J. M. Davidson, xhoetl, ' S. Ulosoer, grocer, J. IL Frey, sloves and J. 11. C01e4, , ,h, Mt 0,09, J. 11. herring, Agt, choirs, Jon.itlion Farce, marketing A. Furhiunu, do. John horde, do. George Stitael, do. 116 EM S;l1liller A Son, dry-goods, Juba howls., do, : , • 1. Minutia A Washinger, dry goods, . 14 Jame,: Kyle, do% 13 Fool/talk% A McCoy, do. 14 Hurst A. Kaye, do. 14 A. 31Inich. , do. 14 Jw•ob %Vaguer, marketing . , • 14 Le fix A Ile , Red Baru, produce. .. 13 poyder A Knelt)°, do. , 11 .1.,A J.ll Harsh, do. 11 Neniconier A, Ilorn: do. 13 Jalues Bishop, marketing. . • 14 Bowers A hasthow, dry.goode, 13 Bello — Snyder, shoes, , 14 .1. A J. B. aural, (Oakville,) forwarding, 13 =! James Green, dry-goods, Flionnt ticer Co., de. John Newcomer. Hoover x itehnek, marketing, Christian Steviek, Yin .nture, GM William Myers, - dry'..gonds, William do, kilos E. Ituxbol, do. George mussel, do. David flays, du. 11. Ocker„ do. . Jacob Mishap, marketing, Jacob 'Mutant, do. IVBsT PENN. BOROUGH Woodward k Schmidt, pnniu e,• Lme do. T:,t,nior'llompshier, do. • fiber James, dry-goods, 0 W. Ito:Anson, do. - E. Junes, do. A Itlson.ler thniimit, marketing, 111,,h0p, do. • Jerry heel', • do. Jacob Ilanhhew, dr3-•goods, =I Strohm Allun, dry-goods, Clurlc Sc. dons, Geo. Clever. do. Esaloch A: dons, do. B:=1 J. Raker, groceries, S C. 11311,r, do. 13. CrlEive!l, fprotture, 1). Frantz, B. J. tinuddy, do, P. S. -11 te. groceries, A. llostrtter, clothing, Mrs. M. Dubs, notions, Cox A M'Cuor, dr3.goods, It ink cu - 8 Brothers, drugs, I. I Wel. & Co . , tby goods, 11... S t urgon, trlininlngs, r. I,mile jewelry, • 14 Foreman 6, Oro, groceries, 14 7 OU J. A .1. B. Redding, dry-goods, 12 30 0 rah)) A Johnston. hardware, 12 12 50 11. Ily,lnger. jewelry, f 14 7 (01 A. F. mdr, .loves. 11 7 00 Nolen A Ilinkle, ',funerary, 14 - 700 Willi, ilo 're Ii Co., dry goods, 13 10 00 J. 11. Criswell, drugs, , . 14 7 00 . A. wirer, forwarding and produce, 14 7 00. Ruhey awton, produce, Di • 20 00 A. L Blair A Irrother, do. 11 •15 00 M' Martin An; hunter, I' 11 10 00 John Wunderlleh, lumber, ' 11 7 00 Phlllp Deltrieh, groceries, 14 7 00 Johuson .0 Sourer, 1 1 .rwarding, 13 10 00 Benjamin Biggs, marketing, 14 7 00 14 7 00 .1. 11"..11ateer, do. . • Stuart . .0 Son, dry.goodA, 12 .12 50 01. B. Colo, Ames and hats, . 14 • ', 7 110 J. 111 Idges merchant.tailor, 14,. 7 DO Isr..el 51 Unglue, v 14 .17 00 Jacob Vague, gr.. . - 14. 't7 OD Forney ,t, Si')'), n, hardware, 13 ~ ,1 , 10 00 John titonil,.l, do. 14 • 7 00 Stevlck, II I • I 0 tt Co., dry-goods, 1310 00 O. W. (Se 'rate A shoes, - 11 - 700 John C. A lel:, groceries, . 14 .7 00 C. It. flint.),', carpels, , 34 7 (10 C. Fos naught, confectiol: -EA y, C - 14. 7OU ~7., BEER, OYSTER cTING. HOUSES. . An.lrer 'Gould, Curllslo, (ieorlw " ''red's. lii nul'r, llotleih Switzer, Samuel S.‘ kes, " M 11.111111,1 Welrlcla, " Win Moely, Joslph Ebrlght, " Stratton, " John Castor, William Sykes, John Hoffman, 1 3ames WhArfe 11. Arnmldl, Moe. Low, Mrs. l'etern, 311 1 k. C. 3lyers, Mrs. C. NI orray. ." M rm. D. " Ewing Chu li, 0. - Dellonlmugh, ]last Pennsboro', 11.11. Uill,e, Monroe, S. Drove, Upper Allen, John-Doyle, " • J• Sl,lppousburg, I'. G. :lame., 'Mackey, " . Meennuleeburg. Doter W pier " llenry Eberly, John Rupert, John Nieln lon, gewN'lllo, J. k .1. Crawford, " Joseph Elluads, Hopewell, BREWERS AND DISTILLERS Wm. Alexander, Carlisle, " It. Quigley. Newton. A_, heeler, South 311ddletqn, M. 0. neltshoorer. Monroe, D. II: Voglesong, Upper Allen, \V. Henderson, North Middleton, , S. 0 rissingero . , Samuel iluatuirger, Newton, ' TEN-PIN ALLEY & BILLIARD TABLES lima Hue' WokWO, talk, Georg° Fol.m.t. 2 tables, Georg., 1.41 W, Jam :8 11 harro, 2 tables, • Any persons reeling themselves aggrieved by the above claAticatiou, alli lum' an opportunity of appealing, by calling on the subscriber, at his ',Aden.), in Carlisle. any cline before the :L7th orApril, after which no appeal will he heard, MoPIICKSON. April f", ISGI.-06. Mercantile Appellee.. I.JiArBER•A.NO COAL. , • • • .. BLACK & DELANCEY; 1,U1\413E11 AND COAL .YARD! On the Rail Road, near the Gas Works. Tha subscribers keep constautlron hand, a full as. sortment of Lumber 4,C0a1, • .which they? can futs mg . „ nisi. to order promptly ..• and en the Most rus••• 40 ;Aft suitable terms. • ;pLUMBER, BOARDS. FRASLt STUFF, • I'lastorinii and Shingling.fatlik Worked Floor. tog, Weatheuboarding, Posts, Bail s,Whito Pine, Iletnlock and lialtEhlngles, of every quality. They also farnish bills to order of any length and size, ut the.shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. Their worked boards are kept under cover, so that they can he fur nished dry at all tlimol„ They have constantly on hand all kindli of Family Cost under corer, which will ho delivered clean to any part of the borough. To wit: , • LYKEN'S VALLEY, LUKE FIDDLER, TREVERTON, LOCUST MOUNTALO, F , And other varieties, and all the Various sizes AtLuso, whirls they offer to thn publik nt the lifihlsTpfleok . LIM Ell ult N DR'S AND BLACKED ITLIT VOAL W 1 ways on hand, at the lowest cash price. . April 5, 'Ol.-IY. BLACK & DELANCEY. LIVINGSTON, MERCHANT • TAILOR. AND CLOTHIER, Respectfully inform' the public that he has just re. calved an exteneivo stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which for variety, beauty, and price, capnot be excelled in the county. All of which will be sold per yard or made to measure in the most approved styles. V CLOTH OF EVERY DESCRIPTION! Flue Black French Cloth °revery grain', Drown, Army and Navy lllee, and many other colors. Cassimems of the very latest styles, in immense var. lotion. Vestings in large quantiesoaf timAt.p . stsWer. Also, a very large lot of of Battinette..leanwilannels, 13hirting, Au, which will bo sold at the lowest market view . The public le respectfully Invited to ligect our large stock of goods, assuring them that a call will pot Incur tho least obligation on purchasers. riritztlsnxbra GOODS. The . largest and best variety of Cones Furnishing /ii Hoods. and at the lowest prle s eln A c c ri l le i t i talsk ,s. , North Hanover Street, opposite American Thus. Carlisle, April 5, 1801,-1 y. • REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE • BALE: The subscriber artery at private elle, •on reasonable term& , that vett:1 . 0101ot of grourfil sit voted on the corner of Main and West ~- bitreets,•in the borough of Carlisle r containing sixty feet in front by 240 „ornre, in depth, and haring thereon erected -A. LAR6E WAREHOUSE,. A-. TEREE THREE-STORY BRICK 170 USES and" other ,neeesenry 'outbuildings. . The 'Warehouse In. oontentently located for businesn, and the dwelling booms are In good repair, furnished with water and gas. and all the minion, Improvettien gay. If not aold.'the property, will be offered fur rent. Far terms or other information enquire of ' Carlisle, April 0, lel: tf.- JACOIS MIMI. WINDC!'W, Stl i nN ; WINDOW , . Ilaving received the eget wive Agency eta Large New York 'Mud 31anufnutory; we are able to sell Blinds at regular whohoude prlcest Juat.recolved WO point of shades rtiLetyles and quell, the, to which we aelc the attentionOr.,Thilleekeepere. 1147 Wo are now, getting In our Sprittg ,Stock of Dry amiu . Careole and all other kin& ,! of gn" , . /4 1 c 1 F2g. LEIDIOII SAWYZR: &11ILL1411, • DRESSLER'S ILUR•JEWEL - RY ST )ttJt. No. 206, North Eith Street above Race, • Pladadclphifi. iOn hand and for sale, a choice amortnient of superior piitturns, und ; xlll PLAIT TO ORDER, Bracelets, "Fiat Rings, Finger Rings, Breast' Pins, Crosses, Necklaces, Vest and • •. Guard Chains, &.c., &en .nifr Orders enclosing the hair to be philted. may be sent by mall.—Olve a Drawing as floor as you eau on paper, and evielOke such iainount as you choos eto pn :wit as fi/iinull: 1:111 . 1 , 1 , W $ 0 ; 11. ' 5t l'1 " 8 $ 3 t" Huger Mugs 7.; eta. to $3,: Op Yost Chainss'i to Err; Neeklinitii. $2 to $lO. put had Methilionr, Box Breast Pins, Rings, !Le. Old Child and Silver bought at fair rates. , A prll 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 0 700 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 14 44 4 14 14 14 14 , 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 1 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 15 00 15 00 10 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 10 00 1 .,11 T. LOU S%I . (5,' TEI, , S , . citEnvin sTmg i. ABOVE THIRD, . ' PIIILA ELPHIA. in ~„„„,„,,,,,,,t 6 „,.,..o.b. hood, d-uh,‘ Jobbin g . 'Ronson. on )lorttot. Thinl:lnd Chtoitt it to auto, tho Bunke, l'ost °nl, Mei... Loots Exchange. - c., &c., - - KEPT DOTI! N TIIR, AMERICAN and EUR EAN PLAN. ' 13 0:1P.I..) I'ER ; $1.50 DINNER betn , c'en 1 find 3 o'clock, • 50 cts. • SINGLE RODE, 60 cis. upwards. perA fire•claxs Restaurant attached. • Prices ln 09 ) 6 12 t) ot, 7 0) 7 00 10 00 7 00 13 , 11 1 11 11, 11 14 14 7 00 7 00 7 00 • 00 7 00 according to Bills of Parc..:( The City Ca'rs take Pa.mmg..rA from noy Station td or clow• to the 1101,1. 410j-4::s;(1LI.111, F11ENC11; GE 14.. MA N'and SPA Nl , ll spoken. April 6, 101'4.-3 mon. 7 00 I 00 10 00 7 00 10 00 10 . 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 i ps LEFT . I.I s 4: I ONARD'S COR- J. W. Slid LEY Hereby gives noti , o to his friends. customers. and the public, that lie hifs removed his e•tc 4 ) flout ',word's corder to his wno room—formerly known as Kelley's hat store—on North 11/mover ;two welmeen the Cae n:do pop,lt 1111(1 Fiore. • Ills stock of11.1.:AllY.:ll C LOT II I S(1, Boots, Go Sliffos - ond 11,10 is largo and refill - dote, and you" fnu depend 1,0,11 all, t t h at Ist, o n 1111 , 1 sell rhrnprr thou ever; arid always Intend:, to sell good goods find at tt lower pde than-any person 10 00 10 00 7 0U 7 OU 7 00 10 on / . Always on hand, the most seasonable, best made and n.lllOlllllOlO Cads, I . IIIII.IIIOiiIIS and Vista , fl on) the commonest to the best finalities' pliich cannot tail to lit, please the eye nd el v'tli sal Is Natoli in general. Also, :3ltirts lit a linr.shirts and drainers, collars. cravats suspenders, gloves, stockings, kc., IL, all to be sold at the very lowest prices. BOOTS AND SIIOES " Almty;: on hand. a lingo and C/1111 ' illet0 (Mort , 111011 L 1111 . 41m:1,y variety of Boots.Brozans.:Oxfordp . 1 This, :dhuo•rs, Gaiter., 30Term's. &c., for Lad!. and and flout Woes, )Magus acid Boys. youth and children, all Who bold chOp. Aho on hand and eon *tautly manulactuNng tlWiest pins Friinch nod Moos . 31,•F0c;.0, Boots, and JelPrgons for Ladies:. TM.. All rips tamed free of charge. -4 7 j . fALS. • 30 IA 7 0t • ; A largo stock of Ilats for Men, lloys - and common, good and flue. All sell -4 lug cheaper than ever. TRUNKS, TRAVEANG - • CANISED GUM COATS AND LIiDGINUS, °HEARER. THAN EVER 1 hereby tender my thanks to my euntourra Mid friends. for past thence, find earnestly solleit yob all to Call and coo me find my steel: of goods ' before yon pun. ebann elsewhere. as] am fleteimilned to use every effort to supply you with the very best. and at . SIIOI,IIIICON no will 1.1111, ail: 11e partleular.to look fhe my slgh. April 5. 1511.- I y. .1. W. SMII.UY. toßomm AO,COUNT.' . A.'OI.INCIL YEAR 100-61 PETER MONYER, Treasurer nucEtrrs. • I,e;colved Than of Carlisle Deposit Bank, S9S9 23 of 4. F. Yelngsl, collector ror 1 0 59. 413 24 " ' of Peter Gutshall, collector for 1060, 0,334 l'4 ' •of los. 11. Blair, Chief Borges,. 10 10. , of floorge 311I1er, Clork ~f 31,trket. 74 7.11• a of P. INlonyer.o44l rents of 3larket, 112 30 • " - off .. do. tiNlilßli.famt}vense, . • 7 00 aC. I?Magjatelillo !icy, Oct. of . 11u6s, 20 00 of do. - fines. - 10 00 . It of do. Interest - on . jods.ontent, ~ „ 5l 00 " -Of 'lola (1 ut,,liall, Esef., ain't. Abrams pavement,49 48 6, - of (leo. Miller, ain't reed for old plow, 1 00 CLAM . LICENSE 7 10 00 7 - 10 7 10 7 • 10 7 10 . $7.b71 as EXPENDITURES BY PAYMENTS. 7 10 7 . 10 7- .10 7 10 7 10 o 7 10 7 10 7 , 70 7 10 7 10 7 30 . - 710 7 10 7 • 10 7 10 ,7 10 7 10 8 • 0 a 5 7 10 . . Coded CliecliY of near 1850-110 - . ' Paid Thomas D. :gallon, balance of salary as .;: ,, eetbtar:,, i $22 50 , D. llawrstick, balance, of salary as Lunn. .."' Leitter, ' ~. 15 00 Wnt. Park. balance of salary as Street Com. , missioner, 10 09: , ' John Spahr, balance of salary AS High ' Conniable,- 75 Si) R. Nab•lter. balance of salary Its Janitor. 6 25 George %tiller, balance of salary us Clerk t f ' Market, 22 50 watt. 0 Parka, and A: 11. Bharat., att.., . ' noys lo case. Il t union vs: toe 13oratigh, tin 00 - . Watts 0 Parker, costs of writ In error, 600 P. Quigley, costs in %raw ease,, 50 liS I'. Monver, T-eas Union Fite Compank. 34. 00 ' 11..5. liitter, Trans. Cumberland Fite Co'y. 24 00 Jos. Qtrillly, Trees Good Will Fire Co'y. :II 00 .1. C111111,1)01, Tacos. Einpire.ll. 0 1.. Co'y. a.t no C 0... ez Co., water pipe, . 1s -1011. P. Gardner ,t, Co.. lannopost, Or., ' 12 00 • lie.trge ler and others. niutvellng snow 5 112 W. I.L . Mat tewi:, repairs to crossings, ' 1 :0 11, tiasion,lhardware,7 1,2 . , IVm. IVetz.el A. 11. Meek, election expenses, 20 00 . —_.. Total, • ' $460 22 , Council Checks of year 1860—Gl. Pald r4 hco. Wine, late T'reas.i balanco on bet. . DerNs, 15 00 I , 15 -41innent, 35 14 . Do, error in account,. 50 01 - • Gasp', Warr C,.'y.. gas and water, .4041 05 'Cookons'redssined, :C.. ,- i; 1,491 00 Interest On fiends. i - 5:15 61 W. B. AlatlhAws, repairs on streel, . 1,255' 63 Carlisle lluposlt Bank 1059 loadvindiln• terest, Carlislo Dopoili Dank ISM loan and in.', toned. , . 1,000 54 George Zinn, 'Printing, ' .;.., ' . ' 1H 00 li. Cornwall, do. ' 22 00 •J. It. Bratton, -do. - • . 2.) 75 A. li. Rheum, do. 15 90 3. Minor, regulating, • • 25 00 . Wm. Line, tl9. ~ 59 50. T. Spa nglor's lu l tu'r, regulating, 5 50 11. 51;yers do. 0 50 S. Wetzel, i., do. 9 so S. Smith, Blackmailing, 7 59 , 'IV. Ginn . , d 0,.. 400 • IV. Word, dn. 2 0 Jas. Alimmboimer, salary as secretary of - Corpora' ion, • rotor Monyer, salary as Treas., and ox era services, . .100 00 .Quo Aillier,on ac't. as clank of market 4;o. 71 311 It. !Catcher. In fall salary no Janitor. A'r... .27 60 Jan. Martin, On account salary as cura tor of (1 ravoyar I. Geo. 'tautly on uccouu t,of salary as high. constable, • : 150 DO Wm. Park on account of salary aspid ice. ]1250 W. 11. Mathown salary as ktrotiti Com to Issloner, . - . . - 5. Lynch repairs to lamps. &c„ F. Gardner 'a Co., lamp host and phut' Win. Dowdy and others ior shoveling snow, •, . • ~ 950 ..... i lvihnir, for sundries, . • ' .10 60 .7. Bretz, '• " " . 310 A- 1- 51artln, for serving notleut, ' ".,,,:'," lem Wok Line, for trees.''" 475 .Ghtlfreyellender, cleaning spring, "49 00 Jacob liretZ, do. do. 10 4,0 Jas. Ardastrong preparing duplicate. 10 00 . Arnold .6 San. for gum coats for police, 0 l 0 it. Stool, for winding clock.. 15 so James L forti Loudon. staoneEy, ....4 35 .12104 , r 30'00 M== John 11101, for Eton°, John Noble, do. Qumb'd. co dn. Japt. Madden do . . \ Velhe & lirall, repair, to pavements, ‘ 141 141 ;gayer!: it CI all, repairs to pavements, 3 00 11 . m. liarnitz, toe Brisk, ' 3O bib -3c.lin Outsball tar tree boxes, 2 f,O JohirMonks fir reptiles to niarket house, 14 00 G. 1:-..I. Ileslion, for lumber, 1/ 17 aan Ilan non o,r supper for patrol, a 00 Andrew Herr, ritfaits to street,„ 2 .00 John Stringllillotr, In full 01 Load , - 200 00 Amount exoneratious allowed I'. Gut stud], collector, , - 508 05 Balance duo by Troanurer; . $7,671 r . . We have this day examined tho fore4oing wenn t of Pelee Monyer, Treasurer of the Borough of Carlisle. and find a balyneu duo by Lim, of bim dollars and Moot). three cents, ($ll 03.) Cirllslo, March 21, 1661 STATEMENT OF FINANCES, Indebledneas, • Ilondefof Ons 4:lr liter Idea?, loan, of Cleo. Line, and others, Judgemont of P. Qulvloy, Nolo of Carib& llyposit Bank, Outtitetuding checks, . itents, One & Water mock at par value, .$25.000 00 ~ ~ :Mortgage, 35,900 00 o,dlego and other Home, - 1,271 07 Intereht on lions, ' " • • 40 40 Outstanding taxes for 1859, " 172 00 " 1820, " 1,140 85 ;Aetna; Indobtedness, Debt Instyenr , " - 1 10.444 40 INN us labors, 8.812 88 •• Ilermwe; March 20; 18111. LOR 5.1141-- A :good ,socorid-IPind Naas, apply at thu licrald Opp; • tlarlltdu &pt.. 24, 110. . f,t 00 TR Nal?, '. RHAIINI . B'': , , '' pF AeLL V • • klgle:velth . alatto aosortifiont or PUTT OftAMS, .. . ..., .. HALT !':lt MIA TIIB, ininAow CIIIINS, • NIFTIII 01AINii, Vitt Cif A I :`;,',;• N.in l a V I A 1". . COWAITIA I NS, . Inat ricolvud at the Cheep Ilardwaro Btnre or •. ' ' LIENItY 8A TON. CLOTHING EIS 90 00 BEI '0 00 I' I 22 75 EMI I t," 964 C 3 0 93 GEORGE ItEET7.SI, 3. M. ALIONUEISII•3I, •• • Audltore. , 25,0(.0 00 85.000 00 9,003 F: 900 (0 3,09}38 311 1,0 $71449 711 $02,0.30 Al ll= $1,631 : 49 • Penn Illntual.Lifo Insurance Co. DIViDEND 'NC/TECH.—The. Board of Trust°os !rove tloc:nred,an. EXTItA • Setup DM druirl,'of tryouts II co per cent. !Choy Inivu also doelneal a Cosh Dlvideed, 01 six per cent upon no) scrip 4lvi• ainol. 'shoed from tiDe to Into, inclusli 0. .1 tan taaV rawly to deliver Certificates and pay inter .at to'bhoso entitled tladeto. Mire!.,'dl:dt. A. I. SPONSLER. '11.4 1 01t ENT..—The Store-room now occuSled by N. W. woods, lu North Hanover st.. moluiro of Mor. 22, '01..-3t„ M= lIERIFFS SALES.4I y virtue of 1J stpulry, of rondi thud Expanns, honied out of V.ho Vourt of Common Pletn , of Cumberland county, and to me direvted. I will kunst. to Halo by politic lentluo ,0 outcry, ut the Court House, In the Borough of (jr• .FILI DAY, khe sth cloy of April, A. 1),, 1501. ut In o'clock, A. NI., the nllowlng tle.,erlbeil Real Estato, to nit: A tract of land• situate in West l'ennsbnro' township, tree,more. Or Itg.a, bounded en the east by bunts at hlVitlnti and Joshua Sharp, on the w..st, by lauds it , 11•Irge Zhill and Levi 'frog., on the north .1).? land, of 11070. WlC...eh:kn. and on the South by lands ofJohnshon Moore,' having thereon erveled a two.story Stone alai 'Frame !louse, a two-story Frame I lousy?, dank Barn, and Spring !louse. Sehnd and ta.. ken Innxecation and tote sold at the property of Jacob Bel tzhoover. A lot ground. situate to Silver Spring bwnsbiy, vont.dning mat In front and'ln not 111 depth, mou I,OllOllPd on the taunt by the 110.40StOW11 road, on lb. , weal. by en nth*, OEI the north by W. 11. Oswald, and on tine total] by the Slmpson't road, having - there. on ~.rected Frame 110118L1 and Fhllllo SitY.olllLiht Inks. the property,of Pet, ll:di:win, and 1 - .ll,lbeth ilarla cher. Also, aht drdultd, situate in silver Spring town. ship, rontainlng 53 feet lu front end ',AIO teL in depth, 01e, or less, bounded On the ea,t, by an alley, on the walllands or F......k kk wo,del On the north by ',end; street. and MI the south by the I:quip:oll'H rout. 5,15,1 and tahett in extteution and to be sold as the property of Toter Ilarldeher and Elieabeth Also. It tract of land. else de on tho North Mountain in •tillliu township. entittllllllll4 limo ernes, more or less, bounded by lands of W.10,1141[1.'8 heirs and oth. ers. :seized and taken in exeention and to be sold as the property 01 John M. Woodburn..„.„.. A Ise; a lot of droned. slttrtte fitthe horongh of New ,the,theththlthr Met in front. and 100 P.l in depth, lucre or le., b Annlen on the enst by n lot of JOltt, S. Morrir, Mr the rent by W .10Inison'S heirs, .en the north by an 'ditty, and on tie: south by Aldin etrelst, Intillbt thereon erected a two story weathet hoarded Uellse, 13, t elt bundled, Slone Stable. Mitt khan thib Svizt,l and tabu. in vAeettlion and to I , e , Auld us the property of dolor AI. Woodburn. Alto, ,it lot of g,unti. rlufnte hi the borough of New. vine', vont:dining 10 Teel In front :taut 1511 feet in'llopth, mom o r less, bounded on the eo't I,y Corporation street, on the west by lot or.— Sens:Out:eh, on the worth by lid of Frede, lititSberger, Nan on the south 1., let, of --- heir, t . IINZen mud talnni o.titl to bo *sold ns tba p,. per ofJoim 11. 'Wood burn. Also, it lot of nround, sittotto In tbo 10 - trough of Net ine. contaitting tlo out lu (root anti Iso 11, t 111 dopt loom or lot,. bowknot! tot tit, oast by hods or t 1 illi: S . tialli ti ll•ItfM. Olt 61" tve , t by Un.poration atit.et. on the 'neri It by bit of Martha 11" tiler. a n d. nu the soiv.ll by MI alley, linviuit thereon erected a tio , taken exerittilm mid to be sold no the pront.rty of John M Worldborn. • - Al3O, n trArt or lam!. ~ittoto Iv JIIIIIin townHhlp, co 101010 v; 120 acres. more or iI'FN. bounded by lands o James %Vomit...l ; ml'; twine. Moore, Wharlttn, and others and other lattli,s l of defendant.. .Seised and taken In ex eentlon and to . i.to sold as the property of Jolt,n4ll.lVnad Also. a trant of land,4 l duite 71111 in township, eon tabling V:, acres, lucre or less. 1111111111 by lands of David Burn, and others, sod other lauds of defendant. Seized and take,, smut In execution to he hold as the property of.lohn M. Woodburn. Also, a lot of grounll, situntpin the borough of Now villa, eontaining 77 fest lii Ilpot.atel 100 feet in depth . . loonier loss. bounded a on . :thrfst fe.. - ror of Join, (Airi e r, tn the west by lot of*Mrd. d'ox,ton time north by all alloy :id (in [lto i;ooth by - Malti.3tt,t. thoreoll ram Fl,lOll /11111,e,•EW.S1,,l'y li•ick s_ Cory ;4111,:ol'il•Prolue 'tare Fclvd and t ;eh In ex,.l-tit lou apd to he sotd us the 0:01, ty of A , . Also', a lot aground, situate in the ktroatil of Ito. omnic i llurg.ettntaining 37 foot in front :t;,l 177 feet In depth, inure or Aeon, hounded oti ' tilt, vast by 31arliet street, ota (lie west by an :they, ete tile 110011 )is )ot. Snsantia Weiley, ino,l mi Ura Hffit.ll Ire "pert) . ttf Otteoli 11inlinter, Living thle,ol er>el ,1 a trio ,datry Proem How, am Ih OHO nod a-ttalf story Itaek and tal,et n Nitt eseeution and to Fe sold :Is the to,perty . of Samuel . 1 4 eSollathergee. Alms, by \int.a of sand.. writs of raeitet, is I.intd out of the Court of ltottonon fleas of Cumberland County, and to ore din•'Wd,-I will esteteo to sale by public ventlue or tottery, at the ,attor time nod place, the foll.tWlng deetwile.,l heal to nit Mtn, stony yratne Dwelling !Lunt'. has lot: a front of lit fe..l, null a depth of 112 fl,l. situate upon :1 lot or piece of ,rottiol. ill 'it rel . S1.0 , 1;:: t •WIIAIIII.III said or - Iy. e tilting nu feet in trout :tad feet in depth, and bounded al the north Ity 71,11n0m, on the , east hp the Sill,or Spring rood, on the snub Ity a lot of Hearse IVeltbert. and 1111 OW wrist Ily Joi,), I lartllne Seizoil :riot 111 oseention tintl to be gold as the prdperty I Abraham Brown. Alen. n eerlalo Ilrn=nauut La Or Crnun:l,'eihinCc IV. Ello bOrall it of Car 1144144.174,11141.3 011'4111114er' 410. 144.14h4144,1 on th^ oath by Louth, ~treet.on.tho 44.4.1. IT .14'4441411 AI". Patton: no the borth by Leota, miry. ne4l on the 44.e.t bi.lobn [Coffer. . 0 1 feet in' hoot and 211,/ loot In 41,41,th. 1444 the 5any4)11,14.0 or hoe, ', e h, l o t N,.. 111 i n (Ito veneral plan of oil! boo, sl,oli :111a t:1%1 , 11 In exeeatlon ood to lie ob' no the looherty gI G. A. 4 "44114 notly. ' 101t1IlIT - 14,41A11Ts EV, Sheri'''. ,I+;:r.itlrr's ' Foli. 1:1. I 861,. . . CON111110 , :,—i/o all moonlit.: over livn hundred do 11J 1y dallara to 100 gold whoa tho inoporty Is strlrl• on off. and I wont y-I1 vo dollor, on all .111/01114t4 under flt Itundr,l I ) EM OVA I,—Tliv, Ilaf, and Cap, Sidle 1,,,,,t., 1 1,, k no w n ,r,- K KIA,EP.S." has boon re tstmodllirortly opp Falta dot old shall. two doorA trial, tArit:d I's elothi ,t >h11••, The 1.0 , 10 , ....K tvlll ho entoluet ,01 at hore:t? •roNIIII all the :rood, both horn- Itta•li•nna 'city man taro, valradatv.l to :till.. Killatlt •tion no le -1,911111,11.1"1 • A 101 l patron o .. a , is ,4p , ,truity ~, , ii.11..d ~,,, Ilti every yidort trill hr :WOO to hoop I lot to , tortinent of tita.• nodtbova hats al/Li COPS COltlitiOt.o, WWI "Irk, t, shit the tinil.l 4 • a liELLII:11. 11 - 9, tlprim: ,tvlea of stilt hats flair ready. :Ilahott 15. Poll. • . NEI 71IEELER & WILSON.— r•.?,eiccEs WHEtLZR - ------ ----- - - - - - , As gaViLQ....SL 4 -------- —, ) r. '-'- ! SEWRIG ~, . .ext - i i'iltem n New style with the latest Improventepts, et greatly sutured prices. Thl:f o 111:101111P,11 . 0 unisnirse. run rip. idly :111 , 1 form 111 , 01111 ueoquallert strewth, beauty, lad elastleity. which s, 11l nut rip. Till, nra, m.qees tionahly, Dl•:S''i' 31.1 , 111NLS IN TILE 3IAIIIiET, t'or latetly itud retie al ttsit, they will P4lll, STITCII AND 'RUN, rhey can fhl.allythillg that :thy other 111.1ehire an do Tho 114 4 W lAmnooj a :Old other not impro% 4- • moats, Ithout• 'NVIREELEIt kg: WILSON'S SE WING ,)LICIIINES, Noon urn buttor advied to flinlby =I The undersigned baring been appointed agents for fluoillerland County, oder tient to the public ttith per. 1,11i1,10111, 1/I,li thus,, V6O plirellaße is ill illlll 111011 11 , Ie nn sseutu.l altove Peraus wishing to see the ma chilies iu operatlon. trill please call at the store of 11, 8. ltitter, or at the Bailer/ad stiles, Carlisle, Pa. For fur. thur information :Ipply to EMI Cnrllslc, March 15, 1561.-6 1111.1. pE MOV A . • SL J. ALLEN SCBRO., Ilirspe);iftf IV Inform their frimrls and di that ther rlmmved from N,u. 240, ,Youth S. coed Street, to their r ' - • /. .I%new .1. 1- .;c:ta-e• • . No. 1209, CRESTIitTT STREET, PITII,A.ISELL-q-lIA, Where they will always Inive on hand a lino assort ment of ' ‘—• li,osewood, AValnut ant' Oak Furniture. Which they will stlltat less t'„i thelr tumour prices, Wm.:Nuance tirhitmOrnt groin :ilarillies, fir hush:mess amid wing an or less expense. . ey rtampeettally solicit n rail Imetare purchasing ulsowl6. March 20,'a) --amos. I , i" - lAIIPETS AND • OIL CLOTHS!! AT ELDRIDGE'S CIIIIAR STORE., • TapestTy, Brussele, U — A R P . E T S Venetian, &0., d.e. J• Also, 011. CLui'llti of all ‘aiths, and MArTINI/S of all kinds, with a land, supply of very Low macro IN ilt t N and ENTRY and STAIR (Lt ItPI,TS, RAG CAR pus, oyrrtm aud 11E11 P C W1'1;1%3, .to. Wing limier very Ildht expenses I ant enabled to sell these toms at suilleiently lOW PItICES to suit tho nAnD• 400 TINIEti. and buyers will hod this Is tho place ti!oy can save money. 1,5" • H. 1 , 1. tip AD RIDGE, No. 43 Strn 2.4 door abovo Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA AM.Strawberry Is the lirnt Streot nova Seempt 8t 51nrcht:11, !Sta.—Slums. 61,001)8:- 7 FLI1ST ARRIVAL • , At OgillVa Cheap Cush I hove just returned front Philadelphia and ant now openings lot of handsome. dedrablo and chefs') Day fPnills, bought for carp and will ho sold at astonish ingly low 'prices: • . . A forgo stock of new sty'onrlnts. Choloys, 'PoLanes, Gingham', and Goods Imp:root yarioly.. A new stork of ideselled and u tilde:tubed lhtxlins , Tiok• logo. Shootings. Manors.' linens.' Checks, Aro • full awl tment o; Mari: Silks v•wychest,very. good. A anther stock- /1 those flea. elac4Steel ii firing Skirts and under . prieu. HOST Eny ! Hostility I• . In •great vu lot k loin prices. fit - 01'1N of all kinds and price: . .CAItI'iiT;3I.O.SI:PETSI I CAIll'04$11 . 1 ; ' . A new' tipply of Ingrain, Cottage, Hemp, andcrtag Carpets. Ain..rsonk woht'otiroiv atvid PprltiT linodts are respodfullyinvited to call and esomino this stock he ,fore purchasing. elsowiture o CliAd. 00 I Mardi) 29' r • Trustett.'. ONLY ONE DO.l44Ait EACH.! o o h BE AIITIFUL STEM PLATE ILNOEAVINGS OF' THE' x.on•ros pn.eivmn, • jF e cC)3Fri.. ?1,-LetLar..23o.9: VALUABLE PROPERT,I*I* A WA I T • idea of reprosentiog the , Lonn ' s JIL Pa VVEIt byvan engraving, and , I ornamenting:aid at ranglUß It in such ithunutteros to pradtwo at note • model of neatness and taste, was concolved Haul amed out by OItNISBY, the celebrated 'Bank nine EngravOr. .01 . Now York City. It commences with 'exquisitiveli. executpd words ot " OUR NAfitol," and then felbar In succession Um Other parts of the Prayer, every ph BIFF, of which is engraved in tint most elegant and tasteful mention—Near the hot tom of the Int, superbly executed head 0f.,0011 BA V loUll, and encircling the upper part of the engraVing are ton I n gels, each' hear. ing ono of the TEN CO MMANI:IMEN TS. The engraving has 1,14 lied the Most unqualified praise from the ; ellg.oun contiolinity, as there 111 noth ing a a sectatlan chewier about it, liarnig been re coot Mended by Clrrgyown of all denominations. As on °minion t 1115 ono of the Most spleauid over publishod la this country. :Ind Is destined to tyke thin ,place of poorer clues of engravings. The size of the Oat els 20 23 Inches, ntothestitembly the cheapest engrav ing ever offered in 1111 s country. Who thar loves Art—who that delights to study n, flue engraving—who that would reel Ito the impressions which such n work Is caleulatiA to ling. t, would till to Hawn.° a copy v. bon the prier is only ONE la 11.1,A It, with tire chance of securing for that stun In addition, a permanent home or another valuable gift ?- As a work of art this valuable nod beautiful opera, worth loom than the di hint stoked fur it, an will readily bo fichlitilcholgod en runofit: but the subscri him, Intend to melon UM Distribution to porclio4erS if the eligraring, el valuable presents as ' 1 'louse and Loti in York borough. 2 Building Lots. 2 Buggies: Quinn & Palmer's Make, warranted. 1 Berko only. . 100 - Valuable Books. • . 50 Barrels of Flour. warranted. 1001 F 1.1111.;. to suit the Lord's P; arrow. • Mal Steel Plate Engravings-114 tit of Christ. Magnificent Looking Masses. • • GOLD ANO Ell, - 4.;1? WA TCHES. All hinds of .lElf EillY, sinlintring C1111COS; tines, 3losale, • A girt from LU voila; to $500.1./0, with sorb els gra, ing 5. , 111,.. • Iflien the Ihigravings are ail F 011). tl meeting of rho punthaners will be railed at l% ashingh' wilvn tile tails above named w 111 be ilhttilaited in Norit 0 111311111, 0..; the plorhasern may deb:lnane the par. rho snierting dif.intelesled prl :nun 111111. 4 iirelllVarliS ill .1 . 111 a manner US they 1.1.17 del Ignate. The propriet. rs. Irani the Invorable'neinitor In NI Itivh this Gilt I,olertni, her been ...Nei veil awl the otanher of Kogras invo , olounoly gold. bop-• tr. be able to wh o ], of by the iir,t or •inly en , ulog. nod 1,11,0 111... 5 , .111 111..1: will notify the 11111111:1,0 tilt, dirylhW ioo ctl the little prorr.oll,l engrating 1111 s treeitlal the commendation ..I the Bever...ad t;ler;ry, nirih rt Citizen. awl, odl all classes, who ....ter Into It with intese..t and xpil it. Send 1111 ONE 1)111.I. A It, and flair lied SI3IIIIIS. to pay postage IJII !.mgr tying, and you in . .. Oman to get it by return mail. Address. Al:81'1N II'ET l'a. J. N. Art:TIN. • 0E01011: ll'Lltitt.v. lienerdi Distribution tittlre, No.lo South George St., 'fork. In:, where Engravings inny.be tofon and por• chased. Agency for Carlisle at A. 31. Piper's Boni: and Pc, Jodi eal Store. I Vert 31.1111 Street. Slip pan,e sanding us a Huh of ten. w 111 get one extra (.7.1 . 15• tiVhel. 11 t , 310 1/,'l.l.litti'd In bier to the under•lgned, who have nit en IS i. , •11 rrrmuuuvldut b , v. Lug w . n t of rifl.l plt•Vi.lll, 11-1 00111 1j Si 11 . : 01011111111111. head the hollwing: THE LORD'S PRAYER. ll'e Intyr rarrlully ex:1,11111ml this (an:taring. offered fur n sale in this vonanunity. I Mesuss Austin k and titunnt I.asitstr ta l ltroatiunco it oo.e of lit lineal ca. o f A iii., lean Art ut bruit nun ,TOll. 1 . 110 ifi,lll,lllall/1. the it le exerutiun funopuriin. and (log Must rai ions are ere, lieut. it, app./1,7.1re In ill at "nee s ti .r tt lhundudud non of a whited et 11111111111iS.nfid nu . ..lamella it la f o r Chi pu1 , 11:. It is 1,i,111v exert v mlh,inc lull nerve inn fairnlA . . rut Alta bur 1•11,:t tipoti thu u s and rali..q.zl or ~ttov, It th,•ffit, nso lattiltiO.autt it deserts., with a rapid and u.ston niV(.l4.llo. lon. A. It. Loilinuiti, It L. 1)„ Pastor Lit 1.12022,112 Ch0r2"12,.Y0r12.,1 1 22. • .11Y1222.,. 1 M. IL Church, C 22211 2 ,10. 'lvory 21.421.. 110 v. A. Ir. Lift:. 1 1 .2,12.1. 2.1 Lollierati Chur.h. 12tr.. ( 1 . 11' Joith's Prot.-A.9d Itev.l". I'. I: / . .42.11, M 1.1,1,111 IL 1..2,122 chinch, • Ilov. 3L,tlh. Jos. 312.irnr. Ft. .12try's do. Min. 1ii.2221, 1 1.:. 2 1 22illirnii. Anil rh Ip. Peinia. • lien, 2.12.12. Pr0:4212,1 Ye.l, 11.2i2h.. Pavia 2 4 222.211, I'os 11 22,1e2. t', b And luau other , . A 0 'l:ditnr. I n ' 221 pa i 2,122 rllp2r, this ed vertl,2.222ent. s, ill 11,, ; 2 2, I'o n a t.. Inc and 1 11 , .1.2.L. In lore ardit-g the ni,p, h r Hilt Lime to iiur i , s. or 112,2112222 It mail 11211 111222;appelliti 21 hw the 211.2t2.11210 inn. nlll2 an editorial will, neve in I wool., will the en.tra, lu :122122212111121. a Inn' ..222121 IlAnie 112 f.ttit l is AZ, and a tlchtl. 512ir. 212, '121.-212222222, ri Aft 1' ! (1.A.11P C A 1' Err:4 ! ,„,/ Per:roo, rrolog to ioro•err-orrir-e al .1 .olliers r,a1.1 log to natty:ll , l, :IVO rerrorrelfitily loritra to examine oror lirrgrr arra rmr lea .heat of limier Is. 11.,e14. three ;ay. 1.11;11.11, bntio, rota Drourstie. l'e 1 o II EMI' AND RAG CARPETS, • • Drootre , s, It Fl.raw mol roe, M tttv, 1111(1.01, :or plhin null filar) Windt; alld ahati:, list ol 11,ms,keeping.auo , 74 ( - ;1' Ereryik.erriplion. pur,liusett than u4rulm bur Nett ('nth. %VP nn• pnn•pnmd to , dr, trro:it liuluotuarnt% to buy, ium. I urlf• Ran , ha, thin litinine:ti ~:u ,nut cur 100.14 tie,: nutl SAWII:It MILI,1:1:, ?fnrrh N. 'lll.. /41 , 4 Main •-tre,t. 1. 4 ' It Es lIAK_ Ell ;vv of Halves, quarter. and I . 4;iitli Barrel, Al,OO : 4 A I,N tN , ror stet. ot tho Store or the huh:n:bor. 4fr• ;20, '00.• 4 . '31 ' j. ;):4 pp ()tit) I.V.,rt 11 of Ira•) . Frcncly and Voiti.lnle Sltmls lowur 111 6, 1 ,01 ni rt. n. i:1; ffAINIEUS :11/11 1 ;II , IN I E E I ,. .OR PICK The snbsyril.or hay ionelnnt...l of NIELS. th.• ',dent tit:la Or rlot..en coon Urn, in r Slnh• L 4 1 ,011003 1a.11.1 . his b.r , t 0110.4. 111,.1,.01 veil ludiridual. ToSO,IOIO. County oil''. Ile ,oulti b' the xubjnined..ortiliv.ttex. from pt.:writ-4 /1111[60r:1p the merits of [WI, highly • 6 ./0: 4 EMI \T ER, \V‘. barn veell !Old 117 rd 1: %V. I/ 1011'N rafi . .llt M Stl , lll` M 3 1 .11111, 31111 ih. , l sails ed that It 1111 n it, en leg unu h tidd. hurl junior. We I. reNitruienil iL lidy olio wile t,lslii-Cfataid. interest 11/ IL. I). 11. vozh.son,r, cu g 1 o,!l:.lwaid Add. lln rgo litter,Lro. !luau id ililiLlu, i 1 t. Andrew 11.1r/Inn, do. 'IV. li. Nlyorg, do. , C. I,:l.ullirlii , r, do. ;131. s Stover, d', Israel S. Tlmdlo, Adam,. CO. I Ti,t • 'lo. IVin. C. 1..,[1,) • do. ;11. I' 1.11V1,1,er,r, do. .lo vol, .11. ( iyims n . I. ' 111. W 1/r.11 , : 11 m. 11..,. Plalllp ,IcrourA do. iJ. Nitwe , dlmr,' Fmnlclin .• Wm. Duttro. do. I Alox.llllllllloo, Perry C , :Sim . ° I 2'2, 1861 —3 mos. ' ~ It DIE 17.111.1.()AV PINS LU .31 .14.1 P.. ..-I'lll' Kdo, iI Invh I;o:trig nud Inch hank. AiriCly to IL. ULASS, Fob. 18(11.-3 m. 11. S Ill'fl'ETl, nr .1. CAMPBELL NATA_M=I.IO). gANUFACTUPER OF Am) op;ALEIL i• xlO 0 D S, "Nos. 104, 106 and 101, North Secorid H 1. ADRI,PHIA VTI , ; are now ret:eiving our SPRING v ST. ICE, which trill comprise a large and de• slrable assortment of all kinds of STRAW AND LACE GOODS. Alto. a large assortment of LADIES' .1E CHILDREN'S HATS - Our knelt of FLOWER? and FILTH ES. be llama• ally largo thl...sonson and we would Invite your special atteatlini to the' department. • Please i•all nail examine thew • before melting yuur purchases. Ir. WARD. N - 05.103. 105 ,t 107 North Second st., above Arch Mardi 2,2, CLOCKS WATCHES & JE WE R RY. smut AND PLATE) WARE. ELI HOLDEN, No. 708, Market St., PlRlntlolphlu, Invites FpeCilll attention to 111,, fun supply of Watrbes, of ENGLISH and GENEVA MANUFACTURE, JEWELIZY' Or ELEGANT DESIGNS, Silver 1 5. Silver noted Ware of the fie Quality, with an extensive tissortment of SUPERIOR TIME KEEPING CLOCKS. Hon sty to and prlee adapted to Um wants of all, Good goods :toil fair ',rhos is prty trb...Also, hiS Patent Shirt :tads,' being of novel nto.rrnetion, possessing adv.tutages Over stly other In- Marehlt, 1601.-1 y. . veb . - ' WATCHES ;71... • L. : • ' . •,• . JEWELRY •-; ---., , 1 : ~, , ...:,, 1 ~. ' .iit+rp : .,...- . •.-. ,tr k K!, ;), ',4.SILYERVARE: 410 --, -,.-.--.. -: .- &c., _‘ io.-. IVI3, would,respectfully• infant?, our friondn. patrons and Alio pnbllo, On el'allY. thud r a have. flow lii, storo and Qlllo,Wholo . .alu and italaii:'at Um lowest 0 4.511 Pit IDES. a limo and viir'y (linden slack of Watchea. Joveolry,'Sliedr And, Plated Waro of every varlittywnd etylo t . • - .pivery descrlidlOn of LIAMOI'iIV, WORK an( Jewelry, Modulo orderht short hot; et aro- Aloloolis NV/aII:ANTED to ha no roproloinh Particular utteutioa gillat to thu tAtAlrlisg of and Jowelry otovory doscrlpdun. ' •.• k. HAIL 44.,(00utic 241401... a / a OS. ' =immaffenzam RE 3rgat. _ . FSTATE.. NOTICE- I —Letters testa-. uientary. under the will of Abraham Dotter, )ate of hest l'ontishere' township, doebt, have bee,, Issued by the Register of Cumberland county, lit duo form of intr, to the subscriber rethilott to the same township. All persons Indebted to the estate. are required to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present Woo for ,etttinent to DAVID DONEIt, Morelf 1, 1841 r—silt. ' . . Executor. ISTATE . NO'll(ll.!l.—Letteis • Testa .74‘ mentary ell the estate of Margaret Porter. Into of Penn twp.. Sieve heou kxued by the Pegister of Eui - Ober/tual county to the subscriber, r• riding ip said township. All herb°. I: lowing themselves Indebted LO said e,tate will 111111.1 Inuortliate . pa) men t, aitd those laving claims will pre..eut them for NeLllempitt ' ..1011.ti GREEN, Mar. 8, '6l.—at. Executor of Margaret pater (iced. • FXECETO lI'S Notice is r by given that Letters Testamentary hove this I day boon Issued by 1110 Itt..,rl4terof Cumberland eo.nty,' on the last Will and Testmnent 11,101s,lSo..kwititrr, bite ol'Fratiltl'oail to the Illtnlt ; isittn_tal. re :4AI/it In 0:110 mwusllp. All. proonns I:‘loWirig them . altos imioltud :too 6:111141 and those having ebdmn vill please picsent t Item fi.r . settlement so. Starch Executor'. 1 -1 , ST ATI.] NO er TECE.—Lotts of Ad-. ~ . . PHI II ISINIMII Oil the estate of .Inth) Plough, bite o r Ineqnsim township. cud, 11110,, been issued by thu lingitter of Cumbelland county, to John Ilarlzier, re sidilll4, In Snot li INliddlelon top., awl Joseph Plough, 4:siding In 1ne141,1 , 0n, Inn. All pees°. ludebtod to said unite. aro required 10 111111141 1111.111,111/ItU payment, .....)) :ind th 4o basing elalimi to pre.,nit then. fn• F. , ttle• moult , .11111 N 111 Wl' Y.1.E11, .111:.31.:1'11 l'1,1)UllII, Marl'lll-6t. . Athulnintrators of John Plough, dee'd. T - ISTATE NOTICE.--letters of Ad j nth IsOution on ll.n estate of .Involt Newcomer, Inn' of of Monroe twp., iltte'tt., have been Issuml by t . )0" -- Itmtister of Cumbh m J ll!! orint outy, to Joseph Neweo residing In the sane township. Notien is hereby given to oil persons who,hotrw themselves indebted to tho ostato, to limbo Imo...Mate loyoMot. and tilos° having elahus to present thorn thr Fi•tti..llll,lll, to NEWCOMER. Administrator of .fluolt - Nom comer, deed. Mareh lb. boll.-ot. 1 . URN IT lilt B \l'Aill..: 11.0018. , • _,. • u. 7 n . HENRY A. RifiltiDS . .. " ._ ~. (.7..., . • co • T . .• ~,_ ....,,-,4,-,a,,, ~,,.m -. , „,, sii.,-0... ---.,,,, . • . . WEST lIICI II STREET CARLISLE. Thi.snsoqvrilwr Leta 10140 rolo•otenlly lo infirm the ' ,Itizi•m: or c..1i5.0 and vkluity, that irt ,Itas now on ham' and in inanufaotOrin r, of orkrailety or c“uin..t. w:fr.e.....,istin in part of ' • ''r Sill' A.°+. • Ile!: LA 1,7, , ., ' Itlie.S. , l Nil CASES, M A Illtl.li Tor T t IILES. LIE.D3TI.A I / 6 „ . SI.:II:I.T.AItIEt3, ell A I It t. k • . (lilt Moulding. Oval Franion !0., ,Fr. Thin Ivor], It nOrrantilll of thy In...la:lntel i-uk n.) 1041 lonanslilp. mon , lanoin, all lin. 1a , ,,t 0111 f , 1.1 en, and ;Jill Si, fornislioLl , at I lIP 1.005 .1 1 mall nil •t•Y. N. 11.-11,11 i n, nsa,l• al 51,01 noti,o, and funerals at• mnim in promptly in town or ronntry. cali,te oct. 12...0.-Iy. . • F olt 11 EN'l' - , —The I Itlt , e sit lin to(1 Jit :'t reel, now In ti, OCCI111:1111.3. A. It. tiik: at. Also. The Ilmiso efi Clop:. NV. !total, in Il'eFt. Maio S'lroa,, 'I'lll• iiOllFO ill fia•nwly,;,. to,•upiv , ll.). Prot. A i•a he Ilea I. in 1011, II:111i , Ver Sin'el, 1.111.;,1 by A, D. 11,11 a, ore :11, o•li f.sl. 11,111 the - 'b.:, .10 tern. opply h. re), .1.11:1111 1:11EMI. • T.).IIIi3AINS! BArt(3.‘INS!! • j- no to the 11,0 .11••:ip ;tools. onit vntiro rio .1.•..t1y lox fOr SI , IIII as•.r, Ilixi t. wont of i'lwoip Dry . 11.011 F. me respioanill) intuit to 0.,111 al tio.plwoit stow .4 !All% 1.1. 1 , 61. Trsti•o. • E I{()( )M FOIL. 11 ENT.—The lar:qoto Ewan :.llVc•st oa.l oi• St,ia•t.' It -It. sO. up with to•ltalios, an.l sio•ltinif nn.l liar I n 0 . ,•• awl P.aa.esstal 0,11. 115.11010 r.f 11.01 SENSI:3I.IS. Cailisie. D.r. •.!1, 'ra IF(lrt SAI,E ()It IZENT.— ttubscrlittti ~,t. thn I , W 'l'lll., 1 , St,,, ir.ii:Al: 7 " .Th ., t I. ,Itt •ttettt•ittu u vr;„ i ivt.tt tnt 17 : t. ~r 1.1 . 11 /10 ritttitt•• oil, rttttlit , t idEt:rd. lied ,tutot :111.1 told hultAltle eith• , o 1 Itt:. Ittittutt,t or itristtte settititt nett I ltot J.% IVI:A VEIL. =REMBM I= I= nnt. $%:”.1/ or.nib nit tintl'tchen Or applli 4ltnahlo It r years. 1:/.1 g n:11 n.ltin.ll, t.11.t1 t.lk” n I 1.1 Il'11)1 , 11illi,U 311 , 1 — trrit inijurr),He '1111 , 14a 11. v prefric . ..timt hn...,1 by thelmr.l.r.tn.d. Ite.nttif, ats Nl.lll‘,llrn., iu 10.1.t1a.5, ‘,llll die«tits„ for use, fi.i. 1.10 -1":111:1"I'i 11 LET l'l , ll'PElt,” implrts t t 1ttt0t,,,.. to t h e t.0,11111,1.t0. mot i. 0011 l ejl o.,eJ lee 1111:: 1 ur peso. II •' 11171 II t reIISOV, 1,111. 11111,11, and all of tlta nLlu. '.11111 , A 6ru c,r I'.1 1 111)1:' f.r thy li.tir. Orel, ito 1,1+1 , 0.,11,41.1111. ‘l,ll 1,, 1,11 :111 , 1 is Nvarrat,tva ;,. virel.' /I 1; I. W:111'111E11," 1 . .. r 111014,111nud von, rltt tfini...ttt 1 n lilt. (Ito tool It. It.tfilttott tfit• t 1111tH itit, tlfit 1,t11..1 it fit, ft.t. 41 : i It lINTS It II 111tI. it iil..Vlll II.I.FFNI II." a d , aldo oxtietor.iiino anti eolonno. T111.,• , 0111 Ito poi hlllll. II .10 10,4. 10,11 nc Ellll 1 . ,11000,1110;111111.11.11101. 011 ilor t4O, nolo pooinitel the NlAt 11 an 000.. of Inotunieoy. in iv bieli 01 .rho aboie artiolve elo hobble I) In ha 0.8010. eta it Los 0111, mo t .. pers. raiurti at Si:nai. ibirtietilars nbi,•ll bppeareil in the pobile prints. .111 I Ito ali ne aillkles sent fire, by 09111ers. for f 2,00. sm. either :lei mote.* the order, Or lo void to thu nol/1,00. :tgtint 011 tidal : , ry II rt. Co. l'orftnersto 1111•1111voo. Ilirgent St.. London. and 77 S rt.. 1 . 1111:011:11111L1, P.l. For Salo by all Inn siilst and Ileittitaer, The Tr.olii tisk 2.1, 00,-IY. CiA IiTET ING B.—Just received "at ruo,fore. no entire. nl I intritio, 'tog :tint to Um: Carpet intfs• .111'4 , 1 Er ion tLe •Mitioatdurers, and wiling at /ow pr tag for CII. In/ 11.11 Y, 'Proof,. • I)AINTS AND 01 bs. 1 io To,. Isi.ito Lend. 1000 halloos of nil. Just . revolved with a lalge assortment of Varnklies. File 11',Iocf Paint. ' • Turpentine, 11,conce 117llte, . Japan. • 111 lite Zino, l'utty, c o ired 1. nc, LithAntf. lied Lead, • IlliitlinT, Boiled oil. Blue, Lard 011, Shellac. ,,, , :perm Oil. Paint Brushes, Fish Oil, kn., Volors of e, ory description dry, and Oil In rang and tubes at 1.1”, hardware Store of March 7, '6O. IIENItIf SAXTON, (CcpaLai 2 4Ccona 2, 2) 1 9 1 0 FARMERS IA )1E BURNERS AND OTHERS. • Pia, undersigned 111, b on appointed 1.40 agents for the o . ol' ul the 110lb...flea Tres mit. Coal. This i'od is r - ,eoonnentled by Mr. Llndis and others who Imre tiled t equally as ,t tom: and I urn as amyl) pine per too. as ti.:ltens Valley or :toy other e.o.t: In 1.0. Perseus In want Lime Coal still find it to Ilwir In t"rcst to buy this coal as It costs Imin tsrenty to twen ty-llve cents per tan le. than Lylirns ' IVe into the prepare:l Treverton Cool for family use always on Land. Also a large stock of coal of all kinds. liar shwa of LUMBER Is largo and complete and will he sold at tint lowest prices. Thin lan' the past favors we respectfully ask a con tinuance of the Kano. ARMSTIttNO k HOFFER. . July 28, nr,o. rllO FARMERS. 80,000 harrels j„ Pandndte, nuoe by the Lodi llnnufirt raring to, for tale lu Last...suit purdiaseis. Thl,l, ono engive:T 11.ILTILIZEIt in marbet. $3 worth will 1111111111 . 0 en :I , re of t•orn. will inert Ise the crop from Inc-third to onelmlf and 11 limn the er re two weeks earner, and unlike ,uano, nelth r injure the r.eed nor land. A 'pamphlet anti tottisftetory evidenee and full partleuhus, will ho sent gratis to anyone betiding address to , Loin sl AN CVACTUIIING Feb. 8,-10t • My South Wharves, Philadelphia, ( - 1 . 1.1111 BELTING . . .11m4, rocolve,l a tar o assortment Of all stews.— OHIO Brltlud, Chun Hose, II ma. Pack., ac., and for Salo cheap at the hardware Store of Judo 22, WO, CIIIARC()AL.—Any amount of Char :o-die,;.,,,d4arit•olc,o,,,,):,(lll,.yulrj.,l3:it,gritinonli,rlsUan Leib, noir Rob. 22, 'tit .-3m. . 1! RP ET • 01-1 A. IN. —A new sup - ply`of jaaperter Carpet Chalajust reei•lvrd at the cheap afore oY - ' OUAS., 00 I LIM Feh.'l6, ISOI. Trust,. .Ph ISSOL UT ION 01? PARTNE R heroby given that th.tritarttler ship bsrutotoro'existing between 51 155 r 5D0ks s Augh. Inbough 'hos bee» dissolvod by !mutual voliaont. The books %Oil he loft for ,ettlentont, end the b 1 loess ear) riod on with rotowed , eituriy by • •'5 Month, 15. .MARGARET Sroil c.Roiim FOR RENT:- The Store noel!' on 'East 'Main Etivet reerntlY by LeldirliA tawyer, is offered for rout from the lot next. • • • • • • • , For temp enquire of 11.-A:Sturgie.n,•- '-• boo ,•• i • • it:LIZA JITTN•fin, • - It A NIMIIRIES:7•-4. *.upurbratuciti of Oritabogrilk{just n'r4 , - 43,113 bv • ; • , • • ° . • • J. Wl' FOCILI, Attorney at Law I. 0 ' Illee,witli J. I. Smith, Ilsq., In (111tyle llnw, in ..,39.r or•Frst' Presbyterian. Church. All Iluhiness en. trtratutl.to liini will bo promptly attendod to. May 9, '60.-7 y; , • OARD.—DR. JNo. K. SMITH . , re -Speattuily announces to his 011 frlt ads and 6.rus, Kam., that, Ito has returned front his south ,western tour. with. his hetilth greatly inunoveti, anti Ira's resumed his motile° In Carllslu. 01 , c . 10E on Mato clroet.on...,toor west of tho Railroad Depot, where, ho ran hit found at all bouts, duty and tight, when riot out professionally. 0dt.'2.1i;%1859-y. J. BENDER, M. D. I. (lIONDIMPATHISTO PIIVSICIAN, SUIIGEON 011oe on South If:mover Street, "formerly ceeNded be I), Smith. no t. S. 33. Id.ltik - TER, Office hi goal tyllannvor stroot two doors from Arnold & Sou', ton, anise hours, mare particularly fruit 7 to 0 o'clock A. 31., Illidfrotn I) to 7 o'clock, I'. 31. R. GT4,;ORGE S. SEA ir7l''4ll LJIIIMIT, DENTIST, froui the Dol. !Moore College or Dental, Surory, ot the re;ldoeeeof his mother, East Louthe, Areol, three doori below limllbrd. .11areh 19, 1 i69—tf. nOCTOR, AIDISTRONG.bas reinov k jrod illy ofilre to 'dm - South west Corn ,n of Ilm,ovor Pomfret st, where he Inv be vonsulted 111(1 thr or night. Dr. A. has had thirty :noaraCtisperloure n the profs Nino, the loot ten of which have .1,11 dero. Ate the study and practice of Ilounnopathic modi. .Ins. May 20, D .J. C. NEF 1 7 respect . ~ f.lly informs the hillies and 14entIonen ofC:irll•:lnnnd ctrioitc.llwthsLnarn. Ritlllf! thn per •tiat of 11.nitlqtrv. and la prep•m,l to pm 1 . 01 . ”1 I loath mill .5111118. belottirl, 11. TEO Win lucent full etc Irf teeth en inild or silver. ullh sinele . eitie teeth. or 1111,1,5. as theA 1107 prefer. fertile wo r lerate. to cult the thneit Dit . (I. L()0)I IS 113zinver st,eot, Eisan," . " next door to the EO. W. NEI MOE . , I). D. • S.— C ;1,. Petif W.V . ,. to ti, Italtimre Coll, , of ` • ut Li+rr.ldrnr:•.• , tialli larva, Carlisle, P.m )1 vim u or; 11.11..37. /S. W. 11. V ti VER.S . II.OIi, Druggist, North Itaovor Street. Corlitir. Phrkielao's protoo•lpitns.Notiftilly rompoutole.l A full quplily of crush Ifrott , a , ,tl rhemkt.N. . T A j:ll. ; 'harp, • Nov. 14. 1,60. o t. 14 often to. his Now oppositil lLtr,lt 1Hr,041. A\lr 1IA.111).—(!111111,Es E. ,11.‘ “1,1(7,011,; 4. t hi 1 1 ,.. 111 mtl s boil lint J.,41 the Iltriiet House. ils, Cl.,•11 I I IOIIN RAYS., ATTO NEY AT LAW.— , 0:11, en Agin :itreet, opp",lte " Marlln ,1). 111.JAI FLU Attorney at Lai' Nottli I hoo V 1.1,411.0. 11 few nNhof (;1..:• Hot All lot,lne,s entruottorio Th . 111 . .11111( ly.,t tvlifle.l to. [April T-Alv NoTHIE. = itEmovAt. a A M. PEN11.1. , 1; Li.n ' , moved hip nillee In roar t' oirt II 1'.1•1, 1 , 11 l .. .• kV prvisiptly attend to: ...in . .' no,. iiiitrn‘i , ol to lilts. Aii_mst 19, AIV - OFFIC E. -LEI! WEI, l'01) A Iris reQuiniol id 00. 1,3 w. 'litho., 54131.1,, west, side, near thu First Prebbyterl. Anrll 1557. ' • ~ATTOItN EY AT LAW. tint... with win Ilanuver Stri, Volktill-our S. 156111.. t N 1)11 W J WO- Attorney Loxingtntitit;ll:ll4lmortt. liu trot, pv,toliptly tatttn , ltt.l , in. • It. M. Jo .Irtrol, Eileen), 11. A. Stiirirron, ET Al.. • C April 25.%;0.-311:. =I \V. ATTWINEY AT LAW AND GENERAL AGENT. .71111lieS(11(1. ti t ' itg n r° l ng l e Itit.4.statt , 3,tvl no,ttri 1Dnit.4,1, , ,y tote floc, to the the l'autiliarl aid County Ilar, and to alt sit 'seas of Carlisle, to. 1.1114:'38-1y. Zej-- FARE REDUCED. - 55 A STATES UNION lIOTEI, _600..a.- 4 .OOELDIArket St., above sixth, " .1 M I.ti ‘y. POWER, Proprietor. TV.101:4 :—sl tr, per day. jua.PsB. . I UNITED STATES HOTEL.- ' • . . IC 41. II G , MIME N. 11 NTt; 11 , I FTGIiII 7 TRITI a d IFE 87' „II AS TREE 7; Opposite the Rail Road Office. pr,)— Fall an! IVisler • Nles (!f Cloths Co.simerrs and restioys nook to order. Carlihle, May 2, 11,61. BENJ. S. JANNEY,. Jgt. it CO. wiI.p4EsA.LE ERS, AND' ae PRODUCE COM MISSION MERCHANTS 1'0..005 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. , ALFRED D. ERICK'S. V'srrED STATES AND EUROPEAN PA '.l`. EN' FIC E, 14 Smith loottrtit Street, PIMAI/111,1'111A. N. IL—Commu;ki.mtious by mall promptly attended to Supt. 21, ',0.-. . • 'C HARLES RUMMY, PPRTE MONNAIfiI, POCKET }BOOK AND SNTCLIE 100.47 NORTH SIXTH . STREEI Mow Arch, Phila., formerly US North 4th St. Porto Moitualos, Cares, Pocket Books, Port Volts Cans, f.. 4 ntehdt., MTN:IO,4 ti,sos, Z‘loney Bolts, ll ork Box., bankers' 01,4,1, Porso.+, Et ules, WHOLESALE AND DETAIL Aug. CI, 1860,1 y.. GAI4 NI LEM EN S, FURNISHING STORIVAND SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No. 814, Chestnut Street, Four doors below the "Continental Hotel" and nearly oppo4to the •Siirarti'llouse", Philadelphia. A btre tissortntent of Dressing Robes constantly on hand. Farnhaar attention given to ordered shifts—a purfoet fit gusrooteed. trade supplied with tine shirts/ut collars un turn, 11013112 . //Inactions for nionsurkucut 'vont on appllontion by moll. July U, 18t10.-Iy. VAN INGEN & SNYDER, • Designers and Engravers on Wood • • N. N. CoR. PIRTII & CIIERTNITT BTh., ' • . , • • rXECTItE nll kinds bf Wood P4ngra ring artilrbeautr, correctness and dispatch. 011 awn' damignii turnimbsd 'for Fine looli Parsons wishlw.l cuts, by sending a photograph or • Da guirratitypo. can hove views orCollegotOburches, Store Fronts. Muiltines. Stucco, Vaunts, Lo a angrasoilaswBll as on horsonal application. - • • - .•• • • Fancy 4rivatopua •Isabels; Rill }readings; Rh,ow u na i nea and other' Cards: engraved •In the highest stYlonf art; and it tho lowest prices. pay spechninis of fine engraving sins the Illustrated words ofd. -R. Lippincott &Lb., N. Butler & Co. co, i 5611.-4.— MISTAK 11 Ail persona in want LI. 'of n bottld of FIJu Old Impoitiolond Puro BrattdY • or Old Ilyo Whlokny, orr . fu, Wltioo.• .tc., riot got, the 'paw follelo of the tirocory of Ulu Jath.t)l6 l sM ZUSIIICSS e,ures MEE ~ i ~, t. u.. '~u-i r gg. N 113 SIIA II, =I =I S. E. Cdr. 11(/i Narket Sts., ILINU/ACTI,'!IER J. W. S C - Oy T, WM. 8k71% TZ . . . An jili: ' ENV IN Ur 'IS— - - • ';' '-- PURNITU itIif':WAILE4I.OOIIS • - „„„0 - --.--,,,, --- 74:,: r. , 4 • .. • . . ._' --.,---- ~ , „ 1 1 , ..;.# I• . . ~. c •„c• ll .1 ,- 't.:..7.7. 7 . 4 ` I, /-- ,ILS api, :''' ' -4 1 , f . 1859 , 7-•-• - :-v%`!l , -'1"... .. • . - - - ---:-...• 4 Ifr • : ;;;-:' -, ;., .".• - • • West .Iligh,Street, CariEsie,_ Pa. - '-. . (I'remium awarded at the Cumbert. , ...nd'Vounty Agricultural Fair' of 1 . 857?) the gubFrriberpan Just resolved the most splendid as,ortimont of /racks In his linornier brought to this 'plare—which ho hi determined to sell st prices that de ly compel ikon. Purl°, 1 .tautukber, Dining-room, 1 PURNITUItE. ..I{ll.clten and i , . (Mice . , i'anbraciar ever; article used .by House end Hotel keepers, of, the Most approved ami kmbionable , design end finish. I urludlug also Cottage furniture In setts. reception and Camp Chairs, Mattresses, Wit- frames, plettnes, A.c., 4e.c. . Purchasers are requested to rail and examine his 'stock, at his osteuSivo wareduoms, West Main street, North side. A. ft. EWINO. .(t4— Particular 0 ttentleir . given OS usual to funerals; orders from town and country, attended to promptly and on moderato: terms. . A: 11. /.: Carlisle, flay P 2, I See.—ly. .. -'Lust - received - annt I le4 -- irelv — and --- eiredp* In( Ilfrilaragous, Dunbaf fi Dixon Liiiens, 31un lion; Cnllcuaa 4e., Ice. At tlu• clomp . Cloth Storo . • Nov. 2, 1,6 u. Oil.t i. 001L131'.1.rusteo. HOOP SKIRTS I 1100 P SKIRTS lattalt.noveliks. and at iron to dory comp° Lion. LlADicni,lEtiW rElt & MILLSIL INSIII.fAINCE.-TIIE ALLEN AND I:AF1'110: IN tit;IIANCII O..3IPANV to Condonlend rouuty. inetkioe rated by an net 14 ASFIIIIII4, Is how fully orgenizetlond lo 1111:4 . 4ti011 11114, 1.1111 loonngeto out of the lollowlug ointik,itmer, ‘l4: t• ' 11un1.11 NVllliusa R. 11..rguu, M1..1“.01 Corkll., .1. 1;1.1,11,...uer, (..hriNtniu Ft.tpluln, John C. Dun• 11. Cu0,.•1., 11)er, . 4 . I.Lrrly, Benjn• mil, 11. • .1. lir:milt, .Inseph Wiekerßlun, Alex:m.l,r CaTlunz t. The rat •••=. of iotoinory ory fto low and 1 - 1,01141 e ne noy Colopao) th.• Mild ill till. :into. I•ort.ou, ,vlFhing to 6r; tm toemb,r, nr, 1.11 iced ter mote opploeitioo to MO agent. , ta the etoopoily. obo ore Willing to wait upon I :Illy /"\ NV:fl. 14 001.0 AS. Prnoldont. 5T,11^.4.l N. VI. Pre,i.loot 1.1.:1V1:t II S' Sorrotary. m ICI; A CI lelt Tr 4 nsuro, )111)1,/p.ir. N ill It. 1/ni . ,/,. 1.. liver. Cliri4lll/1 Stay -111:1h. M. e1,e1.1i./..1. 11t.,111111. It. 31:11 tlll. 1,. 1 1 / 1 11y, 11. Con/ or. AI,. (%/11/calt..l. 11 itlelblialn, J. ger. S. ELerly..l. Lratic MEM CU ‘1111:1t1.21.N 1 , I'l , l']7' V.— .1(.111, She rrlek. nilen llonry Sloirenolostok, Smouel IVoodburu llov rbureldoe ; 311,de t,if frl h, r oot I, '1.111100,1 0.u..1 (:::1 :n, NV. Penni, hon.: Fun uol cooler. 1,...11.,,,,,,b0re; J. W. Conklin, ?1,e1.11,....b.d0., II; U. Coe, rl.ShophordsloWrif.l. Einx• fn, Silver Finkel,: Benj. Sliver Spring; Clotrlke 1i..11. rev doint liver, Carilhle. CoUNTY.--If. F. Pieblog...bover; l'eter W 01.• ford. Vioul : (:I if1;111. IVerrloglen .1. V. Peer dorlf. \Vogitlo,,tels: li. Rutter, Newburg; It. C. Clerk, 1/,11: MI rf1.....11”11..t.i . A i.,loitan. \lion Of Ow policii,aliont In ett pin-. ran loi,c I Item • I,teli uy inaitici; application to any of .ilic April yo. r . ARKIN CO., IA • 31,1,1vril I , ll()Torne.:i (LITLER]; S. E. Corner Eighth and ,tych reels, (I;:lriraNci; (IN 1;r1;11111 STItEET,) Aft, valay %V 11.'1'161101'1011, ill nll the thi• As L etallalmaly tifo atts atit , ll of their fiiaral• .tarl thin pahlir lu thelr 0x t,J,114,5•-,.11.1i,:au.•al ol.lrh no.si.porttntty thr pra.ada , Ail Si al loa , L, tinny I,!ilit4al pn par tl lulls a . t.• anpla to ~:ertallia all tint im lor,ocr.l alt 100. Ifloo vit t i Olio Art T.111.y )111V1111 llatollt :11 . 0111.101.10111. 101 . tl.lllOOl. 1/11,11yrr..01 pt.?, lee., A,- ninth- I-11. 01,11.11 e slz., if 0111. 1.1 thr kind ID till , r udrr. Atr“?liad to thin ri.talill•buient are ci•loring PooToooAvits. iii 9uding l'aintlo,!.,ox low nn 52,00 Do ulth Fram, 2,62 at 75 r9,le• 110 n otg. or Sr. 'l.l A/0 s 1 IV on and 15.n3 Irpe at price. I maiso i i mbrotypes a 6. .50 1 ., 1110.V.1.115. A nio.t. t,11.11,11, ❑ ,lortllll.llt 111 (lilt FratniiTninlirni, in;; a ' nelect. 111, i.it stylus. Irian 02 cents Him ards. I: I.r Pit atinntlnn own, styli Photo in l/il tran , firte I Ir ra rumtl iiiclutiniondfroua 111, Price. tnnu 150 00. 1;6 , 1 nutrizeti.m.4l,iiiii 111, Art. Ent., Iy. COURT II ()C I.A AT lON.- WIII.RIAM the lion. a.\\:Ln It. 111t.%11A31, Preti. dont .Itid,o of Ow to ‘eval Collr to of CoOllO,Oll Pesos or the Counties of Cuotberlawl. Perry and Juniata, and until tho roveral Courts or 0) . 01 . 11111i Terminer and thowral Jail Delivery in n:d,l vottotie,. and Ilan. SAN-. Mei Ifoo. 01.• Ill IN, .11111..f,t4 or tho Coln t ufilyerolot Ter miner and general 3,t11 Dldivery for the hill 01 dl ettplt.tl and other offenders, :ill tho raid collOt V off uoLlwrlntill. by their precepts to no di reoted, union tab of Ntwonaerlo(o,havo to•deled thoLlourt ottlyerantrfortnltior and Ileneraldall IWllvery to be holtlon of l'.l.llLlSl.l•4oo.the second :tIONIIAY of April. 1001, (liehlt; the hth day.) at 10 oclock In tho forenoon, to vontlnue one weelts. IlE1:11111' ut V. EN to the Coroner,. au, lieos of the l'eaee and Conidahles of the sold county of . tins they are by the .. o ld percept r om tt,Ll„,tcl. o thou and thorn In t proper pt.rt•cue, will, theirrecord, exandnallont via all at her rentotobrahees. to do tin, Ihltws .151111 ,to thelt•ollivorct;iportain to be done, and all thoce that aro Iwowl by rtwo.colvantees. to lirose..uto 0(01001 tho - Todstl•ort.rtliardt - d•or• theit•cloilf •Irt l dif - thi , jtill — of sold eulogy, are to too there to prosecute 1111.111 as shall be just. • r 110137. IcCAItTNEY, Sheriff. S‘trnirCe flErre•., Feb. h. I till. 11AUGI.I'S RAW BONE SUPEI:-'IIOSPHATE OF LIME BAUG•11 . & SONS, No. 20 Saµll Who cep • PH if Lel DE L P Cash Price, *45 per 2000 lbs , in strong Sacks PA BIERS, REMEMBER! This ort wig; is in eirtred nom UAW •lION'ES, and ;con tain., a ilir: , 11111 unit of ivrtilizinu con,titueut,, cutbod ie.! ill 110 WI, 11.1.1111.111 , 11. I. It if. Superior to Piro VI:111 tl nano, producing, in soma "ea , os. Gn per rent. loom. 2. It eosts f•I 1 par :1. It 1111 111., virtue of Pura Bono, 101,110 yau loco uo In a:atilt:: far If—ti ark at undo. 4. It Ineulrhes precisely the hat required fortho grow orop. 5 It permanently Improves the It prod tt ue• In ego crops of ci•ls's. 7. It prevents the at ta.i.s of worms. a. It does not bahaust tiny soil. lb Tito last tensor, üby you should use It. Is that thin you can wake a pravtlcal boot as to the truth of all Eh", asap: Lins. It wilt soot but Hutto to give it it trial. nlko fonnufhoturo no nriklo of ' "GROUND RAW BONES.," (guar., u t led pure.) • , Cash Price, $35 per 2000 Pounds.. Tim gib,. Minurev we warrant entirely fteo from aoult,Tatko t umnufiuqured natter the pprfuluil Superintendence of Ole of nor hint. Cad & SON:4, No. 20, South Wharves, Philaild. RIZ. The 1.141i,,t CASH' PRICES paid for 110N1,8.—.Ts It) \V A R 1) AS .1: l e 4 l ST 10/NI e 11. A h A lronevolcnt Instittithni, 0Rt..41, • 6nJ Ly kpoeial en. downteilt for the relief tiie sI • an 4 , distremted afflicted with Virulent and Epidetnlo:discin.em., nod especially frr the Corn the hex out Organs. . • MEDICAL. ADVICE given gratis, by' the Acting Sur• goon. to all who apply by letter, within description of their eandllion, (age, °crop:Mon, habits of life,' and In eases of eirtretuu.poverty,.llledicineg furnished free of rhargo. VA IX A IILE II (TORTS on Sperauttarrtnna, and dther Dli,oanca oP t hU Sus nal orra bF, and on tho NMI' It 1131- EDI ICS employed In the In, , peuslry. Feet to thVafflicted In sealed let te, envelopes, fire of charge. Tw6 pr three Stoops for pistage Will be acceptable. Addro.,, I.IC. J. SKII,I,EN ILOUtIIITON. Acting Sur , ge ,n.ll,vard A soucintion, No. ^ South Ninth Street, Ay order of the Plreetnr6, EZRA D. lIE:I.IITIVELL, Ptesidc,et OEO. Secretary. Starch S. 1861.—15. T, 2 OIL .I{ENT—The large IL flirt,' story Brick House with ?It T largo ruler td feet deep, situntod oh '6 alf 6 = V Main '{Pest Mn Stkeet, bo routed rein the Ist April ISO!. Call at the - Jewelry Store In sold building. ',tine 1.5,'1800.'" Q TILL TRIU. DI Ph , !1' . The tumid to filiceepl of the Prairie' Flower Orsak more, traumas the sulverliter In calliqg the Attontlan of all who may went n superior fitovo to•call in& e*. amino the only . stove that has given universal c.stlsfae. t. Oen. ' , WHAT IS iNADIED OVER OTHERS is • • • per cent. to fuel. ; 21slit.d..AAshaavi'tnege e a r n n.u dq in uilie t r n (Trim from the same fire,: —: 3d. Alarger Oven than any other stove of the samara*, 4tln'llbe preservation of 1100 centre Wee from sinking - saving repairs. Bth. 'rtie'bust linker, Register, and Cook now In' Uth. superior arrangement for donning the - illicit, ith,.A perfect Iles Consumer for either word or mid :84' The J.Tairie flower is Warranted to. glvd natistaatton id every ferrilmilat; and will be shown with pleasure to all who mar eal whether desiring .to purchase. orltiot, ..Ruy quantity of reference' In town Cr collar*. + l .. A tow tithbr gothl Cook Stoves on band, which wi ll be sold verydoiito close stock. • 3s Spouting, Roofing; 'Job work, Copper.s,tilthing: add Shouting work promptly attended to. list tin orrasun4 , try...f All work warranted at the old , sta streotqwrth of Louther. • • - • • ' - MA ICY • :4: mtirtit'Ts,, • Old Copper, nrll9siind'hivrtor blithest, miceiudd Inc eh ordo . odc'.. ' 28,160,-d,f...‘. • . . • • I'anos - •