I 316 n gituertifrmits CUM . I3IMIJANp NURSERIES • ' Three miles and a hail East of Carlisle. • — MIDDLESEX STATION, on, 0; V. R. • • is 'close to the Nursery. . .~ . ',Thwmprietor of Cho above Nurecirlas, would call the - attention of all Vit . ') with to plant tress, to LIC piosont FRUIT. AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, • . , - PLANTS, - VINE S, 'Ac., .I:micomprising as -complete 'a 'collection of fruits, of every class, as is to be found In the State. And constituting mainly, such sorts as /IN toes-years of exPerience,:and careful observation, linvo proven the very hest', for our locality. This latter clause Is quits too 'twt overlOoked by the Ineoperi , mired, through' their ,anxiety to gather now.. things froth other giertahs, rogaidlest(of the nrobabll Ries of die reption, through dealing with strangers, of parties of whose reputation and correctness they have 110 knowl edge; end erhO, If even honest and =robot. have - not the opportunity and experience to know what is best ode t• ed to this section of the State.- lie would call especial attention' to.his extensive kook of healthy Young apple trees for this nutuum•planting, which are very tine. fin. NOTE, Ist. All selections for orchards left to the choice of the Proprietor, w II be warranted true to name and com b ineo th 6 most valuable fruitslor timid/Palo bb planted. 2nd. No inferior trees, or unhealthy stook, sent out under class of good trees. - . . Adrd. A.ll.Ltood for panics who cannot calt-nt.the nor seer, and wish them sent via Railway, will 310 selected with as much care, as if the purchaser n•ere psesont.and -.the-trees packed.no as to.carry:safely_to any - point on the Railroad, for which a light charge milt he made. 4th. It Is not ,the lowest pricO, or tho largest (and uncertain to grow) trees he strives to reach. but correct• mini and healthy trees, era the two points he professes to fill. • . CAUTION, - let, Vewarn oTroports, and listen not to the reports that that nursery Is closed, the stock rodeo,. .d_arnt_sunLand2;uelt ;title". are not to be hod; as it now stands on nearly forty neer Wolfe mdlion,of trees'anirphillts, Irliiidt. - ous stages of growth, including all the most reliable articles, old and new, ea' fast as brought' Into notice. Many of the new things are held under test, until their qualities have boon sufficiently provOn to warrant their further dissemination. 2nd. Think not that all trees represented to be ftom Mittmen, are front the Cbmberland Nuesettes; fur some persons hive already been mistaken, by supposing that because the trines were from Miura; they calrib from here; when in fact they inmq from other quarters. 3rd. No person or party lAmthorised to sell from this Nursery, without a IVRlTlV . l . , autilintrrr m ouMs PituPKIETOR. Cataloguer noting the min stock will . be -furnishbd onsocoipt of two throo tout troihnto Orders solicited. with an contest desire to render jut. Cleo. Address, REFEILE,NCES JUDOE ?TOTS, 311011 k 11•11A74, R. M. llcuteßsom, team TODD, W. 11. Mittra, Oct. 5.1859-4 t, - NEN ARRIVAL OF ALL AND -19• INTER GOODS. Tho undersigned has just returned from .Phlladel , phia and New York with the largest and moat magnifi cent stock of goods over brought to Carlisle, which for style and beauty Me' unparalleled. Thn Ladles are particularly hinted 'to examine our varied and splendid stock of , DRESS GOODS, consisting of Plain Black Silks, Fancy do., of every. Mi. - Bgyfidtivollnd - Ftg`d:Mciegant - Velvet Pop, tins; both plain and fancy. FRENCH MERLNOES. Tho largest stock westof Iho Eastern atlas.. CASHMERES. Plain and figured, all Wool DeLeines, plain and figured. SHAWLS. A very large assortment of over 400—Stel• la, Ihlelm's, Jacquard, Blankei, and Mourning Shawls of every au:ll4y. variety, sod price. FLANNELS. - White, -- Fancy and all wool plaid Flan. ALEN' LAS. Plaid and Bayadore, at 'astonishingly low Bizarre. • . MUSLIMS. Over 10,000 yds., from the moat celm betted manufacturers in tho U. S., at all prices, both white and unbleached. • LINENS. A largo stock of every description, Tattle Clotlui, Napkins, ant: for Shirting, from the best menu ' lecturers In Ireland. . • GING II A MS."A. very largo assortment. • CALICOES. An assortment consisting of over 20,- ' 000 yds., and at prices to suit the times. TRIMMINGS. A very hanilsonto and well selected lot of" Ladles' Dross Trimmings," to suit every variety of of dress goods GLOVES. Kids. Gaul - aloe, Silk and Cotton Gloves for Ladies and children. MOURNING GOODS. Black French Merlnoes, Black Cashmeros, all Wool I/Amities, DeLaines, Coburg's, - and every - variety - of mourningsoods for dress, crapes, Veils, Collars, Sm., RIBBONS. We would call the attention of the Ladles to our large stork of well selected ribbons. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR. Cloths.rossimeres, Satinets, ' .Velvoteens and Cords; over 10,000 yds: of Satinets at very low prices. " ' CARPETS. A large end well selected stock of Carpets of every description of over 6,000 yards. HANOVER GLOVES. The tar famed and well known Hanover Gloves, are only sold by me. as I sea tho only • authorised agent for the sale of thorn In thig i county. We just received 000 pairs of them. My Store lost the old Stand, in Hanover St., nearly opposite tho Post Oftice. Give us a call and examine our stock. Carpel; ; Oct. 6,1859 LESTER'S L 0( STITCH SEWING MACHINE. Price $5O, and-. Upwards. The great favor.whlch attended the In:roduction of LESTER'S SEWING MACHINES, le sufficiont evidence of their ' SUPERIORITY OVER ALL .OTHERS, FOR BOTH THICK AND THIN WORK, being more elmple than other MACHINES, and lose --liable to. TO GET OUT DF ORDER. They will STITCH, REM, UN AND' GATHER, They ntake good back stick both aides WARRANTER 'ONE YEAR. Sales-Room, 163 Baltimore St., BALTIMQJL MD. _ 0ct.5,1859 SRCOND_OREAT.ARRIVAL_ SECOND GREAT ARRIVAL OF FALL ANG WINTER CLOTHING OF FALL ANI WINTER CLOTHING EXPRESSLY'.FOR TRW -• EXPRESSLY FOR TIM CUMBERLAND COUNTY FAIR CUMBERLAND COUNTY FAIR AT TIIE CHEAP CLOTIIIING STORE AT TILE CHEAP OIXITIIING STORE NEAR THE MARKET HOUSE. • NEAR THE MARKET HOUSE.. Buyeni will If d It to their great advantage by giving mr as Lau' soiling goods at New York Wholesale Priem , _ ASHER WEIL, Successor to Steiner & Br, Oct. 6,1850 . . 1 1 ) - ttESS ikt A KING 1. Miss MARY E. GALBREATH would inform the .---ta es of Carlisle and vicluity, that she is prepared to . ma a.up dresses. Fancy nod Plain, in the latest styles. Ha RIG NA revolved a fall 'sett of . patterns from the clty, sho can warrant entire sttlafactiou. Her residence Is in Pomfret street, just opposite the Good Will En. club UMW. •Carlisle,Rept. 28,1869.1-6 t. A CARD.—Da.4IIo.• K. SMITII r LA_ re spectfully announcep to hie old • frlcids and Miner patrons, that he has returnee from hie eoulh restern tour. with his health greatly imploved; and ms resumed bin practice in Carlisle. When not pro. essionelly engaged. he can be found at the " Washing. an until," Mr. IL Charm's, N. W. Corner of the Public quire.' • - • Carlislealept.2B,l Bs4 -tt _ • '7l REAT ARRIVAL. OF FALL • • AND WINTER GOODE!. The subscriber having just-returned from Philadel: ets, anuonuces to hie euntomers and tho public new tiler he hoe rener.one of the bent stocke of Dendn Ter offers!! In this. market,, miming every variety of EADYNADE CLOtIIING, Place Goode, which will he, made to .order, or geld ' the 'yerd;antong which if few Articles teny be men. , mod, via: • . - , . • . .Flue black twilled :French; blue-black blue, green, ' ' own drab and claret. Clothec• Petersham .,. Kuroda . ,h COntings,,,,Notnilr and Beerrer, Ono French Mark wskinodik-mixed plain and fancy Cassimeren of ovary ''de and .quality, One Silk and Plush, Satin, Orem,. ' an. fancy Unmanlier° andnlaln boaskin Venlitign.' Abe) rery large and bandsou4assortment of plain and fan ., cravats, Stooks, Napoleen.Tles, One quality, Chinon,' it and Linen . Socket ilandkerchlefs,' fancy and'hlain • ' , 'liars; Susporlderr, and half linen of every deneritdicn 1 Iron very large assortment of TRUNKS. .We call --- ticularattoullen to our. large and extra qpillty of "gllah note leatheTrunks, Valises, and a large. vane. of Carpet and Oil Cloth Rags. Ac.; a inrge lot of want de Umbrellas, all-of which will be raid at the .inwent we. Cull and examine for ,iourseivis at the old stand ' North Itanovor street, opposite the 'American Muse. . . ' 1.-LIVINGSTON. . • . '4lpt. PA 11160.-3 m.. . . , . . - ' . . . 1 -1 . 4 .1:14)T1QN PROU A MAT lON wilEmo, Wand by.un actmf the General At. moiety of the Coinineinienftit 'of Pennsylvania, untitled du "Act relating to...the elections of this; Common. wealth," posed the Id day mfdtily, A.D. 1819, it Is mode. • the duty of tho Sheriff. of every county within MIA Commonwealth, to give public notice of the General Elections, and in such notice to'onuulerate: 1. The officers to bo elected:, •- - Desigmato the place at which the election is to be held 1,11011 . T. AIMJAETN BY, high Sheriff of the county of Cumberland, do hereby make known and give this pub lic notice to the electa's of the county of Ciimberiand, that of TUESDAY, the 1I th day of •.oCtobur, next, no election will be hold at the several election distrietnes tabilshod by law in sold county, at , whleh time • they will veto by ballot for the several officers hereinafter 'amed. viz!' , , ONE. PERSON. for Auditor General of the .Commyn wealth of Pennsylvania'. . -• • ONE PERSON fur Surveyor Oenoral of thu Comrhon.:' Wealth of Pennsylvania. ONE PERSON to. represent the Counties of Cumber land, Perry, Juniata and .Alitilin in tho'Sonalta of Pennsklvania. • " - i TWO PERSONS o:retirement the,.countlea of Cumber land-Mid Perry-In the Noise orltePresen tatives nP ...Pennsylvania. • . iONA_PERSON-fer-Temetrer-of-Gumborland-gennty. 'ONB.PERSON - for Corittnisalmfer-nt Comb - Ma - nil Contity, _ONll_RERSONAM_Distrlct_AttornitY—OCcitillber-lond .County.. • ONE.PERS3N fur,Director of Cm Ppor•of. Cumborlaud County. ONE PERSON for Coroner of Uuttiberliind Ccninty.. • ONE PERSON for Auditor of Cumborland County, - ONE PERSON for Surveyor of Cumberland County. , TIM sold olectimi will hold throughoutthe cantiry 'as follows: Thp oleetlon in the oloctinn district composed of the borough of Carilslonnd the townships of, North ton, _South Middltiton,. Lower- Dickinson. and. Lower Frankford, will Ito helikt , tt' tho Court lions° in the bor ough of Carlisle. The election In the election district composed of Low- or West Pennsborough township, will he held at • the North. School ItouseirrPlaindeid.. v• Thu election In the election dlgtrict composed of , Sll ver Spring township, will he hold nt tin public bongo of Jurob Otstott, in Ilon'entown In said township. Thu election In the eleetion dlstridt composed of 'Hampden township, will be Inild nt house ihrnierly occupied by Henry Ifickernell, in sold township.- • Thooloction In tho 'election district composed of the -township of Upper Allen, will bo held :tt the, public houso occupied by John Floyd, In Shepherdstown. The olection in the election district composed Of the tiiirnshify of Lower Allen, will be hold at tho wagon• runfror.shopUf Jonas Ilunclibenrer, on Slate 11111. • •.• 'rho eloction in tho election district composed of Nast . . Pennsborough township,, will be held at the hens° now occupied by B. Clay, at the West end of the Harris. burg Bridge. I - electiOmin the election district crimposed of Now Cumberland, will be held at the house thrinerly kept by Wm. 11. Belli, in the borough of New Cumberland. ; The election in oho election district composed of the Borough.oDiechnolesburg, will Id+7 held at the' public house of.latnes 31eloy, in said borough. The election in the el etiou district composed of Monroe townsdip, will be held at the public house of - Moses Ligget, - in Churchtown, in said township. The eleetion in the election district composed of, Up per-Dickinson township. will be held at the house fdr. ,inetlyomtincEPYJLMlCYJUkistansaltltoiKosh ....The. election in-the election district composed - of - the' 'lswouih of .Newville. and townships of 3IIIIIin. Upper Yrankford, Upper West. Pennsbore, and that part of Newton township not included In the Leesburg election district, will be held at the east 'end of the Public -Sch,oldlouse.' The election lu the election district composed 'of Hopewell tOwnship, will be held at the New Brick School' House, In Newh.rg. in odd township. •Tho election In the election district composed of the borrough of ShippensbUrg.„Shippensburg township and that port of Southampton tot uship not. Included in the Leesburg election .11Strict, will' be hold at tLe 'Council House In the borough of Shlpponsburg. -The electiZwi In the election district composiarorthat port of Southampton- townshlp,-not -embraced In -the ShlpPensburg district, will be hold at the house for. merly occupied by William-3laxwellilin Leesburg. The election In the election district composed of that part of Newton township, not Included In the Nowville dedriet, will he held at the School Rouse, in Jackson. vine. DAVID MILLER, Jn - Cumberland Nurseries,. Carlisle, Da - - -That every ',entail except Justices of the ECMICO who shall holdtilly office or oppointinent of profit or trust under the •Uniteil States or of this State, - or any city or Incorporated district. whothes_n commissioned Ofnel.r or otherwise, a subordinate (aver or ierent, who is or shall O arllele~ lan: be employed under the legislative, 'executive. or jtidi Clary departmentn of this State, or-the- United _Staten; or of any eity-iir of any incorporated district; and also 'OR any Member of Congress or of t h e State Leglida- Lure, had of thti;_ , Clect. or Connium Connell of ally city, or commissioner ninny Incorporated distrlct,ls• by inns Incapable of holding-or exerelaing et thosume time the office or appointment ofjudgo, Inspector or clerk of any elections of this Commonwealth, and that 'no inspector, judo: or other oilloor of 'goal election shall be eligible to bo there voted for. And the saki net of . Assembly, entitled an. net relit• tine; to the elections of this Commonwealth, passed Jut:, 2,- lAN, further provides as follows, to wit: " That the inspectors and judges shall meet at the place appointed fir holding the elections of the district to.whlch they respectively luting, Wore nine o'clock Tittle moriaing each of ',mid inspectors shall appoint one clerk, who shall ben qualified votor of sold district. - o In case the person who swill have received 'thi: sec ond highest number of votes for Inspector shall not at tend on the day of the election, then the person who shall have received the second h ighest number of Totes at the want preceding election, shall act as .Inspector In his Maio. And in case the person who shall have re.. Myth' the highest number of v. too for inSpector shall not attend,- the person elected judge shall appoint an inspector in his place• ' and In case the person elected judge shall not attend, thou the Inspector who receiv. ed the highest number of votes shall appoint a judge in his place, or irony vacancy shall continue In the board for the space of one hour after the time fined by law for the opening of the election, the qualified inters of the township, ward or district for which such officer shall have been clear], present at the Place of election, shall elect ono of their number to fill such vacancy. " It shall be the duty of the several assessors of each district to attend at tile, place of holding everygeneral, speciaL or township election, during the whole time said election is kept open, for the purpose of giving in formation to the inspectors and judges when railed on, In relation to the right, of any person rissessed by them to voto,at such election, or such other matters in rela tion to the assessments of ore ors as the said inspectors or either of than shall from thou to time require. No person shall be permitted to virtu at any election as aforesaid, other thou a white freeman of the Age of twenty-one years or more, who snail have resided In the State at lost one year, and in the election district where he offers his vote at least ten days immediately preceding such election, and within two year paid a State or county tax, which shall have teen assessed at least ten days before the election. But a citizen of the United States who has previously been a qualified voter of this State, and removed therefrom and returned, and who shall have resided In the election district and paid taxes as aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote after mold. lug in this State six months: Provided, That the white freemen, citizens of the United States, Imtween tt eutpone and twent3-tmo years, who have resided Is SEIIMEISZEI====2=I vote although.thev shall not havo paid taxes. , r. "No person Medi be permitted to voto whose mum IN not contained in the Hst of taxable Inhabitants fur nished by the Commissioners, unless First, he produco a receipt for the payment within two years of a Stale or county tax assessed agreeably to the Constitution, and give satisfirctory ovidonco, oither on his oath Or of lineation, or the oath or affirmation of another, that he EMMI mu paid such a tax, or on tenure to pnaLute a receipt - 2u ,,,1i shall' duike oath to the payment thereof. Se Ind, if ho claim a right to vote by being in electr o bete , en the ago of twentpono and twentptwo years, he N all de pose on oath or aihrmation that Whim resided n this State at least one year next before his application; and mi.ke such proof of residence In the district as is hoquir ... . .. . . ed by this act, and that he doom Verily believe. front lite account given him, that he is of thehige aforesaid, and such other evidence no Is required by thip net, where upon the name of thu _person thus admitted to vote, shall be Inserted in the alphabetical list by the inspec tors, and a note made opposite thereto by writing the word "tax,' if he elicit be admitted to veto by reason of having paid tax; or the word "ago," If he shall lo admitted to vote by reason of such age. shell be called out to the clerks. who Shall make the like notes on the lists of voters kept by them. " In all twos where the mind of the person claiming to veleta found on the list furnished by the and assessor, or his right to vote, whether found thereon or not, is objected to by any qualified eitlzeo rlsliall be the duty of the inspectors to examine smell pecan on oath as to his qualifieations, and if he etches to have resided within the State for one year or moro • Ida oath email he sullielent proof thereof, but shall make proof by at least ono competent iv noose, who, shall be a qualitidd elector, that ho has resided In the, district fur mote than ten" days next iminedintely pre coding such election, and shad also himself swear Met his bona fide residence, in pursuance of hie lawful rail lug.,is in said district; and that I e did not mimeo Into end distfict for_thu purpose of voting therein: "'Every persdit qualified as aforesaid, and who shall make due protif, if required, of the residence and pay mint of taxes as aforesaid, shall be admitted to vote In the township, ward or district in which he shall reside o If any person shall prevent or attempt 'to prevent any officer of any election under this act from holding such election, or use or threaten any violence to mty snob officer, or slutll Interrupt or improperly interfere with him In thO execution of his duty, or shall ',Mak up the window, or avenue to any window where the same may be holding, or shall riotously disturb the .peace at such election, or shall use any intimidating threats, force or violence, with design to influence un duly or overawe any elector, or to prevent him from No ting or to restrain the freedom of choice, such persons on conviction shall ho lined in any sum not exceeding live hundred dollars, and imprisoned for any (fun not less than three nor more than twelve months, and if it shall be shown to Court, whore the trial of such offence shall he had, that the persor so offending was not a resident of the city, ward, district or township whore the offence was committed, and not entitled to vote therein, then on conviction ho shall ho sentenced to pay a lineal net less than tams hundred nor worn than one thousand dollars. and ho imprisoned not less than six months nor morn than two years. "if any person or persons shall Janke any bait or wa• ger upon the result of gny election within . the Con mot:wealth, or shall offer to snake any such bet nr. wa ger, either by. verbal proclaniation thereof. or by any written or printed advertisement, challenge or invite any person to make such but nr wager, upon conviction thereof he or they shall forfeit and pay three times the amount so bet or to be bet. ss - UMW person not by Ism.' quallflell burly vote at any election of thin, Commonwealth, or being otherwise quelifieff shall 'veto out of 1111 i, proper district, nr it any person knowing the want of such qualifications, shall alder procure such uerson to vote, • the pernon.ollendiug shall, on conviction be fined in any suns not exceeding ,two hundred dollars. and be iruprisonod for any-term nut exceeding three months.— . " If any ponson shall vote at snore than ono election district, or otherwise liauoltilently vete misty, time lore on tlso same day, or shall fraudulently fold soil r to the inspector two tickets together, with• the interrt Illegally. to vote, or shall precut., another to do so. ho or they offending,' shall on conviction be lined its nny sum not less than fifty nor snore than lave hundred dollar', and be Imprisoned-for anyleris -not less Shan three nor snore than twelve months. Wllartyperson - net q - uallfled - to vole in thin Colll^loln wealth agreeably to law. (except the sons of sidelined citizens,) shall appear at any place of election for tile Purpose of influencing the' citizeus qualified 'lO vote, ho shall on conviction forlbit and paynny Mint not ex.. - coeditor one hundred dollars for every Such 'offence, end be imprisened ibrany term nothxcemfing three months'. --Agreeably to tliuprovisiens of the sixtvsfirst, section. of the said art,- every Ormond and len shall be opened between the hours of eight HMI - -ton 'lts the forenoon, end shall continue without interruption 'or adjournment until seven o'clock In the evening; when the polls shallisehlesed. , •" , -And Misjudges of thevespective districts sithresaiii are by the said net required to moot at the Court House in the borough if Carlisle, nn the thirst day' after the election, (being 'Friday; she 15,11 day of fictetkr,) .then' sad then) to perform the things required of them by laW. • sThe return, Judges of the Representative - district, will Meet at Carlisle, at the time fixed by • . Gijon under my heed; at Carlisle,' this ,17th -or. ;Wittig, DM. • --• .• • '• 40BEAT Bk4tilia'NEY, NOTICN IS IlintlillY GIVEN .aeon( Notices. OTIOE. • • . . . . . • . . '. • • fientishr, Juno 28, 1858. " Notice ie hereby given. that km application will '.lm 'mule to thu Logialaturo of Pennsylvania at its noel 'mooting for the incorporation of a' Bank of haul, ' with discount and deposit privileges. to be located In thu borough of Carlisle, Cumberland County, l'onn'a., to ho vallod...Tlio Bonk of Carlisle. wiflim capital.of one biro. dred thousand dollars, With the',right tor foams° the audio to thieo hundred thousand dollars. , , (lam , p) • WM.LIAIY .lorizt D. 'PARKED, • Tues. PAYTON, , Joilrc Nomm, . BENJ.- ()IDLER, 'ENOCH lOUNG, RIOHARD WOODR,,, • .OfIRISTIAM STAY)! IN, - WILLIAM ' BENTZ,'JOHN 0. STERRETT, D. SHARPE, - IYAr. N. Rossm, Joux Cl. Durnm!, JoacritD. 1. f ALUERT, - BOUERT f3ITEN, ,JOIIN DUNLAP, • . JAMES HOFFER, ROEF.RT MOORE, H. A. STURGEON, • BONNET WILSON, . ' SAMUEL °REASON,. • GEO. W. SHEAPY.R, JAUOU NEIELEY,- DEMI:VT.IBILT. . • Juno 2A 1859-6nt " .Notice—is - hergby—glyen 1 i that rippliCation will he made to the nett begin% lature of Pennsylva ,rda, to alter the charter of the Car. lisle Dcposirhank,,located In the-borough of Carlltle, .Cumberland county,. ao ns to confer On said bank the. •rights and privileges of a bank of Issue, and tn change Ito name to the. earllslc. Bank t also to.lnerease the_ • ,capital of said bank (which is at present 'seventy-two thousand dollars, with privilege Of Int;reasing the saran under its present charter; to one hundred thousand,) to two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. . , ' • *-• . BEETBM,Tashier:•--- . Juno 20,1869—0 m P ei STATE NOTlCE.—Letters • :8 pnlnlntration on the estate of ThoenesiV. Barbour, to of Monroe township, deed .. have been I.sued•hy the Register o?Cumbofttud County. to the subscriber, residing In. these:no ton;ntiliip: All persons indebted the'estato are requested to 'mote hoinediato. pay. ment, and those having claims to present them for settlement to • ' WILLIAM lIAROUR, ~ • Adtn'r. of Thos. W. Barbour, deed. Sept, 14, '60.-6t* it UlirrOß'S NOTIOR. The unddr . JAL Mound, appointeentuditur by tha Court of Com. • 1110111 Pleas, of Cumberland county, to maraud and die. trlbuto amongst tho creditors of tho firm of BliAit'rt CfillAtili IL of the liorougirof Newy ' ille W 'ont,' In hands of ..John.Weiggonee, assignen of lb° firm of the said Bear k Cobaugh, gives naticB that ho,will attend to that duty at ble office in thg liorough of Corlislo, on the-130. day-of Ottobor, - A. U.,1850, when and where all persons having ejalmo against srild firm, are rag misted to presont them duly authonticatrd. WAI. J. SIIMARER, . Auditor. CnrlfFlo, Sept. 21, '59-3t. STATE NO' ICE.— Letters itesta ., ...1 - 7j-rmentarromthe , hvtate'ofr.lohnstort-Wiltliamsn Into of Dickinson Township, , dee'd:, have been inan6thd to the subscribers, residiph• in the same tewhship. Alt persons Indebted to said Estate, are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims and d. manes against the estate will present theM without delay to • Sept. 21, 1859-St fIOURT PROCL AMA TT .- IV:IIF3LEAS tho Ifon.d'AAIES 11. GRAHAM, Presb. denCludgoof the several Courts of. Common Pleas of the counties of Cumberland, Perry and Juniata, and Justice-of the several Courts of Oyer and-Terminer and 'General ail Delivery In said counties, and lion. SMS• 1/EL trolomions and HMI. M. COCICLIN, Judges of Om Court of Oyor and Terminer and General Jail Delin•SFY for the trial of all capital and otloor offenders, It, the V:11111 county of C Nyland. by their precepts to mo di. meted, dated Mu 22d of August, 1859, have ordered the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery to be hoiden at CARLISLE, on the second MONDAY of November, 10452, (being the 14th day,) at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to continue two weeks. NiYfICE IS llklitEllY lIIVEN to tiro Conmer, tires of the Peace and Constables of the sold county of .Catuberland, that they are by the sold precept corn. - manded to ho - then and thorn in their. proper persons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations and all other remembrances, to do Moto, things which_ to their officer npportain to badone ; and all those that are hound by recogulraneos; to prosecute. against the prisoners that arbor- then shall be In tho jail of said county, are.ttl ho them to prosecuto them as shall ho Just. . . 11011'T. 3160AR1NEY, SharllT. Siktiirr's OF:FICE, :opt. 14,1869. • f NOTICE.- . .. 1 1.116 of Dielcipson and West l'onsboropgll Township,' -- , - ViirOvingiiiiiiiiiidiisfruction of birds is injurious to the interest of the fermi ttg - antra unity, tako this meth• od to Inform GUNNERS AND SPOIpfSIIIIN, that ; we will-not permit hunters to trespass upon our promises, either.to shoot birds or other gown—but will enrol:co - the law agaitist them in all 'cases. Ifenry Lino,, - • Jeremiah Noffainger. , James M. Ralston, Robert °reason, '• George L. Lino, John Dunbar, • , • John r. Lindsey, ~ - ..'• David Pry,._ .__ _ - ClooryALLJilu,__ .. John Eppley, . George CT. - Carothers, ' P.Gibbone, 'Charles W. Wearer, , . Samuel feller, Jas. M. Carothers, William Black, _ Jacob Rhoads, David Ralston, Henry l'aul, ... James D. (treason, •- , Poky ILitner, . • Henry Dear, Henry:Carl, • David Lino, sr., . Andrew Ralston, Daniel P.,llnover, Adam Wolf, John'Yonng, James A. Davidson, James 31. IrMISIIMOCK.i, Andrew B. Young. John Elliott, Samuel Neweotner,• • - George Line, Jr., John Greasan, _l)avid Line, Jr., Josiah Camthurs, - " 7 `llohn Iltiston, , Charles Lee, Thomas Lee, sr., Alfred T. Lee, Jobe Dully, Siboeski Lue„ David Black, T. & If. Leo,., John Plouch, • John Pishburn,Jr.,'' ~, Rudolph Nishburn, George Kiksinger„ : '"' John Z. Paul, Emanuel Line,' • . John Black, Jr., I Semite! Kenyon, Adam Pishburn, ' • , I. Butdorf, . . John Parer, John Black, sr:, • Ilonry Ituslunan, ' Samuel Stuart, Jr., Jacob,Nlyersi • . Samuol Stuart, sr.,. Anthony Fishburn, Samuel (treason, • J. & D. Paul. Aug. 17, 185 0 -2m* . NOTICE TO SPORTSMEN. —We tho whiorogued Miscue of North Middleton township, believing that the destruction of birds Is In. Sirloin to thettartolue; COIII3IIII Ally , take this method to Intson,Gunneri and Sportsmen, that wo will not pursuit hunters to tres•paas upon our protniers, either to shoot birds or other pouf°, but will enforce the law against them. Also, those of us living along the Letort Spring. give notice that we will allow no FISHING on our premises. -Ell Bear, Jesse 'timid, Samuel iteor, • .l. E. Coble, .Imeph F. ,Porter, . ' A. !locker, Saul'. S. Troup, .• W. D. Wonderlich, .lobo Stauffer, .. David Ruts, Wm. Dell. ' - Jacob Ruts, 1,1 .0 Oladfeller. Daniel Ruts, Henry Snyder, Jacob Witmer, Jonas Albright, ' J. R. Mtsserstulth, Jacob Albright,. • A. McDowell, - • Jacob It. Nlsley, (leo. Rutz, - ' Simon Tobias, • John Gladfelter, . • ' Peter Stock, . , • Justus Ilinterling, Ruben Kemper, A. Sehlrubler, • , Jacob Hartman, • Y' Samuel liolhoan David John Wolr, jamb Weary, • Jacob Lay, • Samuel Weary, Amos Waidloy. Nateher, W. 31. Funk, 31,111, 11. Pnul,. .1:11,1s Hartman, A. Ilettrlek, Philip Zeigler, Robert Ilengy, Sept. , 1950. NOTICE TO SPORTSMEN. —We the undersigned ciliates of South Middleton, . North Middleton and Silvor'Spring Townships,iu order to prevent the entire destruction of Blida'ilftl , dther game, which we consider a benefit as well an an orna ment to our properties. caution.:all-peritaiadgainat a hoot! ug or hooting on our grounde„ at:4w., will otiforce the law against all Wunder., . 1- ' - Daniel Lehman, ' - ---` -Daniel Horror,' - - - —: - William Bunts, , • ' George Eppley, r Philip Brekentaker, John Baker, Samuel Miliaria, , Peter Thistle, • John Buttorl, F i llno Brenneman, A. & S'. Witmer, . 'Garry Brenneman, . Johnliiller, ' John Ricker, • , ' Augatun Vague, ' George Garner, Jacob Horner. . John hoover, Solomon Sites, 0 Ulrich Strickler, ' 'J. J. Myers, Frederick William, Jacob Strickler, , San,nol Hoffer, , John Ilartzler, lunttity Hamming, David Itingwnit, ' Peter Albright, Isaac Brenneman, - . Frederick ligefelts, Thos. U. Culbortson, . hon. U. Chambers. Sep.?, 1850-stv OTICE.—We the undersigned oiti sefin of North illiddlotonTownehip, hereby notify al persons having their Lands advertised in said town.. ship. prohibiting the hunting of Birds and other game, not to trespake upon our Mountain Land. or Farms, for the purpose of' UATllkilti NU It4pEs, ettssrsuTs, . we aleoprehiLit them from SHOOT ING or JULIANO o.ollLor any description, es .we are .detormlned to enforce the law against nil finch perilous • John Wilson, : ' Jacob 0 utshall, limanuel Sphar, Loonard finish&ll, Dav id Sphar, • Abner . Cral • Sam . ). Wirt, Wm. 11. Crain, • Daniel Jacobs, ' Joseph Zeigler, • John Cornman,, Elias BrOwnewell, George Brindle, ' John Cloueor, :George . Daniel Nilson , , 'dames Ciondeldn, • .1. B Host, William !Linwood, Jacob Zeigler, George S. Clark, • n•- David Brindle, • James Clark, • Gen. W. Jacobs, *.1.-B. BrlMllo, John Sheller. pli T 4 OTITONOI67B NOTICIE.-Iri L. Vic COUnT oP COMIIONPLEAB OP COMllklllaiio COON. itt.—Tho Potßion of W. A. Mullin, W. IL "faith, A I'. Militia, Alfred Moore, Jacob ilata,, Wm. A. lanthurat, • Levi Stough, Wm. Alextdider, 8. N. blren,llfatthew Moore, Auguatua Eghert, netting forth - , that .-'theyirtth other citizehe of thla Comniontraalthi liaoe ',lmmolated on a Congregation for Om purpone of worship.. plinr Almighty Clod, aocordlitg, to the Nth and . mp.' 111 . 0 of the My.thotilet Ephicopal Church,. of .the United Statue: at Paportown ‘ in the county aforceeld, and aro mo.s de:thous to. be ineorporattol agreeably to the provl• 014111 , 06 W Act or Amami biy of thu 10th October, 1810, Ac. Non to wit_22d 'A u,ruat; It In °Noted that the within writing ho filed In theatre of the Prothonotary and Mot nOtice or thu application thorefn cotthdheti be published lit one Nowmpaper publlthed hi t h u borough. of Oarlfitlo far thhco weo . ka prior to the Mtn term of the Court. ' .• • . •' • IIY TIIICCOURT, " • • - • • •• " P.Proth`y: • Eept.lB.lBal.-at., • X ° lll° 0 10:W4.1.1").- 7 71143 - abovii 10. - 'into W10 4, 1`1 4 141 'T Ihe'eqbecriber - for ihroination win teed Ed !ha nrrant And ? cpr. elated of the perfinn or rmens, prho•flred Us, BElop off the Owning. 17th welt. , - 'Oarl)tle, Sept. Ili 1860 pRIVATI] S.A.LE or , -1- * .REAL• ESTATE . . . The anbscriher,new offers encouniginj; inducemunta to those of limitedineausi who desire to get n cheap antt desirable home in oaf th(i moot healthy, add ent ,„. - prising places in the State,' Three Bayer , Milts ' i,ear at hand, and'the list lately erected. is now- in successful operation for the inanufackvre of flue .naper, In w,h.ch &torten hands, Male and female. aro employed. Besides Mt. Holly Springs,* the hese of' the. South Niountain,. a noted watering pines, bang unusually .patrunized,r adrift materially to the pecuniary interests of the people generally. Tho folloiiing . deseribod property is iuljneOnty In• 'tended as nn nddillon to the Springs, and also .to the beautiful yilleao of rapertowo: ' • • • ~ • 1 , 40 TOWN' LOTR „ ' - nro now In the Market, located on the coat and west sides of the Baltimore. and honorer turnpike, 0 miles south or Oarilalo. 'the lots'are no nreinge (4'40 feet in front and 200• feet, •in length. ',The benzin fnintr, "Mountain Oreak;flown pant a Jawthn_oll,then:..._Also- 1 tlin•hitge. • •• i-tri - "1 --:-- niad' - une - ncrcrof - groundigardenTuid . yard, fruit trees in abundance. - This gal a . a iry., house contains 14 rooms, with Inrge " 0 "1"„ri . " • =" baiernent kitchen,. well of water-at the door.ttud acknowledged to 1,0 n very tiefightrul lo cation !Ur s a private residence., Also, n two-story • . ' ' • and lot, withal Slaughter house thereon 'erected, being a good location for- a 4:411; butcher—this business htiving boon 'profitably established—Sr. kneed bust, neon stand for a triceS . L.nie. Also, 933 AOII li6 01 0 MOUNTAIN LAND, , troll timbered with pine and oak, within„ . relies of the aboint property, having . .,0:1, - . 4"/".; li,rn.l . ,water power for a saw Iptij, The terms will bo nuttleAtery acconlino. t • 'l. •• dating, and great bargains may bo ex. • pected,oapoelaily in the building late, to ” foster Indio In ual enterprise. ' address or see'me personally, at, Mt. IL'? E Springs, Cumberland county, Pa. • July 20, 'llo—tf ALFRED MOORE. E SALE AL 8 TA•T J . • O. THURSDAY, October 0, MO.- By virtue of the last .wlll and testamont of Georg, Ficsht,deceased, Into of Franklin township, I will. no pose to public sale on the Vitalises late the maiden. o the said deceased, a tract -of hind in wild township bounded by David Culp and the public road from Car Data t° M'Cluro'e gap. aboht five miles 'from Carlisle, con Laing about 30 arms, Italia thereon erected a TWO STORY STONE, - 7 , 1 4 I L - L .11 7- 0 HOUSE, .1: • LOG DARN, Spring house and other Improvements. Also a One Tan.yard In erected on the land with a large never falling Spring of running water, and all the necessary buildlings and vats for ea rryi ng.no -thatanning-business,-Which.lins-beauaarricd.on - -up-to this time. ALSO, St the same time and place a FARM which adjoins the above tract and I,Aonard Mlnlch, containing about 100 acres, having a good ' LOG HOUSE AND BARN; , with a fine YOUSII A FPI.FI ORCllAlthjhereon, with a well of never failing. water at the door. Thorn dro also erected on this tract another excellent two story STONE HOUSE - and Blacksmith's Shop which will be sold will. the firm. - - ALSO, at the same limb and? place, a lot of ground adjolnlog the above firm, containing about two end a hulfacres,mith o.Frromiltougltreitlt I'lastere,lllollsE, A: Stable thereon erected and a well of water In the vard, All the above described lands have boon, well limed nod under good post fernailhod urn inca high state of cultivation. ALSO, a tract of Mountain Land In the ,Fans towti ship. adjoining.lanis of Georg,' Shandiaimii, John 11. Snyder, and others. containing about 50 acres. Title will be divided and sold in 10 acre Lot. It lien near the M'Clure's Gap mad. On the samo day I will sell, nt tho mansion 'Muse, a lot of abont'llo orliAltiC.hir tanning - purposes. I will sh,o'sell on Friday the 7th of October. 1840, at 11 o'clock. A. M., at the 'Court House, In Carlisle. a liouso end Lot of 0 round In the sibtlanrcniglan. wh ich Jon Faller now lives an,(.-heries/store, containing 21 ,teethl - O r tit koptl:llanover stroclond xlept on itiffiey. Thera i s eiVaied on die (rent of o sold lot a WO, STORY.BRICK HOUSE, and on the alley a two story 11011131.!, part ',kelt and p irt stone. The terms will ho easy and outdo known on the day of sale by, , . • Executor of Gawp IConht. dlielased. - Dept. 14. Bab t. s, JOHN . T. GREEN, ADAM COOVER, ' Executor,,, T).EAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC SALE - _ - . • Wo the underel7ned Oe lobo r BY yirtuo of - on-order of the einirt of COMM Pleas Of Cumberland County, I will expos., to Public Solo on Om promises, tho Mansion nous-, nt 11 elook, on'id day, the following deseribed - Real Estato..and well known Farm of Voter Zimmer. man, altuate in Lower Allen Township, Cumberland County, alemt . 2 mhos irest 'of Now Cumberland, and about - . 1 mile noel or Milltown. No. T. Tim Mansion Form, containing 117 Acres., and 81 Perches, im tho PAM morn orlon, of good LIMESTONE AND SLATE LAND, about On acres nre cleared and uhder good. Mute of CO tivntion. and the residue In Timber. The itnprov mauls consist of a substantial . . STONE MVELLING HOUSE; ,ih I-•' - se Bark 'Barn,' Wagon Shed, Corn Crlba, •^ , Wash (louse, with an arched C4HIV i d 2 4 •iat&Sal:. underneath, and all other nocessaiy ' outtlinildings; also n troll of.water at the doer, and a nerer.falling Spring of good ivatorabouttd xty rods front tho house, which has sulTielont fall and ran with little ' °sponse, by laying pipes, be convoyed to the second StO , ry of the house. to the barn or tiny other place you wish to kayo it, which adds ono thousand dollars to any Farm. Alcoa large APPLE °KHASI) with choice frith. - • No. 2., Containing 84 Acres and 78 Porches more or less, do same being divided 'MT the alatthion Form. Thera tiro no immurement ts on this tract, but a Wantb ful situatlotan place them on, about 69 Acres am cleared and inn high state of culti ration, and the residuo in en. reliant thither. Thorn ore quarries of the bust kind of limestone on this tract for building purposes, also silver al springs of motor. It Joins land' with Robert- ROSA, Christian Zimmerman ' and lying right In a bend of the Yellow Brooches Creek, where you will. genera:, Slid good and productive land, It also ntfnrdsn good situation for a Saw Dull or any other - factory. as tint crook has a fall to got suMcient water power. All this Land, in Troth tracts has boon limed over within tile few last years. It will be sold in the Whitt% or In part, as above set forth, to suit purchasers. Any person wishing to invest money In Beal Estate. will find it to their advantage to go and moulting, for themselves, and call on Emanuel Zimmerman, residing on said farm, who will give all the neces,tory infornitt Lion. The intention is to soil tender almost nay eir• cutustances. The title will be good and the terms u ill be nutdo known on thin day of sale by • . . August 31, 1859.' • ALSO, at the saute time and place, will he sold person al property. consisting of Beds and Bedding, Chest littahon Dresser, Dishes, Pots, Stove nod pipe, Clock ridinl•, saddle, Arc., and a number of other articles no mentioned. ALIJA BL CIIESTN UT TIMBER LANDS FOE SAL' 'w On THURSDAY, November 3, 1553, the undersigned Will sell at public sale, on the above day, at the Stone Teter:, In Dickinson 'Township, Cutnhetland county, at 11 o'clock, A. 31. of that day, TEN•TIIAOTS OF CHESTNUT TIllRL•'lt LAND, varying iii quantities from fourteen to ninety acres, and one tract of thirty two acres, imrtlonsoi tics ••Cunt• borland 111111" Estate, the property of Sir. Wm: C. Chambers, duc'd. ' Plans of tho lots to bo offered lie• sale, will be attached to the handbills xt the Stone • Tavern, and at the mill on the estate. • Terms of the sale to be ton per cent. of the purchase money of each tract to ho paid. or secured on the prop erty being struck down to the purchaser; one third of the balance of the purchase tummy to Ito paid on tilo lot of April, 11100,'aud the balance to two equal .ann nal paymolitS thereafter, with Interest, and secured upon the premises., The titles to the properties is undoubted. SAMUEL. HEPBURN, Sop ; M,1833. Attorney fer thexlllsap>}C•hambers, 5 (TENT POCKET - COIN - DETECTOR. P yar TESTING the various kinds of GOLD AND SILVER COINS. It Is admitted by all to ho the most perfect thing of Its kind over offered to the Public. It fits, email that it ran ho Carded 1n the pocklit without any inconvenience. ;very MERCHANT should have ILI Every SHOPREEPER,shouId have Every MECHANIC should Wee it 111 Every MAN inßusiness should have it 111 Ani- A warrantee braes with every one that is sold, PRICE ONE DOLLAR, _NM Paid, to auy part of the United Stat Ti. VALUABLE. FARM. FOR SALE! PANT, V . The undersigned olTora at pa iVilt 0 Bale, that TAU. able Farm, belonging to the Heirs of E. Playnian, deed, situated In Hampden Township, Oulubeclond County, nod imodod by thp land& of C. Stayntan, J. Eberly, and otliers, containing,. . 164 ACRES, •101 PERCHES, , of which, about IM and in a high state of cultivation and the balance is covered-with Timber shfilchint for the use of the Farm. • The improvements consist of a ilubstan tial Weatherboarded Mansion House; ;;;;11 a STONE TENANT HOUSE, a large 'YANK II I BARN,' CORN•CMVIS, WAEION SUED, SPAM • House, and nil other necessary outbnikllngs: ' There are two Welts of good water, one at the Rouse. the other at the Barn also two APPLE OXICHARDS of chdico fruit, and a Penult ORCHARD. The fences arB In good or der; about 800 panels of new post and rail, and beard ferule haul ugj list been put up. Thelw is besidesa greet quantity_ or excellent yellow locust growing on the form; some 1800 pests are rdlitly to ho cut ; about twice the number required to place the entice property under mot and rail fence. • The Farm lies 10 one of the loops Of the Conodoguinet Crook, in boundedsm ens side by It and has running water In several of the fluted. It is within one mile from the Carlisle and Harrisburg Turnpike._ The Bridges at firyeen's end Rupp's Mills, render it of easy access at all times. It commands the best grain market In the county, being only ono mile front the aforesaid 111111 s; three from thwhanicsburg and novel, from MOO rleburg,.: The BOIL le of firstrate quality, consisting 'of n rich` BLACK SLATE, very envie till, and exceedingly relia ble mid-productive In tie yield: As a godd and desirable Parnl, the above property is worthy of the attention ofthoso wishing to purchase. Persons desiring to make further Inquiry, Will please address, or call on the undersigned, at his risidence in Carlisle. • IC. EITAVIAN, Onr)lelc, Avg. 10,1850. , . , 14,rclitnr. f t - I; AN rgAtg. = riii6 - underelgned attorney In fl irt for Johnaon Martin oour,* Toartiehip, Cumberland county, will' sell at public male, on the prtmlses, on FRIDAY, the 21et day of October next, 141 o'clock, P. M., it tract of land, Containing G 8 atoms and Parclietr, ottlinestone Land of the first quality and in a high dare of cultivation, It. being part of thehafffa on which Mr, Iliatftlii nor Ikea Tito land Is situated. on the public road leading train Churclitowarto Mechanics burg, it in all cleared cxcopt about loaders, . which is covered with'thriving Y 0 U N 1,1 TiMlllOl, sufficient for builtlibil and fano log the .The title la ',indisputable, - • *`" 'fermi made known on the day of sale. i Mir - person *Ostrow; or rietrint - theirroperty, - or of Nether lefurniation.cati inyuiro et Mr. 'mortin - en, the prinniees. et th e uudereigned Carib le. .•• ; • , JOSSPII ota,vsn'.6 • Rapt. 22,'18 .tn Ohau~ Jib I,),Fiutipg ctil eatatc: Aits. • SAMIJK, Comm Moo of Voter Zlinniorinan, Sr. - .1c,41.0.[5„iii.t.tt,.: 2,lilts,'; ..ITALUABiAII LI STON LFAR MS v AND CTIOICE-TIMBEIC'LAND • , AT PUBLIC 'SALE'. twill sell tit nubile sale, on the premises. situated In Sliver Spring Township: Cumberinnd County, on the Tallinn Spring road,kix miles - east of Carlisle. and thine. -milea west of Mechanicsburg, on•T1111118DAY, the 000'1'011ER, 1660, thofdllowing described farms and tracts oTTirnbar*Land. . • • No. 1. Ti, q MANSION FARM, containing about 160 Acres of first tate Limestone Land, of which' about lb -- acres art, gond Timber Land: the'residue la in a high state of cultivation.. The improve manta 'aro 'a Two-story S T DWELLING 110 USN, with 11 n good , • well of water with pump at thbuloor. klargellanic Barn, Corn Crib, and other necessaiT' out buildings.' Alto II good orchard of Choice Fruit, • ,No. 2. -A.Yarm, adjoining the-above, of about 2fo' Arres—tilso first rate Litnestoilli Land—of which Ithput .00 acres are clinic. Timber -and; the balance leilne prodoctivo - land, - In n high - statebriultliatfon. The • improventants are a two-story FRAME 1101.180, Rank ttti out en. orchaWif clieleT•Trult. No. '3. This, tract contains About' 100 • Arres-z-fili of clear land, Ltd about 16 of Timber Land. This tract adjoins the other two and wlll,-make a very, desirablo small-farm. - • No 4. The STEAM SAW MILL; with 20 ho: so power, Engine. and...6o_acrcia..of.Land-80-icres.of w bleb art-choice -heavy Timber Land. This Saw Mill is in the midst oft largo body of the heaviest Timbal` land in the county, and 13 capable of doing a large bittloos— ' Tho Timber Land, 2ontatnlng about .160 Arres,will„if desired by purehnsers, - ba - sold In scparato traets. Salo to commence at 10 o'clock A. M. ofsaid day, when attentlatim will be given and Terms made known by. • ~ , RICKARD PARKER. Carl itlo, Sep . . 1-1, '6o.—ta. VALUABLE • REAL ESTATE AT . 'PUBLIC SALE. On Friday, tbe . 7th of October, A. D., 1859, 'COM3IENCI:4O AT 10 O'CLOCK, A. M. • ' ' in purauanco of an order of tho Orphans' Court of Cumberland County, to too directed, will be sold at lqiblic :Fain on the premises, about tiro mileg east of Shipponaburg. Cumberland County. Va., on the soul,* 511i8 nithe Waltiut helium Hood; betwoon the villages of Leesburg and Jacksonville, and near Parks', Totem: 'rho following doscribcd • " ' -•R'EAL S T A T E Into the property of Abraludn Seaver, dec'd., to WE: A OUT MR ACRES OF PIND AND GRAVEL, LA-ND, (about 10th4es theronf are Mohntaln Land.) divided Into )loi or }num tracto. • Uut hill besold Other the Irlnde together, nr In buts as may brat suit. purchasers. The [improvements are It • LOG HOUSE, pg. F ie ~'. l A largo portion of the laild Is env "'2 bur. Apart however Ise eared end fenced.. A large portion erne whole will 'sake good faro land when • - cleared; and is susceptible of n high stab of improve went. There is en excellent stream of water thereon. Also an ORE -DANK, containing n good quality of Iron Ore. which is being worked, being ‘ near th., Iron ' Works, the ore is valuable. ' Thin property Is bounded by lands or Dr W. W. No Fehoeh, Sons it Co, lluebonon's:llelre, John ham soil, D. Fereman..l. {Voshlngor, Parks, Clover nod others The term. sdi kb are reasonable, will be made Known on the day of sale.by - • - •• . DA VII) DEMUTH . , -. A cloOtilstrator c , f - AbrnlmurSeSti•er, - dec!d Sep. 7, Ika.t s. A . lIWIESTEAD FOR $10; ' •• • A 111+ - SIESTRAD FOR $100; 110:IIESTllADS 'FOR $lOOll and over 'situated on and near Rappahannock River, above •and below Fred ericksburg, In Virginia. • • 'A new town, called itapahatnnek, has recently been Intl out, in Onlpeper county, In the midst of the Gold. Region of Virginia, surrounded •i, mines and mining companies :,and farms and town lots In alternate dirt. Fiona or shirrs. eau 116,9 be had for mere song," to , induce settlement in [ids &Arabia region. $154,000 north of land is to' La divided amongst purchasers nr given away an an Inducement to come on and ninke hm .prosements..aud!the land-in-of-tam-most Improvable-- qualities. dally have already &tattled and scores of others n comfits.. flood taming land, In tracts to spit purchasers. can be had at from ten to twentr dollars per nem, payalle In easy quarter yearly instalments. thenMstionable titles Will ilitlikalfTS Ito given., • ta am wanted over where-to sell these lands; liberal liefueem'ents . will be given.- For pe • licularn, address BAUDEIt Land Agent, Port Royal, Vn_ Jul) Lo, Is ,9 110 . D.5. 1 .; AND LOT PRIy4T.F 4 iiiTiii4ber offers nt private ink, tt HOUSE 001 LOT OF 4111011 ND, situate In WI • Dickinson' township,' near the turnpiko, n• mile and n half oast of Mount Rock. Tho House Is a Frame. Wentherboarded. two ntorles in hellatt, and con tnitatnt live MOMS and kitchen. \Vali wash-house nnd cistern itttnched. TIM lot contains TWO ACRES of the . Lest quality of hind; with a varlety,of choice FrUlt,nnd prected thereon a FRAME STABLE, 'Wagon- SW:llnd othor out buildings. 'Persons wishing to. view the property can do so: by tilling on Jneoh tho preinises, or on the Bub.' triter residing nearNowlin°. OEO. G. DAVIDSON. • Ancr.17.1F59-tr. • • FOR A lot of ground on_ Dickinson Alley, between Pit t and We'd streete, belonging to the Motato of the Into Wm. lb Seymour, containing In front sixty feet, and In depth ono hun dred and twenty feet. Tito soll le rich, having been cultivated as a Yogi:tilde garden, for a series of years. Said lot contains ono 31.,th0 finest leo 'louses In the borough, with carriage inuse, stabling, and bay loft. To any one Wkiling a investment. the above Int of. trn fitzporior Inducements. For ter ,, ,, •.t atm' v to A. L. SPONSLEit; kcal Esta o Agent. . °opt. ,49, IFf9-St akicellancons. • OUR MOTTO-"TO THSRESCUE." • - ft, GRAND FAIR,,, IN r. Zri riill lo UNION FIRE COMPANY re -1 spectfully announce to 'the citizens of Carlisle, and all persons visiting the Same during the FALL ELECTION AND COUNTY FAIR, that they will hold's Fair cwt's Ilan , for the sale OF USEFUL AND FANCY ARTICLES: The proceeds to be applied to the payment of the debt on their Engine Hitze. The "Union" tetle this opportunity of returning their thanks to the ladles for their contylbulinns, and to the '• friends or tie, Pire,en," for their patronage at our first Fair held t wo years Minw. Articles intended for the Pair. should be sent to Itheem's Hall. on the morning.of the ]llth. Tivisets witting nay Herron, 10 cents. Packages containing Fix tickets, 60 cents.' To he had of the committee, or at the d or., W. H. Raciness, • 11. 11. lioeny,, Jun. Masenhlmor, .Luther Lino, • • nen. Shealier. • Then. Corn tnan, ithinelmit, J. 11. 'therm, ' J. T. Kuhns, . T. 1). MAHON, Chairman. Carlisle, 5qa.,21,1549-t F An Agent wanted in every County in the United .tutee, to whole a liberal dimwit will he wade. .Addreve IMLAY A IRTOKNELL, box 1160, rhilodelphla, Sop 21,1859 READ 1 READ I I READ 11 EsEmniN'S • AROMA TIC 11•AL • S lea remedy not to ho excelled fey the relief and cure of those maladies Inchluat to the Snainter Season, viz: Diarrhoea, Dysentery. Cholera or Cholera Morbue, Vow. ihog,,Aeldity of the Stomach, etc. Its excellent Carminative powers, pleasant taste and soothing influence, random it a valuable medicine in Infantile diseases, peculiar to the second nun:rner, via: - Cholera InliinTam, Ste It has n reinvigorating and -tonic influence" on the, system, allaying lutlamation whore it exists In the; stomach and be:Vele—and on trial will be found insi,inpunsible to the. well being of every family. It will be. found as well adapted to adults as children. , --Tot IT. Prepared only by A, ESFINWEIN, Dispennlns Chemist, N. W. Cur. Ninth and Poplar sts., Philadelphia. • Prlen if: cents per bottle. Sold by 11. T. Kieffer, and S. W. Llaverstlek, Carlisle; Miller Bon. Jackson. vine: rt herring, Mochanlesburg, and by drugs gists and storekeepers :'gonerally. . Ems), 26'Mbrly IVIVESIPY OF PENNSYLVANIA . LA.W).EPAR'I*IhNi'. . • PHILADELPHIA. A term male Institution, frill commence oft the 3d Of 00101tilli next. 'The following ore the nulled' of thilociuron; Imo) kOliali 81L111SWOOD—Persom Personal Pron. . • nrSi, and Mercantile •Law. rot P.'SicCALL—Eridence. • . WC E.: ISPEpiOI I ,II. SOLLEll7.,Eqtlity. An4...turlsprik. 'dente. • ..' . • .. • Every off nit In made to Tender thin Institution, dent for-the purpose It ben In view. The students are frequently and enrefuilypamined, legal questions are diseased, Bud. exercises In writing form part of thu coerce. By therulen of the flou T ht7 — thirtlom occupied • horn, In treated ms equivalent, for nnistneruesen Menke , etudy, in eittitiliik to admission to the bar, and -whim admitted eau the Court below, • A graduate of Ulla Alt Utlon eau practice et mice in the Neurenie [?Dort.. The introductory lecture bo delivered en P itt DAY, Neutouther Mb. et M., at ther usu a l. torture room. by the line. OttOrge OareiVeoq. 3 - 9 15.11 c, 185 D. ' „. , 13AltGA.INS I .13AittiALN , 11 . -Nihv t , A • ta, AND VtlN 4 .i.lll - ODODS, •-- ;, opotind thin. week; an 'wittenelvn tissortwiliut . . mud .Nnyt htylo Pry thwnin,l which ' will be kilt oft at very low hgtown. Tito pohliorenpnetfulir tan vihni to call atolaxtuuttal!_for.tionhavivene AvpA 48./889.i . . ; OILAA: tumber. t4Loal• MA at the - Old Business. LIMBER _AND (:)OAL YARD On the Railrand,i east of Ot.rlisle: In tlicriniinN•yhte' • of the Oas Bonne. . The aubacilhora have enfored.into Partnership, and aro doing buslneas as the eft' stand of Shroni k !toffy& whet° will be found, nt nll times, LUMBER an 4 COAL in all their varlettes and .qualities: ' , , • L IP AI AB E R • BOARDS 'of every kind. ' SCANTLING. • ' .FRAAIE -STUFF. . . , SHINGLES: :.• . , . . WORKED' FLOORING. PALING. . , POSTS. • '• • . . ~ . • . RAILS &o Audio fact every kind Of Lumber nedolly round In a_ yell stocked Yard— _._•'• •• . ' 'Aiivro ruifciiirdifilChivOtelleOUirtablelt=tifftirnish bills of LonnbOr'of any required longth, at the.shortest possible time. Our Vloorlng, IVeathetlaiii'ding, BC., is always housed, and can be _furnished dry,,, • • '. .• . 0 0 d. i •i (Under Oever.) .. - - .I , fo,palos will ho spared to furnish Coal forlainily use, clean end dry, of all ,slses'and qualities, among which will he found, • LYRENS VALLEY-. •. LUKE FIDDLER. ' J ging HITE ASH. • • TREITORTON. • LOCUST. MOUNTAIN.. , • LQRSERY, &c. • And to our Limo burning friends and to Blacksmiths, we would say, we eau and will furnish as cheap as the cheapest and of best quality. The senior partner will be .on' the yard an usual to attend to those who may favor us .with n continuance of their patronage. Thankful for past favors, ho solicits a contintliince of their custom at the old yard. We kayo a largo stock on hand of Lumhgr and Coal. and Are continually receiving additions, which we will sell as low as any other yard lu the borough. Don't fall to call at thg old yard near the Ons lfouno - JACOB gIIROM, N. B.—A duplicate of the books of Shroin k Hoff° aro Inany hands; those indebted . can aUI on thin su scrlher at the old yard and pay to JACOII.BIIItO3I. July 21, 1859. . NIEW COAL AN : p. LUbl gERA'WRD, 1 . 1 Tho onbscrlhers have the day ou torq into pert nankin to trade In COAL: AND LUMBER', We wlll havo cnnstanlly on:hand and fuisidsh to nrde II kinds and quullty of sessoued ttrIITIERr ------- : --- - - --": MAIMS, • SCANWIGING,, . , -- - • - . FRAME STUFF, • • Paling; Plastering Lath, Shingling Lath, worked Floor ing and Weatherboarding, Posts and Rails, and every or tide that belongs to a LU3IIIER YARD.• All kinds of Shingles, to wit: Whitepine,. Heinloat, and Oak, of different qualities. Having Cars of our own we can furnish bills to order of Amy length and size at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. Our worked boards will ho kept under cover en that they can be furnished dry at all times. - __Wp_have constantly ou hand all kinds of_Family Coal under cover. which we will deliver clean to any part of the befough: To wit: LVICIINS VALLEY, Broken, Egg, Stove end Nut LURE FIDDLER, TitIIVOItTON, do. do. do. LOCUST" MOUNTAIN, .01111E1tY. • hick wo pledge ourielveSao sell at the lowest prices Ilest quality of Lhneburner's acid Blacksinith's Coal, - leapt on band trblell wó will soll'at tbo lOwest figure Yard scoot side of Grammar School; Vain street. ItIt3ISTIMMI 6,IIOFFER. July 20, 1800, - • UMBER, YARD.—The subscribers 1u linvil , ng- -purel!ascd a largo tract of phut timber land and gaw.ndlls, oudba west branch. of thy Susitum lianaa rim., havo °potful out a lumber yard at • ME ( 6II4NICSBUIia t n the railroad, corner or 'Allen and.lllith streets, near he steam saw mill hiSeldie, Eberly le . (10., and also one AT GREASONVILLE, near Plainfield, where we will he able to cell lumber.a such prices that will be to tho-interestof—builders aird others to'call and seo'uo before inuing elsontom_Our_ advantages over itea)ors ore that our lumber does not pass through the hoods of one twrior more ;peen. Worm before we get it; and that will enable us to sell lumber cheaper than any others can sell at these places. We will also wholesale lumber from our Ilarrlsbilog yard, and will deliver lumbEr at any point along' the Oumberland Valley Italiroad. If desired, Lundell; can havelumber.sawed ennoble for any else of building, or for other purposes, by" furivishishlng us With their or. dors lii season. 811AFFNER,AlitHASON & April, 1:1, 1559-1 y NT . E 3V A. it RANG E_ITEN On and after Monday, 23d May, 1869, the sub Scriber will run n Daily Train of Cars, betgaeu . cmcppix AND PHILADELPHIA, leaving Carlisle every morning and Philadeinbla every evening, All goods left, at tin PRETiIIIT .DEPOT.nf Pearock, 'Zell k — IIINCILMAN, Nea. 808 and 810 Market atreet, will bo delivered in Carllshithe'uoxt day. J. W. HENDERSON, May 25, '59. - West tlieh Street, Carlisle, Pa. N- EW °Ott'. Y.A..IID AT VIE WEST END OP CAIILiPLE: • The subncriber would - respectfully call tho attention of Limoburners and the alizarin of Cetiislo, and .the surrounding country aorierally, to. his NEW GUI. YARD, attnehod to his Ware 'louse, on Went High at., where he will keep constantly On hand a largo supply cf tho best quality of COAL, to wit: tykons Luko Fiddler, Pine Grove and Trevor. -UM, Broken, Egg and Nfit Cool—screened and dry coal, which ho pledges himself to sell at the lowest ponsiblo prime. Dont quality of .Limoburnor'n and Illackennith's Coal alwayn on hand..,„ • . • .1263. All orders bet at the Waco House, or at his rec. doom In South Hanover street, will he promptly at. tended to. April 14, '4k—ti. J. W. HENDERSON. F ORWARDING AND COMMIS SION HOUSE. • NI:NI:NAL DEALER IN • FLOUR, SALT. AND PLASTER The subseriber would respectfully Inform the citzens of Carlisle and vicinity, that he has 14'11P011 the large anti COIIIIIIOIIIOI.I warehouse of JACOB till EEM, ntullniv log repaired and fitted up the ears Inn superior manner. he is prepared to do freighting of all kinds, to or from pit points, South, East or West. All goods ordered to BURK & REYNOLDS, 812 Market Street, Philadelphia; or to COOVER & ERAUSER,. 203 North Street, Baltintore, Will be promptly delivered le Carlisle. The highest market prleti paid fur ail kinds of grain. Don't forgot the old stand, rumor of Main nud West Streets. " • ,i JOS. RITNIOI, Jr. Aug. 31.18.50.-Iy. Sucrostor to Jneob Ithaca:. N. 11. • !lost quality of FLOUR, for bunny use, kopt constantly In sacks or barrels, for, v?tle wholesale or ru tall. JOAN EARLY. J. It. NoNEmmqiit, FORWARDING AND COMMIS SION' HOUSE. - , FLO.UIt AND FEED, OOAL, PLASTER AND 'SALT -- 7 _ Tho subscribers bating taken the 'warehouse, care and fixtures of Win. B. Munny:s well known establishment, on West High street, opposite Dickinson College, would infirm the public khat they have entered into a general Forwarding and Commission business. Tho highest market price will be paid for Flour, Crain and Produce 111'41 kinds.' They are also prepared to freight produce and Clock to Philadelphia and Baltimore, at tholoweet•raten, with safety end despatch. • PLASTER AND SALT kept constantly on hand, and FLOUR AND FEED at wholeiale or retail. Coal Mall kinds. embracing . LYKEN'S VALLEY, • . • LUKE FIDDLER, ' SUNBURY WHITE ASII, ~.. • LOCUST GAP, Limeburner"s and Blacksmith's CONSTANTLY TOR !ALA. KEPT UNDER COVER, and delivered dry to any part of the town. IiARLY dr, NONEAIAKER Aug. iT, iRiO ITU THE AFFLICTED:—;-1 'will war rant to cure ell Cancers Corns,BUnlomf or Warts, wit my MAGNETIC OALVIL made or herbs. It will extract the roots and perfect is cure. it any person doubts It, let' them call on me and I bill cure them I,watin, Address. No. 0; Landretli Street, below Race, and be. oven Llth and lath, •Phlladelplibb'' ' - ' M. W, TAYLOR. Aup. 28, 1869 1111. S I F it S I R I:1 FAREMA & TiIpNPSON, Importere, Manufacturer(' and Dealers In-, LADIES' and OItILDRENS' PANCY.I O IIIO,, , or avot deearlAlon. Alen, BUPFALO bass, run. um) OYES ? aud'OOLLAES, • Straet,l(above lqgblD, south odds) •• • lirhoteaate and Retail, • N, D.—Storekeepers will do poll Eo alto us, a call la thoy 1,111 find the largest aeumrtniont by fed to Be lot rtont.ln tho tlity, and at•MonuaKturers' • 4 Sep!. 28, 1860.-41n05.. • ' . • ' ANV BLANK STORE, ; No.. 280 ,llool{ dtrSet, Pldinde • FATADLISHED , /,N Ja5i....„.... The 'sdbicrOors c a ll the swoon Or the .. S111;i11S113,. • f , lifYrifOtifadltlES, 'f;4 1 .WY19.1t13, GIBTRATNS, - A.SID °TIMES; . . , , , . . to thornlargo - stook Of Law-ldssks, r fOrnin, whist; an.ex yellows or nedrly 80 years enables thorn lo ; recent with .great'acturtfoy of form and fleetness of St s. dors eallolteol, .1 printed Hat of our Blank* wl for. Stardodroudspliss9on, frog, of chasms ' • • 220 ° Dolls ° Rt n Z, -a en N .s.. • IRVING •li 4 EDIA.LI),-- CO.L ‘ LEGg,. ItEcirAraosottaa, 01. ••• Tioislnetitntion; deelgtiod . fin: - the'llbera - 1 - 4ucation i of Young Lodiee, hoe beptrin opeiation two . years with' the moot gratifying moults. Win- now established on a Um basis, and its palrovoge alralreatendkoVee •noyerni States..•,. •,• , ItJs located on the Cumberland Valley'llellroiulmid warbeiween Ilarrisbiorg and Carlislo. inthe mdelifer. the and beautitul portion of the - valley, and Is in dos": proxfmity• to ono of the most moral, henithy k and en— terprising-towns In the State. It In central, and 'env of unease. Students leaving Washington, Baltimore, or Philadelphia in'the morning trelmfor Ilarriaburg,, w il l arrive at Idochaniesburg In time for dinner. . Tho edilice.te hiffri• - and commodious, aurrornded by double verandas, and r ill accommodate about one hum dred boarders. - In its conntruction, It combines All the modern Imprwromenta for thp promotton of health,. comfort and convenlonco . In these reaprcts•phyalcieme pronounce it unrivalled., •The ehambere are Inrge And . neatly furnished. }lath has Ito regliter-for heat 'and 'ventilation, ..onlftwo etudonta occupy thireame room. The - bah rooms aro at . all tirneaoupplied.with Vat/Sqad cold . water...-• ,• MEI The gro wide are entail), and well arranged or_rarro .AtltifiTaliallfo--Viiniftilliithenti nxerclees , •iikrenem , MI to • honk hi graceful movement and syndnetry of futm. The Faculty of Instruction Ls efficient and swirls In the Collegiate Department the Connie 'of study le of.a high grade,:comprehenditigult the - Subjects bstotig; Ing ton Classic:Ll, Polite and Christian Education. In the Prepamtory Departtnent pupils milli he oaro• fully instructed In thosubFanches forming the bash or athurough Euglish education., . • .. _ Sesions.—First MOI, Item the let Wednesday of September to thoSOth of January.., . Second 90881011, from the Ist of February to the let or July. . • Vagatlini, during,Tuly and August. LZI TEEMS PER SESSION ON FIVE : MONtIIS, PAYABLB IN ADVANCE. . ' . • Boarding, Washing, Pyrhiehed 'Rooms, Fuel, • and Light. . •.••. • .• • 4 00 00 Tuition—Collegiate Department. . . 20 00 i• • Preparatory a . • . .010 00 • - - First Class, 12 00 No extra charge for Ancient Languages. - Miele—Plano and Guitar. . . . ,•20 00 Vocal MOM& .. • • . . . • . . . 200 . Modern Languages,. . . . • . . . r 10 00 Painting, Drawing and other -Ordamental Branches at the usual rates. MOIMMti M.DLACK Textbooks furnlshednt eity.prices. • • For further particulars address, • Rev. A. Pi. MARLATT, A. M., President. Aug. 8:1860 ~OLS ' DISEASE ORIGIII ATE ;IN - IMPURITY OF THE BLOOD/ • This is a quention - of vital Importance, anemia which has utiver been satlelmtorily disposed of by the proles sors who teach tie healing' att. Some maintain—and ' especially the ol school Fbyalelans—that ilfe' lives in the-blood, and t erefore all diseases originate in. It— but modern science •ayers that • ailments: have,..thelr oitginittlini In both the solids and flulds of the body.. That ills latter proponderete, however, le a fixed fact, and. medical skill has clearly demonstrated,. Diet at least two-thirds of,the ills that human .flesh Is heir, to, ' have.thelr searco In an ' IbIFUItE STATE OF TILE BtOOD I -Aa, for instance, In the long catalogue, such, se ficroftt 'la, Tatter," &When' Iteb," Pimples, Blotches, Erysips lee, lacers, Salt Rheum,:discharges from the Ear, Fever Sores, or Irruptive diseases of any kind,—These are, as eertained by well known mialical laws to arise Item bad blood—whilo the highest medical authorities declarvf that most fevers originate In the italtle• manner, and more particularly Typhoid and scarlet—the former be log no Internal,: and - the ;latter an:oaternal - Irruptive - discern); and In all persons attacked by theta, •maladlee, the blood hi found to be either coagulated, or of a dark unhealthy color. -- To ward off a large majority of diseases, as well as to cure a number which have already seized upon the eye tem, Ma necessary to • IFIIItIFY TITE BLOOD Lindsey'', Improved Blood Searcher does not claim to - boa for every disease known, but the proprietors claim for it the power not only of draining out ail. impuritlei of the blood, but by the skillful combination of well known vegetable remedies. It will cure all iliseases'arialbititom a deranged state of the liver, drive out dyspepsia, and nive renewed tone and vigor to the stomach. That' the inon Sznaensa la all that la claimed for it, ilfe pinp , tle tore can,produeo It le only a few years since It Imo discoYeriik and yet It hes grown Into such a business that a largo laboratory bhaboon built expressly 'for Ito manufacture—a largo number of moon employed In putting it up, and stilt the SUPPLY MSS - . NOT EQUAL Tin DEMAND I • Wu ask any candid man, could this be so, if the Sled MOO did not possess ALL the virtues claimed for It t The Pr e prfotors halm hundreds of ,certillcates from "mon of pidbity and standing In the community, show Ing what the medicine in doing daily for the suffering ASK ANY PERSON 'who has over used the mood eonrcher whether - tell was experienced. Let the of give lea trial—a single bottlo L. . convince the most skeptical of MS efficacy. • AA_ For min in Carlisle by S.M. Ileverstick; S. El liott, and .11..1. Kieffer; Kauffman & Son, Mechanics - burg; Gosweller & Zook, Efflephordstown ; Joshua Culp Ilogotown; Jacob Simmons, Crone Roads ; - Kurts & 'Wino, Shiremanstown; A. 11. Leidich, Boiling Springs; Mary W. Kissel, Churchtown • Edward Jetties, 'West 11111; J. C. Besnaught-A-8r0.,-bak-vlllet-Sheemeker-& Elliott, 'Newburg; Wm. Bretton, Newville; J. Hood & Springfield; Russell & Dice, Dickinson; Highland- IVeshinger Jacksonville; Wm. Clerk & -C0.., Lees Roads; Wm. IL Eckles, Sporting 11111; D. Denlinger, White Hall; J. C. Altick, Shlppensbur,g; all of Cumbilr land county, Pa. . . . OEM Fiqiigigkkkkk GERMAN BITTERd,. A.? D. HOOFLANIPS BALSAMIC CORDIAL, The great standard medicines of ths prima. age, have.aeguired their ;great popularity only through years of trial. Unbounded eatirfac iion is rendered by them in 'all caw and tu people have pronounced them wort* Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia,'Jaunilee, . Debility of the Nervous System, Diseases of the Kidneys, and all .diseases arising from a disordired liver or weakness of •the stomach and digestive organs, are speedily and permanently cured by the GERMAN BITTERS. The Baliamio Cordial has. acquired a reputation surpassing that of any similar pre paration extant. It will cure, WITHOUT . rem, the most severe ,and tong-etanding Cough, Cold, or Hoarseness, Pronoldtte, In• fluense, Croup, Pneumonia, Incipient Consumption, . and has performed the most astinittling cures ever known of • Confirmed Consumption. A fete dam will also at once,. check and cure the most severe Dlanhoba proceeding from COLD IN TUN BowsLe ! Them medicines are prquired by Dr. C. M.. JACKSON & CO, No. 418 Arch Street, Ma*: . delphia, Pa., and are sold by druggists and dealers in medicines everywhere, at . 76 cent. per , bottle. The a4ynalure of C. M. JACKSON on.the_OulsidewraPPo.4l: ocKh 66 2.gk, In the Almanac published annua ll y by the proprietors, called Enurrnoirr's ALMANAC, you will find testimony and', commendatory noticeiffrorn all parts of the country. • These' Almanac are given away by all,oar agents. For salelly S. Elliot, tS. W. Haversack Car.. lisle. 1. INIIOFF, has been appointed sole ,HRtey,s a g ent for Wide,' for the se le of Dr. F. Dim. Specific Homeopathic Remedies comprieleg the following list of medicines: Mil No. 1. Yvan, Pitta.—For 'Favor, ponitnation, and In flammation of all klub. No 2. IN mut Pims.—For Worm Fever, Worm Colic, Welting the hod. . . • . ilini's Ptme.—For Colic ' , Crying, Toothing, • Wakenilness, and Nervousness or Adults. No. 4. Dissuade Pius —For Diarrhea, Cholera Iran turn, and summer Co mplaint. ' No. h, DreOOrxat Pmts.—For Colio, Gripings, Dixon. tory, or Bloody Flux. . ' 8. Omit Ptui—For Coast's, Colds, Maritimes, Influenza. and.Soro Throat. • • • . No.T..Toorumus•Pmia.—For• Toothache, Isoreache, • em 4 Nouridgia., No.B [lumina Fisintachas,Tertigd hest, and Fullness or the Iliad. ". • no. Q. DratiratA, .Pitts:-- For- Weak and Deranged Stomach, Conetlpation, Moot and Kidney Complaint. No, BY. Camir Pmts For Orour, Romeo Cough, Bad .• Breathleg... • • Nu. It • Sett Itneun Preta.—Yorltryelpolaih Bruptione,- Milos In the Fate. N 0.42. MIAMI/ale Pata..4ol . PRI% Lamtriess, or • Sonmeis in the Miami Dark, Colon, or Llinbs. ' • . A.—For, Foyer and Avid, Chill Foyer, Dumb Agne, old, oilintanaMid Aguas, bad - abate of Aguas treated with Injurious drum,. • • , P.—Vor Files t lllind or Filtedlnz listarnalOr Bxterual, —At• tx—Xor,Ve Looping Oputy.abati elate vin anriatid.. thortealng its eourai: • R. CeeOnof 10 Vials In Turkey Horace, and Hook, .$6 neas of'6o Vials and-11006, Plata, • - • A Coma of lases and Mack, •- eases of d HOUR and Book, . , a!ngte rambut•od 6aleca dlrivtlon. nal& titugto comma noses, with dlrootionov •.6 0 eilt , SPof bona ),todlolitoo tho'erroo or. strollei , boxi• ore sant to day port or tOo couutq, free pt obariTteOp• TIP colpt or tho'vrlon. '-• " , • • • ak, '" 31.1.111 . 4-1 M.•:" . ".' p t liage wortment et , Mantilla bf oho littiet,dybw*Da eau e flooy 116 pie OL!eap etoirs of - . 111 ST E 9, d ~ d trAw I 'rt?y , Outlero l at. the reulturat , Btore et- - Cirllrlo, JuI:U.IBD • , 0441 t, 1110. thucationaf. UNIVERSAL PANACEA EMEZECI LINDSEY & LEMON, Proprietors. . Itnlllilayeburg, Ps DR. HOOFLAND'S