Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, June 06, 1860, Image 4

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    .-- - „......,
ttirat ..Ptpar Tent
rahlertr - seldettv• devote:Mitch 'I time
planting ornamental trees or to ilrnvar-gar
. dens. the land ,Of its forest
trees,:andstuinps'and . stimes, to .fencennic
• • tin mature, these are the greatebjeets•of,
r •. s.he thriller's . life. Trees are; Coinetiniea
set mit, Mit they pro chiefly Stioh • as bear
frint: Of Course, them fundamental Aiid,
ramjets! things- .should he looked • after
first; but when these have bedivatiended
• to, why not adCother things attractive to
- - the eyes Of viiiiterSniid to the trolly, both
the young aneold ? • Shailmirees; shrubs,
. vines and flowerin g plants make one's
' house lesik better mid enhanbe its value.
Let the firmer begin his int provornents_by
• in ikin a first-rate kitchen garden. Stock
• it well - with asparagus, rhubarb, currants,
gouseberries,,raspberries - and ,grapes,mnd
let it ph ',lnd with beets, onions, lettuce,
• radishes; surnames, Melons, and a multi;
tude of othsir good things which such a
}u dcu etc be Made to yield. The coin
• fart and healiiifithiess
. of such a garden•
• will tiaturafiy lead on to something else.
At least /if the farmer have a sensible wife
andlidelligent children, he will not fail to
gratify then) with seine flower-beds, At
• „first, it may be - only a border next the
. • pate)) of limits and onions . ; but with inn
. proviog . t. tete, he will indulge them With
.it flower-plot by - And pray, what
.• will it contain ? Why; ofi course, those,
old r . .tvorites. honeysuckles,
fluwerir almonds, and syringas, among
the shimlis; and columbines, larkspurs,
hotid, • pinks, monies, fox-gloves,
etc , anion;;, the erbaceous perennial
plants; and then will be added any qrnarn
thy of animals. • (iced so. far. •
.-Indit won't be king before the sensible
man willswonder that he had neglected,
" - so many years, to give his family this
e niece of enjoyment., How 'happy my
'title is of late, he will say—to limSelf,.l
r verily believe she has grown ten years
younger ; and my daughters, how charm.
-ing they lo,tk with their hair and their bo
soms deeked with !toilers of their own .
'raising? . My money-loving neighbors tell
• me th it fine gardens don't pay Perhaps
they don't in dollar's end cents, but they
do in something far better. The song of
the robin don't pay, nor does a fine land
scape, nor does the ruddy hue °fill boy's
cheek and lip; or the 'kiss of my bright.
eyed daughter ;'but I .value them none
the less.. Sensible men, you arc on
right track. Money•value is, not the
highest standard by which to estimate
nt arty thitagi. Try them .rather by their
telideney\te improve the oharacter, and to
promote dpal happiness. 'Pure pleasures
cheap enjOyMents, those Which. leave no
sting hatiod,lind which add to our know'.
edge and improve our hearts, are most till
ly desirable. Let it never be forgotten
that our miuds receive a bias for geod , m,
from-the occupations of our hands.
And cam.any -harm-come from the culture
of flOwirs What a dreary place woulil
this world be without them 1 It would be
as a thee without tt smile, " a feast without
a welcome. "
Ilow . many thing§ in knower-garden to
interest young and inquisitive minds. Pm
example, note the eon volvus rinsing its
petals at the approach °fa storm ; the to.
lip and many yellow flowers shutting up
in hazy weather; the Mexican tiger.flow
cr, the morning-glory and* others open in
the morning and shut at noon : the eyeing
primrose open as sunset; the sensitive
plant shrinking at the slightest touch; the
Prazinclla, in. a warm damp evening;
emitting a gas which will ignite if a match
is app?icd, and burn for souse time with:
out injury to the plant, 'etc.
For the man of' business, nothini-ean be
more refreshing than the garden. Tolle
station weary with brain•toil, what .a
laxation ! To the child what a feast of
the senses ! To the mother, what place
more suitable for instructing her house.
hold in lessons of beauty anti virtue ? •
To make Currant Wine
The ciiftrits should be fully ripe when
picked; pm them into it large tub, in which
hey Amyl-OmM ma week or two; then crush
.them with the hands, unless .you have a
small patent cider-press,. in which they
should not be pressed too much, or the
stems will be bruised and impart a die
- agreeable taste to the juice. letho hands
arc used, put the crushed fruit, after the
juke has been poured off, in a cloth or
sack and press out the remaining juice.
Put the juice back into the tub after clean
sing it, where it should roamin for about
three days, until the first stages of fermen
tation are (irer,and removing once or twice
a day the scum copiously rising to the top.
Then put the jUice into a vessel---'4 demi
john, keg or barrel,—of a size to suit the
quantity to be made, and, to each quart.
of - juice, add three, pounds of the best
brown 'sugar, (we prefer this to the loaf,)
and water sufficient to make 'a gallon.
Tlitis,teil [parts of juice and thirty pounds
of sugar will give you ten gallons of wine,
and so on in proportion.
The cask must bo full, and the bung or
Stopper !eft off till - fermentation:Tee:vies,'
which will be in twelve or fifteen days.
Meantime, the casks must be filled' up .
daily with water, as fermentation throws,
otit• the impure matter. When fermenta
tion ceases, rook the wide - off carefully,
either from the
,spi&got of by a cyphon,
and keep running silLtho time. Cleanse
the cask thoroughly' with boiling'vater,
then return the wine; bupg up tightly, and
let it stand for fotir or five months, when
it will, be fit to drink, and can be bottled
if' desired. •
:Millie' vessels, casks, Ste., should be per
fectly, sweet,! and the whole operation
should be 'done with an e ye to cleanliness.
In such event, every drop of other spiri
tuous liquors added -will. detract from the
flavor of the wine, and will pot in the
least 'ritsree increase its keeping qualities.
Currant wine made 'in ' this way will, keep
for at ago,, urriess it is—drat. -I—Ger.
ntanttiton Telegraph, •
.6ELICIOUS LEMON PIE.--Four eggs; two
'coffee oups• sugar;boat .to a froth; the
juice twe'fitie, resh lemons.; grate the
yellow . peel off ono, rejecting the peel of
.the 'Seond,• Mid the pulps of poth; beat
• all leg other a few' momentslonger. Have
ready two pie-panslincd wish. rich rrastry,
"info which'turf tbettheVe; corer 111411i:1as,
try and bake an hcir. • 'Be sure arid have
then, done. ; ;": •
CUR,237611. Rittatiotik.--rsuceeedd
removing the lameness 'id' a riiigtame;,by
n.ak;ng a bag' Of4ung in etr Cloth, about
two inelae;s 'broad, and' eight inches-luny
WhiClil filled With eopperaig tied 'on the
footjust aboye - thi,ingbone,and wet twice
a day. kept it' on about' font , weeks.
The mitulhot told inc of this said the IMd.
cured isietat in, this ,way.-+ , 6orresposid.
eneO,olAfoore'srltura/tArew l'brAtr.
; loeuAN'ic'sficißo; p;t. •
thliChilititntidictiosightid for, tho Moral , education
. of Young. has boun to oporation two years with
• ' the moot - gratifYlnitresultm'' , lt 'ls now asttlblibbod ell
firm basis, and its palronalo already extends over.
• several States:'' " " '"• t •
• . Cf I is located ml the Clumberlaildlialley Railroad mitt
way between. 'Harrisburg an'd CrliiilO. in the most for• .
the and heintitulportion the volley, and, is In clued;
proximity tb• ono of the 'most ninrablheititliy, nod 0n . 7
korprilling.tfAin% itl thOSltte.
It Wee:doll, and may of liv.vem. `Students leaving
Wasbingtnh, ilaitiingre, or Philadelphia In the mavoing
, traitt.for Ilarilabing, wilt arrive at Illeclemicsburg In
, 'tlitto,thr dinner. • .
The ofilOco Is largo and commodious, surrounded by
verandas, and will accommodate about one 'hum
.fired boarders. In ILO construction, It combines:di the
modern Immoverneuts for the promotion bf health,
' comfort nod convenience. In them respbcia physicians
pronounce It unrivalled. 7.10 eliainhers are largo sod
neatly turuished, , has Ito register for heat and
von tilatiots Only Sworstuderits occupy the oasis room.
Thu bath rooms are at ail times supplied with wortuand
cold seder. . .
grounds me Ample, and arranged for rem
end the various callitheitio.exereloos -so essmi.
tiallo health, graceful , movement and sytrinfetry of
'rho Faculty of instruotion afilciont and experi
to the Collogi ito IMpartinent the emirs° of study is
• of a MO grade, comprehending nit the subject% Wong.
tug to a Classical, Polito and Christian-Ethics:jou. •
In the Preparatory Department pupils will he Care•
fully instructed In those bronchus formlug tho basis of
SEssinso:—Fhst Session, ibom the lot Wednesday of
&Member to the hof January.
'Second fiem the . lot of February to tho lot of
July. ' • •
Varstion, during :Tidy August. ' „
• dleardik;Washing,'Furriisheil• Booms. I?
and Light. . . , . • . .
Tuition—Collegiate Department. . .
" lireparatory. " .
" : •‘ " First Class,
tin extra charge for A nrient Languages.
liinsio—lino and ()Wain. . . 20 (s
Moral . . . . . . . '2 DI
• %atm Languages, . . . . . . . 10 ai
Orawingand other Ornamental Branches
nt the usual rains...
Textdasdcs furniSheil at city price's. .
For further vartiminrs niiiirsss, • '
liar. A. it )lABLATT, A. 3i1.,
-CLIANON OP 1101.1.11$i'
On nnil aftar :kIONDAY, APitl Cloth 1460, l'asseng.
• Trainv,ulll run As rUnOWN : (Sillidllys oXe(f pted
tat Train, " 2.o,TrAirk
Leave Iragerßiown, 3.4 T N.
.• Greencastle. 7.3,5
" Chataberabarg, 8.30." , 1.00 P.Ol
Sitipruumburis, - 4 ,3%32
hawvillo, -, 0.:10 " 0.01
Carlisle. . 1 10.10 " 2,44 .
01ecirlanieaburg v dro,10 " 0.111
A rriro at ilarrUum. 11./0 " 3 4.5 "
• Ist Train. 2,1
Leave Harrisburg 8.05 A.M. 2.18 P: St.
m,imui.mburg 8.17. 2 82
" Carlisle, 6.20 3.:I0
dr OW, Mt 10.1r2 4,04
Shlppern:burg, . 10.34 a 4.33
0 Chair ( Arrive) . 1.1.00 " .5.10 "
Greaucaqlo, . 600
Arrive at ItagerKtown. 6.40 "
883°Pnave»Korn observe, that 1111.1 . 0 11.1 but One
Tf,l)/1 n day, (a Pangenger and Freight Train dt
over the Franklin Read, eonnerting 01111 train to liar.
rhaiiirg nt 8.3 u A. M., ntst: with the Trait, arriving from
Jfarriabur” ' it 6,00 P. M.
1'1114E8D:01y Train% leave Ilarrts ' burg for Pittsburg,
at 2,15, A, M.. 12.181 and 1.05, P, M., inahltut direct eon
neetlons with trains roe clneintiati, Lout:Mlle; Cleve'
laud. ebleago, Indianapolis, St. I.nuit., and 811 1 11 4 00 1P 1
throughout Gin West.
For Philadi4phin, via Penney Ivanln Central Railroad
At 1.20 and 0.15 A. It, and 12 55 and 3.50 C. m. 'l to
I.eluinoli V. It. It., n 1 8.00 A. M.; - and 2.1:5, P. M. Yoe
Ihilthnore, tit 3.2 '7
7 & ,211 :IL AI 206 P.M.
Fur .reverter, and Williamsport at 1,27 and 8.14, P.
!It, -Trains on Dauphin ItTid tit 2.0 U, I'. N.
NOTICE TO PASSENGERS: At all etationn where
Tleleetn ore gold, via: Chainhernhurg,,Shippeindurri,
Meclianlcaburß and ilinrlslittru, a reduction of
TEN GENTI4oIi emelt Tieltet 'l'oll he made to till Passen
ger% that providn theinAilven with Tickets. before en:
tering the Cara.
• 0 , 0. N, LOLL • Supeet,
Itailroad Office, Clinniliershurg,
Apr 11,16,1880.,
ITURE W RE-#4)011IS,
. .
filrt- 18 59
1 p;,. : w•fAii,!
. -• '' .; 4 t*,:;',' - .7. .-':- .-:-;'` . . .
,West High Streot, Carts% Pa
(Premium awarded at the Cumbeiland County
Agricultural Pair •of 1857.) .
The ittlatvrttwr hag lust. TVI•tiVO the most splendid
assoriammi, of articles In his line, ever browht to this
ho is determined to ' bun at prices that do
fy competition.
Ditaing-ronni, FURNITVR.
Kitchen and.
• Ertihraring, every article used by fleece and Hotel
keepers, of the lllatit apprOYl'll and
anti finish. Includiox also Cottage in cotta.
reception and Clump Chutes, I'didtrasses, Jilt frautes,
pictures. &el dr. '
Purchasers are requested to call and examine ZLis
stock, at his extensive mark-metes, West :train street.
North side. A. It. 1:117 NI).
ail- Particular attention given as Itt , tha to Curter/do;
order. from toWn and country, attended to promptly
and on moderate terms. A. IL thl
olMvatofiaT — OWnitMoca, Onolon Tromda,
FoKlka, kloolom, Wee, Pro
otoir, Rooks Huy Picks. Mntr
(AIRS ' tiny Elovat.ora, Mnooto
. Plows of TgN difforont make,
Socludtog l'lnoliaylown, Hopwood's Plows,
CM& Plows, ZolOr's Plows, Illoondiohl
Fork Metal, nod Cada ['lowa, 4:c. •
Jost 'maim) a largo, supp)y or on kind of goods to Ft
out tho , Parmin. or Mochntile at
March 7, !OD. • lIENIIY SAXTON.
The Subscrlber (late of Philadelphia ) would Inform
the eitisens of Carlisle and vicinity. that hole prepared
to du LI I' nil its In anches. "Ahn,
' and repairing Furniture of every description, nt Ids
shop on franover Strout, between Pomfret street and
Chapel alloy. Also, Furniture for sale, at the lowest,
Carirslo Marsh 31, 1860:-.1nt.
F ALL -A1111)VAL'.,01?
Fresh Drugs, Fancy Goods, Fruit, and
8. N. Iliii.VbIltSTICK has Just received from the city
and Is non opening. a splendlddlsploy of FANCY tlflolhl,
to winch lie desires to call the attention of his Monde
and the public. Ms assortment In this line cannot be
surpassed In novelty and elegance, and both In ItUttlity
and price of the articles, cannot fail to please putebasers:
It would be impossible to enumerate Lis '
which comprise every variety of fancy articley of tho most
bstiutrilte finish Mai as.
Papier illnehir 0001.111.
Elegant alabaster and porcelain ink-stands and trays,
Fancy ivory, pearl and shell card cases,
Ladles' Fancy parkas, ,
• Fancy Work Hosts, with sewing Instruments,
Ladles' Colas, Writing Desks, aud.Port - follos. , •
:Port Idruinalcs, of every variety;
(MIS pens and - pencils, Fancy viper weights, and
large variety bf Fnuoy stathri.cry.
friettd sealrfouti wafers, Silk and bead purses,
!thinly, whips, elegantly finished. Flue cutlery,
Perfume baskets nod Bags, • ,„
Brushes of every kind for the !slid,
X. Baas and it. All. Wright's Soaps and Porlumes
of various hinds,
Nancy Phis for bead rlibbiles and shawls. „.
Must& instruments, of all hinds and rrj an prices
together with an Innumerable variety of aillelosolegant
ly finished and sultable for.holidity presents, to which
ho lathes special sittentloo.
Also, an extensive acid elegant mllOOllOO of
. .
comprbillig tho varlsran &Wish and Amorlran lyarlin,
richly omballslintl PPETICAJ. Miles aria
Hymn Tlnalts, olngantly haunt! , in velrut pith metal
clasps nail w i aura, sultabla for holiday gift,
Ilia assowanat al &Until Bonita and School titatlemery In
also complete. and cami,r3sen avers thing wail Jo Ow
Schoalic. lln OM &altos to call tlciiniartlrulv
flan cif Families to his elegant assortmout ai .
from the extensleo establiabments of Cornelius, Arcbet
sod °there Of FhiladOpina, comprising every , style el
Farlor, Chamber and study Lamps, for burning either
Lard, Sperm cu Illhorial oil; Also DYOTPS 'celebrated
teroseno or Copt Oil bumps, to4other with Flower Fuses
Fancy Screens, Se, Ills assortment in this lino: is ua•
_equaled in the borough. Also,
embracing nil lin. fovorito brands, and a flne asort
mantel 31HERSOILMI SilottEttS mu? pmes.
'raillts, •
• •
such. Orangen ' bernani, ma, nautna, Nectarines,,
31.1tii`ED-; \MAT; P1CK111.1.9, etc,.
In every variety and fit'all prices, all or Wlttr.ll ere pure
and fresk ouch an eau be confidently recommended to
bin frier:MX His ateeleeinbraceievelytblng le the lino
of Pitney oopils, .vritb nannrotheciartielo useful to'
but ekeepeifx which the public are eapeelellY larlted
to call and examine..
Remember the 014 Stand, nosirlyoppositnthe Wank on
North flanciver drool. •
••• aria;: 0. i%V.II.d.YZtiIiTIOK.
. 2000
111 00
12 011
A. 13. LIWINC;!S
471VJAJO , 7 1 1tigArt '
After returntne Lfe tickilottleilgements fer the :eery
itberal peteettage tett/oh - Wu, been extended to hint, 'the
undersiped would, call - nttentitin -td; the: rrot that he
tuis just - re•Ntentid iliS Ok4lllo , l ' 4ENOrtllitirit of fand!x '
In his new store-room, on Um 'obiltibei;Ut Ginner • al' the
publie mutiny when, the public oic in of(ed to not and
gAILIII4IO 11, stock o gO(M116 which, in elepahM, variety
and mama. will defy- competition; .eamPrielog hi 'Part.
lahf, lamp, unsoiled owl brown 'negate, , ' , „..„., ' •
Jima, Itio and muted Coffee livery 3' il• . --=?1„,
. rioty,ood. itholity of TI 'lipicoo, , jetitiod '"" i
and unirreped ,) Plebe's. Sauces, Tahiti _OIL ..M1j1;
Now 00/ciins, Sitgarbouso and, Trinidad. uoit6
:Moloisco;• Yow-York and PllSlMlOlpttloSyt. •. , -
,upu. ChticaooStfenroul, Veribbcllll, 'split Peas, IfoininY,
blinOotimot, torn Sterol:, Serino, Chocolate,. Extroat o.'
Cam, retinottougar at reduced rotes, vuothlok n11(1101,
big soda .. . 'Torment) °Me most favorite brands, :lathe
Moist, quality of Segartqi Moo, a beautiful oueortinent
hr Britannia Ware, plain nod gold bond •China Ware,
Clasp, QueeM, Stone and Earthern Waco, In great vat,
rioty, cod on elegant let of Panops, oatdoets nod
perfumery for the toilet.
FItUITS: Including /teaches let cone, 11111h111S, Clllm
berrieu, dry apples, citron, almonds . , mangos, lemons,
Se., do,: .
.7rtyt..„,.,.,1e;!1?11 ' l i g l i e
„7 41 n '( n ( eniacignul3,ly. t (( ,M l i Iterlnuadlea, dark and pale, Llaben
c 2 Showy Port,Nl,6llB, 0 h.gen Catawba
and 'Muscat Wines lu Cniit; and hut•
ties,. ceotalk Whiskey, Flail/tad .04n, and Scheid:u
Schnapps. • ' • , •
A largo atotlt of 14 , 011',,includIngDyott's colobretteil
ltunpFt for huroltiv, Kerosene or coal oil, tilmo Sportily
Moo, Lard otiVeoril OIL, Ilurripg, Spciln and
• • .
Ilrushos, napes, Idopm, ttoaps, Doorquata, Walters,
I‘oaklug.glassea, faa totter and uota paper,. IVlUnit
I%"tyra, panted !welt ete,
Cotton and woolleu Ilosc, rind half llpoortind, a full
dock of Gloves, .inoltollng the trail Ilgown ' Ilanovel
Buck gloves.
111 short, lota stork comprlsra ovcrythlng that Is called
for iu iii, line ofbneincsa, and .otthcl a solthe spared
to condor (11111rn satisfaction to his customers,
enifgo, 00. 27, 1528 7 1 y.
Nimrkuttng of all Muds talon in oullnitgo
. •
j• 01).11 11...S:TEE
SQU'ilt , STMT
tl few doois Sow(' of (he Court House.
IfavDm supplied myself vilth n largmassortment
Wnieh :Unfelt:lls, Masses, kn.' I ant tam' - prep, ed
repair nil kinds of IYatehoneitielis,,Tioreiry : '4n, on.
must rensonaldo .terms, that may to entrust, d to
c l iro. Hoping; by strict Wootton to bUttilOAS to be
vered wither /11,V1111-I , llilll , Ot plattle tlllt 111fthit, •
A Mai assortment 'of i eal FI,ItY, surh on knoll
Divest Pins and Enr Drops. Mild sad Cameo: Stipp
Dynast. Pins rant Ear. Drops. Donato! Mass this nil nil
(told Chain 'looks, Plated Chains, (tit Loeb ets,Cluar
Keys, At. Also, a largo and floe nmortmebt of
Ai', a lino tot of Silver Bunting, Detached Lever
:and In phis lilac/le,, and a gad assorttnont of Sih•y]
plated and Steel nputatlee.
all of whiels will he s,l/1 tour. A share of publle patron
age 305. U. STEEL.
oarlinh• O Only 13,11Z0-11e
-man/o.v zrag.44 ,,
Just revolved and In stem, a fresh and well sm
• lectred assortment of lido, .lava and Math. •
cadet Coffee, Boasted Coffee, Crushed
• ituirerkwal Sugars. Refined and
„ Wear /trawl, Fugate, supor/Or ,
63 . m1, Molasses, Of lea/.
(haltin f g) 31 of asses.
Sitters o every vortety—
pure only t Starch, Farina and
Chocolate.. 3 / a ttrmttl, I:hc,mt Bind
Crackers, l'aphira mat
Saleratus and Mdfa, Cream Tartar and mr.
flqried Pickles Mustard and Cord:nyder Seed.
TIA 9.-4. tine assortmont in l'aelcatfef
r i
and in bulk—in well as all ether mile).
1 Allati ' 1”.1.,,,,,in g to the I , ,,Amlti—all at the len,.
.at p ......,tu a„....., py....
~, , J. IV, EBY,
• T - ,
A(,111,17,, 'MA% 41.1 „AND
V : 4 11.V I.llt-IV A.IthAT cu LYN'S old establishe
gland, Weet Main 'et., marl). if oppe, e the eumberian.
Volley tank.
I have just receiV6.l a new assortment of. notches.
mrelry. medalltons_iliver ware, 4c.. In addition to my
twiner stock to eefilch 1 invite thn attentio, of the
putilte, The ast.ortment embraces tine
gold and silveV lever watt:hex, Hunting .lA`e,F . l 4,
Aad open cax.) do., gild Anchors fur ( P . ,...) ii tt
Ladles and Gentlemen and Silver Lo. ,
pines and guarder watches of every vs .
rloty in styli and price.
Also fine gold Modnlllons. IlmtsE.p) no Tor Ladles nod
Gentlemen of every quality, pattorn mud rim Gold
fob, vest:curb sod neck chains. Gold hravidets, finger
rings, roil-pins, studs, sleovedmttons. crosses, charms,
&e. field and silver thimbles, sliver and plated
hotter knives, forks, table, tea, Fnit and spool a ,
of every variety. A largo assortment' or kohl, other
and common spectacles, to Milt all
ages to which we Invite special ellen
A. floe lot of OOLD PENS from the bast tool;cro.
, pertacio'coseW. fancy Loxes, silver nod pearl cord cases,
gold Mid 00111111M1 braculcts, untrb chains, et ,
!Annie Omen , nod n variety t , f art Has usu.
-ally he'd to Jewelry eAtahllsidoen tN. rsld••h
I wilt sell low fist cash. All articles var.
tooted ta be wind I boy arc nominated.
Particular Mtnatiao paid no usual to
.ItEPAlltlNtl nod nil tverit War
Der. 23, IRK. t
1 - 1 . 4 1 R E,S II G CEItI E S!
Shad and Mae/tern) of different grndes.
At nuytrrs
Seal') Fhb and 11111tu Fish;
At 11.11Vtat'3
Codfigh, San and Veiled Herring,
Cheese antl CracVera can be link
Dried Fruit, Prererree and Jel
Sugar. Cured Ilvetand lbws,
At 1113YET1."9.
A (test supply quauons;
At 1111YETT'9
OSN„ White kr., Ac.,
v To would, roskotfu)/y inform out
frlends, patrens mint th, vuldfc generally, Mei
we Lave int ' er fo ,',.tere, and offer
O ' tlOLF:..dt,ti A, DETAIL,
at the lowest Cash h . I Sees a large and
very choice meek el' Watrilep, Jew.
dry, Sliver and Plated Ware, ot e•
ry ymioty and 51.00.
Ivory defieriptlen of Diamond
Werh,llllil other Jewelry nin t h, to or
der at Alert notice. Al All Wads WAIIIt.VNTED tr
be as ropregented.
It. Partionlar attention Elden to the ItITAMINt
of SVntettils and Jewelry, of I.yery disci ipt
STAUTI.:I: HP. hi,El - ,
rc2 . llllarkat Straat. South SllO,
March 14, 'Oll-3m.
vrxLvr pow. 'VOTING, X. X
'the rrcrot duo to Courtship, Lore
..; ‘, ` ' . ‘ •' ., :1',', 1 f f t71 . e 7 ::?.... and Ilarrinuo: trith the bloi•
~:--,.:" _ ',I-a dent to Youth, Maturity' a r id till ARO
71,N,Z . -----,.. —twin% lights and shade , of Married
. . 7. .. 7 :' .. 6 '''.'''' ,, ..t.ii. life. Ito Jo, sand Sorrows, llopes;l4srs
.....a"?4,..,,,.e, tad-Illsappollitulents....l.o4 all
'" , ;;;;A1‘,."3 , V , netple ' 'it thorn-MD telitplati lig' Ina,
'-' l :l:‘ , ‘' thee and latlngthe least Impediment
to Warded ilfo, read this book. Ltd' sooty young man'
and woman in the kind read thin book. It la . loot. OF
.I`nvrns, and dl.•elnsea ani`reta that avery mat aliould
know: a little knowledgu at first way save a world of
troublo ill after IVO.
Sand for a copy (onclocing 2:l:ctltN) to
DR. W3l. YOUXU, Ro, 411:151.911.3CE STREET.,
earliqc, Aprtl :.?d, '6O Zio..
Joutt V, Lyon & San ‘.. h . .J0 I ,h 4 St n ' l l ttp - Hted opening
their Spring Stork of Hardware, Paints, Oils, eoroiebee.
tow lath they Invite the early • nittention of
the public. •Wa have greatly enlarged our stock is, all
Its various branchek,atal can now NCCOMUltdiltlt
Ito with
. R 1.411 L E 0 0 0 1).3:
in large or small quantltica, at the lowest prlrea. laut
tee de not wish the public In understand that we have
brought nit the t sods in Philadelphia nod New York to
nut t own, but we cop twiere thom that one look Into
ear store will con vine° them Heli. IVO hare enough to
sapply, the( domand in this market.. Person, wepting
goods in our line wit( find it lantheir advant Igo te give
us a call hefinas looking their porchasos.—A II orders
, rsonally and pit net natty ettensiod to, au& on naHro•
sou fathom outdo to oiled titles.
North Hanover St. Cattirlo, '
May 2 , 'CO
iis7e TOctisost ea wittarablo stock of Now, pahrleP , stwl,
as Tit Al' 41.1,1itt1. F.. lilt Al lit.F.B nn d CAM 11,1.,1 8.
Fancy $11,K5 fifyin Auction, below the cost of Loper.
&Hoy rwp.,c, CHECKS. GRAY PORE
LIN ES Itt tow), vartuty; Chine s ntl
thu best blanch. SHAWLS , •
CLOAK:3 LAOS and • • • " :
. ' srts. MANTLES. 6
„Handl+ for, •
• FRIENLy • • ,
'wear, • •
SHOE 000 M. . •
• , •.
BOLTING OLOTHS,4.e.V.hc,' .• ' • ,•,
SuArretniis BROTHERS, '
Bth tft.'Hhestuut, •
Mny,2, 18rt0;3"—Ilms
1114\IENT::--7-The subscriber is prepared,
to tuerulinr,lsittid ottieri, ClAlV.l4l`,ll,l,tie
quiibtlty"ak twiniainetnrers . , : .
Cnrlln ,
eIprII 11, 18t50. 11, SAXTON.
tiiiiibeeotkia 1.
COAL A t.11.4t.1111 , tiE R. YARD'
, , ThOnnbscribenitureo this ddy (tutored Into pan ,
'.H10 1 9 Ci 1)1"It T.l
. llNC"{inflOrintly on Lund And furbish:to Aider
iljr,it4y.ti'Almtnnilitip soasOned., •
,-; , t • ' •• • •
YaUng, Plastering lath, Sklnglleg Lath,. worked Yh on
jug hind wothurboa pclitly„ Posts and hulls, dud ovary or
tlchilhat beldnkalto d LUMBER VASIL
All klnparhf Id "wit r
and Oak, of dhlfurant qualities. • Having entlf.. of our
own ash call furnish • bills ta, ordcrof•• ally length and
Fiat, nt tne vhartent. shollSoUnd <Pi the 'most rialsollabla
,Isronc. . Our worked hoards will Lu kept under cover NI
that they can ink furithlual dry at all Macs. • •
We have ronctantly oil hand all kinds or Fondly Cord
under cover., which ‘lO4l deliver clean to any, part nl
the boroughs. To wilt ' '
lAKENS VALIAIV, 'Broken; tigg, Stave and Nut
lc/alive pledgeoureolies to sell st tbo lowest prices
]lest iitiallty of '
Limetntrncr'lt avid Blackmith'a
always on tofild fvbfrif fro frill soil nt tho tfrfrort 'agar.
• Turd woktitito of Grammar School, Ataia street.
. uly 20, Mu
Nd It A .1t Y.' '
Tito location Is pleasant and health, and .the adroit
togno no equalled by fair In Min hold: The Institution
IA tarp and prosperous, with a corps of :tag lan
Ben With carp, and tt 111 r 1 oell nod to lnstrind to Ilia Rolla
and ortiontontol branches, The inflo tnecs In this board
log department at o parOutal, moral and
'The next 1it,851611 wtll COLlnnetteo on We day of
February. entalozues. way bo had on application to
. .
ov. W. IT. tllx, CArlido; Nur. John A 111 E, Loudon.
Pn; 0, , r1. 11. - 11) 4 4rhor; Ex), lloputsto 411 P.I; Mu. (kb.
l'lmmbers, 11: Arllinwit, I): U., A. Fir:lll.t., D. I).,
I'. 11. 113.0,e.. Awn .1 cnik!.pl; etark. Clutmla!rnlilrg, P
"IL Pril,olol.rj puth [law Cont.gunuill:htt;
Carillip: ;fa!): 22, I SCO.—
• slos
Tho filihseriher havini; taken the Ware Mune rare
and 6x Euro, or Win. it, 7+lurri,y's scull button ext,11.11,11-
inent.'en West 111gb Ntreet. eppmito.thekitisnit College.
would inform the, pohne that he liar .entered into rt
general Forwarding and tlitirillti,sittit.tti
The highest ranr4et price will be pithl for t l.lmv, Crain
and pu/ nen Of on kilittF. • -
'Thou aro titan pritylaritt) to fridght. Lundtpe and tdoch
to Philadelpida nod lialtkore, of. thin lowest ra tog, with
waety and despair',
PI, STF:It.ANU SALT Lept ennOnntiy on Laud, and
Ft (Wit ANL) Entu, tit e liolesaie or retail,
Coat of all Muds. enihraring,
' 1 4 1.111 E VIM/IXL
LocutiT alcir
Lituebtlettet'S "and Blacksmith's 7
KEPT UNDlilt ei/VElt
and delivered dry to nay.pnrt of the town.
.• _ J. It. NOSE MA
carit.ia, August 17, tSLP. ,
AT 711 u WCAT rsl, OP yAturiff...l
'rho solwri.or Aroilltl reoA.olfolly Ibtltho otti , oti
of I,lno.burnoro t . rtod Um rH i7.1.),F. of t'arliste, nod t
surrounding count.:y go.crilly, to:ldg
ntlaeltell to 1118 - IVal e linufin, on Wt of Melt Ft. , wi ,
1,,, rclll jtoo eynn;tantly on bona u 1411-W "PON of 1
INA qu4.iitY'of COAL, to wit;
l.y henlley. 1.111.41,1111er, pine fl rove ml Trevt
tniy Broken, Egg and N ut etl anti tity ' l,
which he pletleen Ititorlf to,oll 01 the lowest 1,0.11
Rest ; quality of •
always OH head. . ,
R it - All sacks% left at the Warn House, nr at Ishs teal
slnaso by North I loony, street, will la, protssidly lit
toasted to. J. W. lIEN DEMON.
jr. PAINTS!! A fall assn.:fee:a of Olnfs of all Mr.
nud quality, %yin a largo ploti: of ft 1.0.1 PAINI S,
s, OUR, , Coneut lit largo or 0100
quentittet,„ltt low Ilgurth, at
JOHN 1.5'111 , , A SON,
Ort.t7, 'At. • .Korth Hanover Street.
• The proprietors and manufacturers of 110S
T.ERS can appeal with perfect confidence to
Physichms and citizens generally of the United
Stites, hecanse the siticle has attained nrcpu
tat ion heretofore tuthnown. A few facts upui t
this poitit will speak mere - powerfully . titan
volumes of bare 11.1,1iVIiC , !101* bLlZOilillg puffery.
The consumption or nost et tPr's Stomach
fers for the last year amounted to ever a half-.
million Similes, and front its manifest steady ,
increase in times paid; it is evident that during
the coming year the consumption will reach
near one million hot ties. This iinut ens° anniunt
could never have been mild hut for the rare
nmli c inal properties contained in't he prepare:
lion, awl the sato:den of the most prominent
physicians in those secti o n s of th e count r y
where the article is I , eNtlncivn, who not only
recommend the Bitters to their patients, but
are ready St all times to give testimonials to its
ellieney in all eases of stematitio derangements
mai. the disetaes resulting therefrom.
This is note temporary popularity, obtained
by extraordinary efforts in the way of film)
peting the qualities of the Bitters, hut tr solid
estimation of nit invaluable medicine, which is
destined to lie as enduring as time itself.
est t Stomach Bit era have proved
a Godsend to regions where Saver find ague
sad various other bilious complaints have
At my'Eres
At utivErrs
'4; l / 4
4 )
counted their victims by hundreds. - To he
'WA!: in-siatU confidently that the ' 4 Bitlefs",
arc a certain cure for the Pyspepsiaaual like
diseases, is to the proprietors a source of un
alloyed pleasure. it removes till morbid Muller
frosts the nlomiseb, purifies the blood, and
imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system,
giving it that ‘tone ttildn'energy indispensa hte
fur the restoration of health. It operates upon
the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs,
mildly but powertuny, anti soon restore© them
to a condition comets fiat to the healthy discharge
of the functions of nature.
Elderly persons may use the Bitters daily as
"per ditectiehs ou tho.buttle, anti they will find
in it a stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort
declining years, as it is pleasant to the,palate,
invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a tome,
and rejuvenating generally. We have the evi :
dunce of thousands of aged men and lvotufn
whohaye experienced the benefit- olusing-this
preparation while snaring (rose tit oomph de
rangements and general debility; - acting under
the advice of physicians, they have abandoned
all deleterious drugs and iiiirly tested the
merits of this article. A fers words to the
gentler sea. There are certain periods when
thei: cares are so harassing that many of them
sink,under the trial. The relation of mother
and child is so. absorbingly tender, that the
mother, espeeially if Flt 6 fie young, is apt to
forget her own health in her extreme anxiety
for her infant. Should the period of maternity
arrive diming the summer season, tho•wear of
body and mind in generally aggravated. Here,
then, is a necessity for a stimulant to recupo
iate the energies of the system, and enable the
mother to ben• up nutter her exhausting trials
and, responsibilities. Nursing mothers gene•
rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigora
tors that receive the endorsement of physi
cians, because it is agrteable to the taste as
well es certain to giro a bermunent increase
of bodily strength.
All tiIOSQ liCi*Otig, to whom wo have particu
larly referred above, to wit: sufferers front
fever and ague, caused by malaria, diarrhcca,
tlysentery, , intligestion, loss of appetite, anti .
all diseases or derangements of the stomaph,
superannuated invalids, perso . us of sedentary
occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult
their own physical weltbre by giving to Hes
letter's Celebrated Stomach bitters a trial.
Motion the public against
using any of the ninny imitations or counter
feits, but oak l r:ilosTurrea's.Cet,l:lina`reu
&mum( Burros, and see that each bottle has
the words "Dr. J. Iles totter's Stomnah Bitters"
blown ha the side of_ the - bottle, and stamped
on the metallic, cap covering the cork, and
observe that ournittograph signature is on the
hibel. • ,
Ot Prepared' an'd Soid by )1013TRPTElt &
Pittsb,ursti; add. hold by all
druggists, grocers,, and dealers • -generally
throughout "he .7.lutted States. Opal:L - 4=4 -
rice. find t#ormnay.
Xsrsnla ay 8. lilltoi ti• 8. 11;i4orittcic, ; Jobs
Ct Jplin e,toollmugb,'HltilmOnlitwrin t. Annf
Ons, li. IlmnJag, slectittlesburgVatid ritx;;;;;180
gontrally throughout.;bo• qulltp • 'Nov. 0, MU,
AND -•••• •
ritIPS A ()pI - MIT . -
. • fit) Lanvin Coalout with'ii46,6 largo ' assortment
of 14a1e and lean putar,,,Alrallr kinds choanor iliac,.
Om, at the Liardwaribion) of ~ ~ . ' '. •
March 7,'80. ' , 1"'
Fee. HENRY liiEVES, A. AL,
Prim.lp la.
l'''..''.'..''.' l ,4l . ltoretttilicottt.
. . .. i
a-OOD- -.OGI)11 GOOD 1 .1.:
_ .
.760 received et tho,elovp Grocery of the und,,,
si4liati, late ot:good th:age, - a.jelrt or ii Welt are the Ad
lowing. : . ; :' '' ': - ; ;
. .
1I rineEten lly soaled PEAMER, Gl'obh.)
• " PPAS,'
P "O'S'SrEEtA,
. a. a PINE
- SA.It lON t.;s,
'Pickled Clerltlito, Clow CilOW,' Lobsters
Caullfforrer, .
' ' 'YomAtoo It atosup, WAlota, do., Iff to!prooln do.
• Pepper Sattoe, Hominy, Orttlo, Cral. berriox, ebe tlaOs
of • Delt,(l Hoot; Auptr•onred Ifologo,
Sumo:to, :31/41/ , S,MarettronA, Sugars, Coffees, loan
M.dAsova, ttiol t Uof all
SSW AKE, SIN!: ROA ns, nrnnng which nn
bounty fly, thuus,GPl GutM, Sloan, .orllon Tobacco
nod tifa very boot and purvist LIOXOPS in the county
Confect Idnery and Fruit, etc,
All or which aro offered eltfoono of Cnlqiedo
county of Gum horlaod. tI the Imroeit prices' for CAd f•
COMO ONE', 1.);IMIt AAA, 1:1Aro daors Soot of Itlittdo'
Curnsfe, Nov. 9, 1.859.
SURANCE, , b)MPANY. of Cumberland county, 'mory ,
rutted by au act of Aesombly, is now fully organized,and
Cu operation tinder Una oa of Lim Ibilowitb;
Itailay, Willlata It. aorgaa, Zlllchanl Cock
I, IJchclhurgen I:lllriatlan Stayman, John C. I/
lap, Jacob 11. Cooviti, I,ekria llyor, S. Chally, Iles
hill) 11. Mnraer,„ .1. Ilrandt, Joseph Mel:crab
Aleimplar Cathcart. •
rates of insuranro aro as toss unit favisable an any
.Coinpany of the Idiot in tho State. Imranns NYDMIng'I.O
Imcoom moutlaro. aro insl tad to Mal:n appltratton to tin,
ammts of the company, Mit) are pilling to watt tipim
them at any Moo. . _ .
• . Ical. 11, aona AS, President.
riNf Vroeidnnt -
1.131V1.`i RYER, Secretary
ICIII A fir. nnrltr,lN , Tresedrilr. •
. .
Manaxers.— Win. It. tbtrnna, b. flyer. (111r1rAian II
nt n,. 31. Cooklln..l. C, Inlnlnp. It. Itlajtilt. I). 11411 s
IL l T+nr or.•t, .1. Wickersham, J. Elobei
Bborl.r, .7. Brandt.
C l / 3 1111.:111,AND COUNTY.— John Run rrsclt. 10.
Z031111'.;, Slareinnoxtmsn; Smnwa %Vriollburt,
Inckhnion; //miry Down/an, Chu:, ; Moth, 6,11
1111,, Smith )I{,l•ll,itin, i • W,
Samuel Coori4, Motillanlerbral; .1. W. C0c4,11,1
t•ltephorikitown: D, , Conver, Shtiphoiribitown; J, o. ' ?nx
tun, Silvio. Spring; Ito'nj. 'Tarim:l,lth, Sqviio Spring
Mill. rat Hide : ilohn liver, Carllstp.
V(11(.1t S. Plckli.r, Dover; toter NVoI
ford, Vratikliti,; .1 nt , , (Jrllllo, - 31'ailirtgrott .1, 1 , ?
.. I , eo
Aura'. WashingtOn; Itt/tOr, Noirburg; It. C. Clark
'DA 111'11 I N CO.—Houser & Lochman, Tlorrlshurg.
Meintiorx or the company harlog . potieies.a lout to ex
riatrlnve thorn!, ..Nroti toy makkng 4 1 , 1 111etatuti h
44 51.4 . Om vino,
CHUBtill EnouLy
NEIV cumitEaL.tsn,-tiA..
All kinds of
L II lit B E lt ,
ronst3ntly on bad,'
bunter delivered nt Any nec,p4e by Ilallreetl
at the elterte.A. notice.
BUILDING T1M13.1.111.'
AV ALIA 5.17.1•;S AND•l,l:Nryills-cur To mwj:n
Muy f
11 - OM Alt I) A 8 8 0 C4* - 1441) - 4V,
A I:eneenteut In Kilutb.n, estfillikhe4 Ly epert.d en
dowmeut for (ho Celierorthe ,1 1 : diStre,,,,t,
h I'lllllola +lnd Virillennio . disrra,es,l
• e,rdarly fOr the`...! IngeaN,H 1)1.
crircAT, ADVICE giv , o unit li. try tiro Art log Fit
gem, to ill whin apply - lip lotti , r; %MK li''.o4,Ft I ritltni •
Gliidr condition, (a:, 0 ...iip.ktltt 11:11.1t, Ilfe,
mot or cshnmo poverty. Medicines fatiilnto
frel. of Plnir.:”.
• V ALIJ A It IL F: I'OIITA on Sprnintorrlion. noirpni•
.1/ of.the 1 ., 1•11131 tirZons, mod ou the N It KM
1•.:4 eitiployed in the itisp,its rry. neat to the tilli leit
04,41111 M 14 ell eltarge. 'Too or the
Litiiirqw for p , Atagu.o ill Ito
P/C. J. Slit 1.1,V.N ILOUWITON. Arting
go tit. 11..0.tri ,i %.,,,1titi0n, No. 2- Ninth :Arc,
yli iiiidulphis Ity order of eetn,,,
V.ZIT A - 11.. I ti . :AnwELL, progiapn
0 El). I , A Melt ILI), Bw:rot:try.
On McidiAtion And Skr rule nt 74n. R. A. pr ,N01.1;$
• VIGUEIntI.;A:st ROONI: 4 , 2,111 door scent of Dr.
7.Pran's 0111 co, Cailinte, PA. •
Send for n Of calm. to
'W. 11. MASON, Agent.
Doe. 7, I b 4-11.
pAINTS ANI) 011)S.- 7 --
lo i.„„ ma w 1,,,d. 1 0 0 0 thdlone of o((. 30
rurelved v. itil A 111VgA AWA ttio COr
Narnlmhes, yi n , proof Paint.
' Turinmtlno, ,Fl , ,tvoro White,
•ldpan,• %Chico %doe.
Ptah., Coinmi 7, nr,
1..1i/virzr,, 801 l 1,,,ni,
---- Whine„, ' . Dolled ill,
Glut+, • Lord WI.
• 5.11,114 r, Sperm Oil,
Paint IlruNllo ,, , i'1,11,01,1, &r.,
Colors of el Pry d,wrlption dry, and nil in ~ on
tub‘.s Itttho ilardwuro Store of •
March 7,'W. - 'HENRY SAXTON,
m „...,•,• K
;,...; . te . z .i, k • k.): «,',l, AW,.>,,
:1 •-0 ,x ._ ,• ~14tt , }
:,., ...:.' ' ''' • - ..,1:5',.
. .
• .
. ,
Thousands aro tinily speaking In yrrise of
and whys herause it never lAN in:llford instantlnem
relief when Mserr in tittle. It Reit, am it by III:14k, at
nno trial triune li ill e 01111114.0 yehl that what n e may
trim. it renteins
rd any kind, nod thereilwe relieves by reon.vtue O.
tottlm into ..1 your child. luFtead of by &winning i
Permihili tie., For t his re,12,,,i it entornends it,p)f :” ti.
only reli'lido Preolmtl,r now Unown for CIA( !deer,
Peet h lug. mare/ern, Dyseitt try, (I rl ii , -
int; Lt the .13ovvela. Acidity of the, 6tortuich,
triad, Cold in the head; and Croup, nine, for r.ofterring
the Karns. redwing lottanie tine, re alai Ina the 106 Vet
grind twitoiriw i c vain, it bits tin eutur (—Lei LI k, , , an on I, ,IVI
m nalt,
it in 11,4 with unfailing mn.erss. lro nil naves t
Covryttlatett or ether Mtn. A x you t...lme'tio,
lin and, health of your einhiren, and wi t h mount ji,,,,,
(Mill 0030 owl Mid biliOltillg f011iN11”111....4 Wiliell tins
cort.lin t , ,,reNult front. the non f,r rourotivr," of white 4
other. remedies for Inrmllie Comp/AMA Are cninp,,,t,
(Ake trout. but tilt. EATON'S INV kNTII.II CORM Al..
this you r In• rely upon. It is parkelly /ramie, nod
cannet-lnj are I he- nmAt-ehdb.nto Wind.- Price, 1.5 emits-
Fall directions arcompol,l . I, rh lottle., Prernred only
by • - CHURCH 41: DUPONT.
No .1.0 ilregraway Now Pork.
titttlll s irree
itaalthy human Mood upon being
-always presents its e hit the 6:11110 essential . elements
and gives of course tint True Standard. Analyse tin
fihrel of n pertnit suffering from "Consomptlon, Live
Conic/taint, D3witepsin, tirroftn, &e. sod we. find in
every Insw two CVrialll dadOtllleg to the red globule.
of Wood Supply these Oilliellenelos And you are Math,
well. The IlLmll.l MOD ie minded upo4 141 s ,Theury
—hence its netehlshing sums. There ore
onptqa to the thilicielle'ea of the Blood in different
floe Coullts Ilrom•lil I Is. or nit, alTee
oillitoYar of the TILINIST or LIING7I.I od acing eon.
numption, no, No.l, which in 111,5 y% thll No. for Do
fression of Spirits. Doss of Appetite. nod for all Chroo•
to Complaints arising from Over. we. Ormond Debllity,
and Nervous Prostration. No. 2. for liver complalots.
No. 3, for dyspepsia. Doing oireatlY prepared tbe nie
wseptioit it he taken by drugs :mil carried Immediately
mai the idreulatiou, on that what, you to lls y ou uOlOlO.
The No, u is far fceianlo trroglthit dire, Hysteria. Woh
nesssta. icc. Soo spacial directions for this. Beer Fait
Croptions„ elerofulons. Kidney. arid Bladder
Goon shirts. take No fi, bn all cases the diem:tom inosi
1,4 strictly fellowitti. Prier of .tho Blood Food $1 per
bottle.- Sold by ell UIIOIIA DUPONT.
No 455 Broadway, New.-York.
blr.,Dyott k Som. Philadelphia, and 0. 11. Keyser
Pittsburg Wholesale Agents,.
Z. The luthscrllaw would respectfully announce to
tau pubilo thst ho to now prepared with a untlanal
•coom, at his old stand oppacito the Ital. P.m}, Dont. to
(welch 101 l CrOlittl of .tiVERY FLnyoit, to any number
and 41 +/UWE Ilatice.
May , , ltflettArnfitltr.
IjAX PI . PAY UP I ! ••• •
Tbo. 1,,,10ht [4l to the Into Ovular Shron,
as, hereby requested to roll and nettle their respe,tlye
a:enuntil wltbit, thirty, days, otherwise tiler billet. will
to loft with a propel' , Otter for cisilection.—Vo !bean
wii. . • - stumMp& BLACK.
,lay 2,1,010 —t.
`VOlt 8 A . .-L deaita I o yp,6iO . etice
—nu East Polar etteet, tarred et Privet. gele;
Poi;telna or other particulate enquire .at the ner I
Map 'tiOoriu?,
itit /Wit- le_ it 10 I 0.114 , -L N,
FicEEl),:,w2iya) s xion36,
811 arAitic. T eructa , rIII,,ITI.I.THVA
' J. S 1), 11140.4113. '
re. Cars df this Lino learn the Depot 611 Musket at.,
Aaiiyy et 4 o'eleidr, P. N,
. Leave Carlisle, Daily, 47 o'cieek. A M.
(Rods in tumityl ter this Lino should ho marked 0. &
I'. Daily Pri,lght Lino, mid ent in by 4 o'clock,
. L A 1) 13 I,
It A. I 1. If 0 A D
• Arnm 191180.
Two pasuenger trains leave ifariltibuig (tally, (Pan,
duo excepted) ut ni)J A. M . and 45 P. M.. for Plana ,
delphtt, arriving there at Mad noon and 7,10 P. M
in:finning, trove Philadelphia at %JO A. 54.0111.1. :430
M., arriving at llar(luburg at 12.40 noon nut' P.:26 P.
Pknati: 'l'n Philadelphia, No. ears. $2.25; No. 2On
same train.) 1'370.
Pares to Heading. $1,60 and 11.30.
At lioalli»g. con nort with trains for Pottsville, Ml,,nra.
Ville, Tamaqua, Ca la wisp', kr,
Pour trains leave Reading fur PlilladalphSa dully,At
OA. 31 , 10.10 A. 31., 12,20 noun and 5.00 P. 11. • •
'Leave Philadelphia for 'loading at 7.30 A. 11., 1.30
31., 3.301'. 31, and 4.45 1'.51.
Par.-11 from Ittatiliqr to Pldlathdphla, 181.75 and 31 45.
Mitt umrobrg trade from ilarrlslazrg eronnortx 01
Heading. n Ulf np train fur Wilkesbarre, Pittston arid
s9:r:uttran '
Far through tickets and other inferrnatlon apply ter
.1..7. CLYDI4,
General A.1.120t.
Atrty 11. ,5!)
NT 1. W 8T A. E•lt 0 El . 7 -
Thlf suhFeriber hos started n trimmer:ly' him 01
.Stages Letts net CarliMe and Landlsburg. having Car,
lisle ,every rtiMutay, Weduesday and Friday, blunt:di ,
ately ou the arrival of the sttertmon Ll MI/ of rata from
the cost. ltetnrnSug, leaves Landlsburg at 800 A. NI.,
every Tuesday, We ineminy and Saturday. and arrives
lit r,thdo at Lop I'. Perry County Warm
Sprintm, Shormatt,dale. 01 rani Cs Gap and tariitile Sul
`phut - Sprints. titt and 10 . 01' Juno the itith. the lino still
run daily for the arenututodation ofposoaogors going
tit Um oprlnps. . 9
Fare to the several points as allows:
Carlisle to Sulphur ipringit
.Sterrett's (Mr,
r . Shermansdale,
Perry County Warm ,Sptiugs,
" Landisimr,4, •
I,nutliliburg, to ll'arrn Spri•ngq,
;'s “op,
-. " „
Tho above lino trill lezujarly carry lho 31.11 i. to and
from limo neveral points abort, Joniratod.
I imvo ;,1,0 n 50.11 I,ll' Lll S' eTABLI•, 9rYn
rolsivil I atii stall Born really to furMish horses anti Pr.r
n se's lothoß-0
,who . tell! favor ins with their patunata+r,
Inn the most'rensounide tortin,un tl in i.el
."Inay39lSa. Gi;O7lWl
f ' ) A. It. 111 , 1 N WOOD wnuld rn , peathtly Inform Mg
ants tisk and Vicinity that be has tahen
in' VAnt's new latillolng,• - rant rinnor nt Marbet :Eis.erra
whero.he i 0 nt nil times reply to' taho A M ttil°ft t P
in the West ;not non.' apprn,nl Hylo. i'letureS taken
in rainy and ein‘ntv Iteatper.z. Won as tab tsfnctii,ll ft¢eu tr tin chars:es sonde. Portraits and' hi.
nuerrentmies capitni: Miniature Pictures talon lor
Lochets Sc.. its Anshretyno.
Amhrntypce warottsted to stand Iho text %time bola
or water.
.Ladles rind finni.kmen ors eordlnlly Invlto d to ra, mo w to on.
Priceilj to $lO,
- FJI. Elt
,1, from .1. It. Nonennther
TA.1.11,1611)1E,N, 1.% 1 will tiff tihyttys tewly to pqromono.
date . , tho pnb/le with. I MRS EN, CAR
„q;„ 1 W.` ,, :=1 , ,P, !AGES, Mititi I Es, aura evory caber o
to my line. By nriet atter, t fats to
"b.litevs and a pin wo. Ilne subsrribor bopes it
vets //Lem/ shorn of pilblle pxttanng”.
N. 11. Oltroilmsses on htttid to supply those win, reey
be in rived& theta, ' Li. U.
I Jv :11 1,1 8 It. IV Il J 1 i r 13 It ' S
t. 3 13 , ,:ia t...
% Cll P Atit
_,..,- .
.. 31 A II IT 1 , 'A CT 0 It Y,
Nonni lltcvoytn SIItEJ..T, CtltLeiC.V, PA. ..
flat Ing been en tvmeil In the busbies, tlvr over twenty
would bts oxhwinert, mid
ti•louda, for the ItUvrnl enrotimarinent oxtenthol to Win
in yONI, can ty, Allll forther aNt , tireN them that Ito
patio , will he ~,paled, to giro full Ratlslitetlon to till Naiti
inay (4000111 m o Itli it call,
of cvery deseriptlon constantly on hand, or mailt, to
Warroittedlo lio of the load, quality, of tho )4'
toot stylo, sott ttulshed, And sold at the lowest posstialo
pdrns 1,4 , 0:551,
Ito Mon conttotteo Imoiness As an UNDERTANKII.—
lteatly mall° Collins. Nlctalllc or otherwise, kept cow
Mantly pa hand and funevals promptly attended to
personally lit town or country, On thu most, reAsnimble
Cherry and kO, a ell tnisbed
ndlibutliilbia., ['mot S to 12. dull:a,.
\Valuta, Calox covered from 15 t•o no dollarn,
otaate In Chu re/at - 111'n,
rnmay t 'try nflered fur rain on easy toms. .tpply as
:11101N. J. It. {s'•
. •.. William P. Lyng',
r r „ c ,i,, q l fhtr.irilEß and (.'AS JITTER,
in the basement t. , f the JI. h ' . G ' lttireh,
Main Street. garfish,.
:4,,,1 ~ L ,,,t Iron Pipes, !, Oo Finks,
ISydr3nlg, Foto To/,,,
I lot ,cCobi Shower Bath '
s, 'ha( h Boilerg, N
;Voter Closgts, tibiaho , tes,
Poreli and I,lft Ponips, nydr.olio hams, Lc.
%1 ea't Iron 'Wel/I'l'o,es,
And evoryalescriptlon of corks aneh o llttlngs for gas.
steam, water. &r. Sllprior Cook ' ranges, neat nd
gas lixtuces put tip it, dmrche,,, stores and liWenillgS,
at short entire, the most modern style. All
lid WOO" ID also line at low rates and wa ism rated.
Ar.l- cono try work :Ind 36‘) . a11.g promptly attended to.
Mar. 2:1,
1)11? llt ITAIGING . S &c
• '
krA pER HAArciArc i N . •
No. 11 South 1 , 0121V111 Street, ),e/oir Market, 1.1101-s
(Worn k RETAIL Hu r
um n ni)temift stook of pools to Flgovt from, :mil nll •)1
tlio newest and best dosigus, —NV INOONV
PAPERS, In rwiloss vorkty.
gp ERR r SO 'S
rAltiall.L.' If PAULI
No. tr9s Chestnut street, (.Isyno's 1 1:111,) Philadelphia,
. Otlivlttttlit of r a ..synrors In S1:150
1 1..' 7 a 1 1 .. " " ,
Phi EU?, ' 14,11 . td reltlt
g V rf
1 1:11 T i j ir
- N
ft.,<A at tho World's
;Irt:., York,
cl noltr.llloo
• 4 - 2.0.tm0 if t wifi safes
been sold, and Iwo nnvf In
.lU:a tuv , o.lttl I early ,100 have been UN, ed In airs(
detAttd tires and lunar never fulled to preserve their con.
Wo oleo keep on hand And make to order
'•:ioblboarli and Parlor
(too of furniture) of , olegant design and
work teat/Orin. •
Also, iiniclav Prrof Safes for hanks. Brokers,lowels
ors, Alanit lines, Sati.o for ?pule. Silver Plato, to. 'no
Burglar Proaf,Safe fu use at tin, Tre,mtree,, um, o f
Piektovay eontty,().. (at Meter - 01o.) lens to Inutteturod
by u., and Is universally Iteknoirle4eti to be the
strongest ;info in Os wprla.
1',,,i111% Wishing Saks will find It their Interest to
null Or twind for our entalnpie barna, Imre/rt.:log elm,
'whorl', as there are the only Pairs whiell hove proved
themselves perfectly FIRE PROOF 11111) frOo fl . Olll t1:111311-
DI) will hn paid In any percen that ran
Rhnw that A untillN”'s rATENT - CII Amyl ON
ever ( MIA to preserve Its contents in .an areldental
free. ))larch 80, loot-ant,
1 800 !TAR") WARE,- •
'rho Suliserllier Ilan jisot retiirnoil from the 17natern
cities with tho Inrgost, cheapest 7thil hied oelerted fic
sorinnint of liordwere ever offered In this County. Eve
ry thing kept to it Fargo Wholocale and flotnll- nerd
ware Store can lie hail n Ultle loNver than airy other
house In the county at the Cheap Ifi,rito aro ii.tore of '
March 7, .118;siltY SAXTON.
- 11 RN!!!
N. W. Cornet' Twelfth Js Ift.rteo 'Streets
rfly..tADErdwrA. . •
. Pr:talent ,Adlostor of thiuturo Troooeo and Meebenl
ral Itomedies. flog most:ll,oy mi,hand a Morro Stock of
Oottulnu Pronrh trueiFuß,.also a complete nosortmosit of
tbo I pot Amorlcon * . incitidlna tho e010b0a,,,1 lfhllca
Potent Lover Trim. believed by tiro boot author! f,lek Cc
144 supoirlor t^ any yot loveutiol. linelloh and Amor/.
eon Suppootoin nod !alts, Shoulder llritemo, Suopesionoy
,imodnites. Self I ojectlogi Syrindos. odoptini to both FOX;
on, In Inuit oorbiblo eases, Frenetilloomelen, Urinal D46'l ,
01,101 . 13 and letters of enquiry, Trill meet protivt
AUF,lnt '24,. 1959 .
'l.tA I! II A:4‘llilS I
„Pah , Itarttetyjust • received oral! Wads.
with and without patent thatouttllta cheaper than,evar,
at the llaniwant Store of - . •
)larch 7, 'CO. ' HENRY SAXTON.
A rtigt
. AT
' A epopleto stock of Hata and Caps
now rowdy for Inspection,
In (wary
t o and quanty. WO ratticollor al ten
don tonne 'S. 811,1 C HATS. Silk and sort Data, of
an,v slylo inan'idacturcd to onion. Caps or as kinds.
14:cf11,14tICT RELt.Ett'4 OLD STAND.
North Itanoyor Streot,
Car/tale March 'IL 78t10.
000, Ili iXES OF G LASS.--'
Of all sis:cr, Double and single tlicic. Plain , Ornu
inentsle;hli rod dc. Just received a the Cheap Marti.
unto Sten or
A/arch L'eo.
. 4,;;; Wail Wes.' Nrstrsptes, of tho .Lest ,quality, Just
orris.) Al thu nArtl , Wat &.loro
tlorsli 7. 'Uti. • SAXTON..
• T Tin ItECE IVE D. ---A n other Jot of • i
ctttidl SUM' rind' Womb& carp/414'041MM voiv
dteltlo :Al.... o 4 o torPnwrQUA LITY oral( Clotho, all
a k ititha, v hlah.wo are vol ling at 60cta par iquare. lard
stripad and plata, Cloth 31antler,-Dreas good.; &a. . •
lilay . , LI.I 01011 b. AY IrS!t:'
A ; k
Ejt N '
-. • . -
^ holt becouta an ig,t a t,it,
,Ituttwa nod opprovotyl.),- ,
and le two , rettortod to
thtidboaueu for
It burr Cured L Lnnßnnds
years who Wu gbott.up
tutnatmout up•utletted
Filtni . shyly.
DJ J3l
I ed I
Els Flto3l OUDIF r nna
tel. a tq111911.4/rd .1142;Itclial
usull II
wills crnalanliss 10 n)/
Is rem-Immo:Wed
within tllu Igst
Rill hopes 01 reller,lts the
eeltiliotted)umy 1,1,2. A
The dose rritlSt acm p.
or ch. Ind( rititial toAlug
quantities as to act 9011.
' Lot the dictates' of
you lu the use of
tor, sod it runc
mut attacks, Dyspepsia . ,
tuor Complitiuts,
aetl, Ilabitual
(Molars Mortuss,Ctudera
JuituSice, k'ontitle weal:-
successfully MI 00 °rill-
CIN If. it trill cure tick.
eau text/I'4'o'M o , rutY
tossissoriful; arc tithen
!tea to the ,temper ament
'lt, 10 d UAW lu 611 eh
ly tn the towel,
your -JudF uu •nt guido
Liver or , •
Liver Collll,lolnir,
tory. broppy,.You *quern
11PFS, Cheletn,
I nflt turn, Fht( We nee • •
neexeu, end Duly be uhed. -
tory FA:n 11,Y
Heed:mile 111 tb01.1.51n/d'-4
I } l llllltofi, ttli 00 three
et ehunneneetnent
Alt who Hsu tiro
Hin•lftilarnr. '
INVI(101Z AVM; Awr)
(31 , 3111:R. '
• . •• 'Price Ono I)
'giring their ,
/Inv per hottle
Pure YiTetnble xtrnetm, and put up in Glnsa
Cagey, air light, and )011. keep in nny
wale •
.The riroke Ca tinirtie
"tiro Ca lb tit le iehieli the
his priniti., , more - than
tim e , wi, Imrn long us
whielt all give
ham lad tined the to'plitee
of all.
The Triter:Finn troll
therties tier on tillfereet
time /Pa sully Cn.
with duo I . OIOYOIICO to
toot, I unit emstpoutichel
purest vegetable tixtisel
port of the eitmeetery,
Na t e In all enveii
no Ve111110.111e1)LN 'OA the
In the Back and
nod ,". , ,nit , net-m over, the
lung ivormo Perot, Logs
I.. , elmition, of mobil over
iliOttiteilo. or weight in..,
Levy Disessiit, Worms In I
Itheutinl,tlFni, it.
utshy ItiEMISEON to 01[0
sus to mention in thidiol
, Plll is n general bnt a,
. progiletor has used, I n
022 ts,onty years.
~.3 '..reasing demand. f mn p,
ad tho l'llla and the sat
ij in repro" to their LIN..
y 75 4
,i pr
thous u 7t 1 / 1 11 the reach
i- Cil
Z r .
4 0
3O .Cebta.
know that different en
partions.of n. 1,,,,,,,,),
1/kart/a PM im . ,,
thin- ~ 03 j, , ,1 tz t hl ;,11Ed
frbin n rerlet of tho
. „Stich e a ;011ie-on every'
e . firml, n ini into g W in . :lava
t athertie is n,,,ded.guelt
Finsitneit, Steeply eli,
Loins, , 4)rttcpa, rein
whole, hodyifrolul•Udden.
if neglected, Wirt in a
lor Appetite, tt C, '.
I du ,•
the I chly, 1te5t.,64,01.n5.
lb., bend, all Infinumn
leltiftiren ,r; Adults
'Purifier (lithe Blot d nut;
ti t , ,,i it It, 5,,
,pllOl 9 ' r
ement. Polio, :11 to ,I,
Thy, Liror Inv lttbrAor a
ptal)e,l by Druggw v go t ,,
Lbo Tr4,b, in all li, largo
S. 'F. W. S
nd I , llmily Cathartic 1111spre
i•tally,and'sold irholeNde by
Ilford, M. If.;
tzlitettuer Ind Ih nprletor,
335 r.rozedly
DOES, I)ISEASIi OB. 1 71NA'lli: 1N
• IMPURITY OF THE .13 ,00in.
Th hi IS n ques4l,l,l 01 Vlllll lioportatov. hod one 11114rh
1)410 tmver Levu I , ollslodorily dlstomol of uv Ili,' fnoteN
.who t 1.117411.1111 111.1.1111,1! int. . time t 11 : 11 11111/11.--tiud
erpeetally the old 00114041 P 7l yAllitn,.4--that lite tires In
the blood, end themWre oil Ase+o , e, orlolnate in it--
Lnt modern t.e111111,/ ltverm Oust allon•nts ho rn their.
orighmtion 61 both 1.101 FOlll.lll /11111 111 1 / 1 1S of the body.
'that the hitter prepooderote. however, ton lixed !net.
und vuldScal Fl.l{l Los 'lrony demownot,tl tliat at
leant too-t birds I,l' the 114 thut huntau tfeAt is iketr
have their soul r, In Irn
• ...1:111T/i1.; ST.Vrfi 012 TUE; 'mom) I
S, fur wnte. In the inn entaingo. cinch no petora
I n . . 'Yttcl to
r. Itarber's Itch," g
Plinyleg, n M0t...1n, Fryf.lpa
•las. l'lrt•rs, Salt lehcutn. diFellaraps hem lb,. .nar,
Fen er
Silas. or Irrupt ii.o.lllsenSt, t4ity it,l.—limso are RS
rerloao..J.-by well itnown.r.Thelnea) in arl,o loan 1,„,1
Humt—widio' iiiedfol-mti-tion fifes , leel:nro
that most tuners' orlglaate in -tho 601110 manner, 0 111oar6 particularly Typhoid and srarl.Q-010 bo
lny(1111 And roller a,, Pzterna Irruptlvu
dirva.4.; and in all Inns.on. SUM lmoul tnesn
the blend IS SM./a to ho either enagnlaltul, or of n dark
nnilintilh , color.
To ward Or ninJnr}lyilfseasj7i, AN well ns to
ours W Locher Whinb 21.11•0 ;area cly 00100 d 01,011 Sylf..los•
ten,, It is W.wresmrs
1 . 1 7 1111 , 1 - TI/13 BLOOD
Ltruicy'n Impiorod.lllood seareller does tioti)nim
be a to
f or „cury alscnsa 1)111 11(OprietOrt, elnin, for
:Cleo power not only of rßntnir .F n u t au liopuritles
thin blood, Lot by the t.l,ll)fu) rontbbnition of null kti own
Vegol.lllo 1 . 0110(11PS. it On rare oil diseases nrtring Iroht
io 4eronpod state of tho urn *lva out dysiTioiti, unit
dyll renewed 11411'01A vig,r to the st,,:nopb. lint Ina
Ilbone SI:MO:Mit Is MI that is claimed for It, the proprio
tuts eon prudnee
t in only a fen- years slncedt was. illacorired, nod yet
it has grOIVII into SllOlll business that a Argo laboratory
has been built expressly for its maiiiitaetitre—ii lingo
nullifier of onus employed In putting it up, sou sill/ the
We ask any,candt &nein, could so. it tim Sled
telne dtd nut prose. ALI. 010 virtues c);<; ; ;; e ati, i t t
The Prop, lams havii limidreds of certificates bent
urn orprobity and standing in the ronmuluity show
g what the fordhloo Is &lug daily fur the ru ' lirring
who has over used the blood 'Searcher whether yell
MAP OXlleril.lll.eli. •
Let tins alllPled give lta Irbil--a single bottle wI
convince the must Skertimi of i to elite/Ky.
Dovi, , a Fnodr s D ae I n Carlisle
K b
a y u IT S
n .
s l i b l t .
<I H & lel. s A ( f t e PH c, /I f t i 1; E 0: l
IlIg; Zook, "/1/IIEI<tOVIIJOi. <
ii<1111401.11:. Jaeob Ftnunnns, tines ; Hurts, &
Wise, Shiremanstown: A. 31. Leldlett. Doll hr.., zelogs ;
Thiry IV. Klsnet, Churchlown Edward <IIIIII,CH. IVest
11111; .1. C. Vasono7ht F.honmr,her
Newburg; 11)o. ltr.sftnn , New yid.: ,1,110,. 1 1 .t.
Co.. Springfield ; Russell A. M T .
11 , i, flinger Jacksonville; 11)0. (nark h 1..,„
tiwids; lyto. fL Eckles, Sporting I Den/hirer
Altlek,Shlppensburgi all of Cumber
land county, Pa.
Ihd4ida3r.bur4, P 4
Aromatic t i lie - } • rating Spirit.
Medirloo IMO been used - by l'hu c ilublie for six
}'care, with Increasing favor, it is rucontlrendea to
cure Dyspepsia, Nerrousiirsa, amt./turn, Colic,
• rains, Wind in the `Stothaeit, or Paine 'it, the
Bowels, lleatinehe, DrowsineFa. Kidney Cont.
plaints, Luse Spirits, ihrliriuth TreLneDH,
Intempererle,.. •
It Stimulates, Exhillrates, Invigornion, but will not
lu tua too oeSt upefy.
AR n )Tedirine, it is quirk and effectual, runny tba
most Aggrtivated cores of Dyonepsia, Kidney Complaints,
'and all otion , derangements of 'thu Stofitaell and Bow
els, Ina speedy manner.
It will instantly revive the most drooping and
anehotry Ppirit,, and restore the weak, tiers 0118 ;Ind
,51i , ..1 . ). 1).,1DD ronglb end
l'ersotts who, from the inbrdlelous usu of liquomi
!save become ihtleeted, and their nervous. systems that.
Ivrea. ealstittahmer I.r.i/.1311 down. mid to that
horriFlo ' arse In DIA11111::11.11ETIF
ab, suit
almost InDlledlati , D,' feel Chu happy nud lushly JUViga
r4.9llg taritey 01 Dr. llmli s f Till:A(ll'4i 14: ii.VDD.
linsr—One nine Ones run an alien nn necessary.
One 11,080 will remove all Ilail Spirits . •
One doss n ill ieee Ileart burn.
Three rinses n UI cure Ind hunt ion.
One done n 11l gine you a tined Appetit°. •
thre divan will strip t h e distressing rainsof Dyspepsia.
One rinse witsreuritie, the dlstressingand disatrremblo
NT d, or wind or Plato/once, arid its coon us tire atom
nth rnreirts tho Invigorating :Writ, the distressing
load and all painful feelings will be-removed : —"
will remove the most distresult; pulite of
Colic, either iu the Astons], w bowyb,
lbw rinses n ill toms,. idll of btructiopo In the ICid•
ens, Illaddoe or 'Urinary Organs...
Persons who ore seriously al - listed with any Kidney
Corny:tants run :ORION! 1 1 11. 01S.renta by 'lt doss or two
and a rartipal cure by the use or one or two 'bottles.
. -
Persons from disSlNlting too niece 01 - er
Mid reel I.lto evil streets 01 poisoiloris liquors, ht ' , l o llint
ilisulviles, sickness art slorinish, 14,0kt/co6. gidrilliVSS,
find site altos trill remora all hat} feellett, •
Ladies of oval: mitt tank ly rotintittil Inns. Anal(' (oleo
IJm Invigorating Narlt three doles a clay; it will malt,
tkan strong, healthy mad happy, remove tall obstruct
lions end Irregularities from the nienstruni crow; and
;estate the 'bloom vibe:Mb and beauty to thit careworn
During regency It will be !mlct sts involuallto mod'
Am, to reutsro dlso4reesl4.,
, ssm . ; , t i ehe el the meteeeli,
All thu proprietor outs Is a trlsl, anti to induce ChM
le has put op the INVIIMMINO t , ptityr .111 Pint. bottles
It III) cts., quarts $l.
V'?.- for role In Car(kin by 8. II': Itaversf Irk; In Na
I,3»lroburgAiy L Itztulltnon, /ma by brugglsts goner-
ehenp Job Printing done here
It ED . ?S