• TET`VER'S' ' -4VIIIAGN STTEIRS. • . The proprielms and !monthly' urern I, I', t ATE I/ STU - MAC II TEILS can opium' with pssfeet confidence to physieitum and ciLiy.eits generally of the 1/nited States, hesause the -article hos :di:titled n repu tation „heretofore mil.nown: A few facts upon this point will , vpealt. more powerfully. than volumes of hire ft, ,, rl ion or I.l.lzoning puffery. . The consumption of 11o=tetters 8111tillie11 Bit ters for the last. year amounted to over a half millioin and from its . manifest steady increase in times past, it is evident. that' during the coming yo•al . the 1 . 1111 , 111111,111R1 will reach near one'litillion le, 1I: 1,,s homely-A...amount could ne%er hits been but rtlll the rare mediciiml propelieo venial:lml in the opera• Lion, and the sanction of Iht leOst physicians in tin.se rot tions or - the eraintri where the erijilt` only recommend the lidless to their ,patients, are ready at all time.; to give te , tnnonial , lo its efficacy cares Ammo:hie licrangiunents ,and the disease' re.,tthing therefrom. `gi11...6 note enipertiry oldnined .by extraordinary ltilerts iu the way of Irmo paling the colUlities of tht' Bitters, hut it solid estimation of an involusitie medicine, which is destined to be as entittrittg as time itsiif. Ilostetter'a l'tettmelt flittet..4 hale proved a Godsend to regionq where fever awl :Igoe and various tiler 1 1;105 counted their Niilll:, : i '.to Ito able to state that the ' , •lff are a cert:dii cure 1 r• the hp pepis and dike diseases, is to the m•oprictor, a lin• alloyed ple.ootr... It a, novas :11111.01 .1 1111111i1l It r from the, stolm,cli, pot the 1.11.1,1, and IMpart:i 10 I Ill` 111 . 11,11 , givir,g it that lone and energy it:di:Tem-ohm for the reslortl of health.' It opernimi upon thee stomach:liver, a :oh,' ive organs, mildly but powerfully, and t-mot re. (ores them to acandition en-..ntit.l to the lhalthy dhchargo, of the fintetions of naturtg. Elderly per::oti, may u 0 Ilto 'litters daily as pet dircetiun my. tl:e ; , 11 , 1 11,0 . 1 , will ill it a l4l111,1.11::!11 I.t ad:Jl.l,l to u01:Ilurt declining a , if i t pion: ant 1.. Lite Ittllttle, , `illvigoratitig to t he 1110.1 , 1'. e% , •lljelli tonic, and rejuvenating I,tvo .11 , evi dence of n,ott lint' woinen who have not; oru,ing 116 3 preparation Nvh;le rip! , t-roionch de rungementH aiyl r( y act leg und'er the advice of qey c :d.ondonel all deleterious tint , i Irly feted tlie medic of this 1,1 , ; gentler sex. Th, ivhen their cures me :II i•14"1::::Ils 6fihern sink undisr Lilo a i.ll. ;1 , 2 t„0! her and child IS :Ilk r,•ririor., il e a li re inather, ii : 1 , / PO opt In forget lie 0nn.1,, , ,,1th in Inr nnxh•iy tor her iuratgi. ::1 I r nn nlnternity arrive (hiring li.c : bctly:atni mind i. , nr.,1,t1. Ic:o, then, is ti rate OW k.i , I . l' ! ' 11:11Jle Ilie r> nlOt her In i U-ric irrg trials and •. pone, rally 3..refr.r I org ILnt ; Noll t= 1,0 'of 100,1Py ll=l 111,. , p. .i• . f 1,1,111 V, L:11,1,11'11C11- )nrly rerert , -1 •. 2 • r fever stt.le I 1! 1:: trrl..e.t, dysentery. itcry. tt. :, 1 1,1 ‘litte;e.e , lll - 0 , 1”111:1C11, IllIpC1 . 11111111:11 , 1 tlr !lilt' .• I till ( . 011 , 11li t.)1C11 1 I.IVII - 1 4,1 ' I.y 10 11,i teltel's ;-t , .1 CAUTII IN.-- - 11 i.;:l , lio‘Jlff.lll!St, 111411ig (((I) (C 11, 1,114, ;I 1 ,, 11 , (t.11111,r -feilr, 111 1,4 - ; . I 1'1.1.111:111.11 STOMACH 111TI•!. , 1 • I t1t04,0,1s /r.. 1. blown on 1130 utol !1:11111 , 1 On the 111 , 111:114: r^p . 2 thy. roll:, nn ,1 observe 1111 I our . i:;ottire 'I., on I lro Prepr,ro rm.l , :c.hl by ()Li T ez, BMITIT., l?i IN ii r,gh, in,. and old by al I druggnas,. 111 . t/C 0 .•• • : , . 1111,1 • (11.,Heen guLlerally throughout Ihe Ame rica, and .Cicrnul L. men. 3. II ,Lt : , . \l" C. Atth.t. .1,h1: 14.00,,, c.. men. .1. enorally Iluut il:•• 1 01171,'•. t 1 Thouaands :sre ;1 ri::• Tr, hi r . , D . 1: A T tq: INFANTILE and why? lILI 0.,!..uh 0 0 relief I,lll'll 1i:I ••/: I•!- . • ; ouo trlol :dime 1 .11 11,41. ,slottq• .3 . i. truo,..-It-000thios. - NO PAIIEGORT Oil OPIATE of any lnlud, in:n.ll6, Illy of: I. 1;;;;;;,.. , ; ;I; ,•l, itil4t ,sonsibilillo, 1, :t n it- , the only 114100, rot o tp i. , u 'ore C. , i1t11 , 1.111 Teellthog, nt et y, Orlle ing lie A. 1.111:: ol thr ,Stn•in Wind. Odd in tl.. Ir,d. c.nt filo gun, tn.l Ilo; twill and relln.vln, 1. .In. it I. ,n'n “..;,;;;;;-.!;;;In .; to 1,111 ; ,F,, 1110a1V it 11 . 1, cl I. it to ;1 . •-.1.•;;... , I o •, , II rot., ;II COllVllihillik or 01hr t .1• lire and In:•Altli 114111 from tlnnFula.l tind .;11.1 1 , 111"11 nrr certain to re:mt •• ot . 111 4 j, other reun.illn, tn , t• take nom , but lilt. 1;.1 VI11.1! (1)1:1.11.11., thltryou r.III Illy 111., n. I I I , yn •.• 1.:11 . tn1v , ,i and cannot Injoro ILr ni., , nt illl'lnl. frier, rent„ YUlly:tirertio, ar, ;lop to , ....I.]; Io 1.1.1;;. Protrirml ofily by - CiiViteli A 1)U1 11N1'. No 4 I: , Br. y Now York. i ; .. ; rP V 4 I VI? t F( tPg4;7,'.51?•,;.2',- :.; ' , - : ; : i 4 'i'-'i','tAGil.: 5,Y..-:l.pi 1,.p,,i, .t1..i.., , Healthy human 1:1,,,14.1,,-thg A N YU :I) • always present, 11, r , :!:l•litliti elements and gives , ol' ices,. the Trtt, r-tand.tr.l. th Blood of a pre On hollering from Ci:11:11 111 1411131, Complaint, hyspen.i.,, find in every instance era fain in I lir rarliliilailea of Blood. r , upply ?I,nd von alit well. The /I , I) Volejt) II 1:011 t —hence It, astool•hing surer,. Alirle b'il'l 1 1 Fi. El 'A It Al' 1()NS" adapted to the delb icpet.... of the /flood in IllifFrent diseasea. hoe Cough , ( . ..1.1•, gr01..1.4.4. or, any alfer lion whateror of lb,' NoAT holm.logynn• agniptlon me No 1. wide!. the :No: fir De. pression of .Vll., tile. and for an Uhrom Complahili, arl , in, • , s, Ucnr,.d IPrhility, and Nerv,om4 1'r..5tr.,11,,n.N0. r (2, NO. 3, for 11ysprp...1.1. gem,: rvliar,..l sorption it taken anti into the eit,ulation, nn (list what 3,nt ietalu. The No. 5 le for Fenelle lir TORSOS, Sol. airrol lons li.r this. Vrir r , alt Ithenm, Eruptions, soul Bladder Complaints, take No. In. in lilt. dile:4,ll 110_04 -bo strictly foltowod. frier ~f P!.,.1 rend $1 per bottln: — Bold l.y (111.1Itell 0- lt:floNT. • No 100 liroad, ay. Now Volk. J—.lV__Dyntt—k *le.( Philadelphia, and G. it. 1i,t..y1..er - Pittsburg Wholesale • For Sale by'S; DR. ES ir.vovuliiil& , TAR AND WOOD Ill'A P'.l'il Ali El CTOlt A L IN the bo.a, medicine in thQ world or life (awn 0 Coughs end Uelds,Croul., fieuerhit ii, Aetluei, DM...ally Ili breathing. Palpitation of the II eel, Dlldheria• m u d for the railer ul pi Ocala in the advanced stz:gen 01 '0 N SII:11 it'tT 10 A. together with all d . llot, of the Throat and Chest, and a }deli pre,' •ast. In Censtinua ion. It Is peculiarly ad' pled totic radical cure of A,tlitnn; Doing prepared by a pr.:livid l'hysidati anti Druggist anti One of great ea p,rience In the el.lll. or tin, Varioll,l diseases to which the human frame Is I{lo,lo. " • 4t is offered to the :11111.•Vd Xi ith the g t , atest confi dence. itiv„Try it and he convinced that 1110 1p valuable In the cure of Brourhleal affections, Price 00 cent:: per ' bottle. - ESSN}SEEII'S AROMATIC' 11.1 LS A)1, a very valuable remedy for Diarrh o ea, DyseT.te y, Cholera Murla,s and all Dow., 1 alletions. 'fry It-14 ice 55 , ,ruts per bottle • he above medicines are pi rya! err only I,y Dr. A. SE WEIN Cc CO., Driv.teihts ad Cluuni,la N. W. Per o N nth At. Poplar Streets, l'hiladelphit. Sold by.eiery rex actable Druggist and Dealer el Medicine througildut ~7 . , the State. . . 'June 22, 1800.-Iy. . _.... • POND'S , EX . TR ACT OF HA MANE LIS - . ,Olt - PAIN I . ) ESTROYI9Ii.. II One Of the few domestic remedies i, Wei, ha re canto Into general use and thoor, Cott hunt pulling. 1t is Lilo . product of,, Sitlllite 6111,11,• 11i1111111,: In all l',lces, And MI a domestic rennet v unequalled her BUM., ants, Ural- . see, Soreness. Lainetwas, ll.wilas, Itliminitrism. Bolls Dicers, Old Sores told Woo uds, 1 t hat. nut :1114.1111.1 :w 1, ' It, Is also "sell ti ..1 great Hume, foi Toothache. !Icedho- Neuralgia, . re:Div-at, Colic, Diarrhoea, IIoaiNUIIPFS, and other similar ttput.loFol:lo awl p3likrul.loll,etlous, whil&Apromptly seed,, oil 'll.oo.,rliagem. Ittaidreds Of physicians use It dikliy in their Tiantieti4Oud give it - their unqualified n 631111110 nal tI011; • Sold by our ageut9 and desiors, and It . F. li - iil'ilitilYS .b . CO.', 522 Moildway, ' tjult, Pri Bed Muuufaetui era, . AFgasta e , clo.-15.. . . .. P " RIFY THE .B L - 0 - 0 D - VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS, The lib4ll Ind envied celebrity which these pre.tnt nunt 310db:files have acquired for their Invariable ufl• y cacy in all the diseases which they profess to .cure; tins rendered the UF11:11 practice of pulling not only unneres ' sory, lint'unworthy of them. 'they 11r11thowts by their fruits: their good works testify for them, and they thrive not by the bith of the credulous. !Wall imseli of Asthom, Acute and Chronic Khourna .tism. Alroel.lollfl of the Bladder and Kidneys. ltilllons Fevers aunt Idvcr Complaints.—ln the South 0113 Wesl where 4110 so diseases prevail. they mill • be found,invaluohle, , Planters, farm 'es and others, who o nee use these medicines, will neverafterwards be with out them . Billions (ludic oli'd gitrol.l,+ T.OIOI)CNS, MICH, Costive.- Col& or d Coughs. Chore. ,CoSSC. , IPTION —Used with great success In this di- CM' Atilt If 0111M8, brOpik.N. Dyspepsia.—No person b HI, title distressing .lise..se should delay using these quollitites hannoliately. • Era Wilms MO.. h ue, Eryolpelas. Flatulency and Fe ver 11111 i A tun.—Fur thigS4.lllll.ge of the Western country the, Illegii•ltleN Win 110 11.011LIII rnpb spredyuud rertnin remr lv. Other Incilielnesieave the system .mihject to a.r..t urn .4 the mom by these nMilielnes is pernrotent.r. 'Fry them. be satisfleil, and he eared FOUI.N ESA 01 1 COMPLEXION. MN ElI AL DEBILITY. flout, clidditu:s. ravel. headaches of e v er y h i nd , I n , l „,i v inflammatory It heinuatlsm, , Impure Blood, Jeanine°. Love or A ppe(ite. LI V hit CU3IPLA I NI'S, \ LEINDM.Y. LOOSENESS. )IEIIOUIt IA I. DISEASES Never Lille to oradivate eutitely al: the (greets of Mor eno, infinitely vein or than the most powerful prepara• lion if N:vsap:ndlla. , Night Sweats, N 0 1 . 1 .111. Debility. Nervous Complaints of all lel mi.., Organic Affections, Palpitation of the Heart Pain tera' VT LE?. rho proprietor or these medicines WHO cured of' standing by the 'tile a those met' Paine in tho heel, side, lack, limbs, joints and GP I. ow+ 'nose /11111 tpa,ith iLie terriblo dine.° r9ll ho of n•lirf by tip, Lilo Me , ll , hies 1111.11 or Ittuipl to the 110011, Scurvy, Salt.ltheum or E I NO'S EVIL; In Its worst forms U re,r of evetidosrripllon. IV..rnis of 01l kinds ore Oh... Wally expidtP.l by tilos ent, will do Hell to adminlstor the, on n ir, exkloore IN smsported, Relief will in remain. THE LIFE PILLS • AND I'INENIN HITTERS PURIFY 'I'RE BLOOD, Avid thus roomy° all diereses from the system. Proc„tryd by DR. IflLi.i.lyl It. :Ili/FEAT, No. 335 'Moffat Building) N. V.', by all Druggists. July u.-1 v. rIIS. WiNSLOW, an experience •-• I Ferrile Pliv,llLn presents to tl attention or mother , her - SOOTHING SYRUP, - PON,CEIILUI.GN TEETHING; firilihite, the of teething. 1.3. ri nil ill al -1 nil p.I in Ali!!11 :Mil in ,41r, In remit lote the howeir. Orlin 11 1111'0).1,, it sill give rie't 1: .1N1) %Uri! TO YOUR INI')ON'S •:I! this 3rtiele fin. avrr ie iiieonllllolll.l. 2..01 troth of ,v11:1 17.• 1111‘e 1.1`1,1 tttlier net,. it 1 . 411,111 i " rl ; iu ur. ,l nen Nut ly t0...1. :it 1.•• lor .li.) w 1.1101, :111 in-! .01 1 1 . 111 :1 - 1 4 • .Larne o . ~. t1i , ,t1,1]...1in; • by on) en t v. r ..l: i v 11 „ , . 1 . 1 I ~1 1 1 , . . ...... 5 ,... z .,.,- L71.]1 . 3... ( . 1 ) , , , , , i r , h } . ;t 0. 4 , , ,, , v.. i.. h it, otr-i - - _,rat In n. o .1 ..i.:11. 1,, tof no:or 1.1.A....1 ennonondalion of 11. Ina g1...1 'li .I. and 'moll( 11 virtu,. lie Hood: In 110 1,1 111 , ••, hat. Wt. .I , rhnon. - alter ten 1.:11. , I • Stieli..lll . 111,1 1 .i.. 1 _„ stir tvi ‘11:41 ior for the folnimonl of ~),., ,-,- i...,....0.,r, In .th,p,t,,,,,y 1” , t,.,... tow., Ito 1,.1.,... - i, ~,n. ih,..., 1...‘, poi n owl exhon•tlon. relit with h.. 1.1411 1 ,1 in Otte-nn or In noty lulonfi . o. aft,. tlo ; 3., ~,1 1 , -'. 1.111.111i,1, 1 , it. 11111= 101 l Or 011, 01 . 1 11l :1111i No‘, end iii pr.•ii i ~ever failing sueve, TI101.•' NI)S OE CASES. moy' lac invi..v to , lo •11 , 1, to t 1.5f.1in. It Will 11.111,, IN Till , . stowEi.s AND WIND CIIOI.IC, MORI sp~• I I n ttli It 111 I l••In •I% In SEELI7.IIXisIa and Livr• in,..t In •hll MEM 11 , ;01 toi.t.11111V• 1, 1 . 11,111 oily e. 11.150. WO NlOlllll nun ono hor will, h Ot 1 1•1111 d npiTrrin> frolll oily he ' complaints not lot your ' prejtollcii nor olio or...lndio, of iitli.ors :stood hot Ween your still, tho retie! that will 1.0 SURE—yes, Al!. ULC 0 1:1,y SP 11 o tollnw tin, use of this ineilieloo, If timely I'llll 4111 , 11,1 S for 11611,. .1 1 1 :1 ,,010 • pone I.;tie. None ;ennui. unit,. tin, i s te—linilo ill PIIIIICINS, New Is on the • cifsido w ripper. cold he S. IV. 11 ivorsilelt l i lorlii Ilnnucrr st. anil S. Elhoit Nlnin 31101 14 . 11, , :1 , 1.: 1.111,11,11.111, tilt ,1 Prioo iitil Coots per Bottle. ' Principal 0111 , Ni 13 Collar NI.. N..l'. ,fuly 20,18141.-Iy. MI ' -.1,1 • ,• .1 1 ItlK' • • MEM I'm:17131111g w,. att acts uud'lhvu,hl:7 EIIIIME 'fILOCIIES I ROI% \ S TROCHES IMMill TROCHES EBEEED TROCHES uuou•N'S VIOCHES MESE TROCIIES MIMI TROCHES itum% v. TROCHES EDIZEM TROCHES I'l,o'l \ n TItOCTIES Ifflffl TROCHES =I A CARD TO Tli I LADIES Dr. D'upOnoo's Golden Pills for 'Females all obstrucacumfrou4 wha!ever cause, and always sueeessfal. as a preventive The Combination of ingredients in Dr. Dupeneo's (Solder* Pills are perfectly harmless. They have boon m.ud in the private practice of old Dr Duponco, Ihr Su 34%11 s, s nil I honsands of ladies ran testify to their great mel nom' 1d41e.: success in almost every M.ll, in roe. noting irregularilies, ocileving painful and distressing menstruat.loll. pacelcularly lit the change of life. Drum hue to tell pills willseure that COIIIIIIOII, yet 111 . .1(1(111 complaint, the Whites. Nearly every female In the land seders from this complaint The slime pill has permanenVy ruled thonsands,and will cure you if you use them. They cAnnot harm you, on the contrary they TOMOVII MI obstructions. and restore nature to its Koper Chilllnel, and ins Worst° the whole system; they are perfectly safe and h:u•utless. Price .$1 per box: Pohl wholesale and retail by S. ELLIOTT, Druggist, Carlisle, - Pa. ' who IS4IIO SAO shear t for that place Ladles, by renilf, tiny him y' to Ilio O Ca r'isle Post (Mee" can here the t ills Holit I..O'iiny part (CM, countty, tree of posioge, by mall. Sold also by elms. A. Bannvart, Ibierisburg, E. T, Miller, York;.l, A. Wulf, Wrightsville and by one druggist in ovary village nnd.towu in the Union. N. IL Look out for counterfeits. Iluy no Golden Pills of any kind, sinless every box Is, signed by S. It. Down. All others aro u base Imposition and unsafe, thereforJ, as you value your lives aud health, (to say nothing ot being humbugged out of your money) buy only time+ who show the signature of S. 0, Hews on every box, which has recently been added on account of a recent Counterfeit of the Pills. S. D. IIOWE7 • 20 Gl ly Sulu Proprietor, Now York. FXOELSIOR PICTU.R , ES J A. It. lIIIN WOOD would respectfully inform the citizens i,f Cllll isle and v leinity that he has taken roome ' 6a Zug's new building, east corner of, Market Square, vrinnn ho is q, all times ready to take AMBROTYPES , ' in the latest and most approved style. Pictures taken In rainy, and Mainly we.dhee so Well err dear, and eat. I election given or no 'charges made. Portraits and.pa motrm,types copied. Miniature Pictures taken fur • octets In tmbrotype. Alubrotypes warranted to stand thole:it of time, beta or ,y4tyr. . / • Ladles and Gentlemen are cordially Invite d to ea and examine specimens.- .Pri/ma irom lists. to $lO, Jan. 21, EMMEEM 1- 3 1 - 10 ET IX - BITTERS =I i ,1,1 Nf, EMB 111t11,111.11, Ptlt StL_ . ..CIIII,DItEN 1t h Wttl.lll Carr. C„ull l q Cold, I heel rsene s rylachill,. ,n,/ • 'lmi7aln,n op Sorenrms the q , ..'roat, lie e'e Bar!, Cow l h • in amminipliwi, BrOlt. Axlhnia; and Catarrh. Clear and ;fire strowili to El= ars I lie import:llmo •d' elieldthig it Cough d" ill ile first stage; that uthlrh In the yishi to a mild rsniedy, it iisdiseted. the Lungs. Ittstmliill'l'mahaß," Isinislyvat ihgredisutg, allay Pulmonary IP li ritatish. • "Tlnt tronl.ll.llllny'flirnat, (for Olitit tio.—Tro..llrl. a ~,,, if,e) hating loadu we II 1. ,i11,11'101 . ." - N. 4 , r reemmuttml their ire to Speaht.:,." CI I:EV. E. 11. NIA PIN. '• 11.1ve. proved ext....11101y hers Iceal•le fur 11n:1rtnucsh.•• REV. WARD lIEECII ER. "Almost Instant refP - In the ;11,1;,04. lug labor of breathing peculiar to A htinna REV. A. C. EGGI,ESI'I.O.. "Contains no Opium or anything In jltthan," Nit A. A. HAYES. 6 4 ChelliiNt.ihi.4oll. ‘ , r4 .., N11111114. ploasant rot Itr (..mtgltn, DR. O. F. IMIELOW. B.:lle4ivial ht Bronebills" I.R. .1. F. W. LANE. Boston. "1 born proved thorn oxek.lLvi!L for lVltooping Couali." 111;1'. 1I:15'. {VAIL ICES, Itooton. Beneficial when ebtnpelledto speak, staTering hoof Cold." Hi:V..5..1. P. ANDEIISON. St " Eliequal in Ifn:trtonessnnd f rrit...11,11 of the Throat, so 1:0111111011 With Spealters amt Singers." , Prof. \f• S'fACY Jllff NliON 1„t ❑e. , 're:teller of 311r..ie..Sniakom Female n 14,11 benefit irlien taken before and after rya...hint , . ms they prevent friars,,. nets Paten their prat effect, I thinly they will be of permanent advantage to = ,i 1" At Te zr Fold by 311 1 / 1 . 11 , 4i1i5t., :it T \VENTY— ri v I.: CENTS A IIOX. MEI 'doling or removing A. E. lIENWOOD. Artiut New. 001,10.0. SITTEJIrTI'OOr: NEW STORE AND;NEW GOODS After returning la acknowledgements for the .very bezel pattonagovlllch has boon extended to Lim; the undeeslgned would call attention to the fact that .ho has just re-opened hie extensive assortment of Welly " IW OERIES in his now store-r Ami, on the south.cest corner of the public square, where the'publleare invited to cull end examine a stock of goods which, inaileganco; variety end extent, will del competition; comprising In part loaf, lump, crushed and brown sugars, „, Jacit, Rio nod roasted Coffee. Every va rlety and quality of TEA, -Spires, (ground rrll " 'I ir s ro and ungund,) Flekels, Sauces, Table Oil. ,r- New Orleans, Sugarbouse and Trinidad V Molasses; New York and Philadelphia Syr ups. Cheese, Macaroni, Yermecilli, spilt Peas, Hominy, Mincemeat, corn Starch, Farina, Chocolate, Ektract,o. Coffee, refined sugar at reduced rates, washing and Laic- • lug soda. Tobacco atilt, moot favorite brands, and the fin e st quality of Segars. Also, a 'l,lmutlful assortmoutl of Britannia Ware, plain :mil g.. 1,1 hand China Ware, Wass, Queens, Stone and Earthetn Ware, In groat va t lety, and an elegant let of Fancy Soaps., extracts and perfumery for the toilet. FItUITS. Including Peaches In cans, ilkinlne. Coin. berries, dry apples,' citron, almonds, oranges, lemons, &e., lc. kb has taken over fifty Fleet Class Premiums at State I, Con nty Fairs. To the Farmers of Cumberland. York and A'orry counties we need not speak In detail of the merits of this drill, as scores of thorn are now In WO on the beat farms in these counties. Its reputa tion Is established as tam most complete Orate Drill now manufactured In the United States. It cows Wheat, Ilya, Oats,, Barley and Grass, evenly and regular, without bunching thnseed. The gum Springs pass the drill over stumps and stones, without breaking pins or the drill. For even and regular sowing. the Willnngh . by Gum Spring Drill is Unequalled by any other. We FISH AND SALT, also manufacture and sell the following articles, which A large Stock of I.AMI'S, I ncludline Dyrdt's celebrated we eau reMIMOnd to Fnentern as reliable Implements, lamps for burning. IS e'osene or coal oil, also Sperm. of established character: Phut, Lord and Coal :011, Burning Fluid, Sperm and MORRISON'S PATENT CORN PLANTER, Star Candles.: LASH'S PATENT STRAW A FODDER CUTTER, CEDAR-WARE AND BROOMS. BRI DEN DOLPH'S PATENT CORN SHELLER, 111. - lisle's, Ropes, 3lopps,, Soaps, Door-mate; 'Waiters, HAHN'S PATENT CIDER MILL, Looklng.glasses, fine letter and note paper, Willem ,TOIINSON'S CAST IRON 1100'S TILOPO 11. Ware, painted buckets, Se. Also, Three amid Four Horse Powers and Threshing Cotton and woollen hose, and half Dose, and a full Machines, Cast Iron Field Rollers, Plough Castings of stool, of Uloves, Including tito well known Ilanovol various patterns, Corn Crnebers, and other articles fir Dock :loves• Farmers too numerous to 11111110 t). Also, Egg Coal LIQUORS: Wholesale, and retail, embracing common and old Bye Whig. key, Brandies. dark and pale, Lißbqu M=IIIO=MIMMI 3inseat Wines in caalta and bet. taw, &etch 1l hickey, Holland Gin, and Scheldaui Schnapps. _ In short. I& stnelc comprises everything that Is called or In his 1t.,,, of business, nod no efforts will ho spored ("render untie° hathithetion to his customers. Carnal°, Oct. 27, 1858-Iy. ATZ,.‘larkotlng of all hid taken In exchange fo g6otle. •" Okiiltlo.ll' MILL" FAMILY GROCERY AND TEA sToit, Just revolved and in store, a fresh and well se lected assortment ,of Rio, Java and Mara caibo Calico, Roasted Collet., Crushed ts - cc lard Sugars, Relined and other brown Sugars, superior - Syrup Molasses, Orleans (baking) Mela ace s. SpiroS Of every variety , — o pure only; Starch, Farina and • Clavolate, Maecaronl, Cheese and Crackers, Taploea and Sag - 0. Indigo, Pa leratns and Soda, Cream Tartar and as ' sailed Pickles, Mustard and Coriander Seed. TEAS: •A tine assortment In Pa . ekagots, and in bulk—as well as all other articles lis .belorming to the budnes,—all at the low est 14. ' 11! and late reduced primes. „ t . , J. W. 1131(.. ]'\\r GOODS AGAIN. 1 At Ogliby's Cheep Cash Store. toile I lot 0 Merinors, 1' olloodes. Deb:does, Calicoes. Flannels, Blankets. rlhawls, Cloths, Cassinieres, ,Sr.. bought for rash at the presrnl redured ritY.. prices. and 11 111 be sold at unrouunonly low priers for the Cash. Now Is the time for great bargains. lbwolivet the store, Ilatnilton's (awn, opposite the Railroad Depot. Rec. 14, TO. . CHAS. 00 I LIP, Trustee. - 1) EDUCTION' IN THE PIIICE OF DRY GOODS. ILI I? 0 A INS !' BARG I ! ! We have, Fiore the Nor Veir 'reduced the price 01 our , 1,1 , 11 t, Figured 'Merl ooes, Hew:, Del:does, Cashiiikes.snd 401 other hand.. 01 &eta gods. floods of nil • Shawl.: every Cloth Al:intl., and ila g lays. FURS ! FURS ! ! FURS i !! At g reatly peters. Burr, N t lio have not tap 0 1i...1.t 1111,011 es ti Itii‘ii.otiq suitable for the rt.:0.011 Will lunt it tin their ativaritage tri 1,111 and Ire 0111 latlek ;Is or. :ire dolornillied to 110,:o out our Winter Stork at vory bill ill Lie. • • • Stu,[: Is toll and conipi.•to i n a n ki nds of d o . 41ral.le g oods. 1.I.:11,1C11, SAWYER ,fr 3111.1,11 f. Carlisle, January 11. East Main Street. " ItLDP) Arl'E 'UAL, 1.(101i1No tiootts oral! hinds. .Itlonkets A liepteln a Wholcot le and Itrtall ntory Nov 5, 'Go. LE:11)111i, SAWYER MILLI:It. VOVEMBEIL 2NI), 1860. 7 L 1 rtii-Thl. readeo, ol the "Ilintm.it'' are reminded that 1 have justsbrunrht from, the city a largo supply t,G, Alt Cl'ItED II ANIA AND BEEF I Dried Apple, and l'ent•ltes t l'rehli Tomatoes In vans, fond; 3tuNilroldin., the very different lambi of mixed Vustnrds and :Mures, 1.1,111/111i /11111 OrAllge , /, Prll/411 , . Figs. :Attars. Coffee., Teas, 31olast , es, Fish. 5011, Fine Segars 111141 Tobacco very 111111 Bounties, Old I:3e Whiskey, Wing, ,te ; beiddes a general liFsort. moat of ginuds 111 our line of trade, 0110...1 at the vary lowest pt lire. :Olt CASII. • WM. IIENTZ. Nov. )lADE CIAThILING I WEI ,T,Nili CO/iTll:ill ") utTriNu cLoyIINGI "rho subscriber lute: J4/4 received n very superior ell selected stuck of SPRING & SUMMER CLOTHING ?. Consistind of Casstuero, Sumuu•r and Italian doth.•Al parrs, litrA - atles. Linnet) and (lottonado, Coats, Pant • Shirts also zdll, and Satin tests and In short uTur) thing . hat the.way of'IIIIINILNTS...IIia . Mock of. ENTL E.I/ENS' FURN IS DING GOODS, a.l been seliTted with It Vl,l 3t deal of care, and shirt coats, Ac., kc., are sold at unusual low prices. TRI/gES cmtpET MAIN & VALISES, . The subscriber would call special attention to hi rgo stock. of,t HATS A'ND CAPS Mole be Las iv mires! nip] Is nellhm them at very low .cores. 01 the above you can vein ince yourself ley ' tiling ut.. the Cheap Clothing Store neer the Markel OUSI • ASHER IVIEL April 11, MO. JUST..OPEINED .A.3a.cl for Sale. Ono of the cheapest and best selected stocks of Dry Goods, ever opened In Carlisle, Pa., IN row In the rosin of A. W. Bent., consisting Impart = Sillco, Vh tired Mvrlaos, Castlnivres, all wool Det a in,. • and - orory ntylo or DrosA Neon In the eastern mar o,o'lll MANTLES, iwo and stripes of every style. My stork 'of Mantles acknowledged to be the newt complete, ever opened this 1113 C, WHITE (MODS • purchased from the host houses lu Philadelphia diet New York, eall be had utter at loss than usual retail 'ytrless. harxin this branch, Linens, Lures, Edghure., . . . • . l'ambrlcs, 1111111a:1h+, NaitFoaka..laconotts. MUCUS. Mtli M UNIIOF , &c., all which I.k but au exatuluatlon. FURS, The best article of Siberian Squirrel, German Lustre do., Stone Martin and :+ll.rer do. 1 have at omit two hundred setts, but of whith all can select. EMEMEI AnthriCan, English and French Prints, all et the hest umtinfu•t tiro and colors, Lancaster, IVa tort wlst and Manehaster Gingham:l, Fla oriole, Illankttla anti everything usually found In a well regulated Dry Good,/ Store. HOSIERY' AND GLOVES, Ilk, Woolen. Cotton awl Man Hose foi• Clilldrpn, 1.0. It, and I ieutlouum, KM, lad Fiukli, Silk, Unto thread ud Wm: Buck (11noes fur Gents,, M= Cloths, C1110:11110r0S. Vcidingg and Shawls. There is no place this side of Philadelphia, sthero gentlemen .citim be Otto,' out In hot for styles or quality of cloth and at as low rates as In my store. and see the now st) lar of Cassintures r neknowledged by too gooflOmoo of fhb: pine° to ho the prettiest and best over, brought from the eastern markets. - OAIIPETS4 OIL CLOTHS. • Superfine two and three Ply, Brussels and Velvet Car polo, of all sizes and figures and extremely low prices, one, ono and a quarter, one and a half, two and throe yards wide, Oil Cloth o6tlm_very boot article and sold at the very low price of fifty cents per square yard. Having enlarged my tqqm and added every conveni ence and contort for custoprers, I invite all to call and examine a stock of goods purchased for CASIE and see why it is that A. W. Bentz cnu sell his goods at such very low rates, It is to the Intereht of all who are In - nmi of Dry Goods to glvo our stock an Inspeetlon, my motto Ix to sell cheap mad please my customers, A. W. IIItNTZ, S. Honorer et., Oct. VI '6O Nearly opposite the P. 0. Carlisle Pa. T OOK TO YOUR INTERESTS.- L., ladles please take notice, that ono of our firm (laddlch Sawyer k Miller ,) has just returns. from New York and Philadelphia with a full stock of WINTER ROODS, comprising the newest styles of Silks. Vatoure, Poplins, Malarial Merino., English Reps. (plain and barred) Fronch Detain. and Merluoes, , American Dolninps 4 Dassimprps,_ 1 and nanny other styles of goods, which we can se -at Camas Pelona having purchanied since the late , Ing away of the market. ' MOURNING GOODS of all kinds, Merinoos, 'Bombazines, Cassbneres. Pelanes Ladles Coats, Raglans Cloaks and Mantles, Shawls of every description, less Mau manufacturers pricks. Furs ! Furs ! r Furs II ! • 81000 worth of Finest Furs of all kinds styles and sizes, Olußa t Cullk ae. Mons and Boy's wlnter,wasr, vroolorrShirts, Drawors Olores, Stockings, Tlce, nod Scarfs. • Ladioti` Waiting Cloths and trimmings. OMIRETBI CMIPBTI3II OIL OLOTIIS • Piirnlablng Goods, suitable for the Be.REIOR. Blankets, Yarn As. Wo respectfully Invite all to au Inspection of Our 1m• merle° stock, foulliut assured we cau oiler superior in. dilemmas over all competitors. At tho Now Store one door billow Illartfu's Hotel. Dec. 17,'W. LEIDICII SAWYER & MILLER.' g'oRAN BAGS.—Just received' and ftir EllllO very chop for Cash. ' v. 2, 1660. 0 LIA 8, OpILBY, Trustee Aliscellancous. Carlisle Foundryr • AND. - FARM IMPLEMENT DEPOT! F. Gardner .k ,Co. now manufacture- and •keep eon at their extensive Stepp Works on East Mathrstreet, Carlisle, large iti , sortinent rQ 11=11112 of 1411 known, approi , ed.'nFernlneso to farinerg. enlong which they would call esni.eial attention to WILLOBOII BY'S CELEBRATED PATENT • GUM SPRING GRATA - DRILL, . . . Stoves and Ten Plato Wood Stoves, With an lonnengu variety el - other castings for housekeepers and .others. Wu have also an attractive variety of patterns for EIREMI IRON RAILINGS, and CEMETERY ENC,hOSURES to which we would call attention. Steam Engincn and 111111 Gearing. To this department of our 1111.4110 PS we give portico ler atten t lint. Our already ex tend ve stock of patterns 'for Paper, Flour nod Saw Mill Oearlng, Is constantly IncreaKtng. 31111 Owners and 31Pi1l"rielits will bo 'fur nished with a printed , crtalogne of our varlou . s 31111 Pat terns, on application. Our Machine Shop comprises all the various tools Fir to uimt, platilineand finishing Shafting and CaotinKs. by g ad and carelnl Machinists. STATIONARY STEAM'ENGINES of any desirable capacity, from ten to twenty-lire horse goner, built In the best style and a. /I,ollllll.dat Ing terms. Engines built at our establishment may be seen In successful operation at many of the largest Distilleries and Tanneries In Carlisle, and Cumberland Perry and Dauphin Counties. to the owners of wide'. v. I, confident ly - refer for Inhumation as to their ellicien cy. Persons wanting Steam Engines arm earnestly 're. quested (orbit and examine before contracting else. rollers DOOR AND SASH FACTORY., Connoeted with our estal.lishment Is n Steam Snob find Door Manufactory whirls is nou in complelo order for the floutufaettne of ere, y de1...4014.n of BUILIJIMI MATI;RIALS. for the most rosily as well As Ibr IdniOl•q house. Win dos Sash furnished from 5 rents upward, according to Platt 01 glass: Window flames from 31 upward: Shutters and Rolling Minds limn 75 upward; Four tattel Inmrs frouri:2 12 upward. Mouldings,. Casthrns Nrehltmses. Wash Boards, Itmelrets, Fancy Drapery, :Wells, and other artieles needed to house building, fornisbral ut the lowest prices and of the host quality of lumber. tr9,lle are also prepared, as heretofore to build repair lilt 111W.N CAIN for tra»sporterson tiro railroad, with promptness And on renSolllli.il. terms. The continued patronage of the public is r e gil e erfany Ordetwtry mail promptly attended to. ,May U. TO. F. GAIIDNER .4 Co. MEWPOAL AND t,1 7 31111i1t Yellin 11 The huhscriberti huave this day °Ellen:dint,' port L:lshii; to tin& In J,OA L AND LUMBER, Wo IA 11l havoColatnnt ly on hand end furnlelt to orde rin kinds nnd quality of bensoni,d • L1131111;1:, IJOARI)S, SCANTLINO, • 's Flum..rnurr . , Poling. Plastering T.ath, Shingling Lath. OM bed 1 , 1,4. log and Weatherboarding, ;t a m, mid terry ar tide that. 1/,11114:11 ton LUMBER AlN:lnde of Shingle s, to : Whitepine, Hemlock, nod itik, or iliih.rent - quolllie, Having Coro of our OWII we 1,1,1 frirll62l HU , to to - der or 'any length and .Mli/e :It the shortcut 11l alldi Olt tho.tei.t reasonable lerota. Our worked beanie will Le inept mtdor cur re E 0 that they can be toisdnited dry at all ti n e.. We have constantly on halal all hind:, el Easally Coal nod, cover. it hilt We will deilveeelean to any vart.ef the borough. To W it: LYEE3B VALLEY, Broken Egg Shave and Nut LUKE FIDDLER, TituvoirroN, do. It. do. LOCUST MOUNTAIN, LOBDEEY. - which Noe piouge ourbnlves to Italia the lowest prices; • • East quality or Lanidamtr's and Blacksmith's Coal, always oil hand which we will ridl at the lowest ligu • Yard west shit, of Grammar School, Main rtreet. ARMSTRONG & HOFFER. July V, J. It. NONE.MAKER , • FORWARDING. AND CO3IMIS SIGN nousE, . FLOUR AND FEED, COAL, PLAStEIL AND SALT. Thil sub:Tram- Laving taken the %Vero House ears and fixtures of Wm. IL Murray's gall known establish ment, on West High street. opposite Dick ina.nat College, n mild infer an the public that. he liks tattered into general Forwarding and Conat...don basine. , e. The highest market prate will to ribi for flonr, Ohio Hint produce of all hinds. They are illse prepared to,freight produce and stock to Philadelphia and Baltimore/tit the lowest rate., with safety and despatch. PLASTER AND SALT kept enoslantly on hand, and FLOUR AND FLEE) at wholesale or rrtall. Coal elan kinds. anathriielug, .LYI(I.',NY VAL1.1:1", 1. ' SUNBURY WHITE ASH, LOCUST al Al', • Limehurner's and Blacksmith's ViNSTANTI.i FOIL SALE. REPT UNDER COVER and delivered dry to any part of the town. J. It. NON 'MAKER Carlisle, Auginit 17, 1559. D UNHAM'S CELEBRATED OVER STRUNG PIANO FORTES GRAND AND SQUARE. Thene lin.trinnents in all respbcts. a,. Freund to noon mainifianr4 s in this country. CR'. of Carlisle In Want 14 a i;Olkler reliable inftrfininnt can be aa enininedated at volts 3101bEllATY. I'ItICF.B, by addressing und,,,FlL.m.,i at litirrisliag. describing tone, touch and style. Reference, Mr. Alexander Cathcart, Carlisle. • , Ono. 0. Wlestinig, Agent for DUNHAM'S Pianos ,lan. 4, 1361.4,m0g D" GOODS.—A new supply `o Dress Goodn, well as Poplins. :`ilk Meillso..s, Lustros Ac., Ac. Just received and will b sold uneoulutouly . low, at the cheap Cash store CIIAS. OG lI.IIY, Trustee. Nov. 2, 1E.60 William Practical PLUMBER in the basement of Main Stew Lesitand Iron Pipes, • 1 I lyiktllltS, 110 t k Cold Amcorßaths; Water Closets. pone and Lift !tamps, Wrot Iron Wel'irrubes, And every description of rocks and fittings Sro gas, steam, water. ite. Superior cooking ranges, beaters and gas fixtures put up In diuretics. stores and dwellings, at short 110IIPO. In the most modern style. All mated- , MIK and work in our line at low rates and warranted. try workund Jobbing promptly attended to. Mar. 23. 1559--la' _ Dealer In TNE GROCERIES N. W• oruer 1.111). and Aroh Streets, PHILADELPHIA. Importers of Cross & Blackwell's ' SNCLISII PICKLES and SAUCES. Particular attention paid In isle( ting tine , TEAS &VOFFEES For Famlllel4l3ugars always at Refiners' prices. Choice WINES, LIQUOIIS and SEUAIIS, of the best brands, always on hand, . " • May 9, '60...1y, _ QTILL . TRIUMPHA,N'P. .4The complete success of the Prairie Flower Cook Stove, warrants this subscriber In railing the 'attention of nil who racy want a superior stove to call end ex amine tho only storq that has given universal .tisLac tlon. WIIAT 18 CLAIMED OVER.OTIIERS IS • ' let. A saving offrom 30 to 60 per cent .In fuel. tad. A hotter and quitter Oven from the MOO Qro, 3d. A larger Oven than any other stove (tribe same size ; 4th. Tho preservation of the contra piece from elulkiug saving repairs, fdb. The best hater, Meister, and Cook tint.' In use, 6th. A superior arrangement for cleaning the flues, tb. A perfect Ois Consumer fur either wood or coal.. The Prairie Flower Is warranted to give satisfaction .. • In ovary particular and will be shown with plenum to 411 who may call, whether desiring to purchase or not, nblu vr an o N i tL of reference_ k tit u ovt w o n a c t r zaT.Y, n w t Weil will be 6° B l4 Pfut r in i rit -tsS ooft 9 g B° ,* g .P c ob k. work, CoPpen . sin 'thing and Shooting work promptly attended to. In town or coun try.- All.work warranted et the old stand, Hanover street' north mf Louther. MARY SE MORRIS. N. B. Old Copper, Brass and Pewter bought, and the. highest price paid in cash or goods. March a, IBoo.—tf.. , DUMPS. Oil OR -. MEMT. rr 60 harrefa Commiewlih a very large assortment of Cleft and Iron - Pumps, of all lands &easer than ever, at tho lbullsrare Store of • _ • March 7, ' 00.• UENS.Y SAXtON US E 1' II U. S VE E L WATCH:MAKER ) SOUTH HANOVER STREET 4 , , ~ A few door? south of (he • 4k Court House. • ...':`' .7, • - ;..;', Daring supplied topsoil with a largo assortionit of {Vat.. Ilaterials. k.., 1 111.1 now prepared to ra. pair all khola of Watches. Ulm.lot .lowelry, ke . on tho most rent...noble terms. that mop i.n Intrnstell to my care Doping by f.triet attontion to business to ho ronnl with a liberal share of public patronago. f. A tine tbsortiontit of .1 EW ELR Y. such no Ladles' Ili : east Pink and Ear Drops Cold and Cameo: 3I loses' Errant Pills and Ear Drops. llox - tind (lho.sl'Etts all sixes, I im .1.1 Chains, I looks. MAO Chains, (tilt Lockets, (Jour& Kest:, .t.c. A l,lO In 11111:1• . 111111 tine a•tsjartto tL›,' • .6.1,0, a floe lot or :4iller lluntluu, Dotaled atoll.ealtles tVatelo., 1111 , 1 o good aH:ort wont of :liver plated nod ^tort : , pertarles. All of in hitt. will IT wad lino. A sharu of public initronago in icsppetfully ted. - JOS. U. tiTET.I.. \7ATCII ES, JEWELRY, :AND T sILVEIt-WAIMAT CONLYN'S old emthblislied F and. 1%;,t Main Bt., nearly opposite the Cumberland Valley Bank. 1 h4ve just received n (11.0 assortment of watches, ewelry, MelitllllollSAiVer WlllO, AV. 1113I ormer stork to which 1 Invite .tho attontion of tilt, The afq•orthient embraces fine gold and oily lever watches. Bunting m``l noon rasa do.. will Aril chors,fsr 'Antics and ileuffeinen nod 'Oliver Lephies and Quartler watches of every variety in stylo and Al., fn,. gold 31edlillions. Ilrensbpfns for icidirs ;Ind llentlrmen of ovory giollity*:puttro and prier. tlold f ob, vost: curb and neck chains. '!told lancelets, finger ring-, cuibnim., numb. Idrevabuttons, crosin n. rharros, .tr., &e. (told nibl hill . , thimblrn, s ilv e r nod plated butter Lob e.. forks: Wile, ten. salt nod mustard spoons of ~,',,y v,ri e ty. A hrgo n, ,, ortment of gold, T66' Y t~ and 00100500 npeetneles, to snit all ngrs to whlrh ire invite, spreinl at ten non. • A lino Int of 1 - 101,Ii PI:NS from tins blivt annkers, inatnelexaser. fancy lave, silver and invirl card easel, gold nisi common lancelets, nalch Ifinutle Clocks and n vvriety of_nrtirlA UM•I. I=En I will-sell t o o for ~arb. *All attlitas war. ,”abed to ho what they aro r..ritneettetl. feular attention paid nx tianal to rA'fr:ll ItEPAIRING and all work our ranted. . • Pec..2.1, 2(57.1 • • . - -- N . OTICE AND READ' THIS.- 10. C. KREMER, 1 - .... At the new Store on Fait Alalli St. • • . te near Henry Saxton's Hardware Slur,, .), would .11 the attention of persons lu want of a tine Watch to his splendid Qll. c... i stock of American, Liverpool and Lon # don %% NICHES. I have i tine stock of Gold Watches, at all prices, front twenty dollars up to three hundred dollars 1 also have a large stork of Silver Hunting Cased and Open Cased Watches; from three dollars up to eighty. 1 also have a nem stock ern . .. and A uteri. can JEWELRY. in.setts, such no Conies, (add Stone, Lava, Mosaic, Mourning gind Plain seels, As. 1 also have 8 note stock or 3h,huions, front OM , 1101)8r Up to fourteen; Ladles' and ilentletioni's Breast Pins of gill patterns 81sil prices: lloldtlImins; a large stock of Veot Fob and CurhChains; a very large stock of linger rings of all kinds and patter.. .eh an :Lad lingo. Wedding Kings, and Settings; a tine stock of Cuff Pins, (luld Studs. Sleeve Hutto. for Ladiosand.tientlemen,Croses bracelets. Geld Watch Keys, Seals, Gold and Silver Thimbles. Gold and Silver Spectacles. 8 large sleek of Silver Tea imil Tahiti Sp(ioll. , at all prices, and a coin. pleb, sleek ti Doable Plated Tea awl 'tulle Spoons. plc. ted F4Bks. Silver and Plated Mutter Knives and a tine stork of double plated Caste's, Sugar Spoons. Silver Fruit Knives, tool a•largs stock of tionmon Spectacles, to suit all ages. to which I invite part ieular attention; Port !do...atilt kinds, 511- ver Keys and Challis; largo stock of Aecordeous, and Mwde Boxes, (large aril small.( and a groat variety of articles usually herd ill a Jew- olry .tore. I have nullity El nod well ,elected ufCLUCK~, of 2111 pat terntl and un unu duller ‘ ,/.0 to. fifty. wlllOl.l will Fell at d 14titall profit and warrant them for,,nu }Tar. to la, good time-keepers, Every thing ,eold • by we 'hall he what it 1n reprenented. Clorks. Wotan., turd Joweiry, rat dully repaired and warrAnted. CarliAo July 6, ISOO,ly. FINE WATCH REPAIRING.- , F. C. KIMI EL t the Ne - ,r Jewelry Store On East .... •••• :11nIn street, near the Public AP♦ :.. equara, to prepared to clean and • ' repair the n Finest Watches, nail a -,..„ 114 trarrant thew to ViVe WHIM , .If Fa t.isfi.dion A int) fine Melytle , • 4. ,3D A . ) c Clocks of all kind,,, Mtinlcal ITi'ev.., • 4 . '.?;,4'•• es,..t,,,rdions, 4,.. put lei cod.- , .., • • k .. pM k '= pleto.order, mil warranted.. . m.. 1...., - ..... :1r.).,.• •vrAwcu AND JEWELRY STOIUT O.' CON RAD, }•ORM ER OCCUPANT, No. 148 NORTH SL•'COND -STREET, CORNER OF (MARRY STREET. Thu innitiaigned has leased the above premises where he will keep a large assortment of Child & Silver Watchee, of American. English and Swiss Manufacture of the most celebrated -makers, in addition W., which, will be found always or?lnind (and -made to order) an extensive variety of Jewelry, silver, and Silver Plated war e, together with a general assortment of such goods as are usually kept In a first elms Jewelry Store Thu patrons of 0. Conrad, and those of the subscriber together with the public generally, are Invited to call, where they will receive a good article for their money. As I am determined to do strictly a cash business goods will be sold very low. "SMALL miums AND QUICK SALES," is the motto of this establishment. LEWIS R. ItitOOMA I,L, br I , ormerly 0. CONRAD, • No. 1451 North Second St. corner of (IRV ry Phila. June i1,1860.-ly. P. Lynch, _ . R and. GAS FITTER; 'Me M. E. Church, 7cl, Carlisle. . Irori Sinks, (lath Tubs,'. Ilath Boilers; Wib,ll 11381115, ilYdraullc Rums, &e. SELLING - OFF AT COST ! ! ! At the sign of the "Gold Eagle," a doors above the GutoVerlaterValley Bank, and two doors below the Methodist Church. on West Main street, the largest and best selected stock of . • WATCHES & JEWELRY in the town, will be sold 30 per cent lower than at any place In the State The stock comprises a large assort ment of Gold and Silver hunting ease watches. Lovers, lxpineg, Muorican watches, and all other kinds and styles, Gold and Silver chains, GOLD PENS & PENCILS, 'Jewelry stall kinds. Spectacles field and Silver, Plated and Silver Ware. Music Boxes, Acuff-donna, 1)11 Paint logs. a great varlety of fancy articles. and a lot of the finest Planes. which will be sold 40 per rent lower than over offered in town. The entire stock of Watchmaker tents, eases, large Mirrors, and Safe will bo sold whole sale or retail on the easiest terms. "lasing selected a first clam wrirkinan all kinds of re pairing will be done as usual, at reduced prices. Piano musk of all kinds for sale. A THIN first class double bar•ol gun warranted jenuine twist mill be sold for half Its value. T i OR RENT.—The large Liif three' story Brick Manse with large parlor, 42 teetaeep, situated on West Main Street, will be rug tell f from the Ist of• April, 1801. Call at the Jewelry Store in said building. .June 15, 1800. LOOK SHARP.--Wm. Fridley would Respectfully announce to the citizens of Carlisle and the public generallyithat he has again commenced the manufacturing of tin & sheet iron wore °fall kinds, in S. o.llluyetts building on Loather street, directly opposite C. Shepley's Chair Manuflictory, where he will at nil times bolo readiness to do all kinds of work In his line of business with neatness and dispateb. All 'work wild' be done by himself and a competent hand as hs.keeps no apprentices. , Also, can at all times be had those celebrated SELF‘ TESTING. SELF-SEALING, PILEMIUM FRUIT CANS & JARS. 'House epoutlng..end Jobbing of all kinds , done at bort nollee,and mode of the best matorial. , .. .., . . . . . .. .. . . , 49-Cash,paid for old Petrar and Copper. lloping by strict attention -to businesa and 4 desire o pleas a 11, to receive a share of piddle pittronage. • illarUale Oat. 26.1860.-Illy, 1, • .Iliatctjes anti .oewcfru CLOCKS WATCHES JEWELRY AND SILVER WARE. nt Manufiletiirere .prices. IV. D. A. Naugle, Agt., North' Hanover Street Five Doors North or the Carlisle Deposit Dank, and next floor to Kline'a Hotel, Denier in • FRENCH k AMERICAN 'CLOCKS, .• , ' -,., . '. • t, ;• ' (4, ,".:--• 1 . ‘.. . v. l -- A 5,1-;, - .. .. ' .... .. '= 2 t 1 i - J , ....5 . 7,...-:,i. ^ " 4 • , . . . Foreign and Ameritan Watches, 3ewell No ted ware, Fancy Goods he. NVOUI d most., resaectlully in form his old patrons and the public generally that he has just returned frotn the East with an entire new clock of FINE IV MI I ES, 3 EIVELRY, SILVER A PLA ,TED WARE, CLOCKS Ac.. ' . • !laving seentld agencies fromsome of the largest and best Ftviorles for Ibe sole of these goods. I am !Wenn red to offer, to the public any article in the line from 75 6 , 100 OM' rent less than they hove ever Wen offered in this placwor below the regular n holesnle Wee, ,ell follows, Clocks ftntn 75 rents to $lO, Wadies fromctV to $l5O. Jewelry in setts from fill cents to $55. le from 20 to $30,--0 pieces hod quality and latest styles CLOCKS, WATCHES. - JEWELRY. day alarms, ..- • now hunt. Caro Eng. Coral, 8 " Striking, " 0 American, Pearl, ' 8 " Striking StAl. " ' " Swiss, Cotner', 8 " IteguintorN, " •"Hu„ t yench. Goldr~nch. Stone 8 0 Gallery, Silver . Case Eng. 1.4v1i. ti ” Church, " "1 American, Cnrhunclo,_ 8 " Mantilla. " . " ' Swint], Opnl, 8 " Parlor. " " Ft ouch, Momic, 8 " Marino, Open Faco Aperient], .let, 30 flour, " " Lepinea, Ournet„ 20 Striking, ' " " (turners, Turquols, 30 Alarm S. Strik. " ",,English, Painting..., 00 Time, " " French, .Enamelled, 30 Levers, " " Geneva. Paste,. 30 Gothic, " " " German, Stone, TEA,SETTS. Goblets, Walters Tureens,' Ladles. „ Cups. Butter Dishes, Salt Stands. HMI Knives, Pt,, Knives. Crumb Knives, Ise Croon, do. Cake Knives, Forks, Spoions, Castors. Carlisle. July . 27,1860 —ty. GOLD FINGER RINGS, 1= 4 C lisle July , PHILADELPHIA I= ! - Misteliantous. NAILS! NAILS•I! NAILS I!! • A largo stock of gond, Clean, Neat, _o,ml• Tough nails, a the lowest Prices. Our nulls aro Worth tnets keg more. than any other make of nails said In our town:this in the opinion of mechanics who have tried them, we also have a inn atlsortseent of UILDINU MATERIALS, of . the Merit and most approvsd - stylps. ,411 goods Ka routed 00 represented. JOHN P. LYNN R SON. May 2, N. North lianover St. Carlisle. - ;I: • . At tury ki • .. ,-, ~..,.. ,• 4 4 . 'o`• • , . • .k:. re, • •-.,,,, • T ,g s• a ye), k.,t ,-- . • 767) , „ ~- ':,,,..: . ~„,•,..,. ,c •, . G-0 , GIN AS A nEmmradix., AGENT. - THIS DELICIOUS TONIC STIMULANT, ]'SPECIALLY designed for the use 124 of the Medical Profession and thu Family,'havhig superseded the so mlled . ins." "Aromatic," "Cordial ' , Medicated," "Schnapps," etc., Is now Undorsed by all of the prominent physicians chemists and connoisseurs no possessing all 01110100 intrinsic .medicinal qualities (tonic and diuretic) which belong to an old and pure.) Gin. Put up in quart bottlosand Hold by all druggists grocers, etc. A. M. BININGEIt &CO., (Established in MS.) Solo Proprietors. N0..19 Broad street. N. Y. For sale by W. W. & IL Smltb,—Fronch. ItichardS & Co. and all of the prominent Wholesale Druggist - 1i in Philadelphia. • Nov. 16, 1860.-Iy. riaRUNKS ! TRUNKS !!.TRUNKS !! IL Ladles Sole Leather Freud/ Style, and Dreee trunks and Bonnet Boxes, Traveling Bags, Ac.. Gents' valid Leather and sole Leather Mass Hand Trunks Va lises, New Traveling Bags, ,Le., a large assortmenl and very low in lees at - LIVINGSTON'S, North Hanover Street. 1860.. SPITING k. .A T S MONS! KELLERS' OLD STAND. A complete stock of Hats and Caps now ready for I xxspectlon. SILK, FUR, CASSINIERE, ' - FELT & WOOL. every style end quality. We roll partlevilftl'atten lion to our SI LIS Silk mot soft Ilabs, o any style manufactured to ogler. Calm of all kinds HI:COLLECT KELLEIVS 01.1,'STANI). North Hanover Street. Carlisle ;11grell 14, 1880. 1860 -HARDWARE! II Alt D WARE!! P. Lytle k SOTI have just completed Opening. their :sprime Stnclf of Ilardwaye, Palllte., Oils, vaColshes, Olang &c.. to which they Invite the early attlention of .the public. We have ;rreatly oularged IA If stook In all Itq:various branehes,and eau new accommodate thepub• 11c,with RELIABLE GOODS. In taiga or small quantities, at the Invest prices. But Iva do lint WWI thil pUblle to undA'atand that we have h,n,u•ght all the pants In Philadelphia and New York to our town, but We can assure them that one look into oar store will convince them that we hark enough to apply the demand'ln this market. Persom wanting goods tu our line will find It to their advlntage to give us a call before making their porclrmes.—All orders personally :aid punctually attended te n and no ndsro• presentations nubile to effect sales .10IIN I'. !NNE & SON, North Hanover - St. Carlisle 11/%3 2, IA) JA E S . WEAVER'S CABINET ..• ~r -7':Z AND • ". * l.: CHAIR MANUFACTORY, 74.9 NoRTII HA NOVER STREET, CARLISLE, PA itav,inti been engaged the busfitess for ov er twentY years be would return thanks to hie cuetomentt and Mends, for the liberal encouragement extended to him In years gone by, and farther assures them that no pains will he spared, to give full satisfaction Wail who may favor hhn with a rail. CUAlltti AND FURNITURE, of every description constio,tly on hand, or made order. Warranted to be of ro ma, o r the test style, well finished, and sold at the lowest ma,sll vines far cash, • Ile also continues business its an UNDERTAKER Really mode Collins, Metallle or citlierwl,e. Wept e. stantly on hand and •Innecals promptly attended pergenally In town or country, 00 the must reasons terms. ! .r.;;41. Cherry and Walnut CoMns„larixo she, Nell finished and lined/toddo. from H to I'2 dollars. Walnut Collins covered from 15 to 30 dollars. JAMES lt. WEAVER.. May 25.1N50-Iy. ll.—Teo pr'opartles situate to Ch urchtnvol, Climb enuotty;"are uttered for fade on sae) . terms. Apply as above. J. I. W. TRYING- FEMALE COLLEGE, MECHANICSBURG, PA. • This Institution, designed for the liberal ethication of Young Ladies, has been lu operation two yearn with the most gratifying results. - It is now established on a firm hauls. and its patronage already extends over several Status. It Is located on the Cumberland Valley Railroad nild• way between ilarrisburg and Carlisle. in the most fer tile stud beautiful portion of the valley, andds in close. proximity to one of the most moral, healthy, and en terprising towns In the State. It is central. and easy of access. Studt•ts leaving Washington, Hal CI more, orPli iladelphia in the morning trate for Ilarrlshurg, will arrive :it Mechanicsburg In time for dinner. tr The edifice is large and connuodious, surrounded by ~ 101.11/le verandan, and will aerommudate about 0110 Itmr Bred boarders. hi Its construction, It combines all the , -modern-improymnente- for-the promotion of. health,. 1.011111.11 111111 Cllll,l/11191e0. 111 these tehlOOllll 1111y/ 1 1V/11118 ptollolllll . o it omit ailed. The eltanibernare large 111111 neatly furnished. ~ Eaelt Ilan Its register for beat and . VOlll.lllll. 1011 0111 r two 14116. 1 11tiOCCOpy the sane room. Thu bath newts arena all - times supplied with w arm and cold water. TllO grounds are ample, and well arranged for revise /Wt.], and the VOrlllll3 calisthenic exercises -so esssm tint to health, graceful movement and symmetry of ' form. Tho Faculty n of Instruction - Is efficient and expert. enrol. In the Collegiate Department the course of study In of a high grade, rompreheminig 1111 the subjects belong. big ton ClaSslcal, Polite and Chrhition I:duration. In the Preparatory Department pupils will be care fully instructed ht those branches forming the basis of a thorough English education. St:saws/I.—First Session, from the lot Wednesday of September to the 30th ofJanuary. ' Second Session, from the Ist of February to the le, of July. Vexation, durlng,,Tuly and August. TER3IS PER SESSION OF FIVE MONTI'S, PAYABLE ' - IN AI/VANCE. Boarding. Washing, Ilurnlsited Rooms, F and Light. . . , • • Tuition—Collegiate Bop:lament, Preparatory First Class, No extra charge for Ancient Languages. Music—Piano and O altar. . . . . . Modern Languages, . . . . . .]U 11U Painting, Drawing- and other Ornamental Munches t the usual rates. Tuxtdswks furnished at city prices. For further particulars address, Rev. A. tir MARLATT, A. M.,' President. Aug. 3. 1861) fIUMBEItLAND VALLEY BANK , PROPRIETORS. WILLIAM Kra, IsAAC BANNEIIAN, • lticnenn iioDS, JaliN S.STEIttIVIT, Joni; C. DUNLAP, JoliN IIIiNLAN, 11. AvSruno Lox. - This Rank, Is now prepared to do a general Banking and Exchange Wetness, under tie, name and style of It kit. DUN LAP & Co., In the same place lately occu pied by Ker, Itrenneumu A Co. Money received on deposit and paid back on demand without notice. Certificates of deposit bearing Interest at the rate of live per cent. will be issued for as short a.li 4am four • mouths. Interest on all certificates Wil as° at maturity, provided, however, that if said cord ates are renewed at any time thereafter for an other given period, they shall hear the same rate of In terest up to the time of renewal. Twenty days notice must he given of an Intention to withdraw interest de posits. • They call the attention of farmers, Mechanics and all othera who desire a safe depository for their money, • to the undeniable fact, that the proprietors of this Rank Ake not only liable to tile amount of their stock in the bank, but Ore INDIVIDUALLY liable to the extent of their estates for all the- Deposits, and other obligations o Her, Dunlop fi Co. Particular attention given to the collection of Tendon Notes, foreign ItiPs, Drafts, Checks, Ac., in any part of the United States and Canada. Remittances made to any part of the United States England, and I reladd. , ' They will at all times be pleased to give any informa Lion desired In regard to motley matters In genera/ The faithful and confidential execution of all order entrusted to them may be relied upon. Open for busting:l from 0 o'clock in the morning ant 4 o'clock In the evening. U. A. STURGEON, Cashier. Carlisle, Aug:l4,lBGO. • T ÜBRICATING to inform mach inests, millers and the public gene • rally, tshat_we have ocLhand steak of Lubricating Oils for all kinds of •rnarbinony this oil suipassra all others, having boon suldostod a thorough test by the aids, oftho beet' Lard and other Oils. It is pronouncod a superior Lubricator at less coat ' and' wearing longer. and entirely Imo fronfsitum„ and will stand much colder weather and boa less tendency to beat. Try it and you will use nothing ciao for Itbri.sting. • Carlisle Nov; 2, '6O. JOIIN P. LYNN & SON. North Hanover Street Carlisle. • f l• 00 TONS IRON'' R ANDROLLED IRON of the very boot ENGLISH BRANDS warren od in' every way Superior to American make. Just re milted with a large assortment of • ' ' Shunt IroA, Anvils, Hoop Iron, ' VII M. 0 ' • Band Iron, , . .. Files„ ' Mom nor) Iron, , Rasps, ~ . Sprig Steel, . Bolts, • . • . Cast Stool,' River., . . ' . . Blister r tuel; , . - • . Nuts,' ' 'Views. ..- ,llovse )31Mes: Screw Plates,• :, .. Nall& . . ,Blacksmith Tiolloiva,4o:. de. -Cheaper than the cheapest, at the llardiver4ttore of March 7,'60: . ` lIIINRY BUTON, N.ll All Iron sold at city prices with freight added an dwarranted. , , , —., -.. . . \ Mail - 'Maas. rIUMBERLAND VALLEY It..R k_l WINTER ARRANOENENT. ViV riffiFfsT7 .. Li :Le: 4 4 ClIAN(11.; ,OP 110111181 Ou and after MONDAY, DECEMBER lid, 1800, Pasaenge, Truing will run as follows: (Sundays exreptekl :) NOD. CIIIMBEIISBUItO AND liAltll.lBllUllQ. lot Train. 2d Train 7.00 A. 31. 2.45 P. M. t 7.37 " 3.35 Leave Hagerstown, " Greencastle. Chatubersburg, • •MO " 3.25 " Shippensburg, ' 0.00 1.57 _ Newvlila, 0.32" 2:30 " Carlisle.. • • 10.10 ". - 3.10 • '" " Mechanicsburg,' 10.42 ' " '3.42 Arrive at Harrisburg, 11.15 " . 4.10 " FOR CHA3IDERSEURO AND HAGERSEOWN, Ist Train. 24 Train. Leave Harrisburg . 8.05 A. 31 1.401'. M. Mechanicsburg 8.47 " • - 2.20 Carlisle 0.27 " 3.00 " 1,0.02 " .3.34 Shippensburg, . 10.33 9.05 " Clianibg'.(Arrive) 11,05' 9.4,5 Greencastle, 11.55 635 " ArrivAqt Hagerstown. - 12.35 8.16, "s: Tlllll,li Daily Trains leave Harrisburg for Pittsbdri at 3.18, and 7.00, A. 11.. and 4 20. P. M., For Philadelphia, via Pennsylvania Central Rallros‘ At 2.40 A. M., 12.55, 115, and 5.25 P.M. Vin 1.0111111031 V. It. 11., al 8.00. A. 11., and 1.45, P. 31. Tor Baltimore,' at 3.00 & 7,40 A. X. h 1)10 P. 31. For I roverton and Williamsport nt 1.40 and 8.15, IN 31. Trains on Dauphin Road at 2.00, P. AL NOTICE TO PASSENGERS: At all Stations where Tickets are sold, TI.: Hagerstown, llresnrustle, bersburg, ithlppenAbdrg; New villa. Carlisle, Merlin n les burg 4nd Harrisburg, n ,reduction of ThiN CENTS on each Ticket will bo made to all Passengers that provide themselves with Tickets before entering the Cars. 0. N. LULL Super't Railroad Offlee, Cliambersburg,} • Der. 7,1800: . . NEW AIR LINE ROUTE TO NEW 'YORK ! r.s 9'o* • SHORTEST IN DISTANCE AND QUICKEST MIME BETWEEN THE TWO CITIES - NEw 7 AN • HA It ILI S G • VIA READING, ALLENTOWN' AND EASTON 31OHNING Hint lonvlis Nov York at 0 A. 11., arriving at Harrisburg at 1.4.4:, noun, rally t?,i hours butireen tied Om either. MAIL LINE leavos New York at 12.00' noon, and ar rives :tt . Harrisburg at 0.30 P. M. MORNING 31A1 I. LINE East. leaver Harrisburg ■t 8.00 A. NI., arriving . at New'York at 4 30 P. 31. A 1"01:1IN01/34 'EXPRESS LINE, Ea•t, too err Harris burg at i. 15 I' 31. dial ring at New Yolk al 0 00 P 31. (m11°01414 are made al Harrisburg at 1.001..31. x Ith the Passengei Trains In each direction on the 'Pennsyl vania. Cupherland Valley and Northern Central Rail read. All lralnx ronnert nt Rending idßh trAlnm for Potts ville and I . llllroleliP6lti, awl nt Allentown for .31auch Chunk, Ennton. No change of l'asnenger Careor 'ingot:it bet wen New Truk and Ilarrisluirg, by the 11.00 A. 01. Line' from New York or till, 1.10 P. 0!. from Ilairlsburg. For beriity of scenery, nod speed, comfort and aernm• modation, this route tire/tents nuperlor inducements to the travelling nubile. Fare between New York and Harrlnborg FIVE VA, AltS. For tieketo nod other Intemotion apply to .1. J. lieneral Agent, Merl/41,11re.. CARLI§LE AND NILLADELPHIA fa Oa OZ. D - AILY•FREIGiI.T LINK. FREED, WARD. 3: FREED, `Bll, 3 - IA II RE , STREET, 1•IIII.A IIELI•IIII .1. & 111111AliS,1' NUN STRLET, CARLISLE, 1.„1. • of thlyl,hio loovo tho Depot, SII 3larknt )1111y, ,t 4 641,74,, P. 31. I,i;:ive Carlink. Daily, at 7 o'cLiek. A M. ' ' Moil% Intend,' this Linnshould warkeil V. hail-freight, Li n and scut in 1.3. 4 1) .11 .h AI) PII I A Axn ituAnixo RAIL 120A0 SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, On and after MAY 28, if. 60.. Two pmsßonger trains leave Harrisburg dant , . (son - Jaya exceptud.) at awn A. 01, and 1.1)1 P. 0!.. rdr Phila delphia, arriving there at 1.!0 nom and 0.10 , 1. 31. Returning, least, Philadelphia at 8.00 A.M., and lt.:10 P. M., arriving at llarriaburg at 12.1.. noon and 8.30. P. M. FARLS ; To Philadelphia, No. 1 Cars. g 3.25 ; No. 2 (In mine train.) $2 70. Fares to Heading. sl.fo nod $l.OO, At Itonding. mooed with trnins for Pottorillo, Mbar/. ville, TlllllllllO3, eIItIIWISFU, 4,. Four trains leave (lending for Philadelphia dolly, •t 8 A. M , 10.45 A. M. 12.80 noon and ;1.43 I'. 31. Leave Phlladelphla for Heading nt 0.00 A. M., 1.00 P. 31., 3.:1(1P. M., 31111 0.00 P. 31. Faree'froo , Heading to I'kiladelphin.*l.7s and $1 45. Tbo morning train from Harrisburg conneepf at Bending with up train tOe ',Wilkosbarro. Pittston and Scranton. For through tickets and other loinimatlon apply to J.. 1. CLYDE, General Acent. 'Aug 30 ) 3iats & (fops. VEIN' STORE, AND NEW GOODS. lli 'HATS, CAPS AND LADIES FURS. The subscriber having recently opened u Now Store at the old stand of .1.11 Halbert in North Hanover St., opposite the Carlyle Deposit Bank. Oaring reeked from Nem York and Phlladelphia.a tine MO well selected assortment of goods in his line of business, rue). to, • , 7 1. c ;">..1 % , 5..•••••••..„ HATS AND CAPS, front tin tiounnon IVool to the lino Fur. Silk and Coast • mere flats. and at prices to suit the times. The stork Includes a variety ot styles and colors-of hats and C 4115. Fancy Beaver and Felt flats for childr4, either boys or girls neatly trimmed. !lilt CAPS, COL LA RS and ti LOX ES, fitrOentlenten. Also, a variety of fancy furs for either Ladies' or rhildrinth weal, Hodson Ilay, Sable, Mink, .Siberian Squirrel, &lemon hitch„StoneMartln, Silver do Pock do. Se. Alan, Carpet lis s, Valises. A large assoritutent of Trunks, !hind Trunks, Buffalo Robes and Prune Ile Feathora. Thankful for the patronage already 'Teel,. d ho would Invite all his Wends and the Public to gene. rat hi give hint a roll. JACOB BOAS, Agt. • Carlisle, Dee. 7, $ '0 no _0 00 01) 12 00 EiEl Ell' FIRM. HAT AND CAP EMPORIUM! rp he undersiuuea h'aving purchased the stock, .Ste., of the Ito Win 11. Trout dee'd. would respectfully , aunounewto the pile that he will con• finite tit HAWING RUSIN LTs nt the old stand. In {Wept Nigh street. end with II renewed and efficient effort, produce erticlos of Mad My. of • . . Every Variety, Style and Quality, , ~. • At SIMI 13A Sidetiy IA hoping with the improvement' , tho Art, and fully up to tho age to which wo !Ivo. I. have on !rand a splendid . assortment of r IN ._. HATS AND CAPS ' . T ~,,,,._ ,a of all descriptions, from the common Wool to the finest FUR AND SILK HATS; and at prices that must atilt every one who has an eye to getting the worth of his money. The stock Includes, MOLESKIN, CIASSIMERE, BEAVER & FELT HATS, of every stylo and color and unsurpai , ad for LIGHT. NESS, DURABILITY AND by those of any other establishment in the country. I MEN'S, BOYS' and CIII LUKEN'S 'LAW and CADS, of every Description constantly on hand: Ile respectfully invites all tho old patrons and a! many now ones as possible, to give hint a call. .1. G. CALLIO. Ape. 25, 1800-I'y cIECOND SPRING -ARRIVAL 17 LAltaE SUPPLIES FOE THE HEAD AND FEET. At the KW re orJohn Irvine. on the 'N. 'E corner of tho public squaro, Is the place to purchase Boots Shoes • Hats & Cape. at prices that defy compothlon. lie has Just returned front the East h the largest and most complete assortment of Boots, Shoes, Hats & - Cups that Ito has over. presented to this community, ' slid which he Is determined to sell at the lowest pessl• blo prices. Ills stock embraces everything in,hls lino of business, such as MEN'S & BOYS' FINE CALF BOOTS Kip Booty, Calf end Patent Leather Ox ford Ties, Cal and - Patent Leathor Gaiters, Calf Nullifiers, Calf and Kip DroganfOlippers LADIES' WI AR Pin(' French and English Lasting Ostlers, Morocco, Calf and Kid Boots, Finn Kid Slippers, Nancy Slippers, Moore°, and Kid Buskins, d , • , , ' 511 MS AND CHILDREN'S WEAR ofall descriptions embracing lino Lasting Gaiters, Morocco and Lasting Button Boots, Morocco Lace Boots of all Blade, fancy shoes of various styles slippefs, kb. HATA k CM'S, Silk, Casitimere, Fur and Wool Rats of all qualities and style4Sltui a large assortment of STRAW HATS, • • • • Boots and Shoos made to ordei• at the aherlent untie° 'repairing promptly dune. Couthhut of his ahlllly to •pleameall clams of cuotomers, be reipectfully luvltea Iho public to give him a call. em,,_ Remember tho place, N. E. coroarof t • Public Square. lay SO, 'GO.. . • JOHN' . S VINE. Stir Fancy Pyinting neatly o • canted