, AND RADICAL CURB OF S.PERMATOILIICEA, or Seminal Weakness, Sexual Debility, Nervousncssand involuntary emissions Inducing impotency, and Mental and Physical Incapa city. . By ROBT, J. ODIN ERW BLL, M. I), Author of the " Green Buok," Ac. The world renowned author, In tl s admirable Lec ture, clearly proves from his own 4, perience that the awful eonsequeoces of Self abuse m , be effectually re moved without medicine and without dangerous anr- Oral operations, boogies. Instruments, rings or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at oure certain and effectual by which every sufferer, no mat ter what his condition may be, may cure himself CHEAPLY, PRIVATELY and RADICALLY This lecture will prove a boon to thou. sands and thousands. - . . _ . . . . . Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post-paid, on the receipt of two postage stomps. by wi dregging, Dr. 111 .1 C. KLINE, A plo,ly 127 Bowery, York. Post °thee, bok 4,580. NEW STORE, AND NEW GOODS. HATS, CAPS AND STRAW GOODS. 11.91T59 Cell'S 10c. - . Thu subscriber has recently opened a Now Store at the old stand of J.ll Halbert in North Hanover St. opposite the Carlisle Deposit Dank, Having received from New York and Philadelphia, a fine and well selected assortment of goods in his line 0. business, such as HATS and CAPS, from the common Wool to the flue Fur, SILK AND CASSIAIERE HATS, Spring Styles of Silk bats for 1861. Straw Hato for Gentlemen, Jockey fiats for Ladies, and fancy hats and Caps for Children, and PRICES TO SUIT THE TIVEMS; A inn, Carpet Bags, Vitligen, Trunks, Hand Trunks, Umbrellas and prime 13edVeatliers. Au asset Uncut of Ear Prime Segura and Tobacco. ',BA Thankful for the patronage already received hu neck' Invite all las frlontlimind the public generally to give him a cull. JACOB BOAS, Agt. Carlisle, April 10, 1861. BILLIARDS:,,MLLIARDS:: LL fl . 1 ) r • ILLIARD PLAYERS -wPI find at the Plwenla Saloon, under Ithoom'a , Hall, two of PHELAN'S CELEBRATED TABLES, with , Marble Bode and, Combination Cushloon, The TOM In well lighted and heated. and furnished with every convenience for the comfort of visitors. , Cerliele,,Aprll 12,'01. - GEOlitlit W. FOLAND. BOWLING SALLOPN 4Lit 4 inni ..tansvo F.K4' 'BOWLING SALOON, at the Phoenix Restaurant udder Rheum's 114, Is fur• s od—with two alleys, OF THE lIIOBV.APPROED CONBTRITOTION Persorp lona of this .hoslthful- amusement, Will find every opportuitity ihr onjoying the ono, free flew the intrusion of boys or ituprepor•pnranns. 12..1861. IeOIAND. j)1{1. YV,I4LOW PINE TX iN110;R: • —l l or finin,934 Uoardsaia r , h Plunk, lAntilv, to I. G lASI% Citinale. FOR SALE.—The large three story Brick !loose nn Main d Street, will be sold on easy terms. Ai dlut Call at the Jewelry Store in raid v.. building.. -- April 19, ISIO, -- - CORRECT YOUR ASSESSMENT ! Persons wishing alterations, Additions or deduc tions In their tar, as MAO such as are omitted will assist much by making their case; known to J. W. EBY, Assesso6 rEIIIE NORTH HANOVER STREET ['MIMING EM PO RUM, 'fakes pleasure to announce to its friends and patrons of the large arrival of the latest styles of CLOTHS, CASSINIERES, nd • VESTING S, which will he made to order in the very latest styles anti warranted to give complete satisfaction. or on sale. Persons wishing to buy Men's or Itoy's Near by the yard, mclii invariable save from fifteen to twenty per cent no we can afford to sell goods much cheaper than any competitor. A careful inspect. inn of our large nud varied stock is vspevflully solicited. ISAAC LIVINGSTON. Proprietor. A. .1). FIWINGr'S FURNITUitE WARE-ROOMS 1859- 1859 - ' (Premium awa riled al thr Cu .:nd County ayrrru!lurul Fair of 1857.) The snliserilier has Just reeelvoil the moat splendid nssertniiint of articles in hie line, ever liroutilit to tills plane—o bids he in determined to sell at prices that de ty .inta•tit Embrming every arthile used by liiiuse and Hotel keepers, of the nest approved and fashionable design and finish. I richnling also Cottage furniture in setts, reception and Camp Chairs, 3littlrassos, OM frames, pictures. &c., &c. Purchasers :ire requeided to call and examine his stock. at his extensive w'arc•rooms, West 31aili street, North side. A. ff. ENVINti. Particular attention given ac usual to funerals; orders from town and (•outitry, attetn/pd to promptly and on 1111.1Iera to burins. A. B. B lust received another new and cheap int of Itiebard,nns. Dunbar 3, Dixon Lin e ns, M u , line, Co A: e., &C. At the cheap rash Store OOP SKIRTS II OOP SKIRTS I I latest novelties. and at prices to defy eumpe true. :SAWYER dr. MI LI.F.It FIRE INSURANCE.-TILE ALLEN AND EAST PENN:AU/110 MUTUAL Fl ItE IN SURANCE COMPANY of Cumberland county. Incorpo. rated by an act of Assembly, Is now Daily organized,and in operation under the management of the following commissioners, viz: Daniel Bailey , William It, Gorgas, 7111chael Cockily), 3. Eicholberger, Christian Stayman, John C. Bun• lap, Jacob 11. Coover, Lewis llyer, S. Eberly, Benja Mill 11. Moscer, J. Brandt, Joseph Wickersham, AI o xan de r Cathcart. . --- The rates of insurance are an low and Myr rahleas any Company of the kind in the State. Persons wlahing to become members any Invited to make application to the agents of the .•onnpaoy, who Cre wllling to wait upon them at any time. . _ _ AVM. 11. 00110 AS, President CIIRISTIAN STAYMAN. Vice President LEWIS JIVER, Secretary MICHAEL COCKLIN, Treasurer. Managers.—Wm It. linrgns, 1,. Ilyer. Christian Stay man, M. Cocklin.J. C. Dunlap, It. Martin. D. Bally, .1 ll.Coover, Alex. Cathcart, J. IViekersham, J. Elehelber ger, S. Eberly, J. Brandt. CUMBERLAND COUNTY.— John Sherrich, Allen, Henry Zee! lug, ShiremaostOWn ; Samuel Woodinn n I Dickinson; Henry Bowman, Churchtown ; Mode liilL. tith, South Middleton •, Samuel Graham, W. Penns hero': Samuel Coover, Mechanicsbnrg ; .1. W. Cocklin, ! Shepherdstown; D. Coover, Shophordstown ; J 0. Sax• ton, Silver Spring; Benj. Harm stick. Sil•er Spring; Charles Bell. Cal lisle: John Dyer, YORK COUNTY.—W. S. licking. Dover; Peter Wel. ford. Franklin ; Jar. Uri Pith, Warrington ; F. Dear ; dorff, Washington; U. Rutter, Newburg; R. C. Clark, Dilisburg. WM. CIIO.ILLICII & CO DAUPHIN NT—Houser k Lachman, Ilarrikhurg. Momhora of the company having policlesabout to ex• Ore. can have them a by making application to any of the Ammis. April' M. 15541. ST. LOUIS HOTEL, CHESTNUT STREET ABOVE THIRD, PHILADELPHIA. In I he Immediate neighborhood 14 the Jobbing Houses on Market. Third, :tint Chestnut :Streets, the Banks, Pont Wilco, Merchants' Exchange, &ci, AMERICAN - and EUROPEAN PLAN. BOARD l'El? DAY; 81,50 DINNER between 1 and 3 o'clock Aar A ftrsl class Restaurant attarhed. Paces according to Bins of Parc...lag The City Cars take Paasonnors from rtny Station to or dose to the lintel. Irir ENG LI 611, FRENCH, GER MAN and SPANISH spoken. April li, IStil. 3 mos. p ROE'. TraRAT lI'S ELECTRIC oit THE NEW PILACTICE.—EIectric Cures.—Pain Is the prencrinitor Of death; relieve the pain and you check the disease. tili4 , . Tuts Om ACTP ON THE STHTEM WIT!! ELECHTICITY.— In of pure vegetable preparation, not the slightest don. gee of applying It outwardly or Inv ardly ; It at once gives n permanent cure, In most t ages, in from ten to twenty minutes. The best physiologists of Europe have discovered that all organic derangement in the animal System in an of feet of the °list, nutlet) of the physleu electric livid in the organ diseased a skilful application of the Oil puts in Immediate mutton the nervous fluid, and the eure is at once secomplished. No bleeding, nu vomit lug, purging or blistering is resorted to. pret,,Be Ora th's Electric Oil is the marvel of this age for the lolletwooing, (not every thing ) Cures Ithetnutttsautften In a day. Cures-Neuralgia, Tol,ol[lolo, l We minutes. Cures Comp in the SlumacL, five minutes. Cures Burns, lVounds. Bruises, one to three days. Cures Headache, fifteen minutes. Cures Ear Ache, Still Neck, Ague. ono night. Cures Plies, Swelled (Bands, ten days. Cures Felons, Broken ,Breasts, Salt Flaunt, two to six days. Cures Itemerrhage, Scrofula, Ahem.. six to ten eays. Cures Frosted Feet 1111 d Chllitlairm, one to three dos. Cures Ague and Fever, olio to twe days, and all the IServous and Scrofulous Affections Cures Deafness in ono to fur days. Cures all Pains in the Rack, Breast, etc., In 2 days. r,,,, DEAFNESS CURED : , • New llnves. May 111th, 1856. ' of. TlLl.4rath—My brother has been deal three years, and ontv'bottle of your Electric Oil cured him entirely. Yours, CLIFFORD R. SCRANTON. ANOTHER INSIANT C URE! Huntingdon, Pa., Sept.. 1555. Ltia certify that Prof. Do Orath's Electric 7111 Is In fellable for Rheumatic onion. My wife for some time past has been greatly afflicted and unable to walk, bar betin restored by tile application of this oil almost in stantaneously. I can cheerfully recommend itho oth ors. JOHN WILLIANEGN.-- PlLES.—Charles Seition, Esq.. ex-Mayor of Camden • says nix applications cured him. Almost cured his STIFF N ECK.. [Editor of Law Mit,enzine red Instantaneously.] ti Dar House. Philadelphia. 'Prof. Chao. De o r pth—l freely give -It tunny opinion that your Electric Oil Is among the most wonderful remedieS of modern times. At the earnest request ora Indy, who alleged that she had been cured of n'utott painful off-aloft by Ls useil - Wits Induced to try a hot. tle, though at the.time of purchasing. I fully believed It to be a quack medicine and a catchpenny humbug. But a trial convinces me that it possesses a magic power, and It will prove it`blessing to t.uffering\ Immunity. I recently took a told from sleeping 1n damp sheets, mod my neck became so much swollen and painful that I could not turn my head. After itAng, __without success, everything prescribed by my'physielau,i last evening tried your Electric 011. This morning 1 am- well; the relief having been as tom , pinto as 1t was instantaneous: 7 t •- ' Yours very truly. : • - • JOHN- I.IV INGSTON: Editor Monthly Law liinganlne, 1 '47 Broadway, nub ltO West loth St., N. It; Mr. Livingston belongs dothe old, wealthy nod high ly rtgqiuctable families erne old settlers of. New York. Any one can addratut him on the subject of the above , letter, which will lie answered will' pleasure. . Principal Depot,. i 77 Snub Stb Street, Philadelphia. by-all Dritgglsts,' and In Jersey Oily at Van Buskirk's - , Nietingtois street; Shipley's. Grove' street Dr. ZribrlttiCht e,. comer of Orate and South 6tlt.Street; lamptarit. ke,Moeit;tatiary flip. 15. 'lll.-ly. SELLING OFF AT TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. BELOW COST!! At the sbrn of the "Gold Eagle," 3 doors above the Millibarland Valley Thank, and. two doorn_below the Methodist Church. on W r est Main street, the largest and best selected stock of WATCHES AND JEWELRY In the town, will be sold 30 per rent lower than nt coy, place In the ;gain The stock romp, Isen a lerge nssert moot of Gold and Sllverjtunting-ease watches. Iwo ern. ln.hun. American matches, and all oilier hinds and ntylen. GOLD AND SILVER CHAINS, Gold l'one and Pencils, Jewelry of all kinds, Spectacles Gold end Silver. Plated and Silver Ware, MUSIC BOXES, ACCORDEONS, Oil Paintings. a great variety of fancy artleles.auil s lot of the finest Pianos. which will be sold 40 per coot lower than ever offered in town. The entire stuck of Watch maker tools, cases, largo !Mirrors, and Sofa will ho sold wholesale or retai,; on the easiest. terms. Having selected a first clings - worktrian all kinds of re- pairing will br done as usual, at reduced prices. Three Pianos al $lOO below the factory price on ac count of the niilladcdphia eompany closing out. I will sell at the Jewelry Store, 771kEE ROSEWOOD PIA NOS, warranted. at one-third their real value on racy toting If railed on HOOD. Carlisle, April 10,'G1.-3t.'• Apr=l2, Htil West High Street, Carlisle, -Pa Part°, 1 Chi/Inbert 1 . lllning-room, FURNITURE Kitchen and Office .• lay 12. IhsS.—ly MEM= = OEM I=IIMEEKIM SINGLE 80031. 60 cts. upwards LIST OF DEALERS -. GOODS,. WARES AND MER kfCLIANDESI3. Also, Distillers, Lumbermen, Drew ors, to., within the Coonty of Cumberland, returned and classined In accordance with the several acts of As sembly, as foDowe, to wit 1-et, A. W. Bentz. dry goods. i LeNigh, Sawyer At Co, dry.goods, ll Woodward .V S •Ilinidt, produ.e, 11 Henry Saxton. hardware, 11 HendeeArm & Reed, produce, ' 11 ('. I itheff, gnu, erles, 1t J. I'. 14111! & Sne, I ardwnre, 11 Armstrong A. Holier. lumber, 11 J. %V. Eby, groceries, 11 C. Ogllll, Trusloo. drv-goods. 1: S. M. Hoover, lambi r and coal, , 1: .1. It. Nioneinalter, produce, 1: .1. &D. Rhoads, do: - _ 1. Henry Rhoads, furniture, 14 Wm. Bentz, groceries, 11 It. H. Shaph•yjewelly, 14 James Loudon, hooks, 14 John D. tforges. stores, ' . „ 14 S. Elliott. drugs.l4 , Jacob SVller, SiIOOS, II .1. 11. Dowan, d i. 14 Asher Kiel, clothing, 14 A. II Ewing, furniture, 14 IV. Mlles. dry-goods 1 11 N. IlsotA, nturehant tailor, 1 - 4 It. Moore, shins, 14 .1. Mullin, merchant tailor, 11 ',Mason helm6r .C.: Oro., confectionery, 14 .1. D. Callio, hats, 14 A M. Piper. stationery, - • 14 T. conlyn, jewelry, 11 S. Ensminger, tly nets, whips, 14 .I.Mii Irvin, shoes, 13 11. S. Kilter, merchant tailor, 14 F. C. Kramer, Jewelry, 14 S. IV. 11,tverstick. L rugs. la I) Sipe, piper and furniture, 14 1 Livingston. r °thing, 13 A rail .b. Son, do. 13 .1 A. Iliiinerich, dry goods, 14 Darla 170 - efflifirtf;Tmur niiii - mecr, ---- • - In Juenb Wolf, groceries, 14 A. tirlsinger, di. 14 John Faller. In. - 14 N. W. Woods, Agt , dry.goods, 14 .1. W. Smiley, clothing, 13 P. Ili.) or. eOll feet ionery, , 11 Philip Arnold, dry-gomis, 12 Jonathan common, shoes, 14 AV. I) A. Nanzle. jewelry, 14 .10..eph 11. Steel, do. 14 Ile, ,rge )ii ossina a, lathery, 14 John Solimall, ' (ill. 14 John Sellers, ti, 14 'William Sellers, do 14 1 loury Ilarkneas, groceries, 14 I loorge I.eiliy, do. 1.4 David Keeney, do. . 14 A. Thinesinith, do. 14 \VIII Hai n, do . 14 J. Ea unelns•rah, do , 14 11. IVenehel, Ito. 14 Mrs 11. .1. :.ttimph, do. 14 ellarri , & Smith. di. 14 Prof. Marshall, stationery, 14 A. 11. Blair. morocco leather, 14 Mae': .k. Delancey. lumber, 13 ii 4...1. Keller, hats, 14 Iluinor .'c Fredericks, marketing, 11 NVlllioun Askew, do. 14 David Fredericks, do John Eck era, Robert Alllison, James Collin, sen., NV 1,011 Veil:int. Mn,,. Chenoweth, 1). filar. ,!'t. .1 hoax, A uguStits ('roll: dealer Barney II dtinan. groceries, Chas ErkelQ, d r. Win. Gould, dO. James Cali, do. Mary Alorrls, stoves, Ed , :lrd Le...Mt:clothing, Henry Peters. grocer Harlon ,t So' gent, ma, keting, 1.. Myers. groc.•ries, Frederick C.O.0111:111. fun utturs, S. \l. I\ h.f1.4 . drugs A. A. Lill", 111:Irkfdillg., Thu•garet Nell. nil Il•nery, E. Stall. do. Mr... 1. Hutton, do. Mrs E Willi Charles `lli tide) , . furniture, Joins 11. Mci S. groceries. I=l Garver ICn•linuwd, diy goods, .blur T. Green. do. Iteujatolo Itsrney Gsrdner, do. Jerry llardner, do. Kerr & Himmel, lumber, 12 - 12 50 I:iiglelvirt .(i CI, , 14 7 00 David I.lmilefelt, lumber, It 7 00 14 Ailain lil,illtiger, do. 7 uu 1)..1. It) turd Co., do. )lartin Ryan do ros!ei : . dr,goods William Ilatlks, grocories, =I laiffi=ll = )). Ddulinzer, dry-glodds, Michael Fren, pruOuce, S. 11. l'altrrsol., du 111,1lomau, marketing, 14 7 00 .1. IL Hauso, do. 14 7 00 Citrivii.lo Eva, In. .14 7 00 NMI to 1 Vol 1, do. David Brown, do. Johu Llutumal. xaddiury , Orofm, dry goodm, 11. ltupp & son, tlry.goods, WEEEMZE 11itoer & Wise. shoes, 14 7 00 Cy rue Templea. furhituro, 14 7 00 fivor,v L. 1103, st.o‘ es, 14 7 00 John Solcor, marketing, 14 7 00 Samuel JllllllOll9, dry goods, 14 7 00 =I =I Moses Bagel, market i eg William P. Lloyd, drugs, Al•ralum Grua ors, dry-goods, Eli Wise, do. 14 7 00 Jacob Weaver, dn. 14 7 00 William Cridl, marketing, 14 7 00 John Sonny, do. 14 7 00 .1. Brolinker, do. 14 7 00 Hiram Lougnecker, produro, 14 7 00 A. M. Leidigh, dry goods, J. A. CaulTman, do. Alexander Mullin. dry goods, Samuel I , lltkpp, Hoer. C. ileover. marketing, John A. Wolf, do S. kintess. do, C. keep. itimitUrO, Allred Moore, dry.goods, 11. J. Stephens, dry-goods, Ilrit.dle Az Fun, 00. D. L. Deviney, drips, Salllllol Plank. dealer, Henry Fpidv, flour, LL 11.1 ogletad.g. dealer, 50 (As 1). Li. Noel, dry Gosmdler A: Zug. do. 1;4,1 , ert Ilry,on, dealer, David Merl:lel), mai Laing, 11.1,bort lielrieh, David StrArn, dry goods, John .1. Cold, do. a,llll B{lllllloflS, do. Micheal Lehlich, do. Jusoph Fink. mereloint John Li Lohlizh. produco, John dealer, Fieher et. Kapp, dottier, G. 11. Littehai. do. F. Breekeutnattor, marketing, henry 7,11:1er, dry• goads, 8 D. 31'1iInney, illiam Vunard, marketing, E. L. Shryock, ICauffmnn it Oswald, produrtl, 13 10 00 D. et.inf)rt k S,lts, dry-I;outis, ' 73 10 oo .1,...i, , ti illt,en. lumber, I/ 7 00 1/i011111.20011 .00111I0g. 11 7 00 Bob!, k thirrim,n, hard Ware, 13 , 10 00 0. k Son, ntuvun, 14 7 00 .1. B. 11nrring, druo, 14 7 00 L. K uffmau. do. 14 700 lrn Day, ' do 14 1-01)._ !toyer Ar. Ilrendt, ary.gordri, In 10 00 Joseph Irvin, confectionery, 14 7 00 11. Thonw, greeerivs. 14 7 00 John S, Boyers, hard were, 1 r 10 (10 Samuel W. Worst, furniture, 14 7 00 John Hupp, do 14 7 .06 Miller fr 11iirly. baler, 14 7 00 William Wonderlich, stoves,.., • 14 TOO Leidich St. Niathowe, do. 14, 700 Lewis Bohs, do. 14 7 00 Brindle Si Nowowanger, dry-goods, 11 .15 'lO C liiniee, tdities• 14 7 00 Levi 001010, shoos and hate, 14 7 0.4 111ii-garel lloinios. Oboes, - 14 7 00 Mrs. c Lemont, dd. 14 703 Swartz, jewelry. 14 7 00 L. 15'. Abrams, clothing, 14 7 00 John linigle, dry goods, 14 ..7 00 Henri Lose, do. 14 7 00 Andrew Singlzer,•grnceries, 14 7 00 B. C. Bowman, • do. • -- 14 7 00 MIME F. Storm.. dry-goods, 14 . 7 00 1) 11. S ell lor & Co., tailors; 14 . 700 .1. F. llaffonsbei ger, music store, - 14 700 Thomas 11. Bryson. producer - 12 l2 60 John 3dlinann lc Son, do. 12 12 50 Joseph Slintisor, do. 12 12 60 Zacharias & Ilaverstick, produce, 14 7 00 GeJrge tiummol, do. 14 7 00 John Johnson. marketing - 14 7 00 • Ono. Stlnouee, do: cloo. 'Cow, do. Fronk Mnexhal, do: - Jacob ‘Vinoman, baliorY, • Pater Gluartich, marketing, T. Willa. dry.goods,'''.., .. . 14 700 .100. 111111er, do ' -14 ' 7 00 'A n d ror'llom, rrnauco, 13 • •-- 10 - 00 Ow les Oyotor, lumber, 13 10 00 Leo 44, Eberly, do. 12 12 60 V. Feetuan. do. 13 ' 'lO 00 Undo! ph 31artpn,do. , 13 10 00 Illoisur 4 James, do.. 12 12 60 Cluorgo nap, produce,[ ' . .14 , 700 , .. •'3. C. & .1. I'l \ Brown, Tiardivire, /3 ei 10 00 - 8...0. Wild, drngs, 14 7_oo • Win. Reed, ' -- do—. .. 11.' '7 00 Wm."l3int ton, dri, - ,. T ' . l4 700 Mink k Pro, dry•goOds, , 13. . 10 00 ' T. 31'0Indlali, -- do. 13 • 10'00 Thidnati Stough, do. 12 .. 12 no " -- W, L. !irCull,nigli,..o.)ret, . 13 '- 10 00 :.lonvti Laughlin, elet.hlnis, ~ . 7 _2_. ' 14 .'7 00 1 . IL II Randal, ' • .. , 'l 4 .' ' • .7 OP OARLIISLE IMO do. d do. d. Mil= =I 1 1 7 00 7 00 1 4 lIIIMI 14 7 uU IT-111 lIIMI lEMEI 14 7 U 0 13 1(1 00 14 7 00 74 7 00 1 4 7 00 I=l EIIM ESE= 13 . 10 00 E7EI 13:E1 =l3 14 7 00 13 ' 10 00 I:=1 LIZZiE! 14 7 00 1:1 10 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 I= 14 7 On 10 00 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 =1 DEEM MI DDLEBKX I=l EEE3 14 7 00 14 '7 00 11 (7 00 11 700 14 7 00 NEW OVAIDERLAND 133113333 J. M. Davidson, shoes, S. Olosser, grocer, J. lt. Frey; stora's and till, .7. U. Cobaugh. Agt., mores, .1. 11. Herring., Agt., chairs, Jonathan Peres, marketing A. Purhinsn, do. John Garde, • do. George Stltzel, NEWTON. S. Miller & Scm,..dry-gootls,• • 14 John Lewis. dti, • 11 'llllands & ITUAlilnger, dry goods, 14 James Kylo." do. ', .13 Fo%naught & McCoy, - do. • -14 Hurst & bays, . do. 14 A. Minich, do. 14 Jscob Wagner, marketing, 14 bowls & Co, lied Barn, produco. 13 Snyder & Knettle, ' do. 11 .1 & J. 11 Kursk. • : dn. 11 Nonummer & Horn. do. 'l3 James Bishop, marketing. 14 Bowers & Instimw, dry-goods, 13 henry Snyda. SiIOCS, 14 J. & J. B. Kursk, (Oaltvillo,) forwardingt 13 110 P EIVEL L. James Green. dry-gnods, Shoemaker & Co., do. John Newcomer, flour, Hoover .4 lie Luck, marketing, Christian Ste viek, furnit u re, William dry-goods, Watts,, do. Miss E. Russel, do. George Russel, do. David Hays, do. 11. ()ober, do. Jacob Bishop, marltering, Jacob lieetem, do. WEST PENNSBOROUGLI Woodward & Schmidt, produce, 14 Line it (lick., - do. 14 Theodore Rompshler. do. 13 I.lber James, dry-goods, 11 (1. W. Robinson, do. la E. James, de. 13 Alexander Goodhart, marketing, 14 Wm. Bishop, do. 14 Jerry Veep, do. 14 Jacob Ilanthew, dry-goods, 14 = Strohm k Allen, dry-geode, Clark & Sll., do (Ivo Placer, do. Schorh Svps, do. SIIIPPENSBUIIO .1. Baker, groceries, 14 7 00 S C Ilall. r, do 13 10 00 D. Criswell, furniture, 14 7 00 I) Fronts. do. „ 14 700 It .1. Snoddy, do. 14 7 00 I'. S. Art,, groc..ries 14 7 00 A. Hostetler, clo' lung., 14 7 00 Mrs. M. Duld, o(tions, 14 7 10 Cox .0 ,N1*:;utn.4.41,Y14(1", 13 ••• 10 00 Ranl:en & Brothers, drugs, 14 7 00 .1. Heck .1.; Co, dry -- goods, .. ~, , „ 11 10 00 II Sturgon, trimmings. 14 7 00 .1 I, mils. jewelry, 14 7 00 Foreman ..t, nil, , groceries. 14 7 00 .1. & .1 B. Redding, dry-goods, 12 12 50 Grail) & Johnston. hardware. 12 12 50 It. Ilysingor, jewelry, 14 7 110 A. F. Wolf. stoves, 14 7 00 Kelso Cr Hinkle. stationer'', 13 7 00 Willis, Aloore Jr. C.., dry gouda, 13 10 00 .1. 11. Cris, ell, drug., 14 7 00 A. Selrer. forwardin.; and produce, 14 7 00 It obey & LS.' Lon, prod ace, 10 20 00 'RtAlr'eflrother, do. 11 15 00 Marlin. A,ngie., luntb4r,. ~ 13 10 Oil ~ 71)/tii'lrit/ItlerBtitOmehor, - - ' ~q,,,u.,.., . 1/7 , , ,1":":, . /7.„- e .jp., Philip Deltrieh. groceries, 14 7 00 Johnson .. , t, Sourer, f rw,rding, 13 10 00 Benjamin 11100 e, marketing, 14 7 110 J. W Nlateer, do. 14 7 00 Stuart ..1.: ~ .ti,.dry goods, 12 12 50 O It. Cole, slows awl hats, 14 7 01) J. Bridges merchant tailor, 14, 7 nO I•t. el Ni i 111,i104. Al ~00, 14 7 ta) Jaeob Paulo, gravel les. 14 7 (s) Forney & M•Pln•rson. hardware, 13 10 00 John Stoutbaugh. ,I„. Ii 7 WI Stevick. I:ini6le .t Co., dry•goods, 13 10 00 2/ W. Croft. lints A: shoes. 14 7 00 Join, C. Alt irk. groceries, 14 7 no C. R. Hinkle, carpels. 14 7 00 C. Foinau4llt, con ieetioner y, 14 7 00 BEER, OYSTER. & EATING HOUSES. clAss. I,IOEOOO Andrew 11..111,1, Carlisle, 7 In 00 Go. wee 1 ,, Owe). •. 7 10 Fred'lt. ketllter, " 7 10 Botlelb Switzer, '• 7 10 Samuel 031 10 0. a, •• 7 EII.IIIIei Wririal..• 7 111 Win 7luudv. 7 10 10 Josnpli Ehriglit, ••7 .. Jaeol. St ratton, ~, .101111 a,ter. William Svh,, John 1101111.11, James It h trfe, " 7 10 11. Arnold), 7 10 Mrs. Low, " 7 10 Mrs. Peters, '• 7 10 Mrs. C. Myers, " 7 10 Sirs. C. Nlurray, " 8 5 Mrs. li. lA"il4lth, o 7 10 Ewing Clatk, ~ 7 10 J. DelTenl,l ugh, East Pet:inshore', 7 1(1 D. It. Dil lei , Monnw, 7 10 S. )irtwe, Upper Allen, 7 10 - John Doyle. '' 7 10 J. 'l'. . ippov, Shippensburg, II Ii T. 11 Hoffman, " 7 10 .1/11111e.i \la. key. •• 7 10 John %leloy, Mechanicsburg. 7 10 Peter Wegner 7 10 Henry Ebe " rlv, 7 10 John Rupert, " 7 10 John Nicholson, Newvllln, 11• a J. 0.1 Crawford, '• SI 6 Jogoph ItIload•+, Hopewell, 7 10 BREWERS AND DISTILLERS 1.10 7 (0) 1) 00 11 00 7 10) 7 00. EEO We,. Alexander, Carlisle, IVnt are 111, It. Quigley, Newton. A. Boalor, South Middleton, M. G. iteltzboover. Monroe, D. LI, Voglesong. Upper Allen. W.'lroullerson, North Middleton, S. Grlssiuger, Samuel Eninalrger, Newton, TEN-PIN ALLEY & BILLIARD TABLES LicEssit. • Emanuel WeMai. 1 tal le, 30 00 George FOlulla, 2 tables, 40 Deorge Noland, 1 alley, 30 Jorn:to M hart°. 2 tables, 40 A ny perm,un feeling themseivesaggriered by the above elassifirati.,n, will hare NO opportunity of .ppmfli”g by Cllllll, all the Plll , setilmr, at his resideuce, in Carlisle. any dale betare the 27th of April, after which no appeal will be heard, WM. Met'IIERSON. April 5, 1501 —Ol. Mercantile Appaiser. 12 50 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 DR. 1100FLAND'S BALSAMIC colon A I. ! FOR THE SPEEDY CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Croup, hoarse ness. Bronehilis, Pneumonia, Diseases of the Bowels, arising from cold, Ineipieul Consumption, and fbr flee relicf and (if at a l possible) cure c./ . ra tienLs iu adviike ed stages of the latter disease. • • The italsainic Cordial is entirely a Vegetable produc tion, c.enlii nine the heeling properties of the Balsam, with the ins igorating qualities of at Cordial, producing a combination so well adapted to the purposes intend ed, that there are but few circus of disease s Mai will nut, at an saris period, succumb to its healing and life giving properties. For ages. has the treatment of pulmonary d:seases occupied the greater portion of the attention of the scientific of the medical woild, tint t one acquired more eminence In his treatment of these diseases, than the celebrated Prussian fir. lloomom. the originator of the Balsamic Cordial. Ills life was devoted to the produc tion of retnedie- that would stand unrivalled. How well ho has succeeded, the American people are able to judge and oe positively assert, that no preparations that have ever been placed before them, have conferred the same amount of henefila on suflering humanity, or have elicited so many commendations from all classes of sneiety as the remedies of Dr. licolland, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson & Co., of Philadelphia. Cordial is designed for n class of diseases more general Rod more fatal than any other to „phial the people of this ce•uu tmare,sulsject —those springing from n -81./(IIIT ruts." Tillie eminent authority. Dr. Hell. says: I will not say that Colds to our Nita bitauta s lint the vogg arid Y ta.i.ow Fsvtat are to thoseof other .countries; but I can aver confidently that they usher in disease of greater complicity and mortality than these latter." 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 OU Entirely Vegetable -No Alcoholic Preparation DR. HOOFLAND'S CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS, PREPARED BY Dr. C. T JACKSON & Co., 'Phila. Fa I=l LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, JOndice, Chrmilc or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the ,d hineys, and al I c ii diseases arising from a disordered .Livin r Stomach.. - Such as Constipation, Inward Piles,4 teas or Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart. burn, Disgust for Fond, Fulness or Weight in the Stoin• act, Sour kruclations, Sinking or Fluttering at. the Plt alike Sten - inch, Swimming of the Head, flurried and Difficult Breathing, riutlering at the 'Heart, Choking or Suffocating Fellsntions when in a lying posturel p im• 110. f, Of Vision, Dots of webs before, the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Bend, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yel lowness of the Skin and Eyes, I in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, &a. Sudden Flushes of Rent,- Burning ly, the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil. add great Depressions of Spirits. awl will positively prevent Vol low Fever, Billions Paver, dao. The Proprietor in callingtho attention of.the public to this preparation does so With'lffedikly of the utmost confidence In Its virtues and adaptation,ta 0041408 es for wh'ch it Is recommended. ‘ --- -- It . It is no new‘and untried article, but one that boa - stood the toot of a twelfe yenta' trial harrire the Arndt- - can people. And its reputation nnti sale are utirlyalled by any similar preparation extant The testimony In Its favor given by the most prominent and well-known Physicians and Individuals in the country la immense, and a careful would of the Almanac, published atinii ally by the proprietor:(, and V) be had gratis of .any.of their Agents. Cannbt but satisfy the meet skeptical that this remedy Is really dittrelug the great celebrity it him obtained. • -,' , . ' - 0."+1 SOY. HATERSTICH; Agent for Cartisle, and by Dealers everywhere. .. _ _ . 1Apr..12, 'fil,-ly, TzxtßA PINE'GOLDEN A' SHIRTS of the latest Styles and Improvernees: Hoeing bOught si/hku..ual, large stock of fine Shirts. wo will sell the entko stock ptvery low prices : -- Alto, a•ibry. largo aqterttoant ofCollitrs of the various F kinds. motoolts, Nepk Ties,Graved Grava, urelehlni• Goods, - &C, at the lowest vices at T. I,IVINTIBI.IN'S. Ault t 2, 'Ol.- • , .:NoithAiendier Stied, Job Printing iently-excouted 7. 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 on 7 00 In oo 10 0o 00 7 00 MI! 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 • 7 00 10 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 - 00 7 00 7 1) lo 7 Lie Vir 10 00 A PAM O,F REAL, NOVELTEES; AIM ONE. M ITHUOT A MITE. let.—"THE PAPER NECK TIE." (hUaent nppUnd for.) . . This Tie Is made entirely of. paper, Iu 100 different styles, and In perfect imitation of talk and other fabrics The price IA s' low that a gentleman may wear a NEW TIE r.VEIIY DAY, and yet not be chargeablo with ox traraganee, or ono Tie can .he worn 3 to 0 days, It ne cessary to economize. 2i1.-TIIE RELIEF TIE. • (Patmiteci January 29. 18111.) Thl4 in , dmibtless tho most per Met silk 'lb ever in •ented,' and is just whet the name implies, a perfect lteliOn from iii ther trouble In tying bows. 3d.—THE LACE EDGE TIE. An exquisltlvc•lY box only to be to be seen to be admired N. 11.—We sell 'to WHOLESALE 30131111 ES ONLY Country hierehants eau order our goods of ANY WHOLE SALE HOUSE with who's, they are dueling. April 12, 1861. 3 t. TO BUSINES r S M•EN An eNcellent chance for reliable business men to secure a profitable manufacturing business. requiring but a small capital In Its establishment and prosecution. The manufacture conslshtin the appplieatien of a pa collar compesition or enamel to ruinous, red brielts,and a variety of other building material, ornamental archi tectural fintshings, ceilings, tiles fur floors and for roof This enamel ditity:lio tinted of any color, from the purest white to the deepest Idncic, with all the colors and shadosabetween. It imparts to the articles tie which it is applied a hard Weir d, - and-durability almost Natoli bin, and a beauty SU rplissio ir that of the rarest and most costly of the variegated marbles, and. unlike them, Is impervious to moisture. and Will never fade, stain, or deteriorate. casting but a fractional part of tho price of ordinary marble. . It Is also.oultialile for table and stand taps, mantle. \ pieces, n outnuents, and an endless variety of other ar. tidos a taplii use.. The processor applying the enamel is simple. while the articles enameled sill commend a ready 'sale, 'fronting large-04N. Responsible puller ma:, procur licensee for, mantditeturlng under the pat 'Ont forefty or prominent towns In the United States. by applying to the subscribers. A small tariff on the articles manufactured will be required' for the - use o' the inyebtlon. Circulars giving Cull particulars will bi L forw fded to all applicants. T a superior merit end beauty of this enameled bui ding material to anything in use heti the 'impel! lied Indorsement of 'many of the.inost 'innlnent" archi teat aud,scluntille men of this and,other cities. lo ar icularn address .. JOHNSON & PRALt, " Gloneritl Agents Enameled. building 51qtpriAl ... univisml G00D5...._ Tile lariest a d - est yarlety of Gent's V utrdsh ug Goods, ' and at the oiaat'prlces can ho found at LIVINGSTON'S, ~ .. North Minoru Street. . . • ICEO? . 3OIs . I_S KIRTS.-.-Anpther lorg' itupplvief tliosu'iiiperinr• end 'eltenp_stenl_nprin sldreii"Just reCGIYniI. ;Derlile,ll3 the best, and ebeappat In Onrllelu, nt Stem Noir. 2, Iktio. • . • cilioecwit , llY, Truiteir. • liclacgrecml ONLY PirEPARATION TIIAT HAS STOOD THE TEST OF - YEARS, • And grows more and more popular every day! ,t ND testimonials, new, and almost lA_ without number, might be given from ladies and gentlemen, fit all grades of soelety, whose united testi molly none could resist. that Prof. Wood's Hair liestora• tire will restore the held and gray._ oral preserve the hair of the youth to old ago, In all its youthful beauty. Battle Creek, Mich., December 21st, [nor. Wool, Thee will please acoept n Rue to Inform thee that the hair on My head all fell off over twenty years ago, caused by a .omplifta tocl chronic disease. at tended with an erimtron on the head. A rontional course of suffering through life having reduced me to a state of dependence, I 'rave not been able to obtain Stuff for caps, neither have I been able to do them up, In consequence of which my head has suffered extremely from void. This indwell me to pay Briggs A [lodges almost the last cent I had on earth for a two dollar bottle of thy Hair Restorative, about the first of August last. I have faithfully followed the directionr and The bald spot Is now covered with hair thine and black, though short, it is also coaling In all over my head Peeling confident that another large bottle would row tore it entirely and permanently, I feel anxious to persevere in Its use, and belllg' destitute of morns io purchase any more, I would ash thee if thee wouldst not be willing to small. 1110 an order on thine ar.ents for a bottle. and receive to threll the scripture declaration —"the reward is to those that are kind to the widow and the fatherless." Thy friend. SUSA.NNAII KIRBY. Ligonier Noble Co ,Indlann, Feb. 60:. 18511. PRoe. 0 Wool,: Dear Sir:—ln the latter part of the year 1852. while attendinq ills State and Natiolual Law School of the State of New York, my hair. from, cause unknown to mu. commenced tailing off very rapidly, SD that In the short space of nix Month, the whale upper part of my scalp was alin , st entirely bereft of its roves- Inu. and touch of the remaining portion upon the lido and back part. of my head shortly after became gray, so that you will not ho surprised when 1 tell you that upon my ',turn to the State of Indiana. my more casual acquaintances were not so much nt a loss to discover the cause a. the change In my appearance, as lily ma. Intimate acquaintances were to re,vnize me at all I at once amid° applicn tool to the must skillful phy• gu is In In tlio country, bet. rervia log no tassuramees From them that my hair could ingaili be restored. I wes forced to become reenacilled to air fate, until, fartunate ly. in the latter part of 1111. year 1` , 57, tout Itest.irativn Mat recalanieniled to ale by n druggist. as being the most reliable Hair - Restorative in use. 1 tried one bot tle, and found to my great satisfaction that it true pro during the desired elleet. Shoot that time. I have used seven dollars' worth ~(your Ilestotative. and :via result, have a rich colt of very molt blank hair, a Well no money can buy. Au a mark of my grat it aide for your baler and sk 1I! in the produetion of so as orderful an artiele, I nore,re• eciintlienilint, its use to many of my friends :and acquaint, who, 1 am happy to inform you. are using it with like affect. Very respe, tinily. yours A.'+l. LurrA, Attorney and Contißeiter at law, Drpot. 411 Broadway. rind ..Id by all dealers through out t he vi erld. The Restorative is put tip In Bottles of three FliZelh large, medium, and stnall.;,,the small holds half a pint and retails for one dollar per bottle; the inedimn hold , at least twenty per rent. noire in proportion than the smell. retails fur two a hottle: the largo holds a quart forty per rout. more in proportion and retails for $3 per bottle. 0. J. WOOO & Proprietorr, 414 Broadway, New York. and 114 Nlarhet Street. St. Louis. M... CO- by all good Druggists alai Panel , ono& ,Dculers A p. L AIt K N & C 0 . , 111011101 PHO TO G 11.1 I ' ll GA LL Ell I-, S. E. Corner Eighth and Arch Streets, (ENTit kNCE ON hilt /ITU STREET, / 1 I,A D PH I A, After many )ear: ex perisnse in all the vitrions bran. rhos of the Art the Proprietors confidently in vits the ,ittentimi of their friends and the !midis lo their ex tensive establishment. %Odell presimt , the opp minnit) tie prosurinz the heel pisturos. vit.' at to an) tlrstsMths liallery iu the United States. Premix:alum: are emapleto fir zixecutine: all the im proved styles lino antthe Art They have a patent arranzement for copy inir DaztlerreWypi , , kr , thorn hire site, one of the in this country A trashed to tun; e,tablishinent are three coloring Artist,. it11•111 0 1i11.4 Pointing, no lily as 12,00. withLo Frame, 2,02. at 75 rents Extra coplei, 50 rent=. or C 5 per dozen. 1.1:e size Photos.raphs as 1 , 01,101 n Tl 4 I vlrytype at same prise. Linable Amlirotypes at 50 vents and upwards. A most extensive alsiirtment Frames endirse. In. , a Select. and choice 1 ariety of the latest st) les. Priers front 02 rents and onwards. Espmiiid -attest inn bestowed rip in Life sized Photo.. itraphs in Oil, trani.lsried trill small pletures, aLd f. out life Prise, from $5O to AL I T- Instructions giveilln the Art. Feb. 2,i, itil.—ly. LUMBER AND COAL BLACK Bt, DELANCEY, LUMBER AND COAL -s -, Arti)! On the 16117 Road, near the Gas Wor„,ks The susoibers keep constantly on hand, agillek b .as. sorimout of Lumber & Coal, c • • L which they ran for- MAI to ord.r proMpt ly and oo the most ren r i A r Z t airtal soluble terms. - ' - LUMBER, SCANTLING, BOARDS. FRAME STUFF, Palings, Plastering and Shintrling-Laths, Wm lied Floor ing. Weatherboarding, P .sts, linik,White Pine, Ilentlnch and Oak Shingles, of every quality. They al=o fern MI bills to ord, of env lonath and size, at the she, test notice and on the most reasonable terms. Their worked boards are kept under cover, so that they can be fur niched dry at all thugs.— - - They have enindantly on hand all kinds of Family Coal undercover, which will be delivei ed . clean to any part of the borough. To wit: LY KEN'S VA LLEV, LUKE FIDDLER. TREVER LoCUST MOUNTAIN, And other varieties, and all the ration , : ,Ives in use. whieh they offer to the ;midi, at the Inver=t LINIEIIuIINEWS A !IL misNirrii :4 cum, al,op, en band. at the lowest rash prim Aplil 5, 111.—ly. BLACK . & 'DELANCEY. D EAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE rbo SA I.E. The suhmcrltper offer,. nt. prit me Fnle, On reatlonahlu terms, that ral wild,, 1.4 01 ground sit ,ted on thee,rner ot I lain and %Vest t 4 treet, in the borough of l' containing ,(rUheha this I tilt Enterprise has been receive(, tram number or Engravings already Fold, hope te he able to hare the whole amount disposed of by the first of July ensuing, and t. hen all are sold they will notify the purchasers, and have the distribution of the (tilts proceeded with. This engraving hoe received the commendation of the Reverend Clergy, nor first citizens. and, indeed, of all rl:usrs, who olit,r into il. ttith interest and spirit. Send on (INN: DOLL A lA, and four Red Stamps, to pay p.stage on LogrArtng, and you are sure to get / it by return mail. Addlre, AUSTIN k WEIIRLY, York, Pa GE , IRqF. \VERRET MIMES i liners nktriliution G Mei., No.lo South George St., l'a hero Engravings may be Sc'.r. and put.- A.zeney f.Jr rerliqle et A M. Piper's 110,1, and Periodi cal Store. IVe,t )lalt, Street. Any pers.,t wilding us a club of ten. will vet one extra I . llpr and ticket. We are 1,:m1.v permitted to Peter to the undersigned, who hive ;11% . .•11 us Writ tee 11 , etellepeletires. but want lespnru percents us Ilom givieg them m full. Read the THE LORD'S PRAYER, IVe Irne r roluily exanlin,l this engraving. offered f.n a ode in this co:1111111101y M \li t Austin R Wehr ly, ;0,1 not hesitate to proud Ultra it one of the finest o.mks of Unrrirun Art ue Inn over seen. 'rho design is hen lit ilul, the sLyl.• of rxe,•n Lion is superior. and illn , tmlionS lire exgrll•nt. Its appraranre will at ogee It the admiration Or a relined e: inionnity,and rec,nuuu•nd it to the Christian public. It is highly or inunent.d. and is calculated to exert 't Intluenco in a calm'',. and an elevatiii, and purifying effect upon the mral, ;Ind rrlieiul of civilly, and it should meet, at we understand it &serves, truth a rapid add exten sive sale. Iles A. It Loehmau, L. L. IL, Pastor Ist Lutheran ch or, It. 1 ark. Pa. Rev. J, ... A. Ross, (1. E. Chureb, Carlisle. •Ileury Saxton, it,. A. W. I.llly, Pastor 12t1 Lutheran Church. 'Rev. I' If Thompson, !lector St. Johll'S Protestant Episcopal ('bunch. liev. f. F. II um]. Pastor 31oravian Chung]. Rev. SO. Cagle. •• St Patrick's Church, Matth. Jos. 3lelrer. St )tarp's do. lon. Thomas R. Cochren. And Urn. ['tun'a. Henry Welsh. President Vie I. Bank, 1./Avid Small, Post 31astm, York Pa. And Many other-. fr"- railer: or Puhlishets of papers giving this ad eartkruhult Ii Insert ions, will hr• emitted to an Engrav ing and Ticket, by formarding the pap, for that Limo to our aldrese, or inserting it not i I that time appriinted (or the do:tribution, with an editorial Make once In 4 eeks, 101 receive the ing, framed sill, a Rao Gold gilt le.ime to suit its sine, :1111 /I ticket. Mar. 2.1, 'al AUSTIN ,t W'CII RLY. 1; ALII lI'S RAW BONE - SUPER-PIIOSPHATE OF LIMN =1 B A 11 ,C• - 0 , No. 2O South Whorves, P01411..111E4P111.4. Cash Price. liil3 per 2000 lb.a , in strong Sacks EA M E RS, REMEMBER ! 'Plain pu l .ed 1:.110 Mosns, and c o, tams a lar,re am , ,unt. fertill/ing ebnstituents, embed• led in no ot , ier gi,ullnr prepar dion. I. It , upe, i.e. to l'ernvian Guano, producing, In some p•r ,et. Inure. . II ensi, ver [Am loss. 3. It hee all the virtue of Pure linen, while you Inca no nolo in waithur for It—it :Iris al cu., 4. It Ittrni,hl.: precisely Ihn f,odrequtretl Ibr the grow It perol.mently improves the sS il.• 0 . It prniltirt., large eroie: or ,rass. 7: It ioevehts the of worms. m. it .hies oot exhaust the soil. 1). The Illst reason \VII) you sil , lllo 11 , 0 It, is that then you !nuke a pr•ti.“l test as to the Truth of all thane assortious. It: will rust but little le gisp it n tT lal. We also manufacturo an artielo of GHOUND.RAW BONES," (rmaran tied pure.) Cash Price, $35 per 2000 Pounds. The anis, Ma 1111 1 .04 W, m•tri - Ilit hue from atoll, atm, Lrhi•- meouleot ot under the personal SupeririterLderlily 1511, of our fir. ,C; SONS, No, 20, South Wharves, Philada.' 'rha CASII PRICES paid f'r BONES:Va 111 A 111'0 A I..—A ny amount of Char-r jvwn .•nn Le laud 1, , y ( I r. 1,1 lo g to Christian Leib, near lans. C.O lisle. Pell t.1.-3m. d - lilt 1 ' II A IN.—A new supply of ,Ihuperior Carpet Chain. just eerie, d at the sheep story at C RAS, 0011.11 Y, Feb. 1861. Trustee. F. EPS ! cm want , examine Bruno's, estle le.